Ulangan Future Plan
Ulangan Future Plan
Ulangan Future Plan
Please choose the correct answer by crossing and rent a room in the city. I think living in
a,b,c,d,e ! a big city is interesting. In the future, I also
want to spend much time with my family. If I
1. Teddy : there is news about our scholarship. collect enough money, I will travel to other
countries. I want go to Japan and China. If I
Erika : … I will pay my tuitition and some (4) … China, I will go to see some old
living expenses buildings. If I have much money in the
future, I (5) …. the poor. I think we should
Teddy : Me, too. help one another. When I get married, I
want to live happily with my family. If I(6)
a. If it is about scholarship … children, I will give them good advices
b. If I am not wrong
for their life.
c. If I get it
d. If I have some money
e. If I register for the scholarship 4. a. will travel
Most people have their future plans, dreams, What does the woman mean?
and things which they want to realize some
day. I want to study at a popular university a. She is sick now
b. She is thinking of vacation now. B. Please answer the questions clearly and
c. She is not sure about her condition correctly
d. she is sure about vacation
e. she won’t go vacation if one of them is 1. Write first conditional sentences which
sick. function as the following!
d. Prepare
e. were prepared
a. Participates
b. Participate
c. Participation
d. Participated
e. participating
a. Will
b. The
c. Coming
d. Going to
e. goes to
Please choose the correct answer by crossing 4. Man : will you go Vacation next week?
a,b,c,d,e !
Woman: Unless one of us is sick, we will go
Most people have their future plans, dreams, vacation next week.
and things which they want to realize some
day. I want to study at a popular university What does the woman mean?
and rent a room in the city. I think living in
a big city is interesting. In the future, I also a. She is sick now
want to spend much time with my family. If I b. she won’t go vacation if one of them is
collect enough money, I will travel to other sick.
countries. I want go to Japan and China. If c. She is thinking of vacation now.
(1) … China, I will go to see some old d. She is not sure about her condition
buildings. If I have much money in the e. she is sure about vacation
future, I (2) …. the poor. I think we should
help one another. When I get married, I 5. Manda and I . . . . . some plates and glasses
want to live happily with my family. If (3) … on the dining table for the dinner tonight.
children, I will give them good advices for
their life. a. Was preparing
c. visit d. Prepare
d. goes to
e. Will B. Please answer the questions clearly and
8. Teddy : there is news about our scholarship.
1. Write first conditional sentences which
Erika : … I will pay my tuitition and some function as the following!
living expenses
a. Promising
Teddy : Me, too.
b. future plan
a. If it is about scholarship
b. If I am not wrong
2. You are going to have a holiday in a
c. If I get it
d. If I have some money beach! Write 3 plans about what you do with
e. If I register for the scholarship first conditionals!
Tiara : Perhaps
Tiara :…
Mira : Okay.