Silversides 2018
Silversides 2018
Silversides 2018
*See also p. 1692. Grant WKR0-2017-0019, National Institute of Health Research Health
Centre for Experimental Medicine, Queen’s University of Belfast, Belfast, Technology Assessment grant application pending, and GlaxoSmithKline,
United Kingdom. and he received other funding from Bayer, Boehringer Ingelheim, Peptin-
novate. Dr. Marshall received funding from the Data and Safety Monitoring
Department of Critical Care, Belfast Health and Social Care Trust, Bel- Board of Asahi-Kasei Pharma, Bristol-Myers Squibb (Advisory Board), and
fast, United Kingdom. Regeneron. The remaining authors have disclosed that they do not have
Academic Department of Critical Care, Queen Alexandra Hospital, any potential conflicts of interest.
Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust, Portsmouth, United Kingdom. For information regarding this article, E-mail: jon.silversides@belfasttrust.
Department of Critical Care, Saint Michael’s Hospital, Toronto, ON, Canada.
Intensive Care Unit, Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, ON, Canada.
Interdepartmental Division of Critical Care, University of Toronto, Toronto,
ON, Canada. Objectives: To characterize current practice in fluid administra-
Centre for Urban Health Solutions, Li Ka Shing Knowledge Institute, tion and deresuscitation (removal of fluid using diuretics or renal
Saint Michael’s Hospital, Toronto, ON, Canada replacement therapy), the relationship between fluid balance,
Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, deresuscitative measures, and outcomes and to identify risk fac-
tors for positive fluid balance in critical illness.
Intensive Care Unit, Altnagelvin Area Hospital, Western Health and
Social Care Trust, Londonderry, United Kingdom. Design: Retrospective cohort study.
Intensive Care Unit, Antrim Area Hospital, Northern Health and Social
10 Setting: Ten ICUs in the United Kingdom and Canada.
Care Trust, Antrim, United Kingdom. Patients: Adults receiving invasive mechanical ventilation for a
Intensive Care Unit, Ulster Hospital, South-Eastern Health and Social
11 minimum of 24 hours.
Care Trust, Dundonald, United Kingdom. Interventions: None.
Intensive Care Unit, Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, ON, Canada.
Measurements and Main Results: Four-hundred patients were
Intensive Care Unit, Craigavon Hospital, Southern Health and Social
included. Positive cumulative fluid balance (fluid input greater than
Care Trust, Portadown, United Kingdom.
output) occurred in 87.3%: the largest contributions to fluid input
A full list of Role of Active Deresuscitation After Resuscitation (RADAR)
Investigators is listed in Appendix 1. were from medications and maintenance fluids rather than resus-
Supplemental digital content is available for this article. Direct URL citations citative IV fluids. In a multivariate logistic regression model, fluid
appear in the printed text and are provided in the HTML and PDF versions balance on day 3 was an independent risk factor for 30-day mor-
of this article on the journal’s website ( tality (odds ratio 1.26/L [95% CI, 1.07–1.46]), whereas negative
Supported, in part, by a doctoral fellowship award to Dr. Silversides from the fluid balance achieved in the context of deresuscitative measures
Northern Ireland Health and Social Care Research and Development Division.
was associated with lower mortality. Independent predictors of
Dr. Silversides’ institution received funding from British Journal of Anaes-
thesia (BJA)/Royal College of Anaesthetists (RCoA) project grant WKR0- greater fluid balance included treatment in a Canadian site.
2017-0019. Dr. Lapinsky received other support from research grants Conclusions: Fluid balance is a practice-dependent and poten-
from the Chest Foundation and Ontario Lung Association for an unrelated tially modifiable risk factor for adverse outcomes in critical illness.
