VOL. - I
Court and Office Hours and Court Seal
*1. (a) 1[Court hours - The Court hours shall ordinarily be from
10.30 AM. to 5.00 P.M. with recess of half an hour between 1.30 and 2
P.M. Except in morning sittings when it would be from 7.00 A.M. to
1.00 P.M. with a recess of half an hour between 10.00 A.M. to 10.30 A.M.
*(B) Sitting and rising hour - The Courts shall ordinarily
commence the sittings not later than 11 A.M. and rise at 4 P.M.
When day sittings are held and in case of morning sittings not later
than 7.30 A.M. and rise at 12.30 P.M.
Note 1 - The exact period during which morning sittings of the
Courts will be held shall be fixed by the High Court, by the issue of
general or special orders.
Note 2 - The recess facility will be available only to the Presiding Officers.
Note 3 - The hours of work and commencement of sittings of
Criminal Courts shall be regulated from time to time by issue of general
or special orders by the High Court, as and when necessary.]
2. (a) Use of Saturdays by Sessions Judges and Chief Judicial
Magistrates - 2[The Sessions Judges will devote all working Saturdays
and the Chief Judicial Magistrates will devote first and last working
Saturdays of a month for administrative work at the Headquarters subject
to adjustment of hearing of part-hard Sessions cases]
(a) 3[Clearance day - The last Saturday of each month may be
observed as 'Clearance Day' by the Judicial Magistrates at the stations
to be specified by the High Court by General or Special Orders.
Whenever such Saturday is a holiday, the working day preceding
that holiday will be observed as 'Clearance Day'.]
Note - 4[* * *]
which and the place where the same is taken, sign his name and
mention his designation at the end.
28. Certificate to be given by the Commissioner of Affidavits -
When an affidavit is sworn or affirmed by any person who appears to
the officer taking the affidavit to be illiterate, blind or unacquainted
with the language in which the affidavit is written, the officer shall
certify that the affidavit was read over, translated or explained in his
presence to the deponent, that the deponent seemed to understand
it and made his signature or mark in the presence of the officer ;
otherwise the affidavit shall not be used in evidence.
29. Affidavits to state on whose behalf it is filed - Every
affidavit shall bear an endorsement stating on whose behalf it is filed.
30. Source of knowledge to be stated in affidavit - Every
affidavit containing statements made on the information or belief of the
deponent shall state the source or groud of the information or belief.
Diary and Cause List
[Vide Rules on the subject in the General Rules (Civil),Volume I]
[Extracts from G.R.C.O. (Civil) Vol. I]
6. Diary - (a) Every Civil Court shall maintain a diary in the prescribed form.
Each case for any day shall be entered in advance immediately upon a date or
adjourned date being fixed, and the entry as to each case shall show the
purpose for which it is set down on each of issues, or for trial after adjournment.
The diary will show briefly the progress made in each case, and when
witnesses are examined in any case, when witnesses are examined without
contest separately shall be stated. A running total in red ink should be inserted
from day to day, in order to show the total number of witnesses examined
during each quarter of the year. A new serial number should be started at the
commencement of each quarter.
(b) The top most heading should be "For peremptory hearing" and under
each heading should be grouped separately each class of cases in their
chronological order according to the dates of their institution. The part-hard
case adjourned on the previous day should be shown as the top case under the
heading "Peremptory hearing".
(c) Appeals and Miscellaneous cases should also be shown in the diary
in the above manner. Execution cases should be noted last of all.
(d) The reason for adjournment shall be briefly stated in the Diary.
(E) The Presiding Judge shall insert with his own hand in the appropriate
place (i) the hours of his arrival in the office, (ii) the hour at which he takes his
seat for judicial work and (iii) the time of rising and (iv) the time of departure.
In the case of any unusually short sitting on any day, a short note explaining the
reason shall be given in the Diary.
Note - (1) When an officer' has to perform criminal duties in addition to his
work as a Civil Judicial Officer, he will maintain two separate diaries in the
prescribed form, one for civil and the other for criminal work. He shall note the
hours of sitting and rising in the civil diary only. On the Actual time devoted
to criminal work in the criminal work, he shall note the hours of sitting and
rising in the civil diary or criminal diary only, as the case may be.
Note - (2) The Diary shall be signed each day by the Presiding Judge
after careful scrutiny on completion of all the entries therein.
Note - (3) A separate diary should be maintained for the cases fixed for
each place of circuit.
8. Dialy causes lists - A daily list of case shall be posted in some
conspicuous place in every Court house for the information of the parties and
their pleaders. The cases should, as far as possible, be arranged in the order in
which they are likely to be taken up. Execution and Miscellaneous cases may
be shown either in the same list or in a separate list. The said list shall be
prepared and posted on the preceding working day at 4.30 P.M. or in the case
of morning sittings before 12 A.M.. In the list, the cases will be sufficiently
described by their number, year and class. At the close of each day, the
Peshkar shall prepare four copies of advance daily cause lists in prescribed
forms in a bound book of printed lined perforated pages, with the help of
carbon papers showing therein the cases fixed for the next day. One copy of
the list shall be posted in the Court's notice board and another sent to the
Secretary Ministerial employee or any other person authorised by the local Bar
Association for being posted in the notice board of the Bar Association. The
remaining two copies should be kept by the Peshkar for his next day's use. At
the close of the following' day, he shall fill up the adjourned dates in the two
copies of advanced daily cause lists in the Court's notice board and take down
the copy which was posted on the preceding day and will send the other copy
to the Secretary or ministerial employee of the Bar Association for publication
in the notice board of the Association. He will further prepare four copies of
advance daily cause lists for the next day in the same manner. The advance
daily cause lists shall be sent to the Secretary, Bar Association through the
Despatch Register in which the dated signatures of the recipient will be obtained.
Note - (1) The maximum number of cases to be fixed for hearing on
any day may be half more than could be done on that day and preference be
given to undone work of that day on the next day.
Note - (2) The lists shall be prepared in the language of the Court and shall
remain posted for one week after which they shall be filed in office for future
reference, if necessary. At the end of every quarter the lists for the previous
quarter will be destroyed.
Note - (3) The lists shall be signed by the Presiding Judge and exhibited
before he leaves the Court.
31.(a) Process to contain full description - Every person on whom
a process is to be served or executed shall be described therein in ink in such
manner as will serve to identify him clearly, i.e., by the statement of his
correct name and address and such further description as will serve to
identify him.
Note - In the case of service or execution of a process to be effected
in large towns, the name of the street, ward number of the Municipality and the
number of the house, if known, should be given.
46. Rules relating to service of process and the duties of Nazir and
his staff and the maintenance of various Registers contained in the
G.R. & C.O. (Civil), Volume I shall be followed by the Criminal Court.
[Extracts from G.R.C.O. (Civil) Vol. I]
A- Process-serving establishment
67. Process serving establishment - There shall be a joint process serving
establishment for all the Civil Courts, Sessions Courts and Courts of Judicial
Magistrates at the same station under the direct control of the Nazir who will be
responsible for proper service of process made over to him for the purpose. The
process-serving peons recruited on the civil and criminal side shall be entrusted to
execute processes, both on the civil and criminal sides. The Nazir and the staff shall
also be subordinate to any such Court issuing process for the purpose of execution
of that particular process and shall place themselves under the order of the Presiding
Officer in that regard. The Register of process-serving peons shall be maintained in
the prescribed Form (H) 9-R.
Note - The term ‘original process’ means the original document which is
filed with the record of a case, including the names of all persons residing within
the jurisdiction of the Court upon whom copies of it (whether it be a summons
warrant, notice or other process) are to be served in the same case and at the
same time.
Proceedings under Sections 145 and 147, Cr.P.C.
After warning sufficient time should be given to reflect and the prisoner
should be left alone for some time to collect his mind : AIR 1956 SC 217,
222 : 1956 Cri.L.J. 421. Half an hour was considered insufficient and
generally it would be reasonable to insist upon at least 24 hours
time : AIR 1957 SC 737.
Commitment of the Accused to the Court of Sessions
Sessions Business
53. Register of Sessions cases - Cases committed to the Court of
Session shall be entered in the Register of sessions cases in Form No.
(R) 23 serially in the order of receipt of commitment records in the
Sessions Court. The series of numbers shall be separate for each calendar
year. A separate index number shall be given to each accused.
Note - (1) Separate Registers for each Revenue district shall be maintained.
(2) Special cases under the Criminal Law Amendment Act, 1952 (XLVI of
1952) shall be entered in the Trial Registers in Form No. (R) 3, separate
Registers being maintained for each Revenue district.
(1) These rules may be called the " Appointment of State Defence
Counsel Rules, 1974".
(2) They shall extend throughout the State.
(3) These rules shall come into force at once.
(4) 3[(a) State Defence Counsel- 'State Defence Counsel' means a
counsel appointed by a Court of Sessions or by a Court of Magistrate for
defence, at the expenses of the State, of an accused who is not
represented by a Pleader and who has not sufficient means to engage a
Pleader in sessions trial or in any other criminal trial, as the case may be.
Mobile Courts
may be taken for securing the attendance of the accused on the date of
hearing on the question of sentence and the passing thereof.
(b) Judgment in any criminal case cannot be deemed to be complete
unless the sentence is passed. The Presiding Officers should, therefore
write and sign the judgment up to the stage of finding the accused guilty
and convicting him for particular offence and after completion of the
hearing of argument on the question of sentence, the Judge or the
Magistrate, as the case may be, may pronounce the sentence imposed. The
list of witnesses examined, documents and material objects exhibited
should then be appended to the judgment thereby making it complete in
all respects.
106. Procedure of passing enhanced sentence - Whenever an
enhanced sentence is passed on conviction on a charge within the terms
of Section 75 of the Indian Penal Code, the Sessions Judge or Magistrate
shall state in his judgment the date of such previous conviction and the
sentence passed as well as particular offence charged.
107. Mode of recording of order of acquittal of Lunatics - The
following is suggested a suitable form of finding of acquittal on the
ground of insanity:
"The Court finds that (.............) did kill (............) by striking him on
the head with a club but that, by reason of unsoundness of mind, he
was incapable, of knowing that he was doing an act which was
wrong or contrary to law, and that he is not therefor guilty of the
offence specified in the charge, viz .............and the Court directs that
the said (................) be acquitted, and that, under the provisions of
Section 471, Criminal Procedure Code, the said (.............) be kept in
safe custody in the ".
108. List of witnesses, documents and material objects to be
appended to the judgment - The list of the witnesses examined, the
documents and material objects admitted in evidence in the case should
be appended to the judgment of every case in chronological order. For
copying purposes, however, such lists will not be treated as a part of the
judgment unless the copy applied for is for the purpose of appeal
or revision.
109. Time for delivery of judgment - Ordinarily judgment in all
criminal cases, appeals and revisions should be delivered soon after the
hearing. But where it is not possible to do so, either on account of the
length of the case or for other sufficient reasons, the delivery of judgment
should not be postponed sine die. A definite date should be fixed not more
than 1[three weeks] after the conclusion of arguments on which the
judgment should be delivered. But in any case, the judgment must be
Reference and Revision
126. Certificate in revision application - Every criminal revision
application shall contain a certificate that no revision application in
respect of the same matter has been previously filed.
127. Certified copy of judgment or order to be filed in revision
cases - Every criminal revision application shall invariably be
accompanied with a certified copy of the judgment or order sought to
be revised.
128. Compliance of requisitions of Sessions Judges - Sessions
Judges are guided but not to go beyond the following instructions
in communication with the Magistrates.
Chief Judicial Magistrates and District Magistrates are to comply
with all requisitions for records, returns and information made by Sessions
Judges with regard to any case appealable to them or referable by them to
he High Court, decided by any Judicial Magistrate or Executive
Magistrate respectively or made by Sessions Judge under the orders of the
High Court in exercise of their duties of superintendence over subordinate
Courts. The Chief Judicial Magistrates and District Magistrates are also to
render any explanation which the Sessions Judge may require from them
and to obtain and submit any explanation which Sessions Judges may
require from the Judicial Magistrate and Executive Magistrates
respectively in order to assist the Appellate Courts in respect of. all the
three classes of cases above referred to.
Note - The attention of Sessions Judges and Chief Judicial Magistrates
is invited to the provisions of Section 405 of the Criminal Procedure Code that in
the case of prisoners whose conviction and sentence by a Magistrate is affirmed
by a Court of Session or Chief Judicial Magistrate but modified by the High
Court of Sessions Judge on revision it is the duty of the Sessions Judge or the
Chief Judicial Magistrate, as the case may be, to whom the decision or order of
the High Court or Sessions Judge is certified, to issue order comfortable to the
decision so certified.
129. Manner of calling for the records - When the record of a
proceeding in the Court of any Judicial Magistrate or Executive
Magistrate is called for by the Sessions Judge under Section 395, Criminal
Procedure Code, it shall always be done through the Chief Judicial
Magistrate or the District Magistrate respectively.
130. 1[ * * * ]
Execution of Sentences
sentence in order that a warrant may be issued for the realisation of the
balance. If the sentence be one of fine only and the fine be not paid tall,
the Nazir shall apply for a warrant for the realisation of the whole
amount and other necessary orders. No person not under sentence
of imprisonment alternative or otherwise shall be detained on account
of inability to pay the fine. Where the sentence is one of fine, with or
without a substantive term of imprisonment, but with an alternative
sentence of imprisonment in default of payment of the fine, if the fine
be not wholly satisfied at once, the Nazir shall report to the Court which
imposed the sentence for its orders as to the term of imprisonment
proportionate to the amount still unpaid which, under Section 69 of the
Indian Penal Code, the convicted person has yet to undergo. In such
cases the fact of the payment of the fine, in part, should be noted on the
warrant of imprisonment by the Magistrate who issued it. Where,
however, the fine has not at all been paid, the fact of non-payment
should be noted in the warrant of imprisonment in every case.
(b) Duty of the Clerk-in-charge of the fine Register - The
Clerk-in-charge of Fine Register who will ordinarily be the Magistrate's
peskar, will make the necessary entries in the Register of Criminal
Fines. The foils with the Nazir’s report thereon shall be shown to the
Clerk-in-charge of the Fine Register without delay.
134. Receipt for payment of fine - A receipt should be granted
to the person paying a fine by the Nazir in Form No. A-8 (D).
135. Procedure on realisation of fine during the currency of
the term of Imprisonment - Any payment made during the currency
of the term of imprisonment must be at once reported by the Nazir to the
Magistrate who, after satisfying himself that the necessary entries elating
to the payment have been made in the Fine Register, shall immediately
give notice of such payment to the Superintendent of the district jail in
which the prisoner was first confined after conviction with a view to the
amendment of the sentence of imprisonment or the release of the
prisoner, as the case may be. The fine realisation statement shall be
drawn up by the Court in the prescribed form and in the English
language, and shall be sent in duplicate, with the Court-seal affixed
thereto, to the jail, the original being sent on the first opportunity and the
duplicate on the following day. The responsibility of the Court shall not
cease until it has received back the duplicate statement with an
acknowledgment from the jail showing that the necessary corrections
have been made in the release diary.
Note - If the fine is paid before the transfer of a prisoner from the subsidiary
jail in which he was first confined to the district jail. the fine realisation statement
should be sent to the subsidiary jail.
nor after the warrant has been returned, pay any domiciliary visit to a
defaulter with a view to the realisation of any portion of the fine
outstanding, unless fresh orders to that effect are issued. Any enquiries
they may make when they have no warrant to authorise their action
should be made only under the order of a Magistrate with a view to
ascertaining whether there are grounds for the issue of a fresh warrant.
Such enquiries should not ordinarily be made, by an officer lower in rank
than a Sub-Inspector of Police.
Note - In exercise of the power conferred by Sub-section (2) of Section 386 of
the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898 (Act V of 1898), the Governor-in-Council is
pleased to make the following rules to regulate the manner in which warrants under
Sub-section (1), Clause (a) of the said section are to be executed, and for the
summary determination of any claims made by any person other than the offender in
respect of any property attached in execution of such warrant, namely :
(1) A warrant issued under Sub-section (I), Clause (a) of
Section 386 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898, for
the levy of a fine shall ordinarily be directed to a police
officer (see Form No. XXXVII, Schedule V of the said
Code.) The authority issuing it shall specify a time within
which the attached property is to be sold or the return of the
(2) The police officer or other person to whom a warrant is
directed u nder Rule 1 shall attach any movable property
belonging to the offender.
(3) If no person claims the property attached, the police officer
or such other person directed to execute the warrant, shall
sell it within the time specified in the warrant without any
previous reference to the Magistrate.
(4) If any person makes any claim in respect of the property
attached, then the ownership of such property shall be
determined by the Magistrate who issued the warrant or his
successor-in-office or the Magistrate-in-charge of the
accounts, The services of a Junior Deputy Magistrate or
Sub-Deputy Magistrate or Circle Officer may be utilized, if
necessary, for the investigation of such claims.
(5) Subject to the proviso to Section 386 (1) of the Code of
Criminal Procedure, 1898, if at any time subsequent to the
return of the warrant, and within the period of six years from
the passing of the sentence, the fine, or any part thereof
remains unpaid (see Section 70 of the Indian Penal Code)
and the Court has reasonable ground for believing that any
due enquiry that there are no assets of the defaulter or (c) thewhereabouts
of the defaulters cannot be ascertained and the defaulters have undergone
default sentence may be irrecoverable.
1[Provided that-
1[Note - The Mal chalans under which properties are received from
the prosecuting agencies shall be first entered in the Register of letters
Received maintained in the Court and thereafter sent to the Nazir/Clerk-in-
charge of Malkhana who shall make entries of the properties in the Register
of property (R) 27 and note the C.M.R. No. assigned to such properties
against the corresponding entry in the Register of letters received and
preserve the Mal Chalans till disposal of the properties.]
173. Description of incriminating articles - When death or
hurt has been caused by a blow from a stick or other weapon, or
when any person is convicted of the offence' of being in illegal
possession thereof, the height and dimensions of the weapon should
be stated in the Register and the list of exhibits with such particularity
as may enable the Appellate or Revisional Court to form an opinion
as to the character of the weapon and the intention with which it
was probably used and to enable such Court to judge the gravity
of the offence and the appropriateness of the sentence.
174. Description of valuable properties in the Register - In
case of valuable properties such as valuable metals or ornaments
prepared out of such metals, full description of such properties
along with their weight shall be noted in Column 4 of the Register.
175. Verification of the Register - 2[The Judge-in-charge of
the Malkhana] should verify personally at least every 3 months,
the property with reference to the Property Register and make an
endorsement with the date of the verification in the remarks column
of the Register. He should also make a report to the Sessions Judge
every three months of having verified the properties indicating in
brief the result of his verification.
176. Unclaimed notes and coins how to be dealt with - Currency
notes and coins, if not claimed by any person within 30 days from
the final disposal of the case, should be remitted to the person
concerned by money-orders. If the amount remitted is returned
undelivered by the Post Office because the payee could not be
traced, it should be credited to Government.
3[176 (a) As to the proper custody of the goods in the Malkhana,
if identification of cash be not required, the sum if it be beyond
R. 1,000 should be deposited in the Bank].
177. Disposal of property to await the result of appeal - In
cases where appeal or revision lies to the High Court, 4[all Criminal
Courts including] the Court of Sessions should not dispose of the material
objects for four months after the expiry of the period of limitation for
appeal or revision; and if intimation regarding the filing of appeal or
revision is received, till the disposal-of the appeal or revision.
178. Report of loss or defalcation - A report should be made
to the High Court and the Accountant-General as soon as a loss or
defalcation occurs.
179. Half-yearly report of property -A half-yearly report should be
submitted to the High Court to the effect that the material objects in cases
decided six months prior to the date of the report have been disposed of. The
report should also state the number of cases in which the material objects
remained to be disposed of with the necessary explanation therefor.
180. Special orders regarding disposal of property - In cases
where the property cannot be disposed of in the' manner directed by the
Court specific orders of the Court should be obtained from the Court for its
disposal in any other manner.
181. Disposal of property subject to speedy and natural decay -
Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules the Court may dispose of
immediately after the disposal of the case any seized property
consisting of livestock or property subject to speedy and natural decay
or the property in respect of which a bond has been executed under
Sub-section (2) of Section 452 of the Code of Criminal Procedure.
182. Notice to take back property - In other cases, the person
concerned, should after the final disposal of the case or two months
after the expiry of the period of appeal or revision, be asked by service
post-card to appear before '[The Judge-in-charge of the Malkhana] to
receive the property. If he fails to do so within 15 days from the date of
intimation, the property should be sold at his cost by public auction and the
amount so realised credited to criminal deposit.
183. Sale when to take place - The property mentioned in the
preceding rule and the property ordered to be forfeited to the State shall be
sold as soon as possible four months after the expiry of the period of
limitation of appeal or revision or two -months after disposal thereof, as the
case may be. 2[The Judge-in-charge of the Malkhana] shall make proper
enquiry and ascertain the fact that neither appeal nor revision is filed in the
matter before the property is put to auction.
184. (i) Sale by whom to be conducted and how to be made - The
sale should be conducted by the Nazir of the Court. 3[Judge-in-charge of
Malkhana] shall cause a proclamation of the intended sale to be made in the
notice board of such Court.
(ii) Such proclamation shall state the date, time and place of
sale and specify as fairly and accurately as possible the description
of the property to be sold.
(iii) It shall also state that the bidders will have to pay the price
(iv) It shall be incumbent upon 1[The Judge-in-charge of
Malkhana] of outlying Court to fix up-set price of the articles sold.
(v) The sale shall not take place until after the expiration or at least 15
days from the date on which the copy of the proclamation has been affixed
on the Court's Notice Board.
(vi) Auction sale should be held during the Court hours and
within the Court premises.
(vii) The Officer conducting the sale may in his discretion adjourn
the sale to a specified date and hour recording his reasons for such
(viii) No public servant and no officer or other person having any
duty to perform in connection with the sale shall bid for, acquire or attempt
to acquire an interest in the property sold.
(ix) Proceeding of the sale be recorded on the bid sheet.
(x) If. convenient, the property may be sold by lots.
(xi) Valuable articles, however, should not, as far as possible,
be sanctioned in lots.
(xii) Sale shall be confirmed in the name of the highest bidder
unless 2[The Judge-in-charge of the Malkhana] thinks that the bid
offered is grossly inadequate, in which case the property shall be
put to sale again.
(xiii) The price of the articles shall be paid at the time of sale.
(xiv) The officer conducting the sale shall pass a receipt for the price
paid and then hand over the property to the purchaser.
(xv) If the price not paid, the property shall be resold.
185. (a) Forwarding of counterfeit coins and implements to the
Treasury - Criminal Courts in making orders under Sections 452, 453 and
458 of the Criminal Procedure Code or the disposal of counterfeit coin
should consider whether the coin should not be forwarded to the nearest
Treasury or Sub-Treasury Officer with directions to him to deal with it in a
manner similar to that prescribed by Rules by the Government of India, in
the Department of Commerce and Industry.
* The title page and table of contents in records of Courts of Sessions should
invariably be written up in English and in the combined form prescribed.
B-Magistrate's Records
Warrant and Summons Cases
191. Magistrate's Records - The record. of every warrant or
summons case tried by a Magistrate shall consist of two files, to be styled
and marked, respectively, File A and File B.
convenient and each such file shall constitute one record, to which
shall be attached a title page and a table of contents of each file or
record thus formed as single entry shall be made in the list which
accompanies all records sent to the District Record Room. These
files shall be preserved for one year from the date of the latest
order in each.
(b) No title page and table of contents need be attached in
the case under the Municipal Bye-laws nor in those under Section 34
of the Police Act.
