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Mediterranean Submarine Canyons

Ecology and Governance

Maurizio Würtz, Editor

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Mediterranean Submarine Canyons
Ecology and Governance
Maurizio Würtz, Editor
1 2

5 6 7 8

1 Cap de Creus.
2 Morpho-bathymetry of the Mediterranean Sea showing the main canyon and channel systems
around the basin.
3 Sperm whale fluke. Maurizio Würtz – Artescienza s.a.s.
4 Shaded bathymetric map illustrating the morphology of the western Ligurian margin.
5 Sperm whale encounters near Ischia during the period 2000-2008.
6 Colonies of Madrepora oculata (left) and Lophelia pertusa observed at 500 m depth
in the Lacaze-Duthiers canyon.
7 Bathymetric map of the north-western Mediterranean showing the pathway of the dense shelf water
cascading mechanism extending from the Gulf of Lion to the Catalan continental slope and the open-sea
convection region.
8 Merluccius merluccius. Vincent Fossat (1877 and 1878), Coll. Muséum d’Histoire naturelle de Nice.

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Foreword ...........................................................................7 3. CASE STUDIES

1. SUBMARINE CANYONS 3.1. The submarine canyons of the Rhodes basin

AND MEDITERRANEAN ECOSYSTEM ................................9 and the Mediterranean coast of Turkey
Bayram Öztürk, Eda Topçu, Bülent Topaloglu .....................65
1.1. Submarine canyons and their role
in the Mediterranean ecosystem 3.2. Central-southern Mediterranean submarine canyons
Maurizio Würtz .................................................................11 and steep slopes: role played in the distribution
of cetaceans, bluefin tunas, and elasmobranchs
1.2. Mediterranean submarine canyons and channels: Adriana Vella and Joseph Vella ..........................................73
Morphological and geological backgrounds
Sébastien Migeon, Jean Mascle, 3.3. The case study of the marine canyon of Cuma
Marianne Coste, Pierrick Rouillard .....................................27 (Tyrrhenian sea, Italy): implication for cetacean conservation
off Ischia island
2. SUBMARINE CANYONS AND FISHERY ............................43 Daniela Silvia Pace, Angelo Miragliuolo, Barbara Mussi .......89

2.1. A refugium for the spawners of exploited Mediterranean 3.4. Mediterranean submarine canyons as stepping stones
marine species: the canyons of the continental slope for pelagic top predators: the case of sperm whale
of the Gulf of Lion Mehdi Aïssi, Cristina Fiori, Jessica Alessi............................99
Henri Farrugio...................................................................45
3.5. Canyon heads in the French Mediterranean
2.2. The fisheries importance of four submarine canyons Overview of results from the MEDSEACAN
in the spanish Mediterranean sea: and CORSEACAN campaigns (2008-2010)
Cap de Creus, Palamós, Cape Tiñoso Pierre Watremez .............................................................105
and Alborán platform canyons
Silvia Revenga Martinez de Pazos .....................................51 3.6. Role and importance of submarine canyons
for cetaceans and seabirds in the north-western
2.3. Impact of fishing techniques on the continental slope and Mediterranean sea
mitigation measures, primarily focusing on trawling for deep- Léa David and Nathalie Di-Méglio ....................................113
sea crustaceans and ghost net fishing
Jacques Sacchi ...............................................................57 3.7. The benthic communities of the Cap de Creus canyon
Teresa Madurell, Covadonga Orejas, Susana Requena,
Andrea Gori, Ariadna Purroy, Claudio Lo Iacono,
Ana Sabatés, Carlos Dominguez-Carrió,
Josep Maria Gili..............................................................123


3.8. Submarine canyons in the Catalan Sea (NW Mediterranean): 5. MPAs FOR SUBMARINE CANYON:
megafaunal biodiversity patterns and anthropogenic threats PROPOSALS AND UP TO DATE SITUATION ...................189
Joan B. Company, Eva Ramirez-Llodra, Francesc Sardà,
Jacopo Aguzzi, Pere Puig, Miquel Canals, Antoni Calafat, 5.1 Mediterranean Submarine Canyons 2012:
Albert Palanques, Montserrat Solé, Anna Sanchez-Vidal, Pending Protection
Jacobo Martín, Galderic Lastras, Samuele Tecchio,
Pilar Marin and Ricardo Aguilar ........................................191
Samuel Koenig, Ulla Fernandez-Arcaya,
Ariadna Mechó, Pilar Fernández ......................................133
5.2. Approaching the conservation issues
of the Mediterranean submarine canyons
3.9. South iberian submarine canyons in the Alboran sea:
geohabitats, associated communities François Simard and Maurizio Würtz ................................207
and fisheries resources
Jorge Baro, José L. Rueda, Víctor Díaz-del-Río................145

4. GOVERNANCE ..............................................................157

4.1. Legal governance of submarine canyons

in the Mediterranean
Nathalie Ros...................................................................159

4.2. Superposition of marine protected areas: an original legal

solution for the protection of Mediterranean canyons
Magali Lehardy ...............................................................175

4.3. Managing canyons and similar marine features.

Lessons learned from the Far West
Abdelhafid Chalabi .........................................................181


Workshops focusing on governance of the Mediterranean held Enhancing our knowledge would make it possible to incorporate
in Tunis (2007), Rabat (2008), Nice (2009), Istanbul and Procida the protection strategy for canyons into a marine spatial planning
(2010) and Monaco (2011) have enabled the IUCN to formulate project on the basis of CBD-EBSA criteria. In this respect, the IUCN
recommendations to Mediterranean countries whereby they apply must strengthen and structure this group of experts and develop
a precautionary principle to canyons situated in waters under their regional cooperation, both technical and scientific, to support in
jurisdiction, and incorporate the issues which are at stake and pri- particular the activities of the Regional Activity Centre for Specially
orities for the protection and management of submarine canyons Protected Areas (RAC/SPA). It should, in fact, especially by raising
into national, regional and international strategies for marine pro- the awareness of the States concerned, support the work being
tected areas. carried out by the RAC/SPA in Tunis to develop projects for the
creation of Specially Protected Areas of Mediterranean Importance
(SPAMIs), taking canyons and their systemic role into account.
These recommendations are based on the unique and vulner-
able character of these canyons which play a specific role in the
Mediterranean ecosystem. These Mediterranean canyons are, in
It is especially vital to support pilot projects for the protection of
fact, structural elements in the ecosystemic functioning of both
canyons proposed by the RAC/SPA within the region: cooperation
the Western and Eastern basins, and in particular the three sub-
between France and Spain for the creation of SPAMIs in the Gulf
ensembles of the canyons in the Gulf of Lion, the Alboran Sea and
of Lion; cooperation between Morocco, Algeria and Spain for the
Aegean-Levantine Sea.
creation of SPAMIs in the Alboran Sea.

Scientific data is in short supply, and we thus need to extend our

knowledge of the ecological and biological roles of these ecosys- It would also be helpful to mobilize all of the sectorial protection
tems, their key role in trophic networks and the cycles of certain tools offered by the GFCM (FRA, Fisheries Restriction Area) and
marine species, as well as their economic and ecological impor- IMO (PSSA, Particularly Sensitive Sea Area), in order to incorporate
tance with regard to the services they render. It is equally essential canyons into a coherent network of marine protected areas in the
to study the entire range of anthropogenic impacts to which they Mediterranean and define the best management practices to be
are subjected: various kinds of telluric pollution, waste disposal, implemented, by combining the knowledge of all concerned in a
sampling and extractions (extended to adjacent zones), over-ex- single procedure of intersectorial expertise.
ploitation of resources, as well as direct impacts caused by deep-
bottom fishing gears on benthic communities, in order to introduce
measures for integrated marine and coastal management, and This publication on Mediterranean canyons would not have been
ensure that they are both appropriate and effective. Priority must possible without the mobilization of scientists, legal experts, tech-
be given to scientific research in order to enhance our knowledge nicians and experts from the IUCN and their significant contribu-
of Mediterranean canyons and thus protect them. tions. I would like to express my special thanks to them.

Christophe Lefebvre
Delegate for International Affairs
for the Marine Protected Areas Agency
IUCN Oceans Councillor


This publication is the result of work which has been achieved

thanks to contributions on the part of several major institutions.

It has been pursued in close collaboration with the Regional Activ-

ity Centre for Specially Protected Areas within the Mediterranean
Action Plan (RAC/SPA).

It was financed by the French Agency for Marine Protected Areas.

It was undertaken in follow-up to the conclusions drawn by the

IUCN’s Group of Experts on Governance of the Mediterranean,
and is thus a result of the framework agreement between France
and the IUCN. This group of experts has, in fact, benefitted
from the constant support of the Ministry for Ecology, Sustainable
Development, Transport and Housing and the Ministry of Foreign

The TOTAL Foundation financed the ISHMAEL project on rela-

tionships between sperm whales and canyons, from which this
publication has benefitted.

The MAVA Foundation is financing the PROMETEOS project on

relationships between predators and seabeds, which will continue
this work by proposing a complementary study on Mediterranean

Finally, the Foundation Albert Ist, Prince of Monaco, hosted the

meeting of experts in the conference room at the Oceanographic
Museum on April 26th and 27th, 2011.

1.1. Submarine canyons and their role
in the Mediterranean ecosystem
Maurizio Würtz
University of Genoa, Italy


Almost 518 large submarine canyons have been identified in to intercept organic-matter-rich sediments being transported along
the Mediterranean Sea (Harris and Whiteway, 2011), and they the inner shelf zone. This process causes organic-rich material
can indeed be considered as key structures for its ecosystem to be supplied and transported down-slope, where it provides
functioning. As defined by Shepard (1973), submarine canyons are nourishment to feed a diverse and abundant macro fauna.
“steep-walled, sinuous valleys, with V-shaped cross sections, and
relief comparable even to the largest of land canyons; tributaries are
The report “The Mediterranean deep-sea: highly valuable
found in most of the canyons and rock outcrops abound on their
ecosystems in need of protection” published in 2005 by the IUCN
walls”. Because they play a fundamental role in “Deep Oceans-
and WWF, led the Members of the General Fisheries Commission
Shelf Exchanges”, submarine canyons can be defined as “super
for the Mediterranean (GFCM) to prohibit the use of towed dredges
highways”, allowing the energy turnover to speed up by reducing
and trawl net fisheries at depths beyond 1000 m and in areas
the time and the distances covered by water masses, organic and
called “Deep Sea Fisheries Restricted Areas”, such as the Lophelia
inorganic sediments, benthonic and nektonic organisms during
reef off Capo Santa Maria di Leuca, the Nile delta area cold
their active or passive movements from shallow to deeper waters
hydrocarbon seeps, and the Eratosthenes Seamount (South of
and vice-versa (Paull et al., 2008).
Cyprus). Based on the results of studies completed by the French
Agency for Marine Protected Areas and the Spanish Superior
Interest in submarine canyons and related bottom structures has Council for Scientific Research (CSIC), in 2009, the GFCM added
been firstly driven by economic reasons, i.e. exploration for fossil the submarine canyons of the Gulf of Lion to the list of fisheries
energy resources and exploitation of ancient deposits. Detailed restriction zones (Toropova et al., 2010).
studies on canyons' geological evolution and morphology have
been carried out in order to lay cables and pipelines across the The IUCN, WWF, GFCM and UNEP Mediterranean Action Plan
seafloor and support naval submarine operations. are currently working together to strengthen these conservation
measures and improve the conservation status of Mediterranean
deep-sea ecosystems. Although there is a common agreement
Recent interest has focussed on the role of submarine canyons in
on the importance of conservation of Mediterranean submarine
the exchanges between the deep ocean and continental shelf, as
canyons amongst international organizations, their governance
well as in the functioning of the benthic and pelagic ecosystem.
is complex: the canyons' extension covers waters and seabeds
Mixing rates inside canyons could be as much as 1000 times
under various types of jurisdictions (territorial waters, Fisheries
greater than rates measured in the open ocean, and upwelling
Protection Zone, Ecological Protection Zone, including delimitation
associated with canyons enhances local primary productivity
with the effects extending up the food chain to include birds
and marine mammals. Consequently, commercially important
pelagic and demersal fisheries (see also in this volume papers Conservation of deep-sea features, such as canyons, requires
by Farrugio, Sacchi, Revenga de Pazos and Madurell et al.), as improving our understanding of the biological and ecological role
well as cetacean feeding grounds, are commonly located at the of these ecosystems, threats and conservation issues, limits and
heads of submarine canyons (Hooker et al., 1999; see also paper chances of national and international jurisdictions. This report,
in this volume by David and Di Meglio, Aissi et al. and Pace et published thanks to the joint efforts of the French Agency for Marine
al.), and unique benthic habitats are associated with submarine Protected Areas and the IUCN, has been written with the intention
canyons, particularly the heads of shelf-incising canyons that are of meeting this need by reviewing interdisciplinary contributions of
characterised by steep bedrock exposures upon which biologically experts from various Mediterranean countries.
diverse communities may occur. Submarine canyons that extend
across the continental shelf and approach the coast are known


Submarine canyons, as defined by Shepard (1973, 1981), are just The boundary between the continental shelf and submarine canyon
one of the seven different types of sea floor valleys identified in is know as a “canyon rim”; where a shelf-slope transition generally
his pioneering morphogenetic classification: delta-front troughs displays a convex-shaped sea-floor, defined as “continental
(located on the prograding slope of large deltas); fan valleys (the margin”; where the continental edge is characterized by markedly
abyssal, seaward continuation of submarine canyons, some of increased slope gradients toward the deep ocean bottom, it is
which are remarkably long); slope gullies (incised into prograding referred to as a “shelf break”.
slope sediments); fault valleys (structural-related, trough-shaped
valleys, generally with broad floors); shelf valleys (incised into the
The heads of some submarine canyons terminate on the slope,
shelf by rivers during sea level low stands, generally less than
making so-called “blind” or “headless” canyons. The largest
120 m deep); and glacial troughs incised into the continental shelf
canyons, however, commonly incise into the continental shelf and
by glacial erosion during sea level low stands, generally U-shaped
may even continue as shelf valleys which have a direct connection
in profile and having a raised sill at their seaward terminus.
to modern terrestrial fluvial systems (Harris and Whiteway, 2011).

Submarine canyons are features typical of continental slopes

Sediment supply has been associated with different canyon
deeply incising the continental shelf (Fig. 1); their upper ends are
morphologies and depositional processes. Most submarine
termed “canyon heads” while fan valleys (see above) can also be
canyons are erosive conduits through which sediments are
called “turbidite channels”, as canyon continuation seaward from
transported from areas of high coastal sediment supply onto large
the “canyon mouth” (or canyon end) across deep-sea fans and
submarine fans. High sediment supply forms steep slopes and
channel-levee complexes at the base of the continental slope
shelf-indenting, sand-rich canyons with erosive morphologies
and rise (Canals et al., 2004, Canals et al., 2009). These last are
and downslope submarine fans. The low sediment supply
V-shaped or trough-shaped and are cut into unconsolidated fan
creates shallower slopes and canyons characterized by smooth,
sediments. Some authors tend to use the term “canyon-channel
aggradational morphologies, no shelf-edge indentation, mud-rich
system” to refer to submarine canyons extended by turbidite
fill, and no downslope sediment accumulation (Jobe et al., 2011).
channels. Typical examples of the most common type of turbidite
system in the Mediterranean Sea are located along the western
margin of Corsica and Sardinia (Fig. 2). Relatively low input volumes
and steep gradients characterize these turbidite systems, which
are fed through down-slope joining, tributary canyons connected
directly to the subaerial drainage basin. Slightly elongated sandy
canyon-mouth lobes are lens-shaped in profile and, extending
from the mouth of each canyon, are several tens of kilometres wide
(Kenyon et al., 2002).

Canyon head SHELF

Upper slope gullyes


Slope Canyon mouth

Turbidity overflow

Submarine Sandy
fans lobe

Fig. 1:
Schematic representation of a submarine canyon.

1. Galeria lobe
1 2. Var lobe
2 CORSICA 3. Porto lobe
4. Sagone lobe
3 5. Ajaccio lobe
6. Castelsardo lobe


Fig. 2:
Turbidite system of western Corsica and north-western Sardinia Islands. Dark-brown areas indicate the main canyons.
(modified from Kenyon et al., 2002).

Harris and Whiteway (2011) sub-divided large submarine shelf-incising canyons with no clear bathymetric connection to a
canyons into three main types, in order to study their geomorphic major river system; and Type 3) blind canyons incised onto the
differences between active and passive continental margins on continental slope. All three canyon types include at least one major
a global scale: Type 1) shelf-incising canyons having heads with canyon with possible tributary canyons forming dendritic canyon
a clear bathymetric connection to a major river system; Type 2) complexes (Fig. 3).

Type 1 – shelf incising, river associated

Type 2 – shelf incising
Type 3 – Blind (headness)

Fig. 3:
Types of submarine canyons and their distribution in the Mediterranean Sea
(modified from Harris and Whiteway, 2011).


0 km 20 40 0 km 20 40
6 1
0- 0- 6 1
km depth

km depth
2 2
2- 2-

3 3 7
4- 4-
4 1. Shelf break 6. Shelf
2. Slope 7. Foot of slope
3. Continental Crust 8. Rise
4. Trench 9. Sediments
5. Ocean Crust

Fig. 4:
Schematic representation of active and passive continental margins.

In the Mediterranean, active margins are mostly located off the Results of the study carried out by Harris and Whiteway (2011)
northern coast, while passive margins are located off its south- on worldwide occurrence and morphology of canyons indicate
east shores (Libya and Egypt). Active (endogenetic) and passive that the Mediterranean is a globally different region. Here, canyons
(exogenetic) continental margin types exhibit differences in are more closely spaced (14.9 km), more dendritic (12.9 limbs per
morphology that can be attributed to the processes governing 100,000 km2), shorter (mean length of 26.5 km), amongst the most
their formation. Passive margin morphology is controlled by erosion steep (mean slope of 6.5°), and have a smaller depth range (mean
and deposition processes, whereas tectonic/magmatic processes depth: 1613 m) than canyons occurring in other oceans. Within the
control active margin morphology; the continental slope ends in Mediterranean sea, the Gulf of Lion is one of the areas of the world
an oceanic trench, and beyond the trench, the topography is oceans with the higher canyon density per 100 km (Fig. 5).
hilly, irregular and often dotted with rugged volcanic seamounts
(Fig. 4). For further details about submarine canyon morphology, see
Migeon et al. (in this volume).
Canyon morphology might also be expected to vary between
active and passive margins and also amongst passive margins
undergoing either net erosion or net deposition. Nevertheless,
there has been no study that has demonstrated a statistically
significant difference in canyon morphology between the two kinds
of plate margins.

Major isolated canyons

0 1 2 3 4 5

Fig. 5:
Canyon density per 100 km along the shelf break (modified from Allen and Durrieu de Madron, 2009).


The origin of submarine canyons has intrigued marine geologists geological history. During this period, rivers would have incised
for a long time. What process or processes could erode such incipient canyons which were further developed by submarine
canyons and deep-sea valleys so deep below sea level? The data processes following re-filling of the Mediterranean basin. Tectonic
indicates that most of these structures do not evolve on a daily uplift could have significantly modified or masked many canyons
basis. The main processes involved in their origin include: formed during the late Miocene, particularly along the northern
— Subaerial erosion of the upper canyon. active margin of the Mediterranean (Bertoni and Cartwright, 2005;
Ridente et al., 2007). A large percentage of shelf-incising canyons
— Erosion by turbidity currents.
could be expected if subaerial erosion had played a major role
— Erosion by the slow mass movement of sediment down-canyon in canyon development: however, the Mediterranean does not in
by creep, progressive slumps, sand falls, and later redistribution fact have a large percentage of Type 1 or 2 canyons (Harris and
of sediment by deep-sea bottom currents. Whiteway, 2011) compared with other regions of the world (see
— Erosion by bottom currents other than turbidity currents. chapter on Morphology).
— Drowning by subsidence of valleys cut subaerially, and
upbuilding of canyon walls. Erosive density currents formed in winter by the cooling of shelf
water masses which form cascades down submarine canyons
Subaerial erosion may have taken place during the Pleistocene (DSWC) may be another important factor in the origin of canyons,
lowered sea levels. In many canyons, the upper parts show as shown by Canals et al. (2006) for the Gulf of Lion canyon system.
episodes of cut and fill, which are probably related to sea level For further details, see also Migeon et al., this volume.
changes. Furthermore, local subsidence, which would have
submerged many upper canyon reaches, may have played a role
in this process.
When sediments accumulating on the slope or shelf edge become
unstable and slump, or are set in motion by an earthquake or storm,
they form turbidity currents by developing a heavy, turbid mass Submarine canyons can affect general and local scale circulation
capable of descending along the slope. Turbidity currents are patterns by deflecting the in-coming and out-coming flows
generally credited with the excavation of submarine canyons and (Flexas et al., 2008). Several key factors play a role by enhancing
with transporting great quantities of sediment down the canyon to or reducing the canyon effect, i.e. the canyon's relative position
form the fans at the base of the continental slopes. If a canyon was (distance) from the coast, its size and morphology, general
already cut into the slope, the turbidity current is not necessarily circulation and local currents, the in-coming flow direction (Klinck,
the initial cause of its origin, but it may perpetuate the canyon itself 1996), the presence, intensity and amount of river outputs and
by preventing it from being filled with sediments, or even excavate wind stress strength, water mass stratification, etc. The result is
the canyon to a greater depth. Temperature and salinity gradients, a great variety of situations and effects which can occur for each
along with internal waves and tides, as well as ordinary bottom single canyon (or each canyon system) set along the continental
water currents, can produce strong flows and also excavate margin of the Mediterranean, and which are, in some cases, very
sediments in submarine canyons, or at least build the submarine different from what could be expected through oceanographic
fans and keep the fan-valleys open. Turbidity currents might be process modelling.
expected to come to an end due to loss of sediment at the base of
the steep gradient, but the ordinary currents, not dependent on a
The tendency of geostrophic circulation to follow bathymetric
slope, could persist. Sediment deposition on the canyon rims can
contours limits the cross shelf-break exchanges. Canyons cutting
increase the total wall heights. Downcutting with upbuilding over a
the bottom topography can reduce the rotational effects of the
long period of time allows the formation of huge canyons. Creep
current (geostrofic effect such as Coriolis force) and significantly
erosion in the canyon is where turbidity currents could not play an
force the flow to cross isobaths, leading to enhanced mixing
important role; once initiated along a plane of weakness, very little
through upwelling and downwelling (Allen and Durrieu de Madron,
energy is required to maintain a slow downslope creep by large
sedimentary masses.

Mediterranean circulation is mainly characterized by a large cyclonic

As Mediterranean submarine canyons show striking differences
gyre of in-coming Atlantic waters, which can generate anticyclonic
from similar structures in the world oceans, their particular features
eddies on the coastward right side of the flow, strongly affecting
could be due to their different origin. River sediment discharge
current patterns within the continental shelf. On the left side of
does not explain this difference, because the input from fluvial
the gyre flow cyclonic eddies are generated, which can affect
sediment is less than that occurring in other areas of the world
circulation in the pelagic domain from the continental margin to
(Walsh and Nittrouer, 2009). The tectonic setting of the northern
far offshore. Bottom morphology (seamounts, submarine canyons,
Mediterranean could be compared with other active plate margins,
gullies, trenches, valleys, steep slopes, etc.) as well as wind forcing
but the geomorphic attributes of its canyons are quite different from
and increasing density processes can alter and deeply modify the
the other regions. Late Miocene sea level lowering and desiccation
above patterns, thus a high time-volume variability is the main
of the Mediterranean basin (Messinian Salinity Crisis) may have
feature of Mediterranean circulation.
exposed the continental margins to subaerial erosion resulting in
canyon development at regional scale (Rouchy and Caruso, 2006).
This phase of subaerial erosion is a unique feature of Mediterranean

Nevertheless, in spite of this high variability, we can try to recognize
some general features (processes) generated by circulation-
Upwelling flow Downwelling flow
canyon interaction:
— Near-bottom currents are constrained to the topography and
closed circulations are observed in the canyons, while near-
surface flow is unaffected by the underlying topography under
real stratifications (Palanques et al., 2005). Flow across the
canyon leads to localized upwelling and downwelling (Flexas et
Downstream Upstream al., 2008).
wall wall — When the flow has the coast on its right (a right-bounded flow),
the current-canyon interaction causes asymmetry in the vertical
velocity field; downwelling is forced over the upstream wall,
whereas upwelling is forced over the downstream wall (Fig. 6).
In the northern hemisphere, flow propagating along the shelf/
Canyon cross section slope direction with the shoreline on the right is called “positive
along-slope flow” (Fig. 7). Positive flows are associated with
net downwelling (downward flow and flow toward the ocean)
Fig. 6: (Klinck, 1996; Flexas et al., 2008; Allen and Durrieu de Madron,
Schematic representation of a right-bounded flow (when the flow has 2009).
the coast on its right): current-canyon interaction causes asymmetry in — When the in-coming current has the coast on its left (a left-
the vertical velocity field; downwelling is forced over the upstream wall,
whereas upwelling is forced over the downstream wall. Modified from Allen
bounded current), the current-canyon interaction causes local
and Durrieu de Madron (2009). upwelling over the entire canyon. In the northern hemisphere,
flow that travels along the slope with the shoreline on its left is
referred to as “negative along-slope flow”. Generally, negative
flows are associated with net upwelling (upward flow and flow
toward the coast) (Flexas et al., 2008; Allen and Durrieu de
Madron, 2009).

Surface flow

Rim Depth
1 Eddy


1. Canyon Head
2. Canyon Rim
3. Canyon Mouth

Fig. 7: Fig. 8:
Positive flow in the Northern Hemisphere. Plan view sketch showing net Wind-driven shelf-break or slope currents lead to upwelling or downwelling
flux through a canyon onto the shelf, accommodated by an increasing flows within the canyon, with the strongest effects at the canyon rim
along-shelf flux. The black line is the shelf-break isobath, straight hatching especially at shelf-break depth (modified from Allen and Hickey, 2010).
on the right indicates the coast, and the blue arrows represent the flow.
Modified from Allen and Durrieu de Madron (2009).

— Canyons in the Mediterranean are generally under the influence convergence, when long canyons,which closely approach the
of positive flows (Allen and Durrieu de Madron, 2009). coast, have strongly converging isobaths (Fig. 9 A); advection,
— Narrow canyons have a strong effect on circulation and are short canyon flow show this upwelling regime in the case of low
characterized by a general cyclonic circulation within the Coriolis force effect (Fig. 9 B), and time dependence upwelling
canyon rims (Fig. 8). occurs with the lowest incident flow velocity in the short canyon
(Fig. 9 C).
— Wide canyons only modify the circulation along the topography
(Klinck, 1996; Klinck, 1988; Flexas et al., 2008).
Allen and Durrieu de Madron (2009) distinguished three phases
during the upwelling or downwelling scenario due to oscillatory
Allen and Durrieu de Madron (2009) separate canyon conduit flow
coastal wind effects:
into two types:
— An initial time-dependent response, as the shelf-break flow
— Wind-driven shelf-break or slope currents lead to upwelling or
increases. It is generally strong and occurs quickly. If the
downwelling flows within the canyon, with the strongest effects
along-shore current continues to increase (i.e. because of
at the canyon rim especially at shelf-break depth (Fig. 9).
steady winds), density advection within the canyon reduces
— Deep water formation on the shelf similarly leads to strong time-dependent upwelling after about 5 days (She and Klinck,
cross-slope pressure gradients. However, these flows cascade 2000).
down the canyon, are focused deep, near the canyon axis,
— An advection-dominated response during the time when the
and are, in many ways, independent of the wind-driven flows
shelf-break flow is reasonably steady. It is strongly dependent
on the canyon topography and flow strength (Allen, 2004). For
weaker flows it can be greatly enhanced if strongly convergent
Net fluxes to or from the ocean can be accommodated by isobaths occur over the canyon (Allen, 2000; Waterhouse et
changes in the along-shelf current. Waterhouse et al. (2009) al., 2009).
described possible mechanisms driving upwelling due to different — A relaxation phase, when the shelf break flow decreases.
flow dynamics between the long and short canyons: isobath A strong, generally cyclonic flow occurs within the canyon
(Hickey, 1997).

Fig. 9: Fig. 10:

Schematic representation of three upwelling mechanisms Plan view sketch showing differences between the positive (blue) and
within submarine canyons: negative (red) phases of oscillating flow for the Northern Hemisphere. The
A) isobath convergence, black line is the shelf-break isobath, the straight line on the right indicates
the coast, and the blue and red arrows represent positive and negative
B) advection and phase flow respectively.
C) time dependence of the flow
(modified from Waterhouse et al., 2009).

During the second phase, upwelling is generally stronger than EFFECTS ON BIODIVERSITY
downwelling. This last is driven by positive flow and does not
impede the along-isobath flow. On the other hand, upwelling flow
The abundance and diversity of marine life can be enhanced
opposes the shelf current leading to a strong cross-isobath flow
by canyons through their effect on local circulation, by funnelling
over the canyon walls (Fig. 10). Thus, in the positive flow phase,
sediment transport and by providing more varied and complex
the current diverges from the upstream wall and flows out of the
physical habitats than surrounding slope areas, because canyons
canyon along the downstream wall. In the negative phase, the flow
often have steep slopes, rocky outcrops, and faster currents that
follows the upstream wall into the canyon and upwells along the
can support fauna with diverse habitat requirements.
downstream wall (Pérenne et al., 2001).
As stated above (see previous chapter), no individual canyon is
identical to another, and this is reflected by differences in fauna
This generalized pattern can be modified by various factors: in between canyons even located along the same stretch of the shelf
Blanes canyon, for example, the presence of cold and fresh waters (Hecker, 1990; Rogers et al., 2002)
coming from the Gulf of Lion continental shelf causes the flow
reversal above and just below the thermocline (Flexas et al., 2008).
This fact reinforces the observation that no individual canyon is By concentrating organic detritus moving along continental shelf
identical to another. and slope, submarine canyons concentrate sediments rich in
organics and contain denser deposits of phytodetritus (Garcia et
al., 2008). Given such enhancement of trophic resources, canyons
Inputs from landmasses strongly influence Mediterranean may be favourable habitats for benthic consumers and suspension
ecosystems, as a huge amount of organic and inorganic matter feeders.
from continental and shelf sources can reach the deepest basins
by means of fast, dense, organic-matter-rich and sediment-laden
The canyon's topographic complexity enhances habitat hete-
near-bottom currents occurring from winter to early spring, through
rogeneity, therefore greater abundance and diversity of fishes
continental margins and submarine canyons.
may be associated with margins where canyons are common
(Marques et al., 2005; Morais et al., 2007). Areas of highly rugged
Seasonal cooling and evaporation generate denser seawater at canyon topography can generally provide important habitats and
the uppermost layers; favoured by a decrease of river discharge critical nursery areas for fish species living over continental margins
reducing their buoyancy, the surface water masses sink. The (Stefanescu et al., 1994; Brodeur, 2001), with some species
northern shelves of the Mediterranean (i.e. the Gulf of Lion, Adriatic preferentially spawning inside them (Schlacher et al., 2009).
Sea and Aegean Sea, more exposed to cold and intense northerly
winds) are the main source areas of these density-driven currents Inside the canyons, faunal assemblages and species composition
(see also Company et al., this volume), which are known as Dense can be markedly different from those on close open slopes.
Shelf Water Cascading (DSWC). Cascading may last for several Species biomass and abundance can be from 2 to 15 fold higher
weeks, and waters sink until their density equilibrium is reached. than in the surrounding areas at the same depths. Meiofaunal
Intense DSWC events, which can carry shelf waters to the deepest assemblages generally show lower diversity with high dominance
parts of the Mediterranean basin, seems to occur at subdecadal of a few species within the canyon: nevertheless, canyons can be
frequency (Canals et al., 2009). considered as hot spots of diversity because of the high megafauna
diversity and high rates of endemism. In oligotrophic areas, such
Submarine canyon size controls the volume of cascading waters, on as Mediterranean Sea, canyons can play an important role for their
the other hand cascading acts on canyon morphology, enhancing efficiency in energy recycling at different scales (Danovaro et al.,
erosion or sedimentation. A canyon degrades and sooner or later 2010).
becomes buried when it loses its sediment transport capacity;
a canyon enlarges or increases laterally and longitudinally if it Each Mediterranean submarine canyon reveals high levels of
maintains its sediment transport efficiency. fauna specificity: a more detailed description of this aspect can
be found in the case study section in this volume, in particular in
the papers by Özturk et al. on submarine canyons off the southern
Canals et al. (2006) developed the concept of “flushing submarine
coast of Turkey; Vella et al. on Maltese escarpment; Watremez
canyons” in order to describe the role of canyons as main conduits
as well as David and Di Meglio, on the Gulf of Lion; Madurell et
for cascading. When the water volume is too large, the canyon,
al. and Company et al. on canyons off the Catalan coast, and
depending on its size, cannot accommodate it, therefore waters
Baro et al. on the Alboran sea. One of the most relevant aspects
overflow the canyon rims as “laminar flow” sweeping the continental
is the relationship between the number of species, the number
slope before spreading over the deep basins.
of individuals of endemic species and the ecological features of
submarine canyons (Palanques et al., 2005).
As cascades may simultaneously occur with spring phytoplankton
blooms, their consequences on the deep ecosystem of the In the Foix, Lacaze-Duthiers and Planier canyons, seven new
Mediterranean Sea and their role as a natural mechanism for species of medusae were found (Gili et al., 1999) and, since all
carbon sequestration in shallow ocean layers will need better species were restricted to each of the canyons, this fact may
knowledge in the coming years (Canals et al., 2009). demonstrate an isolation effect related to specific hydrodynamic
processes and canyon morphology. Thus, ecological differences
between canyons could be responsible for allopatric speciation,
as demonstrated by the dominance of an elasipod holothurian
species in the Palamós canyon; in fact, this holothurian has not
been found in other canyons or elsewhere in the Mediterranean.

One of the main factors responsible for the high diversity of deep-
sea fauna seems to be the fluctuation in the amount of food reaching
the bottom as indicated by the discovery of underscribed benthic
non-swimming species, which characterise the polychaete fauna
in the same canyon sediments (Palanques et al., 2005).

Considering the huge ecological variations during the geological

history of the Mediterranean, isolation and speciation in submarine
canyons should be investigated, also in terms of geographic
distribution and ecological features in geological times; for instance,
some species sampled from Mediterranean canyons have been
considered Tethys relicts (Gili et al., 1999).

Cold-water coral Madrepora oculata (Fig. 11 a) and Lophelia

pertusa reefs (CWCs) (Fig. 11 b) are among the most remarkable
and fragile communities living deep in the Mediterranean. Using
new visualization technology, the HERMES project discovered
unknown coral sites on narrow shelves, canyon walls, escarpments B
and seamounts, leading to a re-evaluation of the general perception
of the assumed paucity of white corals in this sea (Freiwald et
al., 2009). For example, CWCs have been found to be the most
conspicuous animal group in the hard substrate of the Cap de
Creus canyon (Orejas et al., 2009). Here, colonies predominate
on the large areas of hardrock outcrops and steep walls along the
southern flanks, which are characterized by dense water cascades
in winter (Puig et al., 2008), while CWC occurrence is scarce on
the northern side, where high sediment accumulation rates have
been observed. Coral distribution in this canyon, as well as in other
systems, seems to be related to the amount of nutritive particles in
suspension, made periodically available by energetic current flows
from the shelf environments (Canals et al., 2006), and by episodic
cascading processes and internal waves at the edge of the Gulf
of Lion, which can reduce sediment accumulation rates (De Geest
et al., 2008) and control the resuspension, advection and mixing
of organic matter in the canyon head (Ogston et al., 2008), thus Fig. 11:
providing a food supply to the coral colonies.
A) Madrepora oculata.
B) Lophelia pertusa.
In the western Mediterranean, recruiting grounds and mature © NOAA. http://docs.lib.noaa.gov/OEDV/FLoSEE_2010/image/
specimen reservoirs of the deep-water shrimps Aristeus antennatus Digital%20Stills/Deck%20Photos/20100719/19-VII-10-3/
and Aristaeomorpha foliacea are mainly located around the white- © IFREMER, http://www.ipsl.jussieu.fr/~jomce/acidification/
corals biocenosis, as well as on the margin of submarine canyons.
Allowing a number of specimens to escape trawl fishery, these
areas can play the role of “spawning refugia” (Caddy, 1993;
Farrugio, this volume), where a portion of a heavily exploited stock
can annually sustain recruitment (Sardà et al., 2004).

Deep-water rose shrimp A. antennatus fishing grounds in the

Blanes canyon are mainly located between 600 and 900 m, where
the shrimp occurrence appears to be driven in a non-linear manner
by environmental conditions including: local temperature, relatively
salty waters (Levantine Intermediate Water) and low currents with
moderate variability (Sardà et al., 2009).

Company et al. (2008) have found that dense shelf water cascades
may cause the disappearance of A. antennatus from fishing grounds
and produce a temporary fishery collapse (see also Company et
al., this volume). This initial negative effect is followed, 3-5 years
later, by an increase in juveniles and subsequently by an increase
in landings. It is suggested that particulate organic matter transport
associated with cascading enhances the recruitment of this deep-
sea living resource, mitigating the effects of overexploitation. On

the other hand, the rapid sinking of cold dense waters can increase
organic matter content in the deep basin, reduce benthic abundance
and modify benthic biodiversity, producing very different effects at
regional and basin scale. Comparative studies carried out in the
Gulf of Lion and the Aegean Sea reveal different resilience times in
the two regions: the first area has a very fast recovery, whereas the
second shows much longer resilience time (more than 5 years).
Under environmental and climate change scenarios, cascading
of dense water from continental shelves could have a stronger
influence on Mediterranean deep-sea ecosystems than previously
thought (Pusceddu et al., 2010).

Increased food availability within the canyon due to enhanced

deposition of organic matter can also enhance demersal fish
abundance and biomass. Stefanescu et al. (1994), investigating
fish assemblages within the “Rec del Besós” submarine canyon
(Catalan Sea, western Mediterranean), observed much higher
values in abundance and biomass inside the canyon than outside,
and suggested higher food availability there. Lower mean fish
weight was also noted inside the canyon, and the analysis of size
distributions in the commonest species along the upper slope
showed that the submarine canyon acts as a recruiting ground for
some of them.

Different food availability during day-night cycle drives the

predatory species' movements inside the canyon where they find
suitable conditions for finding food by reaching different depths
over a relatively short distance. In the Quirra Canyon (off the south-
eastern coast of Sardinia), analyses carried out by Sabatini et al.
(2007) distinguished fauna assemblages characterised by indicator
species whose abundance is clearly linked to depth and time of
the day. They identified four species groups: early in the night,
lesser depths are typified by hake (Merluccius merluccius) (Fig. 12),
which is substituted by the small-toothed argentine (Glossanodon
leioglossus) during the light hours and later in the night; at greater
depths during light, the red shrimp A. antennatus (and A. foliacea)
characterize the third assemblage, even if these shrimps move
toward the upper level along the canyon wall during the night, while
the shortnose greeneye (Chlorophthalmus agassizi) identifies the
fourth group which shows vertical movement, even if confined
within deeper waters than the previous group. This pattern is not
followed by ubiquitous species such as the greater forkbeard
(Phycis blennoides, Fig. 13) and blackbelly rosefish (Helicolenus
dactylopterus, Fig. 14), while the blackbellied angler (Lophius
budegassa, Fig. 15) and glass shrimp (Pasiphaea multidentata,
Fig. 16) have been found to stay at 350 m depth during the day
and to move to deeper waters during the night. During the night,
larger specimens of P. multidentata stay close to the bottom
feeding on benthic gammarid amphipods, isopods and macruran
decapods: in contrast, the specimens collected during the daytime
exhibited remains of pelagic prey (hyperiids, fishes, euphausiids,
chaetognaths). Such behaviour furnishes evidence of energy
transfer from the benthos to the planktonic system especially within
submarine canyons, where the feeding rate of shrimps is higher
and the diet also more specialised (Cartes et al., 1994).

Fig. 12 : Merluccius merluccius. The complex circulation in submarine canyons supports increased
Fig. 13: Phycis blennoides. biological production and these areas are also ecological “hot
Fig. 14: Helicolenus dactylopterus. spots” for pelagic life diversity and abundance. Canyon upwellings
Fig. 15: Lophius budegassa (drawing of L. piscatorius, a very similar attract a variety of migratory top pelagic predators such as tunas,
looking species). Vincent Fossat (1877 and 1878, sword fishes, sharks, turtles, birds and cetaceans, both for feeding
Coll. Muséum d’Histoire naturelle de Nice. and breeding, by enhancing food availability for midwater prey, such

as euphausids, mesopelagic fishes (Myctophids, Fig. 17), shrimps Finally, according to Smith et al. (2010), submarine canyons may
(Pasiphaeids and others) and squids, which have been found in serve as ecological refuges from the impact of warming ocean
abundance along the canyon walls. The concentration of prey, due temperatures for cetaceans. The refuge role within relatively
to their “entrapment” within the canyon walls, is the key biological circumscribed environments may be especially important, as
factor making the submarine canyon ecosystem so attractive for a in the Mediterranean Sea, where climate change effects have a
variety of these tertiary consumers. Considering these processes, stronger impact than in the open oceans and northern range shift
two aspects must be stressed: first, the shortening of the distance is impossible due to geographic barriers.
covered during migratory movements by epipelagic, mesopelagic
prey; second, the fact that those movements are forced within the
canyon boundaries, both due to the steep slope of the canyon walls
and internal current flows. Thus, micronektonic prey accumulate
during their nocturnal upward migration along the canyon rims
and over the canyon heads, where they are trapped after their
morning descent into the canyon. Moreover, by night, neritic (living
inside the continental shelf) benthopelagic fauna may be advected
offshore over the canyon during their surface stratification, thus
contributing towards an increase there in prey biodiversity and
biomass (Macquart-Moulin and Patriti, 1996).

As circulation inside the canyon has seasonal variations, predator

presence and abundance may be linked to prevailing patterns. In
winter, northern winds favour downwelling processes, while during
the summer the basin's general cyclonic gyre flows (right-bounded

20 mm C

Fig. 16: Pasiphaea multidentata.

© Maurizio Würtz – Artescienza s.a.s.

flow) have a stronger effect than wind stress and generate

conditions for upwelling over the downstream walls and outer
part of Mediterranean canyons. This may be the reason why most
pelagic top predators are sighted during the summer within or near
the canyon area (see also Aissi et al., David and Di Meglio, in this
volume). During cetacean surveys in the canyon of Cuma, Mussi et
al. (2001) ascertained the presence of some pelagic fishes such as 20 mm
Mobula mobular, Thunnus sp., Xiphias gladius and sea birds such
as Calonectris diomedea, Puffinus puffinus, Larus ridibundus, and
Fig. 17: Myctophidae, © Maurizio Würtz – Artescienza s.a.s.
they regularly observed summering groups of common (Delphinus
A) Benthosema glaciale;
delphis), striped (Stenella coeruleoalba), bottlenose (Tursiops
truncatus) and Risso's dolphins (Grampus griseus) and also fin B) Gonichthys cocco;
whales (Balaenoptera physalus), which use the area as a feeding C) Ceratoscopelus maderensis;
ground (see also Pace et al., in this volume). D) Diaphus sp.


The importance of an effective marine environment cadastre South Eastern Iberian Margin
representing the multidimensional nature of reality as closely as From west to east, the presence of 51 submarine canyons is
possible in order to facilitate good governance (see also Chalabi, in well documented: Algeciras, La Linea, Guadiaro, Estepona,
this volume) has been already pointed out by Ng’ang’a et al. (2001). Bóvedas, Baños, Torrenueva, Fuengirola, Almuñecar, Motril,
The physical, biological, socio-cultural and economic nature of the Carchuna (Sacratif), Calahonda, Dalias, Almería, Andarax, Gata,
environment may be linked with information for jurisdiction (which Alias Almanzora, Palomares, Jolocular, Aguilas, Cabo Tiñoso,
has a particularly complicated pattern in the Mediterranean, see Cartagena, Negrete, Palos, Alicante, Benidorm, Valencia, Hirta,
also Ros, in this volume) and the effects of its formal law and South Columbretes, North Columbretes, Benicasim, Ebro, Oropesa,
community interests on the marine environment to give the cadastre Alcalá de Chivert, Benicarló, Marta, Peñiscola, Torreblanca, Tortosa,
a multipurpose function: “ideally, the marine cadastre would be Tarragona, Foix, Cunit, Valldepins, Berenguera, Morràs, Besós,
based on a marine parcel that would be the focus of information Arenys, Blanes, San Feliu, Palamos (La Fonera), Cap Creus.
collection, storage, analysis, retrieval and dissemination”.
According to Harris and Whiteway (2011), type 2 canyons (incising
the shelf without connection with rivers) are located on the eastern
Within the highly variable pelagic realm, habitats such as submarine and western side, while those confined to the slope (type 3) seem
canyons could provide an easier field for application because of to be mainly from Gata Cape to the mouth of the Ebro.
their “static nature”. Their particular density in the Mediterranean
area, as well as their fundamental role in ecosystem functioning,
Balearic Margin
could drive the need for an inventory. Obviously, the first step for a
complete Mediterranean submarine canyon list is to have an idea No submarine canyons exist in the north-western slope of the
about their number and current names. Balearic Islands, while the southern margin is shaped by 4 main
canyons: Pitiusas (Formentera), Mallorca-Cabrera, Pera, Menorca.
It is also deeply incised by at least 15 short, rectilinear canyons,
At present, various heterogeneous sources of information can from Mallorca to Ibiza.
help this task: several canyon names and positions can easily be
found on Google Earth, which is based on SIO, NOAA, US Navy,
NGA and GEBCO datasets; Harris and Whiteway (2011) listed 518 Alboran Island
canyons by using morphological criteria applied to ETOPO1 and Three main canyons can be identified on the south and eastern
Mediterranean Science Commission bathymetric datasets; on the slope off the Alboran Island: Al Borani, Piedra Escuela and Castor.
other hand, less than 270 have been identified through detailed
geological maps of the Mediterranean sea floor.
French mainland coast
Along the French coast from Cerbère to Menton, 28 canyons can
Several Mediterranean submarine canyons have been investigated be counted, those of the Gulf of Lion mainly belonging to type 2
from many angles, i.e. circulation, tsunami effects, mass transport, (Harris and Whiteway, 2011). From west to east: Lacaze-Duthiers,
turbidite systems, bottom morphology, biodiversity, cold water Pruvot, Bourcart (Aude), l’Hérault, Sète, Catherine-Laurence, Marti,
biocenoses, fishery impact as well as nursery and recruitment for Montpellier, Aigues-mortes, Petit Rhône, Grand Rhône, Estaque,
commercial species, pollution, coast and deep sea exchanges Marseille, Couronne, Planier, Cassidaigne, Cassis, Sicié, Toulon,
etc. Information on names, numbers, geographical position, Porquerolles, Stoechades, Pampelonne, Saint-Tropez, Estérel,
morphology, physical and biological processes of the main Cannes, Var, Paillon and Monaco*.
submarine canyons can thus be now obtained from a broad range
of scientific sources covering several Mediterranean areas.
The narrow continental shelf around the Island of Corsica is incised
Without exceeding the limits imposed by this review, in this
by at least 16 canyons: Centuri*, Saint-Florent, Île-Rousse, Calvi, La
paragraph a very provisional list of canyon names is proposed.
Revellata*, Galéria, Porto, Peru*, Sagone, Lava*, Ajaccio, Valinco,
The list has been obtained by crossing the above-mentioned
des Moines, Porto-Vecchio*, Aléria* and Cervione*.
datasets with scientific and other sources of information (most can
be obtained more or less easily through internet). Canyon names
with some reference in literature are in italic style, an asterisk Italian mainland coast
follows the name when it is arbitrarily assigned according to its Combining information obtained from various sources, 49
correspondence with a bay, cape, island, promontory, river, coastal canyons can be identified on the Ligurian, Tyrrhenian and Ionian
settlement, city or other conspicuous geographical feature. The list margin, and two in the southern Adriatic sea. It must be pointed
also includes canyons still without names, but with some reference out that in many cases a single name corresponds to a system
to their existence, mainly from the map of (Fig. 1) in Migeon et al., rather than a single canyon: Roja, Nervia, Taggia, Verde, Mercula,
in this volume). Bordighera*, Laigueglia, Centa, Varatella, Imperia, S. Bartolomeo,
Capo Mele, Pora, Finale, Noli, Vado, Polcevera, Bisagno, Di
Levante, Civitavecchia, Gaeta, Garigliano, Volturno, Cuma, Punta
Cornacchia, Magnaghi, Dohrn, Salerno, Maratea, Capo Suvero,
Angitola, Gioia Tauro, Bovalino, Siderno, Gioiosa, Roccella Ionica,
Caulonia, Stilo, Soverato, Catanzaro, Squillace, Corigliano, Neto,
Lipuda, Cirò Marina, Taranto, Otranto, Bari.

Sardinia Turkey
A complex system of 29 canyons incises both the western and At least 11 main submarine canyons can be identified off the western
eastern slopes of the Island of Sardinia: Caprera, Posada, Gonone, and southern Turkish coasts, as for Greece, their number may
Orosei, Arbatax, Quirra, San Lorenzo, Capoferrato*, Carbonara, be greatly underestimated: Xeros*, Bosphorus, Sarköy, Anadolu,
Cagliari, Spartivento (2 canyons), Teulada, San Antioco (2 canyons), Fethiye, Megisti*, Finike, Antalya, Anamur, Boziazi*, Antakya*.
Toro, Carloforte (4 canyons), at least 4 canyons off the south-
western coast (Costa Verde), Oristano, Il Catalano, and at least 3
canyons off the coast from Bosa to Capo Caccia, Castelsardo.
Around Cyprus 5 canyons have been identified: Famagusta*,
Larnaka*, Akrotiri*, Chrysochou* and Morphou*.
Around Sicily, 21 canyons are mainly located off the northern
Middle East coast
and eastern coasts: Egadi, Stromboli, Patti, Messina, Milazzo,
Castellammare, S. Vito, Cofano, Zafferano, Eleuterio, Oreto, Latakya, Baniyas, Tartus and Sour are the names identifying
Arenella, Priola, Addaura, Mondello, Favignana, Pantelleria- submarine canyons off the Syrian coast and Junieth, Saint Georges,
Mazara*, Scoglitti*, Capo Passero and Catania, which indicate Beirut, Zahrani, Sayniq off the Lebanese coast. Akhziv, Saar,
canyon systems. Nahariya, Shomrat, Hilazon, Qishon, Haifa, Atlit, Cesarea, Hadera,
Netanya, Ashdod and Afiq are the names of the canyons off the
coast of Israel which are mainly cited in geological literature.
Heron is the canyon name located off the south-eastern side of the
shelf around the Maltese archipelago. This canyon is divided into
two branches in its deepest portion. The Egyptian passive margin is incised by 12 canyons: Damietta*
(a system with at least 7 branches), Rosetta (a system with at least
9 branches), Alexandria*, Ras Alam er Rum, Solum* and Habu
Tunisia Ashafa*. At least 6 canyons from Solum to Habu Ashafa still remain
The long Bizerte canyon cuts the channel northward between unnamed.
Sardinia and Tunisia, while its eastward branch reaches Rass Sidi
el Mekki (Cape Farina). Another 3 canyons carve the shelf around
the Galite Island.
Canyon density is higher off the eastern coast: many of them have
been named arbitrarily or are still unnamed: Tobruk*, Derna* and at
Algeria least five canyons in between, one canyon west of Derna. Susah*
The Algerian steep slope is shaped by 24 canyons. References and another four canyons to the west before Melita, Misratah and
to Annaba, Skikda, El Kebir, Nil, Bejaïa, Dellys, Sebaou, Nif, Tripolitanian.
Sefsaf, Algiers, Dahra, Guelta, and Khadra canyons can be found
in both scientific literature and the Google Earth digital atlas.
Between Algiers and Dahara, at least 11 unnamed canyons can
be identified.

