Memoir 44 Equipment Pack

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Memoir '44 Terrain Pack
base game

Eastern Front Pacific Theater

Air Pack

Mediterranean Theater

Campaign Book #1
Congratulations on your purchase of this Equipment Pack,
the largest set of figures ever released for Memoir ‘44. Campaign Book #2

Battle Map This Equipment Pack contains hundreds of new figures useful for playing scenarios that involve: Winter Wars

 4 Minor WWII Nations: France (French Infantry 1940); Italy (Obice da  Special Weapon Assets: The M2 Mortar and M2 Machine Gun
75/18 Italian Gun); Poland (Polish Cavalry); and Finland (Finnish Ski  Tank Destroyers: The Elefant Panzerjäger
 Command Cars: The Kübelwagen
 Artillery Pieces: The M7 Priest (Mobile Artillery), Flak 88 (Heavy Anti-
Tank Gun), Long Tom (Big Gun) and Nebelwerfer (Screaming Meemies)  Snipers: Perfectly set for urban combat

 Beach Landing Equipment: The LCT 202 (Landing Craft) and Hobart’s  And additional copies of already-issued Tanks and Vehicles: The Tiger
Funnies (Churchill Tank with 5 different accessories!) Tank, Sd.Kfz 250 Half-Track, Dodge-WC63 Truck and Jeep Willys

This icon indicates that we are introducing

• A word about these figures • a new rule to Memoir '44.
Colors and Paint - All the figures included in this pack are cast in neutral gray plastic, allowing you
to use them as stand-ins for units or replacement for badges on either side of the battlefield. If you This icon indicates that we slightly updated
wish to paint them, we recommend washing them in soapy warm water and priming them first. already existing cards.
Minor Nations - When playing a Minor Nation, use the figures unique to that Minor Nation’s specific
power(s), side-by-side with other normal figures of that same side (Allies or Axis) to form a complete Various icons indicate rules that were already
introduced in a prior expansion pack.
army for the scenario.
Hobart’s Funnies - The Churchill tank included in this pack is the most sophisticated figure we’ve released Many of the figures included in this pack were already
for Memoir ‘44 yet. It comes with 5 distinct accessories, each with its own unique capabilities. We have released as badges in earlier expansions. If you own any
provided more of these tanks and accessories than you will typically need. We recommend gluing some of these, simply use your new figures in lieu of the
of the smaller accessories, especially the tiny Petard Mortar, directly onto some (but not all) of your earlier Troop badges. Keep the badges to differentiate
tanks, to avoid losing them. your figures if playing the same unit (e.g. Snipers)
from both sides on the same battlefield.

I. Artillery pieces
Flak 88 Long Tom
(Troops 23 - Heavy Anti-Tank Gun) (Troops 3 - Big Guns)
When indicated in the scenario’s Briefing Notes, place Big Guns are long-range batteries that turn out
a Heavy Anti-Tank Gun unit (two Flak 88 figures) on the to be devastatingly effective over tremendous
corresponding hex. distances once properly zeroed in on a target. When indicated in the scenario’s
A Heavy Anti-Tank Gun unit is treated like Artillery for all purposes. It Briefing Notes, place a Big Gun unit (two Long Tom figures) and three Cross-
is ordered by the same Tactic cards, hit by the same dice rolls, and can hair markers on the corresponding hex.
never Take Ground. Targeting Markers, distinguished by their cross-hair icons, (or Battle
 Movement: An ordered Heavy Anti-Tank Gun unit may move 1 hex or Stars, if you don’t have enough or any Cross-hair markers) are used in
battle. conjunction with Big Gun batteries to designate an enemy unit that the
Big Gun batteries have zeroed-in on.
 Battle: An ordered Heavy Anti-Tank Gun unit may battle any enemy
target unit 4 or fewer hexes away, battling with 2 dice. If the Heavy Big Guns fire over a range of eight hexes, at 3, 3, 2, 2, 1, 1, 1, 1 respectively.
Anti-Tank Gun targets an enemy Armor or Vehicle unit, all stars rolled
score a hit. Heavy Anti-Tank Guns ignore terrain battle restrictions.
 Line of Sight: Heavy Anti-Tank Guns must have line of sight to their target.

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When a Big Gun scores a hit on an enemy target unit and the unit is not
eliminated or forced to retreat, place one Big Gun Cross-hair marker on
the hex of the targeted unit.
When a Big Gun Battery fires at a unit in a hex with a Cross-hair marker,
the Big Gun Battery rolls 1 additional die (it has found the range and has
zeroed-in on the target hex). Cross-hair markers are not cumulative, so
there is no reason to place more than one Cross-hair marker on a hex;
however once a hex has a Cross-hair marker, all Big Gun units and War Ship
Destroyer units targeting the unit in this hex roll 1 additional die.
The Cross-hair marker remains on the hex until the enemy unit moves
or is eliminated from the hex. When the enemy unit moves or is eliminated,
the Cross-hair marker is placed back on the hex with the Big Guns. All
Cross-hair markers are also returned to the Big Gun unit when it moves.

