Technical Specifications of Iddishalla Dhadhamane Obosha Water Supply Project

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KDK-LLL Specification OF Materials (Civil, Pipe and fittings)



1.1 Contractor’s Yard

1.1.1 General
The Contractor’s Yard shall be used by the contractor for his equipment, offices, stores, plant, workshops,
latrines, and messing accommodation. The erection of temporary buildings or structures on the site will not be
allowed without the permission in writing of the Engineer.
At the beginning of the Contract the Contractor’s yard shall be fenced off. By the end of period of Maintenance
the area and its environs shall be cleared of all construction equipment, materials, buildings and the like and
shall be re-graded and reinstated as directed by the Engineer.
1.1.2 Building for Temporary Use by Contractor
The Contractor shall maintain, in perfectly usable and watertight condition, such temporary and permanent
buildings as required for the performance of the works. These shall include accommodation for his employees
and the stores for employer supplied pipes and accessories. Before erecting any structure for his temporary use
the Contractor shall present the necessary drawings, showing its location and nature, to the Engineer for his
Prior to Tendering, The Contractor must ascertain all the requirements for the above, especially with regard to
labor accommodation.
1.1.3 Temporary Sanitary Conveniences
The Contractor shall provide all proper sanitary conveniences for his men at the various sites of works and
along the pipeline routes. The conveniences shall be disinfected with lime or otherwise and all night soil shall
be cleared out daily; this, together with any organic refuse produced at the works shall be removed and buried
by the Contractor in such manner and in such places as may be directed from time to time. All arrangements
shall be submitted to the Engineer for approval and may be modified by him from time to time as he deems
1.1.4 Cost
The cost of providing Contractor’s temporary facilities shall be deemed to be uniformly spread over the rates
for all items in the Bill of Quantities.
1.2 Occupation of Land for Temporary Works
Where it is necessary for any reason whatsoever to enter onto land which does not form part of the site, the
Engineer shall be informed of the details, and the Contractor shall make his own arrangements with the land
owners and occupiers and shall obtain written permission to occupy the land at the Engineer’s approval.
When permission has been obtained and work is carried out, care shall be taken to ensure that no unnecessary
damage is caused to the land and that all reasonable precautions are taken to prevent soil erosion and mosquito
breeding. On completion of the work, the land shall be reinstated and left in a tidy condition and protected
against erosion, all as approved by the Engineer.
1.3 Payments of Compensations
KDK-LLL Specification OF Materials (Civil, Pipe and fittings)

In the case of the land made available to the Contractor free of charge, the Engineer may require the Contractor
to make direct payment to the owner or other person or persons in respect of any required compensation. On
receipt of such written instruction from the Engineer, the Contractor shall forthwith pay the required amount,
which will be reimbursed through the next Interim Payment Certificate.
Under no circumstances is land to be interfered with, whether for Permanent or Temporary works, until the
official evaluation of all compensation has taken place and permission to proceed has been received from the
1.4 Contractor’s Equipment
All Contractor’s Equipment used in the performance of the works shall be of such type, size and of such method
of working as the Engineer approves. If for any reason whatsoever the Engineer shall be of the opinion that
any excavator, mechanical digger, roller, pile hammer, concrete mixer, vibrator, welder or other machine or
appliance employed or proposed to be employed by the Contractor for the purpose of the works shall not be
used, or that any such machine or appliance as aforesaid is unsuitable for use in the works or any part of them,
then such equipment shall be immediately withdrawn from use. In particular the Engineer may prohibit or
suspend the use of machinery which in his opinion is likely to: remove more material than is necessary; damage
or render unsuitable any structure; break or damage pipes, conduits, cables or any other property or work of
any kind. Similarly, the Engineer may prohibit use of machinery causing a nuisance by noise or otherwise.
Any change of the method of performing the work as a consequence of such order shall be at the cost of the
Contractor who shall have no cause for claim against the Employer on account of having to carry out the work
by different methods or for the idleness or removal of any constructional plant.
The cost of providing Contractor’s Equipment for all purpose shall be uniformly spread over all the items of
the Bill of Quantities.
1.5 Water Supply
Water will be required for the purpose of washing aggregates, making mortar and concrete and for other uses
in and about the Works, as well as for testing, flushing and chlorinating of pipelines. The Contractor shall make
his own arrangements for obtaining supplies of water of approved quality, and shall erect and maintain all
required pumps, pipes, valves, cocks, tanks, mobile tanks, hoses, roses and all other appliances required to
distribute the water as necessary to the various parts of the Works.
If necessary, the Contractor will make arrangements to pump water from rivers and other sources and provide
temporary treatment facilities. The Contractor shall provide at all times and at his own expense, for his own
labour and for the Engineer and his staff, a supply of potable water, which shall be kept cool in proper hygienic
The cost of supplying water for purposes other than testing, flushing and chlorinating of pipelines, as well as
providing, operating and maintaining all pumps, tanks and other installations as described in this Clause shall
be uniformly spread over all items of the Bills of Quantities.
The cost of supplying water for testing, flushing and chlorinating of pipelines, shall be included in the
respective items of the Bills if Quantities for these operations.
The cost of supplying water shall in each instance include the cost of water at the source of supply and its
distribution and conveyance to where it is used, including connecting up, laying of pipes, metering, pumping,
use of tankers and the like.
KDK-LLL Specification OF Materials (Civil, Pipe and fittings)

The Contractor shall not assume that water will be available for his use from the public mains at the times and
in the quantities required by him.
Where permitted to connect up to existing mains and pipelines for the purpose of obtaining water, the
Contractor shall comply with all regulations and requirements of the concerned authority. The Contractor shall
himself obtain all related permits and make all arrangements as may be required for the performance of the
The Contractor shall be solely responsible for the supply of all water required in the works for whatever
purpose and no claims for extra payment or extension of time based on the lack or insufficient or delayed
supply of water will be considered or maintained.
1.6 Electric Power Supply
The Contractor shall make his own arrangements for all electric power supply which will be needed for the
execution of the work. The Contractor shall also supply electricity for the lighting, ventilating and/or air
conditioning of the Engineer’s office and laboratory.
If necessary, the Contractor shall provide, erect, operate and maintain in good condition a diesel driven electric
generator, large enough to supply the Contractual requirements. Sufficient stand-by is essential to ensure the
required electric power at all times.
The Contractor shall also install, connect and maintain in good condition all cables, conductors and other
electrical plant and equipment required to perform his contractual obligations. All such plant and installation
as described above shall comply with the relevant requirements and regulations of the Ethiopian Electric and
Power Corporation (EEPCO), and shall be maintained to the approval of the Engineer.
The cost of providing electric power supply for all purposes shall be uniformly spread over all items of the
Bills of Quantities.
1.7 Surveying
1.7.1 Benchmarks
Prior to the commencement of the work, the Engineer shall provide a number of benchmarks (BM) located on
the site as shown on the Drawings. Before starting any work, the Contractor shall check the alignment of the
benchmarks in the presence of the Engineer and shall notify the Engineer of any error or misalignment which
may be discovered during such checking. After the benchmarks have been thus checked and any errors
corrected, the Contractor shall certify his acceptance of the Benchmarks to the Engineer in writing.
1.7.2 Preservation of Benchmarks
Benchmarks shall, where possible be preserved, or else be relocated. Where benchmarks could be destroyed,
they shall be accurately tied in to permanent concrete reference points before work is commenced.
1.8 Survey and Setting Out
1.8.1 Setting Out
Based on the benchmarks mentioned above, the Contractor shall set out the work using the data shown on the
Drawings or as per the Engineer’s instructions. The Contractor shall then reference these points with permanent
beacons of a type approved by the Engineer. Each point shall have not less than three reference beacons which
shall be placed where they will not be disturbed by the works and the method of referencing shall be agreed
with the Engineer. The Contractor shall supply the Engineer with records in an acceptable form including such
drawings, sketches, measurements and reference as may be necessary for the location or relocation of relevant
KDK-LLL Specification OF Materials (Civil, Pipe and fittings)

points and shall keep such records up to date by formal notice to the Engineer. The reference beacons shall be
used as benchmarks and their levels shall be agreed with the Engineer. The levels of all benchmarks shall be
checked by the Contractor at monthly intervals and he should immediately notify the Engineer whether or not
there are any discrepancies.
1.8.2 Agreement of Topography
Prior to commencing any work, the Contractor shall check the topography of the site of the said work and shall
inform the Engineer of the results. The agreed final topography shall be used in the calculation of quantities.
1.9 Dewatering
The Contractor shall keep the works free from water at all times during construction and shall to this end
construct all necessary diversions and perform all required pumping to remove all surface or ground water as
may be necessary in carrying out the works as well as provide and fill-in sumps, drains, etc.
At every point in the works at which water is liable to accumulate, proper drains and, if required, sump holes
or wells shall be formed, and if in the Engineer’s opinion it is expedient, such sump holes shall be placed
entirely outside the limits of the works and any pumping that may be necessary to keep any excavation clear
of water, either during the sinking or subsequently, shall be so conducted from such sump holes so that no
wash or disturbance of the bottom or sides of the excavation shall occur. During the process of carrying out
earthworks, casting concrete or performing any other work, the water in the sump holes or wells shall be
maintained below the lowest level of such work. The water shall be led to the sump holes or wells by specially
constructed drains which shall, if necessary, be carried across the concrete or other works, in troughs.
The Contractor is not to assume that permanent works to be constructed will be available, or will be permitted
to be used if available, for the purpose of keeping the site free from water during construction of the works.
1.10 Photographs
The Contractor shall provide and include in his tendered price progress photographs taken by an approved
professional photographer as, when, and where, directed by the Engineer, at intervals of not more than thirty
days. The photographs shall be sufficient in number and location to record the exact progress of works. The
Contractor shall provide one proof print (with date when the photograph was taken) of each photograph taken,
one colour slide and the negative and five colour copies of dimensions not less than 254 x 203 mm of any of
the photographs selected by the Engineer.
Two copies are to be signed by the Contractor and the Engineer. Albums to accommodate the selected
photographs shall be supplied by the Contractor. Prints shall be made on a variable contrast paper and shall
exhibit a minimum amount of grain. The negatives shall be the sole property of the Employer and shall not be
copied without his permission.
1.11 Project and Direction Signboard
The Contractor shall supply, erect, and maintain adequate signboards at locations to be determined by the
Engineer. The project signboards shall be 120 cm high and 240 cm wide and shall be lettered according to
instructions provided by the Engineer. Direction signboards shall be erected in sufficient numbers, as directed
by the Engineer.
1.12 Fire Fighting Equipment
Suitable firefighting equipment shall be provided and maintained on site to deal with any outbreak of fire. All
possible precautions shall be taken to provide for the safe storage of petroleum, explosives, gas bottles, and all
other dangerous goods.
KDK-LLL Specification OF Materials (Civil, Pipe and fittings)

Permits shall be obtained for the storage of such materials wherever this is required by the regulations of the
competent authorities.
1.13 First Aid Equipment
The Contractor shall provide and maintain on the site first aid equipment consisting of the following:
a. Complete first aid kit with medicines, bandages, splints, etc.
b. Motor car to be always available for emergency transportation.
c. Stretches for carrying injured persons are to be provided and maintained at the site.
1.14 Construction Safety Signs and Barriers
The Contractor shall erect construction safety signs and barriers as and where directed by the Engineer. The
signs and barriers shall be maintained in good condition and kept clean at all times.
1.15 Coordination with Other Contractors
Should one or more other contractors be working for the Employer on or near the sites, then, pursuant to the
provisions of Clause 8 of the Conditions of Contract, the Contractor shall coordinate his activities under the
direction of the Engineer with those of the other contractor or contractors working for the Employer on or near
the sites. Whenever interference between the operations of more than one contractor occurs, the Engineer will
decide upon the order of preferences of work under different contracts so that the whole of the works shall be
completed in the most efficient and economic way to the Employer, and the Contractor shall abide by such
decision of the Engineer.
1.15.1 Co-ordination with overseas supply Contractors
The Contractor shall co-ordinate and co-operate with Overseas Supply Contractors and arrange for the
inspection acceptance and handling of the materials supplied by them, installed under this Contract.
The Bill of Quantities in the Form of Tender includes items for handling and storage on the job site in an
acceptable manner protected from the adverse effects of weather and unauthorized access such that no material
shall be off-stock unless and until authorized in writing by the Engineer.
1.15.2 Co-ordination with the Electrical & Mechanical Contractor
The Contractor shall co-operate with the Electro-Mechanical (E & M) Contractor and facilitate the work of the
later by leaving box-out openings or chiseling through concrete or masonry structures, grouting with concrete
around buried or installed items and all earthwork involved, as required.
Besides, the Contractor shall co-ordinate the interconnection of systems with the Electro-Mechanical
Contractor and ensure that pipe ends are in good condition and protected from damage. Interconnection of the
water main to the pumping stations, well sites, reservoirs and water treatment plant shall be done by the Civil.
Works Construction Contractor. The Contractor shall make a skilled crew available for system start up and
testing on seven (7) days notice from the Owner that the E & M Contractor wishes to start and test the total
The Contractor shall not be entitled to claim extra payment, time extension or compensation for interference
and delays caused by the adherence to the requirements of this Clause. However, if the Engineer requests
readjustment of time schedule as a result of coordination of works under different contracts, and such
readjustments shall, in the Engineer’s opinion, cause a delay in the works beyond the time limit fixed under
this Contract, the Contractor will be granted an extension of time accordingly.
KDK-LLL Specification OF Materials (Civil, Pipe and fittings)

