Newsletter Project For 11
Newsletter Project For 11
Newsletter Project For 11
Volume 1 Issue 1
[Company Name] , [Street Address] , [City, ST ZIP
[Web site] [e-mail] [phone]
“You can transform your life and business in just seven minutes a
day.” If that statement makes you want to read on, consider
yourself hooked.
A newsletter is competing against a lot of distractions for the
reader’s attention, so it’s important that the first one or two
sentences of an article hook the reader. And since that hook creates Caption describing pictu
an expectation, the article needs to justify the use of the hook, or
the reader will feel manipulated.
Along with the hook, the article’s headline needs to be brief, active, “To catch the
and clear in its purpose. Beyond these essential characteristics, a reader’s atten
headline attracts attention if it’s highly relevant, inspires curiosity, place an inter
or has some other irresistible quality. sentence or q
Newsletter articles are short on space and their readers are short on from the stor
time, so the articles must be well-focused, aiming to make one here.”
major point. The making of this point can be achieved through two
to five (or so) sub-points.
Title Page 3
Title Page 4
These points must have, as their primary aim, the To sum it up, grab the reader’s atten
benefit of the reader, who should be able to point through an effective headline and ho
out this benefit. It can be new knowledge or then reward the reader for following
insight, an idea about how to improve business, or giving them something they didn’t ha
better, how your business can improve them.
In addition, keep the article brief an
The article should clarify, inspire, encourage, focused, and if appropriate, demonst
enthuse, provoke thought, satisfy—it should elicit your products and services address th
a positive response. And the best response of all, raised in the article. By doing so, you
of course, is that the reader decides that your good chance of keeping the readers y
products or services provide the solutions they and of gaining new readers with ever
The Elements of a
By Author Name