M7 Priest
(Troops 14 - Mobile Artillery)
When indicated in the scenario’s Briefing Notes, place
a Mobile Artillery unit (two M7 Priest figures) on the
Screaming Meemies ignore line of sight and terrain protection as
corresponding hex.
standard Artillery. But unlike standard Artillery units, they do not receive
Mobile Artillery units combat over the same range and with the same terrain protection when targeted by enemy units.
firepower as standard Artillery. However, a Mobile Artillery unit may
At the player's choice, Screaming Meemies may either fire Incendiary
move 1 hex and battle, or move 2 hexes and not battle.
or Smoke shells when the unit battles. The type of shells fired by a unit
of Screaming Meemies must stay the same through the entire turn though;
so a unit of Screaming Meemies ordered by an Artillery Bombard may
Nebelwerfer either fire Incendiary shells twice or Smoke shells twice, but not a mix of
(Troops 25 - Screaming Meemies) the two.
When indicated in the scenario’s Briefing Notes, place Incendiary shells: These are similar to standard Artillery shell shots,
a Screaming Meemies unit (two Nebelwerfer figures) except that their targets cannot ignore any Flags rolled against them.
on the corresponding hex. Smoke shells: Smoke shells inflict no direct damage; Instead, Smoke
Screaming Meemies move and combat over the same range and with the screen markers are placed on up to 3 contiguously adjacent hexes within
same firepower as standard Artillery. firing range of your unit.

Range and number of dice rolled by Artillery Smoke Shells (Actions 31 - Smoke Shells)
Smoke Shells are active for 2 full turns after being fired. Use Smoke
screen markers such as those that came with Campaign Books Volume 1
or Volume 2 to mark the hexes your Smoke Shells landed in. If you do not
have Smoke screen markers, use any unused badge or round marker from
your base game instead. Just make sure the two sides of your markers are
different, to keep track of the two turns your Smoke Shells will last.
After your opponent’s first turn, flip the Smoke screen markers over to
show the smoke and sun side of the marker. After your opponent’s second
turn, remove the markers from the battlefield.

Smoke Shells have the following impact on game play:

 Movement: A unit must stop when moving onto a hex with a Smoke
Shell and may move no further on that turn.
 Battle: When targeting a unit that is on a hex containing a Smoke Shell,
reduce the number of Battle dice rolled by 1. And a unit battling from
a hex containing a Smoke Shell battles out at minus 1 die.
 Line of Sight: A hex containing a Smoke Shell blocks Line of Sight,
though units that are in the hex containing this Smoke Shell may be
seen and see out of that hex. In other words, a unit is hidden from line
of sight only if the line of sight crosses the hex containing a Smoke
Shell. Smoke Shell hexes also block line of sight for Artillery units.

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II. Beach Landing Equipment

LCT 202 Bobbin Bobbin
(Troops 15 - Landing Craft) A Hobart’s Funnies unit equipped with a Bobbin may
ignore the movement restrictions of all Beach, Marsh
Landing Craft are treated like Armor for all purposes.
and hexes containing Wire. Treat this terrain as a
Landing Craft function as follows: countryside hex for movement and battle. Wire is
removed when moving onto or through the hex.
You may deploy a Landing Craft figure under any unit in the water,
situated on the last line of Ocean hexes on the board (the line of hexes
closest to the board's border). The LCT 202s are designed to represent all
Fascine Fascine
types of landing craft, and may carry not only Infantry, but also Armor A Hobart’s Funnies unit equipped with a Fascine may
and possibly Artillery units. ignore the movement restrictions of all Fords and
Trenches, treating them as countryside hexes for
These Landing Craft are not a "unit" per se, in that they do not give any
movement and battle.
medal to the opponent, and cannot be targeted directly. Instead, they act
as a vehicle that improves and supplements the movement capabilities
of the units they carry.
Mine digger Mine digger
A Hobart’s Funnies unit equipped with a Mine digger
 Movement: Landing Craft (and the unit they carry) can move up to 2
must stop upon entering a minefield. The minefield is
hexes, on Ocean and Shore hexes (Shore hexes are those Ocean
removed (without detonating) and the Tank unit may
hexes that are closest to the beach, illustrated as part Ocean and
still battle if eligible.
part Beach). Landing Craft can also retreat, even on Ocean hexes. When
a Landing Craft finishes its move on a beach or shore hex, it is
automatically removed, at no medal cost, and the unit it carried is left
Mortar Petard Mortar
on the hex where it landed. A Hobart’s Funnies unit equipped with a Petard Mortar
battles at +1 die when in Close Assault against a unit
 Battle: Landing Craft have no direct battle capability, and the units
in a Bunker. If a Star is rolled, damageis applied to the
they carry may not battle while in them or during the turn in which they
unit normally and the Bunker is removed from the hex.
land on the shore.
If the unit was eliminated and the Bunker destroyed, the Hobart’s Funnies
If the unit inside a Landing Craft is eliminated, the Landing Craft is unit may Take Ground and conduct an Armor Overrun. Note that a Bunker
immediately removed from the board, but yields no Victory medal. may be targeted in Close Assault (usually with 2 dice) even if it contains
 Line of Sight: Landing Craft block line of sight. no unit! In this case, if a Star is rolled and the Bunker is removed; other
dice results have no effect.
Note: these rules also apply to Field Bunkers.
Hobarts Funnies
Churchill Tank with 5 accessories
(Troops 26 - Hobart’s Funnies)
When indicated in the scenario’s Briefing Notes, replace
a single Tank figure in each unit marked with a Hobart’s Funnies badge
with a Churchill Tank figure equipped with the accessory of your choice. This
accessory must be chosen at game start, and cannot be changed during the
course of the game. During the game, when taking hits, remove all the other
Tank figures in this unit first, keeping your Churchill tank for last.
Hobart’s Funnies units move and battle like normal Tank units. Unless
stated otherwise, the accessories apply throughout a scenario and can be
used multiple times. Depending on the accessory attached to the Churchill
tank, the unit also has the following abilities:
Bridge Assault Bridge
In lieu of battling, a Hobart’s Funnies unit equipped
with an Assault Bridge may place its bridge over
any adjacent River hex and move onto it
during the same turn. Once set, the Assault
Bridge functions the same as a standard bridge (Terrain 9 - Bridges). The
bridge accessory may only be used one time; once placed, another bridge
may not be built by this same Churchill unit during the game.