research project. Dr. McAuley’s institution received funding from v Divi-
sion (Doctoral Fellowship grant for Dr. Silversides), BJA/RCoA Project Negative fluid balance achieved with deresuscitation on day 3 of
Copyright © 2018 by the Society of Critical Care Medicine and Wolters ICU stay is associated with improved patient outcomes. Minimiza-
Kluwer Health, Inc. All Rights Reserved. tion of day 3 fluid balance by limiting maintenance fluid intake and
DOI: 10.1097/CCM.0000000000003276 drug diluents, and using deresuscitative measures, represents a
luid therapy is widely used to optimize tissue perfusion records unavailable; and those with a diagnosis of subarach-
in sepsis and other critical illness states, supported by noid hemorrhage or diabetic ketoacidosis, conditions where
international guidelines (1, 2). In addition to resuscita- specific considerations are relevant to fluid management.
tion fluid boluses, significant volumes of fluid are administered
as nutrition, maintenance fluid, and a diluent for medications. Data Collection and Definitions
In the context of endocrine influences and acute kidney injury Data collected included demographic factors, diagnosis, sever-
(AKI) predisposing to fluid retention, critically ill patients ity of illness, furosemide and RRT use, and fluid input and
commonly accumulate a positive fluid balance (2–5). output. Data were collected by trained study personnel using
The association between positive fluid balance and mor- a standard data dictionary. The primary outcome was 30-day
tality in a range of critical illness states is now well established mortality. Secondary outcomes included duration of ICU stay
(2–8). Although fluid accumulation is most evident clinically as in survivors, censored at day 30, and duration of mechanical
peripheral and pulmonary edema, other negative physiologic ventilation in survivors, defined as the number of ICU days
consequences such as renal congestion have been postulated (9). from intubation until successful extubation (> 24 hr without
Two complementary strategies have evolved to prevent or invasive ventilatory support).
mitigate fluid accumulation: restrictive fluid administration Study day 1 was from ICU admission until 07:00 or 8:00 am
(10, 11) or active removal of accumulated fluid using diuret- depending on unit practice, whereas subsequent study days
ics or renal replacement therapy (RRT) when clinically stable were consecutive 24-hour periods, or part thereof on the day
(deresuscitation) (12). Our recent systematic review and meta- of ICU discharge. Daily fluid balance was the total delivered
analysis found low-quality evidence in favor of a conservative input (IV fluids, nutrition, medications) minus total measured
or deresuscitative fluid strategy compared with liberal fluid output (e.g., urine, ultrafiltrate, output from surgical drains,
administration or usual care (13), but considerable heteroge- etc) as recorded in case records. Cumulative fluid balance for a
neity was evident with regard to interventions: these ranged given day was the total fluid input minus the total output from
from restriction of resuscitation fluid alone (10) to deresus- ICU admission at the end of that day. Deresuscitative mea-
citation using diuretics and “hyperoncotic” albumin (14). sures were defined as any use of furosemide or fluid removal
Further work is needed to define the optimum fluid strategy to using RRT.
be tested in future large-scale randomized trials. We calculated Multiple Organ Dysfunction Scores (MODS)
We undertook a multicenter cohort study of critically (15) daily. We estimated missing central venous pressure values
ill patients in Canada and the United Kingdom, aiming to as 8 mm Hg, as previously described (16). Daily delta-MODS
increase our understanding of variability in current practice was defined as the change in MODS between that day and the
in fluid administration and deresuscitation, to characterize subsequent day. We estimated AKI severity using the Kidney
the relationship between fluid balance, deresuscitation, and Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) consensus cri-
patient outcomes and to identify risk factors for positive fluid teria for the definition and classification of AKI (17) daily.
balance with a view to informing the design of future trials.
We hypothesized that a more positive fluid balance would be Statistical Analysis
associated with mortality, that drivers of positive fluid balance Between-group comparisons were made using univariate
would include practice-dependent variables, and that the use logistic regression, Kruskal-Wallis test, or chi-square as appro-
of deresuscitative measures to achieve a negative fluid balance priate. We constructed multivariate logistic regression mod-
would be associated with better outcomes. els for 30-day mortality. Negative binomial regression was
used for the outcomes of duration of ICU stay and duration
of mechanical ventilation. A generalized estimating equation
model was used to account for time and clustering within
Design and Setting patients when investigating a possible association between
Participating centers were selected on the basis of expressed daily fluid balance and the outcome of daily delta-MODS,
interest in the study and were asked to provide data retro- using an identity link and exchangeable correlation structure.
