Existence Is Co-Existence: A Report On Implementation of A Foundation Course in Human Values & Professional Ethics

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A Report on Implementation of

A Foundation Course in Human Values & Professional Ethics

By Prof. R. R. Gaur, Prof. Rajeev Sangal & Sh. Ganesh Bagaria

Institutions of Technical & Higher Education
through October 2012

Existence is Co-existence

Implemented at 1000 colleges of 4 universities in AP, UP & Punjab

(IIIT Hyderabad, GBTU Lucknow, MTU Noida and PTU Jalandhar)

Implementation planned in 2012-13 at 500 colleges of 3 universities in HP, AP & Bhutan

(HPTU Hamirpur, JNTU Hyderabad & RUB Thimphu)
Brief Report

The scope of education is to understand one’s purposefulness or goal, both as an individual, as

well as a Humane society, and to develop the commitment & competence to fulfill these goals.
Education should facilitate students to have the understanding, commitment, competence and the
practice of living with definite Human Conduct and to participate in the development of a
Humane society.
“Since coming across this material, in
October 2010, our own vision, at PTU,
It is clearly about understanding (what to do?), learning skills
has broadened, from being university
(how to do?) and practicing the understanding & skills leading centric & employer centric to now
to fulfillment of one’s purpose. It is not just about learning skills being even more society focused. While
(how to do?). The subject which deals with “what to do” (and we always wanted to actively participate
in the development of a Humane society,
“what not to do”) is called value education – it facilitates
we now have more clarity on how to go
development of Right Understanding. The subject which deals about it. We have developed specific goals
with “how to do” is called technical education or professional and programs related to value education as
education – it facilitates development of skills. There is a well as technical education. We intend to
complimentarity between the two. Of course both are required. facilitate the development of
responsible and competent citizens for
However the priority needs to be values, then skills. society who have the competence,
practice and entrepreneurial ability to
Knowingly or unknowingly, our education system has focused be meaningfully employed or self-
on the skill aspects (learning and doing). It concentrates on employed; and to actively participate
in developing a Humane society” …
providing to its students the skills to do things. In other words,
Dr. Rajneesh Arora, Vice Chancellor,
it concentrates on providing “How to do” things. The aspect of Punjab Technical University
understanding “What to do” or “Why something should be
done” is assumed. No significant cogent material on understanding is included as a part of the

With the priority on skills, the value aspect is largely missing. In our educational institutions, the
manifest problems range from self-centeredness, acute competitiveness and insensitivity towards
others - to indiscipline and violence in various forms, addiction to drugs etc. and in the extreme
cases, depression and apathy towards life itself leading to suicides. Many students, who enjoyed
learning and creativity in schools, lose interest in academics rapidly after joining higher profession
institutions. They are carried away more by the peer pressure rather than by their own natural
acceptance. Their self-confidence also dwindles and they usually find it difficult to manage

Students, and Teachers, are under tremendous peer pressure. Being with the in-crowd is a
priority, and many have adopted a life style of sleeping late, waking up late, eating out, branded
clothing, dating, watching movies, TV, electronic gaming and internet chatting. This promotes
casualness, a non-serious attitude towards work and life and it shows up as lack of hard work in
studies, and later at work. And the hostel environment promotes this.