1.16 Packing, Marking and Delivery

Prior to dispatch from the Contractor’s works, the equipment and materials shall be thoroughly protected
against corrosion and incidental damage, including the effects of vermin, strong sunlight, rain, high
temperature and humid and salty atmosphere or sea spray.
The equipment and materials shall be packed to withstand rough handling in transit, and packages shall be
suitable for export to and storage in the tropics, including possible delays on exposed quaysides. The Contractor
shall be held responsible for the materials and equipment being packed so that it reaches destination intact and
undamaged. The Contractor shall provide, and include in the Contract price the cost of all necessary packing
cases and crates, properly strengthened by battens (which shall be considered as non-returnable), packing
materials (to include but not limited to the use of polythene or similar water-proof wrapping, silica, etc.
wherever necessary), hoop iron banding and labour.
All crates and packages shall be correctly and adequately marked as follows:
a. Name of the Project.
b. Contract Number.
c. Designation of Materials and Equipment.
d. Item Number.
e. All Shipments shall be marked with a blue colour code.
1.17 Provisional Suns
Provisional sums shall be expended as directed by the Engineer. The employer will retain any unused portions.
1.18 Progress Reports
The Contractor shall furnish the Engineer, at no extra cost to the Employer, at regular monthly intervals 3
(Three) copies in a form determined by the Engineer, with Progress Reports containing the following
a. physical progress for the report month and estimated progress for the next month,
b. report of manpower materials supply and consumption, equipment and machinery on -site
c. completion schedules (target and actual) based on the approved construction programme
d. Updated curves for physical progress at different sections of the Works
e. any report which may be specifically requested by the Employer and/or the Engineer.
These monthly reports shall be submitted not later than 5 (five) days after the end of the report month.
Besides, the Contractor shall keep a daily Log Book at each site to record weather condition, work executed,
material, manpower and equipment utilization, and causes of unsatisfactory performance and unusual events.
A weekly summarized report should be submitted to the Engineer. In addition, a supervisor’s Memo-Book
should be kept at each site to facilitate convenient communication between the two parties.

2.1 Sites of Works and Care of Property
KDK-LLL Specification OF Materials (Civil, Pipe and fittings)

2.1.1 General
The areas within the site of works on which the Contractor shall be permitted to do his work, to assemble his
equipment and tools, to erect his stores and to accommodate his workmen, as well as the rights-of-way for
access to the said areas mentioned herein and in Clause 1 of the specification will be provided by the Employer.
The final limits of the above areas will be determined by the Engineer on site in cooperation and mutual
agreement with the Contractor.
The Contractor’s responsibilities under Clause 12 of the General Conditions of Contract shall apply to the
whole of the land occupied or used by the Contractor for the purpose of this Contract. Should any event occur
which is likely to give rise to liabilities under the said Clause 12, the Contractor shall immediately notify the
Employer thereof and shall thereafter keep him informed on the state of negotiations towards settlement of any
claims by third parties and on the way in which the Contractor intends to meet his obligations under Clause 12
as aforesaid. The Employer shall have the right to withhold from any sums due to the Contractor payment of
such sums as may appear to the Employer sufficient to cover the Contractor’s liabilities under Clause 12 of the
conditions of Contract, until evidence is produced by the Contractor to the Engineer to show that the
Contractor’s liabilities in this respect have been finally settled and discharged.
Before entering any lands the Contractor shall make all necessary arrangements with the owners and/or
occupiers thereof, and shall temporarily fence off the easement whilst any work is in progress thereon so as to
prevent injury to persons, cattle or stock on the adjoining land, and he shall take full responsibility for
preventing unauthorized persons from entering the site of the works.
The Contractor shall adopt all required measures to prevent soil erosion arising directly or indirectly from his
operations, and site clearance, as per Clause 4 of the specification, shall be done on the minimum area necessary
for performing the works. Where possible the original surface contours shall be reinstated and protected.
2.1.2 Prevention of Obstructions, pollution & Avoidance of Nuisance
The Contractor shall ensure at all times that the site and the approaches thereto are not obstructed or made
congested and that no nuisance is created due to the construction of the works which might affect the site or
its environment.
The Contractor shall ensure that there is no spillage of oil into groundwater aquifers, into rivers or other water
courses. Before commencing any work which could involve spillage of oil, the Contractor shall consult the
Engineer and provide such effective anti-pollution measures as may be required to prevent such spillage or
2.1.3 Public Roads, Bridges, etc.
Where any road, path, right-or-way, or parcel of land, etc. is interfered with by the construction of the works,
and wherever necessary or required for the convenience of the public or individual residents, the Contractor
shall provide suitable temporary approaches, bridges, gangways, and roads over unfilled excavations, except
in such cases as the Contractor shall secure the written consent of the individuals or authorities concerned to
omit these. All such temporary facilities shall be maintained in service until all requirements of the
specification have been fully complied with.
Temporary bridges for street and highway crossings shall meet the requirements and approval of the authority
having jurisdiction in each case as may be required.
Particularly, the Contractor shall provide means of access to enable the adjacent occupiers to carry on their
normal occupations, and shall indemnify the Employer against any claims for loss of business or amenities.
KDK-LLL Specification OF Materials (Civil, Pipe and fittings)

The Contractor shall obtain the approval of the authorities or owners in advance as to the nature of the
temporary approaches, bridges, gangways, and roads, and shall arrange with them for suitable dates for the
performance of all related work.
The cost of constructing, maintaining and removing of all temporary by-passes, gangways, bridges, etc. under
this Clause shall be spread over all items in the Bill of Quantities.
2.1.4 Work in Public Roads
Where public roads or streets have to be crossed or works are performed in public roads or streets, the
Contractor shall obtain instructions from the authorities concerned as to the date and hour for the braking up
of the road, the manner in which traffic to be detoured to other roads or streets, and the length of trench which
may be left open at a time, which in any case, shall not exceed 200 m, unless permitted by the Engineer. All
streets and roads used shall be kept free from dust and mud, and, unless permission to close certain streets or
roads is obtained by the Contractor from the authorities concerned, at least one-half of the width of each street
or road shall be kept open to traffic. Where required by authorities having jurisdiction over streets and
highways, satisfactory detours shall be provided by the Contractor at his expense.
Men and apparatus shall be provided by the Contractor for pedestrian and for traffic control when working
along or crossing roads. Lamps shall be lighted and warning sign-boards put up when and where necessary to
ensure during the progress of work the safety of traffic using the road or street, and to prevent unauthorized
persons, animals, etc. from straying on to the work.
All roads and streets shall be restored to their original condition as soon as pipe-laying work at the crossing
has been completed. All restoration work, such as backfilling and road base course and surfacing, shall be
performed to the requirements of the specification and the satisfaction of the competent authority.
At certain locations along roads which are subject to overflow of storm water, the Contractor may be prohibited
from making excavations during rainy weather, and also the Contractor may be required at his own cost and
expense to furnish bags filled with sand and place them wherever ordered along the roads as a means of
protecting the travelling public. Wherever necessary, adequate flumes shall be provided for conveying the
storm water runoff from all tributary drainage areas across the trench.
2.1.5 Maintenance, Removal and Reconstruction of Utilities, etc.
a) In so far as practicable during the progress of the work, the property of any owner of a public utility
or pipeline, conduit, sewer, culvert, irrigation pipe or flume, storm drain, drainage ditch, pole line,
street lighting system, overhead and underground wires or cables, either main line structures or laterals
and services, or any other structure or facility, shall not be disturbed but shall be supported and
protected against injury and maintained in good operating condition. In no case shall any such property
be disturbed or removed without the consent of the owner and the approval of the Engineer, as
hereinafter provided. The Contractor shall be responsible for and make good all damage due to his
operations, and the provisions of this Sub-Clause shall not be abated even in the event that such damage
occurs after backfilling, or is not discovered until after completion of backfilling.
b) Where drawings show the position of certain pipes, conduits, poles and other structures as they are
supposed to exist along the lines of the work, no guarantee is given that the locations and dimensions
are accurate or that other utilities or structures than those shown are not in existence. The Contractor
before commencing any excavation shall ascertain from records or otherwise the existence, position
and ownership of such facilities, and except as expressly provided in Sub-Clause (f) hereof, no error
KDK-LLL Specification OF Materials (Civil, Pipe and fittings)

or omission on said drawings shall be construed to relieve the Contractor from his responsibility in
protecting, at his own cost, any such pipe, conduit, pole or other structure.
c) Should the Contractor deem it necessary to sink trial holes and exploration trenches for the purpose of
ascertaining the existence and position of such facilities, he shall do it well ahead of excavation and at
his own cost.
d) The Contractor shall, at his own cost and expense, and in a manner approved by the Engineer, sustain
in their places and protect from injury any and all water mains, drains, conduits, culverts, cables,
buildings and all other structures of property in the vicinity of the work, whether over or underground,
or which appear within the excavations, and he shall assume all costs and expenses for damage which
may be occasioned by injury to any of them.
e) If damage to any structure or utility occurs by reason of the Contractor’s operations, even though
special precautions have been employed, the Contractor shall be entirely responsible for such damage
whether such operations and the work resulting there from have received the prior approval of the
Engineer or not, and shall indemnify the Employer against any claims of loss caused by the damage.
f) Where land drains, culverts, sewers, pipes, cables, etc., are temporarily disturbed, diverted or dammed
up and replaced or reinstated, or required temporarily to be supported or slung during the process of
excavation and pipe laying, such work shall be taken to be included in the rates of excavation and pipe
laying in the Bill of Quantities.
g) Where ditches or open drains are crossed by the pipelines or run parallel to, or alongside the trenches,
they shall be kept open as may be required for the passage of water flowing at the time, and at the
conclusion of the work shall be cleared of all spoil and restored to the satisfaction of the Engineer at
the Contractor’s expense.
h) Should any existing subsoil or field drains be uncovered, the Contractor shall carefully replace them
when backfilling or, if this is impossible, he shall divert them to new drains or ditches.
i) Should the location of any pipe, conduit, pole line, culvert, structure, etc., be such that in the opinion
of the Engineer require temporary or permanent removal, realignment or change, these works shall be
done by the respective utilities, or by the Contractor under the supervision of the said utility. The
Contractor, upon receiving the Engineer’s approval, shall instruct the respective utility to carry out the
work and shall coordinate it with his construction works and the work of other utilities, if any. The
Contractor will be reimbursed for the actual costs charged by the utility and paid by him plus ten
percent (10%) for overhead, profit, etc. Should the Contractor, upon receiving the Engineer’s
instructions, carry out these works himself, he shall be paid on a day-work basis.
2.1.6 Work in Vicinity of Power Lines
Wherever the pipes cross an electrical power line right-of-way, the Contractor shall familiarize himself with
the requirements and regulations of the Ethiopian Electric and Power Corporation (EEPCO) with regard to
work carried out in the vicinity of power lines. He shall comply with such requirements and regulations and
obtain any permits required.
Equipment shall not be operated where it is possible to bring such equipment or any part of the equipment
within 3 m (three meters) of any energized electrical conductor unless the utility company has been notified,
and either the line has been de-energized, or effectively guarded against contact, or displaced or re-routed from
the work area. For high-voltage transmission lines, a greater clearance shall be provided as determined by the
KDK-LLL Specification OF Materials (Civil, Pipe and fittings)