The southern portion of the Alboran sea is mainly characterized by
submarine hills and banks: the only submarine canyon is close to

The Hellenic Trench, stretching from the Ionian Islands to Rhodes
(southern Aegean arc), is characterized by numerous canyons, as
is the northern part of the Aegean sea: Kerkyra, Paxoi*, Lefkas,
Kefalonia, Zakynthos, Pirgos*, Kiparissiakos*, Proti*, Messini*,
Kalamai*, Kyparissia*, Kalamata*, Skoutari*, Mirampelou* (Crete),
Samaria (Crete), Paximades, Sfakia* (Crete), Ptolemy (Crete),
Lithinon (Crete), Pliny (Crete), Strabo (Crete), Nereus (NW Rhodes),
Brigitte (NW Rhodes), Trianta (NW Rhodes), Kallithea*(NE Rhodes,
2 canyons), Psalidos (NE Rhodes), Pera (NE Rhodes), Lutani*
(NE Rhodes), Tsampika* (NE Rhodes, 2 canyons), Malóna*(NE
Rhodes), Vlichá*(NE Rhodes), Lindos* (NE Rhodes), Samoträki*
(2 canyons), Strymonik*, Thermaikos (2 canyons). Very likely the
number of canyons in this area is underestimated.


Roughly, a total of 348 submarine canyons or canyon systems

can be allocated on the slopes of the eastern and western
Mediterranean basins, and 237 have a name quoted in scientific
literature or other sources of information. The geographic position
of the remaining 111 can be identified, but it has not been possible
to find references in order to assign a shared name: nevertheless
47 of them have here been arbitrarily attributed a nomenclature.
Comparing these figures with the results obtained by Harris and
Whiteway (2011), this list greatly underestimates the number
of Mediterranean submarine canyons, mainly for the southern
Tyrrhenian coast of Italy, Algeria, the south Aegean Arc and Turkey.
It must be stressed that this very provisional inventory is roughly
based on the available information obtained from scientific literature
and other kinds of sources; it does not fit specific criteria in order to
identify various types of canyons and, sometimes, canyon systems
from a single canyon. Even if available in some cases, data such
as the geographic position (i.e. head and mouth coordinates),
length, shape (V or U shaped), type (i.e. shelf incising, shelf
incising with river connection, slope confined), habitat type (i.e.
sandy, muddy, rocky), biocenoses (i.e. cold water corals), role for
fisheries (i.e. nursery, breeding, ground), threats, exploitation for
non-renewable resources, pollution, conservation status etc. have
not been considered at the moment. Obviously, a Mediterranean
submarine canyon inventory exceeds the objectives of this review:
nevertheless, considering the fundamental role of such structures
for shelf and open sea exchanges, it could be a priority tool for
better governance of the entire Mediterranean ecosystem.

The author acknowledges J. Acosta Yepes, F.X. Bouillon,
D. Cebrian, A. Chalabi, J.B. Company, V. Diaz del Rio, A. Jeudy,
C. Lo Jacono, B. Öztürk, S. Revenga Martínez de Pazos and
N. Ros, who kindly revised the text by giving helpful information
and suggestions in order to complete the Mediterranean sub-
marine canyon list. Many thanks also to Jill Harry, who revised the
manuscript improving the English text. Finally, special thanks to
F. Simard and IUCN who made this review possible, and the French
MPA Agency and MAVA Foundation for funding this study.


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1.2. Mediterranean submarine canyons and channels:
Morphological and geological backgrounds
Sébastien Migeon, Jean Mascle, Marianne Coste, Pierrick Rouillard
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Submarine canyons are the most common conduits for erosion The origin of canyons is still a matter of debate. Even if canyons are
derived particles, organic matter and nutrients transported from land often superimposed on previous tectonic lineaments, it is usually
to the base of continental margins (Normark and Carlson, 2003; admitted that their development can result from various processes,
Shepard, 1981; Twichell and Roberts, 1982). They are commonly which can be combined, and particularly:
interpreted as pure erosive features, meaning they are zones of (1) aerial (or fluvial) erosion during low-stand sea levels (an extreme
sediment bypassing with little or no sediment accumulation until case being the low stand related to the Messinian Salinity Crisis in
the canyons cease to be active conduits. The largest canyons are the Mediterranean Sea),
classically 1000-1500 m deep, 20-50 km wide and several tens
(2) retrogressive erosion within the canyon heads related to the
of kilometers long (Normark and Carlson, 2003). Depending on
triggering of submarine landslides,
their morphology and evolution through time, two main types of
canyons can be discriminated (Goff, 2001; Twichell and Roberts, (3) repeated and continuous action of gravity flows such as
1982): (1) mature canyons that are large features deeply indenting debris flows, turbidity currents and hyperpycnal flows, and/or
the continental slope and the continental shelf, and fed by more up-and-down currents related to tides or internal waves. In the
or less continuous sediment supply originating from river inputs or Mediterranean, cascading currents, related to formation of dense
coastal currents, and (2) immature canyons that are smaller and waters, are also now identified as a key player generating local
straighter features organized in clusters, restricted to the continental seafloor erosion, depositing substantial volume of sandy particles
slope and mostly fed by submarine failures. and maintaining the thalweg morphology (Gaudin et al., 2006;
Trincardi et al., 2007).

Morphologies of canyons are usually divided into four geo-

morphologic domains: head, axe, walls and distal reaches (Cronin Based on a morpho-bathymetry synthesis of the Mediterranean
et al., 2005). Sea, we present in this paper an overview of submarine canyons
around the Mediterranean. Their distribution and morphology are
(a) Canyon heads are described as amphitheater-like features with
described with respect to the types of substratum they built on.
abundant scars related to small-scale mass-wasting processes
Two case studies, the example of the Ligurian continental margin
(Green et al., 2007); they are active areas in term of current activity
and that of the Nile submarine delta, are then briefly discussed to
and sediment transfer which erode upslope and will ultimately
illustrate more clearly the various processes of canyon formation
erode across the shelf.
and the key factors controlling them.
(b) Canyon axes could be either straight or sinuous depending on
local slope angles and volume of sediment supply; their general
trend can be largely controlled and deflected by active faults,
fault escarpments and margin tectonic deformation (Laursen and
Normark, 2002).
(c) Canyon walls are often abrupt (30-40°) or nearly vertical;
they are affected by intense failure and erosional processes, but
depositional areas, related to the presence of terraces and confined
levees, can also develop (Babonneau et al., 2004).
(d) Transition between the distal parts of canyons and depositional
channels is still difficult to discriminate from subsurface data.
This area can be characterized by the development of thalweg
channels where the canyons lost their well-developed topographic
expression (Cronin et al., 2005).

Along the Western Mediterranean continental slope, we can
A recent systematic detailed bathymetric mapping of the Medi- distinguish several areas characterized by strongly contrasted
terranean continental margins and deep basins (Brosolo et al., canyon morphologies, even if parts of this contrast can be referred
2012) (Fig. 1) has made it possible to highlight strong contrasts to differences in the availability of precise bathymetric data; it
between various submarine canyon networks cutting across the clearly appears that the most important and widespread canyon
Western and Eastern Mediterranean continental slopes. systems are observed along the northwestern Mediterranean Sea
continental slopes.

Along the northern coasts, and from West to East, we first

distinguish a network of canyons running across the Gulf of
Valencia and Catalonia slopes, and merging at depth into a
meandering channel through which most of the Ebro sediments
are transported into the abyssal plain. From the Pyrenean borders
to the vicinity of Marseille, the Gulf of Lion is itself characterized
by numerous canyons cut into a thick Pliocene and Quaternary
sedimentary blanket deposited by the bordering rivers and
particularly the Rhone. Available seismic data show that most of
these canyons are, however, superimposed on former submarine/
sub-aerial valleys created during the Messinian Salinity Crisis
(roughly between 6 and 5 My ago), when the sea level dropped by
more than 1200/1500 m as a consequence of the closing of the
oceanic connections between the Mediterranean and the Atlantic.
These canyons, being entailed into relatively unconsolidated
sediments show drastic morphologic and hydrologic regime
contrasts with the Catalonia canyons, but are comparable to most
of the canyons off Valencia, also cut into thick, soft sediments.
The meandering canyons and deep sedimentary channels seen
along the Gulf of Valencia and Gulf of Lion continental margins thus
participate in the sedimentary drainage mechanism towards the
deep surrounding basins. Further East, from Marseille to Genova,
the canyons, also mainly inherited from the Messinian low stand
sea level (and subsequent aerial erosion), cut across various
geological formations consisting either of massive limestone (east
of Marseille), metamorphic, volcanic rocks (from Toulon to Fréjus)
or various alpine tectonic units (from Cannes to Genova). Most of
these basement rocks are often directly exposed on the seabed.

A comparable setting characterizes western Corsica, and probably The Eastern Mediterranean
the western continental slope of Sardinia, where the Messinian Around the Eastern Mediterranean Sea, only the Calabria, Cyre-
erosion may have been superimposed on previous canyon naica and Western desert (Western Egypt) continental slopes
features inherited from the formation of the continental slope, some show significant canyon networks.
between 25 and 11 My during the rifting of a subsequent opening
of the Western Mediterranean basin; today the majority of these
canyons appears almost devoid of sediments, while along the Off Calabria, and as a consequence of the virtual absence of a
eastern margin of Corsica the canyons drain most of the erosion continental shelf, the few existing canyons are directly connected to
products towards the Corsica channel between the Corsican small mountain-supplied rivers and are subjected to strong erosion,
mainland and island of Elba. Except along part of the Sardinia and itself the consequence of an active general coastal uplift. Only a
North Sicily margin and off western Calabria, we cannot observe few significant canyons can be observed West of the Peloponnese,
significant canyons around the Tyrrhenian Sea; this is probably due South of Crete and Turkey and off the Levantine coasts. Little is
to the very recent age of this basin, which formed only in the last known on these canyons also located in active tectonic areas.
5 to 1 My, and the majority of whose continental slopes were thus Relatively numerous short canyons can be observed off Cyrenaica
not subjected to the Messinian crisis or aerial erosion. and the Western desert (Egypt). We believe that most of these
features originated during the Messinian low stand but, not being
connected with any aerial drainage system, they probably did not
By opposition to the northern Mediterranean Sea margins, the North evolve since that time, except maybe during various pluvial periods
African margins exhibit only short and sub-linear canyons, deeply in Quaternary times. Off the Nile delta, the Egyptian continental
imprinted on a quite narrow, geologically active, and probably margin shows a rather specific case where today a unique and
uplifting, continental slope. Moreover the onshore drainage system wide canyon can be seen just at the mouth of the Rosetta branch
consists mainly of short-lived rivers without regular water supply. of the Nile river; this canyon, the Rosetta canyon, feeds a complex
turbidite and meandering channel system, through which most
of the erosion products and nutrients originating from the Nile
drainage are dispersed into the deep Herodotus abyssal plain
several hundred kilometers away from the coast line. The present-
day Rosetta canyon is the last morphological expression of various
similar canyons cut by the Nile River since the Lower Pliocene (5 My)
but now deeply buried below the Quaternary deltaic deposits.

With the exception of a few short canyons in tectonically active

areas, such as in the Marmara Sea and North Anatolia trough
(North Aegean), no significant canyon can be observed within the
shallow Aegean Sea.

Fig. 1:
Morpho-bathymetry of the Mediterranean Sea showing the main canyon and channel systems around the basin.

CASE STUDIES The northern Ligurian margin
Along the northern Ligurian continental margin (Fig. 2), the
Two case studies are considered here: the northern Ligurian continental shelf width ranges from a maximum of 2 km to less
margin in the Western Mediterranean, and the Nile deep-sea fan in than 200 m at specific locations, as along the “Baie des Anges”
the Eastern Mediterranean. These two areas are different in terms in front of the city of Nice. The shelf break is located quite close to
of canyon morphology, evolution through time and number, and in the coastline, at an average of 50-100 m water depth, but could
terms of the tectonic and climatic context of formation. be shallower, i.e. less than 20 m of water depth, as in front of
Nice airport (Dan et al., 2007). The continental slope is steep and
extends over no more than 20 km to a water depth of 2000 m with
an average angle of 11° (Cochonat et al., 1993). The base of the
slope is characterized by a sharp decrease in the slope angle, to
less than 3°. In the deep part of the basin (2600 m of water depth),
the bathymetric gradient decreases to 1° or less. The marked
steepness of the continental slope is partly explained by a tectonic
inversion of the margin implying reactivation of inherited transverse
structures and development of new faults (Béthoux et al., 1992;
Larroque et al., 2009). Such tectonic reactivation is believed to be
responsible for the uplift of the margin which is evidenced by the
deformation to the north of the Messinian erosional surface. Uplift is
particularly pronounced off the city of Imperia (Italy) (Bigot-Cormier
et al., 2004; Sage et al., 2011). Reactivation is also responsible for
an enhanced activity of gravity processes on the continental slope
(Migeon et al., 2011).

Fig. 2:
Shaded bathymetric map of the northern Ligurian margin.
A is an example of a concave-up topographic profile as observed in the Var-Paillon canyon area.
B is an example of a convex-up topographic profile as observed in Roya-Nervia-Taggia canyon area.
FS is Fault Structure.

Small mountain-supplied rivers feed the western Ligurian margin; Based on morphological characteristics of the present-day
they are, from west to east, the Var, Paillon, Roya, Taggia and seafloor, the Ligurian margin can be divided in two western and
Argentina Rivers. On land, the rivers drain catchments that are eastern segments separated by a SW-NE trending ridge or Imperia
usually 200-300 km2 and consist of either metamorphic rocks Promontory (Larroque et al., 2011). From the city of Nice (France)
or calcareous and marls formation. The Var River is an exception to the Gulf of Genova (Italy; Fig. 2), seventeen canyons can be
in terms of its catchment area: it forms in the Southern Alps, at identified along the continental slope. They are, from west to east,
an altitude of 2352 m and 120 km inland, and drains a basin of the Var, Paillon, Roya, Nervia, Taggia, Verde, Mercula, Laigueglia,
2822 km2. All these rivers experience violent flash floods every Cuenta, Varatella, Pora, Finale, Noli, Vado, Polcevera, Bisagno
year, during the fall and spring. The average water discharge of and Levante Canyons. These canyons initiate either at a shallow
the Var River, about 50 m3/s, can increase tenfold during floods, water depth, directly at the mouth of some of the rivers feeding the
and suspended sediment concentration can reach tens of kg/ Ligurian continental slope and basin, or at greater depth, along the
m3. From the rating curve of the Var River (Mulder et al., 1998), outer continental shelf or even on the upper continental slope.
it is estimated that hyperpycnal currents could be generated
during river floods, with a return period of about 2 to 5 years.
The Var, Paillon, Roya, Nervia, Taggia and Verde canyons cut
Such turbulent flows are generated at the river mouth when the
the western margin segment, between Nice and Imperia (Fig. 3).
density of fresh water transporting suspended particles exceeds
Most of these canyons initiate at very shallow depths (< 10 m)
the density of the ambient seawater. In the case of the Var River, a
and connect directly to the mouth of the respective Var, Paillon,
critical concentration of suspended particles of 40-44 kg/m3 and a
Roya, Nervia and Argentina Rivers. The Verde canyon initiates
critical river discharge ranging from 620 to 1250 m3/s are required
at a greater depth (about 130 m), at the transition between the
to produce hyperpycnal flows.
outer continental shelf and upper continental slope; no river valley
or river deposits, following the same direction as this canyon
axis, have been identified on land. Most of these canyons are on
average 500-m deep and 2-5 km wide. They exhibit a V-shaped

Fig. 3:
Shaded bathymetric map illustrating the morphology of the western Ligurian margin.

cross-section profile, suggesting intense and active erosive Several factors may explain these differences. The present-
processes, or a U-shaped cross-section profile associated with day pathway of canyons is largely controlled by the pre-existing
thick accumulation of sediments on both sides of the canyons and topography inherited from the Messinian erosive period:
along their axis. This type of cross-section profile also correlates (1) V-shaped canyons are located in pre-existing narrow valleys that
with the general along-axis longitudinal profile of each canyon. For channelized gravity flows within and along constricted conduits
example, the Var and Paillon Rivers exhibit a concave-up profile, which increased their erosive power;
suggesting they reached a “state of equilibrium”, and are mostly
(2) U-shaped canyons developed in wider pre-existing valleys
characterized by U-shaped profiles. The Roya, Nervia and Taggia
that allowed gravity flows to spread laterally, reducing their erosive
canyons exhibit convex-up profiles suggesting that erosional
power and favoring sediment deposition.
processes must still be active within these canyons. They have
not yet reached a state of equilibrium, and V-shaped cross-section
profiles are predominant. Along the Verde canyon, the change from Faults that were active, at least during the Pliocene era, are
a U-shaped (upslope) to a V-shaped (downslope) profile attests to associated with V-shaped canyons and were weakness areas that
distinct dynamic behaviors occurring along a single canyon. favored stronger erosion processes. Then, the uplift of the margin,
mainly in front of Imperia during the Plio-Quaternary, caused a
gradual increase of the continental-slope angle and a continuous
change of its longitudinal topographic profile. Incision of canyons
will thus increase to re-establish an equilibrium (concave-up) profile.
Just after a modification of the margin topographic profile, erosion
will first start at the base of the canyon and then propagate in an

Fig. 4:
Side-scan sonar image obtained in the Roya canyon.
Note the presence of dune-like structures flooring the canyon.
The black arrows indicate the direction followed by gravity flows.

Fig. 5:
Shaded bathymetric map
illustrating the morphology
of the eastern Ligurian margin.

upslope direction. This could explain the increasing downslope On the segment of margin comprised between Imperia and
erosion observed in the downstream part of the Verde canyon Savone, the network of canyons exhibits a SW-NE to W-E trend,
(V-shaped cross-section profile) as compared with the depositional i.e. oblique to the general margin trend (Figs 2 and 5). This unusual
pattern (U-shaped profile) characterizing its upstream sector. pattern is due to the presence of a tectonic ridge, the Imperia
Promontory, and its progressive uplift during the Plio-Quaternary
(Larroque et al., 2011; Sage et al., 2011). In this area, the canyons
The Var, Paillon, Roya and Taggia canyons are still active nowadays
are 50-m deep or less and 1-2 km wide. All these canyons exhibit
in term of sediment transport. This is evidenced on side-scan
a linear along-axis topographic profile, suggesting they have not
sonar images by the absence of hemipelagic drape on the floor
yet reached their equilibrium profile and that erosion may be still
of their axis and the presence of coarse-grained (probably sand to
active within their axis. Conversely, they exhibit a U-shaped cross-
boulder) accumulations such as dune-like structures (Fig. 4).
section profile which suggests depositional processes. In fact,
seismic-reflection data collected perpendicular to the canyon axis
document alternations between short phases of erosion and longer
phases of deposition and vertical aggradations (Fig. 6A). Phases of
erosion are associated with a lateral migration of the canyon axis.
Such alternations between erosion and deposition are probably
related to stages of uplift of the Imperia Promontory or to sea level
fluctuations during the Quaternary era.

Fig. 6:
Seismic-reflection profiles illustrating the architecture of some of the canyons present along the eastern Ligurian margin.
Profile location shown in Figure 5.
The dotted red line represents the Messinian erosional surface.
The dotted blue lines highlight phases of canyon erosion.

The two largest canyons of the Ligurian margin lie offshore of Fig. 7:
Genova: the Polcevera and Bisagno canyons (Figs. 2 and 5). These Side-scan sonar image obtained
features are more than 700-m deep, 20-km wide and about 60- in the Polcevera canyon
km long. They are straight in the direction of the main slope angle. (see Figure 5 for location),
The two canyons exhibit a linear along-axis topographic profile, revealing the presence of abundant
fresh furrows flooring the canyon.
suggesting once more that erosive processes must predominate
within their axis. They mostly exhibit a V-shaped profile along their
pathway (Fig. 6B), confirming that erosion should be prevailing.
Their steep walls are also strongly affected by landsliding processes
(Fig. 6B). The present-day heads, which exhibit a well-developed
cauliflower-like pattern (Fig. 5), incise the outer continental shelf
and the upper continental slope. Such specific morphology results
from the repetitive triggering of small-scale submarine retrogressive
failures. Nowadays, the two canyons are not connected to fluvial
inputs, though side-scan sonar images, collected within their axis,
highlighted the presence of fresh erosional scours (Fig. 7). This
suggests a recent activity of particle transfer. We thus believe that
the local failure processes, affecting both the heads and flanks
of the canyons, maintain the present-day activity of sedimentary
processes and gravity flows within the canyons.

East of the Bisagno canyon, the Levante canyon exhibits first an

east-west trend, then merges with the Bisagno canyon and finally
pirates its main pathway (Fig. 5). The Levante canyon, about 300-
400-m wide and 50-70-m deep, displays an unusual meandering
plan-form pattern that usually corresponds to deep-sea turbidite
channels. The three canyons coalesce downslope to form the
5-km wide and 400-600-m deep Genova Submarine Valley
(Fig. 5). It exhibits a U-shaped cross-section profile (Fig. 8) and
its pathway is clearly constrained by the presence of major faults
bordering its right-hand side (looking down valley).

Fig. 8:
Seismic-reflection profile crossing the Genova Valley near the base of the continental slope. Profile location shown in Figure 5.
Note the presence of faults constraining the location of the right-hand (western) side of the valley.

The Nile deep-sea fan became inactive some 125,000 yrs ago (Ducassou et al., 2009).
The Nile deep-sea cone (see Fig. 1) is the largest Plio-Quaternary Finally, a Levantine Province is characterized by small-scale folding
silico-clastic accumulation of the Mediterranean Sea. The Nile which deforms the Quaternary deposits, and by a few channel-
River has delivered particles to the deep sea since the Messinian levee systems that can be observed up to the deep part of the
Salinity Crisis at least. The present-day Nile deep-sea fan, which basin, east and north of the Eratosthenes Seamount (Mascle et
built outwards over the Messinian evaporite, forms a 2000- al., 2006).
2500-m thick Pliocene and Quaternary sediment bulge. Offshore
the Nile sub-aerial delta, the continental shelf widens from west (Ducassou et al., 2009) documented that sediment dispersal
to east from 30 to 60 km. The continental-slope angle is usually across the Nile margin was strongly influenced by monsoon-
lower than 2°. Based on morphologic data, four main morpho- driven variations in sediment and water discharges from the Nile
structural provinces have been discriminated (Bellaiche et al., River, as well as by eustatic sea level fluctuations. Arid periods,
1999). A Western Province, located in continuity with the Rosetta mostly coeval with sea level lowstands, are characterized by high
branch off the Nile delta, is characterized by a dense network of rates of coarse-grained supply from the Nile. However, most of
turbidite channel-levee systems and large submarine landslides the sediment is trapped onshore due to low water discharges.
that repeatedly affected the upper continental slope (Garziglia et Conversely, pluvial periods, coeval with sea-level highstands, and
al., 2008; Loncke et al., 2002). A Central Province displays small, in some cases with sea-level rise or fall, produce lower volumes
progressive slope deformation of the uppermost tens of meters of of finer-grained particles, but in the meantime high water river
sediments, and numerous pockmark fields (Loncke et al., 2002). discharges lead to high-sediment transfer to the deep-sea, mainly
The base of the slope is itself deformed by salt-related faults. because of reworking of former deposits accumulated during arid
An Eastern Province contrasts with the two previous areas, as it periods. In the case of the Nile, increased sediment supply reflects
is strongly affected by active salt tectonics that have generated monsoonal intensity.
normal faults on the upper slope, and large-scale folds at the base
(Mascle et al., 2006). In this area, channel-levee systems were
built in relationship with the Damietta branch off the Nile River, but

Fig. 9:
Slope-gradient map illustrating the presence of canyon, channel-levee systems and failure-related scars on the Nile continental margin
offshore the Rosetta branch of the Nile subaerian delta.

In the western (or Rosetta) Province, four main channel-levee DSF6 is fed by the Rosetta Canyon (Figs. 9 and 10) located 30
systems have been active during the last 115 ka (Ducassou et al., km off the Rosetta branch mouth and breaching the upper slope
2009). The oldest channel-levee system (DSF3; Fig. 9) initiated through a 30-km wide scar induced by numerous slope failures.
about ~115 ka (Marine Isotope Stage 5). A second channel-levee Rosetta Canyon, which initiates on the outer continental shelf at
system (DSF4; Fig. 9) initiated at about 73-70 ka, at the end of the about 70 m water depth, (Fig. 10), is about 25 km long and is
Saharan Pluvial period. DSF3 and DSF4 were active simultaneously straight in the main direction of the continental-slope angle. The
during glacial stage 4 and inter stade MIS3 (73-50 ka). DSF3 finally canyon is about 200-250-m deep and narrows from 8 to 5 km
became inactive around 50 ka and a third channel-levee system downslope. The canyon head consists of imbricated semi-
(DSF5; Fig. 9) was built. DSF5 became inactive during MIS2 (25- circular scarps, 1 to 5 km wide, related to repetitive small-scale
14.8 ka), whereas DSF4 had reduced activity. A fourth system submarine failures which have merged into a typical cauliflower-like
(DSF6; Fig. 9) initiated during MIS3 at about 40 ka. DSF6 was morphology (Fig. 10). Within the canyon, the longitudinal along-
active during the mid and late Termination I (14.8-10 ka) and during axis topographic profile is rather linear but the whole DFS6, from
the early Holocene (10-~5 ka), while DSF4 had residual activity the canyon head to its distal lobe (Herodotus Plain), exhibits a
until about 10 ka. Except for the most recent one (DSF6), these concave-up profile, suggesting that equilibrium conditions were
channels are no longer connected to their feeding canyons which reached. In cross section, the Rosetta Canyon is characterized by
are probably buried or were reworked by mass-wasting events U- to poorly-developed V-shaped profiles where a large number of
(Garziglia et al., 2008). small-scale failures affected the canyon flanks (Fig. 10). Today the
Rosetta Canyon is not directly connected to the Rosetta branch
of the Nile, but connection could have existed during sea level
lowstands, such as in the Last Glacial Maximum. Most of the
gravity-flow deposits identified at the mouth of the DSF6 channels
are thus thought to originate from failures triggered in the canyon
head (Migeon et al., 2010).

Fig. 10:
Slope-gradient map focusing on the Rosetta Canyon. M.V. is mud volcano. AA’ and BB’ are two cross-section topographic profiles
of the Rosetta Canyon.

Fig. 11:
Bathymetric map illustrating the location of buried canyons offshore the Rosetta branch of the Nile delta
(Rouillard, 2010).

The use of 2D and 3D seismic-reflection data makes possible Canyon C3 (Figs. 11 and 12) is located within the upper Pliocene
to identify nine additional buried canyons in the area (Rouillard, sedimentary section, at depths varying between 750-1200 m below
2010) which were built since the Upper Pliocene along a 55-km the seafloor. Recognized over a distance of 9 km, this canyon is
wide segment of the continental shelf and upper continental slope relatively straight and exhibits in cross section a U-shaped profile
offshore the Nile Rosetta branch (Fig. 11). These buried canyons lie with a mean width of 3.5 km, and an axial incision varying between
at different stratigraphic levels (Fig. 12) suggesting a diachronous 200 and 350 m deep. Numerous semi-circular and imbricated
character. They have no, or little, expression on the present- scars, 0.2-1.5-km wide, affect its flanks (Fig. 13). C3 has incised
day seafloor. They all trend SE-NO, except the oldest identified the paleo-continental shelf over a distance of 6 km (Fig. 13).
one which trends SSE-NNO (Fig. 11). The nine canyons exhibit
different sizes, shapes, sinuosity, lengths of shelf incision (Fig. 13),
emphasizing various processes of formation and evolution through
time. We describe below a few canyons whose morphologies are
representative of the entire set of identified canyons.

Fig. 12:
Schematic graphic section illustrating the stratigraphic location of the identified canyons offshore the Rosetta branch of the Nile delta
(Rouillard, 2010).

Fig. 13:
Maps of the basal erosion of canyons C3, C5, C6 and C9.
The white dashed line shows the location of the paleo-shelfbreak. Thick black lines represent fault escarpments
(Rouillard, 2010).

Canyon C5 is located between the present-day Rosetta Canyon Finally, buried canyon C9 is located about 10 km north-east of
and canyon C3. Mapped over a distance of 10 km (Fig. 11), it canyon C6 (Fig. 11). Mapped within the Quaternary section over a
is located at depths between 500 m and 1050 m below the distance of 12 km and at depths between 250 and 800 m below
seafloor, at the transition between the Pliocene and Pleistocene the seafloor, this canyon has a head 1.5-km wide and about 250-m
sedimentary sections. This canyon exhibits in cross-section a deep (Fig. 13) which also shows a typical cauliflower-like plan-form
U-shaped profile and a longitudinal concave-up topographic profile morphology due to coalescing semi-circular small scars (Fig.
close to the theoretical equilibrium profile. It is about 3-km wide, 13). C9, which has incised the paleo-shelf over less than 2 km,
120-m deep and shows a relatively straight plan-form pattern. Its exhibiting a V-shaped cross-section profile and a well-developed
width decreases from 3000 m to 500 m toward the continent, and sinuous plan-form pattern.
its head has cut the paleo-shelf over a distance of more than 8
km (Fig. 13). A few semi-circular scars, 100-500-m wide, can be
From these morphological analyses, one can distinguish two
detected on the canyon flanks (Fig. 13).
types of canyons: (1) canyons characterized by cauliflower-like
heads restricted to the upper continental slope/outer shelf (C6,
Located north-east of the present-day Rosetta Canyon and canyon C9, Rosetta Canyon), and (2) canyons with a rather straight head
C5, canyon C6 is buried along the present-day eastern edge of the incising the continental shelf towards the coastline over much
wide scar seen on the upper continental slope (Figs. 9 and 11). longer distances (C3, C5). We believe that such differences reflect
Mapped at depths between 550 m and 1050 m below the seafloor different processes of canyon formation where erosion could be
in the Quaternary cover, it extends over a distance of 12 km. Its constrained either by local processes of retrogressive failures
head, characterized by numerous semi-circular scars (cauliflower- located at the shelf break, or by more continuous downslope
like plan-form pattern), incised the paleo-shelf over a distance of at processes related to high-sediment discharges delivered at the
least 2 km (Fig. 13). The head gradually widens downslope, from mouth of the Rosetta branch.
500 to 2000 m at the paleo-shelf break. Then, the canyon rapidly
widens toward the basin to reach a width of 4 km (Fig. 13). The
axial incision exhibits a V-shaped cross-section, 100-200 m deep,
and is slightly sinuous.


In addition to these four canyons, buried canyons C7 and C8, From this very rapid survey of the Mediterranean canyons and from
which also cut across the Quaternary section, are located south- two case studies, we can conclude that:
west of the present-day Rosetta Canyon (Figs. 11 and 12). Up
until now, only the present-day Rosetta Canyon can be related
— (1) The majority of present-day Mediterranean canyons are, like
with confidence to the most recent channel-levees system (DSF6)
the majority of rivers on land, mostly superimposed on tectonic
described by Ducassou et al. (2009). DSF6 initiated about 40 ka
lineaments, inherited either from earlier geological evolution, or,
and was still active until 5 ka. Because of its stratigraphic position
in the case of the Western Mediterranean Sea, from the various
and its location and direction, we suspect that C9 could have
continental margin creation or re-activation periods (rifting of the
been the source point for DSF4, active between 70 and 27 ka BP.
north-western basin, rifting of the Alboran and Tyrrhenian Seas).
Actually, C9 and the Rosetta Canyon may thus well have been
Some canyons are, however, closely controlled by surrounding
active synchronously. The potential feeding canyons of DSF3 and
active tectonic, which makes strong imprints on the continental
DSF5 have not been yet identified. As they should be located within
margin fabric and evolution (e.g. central Ligurian margin, Algeria,
the 30-km wide scar affecting the upper continental slope, they
Southern Calabria, Western Peloponnesus, Crete, Southern
may have been totally erased by the successive mass-wasting
events that created the scar. This suggests that more canyons
were likely to have existed during upper Pleistocene times.
— (2) Most of the upper domains of these features have been
deeply eroded by retrogressive mechanisms and in aerial
All these canyons show some east-west and west-east phases of
conditions, during the Messinian crisis when the sea level was
lateral migration which seem to be random. Each migration was
several hundred meters lower than today (possibly up to 1.5 km
probably sudden as no intermediate position of any canyon axis
has been observed between two successive phases of canyon
creation (Figs. 11 and 12). Such rapid lateral migrations are pro-
bably controlled by the migration/avulsion of the sub-aerial delta — (3) In contrast to the majority of Mediterranean canyons, the
branches, each avulsion leading to a more or less instantaneous Ebro, Rhone and Nile Rivers canyon systems are composed of
displacement of the main direction of particle fluxes towards the active canyons and channels cutting, and running across, deeply
continental shelf and slope, and of the main depocenter location. sedimented platforms and continental slopes. These canyons may
The real timing of the activity of a single canyon remains impossible be, though not necessarily, locally superimposed on, or inherited
to estimate in the absence of specific stratigraphic data from drilling from, previous canyons (e.g. Gulf of Lion). Alternatively, they
or coring. The correlation existing between the Rosetta Canyon and may have been created in response to climatic and/or eustatic
DSF6, and between canyon C9 and DSF4 suggests, however, a fluctuations (e.g. western Nile canyons).
time span for each canyon activity in the order of about 35-40 ka.
— (4) In all cases, important amounts of erosion sediments
are transported and distributed to the deep sea through these
canyons, which in turn act as conduits for nutrients to the deep
sea, particularly nearby coastlines bordering mountain chain areas,
and may thus act as hot spots for biological processes.

— (5) Along several north African margin segments, such as off

Libya and partly Maghreb, the canyons are almost disconnected
from any river providing regular input, and may consequently only
act as temporary pathways for sedimentary mass flows.


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Publication, London, pp. 146-166.


2.1. A refugium for the spawners
of exploited Mediterranean marine species:
the canyons of the continental slope of the Gulf of Lion
Henri Farrugio

Living marine resources in the Gulf of Lion constitute a "shared (Conger conger), cod (Trisopterus minutus capelanus), sole (Solea
stock" mostly exploited by French and Spanish trawlers on the spp.), sea bream (Sparus aurata), seabass (Dicentrarchus labrax),
continental shelf, and by French gillnetters and Spanish longliners pandora (Pagellus spp.), octopus (Eledone cirrhosa) and squid
on the continental slope which is incised by numerous submarine (Illex coindetii).
canyons (Fig. 1). At the end of 2007, two professional Spanish trawlers were
Scientific analysis of these resources is obtained from either "direct" chartered by the Spanish Institute of Oceanography (IEO) to carry
assessments performed by oceanographic vessels during surveys out an experimental trawling survey at depths of 300 to 700 m on
at sea, or "indirect" assessments using mathematical models the continental slope east of the Gulf of Lion, off the Petit Rhône
based on knowledge of the demography of landings, fishing efforts and Grand Rhône (Massuti et al., 2008). During this operation,
and the biological characteristics of the species. samples in size and weight of 27,280 specimens belonging to 15
These analyses suggest that maximum sustainable levels of commercially important species showed that the sector being
catches were theoretically exceeded as early as 1991 in the Gulf of explored could be considered as moderately exploited, given the
Lion for several species of demersal fishes, whose fishing mortality high yields of adult reproducers of several commercial species of
is mostly due to the practice of trawling on the continental shelf fish and crustacea, particularly hake, monkfish, Norway lobster
where young fish of small size are particularly abundant (Farrugio et and shrimps that were obtained (Fig. 2).
al., 1993). However, even though their levels of abundance are low,
most of these species are able to renew their stocks as their catch
levels have remained particularly stable over the past few decades. 4 5
This production is comprised in particular of hake (Merluccius 6
merluccius), red mullet (Mullus barbatus and Mullus surmuletus),
monkfish (Lophius piscatorius and Lophius budegassa), conger


1 Species
of high commercial

2 1. Blackmouth catshark, 5. Red shrimp,

Galeus melastomus Aristeus antennatus
2. Blue whiting, 6. European hake,
Micromesistius poutassou Merluccius merluccius
3. Monkfish, 7. Miscellaneous
1. French trawlers 3. French gillnetters Lophius piscatorius 8. Other
2. Spanish trawlers 4. Spanish longliners 4. Norway lobster,
Nephrops norvegicus
Fig. 1: Fig. 2:
Sectors of activity of the various components of the Franco-Spanish Specific composition of captures from the canyons
fishing fleet exploiting halieutic resources in the Gulf of Lion. in the eastern part of the Gulf of Lion.

These observations confirmed information gathered on experimental French fishermen consider that this zone should only be very
trawling surveys undertaken by IFREMER since 1957 to follow the moderately exploited by trawlers in order to preserve their
evolution of the abundance of the main populations exploited by resources. In fact, the continental slope can be thought of as a
fisheries in the Gulf of Lion. Originally focusing on depths from 10 refuge sheltering fishes, which have escaped juvenile fishing
to 250 m, these surveys were extended as from 1994 to a depth on the continental shelf and which can thus reach maturity and
of 500 m (MEDITS program). They showed that, for a considerable ensure minimum replacement of stocks which are at a precarious
number of species of commercial interest, juvenile fishes move level. Some 20 years ago, Caddy (1990) already presented the
between the coast and offshore areas depending on the seasons: hypothesis that sustainability of the majority of Mediterranean
the coastal strip is a preferred zone for "nurseries", as is also the fisheries depended on the paradigm of spawners' refugia; over the
edge of the continental slope for certain species. The most recent past decade, studies carried out by French and Spanish halieutic
surveys also showed that medium-sized fish and abundances of specialists have made it possible to quantify the extent of over-
several target species follow an east-west gradient : the subjects exploitation of growing subjects, especially in the case of hake.
concerned are smaller in the western part of the slope, where they For this species, recent scientific recommendations (GFCM, 2010)
are caught by both French and Spanish boats, than in the eastern target a 20% reduction in the capture of young hake, with the
part where there is less fishing activity and where, for most of the priority aim of doubling the estimated biomass of spawners, which
species of major commercial interest (including hake, monkfish is very low despite the refugia (3% of the virgin biomass, whereas
and shrimps), the size of the specimens caught on the slope are at 30% is generally considered to be the threshold below which there
least equal to their size at sexual maturity (Fig. 3). is a risk of recruitment collapse).
These observations are confirmed by observation of catches by
boats using gear installed on the sea bottom, such as gillnets and

Merluccius merluccius
(1998-2007 averages)
Early maturity
Trawling Net Longline

France Spain France Spain

Size of captures in canyons to the east

Lophius piscatorius - Nephrops norvegicus - Aristeus antennatus
Abundance indicators on the Shelf in Kg/Km2
(MEDITS SURVEY 2008) Early maturity

Species West East

Merluccius merluccius 1.83 18.56
Lophius piscatorius 39.74 308.84
Nephrops norvegicus 32.51 68.12

Fig. 3:
East-west gradient of density and frequency of incisions observed in captures made
on the continental shelf and canyons in the Gulf of Lion.

On the other hand, increased fishing activity would definitely result In response to a proposal forwarded by French and Spanish
in very rapid deterioration of the ecosystem and, given the already researchers, the Scientific Advisory Committee of the GFCM – one
intensive exploitation of juveniles on the continental shelf, a drastic of whose statutory roles is to develop proposals for measures
reduction in terms of restocking which would jeopardize all the promoting conservation and rational management of living marine
fisheries in the Gulf of Lion. resources – recommended in December 2008 that a fisheries area
In this respect, the example of the Gulf of Gascony has contributed with restricted access should be set up in a quadrilateral area of
additional information : as in the Gulf of Lion today, hake fishing in 205,000 hectares off the French coast. This zone contains three
the Atlantic consisted for many years of catching undersized fish submarine canyons named (from east to west) Estaque, Grand-
(following large-scale post-war catches of adults). A certain balance Rhône and Petit-Rhône, and part of the Marti canyon (Fig. 4). Their
seemed to have been restored, with undersized survivors capable slopes are steep, occasionally attaining over 20°. The inter-canyon
of reproduction in refugia in the Azores. In the 1980's, fishing for zones are less abrupt with slopes of 2° - 3° between depths of 180
spawners developed (with towed nets and longlines), without any and 2000 m. The area is situated outside the halieutic protection
decrease in the landings of juveniles (quite the contrary), thus zone set up by Spain in 1997 and inside the French ecological
impairing this balance and causing a severe drop in the levels of protection zone (Fig. 5).
the stock, which led to the introduction of emergency measures
and a plan to restore the balance. This recommendation (see appendix) was adopted at the 33rd
A similar risk now exists for hake in the Gulf of Lion, and most session of the GFCM held in March 2009 (Recommendation
probably for other important species as well. GFCM/33/2009/1: FAO, 2009); it states that the fishing effort for
demersal stocks carried out by vessels using towed nets, bottom
and mid-water longlines, and bottom-set nets shall not exceed
It is particularly vital to protect "cryptic populations" of adult fish
the level applied in 2008 in the fisheries restricted area. To this
taking refuge in the canyons because large females are much more
end, Members and cooperating non-members of the GFCM are
fertile, the number of eggs rising exponentially with size for most
required to keep a register of vessels authorized to fish in the area,
species; with age, these eggs are increasingly larger, which raises
to ensure that those without any record of fishing in the area prior
the chances of survivial for the larvae. Advanced age is also a sign
to December 31st, 2008, are not authorized to start fishing therein.
of robustness, and large spawners are reservoirs and distributors
The register must contain the list of vessels which were using
of “good” genes. As Froese recommended in 2001 ("Let the mega-
towed nets, bottom and mid-water longlines and bottom-set nets
spawners live"), ensuring long life for a non-exploited spawning
in the area in 2008, and the legal provisions in force on December
fraction of the stock thus seems to be the best guarantee against
31st, 2008, regarding the maximum time allowed for daily fishing,
the risk of its over-exploitation.
the maximum number of days a vessel can stay out at sea, and the
legally compulsory time-period between the fishing vessels' exit
Safeguarding the refuge zones has thus become an urgent and return to their registered ports.
priority. The recommendation also provides for protection of the restricted
access area from the impact of any other human activity, which
may jeopardize the conservation of the characteristic features of
this particular habitat as a zone of spawners' aggregation.

French territorial waters

20 NM
Outside the Spanish halieutic Inside the French
protection zone (1997) ecological protection zone
20 NM 598 NM2
(2051 km2 - 205,100 ha)
100-1000 m


1. Marti 2. Petit Rhône 3. Grand Rhône

Fig. 4: Fig. 5:
Geographic location of the fisheries area with restricted access as Location of the fisheries area with restricted access
adopted in 2009 by the General Fisheries Commission compared with zones of Spanish halieutic and French
for the Mediterranean. ecological protection.


Caddy, J.F., 1990. Options for the regulation of Mediterranean RECOMMENDATION GFCM/33/2009/1
demersal fisheries. Natural Resource Modeling, 4, 427–475. ON THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A FISHERIES
FAO, 2009. - General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean.
Report of the 33rd session. Tunis, March 23-27, 2009. GFCM
Report. No. 33. Rome, FAO. 2009, 132pp.
The General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean
FAO, 2010. - Report on fishing and aquaculture N° 936 FIPI/R936
(Bi), 2010. Report of the 12th session of the Scientific Advisory
Committee. Budva, Montenegro, January 25-29, 2010, 176pp. RECALLING that the objective of the Agreement establishing the
General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean is to promote
the development, conservation, rational management and best
Farrugio, H., Oliver, P. and F. Biagi, 1993. An overview of the history,
utilization of living marine resources;
knowledge, recent and future research trends in Mediterranean
fisheries. Scientia Marina, 57 (2-3), 105-119.
RECALLING Recommendation GFCM/29/2005/1 on the
management of certain fisheries exploiting demersal and deepwater
Froese, R., 2004. Keep it simple: three indicators to deal with
species and, notably, Article 1 therein;
overfishing. Fish and Fisheries, 5, 86-91.

CONSIDERING that the Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC)

Massutí, E., Ordinas, F., González, N., Pérez, A., Guijarro, B.,
assesses that several stocks are overexploited, some with a
Fernández de Arcaya, U., Rubio, U. and G. Pomar, 2008.
high risk of collapse, and that sustainable management requires
Informe del seguimiento científico de la acción Piloto RAI/AP-
that measures aimed at limiting the capture of juveniles are
26/2007: pesca experimental con arte de arrastre de fondo en
el Golfo de León (Mediterráneo noroccidental), 112pp.

REAFFIRMING its commitment to further improving the gear

selectivity of demersal trawl fisheries beyond what can be achieved
by a minimum 40 mm square mesh size with a view to ensure
better protection of juveniles of several species as well as to reduce
discarding practices in a multispecies context;

CONSIDERING that selectivity of some fishing gears cannot go

beyond certain level in Mediterranean mixed fisheries and that, in
addition to the overall control and limitation of the fishing effort and
fleet capacity, it is fundamental to limit the fishing effort in areas in
which adults of important stocks aggregate in order to allow these
stocks to deliver the necessary recruitment, thus allowing for their
sustainable exploitation;

NOTING that the SAC advises to ban the use of towed and fixed
gears and longlines for demersal resources in an area on the
continental shelf and slope of the Eastern Gulf of Lions;

CONSIDERING that more scientific information is needed with a

view to understand the relevance of other adjacent areas on the
continental shelf and slope for the protection of spawners and
sensitive habitats as well as to better known the level and spatial
distribution of the fishing effort exerted;

PENDING the delivery of this additional information by the SAC;

ADOPTS in conformity with the provisions of paragraph 1 (b) and 7. For the fisheries restricted area referred to in paragraph 1,
(h) of Article III and Article V of GFCM Agreement that: Members and Cooperating non- Members of GFCM shall call the
attention of the appropriate national and international authorities in
order to protect this area from the impact of any other human activity
1. The fishing effort for demersal stocks of vessels using towed
jeopardizing the conservation of the features that characterize this
nets, bottom and mid-water longlines, bottom-set nets shall not
particular habitat as an area of spawners' aggregation.
exceed the level of fishing effort applied in 2008 in the fisheries
restricted area of the eastern Gulf of Lions as bounded by lines
joining the following geographic coordinates: 8. Boundaries of the area and conditions to fish therein as referred to
42°40'N, 4°20' E; 42°40'N, 5°00' E; 43°00'N, 4°20' E; 43°00'N, in previous paragraphs may change on the basis of SAC advice.
5°00' E.

2. Members and cooperating non-Members of GFCM shall

communicate to the GFCM Executive Secretary not later than
June 2009 the list of vessels that have used towed nets, bottom
and mid-water longlines, bottom-set nets in the area referred to in
paragraph 1 in the year 2008.

3. The list shall contain the following information for each vessel:
- Name of vessel
- Register number
- GFCM unique identifier (country ISO 3-alpha code + 9
digits, e.g. xxx000000001)
- Previous name (if any)
- Previous flag (if any)
- Previous details of deletion from other registries (if any)
- International radio call sign (if any)
- Type of vessel, length overall and gross tonnage (GT) and/
or gross registered tonnage (GRT)
- Name and address of owner(s) and operator(s)
- Main gear(s) used to fish in the fishery restricted area
- Seasonal period authorized for fishing in the fishery
restricted area
- Number of fishing days exerted by each vessel in the year
2008 and number of fishing days exerted in the fishery restricted

4. Members and cooperating non-Members of GFCM shall

establish a register of the fishing vessels authorized to fish in the
area which ensure that the vessels not having records of fishing in
the area prior 31 December 2008 are not authorized to start fishing

5. Members and cooperating non-Members of GFCM shall

communicate to the GFCM Executive Secretary not later than
September 2009 the legal conditions, as in force at 31 December
2008, as for the maximum time of daily fishing activity, the maximum
number of days a vessel can stay at sea as well as the compulsory
timing between the exit and return to the registered port of their
fishing vessels.

6. Members and cooperating non-Members of GFCM shall ensure

that fishing vessels operating in the area respect their obligation as
in force at 31 December 2008 as for the maximum time of daily
fishing activity, the maximum number of days a vessel can stay at
sea as well as the legally compulsory timing to exit and return to
the registered port.

2.2. The fisheries importance of four submarine canyons
in the spanish Mediterranean sea: Cap de Creus,
Palamós, Cape Tiñoso and Alborán platform canyons
Silvia Revenga Martinez de Pazos
Spanish General Secretariat for Fisheries*, Ministry for Agriculture, Food and Environment.



Submarine canyons and seamounts are “milestones” in the Another example of zoning in fisheries, in this case “artificial“, are
marine bottoms having singular characteristics in relation to the the polygons of artificial protection reefs which, at the request of
surrounding bottoms (Würtz, 2010). They are places that show the artisanal fishing community, have mainly been deployed in the
high “geo-diversity”. The improvement of our knowledge about spanish Mediterranean sea by the Spanish General Secretariat
marine bottoms, resulting from research undertaken over the past for Fisheries of the Ministry for Agriculture, Food and Environment,
20 years, is based on a number of scientific papers on marine with the aim of protecting sensitive bottoms of fishing interest, like
dynamics and the consequences from the ecological and fisheries Posidonia oceanica meadows in the Mediterranean. Like these
point of view, which can be summarized in the following three artificial reefs, canyons fulfil the function of a kind of natural spatial
points: marine planning for some fisheries.

1. - Orography: sharp profiles such as steep slopes, zones of Summing up, these three key factors describing the arrival of
narrow steps or valleys, cause fundamental changes in marine nutrient-rich waters inside a canyon, surfaces with structures of
dynamics and the flows of energy transfers. The area of the natural protection that offer several kind of bottoms, geogenic
Cap de Creus canyon, one of the most widely studied in the and biogenic, some with three-dimensional structures that form
Mediterranean, allows us to know more about its functions as a habitats and, finally, the fact that canyons are zones free from
structure situated between the continental platform and the slope. bottom trawling, allow us to see the important role canyons play
According to the abundant scientific information resulting from as protected areas for spawning and breeding of marine species,
diverse projects carried out in this area, the regime of cold, dry some of them of fishing interest.
winds during a part of the year favours the arrival of nutrients to the
deep zones. The canyon is thus rather like an oasis, that is to say, a
Company et al. (2008) defined the ecological and fisheries role of
zone of protection and feeding for the species, including demersal
the canyons by offering the following comparison: “canyons would
species of commercial interest.
be for demersal fishing species the equivalent of upwellings for
pelagic fishing species”.
2. – The supply of nutrients to these deep zones allows the
development of significant biodiversity along a gradient of physical
Progress in the collecting of scientific knowledge has placed
parameters from the upper edge to the inner parts of the bottoms of
protection and sustainable use of submarine canyons on
the walls. Some groups such as gorgonians, white or deep corals
international agendas as a result of the efforts undertaken by
and some sponges, considered as habitat-builder organisms when
countries, multilateral organisms, the European Union and leading
growing in “gardens”, generate biogenic structures for shelter that
organisations in conservation programmes such as the IUCN.
enhance the protection factor for spawners and their recruitment
Furthermore, the extensive possibilities for exchanging information
offered by the canyon.
that exist today help to build a favourable background for decision-
taking based on reliable data, targeting the sustainable use of the
3. - Zones protected from certain fishing gears: because of their marine environment and the practise of responsible and sustainable
sharp profiles, canyons are zones protected from bottom trawling. ways of fishing, within the framework of close collaboration between
Canyons therefore promote a kind of “natural zoning” in local coastal countries around the Mediterranean sea.
fisheries, i.e. they spatially segregate different gears, allowing for
long-line and some artisanal fisheries activities, both proportionately
more selective than bottom trawling.
* Before 2012, Spanish General Secretariat for the Sea.

International meetings, such as the one on Focal Points for Spe- THE FISHING FOOTPRINT IN THE AREA
cially Protected Areas within Barcelona Convention held in June OF THE CAP DE CREUS CANYON,
2010 in Istanbul (Turkey), or the one in Procida (Italy) organised NORTHEASTERN MEDITERRANEAN
by IUCN, gather experts who contribute the most up-to-
date knowledge, and constitute essential steps towards the
Canyons, as privileged environments for marine ecology and for
establishment of Marine Protected Areas, and among them,
fisheries, are considered good fishing grounds. So this fishing
those far away from shorelines, including areas beyond national
interest should be made compatible to fisheries, improved on
jurisdictions. These meetings also call for collaboration between
the basis of the best scientific knowledge and minimum impact.
experts and agents in all the fields, scientists, but also experts
The exhaustive knowledge of the boats and fishermen as crucial
in international law, focusing on governance and management
stakeholders within the framework of the protection of canyons
aspects which need to be addressed (IUCN, 2010). They are
and their potential management plans is a crucial first step towards
quite definitely indispensable for shortening distances between
ascertaining, in advance, the compatibility between an area’s
objectives written into different international agendas, such as those
protection and sustainable fisheries activity.
introduced for 2012, or resulting from the Convention on Biological
Diversity (CBD) or the recommendation on Marine Protected Areas
issued at the V World-wide Parks Congress celebrated in Durban The fishing footprint (Fig. 1) is the result of three steps and can be
(South Africa) in the context of the IUCN Program 2009-2012. credited to collaboration from units within the General Direction of
Fishing Resources and Aquaculture, with assessment provided by
experts in the previous handling of fisheries data. The first step
In this respect, Spain and the European Union are now making an
focused on an exhaustive study of the fishing sector in the area,
important effort within the framework of the LIFE + INDEMARES
taking artisanal fishery, that cannot be tracked through vessel
2009-2013 project, focusing on obtaining sound scientific know-
monitoring system (VMS), on one hand, and the rest of the fishing
ledge on ten Spanish marine areas candidates for the marine
fleet on another hand, this time through VMS tracking, along several
Nature 2000 Network, two of which contain canyons: the Cap de
years monitoring; the second step then consisted of processing
Creus in the Gulf of Lion area, and Avilés Canyon in the “Cantábrico”
the data supplied by the Spanish Fishing Monitoring Centre and
Sea, (northern Spanish Atlantic Sea).
data obtained via the VMS; and, thirdly, processing of all the data
by CSIC experts using the Geographic Information System (GIS).
As part of this project, the Spanish High Council of Scientific
Investigations (CSIC) and the Spanish General Secretariat for
Fisheries have collaborated in obtaining the fisheries “footprint”
for the area of study of Cap de Creus, where we can assert that
the canyons are, generally speaking, favourable areas for a marine
ecosystem-based management approach, in which some fisheries
of low impact take place, excluding bottom trawling.

