Diss Project Page 81-89 by Bolinao, Gabriel A. 12-2humss
Diss Project Page 81-89 by Bolinao, Gabriel A. 12-2humss
Diss Project Page 81-89 by Bolinao, Gabriel A. 12-2humss
The environment keeps on changing rapidly and this implies a significant question to the
coping capacities of social organizations and institutions. Global and local societal challenges create
shifting context that requires new practices and services. The social situation calls for humane and
sustained development interventions and social services that seek to enhance individual and
community life. In the context of social turmoil and human battle, the social work emerges as a
relevant and valuable profession. Like any profession, social work embraces its own vision, values,
principles, practices, and functions. It is an evolving profession that grows in institutional, political, and
social contexts. The provision of social work services in various contexts is contingent on arrays of
interconnecting aspects that form and describe how social work is appropriated. Nevertheless, what
is essential is an environment that facilitates individuals and community to participate in generating a
more compassionate and inclusive setting.
What is social work and its value in enhancing the quality of life of individuals, groups and
communities? What comprises its services, processes, and methods?
Social work aims to improve individual and community's quality of life. Its nature of work
goes beyond care and rehabilitation for and of the needy, the neglected, and the marginalized such
as the abused children and youth, the elderly, the sick, the physically and mentally challenged, and
the poor
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In general. Social work is practiced in various settings. The practitioners work in child caring and child
agencies, family service agencies, home care, rehabilitation facilities, medical and psychiatric
centers/clinics. Among others. In order to deepen your understanding on the social work as a
profession, it is vital to experience it at first hand through an exposure in a setting, where social work
is being practiced.
Divide yourself into (8) groups with at least (5) members per group. Each group will do the
following tasks:
1. Map out the different institutions where social workers practice.
2. Choose the institutions where you can conduct profiling and observation.
3. Communicate with the chosen institution and schedule your visit.
4. During the visit, you are expected to get to know the institution and on social
5. The first task is to write a paper entitled “The Life inside the Institution”
6. In the paper, your are required to incorporate three (3) things:
a. The Institution/ Agency
Describe the Institution/Agency- its context, history, its vision and mission,
the different cases/problems it manages, program and services it offers the
different approaches intervention sit applies, the various problems it
encounters and the successes it now enjoys.
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The Disciplines of How is social work being defined? What are its goals and
Social Work scope? What are its core values and principles?
The Professionals and What are the roles, functions, competencies, areas of
Practitioners in Social specialization and career opportunities of professionals and
Work practitioners in social work practice?
The Clientele and What are the characteristics and needs of various types of
Audiences in Social clientele and various audiences in social work practice?
Social Work Settings, What are the social work services and processes in different
Processes and social work settings
Methods and tools in What are the methods and tools utilized in social work practice?
Social Work
Knowledge Define social work and identify its goal and scope.
Demonstrate comprehension of the principles of social work and
discuss its core values.
Show an understanding of the roles and functions of social workers
and identify specific work areas in which social workers work.
Identify career opportunities for social workers.
Value rights, responsibilities, and accountabilities
Distinguish between ethnical and nonethical behavior among
Describe clientele and the audience of social work.
Distinguish the needs of individuals, groups, organizations, and
Identify the settings in which social workers are found.
Illustrate the different processes involved in undertaking social work.
Identify the methods and tools used in social work
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Skills Undertake participant observation and document observations.
Assess and reflect on the data gathered.
What do I know about Social Work?
The following statements enable you to reflect on and figure out your level of
understanding about Social Work as profession. You are required to agree or disagree with
each of the following statements. Please put a check mark (✓) if you agree and cross mark
(x) if you disagree.
Repeat the same process after completing Chapter III. Kindly see any changes or
differences in your answers? What new knowledge have you acquired about the Social
Work profession?
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Primary settings in social work, practice include the schools.
Hospitals. Correctional facilities, human resource departments,
corporations, government planning departments, and political
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Community Organization is a process by which a community
identifies its needs or objectives, orders these needs or objectives:
finds the internal or external resources to deal with those needs or
objectives, takes actions in respect to them, and in so doing extends
and develops cooperative and collaborative attitudes and practices in
the community.
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What is social work? What are its goals and scope? What are its core
values and principles?
Knowledge Define social work and identify its goals and scope.
Demonstrate comprehension of the principles of social work and
discuss its core values.
Instruction: Please put a mark (✓) if you agree and a cross mark (x) if you disagree in each of the
statements indicated below
✓ Example:
Social work is a profession that deals with the person’s social
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The principal mission of social work profession is to develop human
being and assist other institutions in attaining the basic human needs
of the people and in empowering them.
Social work is based on respect for the inherent worth and dignity of
all people and it is cultivated by altruistic and democratic principles.
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Activity 1
Case Study
Anna Maria is a newcorner at the senior high school program of Santa Barbara College.
Being new to the school, she is observed to be silent and avoids interaction in groups very
often. Three months after, the situation remains the same as she still finds difficulty building
relationships. She prefers to eat, to study, and walk alone. Bothered by the situation of Anna
Maria, her adviser in class preferred the case to the school’s social worker.
If you are the social worker, how will you handle the case? What core values and
principles are you going to apply? How will you manage the situation? Write your answer the
box below.
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