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III. Armor
(Troops 24 - Tank Destroyer) A terrain that is identified in the rules as Impassable or Impassable to
When indicated in the scenario’s Briefing Notes, Armor & Artillery is also considered as impassable to Half-Track units.
replace a single Tank figure in each Tank Destroyer In addition:
unit marked with a Tank Destroyer badge by with a Tank Destroyer figure.  Oceans & Shorelines - Half-Tracks cannot retreat into ocean
During the game, when taking hits, remove all the other Tank figures in hexes, except when on a Landing Craft.
this unit first, keeping your Tank Destroyer for last.  Cliffs & Sea Bluffs - Half-Tracks may not move up/down from the

A Tank Destroyer unit is treated like Armor for all purposes. beach, oceans or shorelines.
 Wire - Half-Tracks may remove wire just like Armor units.
 Movement: An ordered Tank Destroyer unit may move up to 2 hexes
and battle. An ordered Tank Destroyer unit may battle any enemy  Railroad Bridges & Railroad Tracks - Half-Tracks moving onto a
Railroad Track or Railroad Bridge must stop.
target unit 4 or fewer hexes away, battling with 2 dice.
 Battle: When a Tank Destroyer targets an enemy Armor or Vehicle unit,
all Stars rolled score a hit. A Tank Destroyer that did not move during
the turn it battles ignores the terrain battle protections of its target
 Armor Assault - Half-Track unit may be ordered by this Command
(and any building terrain battle restrictions on itself, if battling from
card. Units in Close Assault roll 1 additional die.
inside a Town or Village hex). A Tank Destroyer on a successful Close
 Ambush, Close Assault, Firefight - Half-Track unit may be ordered
Assault may Take Ground, but it may not Armor Overrun.
by these Command cards.
A Tank Destroyer may retreat up to 2 hexes on any retreat Flag rolled
 Infantry Assault, Move Out, Behind Enemy Lines, Dig-in, Medics
against it. Tank Destroyers are also more vulnerable to enemy fire, due & Mechanics - Half-Track unit may not be ordered using any of
to their lighter armor: Any non-Infantry unit targeting a Tank Destroyer these Command cards.
unit will score a hit on any Star rolled.  Their Finest Hour - Half-Track unit may be ordered by this
 Line of Sight: A Tank Destroyer must have line of sight to its target. Command card when an Armor symbol or a Star is rolled.
Ordered units battle with 1 additional die.

Sd.Kfz 250
(Troops 18 - Half-Track) OP#6 ACTIONS CONSIDERATIONS
HalfTracks  Unit  Collapsible Rafts and Boats - Half-Track unit may not be
transported by Collapsible Rafts or Boats.
The number of Half-Track figures to deploy in a Half-  Heroic Leader - Heroic Leader may not be added to a Half-Track
Track unit is indicated in the small yellow circle located in the lower unit.
right corner of the Half-Track icon. This number may range from 1 to 3
 Hospital Recovery, Oasis Recovery - Half-Track unit may not
figures. A Half-Track unit is treated like Armor for all purposes. recover in a Hospital or Oasis.
HalfTracks  Targeting  Reinforcements - Half-Track unit may not be called in as Re-
The attacker scores 1 hit for each Armor symbol or Grenade rolled
against the Half-Track unit when being targeted in battle.
HalfTracks  Medals HalfTracks  Resupply
A Half-Track unit hit by enemy fire and destroyed does not necessarily When Re-Supply rules are in effect and a Half-Track is adjacent to a
provide the opponent with a Medal, unlike other units in the game. To keep friendly ground unit that is weakened, i.e. that no longer has the full figure
track of this, we recommend placing each eliminated Half-Track figure next count it had at the start of the scenario, the Half-track may re-supply that
to a Medal stand, until three Half Track figures are gathered, at which point ground unit instead of battling.
you can place one of these figures on the Medal stand, to count as a Medal Units that can thus be re-supplied include Infantry, Armor, Artillery and
won, and remove the other two. Half-Track figures removed from the Cavalry units, among others.
board as a result of re-supplying your troops (see Re-Supply, below) never
count toward a medal; instead, these figures are simply removed from the Units that are formed of a single figure (e.g. Snipers, Airplanes on the
board, once used. ground, etc...), Trains, and Landing Crafts can never be re-supplied.
A Half-Track unit may move before it re-supplies a weakened unit and
HalfTracks  Movement & Battle a weakened unit may move before it is re-supplied.
An ordered Half-Track unit may move up to 2 hexes and battle any The Re-Supply Action takes place during the Battle phase of the
enemy target unit 2 or fewer hexes away. It combats with 2 dice. On a Game Turn (Step 4 on the Game Turn sequence on page 6 of the Memoir
successful Close Assault, it may Take Ground but not do an Armor Overrun. '44 Rule book).
Instead of battling, it may re-supply another unit (see below).

