Eight Simple Rules For Stronger Powerpoint Presentations: David Shing

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Eight Simple rules for Stronger powerpoint Presentations

1. Use a Maximum of 15 Slides

The average presentation slot or business meeting lasts an hour. By the
time you meet and greet and get through the inevitable A/V issues (the
projector isn't working, you can't find the right adapter for your Mac, or
someone is dialing in but having trouble), you're down to 45 minutes.
Since you'll always want to encourage discussion and ample time for
Q&A, you have about 30 minutes left.
Using the rule of thumb that it takes about two minutes to present a
slide, you have just enough time to present 15 slides effectively. Boil
down your story to just the key points and move the rest of the slides to
the appendix as a leave behind.
There are, of course, exceptions to this rule. Some very skilled
presenters, like my friend and former colleague David Shing, can get
through 100 slides in 15 minutes. But this verbal and visual
choreography takes years of practice and even David wouldn't use that
many slides in a traditional business meeting.

2. Make Your Titles Headlines, Not Descriptions

Each section of your slide is a valuable piece of real estate, adding
information or insight to the story you're trying to tell. When you use a
title that simply describes what's on the slide, you're wasting valuable
real estate. For example:
"2013 Revenue" is a description.
"2013 Revenue Grew 44%" is a headline.
The best titles provide context and explain the slide's content, as well as
conclusions -- the core point of your slide.

3. Let the Titles Tell the Story

Related to the last point, many clients I work with often find themselves
struggling with the order of their slides. A good trick I use is to see if the
titles can tell your story. That is to say, you should be able to read just
the titles of your slides out loud in order and understand the essence of
your presentation. If you can't, or if the order sounds off, chances are
your titles aren't headlines (they're descriptions) or you need to reorder
your slides.
Similarly, if while you're presenting, you find yourself saying, "As I'll
explain in just a few slides from now..." move that slide up.
4. Layout Counts
The most important information on your slide should go in the title, the
upper left-hand position, and at the very bottom, since in Western
cultures we tend to read left to right, top to bottom. Our eyes tend to
jump to these areas. Try putting your slide's key takeaway in a shaded
callout box in the bottom; color helps distinguish the information from
the rest of the slide's content.

5. Give Your Audience a Roadmap

Just like passengers in a car, your audience will feel more comfortable if
you let them know where you're headed. Agenda slides and divider
slides can help, but they merely order your presentation; they don't
organize it.
What I'm really talking about is having a framework to your story.
Frameworks structure your narrative and help keep your audience
engaged because they will always know where they are within your
story. Here are some example frameworks:
• Three pillars of your product's value
• 10 trends in the market
• A day in the life of your consumer
Regardless of the framework you choose, it will only be effective if you
stick to it. If you show a slide that says your product works in three
environments: at home, at work, and on the go, the next slide that
follows needs to be a deep dive on how your product works in the
home, followed by a slide about your product at work, and finally by a
slide about your mobile product. We're human. We like order.
Frameworks provide it.

6. Vary Your Format

Humans like order, but we also crave variety. If you show a slide or two
with charts, make the next slide a big, beautiful visual. If you tend to
have bulleted lists on the left-hand side, switch it up and place the list
on the right. The change in pacing and visual rhythm will keep your
audience engaged.
7. Bubbles, Callouts and Takeaways
Think of your slide as an onion - there are layers to the story you're
trying to tell.
Credit goes to Allison Tepley for this one: bubbles, callout boxes, and
key takeaways will add dimension to your story. So show the chart, but
also point out the interesting data point within it, the implication of the
trends behind it, and the takeaway from it.
8. Always Close With an Ask
You'd be surprised, but the majority of presentations I see just, well,
end. I even hear speakers conclude with "Well, that's it." What a waste!
Always close with an ask. The ask can be for commitment to a project,
for marketing dollars, or to continue the conversation.
In a speaking engagement setting, the ask could be for the audience to
think about the implications of what you've shared, or how it will affect
the way they approach their jobs. One close I often use is "Three things
to do tomorrow," making your presentation immediately actionable.

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