A result of this is the production of graduates who tend to join into a blind race for wealth,
position and jobs. Even so, a very high percentage of graduates are not job-ready and/or do not
find employment. Often it leads to misuse of the skills; and
Dasho (Dr.) Pema Thinley, the vice
confusion and wealth that breeds chaos in family, problems
chancellor of The Royal University of
Bhutan (RUB), at a recent international in society, and imbalance in nature.
conference [6-8 January 2012], said that
Bhutan is working toward Gross National The mindset of student community is an indicator of the
Happiness (GNH) very sincerely. All society to be 10 years hence. In spite of the efforts being
national systems have been gearing up for
made in education made with the intention of a better
this comprehensive goal, including
society, we observe worsening in society. The mindset of the
planning and education.
students today indicates an increasing trend towards
GNH values have been endorsed by the
Academic Board in September 2012 to be
mutual mistrust, strife, terrorism, crimes and corruption etc.
worked on to be introduced in all Colleges in the society of the next few years if we continue with the
as a foundation module in July-August same recipe.
Six out of 10 colleges have already started Human beings’ conduct is largely decided by their
pilot projects in communicating this. The education. If they get human education, they exhibit definite
early indicators of these experiments
human conduct; if they get inhuman education, they exhibit
are quite encouraging. The primary
learning from these experiments is the inhuman and indefinite conduct.
need for 'teacher preparation' &
'orientation of the institution Therefore, the need to introduce appropriate value
(teachers, students & staff)'. education inputs has become almost indispensable today.
We are thinking about a core group of 15
This need has previously been repeatedly highlighted by
to 20 teachers who could undergo more
various commissions and expert committees on education
extensive training. I already have three
and is generally felt by the educationists, however, this gap
volunteers, ie, Director Dorji
Wangchuck, Director Lopen Lungten still remains to be bridged for which joint dedicated and
Gyatasho and myself. We would do well thought-out effort is required. One important
this even in our retirement…[Oct impediment in introducing value education has been the
2012]. lack of clarity on the vision, methodology and the
availability of necessary wherewithal for incorporating it in
the present teaching-learning environment.

Himachal Pradesh Technical University Understanding of “what to do”, “what is valuable” is

had already decided to introduce this required and learning “how to do” is also required. Both
foundation course from the Academic Year are required. Human education must enable the student to
2012-2013. The vice chancellor, Prof. (in order of priority):
Shashi Dhiman said “people in 1. Develop Right Understanding – By sharing the
Himachal already lived in harmony, but
due to lack of conviction and due to the
understanding of “what to do” (Value Education)
incessant pressures, they are being carried 2. Develop Right Skills – By teaching “how to do”
away into many of the ills of modernity. (Technical Education)
By this process of value education, it seems 3. Practice Right Living during the period of education
possible to re-instill self confidence for a
(Technical Education)
harmonious way of life. This would be a
first step toward value based Living in relationship with human being
education”. leading to mutual happiness
Living in relationship with rest-of-nature
leading to mutual prosperity
During past 2-3 decades, some pioneering groups have devoted serious efforts towards
developing appropriate value education and have experimented with alternative models for
integrating value education in technical/management
education institutions. The 6 guidelines for value education Lopen Lungtaen Gyatsho, director of
Institute of Language & Culture Studies,
(indeed all education) are:
Bhutan, said at the closure of a workshop
on 20th October 2012 “I had personally a
1. Universal – Whatever is studied as value education very touching experience here, because we
needs to be universally applicable to all human beings felt at home. That carefree atmosphere was
there. That is trust… This is one example
and be true at all times and all places. In addition, it
of creating a just society, a society that is
should not depend on sect, creed, nationality and gender based on harmony & trust… I know this is
etc. So it deals with universal human values. [We can an uphill task because this is working
observe that it leads to collaboration vs competition, it against the popular trend of materialism,
but we can see the bigger light at the end
encourages people to live in relationship vs dividing
of the tunnel… If this is doable here it
them and it facilitates individual aspirations for can be doable elsewhere also. So we
excellence vs exclusivity, being special or unique] can imagine if we extend this space
further, how beautiful our society, our
2. Rational - It has to be amenable to reasoning. It is a set of world can become…”

assertions, not a set of negations. It is not based on

Sangay Thinley, faculty Sherubtse
dogmas or blind beliefs. It cannot be a set of sermons or College, Bhutan says “we can now dare
Do’s and Don’ts. [It can be taught – it can be dream of a world free of all the evils
communicated clearly, it can be understood, student can that have crept in”. And it is on account
of so-called modern education, and our
be observed to verify that it has been understood]
own ignorance of what to do as a human
being. We need to be able to see that we are
3. Natural – We want to study something that is natural to the ones propagating this education; and
us. Being natural means, it has to be acceptable naturally further we have to see that it is our
responsibility to bring education in line
(without being forced, conditioned or forced by another
with human goals. That is specifically our
person/s). When we live on the basis of such values that role as responsible teachers & parents.
are natural to us, it leads to fulfillment i.e. it leads to our
happiness, it is conducive to other people we interact with, and the interaction with nature is
mutually enriching.

