Batch 1 Herrera Vs Petro Phil Corp 146 SCRA 385
Batch 1 Herrera Vs Petro Phil Corp 146 SCRA 385
Batch 1 Herrera Vs Petro Phil Corp 146 SCRA 385
146 SCRA 385 • Contract between the parties is one of lease and not of
loan. It is clearly denominated a "LEASE AGREEMENT." Nowhere in
the contract is there any showing that the parties intended a loan
rather than a lease. The provision for the payment of rentals in
advance cannot be construed as a repayment of a loan because
On December 5, 1969, Herrera and ESSO Standard, (later there was no grant or forbearance of money as to constitute an
substituted by Petrophil Corp.,) entered into a lease agreement, indebtedness on the part of the lessor. On the contrary, the
whereby the former leased to the latter a portion of his property for defendant-appellee was discharging its obligation in advance by
a period of 20yrs. subject to the condition that monthly rentals paying the eight years rentals, and it was for this advance payment
should be paid and there should be an advance payment of rentals that it was getting a rebate or discount.
for the first eight years of the contract, to which ESSO paid on
December 31, 1969. However, ESSO deducted the amount of 101, • There is no usury in this case because no money was given
010.73 as interest or discount for the eight years advance rental. by the defendant-appellee to the plaintiff-appellant, nor did it allow
him to use its money already in his possession. There was neither
• On August 20, 1970, ESSO informed Herrera that there had loan nor forbearance but a mere discount which the plaintiff-
been a mistake in the computation of the interest and paid an appellant allowed the defendant-appellee to deduct from the total
additional sum of 2,182.70; thus, it was reduced to 98, 828.03. payments because they were being made in advance for eight years.
• As such, Herrera sued ESSO for the sum of 98, 828.03, with The discount was in effect a reduction of the rentals which the
interest, claiming that this had been illegally deducted to him in lessor had the right to determine, and any reduction thereof, by any
violation of the Usury Law. amount, would not contravene the Usury Law.
• ESSO argued that amount deducted was not usurious • The difference between a discount and a loan or
interest but rather a discount given to it for paying the rentals in forbearance is that the former does not have to be repaid. The loan
advance. Judgment on the pleadings was rendered in favor of ESSO. or forbearance is subject to repayment and is therefore governed by
Thus, the matter was elevated to the SC for only questions of law the laws on usury.
was involve. • To constitute usury, "there must be loan or forbearance; the
ISSUE: W/N the contract between the parties is one of loan or loan must be of money or something circulating as money; it must
lease. be repayable absolutely and in all events; and something must be
exacted for the use of the money in excess of and in addition to which consequently impairs its validity and fatally affects its very
interest allowed by law." existence.
• It has been held that the elements of usury are (1) a loan,
express or implied; (2) an understanding between the parties that
Issue: Was there a perfected contract of loan?
the money lent shall or may be returned; that for such loan a
greater rate or interest that is allowed by law shall be paid, or
agreed to be paid, as the case may be; and (4) a corrupt intent to
take more than the legal rate for the use of money loaned. Unless Held: Yes. From the recitals of the mortgage deed itself, it is clearly
these four things concur in every transaction, it is safe to affirm that seen that the mortgage deed was executed for and on condition of
no case of usury can be declared. the loan granted to the Lozano spouses. The fact that the latter did
not collect from the respondent Bank the consideration of the
mortgage on the date it was executed is immaterial. A contract of
loan being a consensual contract, the herein contract of loan was
Bonevie vs CA
perfected at the same time the contract of mortgage was executed.
125 SCRA 122 The promissory note executed on December 12, 1966 is only an
evidence of indebtedness and does not indicate lack of
Facts: Spouses Lozano mortgaged their property to secure the
consideration of the mortgage at the time of its execution.
payment of a loan amounting to 75K with private respondent
Philippine Bank of Communication (PBCom). The deed of mortgage
was executed on 12-6-66, but the loan proceeeds were received
Pajuyo vs CA
only on 12-12-66. Two days after the execution of the deed of
mortgage, the spouses sold the property to the petitioner Bonnevie 430 SCRA 492
for and in consideration of 100k—25K of which payable to the
spouses and 75K as payment to PBCom. Afterwhich, Bonnevie Facts: Pajuyo entrusted a house to Guevara for the latter's use
defaulted payments to PBCom prompting the latter to auction the provided he should return the same upon demand and with the
property after Bonnivie failed to settle despite subsequent condition that Guevara should be responsible of the maintenance of
demands, in order to recover the amount loaned. The latter now the property. Upon demand Guevara refused to return the property
assails the validity of the mortgage between Lozano and Pbcom to Pajuyo. The petitioner then filed an ejectment case against
arguing that on the day the deed was executed there was yet no Guevara with the MTC who ruled in favor of the petitioner. On
principal obligation to secure as the loan of P75,000.00 was not appeal with the CA, the appellate court reversed the judgment of
received by the Lozano spouses, so that in the absence of a principal the lower court on the ground that both parties are illegal settlers
obligation, there is want of consideration in the accessory contract, on the property thus have no legal right so that the Court should
leave the present situation with respect to possession of the would result in the termination of the lease. The tenant’s
property as it is, and ruling further that the contractual relationship withholding of the property would then be unlawful.
of Pajuyo and Guevara was that of a commodatum.
Colinares v CA
The agreement between DBP and Guariña Corporation was a loan.
Under the law, a loan requires the delivery of money or any other G.R. No. 90828 September 5, 2000
consumable object by one party to another who acquires ownership
thereof, on the condition that the same amount or quality shall be
paid. Loan is a reciprocal obligation, as it arises from the same cause The ownership of the merchandise continues to be vested in the
where one party is the creditor, and the other the debtor. The person who had advanced payment until he has been paid in full, or
obligation of one party in a reciprocal obligation is dependent upon if the merchandise has already been sold, the proceeds of the sale
the obligation of the other, and the performance should ideally be should be turned over to him by the importer or by his
simultaneous. This means that in a loan, the creditor should release representative or successor in interest.
the full loan amount and the debtor repays it when it becomes due
and demandable.
Facts: Melvin Colinares and Lordino Veloso (hereafter Petitioners)
were contracted for a consideration of P40,000 by the Carmelite
The loan agreement between the parties is a reciprocal Sisters of Cagayan de Oro City to renovate the latter’s convent at
obligation. Appellant in the instant case bound itself to grant Camaman-an, Cagayan de Oro City. Colinares applied for a
appellee the loan amount of P3,387,000.00 condition on appellee’s commercial letter of credit with the Philippine Banking Corporation,
payment of the amount when it falls due. The appellant did not Cagayan de Oro City branch (hereafter PBC) in favor of CM Builders
release the total amount of the approved loan. Appellant therefore Centre. PBC approved the letter of credit for P22,389.80 to cover
could not have made a demand for payment of the loan since it had the full invoice value of the goods. Petitioners signed a pro-forma
yet to fulfil its own obligation. Moreover, the fact that appellee was trust receipt as security.
not yet in default rendered the foreclosure proceedings premature
and improper.
