Write a Java program to get the character at the given index within the
String. Go to the editor
Sample Output:
Original String = Java Exercises!
The character at position 0 is J
The character at position 10 is i
2. Write a Java program to get the character (Unicode code point) at the given
index within the String. Go to the editor
Sample Output:
Original String : w3resource.com
Character(unicode point) = 51
Character(unicode point) = 101
// codepoint at index 1
int val1 = str.codePointAt(1);
// codepoint at index 9
int val2 = str.codePointAt(9);
3. Write a Java program to get the character (Unicode code point) before the
specified index within the String. Go to the editor
Sample Output:
Original String : w3resource.com
Character(unicode point) = 119
Character(unicode point) = 99
public static void main(String[] args) {
Sample Output:
Original String : w3rsource.com
Codepoint count = 9
public static void main(String[] args) {
Sample Output:
String 1: This is Exercise 1
String 2: This is Exercise 2
"This is Exercise 1" is less than "This is Exercise 2"
public class Exercise5 {
if (result < 0)
else if (result == 0)
Sample Output:
String 1: This is exercise 1
String 2: This is Exercise 1
"This is exercise 1" is equal to "This is Exercise 1"
Click me to see the solution
public class Exercise6 {
if (result < 0)
else if (result == 0)
Sample Output:
String 1: PHP Exercises and
String 2: Python Exercises
The concatenated string: PHP Exercises and Python Exercises
Click me to see the solution
public class Exercise7 {
public static void main(String[] args)
String str1 = "PHP Exercises and ";
String str2 = "Python Exercises";
Sample Output:
Original String: PHP Exercises and Python Exercises
Specified sequence of char values: and
Click me to see the solution
public class Exercise8 {
Sample Output:
Comparing example.com and example.com: true
Comparing Example.com and example.com: false
Click me to see the solution
public class Exercise9 {
public static void main(String[] args) {
String str1 = "example.com", str2 = "Example.com";
CharSequence cs = "example.com";
System.out.println("Comparing "+str1+" and "+cs+": " +
System.out.println("Comparing "+str2+" and "+cs+": " +
10. Write a Java program to compare a given string to the specified string
buffer. Go to the editor
Sample Output:
Comparing example.com and example.com: true
Comparing Example.com and example.com: false
Click me to see the solution
public class Exercise10 {
11. Write a Java program to create a new String object with the contents of a
character array. Go to the editor
Sample Output:
The book contains 234 pages.
Click me to see the solution
12. Write a Java program to check whether a given string ends with the
contents of another string. Go to the editor
Sample Output:
"Python Exercises" ends with "se"? false
"Python Exercise" ends with "se"? true
Click me to see the solution
13. Write a Java program to check whether two String objects contain the
same data. Go to the editor
Sample Output:
"Stephen Edwin King" equals "Walter Winchell"? false
"Stephen Edwin King" equals "Mike Royko"? false
Click me to see the solution
public class Exercise13 {
14. Write a Java program to compare a given string to another string, ignoring
case considerations. Go to the editor
Sample Output:
"Stephen Edwin King" equals "Walter Winchell"? false
"Stephen Edwin King" equals "stephen edwin king"? true
Click me to see the solution
15. Write a java program to print current date and time in the specified
format. Go to the editor
Sample Output:
Current Date and Time :
June 19, 2017
3:13 pm
N.B. : The current date and time will change according to your system date and time.
Click me to see the solution
import java.util.Calendar;
Calendar c = Calendar.getInstance();
16. Write a Java program to get the contents of a given string as a byte
array. Go to the editor
Sample Output:
The new String equals This is a sample String.
Click me to see the solution
import java.util.Calendar;
new_str + "\n");
17. Write a Java program to get the contents of a given string as a character
array. Go to the editor
Sample Output:
The char array equals "[C@2a139a55"
Click me to see the solution
char[] arr = new char[] { ' ', ' ', ' ', ' ',
arr + "\"");
18. Write a Java program to create a unique identifier of a given string. Go to
the editor
Sample Output:
The hash for Python Exercises. is 863132599
Click me to see the solution
19. Write a Java program to get the index of all the characters of the
alphabet. Go to the editor
Sample Output:
a b c d e f g h i j
36 10 7 40 2 16 42 1 6 20
k l m n o p q r s t
8 35 22 14 12 23 4 11 24 31
u v w x y z
5 27 13 18 38 37
Sample string of all alphabet: "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."
