User Manual
Issue date
July 2009
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Subject to change without prior notice.
3.1 Prerequisites 8
4.1 Gateways 11
4.1.1 Connecting to a real control unit via PRODAVE 11
4.1.2 Connecting to S7-PLCSIM 12
5.3 Simulation 18
5.3.1 Creating a simulation project 19
5.3.2 Connecting to PLCSIM 20
5.3.3 Building an operator panel 23
5.3.4 Simulating the movable safety guard 26
5.3.5 Background image and labeling 31
5.3.6 Graphics and Animation 33
5.3.7 Simulating the plunger 37
6.2 SIMIT4Students 41
List of figures
Figure 1: Setup with real control unit (left) and simulated control unit (right) 11
Figure 2: Access mode of the PRODAVE gateway 12
Figure 3: User interface of SIMIT SCE 13
Figure 4: Elements of a SIMIT SCE project 14
Figure 5: Diagram with components and peripheral connectors 15
Figure 6: Diagram with some controls 16
Figure 7: STEP7 program of a press control 18
Figure 8: Project dialog in SIMIT SCE 19
Figure 9: Adding a new gateway 20
Figure 10: Signal communication between SIMIT SCE and PLCSIM 21
Figure 11: Exporting a symbol table 22
Figure 12: Importing a symbol table 22
Figure 13: Creating a new diagram 23
Figure 14: Placing a control 24
Figure 15: Signal connection of a control 24
Figure 16: Signals tools window 25
Figure 17: Resizing a binary indicator 25
Figure 18: Operator panel 26
Figure 19: New diagram named “Function” 27
Figure 20: “Ramp“ component 27
Figure 21: “Ramp”, “BConnector” and “NOTc” 28
Figure 22: “Ramp” with inverted input 28
Figure 23: Connected Ramp component 28
Figure 24: Name of a component 29
Figure 25: Complete connection 29
Figure 26: Tab control for changing the working area 30
Figure 27: Switch with image with its signal connection 30
Figure 28: Defining images to be displayed 31
Figure 29: Feedback signaling closed guard 31
Figure 30: Background image 32
Figure 31: Labeled operating panel 33
Figure 32: Introducing the Safety Guard 33
Figure 33: Selecting a fill color 34
Figure 34: Safety guard 34
List of tables
Tabelle 1: The press controls symbol table 17
SIMIT SCE is a Siemens solution specifically designed for training of automation engineers
and used for the virtual commissioning of SIMATIC applications software. Thanks to the
functional simulation of technical equipment or plants and its visualization, your students can
test a PLC program under realistic conditions.
Students can understand the assignment faster and can focus on creating their PLC
program. They can test it on the simulation at any time and, thanks to the high-quality
display, are thus more motivated to find the correct automation solution.
The SIMIT SCE Campus License allows you to store a simulation project in form of an
“executable simulation”. Your students can launch such a simulation and use it for testing,
they cannot modify it however. As a precondition, the students computer needs to have the
SIMIT4Students software installed.
This manual shows you how to use existing simulations in class with SIMIT SCE. Beyond
that you learn how to use SIMIT SCE to create and use your own simulations.
Chapter 2 comments on special features of SIMIT SCE and depicts differences and
limitations compared to the SIMIT Software as it is used in automation solutions in an
industrial environment.
Chapter 3 guides you through the installation of SIMIT SCE.
Chapter 4 describes usage and general design of SIMIT SCE.
Chapter 5 provides a step-by-step instruction of how to build a simulation, using a simple
press as an example.
Chapter 6 finally shows how to handle SIMIT SCE projects, with special emphasis on how to
pass a simulation to your students.
3.1 Prerequisites
Your computer must meet some minimum requirements as follows:
• Standard PC
• CD drive
• One USB slot available, please do not use USB extensions or hubs.
SIMIT SCE supports Windows Operating Systems as follows:
• XP Professional SP3
• Vista Professional
• Vista Ultimate
4.1 Gateways
You may use SIMIT SCE in conjunction with a real control unit (SIMATIC S7-300 or S7-400)
as well as a simulated control unit (S7-PLCSIM). In the first case the PRODAVE gateway is
used via an MPI or Ethernet cable, in the latter case a pure software gateway is used (see
Figure 1).
Figure 1: Setup with real control unit (left) and simulated control unit (right)
When connecting a real control unit to SIMIT SCE you have two options:
In this case you need either an MPI interface card in your computer or an MPI
adapter for use with a USB or serial port.
• Ethernet
When using a control unit with ethernet access you may also use this cable to
connect to SIMIT SCE.
You choose the access mode in the properties dialog of your PRODAVE gateway as shown
in Figure 2.