PBC debited P6,720 from Petitioners’ marginal deposit as partial
payment of the loan. After the initial payment, the spouses
By its failure to release the proceeds of the loan in their defaulted. PBC wrote to Petitioners demanding that the amount be
entirety, DBP had no right yet to exact on Guariña Corporation the paid within seven days from notice. Instead of complying with PBC’s
latter’s compliance with its own obligation under the loan. Indeed, if demand, Veloso confessed that they lost P19,195.83 in the
a party in a reciprocal contract like a loan does not perform its
Carmelite Monastery Project and requested for a grace period of Whether or not the transaction of Colinares falls within the ambit of
until 15 June 1980 to settle the account. Colinares proposed that the Law on Trust Receipt
the terms of payment of the loan be modified P2,000 on or before 3
December 1980, and P1,000 per month. Pending approval of the
proposal, Petitioners paid P1,000 to PBC on 4 December 1980, and Held:
thereafter P500 on 11 February 1981, 16 March 1981, and 20 April
1981. Concurrently with the separate demand for attorney’s fees by Colinares received the merchandise from CM Builders Centre on 30
PBC’s legal counsel, PBC continued to demand payment of the October 1979. On that day, ownership over the merchandise was
balance. On 14 January 1983, Petitioners were charged with the already transferred to Petitioners who were to use the materials for
violation of P.D. No. 115 (Trust Receipts Law) in relation to Article their construction project. It was only a day later, 31 October 1979,
315 of the Revised Penal Code that they went to the bank to apply for a loan to pay for the
merchandise. This situation belies what normally obtains in a pure
trust receipt transaction where goods are owned by the bank and
only released to the importer in trust subsequent to the grant of the
During trial, petitioner Veloso insisted that the transaction was a
“clean loan” as per verbal guarantee of Cayo Garcia Tuiza, PBC’s
former manager. He and petitioner Colinares signed the documents
without reading the fine print, only learning of the trust receipt
implication much later. When he brought this to the attention of The bank acquires a “security interest” in the goods as holder of a
PBC, Mr. Tuiza assured him that the trust receipt was a mere security title for the advances it had made to the entrustee. The
formality. The Trust Receipts Law does not seek to enforce payment ownership of the merchandise continues to be vested in the person
of the loan, rather it punishes the dishonesty and abuse of who had advanced payment until he has been paid in full, or if the
confidence in the handling of money or goods to the prejudice of merchandise has already been sold, the proceeds of the sale should
another regardless of whether the latter is the owner. Here, it is be turned over to him by the importer or by his representative or
crystal clear that on the part of Petitioners there was neither successor in interest. To secure that the bank shall be paid, it takes
dishonesty nor abuse of confidence in the handling of money to the full title to the goods at the very beginning and continues to hold
prejudice of PBC. Petitioners continually endeavored to meet their that title as his indispensable security until the goods are sold and
obligations, as shown by several receipts issued by PBC the vendee is called upon to pay for them; hence, the importer has
acknowledging payment of the loan. never owned the goods and is not able to deliver possession. In a
certain manner, trust receipts partake of the nature of a conditional
sale where the importer becomes absolute owner of the imported
merchandise as soon as he has paid its price. There are two possible
situations in a trust receipt transaction. The first is covered by the
provision which refers to money received under the obligation between the respondents and the offended party that would have
involving the duty to deliver it (entregarla) to the owner of the created a high degree of confidence between them which the
merchandise sold. The second is covered by the provision which respondents could have abused.".
refers to merchandise received under the obligation to “return” it
(devolvera) to the owner. Failure of the entrustee to turn over the
proceeds of the sale of the goods, covered by the trust receipt to Issue:
the entruster or to return said goods if they were not disposed of in
accordance with the terms of the trust receipt shall be punishable Whether or not the 112 informations for qualified theft sufficiently
as estafa under Article 315 (1) of the Revised Penal Code, without allege the element of taking without the consent of the owner, and
need of proving intent to defraud. the qualifying circumstance of grave abuse of confidence.
Facts: Yes.
Respondents were conspiring, confederating, and helping one The dismissal by the RTC of the criminal cases was allegedly due to
another, with grave abuse of confidence, being the Cashier and insufficiency of the Informations and, therefore, because of this
Bookkeeper of the Rural Bank of Pototan, Inc., Pototan, Iloilo, defect, there is no basis for the existence of probable cause which
without the knowledge and/or consent of the management of the will justify the issuance of the warrant of arrest. Petitioner assails
Bank and with intent of gain, did then and there willfully, unlawfully the dismissal contending that the Informations for Qualified Theft
and feloniously take, steal and carry away the sum of P15,000.00, sufficiently state facts which constitute (a) the qualifying
Philippine Currency, to the damage and prejudice of the said bank in circumstance of grave abuse of confidence; and (b) the element of
the aforesaid amount. taking, with intent to gain and without the consent of the owner,
which is the Bank.
However, the trial court did not find the existence of probable cause
because (1) the element of ‘taking without the consent of the The RTC Judge based his conclusion that there was no probable
owners’ was missing on the ground that it is the depositors-clients, cause simply on the insufficiency of the allegations in the
and not the Bank, which filed the complaint in these cases, who are Informations concerning the facts constitutive of the elements of
the owners of the money allegedly taken by respondents and hence, the offense charged.
are the real parties-in-interest; and (2) the Informations are bereft
of the phrase alleging "dependence, guardianship or vigilance
The relationship between banks and depositors has been held to be Equitable induced them to avail of its peso and dollar credit facilities
that of creditor and debtor. Articles 1953 and 1980 of the New Civil by offering low interest rates so they accepted Equitable's proposal
Code, as appropriately pointed out by petitioner, provide as follows: and signed the bank's pre-printed promissory notes on various
dates beginning 1996. They, however, were unaware that the
Article 1953. A person who receives a loan of money or any other
documents contained identical escalation clauses granting Equitable
fungible thing acquires the ownership thereof, and is bound to pay
authority to increase interest rates without their consent.
to the creditor an equal amount of the same kind and quality.
That was not the case here. As the trial court noted, if the terms and
conditions offered by Equitable had been truly prejudicial to
Whether or not the promissory notes were valid. respondents, they would have walked out and negotiated with
another bank at the first available instance. But they did not.
Instead, they continuously availed of Equitable's credit facilities for
Held: five long years.
Yes. While the RTC categorically found that respondents had outstanding
dollar- and peso-denominated loans with Equitable, it, however,
failed to ascertain the total amount due (principal, interest and
penalties, if any) as of July 9, 2001. The trial court did not explain
how it arrived at the amounts of US$228,200 and P1,000,000. In
Metro Manila Transit Corporation v. D.M. Consunji, we reiterated cancelled the Suretyship Agreement on May 13, 1975 with due
that this Court is not a trier of facts and it shall pass upon them only notice to the private respondent. Meanwhile, private respondent
for compelling reasons which unfortunately are not present in this filed with the respondent court of Makati a complaint for collection
case. Hence, we ordered the partial remand of the case for the sole of sums of money against herein petitioner and Azcueta, alleging
purpose of determining the amount of actual damages. the foregoing antecedents and praying that said defendants be
ordered to pay jointly and severally unto the plaintiff.
FACTS: After petitioner filed its answer with counterclaim, the case, upon
agreement of the parties, was submitted for summary judgment
Petitioner Sentinel Insurance Co., Inc., was the surety in a contract
and on December 29, 1975, respondent court rendered its decision
of suretyship entered into on November 15, 1974 with Nemesio
with the following dispositive portion:
Azcueta, Sr., who is doing business under the name and style of
'Malayan Trading’ where both of them bound themselves, jointly
and severally, to fully guarantee the compliance with the terms and
a) To pay interest on the principal obligation at the rate of 14% per
stipulations of the credit line granted by private respondent Rose
annum at the rate of 2% every 45 days commencing from April 30,
Industries, Inc., in favor of Nemesio Azcueta, Sr., in the amount of
1975 until the amount is fully paid.