Fig. 1:
Physical and ecological characterization of the marine area of Cap de Creus:
trawler footprints all year round in the area of the Cap de Creus Canyon, northwest Spain,
from Gili et al. (2011).

The work of the LIFE+ INDEMARES project in the area of the Cap FISHING IN OTHER CANYONS:
de Creus canyon has come to a very logical conclusion: the most THE CANYON OF PALAMÓS (GIRONA),
rugged bottoms are the best conserved, as they show much THOSE OF CAPE TIÑOSO (MURCIA)
less fishing activity, specially no bottom trawling. The study of the AND ON THE PLATFORM OF THE ISLAND
“fishing footprint“ in the area of the Cap de Creus was completed OF ALBORÁN (ALMERÍA)
at the end of the research, but experts are now keen to learn about
this footprint as soon as possible in order to plan the field work,
South of the Cap de Creus, in other areas with canyons like that
since it can be very useful in identifying potential “hot spots” inside
of Palamós off the coast of Girona, or in the canyons in front of
the areas of study, that is to say, the ones showing lower fishing
Cape Tiñoso off the coast of Murcia, the fishing footprint has also
intensity and, therefore, areas where sampling efforts should be
been studied, while on the Alborán platform there are no true
canyons, even though fishers talk about them as being rather deep
“beaches” good for deep fisheries.
In these circumstances, we see that the fishing footprint, as it gives
evidence of the zones with lower fishing pressure, has turned out
In the case of the Canyon of Palamós, south of Cap de Creus, the
to be a useful tool in order to plan future work in the sea, always
fishing footprint (Fig. 2) has been studied within the framework of
very complex and costly in both time and funds.
the preliminary project for the possible creation of a marine reserve
off Girona, in the surrounding area of the “Illes Formigues”- Costa
In the case of the Cap de Creus canyon research, close colla- Brava, since the head of the canyon is a zone of fishing interest in
boration between the General Direction of Fishing Resources and the northern part of the study area.
Aquaculture and the team of scientists from the CSIC under the
direction of Dr. Josep María Gili has allowed us to establish the
Fishermen are aware of the importance of these canyons in
fishing footprint in the Cap de Creus canyon within the framework
relation to fishing for red shrimp (Aristeus antennatus), of very
of the LIFE+ INDEMARES project, using Geographic Information
high commercial value and whose extraction in the western
Systems (GIS) tools. The report also deals with the integrated
Mediterranean developed fully from the 1940’s or 1950’s as gears
concept of “métier” that combines fishing gear with objective
began to reach greater depths (Bas, 1966). This fisheries activity
species, geographic zones and seasonality, “covering the local
with marked swings from year to year, due to the factor recently
called “submarine waterfalls” by CSIC researchers, shows that
the surface and marine bottoms present a greater connection
In this same sense, the concept of “métier” helps us to identify than initially expected, though now already indicated in recent
precisely and without any doubt the fishing sector affected by the advances.
future MPA and therefore necessarily to be taken into account by
stakeholders in order to tackle regulation of fisheries in the zones
to be protected.

We should point out that, in the marine environment, fisheries, while

not being the only human activity, are one of the most important to
deal with for conservation purposes.

The basic tool in a management plan is zoning, applied in

accordance with the precautionary approach, where fisheries are
respectful of the habitat and carried out by the zone’s traditional
fishermen, and with some codes of best practices which can
be incorporated by means of clear and transparent agreements
between the sector and the managers in charge of the protected
area. This principle is to be applied to all the stakeholders affected
by the MPA, including the fishing sector, one of the most deeply
concerned by sustainable fishing, making well-conserved canyons
possible in all their integrity and functionality, that is to say,
harmonizing protection and conservation with sustainable use.

This could be considered as a kind of ecosystem-based Fig. 2:

management approach applied to the fisheries. Spain is precisely
Trawlers in the Canyon of Palamós, northwest Spain.
a leader in the case of marine reserves of fishing interest focusing Fishing footprint in the marine area of Illes Formigues - Costa Brava
on the enhancement of fisheries while protecting marine habitats (Goutayer, 2009) on behalf the General Secretariat for the Sea.
in a similar scheme aiming to protect canyons and their traditional

Thus, the red shrimp would be subject to periodic processes of
disappearance related to downward currents that displace the
populations to deep waters, beyond 1.000 meters in depth. These
privileged areas for recruitment, rich in nutrients thanks to the effect
of these same currents, would seem to guarantee regeneration of
the resource, subject to an important fishing effort, given its high
value, and allow “re-appearances” of the fisheries with good results
in catches, as a consequence of the refuge effect for species
inside the canyon.

Similarly, the fishing footprint in the area in front of Cape Tiñoso

(Figs. 3, 4 and 5), off the coast of Murcia, offers a clear spatial
organization of fisheries, where the presence of trawlers clearly
outlines the head of the canyons, whereas other gear such as
drifting long-lines do not present this spatial concentration.

On the platform of the Island of Alborán (Fig. 6), no studies have Fig. 3:
yet been made on the fishing footprint, but traditional fishing Trawling activity 2005-2010 off Cape Tiñoso, southeast Spain, from
grounds for red shrimp adopt the forms of the two beaches, called Fisheries activity and footprint in the area off Cape Tiñoso (Murcia)
“embarres”, that run north and south around the island of Alborán, (Goutayer, 2011) on behalf the General Secretariat for the Sea.
where bionomic cartography is the subject of a study forming part
of the Life + INDEMARES project.

In this case, the existence of both the marine reserve and the
fishing reserve of the island of Alborán, created in 1998 by the
General Secretariat for the Sea, where regulated fisheries exist
beyond the fully protected area around the island, known as the
integral reserve, will definitely facilitate fishing activity regulations in
the future marine protected area. Twenty-five years of experience in
Spain with marine reserves policy show that sustainable fisheries
in a marine protected area provide feed back for both conservation
and production objectives.

Once again, the road map: reliable scientific knowledge from

scientists and managers, and a sound governance scheme as
drivers of the management tool. With this approach, the extraction
sector should definitely be one of the most interested to participate,
in order to have a management tool built on the best scientific
knowledge of marine ecosystems and best practises, within the Fig. 4:
context of adaptative fishing management which would, no doubt, Artisanal fisheries 2005-2010 off Cape Tiñoso (Murcia) (Goutayer, 2011)
benefit all; fishermen, managers and, of course, society. on behalf the General Secretariat for the Sea.

Fig. 5:
Drifting long-lines activity 2005-2010 off Cape Tiñoso (Murcia)
(Goutayer, 2011) on behalf the General Secretariat for the Sea.

Fig. 6:
Map of the marine platform off the Island of Alborán, 2011, Marine Reserves,
Spanish General Secretariat for the Sea. Geo data-base, compiled by
Morán (2011).


Bas, C., 1966. La Gamba Rosada. (Aristeus antennatus). Publica- Acknowledgments

ciones Técnicas de la Junta de Estudios de Pesca, 143-155. Special thanks for the collaboration of the Spanish Fishing
Monitoring Centre of the General Secretariat for Fisheries, to Dr.
Company, J.B., Puig, P., Sardá, F., Palanques, A., Latasa, M. et al., J.M Gili and his team: Madurell T., Requena S., Orejas C., Gori
2008. Climate Influence on Deep Sea Populations. PloS ONE 3(1): A., Purroy A., Domínguez C., Lo Iacono C., Isla E., Lozoya J.P.,
e1431.doi :10.1371/journal.pone.0001431. Carboneras C, Grinyó J. (LIFE+ INDEMARES Project, 2011) and
to J. Goutayer, consultant adviser for the marine environment,
Gili, J.M., Madurell, T., Requena, S., Orejas, C., Gori, A., Purroy, A., fisheries and artificial reefs (on behalf the General Secretariat for
Domínguez, C., Lo Iacono, C., Isla, E., Lozoya, J.P., Carboneras, the Sea), for the maps and reports on the fishing footprint in the
C. and Grinyó, J., 2011. Caracterización física y ecológica del área marine area of Illes Formigues - Costa Brava and off Cape Tiñoso
marina del Cap de Creus. Informe Final área LIFE+ INDEMARES (Murcia).
(LIFE07/NAT/E000732). Instituto de Ciencias del Mar/CSIC,
Barcelona. Coordinación: Fundación Biodiversidad, Madrid, Spain.
272 pp.

Goutayer, J, 2009. Fishing Footprint in the marine area of Illes

Formigues - Costa Brava. Preliminary Report for the future marine
reserve of Illes Formigues - Costa Brava. General Secretariat for the
Sea. Ministry of Environment and Rural and Marine Affairs. Spain.

Goutayer, J., 2011. Fishing Footprint off Cape Tiñoso (Murcia,

Spain). Preliminary Report for the future marine reserve off Cape
Tiñoso. General Secretariat for the Sea. Ministry of Environment
and Rural and Marine Affairs, Spain.

IUCN, 2010. Towards a better Governance of the Mediterranean.

IUCN, Gland, Switzerland and Málaga, Spain, 39pp.

Morán, J., 2011. Geo data-base. Marine Reserves, General

Secretariat for the Sea, Ministry of Environment and Rural and
Marine Affairs, Spain.

Würtz, M., 2010. Mediterranean Pelagic Habitat: Oceanographic

and Biological Processes, An overview. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland
and Málaga, Spain, 88pp.

2.3. Impact of fishing techniques on the continental slope
and mitigation measures, primarily focusing on trawling
for deep-sea crustaceans and ghost net fishing
Jacques Sacchi
Fisheries Technologist – Sète (France)


Until the turn of the 1980's, fishing beyond the continental shelf In the Mediterranean, deep-water fishing uses trawl nets, gillnets,
was in fact carried out in the Mediterranean only in areas where long-lines and traps. The first two are largely responsible for the
the narrowness of the continental shelf limited fishing to resources degradation of the ecosystem of canyons and the continental
on the upper part of the slope, notably in canyon heads; it was slope.
only with the appearance of modern methods of winching and
positioning that it was able to progress towards deeper waters.
The massive introduction from the 1980's onwards of cheap fishing
While most landings of Mediterranean fish are caught on the gear from the Far East led to spectacular development of fishing
continental shelves, some fisheries thus extended their activities with gillnets and trammel nets. Practised more in canyons and
beyond the continental slope, motivated in particular by growing breaks in the slopes, this kind of fishing particularly targets hake
demand for high-value species such as large hake (Merluccius (Merluccius merluccius) using gillnets (Gulf of Lion, Tuscany), spiny
merluccius) and monkfish (Lophius piscatorius), as well as lobster (Palinurus mauritanicus and P. elephas) using trammel nets,
deep-sea crustaceans such as pink spiny lobster (Palinurus red sea-bream (P. bogaraveo) using trammels (Ionian Sea).
mauritanicus), Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) and large
shrimps (Parapandalus longirostris, Aristeomorpha foliacea, Aris-
teus antennatus). More productive and easier to use, these types of fishing gear
developed to the detirment of bottom lines and traps. The case of
Greek fishing for red sea-bream in the Ionian Sea is one example.
However, even though it does not have a very long past, "deep- These fisheries, which had mostly used long-lines since the 1980's,
water" Mediterranean fishing already found itself confronted by soon turned to trammel fishing with extremely high yields attaining
problems of over-exploitation in the case of certain fisheries, and 46 kg/1000 m in the late 1990's, only to collapse very quickly in the
endangerment of large competing predators such as cetaceans following years (Damalas et al., 2010).
and sharks.

Two bottom-trawling strategies on the continental slope have made

Populations on the continental slope belong to a low-productivity their appearance in the Mediterranean over the past 30 years: one
ecosystem which renews itself slowly, and can therefore only alternating fishing on the continental slope and on steep slopes to
tolerate very limited rates of exploitation. The apparent abundance a depth of about 200 m, and the other, more specialized, practised
that high commercial yields led fisheries to hope for often only in soft bottoms of the slope, mainly targeting crustacean decapods
derives from greater vulnerability of the targeted species to fishing (Parapenaeus longirostris, Nephrops norvegicus, Aristaeomorpha
gear, either due to the formation of large concentrations (spawning) foliacea).
or to easier access to these resources (angle of the slope, rocks
The potential for expansion of these fisheries is, however, limited
due to the high cost of investment and exploitation. These fishing
gears in fact require vessels large enough to undertake long fishing
trips, often far from the coasts and disposing, among other things,
of hydraulic winches with considerable winding capacities (over
2,000 m of towing warps), high-performance gear for detection
(deep-water echo-sounders) and positioning (electronic charting,

The majority of stocks of deep-water shrimps show symptoms of The importance of discards can occasionally be negligible,
overfishing (Carbonell et al., 2003; Campillo, 1994; Fiorentino et al., particularly for mixed fisheries which tend to commercialize
1998; D'Onghia et al., 1998) or even depletion at a very early stage, virtually all of their catches, including those of individuals of illegal
as in Liguria (Orsi Relini and Relini, 1988). commercial size (D’Onghia et al., 2003; Carbonell et al., 2003).

Likewise, the replacement of bottom longlines by the trammel On the other hand, for fisheries more specialized in the exploitation
technique, more efficient and also ensuring a more intense fishing of deep-water crustaceans, discards often represent over 40%
effort, led to the disappearance in just a few years of Greek fishing of the catches (D’Onghia et al., 2003; Duruer et al. 2008); a
for red sea-bream in the south-eastern part of the Aegean Sea significant share of these discards consisting of elasmobranches
(Damalas et al., 2010). (Tudela, 2004) and species of small size, of no commercial interest
(Myctophidae, Notacanthidae, Alepocephalidae, Apogonidae,
Trachichthydae, Cynoglossidae and Macrouridae).
The impact of trawling for deep-water crustaceans (spiny lobster,
red shrimp) concerns more particularly the muddy bottoms of the
continental slopes. Given the low level of external disturbances that Fisheries specializing in trawling for deep-water crustaceans are
can reach these depths, these bottoms are consequently highly by nature more liable to produce discards than others, due to the
sensitive to trawling. Trawl otter-boards which penetrate them more fact that the limited capacity of the fish holds demands fastidious
deeply than in coarser sediments make a lasting impact on the sea manual sorting, so that priority is given to keeping only shrimps,
bottom and the structure of the macrobenthos. spiny lobsters and a limited number of high-value species.

Given the recognized slowness of the reconstitution of these Even at higher levels, fisheries using static nets (for hake, spiny
ecosystems, these modifications have more or less long term lobster, red sea-bream) are also faced by problems of discards,
consequences, hard to quantify, on trawling exploitation, notably which are more or less important depending on their ability to
due to the reduction of nurseries of the targeted species and their commercialize secondary catches and the soaktime (several
replacement by species of lower commercial interest (Jones, 1992; days for crawfish caught with trammel nets). Non-commercialized
Ball et al., 2000, in Tudela, 2004) (Fig. 1). species also include a significant proportion of elasmobranches
(Galeus melanostomus, Chimaera monstruosa, Scyliorhinus cani-
cula, Emopterus spinax).
While the risk of degradation of the substrates is much less serious
with static gear (longlines, traps, gillnets), the loss of nets can also
lead to modification of the biotope by stifling and destroying fixed In terms of size, the composition of fisheries' catches on the
flora and fauna or, inversely, by serving as a fixation support for continental slope show that they generally consist of high
colonial invertebrates. proportions of large individuals of species caught on continental
shelves, leading one to suppose that the canyons with their more
difficult access might constitute areas of refuge (Caddy, 1990) for
spawning. Consequently, over-intensive exploitation of these areas,
or exploitation focusing on catching large fish, can only be harmful
with regard to the sustainability of existing exploitations.

Fig. 1: Fig. 2:
Main factors responsible for the impact of bottom trawling. (a) Trawl otter- Abandoned trammel net hooked on a wreck and maintaining fully its fishing
boards cause dispersion of the softest sediment and formation of furrows; surface (ROV observation, Gulf of Lion, depth 98 m).
(b) the groundline scrapes the surface layer of the substrate and shears
upright species; (c) the bridles also disperse sediment when dragging
along the sea bottom.

MANAGING THE « GHOST NETS » PROBLEM For gillnets and trammels, distancing the webbing from the bottom
AND THE IMPACTS OF DEEP SEA FISHING GEARS by mounting it on the leadline with a double bottom rope or large
staples can significantly reduce the capture of unwanted benthic
The phenomenon of ghost fishing associated with deep-water species (various benthic fish, crustaceans and predatory or
net fishing has been addressed by several studies (Brown et al., necrophagous echinoderms (Fig. 3).
2005), but unfortunately in too small a number in the Mediterranean
(Sacchi in Fantared 2, 2003). The loss or abandon, either total or In the case of gillnets, choosing a mesh best-suited to the size of
partial, of nets during fishing expeditions (Fig. 2), or their accidental the targeted species is the simplest technical solution for improving
destruction during trawling activity, leads to mortality among the selectivity; however, raising the mesh size does not always give
targeted species (hake, monkfish, red sea-bream, capon, spiny the results expected and can lead to larger catches of secondary
lobster), but also non-commercial catches of invertebrates and juvenile species (Sacchi, 2002). Tangling caused by excessively
elasmobranches (Paramola cuvieri, Scyliorhinus canicula, Galeus loose webbing leads to the capture of large individuals and non-
melastomus, Etmopterus spinax, Chimaera monstruosa, etc.). fusiform species (monkfish, skate, spiny lobster) and is the major
cause of landings and discarding of unwanted species (Sacchi,
For fisheries beyond depths of 200 m, these accidental catches 2008).
can last several months (Mediterranean) or even several years, as
along the continental slope of the Norwegian coasts (Humborstad The use of square-mesh codends helps to significantly reduce
et al., 2003), due to low hydrodynamism and fouling at these the quantity of juvenile commercial species that are caught and
depths in the water column. Comparable effects probably arise discarded, as indicated by results obtained from fisheries on the
from excessively long anchoring periods or fragments of used nets continental slope of the Balearic Islands (Guijarro and Massutí,
being thrown back into the sea. 2006).

A certain number of technical or management measures could Whether they consist of the entire codend or an escape panel,
significantly reduce the fisheries' impact on ecosystems on the square-mesh nets offer the advantage of remaining completely
continental slope and in the canyons. open whatever the dragging speed, avoiding obstruction by debris
and constantly ensuring trawl selectivity. This technical solution
The impact of bottom trawling can be reduced by lightening the has been retained by EU Regulation N°1967/2006 on technical
pressure exerted by the entire fishing gear, i.e. the trawl otter- measures in the Mediterranean and was the subject of a resolution
boards, groundline and rigging. For a given otter-board surface, the adopted by all the Member States of the General Fisheries
contact zone can be reduced by lowering the length/height ratio or Commission for the Mediterranean (Res. GFCM/31/2007/3)
by using either boards made of composite material or others that (Fig. 4).
do not make contact with the sea bottom. The use of soft discs or
chain links separating the leadline from the bottom can also help
to reduce the pressure exerted by the rest of the fishing gear on
the substrate.

Fig. 3: Fig. 4:
Reducing the impact of gillnets on the seabed and benthic species. Selective grid facilitating the escape of juveniles through the lower side of
the extension; (a) guidance cone; (b) grid; (c) escape outlet.

The combination of an escape outlet with a selective grid There is a wide panoply of marine protected areas ranging
incorporated into the front of cod-ends offers another technical from areas where all kinds of fisheries are permanently banned
solution for improving trawl selectivity, tested with some positive (submarine seamounts, depths of over 1,000 m) to those exclusively
results, particularly in deep-water fishing for crustaceans in the prohibiting trawling (FRA in the Gulf of Lion) or temporary closures
Catalan Sea between depths of 400 and 440 m (Bahamon, 2007). to protect juveniles and their recruitment (UNEP, 2003).
This technique, which offers the advantage of ensuring higher
survival rates for individuals escaping through the grid, deserves
On the basis of a study on trawling for pink shrimps (Aristaeomorpha
to be perfected and applied, especially for fishing for crustaceans
foliacea and Aristeus antennatus) on the continental slope in
in the Mediterranean.
Maltese waters (500 – 600 m), Dimech et al. (2012) proposed the
establishment of corridors reserved for trawling over a given time
Technical measures can be recommended to reduce the capturing within a vast protected geographic area. This would help reduce
possibilities of lost nets, such as the use of biodegradable thread the impact of trawling on slow-growth and low-resilience species
for fixing the netting to the float line so that it will be released in the while improving commercial yields for shrimps, with the surrounding
event of long submersion, or the use of lead-lines that break more protected areas serving as both refuges and constant sources of
easily, higher hanging ratios (over 50%) to reduce the looseness of supply for trawlable areas.
the webbing, a major cause of tangling.
Limitation of the fishing effort and restriction of access to waters
In addition, nets are primarily lost due to conflicts between fishing over 200 m deep are also preventive management measures to be
activities, manoeuvring errors, judgment of weather conditions given close consideration, as they may help towards an effective
or the topography of the sea bottom. Mitigating the problem of reduction of the impact on the sea bottom and habitats, and the risk
ghost fishing therefore implies, above all, respect for elementary of catches of unwanted species (juveniles, protected species).
fishing regulations (for example, observance of regulations on gear
marking systems) (Fig. 5).
In the case of trawling, this could be achieved by means of limiting
the trawl size, the number and duration of the hauls, and trawling
Interest in developing new management concepts based on speed.
Protected Marine Areas (MAPs) has risen over the past ten years,
underscored by the feeling that it is possible to pursue commercial
For static fishing gear such as gillnets and trammels, the length
fishing activities while preserving threatened species at the same
of the nets, number of pieces of nets, the duration and number
of hauls comprise the main parameters for efforts in this area on
which it is possible to take action. With this in mind, EC Regulation
1967/2006 limits the length of gillnets and trammel nets, and the
number of hooks and hoop-nets per fishing vessel.

Access to restricted fishing zones could be limited to a fixed number

60 of vessels which must meet a certain number of technical criteria,
50 such as the obligation to use only fishing gear equipped with
regulatory selective devices, or systems controlling the duration
nb ind./400 M

40 and depth of anchoring.

20 Even though they have already furnished proof of their effectiveness
in other fisheries overseas, none of these measures have yet been
10 applied in the Mediterranean.
1 month 3 6 12 18 Moreover, there are no specific national or international regulations
Crustaceans Fishes in the Mediterranean concerning fishing activity at depths below
200 m except for the GFCM Recommendation banning the use of
dredging or trawling at depths below 100 m (Rec. GFCM/2005/1)
and that establishing a fishing restricted area (FRA) in the Gulf of
Fig. 5:
Lion (Rec. GFCM/33/2009/1)1.
Evolution of the quantity of abandoned trammel catches of lobsters
(simulation – Var canyon; Sacchi, 2003).

1 http://www.gfcm.org.gfcm/topic/16100/en
For this governance to be effective, the exercise of control and scientific
follow-up of these protected areas could then naturally be undertaken by
the bordering and exploiting countries, under the management authority
responsible for their exploitation, i.e. the General Fisheries Commission for
the Mediterranean.

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3.1. The submarine canyons of the Rhodes basin
and the Mediterranean coast of Turkey
Bayram Öztürk, Eda Topçu, Bülent Topaloglu
Istanbul University, Faculty of Fisheries, Istanbul – Turkey
Turkish Marine Research Foundation (TUDAV) P.K: 10 Beykoz, Istanbul – Turkey

1. INTRODUCTION 1.1. The Rhodes Gyre

The Levantine Basin is one of the three main deep basins of the The Rhodes Gyre (Fig. 1) rotates anti-clockwise forming a distinct
Mediterranean Sea and exhibits particular geological structures vertical cylinder of eastern Mediterranean water to the south of the
such as depressions, cold seeps, shallow and deep sea island of Rhodes. It is likely that this cyclonic gyre results from wind-
marine canyons, seamounts and mud volcanoes. The eastern driven basin circulation, and the interaction of the main currents
Mediterranean coastal zone contains very special geomorphological with land masses and seafloor morphology (i.e. Rhodes Trench).
features due to coastal evolution and rock type (Ardos, 1979). This cyclonic rotation causes deep water, rich in nutrients, to rise
from the bottom to the surface and in consequence the Gyre is
much more fertile than the rest of the eastern Mediterranean, which
The morphology of the East Mediterranean seafloor is the
is known as one of the most oligotrophic (nutrient-poor) aquatic
consequence of both early formation processes of the deep basins
environments in the world because of its extremely low primary
and recent geodynamic microplate interactions. Thus, the East
production (Gaines et al., 2006).
Mediterranean Sea constitutes the last remnant of the Mesozoic-
Cenozoic oceanic basin of Tethys, now almost totally consumed
by the long-term Eurasian and African plate convergence. Napolitano et al. (2000) have studied the biological production
characteristics of the Rhodes Gyre through a one-dimensional,
coupled physical–biological model using single aggregated
The arc-shaped East Mediterranean Ridge (EMR) characterizes
compartments of phytoplankton, zooplankton, detritus, as well as
the subregion from the south-west Peloponnesus to southern
ammonium and nitrate forms of inorganic nitrogen. It interacts with
Crete and Rhodes. The EMR is 1,500 km long and 200–250 km
the physical model through vertical eddy diffusivity. The model
wide and it is the result of relatively rapid Eurasian and African
simulations demonstrate the importance of physical oceanographic
convergence and the subsequent subduction of the oceanic crust
characteristics affecting yearly planktonic structures, and shows
beneath the over-riding Aegean microplate and the deformation of
that annual primary production in the Rhodes basin is comparable
its sedimentary cover. The deep trenches north of the EMR, such
with the north-western Mediterranean. The Rhodes basin reveals
as the Strabo and Pliny trenches to the east, form the Hellenic Arc,
a strong bloom in early spring, typically in March, a weaker bloom
which is the morphological expression of geological processes
in early winter, typically in January, and a subsurface production
in the fault-zones. Numerous canyons and deep valleys originate
below the seasonal thermocline during the summer.
from the shelf off the mainland and main islands, ending in the
trenches and bordering basins. Of particular interest is the seafloor
topography of the East Cretan Sea and Levantine basin, which The strong and permanent effect of the Rhodes Gyre on offshore
are characterized by complex morphology with narrow canyons primary production in the Rhodes basin is also linked to the area's
running between steep sloped ridges. The Hellenic Arc terminates particular geomorphology, which is characterized by a deep
eastward in the Rhodes basin, a relatively young basin, 4,000- trough bordering Rhodes Island to the west, Finike seamounts
4,500m deep, east of the Island of Rhodes, characterized by the (Anaximander) to the east and Finike basin to the south-east, and
cyclonic Rhodes gyre driving constant upwelling, which affects the by the effect of the in-flow of water masses trough the Karpathos
entire productivity of the Levantine sea. Straits as well as the presence of several submarine canyons.

Even if the processes of deep-water fertilization in this area are

poorly investigated up to now, submarine canyons may have a
role by enhancing the flux of nutrients from the land, as in other
Mediterranean areas. Moreover, recent evidence has indicated that
the current oligotrophic nature of the eastern Mediterranean may
shift to a more productive system due to increased anthropogenic




35 5


10 20 40 E
Fig. 1: Rhodes Gyre and other key oceanographic structures in the east Mediterranean Sea: AIS, Atlantic-Ionian Stream; AMC, Asia
Minor Current; ASW, Adriatic Surface Water; CC, Cyprus Current; LSW, Levantine Surface Water; MAW, Modified Atlantic Water;
MMJ, Mid-Mediterranean Jet. 1) Ionian Anticyclones; 2) Pelops Anticyclone; 3) Cretan Cyclone; 4) Iérapetra eddy; 5) Rhodes gyre; 6)
West Cyprus gyre; 7) Mersa Matruh gyre; 8) Shikmona gyre; modified from Hogan and Saundry (2011).

influences and consequent global changes (changes in nutrient The south-western Anatolian continental slope delineates the
flux, CO2, temperature). These changes may fundamentally affect north-eastern margin of the Rhodes Basin; here the slope face is
the biological components of the system from primary production dissected by numerous submarine canyons (Hall et al., 2009).
through all levels of the food-web.

Around the Island of Rhodes, the continental shelf on the western

Finally, the cyclonic Rhodes Gyre is confined by three anticyclonic side appears to be generally smooth, while on the eastern side it is
gyres; Ierapetra to the south-west, Mersa-Matruh to the south and steeper and cut by a number of submarine canyons; here, depths
the West Cyprus Gyre to the east, thus forming a large oceanic of over 350 meters are encountered less than one mile seaward of
triad system which enhances reproductive habitat suitability the 200-meter contour.
for small pelagic species thanks to co-occurring mechanisms:
nutrient enrichment, concentration of larval food distributions, and
local retention of eggs and larvae (Agostini and Bakun, 2002). Most of the submarine canyons are located on the north-eastern
platform portion where the continental slope is inclined from 8° to
15°. A major canyon, Nereus canyon, extends to the north-east
1.2 Effect of south-western Anatolia submarine canyons from the northern tip of the island, and two more canyons, Brigitte
on biodiversity and Trianta, as well as several small V-shaped sea valleys, are
located in Trianta Bay on the north-western side of the Island.
A very narrow shelf characterizes the south-western Anatolian
coast and several canyons connect the abyssal floor of the Rhodes
and Finike basins with the upper shelf. Notably, these canyons Goedicke (1977) identified at least ten main submarine canyons
and submarine landslides are active channels which have been between Rhodes and Lindos, and a number of slope gullies,
interpreted as having been triggered by on-going faulting and which seem to be associated with the on-shore topography.
which attest to substantial present-day direct clastic sedimentation Within Kallithea Bay, two canyons incise the shelf; in Afántou Bay,
from Turkey and the Island of Rhodes into the above-mentioned two canyons exist in association with the mouths of the Psalidos
basins (Ocakoglu, 2011). and Pera rivers; offshore from Tsampika, the head of the major
canyon was likely to have been connected with the ancient Lutani
river-mouth, which was in the past to the south of Cape Vahyah,
In the deepest part of the Levantine basin, the noticeable correlation and has now shifted to its northern side; between Tsampika
of benthic production with distance from land masses confirms that and Cape Archángelos, two smaller canyon heads lie near the
the lateral transport of organic matter through submarine canyons mouth of two intermittent rivers; in Malóna Bay and Vlichá Bay,
plays a major role. Moreover, the patchiness of macrofauna another two canyons and one main canyon offshore from Lindos
abundance indicates that the deep Levantine Sea is an event- (Cape Sumani and Cape Foca) have no connection with present-
driven system, in which terrestrial run-off affects the functioning day river valleys. All these factors lead to the conclusion that the
of the community by spatial variability in food ingression events northernmost canyon off the east side of Rhodes Island originated
(Türkay, 1996). due to subaerial erosion, while the southern ones are of tectonic

Fig. 2:
Submarine canyon region in the Turkish part of the Mediterranean Sea.

origin, being located close to a very active fault. At the present been reported at depths between 400 m and 4,264 m, including
time, the canyon axes are probably the result of erosion due to 20 species of decapod crustaceans such as the endemic geryonid
submarine slumping, triggered by large, long-period waves during crab (Chaceon mediterraneus); one species, Levantocaris hor-
south-easterly winter storms (Goedicke, 1977). nungae, was described as new to science and Polycheles
typhlops, Acanthephyra eximia, Aristeus antennatus, Calocaris
macaendreae, Parapenaeus longirostris and Geryon longipes
The Rhodes basin can, in fact, be divided into two sub-basins: a were found to be dominant in the Cretan Sea and Rhodes basin;
deeper northern one, and a shallower southern one, separated Scopelocheirus hopei, Scopelocheirus polymedus, Orchmenella
by a broad, asymmetrical swell oriented east–west. The northern nana, Orchomene grimaldi, Epimeria cf. cornigera were the
margin of the basin is interrupted by the large, north-east oriented most abundant amphipod species recorded by baited trap, and
Fethiye canyon, which extends into the Turkish shelf and Fethiye Ileraustroe ilergetes, Pseudotiron bouvieri, Rhachotropis rostrata and
bay. Along the Fethiye canyon an important fault zone occurs, Stegophaloides christianiensis are amphipod species endemic to
forming the north-eastern extension of the Pliny Trench (Ocakoglu, the Mediterranean; among cumaceans, Procampylaspis bonnieri,
2011), while the southern sub-basin lies in morphological continuity Campylaspis glabra, Makrokylindrus longipes, Platysympus typicus
of the Strabo Trench (Woodside et al., 2000). and Procampylaspis armata were the most frequently collected,
while Yoldia micrometrica, Kelliella abyssicola, Cardyomia costellata,
Entalina tetragona, Benthomangelia macra, Benthonella tenella
In general, the Mediterranean Turkish shelf and slope appear to
and Bathyarca pectunculoides were the most common benthic
be significantly dissected and transected by canyons and gullies
molluscs identified at depths greater than 1,000 m.
(Ozel et al., 2007). Even if many of these canyons can be classified
as blind canyons (confined to the slope) according to Harris and
Whiteway (2011), some of them are the extension of canyons on
land, such as Saklikent canyon, or correspond with river mouths
(i.e. Dalaman and Esen Streams) (Fig. 2).

Between Kalkan and Finike, a number of shallow coastal canyons

incise the upper shelf becoming deeper even very close to the
shore: they play a role of stepping stones between the coast and
the open sea (Fig. 3). Spawners and recruits of many fish species,
which migrate from the Beymelek and Köycegiz lagoon system
to off-shore habitats and vice-versa, use these coastal canyons.
Coastal canyon communities generally consist of sponges (Axinella
verrucosa, A. polypoides), some lobster species (Scyllarus arctus
and S. latus), as well as stony corals such as Caryophilia spp.

Evidence of macrofaunal abundance and the diverse conditions

of marine invertebrates in the Eastern Mediterranean have been Fig. 3:
discussed by Danovaro et al. (2010): megabenthic species have Map of coastal canyons in the Turkish part of the Mediterranean Sea.

The Anatolia canyon (i.e. Fethiye canyon) extends down to the between Rhodes and Fethiye. Moreover, the submarine canyons
deep depression of the Island of Rhodes between Turkey and from Finike to the south-eastern Anatolia region are spawning
Greece, hosting deep-sea fish species including Bathypterois grounds for several migratory fish species, such as scombrids and
dubius, Nezumia sclerorhynchus, Cataetyx laticeps, Chauliodus bluefin tuna (Thunnus thynnus). Beaches in this area are nestling
sloani, Coriphaenoides mediterraneus, Nettastoma melanurum grounds for sea turtles, Chelonia mydas and Caretta caretta have
and Lepidion lepidion were the most abundant species. In the also been observed offshore between Rhodes-Finike and were
Rhodes Basin and at depths less than 2,300 m, the most abundant most probably feeding (Öztürk, 2009).
shark species were Hexanchus griseus, Galeus melastomus,
Centrophorus granulosus, Centroscymnus coelolepis, and Etmop-
terus spinax.

In recent studies, twenty-three fish species were collected or Four areas have been suggested for High Sea Marine Protected
photographed in the Levant Sea at depths greater than in the Areas (HSMPAs) in the Eastern Mediterranean Sea by Öztürk (2009)
Western Mediterranean, some nearly doubling the depth record of (Fig. 6). One of them (M1) falls between Rhodes and Finike where, as
the species (Danovaro et al., 2010). shown above, the most distinctive features are submarine canyons
and the Anaximander Mountains (Öztürk et al., 2010), which are
characterized by unique habitats also created by mud volcanoes
Larger-scale upwelling and downwelling structures of cyclones and methane cold seep habitats, inhabited by communities quite
and anticyclones, dominating circulation in the central area of different from those in all other known cold seeps (Medioni, 2003).
the Rhodes basin and Anaximenes Mountain (Fig. 4), affect This fragile ecosystem is under threat primarily from bottom trawling,
the zooplankton community (Denda and Christiansen, 2011). which should be banned or controlled. Here, swordfish (Xiphias
Zooplankton standing stocks, at a generally low level due to the gladius) nets also cause severe cetacean by-catch.
oligotrophic character of the eastern Mediterranean, were found
to be higher in the Rhodes Basin than on the seamount, probably Another proposed spot is a channel between Turkey and the
also influencing the distribution of top pelagic pradators. island of Cyprus (M2). Routes of highly migratory, large and small
pelagic fish also cross this area. Furthermore, it is a spawning
Cetaceans have also been observed around the Anatolian canyons. ground for bullet tuna (Auxis rochei), Atlantic skipjack (Euthynnus
Mostly Stenella coeruleoalba, Delphinus delphis, Ziphius cavirostris alleteratus) and bluefin tuna (Karakulak et al., 2004). There are also
and Grampus griseus have been reported. The sperm whale is nestling beaches of endangered marine turtles. In addition, (Gücü
strictly teuthophagus and 14 cephalopod species were found and Öztürk, 2010) reported that this area could be a north levant
between Rhodes and Fethiye deep zone (Öztürk et al., 2007). This marine peace park.
deep-sea upwelling canyon zone provides feeding grounds for
whales and dolphins, mostly for sperm whales (Fig. 5). In 2010, 34
sperm whale sightings were reported in the upwelling canyon zone


More zooplankton Less zooplankton

Depth (m)

1 000-
Saddle Region


Rhodes Basin

4 000-

Fig. 4:
Conceptual model of water mass circulation effect on zooplankton in the Rhodes Basin
and Anaximenes Mountain region.
AMC, Asia Minor Current; MMJ, Mid-Mediterranean Jet. Figure not to scale,
modified from Denda and Christiansen (2011).

number 2006/3 to protect the deep sea sensitive ecosystem. This
area is shared by Turkish and Cyprus EEZ and should be one of
the joint SMAPI area in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Any kind
of drilling, oil exploration and seismic activities are harmful for this
kind of unique habitat.

The complexity of the high sea legal regulatory regime enforced in

the international waters of the Aegean and eastern Mediterranean
Sea has recently caused several management problems in the
region, in particular with regard to illegal, unreported and unregulated
fisheries (Öztürk and Baseren, 2008). There is no appropriate
management tool for sustainable fisheries of large, highly migratory
pelagic species in this area. Although regional organizations such
as GFCM and ICCAT, responsible for fisheries management, exist,
an assessment study (Tudela, 2003) showed a steep decline of
bluefin tuna spawning stocks since 1993.

For protection of the Mediterranean marine environment, there are

Fig. 5: several international and inter-governmental organizations such as
Sperm whale feeding zone in upwelling canyon zone. ACCOBAMS, ICCAT, GFCM, IUCN, RAC/SPA and others which
have implemented proposals for high sea marine protected areas
overlapping or consistent with the three areas proposed for the
The third suggested area (Turgut Reis Seamount) lies between Levantine basins. Greenpeace has already suggested some
Turkey, Syria, Lebanon and Cyprus (M3), where virgin stocks proposals and RAC/SPA/UNEP/MAP has produced a high sea
of deep sea shrimps such as P. longirostris, Plesionika martia, SPAMI proposal. All these international initiatives are important to
Aristaeomorpha foliacea and A. antennatus still exist. Furthermore, urge decision-makers and politicians that decisions need to be
this is an area which is on the migration routes of bluefin tuna, tuna- taken regarding the marine environment. Establishing the HSMPA
like species, between Iskenderun and Cyprus from north to south. will be an important step towards implementing the ecosystem
Common dolphins, which are rare in the eastern Mediterranean approach towards management of the eastern Mediterranean Sea.
Sea, were also sighted in this area. These pristine habitats should This proposal may be beneficial and provide better management
be protected from international fishing fleets, IUU fisheries and ship- methods for sustainable fisheries as well coastal states, if they so
origin pollution. The area identified as A5 in Fig. 6 corresponds desire. Designation of HSMPAs in the proposed areas will help
to the Rhodes basin, whose features have been discussed and to protect vulnerable habitats and threatened species, protect
summarized in the previous chapters. breeding populations which can provide recruiting stocks, restore
Besides, GFCM has issues recommendations for the Mediterranean over-exploited zones, increase fisheries productivity in the long
Seamount (Eratosthenes) in the Eastern Mediterranean and fisheries term, reduce by-catch of seabirds, cetaceans and sea turtles, and
have been banned there according to the GFCM recommendation reduce overfishing of highly migratory fish.

Fig. 6:
Proposed areas for high sea marine protected areas (HSMPA) in the eastern Mediterranean Sea,
see explanation in the text (Öztürk, 2009).

Scovazzi (2002) stated that the Mediterranean Sea should be There are several examples in the world ocean of particularly
considered a primary heritage of concern to bordering States. This sensitive sea areas (PSSA), which are designated by the
message indicated that more responsibility should be adopted International Maritime Organization (IMO). The aim of the PSSA
by each State to protect and cooperate for the protection of the is to protect vulnerable habitats in marine areas, yet there is only
Mediterranean Sea. one PSSA area in the Mediterranean Sea: the Strait of Bonifacio
between France and Italy .
Designation of HSMPAs is also one of the objectives of the
Convention on Biological Diversity and the associated Jakarta An HSMPA could substitute for this as an alternative protection
Mandate. Furthermore, the IUCN Amman Resolution on High-Seas instrument. Therefore, special long-term research programmes
MPA’s adopted in October 2000 called for national governments, and special funds are needed for conservation of marine biological
NGO’s and international agencies to improve integration of diversity resources beyond marine and coastal protected areas, with
established multilateral agencies and existing legal mechanisms a view to establishing protected area networks. These proposals
in order to identify areas of the high-seas suitable for collaborative would also help to create a forum for discussion and exchange of
management action, and to reach agreement by consensus on information among scientists, marine conservationists, fisherman
regimes for their conservation and management. Thus, colla- and decision-makers in the Mediterranean region.
borative management action in the Aegean Sea between Turkey
and Greece could develop joint management processes. Acer
Nevertheless, it is clear that there are increasing risks to biodiversity
(2006) suggested that a joint maritime regime and cooperation
in areas beyond national jurisdiction in the eastern Mediterranean
between Turkey and Greece need to be comprehensive, while
Sea, in benthic features such as seamount communities, cold
Oral (2009) stated that the peaceful delimitation and establishment
seeps, hydrothermal vents and other specific habitats. For pelagic
of uncontested maritime zones is a prerequisite to ensuring the
habitats, upwelling areas and gyres, such as that of Rhodes, also
future sustainability of the marine environment in the Aegean Sea.
play important roles in fuelling ecosystems in the entire Levantine
Equitable and reasonable solutions are needed to solve maritime
disputes with the guidance of customary international law, which
may then help to improve the recovery of the Aegean marine
environment. In the eastern Mediterranean Sea, an area shown in Finally, there is an immediate need for taking concerted action in
Fig. 6 as M3, there may be a chance for peace and cooperation order to conserve high seas benthic and pelagic boundaries in the
between Turkey, Syria, Lebanon and the Northern and Southern eastern Mediterranean Sea. Even these boundaries are uncertain
Republics of Cyprus. due to a lack of detailed scientific information and simply poor


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the eastern Mediterranean: distribution and trophic interactions. Cephalopod remains in the diet of Striped dolphins (Stenella
Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United coeruleoalba) and Risso’s dolphins (Grampus griseus) in the
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Gaines, A.F., Copeland, G.M., Oban-Yildiz, Y.C., Özsoy, E., Davie, Öztürk, B., Topcu, N.E. and B. Topaloglu, 2010. A preliminary study
A.M. and S.K. Konovalov, 2006. The Contrasting Oceanography on two seamounts in the eastern Mediterranean Sea. Rapp.
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3.2. Central-southern Mediterranean submarine canyons
and steep slopes: role played in the distribution
of cetaceans, bluefin tunas, and elasmobranchs
Adriana Vella1 and Joseph Vella2
Conservation Biology Research Group, Department of Biology, University of Malta, Msida Malta
Department of Computer Information Systems, University of Malta, Msida, Malta


Morphologically, the Strait of Sicily comprises the continental shelf Submarine canyons are defined as deeply incised, steep-sided
and slope. However, in the area there are also banks, seamounts, underwater valleys winding along or across the continental shelf or
irregular incised slopes forming troughs and canyons of V, U and continental slope. Their cross sections tend to be V-shaped along
flat-bottomed types. The latter referred to as grabens due to their the upper course and U-shaped in the lower course (Danovaro
origin, considered to have been produced by subsidence of the et al., 2010). As submarine canyons may also be described in
earth's crust between two faults. These canyon-like grabens are relation to submarine troughs, thus indicating a relationship that
governed by a fault system that extends throughout the Sicily may be found in the Straits of Sicily, the submarine canyon-shaped
Channel from Southern Sicily to Tunisia and which has also parts of the troughs found in the region need to be considered as
been responsible for the major tectonic and geomorphological contributing to the deep canyon and steep slope formations in this
development of the Maltese islands (Illies, 1981; Galea, 2007). Central-Southern Mediterranean region. The contrast between the
The Maltese islands lie in the Sicily Channel on a relatively stable shallow and deep waters found may have encouraged a greater
plateau of the African foreland, the Pelagian Platform, about 200 diversity of species adapting to the variable conditions or isolating
km south of the convergent segment of the Europe-Africa plate them in patchy distributions.
boundary that runs through Sicily (Galea, 2007).
The review on global distribution of large submarine canyons by
In the extension of the Sicilian continental shelf toward the Harris and Whiteway (2011) is an important basis on which to build
Pantelleria Rift (Adventure Bank and Graham Bank plateaus), further awareness and pursue research on these marine features,
five volcanic seamounts have been recognised (Tetide, Anfitrite, especially highlighting the fact that for the Mediterranean it is valuable
Galatea, Cimotoe and Graham). Two other much larger seamounts, to consider not only the large submarine canyons but also smaller
Bannock and Nameless Bank (Banco Senza Nome), are located canyons which may still contribute unique habitat and conditions for
between the Malta and Pantelleria basins and close to the eastern unique biodiversity. Therefore, as indicated by various researchers
border of the Nameless Bank respectively (EC, 2011). (Harris and Baker, 2012), different seafloor geomorphologies need
to be studied to provide important data and possible relationships
between various seafloor features, including submarine canyons,
A strip of deeper water approximately 96 km wide (200–1700m
steep slopes and regions close to seamounts, and the conditions
deep, GEBCO 08, 2010) stretches in the middle of contrasting
which provide specific benthic habitats and affect the distribution
shallow Tunisian waters on one side and the banks of Sicily and
of micro to mega species distribution.
Malta on the other side, in a manner that links the deeper waters of
the two main western and eastern Mediterranean basins through
this relatively restricted deep water passage. In turn this passage In general, Mediterranean canyons are found to be more closely
has narrower, deeper troughs and canyon-like grabens that may spaced than in other areas of the world (Harris and Whiteway,
channel the deepest waters down to a 600-1700m depth. The 2011) thus constituting a probable hotspot for submarine canyon
deepest water passages in the Sicilian Channel appear to link to the species. The deep-sea submarine canyons of the Mediterranean
Bizerte Canyon and the Ustica trough in the Western basin, and to vary in size, linking the coastal areas to the deep sea. These
the Heron Valley in the Eastern basin. The area of particular interest canyons may act as conduits of coastal detritus (organic and
for this paper includes the deep Malta, Linosa and Pantelleria inorganic) to the deep-sea grounds (Gardner, 1989). Submarine
troughs or canyon-like grabens, that run parallel to Malta and Sicily troughs, canyons and valleys can also connect various deep water
in a north west direction and up to the volcanic islands of Linosa areas allowing for exchange of materials and deep water species
and Pantelleria. Also of interest are regions where steep slopes horizontally as well as vertically. The seafloor geomorphology may
lead to deeper waters.

also affect pelagic species distribution in both direct and indirect The enhanced productivity (Macquart-Moulin and Patriti, 1996;
ways. Most prominently through the availability of refugia and prey Vetter and Dayton, 1998) and the local currents related to canyons
in these deep water formations. may play a role in larval drift and juvenile recruitment because of
the relationship between canyons and the formation of intermediate
nepheloid layers (Company and Sardà, 1997; Puig et al., 2001;
Mediterranean water circulation is considered to be highly complex
CIESM, 2003). The Mediterranean basin as a whole, but also the
with the Atlantic low-salinity waters coming into the Mediterranean
central-southern Mediterranean region, have been reported as hot
as a surface layer until it turns into intermediate waters in the Eastern
spots of biodiversity (Mediterranean marine biodiversity constitues
Meditrranean Levantine Intermediate Water (LIW, Lascaratos et al.,
7.5% of global biodiversity in its 0.82% of sea surface), endemism
1993). The high-salinity waters of the Mediterranean thus find their
(Myers et al., 2000) and spawning for various species (Camilleri
way beneath the Atlantic water, moving in the opposite direction
et al., 2002; Camilleri, 2003; Vella, 2006; 2008; 2010; Oceana,
toward the Atlantic Ocean. Apart from high salinity (38 to 39.5), the
2009; Fortibuoni et al., 2010; Rais, 2010; Vella et al., 2011). With
Mediterranean deep waters are reported to be highly oxygenated,
an average depth of 1500m and a maximum depth of 5267m, the
oligotrophic, and highly homeothermic from 300-500m to the
Mediterranean does offer deep sea habitats. The role of deep sea
bottom, with the western and eastern basins' bottom temperatures
and submarine canyon habitats and refugia for various species
ranging from 12.8°C to 13.5°C and 13.5°C to 15.5°C respectively.
and regional productivity should therefore not be underestimated.
However, due to the slow turnover, these deep waters may be
In the Sicily Channel, depth goes down to 1700m (GEBCO 08,
vulnerable to warming up with climate change (Danovaro et al.,
2010) and is therefore deeper than the Mediterranean average. A
more detailed consideration of the range of depths (GEBCO 08,
2010) for the deep water region considered here is illustrated in the
Depth and sea water temperature values recorded by the Minilog bar chart (Fig.1). Fig. 2 shows a map with bathymetry in the central
system during several bottom trawl surveys carried out in the Strait southern Mediterranean around the Maltese Islands (Schlitzer,
of Sicily (Central Mediterranean Sea) in spring (MEDIterranean 2012).
Trawl Survey – MEDITS) and late summer (GRUppo Nazionale
risorse Demersali – GRUND project) support an ongoing warming
Fig. 3 illustrates a map shading the region with deeper waters in
of the water masses in the Strait of Sicily (13.5°C, representing
the Strait of Sicily with some cross-section (C.S.) sites indicated,
the asymptotic temperature between 200 and 800m), and confirm
where depth profiles are illustrated in figures 4A to 4H for regional
the existence of the basic three layers structure (Atlantic, Levantine
cross-sections C.S. 1 to C.S. 8. In particular cross-sections C.S. 1,
and Transitional waters) (Ragonese et al., 2008).
C.S. 3, C.S. 6, C.S. 7 and C.S. 8 illustrate V, U and flat-bed graben
conformations associated with submarine canyons.

Fig. 1:
Bar graph illustrating the relative coverage of the sea depth (m) (GEBCO 08 2010)
in the deep sea region of the Sicily Channel area,
shaded region of the Map in figure 3.

Fig. 2:
Bathymetric Map (Ocean view) of the Central-Southern Mediterranean Sea (Schlitzer, 2012).

Fig. 3:
Cross-sections through the shaded deeper water region in the Strait of Sicily.

A Depth profile (CS.1, North) E Depth profile (CS.5, North)

B Depth profile (CS.2, North) F Depth profile (CS.6, East)

C Depth profile (CS.3, North) G Depth profile (CS.7, North West)

D Depth profile (CS.4, North) H Depth profile (CS.8, North East)

Figs. 4A; 4B; 4C; 4D; 4E; 4F; 4G; 4H:

illustrating bathymetric cross-sections from the lines C.S.1 to C.S. 8 respectively, as shown in Fig. 3.

