Surat Permintaan Abstrak Pembicara

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Surabaya, 23 Oktober 2019


Yth Pembicara

1st Indonesian Nurses Scientific Meeting on Diabetic Wound Management

Di tempat

Dengan hormat,

Sehubungan dengan persiapan penerbitan buku prosediing dalam kegiatan 1st Indonesian Nurses
Scientific Meeting on Diabetic Wound Management, dengan ini kami memohon kepada para
pembicara untuk mengirimkan abstrak sesuai dengan topik yang diampu (terlampir). Adapun batas
waktu pengiriman abstrak tanggal 28 Oktober 2019, sedangkan materi PPT pada tanggal 1
November 2019 melalui email : [email protected] Format abstrak terlampir.

Atas bantuan dan kerjasamanya diucapkan terimakasih.

Ketua Panitia,

(Arrie Kussetyoutomo,S.Kep.,Ns.,ETN)
Lampiran 1: Format Abstrak


a. Abstrak ditulis dengan jelas untuk membantu pembaca dalam memahami aspek penting
dan temuan dari hasil riset atau kajian literatur yang akan disampaikan
b. Abstrak maksimal menggunakan 300 kata, times new roman, ukuran 12, spasi 1
c. Abstrak terdiri dari latar belakang, tujuan, metode, hasil dan kesimpulan
d. Maksimal menggunakan 5 kata kunci
e. Kata kunci ditulis di bawah abstrak dengan dipisahkan tanda koma

Contoh abstrak

Tissue Adhesive for Wound Closure Reduces Immediate Postoperative Wound Dressing
Changes After Primary TKA

xxxx1*, yyyyy1, zzzzz1

1Rumah Luka Surabaya vvvvvv, Indonesia

Corresponding Author: xxxxxx ([email protected])

Background Prolonged wound drainage after TKA is associated with increased risk of infection.
To decrease wound drainage, tissue adhesive has been suggested as an adjunct to wound closure
after TKA; however, no studies of which we are aware have investigated the effect of tissue
adhesive in a modern fast-track TKA setting.
Purposes The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of wound closure using a high-
viscosity tissue adhesive in simultaneous bilateral TKA with respect to (1) postoperative wound
drainage, measured as number of dressing changes in the first 72 hours postoperatively; and (2)
wound healing assessed using the ASEPSIS score.
Methods Thirty patients undergoing simultaneous bilateral TKA were included in the study. The
left knee was randomized to receive either standard three-layer closure with staples or the same
closure supplemented with tissue adhesive with the opposite treatment used on the contralateral
knee. One patient underwent a constrained TKA and underwent revision 2 days after the index
procedure and was therefore excluded leaving 29 patients (58 knees) for analysis. Sixty-two
percent (n = 18) were female. Mean age was 64 years (range, 42-78 years). Mean body mass index
was 28 kg/m2 (range, 21–38 kg/m2). Postoperative wound drainage was evaluated as drainage
resulting in a dressing change. The wound dressing was changed if it was soaked to the borders of
the absorbable dressing at any point. The nurses changing the dressing were blinded to treatment
allocation up to the first dressing change. The number of dressing changes during the first 72 hours
postoperatively was recorded. The secondary study endpoint was the ASEPSIS score, which is a
clinical score assessing wound healing. ASEPSIS score, measured by a nurse not involved in the
treatment, was compared between the groups at 3 weeks followup.
Results Knees with tissue adhesive underwent fewer dressing changes (median, 0; interquartile
range [IQR], 0-1) compared with the contralateral knee (IQR, 1-2; difference of medians, one
dressing change; p = 0.001). A total of 59% of knees in the intervention group did not undergo any
dressing changes before discharge, whereas 24% of knees in the control group did not undergo
any dressing changes before discharge (p = 0.02). The knees in the intervention group and the
control group did not differ with respect to ASEPSIS score at 3 weeks.
Conclusions Tissue adhesive as an adjunct to standard wound closure after primary TKA reduced
the number of dressing changes after surgery, but did not change the appearance or healing of the
wound at 3 weeks based on the ASEPSIS scores. Whether the small differences observed here in
terms of the number of dressing changes performed will justify the additional costs associated with
using this product or whether there are other differences associated with the use of tissue adhesive
that may prove important such as patient preferences or longer term differences in wound healing
or infection should be studied in the future.
Key words: Wound Closure, Wound Dressing, Primary TKA
Lampiran 2: Topik Pembicara

Pengkajian Risiko Pada Kaki Diabetes

(Risk Assessment for Diabetic Foot)
Saldy Yusuf, S.Kep.,Ns., MHS., Ph.D., ETN

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