String str = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.";
System.out.println(" a b c d e f g h i j");
System.out.println("u v w x y z");
20. Write a Java program to get the canonical representation of the string
object. Go to the editor
Sample Output:
str1 == str2? false
str1 == str3? true
Click me to see the solution
21. Write a Java program to get the last index of a string within a string. Go to
the editor
Sample Output:
a b c d e f g h i j
36 10 7 40 33 16 42 32 6 20
k l m n o p q r s t
8 35 22 14 41 23 4 29 24 31
u v w x y z
21 27 13 18 38 37
Sample string of all alphabet: "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."
String str = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.";
// Get the index of all the characters of the alphabet
System.out.println(" a b c d e f g h i j");
System.out.println("k l m n o p q r s t");
System.out.println(" u v w x y z");
22. Write a java program to get the length of a given string. Go to the editor
Sample Output:
The string length of 'example.com' is: 11
Click me to see the solution
23. Write a Java program to find whether a region in the current string
matches a region in another string. Go to the editor
Sample Output:
str1[0 - 7] == str2[28 - 35]? true
str1[9 - 15] == str2[9 - 15]? false
//String str1 = "Red Green Orange Yellow";
24. Write a Java program to replace all the 'd' characters with 'f'
characters. Go to the editor
Sample Output:
Original string: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
New String: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy fog.
Click me to see the solution
public class Exercise24 {
String str = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.";
25. Write a Java program to replace each substring of a given string that
matches the given regular expression with the given replacement. Go to the
Sample string : "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog."
Sample Output:
Original string: The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
New String: The quick brown cat jumps over the lazy dog.
Click me to see the solution
String str = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.";
26. Write a Java program to check whether a given string starts with the
contents of another string. Go to the editor
Sample Output:
Red is favorite color. starts with Red? true
Orange is also my favorite color. starts with Red? false
Click me to see the solution
27. Write a Java program to get a substring of a given string between two
specified positions. Go to the editor
Sample Output:
old = The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.
new = brown fox jumps
Click me to see the solution
String str = "The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.";
28. Write a Java program to create a character array containing the contents
of a string. Go to the editor
Sample Output:
Java Exercises.
Click me to see the solution
Sample Output:
Original String: The Quick BroWn FoX!
String in lowercase: the quick brown fox!
Click me to see the solution
30. Write a Java program to convert all the characters in a string to
uppercase. Go to the editor
Sample Output:
Original String: The Quick BroWn FoX!
String in uppercase: THE QUICK BROWN FOX!
Click me to see the solution
31. Write a Java program to trim any leading or trailing whitespace from a
given string. Go to the editor
Sample Output:
Original String: Java Exercises
New String: Java Exercises
Click me to see the solution
public class Exercise31 {
// String.
Sample Output:
The given string is: thequickbrownfoxxofnworbquickthe
The longest palindrome substring in the giv
en string is; brownfoxxofnworb
The length of the palindromic substring is: 16
Click me to see the solution
33. Write a Java program to find all interleavings of given strings. Go to the
Sample Output:
The given strings are: WX YZ
The interleavings strings are:
Click me to see the solution
34. Write a Java program to find the second most frequent character in a
given string. Go to the editor
Sample Output:
The given string is: successes
The second most frequent char in the string is: c
Click me to see the solution
35. Write a Java program to print all permutations of a given string with
repetition. Go to the editor
Sample Output:
The given string is: PQR
The permuted strings are:
Click me to see the solution
36. Write a Java program to check whether two strings are interliving of a
given string. Assuming that the unique characters in both strings. Go to the
Sample Output:
The given string is: PMQNO
The interleaving strings are MNO and PQ
The given string is interleaving: true
37. Write a Java program to find Length of the longest substring without
repeating characters. Go to the editor
Sample Output:
Input String : pickoutthelongestsubstring
The longest substring : [u, b, s, t, r, i, n, g]
The longest Substring Length : 8
Click me to see the solution
38. Write a Java program to print after removing duplicates from a given
string. Go to the editor
Sample Output:
The given string is: w3resource
After removing duplicates characters the new string is:
Click me to see the solution
39. Write a Java program to find first non repeating character in a string. Go to
the editor
Sample Output:
The given string is: gibblegabbler
The first non repeated character in String is: i
Click me to see the solution
40. Write a Java program to divide a string in n equal parts. Go to the editor
Sample Output:
The given string is: abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxy
The string divided into 5 parts and they are:
Click me to see the solution
41. Write a Java program to remove duplicate characters from a given string
presents in another given string. Go to the editor
Sample Output:
The given string is: the quick brown fox
The given mask string is: queen
42. Write a Java program to print list items containing all characters of a given
word. Go to the editor
Sample Output:
The given strings are: rabbit bribe dog
The given word is: bib
The strings containing all the letters of the given word are:
Click me to see the solution
Sample Output:
The given string is: test string
Max occurring character in the given string is: t
Click me to see the solution
44. Write a Java program to reverse a string using recursion. Go to the editor
Sample Output:
The given string is: The quick brown fox jumps
The string in reverse order is:
spmuj xof nworb kciuq ehT
Click me to see the solution
45. Write a Java program to reverse words in a given string. Go to the editor
Sample Output:
The given string is: Reverse words in a given string
The new string after reversed the words: string given a in
words Reverse
Click me to see the solution
46. Write a Java program to reverse every word in a string using methods. Go
to the editor
Sample Output:
The given string is: This is a test string
The string reversed word by word is:
sihT si a tset gnirts
Click me to see the solution
47. Write a Java program to rearrange a string so that all same characters
become d distance away. Go to the editor
Sample Output:
The given string is: accessories
The string after arrange newly is:
Click me to see the solution
48. Write a Java program to remove "b" and "ac" from a given string. Go to the
Sample Output:
The given string is: abrambabasc
After removing the new string is: aramaasc
Click me to see the solution
49. Write a Java program to find first non-repeating character from a stream of
characters. Go to the editor
Sample Output:
String: godisgood
Reading: g
The first non-repeating character so far is: g
Reading: o
The first non-repeating character so far is: g
Reading: d
The first non-repeating character so far is: g
Reading: i
The first non-repeating character so far is: g
Reading: s
The first non-repeating character so far is: g
Reading: g
The first non-repeating character so far is: o
Reading: o
The first non-repeating character so far is: d
Reading: o
The first non-repeating character so far is: d
Reading: d
The first non-repeating character so far is: i
Click me to see the solution
50. Write a Java program to find lexicographic rank of a given string. Go to the
Sample Output:
The Given String is: BDCA
The Lexicographic rank of the given string is: 12
N.B.: Total possible permutations of BDCA are(lexicographic order) :
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
The BDCA appear in 12 position of permutation (lexicographic order).
51. Write a Java program to count and print all the duplicates in the input
string. Go to the editor
Sample Output:
The given string is: w3resource
The duplicate characters and counts are:
e appears 2 times
r appears 2 times
Click me to see the solution
52. Write a Java program to check if two given strings are rotations of each
other. Go to the editor
Sample Output:
The given strings are: ABACD and CDABA
53. Write a Java program to match two strings where one string contains
wildcard characters. Go to the editor
Sample Output:
The given string is: abcdhgh
The given pattern string is: abc*d?*
The given pattern is matching.
Click me to see the solution
54. Write a Java program to find the smallest window in a string containing all
characters of another string. Go to the editor
Sample Output:
The given string is: welcome to w3resource
Characters to find in the main sring are: tower
The smallest window which contains the finding characters is :
to w3re
Click me to see the solution
55. Write a Java program to remove all adjacent duplicates recursively from a
given string. Go to the editor
Sample Output:
The given string is: aabaarbarccrabmq
The new string after removing all adjacent duplicates is:
Click me to see the solution
56. Write a Java program to append two given strings such that, if the
concatenation creates a double characters then omit one of the
characters. Go to the editor
Sample Output:
The given strings are: food and door
The string after concatination are: foodoor
Click me to see the solution
57. Write a Java program to return a new string where the last two characters
of a given string, if present, are swapped. Go to the editor
Sample Output:
The given strings is: string
The string after swap last two characters are: strign
Click me to see the solution
58. Write a Java program to read a string and return true if it ends in "ng". Go
to the editor
Sample Output:
The given strings is: string
The string containing ng at last: true
59. Write a Java program to read a string,if the string begins with
"red" or "black" return that color string, otherwise return
the empty string. Go to the editor
Sample Output:
The given strings is: blacksea
The string begins with the color: black
Click me to see the solution
60. Write a Java program to read two strings append them together and return
the result. If the strings are different lengths, omit chars from the beginning of
longer string and make them equal length. Go to the editor
Sample Output:
The given strings is: Welcome and home
The new string is: comehome
Click me to see the solution
61. Write a Java program to read a string and an int n, return a string made of
the first and last n characters from the string. Go to the editor
