fr1 6th Grade Unit 6 La Nourriture Et Les Boissons 2019

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Course: 6th grade FRENCH/ D’accord 1/ Unit: 6

Title: La nourriture et les boissons

Unit Description:
This is unit 6 of 6 for the year. This is a 5- week unit. Students will learn about how to order foods from a menu by asking various
questions in interactions around towns and in restaurants.

Essential Questions:
How do people order food in a café and discuss eating habits?
What role does a café play in the francophone world?
What are the favorite foods eaten by teens from France?

Proficiency Target- Proficiency Target-Speaking Proficiency Target-Listening Proficiency Target-Reading Proficiency Target-Writing
Interpersonal I can present little information I can recognize and I can recognize a few letters or I can use and copy some
I can communicate on very about my city and some other memorized words and phrases characters. I can identify a few familiar words, characters, and
familiar topics using single very familiar topics using single when I hear them spoken. memorized words when I phrases.
words and basic phrases that words and memorized phrases. read.
I have practiced and
I Can Statements I Can Statements I Can Statements I Can Statements I Can Statements
I can have a simple I can ask and answer questions I can understand questions I can use single words and I can use only limited
conversation on several on information that is familiar to and simple statements on memorized phrases that may repetitive, highly practiced /
familiar topics. me. specific topics when I am part be relevant to the task. essential vocabulary to
of the conversation. respond to the task.
I can talk with someone I can ask, and answer questions
about my preferred related to subjects such as I can understand questions
activities, places, greetings, farewells, classroom about my daily activities.
objects, class commands and
I can talk with someone nationalities, and places. I can understand questions
about the likes and dislikes about my likes and dislikes
of some activities. regarding the places I like to
go to.

I can talk with someone

about what I want or do not
Diagnostic: Formative: Summative:
Classroom Examples: Classroom Examples: Students will be assessed on both Interpersonal and
1. Initial writing prompts 1. Student self-assessments Presentational skills in their final unit assessment.
2. KWL charts or KUD 2. Written Responses Classroom Examples:
3. Running Records 3. Exit Tickets 1. Performance tasks such as
4. Informal Reading Assessments 4. Questioning  Write a short email in French to a
5. Pre-tests 5. Conferencing friend, in the email s/he will
6. Surveys 6. Observations a) Use an appropriate greeting,
7. Journals 7. Rubrics b) Provide an introduction
c) Tell what food s/he likes or
2. End of unit tests
3. Culminating projects
4. Portfolios
5. Final exams
Standards to address in Unit:
Communication – Interpersonal Mode (IP)
ML1.PS1.IP1: Students will be able to express, in spoken and written language - basic greetings, farewells, courtesies, likes, dislikes, emotions and
A. Use basic greetings, farewells, and expressions of courtesy, in both oral and written forms.
ML1.PS1. IP2: Students will be able to use formal and informal forms of address as well as initiate and participate in brief oral and written exchange.
B. Use formal and informal forms of address.

Communication – Interpretive Mode (INT)

ML1.PS3 .INT1: Students will be able to identify some main ideas and details when reading and listening as well as show comprehension of simple instructions.

Communication - Presentational Mode (P)

MLI.PS4.P1: Students will be able to give basic information about self and others.
C. Demonstrate Novice-Mid proficiency in oral and written presentations with respect to proper pronunciation, intonation, and writing mechanics.

Cultural Perspectives, Practices, and Products (CU)

MLI.PS5.CU1: Students will be able to describe customs and traditions of the cultures such as greetings, celebrations and courtesies.
A. Demonstrate knowledge of contributions of target culture(s) to civilization.
C. Describe customs and traditions of the cultures such as greetings, celebrations and courtesies.

Connections, Comparisons and Communities (CCC)

MLI.PS6.CCC1: Students will be able to identify geographical locations such as countries, cities and features.
MLI.PS7.CCC2: Students compare and identify patterns and behavior of target culture as well as their own.
A. Compare patterns of behavior and interaction in the students’ own culture with those of the target language.

MLI.PS8.CCC3: Students compare basic elements of the target language to their own, recognizing differences in sound, writing, cognates and intonation.

Know: Understand: Do:

Students will know:  That French and English words have  Name places around town where one goes
 The essential vocabulary for foods patterns. to eat
 The present tense of verbs ending in -ER-  How to use avoir to express thirst and  Compare eating habits with the eating
 prendre, boire, and aller hunger American and Francophone eating habits
 Key vocabulary for foods and beverages in a  Differences in the foods eaten by the two  Use aller, prendre, and boire in the present
café cultures tense
 Vocabulary for ordering foods and asking  The sound system in French-specifically nasal  Talk with friends using common vocabulary
how much things cost and oral vowels words.
 Names of accent marks
 Terms for likes and dislike
 Numbers 1-69

Major Concepts: (Consider all 4/5 Cs)

Concept 1 Concept 2 Concept 3 Concept 4 Concept 5
Communication Culture Connections Comparisons Communities
Students will learn about target
Students will engage in culture products, practices and Students will connect aspects Students will demonstrate an Students will engage in the
conversation in the target perspectives. of their target language understanding of the nature of target language outside of the
language during class and learning with information language and culture, making school environment and show
interpret spoken and written acquired in other subject areas comparisons between those of evidence of building a life-long
language, and present such as math, science, social the target language and their skill for their own personal
information on a variety of studies, English and the arts. own. Commands enjoyment and enrichment.
topics. Numbers & time.