MODISA data of annual Sea Surface Temperatures and Chlorophyll Figs. 6A and 6B show that the highest annual SST values for all
a at random stations both at the deepest (D) bathymetric regions stations was for the year 2003 with a second peak in 2006 for
and less deep peripheral (P) regions marked on the map in figure the deeper water stations, postponed to 2007 for most peripheral
5 are compared. Figs. 6A and 6B show annual variations for the deep water stations. The lowest annual SST values are those for
SST (MODISA) for stations located in deeper waters and less 2004 and 2011. Deep water station D1 indicates, however, a higher
deep peripheral waters respectively for the years between 2003 than average SST for 2004 and no decline since 2009.
and 2011; Figs. 7A and 7B show annual variations in chlorophyll
a (MODISA) for these same stations in deeper and less deep
peripheral waters respectively for the years 2003 to 2011.

Fig. 5:
Map indicating locations of the deep water stations and peripheral deep
water stations within the shaded deeper waters of the Strait of Sicily, where
annual measures (MODISA) for SST
(Figs. 6A and 6B) and Chl a (Figs. 7A and 7B) were compared
between 2003 and 2011.

Figs. 6A and 6B:

illustrating annual variations for Sea Surface Temperatures (SST) MODISA
at the deeper water stations and peripheral deep water stations respectively.

Figs. 7A and 7B show that, since 2004, concentrations of Chlorophyll
a have been decreasing in the region. Though this trend is reflected
in all stations, deeper waters and offshore peripheral deep water
regions tend to show higher values than the overall annual average
for Chlorophyll a concentrations in the region considered.



Impacts of climate change and human activities on deep sea and

submarine canyons in the Mediterranean and close to islands need
special attention. According to Harris and Whiteway (2011), shelf-
incising canyons above 1500m water depths are more vulnerable
to destructive fishing practices, which include bottom trawling, and
ocean acidification, indirectly caused by anthropogenic climate
change. The importance of conservation work for submarine
canyon ecosystems is stressed in particular in relation to islands.

Environmental pressure as a result of intensive maritime traffic (and

B corresponding collision risk/accident risk) in the area surrounding
Malta is relatively high. Moreover, in recent years, pollution in the
Mediterranean Sea basin has increased, with the Strait of Sicily
being strongly affected by traffic and pollution (EC, 2011).

As anthropogenic activities and impacts increase in deeper

reaches of the Mediterranean Sea, it is necessary to determine how
changing conditions in the marine environment may affect species
distributions, isolating or fragmenting their habitats, while opening
access to other species. The conditions for vertical and horizontal
movement by marine species need to be understood and, where
necessary, management to maintain effective corridors for these
movements needs to be implemented as human explorations,
exploitation and developments affecting the deep sea increase.
This is particularly important with migrating species which need to
continue to find viable paths through which to travel with the least
disturbance and impact on their survival.

Figs. 7A and 7B: Dolphin fish (Coryphaena hippurus) and bluefin tuna (Thunnus
illustrating annual variations for Chlorophyll a concentrations (CHL a) thynnus) are two fish species known to seasonally migrate in large
MODISA at the deeper water stations and peripheral deep water stations numbers through the Straits of Sicily. The former in its juvenile
respectively. stages (Vella 1999), the latter during its spawning phase (Vella,
2006; 2009a; 2010a). Sea birds including shearwater species
(Calonectris diomedea and Puffinus yelkouan); Marine Turtles,
such as the Loggerhead turtle, (Caretta caretta) and the rarer
Leatherback turtle (Dermochelys coriacea) and large distance
ranging cetaceans, such as Fin whales, (Balaenoptera physalus),
Sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus), Striped dolphins
(Stenella coeruleoalba), Risso's Dolphins (Grampus griseus) and
Common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) and Bottlenose dolphins
(Tursiops truncatus) also travel or migrate across basins passing
through these waters. Some species spend more time than others
in these waters, while others reside in them for most of their lives
(Vella, 1998; 2000; 2001; 2002; 2005; 2008; 2010a, b and c;
Vella, 2011; Vella et al., 2011).

DEMERSAL AND BENTHIC DEEP SEA SPECIES (Vassilopoulou, 2012). Shrimp trawl fishery undertaken in deep sea
AND THEIR EXPLOITATION is such a source of high generation of discards in various parts of
the Mediterranean with up to 49% of by-catch in the Straits of Sicily
Some of the main species targeted by deep-sea trawl fisheries in (Castriota et al., 2001). In the latter, for 1 kg of shrimps, 9.6 kg of by-
the Mediterranean include: European hake (Merluccius merluccius); catch were produced, of which 5.2 kg were discarded (Castriota
Blue and red shrimp (Aristeus antennatus); Giant red shrimp et al., 2001). Furthermore, a Mediterranean-wide estimate of
(Aristaeomorpha foliacea). European hake (Merluccius merluccius) discards of the deepwater trawl fishery for shrimps is 39.2% of total
are targeted by gillnet and longline fisheries. Associated deep sea catch, with this ratio reaching 56.5% when targeting shrimps and
species caught as by-catch from trawling include: Norway lobster Norvegian lobster (Nephrops norvegicus) (Kelleher, 2005). Such
(Nephrops norvegicus); Deep-water rose shrimp (Parapenaeus fisheries also present substantial by-catches of sharks and rays
longirostris); Blackbelly rosefish (blue-mouth redfish) (Helicolenus (CIESM, 2003; Tudela, 2004; Kelleher, 2005; Bensch et al., FAO.
dactylopterus). Many more species are by-catch and discarded, 2009). Lack of adequate knowledge of the various species being
including: Greater forkbeard (Phycis blennoides); Four-spot megrim impacted by increasing exploitation may jeopardise their long-term
(Lepidorhombus boscii); Golden shrimp (Plesionika martia); survival. These gaps need to be filled in to manage sustainable
Horned octopus (curled octopus) (Eledone cirrhosa); European fisheries while conserving deep sea species (Company et al.,
conger (Conger conger); Blue whiting (Micromesistius poutassou) 2003; Vella et al., 2007; Vella, 2009b).
(GFCM SCSA, 2003; D’Onghia et al., 2003; Sardà et al., 2004;
In the Mediterranean, trawling is illegal in deep waters; in fact, in
2005, the first step to regularise the prevention of further damage Apart from the economically important Dolphin fish (Coryphaena
came into effect with new regulations to safeguard deep-sea hippurus) caught up to 400m depths (Macias et al., 2011) and
habitats and ban towed trawl nets and dredges at depths beyond the European hake Mediterranean subspecies (Merluccius
1000m (REC-GFCM/29/2005/1 in GFCM-COC, 2007). Since merluccius smiridus) found till depths of up to 800m, Bluefin tuna
2005, Mediterranean countries have required trawlers to use a (Thunnus thynnus) is by far one of the most economically important
minimum mesh-size opening of 40mm in the "cod end" section of fisheries resources in the central Mediterranean region. Electronic
their nets in order to allow smaller, juvenile fish to escape, thereby tagging has provided insights into the seasonal movements and
conserving breeding stocks. Yet human activities, including research environmental preferences of the Atlantic bluefin tuna, which has
and exploration, still continue to make use of similar destructive been found to dive to depths of more than 1000m and maintain
methods causing further deleterous impact on vulnerable and a warm body temperature (Block et al., 2001). Seasonal migration
legally protected benthic and demersal species in deep waters. of the Blue fin tuna for spawning between May and June sees the
Repeated MEDITS trawl surveys that began in 1994 have continued region off the Maltese Islands become one of the species' main
with activities well after 2005 using experimental otter trawl net with spawning grounds in the Mediterranean.
a cod end stretched mesh-size 20mm (Ragonese et al., 2005;
2006; Dimech et al., 2007). When in line with what the FAO calls
Among the various species of elasmobranchs caught by trawl
"the precautionary approach" to fisheries management, the 2005
fisheries off the Maltese islands, the following are known to
ban aims to protect fragile deep-sea habitats and slow-growing
inhabit deep waters: Centrophorus granulosus (50-1300m);
fish which live there and constitute an integral part of the marine
Centroscymnus coelolepis (500-1800m max >3000m) Chimaera
ecoystem and food chains.
monstrosa (300 – 500m max 1000m); Dalatias licha (200 –
600 max 1800m); Etmopterus spinax (300-2000m); Galeus
From MEDITS trawl surveys in the Straits of Sicily, including trawling melastomus (150-1400m); Heptranchias perlo from shallow (50m-
grounds off the Maltese islands within the GFCM geographical 600m); Hexanchus griseus (30m to max of 1800m); Mustelus
sub-unit 15, Otter trawl samples were collected in the summers of asterias (shallow to 350m); Oxynotus centrina (50-700m); Raja
2003, 2004 and 2005 from 45 stations located at different depths circularis (100-660m); Raja clavata (30m-700m); Raja melitensi
between 80 and 800 m. A total of 552,963 live individuals (22,887 (30-550m); Raja miraletus (17m-462m); Raja oxyrinchus (15-
kg) consisting of 189 different species (26 elasmobranchs, 111 900m); Raja radula (40m to 300m); Scyliorhinus canicula (50-
teleosts, 26 decapods and 26 molluscs) were identified, of which 500m); Scyliorhinus stellaris (1-400m); Squalus blainvillei (300-
teleosts were the largest component in terms of both abundance 500m); Torpedo marmorata (10-30 max 100m).
and biomass (Dimech et al., 2007).
The Velvet belly shark (Etmopterus spinax) is well-adapted to deep
For megafaunal organisms, various types of trawls and nets can sea life. It is reported to feed on small animals such as deep-
provide quantitative, though not absolute, estimates of species sea krill (Euphausiidae), shrimps (Pasiphaeidae), cuttlefishes
abundance. Submersibles (e.g. Uzmann et al., 1977) and towed (Sepiolidae), squids (Ommastrephidae and others), and a
still and video camera systems (e.g. Russel et al., 1986; Freiwald et wide range of small teleosts including shads (Sternoptychidae),
al., 2009) have been used for ground truthing. These approaches barracudinas (Paralepidididae), lanternfishes (Myctophidae) and
are particularly useful in rugged or fragile habitats where trawling is pouts (Gadidae). Its diet changes with age and size.
not possible, and due to the increasing vulnerability of deep sea life
(e.g. Kreiger et al., 2002; CIESM, 2003).
The Velvet belly shark, Portuguese Dogfish (Centroscymnus
coelolepis) and Black-Mouthed Catshark (Galeus melastomus)
In a recent review of the knowledge on fisheries by-catches and have been found to share deep sea habitats in other parts of the
discards in the GFCM area, it is stated that certain fishing activities Mediterranean. In 2004, detailed scientific research at the Maltese
undertaken in deep sea regions have high ecosystem impacts fish landing site led to the discovery of new elasmobranch species

caught by Maltese fishermen; the Portuguese Dogfish was one A total of 51 benthic species, among them porifera, cnidarians,
such new recorded species never reported before (Dalli, 2004; brachiopods, mollusks, polychaetes, crustaceans and
Dalli and Vella, 2006). echinoderms, have been recorded in the Strait of Sicily, where
the deep-water corals are located in three main areas (Zibrowius
and Taviani, 2005; Schembri et al., 2007; Freiwald et al., 2009).
While the diet of the Black-Mouthed Catshark is quite diverse
Not all the fauna reported by Zibrowius and Taviani (2005) were
and does not overlap that of the other two sharks, the diets of
found alive. Recent observations by ROV off Malta revealed thick
large Velvet bellies and the Portuguese Dogfish are both very
fossil coral frameworks with overgrowing coral assemblages,
squid-intensive. Competition between these two species may
mainly consisting of M. oculata and L. pertusa associated with
be reduced by depth selection, whereby the Portuguese Dogfish
Corallium rubrum and gorgonians (Freiwald et al., 2009). The
feeds at greater depths than the Velvet belly shark with the possible
colony bases were generally inhabited by the symbiotic polychaete
additional benefit of being missed by trawl fishermen too.
Eunice norvegica, and in some dives Dendrophyllia cornigera was
detected. Observations from ROV dives in the Linosa Trough
Unfortunately, it has been noted that most large long-lived shark showed the fossil and modern coral communities thriving under
species are decreasing in Maltese fisheries landings. One such overhangs and in large caves, and they were particularly common
species is the Six-gilled shark (Hexanchus griseus), which is in volcanic bedrock sequences. In the Urania Bank, the colonies
targeted by artisanal fishermen in the Strait of Sicily and has been of M. oculata measured up to 70 cm high and 50 cm wide, while
part of ongoing elasmobranch conservation research (Vella and those of L. pertusa rarely exceed 10 cm in size (Freiwald et al.,
Vella 2010; 2011). Hexanchus griseus is mainly a deep water 2009). Recently acquired data indicates that Mediterranean deep-
shark, rarely found at depths of less than 100 m. The species water corals habitats are rich in species diversity. Cephalopods,
usually seems to stay close to the bottom, near rocky reefs or crustaceans and fish can be attracted by the structural complexity
soft sediments. The deepest one was found at about 2500 m. of deep-water coral reefs, which may act as essential habitats
These sharks are diel vertical migrators, coming up to the surface for feeding and spawning. Deep-water coral habitats can act as
nocturnally. H. griseus also seasonally migrates to shallower coastal spawning areas for some species and nursery areas for others, as
waters (Martin, 2000; Musick and McMillan, 2002). suggested by the higher catches of benthopelagic species (such
as the shrimp Aristeus antennatus and Aristaeomorpha foliacea),
as well as sharks, hakes, rockfish, greater fork beard, gurnards and
A rare, endemic and critically endangered deep water species in
blackspot seabream caught by long-line in these areas (D'Onghia
the area includes the Maltese ray, (Leucoraja melitensis), with a
et al., 2010). Studies on prokaryotic assemblages associated with
usual depth range of between 400 and 600m (Vella et al., 2010).
the deep-sea coral Lophelia pertusa in the Central Mediterranean
Sea revealed specific and unique microbial assemblage (Yakimov
Another three important elasmobranch species found in deep et al., 2005; Danovaro et al., 2010).
waters of the Strait of Sicily are the legally protected (by Maltese
Law) basking shark (Cetorhinus maximus) which may be found
Vulnerable deep coral assemblages, cold seep assemblages,
from close to the sea surface to 900 m depth; the white shark
benthic communities and pelagic species affected by over-
(Carcharodon carcharias), which can also be found at the sea
exploitation and habitat degradation are found in the central-
surface but may go deeper to 1800m and more; and the giant devil
southern Mediterranean region (Vella et al., 2011). Overall marine
ray (Mobula mobular), whose sea depth range extends to 700m
biodiversity impoverishment is due to change caused by increasing
depth. These three deep diving elasmobranchs are included in
human activities including oil exploration, aquaculture, maritime
Annex II of the Barcelona Convention.
and fisheries activities, climate change and alien species from
both sides of the Gibraltar and Suez Channel openings (Vella et

Cold-water coral reefs in the Mediterranean are subfossil and date INTEGRATING SPATIAL DISTRIBUTION STUDIES
back to the last glacial age, a time of cooler seawater and better TO VERTICAL DEPTH FEATURES.
food availability. One healthy and well-developed deep-sea coral
mound (consisting primarily of Lophelia pertusa and Madrepora
Cetacean, turtle, elasmobranchs and large pelagic migratory
oculata) is known to exist in the Ionian Sea (Cartes et al., 2004).
predators, such as the bluefin tuna, are studied in the 120,000 km2
In 2003, a second living and healthy deepwater coral bank, also
area around the Maltese Islands (Vella, 1998; 2011), taking
consisting of Lophelia and Madrepora, was found at a depth of
care to use methods that are environmentally friendly as well as
390–617 m, some 20–40 km off the southern coast of Malta
scientifically sound. Thanks to dedicated long-term field research,
(Schembri et al., 2007; GFCM SAC, 2007; Bensch et al., 2009).
as well as fishermen's surveys and fish market research, important
data relating to elusive or economically important species in the
region has been collected over the years. Apart from teleosts,
elasmobranchs and sea-birds mentioned above, different cetacean
species and turtles are studied including: common dolphins
(Delphinus delphis) and various other cetacean species including
bottlenose, striped, Risso's dolphins, sperm and fin whales (Vella,
1998; 2000; 2001; 2002; 2005; 2008; 2009; 2010a, b and c;
Vella and Vella, 2010; Vella et al., 2010; Vella, 2011).


Various cetaceans found in the central-southern Mediterranean Cuvier's beaked whale (Ziphius cavirostris)
region are found to associate with deep waters and also to prey on This species is a pelagic, deep-diving cephalopod predator.
species found in deep waters. Stranding records of this species in Sicily and Malta also confirm
the presence of this elusive species in the Sicily channel.
The sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus), long-finned pilot
whale (Globicephala melas), Risso’s dolphin (Grampus griseus) and
Risso's dolphins (Grampus griseus)
Cuvier’s beaked whale (Ziphius cavirostris) are teuthophageous,
i.e. they prey exclusively or preferentially on cephalopods (Astruc Risso’s dolphin seems to prefer waters with steep slopes from
and Beaubrun, 2005). The stomach contents of stranded animals 500 to 2000m (Gannier, 1998b). Risso’s dolphin has the most
in the Mediterranean show an overlap of the diet of sperm whales, diverse diet composed of H. reversa (IRI>30%), H. bonnellii and
pilot whales and Risso’s dolphins. Their principal prey are a few T. sagittatus (10<IRI<30%) and several other species with an
species of bathypelagic cephalopods from the Histioteuthidae and IRI<10% (Astruc and Beaubrun, 2005). Cephalopod remains from
Ommastrephidae families (Astruc and Beaubrun, 2005). the stomachs of a Risso's dolphin (Grampus griseus Cuvier, 1812,
Cetacea) entangled in a fishing net off the Ligurian coast (central
Mediterranean Sea) included squids Ancistroteuthis lichtensteini,
Altogether, H. bonnellii, H. reversa and T. sagittatus may represent
H. bonnellii, H. reversa and Todarodes sagittatus and the sepiolid
60 to 100% of the diet of the three predators studied. These species
Heteroteuthis dispar. All these cephalopods live in oceanic water,
of cephalopods principally occur at the same depths, between 200
including water over the steep continental slope where Risso's
and 800 m (Quetglas et al., 2000; Praca and Gannier, 2007). H.
dolphin is frequently sighted. H. reversa contributed 78% of the
bonnellii and T. sagittatus are two of the many cephalopod species
cephalopods by number, 81% of the wet weight and 73% of the
by-caught by deep sea trawl fisheries off the Maltese Islands.
dry weight and calorific value. One stomach of Risso's dolphin
contained the remains of six cuttlefish (mainly Sepia officinalis) and
Sperm whales (Physeter macrocephalus) one large benthic octopod. A small quantity of salps was recovered
Diving to 400 – 1000 m (max 3000 m), the sperm whale may from a second specimen (Spitz et al., 2011).
remain underwater for up to 90 minutes (Whitehead, 2002). This
species is present in the Sicily channel, especially in deeper waters This cetacean species is found in the Sicily Channel especially in
(Vella, 2012, in prep.). deeper waters, at times also sharing the area with striped dolphins
(Vella, 1998; 2012, in prep.).
The sperm whale, the most studied species, seems to be
opportunistic in its habitat use, exploiting areas with steep slopes,
Striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba)
as well as offshore waters featuring SST fronts (Gannier and Praca,
2007; Gannier et al., 2002). Striped dolphins in the western Mediterranean Sea are primarily
oceanic top predators, but they also routinely exploit coastal
areas characterised by submarine canyons, which create spatially
The species sperm whales prey on include cephalopods, such
defined patterns in food availability (Gannier, 1999). In the Sicily
as Histioteuthis bonnellii (Roberts, 2003). Astruc and Beaubrun
strait, these dolphins are encountered in large numbers especially
(2005) used the Index of Relative Importance (IRI) to compare the
in deeper waters (Vella, 1998; 2012, in prep.). These small
importance of prey species in the diet of Mediterranean cetaceans
cetaceans are found to distribute themselves close to submarine
(Cortes, 1997), from stomach contents of stranded animals. The
slopes, escarpments, valleys such as the Heron valley, and the
sperm whale presents an IRI>90% for Histioteuthis bonnellii.
various canyon-grabens, such as the Malta and Linosa canyon-
grabens (Vella, 2012, in prep.).
Long finned Pilot whales (Globicephala melas)
This species has been found to dive to a depth of over 600m in the In studies on the food and feeding ecology of the striped dolphin in
deep waters of the Ligurian sea (Braid et al., 2002). Pilot whales the oceanic waters of the north-east Atlantic, the most significant
have been reported to prefer waters deeper than 1000 m (Gannier, fish family identified was the lanternfish (24% M) with Notoscopelus
1998b). The diet of the pilot whale has an IRI between 40 and kroeyeri and Lobianchia gemellarii being predominant. Among
50% for Todarodes sagittatus, between 10 and 20% for H. bonnellii squid, the oceanic Teuthowenia megalops and Histioteuthis spp.
and H. reversa, and the remaining 10% consist of several other were the most significant. The pelagic shrimps Sergestes arcticus
species, including some Gadidae (Astruc and Beaubrun, 2005). and Pasiphaea multidentata were the most prevalent crustaceans.
In Spitz et al. (2011), the main characteristic of the long-finned pilot Prey composition and size-range differed slightly with sex and age
whale diet was found to be the unique combination of mesopelagic or body size of the dolphins (Ringelstein, 2006).
prey and of prey living on, or close to, the bottom in neritic waters,
suggesting some dietary plasticity, as found in striped dolphins
(Stenella coeruleoalba).

The striped dolphin is an oceanic species that occasionally occurs Off southern California, Common dolphins mainly eat anchovies
in neritic habitats; in the Bay of Biscay it is abundant offshore and and squids during the winter, but in spring and summer deep-
erratic in occurrence over the shelf. Given that prey assemblages sea smelt and lanternfish are preferred (Reyes, 1991). Based on
differ widely among these habitats in terms of both taxonomic radio-telemetric studies and analysis of stomach contents, short-
composition and ecology, this would suggest that striped dolphins beaked common dolphins off southern California start feeding at
are able to shift from vertically migrating meso-pelagic prey to dusk and continue to feed throughout the night. They feed primarily
neritic or coastal prey types. Fish accounted for 91% of the diet on organisms in the migrating deep scattering layer, especially
by number and 61% by mass; the rest was mostly cephalopods, myctophids and bathylagids (Evans, 1994; Culik, 2010). They
crustaceans being present as trace. Specific composition included have also been reported to feed on fishes of the Clupeidae and
both oceanic (myctophid and sternoptychid fish; histioteuthid, Carangidae families and cephalopods such as Southern Calamari,
gonatid and brachioteuthid cephalopods), neritic (gadids and Arrow Squid and octopus species in southern Australian waters
anchovy; loliginid, sepiolid and sepiid cephalopods) and even (Kemper and Gibbs, 2001).
coastal (atherinid fish) prey types, showing that these animals had
changed their diet as they moved over the shelf (Spitz, 2006).
Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus)
Though the bottlenose dolphin is one of the cetacean species
Cephalopods, however, have also been found to dominate the mostly adapted to, and associated with shallow waters, its offshore
stomach contents of other stranded striped dolphins in other relatives can spend most of their time in deeper waters and dive to
study areas; 88% of the prey ingested (60% of the species) were over 400 m for their prey (Klatsky et al., 2007). In the Central-southern
pelagic or bathypelagic and 99% were either partially or completely Mediterranean, offshore bottlenose dolphins are also found to travel
oceanic during the life cycle (73% of the species) (Blanco et al., extensively in deeper waters where steep slopes and seamounts
1995; Würtz and Marrale, 1993). or banks are close by (Vella, 2012; in prep.). In terms of prevalence
of species in the Bottlenose diet in the Mediterranean, fish has
Striped dolphin distribution was significantly related only to depth been reported as the most important prey consumed (96.6%),
(Gomez et al., 2008). In this study, striped dolphins show a whereas cephalopods represented the remaining 3.4%. Diet is
preference for waters between 700 and 1900 m deep. A study of mainly based on two fish species: blue whiting (Micromesistius
delphinids in the entire Mediterranean indicated a preference on the poutassou) and hake (Merluccius merluccius). Blue whiting was
part of striped dolphin for open waters (2000 m deep), although a the most common prey, representing 84.9% by number and 50%
high percentage of sightings also occurred in waters between 1000 by mass of the fresh fraction. Hake constituted 9% by number
and 2000 m (Gannier, 2005). A smaller scale study in the Ligurian and 39.3% by mass of the fresh fraction. On the other hand, the
sea showed similar habitat use results (Gannier, 1998). However, oceanic cephalopod (Todarodes sagittatus) is the most important
in other Mediterranean areas (Italian waters, Notarbartolo di Sciara cephalopod prey (4.8% by mass of the fresh fraction) (Arronte,
et al., 1993; Alboran Sea, Canadas et al., 2002), dolphins did not 2009).
prefer such deep waters, as also seen in our study area. In the
Ligurian Sea a diurnal offshore–inshore movement was observed, Leatherback and Loggerhead Turtles
indicating that dolphin depth preferences changed depending on
Leatherback turtles (Dermochelys coriacea) may dive very deep
the hour of the day (Gannier, 1999).
on occasion (one descended to a maximum depth of 1,230 m,
which represents the deepest dive ever recorded for a reptile).
Common dolphins (Delphinus delphis) They generally restrict their diving to less than 250 metres, which
The Mediterranean sub-population of common dolphins is reported increases the likelihood that they will encounter longline hooks
to be endangered (IUCN, 2011). The species' subpopulation is also (Hays et al., 2004).
present in the Sicily Channel, with larger groups observed around
Malta, where from combined data recorded from ship and aerial Loggerhead turtles (Caretta caretta) do not usually exceed 100m
surveys conducted between 1997-2002, density estimates were in their dives. Some research results show a highly opportunistic
reported of 0.135 dolphins per km² (CV=0.28; 95% CI=0.066- foraging behavior by the turtles on both live and dead material in
0.290) in the area around the Maltese islands (Vella, 1998; 2002; the epipelagic zone, as well as on all types of seafloors (Casale et
Bearzi et al., 2003; IUCN 2011/Bearzi, 2003). al., 2008).

This species is found to distribute itself widely and seasonally in

different areas around the Maltese islands and offshore in the
Central-Southern Mediterranean Region. Both shallow and deeper
water habitats (at least 280 m, Kinze, 2002) are utilised where it
may be observed in association with Bottlenose dolphins or Striped
dolphins (Vella, 2005; 2008; 2012; in prep.). In the Mediterranean,
Common dolphins have in fact been reported in both pelagic and
neritic environments, occasionally sharing the former with Striped
Dolphins and the latter with Bottlenose Dolphins (Bearzi et al.,


Appropriately Watling et al. (2010) ask the question: can ecosystem- A report has also been made to the European Commission on
based deep sea fishing be sustained? In general, there is still much Sensitive and Essential Fish Habitats in the Mediterranean Sea
implementation and sustainable fishing targets to be reached for (EC, 2006). This report also identifies many of the significant deep-
shallower water activities. As fish stocks are being depleted and sea VMEs in the Mediterranean area and describes their relevance
we are fishing down the foodweb, the next target seems to be to fisheries and the impacts on them from fishing activities. As yet,
exploiting deeper levels of our seas. there is no indication of the development of a systematic approach
to identification of VMEs or the management of deep-sea fisheries
to protect such habitats.
As the rush to discover new marine species, their distribution and
potential exploitation continues to descend deeper in our seas, it
is necessary to set conservation goals and monitoring methods to The setting up of conservation areas with implemented monitoring
fill the knowledge gaps. This needs to be achieved without leaving and enforcement for effective management will be challenging
species gaps behind or by negatively affecting these vulnerable but necessary, even in this region of the Mediterranean where
and unique sites with aggressive sample collection methods. As the shallow embraces the deep, and nature depends on man
technology comes to the aid of deep sea exploration and research, embracing sustainable development. Developing knowledge shows
it will be easier to achieve conservation through low-impact research that deep water marine life in canyon-like features and slopes of
and management methods. varying steepness contribute to ideal spawning sites, refugia and
feeding banquets for predators which have adapted to make use
of these unique resources in different ways and according to the
Target stocks: various recommendations that are relevant to the
time of day, year or developmental stage.
target stocks of deep-sea high seas fisheries have been adopted
by GFCM Members, in addition to IUU measures. These include the
previously mentioned REC-GFCM/29/2005/1 on the management
of certain fisheries exploiting demersal and deep-water pelagic
species, and more recent resolutions have been added such as:


Members agreed on voluntary implementation of at least the 40
mm square mesh size codend of trawl nets exploiting demersal
demersal resources – Members may continue authorizing, until 31
May 2010 only, the use of codend mesh size smaller than 40 mm
to operate in certain local and seasonal demersal trawl fisheries
exploiting not-shared demersal stocks. However, this derogation
applies only to fishing activities already formally authorized by the
GFCM Members and shall not involve any future increase in the
fishing effort provided. (GFCM, 2007)

To date, there has been almost no response to UNGA Resolution

61/105 in terms of impact assessments of deep-sea fisheries in
the Mediterranean on benthic ecosystems. Indeed, there is very
little data on many of the important vulnerable marine ecosystems
(VMEs) in the Mediterranean, and their current and past distributions
are not understood (Bensch et al., 2009).

Many of these habitats are vital to commercial species, both

juveniles and adults. It is widely acknowledged that several of
these important VMEs have been largely destroyed across wide
areas of the Mediterranean as a result of bottom fishing, especially
trawling (Rogers and Gianni, 2010).

The GFCM has recently established criteria for identification of

sensitive habitats of relevance for the management of priority
species, including VMEs formed by corals, crinoids and other
species, as well as seamounts, canyons and cold seeps (GFCM
SAC, 2008).


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3.3. The case study of the marine canyon of Cuma
(Tyrrhenian sea, Italy): implication for cetacean
conservation off Ischia island
Daniela Silvia Pace, Angelo Miragliuolo, Barbara Mussi
Oceanomare Delphis Onlus, Via Gino Marinuzzi 74 - 00124 Rome, Italy
[email protected]


Ischia, a large volcanic island near the Gulf of Naples, is located at a large deep submarine valley, which reaches a maximum depth
40° 44' N, 13° 55' E, in the southern Tyrrhenian Sea (Italy). Prior to of 800 m between the islands of Ischia and Ventotene (Fig. 1). This
1990, there was very little known about the cetaceans inhabiting canyon represents a great sedimentary basin for materials which
the water off Ischia Island. To address this, the “Ischia Dolphin are carried along the coast by the Volturno and Garigliano rivers
Project” was set up in 1991, and a long-term research program on (Gulf of Gaeta); the canyon increases the upwelling speed and also
cetacean species was established. Since 1997, the research effort acts as a conveying duct to the waters of the deep basin (Pennetta
was mainly focussed on an area situated north of Ischia Island, a et al., 1998). The shelf area of Ischia Island in front of the canyon is
particular zone characterised by a rich diversity of marine life and characterised by seagrass meadows (Posidonia oceanica), rocky
a concentration of pelagic fauna. This region with a complex and banks and rocky cliffs with coralligenous formations.
varied topography corresponds to the submarine canyon of Cuma,

Fig. 1:
The study area (Pennetta et al., 1998).

Fig. 2:
Morpho-bathymetry map of the coastal water of Ischia (de Alteriis and Toscano, 2003).

Submarine geological and geomorphological studies in the area The study area is well-known for its high biodiversity and for the
started in 1998 thanks to the Geology Department of the University presence of large pelagic predators such as whales and dolphins
of Naples “Federico II” (Pennetta et al., 1998). They produced (Mussi and Miragliuolo, 2003), as well as key species in the
the first detailed description of the region, naming the entire area pelagic trophic web such as the euphasiacean Meganyctiphanes
“Canyon of Cuma”, intending with this definition to pool together a norvegica (Mussi et al., 1999). Seven cetacean species have been
complex topographical system including the northern part of Ischia regularly observed, as it is a feeding site for fin whales (Balaenoptera
as far as the large submarine valley between the Islands of Ischia physalus) (Mussi et al., 1999), a feeding and breeding ground for
and Ventotene (Fig. 1; red lines represent the axes of the canyons striped dolphins (Stenella coeruleoalba), Risso's dolphins (Grampus
and broken red lines mark out the same axes submerged by the griseus) (Mussi and Miragliuolo, 2003) and sperm whales (Physeter
sand; see Pennetta et al., 1998). The principal axis of the Canyon macrocephalus) (Mussi et al., 2005). Furthermore, the area has
has a southwest-northeast orientation, with several minor tributary been listed in the last IUCN Cetacean Action Plan (Reeves et
channels departing from it. al., 2003) as a critical habitat for the endangered short-beaked
Using high-resolution geophysical instrumentation (Multibeam common dolphin, Delphinus delphis. Bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops
and Side Scan Sonar), the CNR Geo Mare Sud Institute in Naples truncatus) and pilot whales (Globicephala melas) are also present
conducted new detailed geological surveys alongside Ischia in the area (Mussi et al., 1998), as well as pelagic fish such as
coastal waters in 2003, producing a novel morpho-bathymetry Mobula mobular, Thunnus sp., Xiphias gladius and sea birds such
map of the island (Fig. 2; de Alteriis and Toscano, 2003). as Calonectris diomedea, Puffinus puffinus and Larus ridibundus.

The entire area is affected by several human activities that may

The authors distinguished several small systems rather than detrimentally influence its ecosystems. Among these, tourism and
combining different regions in a whole complex system, identifying fisheries are the most evident factors during the summer season,
canyons (Cuma, Punta Cornacchia and Punta Imperatore) and when the frequency of both maritime (mostly ferries and fast ferries)
erosional channels (Forio) along the island’s edge from north and recreational boat traffic, as well as the intensity of the fishing
to west, to south (Fig. 3; red boxes delimitate the canyons’ and effort, usually increase.
channels’ heads).
Ischia, together with the Procida and Vivara Islands, was designed
as a Marine Protected Area (MPA) (called “Regno di Nettuno”). The
MPA includes the coastal regions between the above-mentioned

Fig. 3:
Canyons and erosional channels in the coastal waters of Ischia.

islands and the mainland, and a more pelagic area located north SURVEYS
of Ischia specifically intended as an important site for cetaceans’
diversity and a critical habitat for the short-beaked common
The study area was approximately 60X74 km. The size of the area
was limited by distances that could be covered by the research
Two of the physical conditions that may affect cetaceans’ occur- vessel within a single day before returning to port. Data was
rence, distribution and behaviour include complex variations in collected by two to four trained observers during daily standardized
bottom topography and bathymetry, both influencing oceano- boat-based, photo-identification and acoustic surveys within the
graphic processes that concentrate prey and structure prey study area. Regular survey trips throughout June, July, August,
availability vertically in the water column, thus producing a number September and October each year (2000-2008) have been
of effects that are exploited by cetaceans. Therefore, the main conducted using a 17.7 m. sailing vessel (Jean Gab) at a sea state
objective of this case study is to present an overview of the of zero to 4 on the Beaufort scale during good light conditions, at
available data around Ischia and Ventotene Islands over nine years a steady speed of 2-4 knots. The position of the research vessel
(2000-2008), showing how the geomorphology of the submarine was automatically recorded every 3 minutes using a GPS receiver.
canyon of Cuma has an influence on such cetacean species. A detailed trip log of the routes covered was noted down using
Furthermore, since an increasing number of recent studies have Logger, the IFAW Data Logging Software.
recognized that both fixed spatial and variable oceanographic
features, and their functional relationships with cetaceans, can be Data including start and end times of boat trips, weather and
of great importance for conservation, a description on how and sea state, location, species, start and end times of each group
why animals use specific oceanographic phenomena can help observation, best estimate of the group size and composition
to identify critical habitats (Hyrenbach et al., 2000; Hooker et al., (number and sex of adults, juveniles, calves and newborns),
1999; Cañadas et al., 2002; Hooker and Gerber, 2004; Yen et al., behavioural categories, sounds and other complementary
2004). information were recorded.
A total number of 536 boat surveys were conducted on 928 days
during the nine-year study period (from June 2000 to October
2008). The survey effort totalized 31,160.11 nautical miles and 5,269
hours, of which 545 were spent observing and photographing
animals (Tab. 1).

2000 51 1900,47 348 95
2001 57 3279,79 399 91
2002 71 3814,28 566 131
2003 68 3527,31 629 120
2004 75 3427,62 757 117
2005 69 3144,95 599 114
2006 73 3937,99 652 122
2007 72 3865,34 614 138
2008 78 4262,36 705 142
TOT 614 31160,11 5269 1070

Tab. 1:
Total and yearly effort (in terms of surveying time in hours, covered distance in km and days at sea).


A total number of 625 sightings of seven cetacean species were after that, only in 2006. Fin whales (n=15) were irregularly located
recorded in the study area (397 visual, 228 acoustic) (Tab. 2). over the years, with an increasing number of sightings in 2008.
The detection of bottlenose dolphins (n=16) appeared to be quite
limited due to a minor research effort in coastal waters.
Striped dolphin was the most frequently sighted species over the
years (n=251). Also remarkable is the constant presence of sperm
whales (n=81) and short-beaked common dolphins (n=45), The area appears to be diverse in terms of species distribution
although the first became more common in the area as from 2004 (Fig. 4). With the only exception of pilot whale, all species seem
while the occurrence of the latter decreased in the last four years. to be influenced by the presence of the canyon system, exploiting
However, it must be taken into account that the increased number the environment at different depths, but concentrating near the
of sightings of sperm whales was facilitated by the use of acoustic canyon’s heads.
equipment since 2004. Risso’s dolphin (n=18) was quite common
in 2000, not sighted from 2001 to 2003 and sighted again since
2004. Pilot whales (n=16) were sighted from 2000 to 2003 and,

2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 TOT
Striped dolphin
15 0 13 1 27 6 15 0 28 2 17 4 30 0 36 4 51 2 232 19 251
Stenella coeruleoalba
Common dolphin
6 0 7 0 2 0 7 0 9 0 4 0 5 0 1 0 4 0 45 0 45
Delphinus delphis
Bottlenose dolphin
1 0 0 0 1 0 4 0 2 0 3 0 0 0 3 0 2 0 16 0 16
Tursiops truncatus
Risso’s dolphin
4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 3 1 1 0 1 0 6 1 16 2 18
Grampus griseus
Pilot whale
2 0 1 0 3 0 4 1 0 0 0 1 2 0 0 1 0 1 12 4 16
Globicephala melas
Sperm whale
1 0 0 2 2 3 3 1 5 9 10 8 9 3 6 3 15 1 51 30 81
Physeter macrocephalus
Fin whale
0 0 0 0 3 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 8 0 15 0 15
Balaenoptera physalus
Unidentified species 0 0 0 5 0 7 0 22 0 25 2 38 2 24 3 28 3 24 10 173 183
TOTAL 29 0 21 8 38 16 33 24 46 36 40 52 49 27 52 36 89 29 397 228 625

Tab. 2:
Total number of visual cetacean sightings (V) and acoustic detection (A) during the period 2000-2008.

Fig. 4:
Cetacean visual sightings during the period 2000-2008.

Striped dolphin was spread over a wide region and used both
neritic and pelagic environments (Fig. 5). Despite this opportunistic
range, Stenella coeruleoalba seems to converge and concentrate
in the same area as Delphinus delphis (Fig. 6), with a relevant
overlap in their distribution. However, both species tended to prefer
high slopes.

Fig. 5:
Striped dolphin encounters during the period 2000-2008.

Fig. 6:
Common dolphin encounters during the period 2000-2008.

Common dolphins were principally located north of Ischia Island Apart from one peculiar sighting, Risso’s dolphins were observed
(Fig. 6), in the region corresponding to the heads of Cuma’s and within a range of 300-750 m in depth, alongside two preferential
Punta Cornacchia’s canyon, within a wide range of depth (55-450 areas located north-west (corresponding to the canyons’ head)
m), preferring to spend most of their time where the bottom is and west of Ischia Island (Fig. 8).
irregular and with middle-high slope.

Pilot whale was the only species found outside the Cuma’s canyon
Bottlenose dolphins (Fig. 7) were mostly sighted in coastal waters, system (Fig. 9). Its favourite region was located south-west of
at a depth of less than 100 m; however, there were few observations Ventotene Island, at a depth of over 400 m.
of the species in deeper waters, far from shore sites, clearly related
to the canyons system.

Fig. 7:
Bottlenose dolphin encounters during the period 2000-2008.

Fig. 8:
Risso’s dolphin encounters during the period 2000-2008.

Fig. 9:
Pilot whale encounters during the period 2000-2008.

Sperm whales were principally observed north-west of Ischia Finally, fin whales were located in a wider area, alongside both
Island, in the region corresponding to the deepest parts of Cuma’s coastal (within 100 m in depth) and pelagic sites (between 500 and
and Punta Cornacchia’s canyons, between 500-800 bathymetric 750 bathymetric lines) (Fig. 11). The relationship with the canyons
lines (Fig. 10). However, the species was also sighted in the system seems to be less strong than for other species; however, a
western part of the island and in the large deep valley between certain degree of association is recognizable in the north-west and
Ventotene and Ischia. south-west sighting areas.

Fig. 10:
Sperm whale encounters during the period 2000-2008.

Fig. 11:
Fin whale encounters during the period 2000-2008.

Stenella coeruleoalba: mother and calf pair.


The continental shelf in the study area is characterized by complex stay close to the canyon heads where upwelling is maximized, or
bathymetries, including a submarine canyons system, a deep further offshore. Furthermore, the different species display relatively
basin between Ischia and Ventotene, and some shallow banks. persistent bathymetric associations with the Cuma’s canyon system
It is well-known that any environmental, oceanographic and through time. While this static bathymetric characteristic does not
anthropogenic factors play key roles influencing the occurrence change temporally, the distribution of top-predators and their prey
and distribution of cetacean species in a complex way. Here, the may vary seasonally and interannually, due to the influence of
topography of the Cuma’s submarine canyon system seems to hydrographic processes linked or unlinked to bathymetry. Therefore,
induce phenomena that support elevated cetacean diversity and assessing species distributions in relation to both bathymetric
abundance compared to surrounding waters, as observed in “The and hydrographic habitats is essential to obtain a more complete
Gully” (eastern Canada; Hooker et al. 1999). understanding of the dispersion of upper-trophic marine predators
Furthermore, in this case study we have shown how bathymetric and the nature and location of habitat ‘‘hotspots’’. Nonetheless,
characteristics may be useful in understanding the distribution of the wildlife–habitat associations documented in this study have
cetaceans. In theory, bathymetric features may provide a means important implications for conservation and management.
of predicting important foraging habitats for upper trophic-level
marine predators like cetaceans. This study and many others have Providing the local Authorities with the information deriving from
demonstrated that submarine canyons, and complex and steep research and monitoring activities, we were able to intervene on
topographies are important to cetaceans, possibly as centres of the design of the perimeter of the coastal Marine Protected Area
trophic transfer. While we have yet to investigate the mechanisms “Regno di Nettuno”, so as to include a pelagic Zone D specifically
of predator aggregation, these habitats are likely to be associated devoted to the protection of the critical habitat of common dolphin.
with elevated marine productivity and prey retention, thereby Furthermore, in order to protect the whole canyon system within
making dense prey patches available to predators. a SCI (Site of Community Importance) and also cover the critical
Cetacean distribution in the study area seems to be stratified habitat of the sperm whale, we are promoting a coordinated effort
according to environmental characteristics; bottlenose dolphins with the Italian Ministry of Environment and the Italian Marine
concentrate in relatively shallow waters, whereas the others mainly Biology Society.

Stenella coeruleoalba: porpoising event near the coast of Ischia.


Cañadas, A., Sagarminaga, R. and S. García-Tiscar, 2002. Mussi, B. and A. Miragliuolo, 2003. I cetacei della costa nord
Cetacean distribution related with depth and slope in the occidentale dell’isola d’Ischia (Canyon di Cuma). In: Ambiente
Mediterranean waters off southern Spain. Deep Sea Research marino e costiero e territorio delle isole Flegree (Ischia, Procida e
I, 49, 2053-2073. Vivara – Golfo di Napoli). Risultati di uno studio multidisciplinare.
Gambi, M.C., De Lauro, M. and F. Jannuzzi (eds.). Liguori
de Alteriis, G. and F. Toscano, 2003. Introduzione alla geologia Editore, pp. 213-232.
dei circostanti le isole Flegree di Ischia, Procida e Vivara. In:
Ambiente marino e costiero e territorio delle isole Flegree Mussi, B., Miragliuolo, A. and D.S. Pace, 2004. Monitoring
(Ischia, Procida e Vivara – Golfo di Napoli). Risultati di uno studio driftnetting in the Mediterranean Sea. Human Society
multidisciplinare. Gambi, M.C., De Lauro, M. and F. Jannuzzi International and Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to
(eds.), Liguori Editore, pp. 3-26. Animals, Technical Report, 34pp.

Hooker, S.K. and L.R. Gerber, 2004. Marine Reserves as a Tool for Pennetta, M., Valente, A., Abate, D., Boudillon, G., De Pippo,
Ecosystem-Based Management: The Potential Importance of T., Leone, M. and F. Terlizzi, 1998. Influenza della morfologia
Megafauna. BioScience, 54(1), 27-39. costiera sulla circolazione e sedimentazione sulla piattaforma
continentale tra Gaeta e Cuma (Italia Meridionale). Bollettino
Hooker, S.K., Whitehead, H. and S. Gowans, 1999. Marine della Società Geologica Italiana, 117, 281-295.
protected area design and the spatial and temporal distribution
of cetaceans in a submarine canyon. Conservation Biology, 13, Reeves, R.R., Smith, B.D., Crespo, E. and G. Notarbartolo di Sciara
592–602. (compilers), 2003. Dolphins, Whales and Porpoises: 2000–2010
Conservation Action Plan for the World’s Cetaceans. IUCN/
Hyrenbach, K.D., Forney, K.A. and P.K. Dayton, 2000. Marine SSC Cetacean Specialist Group. IUCN, Gland, Switzerland,
protected areas and ocean basin management. Aquatic and Cambridge, UK, 139pp.
Conservation, 10, 437–458.
Yen, P.P.W., Sydeman, W.J. and K.D. Hyrenbach, 2004. Marine
Mussi, B., Miragliuolo, A., Monzini, E., Diaz Lopez, B. and M. bird and cetacean associations with bathymetric habitats and
Battaglia, 1999. Fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) feeding shallow-water topographies: implications for trophic transfer
ground in the coastal water of Ischia (archipelago Campano). and conservation. Journal of Marine Systems, 50, 79-99.
European Research on Cetaceans, 13, 330-335.

3.4. Mediterranean submarine canyons as stepping stones
for pelagic top predators: the case of sperm whale
Mehdi Aïssi 1, Cristina Fiori 2, Jessica Alessi 1
DIP.TE.RIS, University of Genoa, Corso Europa 26, 16132 Genoa, Italy. [email protected]
Association Menkab: il respiro del mare, Via Quarda Superiore 20/6, 17100 Savona, Italy.


Submarine canyons have long been considered important areas SANCTUARY
for marine life supporting abundant and unique communities of
megafauna, sometimes including species not observed in other Several studies have attempted to correlate cetacean distribution
environments. These emerged valleys are becoming increasingly to geomorphologic features in the Mediterranean Sea (Gannier,
recognised as recurrent sources of enhanced productivity (Allen 1998; Cañadas et al., 2002; Azzellino et al., 2008; Aïssi et
et al., 2001; Genin, 2004) and habitat heterogeneity. Indeed, al., 2008; Moulins et al., 2008). It seems that as well as depth
they provide an important habitat for various life stages of benthic and slope, submarine canyons exert an important influence on
and demersal fishes and invertebrates along continental margins cetacean distribution, even if the degree of this correlation largely
(Demestre and Martìn, 1993; Stefanescu et al., 1994). These depends on hydrological, topographical and biological contexts at
physiographic features may also serve as "keystone structures" local scale. For example, in the Ligurian sea, it has been confirmed
and aggregation areas for top predators like tuna, sharks and that habitat selection by Cuvier’s beaked whale strongly depends
marine mammals. on the presence of a trough surrounded by steep slopes at the
mouth of submarine canyons (Moulins et al., 2007) and the Genoa
canyons are described as specific attractive areas and overlap
The bottom topography of the north-western Mediterranean Sea is
hotspot ecosystems for striped dolphin, Risso’s dolphin and sperm
not a uniform flat environment. It is characterized by the presence
whales (Moulins et al., 2008).
of certain geomorphologic features such as seamounts, and is
incised for the most part by several submarine canyons. These
deep incised valleys occupy nearly 50% of the continental slope Recent studies have been conducted in the Pelagos Sanctuary
(Gili et al., 2000). This area constitutes one of the pools of the using a wide range of spatial and temporal scales to try to elucidate
greatest diversity and highest production (Franqueville, 1971; the relationship between preferred habitats of sperm whales and
Andersen et al., 2001), stimulating the regular presence of eight specific physiographic features. This area encompasses an
cetacean species (Notabartolo di Sciara, 2002). The aggregation aggregation of seamounts located in the south-eastern part and
of various teutophageous, planktophageous and ichtyophageous successive submarine canyons. This part of the Mediterranean
cetaceans may reveal the high productivity of this area. is considered as the most densely canyoned margin segment in
the entire basin. Of the most important and prominent canyons
considered, we refer to the Genoa and Imperia canyons in the
northern part of the Ligurian Sea. The others were relatively smaller
and located north and west of the Island of Corsica, such as the
Saint Florent, Porto, Sagone and Ajaccio canyons (Fig. 2).

Visual and acoustic surveys were carried out over three consecutive
years (2009-2011) focusing on this largest toothed whale in the
Pelagos Sanctuary. Observations have been reported throughout
the area. However, the target species does not appear to be
homogeneously distributed. Sightings occurred over a large bottom
depth range, with a tendency to increase on the continental slope
and the abyssal plain. The distribution of the depth data appeared
to be bimodal, with one marked peak of sightings in waters around
1000 ±250 m deep, and a majority of sightings in waters around
2000 ±250 m deep. (Fig. 3).

Fig. 1:
Diving sperm whale. Imperia canyon, 18th May 2011. ISHMAEL Project. © Maurizio Würtz – Artescienza s.a.s.

The spatial distribution of sperm whales was reflected in three

dissimilar morphological regions: submarine canyons (region
1), inter-canyons (region 2) and seamount areas (region 3). In
the survey effort spread along the whole study area, the survey
division within the three regions was relatively homogeneous. A
relevant distinction of encounter rates was registered between
these three zones characterized by different topography. Sightings
were greater in region 1 (n=63/113), to a lesser extent in region 2
(n=41/113), and even lower in region 3 (n=9/113). Thus, a marked
preference for the canyon area has been evidenced by sighting
frequency (56%). Sperm whales seemed to favour in particular the
submarine canyon habitat, which appeared in ranked order as the
major influent, rather than inter-canyons (36%) or seamounts (8%)
(Fig. 4).

This tendency was supported by several dedicated observations

and the frequent use of submarine canyons has been previously
reported in the Mediterranean Sea (Gannier and Praca, 2007;
David, 2000). Preferential use of submarine canyons has also
been suggested in other regions of the globe: in the Gully region
Fig. 2: off the Nova Scotia shelf (Whitehead et al., 1992), in the Mississippi
Map of the Mediterranean Sea and approximate position of submarine Canyon in the Gulf of Mexico (Davis et al., 1998), the Kaikoura
canyons monitored during sperm whale surveys Canyon on the east coast of New Zealand (Larivière, 2001) and in
(mentioned in the text) inside the Pelagos Sanctuary with gradual the north-east United States (Waring et al., 2001).
increasing of bathymetry each 500m.

The canyons generally open on the continental shelf, at around

100 to 200 m depth and extend down to the abyssal plain, over
2000 m deep. The head of the canyon was delimited by the 200 m
contours and the canyon mouth by the 2000m isobaths. In order
to evaluate the variability of distribution of sperm whales and to
investigate their affinity within the canyon structure, this area was
split initially into three classes: head (200-500m deep), middle (500-
1000m deep) and mouth (more than 1000m deep). Sightings were
located for the most part at the opening of submarine canyons and

their opposite extremity. The encounter rate was assessed in each
class, and appeared to increase particularly in the outer canyon.
Thus, the spatial distribution of sperm whales highlights habitat
suitability in the deep area of submarine canyons.

To delineate the characteristics and spatial distributions in relation

to canyon morphology, a new split related to the middle axe of
the canyon was applied leading to segregation in the eastern and
western parts of canyons. The spatial distribution of sperm whales
appears to concentrate mainly in the western part of canyons. In
particular, the pattern of distribution of this species is associated
B with the steep and complex topography of these emerged valleys.
Indeed, submarine canyons studied in this area are characterised
by a relatively gentle slope (mean slope 80 m/Km) in their upper
heads located close to the shore. However, a steep slope (mean
slope 180 m/Km) extends far over the abyssal plain of these valleys
on the sea floor.


