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It is a charity fund raising program, which is done mainly through:

1. Takaful
2. Khidma
3. Charity Box
4. Special Donation
5. General

By this program, the members are allowed to sponsor the education and other
expenses of a child who is enrolled in Takaful program. The department comes
under the public relation department in Markaz Central Office.


Registration of office executive should be handled.

Registration of members handled by executives or through online form.
Allotting areas to executives based on their locations.
Setting targets and tasks to the executives.
Sending alerts and reminders to the executives regarding the payments.
Generating reports on the executive performance.
Maintaining the academic details of students enrolled under Takaful.
Invitations and Thanks letter mails to be sent to members under Takaful


User fills the application form

If Online Checks the location of
the member and allots
online or
to the executive.

If Offline

Executive adds the Fund collected from

member details members, Quarterly, Half Stop
directly to the DB yearly or annually.



Targets assigned to
executives by AO

Checks Commission
whether Commission added
calculated as per the to executive’s
achieved If Targets achieved percentage set. allowance
in time



To the Members To the Executives

1. Notification before the time of 1. Reminder before the

payment. Collection of Takaful.

2. Thanks note and payment

received message soon after the

To the Executives

1. Payment due reminder sent to

executives anytime.

2. Task reminder sent to executives



1. REGISTRATION AND PAYMENT: This will be custom module for Takaful as

per the requirements collected from the department. This module enables
the registration of new members and manages their donation to the program
through the executives.

2. ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE: The module keeps the record of every

financial transaction done in the organization by creating journal entries for
every transaction. Multiple currency and multiple bank accounts can be
managed and different chart of accounts can be configured under different
account types. Various reports can be generated as per the user

3. ALERT MANAGEMENT: The module helps in sending alerts to targeted

groups within the database. The user gets accurate and real-time statistics
on every alert sent out. These alerts can be sent either manually or
automatically generated.

4. PURCHASE MANAGEMENT: The module helps in managing the purchase

activities in the organization. It manages purchase requests from various
departments and generates purchase orders after handling the approval
from various levels.

5. ASSET MANAGEMENT: The module keeps the record of various assets in

the organizations and helps in keeping records and distributing it within the
sub departments. It helps in standardizing the numbering procedure by
generating automatically generated sequence.

6. STUDENT MODULE: It acts as a database and handles the entire

information of the student in the system. It has different tables which
contains the record of the student activities done through different modules.
It also contains various reports required during the student active session in
the academic year.

7. USER MANAGEMENT MODULE: This module enables providing access

right for users belonging to different hierarchy and limits the modules or
feature they have access to read, write, create and delete.

8. HR AND PAYROLL MODULE: The module helps in managing the employee

profile in an organization and allows to group them under various
departments and to set the hierarchy. It also helps in the HR activities like
Leave management, attendance management and payroll computation.
Payroll computation is done by maintaining various salary structures and
salary rules according to the organization’s preference.

9. DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT: The module is keeps a record of the physical

as well as digital documents in the organization. It tracks the movement of
the documents between various departments in the organization and also
enables attaching a digital copy of any physical record.
10. TICKETING SYSTEM: The module will allow you to handle the
service/maintenance request raised by any institution or department. It also
enables the user to track the status of the raised ticket anytime.
11. MARKETING CRM MODULE: This module allows you to see all your
leads/opportunities in one location, manage them from one stage to
another, and analyze your results.


Use Case Analysis

Requirement User should be able to register for a sponsorship through
Description online. Maintaining the payment transactions

Actors Executives, Members, Administrators, Department staffs

Pre 1. Maintaining the Member details in the system

Conditions 2. Member profile should contain the following fields:

 Starting date of sponsorship,

 Type of student - Sharee’ath, Kashmir, Hifz, Da-awa,
Girls, Home Care, Orphan Care
 Period – Month, Year, Lifetime
 Name of Sponsor
 Address – Current and Permanent
 Mobile
 Email
 Number of students sponsored

3. Application for new registration needed in Online –

When new registration Submits, that should reflect in

4. Able to handle the Income/Donation – Main types are

Takaful, Hidma, Receivers

5. Takaful – Sponsoring a child or giving an amount

(20000/year). The payment term may be Yearly,

6. Hidma – Giving an amount for a particular period.

Collection agents/Executives will collect the amount on
a monthly basis. Depends on the Collection amount,
Executives will get a commission. Executives should be
able to enter the amount from members through the
Executives login. The login ID should be created
automatically. The default Username and Password
should be same. The sequence can be maintained as
EXE0001. Need provision to allocate the leads/tasks to

7. Receivers – This income comes from different locations.

Individuals are giving as donation box collection.
Payment receipt needed.

8. AO Salary should be calculated from the HO Payroll


Post 1. Member’s renewals and next payments dates should

Conditions get alerted to Members, Executives and Office.

2. In Takaful Members profile, the sponsored child’s

profile should get mapped. The student may studying
in different Institutions

3. The expenses of students will be transferred to school

directly. It’s not giving for individual students. From
Accounts it will do with the permission of Head office
Accounts section.

4. The Office employee will have the permission to allocate

task/leads to each executive and can assess the
progression on task.

5. The commission rates for executives should set from

office employee login

6. In Executives Login, they can see only their own

members details.
Flow of 1. Payment Transfer will initiated from Takaful Accounts
Events Approval from HO Accounts// Intimation to PRD AO.

Exceptions 1. After Full payment, Greetings, Thanks letters should

generate and send

2. SMS Alerts for due payments and Payments receive

3. Daily, monthly collections reports/ Executives

collection report

4. TAX Exemption certificate generation (8eg)

Notes Takaful is an independent company in the ERP.


It is a boy’s orphanage managed under Markaz. It facilitate an integral system

of learning combining all major aspects of Islamic and secular education from
primary to professional level as per the interests of each student. The major
income is individual donations which can either be in the form of money or
other consumable materials. The institution also offers madrasa classes for the
students, and even sponsor them in their higher studies based on the
academic performance.


 Registration of Student handled through both offline and online form.

 Admission process includes an interview for selection.
 Accounting involves income in the term of donations.
 Sending alerts and reminders to the guardian regarding the student
 Madrasa academics management including examination and report
 Maintaining the student profile which has the entire details of the
student and both their modern and Islamic education details.


User fills Data directly stored in

the If Online DB in draft form and
will be confirmed later
by administrator

Interview call letters given

to selected students
If Offline
After Interview Process
Data verified
manually and Selected students data is
entered into the DB confirmed and student Stop
after confirmation enrolled in the institution.


Registration Module: This will be custom module for Rayhan Valley as

per the requirements collected from the department. This module enables
the registration of new students and their admission to the institution.

Accounting and Finance: The module keeps the record of every

financial transaction done in the organization by creating journal entries
for every transaction. Multiple currency and multiple bank accounts can
be managed and different chart of accounts can be configured under
different account types. Various reports can be generated as per the user

Alert Management: The module helps in sending alerts to targeted

groups within the database. The user gets accurate and real-time
statistics on every alert sent out. These alerts can be sent either
manually or automatically generated.

Purchase Management: The module helps in managing the purchase

activities in the organization. It manages purchase requests from various
departments and generates purchase orders after handling the approval
from various levels.

Asset Management: The module keeps the record of various assets in

the organizations and helps in keeping records and distributing it within
the sub departments. It helps in standardizing the numbering procedure
by generating automatically generated sequence.

Student Module: It acts as a database and handles the entire

information of the student in the system. It has different tables which
contains the record of the student activities done through different
modules. It also contains various reports required during the student
active session in the academic year.

User Management Module: This module enables providing access right

for users belonging to different hierarchy and limits the modules or
feature they have access to read, write, create and delete.

HR and Payroll Module: The module helps in managing the employee

profile in an organization and allows to group them under various
departments and to set the hierarchy. It also helps in the HR activities
like Leave management, attendance management and payroll
computation. Payroll computation is done by maintaining various salary
structures and salary rules according to the organization’s preference.

Document Management: The module is keeps a record of the physical

as well as digital documents in the organization. It tracks the movement
of the documents between various departments in the organization and
also enables attaching a digital copy of any physical record.

Ticketing System: The module will allow you to handle the

service/maintenance request raised by any institution or department. It
also enables the user to track the status of the raised ticket anytime.
Madrasa Module: The module manages the madrasa education in the
institution. It includes class, subject and exam management.

Inventory Module: The stock managing operations of the organization is

done with this module. It keeps a track of various products, their
movement and updates the quantity with different units of
measurements. It helps in maintaining the stock register and generates
the stock reports in various formats as per the user requirement.

Hostel Module: The module aids in managing the activities in a hostel,

which includes room allocation, attendance and also the asset
management per room.

Library Module: This is a dedicated module operates with library

function which includes data management of books, authors and
publishers. It also allows issue, return and renewal of books to the users
and manages late fine charges.

Attendance Module: The module keeps the attendance of the users, by

managing registers. Reports can be generated in any format as per the
user requirements. It also enables integration with hardware like
biometric and RFID machines.

Examination Module: This module deals with mark entry of an exam

conducted and generate the result according to the calculations and
format set. It can also print report cards and consolidated mark lists as
per user requirements.

Front Office Management: This module assists in keeping the visitor

logs, track of received packages at the reception. It also helps in
providing gate pass for the visitors and a keep a track of every outsider
who visits the organization and their purpose.

Kitchen Module: The module helps in managing the activities in kitchen

which includes, daily materials purchase, stock updating, manufacturing
of requested products and employee wage management.

Hostel Module: The module aids in managing the activities in a hostel,

which includes room allocation, attendance and also the asset
management per room.


End Users Users, Administrators

User Requirement Admission Confirmed Students will reflect in Student Profile

Specifications Should have a provision to go to Admission record against the
Student Profile
Student may study in different School. So those details
should track.
Able to track the Leave records of Student (Date of Leaving
and Date of Return with time)
Need to generate Leave Slip from the system
Handling the Students Examination of Open Students(Staying
and Studying at Rayhan Valley only)
Examination mark entry will be in the form of TE(Terminal
Evaluation, CE(Continuous Evaluation), Total, Grand Total,
Percentage (Overall), Result (Pass/Fail) for the Classes Above
User should be able to accept the payments through the
Should be able to handle the Madrasa Studies at Rayhan
Madrasa Mark Entry will be like - Mainly 2 Semester (TE,CE
and Total)
Other Performances should be tracked in Madrasa module
(like Extra Curricular Activities)
User should be able to handle the Sales and Purchase
activities of the Rayhan Valley
Sale for each Student should get tracked
Should be able to handle the Inward and Outward register
POS option will be there to handle the Sales
Purchase option will be there to handle purchase related
activities. While entering the Purchase records, the inventory
items will get updated automatically
Admission form should contains:
 Date
 SL. No
 Name and Address
 Boarding point, in case of any help needed
 Previous schooling details – Madrasa and School
 Admission Sought to
 Nationality, Caste, Mother Tongue
 Identifications Marks
 Aadhar Number
 Father and Grandfathers name
 Cause of Death(Father) and Date
 Mother's name and Grand fathers name
 Now married or not?
 Annual Income
 Number children Male/Female
 Permanent address of Parent
 Telephone number, Mob number with Remarks
 Date of Interview [Here onwards to be filled from
Office only]
 Details of Interview
 Status (Selected or Rejected)
 Selection Card number
 Admission Number
 Date of admission
 Details of Admission
 Standard on Admission (School and Madrasa)
 School TC No. with Date
 Madrasa TC No. with Date
 Attachment options

Reports Able to generate current year Admission report

Able to generate Purchase and Sale reports

4.3 MEMS

It is a CBSE School under Markaz. The organization includes student

management, academics, fees management, administration and other


 Registration of Student handled through both offline and online form.

 Admission process includes an interview for selection
 All accounting activities done after central office approval
 Sending alerts and reminders to the guardian regarding the student
 Book movement in library
 Maintaining the student profile which has the entire details of the
student education details.


1. ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE: The module keeps the record of every

financial transaction done in the organization by creating journal entries for
every transaction. Multiple currency and multiple bank accounts can be
managed and different chart of accounts can be configured under different
account types. Various reports can be generated as per the user

2. USER MANAGEMENT MODULE: This module enables providing access

right for users belonging to different hierarchy and limits the modules or
feature they have access to read, write, create and delete.

3. HR AND PAYROLL MODULE: The module helps in managing the employee

profile in an organization and allows to group them under various
departments and to set the hierarchy. It also helps in the HR activities like
Leave management, attendance management and payroll computation.
Payroll computation is done by maintaining various salary structures and
salary rules according to the organization’s preference.

4. INVENTORY MODULE: The stock managing operations of the organization

is done with this module. It keeps a track of various products, their
movement and updates the quantity with different units of measurements.
It helps in maintaining the stock register and generate the stock reports in
various formats as per the user requirement.

5. PURCHASE MODULE: The module helps in managing the purchase

activities in the organization. It manages purchase requests from various
departments and generates purchase orders after handling the approval
from various levels.

6. POINT OF SALE: The module acts as a window for the product sale
operations handled in the institution. It allows multi user sessions
simultaneously from the same company.

7. DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT: The module is keeps a record of the physical

as well as digital documents in the organization. It tracks the movement of
the documents between various departments in the organization and also
enables attaching a digital copy of any physical record.

8. STUDENT MODULE: It acts as a database and handles the entire

information of the student in the system. It has different tables which
contains the record of the student activities done through different modules.
It also contains various reports required during the student active session in
the academic year.
9. HOSTEL MODULE: The module aids in managing the activities in a hostel,
which includes room allocation, attendance and also the asset management
per room.

10. LIBRARY MODULE: This is a dedicated module operates with library

function which includes data management of books, authors and
publishers. It also allows issue, return and renewal of books to the users
and manages late fine charges.

11. ADMISSION MODULE: Admission process to various institutions can be

managed by this module. It has different levels which can manage the
stages of admission and the form can be integrated with any website to
enable online application filling a fee payment.

12. ATTENDANCE MODULE: The module keeps the attendance of the users,
by managing registers. Reports can be generated in any format as per the
user requirements. It also enables integration with hardware like biometric
and RFID machines.

13. TIME TABLE MODULE: This module helps in managing the timetable of
the educational institution by configuring the working days, subjects,
classes and other constraints in faculty allocation

14. EXAMINATION MODULE: This module deals with mark entry of an

exam conducted and generate the result according to the calculations and
format set. It can also print report cards and consolidated mark lists as per
user requirements.

15. TRANSPORT MODULE: The module can keep and manage the data of
every transport vehicle associated with the institution. It can manage the
driver details, Refueling and maintenance history and the odometer
readings which enables the user to generate a graphical report at the end of
the year on the performance and efficiency of the vehicle.

16. ASSET MANAGEMENT: The module keeps the record of various assets
in the organizations and helps in keeping records and distributing it within
the sub departments. It helps in standardizing the numbering procedure by
generating automatically generated sequence.
17. FRONT OFFICE MANAGEMENT: This module assists in keeping the
visitor logs, track of received packages at the reception. It also helps in
providing gate pass for the visitors and a keep a track of every outsider who
visits the organization and their purpose.

18. EMPLOYEE MODULE: The module helps in managing the employee

profile in an organization and allows to group them under various
departments and to set the hierarchy. It also helps in the HR activities like
Leave management and employee attendance management.

19. TICKETING SYSTEM: The module will allow you to handle the
service/maintenance request raised by any institution or department. It also
enables the user to track the status of the raised ticket anytime.


User fills Data directly stored in

the If Online DB in draft form and
admission will be confirmed later
form by administrator

If Offline

Data verified Selected students data is

manually and confirmed and student
entered into the DB enrolled in the institution.
after confirmation



Enter Book Accession


Book If Issued/Lost Book not available, enter
Status another number

If Book Available

details. Book issued



Enter Student/Faculty
Details/Accession No

Check If No issued books

Books Display “No issued books”

If there are issued


If Return
 Status changed to available
return or
 Fine generated and invoice
created, if any

If Renewal

 Return date changed to the newly Stop

entered date
4.3.3 Requirement analysis

Requirement Analysis

End Users Administrators, Teacher, Student, Accountant, Office

Staffs, Liaison officer

User 1. Admission Confirmed Students will reflect in Student

Requirement Profile
2. Should have a provision to go to Admission record
against the Student Profile

3.Attendance System(Single Session)

4.Mobile App(Proposed)

5. Handling the Students Examination

6. Examination mark entry, report

7. Extracurricular Activity mark handling

8. Timetable management- Substitute staff allocation

9. Transport management, GPS tracking integration, Bus

delay alert
 Provide alert of starting and reaching location of a
 Provide alert in case of route change
 Scheduled route alert for admin

10. Father/Mother photo should be updated for verification

11. Fee Management

12. Event management

13. Library management

14. POS for canteen(POS shouldn’t include in any accounts

15. Hostel (Fees shouldn’t include in any accounts reports)

16. Student Health records

17. KG TC number should be separately handled.

18. Admission number for KG, Class 1 to Class 10, Class

11 to Class 12 are to be handled in separate series

19. Kerala Higher Secondary classes 11th and 12th should

be separately handled as a company, MEMS principal and
AO will be the administration authority.

20. If Nationality not Indian :- Student’s Visa Number &

Expiry date, Passport Number & Expiry date should be
made mandatory. Parent ID type & number to be made
mandatory. Notification send to parent and admin 1 month
before expiry date.

21. PTA Designation of parent to be shown in student


22. If student not from Kerala :- Parent ID Type & number

to be made mandatory.

23. Description column to be added to discount details


24. Discount structures should selected on enabling fee

discount from the list:
- Orphan
- Academic Scholorship
- Markaz Staff
- MEMS Staff
- More than 2 children of a single parent
- Special recommendation discount

25. Admin should be alerted before fee due date every


26. If student leave request exceeds more than 5 days,

approval should be done by principal

27. Employee form should include:

- Spouse name
- Parent name
- Emergency contact number

28. Employee qualifications should include Trainings

attended table with columns:
- Name, Topic, No. of days, Conducted by, Certified by

29. All teachers to be allowed to send SMS to students

30. Withheld status to be included in exam results and

parent should be alerted

31. Book status in library should include scrap and on


Reports 1. Admission
a. Admission Form
i. KG – sample 8
ii. Class 1 to 10 – sample 9
iii. Class 11 & 12 – sample 10
iv. Zahratul Khura – sample 11
v. Madrassa – sample 12
2. Student
a. TC – sample 5
b. Conduct Certificate – sample 3 and 6
c. Bonafide Certificate – sample 1
d. Migration Certificate – sample 1
e. Club certificate – sample 3
f. Fee certificate(Tax exemption) – sample 1 and 7
g. Arts and sports certificate – design template
h. Convocation certificate – design template
i. CCA Achievement certificate – design template
j. ID Card – design template
3. Employee
a. Appreciation letter – sample 3
b. Certificate of recognition – sample 2 (design
c. Experience certificate – sample 1
d. Training certificate – designed template
e. Relieving order – sample 1
f. Duty certificate – sample 3
g. Salary certificate – sample 1

Remarks Two companies to be handled

 Higher Secondary (11th and 12th STD) – Kerala State


This is accessed by students for manufacturing handicrafts under the guidance

of a trainer. This involves purchase of raw materials and manufacture of
finished goods.


 Purchase of raw materials

 Manufacturing of products
 Sales of products


Accounting and Finance: The module keeps the record of every

financial transaction done in the organization by creating journal entries
for every transaction. Multiple currency and multiple bank accounts can
be managed and different chart of accounts can be configured under
different account types. Various reports can be generated as per the user

Inventory Module: The stock managing operations of the organization is

done with this module. It keeps a track of various products, their
movement and updates the quantity with different units of
measurements. It helps in maintaining the stock register and generates
the stock reports in various formats as per the user requirement.
Purchase Module: The module helps in managing the purchase activities
in the organization. It manages purchase requests from various
departments and generates purchase orders after handling the approval
from various levels.