P180,000. Between November 23 to December 23, 1974, Azcueta
made various purchases of tires, batteries and tire tubes from the
private respondent but failed to pay therefor, prompting the latter
to demand payment but because Azcueta failed to settle his The decision having become final and executory, the prevailing
accounts, the case was referred to the Insurance Commissioner who party moved for its execution which respondent judge granted and
invited the attention of the petitioner on the matter and the latter pursuant thereto, a notice of attachment and levy was served by
respondent Provincial Sheriff upon the petitioner. On the same day, petitioner, the prayer as specifically stated in paragraph (b) was to
however, the petitioner filed a motion for 'clarification of the 'order the latter, to pay interest at 14% per annum and damage
judgment as it would appear that aside from the 14% interest dues at the rate of 2% every 45 days commencing from April 30,
imposed on the principal obligation, an additional 2% every 45 days 1975 up to the time the amount is fully paid.' But this
corresponding to the additional penalty has been imposed against notwithstanding the respondent court in its questioned decision
the petitioner which imposition would be usurious and could not decreed the petitioner to pay the interest on the principal obligation
have been the intention of respondent Judge.' The judge denied the at the rate of 14% per annum and 2% every 45 days commencing
motion on the theory that the judgment, having become final and from April 30, 1975 until the amount is fully paid,' so that, as
executory, it can no longer be amended or corrected. petitioner correctly observes, it would appear that on top of the
14% per annum on the principal obligation, another 2% interest
every 45 days commencing from April 30, 1975 until the amount is
Contending that the order was issued with grave abuse of fully paid has been imposed against the petitioner. In other words,
discretion, petitioner went to respondent court on a petition for 365 days in one year divided by 45 days equals 8-1/9 which,
certiorari and mandamus to compel the court below to clarify its multiplied by 2% as ordered by respondent-judge would amount to
decision, particularly Paragraph (b) of the dispositive portion a little more than 16%. Adding 16% per annum to the 14% interest
thereof. imposed on the principal obligation would be 30% which is veritably
usurious and this cannot be countenanced, much less sanctioned by
Respondent court granted the petition in its decision, the any court of justice.
disquisition and dispositive portion whereof read:
If the accused is acquitted on reasonable doubt but the court CA did not adjudge her to be civilly liable to petitioner Ching. In fact,
renders judgment on the civil aspect of the criminal case, the the CA explicitly stated that she had already fully paid her
prosecution cannot appeal from the judgment of acquittal as it obligations. The finding relative to the P20,000,000.00 check that it
would place the accused in double jeopardy. However, the was a stolen check necessarily absolved respondent Nicdao of any
aggrieved party, the offended party or the accused or both may civil liability thereon as well.
appeal from the judgment on the civil aspect of the case within the
Under the circumstances which have just been discussed lengthily,
period therefor.
such acquittal carried with it the extinction of her civil liability as
In the computation for the amount to be paid, The question is NACAR VS GALLERY FRAMES
whether, during the period of 1 January 1983 up to 30 June 1983, FACTS
12% interest per annum plus 1% penalty charge a month was
payable "on the remaining diminishing balance;" or whether during Dario Nacar filed a labor case against Gallery Frames and its owner
the period from 1 January 1983 to 30 June 1983, only 12% per Felipe Bordey, Jr. Nacar alleged that he was dismissed without cause
annum interest was payable while the 1% per month penalty charge by Gallery Frames on January 24, 1997. On October 15, 1998, the
would in addition begin to accrue on any balance remaining unpaid Labor Arbiter (LA) found Gallery Frames guilty of illegal dismissal
as of 1 July 1983. hence the Arbiter awarded Nacar P158,919.92 in damages
consisting of backwages and separation pay.
SC believed the parties intended the latter view. The interpretation
SC adopted is also supported by the principle that in case of
ambiguity in contract language, that interpretation which
establishes a less onerous transmission of rights or imposition of
Gallery Frames appealed all the way to the Supreme Court (SC). The become final. Hence, as a consequence, the liability of the
Supreme Court affirmed the decision of the Labor Arbiter and the employer, if he loses on appeal, will increase – this is just but a risk
decision became final on May 27, 2002. that the employer cannot avoid when it continued to seek recourses
against the Labor Arbiter’s decision. This is also in accordance with
Article 279 of the Labor Code.
After the finality of the SC decision, Nacar filed a motion before the
LA for recomputation as he alleged that his backwages should be
computed from the time of his illegal dismissal (January 24, 1997) Anent the issue of award of interest in the form of actual or
until the finality of the SC decision (May 27, 2002) with interest. The compensatory damages, the Supreme Court ruled that the old case
LA denied the motion as he ruled that the reckoning point of the of Eastern Shipping Lines vs CA is already modified by the
computation should only be from the time Nacar was illegally promulgation of the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas Monetary Board
dismissed (January 24, 1997) until the decision of the LA (October Resolution No. 796 which lowered the legal rate of interest from
15, 1998). The LA reasoned that the said date should be the 12% to 6%. Specifically, the rules on interest are now as follows:
reckoning point because Nacar did not appeal hence as to him, that
decision became final and executory.
1. Monetary Obligations ex. Loans:
2. If stipulated in writing:
a.1. shall run from date of judicial demand (filing of the case)
Whether or not the Labor Arbiter is correct.
a.2. rate of interest shall be that amount stipulated
1. If not stipulated in writing
No. There are two parts of a decision when it comes to illegal
dismissal cases (referring to cases where the dismissed employee b.1. shall run from date of default (either failure to pay upon extra-
wins, or loses but wins on appeal). The first part is the ruling that judicial demand or upon judicial demand whichever is appropriate
the employee was illegally dismissed. This is immediately final even and subject to the provisions of Article 1169 of the Civil Code)
if the employer appeals – but will be reversed if employer wins on
appeal. The second part is the ruling on the award of back wages b.2. rate of interest shall be 6% per annum
and/or separation pay. For back wages, it will be computed from the
date of illegal dismissal until the date of the decision of the Labor
Arbiter. But if the employer appeals, then the end date shall be 2. Non-Monetary Obligations (such as the case at bar)
extended until the day when the appellate court’s decision shall
3. If already liquidated, rate of interest shall be 6% per annum, Ligutan v Court of Appeals
demandable from date of judicial or extra-judicial demand (Art.
GR No. 138677
1169, Civil Code)
4. If unliquidated, no interest
Petitioners Tolomeo Ligutan and Leonidas dela Llana obtained a
Except: When later on established with certainty. Interest shall still
loan in the amount of P120,000.00 from Security Bank and Trust Co.
be 6% per annum demandable from the date of judgment because
The obligation matured and the bank granted an extension. Despite
such on such date, it is already deemed that the amount of damages
several demands from the Bank, petitioners failed to settle the debt
is already ascertained.
which then amounted to P114,416.10. The Bank sent a final demand
letter however petitioners still defaulted on their obligation. The
Bank then filed a complaint for recovery of the due amount.
3. Compounded Interest
Petitioners instead of presenting their evidence had the schedule
– This is applicable to both monetary and non-monetary obligations reset for two consecutive occasions. On the third hearing date, the
trial court resolved to consider the case submitted for decision.
– 6% per annum computed against award of damages (interest)
granted by the court. To be computed from the date when the Two years later petitioners filed a motion for reconsideration which
court’s decision becomes final and executory until the award is fully was denied by the trial court. Petitioners then interposed an appeal
satisfied by the losing party. with the Court of Appeals, the appellate court affirmed the
judgement of the trial court except the 2% service charge which was
deleted pursuant to Central Bank Circular No. 763. The two parties
4. The 6% per annum rate of legal interest shall be applied filed their motions for reconsiderations and the Court of Appeals
prospectively: resolved the two motions: that the payment of interest and penalty
commence on the date when the obligation became due and a
– Final and executory judgments awarding damages prior to July 1, penalty of 3% per month would suffice. The petitioners filed an
2013 shall apply the 12% rate; omnibus motion for reconsideration which was then denied by the
– Final and executory judgments awarding damages on or after July Court of Appeals.
1, 2013 shall apply the 12% rate for unpaid obligations until June 30, ISSUE:
2013; unpaid obligations with respect to said judgments on or after
July 1, 2013 shall still incur the 6% rate. Whether or not the 15.189% interest and the penalty of 3% per
month (36% per annum) is exorbitant, iniquitous, and
Petition is DENIED.
G.R. No. 107569 November 8, 1994
The question of whether a penalty is reasonable or iniquitous can be
partly subjective and partly objective. Its resolution will depend on
such factors as, but not confined to, the type, extent and purpose of It is basic that there can be no contract in the true sense in the
the penalty, the nature of the obligation, the mode of breach and its absence of the element of agreement, or of mutual assent of the
consequences, the supervening realities, the standing and parties. If this assent is wanting on the part of the one who
relationship of the parties, and the like, the application of which, by contracts, his act has no more efficacy than if it had been done
and large, is addressed to the sound discretion of the court. under duress or by a person of unsound mind.