spectively for up to 50 consecutive patients admitted between Multivariate linear regression modeling was used for explora-
June 2012 and June 2014 who met prespecified inclusion and tion of a possible association between day 3 fluid balance and
exclusion criteria. A formal sample size calculation was not potential predictor variables.
performed. Research ethics approval was obtained, but the Four criteria were used to select variables for inclusion
requirement for individual patient consent was waived. in multivariate models: relevance to underlying hypothesis,
clinical plausibility, previously reported associations in the lit- (IQR, 0.25–1.75 L) to 3.50 L (IQR, 1.0–9.0 L) and in mainte-
erature, and univariate associations with a p value of less than nance fluids administered (ranging from one site where no
0.2. Where candidate variables were correlated at a level greater maintenance fluid was given to a median 5.77 L [IQR, 4.66–
than 0.5, the most clinically plausible was selected. 6.37 L] in another) (Fig. 2 and Table E1, Supplement Digital
Sensitivity analyses were conducted using several fluid bal- Content 1,
ance time points to identify that most strongly associated with
the primary outcome. We also separated cumulative fluid bal- Use of Deresuscitative Measures
ance into “early” (days 1–2) and “later” time points, on the basis Deresuscitative measures were used on at least 1 day while in
that early fluid balance may be more reflective of resuscitation ICU in 209 patients (52.3%), most commonly for the first time
fluid administration and thus potentially more confounded on days 2 or 3. Deresuscitative measures were used in 125 of
by severity of illness. Other sensitivity analyses were used to 400 patients (31.3%) on days 1–3 and in 140 of 320 patients
explore the relationship between deresuscitative measures and (43.8%) on days 4–5. This varied considerably between sites
mortality. from 16.7% to 50.0% of patients on days 1–3 (Fig. 2) and from
Statistical analyses were performed using Stata Version 18.2% to 60.6% on days 4–5.
14 (StataCorp LLC, College Station, TX). Two-sided p val-
ues of less than 0.05 were considered to represent statistical Fluid Balance and Mortality
significance. In univariate analysis, 30-day mortality was associated with
greater fluid balance on days 1–7. The strength of the associa-
tion decreased over days 1–7 and increased when “early” fluid
balance (days 1 and 2) was excluded, so that the association
Patient Characteristics between fluid balance and 30-day mortality was strongest for
Data were collected on 400 patients from 10 ICUs (three in fluid balance on day 3 alone (odds ratio [OR], 1.32; 95% CI,
Canada and the remaining seven in the United Kingdom); the 1.17–1.50 per liter) (Table E2, Supplement Digital Content 1,
minimum number of patients per site was 21. During the study The dose-response rela-
period, a total of 2,473 patients were admitted to participating tionship between day 3 fluid balance and unadjusted 30-day
ICUs. Baseline characteristics are shown in Table 1. mortality is shown in Figure E1 (Supplement Digital Content
Mortality at day 30 following ICU admission was 31.0% 1,
(124/400), with a median length of ICU stay of 7 days (inter- In a multivariate logistic regression model for 30-day mor-
quartile range [IQR], 4–13 d) for survivors. Nonsurvivors dif- tality, we found daily fluid balance on day 3 to be independently
fered from survivors with respect to age, source and type of associated with 30-day mortality (Table E3, Supplement Digital
admission, baseline creatinine, Acute Physiology and Chronic Content 1, Sensitivity anal-
Health Evaluation II scores, MODS, and KDIGO scores and yses confirmed that the association was strongest for daily fluid
in vasopressor use, blood pressure, and oxygenation (Table 1). balance on day 3 alone rather than other fluid balance time
points (e.g., days 1–3, days 1–5).