Point Of Sale: The module acts as a window for the product sale
operations handled in the institution. It allows multi user sessions
simultaneously from the same company.

Ticketing System: The module will allow you to handle the

service/maintenance request raised by any institution or department. It
also enables the user to track the status of the raised ticket anytime.

Manufacturing Module: This module provides the user with a complete

capability of managing manufacturing operations across the
organization. It covers everything from Sales
forecasting, Production planning, Material requirement planning,
Inventory management, Bill of Materials, Warehouse management, and
so on.

Employee Module: The module helps in managing the employee profile

in an organization and allows to group them under various departments
and to set the hierarchy. It also helps in the HR activities like Leave
management and employee attendance management.

Asset Management: The module keeps the record of various assets in

the organizations and helps in keeping records and distributing it within
the sub departments. It helps in standardizing the numbering procedure
by generating automatically generated sequence.



End User Users, Administrators

User 1. User should be able to handle the Manufacturing, Sales
Requirement and Purchase activities of the markaz handicraft training
Description centre.

2. Sale for each Student should get tracked

3. Should be able to handle the Inward and Outward


Report It is handled all kinds of reports


It is an industrial training institute under Markaz. It offers new generation

technical courses along with regular courses. The structure is similar that of
any educational institution.


 Registration of Student handled through both offline and online form.

 Admission process includes an interview for selection
 All accounting activities done after central office approval
 Sending alerts and reminders to the guardian regarding the student
 Book movement in library
 Maintaining the student profile which has the entire details of the
student education details.


Accounting And Finance: The module keeps the record of every financial
transaction done in the organization by creating journal entries for every
transaction. Multiple currency and multiple bank accounts can be managed
and different chart of accounts can be configured under different account
types. Various reports can be generated as per the user requirement.

User Management Module: This module enables providing access right for
users belonging to different hierarchy and limits the modules or feature they
have access to read, write, create and delete.
Hr And Payroll Module: The module helps in managing the employee
profile in an organization and allows to group them under various
departments and to set the hierarchy. It also helps in the HR activities like
Leave management, attendance management and payroll computation.
Payroll computation is done by maintaining various salary structures and
salary rules according to the organization’s preference.

Inventory Module: The stock managing operations of the organization is

done with this module. It keeps a track of various products, their movement
and updates the quantity with different units of measurements. It helps in
maintaining the stock register and generates the stock reports in various
formats as per the user requirement.

Purchase Module: The module helps in managing the purchase activities in

the organization. It manages purchase requests from various departments
and generates purchase orders after handling the approval from various

Point of Sale: The module acts as a window for the product sale operations
handled in the institution. It allows multi user sessions simultaneously from
the same company.

Document Management: The module is keeps a record of the physical as

well as digital documents in the organization. It tracks the movement of the
documents between various departments in the organization and also
enables attaching a digital copy of any physical record.

Student Module: It acts as a database and handles the entire information

of the student in the system. It has different tables which contains the
record of the student activities done through different modules. It also
contains various reports required during the student active session in the
academic year.

Hostel Module: The module aids in managing the activities in a hostel,

which includes room allocation, attendance and also the asset management
per room.

Library Module: This is a dedicated module operates with library function

which includes data management of books, authors and publishers. It also
allows issue, return and renewal of books to the users and manages late
fine charges.

Admission Module: Admission process to various institutions can be

managed by this module. It has different levels which can manage the
stages of admission and the form can be integrated with any website to
enable online application filling a fee payment.

Attendance Module: The module keeps the attendance of the users, by

managing registers. Reports can be generated in any format as per the user
requirements. It also enables integration with hardware like biometric and
RFID machines.
Time Table Module: This module helps in managing the timetable of the
educational institution by configuring the working days, subjects, classes
and other constraints in faculty allocation

Examination Module: This module deals with mark entry of an exam

conducted and generate the result according to the calculations and format
set. It can also print report cards and consolidated mark lists as per user

Transport Module: The module can keep and manage the data of every
transport vehicle associated with the institution. It can manage the driver
details, Refueling and maintenance history and the odometer readings
which enables the user to generate a graphical report at the end of the year
on the performance and efficiency of the vehicle.

Asset Management: The module keeps the record of various assets in the
organizations and helps in keeping records and distributing it within the
sub departments. It helps in standardizing the numbering procedure by
generating automatically generated sequence.

Front Office Management: This module assists in keeping the visitor logs,
track of received packages at the reception. It also helps in providing gate
pass for the visitors and a keep a track of every outsider who visits the
organization and their purpose.

Employee Module: The module helps in managing the employee profile in

an organization and allows to group them under various departments and to
set the hierarchy. It also helps in the HR activities like Leave management
and employee attendance management.

Ticketing System: The module will allow you to handle the

service/maintenance request raised by any institution or department. It also
enables the user to track the status of the raised ticket anytime.



End User Users, Administrators

User 1. Admission handled by management confirmed Students

Requirement will reflect in Student Profile
2. Student Profile should contains:
 Photo
 Place
 Election card No
 Name and Address
 Qualifying exam/Board/Year of passing with regn no
 Passport No
 Course
 Nationality, Caste, Mother Tongue
 Identifications Marks
 Aadhar Number
 Mothers name and father's name
 Telephone number, Mob number with Remarks
 Admission Number
 Attachment options

3.Monthly examination and student performance should be


4.Mobile App(Proposed)

5.Monthly attendance monitoring and report generation

6. Examination mark entry, report

7. Fee Management
- Fee should be generated for all students
- Discount will be given before and after fee generation
- Scholarship should be handled
- Staff student fee exemption shouldn’t be included in
normal fee journal

8. Workshop Stock management done both department

wise and as a whole

9. Library management

10. Certificate to be generated for new generation technical

courses under Markaz

11. Placement cell, operation monitoring

12. Clubs activities to be managed

Report It can handle all kinds of reports


It is an Arts and Science college under Markaz. It offers Under graduate as well
as post graduate courses. The structure is similar that of any educational
institution. Admission is done through governments CAP.


 Registration of Student handled through both offline and online form.

 Admission process includes an interview for selection
 All accounting activities done after central office approval
 Sending alerts and reminders to the guardian regarding the student
 Book movement in library
 Maintaining the student profile which has the entire details of the
student education details.

Accounting and Finance: The module keeps the record of every financial
transaction done in the organization by creating journal entries for every
transaction. Multiple currency and multiple bank accounts can be managed
and different chart of accounts can be configured under different account
types. Various reports can be generated as per the user requirement.

User Management Module: This module enables providing access right for
users belonging to different hierarchy and limits the modules or feature they
have access to read, write, create and delete.

HR And Payroll Module: The module helps in managing the employee

profile in an organization and allows to group them under various
departments and to set the hierarchy. It also helps in the HR activities like
Leave management, attendance management and payroll computation.
Payroll computation is done by maintaining various salary structures and
salary rules according to the organization’s preference.

Inventory Module: The stock managing operations of the organization is

done with this module. It keeps a track of various products, their movement
and updates the quantity with different units of measurements. It helps in
maintaining the stock register and generates the stock reports in various
formats as per the user requirement.

Purchase Module: The module helps in managing the purchase activities in

the organization. It manages purchase requests from various departments
and generates purchase orders after handling the approval from various

Point of Sale: The module acts as a window for the product sale operations
handled in the institution. It allows multi user sessions simultaneously from
the same company.

Document Management: The module is keeps a record of the physical as

well as digital documents in the organization. It tracks the movement of the
documents between various departments in the organization and also
enables attaching a digital copy of any physical record.
Student Module: It acts as a database and handles the entire information
of the student in the system. It has different tables which contains the
record of the student activities done through different modules. It also
contains various reports required during the student active session in the
academic year.

Library Module: This is a dedicated module operates with library function

which includes data management of books, authors and publishers. It also
allows issue, return and renewal of books to the users and manages late
fine charges.

Admission Module: Admission process to various institutions can be

managed by this module. It has different levels which can manage the
stages of admission and the form can be integrated with any website to
enable online application filling a fee payment.

Attendance Module: The module keeps the attendance of the users, by

managing registers. Reports can be generated in any format as per the user
requirements. It also enables integration with hardware like biometric and
RFID machines.

Time Table Module: This module helps in managing the timetable of the
educational institution by configuring the working days, subjects, classes
and other constraints in faculty allocation

Examination Module: This module deals with mark entry of an exam

conducted and generate the result according to the calculations and format
set. It can also print report cards and consolidated mark lists as per user

Transport Module: The module can keep and manage the data of every
transport vehicle associated with the institution. It can manage the driver
details, Refueling and maintenance history and the odometer readings
which enables the user to generate a graphical report at the end of the year
on the performance and efficiency of the vehicle.

Asset Management: The module keeps the record of various assets in the
organizations and helps in keeping records and distributing it within the
sub departments. It helps in standardizing the numbering procedure by
generating automatically generated sequence.
Front Office Management: This module assists in keeping the visitor logs,
track of received packages at the reception. It also helps in providing gate
pass for the visitors and a keep a track of every outsider who visits the
organization and their purpose.

Employee Module: The module helps in managing the employee profile in

an organization and allows to group them under various departments and to
set the hierarchy. It also helps in the HR activities like Leave management
and employee attendance management.

Ticketing System: The module will allow you to handle the

service/maintenance request raised by any institution or department. It also
enables the user to track the status of the raised ticket anytime.

Hostel Module: The module aids in managing the activities in a hostel,

which includes room allocation, attendance and also the asset management
per room.



End User Users, Administrators

User 1. Admission handled by both government and management. confirmed

Requirement Students will reflect in Student Profile

2. Should have a provision to set cutoff marks while allotting seat for a
student in management quota.

3. Student Profile should contains:

· Photo
· Place
· CAP Reg. No.
· Name and Address
· Qualifying exam/Board/Year of passing with regn no
· University CAP ID
· Course
· Nationality, Caste, Mother Tongue
· Identifications Marks
· Aadhar Number
· Mothers name and father's name
· Telephone number, Mob number with Remarks column
· Admission Number
· Attachment options
4.Attendance System(Attendance taken hourly) and reports generated
on a daily/monthly/hourly basis

5.Mobile App(Proposed)

6. Handling the Students Examination

7. Examination mark entry, report

8. Fee Management

- Fee should be generated for all students

- Discount will be given before and after fee generation
- Scholarship should be handled
- Staff student fee exemption shouldn’t be included in normal fee

9. Event management

10. Library management

11. Laboratory stock management

12. Payroll management

13. Asset management

Report It can handle all kinds of reports



It is a skill development and training institute under Markaz. It offers Regular

courses as well as seasonal workshops. Both government registered courses
and other private courses are offered here. IHRAM also offers counseling

 Registration of user handled through both offline and online form.

 All accounting activities done after central office approval
 Maintaining the student profile which has the entire details of the
student course details.


Accounting and Finance: The module keeps the record of every financial
transaction done in the organization by creating journal entries for every
transaction. Multiple currency and multiple bank accounts can be managed
and different chart of accounts can be configured under different account
types. Various reports can be generated as per the user requirement.

User Management Module: This module enables providing access right for
users belonging to different hierarchy and limits the modules or feature they
have access to read, write, create and delete.

HR and Payroll Module: The module helps in managing the employee

profile in an organization and allows to group them under various
departments and to set the hierarchy. It also helps in the HR activities like
Leave management, attendance management and payroll computation.
Payroll computation is done by maintaining various salary structures and
salary rules according to the organization’s preference.

Purchase Module: The module helps in managing the purchase activities in

the organization. It manages purchase requests from various departments
and generates purchase orders after handling the approval from various

Document Management: The module is keeps a record of the physical as

well as digital documents in the organization. It tracks the movement of the
documents between various departments in the organization and also
enables attaching a digital copy of any physical record.

Student Module: It acts as a database and handles the entire information

of the student in the system. It has different tables which contains the
record of the student activities done through different modules. It also
contains various reports required during the student active session in the
academic year.

Library Module: This is a dedicated module operates with library function

which includes data management of books, authors and publishers. It also
allows issue, return and renewal of books to the users and manages late
fine charges.

Admission Module: Admission process to various institutions can be

managed by this module. It has different levels which can manage the
stages of admission and the form can be integrated with any website to
enable online application filling a fee payment.

Asset Management: The module keeps the record of various assets in the
organizations and helps in keeping records and distributing it within the
sub departments. It helps in standardizing the numbering procedure by
generating automatically generated sequence.

Front Office Management: This module assists in keeping the visitor logs,
track of received packages at the reception. It also helps in providing gate
pass for the visitors and a keep a track of every outsider who visits the
organization and their purpose.

Employee Module: The module helps in managing the employee profile in

an organization and allows to group them under various departments and to
set the hierarchy. It also helps in the HR activities like Leave management
and employee attendance management.

Ticketing System: The module will allow you to handle the

service/maintenance request raised by any institution or department. It also
enables the user to track the status of the raised ticket anytime.

End User Users, Administrators

User 1. Admission handled by management during anytime of the year

Description 2. Should manage short term and long term courses which are hourly

3. Student Profile should contains –

· Photo
· Place
· Reg no
· Name and Address
· Profession
· Reference
· Course
· Nationality, Caste, Mother Tongue
· Aadhar Number
· Mothers name and father’s name
· Telephone number, Mob number with Remarks column
· Admission Number
· Attachment options
4.Class schedule for a batch/student should be monitored

5.Should manage appointment of teaching faculty in both permanent

or Hourly wage basis

6. Fee Management

- Fee should be generated for all students

- Discount will be given for Markaz students and staff

7. Purchase and asset management with approval from HO

8. Library management
9. Certificate to be generated for courses from the ERP
10. Counseling is a separate entity with fees collected based on
number of sittings.
11. Events management
12. Course attendees record should be kept for giving alerts and
notification about new courses or events

Reports It can handle all kinds of reports


It is an institute offer Islamic Shariya courses only for girls, Hadiya Shariya,
Hadiya Higher Secondary, Hadiya Diploma. The institution structure is similar
that of educational institution. It is affiliated under AWIS (Academy of Women’s
studies and Islamic Sciences.


 Registration of Student handled through both offline and online form.

 Admission process includes an interview for selection
 All accounting activities done after central office approval
 Sending alerts and reminders to the guardian regarding the student
 Book movement in library
 Maintaining the student profile which has the entire details of the
student education details.


Accounting and Finance: The module keeps the record of every financial
transaction done in the organization by creating journal entries for every
transaction. Multiple currency and multiple bank accounts can be managed
and different chart of accounts can be configured under different account
types. Various reports can be generated as per the user requirement.

User Management Module: This module enables providing access right for
users belonging to different hierarchy and limits the modules or feature they
have access to read, write, create and delete.

HR and Payroll Module: The module helps in managing the employee

profile in an organization and allows to group them under various
departments and to set the hierarchy. It also helps in the HR activities like
Leave management, attendance management and payroll computation.
Payroll computation is done by maintaining various salary structures and
salary rules according to the organization’s preference.

Inventory Module: The stock managing operations of the organization is

done with this module. It keeps a track of various products, their movement
and updates the quantity with different units of measurements. It helps in
maintaining the stock register and generates the stock reports in various
formats as per the user requirement.

Purchase Module: The module helps in managing the purchase activities in

the organization. It manages purchase requests from various departments
and generates purchase orders after handling the approval from various

Point Of Sale: The module acts as a window for the product sale operations
handled in the institution. It allows multi user sessions simultaneously from
the same company.

Document Management: The module is keeps a record of the physical as

well as digital documents in the organization. It tracks the movement of the
documents between various departments in the organization and also
enables attaching a digital copy of any physical record.

Student Module: It acts as a database and handles the entire information

of the student in the system. It has different tables which contains the
record of the student activities done through different modules. It also
contains various reports required during the student active session in the
academic year.

Library Module: This is a dedicated module operates with library function

which includes data management of books, authors and publishers. It also
allows issue, return and renewal of books to the users and manages late
fine charges.

Admission Module: Admission process to various institutions can be

managed by this module. It has different levels which can manage the
stages of admission and the form can be integrated with any website to
enable online application filling a fee payment.

Attendance Module: The module keeps the attendance of the users, by

managing registers. Reports can be generated in any format as per the user
requirements. It also enables integration with hardware like biometric and
RFID machines.
Time Table Module: This module helps in managing the timetable of the
educational institution by configuring the working days, subjects, classes
and other constraints in faculty allocation

Examination Module: This module deals with mark entry of an exam

conducted and generate the result according to the calculations and format
set. It can also print report cards and consolidated mark lists as per user

Hostel Module: The module aids in managing the activities in a hostel,

which includes room allocation, attendance and also the asset management
per room.

Asset Management: The module keeps the record of various assets in the
organizations and helps in keeping records and distributing it within the
sub departments. It helps in standardizing the numbering procedure by
generating automatically generated sequence.

Front Office Management: This module assists in keeping the visitor logs,
track of received packages at the reception. It also helps in providing gate
pass for the visitors and a keep a track of every outsider who visits the
organization and their purpose.

Employee Module: The module helps in managing the employee profile in

an organization and allows to group them under various departments and to
set the hierarchy. It also helps in the HR activities like Leave management
and employee attendance management.

Ticketing System: The module will allow you to handle the

service/maintenance request raised by any institution or department. It also
enables the user to track the status of the raised ticket anytime.


User fills Data directly stored in

the If Online
DB in draft form and
will be confirmed later
by administrator

If Offline

Data verified Interview call letters given

manually and to selected students
entered into the DB
after confirmation

After Interview Process

Selected students data is

confirmed and student
enrolled in the institution.



End User Users, Administrators

User 1. Admission handled by management confirmed Students will reflect in

Requirement Student Profile
Description An Entrance exam will be conducted for selection process
Application fee for online registration
2. Student Profile should contains –
· Photo
· Place
· Election card No
· Name and Address
· Qualifying exam/Board/Year of passing with regn no
· Passport No
· Course
· Nationality, Caste, Mother Tongue
· Identifications Marks
· Aadhar Number
· Mothers name and father's name
· Telephone number, Mob number with Remarks column
· Admission Number
· Attachment options
3.Monthly examination and student performance should be monitored
4.Monthly attendance monitoring and report generation
5. Examination mark entry, report
6. Fee Management
- Fee should be generated for all students
- Fee should be generated in three terms
- Discount will be given takaful students
9. Library management
10.POS Stock management
11.Inventory and asset management
12. Attendance Management.
13.Addon courses
- Diploma in islamic shariya 1yr
- PPTTC , eligibility +2
14.Certificate generation
15.Biometric integration for employees and (for students proposed)
OTP facility for parents verification
16. Mobile Portal
17.ID Generation, Timetable Generation
18.Academic Calendar and event planning

Reports It can handle all kinds of reports


It is an institute offer Islamic Shariya courses only for girls, Hadiya Shariya,
Hadiya Higher Secondary, Hadiya Diploma. The institution structure is similar
that of a university. The member institutions register at AWIS for affiliation
which is given after various inspections


 Registration of a member institute for affiliation handled through both

offline and online form.
 Fee collected from the member institute is accounted.
 All accounting activities done after central office approval
 Sending alerts and reminders to the institutions regarding examination
and result
 Maintaining the student profile which has the entire details of the
student education details.


Accounting and Finance: The module keeps the record of every financial
transaction done in the organization by creating journal entries for every
transaction. Multiple currency and multiple bank accounts can be managed
and different chart of accounts can be configured under different account
types. Various reports can be generated as per the user requirement.

User Management Module: This module enables providing access right for
users belonging to different hierarchy and limits the modules or feature they
have access to read, write, create and delete.

