Gross National Income 2018, Atlas Method: Ranking Economy
Gross National Income 2018, Atlas Method: Ranking Economy
Gross National Income 2018, Atlas Method: Ranking Economy
(millions of
Ranking Economy US dollars)
USA 1 United States 20,562,615
CHN 2 China 13,184,125
JPN 3 Japan 5,231,267
DEU 4 Germany 3,912,934
FRA 5 France 2,751,955
GBR 6 United Kingdom 2,748,376
IND 7 India 2,733,523
ITA 8 Italy 2,027,123
BRA 9 Brazil 1,915,275
CAN 10 Canada 1,662,392
KOR 11 Korea, Rep. 1,580,109
RUS 12 Russian Federation 1,501,659 a
ESP 13 Spain 1,376,044
AUS 14 Australia 1,329,354
MEX 15 Mexico 1,157,971
IDN 16 Indonesia 1,026,760
NLD 17 Netherlands 883,236
TUR 18 Turkey 854,315
SAU 19 Saudi Arabia 725,984
CHE 20 Switzerland 711,812
SWE 21 Sweden 560,453
ARG 22 Argentina 550,333 b
POL 23 Poland 537,573
BEL 24 Belgium 517,855
THA 25 Thailand 458,655
IRN 26 Iran, Islamic Rep. 441,046
AUT 27 Austria 435,819
NOR 28 Norway 429,345
PHL 29 Philippines 408,840
ARE 30 United Arab Emirates 394,968
NGA 31 Nigeria 384,803
HKG 32 Hong Kong SAR, China 374,870
ISR 33 Israel 362,899
DNK 34 Denmark 348,944
PAK 35 Pakistan 335,619
SGP 36 Singapore 331,373
ZAF 37 South Africa 330,751
MYS 38 Malaysia 329,881
COL 39 Colombia 307,421
IRL 40 Ireland 290,117
BGD 41 Bangladesh 282,036
EGY 42 Egypt, Arab Rep. 275,407
CHL 43 Chile 274,752
FIN 44 Finland 263,485
VNM 45 Vietnam 229,435
PRT 46 Portugal 222,957
ROU 47 Romania 219,925
CZE 48 Czech Republic 215,307
GRC 49 Greece 210,218
PER 50 Peru 208,920
NZL 51 New Zealand 199,420
IRQ 52 Iraq 193,510
DZA 53 Algeria 171,618
QAT 54 Qatar 170,210
KAZ 55 Kazakhstan 143,090
HUN 56 Hungary 142,534
KWT 57 Kuwait 139,398
MAR 58 Morocco 113,123 c
UKR 59 Ukraine 112,498 a
ECU 60 Ecuador 104,511
AGO 61 Angola 103,840
SVK 62 Slovak Republic 99,824
LKA 63 Sri Lanka 87,896
ETH 64 Ethiopia 86,667
KEN 65 Kenya 83,063
DOM 66 Dominican Republic 78,283
.. Not available.
Note: Rankings include only those economies with confirmed GNI estimates. Figures in italics are for
2017 or 2016, ranking is approximate.
a. Based on data from official statistics of Ukraine and Russian Federation; by relying on these data, the World
Bank does not intend to make any judgment on the legal or other status of the territories concerned or to prejudice
the final determination of the parties' claims. b . Based on data officially reported by the National Statistics and
Censuses Institute of Argentina. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has called on Argentina to adopt measures
to address the quality of official GDP and consumer price index data, and issued an updated statement on
Argentina’s progress on August 31, 2016:
the-IMF-Executive-Board-on-Argentina. The World Bank systematically assesses the appropriateness of official
exchange rates as conversion factors. For Argentina, an alternative conversion factor has been calculated using a
weighted average method for the period from 2012 to 2015. c. Includes Former Spanish Sahara. d. Covers
mainland Tanzania only. e. Data are for the area controlled by the government of Cyprus. f. Excludes Abkhazia
and South Ossetia. g. Excludes Transnistria.