The corresponding interface must be selected as “PC/PG-Interface” within the Simatic
Instead of a real S7 control unit you can also use the control unit simulation PLCSIM. In this
case you do not load your STEP7 application program into the real SIMATIC control unit but
into PLCSIM.
Project view
Tool window
Property view
Project designator
Folder for
Additional functions
components from the library onto the diagram, connect the connection points and specify the
components parameters.
In order to establish a connection between two connection points (i.e. input and output) place
the mouse above a connection point you want to use and click left. Note that the mouse
cursor changes when placed above a connection point and do not keep the left mouse button
pressed. Now move the mouse to the other connection point you want to use and click left
again. A connection is now established and you see a connection line. Alternatively you can
also drag and drop one connection point to another.
You can set a components parameters by using the blue input fields. To enter a value in an
input field double click the field and commit your input by pressing RETURN. Alternatively
you may use the components property view. You can open a components property view by
double clicking the component.
Peripheral connector
The control units input and output signals are managed in gateways. These signals are
displayed on the diagram as peripheral connectors: Output signals are represented as green
peripheral connectors, input signals as red peripheral connectors. You can place peripheral
connectors on a diagram via drag and drop from the gateway. For this purpose open the
gateway and split your work area using the menu “Window | Tile Horizontally” so that both
gateway and diagram are visible. Then drag the signal of interest onto the diagram by
gripping it within the gateways left border and keeping the SHIFT-key pressed. Finally
connect its connection point with a components connection point.
The so-called controls are divided into operating and display controls. In order to set values
when the simulation is running operating controls are made available, display controls are
used to show values. Controls can be placed on separate diagrams clearly laid out and
according to your requirements. Figure 6 shows an example of a diagram with operating
controls and binary display controls.
You can run the simulation using the toolbar or the project view ( ) as well as the menu
“Simulation | Start”. A change in the SIMIT SCE color scheme from blue to orange indicates
that the simulation is running.
All changes to the simulation, be that on diagrams or in gateways, take effect automatically
when the simulation is run next time.
While the simulation is running you can open and close diagrams and select a component by
clicking it with the right mouse button. Opening the property view enables you to observe any
change of a selected components input and output values in a running simulation.
In order to use this control program along with the SIMIT SCE sample project, please
proceed like this:
• Retrieve S7-project with SIMATIC-Manager,
• Launch PLCSIM and load the S7-Programm into PLCSIM and
• Turn PLCSIM into state RUN or RUN-P.
PLCSIM now executes the control program.
A connection used for signal exchange between PLCSIM and SIMIT SCE will be established
automatically upon starting the simulation. The PLCSIM gateway in SIMIT SCE defines
which I/O signals are coupled between PLCSIM and SIMIT SCE.
5.3 Simulation
We now want to build a simulation with SIMIT SCE to test this press control program. The
simulation should perform several tasks:
After startup SIMIT SCE shows a project dialog. You can create new projects or open
existing ones here. Please select “New Project” and provide a folder in which to place your
data. As project name you may use “Press”.
If SIMIT SCE is running already, you can open this dialog using the menu “Project | New
In this example of use the STEP7 program should not be loaded into a real control unit but
into PLCSIM instead. In case PLCSIM is not running already, please proceed as described in
chapter 5.2 to start PLCSIM, load the S7 project and turn PLCSIM into mode “RUN-P”.
By adding a gateway in SIMIT SCE you also define which signals are to be communicated
with the real control unit or with PLCSIM in this case. Please add a new gateway to your
project be double clicking the “New Gateway” entry in the project view. Select “PLCSIM” and
confirm by clicking “OK”.
You may change the gateways name “PLCSIM”. For your project to match this example
please confirm the default value by pressing “RETURN”.
In the work area you now see all available binary and analog signals which are
communicated between SIMIT SCE and PLCSIM. Please note that both range and
addresses of these signals are immutable in SIMIT SCE.
When starting the simulation you can immediately observe signal exchange. Just click the
-symbol in the tool bar. Alternatively you may double click the “Start” entry in the project
view or select the menu “Simulation | Start”. A change in the color schema from blue to
organge indicates that the simulation is now running. Also the project view switches to
simulation mode.
You may now set the output Q0.7 in PLCSIM and observe the reaction in SIMIT SCE.
Conversely you may set a control units input in SIMIT, e.g. I0.7 and observe the reaction in
Please note that the STEP7 program will set the outputs Q0.1 and Q0.3 to “1”, given that you
already have loaded the SIMATIC project “Press” into PLCSIM. In this case you cannot set
outputs Q0.0 through Q0.3 manually!
Please end the simulation before proceeding. Just click the -symbol in the tool bar.
Alternatively you may select the menu “Simulation | Exit”.
I/O signals can also be addressed symbolically in SIMIT SCE. Just enter appropriate names
in the gateways “Symbol Name” column or import a symbol table already created by
SIMATIC manager.