HR and Payroll Module: The module helps in managing the employee

profile in an organization and allows to group them under various
departments and to set the hierarchy. It also helps in the HR activities like
Leave management, attendance management and payroll computation.
Payroll computation is done by maintaining various salary structures and
salary rules according to the organization’s preference.

Registration Module: The module is used by the member institutions to

register for affiliations.
Purchase Module: The module helps in managing the purchase activities in
the organization. It manages purchase requests from various departments
and generates purchase orders after handling the approval from various

Document Management: The module is keeps a record of the physical as

well as digital documents in the organization. It tracks the movement of the
documents between various departments in the organization and also
enables attaching a digital copy of any physical record.

Student Module: It acts as a database and handles the entire information

of the student in the system. It has different tables which contains the
record of the student activities done through different modules. It also
contains various reports required during the student active session in the
academic year.

Admission Module: Admission process to various institutions can be

managed by this module. It has different levels which can manage the
stages of admission and the form can be integrated with any website to
enable online application filling a fee payment.

Examination Module: This module deals with mark entry of an exam

conducted and generate the result according to the calculations and format
set. It can also print report cards and consolidated mark lists as per user

Asset Management: The module keeps the record of various assets in the
organizations and helps in keeping records and distributing it within the
sub departments. It helps in standardizing the numbering procedure by
generating automatically generated sequence.

Front Office Management: This module assists in keeping the visitor logs,
track of received packages at the reception. It also helps in providing gate
pass for the visitors and a keep a track of every outsider who visits the
organization and their purpose.

Employee Module: The module helps in managing the employee profile in

an organization and allows to group them under various departments and to
set the hierarchy. It also helps in the HR activities like Leave management
and employee attendance management.

Ticketing System: The module will allow you to handle the

service/maintenance request raised by any institution or department. It also
enables the user to track the status of the raised ticket anytime.



User fills Data directly stored in

the DB in draft form and
If Online
registration will be confirmed later
by administrator

If Offline Representatives visit the

school for inspection and
verify whether the
Data verified
standards specified are
manually and
entered into the DB
after confirmation

Scheduled for After

If rejected
second inspection. inspection

If approved

Stop Approved and

affiliation awarded


End User Users, Administrators

User 1. Affiliation for hadiya centers can be handled using online application
Requirement form
Description Students data should be integrated
2. Student Profile should contains –
· Photo
· Place
· Election card No
· Name and Address
· Qualifying exam/Board/Year of passing with regn no
· Passport No
· Course
· Nationality, Caste, Mother Tongue
· Identifications Marks
· Aadhar Number
· Mothers name and father's name
· Telephone number, Mob number with Remarks column
· Admission Number
· Attachment options
3.Accounts Management
4.Payroll for employees
5.Can able to print question papers
6.Monthly examination and student performance should be monitored
7.Monthly attendance monitoring and report generation
8. Examination mark entry, report
9. Fee Management
- Affiliation Fee should be generated for all centers
10.Certificate generation
11.Inspection checklist should be handled
12.Stock management and Asset management
13. Teachers planner.

Reports It can handle all kinds of reports



It is an more like a hostel for girls studying in various schools under Markaz.
Islamic moral education is provided for resident students. It also has Madrasa
for girls

 Admission to hostel through application

 Hostel fee management
 All accounting activities done after central office approval
 Sending alerts and reminders to the guardian
 Maintaining the student profile which has the entire details of the
student education details.
 Handling inward and outward passes


Accounting and Finance: The module keeps the record of every financial
transaction done in the organization by creating journal entries for every
transaction. Multiple currency and multiple bank accounts can be managed
and different chart of accounts can be configured under different account
types. Various reports can be generated as per the user requirement.

User Management Module: This module enables providing access right for
users belonging to different hierarchy and limits the modules or feature they
have access to read, write, create and delete.

HR and Payroll Module: The module helps in managing the employee

profile in an organization and allows to group them under various
departments and to set the hierarchy. It also helps in the HR activities like
Leave management, attendance management and payroll computation.
Payroll computation is done by maintaining various salary structures and
salary rules according to the organization’s preference.

Registration Module: The module is used by the member institutions to

register for affiliations.

Purchase Module: The module helps in managing the purchase activities in

the organization. It manages purchase requests from various departments
and generates purchase orders after handling the approval from various
Document Management: The module is keeps a record of the physical as
well as digital documents in the organization. It tracks the movement of the
documents between various departments in the organization and also
enables attaching a digital copy of any physical record.

Student Module: It acts as a database and handles the entire information

of the student in the system. It has different tables which contains the
record of the student activities done through different modules. It also
contains various reports required during the student active session in the
academic year.

Admission Module: Admission process to various institutions can be

managed by this module. It has different levels which can manage the
stages of admission and the form can be integrated with any website to
enable online application filling a fee payment.

Examination Module: This module deals with mark entry of an exam

conducted and generate the result according to the calculations and format
set. It can also print report cards and consolidated mark lists as per user

Asset Management: The module keeps the record of various assets in the
organizations and helps in keeping records and distributing it within the
sub departments. It helps in standardizing the numbering procedure by
generating automatically generated sequence.

Front Office Management: This module assists in keeping the visitor logs,
track of received packages at the reception. It also helps in providing gate
pass for the visitors and a keep a track of every outsider who visits the
organization and their purpose.

Employee Module: The module helps in managing the employee profile in

an organization and allows to group them under various departments and to
set the hierarchy. It also helps in the HR activities like Leave management
and employee attendance management.
Ticketing System: The module will allow you to handle the
service/maintenance request raised by any institution or department. It also
enables the user to track the status of the raised ticket anytime.
Hostel Module: The module aids in managing the activities in a hostel,
which includes room allocation, attendance and also the asset management
per room.

Kitchen Module: The module helps in managing the activities in kitchen

which includes, daily materials purchase, stock updating, manufacturing of
requested products and employee wage management.

Inventory Module: The stock managing operations of the organization is

done with this module. It keeps a track of various products, their movement
and updates the quantity with different units of measurements. It helps in
maintaining the stock register and generate the stock reports in various
formats as per the user requirement.



End User Users, Administrators

User 1. User should be able to handle the income and purchase activities of
Requirement the markaz banath.
Description 2. Stock management
3. Hostel Fees management
3. Should be able to manage assets
4. Islamic moral classes conducted for resident students.
5.Exam conducted according to the madrasa
6.Special tuition classes conducted with fees
7.Hostel inward and outward register for handling passes
8.Medical expense should be handled

Reports It can handle all kinds of reports


It is a Kerala state School under Markaz. The organization includes student

management, academics, fees management, administration and other activities


 Registration of Student handled through both offline and online form.

 Admission process includes an interview for selection
 All accounting activities done after central office approval
 Sending alerts and reminders to the guardian regarding the student
 Book movement in library
 Maintaining the student profile which has the entire details of the
student education details.


Accounting and Finance: The module keeps the record of every financial
transaction done in the organization by creating journal entries for every
transaction. Multiple currency and multiple bank accounts can be managed
and different chart of accounts can be configured under different account
types. Various reports can be generated as per the user requirement.

User Management Module: This module enables providing access right for
users belonging to different hierarchy and limits the modules or feature they
have access to read, write, create and delete.

HR and Payroll Module: The module helps in managing the employee

profile in an organization and allows to group them under various
departments and to set the hierarchy. It also helps in the HR activities like
Leave management, attendance management and payroll computation.
Payroll computation is done by maintaining various salary structures and
salary rules according to the organization’s preference.

Inventory Module: The stock managing operations of the organization is

done with this module. It keeps a track of various products, their movement
and updates the quantity with different units of measurements. It helps in
maintaining the stock register and generates the stock reports in various
formats as per the user requirement.
Purchase Module: The module helps in managing the purchase activities in
the organization. It manages purchase requests from various departments
and generates purchase orders after handling the approval from various

Point of Sale: The module acts as a window for the product sale operations
handled in the institution. It allows multi user sessions simultaneously from
the same company.

Document Management: The module is keeps a record of the physical as

well as digital documents in the organization. It tracks the movement of the
documents between various departments in the organization and also
enables attaching a digital copy of any physical record.

Student Module: It acts as a database and handles the entire information

of the student in the system. It has different tables which contains the
record of the student activities done through different modules. It also
contains various reports required during the student active session in the
academic year.

Hostel Module: The module aids in managing the activities in a hostel,

which includes room allocation, attendance and also the asset management
per room.

Library Module: This is a dedicated module operates with library function

which includes data management of books, authors and publishers. It also
allows issue, return and renewal of books to the users and manages late
fine charges.

Admission Module: Admission process to various institutions can be

managed by this module. It has different levels which can manage the
stages of admission and the form can be integrated with any website to
enable online application filling a fee payment.

Attendance Module: The module keeps the attendance of the users, by

managing registers. Reports can be generated in any format as per the user
requirements. It also enables integration with hardware like biometric and
RFID machines.
Time Table Module: This module helps in managing the timetable of the
educational institution by configuring the working days, subjects, classes
and other constraints in faculty allocation

Examination Module: This module deals with mark entry of an exam

conducted and generate the result according to the calculations and format
set. It can also print report cards and consolidated mark lists as per user

Transport Module: The module can keep and manage the data of every
transport vehicle associated with the institution. It can manage the driver
details, Refueling and maintenance history and the odometer readings
which enables the user to generate a graphical report at the end of the year
on the performance and efficiency of the vehicle.

Asset Management: The module keeps the record of various assets in the
organizations and helps in keeping records and distributing it within the
sub departments. It helps in standardizing the numbering procedure by
generating automatically generated sequence.

Front Office Management: This module assists in keeping the visitor logs,
track of received packages at the reception. It also helps in providing gate
pass for the visitors and a keep a track of every outsider who visits the
organization and their purpose.

Employee Module: The module helps in managing the employee profile in

an organization and allows to group them under various departments and to
set the hierarchy. It also helps in the HR activities like Leave management
and employee attendance management.

Ticketing System: The module will allow you to handle the

service/maintenance request raised by any institution or department. It also
enables the user to track the status of the raised ticket anytime.


User fills Data directly stored in

the If Online DB in draft form and
admission will be confirmed later
by administrator

If Offline

Selected students data is

Data verified confirmed and student
manually and enrolled in the institution.
entered into the DB
after confirmation



Enter Book Accession


Book If Issued/Lost Book not available, enter
Status another number

If Book Available

details. Book issued



Enter Student/Faculty

Check If No issued books

Books Display “No issued books”

If there are issued


Check  Status changed to

return or If Return
 Fine generated and
invoice created, if any

If Renewal

 Return date changed to the newly

entered date Stop


End User Users, Administrators

User 1. Admission process contains an eligibility test, offline and online

Requirement application form
Description 2. Student Profile should contains –
· Photo
· Place
· Election card No
· Name and Address
· Qualifying exam/Board/Year of passing with regn no
· Passport No
· Course
· Nationality, Caste, Mother Tongue
· Identifications Marks
· Aadhar Number
· Mothers name and father's name
· Telephone number, Mob number with Remarks column
· Admission Number
· Attachment options
3. Accounts Management
- Daily collection report
- Scholarships, Discount, Concessions
4.Library management
5.Can able to print question papers
6.Monthly examination and student performance should be monitored
7.Monthly attendance monitoring and report generation
8. Examination mark entry, report
- Extracurricular activity should be handled
- Madrasa exams should be handled
9. Fee Management
- PTA fees can be handled separately
10.Certificate generation
11.Store management and Asset management
12.Transport Management
13.Smart alerts
14.HR and Payroll
15.Academic calendar
16.Timetable generation with staff substitute allocation
17.Biometric Integration

Reports It can handle all kinds of reports


It is an institute providing Quran studies for students with hostel facility. It

includes Quran memorization course.


 Admission process includes an interview for selection

 Hostel fee management
 All accounting activities done after central office approval
 Sending alerts and reminders to the guardian
 Maintaining the student profile which has the entire details of the
student education details.
 Handling inward and outward passes


Accounting and Finance: The module keeps the record of every financial
transaction done in the organization by creating journal entries for every
transaction. Multiple currency and multiple bank accounts can be managed
and different chart of accounts can be configured under different account
types. Various reports can be generated as per the user requirement.

User Management Module: This module enables providing access right for
users belonging to different hierarchy and limits the modules or feature they
have access to read, write, create and delete.

Purchase Module: The module helps in managing the purchase activities in

the organization. It manages purchase requests from various departments
and generates purchase orders after handling the approval from various

Document Management: The module is keeps a record of the physical as

well as digital documents in the organization. It tracks the movement of the
documents between various departments in the organization and also
enables attaching a digital copy of any physical record.

Student Module: It acts as a database and handles the entire information

of the student in the system. It has different tables which contains the
record of the student activities done through different modules. It also
contains various reports required during the student active session in the
academic year.

Admission Module: Admission process to various institutions can be

managed by this module. It has different levels which can manage the
stages of admission and the form can be integrated with any website to
enable online application filling a fee payment.

Examination Module: This module deals with mark entry of an exam

conducted and generate the result according to the calculations and format
set. It can also print report cards and consolidated mark lists as per user

Asset Management: The module keeps the record of various assets in the
organizations and helps in keeping records and distributing it within the
sub departments. It helps in standardizing the numbering procedure by
generating automatically generated sequence.

Front Office Management: This module assists in keeping the visitor logs,
track of received packages at the reception. It also helps in providing gate
pass for the visitors and a keep a track of every outsider who visits the
organization and their purpose.

Employee Module: The module helps in managing the employee profile in

an organization and allows to group them under various departments and to
set the hierarchy. It also helps in the HR activities like Leave management
and employee attendance management.
Hostel Module: The module aids in managing the activities in a hostel,
which includes room allocation, attendance and also the asset management
per room.

Ticketing System: The module will allow you to handle the

service/maintenance request raised by any institution or department. It also
enables the user to track the status of the raised ticket anytime.

Inventory Module: The stock managing operations of the organization is

done with this module. It keeps a track of various products, their movement
and updates the quantity with different units of measurements. It helps in
maintaining the stock register and generates the stock reports in various
formats as per the user requirement.


User fills Data directly stored in

the If Online DB in draft form and
admission will be confirmed later
by administrator

If Offline

Data verified Interview call letters given

manually and to selected students
entered into the DB
after confirmation

After Interview Process

Selected students data is

confirmed and student
enrolled in the institution.



End User Users, Administrators

User 1.Admission of students

Requirement - Application fee is optional
Description - Eligibility test(oral)
- Markaz students only allowed
- Students must use hostel facilities for this studies
- No fees will be collected from students
2. User should be handle the student profile and attendance
2. Asset management
3. Hostel Fees management
4.Oral Exams conducted according to the madrasa
5.Special tuition classes conducted with fees
6.Hostel inward and outward register for handling passes
7.Medical expense should be handled
8.More like zaitun valley
- Main income from donations
- HR and payroll managed completely by markaz central office
9. Alerts Management
10.ID Card generation
11.Academic Calendar
12.Club management
13.Events Management
14.Library Management

Reports It can handle all kinds of reports


This institute is meant to provide Islamic studies, high school education and
graduation for poor and orphan student from Kashmir and other northern
states of the Country.


 Registration of Student handled through both offline and online form.

 Admission process includes written test and interview for selection
 Accounting involves income in the term of donations
 Sending alerts and reminders to the guardian regarding the student
 Hostel management
 Maintaining the student profile which has the entire details of the
student and both their modern and Islamic education details.


Accounting and Finance: The module keeps the record of every financial
transaction done in the organization by creating journal entries for every
transaction. Multiple currency and multiple bank accounts can be managed
and different chart of accounts can be configured under different account
types. Various reports can be generated as per the user requirement.

User Management Module: This module enables providing access right for
users belonging to different hierarchy and limits the modules or feature they
have access to read, write, create and delete.

Purchase Module: The module helps in managing the purchase activities in

the organization. It manages purchase requests from various departments
and generates purchase orders after handling the approval from various

Document Management: The module is keeps a record of the physical as

well as digital documents in the organization. It tracks the movement of the
documents between various departments in the organization and also
enables attaching a digital copy of any physical record.
Student Module: It acts as a database and handles the entire information
of the student in the system. It has different tables which contains the
record of the student activities done through different modules. It also
contains various reports required during the student active session in the
academic year.

Admission Module: Admission process to various institutions can be

managed by this module. It has different levels which can manage the
stages of admission and the form can be integrated with any website to
enable online application filling a fee payment.

Examination Module: This module deals with mark entry of an exam

conducted and generate the result according to the calculations and format
set. It can also print report cards and consolidated mark lists as per user

Asset Management: The module keeps the record of various assets in the
organizations and helps in keeping records and distributing it within the
sub departments. It helps in standardizing the numbering procedure by
generating automatically generated sequence.

front office management: This module assists in keeping the visitor logs,
track of received packages at the reception. It also helps in providing gate
pass for the visitors and a keep a track of every outsider who visits the
organization and their purpose.

Employee Module: The module helps in managing the employee profile in

an organization and allows to group them under various departments and to
set the hierarchy. It also helps in the HR activities like Leave management
and employee attendance management.

Hostel Module: The module aids in managing the activities in a hostel,

which includes room allocation, attendance and also the asset management
per room.

Ticketing System: The module will allow you to handle the

service/maintenance request raised by any institution or department. It also
enables the user to track the status of the raised ticket anytime.
Inventory Module: The stock managing operations of the organization is
done with this module. It keeps a track of various products, their

movement and updates the quantity with different units of measurements.

It helps in maintaining the stock register and generates the stock reports in
various formats as per the user requirement.



Data directly stored in

User fills DB in draft form and
the If Online will be confirmed later
by administrator
n form

If Offline

Data verified Students selected after

manually and written tests and interview
entered into the DB
after confirmation

After Interview Process

Selected students data is

confirmed and student
enrolled in the institution.


End User Users, Administrators

User 1.Admission of students

Requirement - Admission processed for selected students from markaz
Description kashmir schools
- Eligibility test (Written and Oral)
- Students from markaz kashmir schools having more preference
- Students must use hostel facilities for these studies
- No fees will be collected from students
- Annual contract agreement for kashmir students
2. User should be handle the student profile and attendance
3. Asset management
4. Hostel management
5.Special tuition classes conducted with fees
6.Hostel inward and outward register for handling pass
7.Food arranged for students from Rayhan Valley
8.Medical expense handled from emirates home itself
- Main income from donations
- HR and payroll managed completely by markaz central office
10. Alerts Management
11.ID Card generation
12.Academic Calendar
13.Club management
14.Events Management
15.Library Management
16.Alumni Management
17.Room Management

Report It can handle all kinds of reports


Under gulf desk management committee are formed, these committees

are mostly outside India in gulf countries
Those committee should be handled
Monitor their activities
Should create new member in committee


1. ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE: The module keeps the record of every
financial transaction done in the organization by creating journal entries for
every transaction. Multiple currency and multiple bank accounts can be
managed and different chart of accounts can be configured under different
account types. Various reports can be generated as per the user

2. USER MANAGEMENT MODULE: This module enables providing access

right for users belonging to different hierarchy and limits the modules or
feature they have access to read, write, create and delete.

3. PURCHASE MODULE: The module helps in managing the purchase

activities in the organization. It manages purchase requests from various
departments and generates purchase orders after handling the approval
from various levels.

4. DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT: The module is keeps a record of the physical

as well as digital documents in the organization. It tracks the movement of
the documents between various departments in the organization and also
enables attaching a digital copy of any physical record.

5. REGISTRATION MODULE: The module will be custom made as per the

requirement of the Gulf desk office.

6. FRONT OFFICE MANAGEMENT: This module assists in keeping the visitor

logs, track of received packages at the reception. It also helps in providing
gate pass for the visitors and a keep a track of every outsider who visits the
organization and their purpose.

7. EMPLOYEE MODULE: The module helps in managing the employee profile

in an organization and allows to group them under various departments and
to set the hierarchy. It also helps in the HR activities like Leave
management and employee attendance management.