There was neither loan nor forbearance but a mere discount which
the plaintiff-appellant allowed the defendant-appellee to deduct In its Resolution No. 2224, the CB-MB issued CB Circular No. 905,
from the total payments because they were being made in advance Series of 1982. Section 1 of the Circular, under its General
for eight years. The discount was in effect a reduction of the rentals Provisions, removed the ceilings on interest rates on loans or
which the lessor had the right to determine, and any reduction forbearance of any money, goods or credits.
thereof, by any amount, would not contravene the Usury Law.
On June 14, 1993, President Fidel V. Ramos signed into law R.A. No.
Advocates for Truth in Lending, Inc. vs. BSP, et. al. 7653 establishing the Bangko Sentral ng Pilipinas (BSP) to replace
the CB.
G.R. No. 192986
1. Whether the CB-MB exceeded its authority when it issued CB
Advocates for Truth in Lending, Inc. and its President, Eduardo
Circular No. 905, which removed all interest ceilings and thus
Olaguer claim that they are raising issues of transcendental
suspended Act No. 2655 as regards usurious interest rates. NO
importance to the public and so they filed Petition for Certiorari
under Rule 65 ROC seeking to declare that the Bangko Sentral ng
Pilipinas Monetary Board (BSP-MB), replacing the Central Bank
2. Whether under R.A. No. 7653, the BSP-MB may continue to
Monetary Board (CB-MB) by virtue of R.A. No. 7653, has no
enforce CB Circular No. 905. YES
authority to continue enforcing Central Bank Circular No. 905,
issued by the CB-MB in 1982, which "suspended" the Usury Law of
1916 (Act No. 2655).
1. The CB-MB merely suspended the effectivity of the Usury Law subject to any ceiling prescribed under or pursuant to the Usury
when it issued CB Circular No. 905. Law, as amended." It does not purport to suspend the Usury Law
only as it applies to banks, but to all lenders.
The power of the CB to effectively suspend the Usury Law pursuant
to P.D. No. 1684 has long been recognized and upheld in many
cases. As the Court explained in the landmark case of Medel v. CA,
Petitioners contend that, granting that the CB had power to
citing several cases, CB Circular No. 905 "did not repeal nor in
"suspend" the Usury Law, the new BSP-MB did not retain this power
anyway amend the Usury Law but simply suspended the latter’s
of its predecessor, in view of Section 135 of R.A. No. 7653, which
effectivity;" that "a CB Circular cannot repeal a law, [for] only a law
expressly repealed R.A. No. 265. The petitioners point out that R.A.
can repeal another law;" that "by virtue of CB Circular No. 905, the
No. 7653 did not reenact a provision similar to Section 109 of R.A.
Usury Law has been rendered ineffective;" and "Usury has been
No. 265.
legally non-existent in our jurisdiction. Interest can now be charged
as lender and borrower may agree upon."
A closer perusal shows that Section 109 of R.A. No. 265 covered
only loans extended by banks, whereas under Section 1-a of the
By lifting the interest ceiling, CB Circular No. 905 merely upheld the
Usury Law, as amended, the BSP-MB may prescribe the maximum
parties’ freedom of contract to agree freely on the rate of interest.
rate or rates of interest for all loans or renewals thereof or the
It cited Article 1306 of the New Civil Code, under which the
forbearance of any money, goods or credits, including those for
contracting parties may establish such stipulations, clauses, terms
loans of low priority such as consumer loans, as well as such loans
and conditions as they may deem convenient, provided they are not
made by pawnshops, finance companies and similar credit
contrary to law, morals, good customs, public order, or public
institutions. It even authorizes the BSP-MB to prescribe different
maximum rate or rates for different types of borrowings, including
deposits and deposit substitutes, or loans of financial
intermediaries. Act No. 2655, an earlier law, is much broader in
scope, whereas R.A. No. 265, now R.A. No. 7653, merely
2. The BSP-MB has authority to enforce CB Circular No. 905. supplemented it as it concerns loans by banks and other financial
institutions. Had R.A. No. 7653 been intended to repeal Section 1-a
Section 1 of CB Circular No. 905 provides that, "The rate of interest, of Act No. 2655, it would have so stated in unequivocal terms.
including commissions, premiums, fees and other charges, on a loan
or forbearance of any money, goods, or credits, regardless of
maturity and whether secured or unsecured, that may be charged
Further, the lifting of the ceilings for interest rates does not
or collected by any person, whether natural or juridical, shall not be
authorize stipulations charging excessive, unconscionable, and
iniquitous interest. It is settled that nothing in CB Circular No. 905
grants lenders a carte blanche authority to raise interest rates to
levels which will either enslave their borrowers or lead to a
hemorrhaging of their assets. Stipulations authorizing iniquitous or
unconscionable interests have been invariably struck down for
being contrary to morals, if not against the law.
BATCH 3 return it to Zshornack at a later time. Thus, Zshornack demanded
the return of the money on May 10, 1976, or over five months later.
BPI vs. Intermediate Appellate Court
Issue: Whether the contract between petitioner and respondent Defendant Pablo David has been running a rice mill in Pampanga.
bank is a deposit? One day a fire occurred that destroyed the mill and its contents.
Silvestra Baron, the plaintiff in the first action, is an aunt of the
defendant; while Guillermo Baron, the plaintiff in the other action;
is his uncle. In the months of March, April, and May, 1920, Silvestra
Held: The document which embodies the contract states that the
Baron placed a quantity of palay in the defendant's mill. During the
US$3,000.00 was received by the bank for safekeeping. The
same period Guillermo Baron also placed palay in the mill.
subsequent acts of the parties also show that the intent of the
parties was really for the bank to safely keep the dollars and to
PLAINTIFFS CLAIM PALAY WAS SOLD, DEFENDANT ARGUES IT WAS result that he is bound to account for its value, and his liability was
DEPOSIT AND THAT THE FIRE RELIEVED HIM OF LIABILITY not extinguished by the occurrence of the fire.
Both plaintiffs claim that the palay delivered by them to defendant EVEN IF DEPOSIT, USE OF THE THING BINDS DEFENDANT TO
was sold to defendant; while defendant claims that the palay was ACCOUNT FOR ITS VALUE
deposited subject to future withdrawal by the depositors or subject
to some future sale which was never effected. He therefore
supposes himself to be relieved from all responsibility by virtue of Even supposing that the palay may have been delivered in the
the fire, already mentioned. character of deposit, subject to future sale or withdrawal at
plaintiffs' election, nevertheless if it was understood that the
defendant might mill the palay and he has in fact appropriated it to
ISSUE: his own use, he is of course bound to account for its value
WON defendants are liable to plaintiffs (YES) Under art 1768 of the Civil Code when the depository has
permission to make use of the thing deposited, the contract loses
the character of mere deposit and becomes a loan or a
HELD commodatum; and of course, by appropriating the thing, the bailee
becomes responsible for its value.
BOUND TO ACCOUNT FOR IT In this connection we wholly reject the defendant's pretense that
the palay delivered by the plaintiffs or any part of it was actually
In view of the nature of the defendant's activities and the way in consumed in the fire of January, 1921. Nor is the liability of the
which the palay was handled in the defendant's mill, it is quite defendant in any wise affected by the circumstance that, by a
certain that all of the plaintiffs' palay, which was put in before June custom prevailing among rice millers in this country, persons placing
1, 1920, been milled and disposed of long prior to the fire of January palay with them without special agreement as to price are at liberty
17, 1921. to withdraw it later, proper allowance being made for storage and
shrinkage, a thing that is sometimes done, though rarely.
Considering the fact that the defendant had thus milled and
doubtless sold the plaintiffs' palay prior to the date of the fire, it
Central Bank of the Phils. V. Judge Morfe enjoy any preference because: a, they were rendered after the
fidelity savings bank was declared insolvent, and (2) under the
G.R. No. L- 38427 March 12, 1975
charter of the central bank and the general banking law, no final
judgment can be validly obtained against an insolvet bank.