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For each Half-Track figure removed by the player from its Half-Track unit,
one figure (of the correct type) is returned to a weakened adjacent
Tiger (Heavy Tank)
friendly ground unit. A re-supplied unit may not gain more figures than (Troops 16 - Tigers) OP#3

it had at the start of the game. When indicated in the scenario’s Briefing Notes, place
More than one adjacent weakened unit may be re-supplied from the same a single Tiger figure in each hex containing an Armor
Half-Track unit during this phase, but none of the units being re-supplied, symbol marked with a 1.
nor the Half-Track unit, can battle this turn. A Tiger tank is treated like Armor for all purposes. It moves and battles like
Half-Track figures that are used to re-supply an adjacent friendly unit a normal Tank unit, and must have line of sight to its target when battling.
are removed from the game and never count towards a Medal for the Tiger tanks are much sturdier than normal tank units. All enemy battle
opponent. dice rolled against a Tiger are ignored. Instead, those dice that would have
scored a hit had the unit been a standard tank unit are re-rolled. If at least
one of the re-rolls is a Grenade, the kill is confirmed and the Tiger lost.
All other re-rolls (including Flags, if any) are ignored.

Iv. Vehicles
Dodge WC63 Supply Trucks  Movement
(Troops 17 - Supply Truck) OP#1 An ordered Supply Truck unit may move up to 2 hexes. An ordered
Supply Truck unit that starts on a Road hex, moves along and ends its move
Supply Trucks  Unit
on a Road hex may move an additional 2 this turn, for a total of 4 hexes
The number of truck figures to deploy in a Supply on the road.
Truck unit is indicated in the small yellow circle located in the lower
right corner of the Supply Truck icon. This number may range from 1 to 3
figures. Supply Trucks are treated like Infantry for all purposes. ADDITIONAL TERRAIN CONSIDERATIONS
A terrain that is identified in the rules as Impassable or Impassable to
Supply Trucks  Targeting Armor & Artillery is also considered as impassable to Supply Trucks units.
The attacker scores 1 hit for each Infantry symbol or Grenade rolled In addition:
against the Supply Truck unit when being targeted in battle.  Oceans - Supply Trucks cannot retreat into ocean hexes, except
when on a Landing Craft.
Supply Trucks  Medals  Cliffs & Sea Bluffs - Supply Trucks may not move up/down from
A Supply Truck unit hit by enemy fire and destroyed does not necessarily the Beach, Oceans or Shorelines.
provide the opponent with a Medal, unlike other units in the game.  Wire - Supply Trucks may not remove wire.

Instead, whether a Medal is gained or not, depends on how many Supply  Railroad Bridges & Railroad Tracks - Supply Trucks moving onto
Truck figures have been eliminated, regardless of which Supply Truck units a Railroad Track or Railroad Bridge must stop.
these figures came from: For every 3 Supply Truck figures eliminated, a
single Medal is collected.
To keep track of this, we recommend placing each eliminated Supply Truck
Supply Trucks  Battle
figure next to a Medal stand, until three figures are gathered, at which A Supply Truck unit may never battle. Instead, it may re-supply another
point you can place one of these figures on the Medal stand, where it will unit (see below).
count as one Medal won, and remove the other two figures.
Supply Trucks  Resupply
Supply Truck figures removed from the board as a result of re-supplying When a Supply Truck is adjacent to a friendly ground unit that is
your troops (see Re-Supply, below) never count toward a medal; instead, weakened, i.e. that no longer has the full figure count it had at the start
these figures are simply removed from the board, once used. of the scenario, it may re-supply that ground unit.
Units that can thus be re-supplied include Infantry, Armor, Artillery and
The Axis player Cavalry units, among others.
had already
destroyed 2 Trucks. Units that are formed of a single figure (e.g. Snipers, Airplanes on the
With this third one, ground, etc...), Trains, and Landing Crafts can never be re-supplied,
he gains a Medal.
A Supply Truck unit may move before it re-supplies a weakened unit and
a weakened unit may move before it is re-supplied.
The Re-Supply Action takes place during the Battle phase of the Game
Turn (Step 4 on the Game Turn sequence on page 6 of the Memoir '44 Rule