Sperm whale distribution in the Pelagos Sanctuary seems to be

influenced mainly by the structure of submarine canyons which
affects hydrological and biological phenomena. Certainly, the
C steep topography of submarine canyons induces upwelling that
supports elevated cetacean diversity and abundance compared
to surrounding waters (e.g. The Gully in eastern Canada; Hooker
et al. 1999). The bottom relief modifies currents, leading to the
concentration of organisms. Hydrological features, including
eddies and topographically-induced upwellings, generate fronts
and bring nutrients, which in turn increase primary productivity
and the aggregation of zooplankton from enhanced secondary
production. Internal waves, which are produced by complex and
steep topography, can also lead to the concentration of prey
Fig. 3: Sperm whale occurrences inside the Pelagos Sanctuary related
to depth parameter (A), revealing the bimodal distribution in waters of
1400 m (B) and 2000 m deep (C), fitted as Gaussian curves (continuous Submarine canyons can strongly modify flow, shelf-slope
line) resulting from the Bhattacharya test and their cumulative probability
exchanges of water and material (Hickey, 1995; Perenne et al.,
(dotted line).
2001) and this coupling can aid the transport of particulate organic
matter that influences productivity. Submarine canyons can also
act as funnels for water upwelling from deeper oceanic levels to
shallower shelf regions, providing nutrient inputs to the marine
ecosystem (Flaherty, 1999) and enhancing productivity.
The sperm whale diet includes a large variety of food items, but
consists primarily of mesopelagic and bathypelagic cephalopods
(Clarke, 1980; Kawakami, 1980). It has therefore been impossible
to directly relate sperm whale distribution to the distribution of their
prey because methods of effectively sampling these deep-living
squid have not yet been developed (Clarke, 1987). Many papers
report evidence that cetaceans occupy the continental slope,
especially the part of submarine canyons that cut into the slope.
Steep slopes and submarine canyons play an important role in
influencing the water patterns in and around the surrounding area
because of their size and the area they occupy (Hickey, 1995).

Physical processes in submarine canyons have received much

attention (Shepard et al., 1974; Freeland and Denman, 1982;
Noble and Butman, 1989; Breaker and Broenkow, 1994; Alvarez
Seamount area Canyon area Inter-canyon area
and Tintore, 1996), but studies on the ecological processes of
Fig. 4: canyons are still limited. The refuge role of submarine canyons may
Cumulative percentage of sperm whale occurrence be especially important for protecting top predators in general, and
in areas with different physiographic features cetacean populations in particular, from extirpation in ecological
(canyon, inter-canyon and seamount areas). cul-de-sacs.


Aïssi, M., Celona, A., Comparetto, G., Mangano, R., Würtz, M. David, L., 2000. Rôle et importance des canyons sous-marins
and A. Moulins, 2008. Large-scale seasonal distribution of fin dans le talus continental sur la distribution des cétacés en
whales (Balaenoptera physalus) in the Central Mediterranean période estivale en Méditerranée nord-occidentale. PhD thesis,
Sea. Journal of the Marine Biological Association of the United Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes, Montpellier: Ecole Pratique
Kingdom, 88(6), 1253-1261. des Hautes Etudes, 360pp.

Allen, S.E., Vindeirinho, C., Thomson, R.E., Foreman, M.G.G. and Davis, R.W., Fargion, G.S., May, N., Leming, T.D., Baumgartner, M.,
D.L. Mackas, 2001. Physical and biological processes over a Evans, W.E., Hansen, L.J. and K. Mullin, 1998. Physical habitat
submarine canyon during an upwelling event. Canadian Journal of cetaceans along the continental slope in the north-central
of Fisheries and Aquatic Sciences, 58, 4411-4421. and western Gulf of Mexico. Marine Mammal Science, 14(3),
Alvarez, A. and J. Tintore, 1996. Flow modification and shelf-slope
exchange induced by a submarine canyon off the northeast Demestre, M. and P. Martìn, 1993. Optimum exploitation of a
Spanish coast. Journal of Geophysical Research, 101, 12043- demersal resource in the western Mediterranean: The fishery
12055. of the deepwater shrimp Aristeus antennatus. Scientia Marina,
57, 175–182.
Andersen, V., Vilan, P., Caparroy, P. and A. Gubanova, 2001.
Zooplankton community during the transition from spring bloom Flaherty, T., 1999. Spare a Thought for squid sucking denizens.
to oligotrophy in the open NW Mediterranean and effects of Australian Marine Conservation Society Bulletin, 20, 9-10.
wind events. 1. Abundance and specific composition. Journal
of Plankton Research, 23, 227-242.
Franqueville, C., 1971. Macroplancton profond (invertébrés) de la
Méditerranée nord-occidentale. Tethis, 3(1), 11-56.
Azzellino, A., Gaspari, S., Airoldi, S. and B. Nani, 2008. Habitat use
and preferences of cetaceans along the continental slope and
Freeland, H.J. and Denman, K.L., 1982. A topographically controlled
the adjacent pelagic waters in the western Ligurian Sea. Deep-
upwelling centre off southern Vancouver Island. Journal of
Sea Research, 55, 296-323.
Marine Research, 40, 1069-1093.

Breaker, L.C. and W.W. Broenkow, 1994. The circulation of

Gannier, A., 1998. Variation saisonnière de l'affinité bathymétrique
Monterey bay and related processes. In: Oceanography and
des cétacés dans le bassin liguro-provençal (Mediterranée
Marine Biology: An Annual Review, 32, 1-64.
Occidentale). Vie Milieu, 48(1), 25-34.

Cañadas, A.M., Sagarminaga, R. and S. García-Tiscar, 2002.

Gannier, A. and E. Praca, 2007. SST fronts and the summer sperm
Cetacean distribution related with depth and slope in the
whale distribution in the north-west Mediterranean Sea. Journal
Mediterranean waters off southern Spain. Deep-Sea Research
of Marine Biological Association of United Kingdom, 87, 187-
I, 49(11), 2053-2073.

Clarke, M.R., 1980. Cephalopoda in the diet of sperm whales of

Genin, A., 2004. Bio-physical coupling in the formation of
the southern hemisphere and their bearing on sperm whale
zooplankton and fish aggregations over abrupt topographies.
biology. Discovery Reports, 37, 1–324.
Journal of Marine Systems, 50, 3-20.

Clarke, M.R., 1987. Cephalopod biomass estimation from predation.

Gili, J.M., Pagès, F., Bouillon, J., Palanques, A., Puig, P., Heussner, S.,
In Cephalopod life cycles (ed P.R. Boyle), vol 2. Academic Press,
Calafat, A., Canals, M. and A. Monaco, 2000. A multidisciplinary
London, pp. 221–237.
approach to the understanding of hydromedusan populations
inhabiting Mediterranean submarine canyons. Deep-Sea
Research, 47(1), 1513-1533.

Hickey, B.M., 1995. Coastal submarine canyons. In: Proceedings

'Aha Huliko'a Topographic effects in the Ocean. Muller, P. and D.
Henderson (eds.). Hawaii: University of Hawaii, pp. 95-110.

Hooker, S.K., Whitehead, H. and S. Gowans, 1999. Marine Perenne, N., Lavelle, J. W., Smith, D. C. and D.L. Boyer, 2001.
protected area design and the spatial and temporal distribution Impulsively started flow in a submarine canyon: comparison
of cetaceans in a submarine canyon. Conservation Biology, of results from laboratory and numerical models. Journal of
13(3), 592-602. Atmospheric and Oceanic Technology, 18, 1698-1718.

Kawakami, T., 1980. A review of sperm whale food. The Scientific Shepard, F.P., Marshall, N.F. and P.A. McLoughlin, 1974. Currents
Reports of the Whales Research Institute, 32,199–218. in submarine canyons. Deep-Sea Research, 21, 691-706.

Larivière, F., 2001. Sperm whale habitat off Kaikoura, New Zealand: Stefanescu, C., Morales-Nin, B. and E. Massutí, 1994. Fish
a descriptive study of physical and biological processes assemblages on the slope in the Catalan Sea (western
influencing sperm whale distribution. MSc thesis, Environment Mediterranean): Influence of a submarine canyon. Journal of
and Society of the University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand, the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, 74,
222 pp. 499–512.

Margalef, R., 1997. Our biosphere. Excellence in ecology, 10, pp. Waring, G.T., Hamazaki, T., Sheehan, D., Wood, G. and S. Baker,
176. Oldendorf/Luhe: Ecology Institute. 2001. Characterization of beaked whale (ziphiidae) and sperm
whale (Physeter macrocephalus) summer habitat in shelf-edge
and deeper waters off the northeast U.S. Marine Mammal
Moulins, A., Rosso, M., Ballardini, M. and M. Würtz, 2008. Partitioning
Science, 17(4), 703-717.
of the Pelagos Sanctuary (north-western Mediterranean Sea)
into hotspots and coldspots of cetacean distributions. Journal
of the Marine Biological Association of the United Kingdom, Whitehead, H., Brennan, S. and D. Grover, 1992. Distribution and
88(6), 1273-1281. behaviour of male sperm whales on the Scotian shelf, Canada.
Canadian Journal of Zoology, 70, 912-918.
Moulins, A., Rosso, M., Nani, B. and M. Würtz, 2007. Aspects
of distribution of Cuvier’s beaked whale (Ziphius cavirostris) in
relation to topographic features in the Pelagos Sanctuary (North-
western Mediterranean Sea). Journal of the Marine Biological
Association of the United Kingdom, 87(1), 177-186.

Noble, M. and B. Butman, 1989. The structure of subtidal currents

within and around Lydonia canyon: evidence for enhanced
cross-shelf fluctuations over the mouth of the canyon. Journal
of Geophysical Research, 94, 8091-8110.

Notarbartolo di Sciara, G. 2002. Cetacean species occurring

in the Mediterranean and Black Seas. In: Cetaceans of the
Mediterranean and Black Seas: state of knowledge and
conservation strategies. Notarbartolo di Sciara, G. (ed.), a
report to the ACCOBAMS Secretariat, Monaco, February 2002.
Section 3, 17pp.

This work was carried out within the project ISHMAEL (Investigating
Sperm Whale Habitat in the Marine Environment of the Ligurian-
Corsica sea), funded by the TOTAL Foundation.

3.5. Canyon heads in the French Mediterranean
Overview of results from the MEDSEACAN
and CORSEACAN campaigns (2008-2010)
Pierre Watremez
Agence des aires marines protégées,


Sporadic observations made almost fifty years ago by small From the French-Spanish border to Cassis, at least 16 main
submarines “diving saucers”, and more recently by ROV, provide canyons can be identified: Lacaze-Duthiers, Pruvot, Bourcart
only very limited enlightenment on the a priori important biodiversity (Aude), L’Hérault, Sète, Catherine-Laurence, Marti, Montpellier,
and vulnerability of canyon heads lying off the French coasts in the Aigues-mortes, Petit Rhône, Grand Rhône, Estaque, Marseille,
Mediterranean. A study of available data on these zones has so Couronne, Planier and Cassidaigne. These canyons are mainly
far demonstrated a crucial lack of reliable and sufficiently extensive located far from the coast due to the offshore extension of the
information between depths of 50 and 600 m, especially with a view Gulf of Lion shelf (up to 70 km from the coast); with this particular
to implementing international conventions to which France adheres feature, they form part of a larger canyon functional system, which
(the Barcelona convention, for example), European regulations with is also constituted by canyons off the Catalan coast to the west
extension of the off-shore Natura 2000 sites, and to defining the and Liguria-Provence canyons to the east, both characterized by
perimeters of new marine protected areas and developing their very reduced shelves and steep slopes.
management plans.
The deep western Mediterranean has long been viewed as a
The MEDSEACAN and CORSEACAN data acquisition campaigns steady system. The constant trend towards higher salinity and
were organized between 2008 and 2010 from the Spanish border temperature, observed since the ‘50s, and its recent acceleration
to the frontier with Monaco, and off the western coast of Corsica, has shown that the system's variability is not simply confined to
to remedy this lack of information and obtain a reference record of
the ecosystems concerned and the pressures to which they may
be subjected.
At the time of this publication, their results are still being processed. 0 50 100 km
They do, however, already reveal contrasting ecosystemic situations
on the one hand and, on the other hand, while Corsican canyons
seem to be relatively spared, a clearly visible anthropogenic impact
on "continental" sites.



The shelf and slope of the Gulf of Lion in the north-western

Mediterranean Sea are deeply incised by all three submarine
canyon types identified by Harris and Whiteway (2011), spaced
less than 10 km apart: these canyons extend from 100-150 m
depth to 1500-2000 bottoms and make the Gulf of Lion one of the
most dense “canyoned” zones in the world oceans (Fig. 1).

Type 1 – Shelf incising, river associated

Fig. 1: Type 2 – Shelf incising
Types of submarine canyons in the Gulf of Lion
(modified from Harris and Whiteway, 2011). Type 3 – Blind (headless)

the upper layers, but also involves deep waters (Schroeder et with organic matter supply via rapid sinking, but are explained by
al., 2009). Massive convection events are responsible for new dissolved organic carbon (DOC) being transported to the depths
deep water formation occurring in restricted regions of the World by eddies, deepwater convection and cold-water cascading
Ocean: the Gulf of Lion is one of these regions where this very during winter. Respiration in the deep-sea is an important factor
peculiar phenomenon irregularly takes places, due to the cooling affecting food chains and variations in fisheries yield; moreover, it
and evaporation of offshore surface waters by cold north-westerly helps to sequester the CO2 in the deep water by converting DOC
winds (Tramontane and Mistral) during winter (Gascard, 2009). and particulate organic carbon (POC), originally produced in the
surface waters. Since the Mediterranean Deep Water residence
time is about 22 years, this injected CO2 is effectively removed
While Ligurian Sea and eastern Catalan sub-basins are shallow from the atmosphere for this time period (Packard et al., 2009).
deepening water areas, deep convection occurs in the south-
central zone of the Gulf of Lion at depths under 500 m, within a Thus, thanks to the combined effect of circulation, transport,
quasi-circular area of about 234 km in diameter. Thus, convection convection and cascades mediated and enhanced by canyons,
is much deeper in the Gulf of Lion and its location, maximum depth, the Gulf of Lion is one of the most productive zones in the entire
duration and formation rate of convection vary inter-annually and Mediterranean Sea.
can reach the sea bottom (as in the winter of 2005) or constitute
intermediate layers (as in the winters of 1999, 2006, 2008 and MEDSEACAN CAMPAIGNS
2010), whereas no deep waters were formed from 2000 to 2004,
in 2007 or 2009 (Bryden, 2009; Gascard, 2009).
MEDSEASCAN is a data acquisition campaign launched by the
Agency for marine protected areas between autumn 2008 and
From the Gulf of Lion, deep water flow spreads following a cyclonic spring 2010, carried out by several scientific teams (Ifremer, EPHE,
circulation pattern, firstly southward along the eastern coast of the CNRS, Marine Science Institution of Barcelona, Universities of
island of Menorca, then splitting into two veins, the first flowing Perpignan, Marseille and Nice, Oceanological Observatories of
towards Gibraltar along the southern Balearic shelf, the second Villefranche-sur-Mer and Banyuls/Mer – Paris VI University).
turning north-eastward, interacting with Levantine Intermediate
Water (LIW) and creating mesoscale eddies and gyres, which
re-circulate the flow towards the Gulf of Lion and the northern For the first time, Mediterranean canyons off the French coast
periphery of the western Algerian Gyre. The deep water spreading became the subject of a systematic reconnaissance campaign.
from the Gulf of Lion in the western Mediterranean has been In order to compare the canyon heads, the exploration effort was
estimated to take about one or two years and is mainly driven by shared out homogeneously, with about ten days' work on each of
the mesoscale dynamic similar to Algerian and Sardinian eddies the 13 boxes within a pre-defined sampling grid (Fig. 3). In each of
(Béranger et al., 2009). these boxes and during the successive phases of the campaign,
exploration of the sides of the canyons was carried out using the
same method, the same technical resources, implemented by the
Even if the deep water formation in the western Mediterranean sub- same scientific and technical teams. Description of the sites was
basin has always been assumed to be more efficiently achieved by primarily based on data acquisition in the form of images (photos,
offshore convection than concurrent cascading (van Haren and video) taken from underwater veicles, either manned or remote-
Millot, 2009), recent research has led to a re-evaluation of the controlled (ROV).
effects of cooling and evaporation on the coastal surface waters Species of megafauna were identified visually, relying where
over the wide shelf of the Gulf of Lion, which become denser possible on samples taken throughout the campaign.
and cascade downslope, carrying large quantities of particles in
From the Spanish border to the frontier with Monaco, about 20
sites were thus explored on this mission totalling almost 100 days,
with 200 dives to depths of 50 to 800 m undertaken either by
As a climate-driven phenomenon, the dense shelf water cascades submarine or ROV. Almost 14,800 photos, 390 hours of video and
in the Gulf of Lion have major effects during severe winters and dozens of samples were taken in real time by observations made
a direct impact on the thermohaline properties of the western by the scientists on board (Fig. 4).
Mediterranean deep water: they spread a thick and persistent
bottom layer containing significant amounts of suspended sediment
Sites explored in the Gulf of Lion, from west to east:
throughout the entire western basin (Fig. 2), called the nepheloid
layer (Puig et al., 2009). The Rhône River is the major source of Box 1 : Lacaze-Duthiers, Pruvost and Bourcart.
freshwater and sediment to the Gulf of Lion and accounts for 3-14% Box 2 : Marti and Sète.
of overall organic carbon and 10-12% of total inorganic carbon river Box 3 : Montpellier, Petit Rhône, Grand Rhône.
inputs to the Mediterranean Sea (Stemmann and Pujo-Pay, 2010).
Sediment transported from the shelf to the deeper bottoms is Box 4 : Planier and Couronne.
then funnelled and accelerated by the high number of submarine Box 5 : Cassidaigne and (unnamed, off the Embiez islands).
canyons, which characterizes the Gulf of Lion margin (Canals et
al., 2009).
Canyons explored off the Liguro-Provence coast between
Cassidaigne and the Italian border, also from west to east) :
Vertical and horizontal transport of organic-carbon rich water- Box 6 : Sicié, Toulon, Porquerolles.
masses also fuel deep nanoplankton and microplankton Box 7 : Pampelonne.
respiration. At the same depths, metabolic rates have been found
to be higher in the western Mediterranean than in the Atlantic and Box 8 : Saint-Tropez, Drammont, Cannes.
equatorial Pacific Oceans: these higher rates are not consistent Box 9 : Nice (Var).

Cold wind

Dense shelf water

Open sea convection



1° 2° 3° 4° 5°
Fig. 2:
Bathymetric map of the north-western Mediterranean showing the pathway
of the dense shelf water cascading mechanism
extending from the Gulf of Lion to the Catalan continental slope and the open-sea convection region
(modified from Puig et al., 2009).

Fig. 3:
Subdivision of the zone covered by the MEDSEACAN and CORSEACAN data acquisition campaigns, in 13 boxes:
9 for the continental area, 4 for the western coast of Corsica.



Fig. 4: Fig. 5:
Technical resources used: Colonies of Madrepora oculata (left) and Lophelia pertusa
(a) 30 m oceanographic MINIBEX vessel, (b) Achille ROV, observed at 500 m depth in the Lacaze-Duthiers canyon.
(c) REMMOA submersible,
(d) scientific PC for direct study of the images received.

Lacaze-Duthiers canyons
The Lacaze-Duthiers canyon (Fig. 3, box 1) contains exceptional The corals found in this canyon (Desmophyllum cristagalli,
biodiversity and thus differs from canyons to the east, very silted Madrepora oculata, Lophelia pertusa and Dendrophyllia cornigera)
up and exhibiting a gentler morphology. are remarkable species (Fig. 5), which are protected in France.
In these canyons, one finds a vagile biodiversity typical of muddy Lophelia pertusa is listed in the CITES convention (Appendix II).
bottoms (shrimp, Norway lobster (Nephrops norvegicus), hake Of the 50 or so species observed, 13 are either on the lists or
(Merluccius merluccius), grenadier (Macruridae), greater forkbeard in the appendices of European directives. Fourteen others are
(Phycis blennoides), blackmouth catshark (Galeus melastomus), designated as species of commercial interest.
small-spotted catshark (Scyliorhinus canicula), octopus, cuttlefish, Compared to other canyons in the western Mediterranean, this
anemone, comatula), with few sessile species. Chimaera (Chi- richness seems to be closely related to the existence of multi-
maera monstrosa, considered as a quasi-threatened species by year phenomena of dense coastal cascading, responsible for
the IUCN in the Mediterranean) were more frequently observed massive replenishment of fresh organic matter to this deep-sea
in the Petit Rhône canyon (Fig. 3, box 3) than in the others. This environment.
canyon also contains hake of a larger size than elsewhere, a large
The richness of this environment is also demonstrated by the
number of bivalves and an interesting succession of facies. Few
presence of top predators, birds and marine mammals observed on
blocks of rock, but debris of Dendrophyllia cornigera, sometimes
the surface. Among them, two species of cetaceans come under
in considerable quantities, drawing varied sponges, hydroids and
the European Habitats directive and the Barcelona convention.
small sea fans.
For the eleven species of birds observed, three come under the
Off Banyuls-sur-Mer, narrow and sinuous, with sides often steep Habitats directive and nine are on the list of protected species in
with many rocky cliffs, this canyon lies at the far west of the Gulf France.
of Lion.
Observations made during MEDSEACAN in the Lacaze-Duthiers
About 50 years ago, thanks to the first dives performed with canyon and its two neighbouring canyons (to the east) led to
Cousteau's SP 300 diving saucer, cold coral colonies were their being included in the perimeter of the Marine Nature Park of
observed on a cliff at a depth of 230 m (Petit and Lazubier, 1962 ; the Gulf of Lion (Fig. 6). The decree to that effect was signed on
Reyss, 1964). They consisted of Madrepora oculata combined October 11, 2011.
with yellow coral (Dendrophyllia cornigera). Fragments of Lophelia
pertusa had been dragged to deeper levels. In 2008-2009, several
campaigns revealed other locations of Madrepora oculata and the Planier and Couronne canyons
presence of living colonies of Lophelia pertusa. The MEDSEACAN While the silted Couronne canyon (Fig. 3, box 4) offers no particular
campaign notably furnished evidence of large colonies of this white interest, that of Le Planier (idem) seems more heterogeneous,
coral (of metric size), never before observed in the Mediterranean. with a left side consisting of silt and a right side presenting silted
The Lacaze-Duthiers canyon can claim exceptional biodiversity for rock with cliffs, overhangs and grottoes. It contains large oysters
this type of deep water environment. Its coral reefs are associated (possibly Neopycnodonte zibrowii, to be confirmed), rare in the
with the development of a fauna rich in sessile invertebrates, Mediterranean, several species of antipatharia, large Callogorgia
including in particular other species of cold corals (Dendrophyllia verticillata and numerous sponges. Also worth noting, an encounter
cornigera, Desmophyllum cristagalli), brachiopods (Gryphus with a six-gill shark (Hexanchus griseus, a species considered
vitreus) and deep sea oysters (Neopycnodonte cochlear). as quasi-threatened by the IUCN) over 3 m long, and an Atlantic
wreckfish (Polyprion americanus), a species whose biology is still
poorly understood.

Fig. 6:
Perimeter of the Marine Nature Park of the Gulf of Lion.

Cassidaigne canyon
The Cassidaigne canyon (Fig. 3, box 5) has steep sides with also observed at the exit from the canyon. Elsewhere, however,
numerous vertical cliffs. It descends very rapidly to a depth of 1000 biodiversity appears to be much weaker.
m. Its biodiversity is largely heterogeneous, though exploration of a The biodiversity observed led to the Cassidaigne canyon head
promontory on its right side, to a depth of 220 m, revealed exuberant being included within the permimeter of the future "Parc National
sessile fauna with numerous anthozoarians and spongarians. Such des Calanques".
diversity of anthozoans (Madrepora oculata, Corallum rubrum,
Dendrophyllia cornigera, Paramuricea calvata, Eunicella cavolini,
and several antipatharians) (Figs. 7 and 8) was never observed
in any other canyon throughout the entire campaign. Also worth
noting, the existence of a bed of the gorgonian Callogorgia
verticillata, in another site.
This narrow canyon, cut out of the limestone, is located east of the
creeks of Marseille, offshore from Cassis. It rapidly attains a depth
of 2000 m, high cliffs and numerous overhangs characterize its
The Cassidaigne canyon has long been the subject of many
scientific studies: the first dives were undertaken by Cousteau in the
1950's. Cold corals of the type Madrepora oculata were observed
in the early 70's. A German research team made deep dives in the
spring of 2009 as part of the European HERMES programme. The Fig. 7:
discarding of residue from bauxite refining (known as "red mud") Madrepora oculata and Corallium rubrum, Cassidaigne canyon,
at a depth of 310 m was the starting-point for studies (particularly 200 m depth.
observations) to assess its impact on the marine environment.
Since 1995, a follow-up procedure, placed under the responsibility
of a scientific advisory board, has been in place.
The observations, mostly ad hoc, reported since the 70's describe
a rich environment with red, white and yellow corals adhering to
rocky cliffs in the upper part of the canyon, at depths not exceeding
300 m.
Depending on the zones observed, biodiversity in the Cassidaigne
canyon is heterogeneous. On a rocky promontory jutting out
on its right side near the canyon head, a considerable number
of anthozoarians and spongarians have been observed. Such
diversity among anthozoarians in one and the same site was
not observed anywhere else during this campaign: white coral
(Madrepora oculata), red coral (Corallium rubrum), gorgonia
(Paramuricea clavata, Eunicella cavolini), yellow coral (Dendrophyllia Fig. 8:
cornigera), black coral (several species of Antipatharia). A bed of Paramuricea clavata, Madrepora oculata and Conger conger,
Callogorgia verticillata gorgonia, including large specimens, was Cassidaigne canyon, 200 m depth.

Unlike the Gulf of Lion, the continental shelf off the Liguro-Provence
coast is very narrow: significant depths are attained very rapidly. Many traces of human activities were observed during the dives:
The highest density of canyon heads lies between the Saint-Tropez accumulations of long lines and all kinds of waste material (plastic,
peninsula and Cap d’Antibes (Fig. 3, box 8). scrap metal, trawling debris...). As Daniel Reyss (1964) has noted,
Biodiversity observed in the Sicié canyon (Fig. 3, box 6) is much this detritus was not visible on dives he undertook in the Lacaze-
greater than that in the canyons off Saint-Tropez and the Var where Duthiers canyon. They furnish proof of the vulnerability of canyons
silt clearly predominates, sometimes forming vast undulations. and the pressures (pollution and overfishing) brought to bear on
Numerous species of anthozoarians were observed, together them by human activities (Lacaze-Duthiers).
with gorgonia such as Viminella flagellum and Bebryce mollis, red
coral (Corallium rubrum), yellow coral (Dendrophyllia cornigera), Fisheries activity has left many visible traces. Fragments of long
antipatharians and a single occurrence of white coral (Madrepora lines and nets can be found hanging on rocks in the Cassidaigne
oculata). Average biodiversity was noted for vagile species, with and Lacaze-Duthiers canyons. Their dragging movements caused
squid, hake (Merluccius merluccius), cutlassfish (Lepidopus by currents can be a threat for fixed fauna, and for cold corals
caudatus) and grenadiers (Macruridae). Also worth noting, the in particular. The other canyons, wider and silted up, bear many
presence of large Neopycnodonte sp oysters. traces of trawling (Fig. 9), attesting to the importance of their
halieutic resources and their exploitation. This trawling activity can
Sampling box 7 (Fig. 3) groups together the Pampelonne canyons destroy rare and fragile fauna.
and the canyon of Les Stoechades. The sea bottoms appear to There is much more waste material on the sea bottom in the case
be very heterogeneous with the presence of silt, sand, boulders of canyons whose heads are near the coast (Lacaze-Duthiers) or
and rock in place. The Pampelonne canyon is rather poor between large towns (Planier canyon off Marseille). The quantity of detritus
depths of 600 and 200 m. Beyond 200 m, biodiversity is much is quite low for canyons in the central part of the Gulf of Lion, very
more prevalent (with fixed communities of invertebrates installed far from the coast.
on rock boulders). In canyons off the Liguro-Provence coast, detritus (Fig. 10) is
Accumulations of posidonia leaves, sometimes forming a thick mat, extensive and heterogeneous, though plastic is predominant. A
were observed in the canyons of Porquerolles, Les Stoechades, considerable amount of diverse war-related material was observed
but above all in that of Toulon. Also worth noting, the existence, in in the Saint-Tropez and Toulon canyons.
these last two cases, of thanatocoenosis of deep corals (not yet Often narrow, these canyons are not subjected to trawling, though
identified) with large-size skeletons numerous examples of debris such as long lines and nets have
The canyon of Nice (Fig. 3, box 9) presents a wide diversity of been observed.
substrata and diverse benthic communities (silt, biogenous
detritus, deep rock communities...). But overall specific diversity
remains poor. Only a few locations manifest wider biodiversity. A
very small colony of Madrepora oculata was found there.



Fig. 9: Fig. 10:

Richness in the Bourcart canyon (350 m depth) Debris in canyons located east of Cassidaigne.
threatened by trawling gear. a) accumulation of posidonia leaves
a) bed of Callogorgia verticillata gorgonia and spiny lobster, in the Toulon canyon at 230 m depth,
b) yellow coral Dendrophyllia cornigera, b) unauthorized dumping west
c) traces of trawling activity. of the National Park of Port-Cros at 300 m depth,
c) mortar shell in the Saint-Tropez canyon,
d) debris of fishing nets in the canyon of Nice
at 350 m depth.


The narrow continental shelf around the Island of Corsica is incised Systematic reconnaissance of canyon heads in the French
by at least 16 canyons: Centuri*, Saint-Florent, Île-Rousse, Calvi, La Mediterranean was undertaken during the MEDSEACAN and
Revellata*, Galéria, Porto, Peru*, Sagone, Lava*, Ajaccio, Valinco, CORSEACAN campaigns, conducted by the Agency for marine
Les Moines, Porto-Vecchio*, Aléria* and Cervione*. protected areas in partnership with various scientific organizations,
both French and foreign. It provided additional knowledge about
By 2011, the CORSEACAN data had still not been processed environments little known until then. While waiting for a real reference
but already by the end of the reconnaissance campaign, it was record, being prepared in 2011 and 2012, the observation reports
possible to state that the sea depths and communities observed (currently in publication) nevertheless provide a global synthesis
are clearly distinct from those observed during the MEDSEACAN allowing us to sketch out remarks of a very general nature:
The boundaries of species distribution and assemblages of fauna a) A very high level of heterogeneity between the canyons was
are different. While no white coral was discovered, other very rare observed in terms of their morphology, geology and distance
species were observed. Some of them (currently to be confirmed) from the coast. A rapid examination of biodiversity also reveals
even appear to be totally new. significant differences between rocky canyons: those to the
A low amount of waste material and few traces of fisheries activities east demonstrate that the presence of hard substrata does not
allow us to conclude that the communities are in a good state of necessarily imply the presence of a high level of fixed fauna. On the
preservation, which is not the case for the continental canyons. other hand, numerous sessile and vagile species were observed in
certain canyons that are silted up.
b) From an initial examination, it does not appear that unknown
species were observed. However, some of the species are very
rare in the Mediterranean and have only been spotted on very rare
occasions. New sites of cold corals were discovered.
Several of these species are considered to be endangered by the
IUCN, and the production of a guide to macrofauna in Mediterranean
canyons would seem to be a priority.
c) The Lacaze-Duthiers and Cassidaigne canyons are exceptional
biodiversity hotspots. In the Lacaze-Duthiers canyon, exuberant
colonies of Madrepora oculata and Lophelia pertusa were observed,
together with numerous vagile and sessile species. The colonies
of Lophelia are the largest ever observed in the Mediterranean.
Biodiversity in the Cassidaigne canyon is heterogeneous, although
a highly varied fauna was found in one localized sector - with a
diversity of anthozoans observed nowhere else in a single site.
Compared with those obtained in the other canyons, these
observations fully justify the sites being awarded particular
protection. The canyon heads of Lacaze-Duthiers and the two
canyons further east have thus been incorporated into the
perimeter of the marine nature park of the Gulf of Lion, with a part
of the Cassidaigne canyon becoming part of the project for the
national park of Les Calanques.
e) An anthropogenic impact is plainly visible with a clear
accumulation of waste material when the continental shelf is narrow
and the canyons are close to large towns such as Marseille or Nice.
This material consists of all kinds, though plastic predominates.
Numerous war-related items (mostly ammunition) were found in
canyons lying east of Toulon.
f) In the silted canyons in the Gulf of Lion, the impact of fisheries
is visible with numerous examples of trawl towing gear in a muddy
environment, sometimes containing rare and endangered species.
These traces confirm the existence of halieutic resources.
In canyons with rocky sides where trawling is impossible, debris
from long lines and nets was observed. Inert, occasionally
colonized by a few species, they nevertheless present a risk for
the remarkable species attached to the cliffs (being swept away
by currents).
The heterogeneity of the canyons, the wide variety of the species
and the very localized character of observations of significant
biodiversity call for a predictive approach to these environments
and fully justify the pursuit of a reconnaissance programme.


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deep inertial motions near a dense water formation area. CIESM
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3.6. Role and importance of submarine canyons
for cetaceans and seabirds in the north-western
Mediterranean sea
Léa David and Nathalie Di-Méglio
EcoOcéan Institut, 18 rue des Hospices, 34090 Montpellier, France,
[email protected]


We know that cetaceans and seabirds are not randomly wide- Many articles from around the world show that cetaceans
spread at sea. A lot of physical and biological factors influence preferentially frequent the continental slope, especially its upper
their distribution directly or indirectly. Most of the time, as they are part, and also in particular submarine canyons (Kenney and
at the top of the trophic chain, they will reflect the distributions of Winn 1987; Mullin et al. 1994; Hooker et al., 1999). But studies
their prey (Burger, 1988; Cotté et al., 2009; Daroven et al., 2003; dealing with the use of a canyon by cetaceans or seabirds are so
Murase et al., 2002; O’Donoghue et al., 2010). These animals far scarce. What is the importance and on which time and space
can hence be perceived as bio-indicators, and provide rough scales do canyon systems play a role in the distribution of different
information on the trophic richness of a given area. In fact, a recent cetacean and seabird species?
multidisciplinary campaign at sea in the head of canyons at the
edge of the continental shelf highlighted the richness of some
This review is based on studies that we carried out in the north-
canyons: the MEDSEACAN campaign undertaken by the French
western Mediterranean Sea (Fig. 1) with data collected from 1994 to
Agency for Marine Protected Areas (AAMP).
2010, from May to June, with our partners (see acknowledgements).
But canyons cannot be viewed separately from the system linking We studied among other things the importance and role of
the shelf to the abyssal plane; moreover, they should be taken into submarine canyons on the continental margin in three regions: 1)
consideration within the continental slope. When canyons have to Gulf of Lion with large and long canyons, far from land and not
be considered, the whole margin should also be taken into account much edged by the continental shelf, and with a lack of inter-
as it acts as a favourable channel for exchange between the three canyon areas; 2) Provence, where canyons are relatively narrow
bathymetric areas. This is especially true for animals like cetaceans with steep heads, and in the vicinity of the Northern Mediterranean
and seabirds which are extremely mobile and able to travel rapidly Current (NMC), separated by small inter-canyon areas, and 3)
from one area to another. Furthermore, these animals are not directly Corsica, where canyons are short and narrow, hence small, and
linked to the bathymetric limit usually used to define a canyon, i.e. notably incise the shelf, with extended inter-canyon areas.
the 200 m contour isobaths for the head, but they are influenced This article is also based on data collected during the MEDSEACAN
by the currents occurring in canyons, because they concentrate campaigns lead by the French Agency for Marine Protected Areas,
biomass. The effect of canyons on mobile top predators should above the heads of French Mediterranean canyons (EcoOcean
therefore be measured beyond their near “borders”, integrating in Institut unpublished data) from October to June. Lastly, this
particular eddies occurring over canyons. review is based on scientific literature presenting results of studies
completed in this part of the Mediterranean Sea.
Since 1994, we have collected data at sea over the different
bathymetric areas: the continental shelf, slope and abyssal plane. Canyons are theoretically defined from the 200 to 2000 m depth
Analyses are still going on to test our hypothesis concerning contour. But we define their limits to take into account hydrological
canyons in the north-western Mediterranean Sea: processes which mostly occur over the heads and edges of
canyons beyond these topographical limits (see map 1). To
— canyons could be a principal feeding area for some species of
compare abundances between canyon and inter-canyon areas,
we only analyzed both sectors of Provence and Corsica, the inter-
— and they could be a secondary feeding area for other species of canyon entity missing in the third one, the Gulf of Lion.
cetaceans and seabirds when the period (season) or the year
(exceptionally low richness in the principal usual feeding areas)
is less productive.
— For seabirds, canyon heads could constitute one of the principal
feeding areas during the reproduction season.

Fig. 1:
Area and canyons studied in the north-western Mediterranean Sea.

The indicators used to highlight the importance of canyons are: bottlenosed dolphin (Tursiops truncatus), striped dolphin (Stenella
— Frequentation: number of species and their relative abundance, coeruleoalba), pilot whale (Globicephala melas) and also the fin
number of individuals per unit effort, here Nautical Mile (NM), whale (Balaenoptera physalus) (David, 2000; Di-Méglio, 1999;
spatial distribution and movements, Delacourtie et al., 2009; Moulins et al., 2008).
— Utilisation: type of behaviour, site fidelity, temporal variation
(scale of a day, a season or a year), relations to environmental Concerning seabirds, we studied these animals mostly in summer
parameters, (June to September), so most of the species studied were linked to
— The convergence of several top predators with different types of their colonies at that time. But during the MEDSEACAN campaigns
diet and their inter-actions. we also collected data in winter and spring. We observed at least 8
species: Cory’s shearwater (Calonectris diomedea) and Yelkouan
shearwater (Puffinus yelkouan yelkouan), the Yellow-legged
IMPORTANCE OF THE CONTINENTAL MARGIN gull (Larus cachinnans micahellis), Black-headed gull (Larus
ridibundus), Mediterranean gull (Larus melanocephalus), Common
Very few cetaceans are to be found over the continental shelf tern (Sterna Hirundo), Northern Gannet (Sula bassana) and Atlantic
(0.2 ind./NM). They are far more abundant over the continental puffin (Fratercula arctica).
slope, mainly in its upper part from 200 to 1000 m depth contour
(1.02 ind./NM). They are also numerous over the lower part, up to
2000 m (0.86 ind./NM). In comparison, the relative abundance of It appears that seabirds are more frequently encountered over the
cetaceans offshore, over areas beyond the 2000 m depth contour, continental shelf (0-200 m) and the upper continental slope from
reaches a maximum of 1.42 ind./NM (David 2000). 200 to 1000 m depth than over the lower part of the continental
slope from 1000 to 2000 m or offshore > 2000 m depth (Table 1
Species preferring the continental slope include Risso’s dolphin from Di-Méglio, 1999).
(Grampus griseus), the sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus)
and Cuvier’s beaked whale (Ziphius cavoristris), as several
authors have already pointed out (Bompar, 1997; Di-Méglio, Conéjéro and Beaubrun (1998) found Cory’s and Yelkouan
1999; Praca and Gannier, 2008; Azzelino et al., 2008; Moulins shearwater over the continental shelf and the continental upper
et al., 2008). However, all species, from coastal to pelagic, have part of the slope of the Gulf of Lion respectively 0.6 ind/NM and
been sighted more or less frequently over this bathymetric entity: 2.7 ind./NM for the two species of shearwaters. It seems that two

Cory’s Yelkouan Yellow Atlantic Northern Black- Mediterra- Common
shearwater shearwater legged gull puffin Gannet headed gull nean gull tern
0-200 m 1.24 0.71 2.69 0.02 0.03 0.10 0.02 0.27
200-1000 m 0.43 0.22 0.76 0.01 0.01 0.29 0.01 0.11
1000-2000 m 0.19 0.27 0.05 0.01 0.01 0.06.10-2 0.06 .10-2 0.06.10-2
> 2000 m 0.11 0.03 0.03 0.02 .10-1 0.06.10-2 0.02.10-2 0.01.10-2 0.03.10-2

Tab. 1:
Seabird abundance (in individual/NM) over different depth stratum.

categories can be defined: coastal semi-pelagic ones, like Laridea Biscay, where some species, such as Cuvier’s beaked whales
and Sternidae, and more pelagic ones, like the Shearwaters. The and Sperm whales, are more often found in the vicinity of the
first stay closer to the coast, 2 to 3 NM for some small gulls and for Santander canyon (Kizska et al., 2007). A well-studied site is
terns (Black-headed gull, Mediterranean gull, Common tern) and the Gully, the largest submarine canyon off the coast of eastern
up to 10 or 12 NM for the bigger ones (Yellow-legged gull). Thus, Canada. Here too, the abundance of cetaceans is higher in the
in the Gulf of Lion, where the slope’s break is sometimes as far as canyon than in other parts of the Scotian shelf and slope (Hoocker
40 NM from the coast, few of these birds ever reach it. But near et al., 1999). The most interesting feature is that a population of
the Var river on the French Riviera coast, where lots of colonies of 230 northern bottlenose whales use the Gully throughout the year,
these birds exist and where the continental shelf is nearly inexistent and approximately 57% of this population reside in a 20x8 km core
and the slope very steep, these birds can reach the upper part area at the entrance to the canyon at any given time (Whithead
of the continental slope. Other semi-pelagic species were also et al., 1997). This species partitions the Gully with sperm whales
mostly sighted over the continental shelf and slope: the Northern into largely separate habitats. Other species appear to partition the
Gannet and Atlantic puffin. Gully temporally but not geographically.
For seabirds, very few studies exist on the distribution of these
animals at sea in this part of the Mediterranean. Nevertheless,
Even if most of our campaigns at sea take place in summer, other
most of them show that the continental shelf and upper part of the
more sporadic missions in spring have encountered cetaceans
slope is a preferential range for seabirds (Abello and Oro, 1998;
in canyons, particularly in Corsica: fin whales have been seen
Carboneras and Requena, 2010; Conéjéro and Beaubrun, 1998;
feeding in Saint-Florent canyon (Cesarini, pers. comm.), and Di-
Di-Méglio, 1999; Zotier et al., 1999).
Méglio (2005, unpublished data) reported that three-quarters of fin
whale sightings during a continent-to-Corsica mission were seen
CANYONS AND INTER-CANYON AREAS feeding in the Valinco and Bonifacio canyons in April. In addition,
during the MEDSEACAN campaigns undertaken in spring, autumn
According to our data, the relative abundance of cetaceans proves and winter in “shallow” waters (200 to 600 m), our preliminary
to be higher in canyons than in inter-canyon areas (Wilcoxon paired results show that 5 cetacean species have been observed there,
test, with data for the four best years of the prospecting effort, even “pelagic” ones (fin whales and pilot whales) (Table 2), some
1994 to 1997, p=0.06 accepted as significant) (David, 2000). First of them feeding.
of all, Odontoceti (toothed whales) frequent in particular canyons
compared to other parts of the continental margin, mainly Risso’s
Concerning the use of canyons by cetaceans during the summer,
dolphins and sperm whales, but also pilot whales and Cuvier’s
nearly 67% of the fin whales sighted during feeding activities were
beaked whales. These four species are exclusively or preferentially
distributed in canyons rather than inter-canyon areas. During fixed
teutophageous (squid eaters). Canyons are also important areas for
point observation, no less than eight fin whales at a time were
the striped dolphin, which is an ichtyo-teutophageous species (fish
observed during the entire day feeding in the head of a canyon
and squid eater). Finally, the difference is less pronounced for the fin
in early spring. For other species seen during transect in summer,
whale, the only Mysticeti (baleen whales) and planctonophageous
the proportion of individuals sighted in feeding activities distributed
species sighted. The study made by Moulins et al., (2008) in the
in canyons compared to inter-canyon areas was 88% for striped
Ligurian Sea also found that four species frequently inhabit the
dolphins and attained 92% for Risso’s dolphins. On the other hand,
Genoa Canyon area: striped dolphins, Cuvier’s beaked whales,
only 33% of feeding sperm whales were found in canyons, and no
sperm whales and Risso’s dolphins. Other studies on the Sperm
pilot whales were seen hunting there, but they are night feeders
whale in this part of the Mediterranean Sea have also highlighted
and frequently rest during the day in canyons. Between 80 and
their preference for canyons (Gannier and Praca 2007; Moulins and
100% of socialising animals were localised in canyons, whatever
Würtz, 2005), while maps of preferred habitats show favourable
the species. When the number of individuals is grouped by trophic
areas in cells including canyons for Risso’s dolphin and even pilot
categories and weighted by the prospecting effort (Table 3), the
whales (Praca and Gannier, 2008; Delacourtie et al., 2009).
trends are the same except for the striped dolphins which socialise
This interest in canyons has also been described for cetaceans and rest more outside canyons.
in Tyrrhenian (Mussi et al., 2001), Ligurian (D’Amico et al., 2001;
Moulins et al., 2008) or Greek canyons (Frantzis et al., 1999). All
authors mention high abundances of cetaceans, mainly Risso’s It is interesting to note that, in summer at least, canyons are
dolphins, fin whales, sperm whales and Cuvier’s beaked whales particularly attractive for groups of cetaceans with new-borns and
within canyons, and highlight the trophic role of these areas. A calves. Actually, the percentage of new-borns in the groups of
similar phenomenon has been observed in the Atlantic Bay of striped dolphins observed was slightly higher in canyons (2.8%)

Lacaze- Lacaze-
Cassidaigne Toulon Stoechades St-Tropez Var
Species Duthiers Duthiers
(October) (April) (May) (April) (April)
(November) (June)
Bottlenosed dolphin X X X
Striped dolphin X X
Fin whale X
Pilot whale X
Sperm whale X

Tab. 2:
Cetacean species sighted in the heads of several canyons studied during the MEDSEACAN campaigns (2008-2010)
(EcoOcean Institut unpublished data).

Ind./MN Feeding Socialising Resting Travelling Unknow

Fin whale, canyon 0.003 0.001 0.001 0.004 0.006
Fin whale, inter-canyon 0 0 0.001 0.009 0.006
Striped dolphin, canyon 0.270 0.013 0.026 0.231 0.186
Striped dolphin, inter-canyon 0.144 0.048 0.041 0.143 0.261
Teutophageous, canyon 0.020 0.032 0.002 0.022 0.014
Teutophageous, inter-canyon 0.007 0 0 0.009 0.015

Tab. 3:
Comparison of the relative abundances (ind./NM) of animals engaged in four behaviours
and sighted in canyons and inter-canyon areas in summer (David, 2000).

than in inter-canyon areas (1.5%). For Risso’s dolphins and pilot the Gulf of Lion, show similar results as ours: in the north-western
whales, new-borns were only seen in groups located over canyons, Mediterranean Sea, canyons and in particular their heads are
reaching 4.3 and 4.5% respectively. Moulins and Würtz (2007) also places regularly frequented by sea birds.
reported the unusual sighting of a social pod of sperm whale in the
Var canyon.

