Breakthrough ANY Weight Loss Plateau Webinar

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Breakthrough ANY Weight Loss Plateau Webinar

By Dr. Eric Berg DC

Name the 3 things that can slow your metabolism.

1. _________________________________________

2. _________________________________________

3. _________________________________________

What does dieting do to your metabolism?


What are your 2 main body fuel sources?

1. ________________________________________

2. ________________________________________

What key hormone acts as the controlling switch to determine if you burn
fat fuel or sugar fuel?


To get your body to burn fat exclusively, you have to do what?


Name the 3 actions of insulin:

1. ________________________________________

2. ________________________________________

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3. ________________________________________

The main enzyme (Hormone Sensitive Lipase) responsible for burning fat is
inactivated by insulin: T/F

What is Insulin Resistance (IR)?



Name 10 symptoms of Insulin Resistance (IR):

___________________________ ________________________

___________________________ ________________________

___________________________ ________________________

___________________________ ________________________

___________________________ ________________________

Sketch out what happens to a normal body and a body with Insulin Resistance (IR)
with glucose.

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How does the Insulin Index (II) differ to the Glycemic Index (GI):



Name 3 other non-carbohydrate factors that trigger Insulin:

1. _____________________________________________

2. _____________________________________________

3. _____________________________________________

What occurs when you consume Protein + Sugar in a given meal?


How does FAT influence insulin?


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The more concentrated, lean and low fat the protein is, the less effect it has
on insulin T / F

Explain how SNACKING between meals influences Insulin Resistance?


Fat does not trigger insulin T / F

How does CORTISOL influence Insulin Resistance?


Visceral Fat is derived from: ________________________________

Superficial Fat is derived from: ______________________________

Name 10 adrenal symptoms that may indicate you have HIGH CORTISOL:

_________________________________ ______________________________

_________________________________ ______________________________

_________________________________ ______________________________

_________________________________ ______________________________

_________________________________ ______________________________

How does STRESS (pregnancy, losses, injury, surgery, menopause, etc.)

affect Insulin Resistance (IR):



Name 6 main causes of Insulin Resistance:

1. ______________________________

2. ______________________________
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3. ______________________________

4. ______________________________

5. ______________________________

6. ______________________________

If your insulin or cortisol is elevated, all 6 fat burning hormones get nullified

Name 8 things you can do to heal Insulin Resistance:

____________________________ _____________________________

____________________________ _____________________________

____________________________ _____________________________

___________________________ ______________________________

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