195. Records of summary trials - In cases tried summarily,
the A file should contain only the form of summary trial kept under
Section 263 or 264 of the Criminal Procedure Code, and whatever
else the Court may record under the provisions of these Sections;
and all other papers connected with the trial, should be placed in
the B file. In the absence of express orders to the contrary, the A
file alone should be forwarded to a Court of Appeal or Revision.
In the case of such records, no title page, table of contents or order
sheets need be prepared.
196. Records of inquiry - The rules relating to the records of
summons cases shall apply to the records of inquiries under Section 107,
Criminal Procedure Code and to such other proceedings as, under
the Code, the procedure applicable to summons cases applies; and
the rules relating to the records of warrant cases shall apply to
the records of inquiries in other cases with such modification in
details as the circumstances of such cases may require.
197. Appellate records - The record of the Appellate or Revisional
Court shall be arranged in the same way as that of the Court of
Original Jurisdiction, except that there shall be no separate B file,
the papers which would belong to the B file being attached to the
A file.
198. Arrangement of papers - In every case, the papers shall,
as far as possible, be attached to the file to which they belong as
the trial proceeds, and shall be arranged in the order in which
they are brought before the Court. The necessity of sorting papers
in the record room must be avoided.
199. Combined title page and table of contents - To each
file of every record there shall be prefixed a combined title page
and table of contents in Form No. (M) 19, Vol. II. This form should
be written up in English.
200. Table of contents - The Table of Contents should be
written up in the manner indicated in Form No. (M) 19, Vol. II.
The Order sheet
A-Order sheet for Sessions Courts
201. Order sheet in Sessions trial - An order sheet in Form
No. (M) 18, Volume II, shall be used in all Sessions trial, and shall
form part of the record of such trial.
Note - 1[Order shall not be written on petitions, reports and similar
documents. The serial number and the date of the order passed on any
petition shall be noted on such petition].
202. Manner of maintaining order sheet - The order sheet shall
contain a complete record of the proceedings from the commencement
to the conclusion of the trial, and every order passed during the trial. It
may be written by the Bench Clerk, but shall be signed, at the end of the
proceedings on each day, as well as on the conclusion of the trial by the
Sessions Judge after he has satisfied himself about the correctness of all
the entries made therein. The order sheet shall invariably be written in
203. Contents of order sheet - It shall contain :
(1) An abstract of the charge or charges.
(2) A note of the fact that charge has been read out and
explained to the accused and a note of his plea.
(3) A note stating by whom the case is opened, and, if any
preliminary objections are taken, the substance of such
objections with the orders passed thereon.
(4) The names of the witnesses for the prosecution, as they
are examined.
(5) Particulars of any documentary evidence, or articles,
admitted in evidence for the prosecution wi th a note, if
any, tendered in evidence and rejected as well as the
order passed.
(6) If the accused has been examined, a note of the fact and
whether on being asked, he has stated that he means to
call Evidence.
(7) A note of the fact that the prosecutor sums up his
case (as the case may be) before, or after any
defence made.
(8) If accused or his pleader addresses the Court a note
of such fact.
(9) The names of any witnesses examined for the
defence, and particulars of any documentary evidence
or articles admitted for the defence.
Inspection of Records
208. Inspection of pending records - No record not deposited in the
Record Room shall be inspected without the permission of the Sessions Judge
or the Magistrate to whose file it appertains.
209. Procedure of inspection of pending records - The Sessions
Judge or the Magistrate may either in his presence or in the presence of the
Registrar, Civil & Sessions Court or the Chief Ministerial Officer allow
inspection of any such record to public officers, pleaders and mukhtars in the
case, subject to the general conditions laid down for inspection of records in the
Record Room (vide Chapter - VI, Rule.230 post).
Preservation and Destruction of Records and
Returns of Exhibits
Note 2 - A note shall be made against each entry in the list of records
mentioned in the proviso to Rule 223 if and when destruction is carried on.
223. Calculation of period of preservation of records - The
period from which the records shall be preserved, such period being
calculated from the date of the final judgment or order in each case, shall be
as follows -
Note - 11[The records of Sessions cases in which sentence of imprisonment
for life has been passed shall be preserved till the lapsed jail warrants and
received back in the concerned Courts].
2[Note - 2 The Records of Narcotic Drugs and Psycho tropic Substances
Act cases, in which the convict is sentenced to undergo imprisonment for 20 years
or more, shall be preserved till the lapsed jail warrants are received in the
concerned Courts"]
Note - The above rules must be read in connection with provisions of Section
5 of the Destruction of Records (Act V of 1917).
Custody and Examination of and Requisitions for
Transmission of Records from one Court to another
229. Custody of disposed of records - The records of decided
cases shall be retained in the Record-rooms of the Courts to which
they appertain or of the superior Court of the district, and shall not
be allowed to pass, out of the custody of the officers of such Courts,
except when called for by superior judicial authority, or required
for the purposes of Order XIII, Rule 10 of the Code of Civil Procedure
by a Civil Court. His improper and inconvenient that records of
the Courts of Justice should be sent to other public officers or
functionaries. If a reference to their contents is required the proper
procedure is ordinarily to obtain copies of the requisite papers.
230. (a) Access to the Record-Rooms - The Record Rooms of
the Criminal Courts are not open to the public generally, but public
officers of the district, including Head Clerks, may, with the permission
of the Sessions Judge or District Magistrate, as the case may be,
be allowed to enter the Record Room, and in the presence of the
Record-Keeper or one of his Assistants deputed for the purpose
and under his control, to examine the record of any specified case,
provided that such entry is made in pursuance of a public purpose.
Pleaders and Mukhtars, duly authorised by any person in
that behalf, may, under similar conditions, and at a place to be
provided for the purpose in the Record-Keeper’s office, examine
any specified record; but in doing so, shall make only brief notes.
231. Time for Inspection of records - The examination of records
by Pleaders shall be allowed only on office days and during such
office hours as the Sessions Judge or District Magistrate may prescribe.
232. Calling for the records - When in the course of proceedings
in a Criminal Court, it becomes necessary to refer to the contents
of public documents deposited in other Courts, the ordinary procedure
is to require copies of them to be filed. It frequently happens, however,
that in the course of a criminal trial the production of an original
record becomes necessary. In such case, the Court where the record
deposited shall comply with the requisition of the Court requiring
it even though the reason given for the production of the original
record may be considered insufficient.
Note - This course should also be followed when no reason if given in the
requisition. If the record required is that of an appeal pending before the Sessions
Judge or the Chief Judicial Magistrate, he should intimate the fact to the officer
making the requisition, and request him to return the record without delay.
(a) If the two Courts are situated in the same station, the record
should be despatched by hand properly packed with a Peon
Book in which a serial number and date should be entered,
and the signature of recipient should be taken. The serial
number and date appearing in the Peon Books should be
reproduced in the remarks column of the Register of records
removed. If requisitioning Court is situated in a different
station, records should be sent by parcel post, the Postage
being paid by means of service stamps.
(b) Records relating to different cases may, if not inconvenient,
be packed in the same parcel, provided such records are
separately tied up.
(c) In the parcel containing a record should be enclosed a
forwarding letter and the cover of the parcel should bear the
distinguishing number and date of that letter.
(d) A letter of advice should be forwarded simultaneously with
the despatch of the parcel by post but separately and by
ordinary letter post and in it the number and date of the
following letter referred to in the preceding clause should be
(e) An acknowledgement should invariably be required from the
Court to which a parcel containing a record has been sent,
and in the event of none being received
the loss or theft has occurred, and he, in turn, shall report the fact to the High
Court and state the steps taken to try and recover the papers missing. The
Presiding Officer of the Court concerned should take personal charge
immediately of their remanents and proceed with the work of construction of
Information and Copies
251. Who can apply for information - Any person may apply for
information from the records and Registers of any Court.
252. Information applied for should be short answers - Information
requiring anything but short answers shall not be given. If any extract from
the record is desired the proper course is to apply for a copy.
253. How application for information is to be dealt with -
After an application for information has been Registered it shall be sent to
the ministerial officer in immediate charge of the record and it shall be the
duty of the latter to note the necessary information and to return the
the application to the Head Comparing Clerk with the least possible delay.
On the applicant's appearance and on his producing the receipt referred to in
Rule 247 above, the application shall be made over to him.
Information will be given in writing in the remarks column of the
application ordinarily on the next open day after its presentation. Urgent
applications. for information will, if possible, be complied with on, the
same day.
254. Supply of copies - A party to criminal proceeding may
at any stage, before or after the disposal of the case, obtain copies
of the records of the case or proceeding including exhibits 1[except
printed or lithographed maps and plan] which have been put in
and finally accepted by the Court as evidence :
Pleader can file an application for certified copy of the order under Rule 254
on behalf of the party if such power is given by the party to make such an application
on his behalf : Bighneswar Patra v. The Officer-in-charge,Copying Section,
Kendrapara Court and another: 2004 (I) OLR 631.
2[254-A. The District Judge while finding any of the copying
sections of his Judgship failing to cope up with the work load and facing
difficulty in making copy within the prescribed period, be may engage a
private Entreprenure to instal a photo copier machine within the Court
premises as a licensee in order to facilitate the parties in securing early
supply of certified copies of documents on his agreeing to abide by the
following terms and conditions:
(A) That he shall work under the control and supervision of the
Court ;
(b) That he will charge at the rate of 50 paise per sheet of photo
copy taken out by his machine;
(c) That he will bear the cost of the photo-copy papers used for
drawal of copy ;
(d) That he will always keep his photo copier machine in order
during working hours on all working days of the Court ;
.3[(e) Copiers as licensees in the premises of various Courts may
take up private work otherwise than entrusted with them by the
(iv) No such fees are required where there is provision for supply
of free copies. The amount collected from the parties be deposited in the
local treasury to facilitate for withdrawal by the District Judge for
purchase of papers and other connected articles and payment of
maintenance charge to the company concerned.
(v) The party desirous of taking certified copies of civil matters by
Xerox process may apply to the District Judge after considering the urgency
of the matter and pendency of the application for urgent criminal matters
may allow to grant of certified copies by Xerox process.
(vi) No private work will be allowed to be done by the
departmental Photo copier machines.
(vii) After installation of departmental Photo copier machines in
their respective judgship may consider to take action against the private
entrepreneurs under Rule 254-A of the G.R. & C.O. (Criminal) Volume-I
for removal of the machine from the Court premises.]
6. The Assistant of the Copying Department in charge of receiving
application for supply of copies shall enter each applications made for
preparation of copy with the aid of a photo copier machine chronologically,
in a separate Register in the following pro forma no sooner all the requisites
are made available and thereafter, he shall take the original document
1. Inserted by C.S.No. 90, IX-5/99, dt. 12.7.1999.
shall take the original document along with the Register and amount
deposited in cash to the operator of the Photo copier machine and get the
photo copy drawn by the operator in his presence and under his
supervision. After drawal of the copy, he shall collect the original
document as also all the copies thereof drawn with the aid of the machine
from the said operator and making him over the charge for preparation of
the-copy. collect his signature in token on payment of the charges in
Column 8 of the Register, maintained in the following pro forma : (See
Page No.l02)
7. After the photo copies of the documents are received in the
Copying Department immediate steps shall be taken for certifying the
copies after erasing the signature and seal of Hon’ble Judges of the High
Court of Orissa, or of the Presiding Officers of the Subordinate Courts if
available upon the photo copies.
8. The Assistant as also the Head Comparing Clerk of the Copying
Department shall draw daily total of the collections and disbursements
indicated in the Register maintained under Sub-rule (6) and sign against
the same in token of correctness of the entries. The Judge-in-charge,
Copying Department shall inspect the Register maintained under Sub-
rule (6) once in a week.]
255. Supply of copies of judgment, etc., to a stranger - A stranger to
criminal proceeding may, after final disposal of the proceeding, obtain
copies of judgment or orders at any time.
256. Restriction to the supply of copies of private documents
to a stranger - A stranger to a proceeding has no right to obtain
copies of private documents except with the consent of the person
by whom they were produced or is successor-in-interest. He may
obtain copies of other documents in which he has an interest including
depositions for bona fide use in the Courts.
1[Note - Copies of police papers and other relevant documents relating
to any accident should be supplied to the claimants instituting cases under
Section 11 O-A of the Motor Vehicles Act.]
2[256-A. Certified copies of the documents collected by the
investigating agency which have linked with the Motor Vehicles
Accident cases shall be granted to the Insurance Company after
following usual procedure for obtaining such copies, in case of
pending proceedings, as, if a case is disposed of, even a third party
can apply for certified copy of document :
Provided that if the case is disposed of in Lok Adalat a copy
of such order be given to Insurance Company in free of cost.]
265. Duty of Head Comparing Clerk - After an application for copy has
been Registered, the Head Typist or the Head Comparing Clerk shall forward
the application to the proper officer who shall at once enter it in a Register to be
kept in Form No.(R) 30, bring out the document to be copied and keep it in
readiness for the estimating of the folios and Court-fee stamps required for the
copy. The Head Typist or the Head Comparing Clerk shall depute a Comparing
Clerk to make the estimate by reference to the original document. The
Comparing Clerk shall enter the amount of Court-fee stamps and the number of
folios required in the space provided for the purposes in the application, sign
and date the entries, make the necessary entry in Column 5 of Register No. (R)
30 and return the completed application to the Head Typist or the Head
Comparing Clerk. The number of folios required should be carefully calculated
so that it may not be necessary to obtain additional folios from the applicant,. a
contingency which ordinarily under a proper system ought never to arise.
Note 1 - The expression “Head· Comparing Clerk” in the rules In this
CHAPTER - includes a Comparing Clerk to whom the functions of the Head
Comparing Clerk have been delegated by the Sessions Judge for the purpose
of these rules.
Note 2 - In outlaying stations where there is only one Comparing Clerk
the estimating of the folios and Court-fee stamps may, if the Judge-in-charge
so directs, be made by the officer to whom the application is forwarded.
266. Notifying folios and stamps - The Head Typist or the Head
Comparing Clerk shall notify the number of folios and Court-fee stamps
required for the copy in the case of each application on the same day, or, at the
latest, on the day following, unless they have already been filed by means of an
entry in the prescribed Register [Form No. (R) 32]. This Register shall be kept
at a convenient place prescribed by the Sessions Judge for public inspection
during such hours as the Judge-in-charge may direct. When the folios or stamps
are deficient, the deficit shall be notified in the same manner. Rejected
applications shall also be shown in this Register.
267. Time for filing folios and stamps - The requisite folios and
stamps shall be filed before the Head Typist or the Head Comparing Clerk
within three days of the giving of the notice prescribed in Rule 271. If
this is not done the application may be rejected. If the application has been
rejected, a note to that effect shall be made against the entry of the
application in the Register No (R) 32. The Comparing Clerk while going
round the offices to make estimates shall take with him the rejected
applications and shown them to the Judge- in-charge who shall sign the
a p p l i c a t i o n s o n t h e r e v e r s e a n d a f t e r
restoring the documents to the proper places make the appropriate entries in
Column 7, 8 and 9 of Register No.(R) 30.
1. Substituted by C.S. No. (IV-21/1992,dt. 18.1.2014)
2. Substituted by C.S. No. (IV-21/1992,dt. 18.1.2014)
3. Substituted by C.S. No. (IV-21/1992,dt. 18.1.2014)
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. I
268. Procedure for supply of Court-fees folios by the applicants
_ The applicants should file along with the f olics a list showing the number
and date of the application, the name of the apphcant
and the number of folios filed. Court-fee stamps tor either copying
fees or for value of forms or tracing cloth should be noted. Before
they are made over to the copyist, the lists and papers should
be stitched to the respective original applications, should be compared
with the reports of the Copyists on the back of the applications
and should be initiated by the Judge-in-charge as a token of the
fact that the correct number of folios, plain paper and Court-fees
of required value, as reported by the Copyists, have been filed.
269. Additional folios - If.the folios supplied by the applicant
fall short of the actual requirement, additional folios should be
called for. The additional folios should be filed during the prescribed
hours with a list in the same manner as ordinary folios are filed,
and before they are distributed to the Copyists concerned. The
list stitched with the original application, should be. compared
with the report of the Copyist and initiated by the Judge-in-charge.
The ministerial officer attending the Court Officer Room oi the
Judge-in-charge will enter them in the prescribed Register. A receipt
for them should be given on the counterfoil as prescribed by the rules.
270. Distribution of completed applications among Copyists
or Typists - After the requirements of Rules 1[266, 267 and 268] are
complied with and the applications satisfy all conditions for copying, the
*Head Typist or the Head Comparing Clerk 2[in out-lying stations and
Head Typist in the District Headquarters Stations] will distribute the
completed applications for copying among the Copyists and Typists
indicating the date by which copy should be made ready. 1[The Head
Typist or the Head Comparing Clerks in the Out-lying Stations and the
Head Typists or the Head Comparing Clerk in the Head quarters Stations]
will maintain a Register in Form No. (R) 33 inwhich he should enter the
distribution of applications aforesaid. Each\type folios shall contain 180
words in English or partly in English and partly in vernacular or 240 words
in vernacular, four figures counting as one word.
271. Copying of document written in language or character not
known to the Copyist/Typists - When an application is made for the
copy of any document in a language or character which the
Copyists/Typists are not acquainted, the Judge-in-charge shall arrange,
if possible, for a copy to be made thereof and compared with the original
by such persons acquainted with the aforesaid language or character as
1. Substituted by C.S.No. 79, IX-3/96, dt. 28.5.1998.
2. Added ibid.
* Substituted by IV-21/92,dt.18.1.2014
* Substituted by IV-21/92,dt.18.1.2014
* Substituted by IV-21/92,dt.18.1.2014
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. I
Are forthcoming and may in his opinion be relied upon for the purpose.
272. Comparing - When a copy required in respect of an application
is completed, it will be made over by the Copyist/Typist concerned
together with all unused folios and the original documents to the *Head
Typist or the Head Comparing Clerk. The prepared copy shall, at the end
bear the initial of the Copyist/Typist and the date of copying/typing. The
*Head Typist or the Head Comparing Clerk will distribute the prepared
copies among the comparers for comparing by the time and date fixed by
the former. The prepared copies together with the documents, unused
folios, etc. should be returned by the comparers concerned, after
comparing to the *Head Typist or the Head Comparing Clerk. Every page of
the compared copy will be initiated by the comparers in token of
comparison. All cuttings and corrections made during comparision will
initiated by the comparers. On the completion of comparision the
comparers will put with signature and the date at the footof the last page
of the copy. On no account any alterations or erasure are to be made in
any copy. A mistake must be scored through, initialled and the correct
entry made above it. All movements of prepared copies to and from the
comparers should be noted in a Register in Form No. (R) 34 to be
maintained by the *Head Typist or the Head Comparing Clerk.
273. Preparation of ordinary copies should not suffer on
account of urgent copies - Care should be taken to ensure that application
for copies for which expedition fees have not been paid do not materially
suffer on account of grant of urgent copies.
274. Delivery of copies - All copies ready for delivery shall be
entered day by day between 2 and 3 P.M. or in the case of morning sitting
between 9 and 10 - A.M. in a Register in Form No. (R) 35 which shall be
placed outside for public inspection. The copies shall be made over in
open Court in the presence of the Judge-in-charge, the appropriate entries
in the Register being at the same time struck out and initiated by the
officer in whose presence the copy is delivered.
Note - Loose forms of the above Register may also be used for the
purpose and posted up on the Notice-board.
275. Return of receipt by applicant - When the copy is delivered
to the applicant, his receipt therefor with the date will be taken on the
counter-foil which should at the same time be given up. Unused folios and
stamps returned with the copy should be noted by the applicant in the
receipt taken as above from him. To counterfoil will be kept attached to
the application. If the counterfoil is missing or lost, the Judge-in-charge
after satisfying himself about the identity of the applicant, may take his
receipt on the application and deliver the copy.
1. Substituted by C.S.No. 107, of dt. 18.1.2014.
* Substituted by IV-21/92,dt.18.1.2014
* Substituted by IV-21/92,dt.18.1.2014
* Substituted by IV-21/92,dt.18.1.2014
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. I
Note 1 - The above certificate shall not be given on a blank sheet. If the last
has been fully taken up by the copy, the certificate may be given on its reverse.
The entries shall be made by the examiner of the copy. A rubber stamp
may be used for the form of these particulars.
289. Full particulars of the names and address of all the parties
to a case must be invariably stated in the certified copies of judgments
an d orders.
290. Incomplete copy to be made ready on fresh application with extra
stamps, folios - In any case in which the application is rejected on account of
the failure of the applicant to furnish the extra stamps and folios within the
prescribed period, the applicant may present a fresh application together with
the extra stamps and folios, whereupon the incomplete copy shall be made
ready for delivery. Where the application relates to a number of documents
from one record and from one record and copies of some of the
Documents are complete, the applicant may at his choice take delivery of
these documents after filing a memo to that effect.
291. Time for granting ordinary copies - In ordinary circumstances
a copy shall be furnished not later than 4 P.M. or 10 A.M. as the case may be on
the fifth open day after the application.
292. Time for granting urgent copies - Urgent copies should be
furnished on the day of the application and where this is not possible on day.
following :-
Note - No application is complete stamps until the necessary and folios have
been filed. When these are not filed, with the period referred to in this rule it will be
reckoned from the date of their being filed.
293. Copy of running deposition - Every application for copies of
depositions in a case which is being .heard shall be laid before the Presiding
Officers for such orders as he in his discretion may make. If such Officer so
directs so much of the deposition shall each day be given to the *Head Typist
or the Head Comparing Clerk as there is a reasonable hope or being copied in
the course of the day. The *Head Typist or the Head Comparing Clerk shall
return the deposition to the Bench Clerk at the close of the day.
Subject always to (a) the precedence which must invariably be given to
applications on which an expedition fee has been paid and (b) delay occurring
as a consequence in respect of ordinary applications of an earlier date, such
copies will ordinarily be issued on the same day or the following day .
294. Copy during summer vacation - Application for copies both
urgent and ordinary, should be entertained and complied with during the
period of Summer Vacation. For this purpose, the Judge-in-charge of the
copying section should make necessary arrangements to retain necessary
staff during the Vacation.
1[295. Daily outturn - Daily outturn for Typists and Copyists
working both on Civil and Criminal sides should at least be 2(50) folios in
type and 2[30] folios in handscript respectively. For Typists and Copyists
engaged in preparation of briefs and copies of case diaries the daily outturn
should be at least 3[35] pages of typed material and 3[20] pages manuscript
respectively, each page containing 180 words. When the whole-time of a
Typist or Copyist is not covered according to the above standard outturn he
may he employed in other office work.]
Process and other fees
Concerned Court to decide whether process fee is chargeable -
Rules framed by the High Court of Judicature, Orissa under Clause (ii) of
Section 20 of the Court-fees Act, chargeable for the service and
execution of processes issued by the Criminal Courts.
Note 1 - These rules do not apply to the service and execution of
processes in the case of cognizable offences and no fee can legally be charged for
the issues of process in the case of a cognizable offence, whether the case be
instituted on complaint or not.
The question whether fees are chargeable in any particular case should
be determined by the Court with reference to the Section of the -Indian Penal
Code or other law relating to the offence in respect of which it directs process
to issue, whatever the Section of the Indian Penal Code or other law may be
quoted in the complaint.
Note 2 - Under Clause XVIII of Section 19 of the Court-fees Act, VII of
1870, no Court-fee is liveable on a complaint preferred by Municipal Officer.
Court-fee should, however, be levied for processes issued in non-cognizable
cases instituted by such officers.