Apart from this “summer” use of canyons, the use of canyons Some canyons seem more attractive than others for the whole
also seems to be sporadic for some “pelagic” cetacean species, cetacean community (Friedman test, p=0.03), namely Cassidaigne
as in the case of eight fin whales seen in early June feeding the in Provence, St-Florent in Corsica and finally Lacaze-Duthiers in the
whole day in the head of the Lacaze-Duthiers (MEDSEACAN Gulf of Lion (David, 2000). The three trophic categories reached their
(EcoOcean Institut unpublished data) or in Corsican canyons (St- highest abundance in the canyon of Cassidaigne. Teutophageous
Florent, Valinco and Bonifacio) (Di-Méglio, 2005, data unpublished, species are more frequent in Stoechades and Lacaze-Duthiers,
Cesarini, pers. comm.). These and other canyons could be used whereas abundance of ichtyo-teutophageous species is higher in
as transient places when animals are probably on their way to reach Saint-Florent (David, 2000). Fin whales were encountered more
the productive waters of the Liguro-Provençal basin (David et al., frequently in the Cassidaigne and Ajaccio canyons.
2001; Castellote et al., 2010), or be small secondary hotspots: An example of monthly evolution: the canyon of Stoechades
Cuma canyon system (Mussi et al., 2001) and the canyons around is barely visited during June and July, but during August and
Lampedusa (Guisti et al., 2005). September it becomes a principal occupancy site for large groups
of Risso’s dolphins and pilot whales, with numerous new-borns.
We obtained the same results during recent MEDSEACAN
Concerning seabirds, they are really mobile and can travel fast from
campaigns, with Lacaze-Duthiers being the most attractive canyon
one entity to another. Nevertheless, our results show that canyons
for cetacean species, with Cassidaigne and Stoechades in second
are places regularly frequented by sea birds, mostly their heads
position (Table 2).
which incise the continental slope. Conéjéro and Beaubrun (1998)
as well as Beaubrun et al., (1998) also pointed out the importance
of canyon heads for seabirds. During MEDSEACAN campaigns in Concerning seabirds, our results (Di-Méglio, 1999 and MED-
canyon heads, we encountered 17 species of seabirds, some of SEACAN, see Table 4) highlighted four canyons and their
them regularly (Table 4). Furthermore, it is also over canyon heads surroundings: Lacaze-Duthiers and Cassidaigne in the Gulf of
and the shelf break that feeding seabirds are more often seen Lion, Var in Provence and Ajaccio in Corsica. The first one seems
(shearwaters as well as small gulls and terns) (Di-Méglio 1999; to be attractive for most of the species, particularly shearwaters
Conéjéro and Beaubrun, 1998). Very few studies analyse the role (Di-Méglio, 1999; Conéjéro and Beaubrun, 1998). Cassidaigne is
of canyons in the distribution of birds in this part of the world. Only frequented by semi-pelagic species such as the Mediterranean
Conéjéro and Beaubrun (1998) as well as Beaubrun et al., (1998) in shearwater, Northern Gannet and also diverse gulls. The Var delta

Canyons Lacaze- Lacaze-
Cassidaigne Toulon Stoechades St-Tropez Var
Species Duthiers Duthiers
(October) (April) (May) (April) (April)
(November) (June)
Yelkouan shearwaters X X X X X X X
Cory’s shearwaters X X X X
European storm-petrel X
Northern gannet X X X X x X
Great cormorant X X
European shag X
Great skua X
Yellow-legged gull X X X X X X X
Kittiwake X X
Mediterranean gull X X
Black-headed gull X X X X
Lesser blacck-backed gull X
Audouin’s gull X
Sandwich tern X X
Common tern X
Razorbill X
Atlantic puffin X X

Tab. 4:
Seabird species sighted in the heads of several canyons studied during the MEDSEACAN campaigns (2008-2010).

is a place largely frequented by most of the gull and tern colonies, canyons. Similarly David (2000) also found a greater abundance of
so they are abundant in that nearby canyon. In Corsica, Ajaccio is cetaceans in the canyons of the Gulf of Lion than off the Provençal
a canyon frequently used by at least Cory’s shearwaters and other canyons. In Provence, some canyons are also important for both
more coastal and semi-pelagic birds, together with the Bonifacio groups which were frequently found in the Stoechades canyon,
canyon and Strait. whereas the Var canyon (and delta) is mainly attractive for birds.
Finally in Corsica, the Ajaccio canyon seems important for both
cetacean and seabird species, at least in summer.
The distribution of seabirds is influenced by the localisation of their
colony (central place forager), the status of reproduction and their
associated energy needs, and also their capacity to exploit their The attraction of Mediterranean canyons for these vertebrates
environment (Fasola and Bogliani, 1990). Di-Méglio (1999) showed can be explained by several factors. It is generally well-known
that for a pelagic seabird like Cory’s shearwater, the great majority that the distribution of cetaceans and seabirds at sea is directly
of seabirds are seen in the neighbourhood of their colonies during or indirectly influenced by different environmental parameters and
the period of laying and the incubation of their eggs, whereas by the distribution of their prey. In the Mediterranean Sea, it has
outside this period, birds are regularly encountered in the entire been demonstrated that seabirds and cetaceans are associated
Mediterranean basin. In our results, we show that Cory’s shearwater to thermic fronts (Di-Méglio et al., 2005; Cotté et al., 2009), in
and Yelkouan shearwater are able to search for food far from their particular fronts of a 1 to 2°C range, which are mainly found over
French continental colonies (Marseille and Hyères archipelago), the continental slope and in canyons of the Provence and Corsica
at least as far as the Lacaze-Duthiers canyon some 127 to 170 region, and also fronts of more than 2°C of magnitude which are
NM away. On the other hand, Laridae and Sternidae generally usually found over the margin and canyons of the Gulf of Lion (Di-
stay closer to the coast and their colonies during all stages of the Méglio, 1999). On the Iberian coast, Louzao et al. (2006) showed
reproduction period. that the foraging range of the Balearic shearwater comprised the
frontal systems along the eastern Iberian continental shelf waters
(depth <200 m) and areas close to the breeding colonies in the
Globally, it is interesting to note that the main preferential canyons Balearic Islands. They also showed that shearwaters aggregate in
for cetaceans and seabirds are almost the same. This attraction productive shelf areas with elevated chlorophyll a concentrations.
for top predators to a certain site indicates its probable richness in Praca and Gannier (2008) found that in the Provence and Balearic
prey. It seems that the Gulf of Lion system, including the canyons zones, the most important factor explaining the abundance of
and particularly Lacaze-Duthiers and Cassidaigne, is particularly sperm whale was the shelf break and the canyons. In the Gulf of
important for cetaceans and seabirds (present study). This Lion and the Central Zone, the presence of frontal zones appeared
is supported by the findings of Beaubrun et al. (1998) during a as the most influential factor for the presence of sperm whales.
campaign at sea from Barcelona to Rome over the continental Based on the literature (Bethoux et al., 1988; Millot, 1987), we
shelf and slope, which noted that the main abundance of Cory’s know that in our Mediterranean study area, the continental margin
shearwater was located in the region of the Gulf of Lion and its is influenced successively either by continental water (Rhône

and Var rivers), upwellings created by wind gusts, or the North The frequency of canyons cutting the slope could also be an
Mediterranean Current (or Ligurian Current) and its associated important factor. In our study, the Gulf of Lion and Corsica have
thermo-haline front. These hydrological processes bring nutriments similar abundances of cetaceans (0,78 to 0,81 ind./NM), with
that allow or enhance productivity at the surface and concentrate animals scattered over numerous canyons in the first sector, and
or attract all the elements in the trophic chain (Frontier, 1986). This more concentrated in some canyons in the second.
enrichment may attract buoyant prey such as squids in deep water
(Smith and Whitehead, 1993; Hamazaki, 2002; Whitehead, 2003;
Gregr and Trites, 2001). Particularly near the shelf break and in
heads of canyons, the currents are deflected by the topographic
variation and form upwellings and eddies (Durrieu de Madron et al., Looking from offshore to land, we separated each canyon into four
1990; Maso et al., 1990, Rojas et al., 1995). Furthermore, steep quarters based on the head, which comprised depths from ]0 to
topography is found in continental slope areas, canyons or sea- 1000 m], and the Base from ]1000 to 2000 m], and the Left and
mounts, and appears to be favourable to cephalopod biomass Right side.
(Childerhouse et al., 1995; Jaquet, 1996; Waring et al., 2001;
Jaquet and Gendron, 2002). This may explain why teutophageous We can see that a kind of spatial partition appears between
species are more linked to the continental slope and canyon cetacean species in the canyons. For example, in the canyons
system. Most marine organisms (euphausiids, squids and fishes) studied, feeding fin whales were more often located over bases
are swept away during their vertical nycthemeral migrations and and left sides, as in the case of long-finned pilot whales, whereas
trapped in canyons (Maqcart-Moulin and Patriti, 1993, 1996). Risso’s dolphins were more often seen over heads and also left sides
Several of these animals spawn in canyons where they gather and (Table 5; David, 2000). Sperm whales prefer heads, regardless
school during the summer. Canyons are then productive places of the side. Striped dolphins feed everywhere, but slightly more
in terms of zooplancton, micronecton (Champalbert et al., 1992; over right sides and heads of canyons. Altogether, teutophageous
Macquart-Moulin and Patriti, 1993; 1996; Patriti and Macquart- species seem to prefer to exploit left sides, regardless of depth.
Moulin, 1996) and also fishes: Campillo (1992) found a high
One kind of partition has also been reported by Moulins et al.
density of adult anchovies beneath thermo-haline fronts at the
(2008) in the Genoa canyon, where four species were seen:
shelf break and particularly in canyons. Canyons are thus areas
striped dolphins were mainly present on the north-western border,
of important concentration, abundance and species diversity, and
the Cuvier’s beaked whale species shares the upper part of the
consequently attractive for cetaceans and seabirds. Conéjéro and
canyon with dolphins, also frequent in the deep part of the canyon,
Beaubrun (1998) linked the distribution of Cory’s shearwater to the
and sperm whales were observed in the middle of the canyon
distribution of Anchovies and Sardines and also to the main area
where both striped dolphins and Cuvier’s beaked whales were
for the eggs of these fish species (Garcia et al., 1994; Beaubrun
absent. Finally, Risso’s dolphins was frequently observed at the
et al., 1998).
opening of the canyon where the Cuvier’s beaked whale was
absent, but shared the area with striped dolphins.
Moreover, the trophic web of the western region, the Gulf of
Lion, may benefit from the general current flowing west along the
A temporal partition also exists during the day in the canyon. On a
continental slope of Provence and the Gulf of Lion, explaining its
daily basis, striped and Risso’s dolphins present a similar pattern
attractiveness for top predators.
(David, 2000; Di-Méglio, 1998; Gannier and David, 1997): at dawn
they are mainly feeding in small groups or scattered over shallow
Not only does the abundance of prey play an important role, but water. In the middle of the day, they travel to areas at greater
certainly also the type of prey, their availability, reachability, patches depths, and gather in bigger groups, mostly socialising and resting.
of concentration and the frequency of occurrence of these patches. In the evening they return to more shallow water, dispersing and
Since canyons are topographically fixed, hydrological processes beginning feeding activities. These species seem to be nocturnal
occurring locally should be regular and canyons could then be feeders, hunting in canyon heads some prey, which concentrate
a regular source of “predictive” food. Moreover, it appears that and come up at night then go down again during the day. Meissner
canyons more frequented by cetaceans seem to be those where et al. (2008), have also showed that in the Riviera canyons (around
meanders and eddies of the NMC occur, forced by the topography Nice) striped dolphins occur more inside the canyon in the morning
of the coast, and thus canyons which are provided regularly and with a largely dominant feeding activity.
permanently with biomass.

Ind. Alim/NM Left side Right side Head Base

Fin whale 0.004 0.001 0.001 0.005
Striped dolphin 0.22 0.40 0.34 0.26
Teutophageous 0.027 0.001 0.015 0.012

Tab. 5:
Comparison of relative abundances (ind./NM) of feeding animals in half-canyons :
left and right sides, and head and base.

From dawn to dusk, the abundance of striped dolphins is higher in It seems that the influence and importance of canyons are similar
one quarter of a canyon, then in another quarter, and it seems that throughout the world, even if modalities and intensities depend on
they follow a kind of circuit, clockwise or anti-clockwise, through hydrological, topographical and biological contexts. We could also
the entire canyon. Commonly, individuals found over canyon heads work on scale with regard to canyons, and imagine looking at the
at dawn are feeding, and we discerned movements from head to Ligurian Sea as a huge canyon within the Mediterranean Sea.
base in the morning, and base to head in the second part of the Although canyons are attractive sites for predators, some of them
day (David, 2000). are more frequented than others. Factors explaining this would
include the size of the canyon, its distance from a River or the
In the case of seabirds, it seems that most of feeding seabirds are coast, and its position regarding the main geostrophic currents
localised on the left side or middle part of the northern canyons, for generating upwelling and eddies which enhance the biomass and
shearwaters at least (Di-Méglio, 1999). But we have not found more productivity. These parameters influence physical oceanography
literature in our study area on that particular point. Nevertheless, in and the availability of potential resources for predators.
general we observed a higher percentage of shearwaters at sea at Cetaceans and seabirds therefore participate in the ecosystems
dawn and/or dusk rather than in the middle of the day: around 0.23 of canyons, from the point of view of material and energy transfers
ind/km at dawn and dusk for Cory’s shearwater versus 0.12ind./ and biodiversity.
km in the morning or afternoon, and 0.09 ind./km in the evening By identifying principal foraging areas where top predators
versus 0.04 at dusk and 0.06 in the afternoon for Mediterranean concentrate, we could envision those areas as core regions of
shearwater. This global pattern would probably be the same in Marine Protected Areas (MPAs), where high protection measures
canyons. could be established. More diffuse protective measures would be
applied within a larger buffer region, delineated by the foraging
range of each threatened species. Marine protected areas, even
on the high sea, with different levels of protection could greatly
To conclude, we can say that this study and review show the
benefit the conservation of far-ranging seabirds by extending
importance of submarine canyons in the summer period at least
protective measures beyond their breeding colonies during both
for cetaceans and seabirds in the north-western Mediterranean
the breeding and non-breeding seasons (Louzao et al., 2006). The
Sea ecosystem. Cetaceans exploit them differently according to
shelf break, upper continental slope and heads of canyons should
the month (David et al., 2001) or the period of the day, certainly
therefore be integrated into a huge MPA or a network of Marine
reflecting the movements of their prey. Mobile birds such as Cory’s
Protected Areas to ensure ecological continuity and the efficient
shearwater or Yelkouan shearwater exploit rich canyons even far
monitoring of populations.
from their colonies, and many species of birds (shearwater, gull,
gannet, puffin…) frequent preferentially the shelf break and canyon
heads in this part of the Mediterranean Sea. Our results and the
literature thus support the hypothesis presented in the introduction.
In this part of the Mediterranean Sea at least:

— the continental slope and the canyons constitute a principal

feeding area for Risso’s dolphin, sperm whale and Cuviers
beaked whale in the case of cetaceans, as well as for Cory’s
shearwater and, when near colonies, Yelkouan shearwaters,
gulls and terns in the case of seabirds,
— for striped dolphin and pilot whales, canyons can also be a
secondary feeding place among others, mostly used at
night, and lots of seabirds use canyons when they are near
their colonies,
— for fin whales, canyons could be punctual feeding places
to search for food during spring or winter, or when the usual
pelagic biomass is missing (exceptionally low productive year).

We would like to acknowledge our partners at sea and those
providing financial support: EPHE, WWF-France, Swiss Cetacean
Society, Cybelle Planète, Participe Futur, Fondation Nicolas Hulot,


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3.7. The benthic communities of the Cap de Creus canyon
Teresa Madurell1, Covadonga Orejas1,2, Susana Requena1, Andrea Gori1,3, Ariadna Purroy1,
Claudio Lo Iacono4, Ana Sabatés1, Carlos Dominguez-Carrió1, Josep Maria Gili1
Institut de Ciències del Mar, ICM-CSIC, 08003 Barcelona, Spain
Present address: Instituto Español de Oceanografía, IEO, 39004 Santander, Spain
Present address: Centre Scientifique de Monaco, 98000 Monaco
Unitat de Tecnologia Marina, UTM-CSIC, 08003 Barcelona, Spain



The Cap de Creus canyon is located at the westernmost part narrowing of the shelf towards the west result in the majority of off-
of the Gulf of Lion continental margin, considered to be the last shelf sediment transport on this margin running through the Cap
of a dense network of submarine canyons that characterize the de Creus canyon. Sediment fluxes observed in this canyon are
area (Fig. 1). The head of the canyon is located about 5 km north- much higher than in eastern and central Mediterranean submarine
east from the Cap de Creus promontory and its end side meets canyons (Palanques et al., 2006). Dense-shelf water cascading,
with the end of the Sète Canyon at around 2150 m depth. The which occurs more frequently and with higher intensity in this
Cap de Creus canyon incises the shelf edge at depths of 110- canyon, also favors the supply of nutrients and oxygen to the
130 m for more than 50 m and progressively widens to attain a deeper parts of the canyon (Durrieu de Madron et al., 2005; Canals
maximum amplitude of 6 km, where it reaches depths ranging from et al., 2006). This process has important biological and ecological
650 m to 2200 m. Both flanks of the canyon show characteristic implications that contribute to make it a unique system. The large
morphological features due to differential depositional settings amounts of organic material transported along the Cap de Creus
and hydrodynamic regimes. While the northern side displays a canyon probably play an essential role in the maintenance of high
smooth morphology with rounded gullies and scars, showing a local biodiversity rates and its associated deep-sea ecosystems
sedimentary depositional set of conditions, the southern flank has (Canals et al., 2009; Orejas et al., 2009).
an erosive sedimentary nature, characterized by extensive rocky
outcrops, vertical walls and terraces (Lastras et al., 2007; DeGeest
et al., 2008; Puig et al., 2008). Extensive linear erosive furrows
occur at depths between 150 and 1400 m which appear to be
associated with the dense-shelf water cascading phenomenon
and represent the preferential routes for sediment transport along
the southern flank of the canyon (Canals et al., 2006; Lastras et al.,
2007; Puig et al., 2008; Ulses et al., 2008).

The proximity of the canyon to the coast, and therefore the reduced
extension of the adjacent continental shelf, is another remarkable
feature of this canyon. The continental shelf extends to about 130
m depth, displays a rough morphology and is very narrow near the
Cap de Creus promontory and the canyon (2.7 km). The proximity
to the coast added to the global configuration regarding the Gulf of
Lion renders this canyon very particular. The Cap de Creus canyon
appears to be a major export path of particulate matter (coming
from river input and seasonal storms) from the shelf to the deep A B
areas. The preferential direction of the coastal currents and the
Fig. 1:
A) Cap de Creus canyon in the North Western Mediterranean context
and B) its digital elevation model (DEM).


The benthic communities found at the head of the canyon and 2. The offshore rocky-bottom community at the end of the continental
its neighbouring area of the continental shelf have been studied shelf (outer shelf) (Fig. 3), known as the “biocoenose de la roche
for the last ten years and are still the subject of thorough research du large”, has an estimated surface area of 1.81% (Lo Iacono et
studies. The different types of megabenthic communities that dwell al., 2012). This community is characterized by the presence of
in this region are determined by the geological and environmental relatively small superficial rocky outcrops that are colonized by
configuration of the continental shelf and canyon. Two main types a rich fauna of sessile organisms, dominated by sponges like
of benthic communities have been identified in the southern Phakellia ventilabrum and Poecillastra compressa; colonies of
flank of the canyon between 150 and 400 m depth: circalittoral the cnidarian Eunicella sp, and a variety of hydroids, bryozoans
communities also found on the continental shelf, and bathyal and ophiurids (genus Ophiura). Several species characteristic of
communities of cold-water corals (Gili et al., 2011; Lo Iacono et al., both deep areas of the continental shelf as well as individuals from
2012). The description of the megabenthic communities is made shallower coralligenous communities (e.g. Parazoanthus axinellae
after Pérès and Picard (1964), Desbruyères et al. (1972–1973) and or Dysidea tufa) are also found in well-preserved rocky areas (Gili
Pérès (1985). et al., 2011). This community has been affected by trawl fishing and
its presence in the Cap de Creus Canyon is remarkable.
Circalittoral communities
The circalittoral communities identified are located on the shelf Cold-water coral community
edge and break where sediments are very clean of silt and gravel The cold-water coral community found on the southern wall of the
predominates. There are two communities defined here: Cap de Creus canyon is known as the “biocoenose des coraux
blancs”. This community develops on rocky substrates, dominated
by boulders and vertical walls (Fig. 4). The most abundant cold-
1. The offshore detritic community of the shelf edge and break
water coral species present in the Cap de Creus canyon are
("biocoenose des fonds détritiques du large") dominates in the
Madrepora oculata, Lophelia pertusa, Dendrophyllia cornigera
outer shelf region (estimated surface area of 31.95%) (Lo Iacono
and Desmophyllum dianthus (known in the Mediterranean as
et al., 2012). It is characterized by sessile macrofauna, mainly the
D. cristagalli) (Fig. 5), the dominant species being M. oculata.
sea pens Pteroeides spinosum, Pennatula rubra and Cavernularia
Quantitative analysis of occurrence and density of M. oculata
pusilla, together with the soft coral Alcyonium palmatum and
shows a preferential presence of this species in rocky substrates
sponges. Two different facies can be distinguished in the upper
and a spatial distribution pattern in patches of varying size reaching
canyon rim and canyon head, those with shared dominance
maximum densities of around 11 colonies/m2 (Orejas et al., 2009).
between sea pens and ceriantharians, and those dominated by
D. cornigera has always been found either alone or in small groups,
sea pens and hydrozoans (Fig. 2 A, B).
and Lophelia pertusa as isolated colonies.

Another feature of the cold-water coral community in the Cap de

Creus submarine canyon is the high diversity of associated species,
mainly of benthic suspension feeders such as brachiopods
A Dominant groups
(especially Gryphus vitreus and Mergelia truncata), polychaetes
Sea pens (Sabella pavonina), sponges, bryozoans and other cnidarians
Ceriantharians including, for instance, octocorals like the red coral Corallium
Depth (m)

The cold-water coral occurrence in the rocky areas of the southern

wall of the Cap de Creus canyon is probably related to the food
supply through the energetic current flows that periodically carry
nutritive suspended particles from shelf environments (Canals et
Transect lenght (m) al., 2006) and through the resuspension of shelf organic matter
by inertial internal waves (Ogston et al., 2008; Orejas et al., 2009;
Tsounis et al., 2010; Purser et al., 2010). The presence of corals in
B Dominant groups
available hard substrates is also related to the reduced sediment
Sea pens accumulation rates caused by cascading phenomena and in
Hydrozoans general by the strong currents found in the area (DeGeest et al.,
2008; Puig et al., 2008). The canyon's northern flank is mainly
characterized by soft sediments with high accumulation rates
Depth (m)

(DeGeest et al., 2008). The lack of rocky substrates probably

explains the scarce presence of cold-water corals on the northern
wall. However, explorations carried out in this flank of the canyon
have been punctual and consequently the communities have not
been thoroughly studied yet. Further surveys in the Cap de Creus
Transect lenght (m) canyon will provide a comprehensive map of the habitats present
in the whole study area.
Fig. 2:
Schematic representation of the offshore detritic communities dominated
by (A) sea pens and ceriantharians and (B) sea pens and hydrozoans.


The experimental research developed during the last 5 years

focusing on cold-water corals, mainly on feeding ecology and
growth rates (Fig. 6), has given new insights into the ecology
of these species. These kinds of ecophysiological studies are
important to obtain a clearer understanding of suitable locations
for their development, their population dynamics, as well as the
recovery capacity of these species after disturbances of natural or
anthropogenic origin.

Aquaria experiments on capture rates developed for some cold-

Fig. 3:
water corals show how efficient these species are when preying
Detail of the rocky-bottom community found at the deeper parts
on large zooplankton (Tsounis et al., 2010; Purser et al., 2010).
of the continental shelf and canyon head, dominated by sponges.
The role of zooplankton as prey on key physiological processes
of the cold-water coral species Desmophyllum dianthus has also
been studied recently, showing that this food source is important
in sustaining respiratory metabolism, growth and organic matter
release (Nauman et al., 2011). These studies emphasize the
importance of zooplankton for these organisms. Furthermore, the
role of the cold-water coral communities as a hot spot for carbon
recycling has also been proven in some locations (van Oevelen,
2009). Experiments performed in aquaria to study the growth
rates of cold-water corals showed that, in some cases, these rates
are not as slow as it was previously supposed and documented
(Roberts et al., 2009). Recent findings show that, in some cases,
their growth rates are even comparable to the growth of some
of their tropical counterparts. This is the case for M. oculata
specimens from the Mediterranean, which showed growth rates
comparable to Galaxea fascicularis colonies, originally from the
Fig. 4:
Red Sea (Orejas et al., 2011b). Growth rates for the 4 dominant
Colonies of Madrepora oculata found at depths of 250 m on the southern
cold-water coral species found in the Cap de Creus canyon
flank of the Cap de Creus canyon.
showed different values in terms of weight increase, which have
been related to possible inter-specific physiological differences
(Orejas et al., 2011a). The relative high growth rates recorded for
the cold-water coral M. oculata suggest a higher recovery potential
for these communities after disturbances. Further studies would
be important to predict future scenarios, where environmental
threats such as ocean acidification could play an important role
in cold-water coral growth, as it has already been documented for
tropical corals (e.g. Marubini and Atkinson, 1999; Marubini et al.,
2008; Schneider and Erez, 2006) and for some cold-water corals
(Maier et al., 2009, 2011). Studies on the biology of cold-water
coral species are therefore critical to enlarge our knowledge on the
ecology of these organisms, providing the basis to develop effective
conservation plans and guarantee sustainable management of this


Fig. 5: Fig. 6:
Detail of the four dominant cold-water corals found in the Cap de Creus Growth of Madrepora oculata between December 2006 and May 2008,
canyon (A) Madrepora oculata, (B) Lophelia pertusa, (C) Desmophyllum showing the lengthening of branches, new polyps and the covering of the
dianthus and (D) Dendrophyllia cornigera (source Orejas et al., 2011a). artificial base by new tissue. Colour differences in the last photograph are
due to different lighting during photography.

ASSOCIATED ZOOPLANKTON OBSERVATIONS The presence of fish larvae among the zooplankton communities
inside the canyon is also important. The species composition of
The video images recorded with the submersible JAGO at about samples obtained within the canyon includes the presence of
200 m depth (Fig. 7) show large clouds of Euphausiacea. There larvae of some species of high commercial value, such as hake
are few observations of large swarms of krill near the bottom as (Merluccius merluccius) (Gili et al., 2011), as well as neritic and
observed in the Cap de Creus canyon, which are mainly reported mesopelagic species (Fig. 8). The presence of fish larvae suggests
from Antarctic waters (Gutt and Siegel, 1994; Clarke and Tyler, how important this particular habitat is as a spawning and nursery
2008). In the Mediterranean, observations of the most abundant krill area for fish. It is known that cold-water corals act as potential
species Meganyctiphanes norvegica show maximum abundances places of refuge, breeding and feeding for many deep-sea species
(0.09 ind/m3) in deep areas, around 120 m depth (Tarling et al. in other regions, including commercially important fish (Husebø et
2001). The abundance estimated from zooplankton samples in the al., 2002; Fossa et al., 2002; D'Onghia et al., 2010). The Gulf of
Cap de Creus canyon for the most abundant species Nyctiphanes Lion is also a breeding ground for commercially important pelagic
couchii shows maximum values of up to 0.24 ind/m3 (Gili et al., species like the anchovy Engraulis encrasicolus in spring-summer
2011). These observations are important because krill is the main time and the sardine Sardina pilchardus in autumn-winter months
food source for many marine organisms, especially cetaceans. (Sabatés et al., 2007).
Zooplankton is also an important prey in the diet of cold-water corals,
as has been determined from biochemical analysis (Duineveld et
al., 2004; Kiriakoulakis et al., 2005; Cartier et al., 2009) and direct
observations on-site (Mortensen, 2001; Freiwald, 2002).
The area of Cap de Creus is characterized as being subjected
to considerable maritime traffic, being the connection between
the populated and industrialized areas of southern France and
Barcelona harbour. It is also regarded as a preferential area for
intense fishing activities. Additionally, the anthropogenic impact
on the coastal region is exacerbated by discharge from sewage
collectors, nautical and recreational activities which intensify during
the summer months, and fishing (spearfishing) from recreational
boats (Lloret et al., 2008a,b). All these activities, especially fishing,
have an important impact on the marine ecosystems and require
thorough evaluation.

Fig. 7:
Swarms of krill over a patch of Madrepora oculata Trawl fishery
on the southern flank of the Cap de Creus canyon
The Vessel Monitoring System (VMS) provides information regarding
at 200 m depth.
vessel code, position, time, speed and direction of the boat to the
fishing authorities. In the EU, from 2005 onwards, VMS applies to
all large fishing vessels exceeding 15 m in length (EC Regulation
No. 2244/2003). Since January 1st 2012, VMS has been extended

Fig. 8:
Fish larvae in zooplankton samples collected inside the Cap de Creus canyon. Commercial species are highlighted.

to all vessels longer than 12 m (EC Regulation No. 1224/2009). was 1, and so on. A value of 4 was not obtained, indicating that
Although VMS purposes are primarily for fisheries enforcements, confluence of all 4 gears has not been recorded in the area. The
they are currently employed as a unique and independent tool to coverage percentage of a particular gear attained values of 60%;
spatially and temporally allocate the distribution patterns of fishing the coincidence of two gears corresponded to a value of 29%,
activity (Gerritsen and Lordan, 2011; Mills et al., 2007; Witt and whereas interaction of 3 fishing gears being used simultaneously
Godley, 2007; Skaar et al., 2011). was only observed in 11% of cases. The resulting map reflected the
limitations in the coexistence of particular fishing types, i.e. trammel
nets and longlines hardly coincide, due to the incompatibility of
The data processed from the VMS has provided the opportunity to their fishing techniques.
visualize the spatial behavior of the fishing industry and hence study
Comparing Fig. 11, which highlights the well-preserved commu-
its potential influence on benthic communities. The provisional
nities in the study area, and Fig. 10 with the overlap value map,
analysis so far developed shows an apparently higher density of
a relationship between the best-preserved communities and the
signals in spring, autumn and winter in the southern part of the Cap
degree of impact of fishing activities can be observed. Thus, areas
de Creus canyon, whereas such fishing activity moves towards a
of high ecological interest coincide with those with less overlap of
northern canyon during the summer (Fig. 9).
fishing gears, with values ranging from 0 to 2.
In both cases, artisanal fishing and bottom trawling, the study of
Artisanal fishing the fishing footprint revealed those areas where little fishing gear
Artisanal fisheries have a long tradition in the Cap de Creus overlap occurred, coinciding with those areas of high ecological
area, and are defined by combining fishing arts, target species, interest, and indicating the degree of impact that fishing gears have
fishing geographical zones and seasonality (Table 1). Despite on benthic habitats (Gili et al., 2011). The fishing footprint could be
alternating seasons for target species and closed fishing seasons, used to localize areas where low fishing impact has presumably
this activity takes place all year round, weather permitting (Table helped towards the preservation of benthic communities, where
1). Fishermen’s local knowledge determines this seasonality by potentially pristine areas with high diversity rates can be found.
considering a species' behavior and its abundance throughout Thus, the fishing footprint appears as an appropriate tool for the as-
the year (Stelzenmüller et al., 2007). Fishermen tend to state a sessment and management of areas of interest for conservation.
lack of specificity in the choice of their fishing grounds, but in fact
weather and the previous day's fishing experience determine their
Fishing impact from ROV images
destination. Despite their activity, a decline in artisanal fisheries
has been observed during the last decades to the benefit of We investigated the level of the potential anthropogenic impact
progressive expansion of other practices such as semi-industrial on cold-water coral species by quantifying the amount of benthic
fishing and tourism-related activities (Gómez et al., 2006). long-line fishing gear and other anthropogenic remnants observed
within the canyon (Orejas et al., 2009). Results showed an average
of one fishing line every 10 m of video transect. The hard substrate
In order to define the degree of impact that fishing gears exert on areas snag the long-lines, where they can get entangled by the
benthic communities, an overlap value was established (Purroy et coral colonies and therefore represent a potential threat to the corals
al., 2010). The assigned values ranged from 0 to 4 depending on (Fig 12 A, B). Other fishing gears such as gillnets and plastic debris
the physical coexistence of the main fishing gears (surface and were occasionally observed. Although there is no bottom trawling in
bottom longlines, trammel nets and gillnets). The absence of the canyon head, the influence of trawling was presumably noticed
fishing gears detected in a given area was attributed the value 0, for in the canyon rims where depositions of detritic communities and
those areas where only one fishing gear was active the given value cold-water coral remains indicated trawling net activity.

Fig. 9:
Distribution map of fishing vessel locations in the Cap de Creus area
in different seasons.

Fig. 10:
Overlap value in the study area of Cap de Creus. Minimum value of overlap is 0 when no fishing gear is present,
and maximum value is 3 when 3 different gears coexist.

Fig. 11:
Delimitation of communities and the most representative groups in the study area.


The geomorphology and oceanography of the Cap de Creus host cold-water coral communities. All of them have been identified
region, as well as the high number of benthic communities hosted as Sensitive Habitats by the European Commission. The shelf and
in this area, have a decisive influence in converting this region into slope region have been proposed as a marine Site of Community
a remarkable case for the Mediterranean. The relatively small Cap Importance (p-SCI) candidate under the Natura 2000 network. The
de Creus area holds high species (α) and habitat (γ) diversity, information compiled on the characteristics of the area has been
both representatives of most Mediterranean biocenoses. In this produced through the project LIFE+ INDEMARES "Inventory and
area, many coastal communities (i.e. Posidonia oceanica beds, designation of marine Natura 2000 areas in the Spanish seas”.
Cymodocea nodosa beds, and Maërl beds), and shelf-slope
communities (i.e. shelf communities dominated by gorgonians,
Leptometra phalangium beds) are found. At the same time, this
region is one of the few known sites in the Mediterranean Sea to

Jan Feb Mar Apr May Jun Jul Aug Sept Oct Nov Dec
Trammel nets
Scorpaena spp.
Palinurus elephas
Sepia officinalis
Sarda sarda
Diplodus sargus
Merluccius merluccius
Pagellus acarne
Atherina boyeri
Pagellus erythrinus
Gillnets-Trammel nets
Sarda sarda
Octopus vulgaris
Sepia officinalis
Sparus aurata
Diplodus sargus
Conger conger
Pagellus erythrinus
Phycis blennoides
Merluccius merluccius
Dicentrarchus labrax
Bottom longlines
Merluccius merluccius
Pagellus bogaraveo
Miscellaneous gears
Paracentrotus lividus
Mytilus galloprovincialis
Corallium rubrum
Nereis spp.
Handlines and pole-lines
Loligo vulgaris
Boat or vessel seines+A14
Gymnammodytes cicerelus
Donax trunculus
Acanthocardia tuberculata

Tab. 1:
Monthly specificity of métiers for each fishing gear (http://www.faocopemed.org).
The concept of métier corresponds to a combination of gear, target species and fishing geographic zone,
and is applied in order to define the real effort invested in a resource.


Fig. 12:
A) Colonies of Madrepora oculata entangled in a long line.
B) Long lines on the vertical walls of the Cap de Creus canyon.

The authors thank Fugro Survey, AOA Geophysics and the Canals, M., Danovaro, R., Heussner, S., Lykousis, V., Puig, P.,
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3.8. Submarine canyons in the Catalan Sea
(NW Mediterranean): megafaunal biodiversity patterns
and anthropogenic threats
Joan B. Company1, Eva Ramirez-Llodra1, Francesc Sardà1, Jacopo Aguzzi1, Pere Puig1, Miquel Canals2,
Antoni Calafat2, Albert Palanques1, Montserrat Solé1, Anna Sanchez-Vidal2, Jacobo Martín1,
Galderic Lastras2, Samuele Tecchio1, Samuel Koenig1, Ulla Fernandez-Arcaya1, Ariadna Mechó1,
Pilar Fernández3
Institut de Ciències del Mar, Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (ICM-CSIC), Passeig Marítim de la
Barceloneta 37-49, 08003 Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
Grup de Recerca Consolidat (GRC)-Geociències Marines, Departament d’Estratigrafia, Paleontologia i Geociències
Marines, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain
Institut de Diagnosi Ambiental i Estudis de l’Aigua (IDAEA-CSIC), Jordi Girona 18, 08034 Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain


The continental margin of the Catalonia is crossed by several

submarine canyons of different evolutionary history (Fig. 1) (Canals
et al., 2004a). The main characteristic of the circulation pattern on
the Catalan coast is a slope current referred to as the Northern
current, which is associated with a shelf–slope density front that
in this area flows mainly towards the southwest (Font et al., 1988).
This baroclinic current separates the low-salinity shelf waters from
the denser open-sea saline waters.

The hydrodynamics in submarine canyons basically depend upon

several forcing conditions in the region such as general circulation,
bottom morphology and atmospheric regime. Forcing conditions
differ among canyons and can give different responses. Most of
the particulate matter transferred from the shelf through submarine
canyons comes from continental runoff and/or resuspension
(e.g., during storms or cascading events) and coastal biological
productivity. Such transfers are conditioned by particulate matter
inputs, topography and hydrodynamics outside and inside the
canyon. Within the canyon, the hydrodynamic pattern may lead to
the retention and/or resuspension of particulate matter, which can
Fig. 1:
be affected by several sedimentation and erosion cycles before
Shaded relief general bathymetry map of the northwestern Mediterranean
reaching a final fate (Puig and Palanques, 1998; Palanques et al.,
Sea. The insert provides a detail of the central and north Catalan margin
showing the canyons considered in this case study. BCN, Barcelona; BC, 2006a; Puig et al., 2008). Besides the natural processes, fishing
Blanes canyon; CCC, Cap de Creus canyon; MC, Merenguera canyon; activity carried out within their confines at the present time can play
PC, La Fonera or Palamós canyon. Catalano-Balearic Sea map modified an important role in the dynamics of the canyon systems.
from: 2005, Catalano-Balearic Sea – Bathymetric chart, http://www.icm.
csic.es/geo/gma/MCB/index.htm. Bathymetric data from Canals et al.,
2004b. In this chapter we describe some of the outcomes of Spanish
national and European research projects in relation to the life
history, distribution, biomass and composition (i.e. biodiversity)
of benthic (i.e. bottom living) vertebrate and invertebrate species
in different Catalan Sea canyons and open slope areas (western
Mediterranean). These biological characterizations have been

carried out in relation to bathymetric, geomorphologic and A B
seasonal changes in habitat conditions within the northwestern
Mediterranean Sea (Company and Sardà, 1997, 1998, 2000;
Company et al. 2001; Aguzzi et al., 2010).

The main objective of this case study is to present a global and

updated overview on the majority of available data in the Catalan
area showing how the geomorphology of submarine canyons C D
and the adjacent open slopes have an influence on the life-
cycles of several bathyal species, which in some cases represent
important fishery resources. Also, we will show how recruitment
(i.e. the incorporation of juveniles into adult populations) of these
species takes place in canyon heads. The presentation of up-to-
date available data responds to the need to support initiatives of
preservation and devoted management of the habitats present in
these submarine canyons, mainly regarding commercial fisheries, E F
a goal which has been pursued for several decades.


The rough topography of canyons has affected our ability to sample

and study megafaunal communities until recently. Our knowledge G H
is therefore limited. However, in the past decade, a number of
studies have been conducted in the NW Mediterranean canyons,
using both traditional gear such as otter and Agassiz trawls and
new technologies such as ROVs (Remote Operated Vehicles). We
present here data on deep-water (400-1500 m depth) megafaunal
diversity from two canyons: the Merenguera canyon, just south
of Barcelona, and the Blanes canyon, 60 km north of Barcelona
(Fig. 1). Fig. 2:
Common decapod crustaceans and fish from the deep northwestern
Mediterranean continental margin. A, the glass shrimp Pasiphaea multi-
Merenguera canyon
dentata; B, the deep-sea red shrimp Aristeus antennatus; C, the galathied
The megafaunal communities in the upper part of the Merenguera squat lobster Munida intermedia; D, the deep-sea geryionid crab Geryon
canyon (450 m depth) were investigated and compared to those longipes; E, the deep-sea gadiform Lepidion lepidion; F, Alepocephalus
from the adjacent middle (650 m depth) and lower (1200 m depth) rostratus; G, the deep-sea gadiform Mora moro; and H, the deep-sea
open slope during the RETRO project in 1991 and 1992 (Sardà et grenadier Trachyrincus scabrus. (© L. Dantart).
al., 1994a; Company et al., 2003; Ramirez-Llodra et al., 2008). The
two shallower sites are visited daily by a specialized commercial
trawl fisheries fleet, while the lower site has not been impacted by A B

Decapod crustaceans and fish (Fig. 2) are the most abundant

groups in the deep Mediterranean Sea, including canyons,
accounting for most of the biomass (Company et al., 2004;
Aguzzi and Company, 2010). In the Merenguera canyon and on
the adjacent open slope, the biomass of decapod crustaceans C D
(Sardà et al., 1994a) and other invertebrates (Ramirez-Llodra et al.,
2008) was higher in the submarine canyon than on the open slope
sites, while fish biomass was higher on the lower open slope (i.e.
1200 m depth). However, smaller species and juveniles of both
decapod crustaceans and fish were most abundant in the canyon
head (Sardà et al., 1994a), suggesting that these sites can act as
recruitment areas (Sardà et al., 1994a, b; Stefanescu et al., 1994).
Fig. 3:
Invertebrate fauna found in the northwestern Mediterranean canyons. A,
The biodiversity studies conducted for non decapod-crustacean the irregular sea urchin Brissopsis lyrifera; B, the holothurian Molpadia
invertebrates showed that mollusks, echinoderms, polychaetes and musculus; C, the bathyal squid Todarodes sagitattus; and D, the mollusk
cnidarians (Fig. 3) are the most speciose and abundant groups, Aporrhais serresianus. (© L. Dantart).
with overall biodiversity (i.e., Shannon-Wiener index) higher in the
canyon as compared to adjacent open slope (mudflat) areas. The
biomass and abundance of most of the studied groups were lower
on the middle open slope site, the most impacted by commercial

trawling activities. Furthermore, the upper part of the canyon and A
the middle open slope sites (i.e., 400 and 650 m depth) were
dominated by echinoderms and mollusks, while the lower open
slope site (i.e. 1200 m depth) was dominated by cnidarians and
sponges. Although further detailed studies would be necessary
in order to establish biodiversity patterns as a function of depth
and other environmental or anthropogenic factors in and out of
the canyon, it suggested that the higher abundance of sessile
filter feeders (cnidarians and sponges) on the lower open slope
site reflected a lack of physical disturbance from fishing. This
factor should be considered in association with the enhanced B
hydrodynamic regime caused by the proximity of the canyon itself
(Ramirez-Llodra et al., 2008).

Blanes canyon
The Blanes canyon, one of the largest in the Catalan Sea (Canals
et al., 2004a), and the adjacent open slope, has been extensively
studied for benthic species distribution and biodiversity patterns
during two multidisciplinary Spanish research projects, RECS C
(400-900 m depth) and PROMETEO (900-1500 m depth), during
the years 2003-2004 and 2008-2009, respectively.

The RECS project studied the distribution of biological communities

in relation to changeable environmental patterns in three different
continental margin sites: the canyon head (i.e., 364-585 m), the
canyon wall (i.e., 402-603 m) and the open slope (i.e., 512-900
m). All these areas are exploited by the local Catalan trawl fleet, Fig. 4:
targeting the red shrimp Aristeus antennatus, one of the most
Diversity indices of megafaunal communities in the Blanes canyon and
appreciated fishery resources in the Mediterranean Sea (Sardà et adjacent open slope (adapted from Ramirez-Llodra et al., 2010). A, species
al., 2009). A total of 131 megabenthic species were identified, with accumulation plots; B, Pielou evenness; C, Shannon-Wiener diversity. CH
decapod crustaceans and fish being the most abundant groups, and red dots: canyon head; CW and green dots: canyon wall; OM and
accounting for the 80% of the total biomass (Ramirez-Llodra et al., blue dots: open slope.
2010). The faunal composition of non-crustacean invertebrates was
very different than that reported in the Merenguera area (south of
Barcelona) at similar depths a decade before (see previous section). axis, samples were only collected at 900 and 1500 m depth. The
While 88 species of non-crustacean invertebrates were collected comparative analysis of species accumulation curves (i.e. the
in the Merenguera area, dominated by mollusks and echinoderms, potential maximum number of species present in a specific habitat)
only 24 species were reported from the Blanes area. In this latter for the open slope and canyon showed differences. While the open
site, gastropods, bivalves and ophiuroids were absent, with the slope curve almost showed a plateau, suggesting that this area is
diversity and abundance of echinoderms comparatively much relatively well sampled, the canyon curve was still rising steeply,
lower than in the Merenguera area. It has been suggested that the indicating that the canyon community has only been sampled
prolonged and intensive fishery activity (i.e. over six decades) in partially (Tecchio et al., submitted) (Fig. 5). A total of 115 species
the Blanes area may partly explain the differences observed in the were collected from these sites, with decapod crustaceans and
Merenguera site. Although no significant differences were observed fishes being the most abundant groups. A peak of biomass and
in total abundance and biomass of megafauna between the three abundance was reported at 1200 m on the open slope. The
sites, the community structure of the open slope presented a factors causing this peak are presently still not understood, but
lower species richness, lower diversity and lower evenness (i.e. results from Tecchio et al. (submitted) suggest that a combination
low dominance of any species in respect to the whole community) of different ecological forcings on deeper-living species made
and a higher degree of disturbance than that observed from the them better adapted to a more stable, photon-absent and high
canyon head and canyon wall (i.e., the abundance curve lies above pressure system. These species would be unable to compete with
the biomass curve in the ABC plot) (Fig. 4). Taken altogether, these
the more active shallower ones (i.e. from the middle slope above
results suggest that, although there is a canyon effect on the
900 m depth). For these reasons a transition zone (i.e. ecotone-like
community structure of benthic megafauna in the Blanes area, this
boundary) may occur at 1200 m depth, with high levels of biomass
may be modulated by differing fishing pressures (Ramirez-Llodra
but lower diversity, compared to the upper and lower slope areas.
et al., 2010).
Total abundance and biomass were not significantly different
between the open slope and canyon axis sampled at the same
The PROMETEO project studied biological communities and depths (900 and 1500 m), but canyon diversity was higher and
environmental patterns at 5 sites at different depths (i.e., 900, community structure different from that of the open slope (Tecchio
1050, 1200, 1350 and 1500 m) on the Blanes canyon axis and et al., submitted). Species such as the echinoid Brissopsis lyrifera
on its adjacent western open slope. Because of the difficulty of (Fig. 3A) were only collected within the canyon and were most
sampling for megafauna with traditional sampling systems (i.e. abundant at 1500 m depth. This is similar to the distribution of this
towed nets, sledges or the Agassiz) within the narrow canyon species in the upper part of the Blanes canyon and open slope

80–150 m. The sweeplines that connect the otter-boards to the net
have a total length of 60–200 m. It is important to note that these
fishing gears are much larger than those used near the coast.

Effects of dense shelf water cascading on the fisheries

of the deep sea shrimp Aristeus antennatus
Dynamics of biological processes on the deep-sea floor are
traditionally thought to be controlled on a seasonal scale by the
vertical sinking of organic matter particles from more productive
superficial photic layers, when photosynthesis occurs (Company
et al., 2003; Aguzzi and Company, 2010). The life histories of
animals dwelling in the vast extensions of the deep-sea realm
mainly rely on these sinking particles (Puig et al., 2001; Company
et al., 2003). Despite a scenario of low productivity, the deep-
sea areas sustain surprisingly large biomasses of predatory fish,
crustaceans and other invertebrates (see Fig. 2 and 3) (Tecchio
et al., submitted). However, the increase in deep-sea fisheries
Fig. 5: often leads to rapid depletion of demersal stocks after only a few
Species accumulation curves for the communities in the Blanes canyon years of exploitation. Among the over-exploited stocks worldwide,
(full circles) and adjacent open slope (open circles) (adapted from Tecchio Mediterranean fisheries are considered a high priority for recovery.
et al., submitted). But surprisingly, some Mediterranean stocks have not collapsed.
One of the most striking examples of this paradox is the deep-sea
red shrimp Aristeus antennatus.

(Ramirez-Llodra et al., 2010). On the contrary, B. lyrifera was very

abundant in the Merenguera canyon and on the open slope, and Vertical and seasonal low input of organic material to the deep-sea
fishermen report high quantities of this echinoid being previously floor is widely accepted as the main source of nutrients for canyon
collected in their trawl commercial gears. All this information, ecosystems (Bahamon et al., 2011). However, some studies have
together with the fact that the Blanes canyon at 900 m depth is pointed out the influence of lateral particle transport from continental
presently heavily impacted by commercial fishery, suggests a margins to deep-sea ecosystems, mainly following the path of the
severely harmful effect of that commercial activity on benthic fragile central axis of the submarine canyons (Puig and Palanques, 1998;
species with low motility (e.g., the burrowing echinoid)(Ramirez- Canals et al., 2006; Martin et al., 2006; Company et al., 2008). At
Llodra et al., 2010; Tecchio et al., submitted). present, we know that a climate-induced phenomenon, such as
the formation of dense shelf waters and their subsequent abrupt
downslope fall through canyons (i.e. like a cascade phenomenon),
FISHERIES ISSUES affects the population of A. antennatus (Company et al., 2008).
The northwestern Mediterranean is one of the regions of the
Fisheries on the Catalan coast related to submarine world where massive, open ocean, dense water formation occurs
canyons: Cap de Creus, Palamós, Blanes, Arenys because of cooling and evaporation of surface waters during
and Merenguera canyons winter-time (Fig. 6). Concurrent with this phenomenon, coastal
surface waters over the wide shelf of the Gulf of Lion also become
The Catalan continental margin supports an important commercial denser than the underlying waters and cascade downslope, mainly
fishing activity related to the presence of several submarine through submarine canyons, until they reach their equilibrium depth
canyons, from the north (i.e., Cap de Creus Canyon) to the south (Canals et al., 2006; Palanques et al., 2006a; Puig et al., 2008).
(i.e., the small canyons of the Ebro Delta area) (Fig. 1). The main In very dry, windy and cold winters, such as in 2005, cascading
target species of this extractive activity is a highly appreciated was exceptionally intense. Under these circumstances, dense
crustacean, the deep-sea red shrimp Aristeus antennatus (Risso, shelf waters propagate along and across the continental slope,
1816). The annual average price in the fishery markets of this reaching depths >2000 m, generating a thermohaline and turbidity
species is over 80 EU per kilo, but it can rise to 200 EU per kilo anomaly in the Western Mediterranean Deep Water which spreads
during the summer and Christmas season, this being one of the over the entire northwestern Mediterranean basin (Fig. 7). Previous
main reasons for the growing interest in this red shrimp by the intense cascading events of dense shelf waters (i.e. those reaching
Catalan fleet over the past 6 decades. the deep basin) were identified after the analysis of historical
hydrographic data: they occurred in 1971, 1980, 1988 and 1999,
therefore showing a periodicity of between 6 and 11 years (Fig. 8)
The populations of A. antennatus show seasonal migrations and its (Bethoux et al., 2002).
life-cycle is closely related to the geomorphology of the continental
slope, characterized by the presence of submarine canyons (Sardà
et al., 1994b). Specialized fishing boats follow these seasonal Strong downward currents associated with intense cascading
movements around the canyon area. The fishing gear used by events cause the disappearance of A. antennatus populations
these boats is a benthic otter trawl, which is large in comparison to from their traditional fishing grounds, producing a temporary
other traditional gears and can be operated by fishing vessels with collapse in landings, as witnessed during winters of the years
700–2000 HP engines. These bottom trawls have two heavy otter- 2005 and 2006 (Fig. 6). Despite this first negative effect, landings
boards that can spread as far as 100 m between them. The mouth increase between 2 and 4 years after these major cascade
of the net is 40–50 m wide, and the total length of the net is about events, preceded by an increase of juveniles (i.e. recruitment). The

Fig. 6:
Environmental time series and daily catches from late 2003 to spring 2007. Four upper graphs: temperature and
current speed at 500 m depth (Cap de Creus canyons); and temperature and salinity at the lower continental
slope depths, before, during and after the dense shelf water cascading (DSWC) event of winter 2005 and winter
2006, showing the fishery collapse that encompassed over 6 months. Daily landings of Aristeus antennatus at
the Palamós harbour are plotted as a violet bar in the bottom chart.

Fig. 8:
Yearly landings at the four most northern harbors of the Catalan cost
Fig. 7: expressed as number of individuals. Estimation of the abundance of small
Bathymetric map of the northwestern Mediterranean showing the location (continuous red line) and large (dotted blue line) individuals of Aristeus
of the main fishing harbors considered in this case study (blue ships). antennatus derived from the annual landings in the studied harbors. Green
Pale blue arrows indicate the pathway of the dense shelf water cascading dashed lines indicate the years when major cascading events occurred, i.e.
mechanism extending from the Gulf of Lion along and across the 1988, 1999 and 2005. The temporal evolution of the population structure
continental slope, while the faded pink area represents the region affected of Aristeus antennatus in all harbors was linked to those cascading events.
by the thermo-haline and turbidity anomaly observed in the Western The number of small individuals increased two and three years after the
Mediterranean Deep Water after the 1999 and 2005 major cascading event, prior to the increase in the number of large individuals, indicating
events. that cascading events enhance the recruitment process of this species.

transport of particulate organic matter from shallower shelf areas Effects of trawling on turbidity, sediment transport
associated with cascading thus enhances the recruitment of this and accumulation in canyons
deep-sea living resource, reversing the general trend of its over-
Among the anthropogenic activities that can impact the seafloor
exploitation (Company et al., 2008).
and remobilize marine sediments, trawling is recognized as the
most alarming due to its widespread geographical distribution
Settlement and preferential recruitment areas for this species and recurrent nature. The effect of trawling activities has been a
occurs well below 1000 m depth (Sardà et al., 2004). Postlarval topic of interest in ecology and fishery resource studies because
individuals (<10 mm CL; carapace length) have only been found of the impact of gears on benthic ecosystems (Watling and Norse,
at 1200 m depth during winter-time, and juveniles <20 mm CL 1998). That effect recently also become a topic of interest because
are only present at non-fishing depths below 1000 m depth. of its physical impact on muddy grounds of continental shelves
Small juveniles of this species dwell at depths below 1000 m and and slopes and its consequent effect on the biodiversity of these
undertake ontogenetic migrations to shallower grounds (500-900 habitats. The impacts of artificial resuspension on the seafloor
m) in the canyon heads in the winter period, when fishing mainly tend to be more severe and long-lasting with increasing water
takes place for adult populations in all submarine canyons off the depth, owing to the correlative decrease of natural disturbances
Catalan coast. which can overcome them. Furthermore, impacts associated
with trawling may extend down-slope beyond the regions that are
actually being fished. This is particularly true in steep environments
This climate-driven mechanism of interaction across ecosystems
such as submarine canyons, where previous studies have shown
originated in shelf environments and, occurring on a decadal time-
that trawling gears can generate far-reaching sediment gravity
scale, controls the biological processes of a deep-sea population
flows (Palanques et al., 2006b).
and prevents fishery collapse. The physical disturbance originated
by strong currents during intense cascading events displaces the
individuals of a deep-sea living resource from the fishing grounds Direct observations by Remote Operated Vehicles (ROV) shows
inside and around submarine canyons (Fig. 6). However, after 2-3 that the continental margin along the Catalan coast is intensely
years, an increase in landings occurs, preceded by an increase fished down to 900 m depth and consequently presents a high
in juvenile landings (Fig. 8). Thus, the increases in landings of this density of trawl tracks (authors’ own unpublished data).
species can be explained by an enhancement of its recruitment
process favored by the large transport of particulate organic matter
Perhaps the most worrying issue is that, following the exhaustion
to the basin during intense cascading events.
of traditional coastal fisheries, commercial trawling has been
progressively extending offshore during the last decades. In this
Climate-induced phenomena other than Dense Shelf Water context, the physical effects of trawling in submarine canyons are
Cascading affect water and sediment transport patterns and thus still poorly known, but recently Palanques et al. (2006b) showed
may have an impact on biological communities. They are related the occurrence of a direct relationship between trawling activities,
to the occurrence of coastal storms. The Mediterranean Sea is turbidity peaks and sediment flux, which increase during the calm,
one of the most cyclogenic regions in the northern hemisphere dry season. These authors also discussed the mechanisms that
during winter time, and severe weather conditions associated with cause these unexpected increases in sediment transport in the
storm development are common. Associated intense wind, heavy Palamós canyon, and the relevance they have for present-day
rains, flash floods, high waves and intensified currents commonly sediment dynamics.
cause serious damage along the shoreline, occasionally including
loss of human lives. Recently, a unique data set was published
Due to their peculiar hydrodynamic and biogeochemical features,
showing how one of the most extreme coastal storms of the last
submarine canyons and their rims harbor considerable biodiversity
decades lashing the Western Mediterranean area, with measured
and faunal abundance and, as a consequence, the soft bottoms
wind gusts of more than 25 m s-1 and maximum wave heights
surrounding submarine canyons are often targeted by trawlers,
over 14 m, rapidly impacted the deep-sea ecosystem in the
which today can even venture within steep canyon walls. The
Blanes submarine canyon (Sanchez-Vidal et al., 2012). In addition
studies conducted in the Palamós submarine canyon documented
to coarse shelf sediment remobilisation, a large reservoir of mostly
propagation to the canyon axis of trawling-induced resuspension
marine organic carbon associated with fine particles subjected
within the canyon walls (Palanques et al., 2006b) and the imprint of
to wave resuspension along the shoreline and on the continental
this anthropogenic activity in the deep sedimentary budget (Martin
shelf was also mobilized and redistributed across the deep basin.
et al., 2008). The Palamós Canyon is, together with Blanes Canyon,
Sanchez-Vidal et al. (2012) demonstrate that severe coastal storms
the largest submarine canyon in the Catalan margin south of Cap
are highly efficient in transporting organic carbon from shallow to
de Creus, and constitutes a remarkable ´hotspot´ for suspended
deep, thus contributing to its sequestration. Thus, and in addition
and downward sediment fluxes in this margin (Martin et al., 2006,
to Dense Shelf Water Cascading, other intermittent natural
2007; Zuñiga et al., 2009). The canyon is deeply incised in the
atmospheric drivers such as coastal storms may have the potential
continental shelf and its steep flanks, indented by networks of
to highly impact the deep-sea ecosystems and their associated
gullies, favor the active transport (both natural and human-driven)
living resources.
from the continental shelf and upper slope into the deep canyon
axis. The canyon area hosts two fishing grounds, one on the
northern canyon wall, which is called Sant Sebastià, and one on
the southern canyon wall close to the canyon head axis, which is
called Rostoll. The trawling fleet operating in the Palamós canyon
walls mainly target Aristeus antennatus and, as said above, has
been very active to depths up to 850 m during the last decades.

