Intermediate Micro
Intermediate Micro
Intermediate Micro
Assignment # 1
Q.1 Harry Hype has $5,000 to spend on advertising a new kind of dehydrated
sushi. Market research shows that the people most likely to buy this new product
are recent recipients of M.B.A. degrees and lawyers who own hot tubs. Harry is
considering advertising in two publications, a boring business magazine and a
trendy consumer publication for people
who wish they lived in California.
Fact 1: Ads in the boring business magazine cost $500 each and ads in the
consumer magazine cost $250 each.
Fact 2: Each ad in the business magazine will be read by 1,000 recent M.B.A.’s
and 300 lawyers with hot tubs.
Fact 3: Each ad in the consumer publication will be read by 300 recent M.B.A.’s
and 250 lawyers who own hot tubs.
Fact 4: Nobody reads more than one ad, and nobody who reads one magazine
reads the other.
(a) If Harry spends his entire advertising budget on the business publication,
how many recent M.B.A’s and lawyers with hot tubs read that?
(b) If he spends his entire advertising budget on the consumer publication, how
many recent M.B.A’s and lawyers with hot tubs read that?
(c) Suppose he spent half of his advertising budget on each publication. What
will be the case?
(d) Draw a “budget line” showing the combinations of number of readings by
recent M.B.A.’s and by lawyers with hot tubs that he can obtain if he spends
his entire advertising budget. Does this line extend all the way to the axes?
Sketch, shade in, and label the budget set, which includes all the
combinations of MBA’s and lawyers he can reach if he
spends no more than his budget.
(e) Let M stand for the number of instances of an ad being read by an M.B.A.
and L stand
for the number of instances of an ad being read by a lawyer. Write the
budget line in the above context. With a fixed advertising budget, how many
readings by M.B.A.’s must he sacrifice to get an additional reading by a
lawyer with a hot tub?
Q.2 Suppose that the utility functions u(x, y) and v(x, y) are related by v(x, y)
= f(u(x, y)). In each case below, show whether the function f is a positive
monotonic transformation or not.
(Hint for calculus users: A differentiable function f(u) is an increasing function
of u if its derivative is positive.)
(a) f(u) = 3.141592u.
(b) f(u) = 5, 000 − 23u.
(c) f(u) = u − 100, 000.
(d) f(u) = log10 u.
(e) f(u) = −e−u.
(f) f(u) = 1/u.
(g) f(u) = −1/u.
Q.3 Willy Wheeler’s preferences over bundles that contain nonnegative amounts
of x1 and x2 are represented by the utility function U(x1, x2) =x21+ x22
(a) Draw a few of his indifference curves. What kind of geometric figures are
(b)Does Willy have convex preferences?