4. Verifiable – We want to verify these values ourselves, i.e. we don’t want to assume something
just because something is stated, and rather, each one of us will want to verify these to find out
whether they are true for us. This can be done by both checking for validity within ourselves,
as well as something which we can implement in our living (in behaviour with human beings
and work with rest of nature) and observe its outcome. [Every individual is able to verify these
values themselves. No qualification is needed for doing this – being a human being is

5. All Encompassing – Value education is not merely an academic exercise. It is aimed at

transforming our consciousness and living. Hence, it has to permeate into all dimensions of
our living, namely, thought, behaviour, work and understanding/realization; as well as all
levels namely individual, family, society and nature. [For every aspect of life the purpose
becomes clear, the commitment to live that way increases with understanding]
6. Leading to harmony – Finally, value education has to enable us to be in harmony within and in
harmony with others. Hence, when we live on the basis of these values, we start
understanding that it will lead to harmony in us and harmony in our interactions with other
humans and the rest of nature. That is it leads to human conduct. [It leads to fulfillment of the
human purpose. This is observable in the individual and in his interaction with his family,
society and nature/ existence]

"A Foundation Course on Human Values & Professional Ethics", has been designed by Prof. RR
Gaur, Prof. R Sangal & Shri. GP Bagaria . It follows a process of self verification, on the basis of
one’s own Natural Acceptance, leading to self-determination. It is not a process of assuming or a
process of do’s & don’ts. It has been designed to be a part of the academic curriculum:
1. To develop a critical ability to distinguish between essence and form; or between what is of
value and what is superficial in life (to appreciate the importance of fundamental issues related to
their happiness and real success in the life & profession).
What makes it interesting & challenging is the fact that the ability is to be developed not for a
narrow area or field of study, but for everyday situations in life. It covers the widest possible canvas.

2. To move from discrimination to commitment (to develop sensitivity and awareness leading
to commitment and courage to act on the basis of their own understanding, rather than
merely on the basis of assumptions)
It is not sufficient to develop the discrimination ability, it is important to act on such discrimination
in a given situation on their own right.

3. This module does not teach values.

It encourages students to discover what they consider valuable. Accordingly, they should
be able to discriminate between valuable and the superficial in real situations in their life.

It sensitizes the students to the possibility of a humane society. A major portion of the course is
focused on understanding of all dimensions and all levels of human existence. This course:
a) Satisfies all the 6 guidelines, above
b) Can provide the clarity for human target and universal human order
c) Can facilitate human conduct which is required for the above (b)
d) Can provide the guidelines for Professional Ethics, which is a particular aspect of human

Teaching assets is an important factor in communicating the core ideas clearly & effectively,
particularly on a large scale. Teaching assets for this course include:
1. Syllabus
2. Teachers Manual (Lecture Plan 28 Lectures & 14 Practice Sessions)
3. Text Book
4. Posters
5. Presentations, including Practice Sessions, Tutorials & Videos
6. Video of Workshop Lectures (Lecture-by-Lecture)
7. Weekly Meeting (also through WebEx)
8. Web Site
9. 8-Day Teachers' Orientation Program
Dr. H. S. Bains, Registrar PTU. 27 Sep
10. How to Share Values 2011 at the Director’s Workshop
11. Examination & Evaluation I am very happy today to share this… I got
12. Social Projects & Social Internship candid feedback from my son. He said ”my
(HVPE) teacher has become a role model, a
13. Process of Implementation (stage by stage)
mentor for me (and many others in my
14. Advanced Study class)”. I have personally observed a very
big behavioural change in my son – a sense
Facilitation for Faculty Development: The teacher plays a of self responsibility. In just the last 2
months. The direction we had thought this
critical role in this process. A program and process that
course would take our students is the right
develops faculty is essential. The 8-day residential Teachers’ one.
Orientation Program has been extremely effective.
Aravind Kumar (name changed)
Clarity in Process of Implementation: Replication, speed and graduated in Computer Science from IIT
Kanpur. When he was in second year he
scale depend on the implementation process. The initial 7-
had a semester performance index (SPI) of
steps of implementation have been tried out at various 4/1 – he was under academic probation,
universities and found to be quite effective. In the longer run, almost at the point of expulsion, dejected,
8 steps have been envisaged to take education from where it spending huge amount of time in playing
video games and contemplating dropping
is today to being value-based – and therefore conducive to
out. After attending the workshop on
fulfilling individual, as well as social goals together. Human Values, he developed confidence, a
sense of purpose and started working on
There is ample scope for advanced study in this area. The academics – his SPI improved from 4 to
7.5 to 6 to 9. He completed his B Tech with
validation of advancement is directly visible in living, rather
a strong CPI. Today he is working as a
than in “academic” achievement alone. senior manager with a major telecom
company. He actively participates in
Using this foundation course as a base, the results of promoting human values and value-based
living. “Without this knowledge, through
experiments conducted since 2005, with about 1,20,000
the workshop and its follow-up, I don’t
students in about 1,000 colleges from 4 universities, have know where I would have been… My
been quite encouraging. academic performance is a side-effect
of being clearer about my purpose as a
The impact is: Human Being”