The number of hauls per day by a single fishing boat and depths
where it operates are shown in Fig. 9. The data shows that when the
fishing activity is deeper, i.e. during late spring and summer months
following the seasonal movements of the red shrimp, the suspended
sediment concentration (SSC) in the canyon axis (>400 m deeper
than fishing grounds) is correspondingly higher. The mechanism
that connects both observations has been identified as sediment-
laden flows triggered by the heavy fishing gears, as indicated by
simultaneous and abrupt increases in near-bottom downslope
current speed and SSC, and by the temporal coincidence of
these turbidity peaks with the passage of the fishing fleet along
the nearest fishing grounds (Fig. 10). Recent observations have
highlighted the fact that these sediment gravity flows triggered by
the trawling fleet are produced on a daily basis and during these
Fig. 9: events SSC increases over natural baselines by up to two orders
Number of hauls per day and per trawler recorded by a fishing vessel of magnitude, from the seafloor to a minimum height of 100 m
specializing in the red deep-sea shrimp Aristeus antennatus (adapted above it (Martin et al., in prep.). It has also been proposed that the
from Palanques et al., 2006). The data corresponds to fishing activity cumulative effect of this persistent anthropogenic mechanism of
in the fishing ground named Sant Sebastià (north canyon wall) in spring sediment resuspension and transport has resulted in noticeable
and summer 2001 (above). Water turbidity (SSC-suspended sediment changes of sediment accumulation rates inside the canyon,
concentration) and haul depth in the Sant Sebastià fishing ground in spring particularly since the accelerated industrialization of the fleets in
and summer 2001 (below).
the 1970s (Martin et al., 2008). The ecological consequences of
all these human-induced perturbations are compelling and are at
present under study.

Fig. 10:
Detail of Suspended Sediment Concentration (SSC) peaks, current speed and current direction (in scatter plot)
during the main gravity flow events (adapted from Palanques et al., 2006).
Turbidity and downslope current speed increases occurred about 2 h after the fishing fleet
crossed the Mongrí gully along the Sant Sebastià fishing ground.


Marine litter
The accumulation of marine litter on the deep-sea floor is of
increasing concern to the scientific, political and Non Governmental
Organization (NGO) communities. The main sources of marine litter
include highly inhabited coastal areas (such as the Mediterranean
coast), discharges from rivers, illegal dumping from ships, and
accidents or natural disasters. The routine dumping of waste
from ships was legally banned by the London Convention in
1972 and, in the framework of the Barcelona Convention (1976)
for the protection of the Mediterranean Sea against pollution,
the Mediterranean countries adopted a protocol in 1980 for the
protection of the Mediterranean Sea against pollution from land-
based sources (UNEP, 2009). Nevertheless, littering is a persistent
problem, with approximately 6.4 million tonnes of litter being
dumped in the oceans each year, part of which sinks to bathyal
Fig. 11: and abyssal depths (Ramírez-Llodra et al., 2010). In the revised
Examples of marine litter collected with an otter trawl during scientific version of the Barcelona Convention protocol (1996), marine litter
sampling for megafauna in the bathyal northwestern Mediterranean is defined as “any persistent, manufactured or processed solid
(© Ramirez-Llodra, ICM-CSIC). material discarded, disposed of or abandoned in the marine and
coastal environment” (UNEP, 2009).

Although to date most studies of marine litter have been conducted

on floating debris, coastal areas and the shelf (Galgani et al., 2000),
and information on deep-sea habitats is scarce, some studies are
available on bathyal and abyssal habitats and fauna (Galil et al.,
1995; Galgani et al., 1996, 1998, 2000, 2010; Watters et al., 2010;
Miyake et al., 2011; Ramirez-Llodra et al., in prep.).

Recently, the accumulation and distribution of marine litter were

quantified during the PROMETEO project, both on the Blanes
canyon and adjacent open slope areas at 900 and 1500 m
depth, from the otter trawl and Agassiz samples conducted for
megafauna. The most abundant litter types found were plastics
(e.g., bags, buckets, bottles), glass (e.g., bottles and broken glass)
and metal (e.g., tins and cans) (Fig. 11). Clinker, the hard residue
of burnt coal from steam ships that operated at the end of the 18th
century for 150 years, was found in all samples, often colonized by
the brachiopod Grypheus vitreus. A wide variety of domestic (e.g.
shoes, toothbrushes, a chair) and industrial (e.g. oil drums, tires)
waste objects were also collected during the PROMETEO survey,
and lost or discarded longlines and fishing nets were also common
in the samples.

Although variability in the type and abundance/weight of litter

was high amongst samples, preliminary results indicate a trend of
accumulation of litter at depth, mostly at the 1500 m sampling site,
both in the canyon and on the open slope. Significant differences in
litter abundance were not found between the canyon and open slope
at comparable depths. Canyons can act as conduits for transport
Fig. 12:
of matter from the shelf to the deep basin, and a higher amount
Lost or discarded fishing gear collected of litter would be expected to be found in the canyon compared
from the deep Mediterranean Sea. A, example of ghost fishing
to the open slope. However, in our study, we only sampled down
from a trawl net. B, longline.
(© Ramirez-Llodra, ICM-CSIC). to 1500 m depth and therefore we could have missed the flushing
effect of canyons, where litter would accumulate at the deeper
parts of these marine geological structures, below 2000 m depth
(Ramirez-Llodra et al., in prep.). A study of marine debris in the Gulf
of Lion (NW Mediterranean) showed that only small quantities of
litter were found on the shelf, while most of the litter was found on
the canyon and bathyal plain, and that up to 90% of the litter was
plastics of various sorts (Galgani et al., 1996). The accumulation

of litter in certain areas has been related to the proximity of large Chemical pollutants
cities, the topographic characteristics of the seafloor (e.g. canyons,
In recent years there has been growing awareness that the deep-
rocks, crevasses) and hydrographic conditions (Galgani et al.,
sea is not as pristine as often presumed and that it may actually
1996, 2000).
act as a global sink for persistent contaminants that enter the
marine environment (Ballschmiter et al., 1997). Due to their shape
The effects of marine litter on the habitat and fauna are still poorly and proximity to the coastline, submarine canyons have been
understood, but they include suffocation of animals, physical shown to act as natural conduits for organic and particulate matter,
damage of fragile communities such as cold-water corals or including sediment-associated anthropogenic contaminants,
sponges, ingestion of small litter particles and microplastics, transported from coastal areas to the deep-sea (Puig et al., 1999;
toxicity from paint chips or persistent organic pollutants (see below) Paull et al., 2002; Hartwell, 2008; Palanques et al., 2008; Richter
and ghost fishing from lost or discarded fishing gear. Evidence et al., 2009; Jesus et al., 2010). In particular, persistent organic
of ghost fishing was provided by a net collected from the NW pollutants (POPs) such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and
Mediterranean seafloor at 2000 m depth which contained several dichlorodiphenyltrichloroethane (DDTs) could be of major concern
dead and moribund Geryon crabs (Fig. 12). Further dedicated because of their high lipophilicity, persistence and toxicity. In the
studies following standardized methods are essential to provide NW Mediterranean Sea, POPs have been found to bioaccumulate
a clear picture of litter distribution on the seafloor and to describe in a number of deep-sea organisms (García et al., 2000; Porte
the effects of this litter on deep-sea habitats and their fauna. The et al., 2000; Solé et al., 2001; Borghi and Porte, 2002), but
results will provide crucial data to address the marine litter problem knowledge on the impact of anthropogenic contaminants on
and propose solutions. deep-sea ecosystems is still limited. Findings from a previous study
indicated that fish caught inside the Blanes submarine canyon were
exposed to higher contaminant levels compared to individuals from
the adjacent open slope, although this trend was not reflected in
the chemical body burden analysis of these same organisms
(Solé et al., 2009). Furthermore, in a more recent study conducted
within the framework of the PROMETEO project (Koenig et al.,
submitted), the combined analysis of chemical and biochemical
parameters seemed to support these initial findings. Higher POP
levels in muscle tissue and induced xenobiotic metabolism and
antioxidant responses in the liver/hepatopancreas were observed
in a fish and a crustacean species, indicating that animals within
Blanes Canyon were exposed to higher contaminant levels (Fig.

Fig. 13:
Contrast between samples from open slope (OS) and Blanes canyon (BC) of Lepidion lepidion and Aristeus antennatus at 900 m.
Reported results include persistent organic pollutant (POP) levels (ΣPCBs and ΣDDTs) in muscle tissue
and hepatic biomarker responses cytochrome P450 (EROD or PROD), and antioxidant (CAT or GPX) enzyme activities.

However, results also indicated that the accumulation of POPs The head of the canyon may thus act as a temporary trap for
within the canyon may be subject to spatial and temporal organic contaminants, which are episodically transferred to
fluctuations. Because of the lipophilic nature of POPs, these greater depths during major storm events that flush the canyon,
compounds tend to bind to suspended particles in the water propagating throughout the northwestern Mediterranean deep-sea
column and be transported along with them. Hence, the spatial and basin (Canals et al., 2006; Company et al., 2008). Consequently,
temporal distribution patterns of POPs are likely to be influenced species inhabiting submarine canyon ecosystems may be at
by the periodicity and amplitude of sediment transportation and risk of experiencing higher levels of exposure to anthropogenic
re-suspension processes. Higher pollution loads may thus be contaminants and consequent pollutant-induced adverse effects.
transferred to the canyon during local meteorological forcing It is important to further investigate the role of submarine canyons
events, which are known to principally occur from late autumn until in the transport of organic contaminants from surface waters to the
early spring (Heussner et al., 2006; Zúñiga et al., 2009). Moreover, deep-sea and the potential impact this may have on organisms
contaminant accumulation appears to be more important at the dwelling within the canyon.
head of Blanes canyon (900 m) than at greater depths (1500
m). This can be explained by the fact that, as shown by previous
studies, the propagation of mass fluxes within the canyon axis
depends on the magnitude of these episodic events (Zúñiga et al.,
2009). Hence, it is possible that storms of relatively short duration
result in higher sedimentation rates at shallower depths, while
events of greater intensity such as dense-shelf water cascading
(DSWC) could cause a transfer of larger amounts of material from
the upper canyon regions to the deep-sea (Canals et al., 2006;
Palanques et al., 2006a; Zúñiga et al., 2009; Sanchez-Vidal et al.,


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3.9. South iberian submarine canyons in the Alboran sea:
geohabitats, associated communities
and fisheries resources
Jorge Baro, José L. Rueda, Víctor Díaz-del-Río
Instituto Español de Oceanografía
Centro Oceanográfico de Málaga
C/Puerto Pesquero s/n
ES-29640 Fuengirola - SPAIN


The South Iberian continental margin of the Alboran Basin is are a reflection of a dynamic equilibrium between erosion and
crossed by numerous submarine canyons which play a key role sedimentation. The mechanisms governing their genesis and
in the transfer of matter and energy between the continent and development are highly varied and include factors such as
the deep basin, as well as in the fertilization of the waters around tectonics, climate change, erosion and the regional hydrodynamic
their heads. In addition to feeding the deep basin with sedimentary system in which they are located (Greene et al., 2002; Lastras et
deposits, these canyons are places of great biological activity, al., 2009; Mountjoy et al., 2009).
resulting from the vertical water mass motions favoured by their
The drainage mechanisms and morphology of the slopes
resemble the fluvial reliefs on the continent, to the extent that they
The canyons cutting into the Alboran continental margin, and may develop cross sections with common features, such as the
particularly those located in the western basin, are relatively small asymmetry of their slopes. This fact reveals a similarity in their role
(not exceeding 10 km in length) when compared with the great as mass transfer systems, moving sediment load from the head
oceanic submarine canyons that form in front of major deltas. on the continental shelf to the drainage channel in the deep basin.
However, they constitute one of the drainage networks with the They are therefore highly active systems that facilitate the formation
greatest number of canyons per km2 in the Mediterranean Sea. In of deposits at the foot of the continental slope and rise, building
addition to the six individual canyons dealt with in this study, plus voluminous sedimentary bodies with fan morphologies (Díaz-del-
the hierarchical complex that governs the Motril turbidite system, Río et al., 2009). These deposits are predominantly composed
this network includes two other canyons: (1) the Algeciras Canyon of fine materials which form vast turbidite bodies (sediment
located in the Strait of Gibraltar, and (2) the Ceuta Canyon located transported downslope by turbidity currents), whose development
on the North African margin. Of the other canyons in the Alboran is conditioned by the tectonic framework and structural configuration
Ridge that are beyond the scope of this study, the best-known of the margin (Alonso and Ercilla, 2003). These deposits usually
are the Al-Borani Canyon and the Piedra Escuela Canyon, both have abundant sedimentary structures related to the dynamics at
located on the southern slope of the ridge. the sediment-water interface, which is mobilized by the effect of
the tides. This fact has been observed in canyons that reach great
depths, in which these structures are changed daily by the tidal
The phenomenon of water enrichment at the heads of submarine effect. A similar dynamic has been found in bottom deposits of
canyons is well-known. Although this phenomenon has not been other turbidite systems not related to canyons, such as the Gulf of
sufficiently studied in the whole area, the available data on the Cadiz (Stow et al., in press).
Motril canyons and tributaries suggest that they are a major factor
in increasing the productivity of the water column because they
favour ventilation and thus facilitate fertilization. They are therefore The morphology of the canyons does not follow a consistent
places of high biological productivity and potential hot spots of pattern: each canyon develops its own. However, some common
great biodiversity. features can be observed, including terraces and landslides. Both
submarine features occur mainly on the slopes of the upper and
middle reaches of the canyon, but more extensively at the heads,
Submarine canyons are very common on the continental margins a phenomenon that is linked to fractures that act as slide scars.
of seas and oceans. Their origin, geomorphology and evolution For this reason, deposits inside the canyon are usually chaotic,

with the slide material (coarser and less sorted) being mixed with A REVIEW OF THE DYNAMICS OF ATLANTIC
the material transported along the axis (finer and better sorted). AND MEDITERRANEAN WATER MASSES
Landslides are also common in turbulent sediment transport and IN THE ALBORAN BASIN
can reach the deep fan, generating collapse structures with lobate
edges. Near the head, coarser materials predominate and the walls
The exchange of water masses between the Atlantic Ocean and the
are steeper. The terraces are generated on the gentlest slopes,
Mediterranean Sea is the most important feature for understanding
accentuating the asymmetrical nature of the valley and diversifying
the present circulation pattern in the Alboran Sea and the Gulf of
the morphology along its axis, with alternating reaches of terraces
Cadiz. This exchange occurs in the Strait of Gibraltar and is favoured
and landslides.
by the insufficient water inflow received by the Mediterranean Sea.
Because of differences in density between the water masses, the
The canyon's valley form is shaped by a continuous succession of Atlantic water enters the Alboran Sea at the surface, whereas the
episodes of filling and erosion/incision, so this sequence of events Mediterranean Outflow Water flows towards the Atlantic Ocean at
must be related to fluctuations in sea level, which in turn cause depth.
situations of connection and disconnection from the mouths of
rivers linked to the canyon heads (Mulder, 2011).
The characteristics of the water masses (Fig. 1) that occur in the
Alboran Sea are:
The incision produced by the head of submarine canyons on the
(1) Atlantic Surface Water (ASW), which flows to the east at a depth
continental shelf and upper slope increases the complexity of the
of 0 to 150-200 m, with temperatures between 9 and 16 °C and
hydrological processes in the two provinces of the continental
salinities of 36.2 to 36.6.
margin. Rising of deep waters and sinking of upper slope waters
have both been observed. In areas in which upwelling of deep (2) Intermediate Mediterranean Water (IMW), which flows westward
waters takes place, the vertical dynamics can reach extremely at a depth of 200 to 700 m, with a salinity of 38.45 to 38.50
high speeds, thus favouring the sediment dynamics of the canyon decreasing from east to west in the Alboran Sea, temperatures of
(García Lafuente et al., 1999). Consequently, the nutrient-laden about 13.1 °C and an oxygen content of 4.2 ml/L.
water has a fertilizing effect with important implications for the (3) Deep Western Mediterranean Water (DMW), which flows below
vertical flux of carbon in the water column (Tintoré et al., 2001). 1000 m depth, with a salinity of 38, a temperature of 12.7 °C and
an oxygen content of 4.2 ml/L (Gil, 1990; Millot, 1987).
The study of these systems, and of the deposits that they generate, Water exchange through the Strait of Gibraltar is interpreted as
goes beyond the knowledge of the mechanisms governing them a two-layer system which behaves according to a well-known
and the biological and geological role they play in marine basins. pattern (Millot, 1987). The flow of incoming Atlantic water (NASW-
They have proven to be major deposits of hydrocarbons, and there ASW) is known as the Atlantic jet and follows an eastward route,
is therefore an economic interest in studying them as a model resulting in the formation of the two anticyclonic gyres. The strong
applicable to ancient deposits. This has allowed us to further our thermohaline gradient associated with the Atlantic Current makes
knowledge of the canyons and to discover their natural values as both gyres clearly visible in satellite images. However this pattern
habitats of great natural interest. shows high temporal variability (Vargas-Yañez et al., 2010).

Fig. 1:
Sketch of water mass circulation in the Atlantic and Mediterranean
forced by exchange through the Strait of Gibraltar
(Hernández-Molina et al., 2002).

The western anticyclonic gyre (WAG) covers almost the entire A second group is located off the central sector of the Alboran
western sector of the Alboran Sea and runs almost parallel to the coast, on the continental slope that descends to the Motril marginal
Spanish coast, following the geometry of the continental slope and shelf. This motley group composed of three main canyons,
interacting with the topography of the Iberian margin platform. This Almuñecar/Salobreña, Motril and Calahonda, has built the Motril
gyre is considered a quasi-permanent structure in time, although its turbidite system, a very hierarchical and incised complex that is
size, shape and location are fairly dynamic because it is controlled very active, channelling sedimentary material from the continental
by the exchange of Atlantic and Mediterranean water masses in shelf to the foot of the slope. This system forms major clastic
the Strait of Gibraltar. The eastern anticyclonic gyre (EAG) is more accumulations deposited at the distal part of the drainage channels,
fluctuating; it depends on the WAG and can reach as far as Cape adopting morphologies characteristic of a submarine fan. In some
Gata. ways, it is the most interesting one because it has developed a
depositional system at shallower depths, on the high bottoms of
the Motril marginal shelf. Moreover, not all submarine canyons in
the Alboran Sea have major turbidite systems; the development of
such systems depends on many factors, most notably the ability to
accumulate load in a place where remobilization is difficult (Fig. 2).
The South Iberian submarine canyons of the Alboran Sea are
smaller than other canyons described in epicontinental seas. On
the South Iberian continental margin there is a high concentration of Finally, cutting into the eastern edge of the South Iberian continental
canyons, although two of them, the Algeciras and Ceuta canyons, margin, we find the longest, deepest and most developed canyon
are located outside the study area. From west to east, the canyons of the ones under consideration: the Almería Canyon. It starts
and tributary systems that will be considered herein include La on the continental shelf off the Sierra de Gata, where its head is
Linea de la Concepcion, Guadiaro, Bóvedas, Torrenueva and incised, and ends on the deeper bottoms of the eastern Alboran
Fuengirola, the Motril System (Almuñecar/Salobreña, Motril and Basin, where it forms a massive turbidite fan, resulting from the
Calahonda) and Almería. They are no more than 10 miles long and large amount of solid load that it has transported since its incision
do not have major tributaries, with the exception of the Almería into the continental slope.
Canyon, which has a maximum length of 55 km and numerous
tributaries with a dendritic configuration which drain its western The presence of canyons in the Alboran Basin is related to the
side formed by the upper slope in front of the Campo de Dalías. glacio-eustatic oscillations that took place in the Plio-Quaternary
The position of the canyons relative to the surrounding relief is and to tectonic activity, which has imposed geomorphological
important for understanding their genesis and evolution. The first features such as the direction of some canyons (e.g. Almería).
group of five canyons excavated in the western basin margin are Variations in the position of the coastline on the continental shelf
short and have steep slopes. They are concentrated off the stretch caused by sea level changes have led to an advance and retreat
of coast between Punta Europa and Fuengirola (Fig. 1). of the mouths of the major rivers. These result in the formation of
a succession of fluvial deposits that extend from the inner shelf to
the slope break (e.g. the Motril System). The erosive effect of the
sediment load transported by rivers completed the modelling of
the canyon heads, causing the retreat of the slope break to areas
close to the coast (Tab. 1).

Fig. 2:
Location of the submarine canyons of the South Iberian continental margin of the Alboran Sea discussed in this
paper. The location of these canyons (from west to east) is indicated with a yellow arrow: La Linea de la Concepción,
Guadiaro, Bóvedas, Torrenueva, Fuengirola, Mijas and Almeria. Blue arrows indicate the location of the anticyclonic
gyre of the Atlantic jet, which dominates the entire western basin and activates the vertical water motion, fertilizing the
water at the heads of the submarine canyons.

Minimum distance Canyon length / depth
Canyons of the Iberian Margin Surface area
from the head to the coast / of the far end
of the western Alborán Basin of the deep fan
depth of the head of the drainage channel

La Línea Canyon 1.8 km/57 m 13 km/756 m 41 km2

Guadiaro Canyon 2.7 km/61 m 23 km/798 m 62 km2

Las Bóvedas Canyon 6.2 km/52 m 33.7 km/871 m 64 km2

Torrenueva Canyon 5.3 km/85 m 26.6 km/981 m Diffuse

Fuengirola Canyon 6 km/93 m 35.5 km/1052 m 210 km2

Tab. 1:
Some features of the submarine canyons of the western Alboran Basin and their turbidite deposits,
expressed in numerical values.

The canyons of the western basin:

geomorphology and habitats
In this section we consider a group of five short, steep submarine The continental shelf, with a clearly arched geometry parallel
canyons. They are located on the Iberian continental margin close to the coastline, has a subhorizontal surface with a main slope
to the Strait of Gibraltar. They are all cut into the west of the Motril break located at an average depth of 120 metres. It is dominated
marginal shelf (Fig. 2), reaching as far as Punta Europa (Gibraltar), by consolidated and disaggregated sedimentary bottoms with
on a well-developed continental margin. scattered rocky outcrops, such as those of El Placer de las
Bóvedas (Fig. 3). The heads of the submarine canyons are incised
in the slope break, causing landward erosion that makes a deep
In this area of the basin we distinguish two well-defined physi- incision in the continental shelf. Its effects result in a sudden
ographic provinces (Muñoz et al., 2008; Palomino et al., 2011) increase in depth at points very near the coast (Table 1). This is a
whose relief is strongly changed in the areas incised by the sub- feature of great importance, because it facilitates the channelling
marine canyons: (1) the shelf and slope, and (2) the continental rise of sediment transport from the continental shelf towards the deep
and deep basin. basin. This involves a loss of material towards the turbidite systems
of the canyons, whose facies are mainly chaotic (heterogeneous,
intermixed sediments).

Fig. 3:
(Left) Relief of El Placer de las Bóvedas obtained with a multi-beam echosounder system. The bathymetric contours have
been superimposed to highlight the depth of the rocky outcrops that are hot spots of high biological diversity. (Right) Deep
environment of El Placer de Bóvedas, showing the position of the Las Bóvedas Canyon head on the eastern edge of the rocky

The continental slope, with a concave-convex profile, is very The studies carried out on the infralittoral and circalittoral bottoms
homogeneous, highlighting the reliefs eroded by the submarine adjoining the Torrenueva Canyon, whose head is located west
canyons in the form of furrows. In this sector, an increase in width is of the infralittoral shelf that forms in front of Punta de Calaburras,
observed from west to east, reaching its maximum value (45 km) at point to the existence of diverse habitats and especially diverse
the point of contact with the Motril marginal shelf (Vazquez, 2002; fauna associated with them (Garcia-Raso et al., 2010). This shelf is
Palomino et al., 2011). Its axial gradient decreases downslope, smaller and less complex than the one in El Placer de las Bóvedas.
showing an average value of 1.6° to 0.8° (Alonso and Ercilla, 2000). The site benefits directly from the incoming Atlantic water flow that
At the foot of the slope is the continental rise, developed as a gently practically collides with Punta de Calaburras and then starts the
sloping wedge that links the continental slope to the deep basin. anticyclonic gyre which transports the Atlantic water mass to the
This area contains most of the fans constructed with the turbidite Alboran Ridge. We can therefore understand the presence at this
sediments transported through the canyons. The deposits can site of palaeoquaternary african species (Strombus bubonius)
have a large volume and extensive spatial development. The very which remain as witnesses in the most recent deposits generated
high resolution seismic profiles indicate the great thicknesses that after the opening of the Strait of Gibraltar. The canyon head is
these deposits can reach in a relatively short time as a result of the situated 1 km closer to the coast than that of Las Bóvedas Canyon
high transport activity of these systems. A good example of these but has a greater depth (80 m), suggesting that the interference
deposits is found in the Fuengirola Canyon, which has constructed between the water flows could be even more active in this area
a large turbidite system occupying an area of about 210 km2. than in the previous one.

The value of the heads of these canyons as habitats has not yet This area is a place of passage, meeting and coexistence of
been studied sufficiently or in sufficient detail, largely because Atlantic and Mediterranean species as well as European and
of the difficulty of sampling their bottoms with the necessary African species, but it is also a barrier to genetic exchange of
equipment. Major differences between them have been observed, populations of some species. Among other attributes, it is one
in particular in the hydrological conditions governing each system, of the westernmost sites for meadows of the seagrass Posidonia
though the associated benthic communities have not been studied oceanica, an EU priority habitat that led to the recognition of this
to date. Two individual cases are the heads of the Las Bóvedas and area as a Site of Community Interest. These meadows have very
Torrenueva canyons. The environments of these two areas have different characteristics to those in other areas of the Mediterranean,
been studied in their shallower domain, down to a depth of 80 m because they mainly occur in shallow waters (less than 5 m deep),
(circalittoral) in some studies (El Placer de las Bóvedas) (Templado probably because of the lack of light, the turbulence of the waters,
et al., 1993; Oceana, 2008; García Raso et al., 2011). Tab. 1 and which resuspend very fine shaley sediments, and the presence
Fig. 3 show a remarkable proximity of the circalittoral bottoms to of bedrock at these depths that protects them from trawling
the head of the Las Bóvedas Canyon. In fact, the reliefs that form activities.
El Placer de las Bóvedas are the prelude to the head of the Las
Bóvedas Canyon. The eastern flanks of the rocky outcrops form
This stretch of coastline also contains the easternmost point at
the western side of the canyon head (Díaz-del-Río et al., 2008).
which typically Atlantic species, such as some kelps and Fucus
spiralis, are found. Complexes of species with both an Atlantic and
The rocky relief of the El Placer de las Bóvedas outcrop on a highly a Mediterranean representative, such as the gastropods Gibbula
sedimentary bottom forms a mixed habitat of great ecological pennanti/rarilineata and Patella caerulea/depressa have also been
value. They consist of two EW-oriented mounds about 15 m above reported. The only European populations of West African species
the base level at 30 m depth, which produce lobate contour lines, also occur in this area, such as those of the bivalves Ungulina
thus allowing the development of a wide distal infralittoral area that cuneata and Modiolus lulat, probably because of upwelling rather
provides different habitats for many species, some of which are than the average surface temperature, which is not the highest on
highly characteristic of the area. This environment is a haven for the Andalusian coast (García Raso et al., 2011). An example of the
marine mammals and for maerl and coral communities. Previous rich biodiversity of this area is provided by the molluscs, of which
studies here have reported the presence of species which have there are about 500 species. The presence of species which
national protection status, such as the sponges Tethya aurantium are protected in Spanish waters makes this place a privileged
and Spongia agaricina, the gastropods Charonia lampas and Mitra refuge that must be considered for conservation purposes. These
zonata as well as the cowries Erosaria spurca and Luria lurida, species include the seagrass Posidonia oceanica, the gastropods
the sea urchin Centrostephanus longispinus and the spider crab Patella ferruginea, Cymbula nigra and Charonia lampas and
Maja squinado (Templado et al., 1993; Templado et al., 2004; several species of cowries, the bivalves Pinna nobilis and P.
Oceana, 2008). Other species with populations in the area which rudis, the sea urchin Centrostephanus longispinus and fishes of
are included in the Red Book of Invertebrates of Andalusia (Barea- the genus Hippocampus. One of the flat rocky reliefs located at a
Azcón et al., 2008) are the gorgonians Paramuricea clavata, depth of between 15 and 25 m (often called slabs), has a good
Eunicella labiata, E. verrucosa and L. lusitanica, the gastropods development of bioconstructor organisms such as rhodoliths,
Cymatium parthenopeum and C. corrugatum, the starfish Hacelia gorgonians and bryozoans, and it is also possible to find species
attenuata, the bryozoan Pentapora fascialis and decapods such that are included in the Red Book of Invertebrates of Andalucía,
as the common lobster Homarus gammarus and the spiny lobster such as the gorgonians Eunicella verrucosa, E. gazella, E. labiata
Palinurus elephas. Other populations of vulnerable marine flora and Leptogorgia spp. and the bryozoan Pentapora fascialis.
of great ecological interest reported in the area are Laminaria
ochroleuca, Lithophyllum sp., Neogoniolithon mamillosum,
Peyssonelia sp., Phyllariopsis brevipes, Phyllariopsis purpurascens,
Saccorhiza polyschides and Cystoseira usneoides, which appear
to be very sensitive to habitat disturbance (Oceana, 2008).

In deeper areas (about 100 m) and close to the canyon, the The three groups, listed from west to east, are: Almuñecar, Motril
megafauna communities are composed of fish species such as and Calahonda. The Almuñecar group is highly hierarchical, with
Capros aper, Micromesistius poutassou, Pagellus acarne and two main channels; the Motril group is meandering, with two deep
Macroramphosus scolopax, crustaceans such as Dardanus main valleys; and the Calahonda group is more ramified, with
arrosor, Liocarcinus depurator, Plesionika heterocarpus, Pagurus several heads distributed along almost 5 km of the outer shelf and
prideaux and Macropodia longipes, molluscs such as Alloteuthis considerably less activity than the first two. The area of influence
media, A. subulata, Calliostoma granulatum, Ranella olearium and of this system is very broad because of the active role that it
Venus nux, echinoderms such as Echinus acutus and Anseropoda has played as a turbidite transport system which has generated
placenta and cnidarians such as Alcyonum palmatum and the extensive fans at relatively shallow depths (800 m).
pennatulaceans Veretillum cynomorium and Pennatula rubra.
However, in contrast with the adjoining areas and other areas of
The Almuñecar group has a shorter length than the Motril group.
the Mediterranean, which have begun to be studied, little or no
Of its two main valleys, the eastern one is more hierarchical than
information is available on the habitats and benthic communities
the western one. It has six poorly developed heads located at
associated with the Torrenueva and Las Bóvedas canyons. There
depths of around 100 m, three of them feeding the main channel
is therefore a clear need to study these habitats and communities
and the other three feeding two tributaries that dump their loads in
in the Alboran Sea, an area of great biodiversity.
the central section of the channel. The western valley has a simple
structure and its drainage channel is at the same depth as that of
The Motril System of canyons and tributaries its neighbour to the east (about 700 m).
This system is located in the central sector of the continental
margin. It is a complex system composed of three main groups of The Motril group consists of two deep individualized incisions, with
canyons, each of them with a very different morphology, and the highly meandering channels that converge in the drainage channel
turbidite deposits that it has generated since its formation. to form a single depositional lobe. Its maximum width of 1.5 km
gives an idea of its importance in the area. The heads of the two
channels reach points very close to the coast (Fig. 4), at depths
of less than 10 m, so the river channels are practically connected
to the submarine valleys. The upward erosion experienced by the
canyon heads has affected the infralittoral prograding wedges,
creating many gullies on the slopes.

Fig. 4:
Head of the Sacratif or Carchuna Canyon, which belongs to the Motril System. The multibeam studies
(with illumination from the NW) recorded the edge of the head at 8 m depth, which is the closest
distance to the coast of a submarine canyon in the Alboran Sea. Gullies predominate in the first reach of
the head, with very steep walls resulting from the erosion of infralittoral prograding wedges. The bottom
of the canyon has a well-defined channel.

Two canyons make up this system, the Motril Canyon to the west (García et al., 2006): (1) the Dalías tributary valleys covering an area
and the Sacratif/Carchuna Canyon to the east. Both have four of 300 km2, (2) the Andarax tributary valleys covering an area of
reaches: (1) The head, defined by an abrupt escarpment and many 65 km2, and (3), the Gata tributary valleys covering an area of 100
gullies giving onto an erosive depression 500 m wide and 250 km2. Some of them could form a canyon in themselves, if they
m deep; (2) the upper channel, between about 250 and 450 m were not linked to the main channel, contributing as tributaries to
depth, characterized by the incision of the valley with a width of the general dynamics of the canyon.
1.5 km; (3) the middle channel, with abundant landslides on the
slopes (most notably on the western sides of the two systems,
The Almería Canyon is located in the context of the Bay of
where the meanders are accentuated) and a strongly meandering
Almería and flanked in its middle stretch by two towering volcanic
axis, showing a deepening of the channel excavated in the
submarine ridges (the Chella Bank - also called Seco de los Olivos
deposits transported along the canyon; and (4) the lower channel
by fishermen -, and the Sabinar and Pollux banks) which constrain
and the drainage channel, with a somewhat diffuse morphology
the incision of the canyon axis. The canyon runs in a NE/SW
which is resolved in a depositional lobe crossed by many smaller
direction for nearly 55 km to reach a depth of 1800 m, where it
forms a large turbidite lobe with a thickness of 45 to 50 m. The
predominant feature of the tributary systems is the perpendicular
Finally, the Calahonda group consists of a total of 12 deep furrows geometry on the margin with a dendritic distribution.
excavated on the edge of the continental shelf (sometimes starting
from the middle shelf), which are slightly meandering or straight In the Dalías tributary valley system there are 31 incisions about 1
(Muñoz et al., 2008). Some of them are hierarchical at the head, km apart at the shelf edge, forming the characteristic morphology
but those with a simple structure are predominant. The distance of canyon heads. The valleys are between 7 and 22 km long.
between the side slopes of the head (measured between the Their direction varies from NNW/SSE to N/S and their geometry
edges of the escarpment that defines the slope break) can range varies from meandering to straight. The Andarax tributary system
from 250 m to 1 km, while in the drainage channel it ranges from develops from a depth of 40 m at the base of the Andarax River
180 to 400 m. Compared with the Motril group, the canyons of the prodelta to a depth of about 300 m. From that depth, there is a
Calahonda group do not cover a long distance over the continental convergence of channels discharging into a less hierarchical
slope (between 1 and 17 km), and some of them have a very short channel crowned by three heads that link to the upper reach of
channel ending at the middle reach of the Carchuna Canyon. the canyon's main channel (Fig. 5). The Gata tributary system
extends from the edge of the shelf of Cape Gata, at about 200 m
The canyons of the eastern basin depth, to 650 m where it converges with the Almería Canyon. Nine
valley heads feed a single branch of the canyon, whose southern
This system is composed of a single canyon with numerous development is constrained by the volcanic outcrops of the Pollux
tributaries on both sides of the main valley divided into three systems and Sabinar banks.

Fig. 5:
The Almería Canyon (Cañón de Almería), the easternmost of the ones we are dealing with, starts
its route on the middle shelf. It has a head with very pronounced features and a simple structure
(three main incisions). It runs in a NNE/SSW direction imposed by the Carboneras Fault and other
accompanying structures. The tributaries have three very different drainage networks on each
slope. While in the west there is a highly hierarchical network which is mainly concentrated in one
sector of the upper slope, in the east there is a single tributary which starts from the very edge of
the continental shelf and connects to the main channel in its middle reach (Banco: Bank).


The submarine canyons of the western Mediterranean Sea In the Alboran Basin, a species traditionally associated with
are important areas of biodiversity and presence of endemic submarine canyons is the red shrimp A. antennatus, which is
species (Gili et al., 1999; Gili et al., 2000). They are complex a target species for the deep-water trawl fishery. The results of
and heterogeneous systems which can provide a wide variety of a study on the geographical distribution and abundance of this
habitats (Cunha et al., in press). Recent studies have highlighted species during the period 1994-1997 at a depth range of 25 to
their importance as preferential areas for the recruitment of 786 m indicated that the yields of the species were rare in the
megafauna species (Sarda et al., 2004). northwestern sector of the basin, but that most of the individuals
captured displayed large sizes (Carbonell et al., 2000) (Fig. 6).
The implications of sediment inputs in deep communities (Ramírez-
Llodra et al., 2007) and the complexity of biological communities The deep-water trawl fisheries in the study area show some
(Weaver et al., 2004) are poorly known, although they seem to peculiarities in the species caught. In the eastern sector of the
have great importance in the processes of transport of energy and basin, dominated by the Almería Canyon and its tributary system,
organic matter from the continental shelf to the deeper bottoms of the target species par excellence is the red shrimp, while in the
the basin (Puig et al. 2000). Submarine canyons play an important Motril System and the western sector of the basin this species
role in the structure of the benthic megafauna populations which hardly appears in the catches. In fact, in the vicinity of the canyons
contain fishery resources (Gili et al., 2000). For example, they are La Linea de la Concepción, Guadiaro, Las Bóvedas, Calahonda
important habitats for demersal species such as hake (Merluccius and Fuengirola, the bottom-trawl fleet does not tend to fish at
merluccius) and red shrimp (Aristeus antennatus) (Stefanescu et depths greater than 500 m, concentrating a significant part of its
al., 1994; Tudela et al., 2003; Sarda et al., 2009; Capezzuto et al., activity at the canyon heads rather than in the deeper areas where
2010). Because enrichment processes change seasonally, they red shrimp are caught.
can have a great influence on the composition of communities, In a recent study (Baro et al., 2008) performed at depths of 600 to
the life cycles of benthic species, and trophic relationships such 850 m in the Motril turbidite system in order to explore new fishing
as those between deep-water shrimp and their prey (Carter, 1994) grounds using more selective trawling techniques, it became clear
and fish (Madurell and Carter, 2005; Fanelli and Cartes, 2010). that the captured animals were the characteristic ones of these
depths, regardless of the morphological characteristics of the area.
Surprisingly, the captures of red shrimp were very low.

Fig. 6:
Distribution of catches obtained in the experimental fishery of Aristeus antenatus
conducted in the Motril System of canyons and tributaries
(Abundancia: Abundance).

The most widely caught fish species include Trachyrincus scabrus, CONCLUDING REMARKS
which gave average yields of 42 to 61323.7 g/h and 106 to 200
individuals/h. The next in importance was Galeus melastomus Although we know little more about the submarine canyons of the
(31854.9 g/h and 13.4 individuals/h), Phycis blennoides (9285.7 Alboran Basin than their dominant geomorphological features, these
g/h and 9 to 19 individuals/h) and G. atlanticus (72 to 13199.2 g/h unique places and the adjacent areas may contain habitats of high
and 1 to 42 individuals/h). For molluscs, the cephalopod Todarodes ecological value, as has been found in other areas of European
sagittatus was the most abundant, with yields of 0.5 to 4096 g/h, seas. The oceanographic conditions that govern submarine
and 2 to 11 individuals/h. For crustaceans, the highest yields were canyons create a refuge for demersal and benthic species, some
achieved for Geryon longipes, with yields of 0.2 to 1999.4 g/h, and of them protected by law. Bearing in mind their high environmental
Pasiphea multidentata, with 1118 g/h. However, yields of Aristeus and ecological value, it is therefore surprising that they do not enjoy
antennatus, a target species of the study, were very low, with a a status of protection or conservation to ensure their sustainability
maximum of only 50.5 g/h. against the hazards of exploitation.

How could we interpret the shortage of such a characteristic species There are several pressures looming over them, particularly
of the canyons as Aristeus antennatus? It is well known that there at their heads, which are very close to the coast and therefore
are profound differences in the dynamics of the submarine canyons subject to the impact of anthropogenic activities that affect the
and that many of them simply transport sediment along their axis coastal zone. These activities include leisure activities that cause
(Puig et al., 2000). This difference may explain the disparities in noise pollution, the discharge of rainwater and treated water,
abundance of certain species. In the case of Aristeus antennatus, sport fishing and commercial fishing, and shipping. They are
the formation of dense water on the continental margins as a result also affected by the environmental changes related to climate
of climatic phenomena and its sinking to deep zones through change. Some of these changes are sharp, particularly in shallow
an intense cascade effect are correlated with the temporary habitats (Posidonia oceanica meadows and coralline formations)
disappearance of the species from its usual habitats. Furthermore, which require a thermal environment with little variation and a very
transport of particulate organic matter associated with this effect consistent and homogeneous hydrodynamic regime. A sustained
seems to improve the recruitment of this resource (Company et al., rise in temperature of the water and air, accompanied by a slight
2008). This could explain the presence or absence of red shrimp increase in the average sea level (a steady increase of 1.5 mm/yr
in some of the systems of the Alboran Sea, although in order to is observed in the Alboran Sea), could be lethal to many species
confirm these findings more detailed studies are needed on the that live near the heads of the submarine canyons. Changes in the
functioning of the canyons, their level of activity and the associated velocity of circulation of intermediate or deep Atlantic water layers
habitats and fauna. could cause profound changes in the biogeographical distribution
of many benthic and pelagic species.
In the area of the Almería Canyon, demersal communities at 200-
250 m depth are dominated by the fish Micromesistius poutassou, In view of the large number of submarine canyons in the Alboran
Gadiculus argenteus, Epigonus denticulatus, Lepidopus caudatus, Basin and their great ecological potential as habitats, there is a
Hoplostethus mediterraneus and Helicolenus dactylopterus; the need to regulate their use on the basis of detailed knowledge of
crustaceans Plesionika heterocarpus, Parapenaeus longirostris, their systems, habitats and species. The protection status of these
Liocarcinus depurator, Solenocera membranacea, Pontocaris particular places is limited to a few sites of Community interest
cataphracta and Chlorotocus crassicornis; and the molluscs in nearby areas that do not take into account the location of the
Rossia macrosoma, Todarodes sagittatus, Bathypolipus sponsalis, heads and the importance of the canyon itself. There is therefore a
Aporrhais serresianus and Xenophora crispa. At 450 m depth need for information on the location of the canyons and a detailed
the communities are dominated by the fish Coelorhynchus analysis of the benefits that they offer to the ecosystem and to the
coelorhynchus, Hymenocephalus italicus, Phycis blennoides marine environment.
and Capros aper; the decapods Plesionika martia, Solenocera
membranacea, Pontocaris lacazei, Bathynectes spp. and
Goneplax rhomboides; and the molluscs A. serresianus and
Galeodea rugosa. However, as in the other canyons of the Alboran
Sea, the benthic communities and habitats along the Almería
Canyon have not been studied in detail to date. The study of these
habitats and associated communities is of great importance,
because they contain natural resources and are therefore subject
to anthropogenic impact.

Acknowledgements REFERENCES

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4.1. Legal governance of submarine canyons
in the Mediterranean
Nathalie Ros
University Professor of Public International Law (France)
Vice-Chair of the Scientific Board of the Economic Law of the Sea Institute – INDEMER (Monaco)
Secretary-General of the International Association of the Law of the Sea


Mare medi terra, the Mediterranean is more than just a sea; rather In the face of such a challenge, the lawyer's role is more modest
than separating its different lands, it unites them, ensuring the than ever, but needs to be imaginative. The jurist is never the person
physical and human unity of countries placed by geography on its who decides; but in the law of the sea and the environment, he
shores, lands between which history has built bonds of culture and must be capable of listening to the scientist and working with him
civilization which transcend the political, economic and religious to inform the stakeholders and public opinion, in order to convince
differences of the 21st century. politicians to take action. To this end, the jurist must propose legal
In human terms, it is Mare nostrum, though today this ancient instruments and, firstly and most often, those of governance, seen
expression recalling the grandeur of Rome naturally takes on a as an informal process which then contributes to the formulation of
new meaning: it no longer conjures up a dominant power, but the regulations addressing practical issues and new challenges which
common responsibility of peoples who share the Mediterranean are revealed by scientific research, but can only be taken up by
and are duty-bound to preserve this heritage handed down by sovereign States. This approach is all the more humble in that it
their ancestors. must usually function first as soft law in order to contribute to the
drafting of a hard law which is acceptable and accepted by the
A strategic area from all points of view, the Mediterranean is
States and can, on this sole condition, thus become effective.
the meeting-point of three continents and one of the world's
34 hot-spots for biodiversity; it must therefore be a privileged As everywhere else in the world, the Mediterranean region
place for sustainable development and the protection of marine is naturally subject to contemporary international law, by its
biodiversity. very nature universal and UN-related, though while within this
framework solutions specific to the region are also possible, as the
Mediterranean is in many respects a particular case in geological,
The challenges and stakes involved in submarine canyons form geographic, oceanographic and biological, but also political and
part of this strategic position. From a scientific standpoint, the legal terms. Today, and this notwithstanding the political projects
Mediterranean can be regarded as one and the same system of the Union for the Mediterranean (UfM), the Mediterranean can
or, more precisely, as an integrated ecosystem within which all in fact be characterized by the existence of its own cooperation
oceanographic and biological parameters are interdependent and system, the Barcelona System, which serves as both a model and
constantly interacting. In this global ecosystem, naturally subjected a symbol for other comparable entities since established within the
to anthropogenic impacts, and within which submarine canyons context of the Regional Seas Programme of the United Nations
play an essential and systemic role, there are no frontiers… Environment Programme (UNEP), complemented by a dedicated
This is a reality that the law and, in this case, public international regional fisheries organization, the General Fisheries Commission
law, whether applying to the sea or the environment, is, of course, for the Mediterranean (GFCM).
poorly equipped to take into account or integrate into its rules
and regulations. Classic legal instruments are, in fact, profoundly
In the multi-disciplinary process aimed at furthering awareness and
marked by the territorial and even terrestrial approach that presided
inciting the appropriate powers to take action, the proposal of legal
over their enactment; they are not the most appropriate tools with
governance instruments thus comes after the establishment of
which to obtain a global grasp of an area which is, by its very nature,
scientific facts and prior to political decisions, halfway between the
mobile and, moreover, from this point of view, marked by the original
two, and thus necessarily leads to a consideration of governance
concept of the freedom of the seas and their non-appropriation; a
strategies derived from universal law (I) but also governance
fortiori because the new law of the sea is henceforth based, on the
strategies specific to the Mediterranean (II), aimed at protecting the
contrary, on an essentially spatial logic leading to a zoning of the
system formed by submarine canyons, its precious role in and for
areas involved, combined with an appropriative approach towards
the ecosystem, and the biodiversity in which these canyons thus
living and non-living resources.
play a role in the Mediterranean Sea.