Where practical, metallic pipe sections shall not be stored under overhead high voltage power lines. If pipe
sections must be stored under power lines, the Contractor shall protect personnel from the effects of induced
currents by grounding pipe sections at two locations with a 40 mm2 copper ground conductor and grounding
2.2 Royalties
Any royalties payable by the Contractor in respect of soils or rocks excavated, or land outside that made
available free under the Contract, for the construction of permanent works, shall be reimbursed through the
monthly interim certificates.
2.3 Access to the Works
2.3.1 General
The Contractor at his own expense shall perform all work necessary for access to the site. The Employer
assumes no responsibility for the condition or maintenance of any existing road or structure thereon that may
be used by the Contractor for performing the work under this Contract and for traveling to and from the site.
No payment will be made to the Contractor for improving, repairing, or maintaining any existing road or
structure thereon that may be used by the Contractor for performance of the work under this Contract.
The Contract shall prepare at his own cost temporary access roads to the site and temporary roads along the
pipelines that may be required for construction purposes as approved by the Engineer. Such roads shall be of
sufficient width and stability to permit the movement of all vehicles and equipment and shall be maintained
by the Contractor in a good serviceable condition throughout the period of construction. The Employer and the
Engineer and their employees as well as any other contractor working on the Sites for the Employer shall at
all times have free use of the temporary roads prepared by the Contractor.
2.3.2 Right-of-way
The Employer will provide right-of-way for the pipelines and structures to be constructed under the Contract.
In the event that any private or public right-of-way for the work included in the Contract is not secured prior
to the time the Contractor is ready to perform the work on the parcel of land to be occupied by said right-of-
way, the Engineer reserves the right to suspend work by the Contractor on said parcel of land until the necessary
right-of-way can be obtained or until changes in the location of the pipeline can be made to accommodate
right-of-way conditions.
2.3.3 Access to the Works and Damage to Roads
Neither the terms hereof nor anything shown on the Drawings in connection with temporary or permanent
right-of-way provided by the Employer shall be construed to entitle the Contractor to access rights in violation
of any local regulations and/or the requirements of this Contract.
Nothing herein shall be construed to entitle the Contractor to the exclusive use of any public street or way
during the performance of the works, and he shall conduct his operations in accordance with the requirements
of Clause 2.1 above and Clause 18 of the Conditions of Contract.
2.3.4 Agricultural Land
Where the pipelines pass through agricultural land or any other ground not used as a road, street or footpath,
the Contractor shall confine his operations to a strip not exceeding 20 m in width.
2.4 Maintenance of Roads
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From the date of possession of the Site until a certificate of completion has been given, the Contractor shall be
responsible for maintaining the roads on the site in a satisfactory and usable condition.
If in the opinion of the Engineer the condition of any section of road had been allowed to deteriorate below the
minimum standard required and the Contractor shall have failed to improve such condition, the Engineer may
instruct another party to carry out such repairs as are in his opinion necessary, and shall deduct the cost of such
repairs from monies due to the Contractor or which may become due.
2.5 Clearing up of Site
During the progress of the works, the Contractor shall clear up and remove from the surface of the ground all
temporary buildings as per the Engineer’s instructions, plant, material, debris resulting from work and/or
demolitions, litter, rubbish, and surplus soil which may be left on the ground or in and about the works or land
temporarily occupied by the Contractor. On completion of the works the Contractor shall clean up the entire
site and shall leave it in a neat and clean condition to the satisfaction of the Engineer. To this end he shall level
and fill any temporary roads, spoil heaps, cuttings or embankments, not permitted to remain as part of the
permanent works, and shall take particular care to restore any existing drains that may have been blocked or
interfered with by his operations. Any surplus soil from the works shall be disposed of to the satisfaction of
the Engineer.
The Contractor shall adopt all measures to ensure that soil erosion is avoided.
2.6 Salvaged Temporary Works
Temporary Store or Shed for Employer supplied pipes, fittings, and materials, the Engineer’s office and
furniture and the Contractor’s office, all according to the drawings shall remain the employer’s property.
2.7 Mobilization and Demobilization
Mobilization shall consist of preparatory work and operations including, but not limited to, those necessary to
the movement of personnel, equipment, supplies and incidentals to the project site; and for all other work and
operations which must be performed or costs incurred prior to beginning work on the various items on the
project site.
Demobilization shall consist of cleanup work and operations including, but not limited to, those necessary to
the removal of personnel, equipment, and incidentals from the project site.
Payment for mobilization will be made at the lump sum price shown in the Tender form to the portions
approved by the Engineer from time to time as per the approved delivery schedules.
Payment for demobilization will be paid upon completion of the Contract and removal of equipment and clean
up of the work areas to the satisfaction of the Engineer.


3.1 General
The Contractor shall provide for the use of the Engineer and his staff, throughout the performances of the
Contract, a suitable office and store at the site.
3.2 Office Building
The Contractor shall provide on the Site an office building, having a total internal area of 40 sq. m. and
comprising an office for the Engineer and his Representative, an office for other staff, toilet, washrooms and
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store. The building shall be of weatherproof construction having corrugated iron sheet walls and partitions
lined wifdath hard board, chip-wood ceiling or similar, and wooden or concrete floors. All external openings
shall be fly-screened and doors shall be fitted with handles and locks. Outside doors shall also have a night
latch. The building shall be adequately lighted and ventilated and provided with electricity and running water.
Cool potable water shall also be supplied.
The office of the Engineer shall be furnished with two desks, four chairs, one 4-drawer filing cabinet, 2 m of
shelving, one layout table, and a waste paper basket.
The staff office shall have three desks, 5 chairs, one drafting table with an adjustable drafting machine, one
stool, 2m of shelving, and one waste paper basket.
The store shall be sufficient for drafting and office supplies, surveying instruments, one metal storage cabinet
and one flat file cabinet for large drawings.
The toilet shall be fitted with a squatting plate and hand washing basin. Adequate waste water and sewage
disposal facilities shall be provided.
There shall be adequate access and parking facilities provided.
3.3 Surveyor’s Equipment
In addition to the necessary labor, the Contractor shall provide for the use of the Engineer and his staff a
complete set of surveyor’s equipment, including a theodolite, level, staff, prism, a 5 meter tape, a 50 meter
chain, pegs, 4-range poles, sight rails, paint, lines, spirit level, support tools, etc.
Payment of the provision of surveying labor and equipment shall be made at the lump sum price shown in the
Bill of Quantities.
3.4 Attendance upon the Engineer
The Contractor shall allow in the Contract price, spread over the items in the Bills of Quantities, for attendance
on the Engineer during visits to and inspection of the works and shall, at no extra cost to the Employer, afford
every assistance and facility and supply all labor and material requisite to the Resident Engineer and his staff
to assist them in performing their duties.
3.5 Priority for the Provision of Facilities
The Contractor shall give the highest priority to providing the Engineer’s office and laboratory. No permanent
work on any section of the Contract shall be paid for until these items are made available for use, unless
otherwise agreed by the Engineer.
Provision of the Engineer office and accompanying facilities shall be paid for separately as provided for in
the Bill of Quantities.

4.1 Site Preparation
4.1.1 Scope
The works under this Chapter include site clearance and any demolitions that may be required, protection of
any existing structure or element that must remain intact, etc. prior to commencing the above works the
Contractor shall obtain all necessary licenses and permits required for performance.
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General clearing and grubbing work shall consist of scraping soft soil up to 200 mm depth, clearing, grubbing,
removing and disposal of all vegetation including trees of girth less than 0.15 m and debris which are within
the site, except vegetation and objects designated to remain. The work shall also include the preservation from
injury or defacement of all vegetation and objects designated to remain.
4.1.2 Site Clearance – General
The areas of all sites and access roads (weather temporary or permanent), and other areas as directed by the
Engineer shall be cleared of all standing or felled trees, stumps, brush, logs buildings, debris, rubbish and other
objectionable matter.
The Contractor shall not commence clearing any area and/or demolition’s without having received written
instruction from the Engineer.
4.1.3 Clearing of Vegetation
Trees, stumps and brush shall be cut off flush with the ground in all areas to be cleared, except in areas to be
grubbed as prescribed in Sub-Clause 4.1.4. The clearing shall be maintained until completion of the works. All
trees outside the areas to be cleared and such other trees that are not to be removed shall be carefully protected
from damage during the work operations, and no trees shall be removed without the prior consent of the
Engineer. All cut trees shall remain the property of the Employer, and the Contractor shall collect these trees
and store them until required by the Employer.
4.1.4 Grubbing
In addition to the clearing to be carried out as specified in Sub-Clause 4.1.3, the stamps and roots of trees and
brush shall be grubbed in areas at the sites of all earth fill construction, structures, and elsewhere as directed.
4.1.5 Disposal of Trees, Roots, Etc
Except for trees which shall remain the property of the Employer, as under Sub Clause 4.1.3, all materials from
required clearing and grubbing shall be removed from the area, burned completely, or disposed of in a manner
satisfactory to the Engineer.
All materials to be burnt shall be piled and all burning shall be so through that the materials will be reduced to
ashes. Piling for burning shall be done in such manner and in such locations as to cause the least fire hazard
and in such locations as to cause the least fire hazard and nuisance to inhabitants of the area. The Contractor
shall have available at all times, for use in preventing and suppressing fires, apparatus and fire-fighting
equipment satisfactory to the Engineer.
When, in the opinion of the Engineer, the fire hazard is great, burning shall be deferred or additional fire-
fighting equipment shall be provided.
All Materials not burned to ashes shall be disposed of by removal from site of the works, and upon removal
such materials shall become the property of the Contractor who shall dispose of them by burial in locations
and in a manner approved by the Engineer.
4.2 Pipelines in Bush Areas
Where pipelines pass through bush areas the contractor shall clear up to a maximum 6m wide strip as required
along the route of the pipeline.
All trees, stumps and roots shall be removed to a minimum of 30cm below the finished grade of the pipeline,
or killed, within a strip of two meters on either side of the pipeline.
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4.3 Removal and Replacement of Sod

Where excavation is made across lawns on private property over which the Employer has secured passage or
right-of-way, the Contractor shall remove and carefully store sufficient sod and topsoil to repair damage-cased
to lawns. Sod shall be replaced on graded topsoil and shall be neatly fitted and well tamped with flat wooden
tampers. The cost of removal and replacement of sod shall be included in the rates of excavation.

5.1 Classification
All excavation shall be performed in accordance with local and ILO safety regulations. Excavation will be
classified as “rock excavation” or “common excavation” in accordance with the following definitions of the
material excavated.
5.1.1 Rock Excavation
“Rock” shall mean solid rock as found in ledges or masses in its original position, which can only be loosened
by blasting or by pneumatic tools, or if excavated by hand, by wedges and sledge hammers or specialized rock
breaking hammers. Rock which is in a shattered condition and/or is capable of being loosened by rippers of
earthmoving plant up to 150 h.p. or giving way to pick-axes with some effort is excluded from the definition
of solid rock. Boulders and detached pieces of rock (as defined above) having a volume of more than 0.1 cubic
meter will also be classed as rock.
No material, except the aforesaid, will be defined as rock and classified as such for the purposes of payment,
whether loosened by blasting, pneumatic tools or otherwise. To remove any doubt, it shall be understood that
hardpan, decomposed or soft rock, cemented gravel, shale, red ash, etc. even though it may be advantageous
to use explosive in their removal, will in no case be classified as rock.
Nothing in the Contract shall entitle the Contractor to be paid for excavation in rock unless, at the time the
excavation is open and visible, the Contractor shall have given notice in writing to the Engineer that he claims
to be paid for excavation in rock. After giving such notice the Contractor shall not fill in the excavation or
otherwise prevent the excavation from being inspected until the Contractor and Engineer have jointly examined
and measured the work.
The excavated rock, subject to locally applied regulations, shall remain the property of the Employer and stock
piling or disposal should be as directed by the Engineer.
All agreements between the Contractor and the Engineer as to whether or not excavation is in rock, and the
quantity thereof, shall be duly recorded and signed by the Contractor and the Engineer.
Compliance with the foregoing provision in relation to recording of excavation in rock and the quantities
thereof shall be a condition precedent to the right of the Contractor to be paid for excavation in rock and such
record shall be final and binding between the parties as to the quantity of excavation in rock.
5.1.2 Common Excavation
The excavation of all other materials, weather hard or soft to which the definition of “rock” as above does not
apply, shall be considered as “common excavation”
Compaction of Earth fill
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Compaction Equipment
Compaction equipment for the earth-fill construction material shall not be used unless the Engineer in writing
has approved it
Depending on the areas to be compacted and the prevailing conditions, compaction equipment could comprise,
vibrating or non-vibrating steel or pneumatic tired rollers, hand-operated rollers, mechanical tampers and other
compaction equipment or methods approved by the Engineer.
6.1.1 Stone Paving
Where shown on the Drawings, stone paving should consist of suitably shaped, durable hard stones, hand-
placed on bed of selected granular material, compacted to thickness of 25 cm.
6.1.2 Backfill
The backfilling shall include the backfilling of trenches excavated for pipe lines, cables, and excavations for
channels, manholes, valve chambers and other structures and appurtenances using suitable site material from
the excavation or imported backfill material.
All suitable surplus and excavated material shall be used for backfilling within the project limits. Backfilling
shall be of the same material as was excavated from the trench, provided that it is suitable for backfilling.
Backfilling shall begin, with the Engineer's approval, after the concrete has reached the design strength and
the forms have been removed, and hydrostatic testing is completed.
For each class of backfill material to be used, representative samples, selected by the Engineer, shall be
provided for testing purposes. Tests shall be carried out in accordance with ASTM standards to determine the
grading of the material.
Such tests shall be repeated each time the source of material changes, if there is an apparent change in the
characteristics of the material or at such other times as the Engineer may require.
Backfilling shall not be commenced until tests of the proposed backfill material indicate that it is in accordance
with the requirements of the Specifications.
Backfill materials shall be placed where shown on the drawings in maximum 300 mm none compacted lifts
and compacted to Standard Proctor Density.
Backfill within 1 m of structures shall be compacted with light mechanical equipment. Care shall be taken to
avoid damage to the structures.
Representative samples of each class of backfill material to be used, selected by the Engineer, shall be taken
for testing to determine the optimum moisture content and optimum density in accordance with the Modified
proctor method, ASTM 1557, Method D.
These tests shall be repeated each time the source of material changes, if there is an apparent change in the
characteristics of the material, or at such other times as the Engineer may require.
Any settlement of the backfill and resultant damage shall be rectified to the satisfaction of the Engineer at the
Contractor's expense
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8.1 Pipes and Fittings

The Contractor shall install all pipes, valves fittings, and other accessories for the inlet and outlet, drain and overflow
pipes, complete as required for the proper operation of the reservoirs, all in accordance with the Drawings and
the Engineer’s instructions. All pipes, valves fittings, etc., as well as the workmanship employed in their
installation shall be in accordance with the applicable clauses of the Specification dealing with pipelines Clause
20 of the specification.
8.2 Ditches and Trenches
Pipe trenches shall be excavated to the lines and grades as shown on the Drawings or, as directed by the Engineer in
accordance with Clause 19 of the specification. Overflow ditches with flat bottoms and sides cut to 1.5:1 slopes
shall be excavated to the required lines and gradients, from the outlets of the drain and overflow pipes to the
nearby natural drain.
17.1 Scope of Works
The pipe works comprise the laying, complete in all respects, of Main (Transmission) and Distribution pipelines for
the long term Programme. The pipelines are either rising or gravity Mains and will be constructed primarily of
Ductile Cast Iron (HDPEE or DI) and unplasticised polyvinyl Chloride (uHDPEE or HDPEE) pipe, steel pipes
being employed for special situations such as river, road and rail crossings, etc.
Distribution pipelines will usually employs HDPEE pipes however, for suspended piping, steel pipes will be used.
In general the pipelaying shall conform to BS 8010.
17.2 Supply of Pipes and Accessories
See Clause 18 of the specification stated elsewhere in this document for the supply of pipes and accessories for the
pipelines to be laid in this Contract.
17.3 Performance of Works
Notwithstanding the provisions of Clause 1.6 of the specification stated elsewhere in this document the Contractor
shall not commence Work in any part of the sites until the alignment of pipelines in the said part has been
finally established and approved by the Engineer in writing.
17.4 Setting out of Pipelines
Further to the specification stated elsewhere in this document the Contractor shall do all surveying measurement and
marking necessary for the final setting-out of the lines, including preservation of benchmarks.
Setting-out shall consist of marking all bends and other characteristic points on the line and on straight portions by
stakes driven into the ground every 50 m and shall be sufficient to permit the detailed design of the line and
the preparation of as-made drawings.
17.5 Contractor’s Drawings
On the basis of the survey and measuring work as per Clause 1.15 and 1.16 of the specification and when instructed
by the Engineer to do so, the Contractor shall prepare the detailed drawings of the pipelines which shall
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normally include layout drawings to the scale of 1:2,000 and longitudinal sections to the scale of 1:2,000,
The drawings shall show all benchmark and survey points and all Characteristic features on the lines and along the
alignments, such as bends, valves and other accessories, road, bridges, culverts, buildings , power and
telephone lines and poles etc.
All drawings submitted by the Contractor shall be numbered consecutively and each drawing shall be dated and its title
shall contain, in a form to be approved by the Engineer, the Contract number and project title, and descriptive
name of the structure shown on the Drawings and its location relative to the whole of the works.