Facts: ISSUE
On February 18, 1969 the monetary board found the fidelity savings W/N a final judgement for the payment of a time deposit in a
bank to be insolvent. The board directed the superintendent of savings bank, which judgment was obtained after, the bank was
banks to take charge of its assets and forbade it to do business. On declared insolvent, is a preferred claim against the bank?
December 9, 1969, the board resolved to seek the court’s assistance
and supervision in the liquidation of the bank. The resolution was
implemented only on January 25, 1972 when the central bank of the RULLING:
Philippines filed the corresponding petition for assistance and
NO. it should be noted that fixed savings and current deposits of
supervision in the CFI of Manila.
money in banks and similar institutions are not true deposits. They
are considered simple loans and as such are not preferred credits.
One purpose in prohibiting the insolvent bank from doing business
Prior to the institution of the liquidation proceeding but after the
is to prevent some depositors from having an undue or fraudulent
declaration of insolvency, the spouses’ job elizes and marcela elizes
preference over other creditors and depositors. That purpose would
filed a complaint in the CFI of Manila against the fidelity savings
be nullified if, as in this case, after the bank is declared insolvent,
Bank for the recovery of the balance of their time deposits, which
suits by some depositors could be maintained and judgements
was granted by that court. In another case, the spouses Augusto
would be rendered for the payment of their deposits and then such
Padilla and Adelaida Padilla secured a judgement against security
judgments would be considered preferred credits under Art. 2244
fidelity savings bank for the balance of their time deposits plus
(14) (b) of the Civil Code. We are of the opinion that such
judgements cannot be considered preferred and that Art. 2244 does
The lower court, upon motion of elizes and padilla spouses and not apply to such judgments for the payment of the deposits in an
over the opposition of the Central bank, directed the latter, as insolvent savings bank which were obtained after the declaration of
liquidator, to pay their time deposits as preferred credits, evidenced insolvency. Considering that the deposits in question, in their
by the final judgements, within the meaning of article 2244, (14) (b) inception were not preferred credits, it does not seem logical and
of the civil code, if there are enough funds in the liquidator’s just that they should be raised to the category of preferred credits
custody in excess of the creditors more preferred. The central bank simply because the depositors taking advantage of the long interval
appealed, contending that the elizes and padilla spouses do not between the declaration of insolvency and the filing of the petition
for judicial assistance and supervision, were able to secure proceed with the preliminary investigation on the ground that the
judgment for the payment of their time deposits. The lower court’s petitioners’ obligation is civil in nature.
orders are reversed and set aside.
Facts: David invested several deposits with the Nation Savings and
Loan Association [NSLA]. He said that he was induced into making
said investments by an Australian national who was a close
G.R. No. L-60033 April 4, 1984
associate of the petitioners [NSLA officials]. On March 1981, NSLA
TEOFISTO GUINGONA, JR., ANTONIO I. MARTIN, and TERESITA was placed under receivership by the Central Bank, so David filed
SANTOS, petitioners, claims for his and his sister’s investments.
THE CITY FISCAL OF MANILA, HON. JOSE B. FLAMINIANO, ASST. On June 1981, Guingona and Martin, upon David’s request,
CITY FISCAL FELIZARDO N. LOTA and CLEMENT DAVID, assumed the bank’s obligation to David by executing a joint
respondents. promissory note. On July 1981, David received a report that only a
portion of his investments was entered in the NSLA records.
Nature: Petition for prohibition and injunction with a prayer for the
immediate issuance of restraining order and/or writ of preliminary On December 1981, David filed I.S. No. 81-31938 in the Office of the
injunction seeking to prohibit the public respondent which is the City Fiscal, which case was assigned to Asst. City Fiscal Lota for
City Fiscal of Manila from proceeding with the preliminary preliminary investigation. David charged petitioners with estafa and
investigation, in which they were charged by private respondent violation of Central Bank Circular No. 364 and related regulations on
Clement David foreign exchange transactions.
Petitioners’ liability is civil in nature, so respondents have no Considering that petitioners’ liability is purely civil in nature and that
jurisdiction over the estafa charge. TRO CORRECTLY ISSUED. there is no clear showing that they engaged in foreign exchange
transactions, public respondents acted without jurisdiction when
they investigated the charges against the petitioners. Public
Issue: respondents should be restrained from further proceeding with the
criminal case for to allow the case to continue would work great
1. Whether the contract between NSLA and David is a contract of injustice to petitioners and would render meaningless the proper
depositor or a contract of loan, which answer determines whether administration of justice.
the City Fiscal has the jurisdiction to file a case for estafa
Even granting that NSLA’s failure to pay the time and savings
2. Whether there was a violation of Central Bank Circular No. 364 deposits would constitute a violation of RPC 315, paragraph 1(b),
any incipient criminal liability was deemed avoided. When NSLA was
placed under receivership, Guingona and Martin assumed the
Held: obligation to David, thereby resulting in the novation of the original
contractual obligation. The original trust relation between NSLA and
1. When David invested his money on time and savings deposits
David was converted into an ordinary debtor-creditor relation
with NSLA, the contract that was perfected was a contract of simple
between the petitioners and David. While it is true that novation
loan or mutuum and not a contract of deposit. Hence, the
does not extinguish criminal liability, it may prevent the rise of
relationship between David and NSLA is that of creditor and debtor,
criminal liability as long as it occurs prior to the filing of the criminal
consequently, the ownership of the amount deposited was
information in court.
transmitted to the Bank upon the perfection of the contract and it
can make use of the amount deposited for its banking operations,
such as to pay interests on deposits and to pay withdrawals..
2. Petitioner Guingona merely accommodated the request of the Overseas Bank of Manila vs. Cordero
Nation Savings and loan Association in order to clear the bank draft
G.R. No. L-33582. March 30, 1982
through his dollar account because the bank did not have a dollar
account. Immediately after the bank draft was cleared, petitioner Facts:
Guingona authorized Nation Savings and Loan Association to
withdraw the same in order to be utilized by the bank for its Private respondent opened a 1-year time deposit with petitioner
operations. It is safe to assume that the U.S. dollars were converted bank amounting to P80,000, with interest of 6% p.a. Due to its
first into Philippine pesos before they were accepted and deposited distressed financial condition, the bank was unable to pay. Cordero
in Nation Savings and Loan Association, because the bank is instituted an action before the CFI Manila. Petitioner raised the
presumed to have followed the ordinary course of the business defenses of insolvency and prejudice to other depositors. The lower
which is to accept deposits in Philippine currency only, and that the court, and the Court of Appeals, ruled in favor of Cordero. Hence,
transaction was regular and fair, in the absence of a clear and the instant petition for review on certiorari.
convincing evidence to the contrary. Certain supervening events rendered the issue moot and academic.
In conclusion, considering that the liability of the petitioners is Respondent’s brother and attorney-in-fact sent a letter to the
purely civil in nature and that there is no clear showing that they Commercial Bank of Manila (petitioner’s successor-in-interest),
engaged in foreign exchange transactions, we hold that the public acknowledging receipt of P10,000, and another manifestation for
respondents acted without jurisdiction when they investigated the P73,840, with waiver of damages. Upon further examination, it was
charges against the petitioners. Consequently, public respondents found that the respondent’s brother has no SPA. Respondent’s
should be restrained from further proceeding with the criminal case brother submitted the SPA, with explanatory comment that the
for to allow the case to continue, even if the petitioners could have waiver applies only to third party claims, suits and damages, not to
appealed to the Ministry of Justice, would work great injustice to interest and attorney’s fees.
petitioners and would render meaningless the proper
administration of justice
2.Whether or not the deposits could be offset with the debt of the
In the proceedings for the liquidation of the Mercantile Bank of depositor with the bank.