296. Rates of process fee - The fee hereinafter mentioned shall be
changeable for serving and executing the processes to which the fees are
respectively attached ; viz.-
R. P.
(2) The boat hire and ferry toll charge shall be paid by the Court
executing process from its special permanent advance to the process server
entrusted with the service of process.
298. Costs of process fee to be realised from the accused when
convicted - No fee shall be chargeable in advance on any process of a
Criminal Court in any case where the prosecution is on the part of
Government, but it shall be competent to any Court in such case, if the
accused is convicted, to order that such fee shall be paid up by the accused, or
any of them, in like manner as if such fees had been paid by the prosecutor in
the first instance.
299. Application for issue of process to be duly stamped - No
process which comes within the operation of Rule 296 shall be drawn up for
service or execution except upon an application made to the Court for that
purpose in writing on a document bearing upon its face stamps not less in
amount than the fee which is directed to be charged for serving and executing
the process so sought to be drawn up. This application may however, at the
option of the party making it, be included in the petition by which he moved
the Court to order the process to issue, but in that case the petition must bear
the requisite stamps for the process fee, in addition to
such stamps, if any, as are needed for its own validity ; and in
either case the filing of the application, thus duly stamped. Shall constitute
payment of the fee chargeable for the process.
300. No process fee chargeable for realisation of costs and
compensation - Cost awarded under Section 359, Criminal Procedure
Code and compensation awarded under Section 250 and 255(1) and (2) of
the Code of Criminal Procedure shall be realised by Courts of . their own
motion, and without payment or recovery of process fee.
301. When witness to pay costs of proclamation - When a
proclamation has been issued for an absent witness, if the Court shall be of
opinion that such witness had absconded or concealed himself for the
purpose of avoiding the service of warrant upon him, such Court may order
the witness to pay the cost of proclamation.
302. No fees for process issued by the Court of its own motion - No
fee shall be chargeable for service and executing any process, such as a notice
rule, summons or warrant of arrest, which may be issued by any Court of its
own motion solely for the purpose of taking cognizance of, and punishing any
act done or words spoken in contempt of its authority.
Extracts from orders of the Government of Orissa under
Section 35 of the Court-fees Act
303. In exercise of the powers conferred by Section 35 the Court-fees
Act, 1870 (VII of 1870) as amended by the Orissa Court-fee (Amendment)
Act, 1939 (Orissa Act V of 1939), and in supersession of all previous
notifications on the subject, heretofore in force in any part of the Province,
the Governor of Orissa is pleased to make in the Province of Orissa the
reduction and remission hereinbefore set forth in fees liveable under
Schedules I and II to the said Act, Namely:-
(6) to remit the fees chargeable on security bonds for the keeping
peace by, or good behaviour or persons other than the executants ;
(7) to remit the fees chargeable under Articles 6, 7 and 9 of
Schedule I on copies furnished by Civil or Criminal Courts or Revenue
Courts or offices for the private use of persons applying for them :
Provided that nothing in this clause shall apply to copies when
filed, exhibited or recorded in any Court of Judicial or received by any
public officer.
(8) to remit the fees chargeable under paragraph 4 of Clause
(a) and paragraph 2 of Clause (b) of Article I of Schedule II on
applications for orders for the payments of deposits in cases in which the
deposit does not exceed Rs. 25 in amount:
Provided that the application is made within three months of the
date on which the deposit first became payable to the party making
the application;
(12) to remit the fees chargeable on the following documents,
namely :-
(c) Copy or translation of judgment in a case other than a summons
case when the copy of translation is given under Section 363 of the
Criminal Procedure Code to an accused person
(d) Copy or translation of the judgment in a summons case when
the accused person to whom the copy or translation is given under Section
363 of the said Code is in jail.
(e) Copy of an order of maintenance when the copy is given
under Section 490 of the said Code to the person in whose favor the
order is made, or to the person to whom the allowance is to be paid.
(f) Copy furnished to any person affected by a judgment or order
passed by a Criminal Court, deposition or other part of the record when
the copy is not a copy which may be granted under any of the preceding
sub-clauses without the payment of a fee, but is a copy which on its being
applied for under Section 363 of the said Code, the Judge or Magistrate
for some special reason to be recorded by him on the copy, thinks fit to
furnish without any such payment.
(g) Copies of all documents furnished under the orders of any Court
or Magistrate to any Government Advocate or Pleader or other person
specially empowered in that behalf for the purpose of conducting any
trial or investigation on the part of the Government before any Criminal
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. I
Note- No searching
fee to be charged
to Pleaders for look-
ing at the record
of pending cases.
Note-(2) Records
called for in
connection with
original case or
appeal will be
treated as a part of
the record of such
case or appeal.
fee stamps to be
affixed across the
perfora ted line
on the top of the
impressed stamp
of the folio.
per record to be paid in Court-fee stamps for transmission of the record and
its re-transmission.
310.Appointment of officers for cancellation of stamp - Each Judicial
Officer should under Section 30 of the Court-Fees Act VII of 1870,
formally appoint an officer for the purpose of cancelling stamps and should
see that officer, and no other is allowed to do the work.
(b) These directions apply only to adhesive labels used under the
Court-fees Act. Impressed stamps used for denoting Court-fees need not be
cancelled or punched otherwise than as required by Section 30 of the
Court-fees Act.
314. Square punching of copies, certificates, etc. - 2[The Court or
office receiving copies, certificates or other similar documents liable to
liable to stamp duty shall, on receipt cancel the levels affixed to them by
punching out the figure-head with a round punch. As an additional
precaution the Clerk-in-charge of the Register of Petitions and Court-fees
shall when entering the value of the Court-fee stamps in the said Register,
put his signature with date across the label and upon the paper on either
side of it, as is frequently done by persons signing stamped receipts.
Note - Stamps affixed to affidavits presented to a Commissioner for the
purpose of administering an oath or affirmation to the deponent, shall be
cancelled by punching out with a square punch, a portion of the stamp in such a
manner as to remove neither the figure-head nor the part of the stamp upon
which the value is expressed.]
315. Inspection of documents by Judicial Officers - Each Presiding
Officer should cause an occasional inspection to be made of documents
that have been filed in order to ascertain that the stamps have been properly
punched and defaced and have not been subsequently removed from the
documents on which they have been used. The inspection should be made
at least once a quarter. The check herein prescribed applies equally to all
papers which require adhesive label, and they should be subjected to
similar scrutiny.
316. Expenses to acquitted prisoners - 1[Sessions Judges and
Magistrates may grant travelling and subsistence allowances to prisoners
who have been acquitted or discharged and released from custody by them
and to prisoners who having been arrested under Section 340 of the Code
of Criminal Procedure are subsequently released at the following rate to
enable them to return to their villages:
Provided. that such prisoners reside at a distance of more than
“eight kilometer” from the place where they are released from custody and
are not possessed of sufficient means to return to their village.
Dormant File
326. Dormant file - Records of the following categories of cases shall
be transferred to the “Dormant File” and from the date of such transfer they
shall not be shown in any periodical returns.
(a) 1[All cases where action has been taken under Sections 82 and 83
Criminal Procedure Code and evidence of witnesses, if any, for the
prosecution has been recorded under Section 299 of the Code of Criminal
(b) In cases where during a period of one year from the first date of
issue of process, repeated attempts to serve summons and warrants have
failed on account of the fact that the whereabouts of the accused is not known
and the prosecution is unable to furnish any further particulars about the
whereabouts of the accused.
(c) In police cases where action under Sections 82 and 83, Criminal
Procedure Code has been taken, but the proclamation and attachment
have not been affected by the police during a period of three months from the
date of issue of such proclamation and attachment.
2[(d) Where the address of the accused is not furnished by the
prosecution within a period of three months from the date of institution of the
327. After the appearance or the production of the accused, the
concerned 3[Court of Session or] Magistrate would call for the record from
the Dormant file and shall proceed with the case according to law in its
original number and thereafter show the case in the periodical returns.
328. 4[The Sessions Judge shall maintain a Common Register of
cases transferred to the Dormant file in Form No.(R) 26 and in the
Register, the cases transferred by him to the Dormant file and also the
cases transferred by Additional Sessions Judges and Assistant Sessions
Judges in his jurisdiction shall be entered date wise. It shall be the
duty of Additional Sessions Judges and Assistant Sessions Judges in
the Sessions Division to supply necessary information to the Sessions
Judge on the very date they transfer any case to the Dormant file.
The Sub divisional Judicial Magistrate shall similarly maintain
a common Register of cases transferred to the Dormant file in Form
No.(R) 26 and the cases transferred by him and also the cases transferred by
other Judicial Magistrates of the Station to be entered in the
Dormant file date wise. It shall be the duty of other Magistrates to
supply necessary information on the very date they transfer any
case to the Dormant file.]
329. 5[At the time of transferring a record to the Dormant file
necessary entries with the date shall be made in the remarks column in the
Register of Sessions Cases when the records relate to a case on the file of the
1. Substituted by C.S.No. 19-XlIX-D 46/82, dt. 13.1.1983.
2. Added by C.S. No.41-IX-2/85, dt. 26.6.1985.
3. Added by C.S. No.20-XlIX-D-46/82, dI.13.1.1983.
4. Substituted by C.S.No.21-XLlX-D-46/82, dI.13.1.1983.
5. Substituted by C.S.No. 22-XLlX-D 46/82, dt. 13.1.1983.
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. I
Sessions Court and in the primary and trial Registers if the records relate to a
case on the file of the Magistrate for facilitating the tracing out of the record
when necessary.]
330. Cases received or disposed of by transfer - It is not intended
that any case should be entered in the returns as received or disposed of by
transfer unless the transfer was from one district to another, or from one kind
of Court to another, as for example from a Civil or Revenue Court under
Section 346 of the Criminal Procedure Code. A note should always be made in
the column of remarks of the number, in any, of cases and persons transferred
to, received from places outside the jurisdiction of the High Court as this
information is required in order to the compilation of the returns for the whole
State. Cases received or disposed. of by transfer should not be shown under
Column 3, ‘brought to trial’ or Columns 5 and 6. 'Disposed of' of the criminal
statement in Form No. (S) 3 but same should be included or excluded from
Column 4 under the heading “Total for disposal” with a note in the
“Remarks” column against each Court indicating the number of cases
received by transfer or transferred to the Courts.
331. Cases referred and received in reference - The columns
headed ‘Referred” “and” Received on reference” are meant to exhibit
cases in which an enquiry or trial has been held, and the proceedings
of the Court are submitted for confirmation, or the orders of, a
higher Tribunal; for example cases submitted by Subordinate Magistrates
under Sections 323 and 325, by District Magistrate, etc., under Section
122 and by Sessions Judges under Section 366 of the Criminal Procedure
Code. Mere reference for trial under Section 192 are not to be entered in these
columns, nor in the columns exhibiting transfers; they are to be entered
against the Court which decided them, and not against the Court which may
have merely received the complaint.
332. Cases submitted for confirmation or orders - Cases of the kind
alluded to above, in which the proceeding of one Court are submitted for the
confirmation or orders of another, will, like cases committed to the Sessions,
find entry in the returns of both Courts. The persons concerned will appear in
the returns of the referring Courts not as convicted but as ‘referred’. In the
returns of the Court receiving the references, they will be shown as convicted,
acquitted, etc. according to the result of the reference in each case, or as
‘pending’ if orders have not been passed on it.
333. Duration of cases - In calculating the duration of cases before
Magistrate, time is to be counted in police cases from the date of supply of
police papers to all the accused and in complaint cases from the date of
appearance of all the accused.
statement a certificate under his signature to the effect that cases shown as
disposed of on contest were all of real contest and that regular judgments were
delivered in those cases. The Chief Judicial Magistrate should after verification of
these certificates personally make a note in the consolidated statement that the
same has been duly furnished by the Subordinate Magistrates under him.
345. Balance sheet of fines - A quarterly balance sheet of fines in Form
No. (S) 3-E shall be prepared in book kept for the purpose. The balance sheet
of fine should contain a certificate signed both by the Judicial Officer and
Treasury Officer concerned to the effect that the total of the realised fines,
plus the balance in hand of the preceding quarter minus the amount, credited
as criminal deposit and the balance in hand, has been brought to the credit in
the Treasury Account. It shall be the duty of the Treasury Officer to scrutinies
the balance sheet of criminal fines prepared by the Judicial Magistrates
immediately after its receipt by him and to return the same within a week from
the date of its receipt. A copy of each subdivisional balance sheet of criminal
fines must be sent to the Chief Judicial Magistrate within 10th of the month
succeeding the quarter to which it relates and the balance sheet of the Sadar
Station ought to be ready within the same time. A general district balance
sheet in the form prescribed (S) 3-E shall be sent to the Sessions Judge by the
15th of the month succeeding the quarter. Along with the quarterly balance
sheet of fines, the Judicial Magistrates, shall furnish a list of cases in which
retaliation of fine has been stayed indicating therein the number and year of
the appeal or revision in which orders for stay of retaliation of fine has been
made. The Chief Judicial Magistrate shall prepare a consolidated list of such
cases for the entire district and submit the same to the Sessions
Judge along with the general district balance sheet. The Sessions fudge shall
examine the correctness of the balance sheet of fines and the list of cases in
which retaliation of fine has been stayed and after making necessary
correction, if any, shall transmit the same to the High Court by the 25th of the
month with his comments.
346. Half-yearly statement of irrecoverable fines - The Judicial
Magistrates shall submit a half-yearly statement of irrecoverable fines
written off by Chief Judicial' Magistrate to him (the Chief Judicial
Magistrates) in Form No. (S) 3-H who shall submit the same to the High
Court through the Sessions Judge. Such statements should be submitted by
the Judicial Magistrates to the Chief Judicial Magistrates by the 10th of the
month succeeding the half-year to which it relates to. The Chief Judicial
Magistrate shall submit the same to the Sessions Judge by the 5th of that
month and the Sessions Judge shall forward the same to the Court with his
comments, if any, by the 25th of that month.
To that effect must be given by them under their signature in the remarks
column of the return.
356. Annual Statement - Most of the annual statements can be readily
compiled from the statistical and other Registers. In the case of others it is
essential that the requisite information should be collected from time to time
so as to be available without delay at the close of the year. In the latter case, the
Chief Judicial Magistrates .and District Magistrates must take care that the
proper officers of their own Court and of the Courts subordinates to them
collect the information at convenient intervals.
357. Channel of submission of annual statement - District
Magistrates shall submit their annual statement direct to the High Court. The
Chief Judicial Magistrate shall submit such statements to the High Court
through the Sessions Judge.
Annual Reports
358. Annual reports - Sessions Judges and District Magistrates
shall submit to the High Court along with the annual statements, a Report for
the year to which they refer upon the Administration of Criminal Justice. The
Form No.(S) 11 shall be incorporated in their reports by Sessions Judges and
District Magistrates. Sessions Judges and District Magistrates should be
careful to secure a correspondence between the figures given in the Table in
the body of their reports and those contained in the annual statements
submitted by them, and they are expected to see that no discrepancies occur in
this regard.
359. Contents of report - The Court do not consider it necessary to
prescribe the use of any particular form of Report; but the Report,
in whatever form, should contain such remarks as they consider
fit on a consideration of the figures entered in the statements.
Any great variation between the result exhibited for the year under
report and for the previous year should receive notice and be explained,
if possible.
360. Additional information - Amongst other matters, the following
must be noticed in the report :
(a) The condition of the Record Room which must be ascertained by
careful personal enquiry and not from the mere report of the Record Keeper.
Note - The Court will not be satisfied with a mere cursory mention but
require. clear description of the statement of the Record Room and the date up to
which the records have been stored or destroyed so that it may appear without
doubt that this duty has not been neglected.
(b) The extent to which effect has been given to the rule regarding
arrangement of the records in the course of the trial and rules regarding the
destruction of useless records.
(c) The working of the rules under the Court-fees Act.
(d) The effect of recent Legislation on the working of the Criminal
Inspection of Courts & Officers
361. Inspection by Sessions Judge - 1[Sessions Judge shall inspect
once in two years each of the Courts of Judicial Magistrates and also inspect
the Courts of the Chief Judicial Magistrate once in a year in his Sessions
Division and submit the report of his inspection to the High Court. Ordinarily,
such inspection in the outlying stations should be made at the time of
inspection of the Court of Civil Judge (Jr. Division)] or Civil Judge (Sr.
Division)] of such station.]
362. Inspection of the Courts of Executive Magistrates - When
convenient, as for instance during any vacation, not availed of, or at the time
of inspecting the Courts of Judicial Magistrates of 2[Civil Judge (Junior
Division)], the Sessions Judge should visit the Courts of Executive
Magistrates (Excluding District Magistrates). His inspection of these Courts
should be of a general character and directed rather to judicial than executive
363. Inspection by Chief Judicial Magistrates - The Chief Judicial
Magistrates shall inspect the Courts of the Judicial Magistrates subordinate
to them quarterly, half-yearly or annually as may be specified by the Court
from time to time. These inspections should be detailed and should amongst
other matters, be directed to the Following:
(1) Proper maintenance of all important Registers.
(2) Proper arrangement of records.
(3) Punctual submission of periodical statements.
(4) Examination of records of pending cases specially the
year old ones.
(5) Rash issue of process to the accused.
(6) Undue detention of witnesses.
(7) Adequacy of examination of accused.
(8) Framing of charges.
1. Substituted by C.S.No. 93 - (XLlX-D-7/2004. Dt. 17.5.2005).
2. Substituted by C.S.No. 93 - IX-1/95, dt. 31.10.1995
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. I
pro forma given in Appendix VIII and place the same before the
Inspecting Officer.
371. Sessions Judge’s authorisation to Chief Judicial Magistrate
for inspection of some branches - The Sessions Judge may authorise
Chief Judicial Magistrates at headquarters station to inspect the Nizarat,
Record Room, Accounts and Copying Department once a quarter so far as
they relate to criminal side. The Chief Judicial Magistrates posted at
stations other than the headquarters of the Sessions division may likewise
be authorised to inspect the aforesaid departments of those stations. The
Chief Judicial Magistrate would forward the notes of inspection prepared
by him to the Sessions Judge who would pass necessary orders thereon.
Note - These inspections would be in addition to the inspection required
to be done by the Registrar, Civil and Sessions Courts and Sheristadars.
Registration of Pleader’s and Mukhtar’s Registered Clerks
the fact that he does not possess the qualification mentioned in Clauses
(a), (b) and (c) (1) above, be re-Registered as such Clerk.
382. Disqualification - A person suffering from any infectious,
contagious disease or who has been convicted of any offences involving
moral turpitude or is an undischarged insolvent or has ever been
declared a tout shall not be Registered as a Legal Practitioner's
383. Registering authority - At Sadar Stations, the Registering
authority shall be the Chief Judicial Magistrate in the case of Clerks
of Mukhtars, ordinarily practising in the Magisterial Courts, and
the District Judge in all other cases. In the outlying stations, such
authority shall be the principal Civil Court. When there is more
than one Civil Court of the same grade at any such station, the
power shall be exercised by the senior officer unless the District
Judge otherwise directs.
384. Contents of the application - (a) Every application for
the registration of a Clerk shall be made to the Registering authority
by the Pleader or Mukhtar desiring to employ him. It shall also be
signed by the Clerk proposed to be employed.
(b) Such application shall be on plain paper and shall contain:-
(i) A certificate from the Pleader or Mukhtar that the person
proposed is to the best of his belief fit to be so employed and
would be employed bona fide for his own service and for the
purpose of the legal business ;
(ii) The name or names of the Registered Clerks, if any,
under him ;
(iii) A statement declaring that he has no un Registered Clerk and
an undertaking not to employ any such Clerk during the
year ;
(iv) A written undertaking from the proposed Clerk to the effect
that during the continuance of his serving as such Registered
Clerk he shall not write any deed or document for any person
other than the clients of his master.
385. Manner of disposal of the application - The Registering
authority on receiving the application may (1) dispose of it at once when
the person proposed is known to it; or (2) refer it to the Bar Association or
the Mukhtars’ Association, as the case may be, for their opinion; or (3)
make such other enquiry as it thinks necessary.
386. Manner of registration - When the Registering authority is
of the opinion that the person proposed is fit and proper person to be
employed as a Registered Clerk he shall enter his name in the register of
Clerks Form No. (R) 22 and issue to him a 1 [Laminated Photo Identity]
card in Form No. (R) 98. These cards shall be strictly non-transferable and
shall be returned 2[after 3 years] when Clerks must be re-Registered
387. Copy of the Register to the District Judge - Each
Registering authority shall at the beginning of the year send a copy of its
Register and of all subsequent alterations and additions therein
immediately after they are made to the District Judge who shall maintain a
Register of all Registered Clerks within his jurisdiction containing the
name, father's name and residential address of each Registered Clerk and
the name of the Pleader under whom he is employed. Such Register shall
be maintained in Form No. (R) 22.
388. Renewal of the application - 3[Application for renewal of
licence shall be made to the concerned Registering authority 4[after
3 years]. The said application shall be accompanied by the old licence and
a written consent of the Legal Practitioner who has already engaged or
proposed to engage the applicant as his Clerk 5[One pass-port size
photograph and a copy of challan receipt bearing Rs. 50 duly deposited in
the concerned Court]. The application shall also contain the particulars as
laid down in Rule 384. The renewal shall not ordinarily be refused. If
refused, the reasons, therefor shall be recorded in writing by the
Registering authority. The renewed licence, if not received by the
concerned Clerk, shall be destroyed by the end of the following March.
Note - No card which has been lost can be renewed without payment
of fee of Re. 1 to the credit to the Government the same fee shall also be levied
while a Pleader or Mukhtar applied for registration of a Clerk in place of another
unless he gives up the card of such other Clerk.]
389. Cancellation of the card - Whenever a Pleader or Mukhtar
ceases to employ a Registered Clerk he shall notify the fact to the
Registering authority. Registering authority shall thereupon order
the removal of such Registered Clerk's name from the Register
and cancel the card and notify the same. On such notification of
cancellation, the Clerk shall surrender the card to the Registering
authority. He shall, however, have the liberty of applying for continuance
or renewal of the card, if he secures employment under another
Legal Practitioner. In such an event, he should produce written
consent of the said other Legal Practitioner to employ him.
I swear that I will well and truly interpret, translate and explain
all questions and answers, and all such matters as .the Court may
require me to interpret, translate and explain
So help me God.
I solemnly declare that I will well and truly interpret, translate,
and explain all questions and answers, and all such matters as the
Court may require me to interpret, translate, or explain.
of Section 549 of the said Code to the authority specified in the said
(7) (i ) When an accused person has been delivered by the
Magistrate under Rules (5) and (6), the Commanding Officer of the
accused or the competent Military, Naval or Air Force authority, as the
case may be, shall, as soon as may be, inform the Magistrate whether
the accused has been tried by a Court martial or the effectual
proceedings have been taken or ordered to be taken against him.
(ii) When the Magistrate has been informed under Sub-rule
(1) that the accused has not been tried or other effectual proceedings
have not been taken or ordered to be taken against him, the Magistrate
shall report the circumstances to the State Government which may,
in consultation with the Central Government, take appropriate steps to
ensure that the accused person is dealt with in accordance with law.
(8) Notwithstanding anything in the foregoing rules, where it
comes to the notice of a Magistrate that a person subject to Military,
Naval, or Air Force law has committed an offence, proceedings in
respect of which ought to be instituted before him and that the
presence of such person cannot be procured except through Military,
Naval or Air Force authorities, the Magistrate may be a written
notice required the Commanding Officer of such person either to
deliver such person to a Magistrate to be named in the said notice for
being proceeded against according to law, or to stay the proceedings
against such person before the Court martial, if since instituted, and to
make a reference to the Central Government for determination as to
the Court before which proceedings should be instituted.