19.1 General
Earthworks under this Chapter includes trench excavation and backfill where pipes are placed below ground and
excavation and backfill for structures such as valve chambers, concrete blocks, pipe supports, etc., all in
accordance with Clause 4 and 5 of the Specification.
19.2 Classification of Rock Excavation
Further to Clause 5.1.1 of the specification, boulders or detached pieces of sound rock of more than 0.2 cu.m in volume,
in open excavation, or more than 0.1 cu.m in narrow trench excavation, shall also be classified as rock
19.3 Excavation for Pipe Trenches
19.3.1 General
Pipe trenches shall be excavated to the lines and levels shown on the Drawings, or as directed by the Engineer. Strong
sight rails shall be fixed and maintained at each change of gradient, and at as many intermediate points as may
be necessary. On the rails shall be marked the centre line and the level to which the pipe is to be laid, such rails
being not more than 35 m apart.
Except as otherwise provided herein, excavation for pipelines shall be in open-cut trenches with vertical sides, unless
otherwise directed by the Engineer and shall be carried out only so far in advance of pipe laying in one
continuous reach as specified in Clause 19.4 of the specification.
At points where pipes are to be welded in the trench, the trench shall be enlarged sufficiently to permit such welding
to be performed.
19.3.2 Trench Width
The trench width at the ground surface may vary with and depend upon, its depth and the nature of the ground
encountered. For all diameters the clear width of unsheeted trench, measured at the horizontal diameter of the
pipe, shall provide a minimum clearance of 250 mm on each side of pipe. Where tamping of side fill on pipe
is required under the Specification, a minimum clearance of 300 mm on each side of the pipe shall be provided.
The maximum clear width of trench at the top of the pipe shall not be more than outside diameter of the barrel of the
pipe plus 750 mm.
Greater width of trench will be permitted only on written approval by the Engineer, in accordance with the requirements
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Trenches with vertical sides are shown on the Drawings, but where approved by the Engineer in writing the Contractor
may excavate trenches having vertical sides below and sloping sides above the top of the pipe; provided that
any additional right of way required therefore shall be procured by the Contractor at his sole cost and expense,
and all liability and costs on account of damage to property and improvements in connection with said sloping
shall be assumed by the Contractor..
In general, permission to slope the trench sides as herein stipulated will be granted only where the excavation is in
areas other than the travelled portions of streets and highways, and in no event shall such permission operate
to waive any other requirement set forth herein. The said permission will be granted only upon written
application of the Contractor, specifically agreeing to all the terms hereof.
Where pipes are laid on curves of large radius, the trench shall, without extra charge, be widened so as to ensure that
no part of the pipe shall be nearer to the side of the trench than the clearance required under the Specification.
19.3.3 Trench Bottom
The trench shall be excavated to the necessary depth to meet the requirements of Sub-Clause 19.3.6 of this Clause.
Any part of the trench excavated below grade shall be backfilled to grade with thoroughly compacted material
approved by the Engineer, and shall be treated as excess excavation in accordance with Sub-Clause 19.3.7
When an unstable subgrade condition is encountered and, in the opinion of the Engineer, it cannot support the pipe, an
additional depth as directed by the Engineer shall be excavated and refilled to pipe foundation grade with
approved suitable material to achieve a satisfactory trench bottom as specified in Sub-Clause 19.3.6 below.
19.3.4 Rock Excavation and Blasting
Ledge rocks, boulders, and large stones shall be removed to provide clearance to each side of and below all pipe and
accessories as required under the Specification and shown on the Drawings. Excavations in rock or in boulders
( as defined in Clause 5 of the specification) below sub-grade so required or shown shall be refilled to sub
grade with materials approved by the Engineer, and thoroughly compacted, and shall be treated as excess
excavation in accordance with Sub-Clause 19.3.7 below. Blasting for excavation will be permitted only after
the approval of the Engineer has been obtained in writing and only when proper precautions have been taken
for the protection of persons and property. The hours of blasting shall be fixed by the Engineer. Any damage
caused by blasting shall be repaired by the Contractor at his expense. The Contractor’s procedures and methods
of blasting shall conform to local laws and regulations.
The Engineer shall have power to regulate, restrict or prohibit blasting if in his opinion it is necessary to do so for the
safety of persons of property, or to safeguard the bottoms or sides of the excavations and the Contractor shall
have no claim against the Employer in respect of such regulation or prohibition.
The greatest care shall be taken in the use of explosives, the charges being so placed and of such amount as in no way
to shake or loosen the permanent bottoms or sides of excavations. Special care shall be taken as the excavation
bottom is approached, and a thickness of not less than 750 mm above the excavation bottom shall be completed
with small charges in holes not exceeding 600 mm in depth.
The Contractor shall provide a special proper store for explosives in accordance with local regulations and the
Engineer’s requirements. The Contractor shall provide experienced men for handling and the authorities
concerned. The Contractor shall take all necessary precautions to prevent loss, injury or accident to persons or
property or work completed or under construction, and shall be entirely liable for any accident or damage that
may result from the use of explosives.
19.3.5 Excavation Methods
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The use of trench-digging machinery will be permitted except where operating it will cause damage to trees, buildings,
or existing structures above or below the ground. At such locations hand methods shall be employed to avoid
such damage.
Machinery, trucks, etc. will only be permitted to move on the temporary access road and only in a longitudinal direction
the equipment may only leave the said road at places which are especially provided therefore.
Wherever necessary to prevent caving, trench excavations in soil such as sand, gravel, and sandy soil shall be
adequately sheeted and braced. Where sheetings and bracing are used, the net trench width after sheeting shall
not be less than that specified in Sub-Clause 19.3.2 above. As backfill is placed and if sheeting is to be
withdrawn, it shall be withdrawn in increments of not more than 300 mm and the void left by the withdrawn
sheeting shall be filled and compacted. If, despite such precautions, or by reason of their neglect, any portions
of the bottoms, sides or ends shall be given way or be excavated without instructions from the Engineer, the
Contractor shall excavate and remove all the ground thereby disturbed and make it good, with well rammed
fill or in such class of concrete as may be ordered by the Engineer, and such extra excavations shall be treated
as excess excavation in accordance with Sub-Clause 19.3.7 below.
All excavated material shall be piled in a manner that will not endanger the work or cause an obstruction.
19.3.6 Preparation of Trench Bottom
As directed by the Engineer, the pipe shall be laid directly on the trench bottom or on earth mounds as specified below:
a. Pipe laid on trench bottom:
This applies to pipes with any type of coupling or push-in joint. Pipes shall be laid directly on a trench bottom
containing coupling or socket holes and shaped to provide continuous contact with the pipe between coupling
or socket holes.
The bottom portion of the trench shall be excavated and trimmed so that the pipe will be uniformly bedded on the
required grade. Normal bedding according to the typical excavation sections shown on the Drawings, without
concrete surround, shall be used unless otherwise called for elsewhere on the Drawings or directed by the
Engineer. For said normal bedding the trench bottom shall be given a final trim and shape so that each pipe
section when first laid will be continuously in contact with the ground along the length of the pipe section.
Any stones or flints likely to damage the pipe or its coating shall be picked out of the pipe bed, and any holes
so formed shall be filled in with approved compacted soft material, and trimmed to the correct level. Wherever
said normal bedding is required and, due to over-excavating, inaccurate trimming, or other cause, the bottom
of the trench fails to afford uniform support as herein required, the Contractor shall, at his own cost, refill to
required grade with approved suitable material compacted at optimum water content and retrim the trench
bottom to the required section and grade, or, if so instructed by the Engineer, shall make good the bottom of
the trench with such class of concrete as directed by the Engineer.
The following procedure shall be adhered to before the pipe is lowered into the trench:
1) A coupling or socket hole shall be dug with sufficient length, width, and depth to permit assembly
and provide a minimum clearance of 50 mm between coupling or socket and undisturbed trench
2) The trench bottom between coupling or socket holes shall be made flat and cut true and even to
grade so as to provide continuous contact of the trench bottom with the pipe as specified
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3) One or more holes shall be excavated at the approximate location to permit removal of the sling or
slings without damage to the pipe coating.
b. Pipe laid on earth mounds or cement bags:
This applies to pipes with any type of coupling and to push-in or welded joints.
HDPEE pipe shall be laid on earth mounds of a size adequate to hold the pipe in alignment and to maintain a 50 mm
minimum clearance from coupling or socket to undisturbed trench bottom. Each mounds shall be of approved
backfill material tamped in place. Each pipe shall be laid on two mounds with the centre of each mound placed
one fifth of the pipe length from each end. The trench shall be excavated a minimum of 50 mm below the grade
of the bottom of the outside diameter of the coupling or socket and high spots between couplings or sockets
shall be leveled so as to maintain a minimum of 50 mm under the pipe barrel. The earth mounds shall be leveled
so as to maintain a minimum of 50 mm under the pipe barrel. The earth mounds shall be tamped firmly in place
and raised to a height that will allow for placement of the pipe so as to maintain, before backfilling, a minimum
clearance of 50 mm between the trench bottom and the pipe and coupling or socket.
The same method shall also be used for laying steel and D.I pipes jointed in the trench by mechanical couplings except
that the pipe shall be laid on cement bags or similar kind of bags filled with sand, instead of on earth mounds,
and that the clearance between the coupling or socket or flanged joints and the undisturbed trench bottom shall
be adequate for making the joint and sufficient for the proper compaction of the backfill underneath the pipe.
Where welded joints are to be made in the trench, a clearance of at least 400mm, for welding around the joint,
shall be provided. The sandbags shall be broken at the proper time to avoid the development of concentrated
loads in the final installation. The use of rigid or wooden blocks instead of sandbags will not be permitted.
Where the Engineer has directed the pipes to be laid on the trench bottom as under (a) , but the Contractor prefers, after
having obtained the Engineer’s permission, to lay the pipes on earth mounds as under (b), the extra trench
excavation and backfill shall be at the Contractor’s expense.
19.3.7 Excess Excavation
Excess excavation is defined as excavation done by the Contractor beyond the lines shown on the Drawings, specified
in the Specification or ordered by the Engineer.
The Contractor shall backfill any excess excavation with compacted material approved by the Engineer, or in such
class of concrete as may be ordered by the Engineer.
No payment will be made for excess excavation nor for its backfilling as specified.
19.4 Limitation in Length of Open Trench
The following limitations for lengths of open trenches shall rule for a pipeline laid in one continuous reach unless
otherwise directed by the Engineer, and subject to any more stringent requirements imposed by the competent
a) Not more than 100 m of trench in built-up areas and/or 300 m elsewhere, shall be opened in advance
of pipelaying.
b) Not more than 300 m of pipeline shall be left uncovered after pipelaying in built-up areas and not more
than 600 m elsewhere.
If these lengths of open trench are exceeded or if, in the opinion of the Engineer, there is undue delay in:
a) testing the pipline;
b) removing surplus material ;
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c) general tidying-up of areas where pipes have been laid;