8. TICKETING SYSTEM: The module will allow you to handle the

service/maintenance request raised by any institution or department. It also
enables the user to track the status of the raised ticket anytime.

9. INVENTORY MODULE: The stock managing operations of the organization

is done with this module. It keeps a track of various products, their
movement and updates the quantity with different units of measurements.
It helps in maintaining the stock register and generates the stock reports in
various formats as per the user requirement.

10. MAIL MANAGEMENT MODULE: The module helps in sending mails to

targeted groups within the database. The user gets accurate and real-time
statistics on every email sent out.

11. EVENT MANAGEMENT MODULE: This module helps in creating events

in an organization, allocate the services to different users and it is fully
integrated with other modules to make the process easier.

12. PROJECT MANAGEMENT: The module assists in keeping track of the

updates and managing the details of a project. It enables to assign tasks to
multiple users, monitor the timesheet and thereby generate a detail report
on the productivity of the employees as well as status of the project.



End User Users, Administrators

User Requirement 1. User Management

Description 2. User should able to create members and monitor their activities
3. Front desk management for NRI Malayali visits to central office
4. Fields to add in IN-OUT register
5. Name, Place, Mobile, Gulf Area, Gulf Mobile, Email
6. Acknowledgement mail should generate automatically should be
7. Multi language format should be used
8. Event Management
9. Project Management
10. Purchase handled using a request form that should be handled.
11. Stock Management.

Report It can handle all kinds of reports


The entire purchase in Markaz in monitored and managed by Central purchase

department. The member institutions can make a purchase only after multiple
levels of approvals by the Purchase department


 Request for a new purchase

 Call for quotations
 Sorting the quotations received and generating purchase order
 Quantity update at warehouse location after quality check.


ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE: The module keeps the record of every

financial transaction done in the organization by creating journal entries for
every transaction. Multiple currency and multiple bank accounts can be
managed and different chart of accounts can be configured under different
account types. Various reports can be generated as per the user

USER MANAGEMENT MODULE: This module enables providing access

right for users belonging to different hierarchy and limits the modules or
feature they have access to read, write, create and delete.

PURCHASE MODULE: The module helps in managing the purchase

activities in the organization. It manages purchase requests from various
departments and generates purchase orders after handling the approval
from various levels.

DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT: The module is keeps a record of the physical

as well as digital documents in the organization. It tracks the movement of
the documents between various departments in the organization and also
enables attaching a digital copy of any physical record.

ASSET MANAGEMENT: The module keeps the record of various assets in

the organizations and helps in keeping records and distributing it within the
sub departments. It helps in standardizing the numbering procedure by
generating automatically generated sequence.
FRONT OFFICE MANAGEMENT: This module assists in keeping the visitor
logs, track of received packages at the reception. It also helps in providing
gate pass for the visitors and a keep a track of every outsider who visits the
organization and their purpose.

EMPLOYEE MODULE: The module helps in managing the employee profile

in an organization and allows to group them under various departments and
to set the hierarchy. It also helps in the HR activities like Leave
management and employee attendance management.

TICKETING SYSTEM: The module will allow you to handle the

service/maintenance request raised by any institution or department. It also
enables the user to track the status of the raised ticket anytime.

INVENTORY MODULE: The stock managing operations of the organization

is done with this module. It keeps a track of various products, their
movement and updates the quantity with different units of measurements.
It helps in maintaining the stock register and generates the stock reports in
various formats as per the user requirement.




Submits the invoice


Accountant verifies and

generates bills

Releases payment as
per the payment terms Stop


User sent Request for Purchase to

AGM for approval

Assistant General

AGM Verifies Request for

Purchase and approve

Central Purchase

Checks the If request purchase

is in stock Allocates the
product to requested
purchase in

If request purchase
is not in stock

Sent Request for

quotation to the Stop
Generation of Purchase order



Sent quotations
for the Req.

Central Purchase
Department If AGM rejects

Selected the best

quotation and sent to
AGM for approval

AGM Office

If AGM approves

Purchase order




Sent requested

If Recvd. Qty/Qty does not matches
with the Reqsd, sends back to


If {Recvd. Qty/Qlty is
matches with the

Product updated
in stock

Use Case Analysis

End User Users, Administrators

User 1. Purchase Management

Requirement 2. Inventory management
Description 3. Amount criteria should be managed for the way of
For eg 10000 above should be handed through purchase
3. Tender process should initiate by purchase office and
final approval from AGM office.
4.Quotation Management for vendors
5.Bill generation
6.Purchase good verification access
7.Voucher generation

Report It can handle all kind of reports


It is an Islamic studies college which has the university structure and comes
under MKC. It includes hostel facility


 Registration of Student handled through both offline and online form.

 Admission process includes an interview for selection
 All accounting activities done after central office approval
 Sending alerts and reminders to the guardian regarding the student
 Book movement in library
 Maintaining the student profile which has the entire details of the
student education details.

1. ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE: The module keeps the record of every

financial transaction done in the organization by creating journal entries for
every transaction. Multiple currency and multiple bank accounts can be
managed and different chart of accounts can be configured under different
account types. Various reports can be generated as per the user

2. USER MANAGEMENT MODULE: This module enables providing access

right for users belonging to different hierarchy and limits the modules or
feature they have access to read, write, create and delete.

3. HR AND PAYROLL MODULE: The module helps in managing the employee

profile in an organization and allows to group them under various
departments and to set the hierarchy. It also helps in the HR activities like
Leave management, attendance management and payroll computation.
Payroll computation is done by maintaining various salary structures and
salary rules according to the organization’s preference.

4. INVENTORY MODULE: The stock managing operations of the organization

is done with this module. It keeps a track of various products, their
movement and updates the quantity with different units of measurements.
It helps in maintaining the stock register and generate the stock reports in
various formats as per the user requirement.

5. PURCHASE MODULE: The module helps in managing the purchase

activities in the organization. It manages purchase requests from various
departments and generates purchase orders after handling the approval
from various levels.

6. POINT OF SALE: The module acts as a window for the product sale
operations handled in the institution. It allows multi user sessions
simultaneously from the same company.

7. DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT: The module is keeps a record of the physical

as well as digital documents in the organization. It tracks the movement of
the documents between various departments in the organization and also
enables attaching a digital copy of any physical record.
8. STUDENT MODULE: It acts as a database and handles the entire
information of the student in the system. It has different tables which
contains the record of the student activities done through different modules.
It also contains various reports required during the student active session in
the academic year.

9. LIBRARY MODULE: This is a dedicated module operates with library

function which includes data management of books, authors and
publishers. It also allows issue, return and renewal of books to the users
and manages late fine charges.

10. ADMISSION MODULE: Admission process to various institutions can be

managed by this module. It has different levels which can manage the
stages of admission and the form can be integrated with any website to
enable online application filling a fee payment.

11. ATTENDANCE MODULE: The module keeps the attendance of the users,
by managing registers. Reports can be generated in any format as per the
user requirements. It also enables integration with hardware like biometric
and RFID machines.

12. TIME TABLE MODULE: This module helps in managing the timetable of
the educational institution by configuring the working days, subjects,
classes and other constraints in faculty allocation

13. EXAMINATION MODULE: This module deals with mark entry of an

exam conducted and generate the result according to the calculations and
format set. It can also print report cards and consolidated mark lists as per
user requirements.

14. TRANSPORT MODULE: The module can keep and manage the data of
every transport vehicle associated with the institution. It can manage the
driver details, Refueling and maintenance history and the odometer
readings which enables the user to generate a graphical report at the end of
the year on the performance and efficiency of the vehicle.

15. ASSET MANAGEMENT: The module keeps the record of various assets
in the organizations and helps in keeping records and distributing it within
the sub departments. It helps in standardizing the numbering procedure by
generating automatically generated sequence.

16. FRONT OFFICE MANAGEMENT: This module assists in keeping the

visitor logs, track of received packages at the reception. It also helps in
providing gate pass for the visitors and a keep a track of every outsider who
visits the organization and their purpose.

17. EMPLOYEE MODULE: The module helps in managing the employee

profile in an organization and allows to group them under various
departments and to set the hierarchy. It also helps in the HR activities like
Leave management and employee attendance management.

18. TICKETING SYSTEM: The module will allow you to handle the
service/maintenance request raised by any institution or department. It also
enables the user to track the status of the raised ticket anytime.

19. HOSTEL MODULE: The module aids in managing the activities in a

hostel, which includes room allocation, attendance and also the asset
management per room.



End User Users, Administrators

User 1. Admission process contains an eligibility written test and Oral test
Requirement 2. Student eligibility based on books covered in madrasa studies
Description 3. Student Profile should contains –
· Photo
· Place
· Election card No
· Name and Address
· Qualifying exam/Board/Year of passing with regn no
· Passport No
· Course
· Nationality, Caste, Mother Tongue
· Identifications Marks
· Aadhar Number
· Mothers name and father's name
· Telephone number, Mob number with Remarks column
· Admission Number
· Attachment options
4.Exam fee handling
5.Hostel facility provided by rayhan valley
6.Facility for higher studies from school
7.Stock management
8.Library Management
9.Exam conducting half yearly and annually.
10.Certificate generation
11.Training Module
12.Exam mark entry and report generation
13.Scholarship programme and discount handling
14.National council for urdu language NCVL,2 year diploma course
- Functional Urdu
- Functional Arabic

Report It can handle all kinds of reports


It is a Government aided school under Markaz. The organization includes

student management, academics, fees management, administration and other


 Registration of Student handled through both offline and online form.

 Admission process includes an interview for selection
 All accounting activities done after central office approval
 Sending alerts and reminders to the guardian regarding the student
 Book movement in library
 Maintaining the student profile which has the entire details of the
student education details.


ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE: The module keeps the record of every

financial transaction done in the organization by creating journal entries for
every transaction. Multiple currency and multiple bank accounts can be
managed and different chart of accounts can be configured under different
account types. Various reports can be generated as per the user

USER MANAGEMENT MODULE: This module enables providing access

right for users belonging to different hierarchy and limits the modules or
feature they have access to read, write, create and delete.

HR AND PAYROLL MODULE: The module helps in managing the employee

profile in an organization and allows to group them under various
departments and to set the hierarchy. It also helps in the HR activities like
Leave management, attendance management and payroll computation.
Payroll computation is done by maintaining various salary structures and
salary rules according to the organization’s preference.

INVENTORY MODULE: The stock managing operations of the organization

is done with this module. It keeps a track of various products, their
movement and updates the quantity with different units of measurements.
It helps in maintaining the stock register and generates the stock reports in
various formats as per the user requirement.

PURCHASE MODULE: The module helps in managing the purchase

activities in the organization. It manages purchase requests from various
departments and generates purchase orders after handling the approval
from various levels.

POINT OF SALE: The module acts as a window for the product sale
operations handled in the institution. It allows multi user sessions
simultaneously from the same company.

DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT: The module is keeps a record of the physical

as well as digital documents in the organization. It tracks the movement of
the documents between various departments in the organization and also
enables attaching a digital copy of any physical record.

STUDENT MODULE: It acts as a database and handles the entire

information of the student in the system. It has different tables which
contains the record of the student activities done through different modules.
It also contains various reports required during the student active session in
the academic year.

HOSTEL MODULE: The module aids in managing the activities in a hostel,

which includes room allocation, attendance and also the asset management
per room.

LIBRARY MODULE: This is a dedicated module operates with library

function which includes data management of books, authors and
publishers. It also allows issue, return and renewal of books to the users
and manages late fine charges.

ADMISSION MODULE: Admission process to various institutions can be

managed by this module. It has different levels which can manage the
stages of admission and the form can be integrated with any website to
enable online application filling a fee payment.

ATTENDANCE MODULE: The module keeps the attendance of the users, by

managing registers. Reports can be generated in any format as per the user
requirements. It also enables integration with hardware like biometric and
RFID machines.

TIME TABLE MODULE: This module helps in managing the timetable of the
educational institution by configuring the working days, subjects, classes
and other constraints in faculty allocation

EXAMINATION MODULE: This module deals with mark entry of an exam

conducted and generate the result according to the calculations and format
set. It can also print report cards and consolidated mark lists as per user

TRANSPORT MODULE: The module can keep and manage the data of every
transport vehicle associated with the institution. It can manage the driver
details, Refueling and maintenance history and the odometer readings
which enables the user to generate a graphical report at the end of the year
on the performance and efficiency of the vehicle.

ASSET MANAGEMENT: The module keeps the record of various assets in

the organizations and helps in keeping records and distributing it within the
sub departments. It helps in standardizing the numbering procedure by
generating automatically generated sequence.

FRONT OFFICE MANAGEMENT: This module assists in keeping the visitor

logs, track of received packages at the reception. It also helps in providing
gate pass for the visitors and a keep a track of every outsider who visits the
organization and their purpose.

EMPLOYEE MODULE: The module helps in managing the employee profile

in an organization and allows to group them under various departments and
to set the hierarchy. It also helps in the HR activities like Leave
management and employee attendance management.

TICKETING SYSTEM: The module will allow you to handle the

service/maintenance request raised by any institution or department. It also
enables the user to track the status of the raised ticket anytime.



End User Users, Administrators

User 1. Student Profile consists of student details

Requirement 2. Student Profile should contains –
Description · Photo
· Place
· Reg. No.
· Name and Address
· Section
· Room No
· Course
· Boarding point, in case of any help needed
· Nationality, Caste, Mother Tongue
· Identifications Marks
· Aadhar Number
· Mothers name and Grandfathers name
· Telephone number, Mob number with Remarks
· Admission Number
· Attachment options
3.Attendance Management
4.Mobile App(Proposed)
5.SMS Management for
- HM-Staff
- Manager- Staff Communication
- HM-Students Communication
6.Timeline management
7. Asset Management
8. Examination mark entry, report
9.Validation for aadhar number
10:Exam Hall arrangement, Staff allocation, exam
11. Transport management
12. Fee Management for 9th and 10th,Book fee also should
be handled
13. PTA Fund should be handled separately from main
14. Library management
15. Store Management
16.Certificate generation for bonafide certificate with
purpose of generation
17. Student Health records
18. Leave management for application, all form should have
sign watermark
19.Digital Signature should be handled

Report It can handle all kinds of reports


User need to handle all the dispute documents from Markaz

Document management


1. DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT: The module is keeps a record of the physical

as well as digital documents in the organization. It tracks the movement of
the documents between various departments in the organization and also
enables attaching a digital copy of any physical record.

2. LEGAL DEPARTMENT MODULE: Custom made module as per the

department requirement.

3. USER MANAGEMENT MODULE: This module enables providing access

right for users belonging to different hierarchy and limits the modules or
feature they have access to read, write, create and delete.

4. EMPLOYEE MODULE: The module helps in managing the employee profile

in an organization and allows to group them under various departments and
to set the hierarchy. It also helps in the HR activities like Leave
management and employee attendance management.

5. TICKETING SYSTEM: The module will allow you to handle the

service/maintenance request raised by any institution or department. It also
enables the user to track the status of the raised ticket anytime.

4.18.2 Requirement Analysis

Requirement Analysis

End Users Users, Administrators

User 1. Legal document Management should use filter option

Requirement using case no, place
Description 2. Document management
3.Alert management SMS option for reminder for hearing
4.Should handle documents for the particular cases from
the court will have different date should use attachment
5.Filter options should be used
6.History/Archives Management
7.Document for legal drafts should be handled in Doc
8. Categorize cases like civil or criminal, masjid documents,
and third party documents.
9.Third party contract management with expiry date
should be handled

Reports 1. Should be allowed to save some documents in ‘.doc’

2. Should generate monthly /weekly report of case

Notes A department under head office, and works hand in hand

with legal document department


User need to handle all the cases and by law follow ups from Markaz
Client Registration


1. DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT: The module is keeps a record of the physical

as well as digital documents in the organization. It tracks the movement of
the documents between various departments in the organization and also
enables attaching a digital copy of any physical record.

2. MASJID ALLIANCE: Custom made module as per the department


3. USER MANAGEMENT MODULE: This module enables providing access

right for users belonging to different hierarchy and limits the modules or
feature they have access to read, write, create and delete.

4. EMPLOYEE MODULE: The module helps in managing the employee profile

in an organization and allows to group them under various departments and
to set the hierarchy. It also helps in the HR activities like Leave
management and employee attendance management.

5. TICKETING SYSTEM: The module will allow you to handle the

service/maintenance request raised by any institution or department. It also
enables the user to track the status of the raised ticket anytime.



End User Users, Administrators

User -By law documents

Requirement -Cases and it’s follow up
Description -Registration of clients
-Document management
- Handle masjid list under markaz
- Committee member management
- Classes were handled for ustads from outside centers
- Class attendee management
- Alert management
- Certificate generation

Report It can handle all kinds of reports


The front office to the central department of Markaz and It mainly manages the
visitor log and document management in the office. It acts as a enquiry point to
any outside visitor.


1. DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT: The module is keeps a record of the physical

as well as digital documents in the organization. It tracks the movement of
the documents between various departments in the organization and also
enables attaching a digital copy of any physical record.
2. USER MANAGEMENT MODULE: This module enables providing access
right for users belonging to different hierarchy and limits the modules or
feature they have access to read, write, create and delete.

3. EMPLOYEE MODULE: The module helps in managing the employee profile

in an organization and allows to group them under various departments and
to set the hierarchy. It also helps in the HR activities like Leave
management and employee attendance management.

4. TICKETING SYSTEM: The module will allow you to handle the

service/maintenance request raised by any institution or department. It also
enables the user to track the status of the raised ticket anytime.

5. TRANSPORT MODULE: The module can keep and manage the data of every
transport vehicle associated with the institution. It can manage the driver
details, Refueling and maintenance history and the odometer readings
which enables the user to generate a graphical report at the end of the year
on the performance and efficiency of the vehicle.

6. FRONT OFFICE MANAGEMENT: This module assists in keeping the visitor

logs, track of received packages at the reception. It also helps in providing
gate pass for the visitors and a keep a track of every outsider who visits the
organization and their purpose.

4.20.2 Requirement Analysis

Requirement Analysis

End Users Users, Administrators

User 1.User should be able to handle 24*7 front office

Requirement management, even working on national holidays
Description 2.Three shifts were handled by employees with 8hrs
3.Six contact numbers were used for handling customer
4.Visitor and entry pass issue
5.Handling gate pass management
6.Completely managed by central office
7. Document collection and courier and goods
8. NRI employee visit pass and handling separate register
for them.
9.Security Management
10.Transport handled
11.Postal will be collected by the central office
12.Should handle insurance of markaz vehicles,
13. User should able to handle service maintenance of
transport should be handled by the front office.
14.Voucher generation
15.Attendance management
16.Keep license type in drivers profile in Transport module
17. Add fields for Fitness certificate number and Permit
number for ambulance and pickup van

Reports Able to generate complete transport operations and

maintenance reports

Notes A department under Markaz Central office


The office will have the overall administration privilege of the ERP. It will be
the highest authority of approval in any process involved. In addition some
modules will be customized as per the requirements collected and they are
listed below.


GS Office administration
Schedule processing
Visitor Management


1. DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT: The module is keeps a record of the physical

as well as digital documents in the organization. It tracks the movement of
the documents between various departments in the organization and also
enables attaching a digital copy of any physical record.
2. USER MANAGEMENT MODULE: This module enables providing access
right for users belonging to different hierarchy and limits the modules or
feature they have access to read, write, create and delete.

3. TICKETING SYSTEM: The module will allow you to handle the

service/maintenance request raised by any institution or department. It also
enables the user to track the status of the raised ticket anytime.

4. FRONT OFFICE MANAGEMENT: This module assists in keeping the visitor

logs, track of received packages at the reception. It also helps in providing
gate pass for the visitors and a keep a track of every outsider who visits the
organization and their purpose.