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For each Supply Truck figure removed by the player from its Supply Truck Patrol Cars  Movement & Battle
unit, one figure (of the correct type) is returned to a weakened adjacent
An ordered Patrol Car unit may move up to 4 hexes and battle any
friendly ground unit. A re-supplied unit may not gain more figures than
enemy target unit 3 or fewer hexes away. It combats with 3 dice in Close
it had at the start of the game.
Assault (enemy on adjacent hex), 2 dice against a target at 2 hexes and
More than one adjacent weakened unit may be re-supplied from the same 1 die against a target at 3 hexes. On a successful Close Assault, it may Take
Supply Truck unit during this phase, but none of the units being re- Ground but not do an Armor Overrun.
supplied can battle this turn.
Supply Truck figures that are used to re-supply an adjacent friendly unit
are removed from the game, and never count toward a Medal for the ADDITIONAL TERRAIN CONSIDERATIONS
opponent. A terrain that is identified in the rules as Impassable or Impassable to
Armor & Artillery is also considered as impassable to Patrol Car units.
In addition:
 Oceans - Patrol Cars cannot retreat into ocean hexes, except
 Infantry Assault - Supply Truck units may be ordered by this when on a Landing Craft.
Command card and move up to 3 hexes. These Supply Truck
units may not battle, however, even if only moving 2 hexes.  Cliffs & Sea Bluffs - Patrol Cars may not move up/down from
the beach, oceans or shorelines.
 Move Out - Supply Truck units may be ordered using this
Command card.  Wire - Patrol Cars may not remove wire.

 Ambush, Close Assault, Firefight - Supply Truck units cannot  Railroad Bridges & Railroad Tracks - Patrol Cars moving onto a

battle, and thus cannot be ordered using any of these Command Railroad Track or Railroad Bridge must stop.
 Behind Enemy Lines, Dig-in, Medics & Mechanics - Supply Truck
units may not be ordered using any of these Command cards. COMMAND CARD CONSIDERATIONS
 Their Finest Hour - A Supply Truck unit may be ordered by this  Infantry Assault - Patrol Car units may be ordered by this
Command card when an Infantry symbol or a Star is rolled, but Command card and move up to 4 hexes and battle.
it won't be able to battle (though it could still re-supply a  Move Out - Patrol Car units may be ordered using this Command
weakened friendly adjacent unit). card.
 Ambush, Close Assault, Firefight - Patrol Car units may be
ordered by these Command cards.
 Behind Enemy Lines, Dig-in, Medics & Mechanics - Patrol Car
 Collapsible Rafts and Boats - A Supply truck unit may not be units may not be ordered using any of these Command cards.
transported by Collapsible Rafts or Boats.
 Their Finest Hour - A Patrol Car unit may be ordered by this
 Heroic Leader - A Heroic Leader may not be added to a Supply Command card when an Infantry symbol or a Star is rolled.
Truck unit. Ordered units battle with 1 additional die.
 Hospital Recovery, Oasis Recovery - A Supply Truck unit may not
recover in a Hospital or Oasis.
 Reinforcements - A Supply Truck unit may not be called in as ACTIONS CONSIDERATIONS
Reinforcement.  Collapsible Rafts and Boats - A Patrol Car unit may not be
transported by Collapsible Rafts or Boats.
 Heroic Leader - A Heroic Leader may be added to a Patrol Car unit.

Jeep Willys  Hospital Recovery, Oasis Recovery - A Patrol Car unit may not
recover in a Hospital or Oasis.
(Troops 19 - Long-Range Patrol Cars) OP#4
 Reinforcements - A Patrol Car unit may not be called in as Re-
Long Range Patrol Cars  Unit inforcements.
The number of Patrol Car figures to deploy in a Patrol
Car unit is indicated in the small yellow circle located in the lower right
corner of the Patrol Car icon. This number may range from 1 to
3 figures. A Patrol Car unit is treated like Infantry for all purposes.

Patrol Cars  Targeting

Patrol Cars are much more elusive and harder to hit than normal Infantry
figures. All enemy battle dice rolled against a Patrol Car are ignored.
Instead, those dice that would have scored a hit had the unit been a
normal Infantry unit are rerolled. One hit is confirmed for each re-roll that
is a Grenade; all other rerolls (including Flags, if any) are ignored.

Patrol Cars  Medals

A Patrol Car unit that is destroyed (when all figures in the Patrol Car unit
have been eliminated) provides the opponent with a Medal, like other units
in the game.

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In addition, when a Command Car is ordered by the play of a Recon 1

Kübelwagen card, its player may choose 1 Command card of his choice from those
(Troops 20 - Command Cars) already in the discard pile, instead of drawing 2 Command cards from
When indicated in the scenario’s Briefing Notes, place the draw pile. The selection of this card remains secret from your
a single Kübelwagen figure in each hex containing a opponent.
Truck symbol marked with a Command Car badge. Command Cars are also much more elusive and harder to hit than
A Command Car unit is treated like Infantry for all purposes. normal Infantry figures. All enemy battle dice rolled against a
 Movement: An ordered Command Car may move up to 3 hexes. Command Car are ignored. Instead, those dice that would have scored
a hit had the unit been a normal Infantry unit are rerolled. If at least
 Battle: A Command Car can never directly battle on the battlefield.
one of the re-rolls is a Grenade, the kill is confirmed and this Command
Instead, when a Section card is played in the same section as a
Car unit lost. All other re-rolls (including Flags, if any) are ignored.
Command Car, the player may activate 1 more unit than indicated by
his card. A Command Car does not affect the number of units ordered
by a Tactic card.

