Unit-Ii Motivation For Mobile IP
Unit-Ii Motivation For Mobile IP
Unit-Ii Motivation For Mobile IP
➢ IP Routing
requires changing all routing table entries to forward packets to the right destination
does not scale with the number of mobile hosts and frequent changes in the location,
security problems
almost impossible to find a mobile system, DNS updates take long time
if a node moves without changing its IP address it will be unable to receive its
if a node changes its IP address it will have to terminate and restart its ongoing
connections everytime it moves to a new network area (new network prefix).
➢ Mobile IP is not a complete solution to mobility, changes to the transport protocols need to be
made for a better solution (i.e., the transport layers are unaware of the mobile node’s point of
attachment and it might be useful if, e.g., TCP knew that a wireless link was being used!).
➢ Transparency
➢ Compatibility
➢ Security
only little additional messages to the mobile system required (connection typically via
a low bandwidth radio link)
Mobile IP Terminology,Entities:
forwards the tunneled datagrams to the MN, typically also the default router for the
IP packet delivery:
Agent discovery:
• Agent Advertisement
• Agent Solicitation
• Advertisement
• HA advertises the IP address of the MN (as for fixed systems), i.e. standard routing
• routers adjust their entries, these are stable for a longer time (HA responsible for a
MN over a longer period of time)
• Agent advertisement
• type = 16
• length = 6 + 4 * #COAs
• R: registration required
• H: home agent
• F: foreign agent
• M: minimal encapsulation
• G: GRE encapsulation
• Agent Solicitation
• If no agent advertisements are present or the inter-arrival time is too high, and an MN
has not received a COA the mobile node must send agent solicitations. These
solicitations are again based on RFC 1256 for router solicitations. Care must be taken
to ensure that these solicitation messages do not flood the network, but basically an
MN can search for an FA endlessly sending out solicitation messages.
• Registration
• Having received a COA, the MN has to register with the HA. The main purpose of
the registration is to inform the HA of the current location for correct for-warding of
packets. Registration can be done in two different ways depending on the location of
the COA
• If the COA is at the FA, registration is done as illustrated in Figure 8.4 (left). The MN
sends its registration request containing the COA (see Figure 8.5) to the FA which is
forwarding the request to the HA. The HA now sets up a mobility binding containing
the mobile node’s home IP address and the cur-rent COA.
• If the COA is co-located, registration can be simpler, as shown in Figure 8.4 (right).
The MN may send the request directly to the HA and vice versa.
• S: simultaneous bindings
• B: broadcast datagrams
• D: decapsulation by MN
• M mininal encapsulation
• G: GRE encapsulation
• r: =0, ignored
• x: =0, ignored
• UDP packets are used for registration requests. The IP source address of the packet is
set to the interface address of the MN, the IP destination address is that of the FA or
• Lifetime denotes the validity of the registration in seconds. A value of zero indicates
deregistration; all bits set indicates infinity.
• home agent is the IP address of the HA, and COA represents the tunnel endpoint
• Encapsulation is the mechanism of taking a packet consisting of packet header and data
and putting it into the data part of a new packet. The reverse operation, taking a packet out
of the data part of another packet, is called Decapsulation.
i) IP-in-IP-encapsulation:
ii)Minimal encapsulation:
only applicable for unfragmented packets, no space left for fragment identification.
• While IP-in-IP encapsulation and minimal encapsulation work only for IP, the
following encapsulation scheme also supports other network layer protocols in addition
to IP. Generic routing encapsulation (GRE) allows the encapsulation of packets of one
protocol suite into the payload portion of a packet of another protocol suite.
• A minimal GRE header uses only 4 bytes; nevertheless, GRE is flexible enough to
include several mechanisms in its header.
• The C bit indicates if the checksum field is present and contains valid information. If C
is set, the checksum field contains a valid IP checksum of the GRE header and the pay-
• The R bit indicates if the offset and routing fields are present and contain valid
information. The offset represents the offset in bytes for the first source routing entry.
The routing field, if present, has a variable length and contains fields for source
• If the C bit is set, the offset field is also present and, vice versa, if the R bit is set, the
checksum field must be present. The only reason for this is to align the following fields
to 4 bytes. The checksum field is valid only if C is set, and the offset field is valid only
if R is set respectively.
• GRE also offers a key field which may be used for authentication. If this field is
present, the K bit is set.
• . The sequence number bit S indicates if the sequence number field is present, if the s
bit is set, strict source routing is used.
• reserved fields must be zero and are ignored on reception. The version field contains 0
for the GRE version.
• . The ver-sion field contains the value zero. The protocol type, again, defines the
protocol of the payload following RFC 3232.
i) Optimization of packet forwarding
• Change of FA
• packets on-the-fly during the change can be lost
• new FA informs old FA to avoid packet loss, old FA now forwards remaining packets
to new FA
• this information also enables the old FA to release resources for the MN
➢ Triangle routing has the MN correspond directly with the CN using its home address as
the SA
• Firewalls at the foreign network may not allow that
• Multicasting: if a MN is to participate in a multicast group, it needs to use a reverse
tunnel to maintain its association with the home network.
• TTL: a MN might have a TTL that is suitable for communication when it is in its HM.
This TTL may not be sufficient when moving around (longer routes possibly). When
using a reverse tunnel, it only counts as a single hop. A MN does not want to change
the TTL everytime it moves.