d) partial restoration or maintenance of surface;
The Engineer may order that no further trenches shall opened until the outstanding work has been carried out to his
satisfaction, and the Contractor shall have no grounds for claims against the Employer on this account
19.5 Cover of Pipes
19.5.1 Minimum Cover
All pipes shall have a minimum cover, measured from the top of the pipe to the ground surface as follows:
- 0.8 m for pipes up to DN 400 mm, laid under open areas;
- 1.0 m where pipes of any diameter are laid under roads or road verges and for all pipes or DN 50mm
diameter and above, irrespective of location.
Where the minimum cover specified is not provided, the pipes shall be surrounded with 20-F-20 concrete, 150 mm
19.5.2 Maximum Cover
Where the cover, as measured form the top of the pipe to the ground surface, exceeds the maximum permissible depth,
the pipe shall be surrounded in 20-F-20 concrete, 150 mm thick.
19.6 Bedding Conditions of Pipes
Bedding for the pipes shall be either normal bedding or sand bedding as directed by the Engineer as follows:
a) Normal Bedding:
For normal bedding of pipes, the bottom of the trench shall be prepared in accordance with the requirements of Sub
Clause 19.3.6 above.
b) Soft Bedding:
Where the bottom of the excavation is in rock, or other material which in the judgment of the Engineer, by reason of
its hardness cannot be excavated to provide a uniform bearing for the pipe, said material shall be removed to
a minimum of 100 mm below the grade of the underside of the pipe and joints and the trench shall be backfilled
to such grade with suitable non-expansive soft materials selected from the excavated material or imported
material from other excavations or with sand or red ash. Maximum grain size of sand bedding is 4 mm.
Great care shall be taken that the soft bedding material is wetted as necessary and well compacted to the satisfaction
of the Engineer before laying the pipes. The cost of providing, backfilling, spreading, wetting and compacting
selected material as above will be paid for at the appropriate rate inserted in the Bill of Quantities.
19.7 Disposal of Excavated Material
All suitable materials removed in excavation or as much thereof as may be needed, shall be used for backfill. Material
removed from trenches shall be placed alongside the trench at a sufficient distance from the trench to prevent
it from falling into the trench, or its weight causing the trench sides to cave in. Where necessary, selected
material required for backfill and topsoil and/or sod for later replacement shall be stored separately. In urban
areas, where no storage space is available for excavated material along the trench, or where the authorities so
require, the excavated material shall be removed immediately from the right-of-way, and backfill material shall
be brought to the site immediately before backfilling of trench. Rock and waste material not suitable or not
required for backfill shall be mounded or spread along the trench and/or along the right-of-way, except that
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where such mounding or spreading is prohibited by the authorities or by the owners of property or otherwise
undesirable in the Engineer’s opinion, such materials shall be removed and disposed of in a manner approved
by the Engineer.
19.8 Backfilling of Pipe Trenches
19.8.1 General
All excavations shall be backfilled to the level of the original ground surfaces, unless otherwise shown on the Drawings
or ordered by the Engineer, and in accordance with the requirements of the Specification. The material used
for backfill, the amount thereof, and the manner of depositing and compacting shall be subject to the approval
of the Engineer, but the Contractor will be held responsible for any displacement of pipe or other structures,
and damage to their surfaces or any instability of pipes and structures caused by the improper depositing of
backfill materials.
Subject to the procedures outlined below in this Clause, backfilling operations shall follow the laying of the pipes as
closely as possible.
Steel pipes shall not be backfilled until the exterior coating at field joints has attained sufficient age, as determined by
the Engineer. The Contractor shall take such precaution as may be necessary to prevent injury to the pipes,
joints or exterior coating during backfilling operations. The positions of all joints shall be clearly marked upon
completion of the backfilling.
Pipe surrounds and structures of concrete shall be backfilled as soon as the concrete has attained sufficient strength, as
determined by the Engineer, to sustain the load imposed.
19.8.2 Backfilling before Tests
Backfilling before tests shall be done as follows:
A Selected backfill material approved by the Engineer, free from organic matter, rock, lumps of clay, large
stones, boulders, or other unsuitable substances, shall be deposited in the trench uniformly on both sides of
the pipeline for the full width of the trench. This backfill material shall be sufficiently damp to permit
thorough compaction under and on each side of the pipe to provide support free from voids. It shall be
placed in layers not exceeding 10 cm thickness after compaction and brought up to the horizontal diameter
of the pipe.
Where the pipes are laid under roads the backfill shall be compacted as required in Sub-Clause 19.8.3 below
for such cases.
B If visual inspection during the test in not required in accordance with Sub-Clause 19.8.4 below, the pipe and
joints shall be backfilled as specified above and a cushion of approved material shall be placed over pipeline
and joints in accordance with the following requirements:
- PV Pipes: The cushion shall be hand placed over the pipeline and joints to an average depth of
300 mm for all sizes of pipes.
- Steel and D.I. pipes: The cushion shall be placed to a depth of not less than 150 mm above the
top of pipeline for all sizes of pipes.
C If joints are to be exposed during the test, the pipes and joints shall be backfilled up to the horizontal pipe
diameter as above and additional approved backfill material shall then be placed between joints in order to
hold the line securely during the test. The average depth of such additional backfill shall be 300 mm over
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the top of DN 200 mm and smaller pipe and not less than 600 mm over larger pipe. Backfilling of HDPEE
pipes shall be hand placed.
19.8.3 Backfilling after Tests
On completion of pressure and leakage tests, exposed coupling and other joints shall be covered with approved selected
backfill placed over the top of the pipe and couplings and joints, in accordance with the requirements of Sub-
Clause 19.8.2, para (b) above. The balance of backfill shall contain no stones more than 150 mm in their largest
dimension and the backfill mixture shall not contain more than 25 percent of stones. The Contractor shall not
permit excavation to be used for disposal of refuse.
Trenches in the right-of-way of a road shall be backfilled with selected material placed in layers not exceeding 100
mm in thickness after compaction, wetting and compacted at a density of not less than 90 percent of the
maximum dry density at optimum moisture content as determined in accordance with BS 1377 Test No. 12
(also known as Standard Proctor Density).
Trenches not in a right-of-way may be backfilled without tamping any deficiency in the quantity of material for
backfilling the trenches shall be supplied by the Contractor at his expense. A mound of earth to 10 % of the
trench depth should be left to contain the gradual settlement of backfill.
The Contractor shall at his own expense make good any settlement of the trench backfill occurring after backfilling
and until the expiry of the period of Maintenance.
On no account shall any excavated material be dozed back when backfilling trenches in roads and no such backfilling
shall be carried out unless in the opinion of the Engineer sufficient mechanical rammers are in operation on
that portion of the work.
In no case shall any soft material be used in filling any part of any trench within a road right-of-way.
The Contractor shall take into account, and include in his rates, for the effects of the rainy season rainfalls on backfilled
trenches and the maintenance resulting therefore.
19.8.4 Backfilling Joints before Tests
Normally, joints will be left exposed during testing of pipelines. However, the Engineer may at any time order the
Contractor to proceed with and complete the backfilling of the trench before testing, where the pipeline is laid
in the right-of-way of a road, in built-up areas and wherever for any other reason the pipe trench cannot be left
open until after testing. In such cases the positions of all joints shall be clearly marked by the Contractor outside
of the trench so that they can easily be located for the purpose or repair if and when required.
19.8.5 Transported Backfill Material
When length of trench are excavated partly in rock, stony ground of soft spongy material, or in other material unsuitable
for backfilling and, in the opinion of the Engineer, there is insufficient suitable material from the excavation
to supply the backfill material specified above, the Contractor shall import suitable material from other parts
of the work, or from borrow pits.
The cost of providing, transporting and backfilling selected backfill material from approved sites at a distance not
exceeding 500 m from the point of backfilling shall be included in the rate for excavation. The additional cost
of transporting suitable backfill materials from a distance exceeding 500 m as aforesaid will be paid to the
Contractor as an extra for excavation.
19.8.6 Backfilling around Structures
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In filling excavation other than pipe trench excavations, after permanent work have been approved by the Engineer,
the best and most suitable portions of the excavated material shall be used. If the material is to be consolidated
by hand-ramming it shall be deposited in layers not more than 100 mm thick and each layer shall be thoroughly
rammed and watered if required, one man being employed ramming for each man filling. Where mechanical
rammers are employed the depth of the layers shall not exceed 150 mm. The backfill material shall be
compacted to 95 percent of the Standard proctor Density as defined above.
19.9 Restoration and Clean-Up
The Contractor shall restore or replace all removed or damaged curbing, sidewalk paving, gutters, shrubbery, fences,
sod, and other disturbed surfaces or structures to a condition equal to that before the work began, to the
satisfaction of the Engineer and as specified in the following Clauses, and shall furnish all labour and material
incidental thereto. In restoring paved surfaces, new pavement shall be laid. No permanent surfacing shall be
placed within 30 days after the backfilling has been completed, except by order of the Engineer.
Surplus pipeline material, tools, and temporary structures shall be removed by the Contractor. All dirt, rubbish, and
excess earth from excavations shall be hauled to an approved dump provided by the Contractor, and the Site
shall be left clean to the satisfaction of the Engineer.
19.10 Surface Restoration Other Than Public Roads and Footpaths
The Contractor shall carefully replace all surface material and maintain all surfaces of private roads, path, fields,
gardens, open spaces, etc., and make good any subsidence’s and defects to the satisfaction of the owner or
occupier until the end of the period of Maintenance.
Quitting receipts shall be obtained from the property owners or tenants and the Defects Liability Certificate provided
under the relevant Clause 54 of the Conditions of Contract will not be released until these have been received.
19.11 Reinstatement of Roads
19.11.1 General
Where any public road surface is removed or damaged by the Contractor’s operations it shall be replaced or repaired
to the satisfaction of the appropriate authority responsible for the maintenance of the road. The materials and
methods used for such reinstatement shall be similar to those used for the original pavement and shall comply
with the following procedures for reinstatement of roads:
a) Upon completion of backfilling operations, the Contractor shall carry out the interim reinstatement of
roads as specified in Sub-Clause 19.11.2 below. The period for completion of reinstatement at any point
of a road, computed from the completion day of backfilling until completion of interim reintatement,
shall not exceed seven days.
b) Upon completion of interim reinstatement, the road shall be opened to traffic for a period of not less
than thirty days, or a longer period if ordered by the Engineer, to allow for its consolidation.
c) As soon as in the opinion of the Engineer the road has been satisfactorily consolidated, the Contractor
shall carry out the permanent reinstatement of roads.
Nothing contained herein or shown on the Drawings shall relieve the Contractor from his obligation in respect of the
maintenance of public roads in accordance with Clause 2.3 “Access to the Works”.
19.11.2 Interim Reinstatement
The edges of the trenches and excavations in road shall be cut back neatly for a width of 150 mm on either side of the
trench and to a depth of 150 mm.
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The interim reinstatement of roads shall consist of the top 600mm of the trench being filled with 350 mm of
consolidated sub-base material on top of which shall be 250 mm of consolidated base material, all supplied
and placed as approved by the Engineer and the requirements of the Ministry of Works and Transport or other
agency having jurisdiction over road construction.
19.12 Reinstatement of Footpaths
The edges of the trench excavation shall be cut back neatly to width of 100 mm on either sides of the trench and around
excavations and to a depth of 150 mm below the existing surface.
The Contractor shall then carry out the reinstatement of the trench surfaces to the satisfaction of the Engineer. The top
150 mm shall be filled with selected gravelly material which shall be well compacted with a power compaction
equipment or other methods approved by the Engineer and the level of the reinstated surface made flush with
the adjoining surfaces.
19.13 Maintenance of Reinstatement of Roads and Footpaths
The surface of the permanent reinstatement shall be finished level with the adjacent carriageway or footpath and shall
be maintained in a safe condition at all times.
The Contractor shall carry out any necessary maintenance of any trenches immediately in order to obviate danger to
roads users. If the Contractor fails to carry out such maintenance of reinstatement the necessary repairs will be
carried out immediately by the competent public or other agency and the cost of the same shall be deducted by
the Employer from any sum due to the Contractor.
20.1 Hauling and Handling of Pipes, Valves, Etc.
When handling, transporting and laying pipes and accessories, care shall be taken to prevent cracks and other damage
to the pipes and, in the case of steel pipes, to preserve their circular shape, particularly at the ends. Special care
shall be taken to keep the coating and lining of the pipes intact.
Pipes shall be handled in such a manner as to avoid damage to the machined ends. Damaged pipes that cannot be
repaired to the Engineer’s satisfaction shall be replaced at the Contractor’s expense.
The vehicles used for transporting the pipes shall be adequately equipped to prevent movement of pipes and/or damage
to pipes or coating. Pipes shall be well secured to the vehicles to ensure stability of the load. All parts of the
vehicles, cables and ropes coming into contact with the pipes shall be well padded. The unloading shall be
done by means of cranes or other suitable equipment using slings or other approved tackle, in order to ensure
slow and careful lowering of each pipe. Pipes shall not be gripped by hooks or other equipment liable to injure
or distort pipe ends, or cause damage to the lining.
Pipes must not be dropped on the ground or on other pipes. When lifting or lowering pipes by means of a crane, each
pipe shall be kept under control when suspended, to prevent its colliding with equipment or other objects that
may injure the pipe or its coating.
Pipes shall not be moved by dragging or rolling them on the ground, but shall be lifted and placed carefully in their
new position. When working on site all handling equipment shall keep to the temporary access road at all times
and always move longitudinally along the said road. The equipment may only leave the road at places
especially provided therefore.
Each off-loaded pipe shall be blocked to prevent it from rolling and shall not be placed directly on the ground.
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In storage, pipes shall be arranged in such manner that the pressure of pipes placed on each other will not cause
deformation or damage to the pipe and/or coatings. Coated pipes that are or are likely to be exposed to the
direct rays of the sun, either in storage or when being strung along the lines, shall receive a lime wash in order
to prevent softening and deterioration of the coating under the influence of the sun’s heat. The cost of the lime
wash shall be borne by the Contractor.
HDPEE pipes and fittings shall also be protected from the sun.
Valves and other accessories shall be kept and stored before installation in a manner approved by the Engineer.
20.2 Stringing of Pipes along the Line
When stringing pipes, they shall be so placed on the ground along the trench, as not to interfere with the normal progress
of work or the passage of equipment etc.
Stringing shall be done on the side of the trench except where there is insufficient space available or when such stringing
will interfere with the normal activities in the vicinity. In such cases the Contractor will be permitted to
stockpile pipes at suitable sites.
Where explosives are used for trench excavation, stringing shall not be done until after blasting operations have been
completed for a sufficient distance ahead. In such cases the Contractor shall stockpile pipes at a safe distance
from the site of the blasting.
Each pipe shall be placed beside the trench as near as possible to its final laying position in order to minimize moving
of pipes along the line after stringing.
Subject to other restrictions that may be imposed by local Authorities or owners of property concerned, the Contractor
shall so regulate the order and rate of stringing and laying of pipes that no pipes shall be left exposed to the
action of weather for a period exceeding four months. HDPEE pipes shall at all time be protected from the sun
to the Engineer’s satisfaction.
The Contractor shall see to it that the pipes do not obstruct or interfere with normal traffic and with the normal activities
of the adjacent occupiers, and in every case the Contractor shall obtain the consent of the local authorities or
the owners of property with regard to the locations and manner in which pipes are strung along the lines.
20.3 Lowering of Pipes and Accessories into the Trench
Implements, tools, and facilities satisfactory to the Engineer shall be provided and used by the Contractor for the safe
and efficient execution of the work.
All pipes and accessories shall be carefully lowered into the trench with suitable equipment in a manner that will
prevent damage. Under no circumstances shall pipes or accessories be dropped or dumped in to the trench.
Pipes shall be rolled in to place for lowering into the trench over suitable timber planking free from roughness,
and carefully controlled by ropes or other approved tackle. If a crane or a trench digger is used for handling
the pipes and lowering them into the trench, the pipes shall be slung by approved wide slings passed around
the outside at the balancing points. The Contractor shall inspect the coating on the underside of the pipe while
it is suspended from the sling and shall repair any injury to the coating before the pipe is lowered into the
Pipes and accessories shall be inspected for defects prior to their being lowered into the trench. Any defective, damaged,
or unsound material shall be repaired or replaced in accordance with the requirements of the specification and
as directed by the Engineer.
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All foreign matter or dirt shall be removed from the interior and ends of pipes and accessories before they are lowered
in to position in the trench. Pipes shall be kept clean by means approved by the Engineer during and after
No metal tools or heavy objects shall be permitted to come in contact with finished coating. Workmen shall not walk
on coated pipes except where necessary, and, when they do, they shall wear shoes with rubber or composition
soles and heels. Any injury to the protective lining and coating from any cause during the installation of the
pipeline shall be repaired by the Contractor at his own cost.
20.4 Laying of Pipes – General Requirements
Attention is drawn to the necessity of ensuring the bedding conditions as specified in Clause 19 of the specification.
The pipes shall be placed in position true to profile and direction of slope indicated on longitudinal sections on
ascending grades from washouts to air valves. Such grades shall not be less than 1 in 500 and sight rails shall
be set up at all changes of grade where the gradient is less than 1 in 200.
The pipes shall be laid in straight lines in plan where possible, but where curves or changes in direction are shown on
the Drawing or indicated by local conditions they shall be deflected in accordance with Clause 20.5 of the
Before pipes are jointed they shall be thoroughly cleaned of all earth lumps, stones, or any other objects that may have
entered the interior of the pipes.
At the end of each working day and whenever work is interrupted for any period of time, the free ends of laid pipes
shall be protected by suitable covers, or temporary plugs, against the entry of dirt or other foreign matter.
When pipe laying is not in progress, the open ends of installed pipes shall be closed by approved means to prevent
entrance of trench water into the line. Whenever water is excluded from the interior of the pipe, enough backfill
shall be placed on the pipe to prevent floating. Any pipe that has floated shall be removed from the trench and
re-laid as directed by the Engineer.
No pipe shall be laid in wet trench conditions that preclude proper bedding, or when, in the opinion of the Engineer,
the trench conditions or the weather are unsuitable for proper installation.
20.5 Curves, Bends, Etc.
Where curves of a long radius are required, these shall be obtained by deflection at the joints; such deflections, however,
shall not exceed either vertically or horizontally the limits recommended by the manufacturers of the joints.
Where a change of direction cannot be made by deflection at the joints of ordinary straight pipes, prefabricated bends
supplied together with the pipes shall be used. For the curved alignments requiring greater angular deflection
at the mechanical joints than permitted by the joint manufacturer so that a change of direction cannot be made
by deflection at the joints of standard length straight pipes, and where the field conditions are such that the
required angle and/or radius of curvature cannot be accommodated by factory-made bends furnished together
with the pipes, the Contractor shall use one of the following methods as directed by the Engineer:
a) The curve shall be made by jointing sections of steel pipes, cut by the Contractor to required lengths,
with mechanical joints and deflecting the pipes at the joints within the permitted limits.
b) The curve shall be made by a bend prefabricated by the Contractor in accordance with Clause 20.9 of
the specification.
No extra payment will be made to the Contractor on account of changes in angular deflection or of bends in addition
to those shown on the Drawings, if ordered by the Engineer, save for the cost of additional fabricated bends
KDK-LLL Specification OF Materials (Civil, Pipe and fittings)