1. There is a sense of prosperity

mY iek AiDAwpk bnHxw cwhuMdw hW Aqy
2. More attention toward relationship – with family, mY Biv`K ivc vI ies ivBwg dIAw
colleagues, students etc. Activites ivc ih`sw lYdW rvwgW jd
3. Better attitude of students, particularly towards kdy vI koeI mokw imilAw qw jo mY AwpxI
academics and its impact on employability ies izMdgI nUM hor
4. Increased self discipline & sense of responsibility, gihrweI nwl smJ skW [ - Krishan
reduced need for enforcement Kumar Intern at Department of Value
Education, PTU, Jalandhar
5. Significant commitment toward teaching

Self-evaluation of Teachers:
This has had an impact on my personal attitude it is relevant for me
This has had an impact on my personal relationships in my family it is relevant for my
This had had an impact on my relationship with
my students. I feel more responsible toward
Till today we were never taught anything like
this so we never thought about deciding for students. I find it enriching to teach this subject
ourselves. This subject develops and also other subjects
understanding, which is very necessary… and There is a change in the attitude of my students it
should be introduced earlier at school level also
is relevant for my students
– Amritshivraj Singh Chahal, Student at
BBSBEC, Fatehgarh Sahib
Self-evaluation of Students who were taught by certified
Atul Rana, paid a lot of attention to his hair. teachers:
Every month he would go to Chandigarh for
I am now clearer about what to do. I.e. about what
his hair. He would get a new hair cut/hair
colour according to the latest fashion. In this
is right, about my goal
process he spent about Rs. 6000 / month. My attention has been drawn to relationships,
Sometimes he would argue for the amount at which I had undermined
home. After the topic “self & body” was
I am able to correctly understanding the need of
discussed in class, he said he understood that
maybe this hair thing was not so important. physical facilities
Last time he got his hair done locally at My academic performance has increased on
Bhaddal for Rs 300. It is the understanding account of this clarity
that being good is important, is valuable while
just looking good is superficial. This learning is
significant – shared by Gurseerat teaching at
At the level of management and administration the
IET Bhaddal feedback is encouraging from those colleges where the
management has taken a hands-on implementation
I used to spend a lot of time at home on approach. They tell us four things:
Facebook chatting with my friends. During
this course, there was a discussion on family.
Our institution's agenda, academic curriculum,
Now when I sit on the computer, I remember content and teaching methods is becoming
the things discussed. I realized that even increasingly purposeful and meaningful
though I was at home, I was far away from my
Our institution has started to be managed on the
parents. I have been trying to spend more time
with my mother, and my brother. In the last
basis of relationship rather than on the basis of
few days, I have been sitting with my books shasan (domination, opposition). We can observe
with my mother and brother. Mujhe bahut hi that life on campus becomes more and more
accha lag raha hai… andar se mahsoos ho raha holistic, participative and fulfilling
hai ki accha hai ki yeh baten kar rahen hain –
shared by Seema Thapar teaching at IET
We can observe that students are developing more
Bhaddal responsibility; they are doing well academically
and becoming more self disciplined. Some of them
When I heard about this subject, I thought that also participate in efforts for order in society
it would be just free lectures. Actually, I think
There is sufficient space in the existing system to
the child learns such things from his/her
parents, but when I attended just three lectures experiment. Changes toward self-organization are
of HV I felt that it is necessary for all of us… accepted and multiplication is possible
the teacher discusses with us his thoughts and
ours… to achieve our real goal i.e.
The approach is holistic, covering a large canvas. It has
continuous happiness, we need not only
been explored with people from different walks of life.
facilities but we also need relations and
understanding – Pardeep Kaur, Student atSome experiences are given below. Although, the
BBSBEC, Fatehgarh Sahib concerns of each of the groups are different, what they
realize at the end is that there is a need for human values
and relationships that is founded on knowledge in the self.
Young students in engineering
The workshop has been included as a compulsory part of the academic curriculum. It has led to a
major rethinking among the students. They have been reflecting on what their goals are, the place
of money in life, the joy one derives in relationship, and in seeking knowledge and not merely on
jobs and the money they get out of it. They have become relaxed in their self, and become more
sensitive to relationships with their friends and family, and regarding society and nature.