V. Special Weapon Assets

(SWAs 1 - Special Weapon Assets) and (SWAs 4 - Special Weapon Assets Late War)

The advent of World War II, and its now fully  Battle: When it battles, an ordered Infantry unit with a Mortar may
industrialized weapons production, marked the battle any enemy ground unit three or fewer hexes away, rolling the
most frantic period of weapons development in same number of dice a standard Infantry would. It always ignores the
the history of humanity. Massive numbers of new terrain battle protections of its target.
designs and concepts were fielded, often with  Line of Sight: An Infantry unit with a Mortar does not need line of sight
great success, though frequently at a cost to the to its target.
In Memoir '44, some of these new weapons find Late War (> Late 1942)
themselves embedded inside units whose combat  Movement: An ordered Infantry unit with a Mortar may move 1 hex and
capabilities they enhance or modify. These weapons are commonly battle or move 2 hexes and not battle.
referred to as Special Weapon Assets.  Battle: When it moves, an ordered Infantry unit with a Mortar may
Special Weapon Assets (SWAs) are represented by their own equipment battle any enemy ground unit three or fewer hexes away, rolling the
piece. This equipment is placed with the figures of the unit it is embedded same number of dice a standard Infantry would. If it did not move this
in. It is removed when the last figure of the unit it is attached to is lost. turn, the Infantry with a Mortar may also fire on a target 4 hexes
Note that the SWA itself does not count as an additional Medal, so only away, rolling 1 die. It always ignores the terrain battle protections of
one Medal is collected when a unit with a SWA is eliminated. its target.
An Infantry unit with a SWA attached is treated like an Infantry unit for  Line of Sight: An Infantry unit with a Mortar does not need line of sight
all purposes: it is ordered by the same Tactic cards, hit by the same dice to its target when it does not move.
rolls, etc. However, Infantry units with a SWA can never Take Ground.

Late War Models

By mid 1942, many of the Special Weapon Assets introduced earlier in M2 Machine Gun
the War, such as mortars, bazookas and machine guns, had evolved and (SWAs 8 - Machine Gun)
become even more portable, reliable and lethal. The Late War versions of and (SWAs 7 - Machine Gun Late War)
the equipment presented here reflect these improvements and should Each time you run across a Machine Gun symbol when
generally be used when playing scenarios from late 1942 onward. setting up a scenario, place a Machine Gun figure with the Infantry unit it is
attached to.
M2 Mortar Early War (1939  mid 1942)
(SWAs 3 - Mortar)  Movement: An ordered Infantry unit with a Machine Gun may move 1-
and (SWAs 6 - Mortar Late War) 2 hexes or battle.
Each time you run across a Mortar symbol when setting  Battle: When it battles, an ordered Infantry unit with a Machine Gun
up a scenario, place a Mortar figure with the Infantry unit it is attached to. may battle any enemy ground unit three or fewer hexes away, rolling
the same number of dice a standard Infantry would. It also scores a
Early War (1939  mid 1942) hit for each Star rolled against any enemy Infantry target.
 Movement: An ordered Infantry unit with a Mortar may move 1-2
 Line of Sight: An Infantry unit with a Machine Gun must have line of
hexes or battle.
sight to its target, like a standard Infantry unit.

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Late War (> Late 1942)

 Movement: An ordered Infantry unit with a Machine Gun may move 1
hex and battle or move 2 hexes and not battle.
 Battle: When it moves, an ordered Infantry unit with a Machine Gun
may battle any enemy ground unit three or fewer hexes away, rolling
the same number of dice a standard Infantry would. If it did not move
this turn, the Infantry with a Machine Gun will also score a hit for each
Star rolled against any enemy Infantry target.
 Line of Sight: An Infantry unit with a Machine Gun must have line of
sight to its target, like a standard Infantry unit.

Vi. Specialists
(Troops 10 - Snipers)
When indicated in the scenario’s Briefing Notes, place a
single Sniper figure in each hex containing a Sniper unit  An ordered Sniper unit may target an enemy Infantry (including
in the scenario. A Sniper is ordered like an Infantry unit. vehicles considered as Infantry) or Artillery unit 5 or fewer hexes
away. It must have line of sight to its target. A Sniper's battle dice are
not reduced when targeting an enemy unit in terrain. A Sniper battles
with 1 die and scores one hit on a target symbol, Grenade or Star
symbol rolled. A Flag causes the target unit to retreat as normal. A
Sniper cannot target an Armored unit or other vehicles that are treated
like Armor. Command cards that allow an Infantry unit to battle with
1 additional die also apply to Sniper units.
A Sniper may be targeted as normal but only a Grenade symbol will score
a hit. Exceptions to this are; Stars also score a hit on Snipers targeted by
An ordered Sniper: Air Power, another Sniper, a SWA Machine Gun and any other time a Star
scores a hit against Infantry. The Sniper is removed when hit but does not
 May move like a Special Forces Infantry unit, 1 or 2 hexes and battle.
count as a medal.
 May battle when he moves onto terrain type (woods, towns, etc.)
Note: If a Sniper is adjacent to an enemy unit, it must combat the
where standard infantry could not battle. He must still stop and move adjacent unit. If the only adjacent unit is Armor, which a Sniper cannot
no further in any terrain that limits movement. target, the Sniper must move before he may battle.
 May retreat up to 3 hexes instead of the standard 1 hex on any retreat
A Sniper is a special single figure unit that follows his own set of rules.
Flag rolled. Snipers never benefit from nor follow any national abilities (rules).

