Cabeq 2012 02 2
Cabeq 2012 02 2
Cabeq 2012 02 2
This paper presents energy integration and ever, for greater temperature differences, the
modification of heat exchanger network design for physical properties and, therefore, the amount of
an ammonia plant, using recent advances in pinch enthalpy are related to the temperature. In this con-
technology in both cases. In the first case, targeting dition, streams should be segmented into different
has been carried out and the physical properties ranges of temperature; in order to accurately por-
over the whole of each stream are supposed to be tray the CP value of a stream as it is heated or
constant. In the second case, various physical prop- cooled.
erties have to be considered as some streams have
to be divided into several segments containing con- Segmenting streams
stant properties. On the other hand, the streams that A constant specific heat capacity can provide
have various physical properties within the range a sound approximation for the behavior of a stream
of their temperatures have to be segmented into if any changes in heat capacity, CP, are small. On
several sub-streams using an approximation of the other hand, dividing a stream becomes in-
their physical properties. Various specific heat dispensable when the heat capacity of a stream
capacities can lead to a shifting of the pinch point, fluctuates over its temperature range across the
and thereupon produce differences during utility heat exchanger network (HEN). Fig. 1 illustrates
targeting. how to determine segmentation regarding hot and
cold process streams. Hot process stream segments
Energy targeting must always predict a lower temperature than the
Targets are theoretical values that illustrate an actual temperature in order to preserve a conserva-
ideal or perfect situation. They are significant as ex- tive approach. Likewise, cold process stream seg-
amination tools as they provide a comparison of ments must always predict a temperature higher
how close the current design is to the optimal de- than the actual temperature.17,18 Process streams can
sign. Energy targets are the minimum amounts of be segmented by defining different heat capacities
utilities needed to satisfy the process streams’ re- and local heat transfer coefficients for different
quirements.16 During energy integration, extracting temperature ranges of the temperature-enthalpy
process streams is the first step when considering plot.
energy targets. Therefore, as CP is assumed to be
constant for each cold or hot stream, from a supply
temperature (Ts) to a target temperature (Tt), the to-
tal heat added or removed will be equal to the
stream enthalpy change, eq. (1):
Q = òT CPdT = CP(Tt - Ts ) = DH
Here qi,k and qj,k are the individual heat loads Process description
on the hot stream i or the cold stream j in the seg-
ment k; likewise hi,k and hj,k are the individual film A grass root design for an ammonia plant was
heat transfer coefficients. Obtaining the total area of applied as a case study in order to survey the effects
a heat exchanger network using this method re- of physical properties’ variations within the heat
quires knowledge of film heat transfer coefficients. exchanger network design. Natural gas was used as
For the shell and tube sides of the heat exchanger, feedstock to produce 1000 tons of ammonia per day
the value of HTC relates to Reynolds and Prandtl with purity of about 99.99 %. Firstly, the natural gas
numbers can be evaluated from eqs. (4) and (5) re- had been desulphurized in order to remove sulphur
spectively: compositions from the feed stream. The natural gas
was heated in the convection section of a primary re-
For shell side: former after mixing with steam, so that it would then
react within the primary and secondary reformers.
m ö
h× D The nitrogen requirements for the ammonia reaction
= 0.36 Re 0. 55× Pr 3ç
ç ÷ ÷ (4)
k è mw ø were obtained from preheated air introduced into the
secondary reformer. The required heat for secondary
reformer was provided from the reaction between
For tube side: O2, H2, and CH4. The hot gases leaving the second-
ary reformer have high heat content and are primar-
m ö
h× D ily employed for the production of high-pressure
= 0.023 Re 0. 8× Pr 3ç
ç ÷ ÷ (5)
k è mw ø steam in thermosiphon heat exchangers. In two
stages consisting of high and low temperature shift
converter, carbon monoxide was converted into car-
bon dioxide after mixing with H2O, and then the
D× r× u CP × m CO2 was absorbed by MEA. The residual CO and
Re = , Pr = (6) CO2 were converted into CH4 in the methanator, in
m k order to prevent catalyst poisoning from the ammo-
nia converter. H2 and N2 reacted in the ammonia
The eqs. (4) and (5) are used to calculate the converter to form the ammonia product after com-
HTC based on the specified physical properties val- pression with steam turbines. The hot gases leaving
ues consisting of density, viscosity, heat capacity, the converter were cooled over a series of exchangers
and conductivity (according to eq. (6)); while these where the ammonia was condensed and the non-re-
properties are also related to temperature. active gases were circulated back (Fig. 2).
F i g . 5 – Segmentation of stream H-3 into three sub-streams, F i g . 6 – Segmentation of stream H-6 into four sub-streams,
(a): without segmentation and (b): with segmenta- (a): without segmentation and (b): with segmenta-
tion tion
S. H. A. NEJAD et al., Modification of Heat Exchanger Network Design by …, Chem. Biochem. Eng. Q. 26 (2) 79–87 (2012) 85
F i g . 7 – Segmentation of stream C-12 into two sub-streams, F i g . 8 – (a) Composite curve and (b) grand composite
(a): without segmentation and (b): with segmentation curve, when considering the segmented streams
stream (Fig. 7). Targeting by considering various H-6, when reaching pinch temperature above the
physical properties and segmentation of the process pinch, should exchange heat with a cold stream,
streams has been repeated. The composite and which has a higher heat capacity flow rate, based
grand composite curves then plotted again (Fig. 8). on pinch technology rules. As shown in Fig. 9,
An aggregation diagram has been introduced for none of the cold streams has this condition. The
better understanding of the quality of heat capacity, heat capacity accumulation for cold streams 9 and
and enthalpy distribution. For example, hot stream 10 are at higher temperatures than the pinch tem-
perature. There is no cold stream using the favored DTmin- minimum approach temperature, °C
CP that is near enough to the pinch temperature to hi,k - individual film heat transfer coefficients on the
absorb the additional heat of hot stream H-6. If hot hot stream ‘i’ in segment ‘k’, W m–2 °C–1
stream H-6 is connected to one of these cold hj,k - individual film heat transfer coefficients on the
streams, the heat exchanger will violate the DTmin cold stream ‘j’ in segment ‘k’, W m–2 °C–1
condition; because the CP of the hot stream is K - thermal conductivity, W m–1 °C–1
higher than that of the cold streams. So, this stream
Pr - Prandtl number, –
is used for generation of the LP steam. Overall, the
more CP accumulation of the hot streams above the qi,k - individual heat loads on the hot stream ‘i’ in seg-
pinch or the cold streams below the pinch, the less ment ‘k’, kJ h–1
heat load of the utility streams would be obtained. qj,k - individual heat loads on the cold stream ‘j’ in
segment ‘k’, kJ h–1
Summary of targeting results for both the cases
of constant and varying physical properties, are Re - Reynolds number, –
shown in Table 4 as a demonstration of changing Ts - supply temperature, °C
targeted values. These variations cause targeting Tt - target temperature, °C
correction and improvement in heat exchanger net-
work design.
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