Sample Output:
The given strings is: Welcome
The given numbers is: 3
The new string is: Welome
Click me to see the solution
62. Write a Java program to read a string and return true if "good" appears
starting at index 0 or 1 in the given string. Go to the editor
Sample Output:
The given strings is: goodboy
The 'good' appear in the string is: true
Click me to see the solution
63. Write a Java program to return true from a given string if the first two
characters in the string also appear at the end. Go to the editor
Sample Output:
The given strings is: educated
The first two characters appear in the last is: true
Click me to see the solution
64. Write a Java program to read a string and if a substring of length two
appears at both its beginning and end, return a string without the substring at
the beginning otherwise, return the original string unchanged. Go to the editor
Sample Output:
The given strings is: educated
The new string is: ucated
Click me to see the solution
65. Write a Java program to read a string and if the first or last characters are
't', return the string without those 't' otherwise return the string unchanged. Go
to the editor
Sample Output:
The given strings is: testcricket
The new string is: estcricke
Click me to see the solution
66. Write a Java program to read a string and return the string without the first
two characters.Except keep the first char if it is 'g' and keep the second char if
it is 'h'. Go to the editor
Sample Output:
The given strings is: goat
The new string is: gat
67. Write a Java program to read a string and if one or both of the first tow
characters is 'x', return without those 'x',otherwise return the string
unchanged. Go to the editor
Sample Output:
The given strings is: oocyte
The new string is: cyte
68. Write a Java program to read a string and returns after remove the # and
its immediate left and right characters. Go to the editor
Sample Output:
The given strings is: test#string
The new string is: testring
Sample Output:
The given strings is: sweettoastbuttertoast
The new string is: butter
Click me to see the solution
Sample Output:
The given strings is: gfpmpnppqab
The string is pq-balanced? true
71. Write a Java program to return true when either of the two given strings
appear at the end of the other string ignoring case sensitivity. Go to the editor
Sample Output:
The given strings are: xyz and pqrxyz
Is one string appears at the end of other? true
72. Write a Java program to return true if a given string contain the string
'pop', but the middle 'o' also may other character. Go to the editor
Sample Output:
The given string is: dikchapop
Is p?p appear in the given string? true
73. Write a Java program to return true if the given string contains an
appearance of 'abc' but not directly a period(.) and followed by. Go to the
Sample Output:
The given strings is: testabc.test
Is 'abc' appear before period? true
74. Write a Java program to return whether a prefix string made of the first N
specific characters of the string appear somewhere else in the string. Go to
the editor
Sample Output:
The given strings is: MrsJemsmrsam
The prefix string length is: 3
Is 'Mrs' appear else where in the string? false
75. Write a Java program to check whether a string 'abc' in the middle of a
given string. Here middle means the number of character to the left and right
of the substring 'abc' must differ by at most one. Go to the editor
Sample Output:
The given string is: xxxabcxxxxx
Is abc appear in middle? false
76. Write a Java program to count how many times the substring 'life' present
at anywhere in a given string. Counting can also happen for the substring
'li?e', any character instead of 'f'. Go to the editor
Sample Output:
The given string is: liveonwildlife
The substring life or li?e appear number of times: 2
Click me to see the solution
77. Write a Java program to add a string with specific number of times
seperated by a substring. Go to the editor
Sample Output:
The given strings are: try and best
Number to times to be repeat: 3
The new string is: trybesttrybesttry
Click me to see the solution
78. Write a Java program to repeat a specific number of characters for specific
number of times from the last of a string. Go to the editor
Sample Output:
The given string is: string
The new string after repetition: inginging
Click me to see the solution
79. Write a Java program to return the given string after removing the 2nd
character from the substring of length three, starting with 'z' and ending with
'g'. Go to the editor
Sample Output:
The given string is: zzgkitandkatcaketoket
The new string is: zgkitandkatcaketoket
Click me to see the solution
80. Write a Java program to check whether the character immediately before
and after of # is same in a given string. Go to the editor
Sample Output:
The given string is: moon#night
The before and after character are same: true
81. Write a Java program to check whether the string 'red' and 'blue' appear in
same number of times in a given string. Go to the editor
Sample Output:
The given string is: redcapmanwithbluecar
The appearance of red and blue are same: true
Click me to see the solution
82. Write a Java program to repeat every character twice in the original
string. Go to the editor
Sample Output:
The given string is: welcome
The new string is: wweellccoommee
Click me to see the solution
83. Write a Java program to make a new string from two given string in such a
way that, each character of two string will come respectively. Go to the editor