(9) Where a person subject to Military, Naval or Air Force law
has committed an offence which, in the opinion of competent Military,
Naval or Air Force authority, as the case may be, ought to be tried by a
Magistrate in accordance with the civil l-aw in force or where the
Central Government has, on a reference mentioned in Rule (8),
decided that proceedings against such person should be instituted
before a Magistrate, the Commanding Officer of such person shall
after giving a written notice to the Magistrate concerned deliver such
person under proper escort to that Magistrate.
Probation of Offenders Act
412. Register of probation of offenders - All Criminal Courts
except the Court of Executive Magistrate shall maintain a Register of
probation of offenders in Form No. (R) 40 in which cases of all,
persons dealt with under the provisions of Probation of Offenders Act
shall be entered.
hand of the cashier must be included in the cash-book. They will not
appear in the treasury accounts, but a statement in Form No. (A) 6-A
showing the gross amount of receipts and disbursements during the
month must be sent to the treasury on the last working day of each
month of incorporation in the treasury accounts for the same month.
1[Note - Fractions of a rupee shall be brought into accounts by rounding
off to the nearest rupee, i.e. fractions of 50 paise and above to be rounded off to
the next higher rupee and the fractions of less than 50 paise to be ignored.]
Payment of Money
430. Application for payment - Persons desiring to draw money
deposit in Court, and payable to them shall submit to the Chief
Ministerial Officer of the Court under whose order the money was
tendered, an application in Form No. (A) 2 Criminal. One copy of
such form shall be supplied free of charge. In this form the applicant
shall enter all particulars necessary for the identification of the credit.
If it is intended to withdraw more than a single item of deposit made
in the same case by one application, the number or date and amount of
each deposit must be distinctly stated. Separate applications are
necessary when cases are different.
Note 1 - If the party entitled to the money does not appear in person,
the applicant must satisfy the Court that he is duly authorised, by an
instrument in writing, to draw the money for the person so entitled.
2. The applicant must comply strictly with the terms of the order under
which the money is claimed.
that date shall lapse absolutely, and Treasury Officers are forbidden to
cash after the 31st March, orders issued on or before that date. An
order which has lapsed under this clause cannot be renewed but a new
order may be obtained upon delivering up the old order and making a
fresh application under Rule 430
Note - Judges and Magistrates should warn persons who apply for orders
at the end of March to be effect of this rule, and tell them to wait till April 1st
unless they mean to cash immediately any order that they may obtain.
(d) Immediately after 31st day of March in each year, the Judge-
in-charge and Magistrate-in-charge shall ascertain that payment orders
issued on or before that date are still uncashed, and shall mark them
off under their initial in the Registers (1) of payment order and (2) of
deposit receipts, as “cancelled under Rule 437 (c)”.
Lapsed Deposits
438. Lapsed deposits - (1) When an application is made to draw
money at credit under a deposit which has lapsed under Rule 463 but
the payment of which is otherwise unobjectionable, the application
shall be made in Form No. (A) 2 and the procedure prescribed in Rule
431 above shall be followed after which the Accountant shall prepare
a special form of application in Form No.(A) 3 Criminal, which, when
passed by the Judge-in-charge, after the examination prescribed by
Rule 435, shall be dealt with under Rule 466.
(2) At the time of passing the application in Form No.(A) 3, the
Judge-in-charge or Magistrate-in-charge as the case may be shall have
an endorsement written on the back of the application in Form No.(A)
2 to the following effect : -
“Certified that an application to the Accountant-General in
Form no. (A) 3 has been prepared and passed by me on (date).
(Signed) X.Y.
Judge-in-charge / Magistrate-in-charge”
Refunds under heads (c) to (9) of Rule 418
439. (a) Refund under heads (b) to (g) - When an application
is made for the refund)of fine or a miscellaneous receipt under heads
(b) and (d) to (f) of Rule 418 the payment order shall be prepared by
the Accountant in Form No. (A) 4 after checking the application by a
reference to the Find Register or Miscellaneous Receipt Register and
the Judge-in-charge or Magistrate-in-charge as the case may be at the
time of passing the Refund Order, shall note the repayment against the
entry of the receipt in such Register. The Payment Order shall also be
noted in the Register of Payment Order Form NO.(A) 9 and installed
by the Judge-in-charge or the Magistrate-i-charge as the case may be.
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. I
(3) When a money order is issued under Clause (b) of the notice
referred to in Sub-rule (1), the purpose of the remittance
should be stated briefly by the Treasury Officer on the
acknowledgment portion of the money order in continuation
of the printed entry there “Received the sum specified above
on ..............” sufficient space being left below the
manuscript entry thus made for the signature or thumb
impression of the payee. The amount of the money order
should not be remitted in cash to the Post Office but the
Treasury Officer should send a money order form duly. filled
in together with a certificate that the amount of the order and
the money order fee thereon have been credited to the Post
Office in the treasury account by per contra transfer. The
Post Office will accept the money order on the authority of
the Treasury Officer’s certificate.
(4) On receipt of the money order acknowledgment duly
signed by the payee, it should be attached to the usual
receipt in Form 13 or 31 as the case may be, in which the full
amount of the refund and the deduction made here from on
account of the money order fee should be shown clearly; the
receipt will then be disposed of in the usual way. The
Accounts Department will accept such voucher with the
money order acknowledgment as a valid receipt for the full
amount of the refund entered therein.
441. Each item of payment order to be connected with Courts
debit in the treasury - In so far as concerns the accounts system, it is
invariably necessary to trace each item of payment under the Court’s
orders back, to its corresponding item of receipt; in other words to
connect each item of a Court’s debit in the treasury with the
corresponding item of credit however far in time the two
may be separated from each other. Accordingly, the Court must take
care to furnish itself and the treasury with the necessary particulars
for this purpose.
Account Keeping and Remittance to Treasury
Courts near Treasuries
442. Details of cash receipts to be shown in treasury pass book
- The Nazir shall, after the close of business each day make the proper
entries in the treasury pass book Form No, (A) 10 showing in Detail the
sum received from the public in cash.
last day of March in each official year. Only the first eight columns
shall be filled in at first, the other column being intended for the
record of subsequent repayments.
Registers of Repayments
454. Posting in the Deposit Repayment Register - The Register
of deposit repayment Form No. (A) 12 shall be posted from the
Treasury Advice List and the payment order Register as directed
455. Monthly closing of deposit and repayment Register -
(a) The Registers of deposit receipts and deposit repayments in Courts
at a Sadar station, shall be totaled and closed on the last day of each
month upon which the Sadar Treasury remains open, in such a way that
the period and the transactions included in the Court's books and returns
may correspond exactly with those included in the Treasury book and
(b) Final remittance to be in time - Care must be taken to make
the final remittance to the treasury in such time that it may be entered in
the accounts of the treasury for the month to which it belongs.
(c) Plus and minus memorandum - In each of the Registers
of Deposit Receipts prescribed by Rule 450, a plus and minus
memorandum must be drawn up at the end of the months entries in the
following terms :-
Balance of deposits from last month ..........................................
Received during the month, as per Register ...............................
Repayment, as per Register ...................................................
Control over Subordinate Court
Certified that on a comparison with the Treasury Advice with
postings therefrom in the guard file of chalans and Registers of
payment Order of Deposit Receipt and of Repayments, the amounts
entered above as received and paid are correct.
The ................................20
Judge-in-charge / Magistrate-in-
Notes - 1. The opening balance in the plus and minus memorandum for the
month of April each year should be classified year wise and the totals of the
statement of the Lapsed Deposits must be reduced by a separate entry from the
plus and minus memorandum drawn up at the end of April, so that the plus and
minus memorandum upon the Register of the Court concerned .
2. The repayments of '8' deposits received in the year of account and in the
year next preceding should be shown separately.
3. - As the lapsed statement is divided into four parts, the amount under
each part be indicated separately in the plus and minus memo.
(b) This plus and minus memorandum is to show as repayment the
actual repayments at the treasury, and is further to show the treasury balance
Notes - 1. It will be found convenient to keep in a separate Register a copy of
this puls and minus memorandum, with further memoranda of the details from the
figures have been arrived at. It is important that there should be no difficulty at any
time in reconciling the figures of the Court with those of the treasury.
2. The repayments of all ‘A’ deposits for the previous years, other
than the current year, shall be reflected in the plus and minus memo, year wise, and
in the plus and minus memo for the month of April, the opening balance shall be
shown with year wise balances.
Annual Clearance Register of Deposits
469. Clearance Register - (a) At the end of each year Registers
of ‘ A’ Deposits received in the next preceding year shall be closed by
transcribing into the last column, headed as ‘Transferred to Clearance
Register’ every balance which exceeds I[Rs. 25]. An Annual Clearance
Register shall then be drawn up in form No.(A) 13 showing all these
balances against their original numbers showing in other words, all the
unpaid balances of 'A' Deposits of the preceding account year next but
one. For example, the Clearance Register of April 1973, will show all
unpaid balances of Deposits in 1971-72.
(b) Of balances which do not exceed 1[Rs. 25] a separate list
shall made out under Rule 474 below.
470. Future repayments in Clearance Register - The items in
this account been carefully compared with the corresponding balances
in the Original Register of Deposits Received [Form Na.(A) 11], the
last named document shall be laid aside and future repayments
recorded only on the Clearance Register.
Notes - 1. If against any of the items transferred to Clearance Register a
repayment order has been issued and cancelled under Rule 437 (c) a note to that
effect must be made in the clearance Register, so that if application for repayment is
again made, an order may not be issued without recalling the original cancelled
2. The total repayments made out of the Deposits during the years
as well as the total amount lapsed to Government shall be indicated separately
in order to arrived at the outstanding balance at the close of the year.
471. Items to be included in Clearance Register - The Clearance
Register of the Sessions Judge or Chief Judicial Magistrate or District
Magistrate necessarily includes the items of the Subordinate Courts.
Verification of Petty Deposit Balance
472. Verification of ‘B’ Deposits - In order to verify the balance of
‘B’ Deposits each Court shall make a list of the unpaid balance of
receipts of the past twelve months, and by actual summation of these
balances, find the total amount outstanding on. account of the year’s
Deposits. Each Court is required to submit along with the Clearance
Register of 'A' Deposits a certificate that the balance of ‘B’ Deposits of
the past year has been found by actual summation to be Rs. .....................
473. Verification of ‘B’ Deposits with plus and minus
memorandum - The balance found under the last rule, together
with the total of the list prepared under Rule 474 (2), must equal the total
balance of petty Deposits on March 31, and must be so verified by each
Court with the forward balance in the plus and minus memorandum.
Lapse of Deposits
474. Which Deposits to lapse - On she 31st March of each year, the
following unpaid balances of Deposits lapse to Government, and are to
be written off in the Clearance Register and Registers of receipts
(1) Of ‘A’ Deposits, first, all balances which do not exceed 1[Ra.S] in
respect of Deposits made during the last three years including the year then
closing; Secondly, all balances of Deposits outstanding over three complete years
that is all balances in the Clearance Register prepared two years before.
These balances should be marked ‘lapsed’ in the column of the
Register of Receipts or the Clearance Register, as the case may be.
(2) Of ‘S’ Deposits, first, all Deposits outstanding over one complete year;
secondly, all balances of Deposits which are remaining after part payment during
the year. These balances are to be marked ‘lapsed’ in the columns of the Register
of Receipt.
Example - The balances which lapse on the 31st March, 1973 are -
(a) All balances of ‘A’ Deposits received in 1969-70;
(b) All balances of ‘A’ Deposits received in 1970-71, 1971- 72,
1972-73 which do not exceed 1[Rs.25] after repayments
made during 1972-73.
(c) All outstanding ‘B’ Deposits received in 1971-72.
(d) All balances of ‘B’ Deposits received in 1972-73
which have been partly repaid in 1972-73.
Statement of Lapsed Deposit
475. Statement of lapsed Deposits - (a) Four statements of the
balances to be written off shall be prepared in Form No. (A) 7. One for
each of the four classes (a), (b), (c) and (d) specified in the example
under Rule 474. These statements shall be submitted by the
Subordinate Courts along with the Clearance Register. The Sessions
Judge's, Chief Judicial Magistrate's and District Magistrate’s, District
Magistrate's numbers, the lapsed balances of ‘A’ Deposits of the
Subordinate Courts.
Note - The note under Rule 470 applies to these statements of lapsed
Deposits also.
Corrections of Balance
476. Correction of balance - These statements must all be
submitted during April and the totals thereof must be deducted by a
separate entry from the plus and minus memorandum drawn up at the
end of A4nil, so that the plus and minus memorandum may show only
the balance actually outstanding upon the Registers of the Court
Refund of Lapsed Deposits
477. Refunded of lapsed Deposits - In the case of payment of
Deposit lapsed under Rule 463 the application prepared by the
Accountant in Form No. (A) 3 under Rule 438 shall after examination
by the Sessions Judge, Chief Judicial Magistrate or District Magistrate,
as the case may be, forwarded to the Accountant-General. Several
Deposit 'numbers may be included in a single application, if they are
payable to the same person. The Accountant-General’s letter of
authority, when received, shall be noted against the items in the
Clearance Register or Original Register in case of Deposits not
transferred to the Clearance Register, so as to prevent a second
application. This letter shall then be passed for payment at the treasury,
as prescribed in the Form no other record of these refunds is necessary;
and such payments are not be shown in the plus and minus
478. Return of the letter of authority of A.G. - If the letter of
authority received from the Accountant-General is not claimed by the
payee within twelve months from the date thereof, it shall be returned to
the officer.
Supplementary Rules as to Receipts under
head (b) to (9) of Rule 418
479. Realisation and refund of fines - The procedure for
Criminal Courts in respect of the realisation and refund of fines is given
in Appendices IV to VI annexed to these rules. The rules of the Account
Code, which prescribe a monthly statement to be sent by Subordinate
Magistrate to Sessions Judge, Chief Judicial Magistrate and District
Magistrate to the Accountant-General are reproduced in Appendix VII.
Note - The monthly statement should continue to be sent in the form
now in use (Accountant-General's No.122-A, dated the 22nd April, 1881).
480. Register of Miscellaneous Receipts - Every Judge-in-charge
and Magistrate-in-charge shall maintain a Register of Miscellaneous
Receipts 'in Form No. (A) 14. In this Register, all receipts are to be
posted which do not come under head (a) (Deposits) or head (h)
(peremptory receipts) of Rule 418. The entries shall be made and
checked in the same way as the entries in the Register of Deposit
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. I
486. Accountant and cashier to be distinct persons -Tn carrying
out these rules, care just be taken by all officers, that, in respect of
each transaction in Court, distinct officers are employed as Accountant
and Cashier. In other words, the same officer shall not keep the
Registers of Payment Orders, Deposit Registers, etc. and also receive
the money.
487. Order regarding responsibility of Chief Ministerial
Officer - Every officer shall keep his accounts in English and it must
be distinctly recorded by him whether the Chief Ministerial Officer is
or is not responsible for a general control and supervision over the
488. Prohibition of manuscript forms - Manuscript account
forms are prohibited. All account books should be paged before they
are brought into use.
489. Daily examination of Accounts - The Accounts and
Registers of which a list is given in Appendices I and II annexed to
these Rules, must be compared daily by the Judge-in-charge or
Magistrate-in-charge, as the case may be, and this rule is on no
account to be neglected, as its observance is essential to the integrity
of the transaction and the correctness of the books. The notes at foot
of the Forms indicate how the verification is to made.
List of Registers to be compared daily by Judge-in-charge/
(Kept by the (1) Register of payment order
Accountant) Form No.(A) 9.
Transactions at Treasury
Comparison of Treasury Advice with posting therefrom in the
Registers of Payment Orders or Deposit Receipts and Miscellaneous
Comparison of. Treasury Advice with treasury pass book.
Sessions Judge/Chief Judicial Magistrate/
District Magistrate's Monthly Examination of Accounts
fines, and all sums which under any law are realisable as fines. Only one
Register in each of these forms shalt be maintained at each office. The
Registers will ordinarily be kept by the Magistrate’s Peshkar, who for the
purpose of these rules, is hereinafter described as “The Clerk-in-charge
of the Fine Register.”
Note 1 - Penalty imposed under Section 446, Criminal Procedure
Code are to be noted in the Register (A) 17.
(a) At the Register of criminal fines (A) 17 shall be entered
in consecutive quarterly series all fines imposed by any of the Magistrate
of the station within the jurisdiction of the station.
(b) In the end of each quarter the outstanding balance in each
case shall be shown in Column 14 of the Register and all the outstanding
entries, i.e., those in respect of which there is a balance in Column
14 brought forward in red ink before the entries for the current
quarter are made. The balance in Column 14 will be entered in
Column 6 for the current quarter. The original quarterly serial
No. shall be shown below the new quarterly serial number of the
outstanding fines like this -
15th first quarter of 1974
3. Realisation during the same quarter in which the Fine was
imposed shall be entered in the proper column of the Register of
Criminal Fines opposite the original entry. Realisation of outstanding
Fines shall be entered against their red ink entries for the quarter in
which the realisations are made. When more than one realisation is made
within a quarter in respect of any Fine; a total should be struck in the
body of the page. The Clerk-in-charge of the Fine Register after the
amount is realised in the Register of Criminal Fines shall submit it to the
Magistrate, who will initial the entry of realisation.
4. When any Fine or part of a Fine is remitted in any quarter
subsequent to that in which it may have been imposed, whether on
appeal or otherwise, or becomes irrecoverable in consequence either of
the lapse of six years from the date of sentence or of imprisonment
having been suffered in lieu of Fine in the cases mentioned in Rule 5, the
amount remitted or lapsing shall be entered in Column 18 under the
quarter in which it is so remitted or lapses. When a Fine is remitted in the
same quarter in which it may have been imposed, the entry will be made
in the appropriate column (Column 18) of the Register of Fines.
5. In any case when under any special or local law, imprisonment
in lieu of Fine is to be taken as a full satisfaction of the penalty, if
17. All officers receiving and remitting money from the officer
who actually realises the Fine to the officer who finally remits the
same to the Treasury, are in all cases bound to remand receipts from
the payees. The responsibilities of officers remitting money will not
cease until acknowledgement of receipts have been duly received.
18. All Fines, under whatsoever law they may be imposed, are
payable to the Court imposing the Fine, to the Magistrate of the
District in which the prisoner is conFined, or to the officer entrusted
with the warrant for its realisation. The receipt of Fines by the Jailer in
unauthorised and Jailers are, therefore, prohibited from receiving
payments on account of Fines under any circumstances Whatever.
Indian Infantry
1st Punjab Regiment .... 10th Bn. 1st Punjab Regiment, Jhelum.
2nd Punjab Regiment .... 10th Bn. 2nd Punjab Regiment, Meerut.
5th Maharatta L.I. .... 10th Bn. 5th Maharastra L.I., Belgaum.
7th Rajput Regiment .... 10th Bn. 7th Rajput Regiment, Fategarh
.... Pubjab Regiment
8th .... 10th Bn. 8th Punjab Regiment, Lahore.
9th Jat Regiment .... 10th Bn.-4th-9th Regiments, Bareily
4th Bombay Grenadiers, .... 10th Bn. 10th Baluch Regiment, Karachi.
10th Baluch Regiment
11th Sikh Regiment .... 10th Bn.llthSikhRegiment, Nowshera.
12th F.F. Regiment .... 10th Bn. F.F. Regiment, Sialkot
13th F.F. Rifles .... 10th Bn. 13th F.F. Rifles Abbottabad
14th Punjab Regiment .... 10th Bn 14th Punjab Regiment, Ferozepore.
15th Punjab Regiment .... 10th Bn. 15th Punjab Regiment, Amala.
16th Punjab Regiment .... 10th Bn. 16th Punjab Regiment, Multan.
17th Dorga Regiment .... 10thBn.17thDorgaRegiment,Jullundur.
18th R.Garhwal Rifles .... 19th Bn. 18th R. Garhwal Rifles,
19th Hyderabad Regiment .... 10th Bn. 19th Hyderabad Regiment.
1st Kumaon Rifles .... Benaras.
List of Regimental Centres Referred to in Sub-rule (B) of
Rule 123, Part I, CHAPTER - X
The following are the Regimental Centres :-
1. Punjab Regimental Centre, MEERUT
2. The Madras Regimental Centre, WELLINGTON
3. The Grenadiers Regimental Centre, NASIRBAD
4. The Marhattas Regimental Centre, BELGAUM
5. The Rajputtana Rifles Regimental Centre, DELHI
6. The Rajput Regimental Centre, FATEGARH
7. The Jat Regimental Centre, BARELL Y
8. The Sikh Regimental Centre, AMBALA
9. The Dorga Regimental Centre, JULLUNDAR
10. The Garhwal Rifles Regimental Centre, LANSDOWNE
11. The Kumaon Regimental Centre, RANIKHET
12. The Assam Regimental Centre, SHILLONG
13. The Bihar Regimental Centre, DINAPORE
14. The Mahar Regimental Centre, SAUGOR
15. The Sikh Light Infantry Regimental Centre, FEROZEPURE
16. 1st Gorkha Rifles Regimental Centre, DHARAMASALA
17. 3rd Gorkha Rifles Regimental Centre, DEHRADUN
18. 4th Gorkha Rifles Regimental Centre, BAKLOH
19. 5th Gorkha Rifles Regimental Centre, DEHRADUN
20. 8th Gorkha Rifles Regimental Centre, DEHRADUN
21. 9th Gorkha Rifles Regimental Centre, DEHRADUN
22. 11 th Gorkha Rifles Regimental Centre, P ALAMPUR
23. Armoured Corps Centre and School, AHEMDNAGAR
24. Artillery Centre, DEOLALI
25. Madras Engineer Centre, BANGALORE
26. Bengal Engineer Centre, ROORKE
27. Bombay Engineer Centre, KIRKEE
28. Signal Training Centre, JUBBALPORE
29. Army Service Corps Centre (South), BANGALORE
30. Army Service Corps Centre '(North), MEERUT
[See Rule 7 (1)]
Signature ...........................
Date ...................................
Father's Name .
Permanent address .
Present address .
Date of birth.
he would work .
Licence No. and date of issue .
Renewal of the licence .
[Rule 9 (1)]
Educational qualification.
Qualification for typewriting .
Register of Professional Typists
particulars to be stated .
Cancellation or ceasation of the licence.
Remarks .
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. I
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. I
[See Rule 9 (1)]
Licence for Professional Typist
Licence No. ...................... Date of issue ....................
Shri/Smt. ............................son/daughter of .................................
is hereby authorised to sit in the premises of Civil or Criminal Court
at the Judgeship and Sessions Division of .....................
to type out plaints, written statements, petitions, affidavits and such
other matters as are required to be filed in suits, cases and
proceedings, subject to the. following conditions, namely:
Vol. - II
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. II
Volume I
(A) 1 Challan Part VIII, Rule 423
(A) 2 Payment Order ,, 430
(A) 3 Refund of Lapsed Deposits ,, 438
(A) 4 Refunds of Revenue ,, 430
1 2 3 4
Register of -
(R) 1 ..
(1) Complains of offences
(2) Unimportant cases Courts empowered to Seven years
sent up by the police in receive complaints.
which a first information
One Year
report is not used.
(3) Miscellaneous cases
2[(R) 15B Register of defect reports Dist. Record Room One year.
(R) 16 .. Register showing un- All Magistrate em- One year.
der each head of crime, powered to take
the number of offences cognizance of of-
reported, of cases struck fences in complaint
off as false or brought and police cases.
to trial and of persons
acquitted, discharged or
convicted or released
under the Probation of
Offenders Act.