China, the appellant presented a written claim alleging: that when
this bank ceased to operate on September 19, 1931, his current
account in said bank showed a balance of P9,657.50 in his favor; 3.Whether or not the deposits should earn interest from the time
that on the same date his savings account in the said bank also the bank ceased to operate.
showed a balance in his favor of P20,000 plus interest then due
amounting to P194.78; that on the other hand, he owed the bank in
the amount of P13,262.58, the amount of the trust receipts which RULING:
he signed because of his withdrawal from the bank of certain
merchandise consigned to him without paying the drafts drawn
upon him by the remitters thereof; that the credits thus described 1.The SC ruled that, these deposits are essentially mercantile
should be set off against each other according to law, and on such contracts and should, therefore, be governed by the provisions of
set off being made it appeared that he was still the creditor of the the Code of Commerce. In accordance with article 309, the so-called
bank in the sum of P16,589.70. And he asked that the court order current account and savings deposits have lost the character of
the Bank Commissioner to pay him the aforesaid balance and that deposits properly so-called, and are converted into simple
the same be declared as preferred credit. The claim was referred to commercial loans, because the bank disposed of the funds
the commissioner appointed by the court, who at the same time deposited by the claimant for its ordinary transactions and for the
acted as referee, and this officer recommended that the balance banking business in which it was engaged. That the bank had the
claimed be paid without interest and as an ordinary credit. The
authority of the claimant to make use of the money deposited on 48, 49 and 50 of the Insolvency Law in the sense that they are made
current and savings account is deducible from the fact that the bank applicable to cases of insolvency or bankruptcy and liquidation of
has been paying interest on both deposits, and the claimant himself banks. No other deduction can be made from the phrase “in the
asks that he be allowed interest up to the time when the bank order of their legal priority” employed by the law, for there being no
ceased its operations. Moreover, according to section 125 of the law establishing any priority in the order of payment of credits, the
Corporation Law and 9 of Act No. 3154, said bank is authorized to legislature could not reasonably refer to any legislation upon the
make use of the current account, savings, and fixed deposits subject, unless the interpretation above stated is accepted.
provided it retains in its treasury a certain percentage of the
Examining now the claims of the appellant, it appears that none of
amounts of said deposits.
them falls under any of the cases specified by section 48, 49 and 50
of the Insolvency Law; wherefore, we conclude that the appellant’s
claims, consisting of his current and savings account, are not
2.It appears that even after the enactment of the Insolvency Law
preferred credits.
there was no law in this jurisdiction governing the order or
preference of credits in case of insolvency and liquidation of a bank.
But the Philippine Legislature subsequently enacted Act No. 3519,
3. “It may be stated as a general rule that when a depositor is
amended various sections of the Revised Administrative Code,
indebted to a bank, and the debts are mutual — that is, between
which took effect on February 20, 1929, and section 1641 of this
the same parties and in the same right — the bank may apply the
latter Code. as amended by said Act provides:
deposit, or such portion thereof as may be necessary, to the
payment of the debt due it by the depositor, provided there is no
express agreement to the contrary and the deposit is not specially
SEC. 1641. Distribution of assets. — In the case of the liquidation of
applicable to some other particular purposes.” (7 Am. Jur., par. 629,
a bank or banking institution, after payment of the costs of the
p.455; United States vs. Butterworth-Judson Corp., 267 U.S., 387;
proceeding, including reasonable expenses, commissions and fees
National Bank vs. Morgan, 207 Ala.., 65; Bank of Guntersville vs.
of the Bank Commissioner, to be allowed by the court, the Bank
Crayter, 199 Ala., 699; Tatum vs. Commercial Bank & T. Co., 193
Commissioner shall pay the debts of the institution, under of the
Ala., 120; Desha Bank & T. Co. vs. Quilling, 118 Ark., 114; Holloway
court in the order of their legal priority.
vs. First Nat. Bank, 45 Idaho, 746; Wyman vs. Ft. Dearborn Nat Bank,
181 Ill., 279; Niblack vs. Park Nat. Bank, 169 Ill., 517; First Nat Bank
vs. Stapf., 165 Ind., 162; Bedford Bank vs. Acoam, 125 Ind., 584.)
From this section 1641 we deduce that the intention of the The situation referred to by the appellees is inevitable because
Philippine Legislature, in providing that the Bank Commissioner shall section 1639 of the Revised Administrative Code, as amended by
pay the debts of the company by virtue of an order of the court in Act No. 3519, provides that the Bank Commissioner shall reduce the
the order of their priority, was to enforce the provisions of section
assets of the bank into cash and this cannot be done without first all the creditors as they are insufficient to pay all the obligations of
liquidating individually the accounts of the debtors of said bank, and the bank.
in making this individual liquidation the debtors are entitled to set
off, by way of compensation, their claims against the bank.
In view of all the foregoing considerations, SC affirmed the part of
4. Upon this point a distinction must be made between the interest
the appealed decision for the reasons stated herein, and it is
which the deposits should earn from their existence until the bank
ordered that the net claim of the appellant, amounting to
ceased to operate, and that which they may earn from the time the
P13,611.21, is an ordinary and not a preferred credit, and that he is
bank’s operations were stopped until the date of payment of the
entitled to charge interest on said amount up to September 19,
deposits. As to the first class, it should be paid because such interest
has been earned in the ordinary course of the bank’s business and
before the latter has been declared in a state or liquidation. Tan vs. CA
Moreover, the bank being authorized by law to make us of the
deposits, with the limitation stated, to invest the same in its GR 108555, 20 December 1994
business and other operations, it may be presumed that it bound
itself to pay interest to the depositors as in fact it paid interest prior
to the date of the said claims. Facts:
As to the interest which may be charged from the date the bank Ramon Tan, a businessman from Puerto Princesa, secured a
ceased to do business because it was declared in a state of Cashier’s Check from Philippine Commercial Industrial Bank
liquidation, SC held that the said interest should not be paid. Under (PCIBank) to P30,000 payable to his order to avoid carrying cash
articles 1101 and 1108 of the Civil Code, interest is allowed by way while enroute to Manila. He deposited the check in his account in
of indemnity for damages suffered, in the cases wherein the Rizal Commercial Banking Corporation (RCBC) in its Binondo Branch.
obligation consists in the payment of money. In view of this, SC held RCBC sent the check for clearing to the Central Bank which was
that in the absence of any express law or any applicable provision of returned for having been “missent” or “misrouted.” RCBC debited
the Code of Commerce, it is not proper to pay this last kind of Tan’s account without informing him. Relying on common
interest to the appellant upon his deposits in the bank, for this knowledge that a cashier’s check was as good as cash, and a month
would be anomalous and unjustified in a liquidation or insolvency of after depositing the check, he issued two personal checks in the
a bank. This rule should be strictly observed in the instant case name of Go Lak and MS Development Trading Corporation. Both
because it is understood that the assets should be prorated among checks bounced due to “insufficiency of funds.” Tan filed a suit for
damages against RCBC.
Issue: Whether a cashier’s check is as good as cash, so as to have produce documents relating to Trust Account No. 858 and Savings
funded the two checks subsequently drawn. Account of President Estrada. The SB granted the request.
Held: An ordinary check is not a mere undertaking to pay an amount Estrada filed a Motion to Quash the subpoenas claiming that his
of money. There is an element of certainty or assurance that it will bank accounts are covered by R.A. No. 1405 (The Secrecy of Bank
be paid upon presentation; that is why it is perceived as a Deposits Law) and do not fall under any of the exceptions stated
convenient substitute for currency in commercial and financial therein. He further claimed that the specific identification of
transactions. Herein, what is involved is more than an ordinary documents in the questioned subpoenas, including details on dates
check, but a cashier’s check. A cashier’s check is a primary obligation and amounts, could only have been made possible by an earlier
of the issuing bank and accepted in advance by its mere issuance. By illegal disclosure thereof by the EIB and the Philippine Deposit
its very nature, a cashier’s check is a bank’s order to pay what is Insurance Corporation (PDIC) in its capacity as receiver of the then
drawn upon itself, committing in effect its total resources, integrity Urban Bank. The disclosure being illegal, petitioner concluded, the
and honor beyond the check. Herein, PCIB by issuing the check prosecution in the case may not be allowed to make use of the
created an unconditional credit in favor any collecting bank. information. The SB denied the motion.