5. MAIL MANAGEMENT MODULE: The module helps in sending mails to

targeted groups within the database. The user gets accurate and real-time
statistics on every email sent out.


Use Case Analysis

User User should be able to handle the invitation management

Requirement of Markaz G.S.Office
Main process handled here are
- Invitation Management
- Visitor data management
- Program management
- Grievance Cell

Actors Users, Super Administrator

Pre 1.User should able to handle appointments and various
Conditions invitations of G.S from both domestic and international
2.Schedule planner
3.Able to categorize the complaints and needs or help from
4.Income from donation should be handled
5.Sponsors call up for future events
6.Greivance Cell head by GS for outside people should be
7.Khavi Issues related to consultants
8.Document Management
9.Alert management/SMS alerts option
10.Recommendation for higher studies or jobs should be
11.Testimonials,Messages from G.S for outside clients or
business requested can be handled
12.Mail Management
13.Academic calendar
14.Timeslots Management
15.Reschedule Alert for programs
16.Press release document should be stored as attachment
17.Types of account used
- Zakkath Account
- GS’s Personal Account
- Main markaz Account
18.Voucher Generation
19.Compliment messages for marriages if G.S weren't
20.Guest follow up management/Sponsor Management
21. Process flow should be handled for any request from
people and able to track the status too.
22.Need to monitor the list of entities maintained by the
23. In addition to the provided modules, General Secretary
will have admin level access to all the departments and
customized reports.
24. Dashboards view of activities in every department will
be given to the GS Office.

Conditions GS Grievance cell for outside people
Notes Under Central Department company


It is a media department for the entire Markaz. Its main functions are to design
advertisements for digital/printed media as per the request from different


1. DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT: The module is keeps a record of the physical

as well as digital documents in the organization. It tracks the movement of
the documents between various departments in the organization and also
enables attaching a digital copy of any physical record.

2. USER MANAGEMENT MODULE: This module enables providing access

right for users belonging to different hierarchy and limits the modules or
feature they have access to read, write, create and delete.

3. TICKETING SYSTEM: The module will allow you to handle the

service/maintenance request raised by any institution or department. It also
enables the user to track the status of the raised ticket anytime.

4. ACCOUNTS AND FINANCE MODULE: The module keeps the record of every
financial transaction done in the organization by creating journal entries for
every transaction. Multiple currency and multiple bank accounts can be
managed and different chart of accounts can be configured under different
account types. Various reports can be generated as per the user

5. INVENTORY MODULE: The stock managing operations of the organization

is done with this module. It keeps a track of various products, their
movement and updates the quantity with different units of measurements.
It helps in maintaining the stock register and generates the stock reports in
various formats as per the user requirement.

6. PURCHASE MODULE: The module helps in managing the purchase

activities in the organization. It manages purchase requests from various
departments and generates purchase orders after handling the approval
from various levels.

7. POINT OF SALE: The module acts as a window for the product sale
operations handled in the institution. It allows multi user sessions
simultaneously from the same company.

8. ASSET MANAGEMENT: The module keeps the record of various assets in

the organizations and helps in keeping records and distributing it within the
sub departments. It helps in standardizing the numbering procedure by
generating automatically generated sequence.


Use Case Analysis

Requirement User should be able to handle the events of markaz central
Description office.

Actors Users, Administrators

Pre 1.Handling media coverage in central office

Conditions 2.Promoting markaz events through outside media
3.Website updating
4.Employee management from central office
5.Event planner/Scheduler
6.Academic calendar
7.Expense and voucher handling
8.Store management
9.Asset management
10.Purchase Management

Conditions 1. Able to manage events outside central office
2. Coordinate with people working for markaz media
outside central office.

Exceptions Able to generate Purchase and asset

Notes A department under Central office


User need to handle all the inventory and asset details from Markaz
Record management


1. DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT: The module is keeps a record of the physical

as well as digital documents in the organization. It tracks the movement of
the documents between various departments in the organization and also
enables attaching a digital copy of any physical record.

2. USER MANAGEMENT MODULE: This module enables providing access

right for users belonging to different hierarchy and limits the modules or
feature they have access to read, write, create and delete.

3. TICKETING SYSTEM: The module will allow you to handle the

service/maintenance request raised by any institution or department. It also
enables the user to track the status of the raised ticket anytime.

4. ACCOUNTS AND FINANCE MODULE: The module keeps the record of every
financial transaction done in the organization by creating journal entries for
every transaction. Multiple currency and multiple bank accounts can be
managed and different chart of accounts can be configured under different
account types. Various reports can be generated as per the user

5. INVENTORY MODULE: The stock managing operations of the organization

is done with this module. It keeps a track of various products, their
movement and updates the quantity with different units of measurements.
It helps in maintaining the stock register and generates the stock reports in
various formats as per the user requirement.

6. PURCHASE MODULE: The module helps in managing the purchase

activities in the organization. It manages purchase requests from various
departments and generates purchase orders after handling the approval
from various levels.

7. ASSET MANAGEMENT: The module keeps the record of various assets in

the organizations and helps in keeping records and distributing it within the
sub departments. It helps in standardizing the numbering procedure by
generating automatically generated sequence.

4.23.2 Requirement Analysis

Requirement Analysis

End Users Users, Administrators

User 1. Record Keeping via categories

Requirement 2. Room wise or cabin wise product categorizing
Description 3. Maintaining labels and serial number for assets
- Furniture
- Electronics
4.Maintain assets through dept wise and room wise
5.Stock verification before purchase
6.Purchase request management
7.User should handle year of purchase
8.Purchase department need to request to asset dept for
verification of stock
9.User can handle asset received through donation
10.Asset category management with subtypes
11.Required standardizing
12.Need to add purchase year as in series used
13.Report generation
14.Product should be categorized as
 Active / In use
 In stock (new)
 In stock (used)
 Damaged
15. Building and room management.
Flow of 1. Any department can request for product in stock,
Events which will be transferred only on approval by AGM

Reports Stock reports has to be generated on

daily/monthly/annual basis.


The department deals with the DTP operations in the entire Markaz
institutions. There needs to be a provision for document management


1. DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT: The module is keeps a record of the physical

as well as digital documents in the organization. It tracks the movement of
the documents between various departments in the organization and also
enables attaching a digital copy of any physical record.

2. USER MANAGEMENT MODULE: This module enables providing access

right for users belonging to different hierarchy and limits the modules or
feature they have access to read, write, create and delete.

3. TICKETING SYSTEM: The module will allow you to handle the

service/maintenance request raised by any institution or department. It also
enables the user to track the status of the raised ticket anytime.

Use Case Analysis

Requirement User should be able to handle the DTP management of
Description Markaz central office

Actors Users, Administrators

Pre 1.Task Management
Conditions 2.SMS Alerts or Alert management
3. User should get notification for task assigned.

Post SMS option or email notification for task assigned from any
Conditions other department in Markaz central office.

Exceptions Able to handle ticketing system.

Notes It is a department under Markaz central office


The department deals with the activities handled in central kitchen. It includes
purchase of raw materials, managing their stock and preparation of food items.
It has individual payroll for its employees


 Purchase of raw materials

 Stock maintaining
 Preparation of food materials
 Calculation of wages

4.25.2 Modules offered

1. USER MANAGEMENT MODULE: This module enables providing access

right for users belonging to different hierarchy and limits the modules or
feature they have access to read, write, create and delete.

2. TICKETING SYSTEM: The module will allow you to handle the

service/maintenance request raised by any institution or department. It also
enables the user to track the status of the raised ticket anytime.

3. ACCOUNTS AND FINANCE MODULE: The module keeps the record of every
financial transaction done in the organization by creating journal entries for
every transaction. Multiple currency and multiple bank accounts can be
managed and different chart of accounts can be configured under different
account types. Various reports can be generated as per the user

4. HR AND PAYROLL MODULE: The module helps in managing the employee

profile in an organization and allows to group them under various
departments and to set the hierarchy. It also helps in the HR activities like
Leave management, attendance management and payroll computation.
Payroll computation is done by maintaining various salary structures and
salary rules according to the organization’s preference.

5. INVENTORY MODULE: The stock managing operations of the organization

is done with this module. It keeps a track of various products, their
movement and updates the quantity with different units of measurements.
It helps in maintaining the stock register and generates the stock reports in
various formats as per the user requirement.
6. PURCHASE MODULE: The module helps in managing the purchase
activities in the organization. It manages purchase requests from various
departments and generates purchase orders after handling the approval
from various levels.

7. POINT OF SALE: The module acts as a window for the product sale
operations handled in the institution. It allows multi user sessions
simultaneously from the same company.

8. ASSET MANAGEMENT: The module keeps the record of various assets in

the organizations and helps in keeping records and distributing it within the
sub departments. It helps in standardizing the numbering procedure by
generating automatically generated sequence.

9. MANUFACTURING MODULE: This module provides the user with a

complete capability of managing manufacturing operations across the
organization. It covers everything from Sales
forecasting, Production planning, Material requirement planning, Inventory
management, Bill of Materials, Warehouse management, and so on.

10. EVENT MANAGEMENT MODULE: This module helps in creating events

in an organization, allocate the services to different users and it is fully
integrated with other modules to make the process easier.
11. KITCHEN MODULE: The module helps in managing the activities in
kitchen which includes, daily materials purchase, stock updating,
manufacturing of requested products and employee wage management.


Use Case Analysis

Requirement User should be able to handle the central canteen
Description management of Markaz

Actors Users, Administrators

Pre 1. User should be able to handle the income and purchase

Conditions activities of the markaz central canteen.
2. Purchase management with three copy of receipts
- For buyer
- Purchase
- Duplicate
3. Firewood management
4.Voucher generation

Conditions 1. Purchase option will be there to handle purchase related
activities in kitchen or hostel mess. While entering the
Purchase records, the inventory items will get updated

Exceptions Able to generate Purchase and asset


Use Case Analysis

User User should be able to handle the central kitchen as

Requirement manufacturing unit. It includes
Description - Purchase
- Stock
- Manufacturing
- Sales

Actors Users, Administrators

Pre 1.Report Generation

Conditions 2.Product stock movement register
3.Purchase Management
4.Inventory Management
5.User should handle accounting the income from
advanced paid money from customer
6.All types of reports related to accounts should be handled
7.Donation amount should be handled in accounting
8.Income and expense account
9.Miscellaneous income handling
10.Allowances and daily wages management

Post Need to generate report for the amount spent for all the
Conditions staff, students separately

Flow of Markaz will collect advance amount for nikah function from
Events customer.
If markaz spent money within the total amount given. then
user need to handle the remaining amount as income.

Exceptions Daily stock management

Notes It is handled as a separate department under Central


The department keeps a record of the entire legal documents handled in the


1. DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT: The module is keeps a record of the physical

as well as digital documents in the organization. It tracks the movement of
the documents between various departments in the organization and also
enables attaching a digital copy of any physical record.

2. LEGAL DEPARTMENT MODULE: Custom made module as per the

department requirement.

3. USER MANAGEMENT MODULE: This module enables providing access

right for users belonging to different hierarchy and limits the modules or
feature they have access to read, write, create and delete.

4. EMPLOYEE MODULE: The module helps in managing the employee profile

in an organization and allows to group them under various departments and
to set the hierarchy. It also helps in the HR activities like Leave
management and employee attendance management.

5. TICKETING SYSTEM: The module will allow you to handle the

service/maintenance request raised by any institution or department. It also
enables the user to track the status of the raised ticket anytime.
4.26.2 Requirement Analysis

Requirement Analysis

End Users Users, Administrators

User 1.Document management for all legal markaz documents

Requirement 2.Tax return reminder for 15 days
Description 3.Record management should contain the following fields
 Sl.No
 File No
 Doc No
 Survey No
 Place No
 Description
 Thanda Name
 Measurement
4.Filter option by block or land
5.Asset management
6.Attachment option for upload building related documents
7.Agreement and contracts management except rental
8.Affiliation certificates records

Reports 3. Should be allowed to save some documents in ‘.doc’

4. Should generate monthly /weekly report of document

Notes A department under head office, and works hand in hand

with legal department


This department mainly deals with the translation of the letters, papers in the
organization and also keep a track of the tasks completed


1. DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT: The module is keeps a record of the physical
as well as digital documents in the organization. It tracks the movement of
the documents between various departments in the organization and also
enables attaching a digital copy of any physical record.

2. USER MANAGEMENT MODULE: This module enables providing access

right for users belonging to different hierarchy and limits the modules or
feature they have access to read, write, create and delete.

3. TICKETING SYSTEM: The module will allow you to handle the

service/maintenance request raised by any institution or department. It also
enables the user to track the status of the raised ticket anytime.

4. MAIL MANAGEMENT MODULE: The module helps in sending mails to

targeted groups within the database. The user gets accurate and real-time
statistics on every email sent out.


Use Case Analysis

Requirement User should be able to handle the project management of
Description G.S

Actors Users, Administrators

Pre 1. Multi Language translation

Conditions 2. Draft management
3. Project management
3. Mail and Postal Management
4.Digital Signature should be handled
5.Proof reading should be handled
6.Multiple session restriction
7.Inward and outward report management
8.Mail delivery integration
9.Access right for data management
Post Project management

Exceptions Proof reading with multiple session restriction

Notes It is a department under central office


 It deals with the maintenance service in all Markaz institutions


 Request for service

 Ticket generation and closing

4.28.2 Modules offered

1. DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT: The module is keeps a record of the physical

as well as digital documents in the organization. It tracks the movement of
the documents between various departments in the organization and also
enables attaching a digital copy of any physical record.

2. USER MANAGEMENT MODULE: This module enables providing access

right for users belonging to different hierarchy and limits the modules or
feature they have access to read, write, create and delete.

3. TICKETING SYSTEM: The module will allow you to handle the

service/maintenance request raised by any institution or department. It also
enables the user to track the status of the raised ticket anytime.

4. EMPLOYEE MODULE: The module helps in managing the employee profile

in an organization and allows to group them under various departments and
to set the hierarchy. It also helps in the HR activities like Leave
management and employee attendance management.

5. GENERAL SERVICE MODULE: The module is custom made as per the

requirements of the department
6. PROJECT MANAGEMENT: The module assists in keeping track of the
updates and managing the details of a project. It enables to assign tasks to
multiple users, monitor the timesheet and thereby generate a detail report
on the productivity of the employees as well as status of the project.

7. INVENTORY MODULE: The stock managing operations of the organization

is done with this module. It keeps a track of various products, their
movement and updates the quantity with different units of measurements.
It helps in maintaining the stock register and generate the stock reports in
various formats as per the user requirement.
8. PURCHASE MODULE: The module helps in managing the purchase
activities in the organization. It manages purchase requests from various
departments and generates purchase orders after handling the approval
from various levels

Use Case Analysis

Requirement User should be able to handle the maintenance services of
Description markaz institutions

Actors Users, Administrators

Pre 1.Service maintenance of markaz institutions

Conditions 2.Uses purchase request form
3.Quotation Management
4.Ticketing system with status tracking
5.Approval right for distribution of money in timely interval
6.Budgeting processed by Markaz
7.Stock Management
8.Daily wages for employees should be handled
9.Asset Management
10.Document Management
11.Filter Options Required
12.Alerts and Notifications

Conditions Ticketing system should be handled

Exceptions Daily wages handling

Notes It is a department under Central Office


The office will have the overall administration privilege of the ERP. It will be
the highest authority of approval in any process involved. In addition some
modules will be customized as per the requirements collected and they are
listed below.


GM Office administration
Schedule processing
Visitor Management


1. DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT: The module is keeps a record of the physical

as well as digital documents in the organization. It tracks the movement of
the documents between various departments in the organization and also
enables attaching a digital copy of any physical record.

2. USER MANAGEMENT MODULE: This module enables providing access

right for users belonging to different hierarchy and limits the modules or
feature they have access to read, write, create and delete.
3. TICKETING SYSTEM: The module will allow you to handle the
service/maintenance request raised by any institution or department. It also
enables the user to track the status of the raised ticket anytime.

4. FRONT OFFICE MANAGEMENT: This module assists in keeping the visitor

logs, track of received packages at the reception. It also helps in providing
gate pass for the visitors and a keep a track of every outsider who visits the
organization and their purpose.

5. ADMINISTRATION: This is a custom module aiding GS office


6. MAIL MANAGEMENT MODULE: The module helps in sending mails to

targeted groups within the database. The user gets accurate and real-time
statistics on every email sent out.


Use Case Analysis

Requirement User should be able to handle the document management
Description of G.M

Actors Users, Administrators

Pre Conditions 1.Document management

- File movement register
- Inward-Outward register
2.Recommendations from customer should be handled by
giving receipt
3.Alerts and Notifications
4.Status tracking and monitoring
5.Donation Handling
6.Visitor log management
7. In addition to the provided modules, General Manager
will have admin level access to all the departments and
customized reports.
8. Dashboards view of activities in every department will
be given to the GM Office.

Post Document management with categories and rack no


Flow of Events AGM handling the operations of the department.

Exceptions Donation amount should be handled.


 It deals with the General services in all Markaz institutions

 The department schedules security shift timings


 Request for service

 Security shift task allocation
 Employee attendance management


1. DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT: The module is keeps a record of the physical

as well as digital documents in the organization. It tracks the movement of
the documents between various departments in the organization and also
enables attaching a digital copy of any physical record.

2. USER MANAGEMENT MODULE: This module enables providing access

right for users belonging to different hierarchy and limits the modules or
feature they have access to read, write, create and delete.

3. TICKETING SYSTEM: The module will allow you to handle the

service/maintenance request raised by any institution or department. It also
enables the user to track the status of the raised ticket anytime.
4. EMPLOYEE MODULE: The module helps in managing the employee profile
in an organization and allows to group them under various departments and
to set the hierarchy. It also helps in the HR activities like Leave
management and employee attendance management.

5. GENERAL SERVICE MODULE: The module is custom made as per the

requirements of the department

6. PROJECT MANAGEMENT: The module assists in keeping track of the

updates and managing the details of a project. It enables to assign tasks to
multiple users, monitor the timesheet and thereby generate a detail report
on the productivity of the employees as well as status of the project.

7. INVENTORY MODULE: The stock managing operations of the organization

is done with this module. It keeps a track of various products, their
movement and updates the quantity with different units of measurements.
It helps in maintaining the stock register and generates the stock reports in
various formats as per the user requirement.

8. PURCHASE MODULE: The module helps in managing the purchase

activities in the organization. It manages purchase requests from various
departments and generates purchase orders after handling the approval
from various levels.

9. SECURITY MODULE: The module helps in managing the security personnel

in the organization. Its functions include scheduling shifts, allocating
locations and keeping a record of gate entries in the organization.

10. HOUSE KEEPING MODULE: The module deals with the House keeping
activities involves n the organization


Use Case Analysis

Requirement User should be able to handle the security management of
Description Markaz headquarters
Actors Users, Administrators

Pre 1.Security staff management and Shift management

Conditions 2.RFID card integration
- Central office
- President room, director room
- GS office
3.Keep a log of users
4.Individual card for different departments and wishing to
change to biometric integration
5.Each security hs employee code as a identity
6.Canteen authority
7.Water treatment plant
- Two chemists
8.User also handling vigilance, crisis management,
housekeeping management., waste management

Exceptions Able to keep a record of documents

Notes A department under central Office


 It deals with the organizing of different events in the institution


 Scheduling of event
 Allocation of tasks to different committees formed
 Estimation of budget
 Invitations and other mail management
 Coordination with Kitchen and other department


1. USER MANAGEMENT MODULE: This module enables providing access

right for users belonging to different hierarchy and limits the modules or
feature they have access to read, write, create and delete.
2. ACCOUNTS AND FINANCE MODULE: The module keeps the record of every
financial transaction done in the organization by creating journal entries for
every transaction. Multiple currency and multiple bank accounts can be
managed and different chart of accounts can be configured under different
account types. Various reports can be generated as per the user

3. INVENTORY MODULE: The stock managing operations of the organization

is done with this module. It keeps a track of various products, their
movement and updates the quantity with different units of measurements.
It helps in maintaining the stock register and generates the stock reports in
various formats as per the user requirement.