(R) 17 .. Instructions filing up the
above Register.
Courts of all One year.
(R) 18 .. Register of cases decided. Magistrates
(R) 19 .. Register of requisition All Criminal Courts Six years.
for record received.
(R) 20 ..
Register of requisitions All Criminal Courts
for records issued. Six years.
(R) 21 .. Register of Receipts and Court of Sessions Three years
issue of printed forms. Judges, Chief Judicial
M a g i s t r a t e ,
Sub divisional Judicial
M a g i s t r a t e .
Description of By what
To what Court
Form periodical return Courts to be
to be
No. prepared and
or statements submitted
1 2 3 4
(S) 3-B .. Statem ent showing the Chief J u d i c i a l Sessions Judge
Judicial and other work M a g i s t r a t e .
done by the Chief Judicial Sessions Judge
Magistrate High Court
(S) 3-C .. Statement showing the case Additional Sessions Sessions Judge
of which proceedings have Judge, Assistant
been stayed. Sessions Judge, Chief
Judicial Magistrate,
Sessions Judge
(S) 3-D .. 1 [* * *]
(S) 3-E .. Quarterly Balance Sheet S u b d i v i s i o n a l High Court
of Fines Judicial Magistrate Chief Judicial
and Judicial Magistrate.
Magistrate in Sessions Judge
outlying Stations. High Court
Chief Judicial Chief Judicial
Magistrate, Magistrate.
Sessions Judge
(S) 3-F .. Statement of cases of Judicial Magistrate Chief Judicial
embezzlement of Chief Judicial Magistrate
Government money. M a g i s t r a t e Sessions Judge
Sessions Judge High Court
Judicial Magistrate.
Annual Statements
Annual Table
(S) 11 Statement showing the Judicial Magistrate, C.J.M.
detention of witness, Executive Magis- Dist. Magistrate
the number of witnesses trate
discharged without C.J.M.
examination and the Sessions Judges Sessions Judge ..
amount paid as ex- Dist. Magistrate
High Court
1 2 3 4 5 6
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. II
1 2 3 4 5 6
Date .............................
Examined and found correct
Signature af Chief Ministerial Officer Signature o] Presiding Officer
PART II - to be filled in by the Court or under its orders
Serial Date of Court's Challan date of Court's Date of Actual Name, father's Details of
No. payment challan the original number of original amount in name and repayment
order number deposit from original deposit” deposit address of the if any out
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. II
Payee’s Signature
Treasury No.
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. II
The following refunds, Lapsed Deposits, Aggregating Rs. (in words ) have
been claimed by ............... of ............. whose identity and title to the money I have satisfied myself. I request
you sanction to be refund : -
Class of Particulars of Original Balance credited to Date of Amount Remarks
deposit Deposit Government lapsed claimed
Year No.
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. II
Note 2 - No useful check can be exercised over refunds of revenue in the Account Office,
exception in cases where full details of the collections of such revenue are received in that office,
other than the Treasury accounts or other documents, e.g., Fine Statements. It is therefore essential
that every refund should be noted against the original credit in the court's account where all sums
3 entered in detail. This voucher for refunds provides for a certificate of such note having been made
The officer who received the amount should fill in columns 1 to 5 of the form and sign the
certificate in column 10, while the Treasury Officer or the Sub - Treasury Officer should verify the
credit by means of the particulars in columns 4 and 5 and after his signature in columns 6 in token
of his having done so. The sanction necessary for refunds of revenues is regulated by the order of
the State Government. This sanction may either be given on the voucher itself or quoted in it a
certified copy being attached when such orders are not separately communicated to the Audit Office .
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. II
FORM No.(A) 5
The Officer in-charge of the Treasury...................................
At ...................... Dated ................ the ........................ 20 ...................
I am to advise having to-day issued upon you the under noted
cheques for sums exceeding Rs. 100, amounting in the aggregate
to Rupees.*
*Amount to be entered in words.
Yours faithfully,
Judge-in-charge / Magistrare-in-charge
payment Officer
order checking
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Rs. P. Rs. P.
Criminal Court
Total Reports
Repayment of cri-
minl Court deposit
Refund of unclai-
med property
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. II
Total receipts Rs. P. Rs. P. Rs. P. Rs. P. Rs. P. Rs. P. Rs. P. Rs. P.
Grand Total
Class of witnesses Single or return From To Rate No. Of fares Total Remarks
journey charges
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. II
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. II
Amount of A deposits
repaid during the month Received during 20 - 20
Received during 20 -20
Balance of deposits outstanding -
CERTIFIED that on a comparison of Treasury Advices with postings
therefrom in the *guard fife of chalans and in the Registers of Payment Order of
Receipts and of Repayments, the amount entered above as received and paid are
[u dge-in-ch arge
The 20 Magist r a tc-in-cluirge
NOTE - The repayment of B deposits received in the year of account
and in the year next proceeding should be shown separately.
For use in Civil Courts only.
No ............................
Book No. .................................. Of 20..............
Rs. P.
In cash ..........................................
In stamps ......................................
Total. ........................................
Rupees .............................only
Receiving Officer
Receiving Officer
Dated......................................... 20 .....................
I. Serial number
2. Name of applicant
3. Nature, number and year of the case
4. Name of the Court
5. Date of application
6. Date of sending to the Accountant for
Sheristadar and the Accountant.
7. Date of return by the Accountant
Schedule XLIII - High Court (A) 9 - A
Acctt.- General
16. Date when payment order passed or in
case of refund orders the date when
be required only to fill up columns 1 to 4 .and 9 and 10 and the Accountant Columns 1 to 4, 6, 7 and 13 to 16.
sent to the Treasury for encasement
17. Remarks
3. Applications for payment orders filed by the Nazir should be entered in the Register maintained both the
Note 1 - This Register will be kept by every Sheristadar, Accountant and Record-keeper. The Record-keeper will
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. II
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. II
Schedule XLIII -. High Court (A) 10
FORM No. (A) 10
Remittance from the Court of the Sessions Judge/Chief Judicial
Magistrate/District Magistrate to the Treasury
Date of Court's Court's Head of Am- Signature
remittance serial particulars account aunt of
to the number of receipt under ini tials
Treasury of chalan which to of
be Treasury
sche Officers
at Treasury
1 2 3 4 5 6
Rs. P.
Details of repayment
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. II
Total repayment
Initials of Judge-in-
charge /Magistrate-in-charge
to Government
Balance credited to
Clearance Register.
Initials of Judge-in-charge /
Initials of Judge-in-charge/
of each deposit
No. of calan and date
From whom received
Nature of deposit with
name of payee
Initials of judge-in-
charge /Magistrate-in-charge
Monthly total
Initials of Judge-in-charge/
Date of receipt
Note - A separate Register in is form will be maintained for each of the two classes of deposits A and B. Each entry in
this Register should be initialled by the Judge-in-charge/Magistrate-in-charge after comparison with the corresponding entries
in the Chalans and Register of Payment Orders. This form should be used for two years only., after which the unpaid balance
should be transferred to the Clearance Register as required by Rule 450, Part VIII, Page 145, Vol. 1.
FORM Nos. (A) 12 (i) AND (A) 12 (ii)
Schedule XLIII - High Court (A) 12 (i) and (A) 12 (ii).
[To be maintained by the Judge-in-charge of Accounts and to be preserved for 12 years]
Dates as to Present Received during Initials
Details of deposits Repayments current year of
Date Number Account Date of Date of Number To Whether Received Rec- Previous Current Accou- Judge
as per or cashing granting of repa- whom paid in in all eived month month ntan in-
Register balance payment payment yment paid cash or iprevious last char
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Rs. P. Rs. P. Rs. P. Rs. P.
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. II
1. Date
2. Number of each deposit
3. Name, Father’s name and
caste and address oi the
person from whom received.
4. Name, father’ name, caste
and address of the payee.
Schedule XLIII - High Court No. (A) 13
7. April
8. May
9. June
FORM No. (A) 13
10. July
14. Novembeer
CLEARANCE REGISTER OF “A” DEPOSITS RECEIVED AT ................................
15. December
16. January
20. May
21. June
(In the Accountant-General’s Office)
22. July
23. August
24. September
25. October
26. November
27. December
In the Third year after Receipt
28. January
29. February
30. March
Rs. P. Rs. P. Rs. P. Rs. P. Rs. P. Rs. P. Rs. P. Rs. P. Rs. P. Rs. P. Rs. P. Rs. P. Rs. P. Rs. P.
31. Total repayments on
each deposit
Rs. P.
32. Balance of each deposit
lapsed and credited to
Rs. P.
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. II
FORM No. (A) 14
Schedule XLIII - High Court (A) 14
Consecutive Number Date of From Nature of receipt i.e., - Amount Total Remarks
Date of
number in of remittance whom (1) Sale or credit of
the Register challan to the receive unclaimed property
Treasury credited to
(2) Forfeitures
(3) Sale-proceeds of old
furnitures and store,
(4) Other Miscellaneous
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. II
Rs. P. Rs. P.
Amount received
Challan From whom On what Number To whom Amount
number received account of paid paid
Petty Other payme
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. II
In default fine
of payment
16. Signature of Clerk-in-charge of the fine
FORM No. (A) 17
17. Amount remitted, written off or lapsed
18. Signature of Bench Clerk of Court
to which the entry relates
19. Signature of Magistrate imposing fine
For The Month Of
of payment
16. Signature of the Treasury Muharrir
17. Date on which notice of realisation of
fine is sent to other district.
18. Date on which acknowledgment of receipt
of notice is received.
19. Signature of the Clerk-in-charge of the
fine Register.
20. Signature of the Clerk-in-charge/
Magistrate-in-charge of fine
2I. Remarks
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. II
Schedule XLIII - High Court (A) 17-8 FORM No. (A) 17-B
(with sample entries)
Date Application Application Price Number and Initials of the Remarks
for copy for date of chalan Judge-in-
imformation by which paid charge
into treasury
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Note - The balance should be struck at the close of the month. Cashier
FORM No. (A) 17-C
Fine Realisation Statement
1. Serial No. 7. Date of commitment to Jail to serve.
2. Name of the Court out the substantive imprisonment
and / or imprisonment in default
3. Name and address of the convict of payment of fine.
4. No. and year of the Case nature of 8. Date of termination of the Sentence
offence· 9. Date of realisation of fine amount Magistrate
10. Whether fine realised in full or part
5. Date of conviction 11. Remarks
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. II
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. II
and deduction in
Contract bill
up-to-da te
present bill
1. Date
2. To whom paid
3. Description of charge
4. Number of Sub-voucher
5. Number given to each
6. Hot and clod weather
7. Tour charges
8. Country stationery
9. Repair to tents
10. Purchase and repaid of
11. Office expenses
12. Miscellaneous
13. Service postage stamps
14. Service Telegram
22. Total of present
23. Total of all bills drawn
24. Allotment in 1st April
25. Add
26. Deduct
27. Net allotment at time of
28. Other uses
29. Transfer to
30. Controlling
31. Other uses
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. II
FORM No. (A) 20
(N.B. - A.G. B. & O. Form No. 241 of Schedule XXV is to be intended for and used.)
FORM No. (A) 21
Schedule XLIII - High Court No. (A) 21
Subordinaie Court's Daily Advice List of slims received and paid un der the
Order of the Court of ......... on the ........ day of ..........20, being the
date of actual receipt of act u at disbursement at the Court of at the Treasury.
N.B. - [This statement is to be complied from registers Nos. (A), 11 (A),
12, (A), 14]
Receipts Rs. P. Payment Rs. P.
repayment Balance
as advised Amount
Previous Current repaid Previous Current
Initial of
Total amount
Repaid on account
of all previous years
Repaid on account
of past year
Amount received
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Rs. P. Rs. P. Rs. P. Rs. P. Rs. P. Rs. P. Rs. P. Rs. P. Rs. P. Rs. P. Rs. P.
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. II
travelling allowance
travelling allowance
mation manti persons/ of law nary
or insti- applicant opposite
tution party
whom the
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Note 1 - Separate volumes should be kept for Register of (1) Complaints
of offences, (2) Unimportant cases sent up by the Police in which a First
information report is not used, (3) Miscellaneous cases.
2. The register of complaint of offences should be divided as follows-
(i) 1 C.C. Register - Register of complaints filed by private individuals.
(ii) 2 C.C. Register - Register of complaints on written report filed
by Government officials.
(iii) 3 C.C. Register - Register of complaints filed by local bodies
or authorities.
2. C.C. Register should be Sub-divided into three parts namely 2 (a)
C.C. Register of complaints filed by Excise Department, 2 (b) C.C. Register
of cases filed by Forest Department and 2 (c) C.C. Register of cases filed
by all other Government Officials. Similarly, 3 C.C. Register should be Sub-
divided into three parts, namely, 3 (a) C.C. Register of cases filed by the
Municipality, 3 (b) C.C. Register of cases filed by Grama Panchayats and 3
(c) C.C. Register of cases filed by local bodies except Municipality and
Grama Panchayats. Separate serial numbers should be assigned in each
volume to different types of cases from number one and the case number
noted against the same.
Serial l[police- Date of information Date of Name of Return of police Order passed
No. for station and and crime as receipt Parties investigation i.e. with date
the police case receipt by the (1) Nature and date of Preli- Final
year. number] reported to the by the Magis- offence minary
Police with Section trate Crime established
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
(2) The dates of adjournment of each case should also be entered in remarks column.
Result of appeal or
ranee of case informant
the last section
Case number
accused of the
or other
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Note 1 - Each Court will have a serial number of its own.
2. The dates of adjournment of each case should be noted in the Remarks column.
3. Case number of different register should be distinguished by the letters C
for "Complaint Register" case G. for "General Register" case U for "Unimportant
Register" case M for "Miscellaneous Register" case.
4. This Register shall be maintained by all Magistrates who try original cases.
5. Receipt of the case upon remand shall be noted in red ink in column 1.
6. A case in which the proceeding is stopped under Section 258 Cr.P.C. and
subsequently revived after appearance fo the accused should be restored to its
original number but where accused is apprehended and brought to trial after
destruction of the trial register, a new case should be registered in the
register which is in use then.
7. Serial number of the pending cases at the end of the year should be noted
Cases under Sections 113 and 114 Indian Railways Act should be entered
in the Register only when they become contested.
9. In all instances where the accused is in custody, the letter 'C' in capital shall
be written within bracket in red ink in column 6 immediately after the name of the
accused concerned and it should be scored through as soon as he is enlarged
on bail wh the date of release noted under a line below the bracket. The entry
shall be made each time and when the accused is subsequently taken to custody
in the case date of such remand to custody noted below the entry.
10. Magistrates holding Mobile Courts should carry the registers with them
and enter all cases taken cognizance of by them during Mobile duty. After
return to the Court the Bench Clerk will fill up the column 2 of this register.
These cases may be indicated by the letter 'M' below the serial number of
cases of column 1 for the purpose of distinguishing them from regular cases.
11. Cases instituted under the Criminal Law Amendment Act should be entered
in this Register, separate register in respect of such cases should be opened
for each district.
Sl. No.
FORM No. (R) 3-A
(R) 1 and (R) 3
Date of disposal of the split up records
and date of consignment of the same to
record room
Date of transfer of the split up records
to dormant file if any
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. II
FROM No .. (R) 4
Serial Date of Number and Number and Order or sentence By whom the Final order Remarks
number filing name of names of order or passed with
for the appellants or respondents appealed against
or of which sentence was
applicants date
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. II
with date.
Convict on bail.]
imprisonment would
ordinarily terminate
warrant is received by
the Court after execution.
of detention of cinvict]
the jail.
warrant after termination
of imprisonment.
5. Date of commitment to
7. Date (s) of release of the
6. 2[Date (s) of bail order
8. No. and year of the case
4. Term of imprisonment
9. No. of appeal or revision
office once a week, for his verification. (8) Cases in which sentence is imposed for the first time by the appellate Court, i.e. in case of appeal
passed by or
the Trial revisional revisional Court/ convict
Court] Court is Court Revisional to jail
received Court.]
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. II
[The Form No. (R) 9 of the G.R. & C.O. (Civil) Volume - II
be used]
2[ * * * ]
Note - (1) For instruction see Rule 85 Part I, General Rules and Cicular Orders, Volume I.
Note - (2) Columns 1 to 4 should be filled in daily for every witness reported to be in attendance for the first time, and columns
5 to 9, as may be necessary, on account of the subsequent appearance of the same witness. If a witness has to re-appear after
having been six times in attendance, a new series of entries in red ink must be made in columns 4 to 9 immediately under the
previous entries. Columns 10 to 16 should be filed up after the witnesses' final discharge according to the entries made in columns 4 to
9 and the initials of the Presiding Officer are required in column 17 to vouch for the correctness of the entries in the Register.
Note - (3) Witnesses who, after having been discharged are resummoned for cross-examination under the provisions of
Sections 243 and 247 Criminal Procedure Code, should be regarded as witnesses who have reappeared and should in accordance
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. II
the appearance of such witnesses before the transferer Court to transfer of the case.
Beyond 8
by village
and distance
Within 8
of village
7. Number of duplicate
FORM No. (R) 9
Inserted by C.S.No. 10, XLlXD-11/82 Dt. 9.6.1982 and Columns 6 to 14 renumbered as Columns 7 to 15.
12 . Date of return to Nazir
13. Date of return of process/
postal A.D. or the postal cover
to the Court
14. 2[Signature of the clerk of
the Court with date]
Note - Processes received from other districts should be entered in red ink and steps should be taken for prompt
15. Remarks
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. II
FORM No. (R) 9-A
Serial Number and Name of Nature Date Date Receiver's Date of Remarks
No. year of the person of of when initials with return
case to the processes issue returnable dates
which the to whom
process issued
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. II
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
as witnesses .
Serial No.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Sl. Serial Name Number Name Name Final Result Class of Date Number Date of
of and of order each file when of shelf destructio
No. number of of kiisposed and rack of files
of case in Magis- year of ompl- passed (A) &
accu- appeal of and in the and
the with (B) of
Sl. No. Names Date of order Date when No. of Date when Date when Remarks
No year of of of the placing the received in shelf and requisition record is
the case parties. record on the the Record rack in for record sent to the
dormant file Room the is received Trial Court
Record from the
Room Trial Court
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. II
Nature of the case with the
section of the Penal Code or
other Act application.
Name of parties
Date of decision
File A or B
Date when disposed of and
shelved in the Record room.
Number of shelf and rack in
the Record room.
Date of destruction of files
and initials of officers
superintending destruction.
Serial Number
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. II
number and date (on
the requisition) or
Designation of the
Date of return
date of receipt of
Court or office to
record from Court.
Date of restoration
of record to its proper
despatch list.
which the record is
sent or by which the
Court’s date and
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
(a) This column need not be filed up when the record has been kept back by a despatching Court.
(b) This column need not be filled up when record is removed from Record room on requisition.
Note 1 - When a portion only of the record is removed particulars of the papers should be entered in column 5.
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. II
Note 2 - The number and date of each reminder issued should be entered in column 10.
1. Inserted by C.S.No. 21
[FORM No. (R) 15 - B
Register of Defect Reports
Sl. No. No. No. Nature No. and No. of Date of Date of Date of
date of sending receipt of restoration
Previous year 20
Current year 20
be true
Current year 20
found of
[FORM No. (R) 15 - B
Register of Defect Reports
the year
Cases brought to trial during
the current year
Acquitted or discharged
15 16
Died, escaped or transferred
Number of persons
Remaining under trial at the
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. II
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. II
15. Column 13 - Is intended to show only cases brought to trial
during the year and should not include cases pending at the close of the
previous year.
16. Column 13 to 17 - No person who has not appeared personally
or by agent in Court is to be included in Annual Statement - (2), but all
persons who have appeared, who is obedience to summons, warrant, or
other process or voluntarily, to answer a criminal charge should be shown
as under trial. So also persons discharged from bail taken under Section
169 without appearing before a Magistrate should not be entered.
Accordingly, those cases only in which an accused persons has appeared
personally or by agent before a Court and the persons who so appeared,
are to be entered in these columns. Persons remaining under trial at
the close of the previous year and those received by transfer from other
districts during the year should be included in columns 14 to 17.
17. Columns 14 and 15 - These columns are intended to show the
result of trials in Magistarte’s Court as regards persons whose case were
disposed of by Magistrates and in Court of Sessions as regards persons
whose cases were disposed of by those Courts. In cases referred to by
subordinate Magistrates under Section 323 and 325, and by Courts of
Session under Section 366 of the Criminal Procedure Code, the results
to be shown are those of the Court which received and dealt with the
reference. Should this Court not have decided in any case by the end of
the year, the person concerned in the case should be entered in the
column “Remaining under trial at the close of the year”.
18. Column 16 -It is not intended that any person should be entered
in this column as disposed of by transfer was from one district to another,
or from one kind of Court to another. As for example, from a Civil or
Revenue Court under Section 346 of the Criminal Procedure Code.
19. Column 17 - Persons remaining under trial in Courts of
Magistrates and in the Courts of Sessions in cases of commitment to
those Courts, as also the persons whose cases were referred to a Superior
Court, alluded to in the instructions regarding the filling up of columns
14 and 15, and undecided at the close of the year should be entered in
this column.
20. Column 18 - In this column should be noted the names of the
Courts or districts to which the cases of any of the persons entered in
columns 16 were transferred. If the acquittal or discharge of the person
shown in column 14 was due to the case having been compounded,
withdrawn or dismissed for default of appearance under Sections 256,
257,249,320 of the Criminal Procedure Code, the fact should be noted
in this (column 18) in order to facilitate the compilation of the figures
which are required to be noted in Annual Statement 2 (vide “Instruction”
and “Note” to Annual Statement 2)
NOTE - This Register should not be kept in the form of a bound book, but
the pages of the different heads of crime should be filled together and additions
and insertions made as required.
case lasted
Brought to trial during
12. On summons
13. Voluntarily
the Probation
of Offender’s
VIII of 1897
Section 31, Act,
dealt with under
Released under Youthful offenders Released under Youthful offenders
29. Delivered to parent or guardian
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. II
Number of Persons sentenced to Detail of punishment
cases Imprisonment
Disposed Imprisonment fine fine
of during 15 day 6 months 2 years 7 years
were commuted to detention in
reformatory school
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. II
Instructions - A separate Register must be kept for each Court and the designation of the Presiding
ficer and the powers exercised must be stated in the title with a view to the entry of the figures against the
rper Sub-heads in Column 1 of Annual Statement 4. Only cases of the kinds provided for in the schedule
ached to Annual Statement 2 should be included in this Register. The entries are to be made in it at once
the conclusion of each trial and the persons entered will either then or afterwards, as found convenient, be
ted up in Statistical Register under each head of crime. The headings of the Register it will be observed,
nost exactly correspond with the headinds of Annual Statements 4 and 5.
This Register and the Preceding Statistical Register are to be kept up for the purpose of the
com-pilation of Annual Statement.
In Column 32, cases brought to trial during the year will be distinguished. At the close of the
year the persons concerned in the cases in the pending file must be added in the appropriate columns
1 to 6 and 10 to 15 the number of cases in column 32 and the number of witnesses examined in column
35 to complete the figures for the Annual Statement.
A separate note should be made in column 59 of this Register to show how many of the persons
entered in column 10 were brought to trial under arrest by the police and how many under arrest by
other agency e.g. Forest or Excise officers, private presons, etc.
Column 48 - A separate page or separate pages of the Regisrer of a current year should be
re-served and utilized for fines imposed during previous years, but realized during such current year.
Section of the Penal Code or other Local or Special Laws applicable should be noted below the
case number.