Reliance on the layman’s perception that a cashier’s check is as
good as cash is not entirely misplaced, as it is rooted in practice,
tradition and principle. ISSUE/S:
The Special Prosecution Panel filed before the Sandiganbayan a
1. YES. The contention that trust accounts are not covered by the
Request for Issuance of Subpoena Duces Tecum for the issuance of
term “deposits, “as used in R.A. 1405, by the mere fact that they do
a subpoena directing the President of Export and Industry Bank (EIB,
not entail a creditor-debtor relationship between the trustor and
formerly Urban Bank) or his/her authorized representative to
the bank, does not lie. An examination of the law shows that the
term “deposits “used therein is to be understood broadly and not
limited only to accounts which give rise to a creditor-debtor 2. YES. The protection afforded by the law is, however, not absolute,
relationship between the depositor and the bank. If the money there being recognized exceptions thereto, as above quoted Section
deposited under an account may be used by banks for authorized 2 provides. In the present case, two exceptions apply, to wit: (1) the
loans to third persons, then such account, regardless of whether it examination of bank accounts is upon order of a competent court in
creates a creditor-debtor relationship between the depositor and cases of bribery or dereliction of duty of public officials, and (2) the
the bank, falls under the category of accounts which the law money deposited or invested is the subject matter of the litigation.
precisely seeks to protect for the purpose of boosting the economic
development of the country.
Estrada contends that since plunder is neither bribery nor
dereliction of duty, his accounts are not excepted from the
Trust Account No. 858 is, without doubt, one such account. The protection of R.A. 1405. He is wrong. Cases of unexplained wealth
Trust Agreement between Estrada and Urban Bank provides that are similar to cases of bribery or dereliction of duty and no reason is
the trust account covers “deposit, placement or investment of funds seen why these two classes of cases cannot be excepted from the
“by Urban Bank for and in behalf of Estrada. The money deposited rule making bank deposits confidential. The policy as to one cannot
under Trust Account No. 858, was, therefore, intended not merely be different from the policy as to the other. This policy expresses
to remain with the bank but to be invested by it elsewhere. To hold the notion that a public office is a public trust and any person who
that this type of account is not protected by R.A. 1405 would enters upon its discharge does so with the full knowledge that his
encourage private hoarding of funds that could otherwise be life, so far as relevant to his duty, is open to public scrutiny. An
invested by banks in other ventures, contrary to the policy behind examination of the “overt or criminal acts as described in Section
the law. 1(d)”of R.A. No. 7080 would make the similarity between plunder
and bribery even more pronounced since bribery is essentially
included among these criminal acts. Plunder being thus analogous
The phrase “of whatever nature “proscribes any restrictive to bribery, the exception to R.A. 1405 applicable in cases of bribery
interpretation of “deposits. “Moreover, it is clear from the must also apply to cases of plunder.
immediately quoted provision that, generally, the law applies not
only to money which is deposited but also to those which are
invested. This further shows that the law was not intended to apply The plunder case now pending with the SB necessarily involves an
only to “deposits “in the strict sense of the word. Otherwise, there inquiry into the whereabouts of the amount purportedly acquired
would have been no need to add the phrase “or invested.” Clearly, illegally by former President Joseph Estrada. In light then of this
therefore, R.A. 1405 is broad enough to cover Trust Account No. Court’s pronouncement in Union Bank, the subject matter of the
858. litigation cannot be limited to bank accounts under the name of
President Estrada alone, but must include those accounts to which
the money purportedly acquired illegally or a portion thereof was
alleged to have been transferred. Trust Account No. 858 and Savings
Account No. 0116-17345-9 in the name of petitioner fall under this
description and must thus be part of the subject matter of the
In sum, exception (1) applies since the plunder case pending against
former President Estrada is analogous to bribery or dereliction of
duty, while exception (2) applies because the money deposited in
petitioner’s bank accounts is said to form part of the subject matter
of the same plunder case.
BATCH 4 Subsequently it was found that the work had not been carried out in
accordance with the specifications which formed part of the contract.
Castellvi de Higgins & Higgins vs. Sellner
Hospicio therefore refused to pay the balance of the contract price.
Facts: Sellner (defendant) wrote a letter to Mcleod (Castellvi’s agent)
Machetti thereupon brought an action to which Hospicio presented
saying that he would bound himself to pay the promissory note of
a counterclaim. After the issue was joined, Machetti, on petition of
Mining, Clarke and Maye amounting 10K + % if not fully paid at
his creditors declared insolvency. An order was then entered
maturity, upon the surrender 8k worth of MCM’s stock which is held
suspending the proceeding in the case.
by Castellvi.
Hospicio filed a motion asking that the Fidelity be made cross-
defendant which was granted. Hospicio then filed a complaint against
Issue: WON Sellner is a guarantor or surety? the Fidelity asking for a judgment against the company upon its
CFI rendered judgment against the Fidelity. The case is now before
Held: Sellner is a GUARANTOR. Sellner was not bound with Castellvi this court upon appeal by the Fidelity from said judgment.
by the same instrument executed at the time and the same
consideration, but his responsibility was secondary, one founded on ISSUE: WON the contract is one of guaranty or surety.
an independent collateral agreement. Neither was he jointly and
JUDGMENT: The judgment appealed from is reversed.
severally liable with Castellvi.
HOLDING: The circumstances in the contract are distinguishing
features of contracts of guaranty. The contract is the guarantor's
ROMULO MACHETTI Vs . HOSPICIO DE SAN JOSE and FIDELITY & separate undertaking in which the principal does not join. It rests on
SURETY COMPANY OF THE PHILIPPINE ISLANDS a separate consideration moving from the principal and that although
it is written in continuation of the contract for the construction of the
FACTS: building, it is a collateral undertaking separate and distinct from the
Machetti undertook to construct a building for Hospicio. One of the latter.
agreement’s condition was for the contractor to obtain the While a surety undertakes to pay if the principal does not pay, the
"guarantee" of the Fidelity and Surety Company. The guarantee was guarantor only binds himself to pay if the principal cannot pay. The
for the compliance of Machetti to the contract’s terms and one is the insurer of the debt, the other an insurer of the solvency of
conditions. the debtor.
The Fidelity having bound itself to pay only in the event its principal, of the two corporations being in Catbalogan, Samar, for which I
Machetti, cannot pay it follows that it cannot be compelled to pay undertake, bind and agree to use the loans surety cash deposit for
until it is shown that Machetti is unable to pay. Such inability to pay registration with the Securities and Exchange Commission of the
is not determined until the final liquidation of his estate and is not incorporation papers relative to the "Sosing-Lobosand Co., Inc.," and
sufficiently established by the mere fact that he has been declared to return or pay the same amount with Twelve Per Cent (12%)
insolvent in insolvency proceedings. interest perineum, commencing from the date of execution hereof,
to the "Piczon and Co., Inc., as soon as the said incorporation papers
are duly registered and the Certificate of Incorporation issued by the
PICZON VS. PICZON aforesaid Commission.
Facts: Municipality of Gasan granted Marasigan fishing privileges • The note note was signed by Enrique Go, Sr. in his personal
within the jurisdictional waters. To secure payment of license fees, capacity and in behalf of Daicor.
Marasigan filed a bond subscribed Angel R. Sevilla and Gonzalo L.
• The promissory note was not fully paid despite repeated
Luna who bound themselves to pay if Marasigan failed to comply with
demands; hence, petitioner filed a complaint for a sum of money
the terms of the contract. Contract was declared illegal by the
against Daicor, Enrique Go, Sr. and Residoro Chua.
Executive Bureau therefore the Municipality awarded the privilege to
another person who failed to pay the deposit and yielded the • Respondent Residoro Chua on the ground that the complaint
privilege to Marasigan. The municipality told Marasigan that the states no cause of action as against him.
contract was to be effective so the municipality sought to recover
from Marasigan and Angel R. Sevilla and Gonzalo L. Luna, the amount • He alleged that he cannot be held liable under the promissory
representing the license. note because it was only Enrique Go, Sr. who signed the same in
behalf of Daicor and in his own personal capacity.
Issue: Whether or not the respondents are liable?