VII. Minor WWII Nations

Finland An ordered Ski Troop unit:
Fiercely determined to preserve its independence, Finland fought not  May move up to 3 hexes and battle.
just one, but three successive wars during the conflict: First, the Winter It rolls 3 dice in Close Assault and 2 dice
War, alone against Joseph Stalin’s Soviet Union; then the Continuation War against a target unit 2 hexes away.
with Germany against the Soviet Union; and finally the Lapland War  May battle when the unit moves onto terrain type (woods, towns, etc.)
against Germany. Through it all, the tenacity of the Finnish people and where standard Infantry could not battle. The unit must still stop and
the quality of its elite Ski troops were awe inspiring to the rest of the world. move no further in terrain that limits movement. Movement rules for
a Ski Troops unit trump all terrain movement and battle rules.
Ski Troops  May retreat up to 3 hexes instead of the standard 1 on any retreat Flag rolled.

(Troops 9 - Ski Troops)

Ski Troops are Special Forces Infantry units. Place 3 France
Ski Troop figures in each hex of the scenario containing The French defeat of 1940 should not overshadow the bravado and
an Infantry unit symbol and a Ski Troop badge. courage displayed by various elements of the French Infantry throughout

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the war. The desperate resistance of French Infantry at Gembloux and In Memoir '44, all Italian Artillery units may ignore 1 Flag rolled against
Saumur, the victories of the Foreign Legion and Free French Forces at Narvik them.
and Bir-Hakeim, showed the world the true meaning of “Furia Francese”,
often in close quarters at the tip of bayonets.
Italian Artillery
French Army The Italian Artillery figures represent Italian Artillery
(Nations 7 - French Army) units exhibiting remarkable courage. When indicated
The French Infantry (1940) figures represent French in the scenario’s Briefing Notes, place 2 Italian Artillery figures in each
Infantry imbued with the “Furia Francese” spirit. French scenario hex containing an Artillery symbol with the Italian Army badge.
Infantry units have 4 figures. When indicated in the scenario’s Briefing
Notes, place 4 French Infantry figures in each scenario hex containing a
French Infantry unit. Poland
Poland was the first country invaded by German troops at the start of
Furia Francese World War II. The Polish army defended itself valiantly, mounting some
When the “Furia Francese” rule is in effect, any French Infantry unit that of the last Cavalry charges in history as Polish cavalry men charged
successfully eliminates an enemy unit or forces it to retreat following a Close machine-gun equipped German armoured personnel carriers on the
Assault may either Take Ground and not battle or stay in place and make a evening of September 1, 1939. Sixteen days later, the Soviets broke their
second Close Assault attack against another adjacent enemy unit. This second non-aggression pact, forcing the now isolated Polish capital to surrender
Close Assault is made with only 1 die, ignoring any Terrain battle die reductions. on September 28, 1939.
The French Infantry may Take Ground following this second attack, if eligible,
but it may not do more than one Furia Francese Close Assault this turn.
The Furia Francese only applies to standard Infantry units, never to Polish Cavalry
Specialized troops (Special Forces, Combat Engineers, units equipped with (Troops 8 - Cavalry)
Special Weapon Assets, etc.). When indicated in the scenario’s Briefing Notes, place
4 Cavalry figures in each scenario hex containing an
Infantry symbol with a Cavalry badge.
Italy A Cavalry unit is treated like Infantry for ordering and Armor for
Chronically under-equipped, the Italian Royal Army suffered a great deal movement and combat.
from its sub-standard equipment - a shortcoming made even worse by
the amateurism of its High Command. Reports of Italian military prowess An ordered Cavalry unit:
would often be dismissed and promptly ridiculed; but a careful read of  May move up to 3 hexes and battle.
history through the eyes and reports of their closest Allies, staff officers
 May battle any enemy target 2 or fewer
of the Afrikakorps, tells a very different story.
hexes away. It rolls 2 dice in Close
Assault and 1 die against a target at 2 hexes.
Italian Royal Army  May, on a successful Close Assault combat, Take Ground and battle

Command Rules again, using the same rules as the Armor Overrun combat.
(Nations 6 - Italian Royal Army)
Italian High Command
When the Italian High Command rules are in effect its army starts the
battle with 6 Command cards in hand. Each time a unit is lost, one Italian
player’s Command card is selected at random by his opponent and
discarded. However the number of Command cards held by the Italian
player cannot be reduced below three.

Motorized Divisions
While in short supply, Italian motor vehicles tended to be of better than
average quality: British Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery himself made
use of some during his North African campaigns!
In Memoir '44, all Italian ground units may retreat 1, 2 or 3 hexes for
each Flag rolled against them, to fight another day.