4. PURCHASE MODULE: The module helps in managing the purchase

activities in the organization. It manages purchase requests from various
departments and generates purchase orders after handling the approval
from various levels.

5. MANUFACTURING MODULE: This module provides the user with a

complete capability of managing manufacturing operations across the
organization. It covers everything from Sales
forecasting, Production planning, Material requirement planning, Inventory
management, Bill of Materials, Warehouse management, and so on.
6. MAIL MANAGEMENT MODULE: The module helps in sending mails to
targeted groups within the database. The user gets accurate and real-time
statistics on every email sent out.

7. EMPLOYEE MODULE: The module helps in managing the employee profile

in an organization and allows to group them under various departments and
to set the hierarchy. It also helps in the HR activities like Leave
management and employee attendance management.

8. EVENT MANAGEMENT MODULE: This module helps in creating events in

an organization, allocate the services to different users and it is fully
integrated with other modules to make the process easier.

9. TICKETING SYSTEM: The module will allow you to handle the

service/maintenance request raised by any institution or department. It also
enables the user to track the status of the raised ticket anytime.

Use Case Analysis

Requirement User should be able to handle the events of markaz central
Description office.

Actors Users, Administrators

Pre 1.Guest details management

Conditions - Categorizing guest data
- Guests reception management
2.Internal Communication
3.Website updating
4.Employee management
5.Event planner/Scheduler
6.Academic calendar
7.Expense and voucher handling
8.Store management
9.Asset management
10.Purchase Management
11.Voucher generation with AGM Approval
12.Alerts and notification for events
13.Checklist for event planning
14.Advertisement history keeping as record for follow up
15.Forms a committee and assign work for guest relation
officer with language basis
16.Vehicle management
17.Events should be handled centralized and outside
events such as nikah also
18.GRO should be handled as separate instance

Post 1. Able to manage events outside central office

Conditions 2. Coordinate with people working for markaz media
outside central office.
Exceptions Able to generate Purchase and asset

Notes A department under Central Office


 It deals with the public and the activities related


 Scheduling of event
 Managing GROs
 Invitations and other mail management


1. USER MANAGEMENT MODULE: This module enables providing access

right for users belonging to different hierarchy and limits the modules or
feature they have access to read, write, create and delete.

2. ACCOUNTS AND FINANCE MODULE: The module keeps the record of every
financial transaction done in the organization by creating journal entries for
every transaction. Multiple currency and multiple bank accounts can be
managed and different chart of accounts can be configured under different
account types. Various reports can be generated as per the user

3. INVENTORY MODULE: The stock managing operations of the organization

is done with this module. It keeps a track of various products, their
movement and updates the quantity with different units of measurements.
It helps in maintaining the stock register and generates the stock reports in
various formats as per the user requirement.

4. PURCHASE MODULE: The module helps in managing the purchase

activities in the organization. It manages purchase requests from various
departments and generates purchase orders after handling the approval
from various levels.
5. MAIL MANAGEMENT MODULE: The module helps in sending mails to
targeted groups within the database. The user gets accurate and real-time
statistics on every email sent out.

6. EMPLOYEE MODULE: The module helps in managing the employee profile

in an organization and allows to group them under various departments and
to set the hierarchy. It also helps in the HR activities like Leave
management and employee attendance management.

7. EVENT MANAGEMENT MODULE: This module helps in creating events in

an organization, allocate the services to different users and it is fully
integrated with other modules to make the process easier.

8. TICKETING SYSTEM: The module will allow you to handle the

service/maintenance request raised by any institution or department. It also
enables the user to track the status of the raised ticket anytime.

9. PUBLIC RELATIONS MODULE: This is a custom module for the Public

Relation Department as per their requirements


Use Case Analysis

Requirement User should be able to handle the public relations for
Description markaz charity programs and events

Actors Users, Administrators

Pre 1.Fundraising and events

Conditions 2.Guest relation officers, a list of GRO with language
4.Vehicle management
5.Markaz media operations
6.Archives Management
7.Employee Handling using category
- Field Staff
- Office Staff

Conditions 1. Able to manage events outside central office
2. Able to coordinate with agents for fundraising.

Exceptions Able to generate Purchase and asset

Notes It is a department under Central Office


 It handles all the HR activity in the organizations


1. USER MANAGEMENT MODULE: This module enables providing access

right for users belonging to different hierarchy and limits the modules or
feature they have access to read, write, create and delete.

2. ACCOUNTS AND FINANCE MODULE: The module keeps the record of every
financial transaction done in the organization by creating journal entries for
every transaction. Multiple currency and multiple bank accounts can be
managed and different chart of accounts can be configured under different
account types. Various reports can be generated as per the user

3. HR AND PAYROLL MODULE: The module helps in managing the employee

profile in an organization and allows to group them under various
departments and to set the hierarchy. It also helps in the HR activities like
Leave management, attendance management and payroll computation.
Payroll computation is done by maintaining various salary structures and
salary rules according to the organization’s preference.

Use Case Analysis

Requirement User should be able to handle the human resources for
Description Markaz institutions

Actors Users, Administrators

Pre 1.Entire markaz central office employees can be managed

Conditions 2.AO.Accountant and principal staff will be managed for
outside institutions
3.Document management
4.Daily wages should be handled
5.Different salary structure should be handled
6.Staff loan management
7.Leave management
8.Hidma deducted from employee salary should be
9.Staff welfare
10.Asset and external income of markaz employees should
be handled in ERP for Zakat amount distribution
11.Salary slip generation with deduction management
12.Cabinet member employees should be handled
separately for work allotment facility or task management
13.Biometric Integration
14.Employees using RFID card also handled
15.Hiring process should have criteria for filtering
employees having SYSS membership or having higher
16.Date of retirement data should be handled with
automated greetings for the service excellence of years
17.Employee transfer option should be handled
18.Employee using staff quarters should be categorized
19.Last increment date history should be kept
Flow of HR report to AGM

Exceptions 1. Hidma amount to be handled in accounting.

2. Asset and external income of markaz employees should
be handled in ERP for Zakat amount distribution.

Notes It is a department under central office


The office will have the overall administration privilege of the ERP. It will be
the highest authority of approval in any process involved. In addition some
modules will be customized as per the requirements collected and they are
listed below.


AGM Office administration

Schedule processing
Visitor Management


1. DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT: The module is keeps a record of the physical

as well as digital documents in the organization. It tracks the movement of
the documents between various departments in the organization and also
enables attaching a digital copy of any physical record.

2. USER MANAGEMENT MODULE: This module enables providing access

right for users belonging to different hierarchy and limits the modules or
feature they have access to read, write, create and delete.

3. TICKETING SYSTEM: The module will allow you to handle the

service/maintenance request raised by any institution or department. It also
enables the user to track the status of the raised ticket anytime.

4. FRONT OFFICE MANAGEMENT: This module assists in keeping the visitor

logs, track of received packages at the reception. It also helps in providing
gate pass for the visitors and a keep a track of every outsider who visits the
organization and their purpose.

5. ADMINISTRATION: This is a custom module aiding AGM office


6. MAIL MANAGEMENT MODULE: The module helps in sending mails to

targeted groups within the database. The user gets accurate and real-time
statistics on every email sent out.


Use Case Analysis

Requirement User should be able to handle the complete financial
Description management for Markaz institutions

Actors Users, Administrators

Pre 1.Mainly required single window system

Conditions 2.Unique application or any kind of request from helpdesk
3.Requests from the public should be sorted and reviewed
by AGM office
4. Dept wise unique file no will be there and it should be
5. File sharing or file transfer to multiple concerned
departments for reviewing.
6.Project Management
7.Documents sharing with remarks or description space
should be handled for reviewing
8.As for finance centralization user should have access for
all company’s accounts or account details of separate entity
should be reviewed by AGM
9.Request Management
10.Internal Communication to other institution Admin
officers should be handled
11.Automated mail generation while initiate a request and
accept the request
12.Notification management
13.Task Management
- Reminder
- Timesheets
- Deadline management
- Multi Users
14.Meeting minutes publishing to ERP via all cabinet
15.Read status of official circulars and documents should
be handled
16.Document Management
- Inspection Report should be upload as attachment
17.Travel history management with below details
- From date
- To date
- Travels Name
- Amount

Flow of AO request -->AGM Office---->Here the file will Send for

Events review to other departments
After study the file will submit return to AGM office from
concerned depts.
After verifying the same it will be forwarded to GM Office for

Exceptions Transport History should keep as records


It is an Arts and Science college under Markaz. It offers under graduate as well
as post graduate courses. The structure is similar that of any educational
institution. Admission is done through government’s allotment process.


 Registration of Student handled through both offline and online form.

 Admission process includes an interview for selection
 All accounting activities done after central office approval
 Sending alerts and reminders to the guardian regarding the student
 Book movement in library
 Maintaining the student profile which has the entire details of the
student education details.


1. ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE: The module keeps the record of every

financial transaction done in the organization by creating journal entries for
every transaction. Multiple currency and multiple bank accounts can be
managed and different chart of accounts can be configured under different
account types. Various reports can be generated as per the user

2. USER MANAGEMENT MODULE: This module enables providing access

right for users belonging to different hierarchy and limits the modules or
feature they have access to read, write, create and delete.

3. HR AND PAYROLL MODULE: The module helps in managing the employee

profile in an organization and allows to group them under various
departments and to set the hierarchy. It also helps in the HR activities like
Leave management, attendance management and payroll computation.
Payroll computation is done by maintaining various salary structures and
salary rules according to the organization’s preference.

4. INVENTORY MODULE: The stock managing operations of the organization

is done with this module. It keeps a track of various products, their
movement and updates the quantity with different units of measurements.
It helps in maintaining the stock register and generates the stock reports in
various formats as per the user requirement.

5. PURCHASE MODULE: The module helps in managing the purchase

activities in the organization. It manages purchase requests from various
departments and generates purchase orders after handling the approval
from various levels.

6. POINT OF SALE: The module acts as a window for the product sale
operations handled in the institution. It allows multi user sessions
simultaneously from the same company.
7. DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT: The module is keeps a record of the physical
as well as digital documents in the organization. It tracks the movement of
the documents between various departments in the organization and also
enables attaching a digital copy of any physical record.

8. STUDENT MODULE: It acts as a database and handles the entire

information of the student in the system. It has different tables which
contains the record of the student activities done through different modules.
It also contains various reports required during the student active session in
the academic year.

9. LIBRARY MODULE: This is a dedicated module operates with library

function which includes data management of books, authors and
publishers. It also allows issue, return and renewal of books to the users
and manages late fine charges.

10. ADMISSION MODULE: Admission process to various institutions can be

managed by this module. It has different levels which can manage the
stages of admission and the form can be integrated with any website to
enable online application filling a fee payment.

11. ATTENDANCE MODULE: The module keeps the attendance of the users,
by managing registers. Reports can be generated in any format as per the
user requirements. It also enables integration with hardware like biometric
and RFID machines.

12. TIME TABLE MODULE: This module helps in managing the timetable of
the educational institution by configuring the working days, subjects,
classes and other constraints in faculty allocation

13. EXAMINATION MODULE: This module deals with mark entry of an

exam conducted and generate the result according to the calculations and
format set. It can also print report cards and consolidated mark lists as per
user requirements.

14. TRANSPORT MODULE: The module can keep and manage the data of
every transport vehicle associated with the institution. It can manage the
driver details, Refueling and maintenance history and the odometer
readings which enables the user to generate a graphical report at the end of
the year on the performance and efficiency of the vehicle.

15. ASSET MANAGEMENT: The module keeps the record of various assets
in the organizations and helps in keeping records and distributing it within
the sub departments. It helps in standardizing the numbering procedure by
generating automatically generated sequence.

16. FRONT OFFICE MANAGEMENT: This module assists in keeping the

visitor logs, track of received packages at the reception. It also helps in
providing gate pass for the visitors and a keep a track of every outsider who
visits the organization and their purpose.

17. EMPLOYEE MODULE: The module helps in managing the employee

profile in an organization and allows to group them under various
departments and to set the hierarchy. It also helps in the HR activities like
Leave management and employee attendance management.

18. TICKETING SYSTEM: The module will allow you to handle the
service/maintenance request raised by any institution or department. It also
enables the user to track the status of the raised ticket anytime.


Use Case Analysis

User User should be able to handle mainly the Admission

Requirement enquiry, student profile and college academics and
Description administration for Markaz Unani Medical College

Actors Users, Administrators

Pre 1.Front office: Admission enquiry should be categorized for
Conditions future follow up
- Management Seat
- NRI Seat
- NEET Enquiry
- KEAM Applied
- Known Language: Arabic, Urdu
- Maintain Contact Details
2. Student Profile management with attachments
3. Attendance Management
4.Biometric Integration
5.Exam management
6.Fees Management
7.Inventory Management
10.SMS Option
11.HR and Payroll
12.Laboratory Management
13.Stock Management
14.Asset Management
15.Library Management
16.Hostel Management
17.Academic Calendar

Notes It is handled as a individual company


 It handles the entire accounting and finance of the organization and is

handles through multiple access levels


1. USER MANAGEMENT MODULE: This module enables providing access

right for users belonging to different hierarchy and limits the modules or
feature they have access to read, write, create and delete.

2. ACCOUNTS AND FINANCE MODULE: The module keeps the record of every
financial transaction done in the organization by creating journal entries for
every transaction. Multiple currency and multiple bank accounts can be
managed and different chart of accounts can be configured under different
account types. Various reports can be generated as per the user


Use Case Analysis

Requirement User should be able to handle mainly the central office
Description accounts

Actors Users, Administrators

Pre 1.Institution trust name and institution type should be

Conditions handled
2.Report generation should use filter option with company
3.Consolidated report should be handled
4.Existing system is missing with
- Payable - Receivable missing
- Reports in excel
- Students list and fees due need to be included
5.File attachment option is currently used by other schools
to provide daily report
6.Current software is designed for Nonprofit organization
7.Payment method currently used in cheque
8.Amount from takaful should be handled for adjustments
9. User should have an approval level as the cheque will be
issued by the accounts dept.
10.Outside institutions using comptes accounting software
and but their accounts need to be exempted from reports
11.Day Register or Day book
- Cash Book
- Bank Book
- Journal entries/Journal book
12. Loan account for employees should be handled

Flow of Other department request to account dept for payment


Notes Collected report formats from office


 It handles the rental activities under Markaz. It includes rent collection,

allocation of spaces, alert and document management


1. USER MANAGEMENT MODULE: This module enables providing access

right for users belonging to different hierarchy and limits the modules or
feature they have access to read, write, create and delete.

2. ACCOUNTS AND FINANCE MODULE: The module keeps the record of every
financial transaction done in the organization by creating journal entries for
every transaction. Multiple currency and multiple bank accounts can be
managed and different chart of accounts can be configured under different
account types. Various reports can be generated as per the user

3. INVENTORY MODULE: The stock managing operations of the organization

is done with this module. It keeps a track of various products, their
movement and updates the quantity with different units of measurements.
It helps in maintaining the stock register and generates the stock reports in
various formats as per the user requirement.

4. PURCHASE MODULE: The module helps in managing the purchase

activities in the organization. It manages purchase requests from various
departments and generates purchase orders after handling the approval
from various levels.

5. DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT: The module is keeps a record of the physical

as well as digital documents in the organization. It tracks the movement of
the documents between various departments in the organization and also
enables attaching a digital copy of any physical record.

6. FRONT OFFICE MANAGEMENT: This module assists in keeping the visitor

logs, track of received packages at the reception. It also helps in providing
gate pass for the visitors and a keep a track of every outsider who visits the
organization and their purpose.
7. TICKETING SYSTEM: The module will allow you to handle the
service/maintenance request raised by any institution or department. It also
enables the user to track the status of the raised ticket anytime.

8. RENTAL MODULE: This is a custom module which covers the remaining

activities in rental department.


Use Case Analysis

Requirement User should be able to handle mainly the rent collection,
Description agreement management

Actors Users, Administrators

Pre 1.Rental Agreement
Conditions 2.Contract Renewal/Cancel
3.Document Management
4.Renewal of contract on every 11 months with 5% and
additional option as amount discount
5.Auto renewal option
6.Notification/Alerts on dashboard
7.SMS Notification/Mail
8.Fee invoice and receipt generation
9.Fee due with follow up with notification reminder
10.Yearly two tax payment for building land tax, building
tax, rent GST, due date
11.Building tax, Dept wise categorization
12.Amount reminder
13.Asset management for rental office
14. Licensee having more than one space should be
15.Daily and monthly rent mode should be handled
16.Forward tax and reverse tax ie igst and egst with 18%
17.Area or Location wise categorization of tenants
- Due report
- Collection report

Notes It is handled as a separate company


It is Law College Markaz. It offers under graduate as well as post graduate

courses. The structure is similar that of any educational institution.


 Registration of Student handled through both offline and online form.

 Admission process includes an interview for selection
 All accounting activities done after central office approval
 Sending alerts and reminders to the guardian regarding the student
 Book movement in library
 Maintaining the student profile which has the entire details of the
student education details.


1. ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE: The module keeps the record of every

financial transaction done in the organization by creating journal entries for
every transaction. Multiple currency and multiple bank accounts can be
managed and different chart of accounts can be configured under different
account types. Various reports can be generated as per the user

2. USER MANAGEMENT MODULE: This module enables providing access

right for users belonging to different hierarchy and limits the modules or
feature they have access to read, write, create and delete.

3. HR AND PAYROLL MODULE: The module helps in managing the employee

profile in an organization and allows to group them under various
departments and to set the hierarchy. It also helps in the HR activities like
Leave management, attendance management and payroll computation.
Payroll computation is done by maintaining various salary structures and
salary rules according to the organization’s preference.

4. INVENTORY MODULE: The stock managing operations of the organization

is done with this module. It keeps a track of various products, their
movement and updates the quantity with different units of measurements.
It helps in maintaining the stock register and generates the stock reports in
various formats as per the user requirement.
5. PURCHASE MODULE: The module helps in managing the purchase
activities in the organization. It manages purchase requests from various
departments and generates purchase orders after handling the approval
from various levels.

6. POINT OF SALE: The module acts as a window for the product sale
operations handled in the institution. It allows multi user sessions
simultaneously from the same company.

7. DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT: The module is keeps a record of the physical

as well as digital documents in the organization. It tracks the movement of
the documents between various departments in the organization and also
enables attaching a digital copy of any physical record.

8. STUDENT MODULE: It acts as a database and handles the entire

information of the student in the system. It has different tables which
contains the record of the student activities done through different modules.
It also contains various reports required during the student active session in
the academic year.

9. LIBRARY MODULE: This is a dedicated module operates with library

function which includes data management of books, authors and
publishers. It also allows issue, return and renewal of books to the users
and manages late fine charges.

10. ADMISSION MODULE: Admission process to various institutions can be

managed by this module. It has different levels which can manage the
stages of admission and the form can be integrated with any website to
enable online application filling a fee payment.

11. ATTENDANCE MODULE: The module keeps the attendance of the users,
by managing registers. Reports can be generated in any format as per the
user requirements. It also enables integration with hardware like biometric
and RFID machines.

12. TIME TABLE MODULE: This module helps in managing the timetable of
the educational institution by configuring the working days, subjects,
classes and other constraints in faculty allocation

13. EXAMINATION MODULE: This module deals with mark entry of an

exam conducted and generate the result according to the calculations and
format set. It can also print report cards and consolidated mark lists as per
user requirements.

