Analysis of RC Deck Slab Bridge by Standard Loadings Using Graphical User Interfaces Method
Analysis of RC Deck Slab Bridge by Standard Loadings Using Graphical User Interfaces Method
Analysis of RC Deck Slab Bridge by Standard Loadings Using Graphical User Interfaces Method
This article provides the graphical user interface (GUI) for analysis and design of R.C
simple span bridges. The GUI (Graphical User Interface). The GUI provides the analysis and
design of an R.C solid deck slab and R.C T-beam deck slab bridges. The bridges are analyzed for
subjecting loads as a one dimensional structure by using finite element method and design is
carried out according to I.S specifications. The analysis is carried out for dead loads, IRC live
loads, earth pressure, water pressure and seismic force. The GUI contains specified inputs
required for analysis and design of the selected bridge structure. The output contains analysis
results such as moments, axial forces, shear forces, deformations and design results such as
reinforcement detailing of bridge structure. From the research it can concluded that the analysis
can be done for any span of bridge, grade of concrete and grade of rebar. Hence, this article may
help the structural engineer to analyze and design R.C simple span bridges.
Keywords: GUI, Simple Span Bridges, Solid Deck Slab Bridge, T-Beam Deck Slab Bridge,
Finite esslement method.
A bridge is a structure having a total length above 6m between the inner face of the dirt
walls to carry the traffic loads above the natural obstruction (streams, rivers etc.) or artificial
obstructions. The superstructure of the bridge comprises of the deck slab and supports. On the
simple span bridge, the deck slab lay specifically on bearings through which forces and
moments are transferred to the sub-structure. The deck slab bridge comprises superstructure as
deck slab and supports as abutments.
Fig 1: Longitudinal section of Solid Deck Slab: shows the typical sections of the solid
deck Slab Bridge which contains components such as deck slab wearing coat, abutment and
footing. The solid deck slab casting is up-front with simple, and the concrete moulds are
extremely easy to build. Solid volumes might be expanded. The T-beam decks Slab Bridge
include deck slab sections supported by longitudinal girders are supported by abutments. The
girders give the stiffness and strength essential for the length, and empower the section to be
moderately thin and inexpensive to build. The details are required for the design of the abutment
and substructure is span of bridge.
Fig 2: Longitudinal section of Solid Deck Slab Bridge: shows the typical sections of the
T-beam deck slab bridge, which contains components such as, deck, slab, three longitudinal
girder, wearing coat, abutment and footing. The required number of girders used is needy upon
a few aspects, for example, the depth of the slab deck and the slenderness of the girder. Moulds
fore cast in-situ girder and section of slab deck are more convoluted than that essential for solid
concrete slab decks. The requirements for the analysis and design of the superstructure and
substructure are span, carriageway width and reduced levels etc.
B.N. Sinha et al. [1] conducted a work on the culverts, which are built under an earth
mound for passage of a watercourse, like the watercourses through the ridge as road banks
cannot be allowed to block the waterway. The structural design of the box culvert is carried out.
The structural design includes the concern of load cases (box with empty, full, surcharge loads,
etc.). The components of the structure are required to be designed to resist the extreme bending
moment and shear force and specified a full conversation on the requirements in the Codes,
considerations and validation of all the above aspects of design.
C.V. Alkunte et al. [2] presented the project on the piers, exposed to different loads in
along directed and horizontal direction, like wind load, topical water power, seismic force, etc.
I.R.C code regulations were used for the assessment and the effect of different forces on the
bridge pier. A parametric study is explained for the effectiveness by IRC living load for different
heights of the pier and spans of the bridge for the different shape of the pier. In the end, effect of
IRC the living load is studied for different heights of the pier and spans of the bridge for the
different shape of the pier.
S.V.Dinesh et al. [2013] presented the comparison of the effect of different standard
loadings on a set of reinforced concrete bridge decks using the finite-element method was
attempted. The parameters investigated include the feature ratio (span/width) and IRC vehicle
loading. The outcomes show that two IRC standard loading were 5 to 15% maximum difference
in deflection and longitudinal bending moment. The maximum vehicle axle-load of IRC
standards found to be 0.45 times lower than that of Euro standards. Hence, 0.58 to 0.55 times
decreases the numerical value of response parameters of the structure.
The primary objective of the present Research is, “To develop software to analyses and
design an RCC solid slab and T-beam culvert/bridge”. To achieve the above primary
objective following steps are followed:
Generation of graphical user interface (GUI) in MATLAB for input of geometric and
material property data on bridge/culvert under study.
Coding in MATLAB for analyses of bridge “slab/culverts” structural components using
finite element method for the data given in GUI.