If in any case compensation was allowed under Section 250 of the Criminal Procedure Code or
recognizance or security taken under Section 106 of the Criminal Procedure Code, the fact should be
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. II
noted in the remarks Column. Cases dealt with under Section 258 Cr.P.C. may be shown in Column 17.
1[In Column 6, the date on which copies of Police Papers have been supplied to the accused in
Police Cases and the date on which all the accused appear in complaint cases should be noted.”]
FORM No.(R) 20
(Form No.(R) 19-8 (Civil) is to indented for and used]
FORM No.(R) 21
(Form No. 114 of Schedule LIIl to be indented for and used]
Serial No.
Name of the committing
Magistrate and the number
Name, age or supposed age
and discription of each
accused persons
Offences-nature of
Whether the accused is In
jailor on bail
Date of offence
Date of apprehension
Date of commitment
Date of receipt of commitment
10. Final order with date
11. Results of appeal or reference,
12. Remarks
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. II
1. Name of accused
9. Term of modified
10. Date of receipt of the
order of recommitment
11. Date of commitment or
recommitment as the
case may be.
12. Remarks
NOTE - Both the dates of bail order by the trial Court under Section 389 (3) Cr.P.C. And by the appellate Court
under Section 389 (1) Cr.P.C. should be shown in Column 5 and the date of release on bail by the trial Court in Column
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. II
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. II
FORM No.(R) 25
1 2 3 4 5 6
NOTE - 1. Cases under Section 123 (1) and (2) Criminal Procedure
Code dealt with by the Chief Judicial Magistrate may be entered in this register.
2. Petitions under Section 116 (7). 123 (2), 167 (6), 408, 439 (2), 440
'[* * *] Criminal Procedure Code, shall be registered as Miscellaneous
2[3. Petitions for bail filed under the second proviso to Section 81 of the
Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 dealt with by the Chief Judicial Magistrate
shall be entered in this register].
FORM No.(R) 26
Date when consigned to record
Reason for keeping the case on
doormat file.
doormat file.
Serial No.
L. 1[Serial No.
2. Number of Sessions or Criminal cases
3. No. & Year of the case of the
Magistrate /Police-station.
4. 2[Date and signature of the Malkhana
clerk in token of receipt of the property.]
5. 3[Description of the properties with
particulars including exhibits Marks,
if any (Weights in cases of valuables)
and the name and address of the person
from whom the properties have been
6. Initials of the Judge or the Magistrate
Inserted by C.S.No. 33, IX-S/88 Dt. 5.5.1989.
check the valuables and record the results of his inspection on the column for "Remarks".
original case / appeal/revision.
NOTE - 1. This register shall be inspected at least once in three months by the presiding judge or the Magistrate who will
if any
2. Along with quarterly return, each Criminal court shall send a certificate of having checked the valuables with the Register.
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. II
I. Serial Number
2. Name of applicant
3. Date of application
4. Nature of document of which copy
is applied for and number of year and
case in which filed
5. Date of notifying requisite number
of folios and stamps
6. pate of putting in requisite folios and
stamps or deficit in respect thereof.
7. Date on which document to be copied
was received in Copying Department.
8. Number of folios and amount of court
fees filed.
9. Number of folios and the amount of
Court fees used.
[FORM No. (R) 28
Sl. Date of Name of Description Date Name of Sign- Date when Date when
No requisition the of document when typist or ature of the copy is copy is made
or applicant or paper of made copyist typist copy is made over or
application, which copy over to made over despatched
if any is required the typist copyist to the to the
or Sheristadar concerned
copyist to the Head public officer
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. II
Sl.No .
Re-numbered ibid.
[FORM No. (R) 30
receiving clerk
Date of return of document with initial
of the clerk receiving back the document
Date of restoration of the document to its
Note - If the application is rejected otherwise disposed of, a note to that effect shall be entered in the remarks colurnn
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. II
FORM No. (R) 31
Report of Intestate Movable Property from Station District
Dated ............................................................................
Annual Date and place Name and Names of Particulars of List of Remarks
Number of death residence of claimant or each claim property
deceased, if known claimants
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
days of the date given in Column 1. Their applications will be struck off.
Note - The Judge-in-charge shall put his signature below the last entry for each day.
Date Date
Name of comparer for Name of the copyist
application made
S1. No. and date of over.
Serial number and
date of application.
Details of documents,
4. Details of
folios, stamps,
forms etc. made
5 Signature of the receiving
comparer Signature of the
r e c e i v i n g
Date and time by which copyist/ typist.
documents to be returned
after comparing Date and time by
which copy to be
FORM No. (R) 33
made ready
Date and time by which.
Date and time by
which copy is
made ready.
Details of documents,
Details of
folios, stamps, and forms 8 documents, folios,
stamps, forms,
etc. Returned.
Initial of the Head
Comparer-in-charge with Comparing Clerk
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. II
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. II
FORM No. (R) 35
(To be laid at some conspicuous place for inspection of the party)
Date of Name of the applicant Number of Remarks
entry in the the
Register application
1 2 3 4
1 2 3 4 5 6
No. of maps, Total Initials of Initials of Signature of
plans etc., outturn in typists and the Head Judge-in-
6 7 8 9 10
in the Register of warrants of Imprisonment (R) 5. [1. Inserted by C.S.No. 15 XLlX-D 19/83 Dt. 16.5.1983.]
FORM No. (R) 41
Serial N umber and year of Name of the Description of the Date of stay Remarks
No. the case of which the Court staying proceedings in which order
1 2 3 4 5 6
FORM No. (R) 42
number for Case Date of receipt Name Nature of Date of 1[Date of Date on which
Serial number of the case and of the case with co mm- notification to the the record and
the year the date of accused Section of itment Public Prosecutor articles were
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. II
Serial No. & Name of Date of Date and hour of Name of the Signature of Remarks
number year of the convict conviction delivery of Police Officer the Police
the case warrant to the receiving the Officer
convict of the warrant and the receiving the
Police Officer
convict warrant and
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. II
Serial No.
Case No.
holding the parade.
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. II
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. II
FORM No.(R) 45
Name and No. of the Date of Date of Remarks
address of case & admission release, either
the Under Section (s) of into the from the
Trial law in which jail Court or
Prisoners the prisoner from Jail
is facing trial
1 2 3 4 5
Casual Leave
Other Purpose
Mobile Court
Brought to trial
Pending over one year from
the date of instructions
Administrative work
Clearance day
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Judicial Magistrate
FORM No. (S) 1 A
FOR THE MONTH OF ........................................... IN THE DISTRICT OF ........................................
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. II
Date of commitment
Each date of adjournment of
the case
Sl. No.
G. R. Case
Text date fixed
10. Remarks
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. II
during the
Disposed of
8. Uncontested
9. Pending for more than six months
10. Pending for more than one year
11. Reasons for delay, if any
THE......................... QUARTER OF THE YEAR.......................... IN THE DISTRICT OF..........................
12. Remarks
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. II
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. II
l[FORM No. (S) 2-B
S1. No. Names Date of Reasons Date when Remarks
No. & of the order for sent to record
year parties keeping keeping room for
of the the case records being placed
Case on in the on the
dormant dormant dormant file
file file
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
of Magistrates
1. Designation and powers
2. Pending at the close of
3. Brought to trial
4. Total for disposal
5. Contested
6. Uncontested
7. Pending at the close of
8. Pending over one year
9. Criminal
10. Civil
11. Administrative wrok
12. Clearance day
13. H.R.C.
14. Mobile Court
15. Casual leave
16. Other purposes
17. Number of witness
18. Remarks
1. Inserted by C.S.No. 7
(To be submitted by the Subordinate Judicial/Executive Magistrates to the Chief Judicial Magistrate/District
Magistrate. The District Magistrate would submit the Statement to the High Court. The Chief Judicial
Magistrate would submit to the Sessions Judge and Sessions Judge to the High Court.)
.Number of Pending at Brought Total for Disposed Pending Pending over Remarks
cases and the close of to trial disposal of three months
power of the
Magistrate preceding’
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. II
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. II
MAGISTRATE ...................... DURING THE ................... ..........QUARTER 20 ......................
Name of the Total number Number of days Number of Number of Number of
Chief Judicial of working devoted to days justifying working working days
Magistrate days during judicial work employment days spent spent on Remarks
the quarter according to on administrative
the yard-stick Inspection and other work
and Journey including casual
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. II
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Chief Judicial Magistrate
JUDICIAL MAGISTRATE IN THE................. HALF-YEAR 20..................IN THE DISTRICT OF....................
15. Remarks
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. II
l[FORM No. (S) 4
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
1 2 3
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. II
and Comparing
9 to 14
Fines (3)
comparing Fees
credited to
able to
Justice (4)
10. Process Servers
11. Salaried Copying
12. Others
13. Others
14. Refunds
15. Total of columns
15. Remarks
2. Process Fees
3. Other fees
4. Fines
5. Copying and
6. Other Receipts
7. Total
8. Gross
9. Share debit
1. District Magistrates/Chief Judicial Magistrates will give total figure separately for each station at which there is a Magistrate, Sessions Judge will give
them separately for each district within the Sessions Divisions. 2. Omit fractions of a rupee. 3. Magistrates will not include realisation on account
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. II
of fines imposed on persons committed for trial to the Court of Session which will be shown by the Sessions Judge in his statement. They will include
8. Acquitted or discharged
9. Found guilty and placed
on probation
Number of triel
10. Convicted
The number of persons out of those shown in column 8, the cases against whom were compounded,
Note - The totals of columns 8 to 11 should tally with the total of column 7.
The name of the district to which transfer should also be noted in column of Remarks.
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. II
Attempts where not separately specified in the Schedule should be
entered immediately after the offences at which there are attempted. Abetment
should be included with the substantive offences abetted.
Nomenclature of Offences, with Chapter and Section of the Penal Code
or other Law applicable
Offences against the State.. Chapter VI Section 121 to 130
Offences against the Army Chapter VII Section 131 to 140
and Navy
Offences against the Public’ Chapter VIII Sections 143 to 145, 149
tranquility to 151, 157, 158-Unlawful
Sections 147, 148, 152,
153 and
154 to 156 etc. Rioting,
Sections 153-A-
Promoting enmity
between classes.
Section 160-Affray
Offences by or relating to Chapter IX Sections 161 to 169 by
public servants public servants
Sections 161, 170 and
Rela ting to public
Contempt of the lawful Sections 172 to 190
authority of public servants.
False evidence and offences Sections 193 to 200-False
against public justice evidence, etc.
Sections 201 to 229-
Offences against public
Offences relating to coin and Chapter XII Sections 231 to 254
Government stamps Offences relating to coin .
Sections 255 to 263 -
Offences relating to
Offences relating to weights Chapter XIII Sections 264 to 267
and measures
Offences affecting the public Chapter XIV Sections 269 to 278 -
health, safety, convenience, Offences affecting public
decency and morals health.
Sections 279 to 289 -
Offence affecting safety.
Sections 290 to 291 -
Offences affecting
Sections 292 to 294 -
Offences affecting
decency and morals.
Sections 294 A-Keeping
lottery office of
publishing proposals for
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. II
Offences relating to religion Chapter XV Sections 295 to 298
Sections 302 and 303-
Section 307-Attempt
. to murder
Section 304-Culpable
Section 304-A-Causing
death by rash or
negligent act.
Section 308-Attempt
at culpable homicide
Section 305 and 306-
abetment of suicide
Section 309-Attempted
suicide Sections 311-
Thug. etc.
Sections 312 to 315-
Causing miscarriage
Section 316-Injury to
unborn children.
Offences affecting the human Chapter XVI Section 317-Expose of
body infants
Section 318-
Concealment of
birth by secret disposal
of dead body.
Sections 325 to 331 and
Hurt with aggravating
Sections 323, 324, 332
and 334 to 338 - Other
Section 341-Wrongful
Sections 343 to 348-
Wrongful confinement.
Sections 352 to 358-
Criminal force or assault
Sections 364, 366, 367-
Kidnaping of forcible
circums tances.
Sections 363, 365, 368, 369-
Other cases
Sections 370 & 371 -
Sections 372 & 373-
Buying or selling a
minor for the purposes
of prostitution.
Section 374-Forced labour
Section 376-Rape
Section 377-Unnatural
Appealable sentence
Delivered to
parent or
Found guiltyand
placed on probation
under Act 20 of 1958.
Delivered to
parent or
sentence passed.
Total of column 11 to
Committed or referred
to 1
Appealable sentence
sentence passed.
1 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23
1. District Magistrates
2. Sub-divisional Magistrates .
3. Executive Magistrates of other categories
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. II
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16
32. Rigorous 17. Rs. 10 and under
33. Simple
18. Rs. 50 and under
34. Rigorous
under years
35. Simple
years Above
were commuted
to detention in
a Reformatory 21. Rs. 1,000 and under
37. Released on
admonition 22. Above Rs. 1,000
38. Released on
probation 23. Total amount of fines
without imposed during the
supervision. year (2).
39. Released on
probation on 24. Total amount of fines
furnishing realised during the
surety or in
Details of Punishment
year (3).
charge of a
Officer specially
25. Amount paid by way
appointed by
Court. of compensation
40. Released on
probation and 26. Rigorous
placed under the
supervision of
Officer. Number of persons dealt with by probation 27. Simple
15 days and
41. Released on
probation and
required to 28. Rigorous
reside at
29. Simple
or other places.
6 months and
42. Released on
probation with 30. Rigorous
a requirement to
compensation to 31. Simple
7 days and
the victim.
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. II
1. Omit fraction of a rupees
2. Include all judicial fines imposed during the year by the Criminal Courts in the exercise of
Original Jurisdiction.
3. Include all such fines realised during the year, though imposed in previous years.
INSTRUCTIONS - In the case of offences triable jointly under Section 219 of the Code of Criminal
'procedure, the sentences passed should be exhibited separately if consecutive, and once only if concurrent.
'he number of case such as those in which fulfilment of contract is ordered Under Act XIII of 1859 should be
noted in a foot note.
As regards persons whose cases have been referred for higher punishment, for orders under Section
25 of the Criminal Procedure Code or for confirmation of sentence, the punishment, if any, sanctioned by
he High Court should be entered against such higher Court and not against the Court making the reference.
Note - Column 23 - This column should exhibit all fines imposed during the year on the persons shown in
Columns 7 to 22 of the Statement, by Officers in the exercise of original jurisdiction.
Column 24 should exhibit the realized portion of the above fines, including realization of fines
imposed but not recovered in a previous year.
Column 25 represents compensation awarded to complaints under Section 357, Criminal Procedure
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. II
required to keep the
peace under Section
106 (3), Criminal
Procedure Code, by
Court of Appeal or
Revision and the
number of youthful
offenders sent to a
Reformatory School
by Appellate Courts
under Section 8 (2)
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. II
of the Reformatory
applicants for revision
including pending from
previous year .
New trial or further
enquiry ordered
disposed of including
entries-in columns 4 to 10.
the year
the year
Class of Court
11. Total whose cases were
12. Remaining at the end of
14. Disposed of during the
15. Remaining at the close of
Courts On the 1st day On the 2nd day On the 3rd day After the 3rd day
Number of witness
discharged without
*Amount paid as
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. II
FORM No.(S) 12
PROBATION OF OFFENDERS ACT DURING 20.............................
No. of persons
Below 21 year 21 years of age
of age and above
(Signature of Magistrate)
(7) Brief statement of Magistrate’s reasons for believing
that the statement was voluntarily made.
(8) The statement having been recorded, the accused is
forwarded -to
(Signature of Magistrate)
Note - The questions noted below are specimen questions and the
Magistrate should merely use them for the purpose of helping him to put
the particular questions he considers desirable, having regard to the
circumstances of the case and the character of the accused :-
(i) Do you know that I am not an officer of the police but a Magistrate?
(ii) Do you know that you are not bound to make a confession?
(iii) Do you know that if you make a confession it may be used in
evidence against you?
(iv) Do you know that you should not say anything because others
have told you to say so and that you are at liberty to say whatever
you really desire to say?
(v) What are the reasons which have weighed with you in deciding
to make a confession ?
searching fee
Space for
Space for
Serial No ................
Application for Urgent/Ordinary Copy
* ................. No................ of 20.........
* Here state the class of case ..............................................................
Description of document of Application is made by ...........................the undersigned,
which is wanted with for copy of the marginally named document
date and the purpose for which in the above case which was disposed of on/is still
copy is applied for pending ......................The following stamps and stamped
sheets are filed :-
Dated..................... 20................... Signature of applicant
(Excluding what has been filed) Estimated stamps, etc, notified on
Rs. P. ................. supplied on..................
................... Stamp sheet @ 20 P. Applicant,
........... Court-fee stamps @ 20 P. Record received on .........................
Extra stamp for urgency .................
Searching fee in stamp.................... Copy will be ready on ......................
Total Copy actually ready on ......................
Date Clerk-in-charge Copy delivered on
Head Comparing Clerk
NOTE - The application will not be considered complete until stamps and
costs have been supplied in full which must be done within 3 days of the date of the
estimate. All inquiries and complaints shall be accompanied by this counterfoil. It will
be given up when the copy is delivered.
Dated, the 20................. 20.............
I am to request that you will make post-mortem examination
of the body of .................................herewith sent to you, and report the
result to this office.
Yours faithfully,
Dated, the ..................................... 20...........
Dated ...............
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. II
I am to inform you that the Sessions
Case No. noted on the margin has
been fixed for the trial onIam to
State request that the following material
Vs. object (s) sent to you by letter
.............. Accused
No .................. dated ............ of the
Committed on
charges under Judicial Magistrate of .....................
Sections .............. may be returned along with your
I.P.C. By the report before the date fixed.
.......... of ........
Yours faithfully,
Sessions Judge
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. II
FORM No.(M) 9
Of................ On the ................... Day of .................. 20 ..........
Under section (s)
FORM No.(M) 10
THE Complainant
Dated, the....................... 20 ........... Versus
Sir, Case
I am to request that you will forward decided
to this office, on or before the ....................... the by .............
original records of the case noted on the margin.
The records are required under Section 385 on ............
(2) 397 of the Criminal Procedure Code, 1973 20 ..........
(Act II of 1974).
Yours faithfully,
Dated, the....................... 20 ..........
Under Section 385 (1) of the Criminal Procedure
Code, I am to inform you that the case marginally
Convicted noted is set down for hearing on the , and also to
by the of on request that you will give notice thereof to the
the 20 appellant and the complainant (Private prosecutor, if
any) intimating to me hereof that you have done so.
* Omit this *2. I am also to request that you will forward the
paragraph original records of the case so as to reach this office
when not at least days before the date fixed for hearing
necessary the appeal. A brief may be prepared for the use of the
Public Prosecutor before the record is sent.
Yours faithfully
Note 1 - When notice is issued to the complainant he should be
informed that the State has the right to appear to oppose the appeal and
except where the right is given by law to him, the person to whom notice is
issued, requires the permtsslon of the Court to appear and ordinarily will
not receive such permission if the State appears.
Note 2 - Brief is to be supplied to the Public Prosecutor where State
is the respondent.
Dated, the ........................ 20 ............
Copy forwarded to the Chief Judicial Magistrate/Subdivisional
Judicial Magistrate/Subdivisional Magistrate of ...............for information.
The original records of the case should be forwarded so as
to reach this Court at least before the date fixed for
hearing. Before doing so, the Subdivisional Judicial Magistrate/
Subdivisional Magistrate is requested, if necessary to have a brief
of the case prepared for the use of the Public Prosecutor.
Sessions Judge
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. II
....................................................................... Complainant
......................................................................... Respondent
Convicted of an offence under Section........................... I.P.C. by
the Magistrate of .............on the ..................20................ and acquitted
on appeal by the Sessions Judge of ..............on the .................20 .........
In the matter of a petition of appeal filed by the State of Orissa,
under Section 378 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, in connection
with the case noted above.
Take notice that the aforesaid appeal has been set down for
hearing before the Hon’ble High Court on ..........20 Cuttack.
You are hereby required to appear either in person or through Advocate at
the hearing of the appeal on the said date. Herein fail not.
A copy of the petition of appeal is enclosed.
In case you desire legal assistance of the Court for your
defence, necessary report to the effect may be filed before me
by .....................20 .....................
Date this .......... day of ...........
FORM No.(M) 12
(Section 385 Cr.P.C.
Dated, the .................. 20 ....................
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. II
Take notice that Criminal Appeal .............................noted
Criminal Appeal on the margin has been fixed for hearing on .....................
No ..........of
19 ............ at ...............A.M. in this Court.
Appellant Sessions Judge
...... Respondent Chief Judicial/Magistrate
FORM No.(M) 13
In the Court of Mr ...................................Sessions Judge/Chief Judicial
Magistrate of .............................
Criminal Appeal No .......................of .............................20
Appeal from the order of Assistant Sessions Judge/
Magistrate ...............................................................................
of .........................Dated ..........................20
FORM No.(M) 15
Memo No ............................Dt. ...................
Copy with the warrant and bail-bond, if any, forwarded to the
........................of .........................for information and which the direction to -
(1) discharge the accused from his bail, Strike out (1), (2) or (3)
Sessions Tudge
Chief Judicial Magistrate
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. II
FORM No.(M) 16
No ...............................
Dated, the .................20................
I forward, for the purpose of being laid before Court, petition
of appeal (with copy of the judgment annexed) dated the......................
day of ...............20..................from ...............convicted by the..............
at ..................of an offence under Section (s) ................of.................on
the of .....................20 .............
Yours faithfully,
Superintendent of the Jail
Memo No ...........................Dt. ........................
Copy forwarded to the Sessions Judge/Chief Judicial Magistrate
of ...........................
Dated ..................... Superintendent of the Jail
The ...................20 ........................
FARM No.(M) 17
In the Court of .............Case No ............of 20
Serial Date of Order with initials Office note as to
number order of the Magistrate action taken on order
of order (if any) and date
1 2 3 4
Opposite Party
FORM NO.(M) 24 - A
In the Court of ................Case No. ................ of
................................................................................. State/Complainant
................................................................................................. Accused
Received ..........................the brief/copies of the documents as
per Rule 50 of the G.R. & C.O. (Criminal) Volume I -
Signature of the accused
Pleader for the accused
Public Prosecutor
FORM No.(M) 26
No.2, Schedule II, Act II, 1974
(Section 70 of the Criminal Procedure Code)
(1) ................Whereas (2) ................of..........................stands.....................
charged with the offence of (3) ........................................You are hereby directed
to arrest the said (2) and produce him before me. Here in fail not.
Dated the of ..................20 .........................
Sessions fudge/Magistrate
(See Section 71)
This warrant may be endorsed as follows
If the said (2) ...........................................shall give bail himself in the sum
of .....................with one surety the sum of rupees
................. (or two sureties in the sum of rupees.....................................) to attend
before me on the of .......................................and to continue so to
attend until otherwise directed by me, he may be released.
Dated this................. day of ........................20 ...............
(Seal of the Court) Sessions ludge
FORM No.(M) 27
No.3, Schedule II, Act II, 1974
(Section 81 of the Criminal Procedure Code)
I (4) .......................of .......................................being brought before
the (5) ............under a warrant issued to ...........................compel my appearance
to answer to the change of (6) hereby bind myself to
attend in the Court of ..................on of.............................
next to answer to the said charge and to continue so to attend until otherwise
directed by the Court ; and in case of making default therein, I bind myself to
forfeit to Government the sum of rupees ...............................................................
1) Name and designation of the person or persons who is or are to execute the warrant.
(2) Name of the accused.
(3) State the offence.
(4) Name.
(5) District Magistrate or as the case may be.
(6) State the offence.
FORM No.(M) 30
No.6, Schedule II, Act II, 1974
(Section 83 of the Criminal Procedure Code)
STATION AT .....................................................