Artillery Bravery
Italian Artillery units exhibited remarkable courage throughout the
war - during the Desert campaign, some of them would keep firing their
obsolescent guns at the enemy until they were literally overrun!

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ViII. Victory Conditions

Medal Objectives Exit markers
The following terms are used to describe new and some When placed on the map with their arrows pointing toward
common Memoir '44 Victory conditions: the players' sides, the Exit markers designate specific
baseline hexes through which a unit exiting the board might be saved and
collect a Victory medal.
Temporary Medal Objective
When turned sideways, a pair of Exit markers designates a set of baseline
The Victory Medal in this objective hex is captured and held only as long
hexes; this set includes the two hexes on which the Exit markers are
as a unit of the appropriate side holds the hex. If the unit vacates the hex for
any reason (movement, retreat or elimination), the medal is immediately lost
and placed back in play in its original position on the objective hex. A unit that moves off the board through an exit hex is removed from the
board, and one of its figures placed on the player's Victory track.

Temporary Majority Medal Objective

The Victory Medal for this group of objective hexes goes to the side that
has units in an absolute majority of these hexes. The medal is held as long
as the side retains absolute majority. The medal is immediately lost and #1 #2 #3
placed back in play when a side no longer has absolute majority.

Temporary Majority Medal Objective (Turn Start)

The Victory Medal for this group of objective hexes goes to the side that
has units in an absolute majority of these hexes at the start of its turn. The Exit marker # 1 is an isolated Exit hex; All edge hexes between,
and including, Exit markers 2 and 3 form a line of Exit hexes through
medal is held through the turn as long as the side has absolute majority which enemy units can exit and collect Victory medals.
at the start of a turn. The medal is lost and placed back in play when a side
no longer has absolute majority at the start of a turn.

Permanent Medal Objective

The Victory Medal in this objective hex is captured and permanently gained
the moment a unit of the appropriate side enters this hex. The medal is not
returned or put back in play, even if the unit later vacates this hex.

Permanent Medal Objective (Turn Start)

The Victory Medal in this objective hex is captured and permanently gained
when the appropriate side occupies the hex at the start of its turn. The medal
is not returned or put back in play, even if the unit later vacates this hex.

Last to Occupy Medal Objective

The Victory Medal in this objective hex is captured and gained the
moment a unit from either side occupies this hex. The unit may vacate the
hex, but the Victory Medal is still held as long as an enemy unit does not
occupy the objective hex.

Sole Control Medal Objective

The Victory Medal for this group of objective hexes goes to the
appropriate side when it has at least one unit that occupies any of these
objective hexes and the enemy does not occupy any of these hexes. The
Victory Medal is held as long as a unit of the appropriate side occupies Important Note: Unless written otherwise, air rules
one of these hexes and the enemy does not occupy any of these hexes. are not in effect. If present in your deck, Air Sortie
cards should be removed and set aside. They will not
Sudden Death Objective be used. In addition, unless stated otherwise, when
playing an Air Power card in any of the scenarios that follow, roll only
As soon as the designated side fulfills the Sudden Death conditions set 1 die against each unit, regardless of which sides you are playing
forth, it immediately ends and wins the game. from, even you are the Allies.

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Flak 88 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Flak 88 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Long Tom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Long Tom . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
M7 Priest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 M7 Priest . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Nebelwerfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 Nebelwerfer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
LCT 202 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 LCT 202 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Hobart’s Funnies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 Funnies de Hobart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15
Elefant Panzerjäger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Panzerjäger Elefant . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Sd.Kfz 250 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 Sd.Kfz 250 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16
Tiger . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Tigre . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Dodge WC-63 Truck . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Camion Dodge WC-63 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17
Jeep Willys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 Jeep Willys . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Kübelwagen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Kübelwagen . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
M2 Mortar . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Mortier M2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19
M2 Machine Gun . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 Mitrailleuse M2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Sniper . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Tireur d'élite . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Ski Troops . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Troupes à skis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
French Infantry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Infanterie française . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Italian Artillery . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Artillerie italienne . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Polish Cavalry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10 Cavalerie polonaise . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Medal Objectives . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Médailles-objectifs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22
Exit markers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Pions Exit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23

Rules / Règles Visit

Days of Wonder, inc. 334 State Street, Suite 203
Richard Borg Los Altos, CA 94022 - USA
Days of Wonder Europe 60 rue Saint-Lazare
Scenarios / Scénarios 75009 Paris - FRANCE
Richard Borg,Jacques "jdrommel" David, For online customer service, visit our forums on:
Don "yangtze" Clarke, Antoine
This book is printed under the copyright laws of the United States of America. © 2012
Additional Development and Proofreading / Relecture Days of Wonder, Inc. Copies of the material herein are intended solely for your personal,
non-commercial use, and only if you preserve any associated copyrights, trademarks or
Jesse Rasmussen, Don "yangtze" Clarke other notices. You may not distribute copies to others for a charge or other consideration
without prior written consent of the owner of the materials except for review purposes only.
Days of Wonder, the Days of Wonder logo, Memoir '44, the Memoir '44 logotype and all
Julien Delval related product and brand names are registered trademarks or trademarks of Days of
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Graphic Design / Création Graphique
Cyrille Daujean First printing: June 2012. Printed in China.

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