Fluid Balance Over Time In a sensitivity analysis, we treated day 3 fluid balance as a
Mean daily fluid balances and mean cumulative fluid balances ternary variable, defined as positive balance (> 500 mL), even
from day 1 to day 7 are shown in Figure 1. Mean daily fluid bal- balance (between 500 mL negative and 500 mL positive), or
ance was significantly greater for nonsurvivors than survivors negative balance (> 500 mL). Both an “even balance” (adjusted
on days 1–5 and 7 (maximum difference in means, 0.98 L [95% OR, 0.40; 95% CI, 0.21–0.80) and “negative balance” (adjusted
CI, 0.57–1.37 L] on day 3). Mean cumulative fluid balance was OR, 0.17; 95% CI, 0.07–0.40) were strongly protective com-
significantly higher in nonsurvivors for days 1–7 (maximum pared with positive balance (Table E4, Supplement Digital
difference in means, 2.38 L [95% CI, 0.98–3.78 L] on day 5). Content 1,
Most patients still in ICU at day 7 were in a positive fluid bal-
ance (148/237; 62.45%). Deresuscitative Measures and Mortality
Of the 123 patients in whom fluid balance on day 3 was nega-
Sources of Fluid Input tive, a negative balance developed spontaneously (without
The largest component of fluid input over days 1–3 was from diuretics or RRT) in 70 (56.9%). Patients who achieved a spon-
medications (1,148.0 of a total 3,325.5 L; 34.5%), whereas taneous negative fluid balance on day 3 of ICU stay were less
maintenance and bolus IV fluids comprised 26.5% and 24.4%, severely ill than either those with a positive fluid balance or
respectively. There was considerable variability between sites those who achieved negative fluid balance using deresuscita-
in both total volume of fluid input and in sources of that input tive measures (Table E5, Supplement Digital Content 1, http://
(Fig. 2 and Table E1, Supplement Digital Content 1, http://; however, crude mortality was Over days 1–7, proportionately lower whether a negative fluid balance occurred in the context
lower contributions were from bolus and maintenance IV of deresuscitative measures (p = 0.02) or spontaneously (p <
fluid. Striking numerical differences were present between 0.01) compared with patients who had a positive fluid balance
study sites in fluid bolus volumes (ranging from median 0.75 L on day 3. However, patients who had a positive fluid balance in
Copyright © 2018 by the Society of Critical Care Medicine and Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Clinical Investigations
Figure 2. Median fluid input and output and use of deresuscitative In this binational study of a broad cohort of critically ill
measures for days 1–3 by study site. RRT = renal replacement therapy.
patients, we found that a negative fluid balance on day 3 of
ICU stay is associated with lower 30-day mortality whether
the context of deresuscitative measures had the highest crude occurring spontaneously or achieved with deresuscitative
mortality (Fig. E2, Supplement Digital Content 1, http://links. measures; that medication diluents, rather than IV fluids, rep- resent the single largest component of fluid input; and that
Copyright © 2018 by the Society of Critical Care Medicine and Wolters Kluwer Health, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Clinical Investigations
TABLE 2. Multivariable Logistic Regression Model for Outcome of 30-Day Mortality, Fluid
Balance on Day 3 Trichotomized as Positive (Reference Group), Spontaneously Negative,
or Negative With Deresuscitative Measures
Variables OR (95% CI) p
TABLE 3. Multivariate Linear Regression Model for the Outcome of Day 3 Fluid Balance
Variables Coefficient (95% CI) p
Acute Physiology And Chronic Health Evaluation II score (per point) 0.01 (–0.02 to 0.04) 0.37
Canadian site 0.91 (0.39–1.42) < 0.05
Change in Multiple Organ Dysfunction Scores, days 1– 3 (per point) 0.06 (–0.03 to 0.14) 0.30
Transfusion of blood products, day 3 0.65 (0.06–1.24) 0.13
Maximum lactate, day 3 (per mmol/L) 0.13 (–0.00 to 0.27) 0.35
Vasopressors, day 3 0.53 (0.14–0.92) 0.03
Pao2/Fio2 ratio, day 3 (per 10 mm Hg) –0.01 (–0.03 to 0.01) 0.27
Creatinine, day 3 (per μmol/L) 0.02 (0.00–0.04) 0.03
Cumulative fluid balance, days 1–2 0.14 (0.07–0.20) < 0.01
Total furosemide dose, day 3 (per 10 mg) –0.13 (–0.18 to –0.08) < 0.01
Renal replacement therapy, day 3 –0.08 (–0.72 to 0.56) 0.70
marked practice variability exists in the use of fluid therapy be unhelpful or even harmful. Alternatively, several consider-
and deresuscitative measures. ations support our hypothesis that fluid balance represents an
There are two possible interpretations of our findings. First, iatrogenic factor in critical illness which may be modified by
positive fluid balance may be a biomarker of greater severity, deresuscitative measures. First, rigorous attempts were made to
complexity, or duration of critical illness, in which case attempts minimize confounding by illness severity, comorbidities, and
to modify fluid balance using diuretics or ultrafiltration may early illness course and to adjust for early fluid balance which
is most likely to be impacted by resuscitation fluid volumes. deresuscitative measures, is associated with lower mortality.
