Objective: Ineffective After 2 hours of nursing intervention: • Monitor axillary temperature After 2 hours of nursing
Temperature of thermoregulation The newborn will maintain temperature at least every 1 hour intervention:
35.8 related to immature and prevent hyperthermia and cold • Provide heat/warm of The newborn maintained
temperature control stress. newborn using swaddling, temperature and prevent
and decreased Goals: droplight and skin-to-skin hyperthermia and cold
subcutaneous body Long-term: contact. stress.
fat Newborn will be able to sustain • Maintain thermal neutral Goals:
adequate/normal self thermoregulation. environment and avoid Long-term:
Short-term: situation that might Newborn was able to
Provide assistance and support to predispose the infant to heat sustain adequate/normal
maintain adequate normal temperature loss, such as cool air, drafts, self thermoregulation.
bathing and cold beddings. Short-term:
Provides assistance and
support to maintain
adequate normal