WHEREAS a warrant has been duly issued to compel the
attendance of 9 testify concerning a complaint pending
before this Court, and it has been returned to the said warrant
that it cannot be served ; and whereas it has been shown to my
1. Name, description and address
2. Has committed or is suspected to have committed
3. Mention the offence concisely
4. Name, description and address of the witness;
5. Name of witness
6. Has absconded or is concealing himself to avoid the service of the said warrant
7. Mame
8. Place
9. Name description and address
FORM No.(M) 31
No.7, Schedule II, Act II, 1974
(Section 83 of the Criminal Procedure Code)
WHEREAS complaint has been made before me that 4..................5
..................the offence of...............punishable under Section......................
of the Indian Penal Code and it has been returned to a warrant
of arrest thereupon issued that the said ...................................... cannot be
found and whereas it has been shown to my satisfaction that the
said................. 7................................... and thereupon a proclamation has
been or is being duly issued and published requiring the said6................... to
appear to answer the said charge within..........................days and whereas
the said possessed of the following property other
than land paying revenue to Government in the 8....................of.................
in the district of...................................and an order has been made for the
attachment thereof..................................
1. Has absconded or is concealing himself to avoid the service of the said warrant.
2. Name description and address.
3. Name and designation of the person or persons who is or are to execute the
4. Name, description and address.
5. Has committed or is suspected to have committed.
6. Name.
7. Has absconded or is concealing himself to avoid the service of the said warrant
8. Village or town.
9. Strike out the one which is not applicable depending on the nature of the property
to be attached
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. II
You are hereby required to attach the said property in the
manner specified in Clause (a) and Clause (c) or both...................... of
Sub-section (2) of Section 83 and to hold the same under attachment
pending the further order of this Court, and to return this warrant
with a endorsement certifying the manner of its execution.
Dated this................... day of.................... 20 ...........................
Seal of the Court Signature
FORM No.(M) 32
No.8, Schedule II, Act II, 1974
(Section 83 of the Criminal Procedure Code)
WHEREAS complaint has been made before me that 2................
3................the offence of ................, punishable under section ..............
of the Indian Penal Code, and it has been turned to a warrant of a r r e s t
thereupon issued that the said! cannot be found; and whereas it has
been shown to my satisfaction that the said 4..................5 .............. And
thereupon a proclamation has been or is being duly issued and
punished requiring the said 4 to appear to answer the said charge
within days and whereas the said possessed of certain
land paying revenue to Government in the 6.............of............................
in the district of...............................
You are hereby authorised and requested to cause the said land
to be attached in the manner specified in Clause (a) or Clause (c) or
both 7 of Sub-section (4) of Section 83 and to be held under
attachment pending the further order of this Court, and to certify
without delay what you may have done in pursuance of this order.
Dated this............................ day of.......................... 20............................
(Seal of the Court) Signature
1. Strike out the one which is not applicable depending on the nature of the
property to be attached.
2. Name, description and address
3. Has committed or is suspected to have committed
4. Name
5. Has absconded or is concealing himself to avoid the service of the said warrant
6. Village or town
7. Strike out the one which is not desired.
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. II
FORM No.(M) 33
No.9, Schedule II, Act II, 1974
(Section 81 of the Criminal Procedure Code)
WHEREAS complaint has been made before me that 2................
of ...............3.............. committed the offence of ..............4.....................
and it appears likely 5 .......................can give evidence. concerning the
said complaint; and whereas I have good and sufficient reason to
believe that he will not attend as a witness on the hearing of the said
complaint unless compelled to do so.
This is to authorize and require you to arrest the said 6 ...........................
and on the .............................. day of ............................ To bring him before this
Court, to be examined touching the offence complained of.
Dated this............................ day of.......................... 20............................
(Seal of the Court)
FORM No.(M) 34
No.10, Schedule II, Act II, 1974
(Section 93 of the Criminal Procedure Code)
To 7 ............................................................................................................
Whereas 8...................................................................................................
FORM No.(M) 35
No.ll, Schedule II,Act II, 1974
(Section 94 of the Criminal Procedure Code)
WHEREAS information has been laid before me, and on due
inquiry there-upon held, I have been led to believe that the 9........................
is used as place for the 10 .......................................
This is to authorise and require you to enter the said11.....................
with such assistance as shall be required, and to use, if necessary
reasonable force for that purpose, and to search 12............................... and
1. Commission or suspected Commission.
2. Mention the offence concisely.
3. Specify the thing clearly.
4. Now being made or about to be made.
5. Offence or suspected offences.
6. The thing to be specified.
7. Describe the house or place part thereof to which the search is to
be confined.
8. Name and designation of the Police Officer above the rank of a constable.
9. Describe the house or other place.
10. Deposit or sale of stolen property. or. if for either of the other purposes
expressed in 1he Section, state the purpose in the words of the Section.
11. House or other place.
12. Every part of the said house or other place, or if the search is to be
confined to a part. specify the part clearly.
FORM No.(M) 36
No.12, Schedule II, Act II, 1974
(Sections 106, 107 of the Criminal Procedure Code)
WHEREAS, 12 .....................inhabitant of 3.................have been
called upon to enter into a bond to keep the peace for the term
of.............................or until the completion of the inquiry in the matter
of pending in the Court of.................
I hereby bind myself not to commit a breach of the peace or do
any act that may probably occasion a breach of the peace, during the
said term or, until the completion of the said inquiry; and in case of
my making default therein I hereby bind myself to forfeit to
Government, the sum of rupees........................
Dated this ..................... day of................ 20 ................ hereby declare 5.....................
surety for the above-named............................. that he shall not commit
a branch of the peace, or do any act that may probably occasion a
breach of the peace during the said term or, until the completion of the
said inquiry; and in case of his making default therein 4........................
bind 6...................... to forfeit to.........................Government..................
the sum of rupees.....................
Dated this....................... day of............... 20 ...........
Signature of the Surety/Sureties.
1. Property or documents or stamps, or seals or coins or abscene objects as the
case may be. (Add when the case requires it) and also if any instruments and
materials which you may reasonable believe to be kept for the manufacture of
forged documents or counterfeit stamps, or false seals, or counterfeit coin or
counterfeit currency notes as the case may be.
2. Name
3. Place
4. I or we
5. Myself or ourselves
6. Myself or ourselves jointly and severally
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. II
FORM No.(M) 37
No.13, Schedule II, Act II, 1974
(Sections 108, 109 and 110 of the Criminal Procedure Code)
FORM No.(M) 38
No.14, Schedule II, Act II, 1974
(Section 113 of the Criminal Procedure Code)
1. Name
2. Place
3. State the Period
4. I or we
5. Myself or ourselves
6. Myself or ourselves jointly and severally
FORM No.(M) 40
No.16, Schedule II, Act II, 1974
(Section 122 of the Criminal Procedure Code)
To .....................................................................................................
The...................................of the Jail at..................
WHEREAS.............................................................And whereas an
order has been ....................... recorded stating the same and requiring the
said3................................ to furnish security for his good behaviour for the
term of 4............................. by entering into a bond with 5..........................
......................himself for rupees.......................... And 6.........................for
rupees ......................and the said3...................... has failed to comply with
the said order, and for such default has been adjusted imprisonment
for.................... unless the said security be sooner furnished.
1. Officer-in-charge
2. It has been made to appear to me that (name and description) has been
concealing his presence in the district and there is reason to believe that
he is doing so with a view to committing a cognizable offence
or Whereas evidence of the general character of (name and description)
has been adduced before me and recorded from which it appears that he
is an habitual robber of house breaker etc. (as the case may be)
3. Name
4. State the period
5. One surety or two, or more sureties as the case may be
6. The said security to each) of the said sureties
7. State the term .
8. Officer-in-charge of Jail
9. Term of imprisonment
FORM No.(M) 41
No.17, Schedule II, Act II, 1974
(Sections 122 and 123 of the Criminal Procedure Code)
The l ............................................. of the Jail at................................
WHEREAS2......................................................... was committed
to your custody under warrant of this Court.
Dated the...................... this day of................. and 3...................
This is to authorise and require you forthwith to discharge the
said 4............................. From ............................... your custody, unless
he is liable to be detained for some other cause.
Dated, this day of............................. 20..........................
FORM No.(M) 42
No.20, Schedule II, Act II, 1974
(Section 133 of the Criminal Procedure Code)
WHEREAS it has been made to appear to me that you 2
I do hereby direct and require you within 3.........................................at4
Dated, this day of...........................20............................
Seal of the Court Signature
FORM No.(M) 43
No.21, Schedule II, Act II, 1974
(Section 141 of the Criminal Procedure Code)
I hereby give you notice that it has been found that the order
issued on of...................requiring you6 is reasonable
and proper. Such order has been made absolute, and I hereby direct
and require you to obey the said order, within 7......................................
And in case of disobedience thereof you will be liable to the
penalty provided therefor by the Indian Penal Code for disobedience
Dated, this day of........................... 20................
Seal of the Court Signature
WHEREAS the inquiry into the Conditional Order issued by me
on the ........................ day of ................... 20 ........... is being and it has
been made to appear to me that the nuisance mentioned in the said
order is attended with such imminent danger of inquiry of a serious
kind to the public as to render necessary immediately measures to
prevent such danger or injury. I do hereby, under the provisions of
Section 142 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973 direct and enjoin
you ...............forthwith to2...................pending the result of the inquiry.
Dated, this day of................ 20....................
Seal of the Court Signature
FORM No.(M) 45
No.23, Schedule II, Act II, 1974
(Section 143 of the Criminal Procedure Code)
WHEREAS it has been made to appear to me that 4 ...................
I do hereby strictly order and enjoin you not to repeat or continue to
said nuisances.
Dated, this day of................ 20....................
Seal of the Court Signature
FORM No.(M) 47
No.25, Schedule II, Act II, 1974
(Section 145 of the Criminal Procedure Code)
It appears to me on the grounds duly recorded, that a dispute
likely to induce a breach of the peace, existed between 4.......................
Concerning certain 5....................................................... suitable within
the local limits of my jurisdiction, all the said parties were called upon
to give in a written statement of their respective claims as to the fact
of actual possession of the said 6..........................and being satisfied by
due inquiry held thereupon within reference to the merits of the claim
of either of the said parties to the legal right of possession, that the
claim of actual possession by the said true ..............
I do decide and declare that 8............. in possession of the said 6............
and entitled to retain such possession until ousted by due course of law
do strictly................................. forbid any disturbance of 9......................
Possession in the meantime.
1. Name, description and address
2. Follow the recital given in Form No.24, Schedule II, Act II, 1974
3. Insert the order of prohibition
4. Describe the parties by names and residence or residence only if the dispute
between bodies of villagers.
5. State concisely the subject dispute
6. The subject of dispute
7. Name, Names or description
8. He is or they are
9. His or their
FORM No.(M) 48
No.26, Schedule II, Act II, 1974
(Section 146 of the Criminal Procedure Code)
To the
WHEREAS it has been made to appear to me that a dispute
likely to induce a breach of the peace, existed between 2........................
concerning certain 3..............situate within the limits of my jurisdiction,
and the said parties were thereupon duly called upon to state in writing
their respective claims and to the fact of actual possession of the
said 4......................and whereas upon due inquiry into the said claims 5.
This is to authorize and require you to attach the said 4................
by taking and keeping possession thereof and to hold the same under
attachment until the degree or order of a competent Court determining
the rights of the parties or the claim to possession shall have been
obtained; and to return this warrant with an endorsement certifying the
manner of its execution.
Dated, this ..................... day of ................ 20 ..............
FORM No.(M) 50
No.28, Schedule II, Act II, 1974
(Section 169 of the Criminal Procedure Code)
110................... of.............. being Charged with the offence of 11.............
and after inquiry hereby bind myself to appear at
1. State concisely the subject of dispute
2. Land or water
3. Describe the person or persons
4. The public or if by an individual, or a class of persons describe him or them.
5. (If the use can be enjoyed throughout the year) that the said use has been
enjoyed within three months of the institution of the said inquiry (or if the
use is enjoyable only at particular reasons, say) “during the last of the
reasons at which the same is capable of being enjoyed.
6. The claimant or claimants of possession.
7. Take or retain
8. He or they
9. Him or them
10. Name .
11. State offence
12. Required to appear before the Magistrate of or and after inquiry called upon
to enter jnto my own recognizance to appear when required.
FORM No.(M) 51
No.29, Schedule II, Act II, 1974
(Section 170 of the Criminal Procedure Code)
1 , .......................... of 7 ....................... do ...................................
hereby bind myself to attend at the Court of
..................... at .........................O’clock on the ............................... day
of next, and then and thereto 8 .................................... in the matter of a
charge of against one 9 ....................... .... and in case of making default
herein, I bind myself to forfeit to Government the sum of rupees.
Dated, this ................... day of .................. 20 ................
Seal of the Court Signature
To 1.................................................................................................
WHEREAS your attendance is necessary to answer a charge of
a petty offence are hereby required to appear
in person (or by pleader) before 3..............................of...........................
on the....................... day of........................... 20............ or if you desire
to plead guilty to the charge without appearing before
transmit before the aforesaid date the plea of guilty in writing and the
sum of ...................rupees as fine, or if you desire to appear by pleader
and to plead guilty through such pleader, to authorise such pleader in
writing to make such pleader of guilty on your behalf and to pay the
fine through such pleader. Herein fail not.
Dated, this ................... day of .................. 20 ................
Seal of the Court Signature
NOTE - The amount of fine specified in this summons shall not exceed
one hundred rupees.
Section/ (s)
I, ......................................................... (1) received the summons
to answer a charge of petty offences in aforesaid case. I do hereby
plead guilt and remit a sum of rupees.................................... (in words)
......................................... by postal money order and pray that the said
amount may be accepted and the case may be disposed of .
Date....................................... Signature of the accused
(This form need not be sent to the Court if the accused is not willing
to plead guilt).
1. Name of the accused
FORM No.(M) 53
No.31, Schedule II, Act II, 1974
(Section 209 of the Criminal Procedure Code)
The Magistrate of .....................................................hereby gives
notice that he has committed one ............................. for trial at the next
sessions; and the Magistrate hereby instructs the Public Prosecutor to
conduct the Prosecution of the said case.
The charge against the accused is that 1,
Dated, this ................... day of .................. 20 ................
Seal of the Court Signature
The Officer-in-charge of Jail at..............................................
WHEREAS 1 ............................... of charged
with 2 .................................................... and has been committed to take
his trial before the Court of Session at ....................................................
You are hereby required to receive the said .......................... Into
your custody and produce him before the said Court when so
Dated, this ............. day of................ 20 ...............
Seal of the Court
FORM No.(M) 55
No.32, (I) Schedule II, Act II, 1974
(Sections 211, 212, 213 of the Criminal Procedure Code)
P3, ............................................ hereby charge you 4 .................................. follows :
That you, on or about 5................................. at 6.......................................
7...................................... and thereby committed an offence punishable
under Section ...........................................of the Indian Penal Code, and
within 8...................................... and I hereby direct that you be tried by
this/ said Court on the said charge.
Dated, this ............. day of................ 20 ...............
Sessions Judge/Magistrate
1. Name [with age]
2. State the offence
3. Name and office of Sessions Judge/Magistrate
4. Name of accused person
5. State the date and time
6. Place
7. State the offence
8. My cognizance or the cognizance of the Chief Judicial Magistrate in the district of, as
the case may be.
...1............................................................................hereby charge
............................................................ As follows :- ...........................
Signature of Sessions
Judge /Magistrate
1. Officer-in-charge
2. Name of Prisoner [with age)
3. 1 st, 2nd, 3rd as the case m
4. Name and official desiqnatl
5. Mention the offence or offe
6. Or Sections
7. Indian Penal Code or of ..
8. State the punishment fully
9. Officer-in-charge, Jail
10. Prisoner's name
9. By whom convicted
11. Sentence
2. Character
1. Address
or not
8. Date
The Officer-in-charge of the Jail at
WHEREAS 1..........................................................has brought against
2 .................................... the complaint that 3 ........................................ and
the same has been dismissed on the ground that there was no reasonable ground
for making the accusation against the said 4.......................................and the order
of dismissal awards payment by the said 4 ...................................of the sum of
rupees compensation; and whereas the said sum
has not been paid and an order has been made for his simple imprisonment in jail
for the period of days, unless the aforesaid sum be sooner paid;
1. Name with age and description
2. Name with age and description of the accused person
3. Mention it concisely
4. Name of complainant
FORM No. (M) 63
No. 33, Schedule II, Act II, 1974
(Sections 6 and 244 of the Criminal Procedure Code)
To........................ of .....................
WHEREAS complaint has been made before me that 3 ..............
of 4 ....................................... committed the offence of 5 ......................
and it appears to me that you are likely to give material evidence or to
produce any document or other thing for the prosecution.
You are hereby summoned to appear before this Court on
the of at 100Clock in the forenoon to produce
such document of thing or to testify what you know concerning the
matter of the said complaint, and not to depart hence without leave of
the Court and you are hereby warned that if you shall without just
excuse neglect or refuse to appear on the said date, a warrant will be
issued to compel your attendance.
Dated, this ............. day of................ 20 ...............
Seal of the Court
Sessions Judge/Magistrate
Note - In cases where a witness is a public servant a forwarding
letter to the head of the office in which such public servant is employed in
Form No. M-25-A is to be enclosed to summons.
1. Name
2. Term of imprisonment
3. Name of the accused.
4. Has or is suspected to have
5. State the offence concisely with time and place
6. Or six as the case may be
The Officer-in-charge of the Jail at ............................
Whereas the attendance of 1 ............ at present confined/detained
in the above-mentioned prison, is required in this Court to answer to a
charge of 2.................or for the purpose of a proceeding 3 .....................
............ you are hereby required to produce the said 1 ............................
under the safe and sure conduct before this Court ....................... on the of ................. 20 ................A.M. thereto answer
to the said charge or for the purpose of the said proceeding, and after
this Court has dispensed with his further attendance, cause him to be
conveyed under safe and sure conduct back to said prison.
And you are further required to inform the said 1 .................... of
the contents of this order and deliver to him the attached copy thereof.
Dated, this ............. day of................ 20 ...............
(Seal of the Court)
(Signa ture)
FORM No. (M) 65
The Officer-in-charge of the Jail at
1. Name of Prisoner
2. State shortly the offence charged
3. State shortly the particulars of the proceeding
In the above proceedings, the plaintiff! defendant/Complainant/
accused proposes to examine ....................................... an Officer in the
THE SECRETARY, Legislative Assembly /Legislative Council
In the above proceedings the Complainant/ accused proposes to
examine ........................ an Officer in the Secretariat of the Legislative
Assembly /Council of States (or any duly informed Officer in the
Secretariat of the Assembly /Council) as a witness in regard to matter
specified in the Annexure. I am to request you to move the Hon’ble
Speaker/Chairman, or the House, if necessary, to grant leave for the
examination of the said Officer in my.Court and, if such leave is
granted to direct the Officer to appear in Court on at.. A.M.
Yours faithfully
FORM No. (M) 69
Sessions Judge
1. Prisoner’s name
2. Officer-in-charge
3. Name of Prisoner
4. 1 st, 2nd, 3rd as the case may be.
5. Time and place of execution
Sessions Judge
Sessions Judge
1. Name
2. State the number of days or hours allowed.
3. Name, address and description of the offender
4. Mention the offence concisely
5. Name
1. Name
2. Place
3. Name and description of the surety or sureties
4. Myself or ourselves surety or sureties
5. I or we bind myself or ourselves jointly and severally
1. Officer-in-charge
2. Name and description of the offender
3. Presence of or view
4. Name of offender
5. State the number of months or days
6. Officer-in-charge
7. Name of offender
8. Term of imprisonment
To 1
WHEREAS 2 ....................................... being 3............................
......................... as a witness, and this day required to give evidence o n
an inquiry into an alleged offence, refused to answer 4 ..........................
........................ put to him touching the said alleged offence and duly
recorded having been called upon to produce 5 ......................................
has refused to produce such document without alleging any just excuse
for such refusal and for his refusal has been ordered to be detained in
custody for 6 .................................................................
This is to authorise and require you to take the said
7 ........................ into custody, and him safely keep in your custody for
the period of .................. days, unless in the meantime he shall consent
to be examined and to answer the questions asked of him, or to
produce the document called for from him and on the last of the said
days, of forthwith on such consent being known, to bring him before
this Court to be dealt with according to law returning this warrant with
an endorsement certifying the manner of its execution.
1. Officer-in-charge
2. Name [with age], description and address
3. Wife, child, father or mother (name)
4. State the reason.
5. Herself or himself
6. Neglected or refused
7. Name
8. Wife, child, father or mother
9. Or months
10. Simple or rigorous
11. Officer-in-charge
Sessions Judge/Magistrate
WHEREAS on the of................... 20............ you
became surety by a bond for I . of 2 that he would be of good behaviour
for the period of ................................................................. to Government,
1. Name
2. Place
1. Name
2. Mention the offence concisely
3. Name, description and address
4. Name of person, and mention the condition of the bond
5. Name
6. The penalty in the bond
To 1
of Village ............................ Thana ................District ......................
1. Name
2. Fare or Excess fare Rs ..............
3. Excess charge Rs ...............
Total Rs..................
Note - 1. In columns 2 & 5 of this List, the first name of each side,
e.g. A. VS. B shall only be noted.
Note - 2. In columns 3 & 6 the dates of adjournment are to be noted
at the close of the day.
(a) In suitable cases, where there is apprehension that the
accused may jump bail, preferably the bailor/bailors as the case
may be should be of blood relation of the accused and in case such
bailor /bailors are found not solvent up to bail amount, or are not
willing to take bail, the accused is to satisfy the Court on those
points and in that case preferably the bailor /bailors should be of
the Village, Panchayat, Sub-division or District or any other place
chronologically and in case the accused prefers a bailor outside of
his district, the bailor should mention in the affidavit generally
required to be filed, to the satisfaction of the Court, as to how he
developed acquaintance with the accused. Besides the accused would
explain to the satisfaction of the Court in writing as to why he did
not prefer to choose a bailor from his district giving convicting
reasons for choosing the bailor out side of the District.
(b) Ordinarily the bail may not be granted when the accused
has jumped bail and surrenders after the action is taken for his
non-attendance in the Court in case he does not satisfy the Court
for his non-attendance of the Court due to some unavoidable
(c) While in a bail jumping case, the accused is brought under
arrest, the Magistrate should not be liberal in granting bail.
(d) In case the bail-bond/bonds has/have not been forfeited
and the accused prays to continue on previous bail, the order to
continue on the previous bail should not be passed by the Presiding
Officer behind the back of the bailor /bailors.
(e) On the day when the accused was found to have jumped
bail, one Misc. Case against the bailor /bailors as well as the accused
should be initiated without any further delay.
(f) The bailor /bailors in his affidavit should also mention
as to whether for the 1st time he/they is/are standing sureties 0;
previously he/ they was/ were bailor /bailors in one or more than
one case.
(g) While checking the solvency if it is found that the property
stands In the name of his (bailor's/bailors') father, the bailor /bailors
should mention in his affidavit that either his/their father or fathers
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. II
Shri R. N. Panda, M.A., LL.B.
Registrar of the High Court of Orissa
The District and Sessions Judge, Balasore
Subject : Procedure to be followed for return of documents in
criminal cases consigned to the District Record Room.
With reference to your letter No .. 1958, dated 16.5.1981 on
the above subject I am directed to say that instructions issued in
Court's Circular letter No. 1472, dated 14.3.1976 on the question
of return of documents in Criminal cases are exhaustive and clear.