People from different walks of urban life

People from different walks of life are affected by the workshop. Many realize the lack of time
they give to their family in their relentless pursuit of wealth, and even more importantly, the way
they behave with their children, spouse or old parents. Many such people are affected profoundly
and come back to further workshops with their family members, again and again.

Criminals in jail
The workshop touches criminals in jail most directly. Those who are seething with revenge,
slowly start realizing that in fact their "enemies" are not bad. They are to be pitied and not hated.
In turn, they themselves get depressurized and relaxed. This eventually gets reflected in their day
to day behaviour with other jail inmates and with jail authorities. Bilaspur jail experience shows
that some of the most violent criminals with also the worst behaviour inside the jail got totally

Social workers from NGOs

People working for uplift of downtrodden in rural and urban areas are greatly affected by the
workshop. It dawns on them that along with work on employment generation, agriculture,
irrigation, health, sanitation, scientific tempers, it is also important to work on "understanding" of
the self and on relationship, without which their work and successes are short lived.

Farmers and rural folk

Rural folk today are in a state of demoralization. They are being told that they are backward, and
need to be developed; that they are ignorant and do not know what is good for them; that they
need to study English and IT without which there is no future. The present political structure and
political parties has led to a breakdown of the community decision making. High powered
marketing along with TV has led to a loss of community life and led them to yearn for Pepsi and
the "luxury of city life". They do not realize what they possess - clean air, clean water, and a
stronger possibility of a wholesome life with fulfilling relationship in family and community.
Experience of rural people who attend the workshop has been that they feel a sense of
empowerment regarding themselves and what they can do at their own place. Rather than
treating farming as an unworthy activity, they see value in what they are doing. The importance
and necessity of physical labour for all, comes out as a corollary.
Established business men who have done the workshop have taken up sustainable or "zero-input"
farming where all the required resources for farming is generated from farm land itself. Several
experiments in renewable energy are also in full swing. They are deriving happiness out of
farming and physical labor.
People with spiritual background
People with spiritual background usually take time to come to terms that one can talk about
"human values" without bringing in elements from mystery or unknown. Many are elated at this
discovery. People from different faiths - Hinduism, Buddhism, Sikhism, Islam, Christianity - have
started getting deep into a process of self-exploration after doing the workshop, and are able to see
that the human values can be derived through this process of self exploration by each one of us
and are the same as professed by their respective faiths.

What this content is NOT

The content is not a course in moral science. It does not tell you DOs and DONTs. It does not tell
you what you should become, or what you should do. (It only seeks to connect you with your Self
and encourages you to seek answers within self).

It does not talk about rewards and punishments in an after world. (The goal is happiness here and
now. It puts forward the proposition that the basic human values are inherent and intact in all of
us, what is needed is to be aware of them. When we follow what is innate in us, we derive joy and
happiness. The listener is free to do self investigation and self exploration and come to his own

It does not say physical facilities are unimportant and must be shunned. It rather talks of
prosperity in every family. (It says that there is place for facilities in life and encourages people to
fix their place in their own life. This also requires separating needs from desires generated by TV
and consumerist culture, where the irony is that accumulation of wealth is accompanied not by a
sense of fulfilment but by a sense of deprivation, the workshop presents this aspect forcefully).

