No Phrasal Verb Meaning Example
No Phrasal Verb Meaning Example
No Phrasal Verb Meaning Example
to ask many people the same I need a good real estate agent. Could you ask around and see if anyone knows
1. to ask around
question one?
6. to bring about to cause to take place I promise making one mistake will not bring about the apocalypse
10. to call * back to return a phone call We have a bad connection. I'll call you back in a few minutes.
Management is going to call the meeting off because so many people are out
11. to call * off to cancel
sick today.
to continue doing, pursuing, or The government finally allows businesses to carry on as normal during an
12. to carry on
operating interim period.
to do or undertake; to bring to
13. to carry out Extensive tests have been carried out on the patient.
a successful issue
to finally understand, to
understand something that
14. to catch on Jim learns quickly, therefore he caught on after trying only two times.
other people already
15. to check * out (1) to look at carefully, investigate I'm not sure why the copier isn't working. I'll check it out.
16. to check * out (2) to leave a hotel We checked out a few hours late and had to pay an extra fee.
to check in (someone) to talk with someone to ensure As a manager, I feel it's important to check in with everyone on my team at
(2) things are going okay least once a day.
19. to chip in to give some help If everyone chips in, we will be able to finish the job by lunch time.
20. to chip/pitch in to help We should be able to finish quickly if everyone pitches in.
to stop the operations for a
21. to close * down long time or permanently in a Mr. Anshar has decided to close down his business.
business, factory.
I was reading last night and I came across a couple of phrasal verbs I had never
22. to come across to find unexpectedly
seen before.
23. to count on to rely on We have a great team. I can count on everyone to do their best.
24. to cut * down to reduce, make something less We will be cutting down the electricity bill by installing solar panels.
29. to deal with to handle, work on Our new department head will deal with the training of new staff members.
to make business agreements
with someone; to do something
30. to deal with The government dealt harshly with the rebels.
about (a person or thing that
causes a problem)
I can't believe I closed the document without saving. Now I'm going to have to
31. to do * over to do again
do the whole thing over.
32. to do away with to discard; to put an end to They did away with bonuses last year because their profits were so low.
to take someone/something
33. to drop * off somewhere and leave them/it My car was in the shop, so Kevin dropped me off at my house.
34. to drop in to make an unexpected visit I am always nervous when our CEO drops in.
35. to drop off (1) a sharp decrease At the end of summer there was a drop off in sales of bottled water.
to come without an
36. to drop/stop by John dropped by my office to talk about last month's sales figures.
appointment; to visit briefly
to eventually reach, do, or At first I thought I wanted to be an accountant. Then, I studied finance. I ended
37. to end up
decide up getting my degree in management, though.
to decline; the amount by the falloff in sales was more than the store could weather and so its closing was
38. to fall off
which something is lessened inevitable
to understand; to find the I can't figure out why the printer isn't working. I've tried everything, and it still
39. to figure * out
answer won't work.
40. to fill * out to write information in blanks Please fill out these forms and bring them on your first day of work.
to receive something that you It's a secure area, so you have to leave your cell phone with the guard. You'll
44. to get * back
had before get it back when you exit the building.
to move up in position, My boss told me that if I wanted to get ahead, I would need to work a little
45. to get ahead
improve your career harder.
to retaliate; to take revenge on He might get back at you for asking him so many tough questions during his
46. to get back at
someone presentation.
47. to get in (1) 1. to enter 1. Get in the car. I'll give you a ride.
48. to get in (2) 2. to arrive 2. I worked late last night and didn't get in until after 9 p.m.
49. to get over to recover I was upset that I didn't get the promotion, but I got over it after a while.
50. to get together to gather, assemble This weekend I'm going to get together with some friends from college.
1. I get up late on the weekends because I have to get up really early during the
51. to get up (1) 1. to get out of bed
52. to get up (2) 2. to stand 2. He got up and walked to the podium to give his speech.
to quit a habit or quit doing a
53. to give * up I gave up checking Facebook at work. I'm trying to be more productive.
certain activity
Just because we failed the first time doesn't mean we should give up. We just
54. to give * up to stop trying
need a new approach.
to reluctantly stop fighting or Management didn't want to give in to the union's demands, but in the end they
55. to give in
arguing had no choice.
56. to go after 1. to follow someone 1. Pam will give her talk first, and Scott will go after her.
2. If we got their business, they would be our biggest client. I'm really going to
57. to go after (2) 2. to try to achieve something
go after the account.