The period of six months prescribed in Rule 226 at page 65 of the
G.R. and CO. (Criminal) Volume - I, is to be counted on the judgment
being final which includes the judgments of the Superior Courts
also. It is the responsibility of the Judge-in-charge Record Room
to give notice to the parties to take return of the documents. In
spite of notice if the parties do not turn up to take their documents,
the risk is theirs.
In the circumstances the Court have been pleased to observe
that there is neither any necessity to modify the instructions already
issued in the matter not to prescribe a separate form for return of
documents in Criminal Cases ;
Yours faithfully
R. N. Panda
No. 3866-XLIX-D-17/84
Dated Cuttack, the 11th April 1984
Shri R. N. Panda, M.A., LL.B.
Registrar of the High Court of Orissa, Cuttack
All the District and Sessions Judges of the State
Subject : Recording of confessional statements of the accused
persons in cases triable exclusively by the Court of Sessions.
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. II
Yours faithfully
R. N. Panda
I am directed to say that a question was raised as to whether
the penalty imposed on bailors can be written off by the Judicial
Magistrates. The matter was discussed in the District Judges
conference held in the month of December 1983. It was decided in the
conference that in view of the specify provisions contained in 431 and
446 of the Code of Criminal Procedure the concerned Magistrate are
competent off writ of to the penalty imposed on bailors provided the
conditions laid down in Rule 115 of the General Rules and Circular
Orders Criminal Volume I page 39 for writing off the fine amount are
The Court concur with that decision and are pleased to observe
that Sub-section (2) of Section 446, Cr.P.c. equates the procedure
for recovery of penalty under a forfeited bond with the procedure
for recovery of fine imposed by a Court. Rule 145 at page 39 of the
General Rules and Circular Orders (Criminal), Volume I, laying
down the principles for writing off irrecoverable fines is therefore
applicable for writing off the penalty under a forfeited bond.
Yours faithfully
R. N. Panda
I am directed to invite a reference to the provisions of the
Section 169 and 170 of the Code of Criminal Procedure and to say
that as provided in Section 169, Cr.P.C. the accused is required to
furnish a bond and bail bond with or without sureties in form
No. 28 binding himself to appear in the Court of the Magistrate
on the date fixed in that bond or on such other day as he may be
directed to attend to answer further to the charge and in case of
his making default to bind himself to forfeit the amount for which
the bond has been executed Section 170 (1) Cr.P.c. provides that
in case of bailable offence the accused is required to give security
before the Officer-in-charge of a Police Station for his appearance
before the Magistrate on the date fixed and for his attendance
from day to day before such Magistrate until otherwise directed.
Section 446-A of the Code of Criminal Procedure makes provisions
that in case of failure of the accused to attend the Court on the
date fixed in pursuance of the bond executed by him in Form No.
28 as required under Section 169 or 170 (1) Cr.P.c. the bond shall
stand cancelled and the accused shall not be released only on his
own bond. From the prevalent practice, it appears that when the
accused does not appear before the Magistrate on the date fixed
in the bond executed by him in Form No. 28 the said bond is not
being forfeited and fresh summonses are being issued by the Courts
to the accused for his appearance in Court which unnecessarily
increases the clerical labour and causes delay in disposal of the
In the circumstances, the Court have been pleased to observe
that coercive action against the accused persons and their bailors may
be taken as per the provisions of Section .446-A of the Code, for
failure of the conditions mentioned in the bail bond executed in Form
No. 28, before the Police Officer.
No. 13297 - II - 16/84 (PI.) - II
Dated Bhubaneswar, the 23rd July 1984
Shri A. C. Das, LL.B.
Joint Secretary to Government
The Registrar, Orissa High Court
Subject : Criminal Courts-Witnesses Expenses-Drawal of witness
expenses by Courts through A.C.Bill.
Reference : Courts Letter No. 5119, dated 8.5.1984.
I am directed to say that in order to overcome the difficulties
arising out of non-payment or belated payment of
“Witnesses Expenses” to the witnesses appearing in different Criminal
Courts due to non-availability of sufficient funds Government, after
careful consideration, have been pleased to decide that the requirement
of Witnesses Expenses be drawn by the Courts for one month through
A.C.Bills and same be recovered through D.C.Bills within a period of
two months. In other words, amounts drawn in August 1984 in
A.C.Bills would be cleared through D.C.Bills by the end of October
1984. The Courts may would be cleared through D.C.Bills by the end
of October 1984. The Courts may ensure payment to witnesses on the
very day of their appearance in the Court.
I am to request that the Court may kindly issue necessary
instructions in the matter to all concerned.
Yours faithfully
Joint Secretary to Government.
No. 8537
Dated Cuttack the 25th August, 1984.
Shri J. M. Mohapatra, M. Com., LL.B.
Registrar of the High Court of Orissa (Admn.)
All the Sessions Judges of the State
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. II
I am direct to say that a doubt has been entertained as to
whether charge-sheets and prosecution reports in respect of offences
under Essential Commodities (Special Provisions) Act, 1981
committed on or after 1.9.1992 should be continued to be filed before
the cognizance taking Magistrates or before the Special Courts
constituted under the Act. All the District and Sessions Judges of the
State were consulted in the matter.
On a careful consideration of the matter the Court have been
pleased to observe that in view of provisions of Section 12 AA (l)(a)
and (e) and other Provisions of the Act, cognizance of the offence
under the Act has to be taken by the Special Court upon perusal of
Police report or the report made by a public servant, and as such the
prosecution reports/the charge-sheets should be filed before the
Special Court constituted under the Act. The Court further observe
that in case of filing of charge-sheet by the Police before the Special
Court, the fact be noted in the G.R. Register maintained by the C.S.I.
with an endorsement that the charge-sheet has been filed before the
Special Court and after disposal of the case instituted on Police report
by the Special Court the result of the case may be noted in the
C.R.Register on collecting the information from the said Court by the
C.S.1. I am, therefore, to request that aforesaid instructions may be
brought to the notice of all special Courts constituted under the Act
and other Subordinate Criminal Courts working under you for their
information and guidance.
Yours faithfully
Registrar (Admn.)
No. 9742-XLIX-D-24/84
Dated Cuttack the 20th September 1984
Shri J. M. Mohapatra, M.Com., LL.B.
Registrar (Admn.) of the High Court of Orissa, Cuttack
The Dis trict and Sessions Judges
Subject : Maintenance of a Register for pending split up records.
I am directed to say that the question of maintenance of a
register for pending split up records in Criminal Courts in respect
No. 10859
Outed Cuttack the 7th November 1985
Shri J. M. Mohapatra, M.Com., LL.B.
Registrar (Admn.) of the High Court of Orissa, Cuttack
The District and Sessions Judges
Subject : Expeditious disposal of Sessions Cases involving under-
trial prisoners.
It has come to the notice of the Court that abnormal delay
occurs in the trial and disposal of Sessions Cases of under trial
prisoners in spite of issuance of instructions in Court's Letter No.
8490, dated 24.8.1984 regarding expeditious disposal of Sessions
Cases involving under-trial prisoners.
Rule 58 at page 16 of the C.R. and C.O. (Criminal) Volume -
I provides that it should always be the endeavor of every Sessions
Judge to see that a Sessions Trial is brought to close with the
expedition without any unnecessary adjournments.
The Court wish to observe that the Sessions Judges should
have a close eye on the pendency and disposal of such cases in their
respective jurisdictions. They further direct that the Sessions Judges
should give preference to the trial of Sessions Cases involving
under-trial prisoners and see that their trial is brought to close with due
I am to request that the above instructions of the Court should
be strictly followed by all the Sessions Courts within their jurisdiction.
Yours faithfully
Registrar (administra tion)
No. 51989-PLA-14/84-P
Dated Bh ubanesuiar, the 18th October 1985
Shrimati A. Agnihotri, I.A.s.
Deputy Secretary to Government
The Director-General and I.G. of Police, Orissa, Cuttack
Subject : Amendment of Rule 119 of Orissa Police Manual Rules,
1940, VoU
Reference : Letter No. Law - 28/81-31681 - Dated 7.11.1981 of
the D.I.G., C.I.D. and Rlys, Orissa, Cuttack.
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. II
I am directed to say that in course of inspection of the Court of
the District and Sessions Judge, Cuttack by Hon'ble Justice Shri
S. K. Ray (as he then was) in August 1977 doubts were entertained
as to how the following types of cases are to be registered.
(i) Applications filed in the Court of Sessions Judges against
orders passed by Subordinate Criminal Courts regarding disposal
of properties in pending cases.
(ii ) ‘Applications for orders for disposal of properties filed in
the Court of Sessions Judge in cases tried and disposed of by
Assistant Sessions Judge.
(iii) Application under Section 116 (7) of the Code of Criminal
1. The Court, after careful consideration, observe that in view
of the provisions laid down in the foot-note to Form No. R-25 at page
81 of the General Rules and Circular Orders (Criminal) Volume I the
applica tion under Section 116 (7) Cr.P.c. should be registered as
Miscellaneous cases.
2. As there is clear provision in Section 454, Cr.P.c. for filing
appeals against orders passed by the Courts of Magistrates regarding
disposal of seized properties at the conclusion of the trial, such
proceedings should be registered as Criminal Appeals on the filing
on a Memorandum of appeal.
No. 5631-XLIX-D-19/82
Dated the 17th May 1982
Shri B. N. Misra, LL.B.
Registrar of the High Court of Orissa, Cuttack.
The District and Sessions Iudge
The Chief Judicial Magistrate
Subject : Expeditious disposal of Criminal Appeals preferred by
convicted person who are in jail.
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. II
I am directed to say that it has been brought to the notice of
the Court that jail appeals and Criminal appeals in which the convicted
persons are in jail are not being disposed of expeditiously. Very often
it is noticed that by the time the Criminal Appeals or jail appeals are
disposed of the sentences awarded by the Trial Court are spent out. In
order to prevent such a situation the Court have been pleased to direct
that all Criminal appeals whether preferred from jail or otherwise, by
convicts who are in jail should be disposed of by giving them priority
over other cases.
I am, therefore, to request that the above instructions should be
strictly followed by all the Criminal and Sessions Courts under your
Sessions Division.
Yours faithfully
No. 7284-XLIX-D-27/82
Dated Cuttack the 13th/14th July 1982
Shri B. N. Misra, LL.B.
Registrar of the High Court of Orissa
The Director of Public Prosecutions, Orissa, Bhubaneswar.
Subject : Permission to sit in different Courts exercising Criminal
Jurisdiction including Court of Sessions to watch the
performance of the Counsel appearing for the State and
examination of the case records including the case diaries
to assess the performance of the Public Prosecutors and
Assistant Public Prosecutors.
With reference to your semi-official Letter No. 29, dated the
8th May, 1982 on the above subject. I am directed to say that the
Court have been pleased to permit you to inspect in Court case
records including the case diaries, with the permission of the Court
concerned, in accordance with Rule 209, Chapter III at page 60 of
the General Rules and Circular Orders of the High Court of Judicature,
Orissa, Criminal, Volume - I, to enable you to properly evaluate
the work of the Public Prosecutors and Assistant Public Prosecutors.
Yours faithfully
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. II
No. 8100(25)-XLIX-D-31182
Dated Cui tack, the 29th/30th July, 1982
Shri B. N. Mishr a, LL.B.
Registrar of the High Court of Orissa
The District and Sessions Iudge
The Chief Judicial Magistrate
Subject : Non-appearance of Assistant Public Prosecutors against
the State of Orissa.
I am directed to forward for your information and guidance and
for favour of communication to and guidance of the Criminal Court’s
subordinate to you, the accompanying copy of letter No. 11195 (13),
dated the 15th July, 1982 from the Legal Rememberancer, Law
Department, Bhubaneswar in the matter of prohibiting appearance of
Assistant Prosecutors against the State in Criminal cases.
Yours faithfully
No. 11195 (13) - L.L.R. 6/82-L
Dated, the 15th July 1982
D. Hota,
Legal Rememberancer
All District Magistrates
No. 9660-XLIX-D-I0/81
Dated Cuti ack, the 23rd September, 1982
Shri B. N. Misra, LL.B.
Registrar of the High Court of Orissa
All the District and Sessions Judges of the State
Subject : Non-payment of Batta witnesses.
I am directed to say that it is noticed that the witness expenses
are not being paid to the witnesses in Criminal Courts as well as
Sessions Courts. As a result witnesses in Criminal Cases are being
put to considerable difficulties and that is one of the reasons for
non-appearance of the witnesses in Court. Very often the witnesses
are asked to leave their addresses for remitting the Batta amount
by Money-Order due to non-availability of funds with the Nazir.
This practice not only creates a lot of difficulty to the witnesses,
but also gives scope for corruption. The Court, after careful
considerations are of the view that the District and Sessions Judges
should ensure payment of Batta to the witnesses in the date of
their appearance in Court. It should be the responsibility of the
Presiding Officer to see that when witnesses from long distance
are summoned, steps are taken in advance to ensure payment of
Batta to them on the date of their commination. The Court, therefore,
direct that District Judges should take adequate steps to raise the
permanent advance at the disposal and get the Batta Bills encashed
sufficiently ahead of the date of trial of the case.
I am, therefore, to request that the above directions may be
brought to the notice of the Chief Judicial Magistrates and Judicial
Magistrates working under you for their information and guidance.
Yours faithfully
No. 4143
Dated Cuitack, the 3rd May, 1983
Shri B. N. Misra, LL.B.
Registrar of the High Court of Orissa
All the District and Sessions Judges of the State
Yours faithfully
Shri B. N. Mishr a, LL.B.
Registrar of the. High Court of Orissa
All the District and Sessions Judges of the State
Subject : Whether a Judicial Officer should be permitted to leave the
Court everyday during recess from 1.30 P.M. to 2.00 P.M.
To go home for taking lunch.
I am directed to say t hat the question as to whether a Judicial
Officer should be permitted to leave the Court every day during recess
from 1.30 P.M. to 2.00 P.M. to go home for taking lunch came up for
consideration of the Court.
After careful consideration of the matter the Court are pleased
to observe that no Judicial Officer should be permitted to leave the
Court during recess from 1.30 P.M. to 2.00 P.M. to go home for taking
I am, therefore, to request that the aforesaid instruction may be
brought to the notice of all Subordinate Judicial Officers under you
for strict guidance.
Yours faithfully
No. 5785-XLIX-O-7/78
Dated Cut tack, the 13th/14th May, 1983
Shri B. N. Mishra, LL.B.
Registrar of the High Court of Orissa
All the District and Sessions Judges of the State
Subject : Service of summons on police officers.
I am directed to say that very often the Criminal Courts face
the difficulty in procuring the attendance of the Police Officers to
give evidence resulting delay in disposal of the cases pending in
their Courts. It is noticed that the Courts while issuing summons
to the police officers do not always give sufficient time for their
appearance to give evidence and in some cases their orders in this
regard are not being complied with promptly. Consequently, service
of summons cannot be effected with sufficient time ahead of the
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. II
date fixed as a result the police officers who mostly remain busy in
Law and order problems find it difficult to attend the Court to give
The question as to how best the attendance of the Police officers
can be secured to give evidence in Criminal cases came up for
consideration of the Court. On a careful consideration of the matter
Court are pleased to direct that the Court's while issuing summons
the police officers requiring them to give evidence, should give
sufficient time and summons should be issued within three days
of the order.
I am accordingly to request that the aforesaid instructions may
be brought to the notice of all Criminal Courts subordinate to you for
information and guidance.
Yours faithfully
No. 11481
Dated Cut tack, tile 27th October, 1983
Shri R. N. Panda, LL.B.
Registrar of the High Court of Orissa, Cuttack
The District and Sessions Judges of the State
Subject : Expeditious disposal of cases involving person getting Legal
Aid under the State Legal Aid and Advice Scheme, 1981.
I am directed to say that it has been brought to the notice of the
Court by the Member-Secretary of the Orissa Legal Aid and Advice
Board that the parties getting Legal Aid are required to attend the
Courts in connection, with their cases on several dates as most of the
cases are being adjourned from t-ime to time for various reasons.
Under the Orissa State Legal Aid and Advice Scheme, the aided
persons are allowed travelling expenses for attending the Courts.
When the cases of such persons are adjourned, it causes drainage of
public exchequer besides causing delay in disposal of the cases.
The Court, therefore, have been pleased to direct that the
Presiding Officers of the Subordinate Civil and Criminal Courts
should give priority to the disposal of the cases in which
the parties have been given the benefit under the Legal aid Scheme.
However, such cases will have no preference over the criminal cases
involving under trial prisoners and civil cases, which have become
three years old.
I am to request that the aforesaid instructions may be brought
to the notice of all the Civil and Criminal Courts in your judgeship for
their information and strict guidance.
Yours faithfully
No. 69 - XLIX-D-61/83
Dated Cuttack, the 4th January, 1984
Shri R. N. Panda, M.A.,LL.B.
Registrar of the High Court of Orissa
All the District and Sessions Judges of the State
Subject : Making correction in the depositions of witness dictated by
the Presiding Officers while signing each page of such
I am directed to say that it has come to the notice of the Court
that typed depositions of the witnesses are found to contain large
number of mistakes. Although Rule 84 at page 23 of General Rules
and Circular Orders (Criminal), Volume - I provides that each page of
the deposition typed to the dictation of the Presiding Officer must be
attested by his signature, some of the Judicial Officers are found not
correcting the depositions of the witnesses before putting their
signatures on each page of the same. It has also come to the notice of
the Court that the certified copies of the depositions and judgments
very often contain several spelling and grammatical mistakes and
omissions and at times it becomes difficult for the appellate and
revisional Courts to quote any part of the evidence or the judgment.
The Court, accordingly direct that the Presiding Officers should
correct the deposition of the witnesses dictated by them, while putting
their signatures in each page of such deposition. the Court further
observe that greater care should be taken by the officers-in-charge of
the Copying Department to see that certified copies of depositions
and judgments, are free from any mistake and omission.
Shri R. N. Panda, M.A. LL.B.
Registrar of the High Court of Orissa, Cuttack.
All the District and Sessions Judges of the State
Subject : Procedure to be followed in a case of sentence of fine when
the convict is either represented or absent on the date of
delivery of judgment.
I am directed to say that in course of inspection of the Court
of Judicial Magistrate First Class, Balasore made by the District and
Sessions Judge, Balasore on 19.4.1980 a doubt was entertained by him
regarding the procedure to be followed for realisation of fine amount
in a case of sentence of fine when the convict is either represented or
absent on the date of delivery of Judgment,. All the Sessions Judges
of the State, were consulted in the matter.
The Court after careful consideration of the matter have been
pleased to observe that pronouncement of a Judgment of fine is
permissible under Sectioil353 (6) of the Code of Criminal Procedure
in absence of the accused. If a counsel represents the-accused and
is ready to pay the fine, the matter ends there. In other cases, the
Magistrate has to follow the procedure laid down in Section 421,
Cr.P.C for realisation of the fine amount. If there are no special reasons
he has to stop all actions for realisation of fine amount unless there is
an order for payment of compensation or expenses out of the fine
amount under Section 357, Cr.P.C Rule 132 at page 34 of the G.R.
and CO. (Criminal) Volume I has no application to such cases.
I am to request that the above instruction of the Court should
be followed in future.
Yours faithfully
Shri R. N. Panda, M.A.,LL.B.
Registrar of the High Court of Orissa
All the District and Sessions Judges of the State.
Shri R. N. Panda, M.A.,LL.B.
Registrar of the High Court of Orissa
The District and Sessions Judges, Puri
Subject : Whether Railway dues i.e., Railway fare and excess charges
can be written off treating the same as fine.
I am directed to refer to para 20 at pages 11-12 under the
caption “examination of pending Fine Misc., Case Records”of the
notes of inspection of the Court of the Special Railway Magistrate,
Khurda Road made by the Chief Judicial Magistrate, Puri on 15.1.1981
on the above subject and to say that a doubt has been entertained as to
whether the railway dues ordered to be recovered from the accused
under Section 112 of the Indian Railways Act in addition to the fine
imposed, can be treated as 'Fine' so as to enable the Magistrate to write
it off in the circumstances mentioned in Rule 145 of the C.R. & C.O.
(Criminal) Volume 1.
On a careful consideration of the matter the Court have been
pleased to observe that the railway dues under Section 112 of the
Indian Railways Act are payable by virtue of orders passed by the
Court and the provisions of Section 431 of the Code of Criminal
Procedure, 1973 apply to such, cases. Such dues are recoverable as
fine and can be written off on the grounds mentioned in Rule 145
at page 39 of the C.R. &C.O. (Criminal) Volume 1.
I am therefore to request that the aforesaid instruction may be
brought to the notice of all till' Courts subordinate to you for their
information and guidance.
Yours faithfully
Registrar, High Court of Orissa
No. 1983
Dated Cuttack, the 17th February, 1984
Shri R. N. Panda, M.A.,LL.B.
Registrar of the High Court of Orissa
All the District and Sessions Judges of the State
Subject : Maintenance of the Register of the Attendance of witnesses
(R)-8 Criminal.
I am directed to say that a doubt has been entertained whether
in the Register of Attendance of witnesses (R)-8 (Criminal) the serial
numbers are to be assigned quarterly or annually.
All the District and Sessions Judges were consulted in the
matter. Their reports reveal that in some of the Courts quarterly serial
numbers are being assigned to the entries (R)-8 (Criminal) while in
other Courts annual consecutive serial numbers are being given to the
On a careful consideration of the matter the Court have been
pleased to observe that quarterly serial number should be assigned
to the entries in the Register of Attendance of witnesses (R)-8
(Criminal) as it would be convenient for compilation and submission
of returns.
am accordingly to request that the aforesaid instructions of the
Court be strictly followed in future by all the Criminal Courts.
Yours faithfully
No. 2560-IX 8/80
Dated Cuttack, the 5th March, 1984
Shri R. N. Panda, M.A.,LL.B.
Registrar of the High Court of Orissa
All the District and Sessions Judges of the State
Subject : Whether the periods of substantive sentence of imprisonment
and default sentences are to be clubbed together to be entered
in Col. 11 in the Register of Warrants of Imprisonment (R)-5.
Shri R. N. Panda, M.A.,LL.B.
Registrar, Orissa High court, Cuttack
All the District and Sessions Judges of the State
Subject : Holding of the T.I.Parades and the recording Statements
of witnesses under Section 164, Cr.P.C.
I am directed to invite your attention to Court's letter No. 4840,
dated 10.5.1978 in which instructions were issued to hold T.I.Parades
promptly whenever approached by the Investigating Officer. It has
come to the notice of the Court that inordinate delay is being caused in
holding T.I.Parades and the recording statements of witnesses under
Section 16 of the Code of Criminal Procedure by the Judicial
Magistrates and specially when the records are held up in a higher
Court. The Sessions Judges of the State were consulted in the matter.
G. R. C. O. (Criminal) Vol. II
No. 3447-XXXI-l/77
Dated Cuttack, the 30th March, 1984
Shri R. N. Panda, M.A.,LL.B.
Registrar of the High Court of Orissa
All the District and Sessions Judges of the State
Subject : Furnishing a certificate in the bail petition filed under
Section 439 of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1973.
I am directed to say that it has come to the notice of the Court
that in a particular case a bail petition under Section 439, Cr.P.C. Was
filed on behalf of the accused before the Court of Sessions at the
headquarters station which was rejected by the said Court but on the
very same day the same accused filed another petition for bail before
the local Assistant Sessions Judge on the self-same grounds and
obtained the order of bail resulting in conflicting. orders. A question
was raised as to how such a situation can be avoided. All the Sessions
Judges of the State were consulted in the matter.
Yours faithfully