Coding in MATLAB for the design of “slab/culverts” structural components using
Indian standard specifications for the data given in GUI.
Extracting the analysis result obtained from MATLAB coding pictorially in the form of
figures and tables.
Extracting the design result obtained from MATLAB coding pictorially in the form of
figures and tables.
As per IRC 6-2000, the loads are provided for analysis of the bridge structure, such as
dead loads, IRC live loads, earth pressure and seismic force. In this research, IRC class AA
tracked vehicle live load is considered. The Fig 1.3 shows that the nose to tail length for two
successive vehicles shall not exceed 90 m and the spacing between two transient or passage
vehicles, a maximum load of vehicle for single wheel. All dimensions are in meters and loads are
in tones.
Fig .3: IRC Class AA tracked vehicle. Fig .4: 2D Solid Deck Slab
Bridge in the form of Frame element
The RCC Solid Deck Slab Bridge is modeled as 2-dimensional with frame element as
shown in above Fig 4. The frame element has 3 degrees of freedom per node such as vertical
deformation, axial deformations and rotations.
The Fig 4 shows, the frame element can carry axial force, transverse shear force and
bending moment in the global co-ordinate system.
V = Vertical displacement,
θ = Slope.
From Fig 1.1, the various bridge components are discussed with respect to its sectional
and material properties. The bridge structure is analyzed using 2-dimensional frame element.
Hence, the length of the structure is assumed as 1 m. The dimensions of cross section of the deck
slab and girders are initially assumed as per IS specifications or from experience and to ensure
safety factor checks are done in the design processes as per IS specifications.
By using analyzed results, the components of slab culvert are designed manually
according to Indian Standard specifications. The designed components are as deck slab,
abutment and footing. The working stress method is used for designing the deck slab as per IRC
21-2000. The deck slab is flexural member; hence it is designed for maximum bending moment
to get required reinforcement details. The shear resistance checked and designed for shear
reinforcement if required. The grade of concrete is M35 and Fe-500 is considered for design.
According to the given grade of concrete and rebar, from Table-9 and Table-10, IRC 21-2000,
permissible stress in concrete is 11.67 N/mm2 and the permissible stress in rebar is 200 N/mm2.
MATLAB apps are self-contained MATLAB programs with GUI front ends that automate a task
or calculation. The GUI typically contains controls such as menus, toolbars, buttons, and sliders.
Many MATLAB products, such as Curve Fitting Toolbox, Signal Processing Toolbox, and the
Control System Toolbox, include apps with custom user interfaces. The Graphical representation
of any algorithm is defined as a flow chart as.
The importance of this research is to validate the results of numerical analysis with
respect to that of in STAAD Pro and GUI. The Solid Deck Slab Bridge already numerically
analyzed for the IRC Class AA Tracked live load placed as near to support. Hence, to validate
the numerical analysis results, the same structure subjected to the IRC Class AA Tracked live
load placed as near to support is modeled and analyzed in STAAD Pro and then validated results
of both the numerical and analysis by the STAAD Pro. The analysis results indicated that the
numerical analysis and STAAD Pro software are found to be almost similar. Therefore the above
numerical analysis is observed to be correct for the assumed given slab culvert.
A bridge is a structure providing passage over an obstacle without closing the way
The required passage may be o road, railway, pedestrians, a canal or a pipe line.
The obstacle to be crossed may be a river, a road, railway or a valley.
Abridge with an upper horizontal beam that carries roadway is known as deck of the
In deck slab bridges, the deck itself is the structural frame or entire deck is thin beam
acting entirely as one primary member. These types are used where the depth of
structure is critical factor.
A slab deck is one where the deck is analyzed as a plate. If the slab has the different
stiffness in two directions right angle to each other, is known as Deck Slab Bridge.
Data collection
Analysis of data
Selection of bridge
To construct a bridge the first part of analysis is to decide the shortest route for the
bridge from starting point to the end point.
Weather it is necessary and economical to construct a bridge.
In this part of analysis curves analysis, curves ends of the river are excluded so as the
distance will decrease between the ends of bridge unless there is no other plan is
possible for the bridge.
Scour depth: The depth which is produced due to the souring action of water.
Loading classification
Traffic projection
Vertical clearance
The GUI helps the user to select the type of simple span bridge require for construction.
The shows the GUI, which gives moments, shear force, axial force, length and interconnected
nodes of each discrete beam element of part-1 analysis for Solid Deck Slab Bridge. shows part-1
analysis on the GUI. The part-1 analysis gives the details of various loads acting on the structure,
such as dead loads, earth pressure, water pressure and seismic force and gives the length of