Second, negative fluid balance was independently associated We found considerable practice variation in the use of IV fluids
with lower mortality even when occurring in the context of and in the use of deresuscitative measures and demonstrated
deresuscitative measures and not spontaneously. Third, we that the largest source of fluid intake is from maintenance flu-
found a positive association between daily fluid balance and ids, leading us to infer that fluid balance is a practice driven and
other outcomes such as delta MOD score, and this associa- therefore modifiable variable. We identified day 3 as potentially
tion was present whether deresuscitative measures were used a pivotal time point for intervention.
or not. Finally, much of the variation in fluid input derives An approach involving limited maintenance fluid intake,
from potentially modifiable practice factors, particularly the and deresuscitative measures if required to minimize fluid
use of maintenance fluids, rather than from bolus fluids which balance on day 3 of ICU stay onwards, therefore, represents a
are likely to reflect perceived clinical need. It is reassuring promising therapeutic strategy which merits investigation in
that even in those patients in whom deresuscitative measures randomized controlled trials.
were “unsuccessful,” in that fluid balance remained positive,
there was no evidence of worse outcomes after adjustment for
potential confounders.
We acknowledge the invaluable contributions of Orla Smith,
We attempted to identify the time point at which fluid bal-
Elaine Caon, Tanya Longmuir, Paul Caddell, and Griania White
ance was most closely associated with outcome. Reasoning
to the administration of the study.
that much of the fluid administered early in the ICU stay may
constitute fluid boluses for resuscitation, we separated these
into “early” and “late” fluid balance variables. We found the REFERENCES
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APPENDIX 1. ROLE OF ACTIVE Espie; Mount Sinai Hospital, Toronto, ON, Canada: Stephen
DERESUSCITATION AFTER RESUSCITATION Lapinsky*, Lindsay Hurlburt, Emma Fitzgerald, Jonathan A.
(RADAR) INVESTIGATORS Silversides, Eleanor Hung; Queen Alexandra Hospital, Ports-
mouth, United Kingdom: David Pogson*, Emma Fitzgerald,
Study sites and investigators (*denotes Principal Investigator): Joe Schrieber, Sarah Birkhelzer, Genevieve Baragwanath; Royal
Altnagelvin Area Hospital, Londonderry, United Kingdom: Victoria Hospital, Belfast, United Kingdom: Jonathan A. Silver-
Noel Hemmings*, Sinead O’Kane; Antrim Area Hospital, Ant- sides*, Claire Shevlin, Padraig Headley, Darryl Stewart; Saint
rim, United Kingdom: Christopher Nutt*, Orla O’Neill, Emma Michael’s Hospital, Toronto, ON, Canada (two sites: Medical-
McKay; Belfast City Hospital, Belfast, United Kingdom: Jona- Surgical ICU and Trauma-Neurosurgical ICU): John C. Mar-
than A. Silversides*, Claire Montgomery, Christopher Murray, shall*, Uma Shankar Manickavasagam, Orla Smith, Thomas
John McCaffrey; Craigavon Area Hospital, Portadown, United Whitelegg; Ulster Hospital, Dundonald, United Kingdom: T.
Kingdom: Andrew J. Ferguson*, Jennifer Cosgrove, Laura John Trinder*, Samantha Hagan, Caroline Riddell.