• Petitioner alleged that by virtue of the execution of the
Held: No. The contract being invalid and unenforceable because not comprehensive surety agreement, respondent is liable because said
only was it not consummated; it was also cancelled. It ceased to be agreement is continuing; and it encompasses every other
indebtedness the Daicor may, from time to time incur with petitioner • The surety agreement which was earlier signed by Enrique
bank. Go, Sr. and private respondent, is an accessory obligation, it being
dependent upon a principal one which, in this case is the loan
obtained by Daicor as evidenced by a promissory note.
WON Respondent Chua is liable.
• What obviously induced petitioner bank to grant the loan
was the surety agreement whereby Go and Chua bound themselves
solidarily to guaranty the punctual payment of the loan at maturity.
• YES.
• It can be clearly seen that the surety agreement was
• The comprehensive surety agreement was jointly executed executed to guarantee future debts which Daicor may incur with
by respondent Residoro Chua and Enrique Go, Sr., President and petitioner, as is legally allowable under the Civil Code.
General Manager respectively, of Daicor, to cover existing as well as
future obligations which Daicor may incur with the petitioner bank, • Thus —Article 2053. — A guaranty may also be given as
subject only to the proviso that their liability shall not exceed security for future debts, the amount of which is not yet known; there
P100,000.00. can be no claim against the guarantor until the debt is liquidated. A
conditional obligation may also be secured.
• The guaranty is a continuing one which shall remain in full
force and effect until the bank is notified of its termination.
• At the time the loan of P100,000.00 was obtained from PNB vs. CA, Luzon Surety Co.
petitioner by Daicor, for the purpose of having an additional capital
Facts: Estanislao Depusoy, and the Republic of the Philippines,
for buying and selling coco-shell charcoal and importation of
represented by the Director of Public Works, entered into a building
activated carbon, the comprehensive surety agreement was
contract, for the construction of the GSTS building at Arroceros
admittedly in full force and effect.
Street, Manila, Depusoy to furnish all materials, labor, plans, and
• The loan was, therefore, covered by the said agreement, and supplies needed in the construction. Depusoy applied for credit
private respondent, even if he did not sign the promissory note, is accommodation with the plaintiff. This was approved by the Board of
liable by virtue of the surety agreement. Directors in various resolutions subject to the conditions that he
would assign all payments to be received from the Bureau of Public
• The only condition that would make him liable thereunder is Works of the GSIS to the bank, furnish a surety bond, and the surety
that the Daicor "is or may become liable as maker, endorser, acceptor to deposit P10,000.00 to the plaintiff. The total accommodation
or otherwise". There is no doubt that Daicor is liable on the granted to Depusoy was P100,000.00. This was later extended by
promissory note evidencing the indebtedness. another P10,000.00 and P25,000.00, but in no case should the loan
exceed P100,000.00. In compliance with these conditions, Depusoy
executed a Deed of Assignment of all money to be received by him products. Lorenzana and PTC entered into an agreement whereby
from the GSIS to PNB. Depusoy defaulted in his building contract with Lorenzana will act as Distributor of PTC. Lorenzana put up a bond in
the Bureau of Public Works, and sometime in September, 1957, the the amount of 3K with Visayan Surety & Insurance Corporation, as
Bureau of Public Works rescinded its contract with Dernisoy. No surety, to guarantee the faithful fulfillment of Lorenzana’s part in the
furher amounts were thereafter paid by the GSIS to lie plaintiff bank. contract to sell and distribute PTC’s cigarettes.
The amount of the loan of Depusoy which remains unpaid, including
interest, is over P100,000.00. Demands for payment were made upon
Depusoy and Luzon, and as no payment was made, therefore herein Issue: WON the delivery of merchandise to Lorenzana at a place other
petitioner filed with the trial court a complaint against Estanislao than that appearing in the contract constitutes a material alteration
Depusoy and private respondent Luzon Surety Co. Inc. (LSCI). of the same that would release Lorenzana from liability?
Issue: WON Luzon Surety is liable Held: No. The mention of Manila and Rizal in said agreement was
designed more as a declaration or identification of the places wherein
Lorenzana was expressly authorized and assigned to sell PTC’s
Held: the bonds executed by private respondent LSCI were to products which is no obstacle to his acceptance of additional
guarantee the faithful performance of Depusoy of his obligation territories in order to fulfill his obligation. A departure from the terms
under the Deed of Assignment and not to guarantee payment of the of contract will not have the effect of discharging a compensated
loans or the debt of Depusoy to petitioner to the extent of surety unless it appears that such departure has resulted in injury,
P100,000.00. Besides, even if there had been any doubt on the terms loss or prejudice to the surety.
and conditions of the surety agreement, the doubt should be
resolved in favor of the surety. As concretely put in Article 2056 of
the Civil Code, "A guaranty is not presumed, it must be ex-pressed SOUTHERN MOTORS VS ELISEO BARBOSA
and cannot extend to more than what is stipulated therein." LSCI is
liable to the full extent thereof, such liability is strictly limited to that GR No. L-9306
assumed by its terms." FACTS: Plaintiff Southern Motors brought an action against
defendant Barbosa to foreclose a real estate mortgage constituted by
the latter in favor of the former, as security for the payment of a sum
Pacific Tobacco Corp. vs. Lorenzana extended by plaintiff to one Alfredo Brillantes, because the latter
failed to settle his obligation in accordance with the terms and
Facts: The Pacific Tobacco Corp. is engaged in the business of
conditions corresponding with the deed of mortgage.
manufacturing and distributing cigarettes cigars and other tobacco
Defendant filed an answer admitting the allegations of the On July 8, 1950, the defendant Batu Construction & Company, as
complaint and alleging by way of special and affirmative defense that principal, and the plaintiff Manila Surety & Fidelity Co. Inc., as surety,
he executed the deed of mortgage for the sole purpose of executed a surety bond for the sum of P8,812.00 to insure faithful
guaranteeing the above-mentioned debt of Brillantes and that performance of the former's obligation as contractor for the
therefore plaintiff cannot foreclose the mortgage property without a construction of the Bacarra Bridge, Project PR-72 (No. 3) Ilocos Norte
prior exhaustion of the principal’s properties. Province. On the same date, July 8,1950, the Batu Construction &
Company and the defendants Carlos N. Baquiran and Gonzales P.
After the case transferred from one judge to another, the
Amboy executed an indemnity agreement to protect the Manila
trial court rendered judgment on the pleadings in favor of plaintiff
Surety & Fidelity Co. Inc.., against damage, loss or expenses which it
that prompted respondent to appeal before the CA who certified the
may sustain as a consequence of the surety bond executed by it
case to the SC in view of the fact that the appeal raises purely
jointly with Batu Construction & Company.
questions of law.
On or about May 30, 1951, the plaintiff received a notice from the
ISSUE: WON plaintiff is required to exhaust debtor-principal’s
Director of Public Works (Exhibit B) annulling its contract with the
property before he can proceed to foreclose the mortgage.
Government for the construction of the Bacarra Bridge because of its
HELD: No. Defendant’s invocation of article 2058 of the Civil Code is failure to make satisfactory progress in the execution of the works,
misplaced because the right of the guarantors to demand exhaustion with the warning that ,any amount spent by the Government in the
of the property of the principal debtor under said provision exists continuation of the work, in excess of the contract price, will be
only when a pledge or mortgage has not been given as special charged against the surety bond furnished by the plaintiff. It also
security for the payment of the principal obligation. appears that a complaint by the laborers in said project of the Batu
Construction & Company was filed against it and the Manila Surety
Under the given facts of the case, a mortgage was executed and Fidelity Co., Inc., for unpaid wages amounting to P5,960.10.
as security for brillantes’ debt, hence, defendant’s reliance upon the
aforementioned provision cannot be sustained, for what governs in Trial Court dismissed the case holding that provisions of article 2071
this case are the provisions under title XVI of the Civil Code of the new Civil Code may be availed of by a guarantor only and not
concerning pledge and mortgages. by a surety the complaint, with costs against the plaintiff.