and thrust blocks necessitated thereby. Concrete thrust blocks, in accordance with Clause 21 of the
specification, shall be provided wherever the pipeline changes direction or diameter to effectively keep the line
from moving during passage of water.
20.6 Jointing of Pipes
20.6.1 Mechanical Joints
The mechanical joints shall be of the mechanical compression sleeve type using rubber gaskets such as Viking Johnson
(VJ) or Dresser coupling or equivalent. These could also include Viking Johnson Reducer Couplings (VJ/RC).
All materials for the making of the joints shall be supplied together with the couplings. These materials include bitumen
for internal and external protection, bitmastic paint for touching up, whiting for molding boxes, spanners for
tightening up bolts, gauges for setting the gaps between the pipes, and portable furnaces for melting the
bitumen. In addition, molding boxes and liners for each size of pipe will be provided.
Before joining, the ends of the pipes to be connected shall be made square, plane and clean, and in the case of steel
pipes the ends shall be thoroughly wire brushed and re-coated with a quick-drying bituminous solution so as
to produce a smooth coat of uniform thickness.
The mechanical joints shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer’s instructions care being exercised not to
over tighten bolts and that no hot bitumen will come into contact with HDPEE pipes. The Contractor shall
perform all required coating and lining works. Couplings will not be coated where they are encased in concrete.
20.6.2 Welded Joints
(i) Steel pipes
Welded joints between steel pipes shall be made in accordance with B.S. 2971 or other approved standards, and the
following additional requirements:
a. Welders, welding arrangements and welding procedures shall be subject to approval by the Engineer.
b. No welding shall be done when adverse weather conditions such as rain, mist, sand storms or strong
winds may affect the quality of the welds.
c. The Engineer will exercise a continuous control of the welding work and will inspect the quality of the
welds. In addition to routine supervision and visual inspection of the work the Engineer may, in case the
results of these prove not to be satisfactory, have macro-etching section tests performed (B.S. 2971,
Appendix page 48, or AWWA C-206 Section 8-9). These tests shall be made by and at the cost of the
Contractor, who shall not be entitled to any additional payment or compensation, above the unit prices
bid in the bill of quantities, by reason of delay or interferences with his work caused by tests and repairs
as required under this sub-clause.
d. Repairs to lining and coating shall be carried out in accordance with the requirements set out in AWWA
C-203 and in accordance with the instructions of the pipe manufacturer.
Materials for repairs of defective lining and coating and for lining and coating of field welded joints will
be supplied together with the pipes.
(ii) Ductile Iron Pipes
Where instructed to do so by the Engineer the Contractor shall weld flanges onto DI pipe ends. This will be done in
accordance with BS 4772 or ISO 2531 and will be performed under conditions and in a manner satisfactory to
the Engineer.
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20.6.3 Flanged Joints