14. TRANSPORT MODULE: The module can keep and manage the data of
every transport vehicle associated with the institution. It can manage the
driver details, Refueling and maintenance history and the odometer
readings which enables the user to generate a graphical report at the end of
the year on the performance and efficiency of the vehicle.
15. ASSET MANAGEMENT: The module keeps the record of various assets
in the organizations and helps in keeping records and distributing it within
the sub departments. It helps in standardizing the numbering procedure by
generating automatically generated sequence.

16. FRONT OFFICE MANAGEMENT: This module assists in keeping the

visitor logs, track of received packages at the reception. It also helps in
providing gate pass for the visitors and a keep a track of every outsider who
visits the organization and their purpose.

17. EMPLOYEE MODULE: The module helps in managing the employee

profile in an organization and allows to group them under various
departments and to set the hierarchy. It also helps in the HR activities like
Leave management and employee attendance management.

18. TICKETING SYSTEM: The module will allow you to handle the
service/maintenance request raised by any institution or department. It also
enables the user to track the status of the raised ticket anytime.

19. HOSTEL MODULE: The module aids in managing the activities in a

hostel, which includes room allocation, attendance and also the asset
management per room.


Use Case Analysis

User User should be able to handle academics, student profile

Requirement and administration management of Markaz law college

Actors Users, Administrators

Pre 1.Eligibility test for admission
Conditions 2.User need to handle partial payments also
3.SC/ST student should be excluded from payments
4.In fees admission fees, caution deposit, refundable
deposit and application or prospectus fee can be handled
5.Registration Module should be handled
6.Need to categorize students from other institutions
7.Types of scholarship should be handled such as
- RCFI Scholarship
- E- Grand
- Markaz Scholarship
8.Need to handle future coming courses
9.Exam handling
10.University structure for exams need to be calculated
11.Attendance criteria for exams should be handled
12.Certificate generation
13.Transport Management
- Two buses are available in MKC
- Shariya like other institution students were using
the bus, need to collect bus fare from them
14. Library Management
- Return, lost book penalty for late students
- Books with weight added cost should be handled for
lost scenario
15.Alerts/Notification Management
16.Employees Management
- Outsourcing employees like securities should be
- Guest lecturer attendance handling
- Biometric Integration
17.HR and Payroll
18.Canteen Management
19.Front Office Management
20.Asset Management
21.Inventory Management
- Stock Register
- Movement Register
- Barcode Scanning for assets
22.Timetable for staffs and students
- Timetable scheduling for every day
23.Document Management
- Withheld certificate generation
24.Employee exam duty can be handled
25.Backlogs should be handled in academics or in student

Exceptions 1.Backlogs should be handled in academics or in student

2.Books with weight added cost should be handled for
book lost

Notes It is handled as a individual company


It is a 3 year academic program for 10th standard students. It is equivalent to

state board higher secondary examination


 Registration of Student handled through both offline and online form.

 Admission process includes an interview for selection
 All accounting activities done after central office approval
 Sending alerts and reminders to the guardian regarding the student
 Book movement in library
 Maintaining the student profile which has the entire details of the
student education details.


1. ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE: The module keeps the record of every

financial transaction done in the organization by creating journal entries for
every transaction. Multiple currency and multiple bank accounts can be
managed and different chart of accounts can be configured under different
account types. Various reports can be generated as per the user
2. USER MANAGEMENT MODULE: This module enables providing access
right for users belonging to different hierarchy and limits the modules or
feature they have access to read, write, create and delete.

3. HR AND PAYROLL MODULE: The module helps in managing the employee

profile in an organization and allows to group them under various
departments and to set the hierarchy. It also helps in the HR activities like
Leave management, attendance management and payroll computation.
Payroll computation is done by maintaining various salary structures and
salary rules according to the organization’s preference.

4. INVENTORY MODULE: The stock managing operations of the organization

is done with this module. It keeps a track of various products, their
movement and updates the quantity with different units of measurements.
It helps in maintaining the stock register and generates the stock reports in
various formats as per the user requirement.
5. PURCHASE MODULE: The module helps in managing the purchase
activities in the organization. It manages purchase requests from various
departments and generates purchase orders after handling the approval
from various levels.

6. POINT OF SALE: The module acts as a window for the product sale
operations handled in the institution. It allows multi user sessions
simultaneously from the same company.

7. DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT: The module is keeps a record of the physical

as well as digital documents in the organization. It tracks the movement of
the documents between various departments in the organization and also
enables attaching a digital copy of any physical record.

8. STUDENT MODULE: It acts as a database and handles the entire

information of the student in the system. It has different tables which
contains the record of the student activities done through different modules.
It also contains various reports required during the student active session in
the academic year.

9. HOSTEL MODULE: The module aids in managing the activities in a hostel,

which includes room allocation, attendance and also the asset management
per room.
10. LIBRARY MODULE: This is a dedicated module operates with library
function which includes data management of books, authors and
publishers. It also allows issue, return and renewal of books to the users
and manages late fine charges.

11. ADMISSION MODULE: Admission process to various institutions can be

managed by this module. It has different levels which can manage the
stages of admission and the form can be integrated with any website to
enable online application filling a fee payment.

12. ATTENDANCE MODULE: The module keeps the attendance of the users,
by managing registers. Reports can be generated in any format as per the
user requirements. It also enables integration with hardware like biometric
and RFID machines.

13. TIME TABLE MODULE: This module helps in managing the timetable of
the educational institution by configuring the working days, subjects,
classes and other constraints in faculty allocation

14. EXAMINATION MODULE: This module deals with mark entry of an

exam conducted and generate the result according to the calculations and
format set. It can also print report cards and consolidated mark lists as per
user requirements.

15. TRANSPORT MODULE: The module can keep and manage the data of
every transport vehicle associated with the institution. It can manage the
driver details, Refueling and maintenance history and the odometer
readings which enables the user to generate a graphical report at the end of
the year on the performance and efficiency of the vehicle.

16. ASSET MANAGEMENT: The module keeps the record of various assets
in the organizations and helps in keeping records and distributing it within
the sub departments. It helps in standardizing the numbering procedure by
generating automatically generated sequence.

17. FRONT OFFICE MANAGEMENT: This module assists in keeping the

visitor logs, track of received packages at the reception. It also helps in
providing gate pass for the visitors and a keep a track of every outsider who
visits the organization and their purpose.

18. EMPLOYEE MODULE: The module helps in managing the employee

profile in an organization and allows to group them under various
departments and to set the hierarchy. It also helps in the HR activities like
Leave management and employee attendance management.

19. TICKETING SYSTEM: The module will allow you to handle the
service/maintenance request raised by any institution or department. It also
enables the user to track the status of the raised ticket anytime.


Use Case Analysis

User should be able to handle the academics, student
profile and administration

Actors Users, Administrators

Pre Conditions 1.First year will be considered as the foundation course

2.Its a residential school with hostel facility
3.Basic school requirements has suggested
4.Student management
5.Hostel management
6.Extra curricular activities

Exceptions Mark entry for first year as it don’t have proper valuation

Notes It is considered as an individual company



 Patient Registration
 OP Card issue and renewal
 OP/IP Management
 Pharmacy Management


1. ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE: The module keeps the record of every

financial transaction done in the organization by creating journal entries for
every transaction. Multiple currency and multiple bank accounts can be
managed and different chart of accounts can be configured under different
account types. Various reports can be generated as per the user

2. USER MANAGEMENT MODULE: This module enables providing access

right for users belonging to different hierarchy and limits the modules or
feature they have access to read, write, create and delete.

3. HR AND PAYROLL MODULE: The module helps in managing the employee

profile in an organization and allows to group them under various
departments and to set the hierarchy. It also helps in the HR activities like
Leave management, attendance management and payroll computation.
Payroll computation is done by maintaining various salary structures and
salary rules according to the organization’s preference.

4. INVENTORY MODULE: The stock managing operations of the organization

is done with this module. It keeps a track of various products, their
movement and updates the quantity with different units of measurements.
It helps in maintaining the stock register and generates the stock reports in
various formats as per the user requirement.

5. PURCHASE MODULE: The module helps in managing the purchase

activities in the organization. It manages purchase requests from various
departments and generates purchase orders after handling the approval
from various levels.
6. POINT OF SALE: The module acts as a window for the product sale
operations handled in the institution. It allows multi user sessions
simultaneously from the same company.

7. DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT: The module is keeps a record of the physical

as well as digital documents in the organization. It tracks the movement of
the documents between various departments in the organization and also
enables attaching a digital copy of any physical record.

8. ASSET MANAGEMENT: The module keeps the record of various assets in

the organizations and helps in keeping records and distributing it within the
sub departments. It helps in standardizing the numbering procedure by
generating automatically generated sequence.

9. FRONT OFFICE MANAGEMENT: This module assists in keeping the visitor

logs, track of received packages at the reception. It also helps in providing
gate pass for the visitors and a keep a track of every outsider who visits the
organization and their purpose.

10. MANUFACTURING MODULE: This module provides the user with a

complete capability of managing manufacturing operations across the
organization. It covers everything from Sales
forecasting, Production planning, Material requirement planning, Inventory
management, Bill of Materials, Warehouse management, and so on.

11. TICKETING SYSTEM: The module will allow you to handle the
service/maintenance request raised by any institution or department. It also
enables the user to track the status of the raised ticket anytime.

12. OP/IP MANAGEMENT MODULE: The module is custom made for unani
clinic to manage the out and in patient details along with their treatment.




Checks if If prescribed for Reception to make

Pharmacy Therapy payment for TherapyPharmacy
or Therapy

If prescribed any medicine

Use Case Analysis

Requirement User should be able to handle mainly the hospital
Description administration,

Actors Users, Administrators

Pre 1. Affiliation board report sent to CCMI

Conditions 2. Front office management
3. Bill generation
4. Doctor prescribing Therapy or Pharmacy
5. IP/OP Management
6. HR Module
7. Payroll
8. Biometric Integration
9. Asset Management
10. Stock Management
11. Document Management

Post To handle doctor prescription


Notes It is to be included with Markaz Unani College

It is a charitable foundation under Markaz. The services provided includes
orphan care, differently able welfare, construction of education centre ,
dispensaries, wells.


 User Registration
 Project Management
 Fund receiving and allocation


1. ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE: The module keeps the record of every

financial transaction done in the organization by creating journal entries for
every transaction. Multiple currency and multiple bank accounts can be
managed and different chart of accounts can be configured under different
account types. Various reports can be generated as per the user

2. USER MANAGEMENT MODULE: This module enables providing access

right for users belonging to different hierarchy and limits the modules or
feature they have access to read, write, create and delete.

3. HR AND PAYROLL MODULE: The module helps in managing the employee

profile in an organization and allows to group them under various
departments and to set the hierarchy. It also helps in the HR activities like
Leave management, attendance management and payroll computation.
Payroll computation is done by maintaining various salary structures and
salary rules according to the organization’s preference.

4. INVENTORY MODULE: The stock managing operations of the organization

is done with this module. It keeps a track of various products, their
movement and updates the quantity with different units of measurements.
It helps in maintaining the stock register and generates the stock reports in
various formats as per the user requirement.
5. PURCHASE MODULE: The module helps in managing the purchase
activities in the organization. It manages purchase requests from various
departments and generates purchase orders after handling the approval
from various levels.

6. DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT: The module is keeps a record of the physical

as well as digital documents in the organization. It tracks the movement of
the documents between various departments in the organization and also
enables attaching a digital copy of any physical record.

7. ASSET MANAGEMENT: The module keeps the record of various assets in

the organizations and helps in keeping records and distributing it within the
sub departments. It helps in standardizing the numbering procedure by
generating automatically generated sequence.

8. FRONT OFFICE MANAGEMENT: This module assists in keeping the visitor

logs, track of received packages at the reception. It also helps in providing
gate pass for the visitors and a keep a track of every outsider who visits the
organization and their purpose.

9. MANUFACTURING MODULE: This module provides the user with a

complete capability of managing manufacturing operations across the
organization. It covers everything from Sales
forecasting, Production planning, Material requirement planning, Inventory
management, Bill of Materials, Warehouse management, and so on.

10. TICKETING SYSTEM: The module will allow you to handle the
service/maintenance request raised by any institution or department. It also
enables the user to track the status of the raised ticket anytime.

11. TRANSPORT MODULE: The module can keep and manage the data of
every transport vehicle associated with the institution. It can manage the
driver details, Refueling and maintenance history and the odometer
readings which enables the user to generate a graphical report at the end of
the year on the performance and efficiency of the vehicle.

12. PROJECT MANAGEMENT: The module assists in keeping track of the

updates and managing the details of a project. It enables to assign tasks to
multiple users, monitor the timesheet and thereby generate a detail report
on the productivity of the employees as well as status of the project.
13. REGISTRATION MODULE: The module is used by the applicant to enter
the details according to the requested service.


Use Case Analysis

User should be able to handle the complete management of
services provided by RFCI

Actors Users,Administrators

Pre Conditions - Project management

- Document management
- HR & Payroll
- Employee management
- It should be handled as independent entity
- Voucher generation
- Front office management
- Report generation in excel and pdf
- Accounting Management
- Multi currency management
- quotation handling
- Only Foreign investment received here
- Need to maintain invoice records
- Services given in
- Orphan Care
- Construction
- Accounts (projects)
- allocation of funds in initial stages
- distribution after getting confirmation in every stage
Post - Projects
Conditions - Engineering supervision
- uploading photos by site engineers
- report generation
- Attaching plan, quotation
- alerts on deadlines
- project creation and service requesting should be
handled simultaneously
- Orphan care
- application handling
- aadhar card mandatory
- report generated for uploading to agency
- agency registration no , send as sms to students
- User management , state wise

Exceptions Reports in excel required

Arabic script should be handled

Notes Handled as a separate company

Fund Receiving for Projects


If fund is received in
installments, the next
Work order with fund installment is to be added
received from to the same work order
external Agency

Project created as per Project is set to have

the work order in
“New” status.
following status:

1. New

2. Ongoing

Project initiated and 3. Completed

set to “Ongoing”
status on receiving a 4. Cancelled
matching application

Project Management - Schematic Diagram


Project Initiated Monitoring Project Database


Documentation Expense

Assign Purchase

Conduct meetings,
on project Project Scheduling Sign Off on Project
execution. as required Checkpoints
Service request Application for: Well/ Mosque/ Education Center/
Dispensary/ Reading Room


User fills Data directly stored in

If Online
the DB in draft form and
will be confirmed later
by administrator
on form

If Offline

Data verified System Application set to

manually and searches project pending
entered into the DB for state.
after confirmation matches

If match

Mapped to the
matching work
order and project Stop
Processes involved in projects

• Stages creation.
• Fund Allocation for stages.
• Assigning Supervisor for the
Planning project.
Adjust or modify plan
• Status meeting schedule.
anytime during the
scope of the project
• Purchase of resources
• Quotation handling.
Resource • Employee management
Management • Timesheet management

• Fund releasing as per completion

of stages
• Inspection/Verification at each Alerts sent during
Execution stages every stage as per the
user requirement.

• Report submission on
Project • Inspection and verification.
Sign Off • Inauguration
Orphan Care Application


User fills Data directly stored in

If Online
the DB in draft form and
will be confirmed later
by administrator
on form

If Offline

Data verified Students data is

manually and send to agency for
entered into the DB registration
after confirmation

If confirmed Agency
Student adopted in processes
RCFI Orphan care the
program. application

If rejected

Application set to
rejected status but
Stop can resubmit after

It is an education institution managed by Markaz for students from 8th std to

Graduation level courses. The courses offered includes
 ICS Diploma
 Residential Hifl


 Registration of Student handled through both offline and online form.

 Admission process includes an interview and written test for selection
 Accounting involves income in the term of donations
 Sending alerts and reminders to the guardian regarding the student
 Madrasa academics management including examination and report
 Maintaining the student profile which has the entire details of the
student and both their modern and Islamic education details.


1. REGISTRATION MODULE: This will be custom module for Zaitun Valley as

per the requirements collected from the department. This module enables
the registration of new students and their admission to the institution

2. ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE: The module keeps the record of every

financial transaction done in the organization by creating journal entries for
every transaction. Multiple currency and multiple bank accounts can be
managed and different chart of accounts can be configured under different
account types. Various reports can be generated as per the user

3. ALERT MANAGEMENT: The module helps in sending alerts to targeted

groups within the database. The user gets accurate and real-time statistics
on every alert sent out. These alerts can be sent either manually or
automatically generated.

4. PURCHASE MANAGEMENT: The module helps in managing the purchase

activities in the organization. It manages purchase requests from various
departments and generates purchase orders after handling the approval
from various levels.

5. ASSET MANAGEMENT: The module keeps the record of various assets in

the organizations and helps in keeping records and distributing it within the
sub departments. It helps in standardizing the numbering procedure by
generating automatically generated sequence.

6. STUDENT MODULE: It acts as a database and handles the entire

information of the student in the system. It has different tables which
contains the record of the student activities done through different modules.
It also contains various reports required during the student active session in
the academic year.

7. USER MANAGEMENT MODULE: This module enables providing access

right for users belonging to different hierarchy and limits the modules or
feature they have access to read, write, create and delete.

8. HR AND PAYROLL MODULE: The module helps in managing the employee

profile in an organization and allows to group them under various
departments and to set the hierarchy. It also helps in the HR activities like
Leave management, attendance management and payroll computation.
Payroll computation is done by maintaining various salary structures and
salary rules according to the organization’s preference.

9. DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT: The module is keeps a record of the physical

as well as digital documents in the organization. It tracks the movement of
the documents between various departments in the organization and also
enables attaching a digital copy of any physical record.

10. TICKETING SYSTEM: The module will allow you to handle the
service/maintenance request raised by any institution or department. It also
enables the user to track the status of the raised ticket anytime.

11. MADRASA MODULE: The module manages the madrasa education in

the institution. It includes class, subject and exam management.

12. INVENTORY MODULE: The stock managing operations of the

organization is done with this module. It keeps a track of various products,
their movement and updates the quantity with different units of
measurements. It helps in maintaining the stock register and generates the
stock reports in various formats as per the user requirement.

13. HOSTEL MODULE: The module aids in managing the activities in a

hostel, which includes room allocation, attendance and also the asset
management per room.

14. LIBRARY MODULE: This is a dedicated module operates with library

function which includes data management of books, authors and
publishers. It also allows issue, return and renewal of books to the users
and manages late fine charges.

15. ATTENDANCE MODULE: The module keeps the attendance of the users,
by managing registers. Reports can be generated in any format as per the
user requirements. It also enables integration with hardware like biometric
and RFID machines.

16. EXAMINATION MODULE: This module deals with mark entry of an

exam conducted and generate the result according to the calculations and
format set. It can also print report cards and consolidated mark lists as per
user requirements.

17. FRONT OFFICE MANAGEMENT: This module assists in keeping the

visitor logs, track of received packages at the reception. It also helps in
providing gate pass for the visitors and a keep a track of every outsider who
visits the organization and their purpose.

18. HOSTEL MODULE: The module aids in managing the activities in a

hostel, which includes room allocation, attendance and also the asset
management per room.


User fills Data directly stored in

the If Online DB in draft form and
admission will be confirmed later
by administrator

If Offline

Data verified
manually and Students will be called for
entered into the DB written test and interview
after confirmation

Selected students data is

confirmed and student
enrolled in the institution.