It is not the representation of an organization or society. It does not insist on any specific faith or
any specific belief. (It only proposes and asks its listeners to investigate and explore into their own
inner self and connect to what is innate and intact in all of them as something which is universal,
natural and all-fulfilling for them as well as others. They can do this irrespective of their own
religion or faith or beliefs).

From all these experiences, we can see the possibility that Universal Human Values Are
Teachable, that they can be communicated precisely and effectively. Through the many examples,
we can see indications and evidence of the positive change in attitude, academic excellence and
social concern among the teachers & students who have been consistently attending this
course/workshop and are active in self-exploring. They develop a holistic vision towards life and
profession; and have enhanced self-confidence. Such individuals become assets to themselves, to
their family as well as to the society at large. Students perform well academically, do well at their
workplaces and at the same time participate for order in society. The key success factors are:

1. Commitment of Key Decision-Makers (Discussion with educators making effort in this

direction, visits to their educational institutions and short interactions, like the 3-day
workshop are helpful)
2. Preparation of Teachers (The 8-day Teachers’ Orientation Program (TOP) is effective in
preparing teachers – to understand, to live and to share the values)

3. Communication with Students (Frequent, open & transparent discussion with students
and orientation programs are effective)

4. Conducive Environment (Orientation of the teachers and staff goes a long way)

5. Step-by-Step Implementation at a Natural Pace (A strong process and a committed,

competent & empowered Value Education Cell is required)
Brief Implementation Status – as of Oct 2012

Date Started University / Scope Comments

August 2005 International Institute Students, teachers, Run as a workshop in Telugu, Hindi & English
of Information staff, families & Teacher training is essential
Technology (IIIT), community (now 5 Faculty/Senior Students/Faculty Spouses now
Hyderabad reaching out running full 8-day workshops
November 2006 Indian Institute of Students, faculty & Formalized in 2011 as an activity of NSS
Technology (IIT), staff of IITK Attended by students, faculty & staff members.
Kanpur Open to collaborating Universities/Colleges
March 2009 Uttar Pradesh All colleges affiliated Introduced as an essential audit course in any one
Technical University to UPTU (about 500 semester of study
(UPTU), Lucknow colleges) Teaching & Examinations in English
Teacher training recommended and essential
Academic Year Gautam Budh All colleges affiliated UPTU split into GBTU & MTU
2010-11 Technical University to GBTU (about 300 Essential audit course
(GBTU), Lucknow colleges) Teaching & Examinations in English
Teacher training recommended and essential
Academic Year Mahamaya Technical All colleges affiliated UPTU split into GBTU & MTU
2010-11 University (MTU), to MTU (about 325 Essential audit course
Noida colleges) Teaching & Examinations in English
Teacher training recommended and essential
VE Cell formed in 2011 giving boost to teacher
training in 2012
Academic Year Punjab Technical All colleges affiliated Essential credit course
2011-12 University (PTU), to PTU (about 320 Teaching & Examinations in Punjabi, Hindi and
Jalandhar colleges) English
Teacher Training is prerequisite to teaching this
Academic Year Himachal Pradesh All colleges under To be introduced for all 2 year students – all
2012-13 Technical University HPTU (about 46 prerequisite formalities completed. VC has done
(HPTU), Hamirpur colleges) TOP with family. Directors & teachers have
started attending workshops. Full scale teacher
training to start in Jan 2013
Academic Year Royal University of All colleges under GNH values endorsed by Academic Board in
2013-14 Bhutan RUB (10 colleges) September 2012. To be formally introduced in all
Colleges as a foundation module in July-August
2013. 6 out of 10 colleges running full-scale pilots
Academic Year Jawaharlal Technical All colleges under Directors’ workshops have started in Dec 2011
2013-14 University (JNTU), JNTU (about 460
Hyderabad colleges)

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