Where shown on the Drawings, the Contractor shall make flanged joints. The necessary gaskets, bolts, nuts and washers
shall be supplied together with the flanges in accordance with the specification. Flanges shall be matched
accurately, with the bolt holes straddling centerline. Bolts shall be tightened by working at one time on
diametrically opposite pairs and proceeding evenly all round. In no case shall excessive tightening be exerted
on any nut or bolt, and the spanner length shall not exceed 30 cm from the bolt center to the end of the handle
or as directed. Spanners shall not be lengthened in any manner to increase the purchase. For steel pipe joints,
care shall be taken to ensure that no bare metal is left exposed internally. Externally, metal pipe flanges, bolts
and nut shall be coated with three coats of approved bituminous paints when laid underground. Above ground
they shall be painted with the epoxy system specified in Clause 16 of the specification.
20.7 Jointing of HDPEE and HDPEE Pipes
20.7.1 Spigot and Socket Joints
The sealing rings used for jointing HDPEE Pipes must be those supplied by the manufacturers of the pipes and must
be firmly locked in position before the spigot end of the pipe is inserted. Where the sealing component is not
supplied locked in position, the ring housing must be cleaned, any grit removed and the ring inserted correctly
in the housing before assembly.
The lubricating compound used for jointing HDPEE pipes shall be supplied or recommended by the pipe manufacturer
and in any case it must be non-toxic and not harmful to the rubber joint rings.
The joint ring in the socket of the pipe already in place and the spigot of the new pipe shall be thoroughly cleaned and
lubricated and the new pipe shall be immediately inserted after proper alignment in to the socket so as to avoid
any opportunity to pick up dirt or deleterious materials. To ensure a pressure-tight seal the spigot shall be
pushed fully into the socket, or as far as the mark made on the spigot by the manufacturer.
20.7.2 Mechanical Joints
Mechanical joints similar to those described in sub-Clause 20.6.1 shall be used on HDPEE and DI pipes when required
for connection to specials and fittings and where a need is foreseen to dismantle joints in the future. This
jointing system will also be used for connecting pipes of different outer diameters.
20.7.3 Glued Joints
uHDPEE pipes shall be joined by gluing in accordance with the pipe manufacturers’ instructions and the following
general procedure:
A Ensure that the uHDPEE pipe ends or parts to be joined by gluing are thoroughly cleaned, by means of
a suitable solvent, making sure that they are not cracked or chipped.
B Spread the special glue provided by the supplier of the pipes and accessories under Contract No. 4, on
both the inside and on the outside of the pipe ends.
C Insert the pipe end into the socket as far as it will go or in the case of the sleeve, up to the special stop
20.8 Fittings and Specials
20.8.1 General
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Where shown on the Drawings, or as found necessary in the field, or as directed by the Engineer, various fittings and
specials shall be lowered in to the trench, inspected, cleaned and jointed as specified and shown on the
Drawings. Normally all such fittings and specials shall be of standard manufacture and supplied with the pipes.
20.8.2 Fabricated Fittings and Specials
Notwithstanding sub-Clause 20.9 the Contractor may be required to prepare and install prefabricated bends in
accordance with Clause 20.5 or other fittings and specials. Where possible such fittings and specials shall be
fabricated by the Contractor of standard steel pipes by cutting and welding as specified and approved by the
Engineer and shall conform in all respects to the requirements of BS 534.
20.8.3 Closures and Short Sections
Closure pipes and short sections of pipes shall be installed by the Contractor as found necessary in the field or as
directed by the Engineer. Where closure pieces are required, the Contractor shall make all necessary
measurements and shall be responsible for their correct size and fit-up. Closure pieces and short sections shall
not be less than 120mm in length. Where required these sections shall have flanged joints.
20.9 Cutting of Pipes
The Contractor shall cut and prepare all short pipe lengths shown on the Drawings or instructed by the Engineer.
Cutting of pipes shall be done by means of an approved mechanical pipe-cutter. External coating, if any, shall
be neatly removed for 15mm on each side of the proposed cut, and internal, lining shall be carefully cut and
finished flush with the pipe edge or as directed. Pipe ends intended for connection with mechanical joints shall
be cut clean square and truly perpendicular to the pipe axis, and shall be trimmed by removing all burs and
sharp edges and, if need be, chamfered. Pipe coatings and linings shall be repaired according to the
manufacturer’s instructions, using the materials provided by him with the pipes, all as specified herein. HDPEE
pipe ends shall be rechamfered as required.
Machines of an approved type and make for cutting and chamfering of pipes shall be used and maintained in good
working order at all times.
All the above works and making good shall be at the Contractor’s expense.
20.10 Pipe Repairs
HDPEE pipes shall be repaired by cutting off the damaged length. D.I. and steel pipes that have been dented or distorted
shall, if possible, have their ends re-rounded by an approved method. Alternately the pipe ends shall be cut off
as approved by the Engineer.
Where necessary the pipe lining shall be made good, particular care being taken to cut out any areas where cracks in
the lining or lack of adhesion to the pipe wall appear. Material supplied for completing the lining of steel pipes
shall be used to replace any bitumen lost, and the whole shall be re-fettled to a smooth finish so that the
expanding mandrel will seat closely to the lining and prevent loss of bitumen on pouring the internal lining at
the joint.
The external coating of pipes shall be made good wherever the thickness of the coating is seriously reduced by damage
or where the coating does not adhere tightly to the barrel.
Where external coating of pipe has been damaged and the metal has been exposed, all rust and dirt shall be carefully
removed by an approved method and a coat of bitmastic paint shall be applied before re-fettling. Small stones
which may become embedded in the coating shall be picked out and the coating re-fettled by heating with a
blow-lamp and smoothing over with a fettling knife, additional external coating bitumen being added where
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Repairs to pipe coating and linings shall be done with the appropriate materials provided with the pipes and shall be in
accordance with the pipe manufacturer’s instructions, Clause 18 of the Specification, and the Engineer’s
instructions. All the above repairs, including extra pipe lengths and joints, shall be at the Contractor’s expense.
20.11 Completing Protection of Steel and HDPEE Pipes
Upon completion of jointing and testing, the Contractor shall complete the internal and external protection of steel and
DI Pipes. Repairs to coating and lining shall be carried out as per Clause 20.10.
Steel pipes and specials to be laid above ground will be supplied painted externally with a coal tar epoxy system as
specified in Clause 18 of the specification, and repairs there to shall be effected accordingly.
20.12 Testing Pipelines
20.12.1 General (Applicable to all Pipelines)
The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval a detailed programme for the testing of pipelines, showing
the equipment to be used and the procedure to be followed. No pipeline shall be tested unless the Engineer has
approved the said programme in writing.
The tests shall be made on sections of the lengths specified below. Each section to be tested shall have been completed
except for backfilling at joints, which are to be left open for inspection, unless the Engineer has ordered
completion of backfill before testing in accordance with Sub-Clause 19.8.4. Care shall be taken that weights
and thrust blocks, intended to prevent vertical and lateral displacement of the pipes or specials, have been
properly secured. The tests shall be carried out not earlier than 7 days after the blocks have been cast and in
any case not until, in the opinion of the Engineer, they have attained sufficient strength to withstand any stresses
to which they may be subjected. Ends of sections to be tested, unless permanently secured, shall be provided
with temporary bulkheads strong enough to withstand all axial forces. Prior to testing, the section to be tested
shall gradually be filled with water and all valves, including air valves, shall be operated and examined to
ensure their proper functioning.
Particular care shall be taken that end valves of each section to be tested are properly closed and valves within such
sections are fully opened and free from all matter likely to impede their operation.
Each section shall be tested, at a pressure of 1½ times the maximum allowable working pressure of the pipe.
When the test section is being filled with water and before the application of the specified test pressure, all air shall be
expelled from the line by means of air valves or taps at peaks on the line.
The length of sections to be tested at a time shall not exceed 300m in built-up areas or 600m elsewhere, except as
otherwise directed by the Engineer.
Precautions shall be taken to avoid contamination of the existing pipe systems as a result of flow reversal. While the
new pipes are being filled for testing, all existing lines supplying water shall remain full and under pressure.
While pipes are being charged, the section to be tested shall be isolated by suitable manipulation of valves and
if necessary by the use of check valves and blind plates.
The Contractor shall provide the necessary test pumps and pressure gauges (to record head of water) and shall make
such temporary connections as may be required for filling and testing the line in the manner herein specified.
After successfully completing the tests on sections of the pipelines and backfilling has been completed, except at
closure joints, the pipeline shall be tested again at maximum working pressure.
20.12.2 Testing of Steel and DI pipes
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Steel and DI pipelines shall be filled and examined and all leaks repaired. The test pressure shall then be raised to a
pressure of 1½ times the maximum allowable work pressure, pumping discontinued and the test section
observed for 24 hours.
Thereafter pumping shall be resumed and continued until the test pressure has been restored. The quantity of water
pumped to restore the pressure shall be the measure of leakage from discontinuation of pumping till its
resumption. In pipelines constructed with mechanical or push-in joints the pipe section shall be considered as
having passed the test if the leakage is not more than 0.1 liter per millimeter of pipe diameter per kilometer of
pipelines per day for each 30m head applied. In the case of welded pipelines, any test section showing leakage
or loss of pressure during the said period of 24 hours will not be accepted.
20.12.3 Testing of HDPEE pipes
HDPEE pipelines shall be filled and examined and all leaks repaired. The test pressure shall then be raised to a pressure
of 1½ times the maximum allowable work pressure, pumping discontinued and the test section observed for at
least 1 hour but in any case the pressure test must not be applied for more than 24 hours. The permissible
leakage shall be the same as specified in this Clause for steel and DI pipes.
20.12.4 Retests
Any line not meeting the test requirements under the Sub-Clauses above shall be repaired and retested until said
requirements are complied with.
20.13 Clearing of Pipes
No tools or matter of any kind are to be left in pipes and all apertures shall be closed by suitable wooden plugs fitting
the open ends and entering the pipe for at least 150mm. These shall be kept in place except when work is in
20.14 Chlorination of Pipes
20.14.1 General
Before being put into service, all pipes intended to carry potable water shall be chlorinated by introducing a chlorine
solution into the pipes so that a chlorine residue of not less than 10 ppm remains in the water after 24 hours
standing in the pipe.
20.14.2 Flushing
Prior to chlorination, all pipes shall be flushed with clear water flowing at a velocity of above 1.00m per second, or as
agreed with the Engineer.
The Contractor will be required to submit for the Engineer’s approval the manner in which he proposes to flush the
pipelines laid, in order to ensure the absence of foreign matter. Chlorination is not to be carried out until the
Engineer has agreed on the flushing method.
The Contractor shall at his own cost take all necessary precautions to prevent disposal of the flushing water from
causing damage to any property or public utilities and shall keep the Employer indemnified against any claims
on this account.
Flushing of pipes may be required to be carried out at night time, depending on availability of water and extent of
interference involved in supply of water to consumers; the Contractor must include in his rates for this night
20.14.3 Materials for chlorination
KDK-LLL Specification OF Materials (Civil, Pipe and fittings)

Chlorine shall be applied in one of the following forms: A mixture of water and a chlorine bearing compound of known
chlorine content, such as calcium hypochlorite (in powder) or chlorinated lime (also called chloride of lime
and commonly known as “bleaching powder”) or liquid sodium hypochlorite (commercially known as “liquid
laundry bleach”).
When one of the chlorine bearing compounds is used, its chlorine content as certified by the manufacturer shall be
ascertained and a 1% chlorine solution (10,000 ppm) shall be prepared for introduction into the water to be
treated. In the case of powder, this shall be made into a paste and then thinned to a 1% solution.
Care must be taken to ensure that no local concentration of chlorine occurs which could damage the pipe linings.
20.14.4 Rate of application
The rate of chlorine mixture flow shall be such, in proportion to the rate of water entering the pipe, that the chlorine
dose applied to the water entering the pipe will produce at least 10ppm after 24 hours’ standing. This may be
expected with an initial application of 25ppm although in some cases local conditions may require more.
The following table 1 shows the approximate amount of chlorine required for each 100 m of pipe of various sizes to
obtain the 25 ppm application.
Table 1: Approximate Amounts of Chlorine per 100 m Pipe to Obtain 25 ppm Cl
Nominal Pipe Diameter 100% Chlorine 1% Chlorine Water Solution
mm gram Litter
80 12 1.2
100 21 2.1
150 45 4.6
200 82 9.2
250 130 13.2
300 180 18.0
350 260 26.0
400 330 33.0
450 400 40.0
500 530 53.0
550 630 63.0
600 730 73.0
After the pipe or system has been filled with the chlorinated water, it shall be kept closed for at least 24 hours, after
which period the chlorine content as measured at the extreme end of the pipeline shall not be less than 10 ppm.
20.14.5 Points of Application
The preferred point of application of the chlorinating agent is at the beginning of the pipeline or any valve section
thereof. In repaired pipelines or extensions of existing systems the chlorinating agent shall be injected through
a newly laid or repaired pipe. In new system, application of chlorine may be made at the hydrants, washouts,
standpipe, etc. or at the pumping station, or reservoir. The chlorinating agent may be applied by chemical
feeder including chlorinator, or gravity.
To ensure the proper chlorination of all valves and other appurtenances, these shall be operated while the pipelines are
being filled with the chlorinating agent.
20.14.6 Preventing Reverse Flow
KDK-LLL Specification OF Materials (Civil, Pipe and fittings)

During the application of chlorine and flushing of pipes, all existing lines supplying the water for chlorination and
flushing shall remain full and under pressure. Valves shall be manipulated so as to prevent the treatment dosage
and water supplied for flushing from flowing back in to the supplying lines. Where necessary check valves and
blind plates shall be used.


21.1 General
This Section deals with the specials requirements for the installation of valves and accessories of all descriptions,
crossing of public utilities, river, bridge and road crossings, cutting into existing mains, thrust blocks, valve
chambers, etc. The requirements of this section shall be in addition to, and shall in no way diminish from or
vitiate the applicable requirements of other sections of the specification, nor shall they relieve the Contractor
of any of his obligations under the Contract.
21.2 Installation of Valves
All valves and accessories shall be installed in the exact positions shown on the Drawings or as directed by the
Engineer, and shall be set accurately level and plumb. Extension spindles, headstocks, etc. shall be properly
positioned. All valves and other accessories shall be thoroughly cleaned before installation. Fitting of valves
and accessories to the pipes shall be done accurately and true to alignment but without the use of undue force.
No attempt shall be made to align valves or accessories by tightening bolts forcibly, by hammer blows or by
any other method likely to cause damage or to give rise to internal stresses in the valve body or flanges. Flanged
connections and mechanical joints shall be made as specified. To ascertain its proper operation, each sluice
valve shall be operated through its full range before and after installation. Non-return valves, air-valves, etc.
shall also be checked for ease of operation before and after installation. Valves and other accessories which
will be furnished by the manufacturer painted or coated shall have their exposed surfaces, accessible from the
inside of valve chambers, manholes, etc. and coated with two additional coats, one applied before erection and
the other after erection. Before the application of the new coat, all defective spots in the existing coating shall
be cleaned and repaired to make them equal to the existing coating. After installation the valve shall be left
clean and ready for operation in all respects.
The water-tightness of valves shall be checked during filling and testing of the pipelines or installation and where
necessary packing-glands shall be repacked and/or tightened.
21.3 Valves, Chambers, Valve Supports, Etc.
Valves and accessories shall be partially encased in concrete thrust blocks. The larger sizes shall be housed in valve
chambers, all as shown on the relevant drawings. Where no chamber is provided the exterior spindle shall be
protected by a pipe-casing topped by a concrete cover slab with a surface box.
Valve chambers shall be constructed of cast-in-situ reinforced concrete or solid concrete block walls, built on concrete
foundations with or without a concrete floor slab and with a reinforced concrete cover slab with a surface box.
Valves in valve chambers shall be anchored to concrete chamber walls and supported or encased by cast-in-
situ concrete blocks.
All concrete and block work shall be in accordance with Clause 7 and 9 of the specification.
Floors of valve chambers between wall foundations and valve supports shall be covered with a layer of gravel. The
gravel shall meet the requirements of 20mm size coarse aggregate (Clause 7.4) and shall be evenly spread and
consolidated on the chamber floor.
KDK-LLL Specification OF Materials (Civil, Pipe and fittings)

Where shown on the Drawings, ventilation pipes and/or drain pipes shall be provided in valve chambers.
21.4 Thrust and Anchor Blocks
As shown on the Drawings at all bends, reducers, tees, valves, etc., concrete blocks shall be cast, which shall be
carefully placed to ensure contact with undisturbed ground and shall be to the dimensions shown on the
Drawings or determined by the Engineer. Concrete shall be cast in accordance with Clause of the Specification.
Blocks founded on a rock ledge shall be anchored to the rock as shown on the Drawings.
The Engineer may alter the dimensions of the blocks in order to ensure a satisfactory distribution of pressure over the
interface between earth and concrete.
In order to ensure that the blocks fulfill their purpose they must be in close contact with undisturbed ground and
therefore, where timbering has been used in the excavation, it must be withdrawn as the concrete is placed.
The ground shall be excavated carefully to the correct level. If for any reason the ground has been excavated
below this level the foundation shall be made up to the correct level with concrete.
21.5 Concrete Surrounds
Where required, pipes shall be surrounded by concrete to the dimension lines and levels shown on the Drawings or
determined by the Engineer. Pipes shall be supported and jointed at the correct level clear of the trench bottom,
each one supported on two blocks of precast concrete of suitable height, one at each end of the pipe. Concrete,
as per Clause 7, shall then be poured and rammed beneath and around the pipes in one operation and finished
off to the level and dimensions shown on the Drawings. In order to ensure that the space underneath the pipe
is well filled with concrete, it shall be first poured on the side of the pipe until it rises and appears on the other
side. Thereafter, concrete shall be poured on both sides of the pipes to the required height.
The pre-cast blocks shall first be properly set on the trench bottom and boned to the correct position and level. The
pipes shall then be laid on the blocks and properly centered, jointed and finally brought to the correct gradient
by the application of wooden wedges one on each side of the pipe and between the pipe and the concrete
blocks. These wedges shall remain left-in whilst the pipes are jointed and tested, as herein specified and during
the pouring of the concrete beneath and around the pipes. Where the concrete while being poured would
otherwise cause the pipes to float, pipes shall be effectively anchored to prevent such flotation .
21.6 Transverse Anchors (Collars)
As shown on the Drawing, pipes laid on steep slopes shall be provided with reinforced concrete transverse anchors. As
specified the section of pipe embedded in the concrete shall be free of coating and loose material. The concrete
shall conform to Clause 7 of the specification.
21.7 Metal Works
20.7.1 General
Metal work such as step irons, pipe supports, pipe anchor clamps, etc. shall be fabricated and erected or installed as
per Clause 15 of the specification and in strict accordance with the dimensions and details shown on the
Drawings or determined by the Engineer. Any shop drawings that may be necessary shall be prepared by and
at the expense of the Contractor and submitted to the Engineer for approval.
20.7.2 Erection and painting
All metalwork shall be erected and installed to the exact lines and positions shown on the Drawings or determined by
the Engineer and shall be well anchored to the concrete foundations or structures.
KDK-LLL Specification OF Materials (Civil, Pipe and fittings)