To do so you just need to export a symbol table in SIMATIC managers symbol editor.
Afterwards you can import the symbol table into the gateway editor in SIMIT SCE.
SIMIT SCE supports both ASC and SEQ files. In the “Samples” folder on your SIMIT SCE
CD you find an applicable symbol table.
By importing a symbol table you have modified the gateways configuration which is
visualized by an asterisk in the window title. Click the disk symbol to save changes.
You can observe and operate all I/O signals in the gateway editor as described above. You
may still want to access specific signals in form of an individually designed operator panel,
however. Please open the “Diagrams” folder and double click the “New Diagram” entry. Then
change the diagrams name from its default into “Panel”.
Your work area now shows an empty diagram. On the right hand side you see the tool
window containing the tabs “Components”, “Controls”, “Graphics”, “Projects” and “Signals”.
To build an operator panel we first need the “Controls” tab. Just drag and drop three “Binary
Indicators” from the tab onto your diagram.
Just like components, controls can be connected using signal lines. This is indicated by the
green triangle on the binary indicators left hand side. For an operator panel this is not useful
however. Please select the control and select the “Connector” section in its property view.
Click the -symbol to make the connection point invisible.
You can now enter the name of the signal to be visualized by this binary indicator. Please
enter the gateways name “PLCSIM” in the left hand field and the signals name “P1” in the
right hand field. If there were no symbol table imported, the signal name would have to be
the absolute address “Q0.1” instead of “P1”.
Alternatively you may open the “Signals” tab and drag and drop an I/O signal into the Signal
There are several ways to filter signals in your simulation project. In the above image only
binary output signals are visible (Signal type: Output, Data type: BOOL).
Please note that the signal list is updated only when a diagram or gateway is saved!
Please complete all three binary indicators by entering signals “P1”, “P2” and “P3”.
If you wish you may also change the binary indicators shape. The property view will show a
choice named “Shape” in the “View” section which you may change to “Round”. You may
also change the binary indicators size directly on the diagram. Just select the control and
drag it to its favored size.
Now add a “Switch” control to your diagram and parametrize it with Signal “F0”. Also place a
“Pushbutton” control with Signal “S1”.
If you wish to drag and drop signals from the “Signals” tab please make sure that filters are
set appropriately! You may reset all filters via “Reset Filter”.
When starting the simulation again, you can now access these signals directly on your
Please note again that the PLC program reacts to input “F0” and resets output “P1”.
Before proceeding please close the simulation again by clicking the -symbol or using the
menu “Simulation | Exit”.
Our next step is to simulate the movable safety guard. This task consists of two assignments:
On the one hand we have the basic function that generates a delayed feedback “grid closed”
after activating a switch. On the other hand we need an appropriate visualization to show this
For the pure function please add a new diagram and name it “Function”.
The safety guards movement is to be modeled using a ramp function that yields the grids
vertical position. You find an appropriate “Ramp” component in the tools windows
“Component” tab under “STANDARD | AnalogExtended”. Please drag and drop this
component onto your diagram.
This component computes a ramped value that runs from its lower limit “LL” to its upper limit
“UL” within an adjustable time “T”, provided that the input “UP (+)” is set to “TRUE”. If the
input “DOWN (-)” is set to “TRUE”, the values behave accordingly.
The components outputs indicate whether or not one of the limits is reached.
Since the safety guard is to be operated with one single switch, this switches signal needs to
have its original value as well as the inverted value processed. One way to realize this is to
use a “BConnector” component from the “CONNECTORS” library and a “NOTc” negation
from “STANDARD | BinaryBasic”:
Now place the NOTc in such a way that its red output triangle overlaps with the ramps green
input triangle. The two connection points are now connected. In order to move the NOTc
please take care to touch the component itself, not its connection points since you will not be
able to move it otherwise. You may want to zoom the diagrams display using the -symbol
from the tool bar.
We are still lacking two connections which you now can establish using signal lines. Just
click the BConnectors output and then the input to be connected or drag from one connection
point to the other:
Since the ramp is to be controlled via the BConnector, the latter should be assigned a
meaningful name, e.g. “Guard”. Just select the BConnector and overwrite its current name
“BConnector#1” with “Guard” in the components property views “General” section.
Now we want to inform the control unit about the safety guards state using signal “B1”. The
easiest way to establish this connection is using the tool windows “Signals” tab again. Just
drag signal “B1” onto the diagram without dropping, i.e. without releasing the mouse button!
You see that SIMIT SCE first offers you to place controls handling this signal. In this case we
need a peripheral connector. You can create a peripheral connector by pressing the SHIFT-
key and then releasing the mouse button. Finally please connect the peripheral connector to
the ramp.