Sample Output:
The given strings are: welcome and w3resource
The new string is: wwe3lrceosmoeurce
Click me to see the solution
Sample Output:
The given string is: welcome
Number of repetition characters and repetition: 4
The new string is: welcwelwew
Click me to see the solution
85. Write a Java program to make a new string with each character of just
before and after of t-string whichever it appears in m-string. Assume that m-
string and non-empty t-string has given. Go to the editor
Sample Output:
The given string are: weablcoabmeab and ab
The new string is: elome
Click me to see the solution
86. Write a Java program to return the number of triples in the given string. A
triple is a character appearing three times in a row in a string. Go to the editor
Sample Output:
The given string is: welllcommmmeee
The number of triples in the string is: 4
Click me to see the solution
87. Write a Java program to check whether a z is happy or not. A 'z' is happy
when there is another 'z' immediately to its left or right.Return true if all the z's
in the given string are happy. Go to the editor
Sample Output:
The given string is: azzlea
Is z happy in the string: true
88. Write a Java program to return a string where every appearance of the
lowercase word 'is' has been replaced with 'is not'. Go to the editor
Sample Output:
The given string is: it is a string
The new string is: it is not a string
Click me to see the solution
89. Write a Java program to return the sum of the numbers (may form more
than one digits), appearing in the string. Go to the editor
Sample Output:
The given string is: it 15 is25 a 20string
The sum of numbers in the string is: 60
Click me to see the solution
90. Write a Java program to return true if the number of appearances of 'the'
and 'is' anywhere in the string is equal. Go to the editor
Sample Output:
The given string is: Thisisthethesis
Are the appearance of 'the' and 'is' equal? false
Click me to see the solution
91. Write a Java program to count the number of words ending in 'm' or 'n' (not
case sensitive). Go to the editor
Sample Output:
The given string is: mam is in the room
The number of words ends eith m or n is: 3
Click me to see the solution
92. Write a Java program to return a substring after removing the all instances
of remove string as given from the given main string. Go to the editor
Sample Output:
The main string is: This is the test string
The removable string is: st
The new string is: This is the te ring
Click me to see the solution
93. Write a Java program to find the longest substring appears at both ends of
a given string. Go to the editor
Sample Output:
The given string is: playersplay
The longest substring in the string is: play
Click me to see the solution
94. Write a Java program to find the longest mirror image string at the both
ends of a given string. Go to the editor
Sample Output:
The given string is: rotavator
The longest mirror image string in the string is: rotavator
Click me to see the solution
95. Write a Java program to return the sum of the digits present in the given
string. If there is no digits the sum return is 0. Go to the editor
Sample Output:
The given string is: ab5c2d4ef12s
The sum of the digits in the string is: 14
Click me to see the solution
96. Write a Java program to return the string after removing all 'z' (except the
very first and last) from a given string. Go to the editor
Sample Output:
The given string is: zebrazone
The new string is: zebraone
Click me to see the solution
97. Write a Java program to return a string with the characters of the index
position 0,1,2, 5,6,7, ... from a given string. Go to the editor
Sample Output:
The given string is: w3resource.com
The new string is: w3rour.co
Click me to see the solution
98. Write a Java program to check whether the first instance of 'z' is
immediately followed by another 'z' in a given string. Go to the editor
Sample Output:
The given string is: fizzez
Is 'z' appear twice respectively? true
Click me to see the solution
99. Write a Java program to return a new string using every characters of
even positions from a given string. Go to the editor
Sample Output:
The given string is: w3resource.com
The new string is: wrsuc.o
Click me to see the solution
100. Write a Java program to check if a given string contains another string.
Return true or false. Go to the editor
Sample Output:
Original string:
Java is the foundation for virtually every type of networked
application and is the global standard for developing and
delivering embedded and mobile applications, games, Web-based
content, and enterprise software. With more than 9 million
developers worldwide, Java enables you to efficiently develop,
deploy and use exciting applications and services.
101. Write a Java program to test if a given string contains only digits. Go to
the editor
Sample Output:
First string:
Second string:
Click me to see the solution
102. Write a Java program to convert a given String to int, long, float and
double. Go to the editor
Sample Output:
Convert String to int/Integer:
"1323" as int is 1323 and as Integer is 1323
Sample Output:
Original string:
Second string:
Click me to see the solution
Sample Output:
Original unsorted colors: [Green, White, Black, Pink, Orange,
Blue, Champagne, Indigo, Ivory]
Sample Output:
aa' has occured 3 times in 'abcd abc aabc baa abcaa'
Click me to see the solution
106. Write a Java program to concatenate a given string with itself of a given
number of times. Go to the editor
Sample Output:
Original string: PHP