Lesson Plaan
Lesson Plaan
Lesson Plaan
English 8
Learning Plan
Third Quarter
Day 2
Daily Routine
Recap the lesson
Form five groups and tell the to do a group reading of a Thai folktale entitled
“Makato and the Cowrie Shell”
Ask each group to present their summary and understanding of the folktale.
Ask them the following questions:
1. Why did Makato leave his old town?
2. What were the changes in Makato’s life after he met the king? Enumerate
3. What lessons in life does the author want to convey? Are these true for all
ages and races?
Ask them to make a Venn diagram and compare their selves with Makato.
Use the following questions as a guide:
1. What traits do you both share? Write your answers inside the circle.
2. Write Makato’s character traits inside the left square.
3. Write your character traits inside the right square.
4. Which of these traits would you like to improve? Explain.
Day 3
Daily Routine
Recap and review the lesson.
Assignment: Folktales often explain something about nature. What do you think
this tale will explain? Underline the sentence that helps you figure out the
answer. Then, write the answer on your notebook. (Day 2)
References: Essential English 8
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