Essential Vocabulary: Essential Vocabulary : Essential Vocabulary: Essential Vocabulary : Essential Vocabulary :
Je veux aller au café Un croque-monsieur Ça fait combien ? Vous désirez ? À table
J’ai faim De l’eau minérale Ça fait …… euros Le petit déjeuner Une table
J’ai soif Un hot dog Un, deux, trois, quatre, cinq Le déjeuner Une fourchette
Je n’ai pas faim Une crêpe Six, sept, huit, neuf, dix Le diner Un couteau
Je n’ai pas soif Une salade Onze, douze, treize, quatorze, L’eau minérale Une cuillère
Donnez-moi … Du gâteau quinze Le jus d’orange Une serviette
L’addition, s’il vous plaît Un chocolat La pizza Un verre
Une crèmerie Un/le jus d’orange Seize, dix-sept, dix-huit, dix- Un steak frites Une assiette
Une boulangerie Une/la glace neuf
Une pâtisserie Un/le jus de pomme Vingt
Un bistrot Un/le hamburger Vingt-et-un
Une église Un/le croissant Vingt-deux
Un cinéma Une/la pizza Trente
Une boîte de nuit Un/le sandwich Quarante
Un restaurant Un/le steak-frites Cinquante
Un centre commercial Un/le coca (un soda) Soixante
Une piscine Une/la limonade
Un gymnase Un/le jus de pomme
Un musée Un café
Un marché Une/la baguette
Une terrasse de café Les produits
Un/le quartier

Essential Structure: Essential Structure: Essential Structure: Essential Structure: Essential Structure:
Present tense of avoir. Importance of the definite La nourriture et les boissons The verb aller Grammar Presentation / The
Cahier de l’élève p. 49 # 1. articles le, la, les: Pour ____________, on va Cahier de l’élève p.93 # 1. verbs prendre et boire
Cahier de l’élève p. 51 # 1, 2, __________
3, and 4. Audio activities Cahier de l’élève p. 9 # 2 Use Cahier de l’élève p.91 # 1. ctions/0/activities/30918?pop
from the key vocabulary words for Ex : Pour le pain, on va à la up=1
nourriture et boissons. boulangerie. Qu’est-ce que vous prenez ?
Nouns and articles: Cahier de l’élève p. 105 # 1.
Teach students about the ctions/0/activities/33687?pop
importance of definite and Students will write the correct Cahier de l’élève p. 92 # 5. up=1
indefinite articles in French. definite or indefinite article
Help students put the correct before each noun. Cahier de l’élève p. 106 # 3. ctions/0/activities/33645?pop
definite article before each ctions/0/activities/30902?pop up=1
drink and food, and then Au café up=1 Cahier de l’élève p. 107 # 2.
categorize them into 2
groups: masculine and tions/0/activities/33646?popup Cahier de l’élève p.105 # 2.
feminine nouns. =1
Cahier de l’élève p. 9 # 1
Masculin ou féminin (key Cahier de l’élève p. 97 # 2. Cahier de l’élève p.107 # 2.
vocabulary will be on
nourriture et boissons).

Est-ce que dans votre
quartier il y a des boutiques
spécialisées comme en
Qu'est-ce qu'on achète dans
ces boutiques? Et vous?
Selon vous (In your opinion),
quels sont les avantages et
les inconvénients respectifs
du supermarché et des
boutiques spécialisées (par
exemple, prix, qualité du
service, rapidité des courses,

Grammar Comparison/ The

verb aller
Text/Digital Resources Text/Digital Resources Text/Digital Resources Text/Digital Resources Text/Digital Resources
Cahier de l’élève p. 85 # 2. Cahier de l’élève p. 97 # 1. Cahier de l’élève p. 91 # 3. Cahier de l’élève page 101 # 1. Cahier de l’élève page 105 # 2.
Cahier de l’élève page 107 # 1,
Cahier de l’élève page 105 # 1. 2, et 3.

Artifact & Evidence: Artifact & Evidence: Artifact & Evidence: Artifact & Evidence: Artifact & Evidence:
Cahier de l’élève page 85 # 2. Cahier de l’élève page 97 # 1. Cahier de l’élève page 91 # 3. Cahier de l’élève page 101 # 1. Cahier de l’élève page 107 # 2,
et 3.
Cahier de l’élève p. 9 # 2
Masculin ou féminin Cahier de l’élève p. 104 # 5. Cahier de l’élève page 105 # 1.
(Nourriture et boissons).
Cahier de l’élève p. 91 # 1.

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