Apmedadm - Apntruhs.in: Including Special Categories I.e., PH, PMC & Anglo Indian
Apmedadm - Apntruhs.in: Including Special Categories I.e., PH, PMC & Anglo Indian
Apmedadm - Apntruhs.in: Including Special Categories I.e., PH, PMC & Anglo Indian
All the eligible candidates who have got verified their certificates can exercise their
options from 7.00 AM on 08.07.2019 to 1.00 PM on 11.07.2019 at
https://apmedadm.apntruhs.in as per the seat matrix displayed in the website
http://ntruhs.ap.nic.in / and https://apmedadm.apntruhs.in.
Only Muslim minority candidates are eligible to exercise web options for
competent authority quota seats in Un-aided Private Minority Medical colleges.
The seats reserved under special categories i.e., NCC, CAP and Sports & Games
will be filled in the next phase of web counselling after display of priority list on the
University website.
The unalloted seats under PH quota will be converted and added to respective
categories, since the seats under special categories are Horizontal Reservation.
The seat allocation will be done as per the procedure given in G.O.P.No.646,
Education (w) Department, dated 10.07.1979 as amended in G.O.Ms.No.42, Higher
Education Department, dated 18.05.2009.
University Fee: Rs.10,500/- for both MBBS and BDS Courses. The selected
candidates have to pay University fee through payment Gateway
by using Online payment method. (Debit Card / Credit Card /
Internet Banking) in the state of Andhra Pradesh for downloading
the allotment order.
1 Candidate can give options on the web either from home or any other place having
internet facility. Do not use mobiles and tablets to exercise the options. Use only
computers. Use Internet Explorer Version 11 for exercising web options.
2 Candidates are advised to download and read the Regulations for submission of
web options available at https://apmedadm.apntruhs.in for detailed instructions for
entering options on web.
3 Area wise seat matrix is displayed in website for the information of the students to
exercise their option. A candidate can exercise any number of options.
One Time Password will be sent to the registered mobile at the time of saving web
options. The password consists of SIX letter code with English capitals A to Z.
5 Candidates are instructed to take the print out of the saved options.
8 Candidates are informed to check their final allotment, take printout of allotment
letter from the web and report to the respective colleges on or before the date
specified on the allotment letter, failing which the candidate will lose the admission.
10 Selected candidates have to report at the respective colleges on the dates specified
on the allotment letter with all original certificates and pay the tuition fee to
complete the admission process. If the candidate slides to other college during
subsequent phases of counselling, the original certificates will be sent to the college
concerned after the closure of admissions.
12 The University fee and other fee once paid shall not be refunded under any
Date: 07.07.2019
Place: Vijayawada Sd/-REGISTRAR
AP MBBS/BDS 2019 College List