Unless installation by grouting-in anchor bolts or use of expansion anchors in previously prepared recesses is approved,
anchor bolts and metal parts to be embedded in concrete shall be placed in position before casting of concrete
and shall be held firmly and accurately in place while the concrete is being placed.
Painting shall be done in accordance with Clause 16 of the specification.
21.8 Connections to Existing Pipes
Prior to connecting into an existing pipe, it shall be uncovered for a suitable length and the exact position, type and
diameter of the existing pipe shall be determined. The interruption of any water supply shall be coordinated
with the owner of pipeline and the stoppage of the supply must be kept as short as possible and the time table
agreed with the Engineer must be strictly adhered to.
The section of the pipe in which the joint is located shall be fully isolated between the nearest two adjacent valves and
all service connections shut off; the other parts of the pipe shall remain full of water under pressure. The pipe
shall be emptied in such a manner that the new pipe connection will be installed under dry conditions. Where
a new pipe is to be connected to an existing one, without an outlet having been provided beforehand one pipe
length shall be disconnected and removed, a section of it cut away and the remaining pipe ends trimmed to
accommodate the joint and its accessories as shown on the Drawings.
It is absolutely essential that the existing pipe shall be kept clean from impurities of any kind, and precautions shall be
taken to prevent the entrance of dirt of other deleterious matter into the existing pipe while it is open for making
the connection. Where the excavation for uncovering the pipe and making the connection is found wet it shall
be disinfected with liberal quantities of hypochlorite. The interior of all pipes and fittings used in making the
connection shall be swabbed with a 5 percent hypochlorite solution before they are installed. As soon as the
connection is completed the isolated section of the existing pipe shall be thoroughly chlorinated and flushed.
If valve locations permit, flushing shall be carried out from both directions.
21.9 Indicator Posts
Indicator posts as detailed on the Drawings shall be fixed as ordered to indicate the position of bends, air valves, sluice
valves, washouts and also pipes at all crossings of hedges and fences as instructed by the Engineer, especially
outside urban areas.
An item is included in the Bill of quantities to cover the provision and fixing of these, including the necessary
excavation, and the rates include for casting in the concrete post head the letter AV or SV or WO or such letter
as may be directed by the Engineer. The letters shall be 8 cm high and 6mm deep.
21.10 Bridge Crossings
Where pipelines cross bridges the portion of the line laid alongside the bridge and the transitions used to bring the line
up to the required elevation shall be composed of flanged steel pipes and fittings. Pipes shall be secured on the
bridge by means of suitable brackets fixed to the concrete structure of the bridge as shown on the Drawings.
All exposed pipes, fittings and metalwork shall be painted in accordance with Clause 16 of the specification.
21.11 Crossing under Railway
Where the competent road authority does not allow the pipe to be laid in open cut under the railway the crossing shall
be done in horizontal earth bore or tunneling. The water main shall be inserted in to and protected by a steel
casing continuous over the complete length of the crossing. Wooden saddles of approved length and centers
shall be fixed with steel cables to the water main. The thickness of the wooden saddles shall be such as to
prevent contact between the joints of the water main and steel casing. The Contractor shall perform all
necessary excavations outside the right of way in order to carry out the above mentioned work with no
KDK-LLL Specification OF Materials (Civil, Pipe and fittings)

interference with the ongoing traffic. All such excavations shall be carefully backfilled and compacted on the
completion of the crossing in accordance with the specification. Arrangements with the authorities and
requirements for the above mentioned railway crossings shall be with the instructions of the Road and Railway
Authorities. The Contractor shall submit to the Engineer for approval the construction method and details,
equipment, etc. he intends to use to execute this work.
21.12 River Crossing
The contractor shall obtain permission and instructions from the competent Authorities concerned as to the date and
time when the pipe can be placed across main rivers. The steel pipe main shall be placed on supports from 25-
E-20 concrete and the pipe shall be held securely to the supports by galvanized iron clamps.
22.1 General
The Contractor shall construct permanent roads and paved areas as shown on the Drawings or instructed by the
Engineer. Unless otherwise specified in this Chapter the earthworks, excavation and fill shall be in accordance
with Clause 4, 5 and 6 of the specification.
In general the roads and paved areas will be surfaced with selected fill as defined below. However, in areas of steep
terrain and other special places it may be necessary to surface roads with compacted base course material and,
in extreme cases, with two-coat bituminous dressing.
22.2 Site Preparation
A survey of the working area shall be carried out by the Contractor along the alignments specified by the Engineer
immediately prior to commencement of construction, and a series of cross sections of the road right-of-way
will be produced at 15 m intervals along the road centre line. These cross sections will be defined as the
original ground cross sections.
The Contractor shall set out the permanent access roads and paved areas as per the Drawings or Engineer’s instructions,
from reference points established by the Engineer. Thereafter the Contractor shall clear the marked areas. In
the case of roads the cleared strip shall be wide enough for the specified formation, and the longitudinal
drainage ditches on each side of the formation. The clearing will include removal of topsoil and grubbing in
accordance with Clause 4 of the specification.
22.3 Excavation
Where required the Contractor shall excavate down to subgrade which, over the formation width, will be 250 mm
below the finished road or area surface level. If in the opinion of the Engineer, the ground at subgrade level is
incapable of carrying traffic, the Contractor shall excavate an additional depth that would normally not exceed
300 mm and backfill to subgrade level with approved fill as defined below. When excavating, the Contractor
will stockpile, separately, excavated material that could be used for the various types of fill described below.
22.4 Earthfill
22.4.1 General
Where possible suitable excavated and other local material will be used in fill whether in excavation or embankment.
Prior to placing any fill the excavated earth surface shall be moistened and well compacted.
Subgrade preparation shall include the special excavation and embankment construction procedures required at or near
the design subgrade cross section, and the requirements for moisture content control and protection of the
prepared subgrade, as specified below.
KDK-LLL Specification OF Materials (Civil, Pipe and fittings)

In areas where, after stripping, a fill of less than 150mm or a cut is required to develop the design subgrade cross
section, the surface material below the design subgrade cross section shall be compacted. In cut areas, the
subgrade shall be shaped and compacted to 95% of Standard Proctor Density (ASTM D698) to the ground
surface shall be compacted similarly prior to placement of earth fill. Earth fill shall be placed, shaped, and
compacted to 100% of Standard Proctor Density (ASTM D698) to the design subgrade cross section. The cut
and fill surfaces shall be proof rolled following compaction.
In areas where, after stripping, a fill in excess of 150 mm is required to bring the existing ground to the design subgrade
cross section, earth or rock fill shall be placed and compacted as specified for embankments.
At transitions between cut and fill areas, the subgrade shall be scarified and re-compacted as specified above to a depth
of 150mm for a distance of 5m beyond the cut area.
The prepared subgrade shall be maintained at or near optimum moisture conditions and protected from disturbance at
all times. Adequate measures shall be taken to prevent formation of pools of water on the exposed native soil
in excavated areas. Construction equipment shall not be permitted to operate on the prepared subgrade where
disturbance may result. Prior to commencement of construction, the subgrade shall be drained and permitted
to dry to restore optimum moisture conditions, and shall be regarded and re-compacted where required.
22.4.2 Fill Below Sub-Base
Fill below sub-base level shall be approved inert material of which 100% passes the 100 mm (4") sieve 5-15% passes
the 0.075 mm (BS 200) sieve. The CBR of this fill shall not be less than 20% in accordance with AASHO
Standard T193, unsoaked. However, where necessary on account of perched water tables or any other reasons,
the Engineer may specify that the above CBR be obtained after 24 hours soaking.
The fill will be spread in layers so that after compaction to 95% proctor Density at OMC (see Clause 6 of the
specification), each layer shall be not more than 150 mm thick.
22.4.3 Sub-Base Fill (Selected Material)
The sub-base fill will normally be 250 mm thick after compaction and will form the riding surface of the road or paved
area. This fill shall be selected inert material having the following properties:
Sieve analysis: 100% passing the 75mm (3") sieve
40-80% passing the 9.5mm (3/8") sieve
up to 15% passing the 0.075mm (BS200) sieve
Liquid Limit shall not exceed 40%
Plasticity Index shall not exceed 12%
CBR value shall not be less than 30% as defined above
This fill will be spread and compacted to 100% proctor Density at OMC.
22.5 Base Course Material
Base course material will be used to form riding surface where this is required or a base to a bituminous surface (2-
coat bituminous dressing). It shall consist of approved crushed rock, mechanically stable gravel or gravel-sand-
clay material which conforms to the requirements listed below. However, the Contractor shall obtain the
Engineer's prior approval for any base course material that he intends to use.
Grading: The grading shall fall within the limits given in Table 1, depending on the type and nominal
Maximum size of the material.
KDK-LLL Specification OF Materials (Civil, Pipe and fittings)

Plasticity: The fraction passing the 0.42mm sieve shall have Liquid Limit not more than 25% and
Plasticity Index not more than 8%
CBR value shall not be less than 70% as defined above.
Plasticity: The fraction passing the 0.42mm sieve shall have Liquid Limit not more than 25% and
Plasticity Index not more than 8%
Table 1: Nominal Grading for Base Course Material, % Passing
BS Sieve Max. Size mm 50 mm (2") 38 mm (1½") 25 mm (1") 19 mm (3/4")
2" 50 100
1½" 38 70-100 100
1" 25 55-100 70-100 100
3/4" 19 50-90 60-100 70-100 100
½" 13 60-100
3/8" 9.52 40-70 45-80 50-90 60-100
3/16" 4.76 30-60 37-60 35-70 40-75
#7 2.40 20-50 23-50 25-55 27-60
#18 0.85
#36 0.42 10-30 10-30 15-33 15-33
#200 0.075 5-15 5-15 5-15 5-15
Base course material shall be placed in one layer of 150mm compacted thickness. It shall be compacted to 100% of the
maximum dry density at OMC in accordance with BS 1377, Test No. 13 (Modified Proctor Density).
If the base course material is deficient in fines, stone fines (5 mm to dust) shall be fed into the surface until the whole
layer is sealed and a closed well knit surface obtained.
22.6 Bituminous Dressing
Where shown on the Drawings or instructed by the Engineer the compacted base course material shall be blinding
consisting of clean sharp coarse sand free of clay or organic matter. After rolling a bituminous seal coat shall
be laid and blinding consisting of screened rock chipping of 13 mm nominal size according to BS 63 and rolled.
The bituminous dressing shall be laid according to best practice.
22.7 Variation in Finished Surface
The finished road surface shall not vary by more than 20 mm from the specified camber and longitudinal grade when
checked by a camber board transversely and straight edge longitudinally.
22.8 Road Geometry
Maximum gradient of permanent rural access roads will not exceed 15% unless otherwise instructed by the Engineer
Horizontal curve radii will not be less than 10 m.
22.9 Cross Drainage
Where shown on the Drawings or instructed by the Engineer, the Contractor shall construct double or single barrel
reinforced concrete culverts, the inlets, outlets and embankments being protected by 300 mm hand-placed
riprap in accordance with Clause 6 of the specification.
Where no culverts are provided, cross drainage shall be effected by fords (drifts) paved with 300 mm hand placed
riprap as above.
KDK-LLL Specification OF Materials (Civil, Pipe and fittings)

23.1 Fencing and Gates
Fences and gates where required, shall be erected in accordance with the layout and details shown on the drawings or
directed by the Engineer. The fences shall consist of precast concrete posts and steel barbed fencing wire as
described below and as shown on the Drawings.
The ground along the fence alignment shall be leveled so as to provide an even gap between the bottom wire and the
ground surface as shown on the Drawings.
The posts with bent tops shall be of Grade 25, precast reinforced concrete and approximately 3.20 m long overall. The
posts shall be sunk into the ground and bedded in concrete so as to stand 2.40 m high and shall be spaced at 3
m intervals. Holes of dia. 25 mm shall be cast into each post, spaced as shown on Drawings, through which
the fencing wires shall pass.
The steel fencing wire shall be 12 S.W.G., heavily galvanized and shall be attached to galvanized iron straining bolts
of 130 mm securely fastened to the straining posts. Suitably strutted straining posts shall be provided at all
corners and terminal points and in straight runs at intervals not exceeding 300 mm.
The entrance gates shall be single leaf or double leaf, to the details and dimensions shown on the Drawings, fabricated
from DN 50 standard black water pipe and black iron fittings, and covered with 50 mm welded square mesh.
The gates shall be hinged to reinforced concrete gateposts and shall be complete with locks and stops. All
metal parts shall be painted in accordance with the pertinent clauses of the specification.
23.2 Drainage
As shown on the Drawings or instructed by the Engineer the Contractor shall construct surface water drainage systems
which could comprise a combination of pipes, open channels an covered channels for removing outflow,
rainwater, etc. to the required outlets.
23.3 Lightning Protection
Where required, all lightning protection works shall be performed in accordance with BS 6651 and the Engineer’s

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