Information Theory: Dr. Muhammad Imran Farid

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Information Theory

Dr. Muhammad Imran Farid

▪ Introduction
▪ Uniquely decodable and prefix codes
▪ Huffman code

Typical Communication Block Diagram
Source u v
Source Encoding Encryption Channel Encoding Digital Modulation


Sink Source Decoding Decryption

û Channel Decoding
r Digital
Source Coding
▪ Objective: To represent source at a lower rate.

Source Channel Destination

x(t) y(t)
or Or
x[n] y[n]

Figure 1: Typical communication systems

Why Source coding?

▪ x(t) / x[n] may have redundant or
undesired/unimportant extra information
▪ Example: Telephone quality speech signal
can be compressed to as little as 1-2Kbps.
▪One cannot find the difference in the quality of

▪ x(t) / x[n] may have redundant or
undesired/unimportant extra information
▪ Example: A band-limited continuous time signal,
bandwidth W

Sampling at rate >= 2W

No loss of Information

• Intermediate value redundant

▪ The channel may not have the “capacity” to
communicate at the source information rate
▪ Therefore, it need to represent source at a lower
rate with some loss of information
▪ Example: A real valued sample has infinite
information. It needs to be quantized before
transmission through a discrete memoryless
channel (DMC)

▪ Non-uniform distribution of the source may allow
efficient representation of the signal at a lower rate
▪ Example: For binary transmission of English text,
frequent letters may be represented by shorter bit
sequences, e.g. Morse Code

E: .
Z: _ _ . .

▪ Morse Code of English Alphabets

▪ Morse Code Generator

Types of source Coding
▪ Lossless
▪ No loss of information
▪ Used by various compression schemes for file
storage (e.g. compress in Linux) (WinZip in
▪ Lossy
▪ With loss of information, e.g. quantization, vector
quantization, sub-band coding
▪ Used by standards like JPEG, MPEG etc.

Lossless source coding
Discrete Memory-Less

Discrete Memoryless Source

X 0 , X 1 , X 2 ........

X i   x0 , x1 ,..., xM 1

P  X i  x0  ,P  X i  x1 ,..., P  X i  xM 1 known)

Example: an analog source sampled and quantized

Independent and identically distributed
random variables

▪ In probability theory and statistics, a sequence or

other collection of random variables is independent
and identically distributed if each random variable
has the same probability distribution as the others
and all are mutually independent. (Wikipedia)

• Without source coding what is the obvious way of coding a
discrete memoryless source.

If M <= 2b, then we can represent the symbols by binary fixed length
codes as:

Symbols xi codes C  xi  Length li Probability Pi

x0 0…000 l0  b P0
x1 0…001 l1  b P1
x2 0…010 l2  b P2
⋮ ⋮ ⋮ ⋮

This require b-bits per symbol

Something better possible
symbol: x0 x1 x2 x3
probability: 0.5 0.25 0.125 0.125
fixed length: 00 01 10 11
variable length: 0 10 110 111

• Average length for fixed length code = 2

• For variable length code = 1.75

• Entropy, H  x  = 1.75
• By Shannon source coding theorem; Entropy is the minimum
number of bits that can be attained to code the random variable 16
▪ What are the overall uncertainty for an information source
where probability of outcomes are unequal.
▪ The name of this measurement is called Entropy.
▪ Entropy is the average amount of information that we will
receive from every symbol from any information source.
▪ NOTE: Entropy is NOT information and information is not

Entropy cont..
▪ Entropy is a MEASUREMENT of our average
UNCERTAINTY when we don’t know the outcome of an
information source. That means it’s a measurement of
how much information we DON’T have.
▪ However, this also means it’s the average amount of
information that we WILL have when we receive an
outcome from an information source.
H  X    Pi log 2  
i 1  Pi 
Entropy examples
 1   1 
▪ For fair coin: H  X   0.5log 2   0.5log 2   1
 0.5   0.5 

▪ For unfair coin:

 1   1 
H  X   0.75log 2   0.25log 2    0.811bits
 0.75   0.25 

▪ For unbalanced die of value {0.1, 0.1, 0.1, 0.5, 0.1, 0.1}
▪ H  X   2.161bits and for balance its log 2   bits
Desired properties of source codes
▪ Non-singular: xi  x j C  xi C  x j 
▪ All codes are different from each other

▪ Example: 0,010,01,10

▪ singular codes are not useful

Desired properties of source codes
▪ uniquely decodable: For any two finite
x1 x2 ....xm  x1x2 ....xn
thenC  x1  C  x2  ....C  xm   C  x1  C  x2  ....C  xn 

▪ decoder may need to observe future bits

▪ Non-example: 0,010,01,10
▪ 01010 = 01 = 010 = 01
▪ Example: 10,00,11,110
Desired properties of source codes
▪ Prefix code or instantaneous code: no code word is
a prefix of any other code word
▪ can be decoded instantaneously
▪ Non-example: {10, 00, 11, 110} is not prefix-free. If
we receive 1100010, then we can decode the first
symbol 110 only after receiving 110001.

▪ Example: 0,,110,1110

▪ NOTE: When code come at the receiver the whole code

will appear as given in the examples above.
Example: Classes of codes

X Singular Non-singular UD, but not prefix

but not UD prefix
1 0 0 10 0
2 0 010 00 10
3 0 01 11 110
4 0 10 110 111

01010 = 01 = 010 = 01 0

• Is the code {00, 11, 0101, 111, 1010, 100100, 0110}
uniquely decodable?

• Is the code {00, 11, 0101, 111, 1010, 100100, 0110}
uniquely decodable?

Answer: No. Consider the sequence: 111010111.

It can be decoded as either

11 1010 111
111 0101 11
Huffman code:

X Code word Probability

1 0.20
2 0.15
3 0.25
4 0.25
5 0.15

Huffman code:

X Code word Probability

3 0.25
4 0.25
1 0.20
2 0.15
5 0.15

Huffman Code:
▪ Arrange the symbols in decreasing order of their
▪ Assign 0 and 1 as the last bit of the last two symbols
▪ Combine the last two symbols as one and assign the sum
of their probabilities to the new symbol
▪ Repeat this process on the new set if symbol again and
again. While assigning a bit to a derived symbol, the bit is
prepended to the code words of all the contributing
Huffman Code:
▪ Properties:
▪ Huffman code is a prefix code
▪ Huffman code is optimum. No code is better than Huffman
code for any random variable, i.e. Huffman code gives the
minimum average length for any random variable.

▪ Consider the random variable
▪ X =  x1  x2  x3  x4  x5  x6  x7 
 0.49 0.26 0.12 0.04 0.04 0.03 0.02 
 

a) Find a binary Huffman code for X.

b) Find the expected code length for this encoding.
c) What is the minimum length of any fixed length
code for this random variable?
▪ Which of these codes can not be Huffman codes for
any probability assignment?
a) {0, 10, 11}.
b) {00, 01, 10, 110}.
c) {01, 10}.

▪ Answer:
a) {0, 10, 11}. Huffman code for {0.5, 0.25, 0.25}
b) {00, 01, 10, 110}. No. There cannot be a single
longest code word in a Huffman code.
c) {01, 10}. No. Huffman code for any binary source
is {0, 1}.


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