Elementary Quick Check Test 3B: Grammar Vocabulary
Elementary Quick Check Test 3B: Grammar Vocabulary
Elementary Quick Check Test 3B: Grammar Vocabulary
4 Complete the adjectives.
1 Write the words in brackets in the correct
1 He’s very talkative . He’s never q t for a
1 I get up late at the weekend. (always)
2 Jane’s quite laid-back and not very s s.
I always get up late at the weekend .
3 The people here are very u y.
2 She isn’t serious. She laughs a lot. (very / usually)
4 He isn’t s i , he’s quite i t!
5 I don’t like him. He’s sometimes very u d.
3 She helps her children with their homework.
5 Write the correct family words.
4 We watch TV or DVDs in the evenings. (never) ♂ ♀
1 father mother
5 My friend’s intelligent. He gets good marks in 2 husband
tests. (quite / often) 3 grandfather
4 son
6 She’s quiet but she’s usually talkative. 5 brother
(sometimes / really) 6 uncle
7 nephew
7 They’re together. They aren’t close friends. 6
(hardly ever / very)
10 6 Write the words in the correct stress group.
uncle serious nephew
2 Correct the sentences. usually cousin intelligent
1 Has they got any children? talkative interesting parents
Have they got any children?
2 He doesn’t got a big house.
3 I don’t have got any brothers or sisters.
Total: 50