In the next step we set the ramps running time to two seconds. We do this directly on the
diagram by double clicking the blue input field of input “T” and overwriting with “2”.
Please add a switch to handle the safety guard on the operator panel. In case you still have
the diagram “Panel” open, you can get it back into your working area using tabs on the
bottom of the screen.
We are going to use a switch with freely designed images here. Please drag a “Switch with
Image” control from the tool window “Controls”. Again we want the signal connection to be
invisible and be linked to the input “IN” of our BConnector named “Guard”.
Please select the images to be displayed in the “View” section (see Figure 28). The images
we use here as an example can be found on the SIMIT SCE installation CD in the “Samples”
Please take care to check the “Adapt to Image Size” box so that images are displayed in
their original size!
When starting the simulation you now see the feedback arriving in the control unit two
seconds after activating the switch with image.
You may want to make your operating panel more vivid and use a background image. To do
this, please open the property view and click any non-occupied area on the diagram to have
the diagrams properties shown. Then select the background image from the “Samples” folder
on your SIMIT SCE installation CD. Finally adapt the diagrams size to the images dimension,
e.g. you use 700 x 500 pixel.
You may have noticed that the controls were already placed accordingly in the above image.
The only thing we are still lacking is some meaningful labeling. If you are not sure any more
which signal is displayed on which binary indicator, just select the control and check its
property view for the “Signal” entry.
Please open the “Graphics” tool window now and click the -symbol. You can now
draw a selection frame on the diagram and input some text therein. Like this you can label
your operation panel as shown in Figure 31.
Please take care to draw a large enough frame for each text to fit entirely into a single line
and not to overlay any controls!
The next step is to visualize the safety guards movement. First we need to create an
appropriate graphic. Please select the tool window “Graphic” and choose the -
symbol. On the diagram you draw a rectangle of about this size:
For the guard to be “transparent” select the rectangle and select “No Color” as fill color.
Now activate the grid using the -symbol and zoom your display with the -symbol for
easier working.
Please note that the background image is not visible as long as the grid is active!
Use the -symbol in the tool window to indicate a guard with some diagonal lines.
Select the outer rectangle again and assign it a line width of twp points (2,0 Pt).
Since the safety guard is to be moved as a single unit, please group the rectangle and the
diagonal lines. To do this, just draw a selection frame around all graphic elements and click
the -symbol in the tool bar.
After deactivating the grid your safety guard should look like this:
Finally this graphic is to be animated, i.e. moved depending on the ramps value. Please
select the safety guard and open the property view. Double click the topmost entry “New
Animation” and select “Movement”.
In the mode you have just entered you can define direction and distance of the movement.
Press SHIFT to only allow horizontal and vertical movements and drag the safety guard
down a little.
Now enter the output “Y” of the ramp component “Ramp#1” as the signal to control this
movement or drag and drop this signal from the tools window “Signals”.
To leave the animation mode click any non-occupied area on the diagram.
When starting the simulation now you can move the safety guard up and down using the
switch !
Before proceeding please close the simulation again!
Please note that you can easily copy components by dragging an existing component with
the Control-Key pressed.
As a visualization of the plunger just draw some rectangles and group them.
The output signal of the second ramp is used to animate the plunger.
Being the last element that was drawn, the plunger overlays the safety guard. To fix this,
please select the plunger and bring it to back using the -symbol.
We have now completed with this example of use. You can now test whether or not your
control unit behaves correctly. You may check if the press is operable when the safety guard
is open!
Safety Guard
6.2 SIMIT4Students
SIMIT SCE provides the special feature to build an “executable simulation” that can be
passed to students.
In such an executable simulation you have exactly one diagram from the underlying SIMIT
SCE project available. Hence it is useful to organize your project in such a way that all
information and controls are placed on one single diagram if they should be available to your
In the project view open the diagrams context menu and select “SIMIT4Students”. The
resulting executable simulation has the suffix “.simit4S”.
Please note that before using this executable simulation, your student needs to install the
SIMIT SCE Runtime Environment (see chapter 3.4).
Your students can only use executable simulations that were created with a SIMIT SCE
installation with your license number.
When using SIMIT SCE in class the students computers may be connected via Ethernet to
the computer SIMIT SCE is installed on. In this case the student can launch the executable
simulation by double clicking it, provided that SIMIT SCE is currently running. In this case an
automatic check is performed whether or not a SIMIT SCE application with the
corresponding dongle is available.
Please note that these executable simulations are operable within the given period of six
months only. You can create a new executable simulation for your students at any time later
however and as often as you wish.
Only if the students PC is not able to connect to a computer that runs SIMIT SCE, the
simulation password is required (figure 47).
The executable simulation will be opened in a window that contains the before-selected
diagram only. The simulation will start automatically, just close the window to end the