4.42.3 Use Case Analysis

Use Case Analysis

Requirement User should be able to handle the Admission process of
Description Zaitun Valley

Actors Users, Administrators

Pre Conditions 1. Admission form should contains:

 Date
 SL. No
 Name and Address
 Admission Sought to
 Nationality, Caste, Mother Tongue
 Identifications Marks
 Aadhar Number
 Father and Grandfathers name
 Mother's name and Grand fathers name
 Permanent address of Parent
 Telephone number, Mob number with
Remarks column
 Date of Interview [Here onwards to be filled
from Office only]
 Details of Interview
 Status (Selected or Rejected)
 Selection Card number
 Admission Number
 Date of admission
 Details of Admission
 Standard on Admission (School and
 Attachment options

Post Admission form will be filled either online or offline


Exceptions Able to generate current year Admission report


Use Case Analysis

Requirement User should be able to handle the Student Details of
Description Rayhan Valley

Actors Users, Administrators

Pre Conditions 1. Admission Confirmed Students will reflect in Student


2. Should have a provision to go to Admission record

against the Student Profile

3. Student Profile should contains:

 Photo
 Place
 Reg. No.
 Name and Address
 Section
 Room No
 Course
 Boarding point, in case of any help needed
 Nationality, Caste, Mother Tongue
 Identifications Marks
 Aadhar Number
 Mothers name and Grandfathers name
 Telephone number, Mob number with Remarks
 Admission Number
 Attachment options
4. Student may study in different School. So those
details should track.

5. Able to track the Leave records of Student (Date of

Leaving and Date of Return with time)

6. Need to generate Leave Slip from the system

7. Handling the Students Examination of Open
Students(Staying and Studying at Zaitun Valley only)

8. Examination is conducted half yearly and annually

9. User should be able to accept the payments through

the system

10. Other Performances should be tracked in Madrasa

module (like Extra Curricular Activities)

Post Conditions Users can update the data in Student profile


Use Case Analysis

Requirement User should be able to handle the Sales and Purchase
Description activities of Rayhan Valley

Actors Users, Administrators

Pre Conditions 1. User should be able to handle the Sales and Purchase
activities of the Rayhan Valley

2. Sale for each Student should get tracked

3. Should be able to handle the Inward and Outward


Post Conditions 1. POS option will be there to handle the Sales

2. Purchase option will be there to handle purchase

related activities. While entering the Purchase records,
the inventory items will get updated automatically

Exceptions Able to generate Purchase and Sale reports

Notes It is to be managed as a separate company


It is a girls orphanage managed under Markaz. It facilitate an integral system

of learning combining all major aspects of Islamic and secular education from
primary to professional level as per the interests of each student. The major
income is individual donations which can either be in the form of money or
other consumable materials. The institution also offers madrasa classes for the
students, and even sponsor them in their higher studies based on the
academic performance.


 Registration of Student handled through both offline and online form.

 Admission process includes an interview for selection
 Accounting involves income in the term of donations
 Sending alerts and reminders to the guardian regarding the student
 Madrasa academics management including examination and report
 Maintaining the student profile which has the entire details of the
student and both their modern and Islamic education details.



User fills Data directly stored in

the If Online DB in draft form and
admission will be confirmed later
by administrator

Interview call letters given

to selected students
If Offline
After Interview Process
Data verified
manually and Selected students data is
entered into the DB confirmed and student Stop
after confirmation enrolled in the institution.

1. REGISTRATION MODULE: This will be custom module for Green Valley as

per the requirements collected from the department. This module enables
the registration of new students and their admission to the institution

2. ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE: The module keeps the record of every

financial transaction done in the organization by creating journal entries for
every transaction. Multiple currency and multiple bank accounts can be
managed and different chart of accounts can be configured under different
account types. Various reports can be generated as per the user

3. ALERT MANAGEMENT: The module helps in sending alerts to targeted

groups within the database. The user gets accurate and real-time statistics
on every alert sent out. These alerts can be sent either manually or
automatically generated.

4. PURCHASE MANAGEMENT: The module helps in managing the purchase

activities in the organization. It manages purchase requests from various
departments and generates purchase orders after handling the approval
from various levels.

5. ASSET MANAGEMENT: The module keeps the record of various assets in

the organizations and helps in keeping records and distributing it within the
sub departments. It helps in standardizing the numbering procedure by
generating automatically generated sequence.

6. STUDENT MODULE: It acts as a database and handles the entire

information of the student in the system. It has different tables which
contains the record of the student activities done through different modules.
It also contains various reports required during the student active session in
the academic year.

7. USER MANAGEMENT MODULE: This module enables providing access

right for users belonging to different hierarchy and limits the modules or
feature they have access to read, write, create and delete.
8. HR AND PAYROLL MODULE: The module helps in managing the employee
profile in an organization and allows to group them under various
departments and to set the hierarchy. It also helps in the HR activities like
Leave management, attendance management and payroll computation.
Payroll computation is done by maintaining various salary structures and
salary rules according to the organization’s preference.

9. DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT: The module is keeps a record of the physical

as well as digital documents in the organization. It tracks the movement of
the documents between various departments in the organization and also
enables attaching a digital copy of any physical record.

10. TICKETING SYSTEM: The module will allow you to handle the
service/maintenance request raised by any institution or department. It also
enables the user to track the status of the raised ticket anytime.

11. MADRASA MODULE: The module manages the madrasa education in

the institution. It includes class, subject and exam management.

12. INVENTORY MODULE: The stock managing operations of the

organization is done with this module. It keeps a track of various products,
their movement and updates the quantity with different units of
measurements. It helps in maintaining the stock register and generates the
stock reports in various formats as per the user requirement.

13. HOSTEL MODULE: The module aids in managing the activities in a

hostel, which includes room allocation, attendance and also the asset
management per room.

14. LIBRARY MODULE: This is a dedicated module operates with library

function which includes data management of books, authors and
publishers. It also allows issue, return and renewal of books to the users
and manages late fine charges.

15. ATTENDANCE MODULE: The module keeps the attendance of the users,
by managing registers. Reports can be generated in any format as per the
user requirements. It also enables integration with hardware like biometric
and RFID machines.
16. EXAMINATION MODULE: This module deals with mark entry of an
exam conducted and generate the result according to the calculations and
format set. It can also print report cards and consolidated mark lists as per
user requirements.

17. FRONT OFFICE MANAGEMENT: This module assists in keeping the

visitor logs, track of received packages at the reception. It also helps in
providing gate pass for the visitors and a keep a track of every outsider who
visits the organization and their purpose.

18. KITCHEN MODULE: The module helps in managing the activities in

kitchen which includes, daily materials purchase, stock updating,
manufacturing of requested products and employee wage management.

19. HOSTEL MODULE: The module aids in managing the activities in a

hostel, which includes room allocation, attendance and also the asset
management per room.


Requirement Analysis

End Users Users, Administrators

User 1. Admission form should contains:

Requirement  Date
Description  SL. No
 Name and Address
 Boarding point, in case of any help needed
 Previous schooling details – Madrasa and School
 Admission Sought to
 Nationality, Caste, Mother Tongue
 Identifications Marks
 Aadhar Number
 Father and Grandfathers name
 Cause of Death(Father) and Date
 Mother's name and Grand fathers name
 Now married or not?
 Annual Income
 Number children Male/Female
 Permanent address of Parent
 Telephone number, Mob number with Remarks
 Date of Interview [Here onwards to be filled from
Office only]
 Details of Interview
 Status (Selected or Rejected)
 Selection Card number
 Admission Number
 Date of admission
 Details of Admission
 Standard on Admission (School and Madrasa)
 School TC No. with Date
 Madrasa TC No. with Date
 Attachment options
2. Admission form will be filled by the office staff. This
can be Accepted or Rejected

Flow of Events Admission form Principal (Accept or Reject)

Report Able to generate current year Admission report


Use Case Analysis

End Users Users, Administrators

User 1. Admission Confirmed Students will reflect in Student

Requirement Profile
2. Should have a provision to go to Admission record
against the Student Profile

3. Student Profile should contains:

 Photo
 Place
 Reg. No.
 Name and Address
 Section
 Room No
 Course
 Boarding point, in case of any help needed
 Nationality, Caste, Mother Tongue
 Identifications Marks
 Aadhar Number
 Mothers name and Grandfathers name
 Telephone number, Mob number with Remarks
 Admission Number
 Attachment options
4. Student may study in different School. So those
details should track.

5. Able to track the Leave records of Student (Date of

Leaving and Date of Return with time)

6. Need to generate Leave Slip from the system

7. Handling the Students Examination of Open

Students(Staying and Studying at Green Valley only)

8. Examination mark entry will be in the form of

TE(Terminal Evaluation, CE(Continuous Evaluation),
Total, Grand Total, Percentage (Overall), Result
(Pass/Fail) for the Classes Above 10th

9. User should be able to accept the payments through

the system

10. Should be able to handle the Madrasa Studies at

Green Valley

11. Madrasa Mark Entry will be like - Mainly 2 Semester

(TE,CE and Total)

12. Other Performances should be tracked in Madrasa

module (like Extra Curricular Activities)


End Users Users, Administrators

User 1. User should be able to handle the Sales and Purchase

Requirement activities of the Green Valley
2. Sale for each Student should get tracked

3. Should be able to handle the Inward and Outward

4. POS option will be there to handle the Sales
5. Purchase option will be there to handle purchase
related activities. While entering the Purchase records,
the inventory items will get updated automatically.
6. POS option will be there to handle the Sales
7. Purchase option will be there to handle purchase
related activities. While entering the Purchase records,
the inventory items will get updated automatically

Reports Able to generate Purchase and Sale reports

Notes It is to be managed as a separate company


It is a girls hostel managed under Markaz Knowledge City. It facilitate an

integral system of learning combining all major aspects of Islamic and secular
education from primary to professional level as per the interests of each
student. The major income is individual donations which can either be in the
form of money or other consumable materials. The institution also offers
madrasa classes for the students.


 Registration of Student handled through both offline and online form.

 Admission process includes an interview for selection
 Accounting involves income in the term of donations and fees.
 Sending alerts and reminders to the guardian regarding the student
 Madrasa academics management including examination and report
 Maintaining the student profile which has the entire details of the
student and both their modern and Islamic education details.



User fills Data directly stored in

the If Online DB in draft form and
admission will be confirmed later
by administrator

Interview call letters given

to selected students
If Offline
After Interview Process
Data verified
manually and Selected students data is
entered into the DB confirmed and student Stop
after confirmation enrolled in the institution.


REGISTRATION MODULE: This will be custom module for queens land

as per the requirements collected from the department. This module
enables the registration of new students and their admission to the

ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE: The module keeps the record of every

financial transaction done in the organization by creating journal entries
for every transaction. Multiple currency and multiple bank accounts can
be managed and different chart of accounts can be configured under
different account types. Various reports can be generated as per the user
ALERT MANAGEMENT: The module helps in sending alerts to targeted
groups within the database. The user gets accurate and real-time
statistics on every alert sent out. These alerts can be sent either
manually or automatically generated.

PURCHASE MANAGEMENT: The module helps in managing the

purchase activities in the organization. It manages purchase requests
from various departments and generates purchase orders after handling
the approval from various levels.

ASSET MANAGEMENT: The module keeps the record of various assets

in the organizations and helps in keeping records and distributing it
within the sub departments. It helps in standardizing the numbering
procedure by generating automatically generated sequence.

STUDENT MODULE: It acts as a database and handles the entire

information of the student in the system. It has different tables which
contains the record of the student activities done through different
modules. It also contains various reports required during the student
active session in the academic year.

USER MANAGEMENT MODULE: This module enables providing access

right for users belonging to different hierarchy and limits the modules or
feature they have access to read, write, create and delete.

HR AND PAYROLL MODULE: The module helps in managing the

employee profile in an organization and allows to group them under
various departments and to set the hierarchy. It also helps in the HR
activities like Leave management, attendance management and payroll
computation. Payroll computation is done by maintaining various salary
structures and salary rules according to the organization’s preference.

DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT: The module is keeps a record of the

physical as well as digital documents in the organization. It tracks the
movement of the documents between various departments in the
organization and also enables attaching a digital copy of any physical
TICKETING SYSTEM: The module will allow you to handle the
service/maintenance request raised by any institution or department. It
also enables the user to track the status of the raised ticket anytime.

MADRASA MODULE: The module manages the madrasa education in

the institution. It includes class, subject and exam management.

INVENTORY MODULE: The stock managing operations of the

organization is done with this module. It keeps a track of various
products, their movement and updates the quantity with different units
of measurements. It helps in maintaining the stock register and
generates the stock reports in various formats as per the user

HOSTEL MODULE: The module aids in managing the activities in a

hostel, which includes room allocation, attendance and also the asset
management per room.

LIBRARY MODULE: This is a dedicated module operates with library

function which includes data management of books, authors and
publishers. It also allows issue, return and renewal of books to the users
and manages late fine charges.

ATTENDANCE MODULE: The module keeps the attendance of the users,

by managing registers. Reports can be generated in any format as per the
user requirements. It also enables integration with hardware like
biometric and RFID machines.

EXAMINATION MODULE: This module deals with mark entry of an

exam conducted and generate the result according to the calculations
and format set. It can also print report cards and consolidated mark lists
as per user requirements.

FRONT OFFICE MANAGEMENT: This module assists in keeping the

visitor logs, track of received packages at the reception. It also helps in
providing gate pass for the visitors and a keep a track of every outsider
who visits the organization and their purpose.
KITCHEN MODULE: The module helps in managing the activities in
kitchen which includes, daily materials purchase, stock updating,
manufacturing of requested products and employee wage management.
HOSTEL MODULE: The module aids in managing the activities in a
hostel, which includes room allocation, attendance and also the asset
management per room.


Requirement Analysis

End Users Users, Administrators

User Requirement 1. Admission form should contains:

Description  Date
 SL. No
 Name and Address
 Aadhar Number
 Father and Grandfathers name
 Mother's name and Grand fathers name
 Annual Income
 Number children Male/Female
 Permanent address of Parent
 Telephone number, Mob number with Remarks column
 Date of Interview [Here onwards to be filled from Office
 Details of Interview
 Status (Selected or Rejected)
 Selection Card number
 Admission Number
 Date of admission
 Details of Admission
 Standard on Admission (School and Madrasa)
 School TC No. with Date
 Madrasa TC No. with Date
 Attachment options
2. Admission form will be filled by the office staff. This can be
Accepted or Rejected

Flow of Events Admission form Principal (Accept or Reject)

Report Able to generate current year Admission report


Requirement Analysis

End Users Users, Administrators

User Requirement 1. Admission Confirmed Students will reflect in Student Profile
2. Should have a provision to go to Admission record against the
Student Profile

3. Student Profile should contains:

 Photo
 Place
 Reg. No.
 Name and Address
 Section
 Room No
 Course
 Boarding point, in case of any help needed
 Nationality, Caste, Mother Tongue
 Identifications Marks
 Aadhar Number
 Mothers name and Grandfathers name
 Telephone number, Mob number with Remarks column
 Admission Number
 Attachment options
4. Student may study in different institutions. So those details
should track.

5. Able to track the Leave records of Student (Date of Leaving and

Date of Return with time)

6. Need to generate Leave Slip from the system

7. Handling the Students Examination of Open Students.

8. User should be able to accept the payments through the system

9. Should be able to handle the Madrasa Studies at Queensland



End Users Users, Administrators

User Requirement 1. User should be able to handle the Sales and Purchase activities
Description of the Queensland

2. Sale for each Student should get tracked

3. Should be able to handle the Inward and Outward register

4. POS option will be there to handle the Sales
5. Purchase option will be there to handle purchase related
activities. While entering the Purchase records, the inventory items
will get updated automatically.
6. POS option will be there to handle the Sales
7. Purchase option will be there to handle purchase related
activities. While entering the Purchase records, the inventory items
will get updated automatically

Reports Able to generate Purchase and Sale reports

Notes It is to be managed as a separate company


It is an institute offer Quran studies only for kids, the institution structure is
similar that of a university. The member institutions register at Zahratul Quran
for affiliation which is given after various inspections


 Registration of a member institute for affiliation handled through both

offline and online form.
 Fee collected from the member institute is accounted.
 All accounting activities done after central office approval
 Sending alerts and reminders to the institutions regarding examination
and result
 Maintaining the student profile which has the entire details of the
student education details.


ACCOUNTING AND FINANCE: The module keeps the record of every

financial transaction done in the organization by creating journal entries
for every transaction. Multiple currency and multiple bank accounts can
be managed and different chart of accounts can be configured under
different account types. Various reports can be generated as per the user
USER MANAGEMENT MODULE: This module enables providing access
right for users belonging to different hierarchy and limits the modules or
feature they have access to read, write, create and delete.

HR AND PAYROLL MODULE: The module helps in managing the

employee profile in an organization and allows to group them under
various departments and to set the hierarchy. It also helps in the HR
activities like Leave management, attendance management and payroll
computation. Payroll computation is done by maintaining various salary
structures and salary rules according to the organization’s preference.

REGISTRATION MODULE: The module is used by the member

institutions to register for affiliations.

PURCHASE MODULE: The module helps in managing the purchase

activities in the organization. It manages purchase requests from various
departments and generates purchase orders after handling the approval
from various levels.

DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT: The module is keeps a record of the

physical as well as digital documents in the organization. It tracks the
movement of the documents between various departments in the
organization and also enables attaching a digital copy of any physical

STUDENT MODULE: It acts as a database and handles the entire

information of the student in the system. It has different tables which
contains the record of the student activities done through different
modules. It also contains various reports required during the student
active session in the academic year.

ADMISSION MODULE: Admission process to various institutions can be

managed by this module. It has different levels which can manage the
stages of admission and the form can be integrated with any website to
enable online application filling a fee payment.

EXAMINATION MODULE: This module deals with mark entry of an

exam conducted and generate the result according to the calculations
and format set. It can also print report cards and consolidated mark lists
as per user requirements.

ASSET MANAGEMENT: The module keeps the record of various assets

in the organizations and helps in keeping records and distributing it
within the sub departments. It helps in standardizing the numbering
procedure by generating automatically generated sequence.

FRONT OFFICE MANAGEMENT: This module assists in keeping the

visitor logs, track of received packages at the reception. It also helps in
providing gate pass for the visitors and a keep a track of every outsider
who visits the organization and their purpose.

EMPLOYEE MODULE: The module helps in managing the employee

profile in an organization and allows to group them under various
departments and to set the hierarchy. It also helps in the HR activities
like Leave management and employee attendance management.

TICKETING SYSTEM: The module will allow you to handle the

service/maintenance request raised by any institution or department. It
also enables the user to track the status of the raised ticket anytime.


User fills Data directly stored in

the DB in draft form and
If Online
registration will be confirmed later
by administrator

If Offline Representatives visit the

school for inspection and
verify whether the
Data verified
standards specified are
manually and
entered into the DB
after confirmation

Scheduled for After

If rejected
second inspection. inspection

If approved

Stop Approved and

affiliation awarded


End Users Users, Administrators

User 1. Affiliation for hadiya centers can be handled using online application
Requirement form
Description Students data should be integrated
2. Student Profile should contains –
· Photo
· Place
· Election card No
· Name and Address
· Passport No
· Course
· Nationality, Caste, Mother Tongue
· Identifications Marks
· Aadhar Number
· Mothers name and father's name
· Telephone number, Mob number with Remarks column
· Admission Number
· Attachment options
3.Accounts Management
4.Payroll for employees
5.Can able to print question papers
6.Monthly examination and student performance should be monitored
7.Monthly attendance monitoring and report generation
8. Examination mark entry, report
9. Fee Management
- Affiliation Fee should be generated for all centers
10.Certificate generation
11.Inspection checklist should be handled
12.Stock management and Asset management
13. Teachers planner.
14. Users can update the data in Student profile and they can update
or modify it.
15.Users can manage the affiliated centers

Exceptions 1.Online Admission form with application fee

2. Inspection file should be handled like multiple inspection need
checklist for verifying centre guidelines.

Notes It is handled as a individual company

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