➢ Solution: reverse tunneling
Reverse tunneling
• Routers accept often only “topologically correct“ addresses (firewall!)
• a packet from the MN encapsulated by the FA is now topologically correct
• Multicast and TTL problems solved
• Reverse tunneling does not solve
• all problems with firewalls, the reverse tunnel can be abused to circumvent security
mechanisms (tunnel hijacking)
• optimization of data paths, i.e. packets will be forwarded through the tunnel via the HA
to a sender (longer routes)
• The new standard is backwards compatible
➢ Security
• Authentication with FA problematic, for the FA typically belongs to another
• No protocol for key management and key distribution has been standardized in the
• patent and export restrictions
➢ Firewalls
• Typically mobile IP cannot be used together with firewalls, special set-ups are needed
(such as reverse tunneling)
➢ QoS
• Many new reservations in case of RSVP
• Tunneling makes it hard to give a flow of packets a special treatment needed for the
➢ Application
• Simplification of installation and maintenance of networked computers
• Supplies systems with all necessary information, such as ip address, dns server address,
domain name, subnet mask, default router etc.
• Enables automatic integration of systems into an intranet or the internet, can be used to
acquire a coa for mobile ip
➢ Client/Server-Model
• The client sends via a MAC broadcast a request to the DHCP server (might be via a
DHCP relay)
• The client broadcasts a DHCPDISCOVER into the subnet.
• Servers reply to the client’s request with DHCPOFFER and offer a list of
configuration para-meters. The client can now choose one of the configurations
offered. The client in turn replies to the servers, accepting one of the configurations
and rejecting the others using DHCPREQUEST.
• If a server receives a DHCPREQUEST with a rejection, it can free the reserved
configuration for other possible clients. The server with the configuration accepted by
the client now confirms the configu-ration with DHCPACK. This completes the
initialization phase.
– Fixed end-systems
• if a sender receives several acknowledgements for the same packet, this is due to a
gap in received packets at the receiver
• however, the receiver got all packets up to the gap and is actually receiving packets
• therefore, packet loss is not due to congestion, continue with current congestion
window (do not use slow-start)
• Change of foreign agent often results in packet loss
o TCP reacts with slow-start although there is no congestion
• Forced fast retransmit
o as soon as the mobile host has registered with a new foreign agent, the MH
sends duplicated acknowledgements on purpose
o this forces the fast retransmit mode at the communication partners
o additionally, the TCP on the MH is forced to continue sending with the actual
window size and not to go into slow-start after registration
• Advantage
o simple changes result in significant higher performance
• Disadvantage
o further mix of IP and TCP, no transparent approach
Transmission/time-out freezing:
• TCP freezing
• Advantage
• Disadvantage
Selective retransmission:
• Advantage
• Disadvantage
Indirect TCP:
• Splitting of the TCP connection at, e.g., the foreign agent into 2 TCP connections, no
real end-to-end connection any longer
• no changes to the TCP protocol for hosts connected to the wired Internet,.
• optimized TCP protocol for mobile hosts
• hosts in the fixed part of the node do not notice the characteristics of the wireless part
• Advantages
• no changes in the fixed network necessary, no changes for the hosts (TCP protocol)
necessary, all current optimizations to TCP still work
• transmission errors on the wireless link do not propagate into the fixed network
• simple to control, mobile TCP is used only for one hop between, e.g., a foreign agent
and mobile host
• therefore, a very fast retransmission of packets is possible, the short delay on the
mobile hop is known
• Disadvantages
• loss of end-to-end semantics, an acknowledgement to a sender does now not any
longer mean that a receiver really got a packet, foreign agents might crash
• higher latency possible due to buffering of data within the foreign agent and
forwarding to a new foreign agent
Snooping TCP:
• “Transparent” extension of TCP within the foreign agent
• Buffering of packets sent to the mobile host
• lost packets on the wireless link (both directions!) will be retransmitted immediately
by the mobile host or foreign agent, respectively (so called “local” retransmission)
• the foreign agent therefore “snoops” the packet flow and recognizes
acknowledgements in both directions, it also filters ACKs
• changes of TCP only within the foreign agent
• Data transfer to the mobile host
• FA buffers data until it receives ACK of the MH, FA detects packet loss via
duplicated ACKs or time-out
• fast retransmission possible, transparent for the fixed network
• Data transfer from the mobile host
• FA detects packet loss on the wireless link via sequence numbers, FA answers
directly with a NACK to the MH
• MH can now retransmit data with only a very short delay
• Integration of the MAC layer
• MAC layer often has similar mechanisms to those of TCP
• thus, the MAC layer can already detect duplicated packets due to retransmissions and
discard them
• Problems
• snooping TCP does not isolate the wireless link as good as I-TCP
• snooping might be useless depending on encryption schemes
• Special handling of lengthy and/or frequent disconnections
• M-TCP splits as I-TCP does
• unmodified TCP fixed network to supervisory host (SH)
• optimized TCP SH to MH
• Supervisory host
• no caching, no retransmission
• monitors all packets, if disconnection detected
• Advantages
• maintains semantics, supports disconnection, no buffer forwarding
• Disadvantages
• loss on wireless link propagated into fixed network
• adapted TCP on wireless link.
• Advantage
• Efficiency
• Disadvantage
Requires changed TCP
• Mobility not longer transparent