58. to go against to compete; oppose We're going against three or four other contractors. Be sure to bid low.
59. to go over to review I want to go over last month's numbers with you.
to be overwhelmed, destroyed,
60. to go under the biggest reason companies go under isn't because of profits or sales.
or defeated
to submit (a report, a paper, I forgot to hand in my expense reports. Now I won't get reimbursed until next
61. to hand * in
etc) month.
65. to hold * up to cause a delay The bad weather is holding progress up on the new bridge.
66. to keep * up to continue doing something You're doing a fantastic job. Keep it up!
to bring (as an action or
67. to lay off I think you'd better lay off fatty foods for a while.
operation) to an immediate end
to disappoint; to not help or Our suppliers promised us we'd have the shipment yesterday. We still haven't
68. to let * down
support received our order. They really let us down.
I forgot my badge again. Hopefully someone else is in the office and can let me
69. to let * in to allow to enter
to make equal in amount,
70. to level off Sales have leveled off after a period of rapid growth.
degree, or status
71. to look * over to check; examine Could you look over this report to make sure there are no mistakes?
72. to look for to search They are looking for a candidate who can speak both Chinese and Portuguese.
to be excited about something
73. to look forward to I'm looking forward to the three-day weekend.
in the future
They had to look through all of last month’s receipts to find the one they
76. to look through to search many things
to have a lot of respect for Many of our co-workers look up to Jill, and she is well-liked by her customers
77. to look up to
someone as well.
1. to invent (a story, lie,
78. to make * up 1. I don't believe their story. I think they made it up.
excuse, reason, etc.)
to resolve an argument or
79. to make * up Are they still fighting about that? I thought they had made up a while ago?
2. to compensate for 2. I didn't get anything accomplished yesterday. I'm going to have to work extra
80. to make * up (2)
something hard today to make up for it.
81. to mark up to increase We simply use the computer to mark up the size of the account that they have
82. to mix * up to confuse two or more things I always mix their names up. Which one is Bob, and which one is Brad?
83. to not care for to not like (formal) I don't care for team building activities. I think they are a waste of time.
to give the same thing to many
84. to pass * out Carly is passing out a schedule of today's events.
to decline (usually something
85. to pass * up Don't pass up on this great opportunity. Place your order today.
Everyone at the meeting was surprised when she pointed out the accounting
86. to point * out to indicate or show something
department’s mistake.
87. to pull out of to withdraw from The project became so expensive that we had to pull out.
88. to put * off to postpone I haven't done my taxes yet. I've been putting it off for a long time.
The construction on the new building was put off because of all the rain this
89. to put * off to postpone, delay
90. to put * together to assemble How long will it take to put together a proposal?
it would cost about $1.1 billion annually, and offered to put up an additional
91. to put up to offer up (something)
$177 million
to encounter someone
92. to run into I ran into Stacey from Accounting in the supermarket yesterday.
93. to scale down to reduce in size We are thinking of scaling down our training programmers next year.
94. to send * back to return The product was defective. We're sending it back.
95. to set * up to arrange; organize I'll set up the conference call and send you the invite.
96. to shop around to compare prices We should bid low on this one. They always shop around.
to organize or resolve a There was some confusion with the schedule. No one is sure who is on call this
97. to sort * out
problem weekend. We're calling a meeting to sort it out.
100. to take * back (2) 2. to retract a statement 2. I didn't mean it. I take it back.
101. to take * on to accept The company has decided to take her on as store manager
Honestly, I don't know what I'm going to do. The job offer is great, but I'm not
103. to think * over to consider
sure I want to leave my current position. I'll have to think it over.
to consider carefully and The marketing team did not think it through carefully before giving the product
104. to think * through
thoroughly such a silly name.
to test or use something We're going to try it out for a few weeks and let you know what we think. If we
105. to try * out
experimentally like it, we'll place an order.
107. to turn * down (2) 2. to reject an offer 2. They turned down our proposal.
Larry turned down a job at another company so that he could continue his work
108. to turn down to handle, work on
109. to use * up to finish the supply I can't believe it's only May and I've already used up all my sick days.
to bring to an conclusion, to
110. to wind up try to wind up the performance, as we're almost out of time
come to a conclusion
111. to wipe * out to destroy completely They wipe out all the illegal buildings.
to eliminate (an asset) from the
112. to write off The company finally write off a bad loan of their competitors