I - GOVERNANCE STRATEGIES DERIVED are all satisfied: the geographic criterion - "an "enclosed or semi-
FROM UNIVERSAL LAW enclosed sea" means a gulf, basin or sea" -, the political criterion
– "surrounded by two or more States" -, and two alternative criteria,
one geographic - "and connected to another sea or the ocean by a
Aimed at protecting submarine canyons in the Mediterranean and
narrow outlet" -, the other legal - "or consisting entirely or primarily
thus at working towards the preservation of marine biodiversity and
of the territorial seas and exclusive economic zones of two or more
environment, the new law of the sea embodied in the Convention
States". It is, in fact, not only the Mediterranean, but also some
of December 10th, 1982 (3), serves indisputably as a benchmark.
of the seas of which it is composed, and which form its basins
Designed to encompass and manage the entirety of the law of the
and sub-basins, which fulfill these conditions, a fact which may
sea, the Montego Bay Convention could not in itself alone embody
be useful in understanding, from a legal viewpoint, the biological
the entire subject matter but was intended as an umbrella treaty and
reality of the currents and exchanges to which the Mediterranean's
is, with every passing day, getting closer to achieving this purpose.
submarine canyons make a contribution, and in working towards
At both universal and regional level, dedicated legal strategy can
their conservation.
thus only be imagined as being in pursuance of the United Nations
Convention on the Law of the Sea (A) or at least in conformity with
the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (B). Given the specific features arising from the physical geography,
Article 123 of the Convention in fact defines the principle of
A – In pursuance of the United Nations Convention Cooperation of States bordering enclosed or semi-enclosed seas.
on the Law of the Sea This is indeed necessary here more than elsewhere (Simard,
2010), and the traditional reference to "bordering State", used here
in preference to the newly sanctioned expression "coastal State",
The legal framework laid down by the 1982 Convention necessarily
testifies to this by illustrating the particularity of bordering States
imposes an obligation to reason within an approach inevitably
invited to form a community around the shores of such a sea.
marked by costal nationalism (2), but with certain limits in the
particular case of an enclosed or semi-enclosed sea (1). For the Cooperation indeed seems to be the obvious solution, given the
purposes of conservation and governance of submarine canyons, relative crampedness of such maritime areas and consequently
i.e. areas beyond the territorial waters of riparian states, this is even the converging interests of bordering States, even though in reality
more important because the Mediterranean is always globally the Convention hardly goes beyond a petition simply encouraging
seen today as an exception to the legal regime governing offshore the principle. On this point, conventional law has something in
maritime areas. common with material soft law, with regard to both the principle of
cooperation ("States bordering an enclosed or semi-enclosed sea
should cooperate with each other in the exercise of their rights and
1) In the particular case of an enclosed
in the performance of their duties under this Convention") and also
or semi-enclosed sea
the ways in which it is applied, which prove quite literally to be those
of simple coordination: "To this end, they shall endeavour, directly
If submarine canyons in the Mediterranean play such an impor- or through an appropriate regional organization: (a) to coordinate
tant systemic role, it is, of course, due to the fact that the the management, conservation, exploration and exploitation of the
Mediterranean is an enclosed sea or, at the very least, semi- living resources of the sea; (b) to coordinate the implementation of
enclosed. The fundamental legal framework applicable to this not their rights and duties with respect to the protection and preservation
very homogeneous category is determined by the Convention in of the marine environment; (c) to coordinate their scientific research
Part IX, ie. Articles 122 and 123 (a). However, the specific nature policies and undertake where appropriate joint programmes of
of the Mediterranean, a large part of which can be considered as scientific research in the area; (d) to invite, as appropriate, other
high seas by default (b) appears to be totally decisive in this case, interested States or international organizations to cooperate with
a fortiori from a conservationist point of view. them in furtherance of the provisions of this article".
In theory, the legal basis exists for all State or institutional initiatives,
a) Part IX : Articles 122 and 123 which seems perfectly applicable to the issues surrounding
protection of submarine canyons in the Mediterranean. In practice,
The new law of the sea can, above all, be defined as a law for
however, cooperation is a matter of specifics, depending on the
the oceans, and it is thus almost a contrario that the Montego
stakes involved and the individual interests of States bordering the
Bay Convention devotes its Part IX and its Articles 122 and 123 to
enclosed or semi-enclosed sea, as well as their political willingness
Enclosed or semi-enclosed seas. Even if these two hypotheses are
to collaborate in order to preserve their biological resources, the
not legally distinguished, but rather purely and simply assimilated,
marine environment and biodiversity which constitute their shared
the expression embodies a certain geographical reality which
heritage. Nevertheless, among Mediterranean States, the necessity
ultimately resides in the self-evident distinction between oceans
for effective cooperation undoubtedly seems more pressing, given
and seas, particularly these so-called “Mediterranean”, restricted
the specific nature of the Mediterranean: high seas by default.
areas characterized by their relative crampedness, as well as by
the solidarities and disputes which naturally arise therefrom.
b) The specific nature of the Mediterranean :
The largest and deepest of all enclosed or semi-enclosed seas, high seas by default
the Mediterranean thus fits perfectly into this conceptual logic, of In the eyes of the law, conventional and customary, laid down by
which it seems to be the most iconic example. In scientific terms, the 3rd Conference of the United Nations on the Law of the Sea,
the narrowness of the outlet to the oceanic space affects the the main particularity of the Mediterranean is that it is the only sea
ecosystem functioning and the schema of circulation and renewal in the world where the States initially abstained from systematically
of the water, with all the biological consequences thus induced. extending their jurisdiction up to 200 nautical miles, in other words,
In legal terms, the criteria for definition as laid down by Article 122 from taking full advantage of the coastal dimension of the new law

of the sea. To a very large extent, this specific feature still exists default, the Mediterranean is, by law and by destination, a collection
today, as the extension of national jurisdictions would result in the of zones under national jurisdiction, which implies reasoning within
disappearance of the Mediterranean's high seas, as its span never an approach inevitably marked by coastal nationalism.
exceeds 400 nautical miles.
The reasons why the States originally came to a tacit agreement 2) Within an approach inevitably marked
not to proclaim exclusive economic zones (EEZs) are linked to the by coastal nationalism
special topography of the Mediterranean Sea which, more than
any other enclosed or semi-enclosed sea, is a space constricted
by the presence of islands and peninsulas contributing to the For the time being, coastal nationalism is still retained in the
physical existence of separate basins. It was therefore mainly for Mediterranean, though the Convention nonetheless serves as a
fear of opening the Pandora's Box of delimitation disputes, and framework for claims put forward by the States and for the purposes
thus sowing the seeds of discord among themselves, that the of governance, between the law of the sea and biodiversity (b).
States set their own limitations on themselves, but also for fear Given the narrowness of the continental shelf in certain parts of
of causing political problems and contestations from maritime the Mediterranean, the canyons may extend far out towards the
powers regarding the freedom of navigation, given the geostrategic open sea, while their heads can be very close to the coasts, which
importance of the Mediterranean. implies protection strategies integrating, rather than dissociating,
areas of sovereignty and areas of jurisdiction (a).
However, some evolution has been seen due to necessity and a
certain realism, giving rise to a phenomenon of "jurisdictionalization"
of the Mediterranean (Andreone, 2004). For political reasons, this a) Areas of sovereignty and areas of jurisdiction
was first the case on the southern shore (Morocco 1981, EEZ not
Notwithstanding the persistence of the Mediterranean's specific
really effective in the Mediterranean, given territorial problems with
character, it seems that protection strategies for submarine
Spain; Tunisia 2005) and the eastern shore (Syria 2003; Cyprus
canyons, and for all the marine environment and its biodiversity,
2004), when States proclaimed EEZs without always putting
will have to incorporate the coastal nationalism dimension of the
them into effect, then mainly on the northern shore (but also in
new law of the sea, such as it is inevitably called upon to determine
Libya, fisheries protection zone, 2005) with the proclamation, as
the legal entitlement of the coastal State(s) and jurisdiction arising
per the saying "who can do more can do less", of functional sui
generis zones, constituting dismemberments of the conventional
zone (Treves, 1995; Treves, 2003): a fisheries protection zone in In theory, the new law of the sea thus first demands a distinction to
Spain (1997), an ecological protection zone for France (2004) and be drawn between areas of sovereignty and areas of jurisdiction,
Italy (2006), and a mixed fisheries and ecological protection zone because quite obviously the States do not all enjoy the same
(Croatia, 2003, suspended in 2004 following European Community powers. But practice presupposes a more realistic view of the
pressures, especially from Italy) (González Giménez, 2007). stakes involved and, in terms of effectiveness, solutions such as
protective measures and the adoption of a more global approach
which serves more to harmonize strategies than disrupt them.
Beneath the sea, the legal situation is, of course, slightly different,
with continental shelves in fact existing ipso facto et ab initio, which
is theoretically likely to make protection of submarine canyons Exceptions aside, as in the case of States, which have opted for
easier, even if they are not always delimited, notably due to a less wide territorial sea, such as Greece and Turkey, areas of
problems posed by the existence of possible triple points and the sovereignty extend up to 12 nautical miles beyond the baselines.
presence of islands; some Mediterranean States have in fact been They include the waters, but also the bed and subsoil of the
obliged to resort to the International Court of Justice to delimit their territorial sea over which the coastal State exercises its sovereignty,
continental shelves (cf. Continental shelf (Tunisia/Libya), judgment on the sole condition of respect arising from the principle of the
delivered on February 24th, 1982 ; Continental shelf (Libya/Malta), right of innocent passage. In the exercise of its sovereignty, and in
judgment delivered on June 3rd, 1985). reference to the terrestrial area which is adjacent to the territorial
waters and carries rivers and streams flowing out to sea, the coastal
Canyons are physical submarine structures; geologically, the
State is also competent and a priori best placed to implement a
head of the canyon is theoretically situated at the level of the
strategy aimed at fighting, and providing legal protection against
continental margin, ie. at the very limit of the physical continental
pollution from land-based sources, possibly in cooperation with
shelf. In the Mediterranean, this zone may lie very near the coasts,
the State(s) further upstream. Given the geological origin and
which explains why, in the eyes of the law, submarine canyons
physical configuration of many submarine canyons, this form of
may be subject either to the legal regime of sovereignty applying
pollution, usually comprising 80% of that which affects the marine
to the subsoil of the territorial sea, or to that of the legal continental
environment, can in fact be a real scourge and a serious danger
shelf which carries sovereign rights and jurisdiction for the coastal
for the ecosystem balance and biodiversity of submarine canyons,
State. In both cases, there is always at least one sovereign or
whence the importance of an effective conservation strategy.
competent State in the submarine space where the canyon exists.
This factor is a priori of a nature to create favourable conditions for Areas of jurisdiction are those, which lie beyond territorial seas; they
legal governance, though the conservation of canyons and their include the seabed and subsoil as well as, potentially or at least
role nevertheless implies that protection will also extend to areas fragmentarily in the Mediterranean, the superjacent waters. As for
surrounding the canyon's geological structure: the subsoil situated the continental shelf, it has no need to be claimed or proclaimed
on the periphery, but also the superjacent waters. by the coastal State as it exists ipso facto et ab initio, thus offering
legal competence in terms of protection of submarine canyons, a
fortiori because the corresponding geological structures are static
As this is a matter of governance of the water column and measures and therefore more easily comprehended by international law. The
liable to be prescribed for it, a perspective both dynamic and coastal State is then entitled to take all measures of protection
evolutive, but also already realistic, must be adopted: high seas by and conservation, on condition that it observes the provisions

associated with the principle of the freedom of the seas, i.e. however to have gradually won its right to be used in the general
freedom to lay submarine cables and pipelines. In such a case, the and customary international law of the sea, but without benefiting
main legal obstacle likely to exist is thus the one, which may arise from a direct legal foundation nor dedicated competences
from delimitation disputes, though here again this is in fact a false explicitly recognized to the States. In concrete terms, this makes
problem. Contrary to preconceived ideas, there is absolutely no its application more difficult, especially as it is potentially likely to
need for maritime areas to have been delimited in order for States interfere with the coastal nationalism and the classical logic of the
to cooperate in their conservation and common management; law, whether with regard to the appropriation aspect of areas and
quite the opposite, if one thinks of the positive effect an active resources or, on the contrary, to the continuing existence of the
and practical collaboration can potentially have in encouraging principle of freedom and non-appropriation.
the pacific and a fortiori negotiated settlement of such a dispute.
A co-managed area then becomes a pragmatic solution, even
more satisfying in practice as, notwithstanding the possibility of Placed within the context of the era, the 3rd United Nations
a pending delimitation, the geophysical reality of Mediterranean Conference on the Law of the Sea - whose official sessions
submarine canyon systems refers the goal of efficient protection began in 1973, i.e. one year after the United Nations Conference
and effective governance to international cooperation, or at least to on the Human Environment held in Stockholm in 1972 - can
bilateral collaboration (Spanish-French, for example, for the Cap de undoubtedly be seen as having played the part of precursor. It in
Creus canyon), trilateral (Algero-Spanish-Moroccan, for instance, fact wrote Protection and Preservation of the Marine Environment
for the canyons in the Alboran Sea), or collaboration developed as into the agenda of the 3rd Commission, then devoted Part XII
part of a basin strategy (as, for example, in the Levantine Aegean of the Convention to the subject; Part XII's innovative provisions
Sea). thus ratified the introduction of environmental concerns into the
Convention on the Law of the Sea, concerns which are today
A true conservation strategy can, in fact, only transcend frontiers indissociable from it.
and reasoning based on delimitation or differentiation of areas
Article 192 in fact transposed the principle, already well-known
and legal regimes, which is perhaps even truer in the case of
in the law of the environment, into the law of the sea, by stating
superjacent waters over the continental shelf and their biological
that "States have the obligation to protect and preserve the marine
resources, also characterized by their mobility. It is in this fragmented
environment", though this obligation is understood within the
area of the high seas by default that legal evolution is first of all
context of a utilitarian kind of logic, finalized and functional, which
necessary and desirable, not only to ensure that the territorial sea
is not the one which must today preside over the conservation of
is not the only space in which certain States have the ability to act,
biodiversity, when there even exists a certain tendency towards
but also in order for its protection to be more homogeneous and
the monetization of ecosystem services. In fact, Part XII recognized
therefore more effective. In fact, existing areas of jurisdiction are
the need to protect and preserve the marine environment, but
characterized by their diversity and poor level of integration: the
essentially in connection with various kinds of economic usage of
exclusive economic zone (EEZ), fishing zone, fisheries protection
the sea. In the Montego Bay Convention, environmental concerns
zone and ecological protection zone do not pursue the same goals
were, in fact, firstly marked by the fight against pollution, giving rise
and do not provide the same tools for fight or protection (IUCN/
to an "anthropocentric" approach, or at least primarily centred on
UICN, 2010). Essentially speaking, their purpose is not to preserve
the impact of human activities which the new law of the sea was
biodiversity, and they only marginally allow for dedicated measures
precisely intended to limit. It was not yet a matter of preserving
to be taken in this respect. Harmonization would therefore not
the environment in itself and for itself, through the biological
only require a concerted proclamation, but undoubtedly also
diversity that constitutes its ecological richness and its future in
the introduction of real biodiversity protection zones, capable of
terms of sustainable development, and even less so as part of
effectively transcribing the existing dialectics between the law of
an ecosystem approach based on the precautionary principle.
the sea and biodiversity into positive international law.
Basically, Part XII was aimed at fighting the various forms of
pollution likely to affect the sea (pollution from land-based sources,
b) The law of the sea and biodiversity pollution from seabed activities subject to national jurisdiction,
pollution from activities in the Area, pollution by dumping, pollution
The relationship between the law of the sea and biodiversity indeed from vessels, and pollution from or through the atmosphere), and
lies at the core of contemporary issues surrounding protection of thus at containing and limiting as much as possible the potentially
the marine environment, which include conservation of submarine harmful effects of corresponding activities, and primarily navigation
canyons. and offshore exploitation. As regards conservation of biological
The new conventional law of the sea, as formally defined in the resources in areas under jurisdiction and, in fine, in the high seas,
United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea, neither mentions the Convention more or less followed a similar approach, since it
nor recognizes biodiversity as such. It would, in fact, be hard for it was concerned not with preserving species, whose diversity is
to be otherwise, as the emergence of the concept in the second one of the factors constituting biodiversity, but with ensuring the
half of the 1980's and its legal consecration, in the Convention profitability of their exploitation.
on Biological Diversity in 1992, came after the adoption of the
Convention on the Law of the Sea in 1982. In the conventional law
Defined in terms of governance, a strategic approach towards
of the sea, the first legal reference in fact comes even later, with the
the protection of submarine canyons was clearly therefore not
Agreement for the implementation of the Montego Bay Convention
part, either entirely or directly, of the logic behind the Montego
dated August 4th, 1995, relating to straddling fish stocks and highly
Bay Convention. Even if the conservation of canyons and the
migratory fish stocks; its Article 5, para. g, is the first to specifically
preservation of their role within the ecosystem imply minimizing
prescribe protection of "biodiversity in the marine environment".
pollution of the marine environment, including pollution from
On this basis, and thanks to a highly constructive teleological land-based sources, and the impact associated with the human
interpretation of the provisions laid down by the Convention of 1982, activities of offshore exploitation, navigation and fishing, they imply
the concept of biological diversity, then of biodiversity, appears an approach, which necessarily incorporates biodiversity. The legal

instruments of the law of the sea must therefore be amended and Diversity. Canyons are, in fact, directly capable of contributing to
completed, as part of an intersectoral approach, by techniques and the maintenance and preservation of biodiversity, especially in a
concepts specific to the law of the environment and sustainable hot-spot like the Mediterranean Sea, and even more so, given the
development, elaborated in conformity with the United Nations specific oceanographic, hydrodynamic and biological features
Convention on the Law of the Sea. which characterize this enclosed, or at least semi-enclosed, sea
(Würtz, 2010).
B – In conformity with the United Nations Convention Furthermore, the Preamble of the Convention on Biological Diversity
on the Law of the Sea innovates by inviting the States to adopt a precautionary approach
"where there is a threat of significant reduction or loss of biological
diversity" or a "lack of full scientific certainty"; and pragmatism
If preservation of biodiversity, to which the protection of canyons inevitably requires concern for biological diversity, especially
is intended to contribute, can only be paradoxical under the 1982 marine, due to the biological resources of which it is composed,
Convention, all universal strategies must then aim to develop an which then leads to the concept of sustainable development.
approach based on complementarity, which would be respectful of Recalling the importance of biological diversity and the need
it, but also offer other legal basis. These instruments of governance to conserve it, the Preamble of the 1992 Convention naturally
naturally reside first and foremost in the Convention on Biological reaffirms the sovereign rights of the States over their own resources
Diversity (1), but also in other functional systems developed with a in this respect, but combines them with a dual responsibility: "
cross-sectoral approach (2). States are responsible for conserving their biological diversity
and for using their biological resources in a sustainable manner".
1) In the Convention on Biological Diversity In the case of marine biodiversity, the meaning and scope of the
equation sovereign rights over resources/obligations to conserve
biological diversity are confirmed in Article 22, Relationship with
The emergence of the concept of biodiversity (a) dates back to Other International Conventions, and notably in § 2 stating that
the United Nations Conference on Environment and Development, "Contracting Parties shall implement this Convention with respect to
held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, and was legally sanctioned by the the marine environment consistently with the rights and obligations
Convention on Biological Diversity. Recourse to Marine Protected of States under the law of the sea".
Areas (b) as a privileged instrument for conservation, and as In areas under national jurisdiction, the sovereign rights of States over
such applicable to submarine canyons, derives directly from this maritime areas and their resources thus form the legal framework
normative procedure, thus transformed into factual existence, then governing effective observance of their obligations to preserve
completed and made more explicit by the Conference of States biological diversity. In the Mediterranean, high seas by default thus
Parties to the Convention. potentially forming a group of areas under national jurisdiction, this
approach seems particularly relevant, placing bordering States,
a) The emergence of the concept of biodiversity individually and collectively, before their shared responsibility
towards the conservation of biodiversity. In this respect, the case
The term biodiversity was first coined in 1985 as a contraction of the
of submarine canyons can provide a case study, as any initiative
expression biological diversity invented in 1980; more compelling
aimed at protection of biological diversity - a concept not formally
in terms of communication, the word biodiversity began to be
sanctioned by the United Nations Convention on the Law of the
used as from 1986, though it was first mentioned in a publication
Sea - can only be envisaged in conformity with its rules, and in this
dated 1988. Etymologically, the word is a neologism based on the
case within the context of the maritime areas and corresponding
Greek bios, meaning "life", and diversity designating the variety
and diversity of the living world. Biodiversity can thus be simply
defined as the natural diversity of living organisms as it develops If the creation of a network dedicated to Marine Protected Areas
in space and time, and consequently that of ecosystems, species seems like an appropriate strategy, as per Article 8 of the Convention
and genes. on Biological Diversity, it can thus a priori only be envisaged with
strict observance of the universal legal schema defined by the new
law of the sea.
In legal terms, it was the "Earth Summit", or United Nations
Conference on Environment and Development held in Rio in 1992,
which sanctioned the concept and notion of biological diversity as b) Marine Protected Areas
a component of sustainable development, through the adoption Article 8 of the Convention on Biological Diversity establishes the
of the Convention on Biological Diversity on June 5th, 1992 (4). principle of priority awarded to In-situ Conservation, quite obviously
Article 2 in fact gives the first conventional definition of biological the only kind possible in the case of submarine canyons. The
diversity as the "variability among living organisms from all sources concept of protected areas, and in this case Marine Protected
including, inter alia, terrestrial, marine and other aquatic ecosystems Areas, envisaged as a network, follows directly, as Article 8 states
and the ecological complexes of which they are part; this includes that "each Contracting Party shall, as far as possible and as
diversity within species, between species and of ecosystems"; appropriate: a) Establish a system of protected areas or areas where
the same Article defines an ecosystem as "a dynamic complex of special measures need to be taken to conserve biological diversity"
plant, animal and micro-organism communities and their non-living (para. a), and "Regulate or manage biological resources important
environment interacting as a functional unit". for the conservation of biological diversity whether within or outside
protected areas, with a view to ensuring their conservation and
As such, biodiversity thus includes the diversity of the marine sustainable use" (para. c).
ecosystems and ecological complexes of which they are part, The first instrument of legal governance for submarine canyons
and the conservation and protection of submarine canyons are that comes to mind is precisely the one that rests on the existence
therefore wholly within the logic of the Convention on Biological of a coherent network of Marine Protected Areas. Such a strategy

seems even more likely to be effective in terms of conservation or declining species and/or habitats; vulnerability, fragility,
given that canyons are geological structures physically located on sensitivity, or slow recovery; biological productivity; biological
the subsoil of the sea, a fact which is, by its very nature, likely to diversity; naturalness (9). In the case of submarine canyons in the
reduce the negative impacts inherent in the mobility of the marine Mediterranean, the usefulness of such criteria needs no scientific
element: nevertheless, truly effective protection of submarine demonstration, being so self-evident, even for a jurist.
canyons can, of course, only be three-dimensional. This is all the more true because the said ESBA criteria correspond
very closely to other criteria defined for practical purposes by
In the eyes of international law, Marine Protected Areas (MPAs) as various specific instruments relating to the law of the sea, especially
defined on the universal basis of United Nations law must therefore at universal level: pragmatism thus extends its invitation to reinforce
be included within the double framework of the United Nations the effectiveness of the Convention on Biological Diversity, as well
Convention on the Law of the Sea of 1982 and the Convention on as the various existing systems, by reasoning based on a cross-
Biological Diversity of 1992. sectoral approach.
In the case of submarine canyons, the Montego Bay Convention
made it possible to consider the triple spatial dimension of MPAs, 2) A cross-sectoral approach
depending on whether they concern the waters or the subsoil of
areas of sovereignty and jurisdiction, or the high seas. Furthermore,
as it here concerns the Mediterranean, where the physical In the case of submarine canyons, the effectiveness of a network
continental shelf is often very narrow and the continental margin of Marine Protected Areas in fact presupposes the possibility of
is therefore very close to the coasts, protection of the canyon may superimposing instruments of protection in order to tailor solutions
come under several areas and legal regimes. It then becomes to the diverse activities liable to harm ecosystem functioning. Such
necessary for the measures that are envisaged to be coherent over a cross-sectoral strategy must at least be founded on maritime
the entirety of the geological structure, ie. not limited to the canyon safety (a) and fisheries management (b), which undoubtedly could
stricto sensu, but also incorporating the neighbouring continental be facilitated by combining applicable conditions with EBSA
shelf and the superjacent waters over which a coastal State in criteria.
the Mediterranean may not so far have jurisdiction. In many cases,
several States are then also obliged to combine their efforts, which a) Founded on maritime safety
supposes either the unilateral creation of adjacent national MPAs,
In accordance with the principles of the new law of the sea,
or the creation of a joint MPA by two or more States. This solution
initiatives for sectoral protection undertaken by the International
is, of course, the most coherent and the most efficient; for these
Maritime Organization (IMO) in connection with maritime safety
two reasons, it should be given preference. This is even more
are older than EBSA criteria, and pre-date current overlapping
applicable when the waters of the high seas, even by default as in
strategies programmed at international level and designed in terms
the particular case of the Mediterranean, are likely to be included
of marine spatial planning.
therein; it is then not in fact so much the creation of the MPA -
in the same hypothesis necessarily proclaimed within the context
of an organization or regional system - which poses the greatest In the context of the MARPOL 73/78 Convention and its Annexes,
problem, but the thorny matter of its opposability to third parties, from which it is indissociable, one finds the concept of "Special
notably with regard to the principle of the freedom of the seas, and Area" which is defined as being "a sea area where for recognised
consequently that of its enforcement. technical reasons in relation to its oceanographic and ecological
In the case of the Convention on Biological Diversity, the initial conditions and to the particular character of its traffic, the adoption
context has been made more precise and completed, precisely of special mandatory methods for the prevention of sea pollution
with regard to the high seas and deep seabed, to guarantee and by oil, noxious liquid substances, or garbage, as applicable, is
reinforce the effectiveness of Marine Protected Areas which may required". The designation of a Special Area is thus based on
be created; this was achieved by improving the basis for their environmental criteria (oceanographic and ecological), as well as
identification and thus designation, thanks to the introduction of the characteristics of maritime traffic. The designated maritime
scientific criteria, also even more applicable, of course, in waters areas are then awarded a higher level of protection, depending
under national jurisdiction, as the reference to the high seas is on the type of pollution addressed by the various Annexes, with
here primarily oceanographic and not strictly legal. Following a very strict regulation of the dumping of waste materials in the sea,
preparatory workshop held in the Azores in 2007 (1), the CoP9 of verging on prohibition of principle. Today, this status only remains
the Convention on Biological Diversity held in Bonn in 2008 thus effective in two MARPOL Annexes: Annex 1 Regulations for the
adopted Decision IX/20 Marine and Coastal Biodiversity, whose Prevention of Pollution by Oil and Annex V Regulations for the
Annex 1 lists the Scientific Criteria for identifying Ecologically or Control of Pollution by Garbage from Ships.
Biologically Significant Marine Areas in need of Protection in Open- In both cases, the Mediterranean was designated by IMO as
ocean waters and Deep-sea habitats - EBSA criteria (Ecologically a Special Area, a fact likely to contribute towards ecosystem
or Biologically Significant Areas) -, while Annex II gives five protection and in particular the conservation of submarine canyons.
examples of Scientific Guidance for selecting Areas to establish But this type of measures may well seem too general, both spatially
a Representative Network of Marine Protected Areas, including and practically, whence the need to create specific protection for
in Open-ocean waters and Deep-sea habitats (Ecologically or the most vulnerable maritime areas.
biologically significant areas; Representativity; Connectivity;
Replicated ecological features; Adequate and viable sites) (6).
The concept of Particularly Sensitive Sea Areas (PSSA) originated
in studies carried out from 1986 by the IMO and its Marine
The seven EBSA criteria established by the Convention on Biological Environment Protection Committee (MEPC), leading to adoption
Diversity are: uniqueness or rarity; special importance for life- in 1991 of Resolution A.720(17), since amended on several
history stages of species; importance for threatened, endangered occasions, and whose most recent version corresponds to

Resolution A.982(24), adopted on December 1st, 2005, with The system's aim is, in fact, to adopt concrete measures to protect
a revision by the Secretariat concerning the identification and said Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems from the effects of deep-sea
designation of Particularly Sensitive Sea Areas (15). fishing in the high seas, in the oceanographic rather than legal
The PSSA concept is totally independent from that of a convention sense of the term, that of open sea, hence its applicability to areas
and aims to provide for better protection of Particularly Sensitive Sea under national jurisdiction, especially when the physical continental
Areas from the impact of international shipping from an ecological, shelf is narrow and the head of the canyon is very close to the
socio-economic or scientific point of view. This thanks to the IMO's coasts, as is often the case in the Mediterranean.
adoption of associated protective measures, including measures
for the organization of maritime traffic, instructions regarding The governance strategy defined by the FAO in the case of
notification, prohibition of certain activities, or designation of a deep-sea fisheries in the high seas relies on the identification of
Special Area under MARPOL Annexes (Oral & Simard (Ed.), 2008). Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems and the definition of vulnerability
Three categories of identification criteria (ecological; social, cultural given in § 14-16 of the Guidelines. Vulnerability can in fact be
and economic; scientific and educational) are specified in Annex I physical, when direct contact with the fishing vessel is of a kind
to Resolution A.982(24), together with two kinds of approaches to to alter the ecosystem's structural elements, or functional, in the
the effects of international shipping (vessels traffic characteristics; hypothesis whereby selective elimination of a species resulting from
natural factors). The eleven ecological criteria listed naturally bear halieutic activity is likely to upset the functioning of the ecosystem.
strong similarities to the EBSA criteria, though the designation of Furthermore, the most vulnerable ecosystems are naturally those
a Particularly Sensitive Sea Area is part of a logic which is more which are both the most easily disturbed and the slowest to
institutional (it is the work of IMO and its bodies), more functional reconstitute themselves, where the lack of scientific certitudes and
(it is linked to shipping and maritime safety), more operational (it knowledge must advocate a precautionary approach.
obligatorily implies concrete measures) and wider in its scope (it
does not solely focus on the high seas, and can concern territorial Starting from the principle whereby "a marine ecosystem should
waters). be classified as vulnerable based on the characteristics that it
possesses", § 42 of the Guidelines lays down five criteria to be
Applied to the protection of submarine canyons in the applied to the identification of a VME: uniqueness or rarity, functional
Mediterranean, the PSSA approach therefore seems capable significance of the habitat, fragility, life-history traits of component
of providing protection which would complement that offered by species that make recovery difficult, and structural complexity. The
EBSA criteria in terms of preservation of biodiversity, a fortiori from similarity between the criteria defined by the FAO and the EBSA
the perspective of an intersectoral approach also founded on criteria has been stressed by experts, but technical and functional
fisheries management. differences do exist between the two systems, which does not in
any way impair their complementarity. Just like criteria applicable
b) Founded on fisheries management to PSSAs, the identification criteria for VMEs call for a response in
terms of functional management of the activity, in this case deep-sea
Under the terms of its Resolution 61/105 adopted in 2006, the fishing, by States or Regional Fisheries Management Organizations
United Nations General Assembly introduced the concept of (RFMOs), whereas the EBSA system appears essentially as a
Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems (VME) into the law of the sea, scientific and technical approach, within which no particular body
emphasizing the need to provide them with effective protection is designated as being specifically competent to identify the areas,
from the destructive effects of deep-sea fishing in the high seas. nor to take appropriate management measures.
However, Resolution 61/105 does not define the notion, and it fell to
the FAO to develop a participatory process, based on work carried
out by the COFI in 2007, which led to the adoption, in 2008, of In the case of submarine canyons, the advantage of the
International Guidelines for Management of Deep-Sea Fisheries in complementarity likely to result from such a cross-sectoral
the High Seas (8), whose § 7 recalls that they "are to be interpreted approach is thus self-evident: it would serve to reinforce the
and applied in conformity with the relevant rules of international law, functional efficiency of EBSA criteria, so that generalized marine
as reflected in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the spatial planning could be set in place, incorporating in particular
Sea of 10 December 1982". the impact of navigation via the PSSA concept, and that of fisheries
These Guidelines are intended to provide for the implementation by reference to the VME notion. In the Mediterranean, it could
of a functional and sectoral protection strategy directly based on especially be the case because the instruments of universal law
the VME concept. To this purpose, they propose a management are, on all these points, applicable at regional level and it could
framework aiming to prevent the negative impacts of deep-sea therefore naturally arise that governance strategies specific to the
fisheries on Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems and the preservation Mediterranean could be set in place.
of the marine biodiversity of these ecosystems, i.e. not only
conservation of target stocks, but also that of non-targetted
species and affected habitats. The strategy consists of identifying
the VME, then adopting appropriate management measures in II - GOVERNANCE STRATEGIES
order to prevent the occurrence of significant negative impacts, i.e. SPECIFIC TO THE MEDITERRANEAN
those compromising the integrity of the ecosystem, its structure or
function, in a way that affects the ability of the affected populations Given the physical and legal specificities of the Mediterranean,
to renew themselves, damages the long-term natural productivity regional solutions are, in fact, perhaps more conceivable, and
of habitats, and causes a significant or irreparable loss of the above all necessary, here than elsewhere. They are feasible,
richness of the species, habitats or types of community. within the universal framework imposed by the United Nations
The logic inherent in the notion of VMEs can therefore undoubtedly Convention on the Law of the Sea and in conformity with it, by
be found to apply in the case of submarine canyons in the reference to the schema of the UNEP Regional Seas Programme.
Mediterranean, and offer answers to certain aspects of protection. In positive law, legal instruments exist, in this case in the context

of the Barcelona System (A), which are likely to contribute to a coastal States are Parties to the new convention, with the exception
real regional protection strategy for submarine canyons, though of Bosnia-Herzegovina and Lebanon, in whose case acceptance
this strategy must also necessarily be understood in the spirit of the 1995 amendments is, however, underway.
of the Barcelona System (B), in other words, from the dynamic Adopted in Barcelona on June 10th, 1995, and entered into force
perspective of legal governance in the making. on December 12th, 1999 (10), the Protocol Concerning Specially
Protected Areas and Biological Diversity in the Mediterranean
A - In the context of the Barcelona System develops the principle laid down by the Barcelona Convention by
introducing a system specifically dedicated to biological diversity,
which Article 1 para. b defines in literally the same terms as Article
As at universal level, specifically Mediterranean strategies can 2 of the 1992 Convention. As such, it fits perfectly into the new
only be effective if they are incorporated into an intersectoral schema resulting from the general revision carried out in 1995 in
approach. Even within the context of the Barcelona Convention, follow-up to the Summit held in Rio, consideration of the stakes
and first of all with reference to SPAMIs of the Protocol Concerning involved in sustainable development and transposition at regional
Specially Protected Areas and Biological Diversity (1), governance level of the universal obligations arising from the adoption of the
of submarine canyons cannot be considered independently of Convention on Biological Diversity. The resulting field of application
other applicable instruments potentially capable of reinforcing its for instruments designed to protect Mediterranean biodiversity is
effectiveness, ie. as per a logic of conceptual superimposition (2). wide and innovative, but unfortunately does not encompass all the
coastal States; its overall ratification should thus be encouraged,
1) With reference to SPAMIs of the Protocol Concerning as Bosnia-Herzegovina, Greece, Israel and Libya are currently still
Specially Protected Areas and Biological Diversity not Parties to the 1995 Protocol.

The revision of the first Barcelona Convention of 1976, and its The strategy implemented by the Protocol Concerning Specially
replacement by the Convention for the Protection of the Marine Protected Areas and Biological Diversity is based on the
Environment and the Coastal Region of the Mediterranean in 1995 conservation and importance of factors related to biodiversity and
(5), for the purpose of incorporating the result obtained in Rio and its conservation. Completed by three Annexes adopted in Monaco
the imperatives imposed by sustainable development, created a in 1996, the conventional text attempts to go beyond petitions
normative framework propitious to the assimilation and protection of for purely declaratory principles and aims to develop a functional
biodiversity, in which submarine canyons play a role. Furthermore, approach articulated around Protection of Areas (Part II completed
the 1995 Protocol Concerning Specially Protected Areas and by Annex 1) and Protection and Conservation of Species (Part III
Biological Diversity in the Mediterranean (a), then adopted to completed by Annexes II and III), backed up by the strengthened
replace the 1982 Protocol Concerning Mediterranean Specially role of the pre-existing dedicated structure: the Regional Activity
Protected Areas, constitutes a unique case in the UNEP's regional Center for Specially Protected Areas (RAC-SPA/ CAR-ASP) based
seas system, consisting of a specifically dedicated agreement, in Tunis.
but also of the possibility of proclaiming Specially Protected Areas The Mediterranean thus finds itself endowed with a conventional
of Mediterranean Importance (SPAMIs) (b) including in the high instrument, so far uniting 17 of the 21 bordering States and the
seas. European Union, and the operational means to protect biodiversity
which encompass ecosystems, habitats and species (Slim, 2003).
The 1995 Protocol thus appears to be a vital tool in scientific and
a) The 1995 Protocol Concerning Specially Protected Areas
legal terms for the preservation of submarine canyons in the
and Biological Diversity in the Mediterranean
Mediterranean, especially as, besides the Specially Protected
Thanks to the coherent framework provided by the conventional Areas already covered by the text of 1982, it henceforth provides
system of the Mediterranean Action Plan (MAP), of which only for the networking of Specially Protected Areas of Mediterranean
the 1995 Protocol for the Prevention and Elimination of Pollution Importance (SPAMIs), including those beyond areas under
of the Mediterranean Sea by Dumping from Ships and Aircraft or jurisdiction, in other words, the entire maritime space of the
Incineration at Sea is not yet in force, the Mediterranean benefits Mediterranean.
from a specific legal framework adapted to the case of an enclosed
or semi-enclosed sea. The Mediterranean Sea is, in particular, the
first and only regional sea in the UNEP Programme to benefit from b) Specially Protected Areas of Mediterranean Importance
such specific protection in terms of biodiversity. (SPAMI)
Section II of the afore-mentioned Part II of the 1995 Protocol is in
Article 10 of the Convention for he Protection of the Marine fact devoted to an innovative concept : Specially Protected Areas
Environment and the Coastal Region of the Mediterranean, of Mediterranean Importance.
adopted on June 10th, 1995, and entered into force on July Article 8 § 1 lays down the principle of the establishment of a
9th, 2004, is expressly dedicated to Conservation of Biological "List of Specially Protected Areas of Mediterranean Importance"
Diversity and obviously had no equivalent in the Convention for (SPAMI List), "in order to promote cooperation in the management
the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea Against Pollution, initially and conservation of natural areas, as well as in the protection of
adopted on February 16th, 1976. It stipulates that: "the Contracting threatened species and their habitats". Three categories of sites can
Parties shall, individually or jointly, take all appropriate measures to be included in the list: those which "are of importance for conserving
protect and preserve biological diversity, rare or fragile ecosystems, the components of biological diversity in the Mediterranean", those
as well as species of wild fauna and flora which are rare, depleted, which "contain ecosystems specific to the Mediterranean area or
threatened or endangered and their habitats, in the area to which the habitats of endangered species", and those that "are of special
this Convention applies". The field of application of this commitment interest at scientific, aesthetic, cultural or educational levels" (Article
to protect and preserve biodiversity is thus very wide, as all the 8 § 2). Submarine canyons are therefore perfectly eligible for

inclusion in the list and, as it happens, the concept even seems They consist of uniqueness, natural representativeness, diversity,
to be an appropriate instrument for governance, a fortiori given the naturalness, presence of habitats that are critical to endangered,
functional protection supposed to result from SPAMI status as per threatened or endemic species, and cultural representativeness.
the terms of Article 8 § 3. In fact, the goal being sought is not Convergence with universal criteria, particularly EBSA criteria, but
only "to recognize the particular importance of these areas for the also those leading to identification of PSSAs and VMEs, is therefore
Mediterranean" (para. a), but also, for Parties subscribing to the a priori patently obvious, except perhaps for the cultural dimension
conventional system, "to comply with the measures applicable to which, however, is also marginally taken into consideration in the
the SPAMIs and not to authorize nor undertake any activities that IMO approach. It is, in fact, with reference to EBSA criteria that the
might be contrary to the objectives for which the SPAMIs were RAC/SPA already seems to have made an intense effort towards
established" (para. b). concertation, with the aim of identifying 12 areas, which could
Devoted to the Procedures for the Establishment and Listing of lead to the creation of a coherent system of SPAMIs, capable of
SPAMIs, Article 9 is indisputably the most innovative and most incorporating submarine canyons (14).
interesting in the Protocol, in terms of protection of biodiversity and, Furthermore, as borne out by this example, and as is assumed
more generally, with regard to the international law of the sea. In by the very idea of a "SPAMI List", and as Annex I expressly
view of the fact that the Protocol applies to the seabed and subsoil states, SPAMIs are required to build a network which is coherent
as much as to the waters (Article 2), Article 9 § 1 in fact stipulates in terms of representativeness and connectivity, in itself making
that "SPAMIs may be established" not only in "marine and coastal them particularly well-suited to take the systemic functioning of
zones subject to the sovereignty or jurisdiction of the Parties" (para. submarine canyons in the Mediterranean into account. Defined
a), but also in "zones partly or wholly on the high seas" (para. b). case by case by the "neighbouring Parties concerned", protection
Even in the case of high seas by default, by nature called upon and management measures are nevertheless still capable of being
to be integrated, over time and in one form or another, within adapted to the particularities of each site and, in this case, of
national maritime zones of the coastal States, given that there is each canyon. Quite specific, this protection has its effectiveness
nowhere in the Mediterranean where the coasts are more than 400 guaranteed in principle by the real legal status deriving from its
nautical miles away, this innovation is sizable because it allows for inclusion in the SPAMI List; as stated in Annex I, "all areas eligible
homogeneous and effective protection to be granted to the entirety for inclusion in the SPAMI List must be awarded a legal status
of the Mediterranean area. The importance of cooperation is, guaranteeing their effective long-term protection".
moreover, underlined by the Protocol, both for proposing a SPAMI
(Article 9 § 2) and for organizing and implementing its management In practice, the question of the SPAMIs' effectiveness remains no
(Article 9 § 3). In all cases where a SPAMI is not "situated in a zone less real, though it is expressed in different terms depending on
already delimited, over which [a State] exercises sovereignty or whether it is related to the risk of seeing SPAMIs relegated to paper
jurisdiction" (Article 9 § 2 para. a), but "partly or wholly, on the high parks, due to the lack of logistical resources or political willingness
sea" (article 9 § 2 para. b) or "in areas where the limits of national on the part of the States, or is formulated in legal terms pertaining
sovereignty or jurisdiction have not yet been defined" (Article 9 § to the relative effect of treaties. Opposability of SPAMIs is to be
2 para. c), proposals for inclusion must be jointly submitted by settled between Parties to the Protocol as per the combined
the "neighbouring Parties concerned", who are also called upon to reading of Articles 9 § 4 para. c and 9 § 5: in cases where the
consult each other "with a view to ensuring the consistency of the SPAMI is situated in the high seas or in a non-delimited zone, "the
proposed protection and management measures, as well as the decision to include the area in the SPAMI list shall be taken by
means for their implementation" (Article 9 § 3 para. a). consensus by the Contracting Parties which shall also approve the
management measures applicable to the area" (Article 9 § 4 para.
Protection, which could well be offered by the SPAMIs, seems, c) and, in all events, "the Contracting Parties undertake to observe
a priori, of a kind that could be adapted to the needs and the rules thus laid down" (Article 9 § 5).
requirements of conservation of submarine canyons. SPAMIs in However, this provision leaves open the question of the SPAMIs'
fact allow for the seabed and superjacent waters to be protected, legal opposability with regard to the four Mediterranean States
and this, whatever the legal status of the areas concerned. As which are not Parties to the 1995 Protocol, and above all third-
emphasized in Article 9, the existence of delimitation conflicts and parties to the Barcelona System, ie. non-Mediterranean States,
the absence of proclaimed jurisdiction, of which it is supposed to concerning which Article 28 Relationships with Third Parties
be the result, definitely do not constitute obstacles. Neighbouring innovates by stipulating that "the Parties shall invite States that
States sharing the same intentions do not need to have defined are not Parties to the Protocol and international organizations to
their maritime boundaries precisely in order to cooperate efficiently cooperate in the implementation of this Protocol" (§ 1) and, above
in preserving biodiversity. Quite the contrary, protection and all, that they "undertake to adopt appropriate measures, consistent
management measures then defined and implemented jointly by with international law, to ensure that no one engages in any activity
the "neighbouring Parties concerned" can only be more effective, contrary to the principles or purposes of this Protocol" (§ 2), which
as the marine space is indifferent, by its very nature, to the legal in truth only leaves States Parties very little means of action other
boundaries of sovereignty and jurisdiction that governance than those of a purely incitative nature.
strategies must, therefore, precisely attempt to transcend. The adoption of "sectoral and intersectoral policies" provided for in
The system's effectiveness is in fact reinforced by the provisions Article 3 § 4 of the Protocol thus only seems the more appropriate
in the Annexes and first of all, in the case of SPAMIs, by Annex I for reinforcing the effectiveness of governance strategies offered
devoted to Common Criteria for the Choice of Protected Marine by SPAMIs: in practice, it invites them to approach the protection
and Coastal Areas that could be included in the SPAMI List. If, of submarine canyons in the Mediterranean also as per a logic of
quite logically, "regional value is a basic requirement of an area conceptual superimposition.
for being included in the SPAMI List", Parties to the Barcelona
Convention had defined a set of five assessment criteria over 10
years prior to the CoP9 of the Convention on Biological Diversity.

2) As per a logic of conceptual superimposition to be protected "from the impact of any other activity jeopardizing
the conservation of the features that characterize these particu-
lar habitats" (§ 2). The first of these areas is intended to protect
The particular nature of canyons, whose protection should be both
coral in the "Deep Sea [...] “Lophelia reef off Capo Santa Maria di
ecosystemic, spatial and functional, requires that the effectiveness
Leuca”", situated in international waters (§ 1, para. a), the second
of the SPAMI network to be created is guaranteed by a cross-
to award full protection status to the area situated in the "Deep Sea
combination of instruments and concepts. In practice, this means
[...]“The Nile delta area cold hydrocarbon seeps”" and the unique
accepting the support of other systems whose concepts and
living community which has developed there (§ 1 para. b), and the
standards can be superimposed on the reasoning behind the
third to ban trawling activities in order to protect the sensitive habi-
Protocol. This intersectoral approach implies resorting first of all
tat in the "Deep Sea [...] “The Eratosthemes Seamount”", located
to the functional but global approach of the General Fisheries
in the Eastern Mediterranean between the Levantine Platform to
Commission for the Mediterranean (a), but also by attempting a
the south and the Cyprus margin to the north near the subduc-
minima to reinforce the schema of the Barcelona System through
tion zone of the African plate (§ 1, para. c). The contribution made
the spatial but partial approach of the European Union (b).
by this recommendation is all the more interesting as the GFCM
approach clearly subscribes to a cross-sectoral dynamic; very sig-
a) The functional but global approach of the General nificantly, it in fact emphasizes that "integration of environmental
Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean concerns in fisheries management is a way to protect the structure
The cross-sectoral logic advocated at universal level can, in fact, and functioning of the marine ecosystems that are in turn funda-
also be usefully applied at the regional level of an enclosed or semi- mental to the overall production of the seas, including the exploited
enclosed sea, and with great effectiveness in the Mediterranean resources and to the benefit of sustainable fisheries", adding that
area, where all the factors, both biological and anthropological, "human activities other than fisheries should care of the structure
comprise as many parameters in constant interaction. Fishing is and functioning of the marine ecosystems to the benefit of healthy
by its very essence one of the human activities most likely to have environment and sustainable fisheries" (12).
a negative and even destructive impact on ecosystems, and the Even though it does not concern submarine canyons, Recommen-
Mediterranean is not an exception in this respect. dation GFCM/30/2006/3 opens the way to a possible widening of
Regional organization for the management of fisheries uniting all the logic of Fisheries Restricted Areas, as does Recommendation
the States bordering the Mediterranean (as well as Japan), the GFCM/33/2009/1 on the Establishment of a Fisheries Restricted
General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (GFCM) thus Area in the Gulf of Lion to protect Spawning Aggregations and
offers a global framework for action at Mediterranean level, even Deep Sea Sensitive Habitats. On the basis of Recommendation
though the instruments of protection liable to be implemented are, GFCM/29/2005/1, and as proposed by the European Community,
of course, essentially functional and aimed at preventing impacts the SAC advising "to ban the use of towed and fixed gears and
on ecosystems caused by halieutic activity, and even some of longlines for demersal resources in an area on the continental shelf
its forms most likely to prove destructive for biodiversity, such as and slope of the Eastern Gulf of Lions", the GFCM decided to es-
deep-sea fishing. tablish a fisheries restricted area with, as its sole limitation, the level
of the fishing effort applied in 2008, in the eastern part of the Gulf
of Lion, this time pertaining to a sector that includes a submarine
As part of a dynamic of cross-sectoral governance, and comple-
canyon south of Marseille. Still pursuing a cross-sectoral line of
mentary to instruments either existing or to be developed, notably
reasoning, the Commission also emphasizes the need to "call the
SPAMIs, the GFCM can thus contribute effectively to the protection
attention of the appropriate national and international authorities in
of submarine canyons in the Mediterranean, by nature particularly
order to protect this area from the impact of any other human activ-
sensitive to the destructive effects of deep-sea fishing. Certain
ity jeopardizing the conservation of the features that characterize
initiatives undertaken over the past few years by the Commission,
this particular habitat as an area of spawners’ aggregation" (§ 7)
as part of a logic confirming certain aspects of the VME concept
initiated by the FAO, testify to the role likely to be played, in the
Mediterranean, by suitably adapted measures for the management
of fisheries; and first of all, this is the case of Fisheries Restricted As such, that's to say, as fisheries management measures, and
Areas (FRAs). also because of their vocation to incorporate the impact of other
As per its Recommendation GFCM/29/2005/1 on the Management human activities and cross-reference with other instruments,
of Certain Fisheries Exploiting Demersal and Deepwater Species, Fisheries Restricted Areas thus offer the kind of measures capable
the GFCM, reasoning in reference to the "precautionary principle", of being used and developed to reinforce the protection of canyons.
decided that States should "adopt measures aimed at increasing Though in this respect, the degree of protection offered should
the selectivity of demersal trawl nets" (§ 1) in respect of demersal undoubtedly be capable, depending on the case, of going beyond
fisheries, and "prohibit the use of towed dredges and trawl nets the sole freezing of the level of the fishing effort, in order to be really
fisheries at depths below 1,000 m" (§ 2), i.e. deepwater fishing effective.
(11). Given that submarine canyons are particularly numerous on the
A year later, on the basis of this recommendation, and the univer- northern shore, the spatial but partial approach of the European
sally recognized need to "protect vulnerable marine ecosystems", Union can also provide support for other applicable legal
the GFCM adopted Recommendation GFCM/30/2006/3 on the instruments.
Establishment of Fisheries Restricted Areas in order to Protect the
Deep Sea Sensitive Habitats. In conformity with the recommen-
dations of its Scientific Advisory Committee (SAC), it in fact cre- b) The spatial but partial approach of the European Union
ated, in three sectors in the Mediterranean, a "fisheries restricted Today, the European Union has a really objective dimension,
area" where "fishing with towed dredges and bottom trawl nets especially within the Mediterranean area where its politico-
shall be prohibited" (§ 1), and which is also intended over time economic, but also legal and normative influence cannot be

ignored or even under-estimated. The southern border of the that Protocol (Barcelona Convention), whereby the Community
European Union is the shoreline of the Mediterranean, and EU declares that it will participate in the implementation of said Protocol
strategies, particularly in environmental and maritime matters, can and its Annexes, which thus includes the notion of SPAMIs, via the
no doubt contribute towards effective protection of Mediterranean Natura 2000 network. The Natura 2000 network is thus capable
biodiversity and, at the same time, better legal governance of of providing support for protection offered by SPAMIs, in waters
submarine canyons. placed under the sovereignty, or possibly the jurisdiction, of
However, only 7 of the 21 States bordering the Mediterranean, European Union member States, which could potentially concern
thereby Parties to the Barcelona System, are also members of the canyons on the northern shore.
European Union, itself a Contracting Party to the Mediterranean
Action Plan and its conventional provisions; furthermore, only The second kind of brake on the spatial application of EU law
7 States out of the 27 members of the European Union are in the Mediterranean Sea specifically concerns the member
Mediterranean. There is therefore very little spatial and legal States and derives from the legal status of maritime areas. In
coincidence between the two entities, which are the European the high seas by default, by its nature required to fall under the
Community and the Mediterranean. jurisdiction of member States, European Union law is not currently
supposed to apply other than marginally in the case of sui generis
European Union law thus appears to be a legal instrument with zones, in which EU principles are capable of exercising their
limited spatial application in the Mediterranean. vocation towards integration, which can notably be the case in
environmental matters. Thus, a contrario, the question then arises
This is firstly the case depending on whether or not the
of the opportunity for a generalized proclamation of EEZs which,
Mediterranean States are also members of the EU. With regard to
due to the concept's primarily halieutic objective, would hand
the 14 non-member States, EU law is naturally not opposable to
over management of Community waters in the Mediterranean
them de jure, as per the principle of the relative effect of treaties.
(with the exclusion of territorial waters) directly to the European
In practice, however, this may not exclude the possibility of the EU
Union, in which Mediterranean States are in the minority, as well
attempting to impose de facto certain aspects, either in the case
as specifically Mediterranean interests perceived as peripheral and
of candidate States wanting to join the EU, or via an extensive view
thus marginalized in a Europe comprised of 27 member States.
of the applicability of its standards, notably founded on economic
or political considerations, as in the case of Council Regulation To avoid the effect of fragmentation which could result from this
(EC) N° 1005/2008 of September 29th, 2008, establishing on the scale of the entire Mediterranean area, global protection
a Community system to prevent, deter and eliminate illegal, of marine biodiversity in which the submarine canyons system
unreported and unregulated fishing. As clearly demonstrated by participates therefore undoubtedly implies giving priority to a
this example, the demands of European Community law appear specifically Mediterranean approach and developing new legal
in practice even less transposable outside the circle of its member strategies in the spirit of the Barcelona System.
States, since the other Mediterranean States do not usually have
the same financial or technical capabilities to implement them.
B – In the spirit of the Barcelona System
This remark is no doubt just as valid with regard to biodiversity,
in the case of Directive 2008/56/EC of the European Parliament
and of the Council of June 17th, 2008, establishing a framework Whatever the instruments of positive law, truly effective legal
for community action in the field of marine environmental policy governance of submarine canyons implies further improvement of
("Marine Strategy Framework Directive"), and this, even though the Barcelona System and consequently adopting a position within
the text is undeniably of a kind to create in the Mediterranean a a prospective approach. The legal expert can then conceive and
propitious environmental and ecosystemic context, notably through propose new strategies for going beyond classic legal reasoning (1)
the notion of "good environmental status", notwithstanding the and thus strengthen the protection offered by regional instruments,
concept of spatial fragmentation it implies between member States notably by means of shared governance (2).
and also between basins and sub-basins that it distinguishes in the
Mediterranean (Western Mediterranean Sea, Adriatic Sea, Ionian
Sea and Central Mediterranean Sea, Aegean-Levantine Sea). 1) For going beyond classic legal reasoning
For member States, the question of applicability naturally does
not arise in the same terms, and the interest of EU law may be Improvement of the protection liable to be offered to biodiversity can
evident yet limited, insofar that it is necessarily required to apply be obtained through a legal prospective approach, as the classic
within political boundaries which are without pertinence to the logic of the law is almost ontologically unsuited to deal with what is
shared maritime area of an enclosed or semi-enclosed sea. An at stake in the marine environment and hence to the challenges of
EU act of law such as the Council Directive 92/43/EEC of May conservation of submarine canyons in the Mediterranean. A new
21st, 1992, on the conservation of natural habitats and wild fauna form of governance is a matter for legal imagination but, in the
and flora (7) thus appears to be an appropriate instrument of current state of the juridicisation of the international system, realism
legal governance in the case of submarine canyons under the demands that it can, however, only be developed in compliance
jurisdiction of member States. An essential element in the EU's with the States' territorial jurisdiction (a) and notwithstanding national
strategic policy, the so-called "Habitats Directive" in fact aims appropriation of resources (b).
to establish a conservation system for wild species and natural
habitats based on the Natura 2000 ecological network of protected
sites applicable to the sea. Furthermore, its importance for the a) In compliance with the States' territorial jurisdiction
protection of Mediterranean biodiversity is confirmed by Council An effort of imagination is required of the jurist in order to develop
Decision 1999/800/EC of October 22nd, 1999, on concluding new governance strategies, more effective in terms of protection
the Protocol concerning specially protected areas and biological for submarine canyons and biodiversity, either by combining
diversity in the Mediterranean, and on accepting the annexes to existing legal instruments, or by transposing them, or even by

having recourse to innovative concepts. But in the case in point, then imitated by Italy, to proclaim an ecological protection zone.
the lawyer's imagination is necessarily conditioned by the umbrella Even if this has not so far been followed by action, France in effect
treaty consisting, for the marine area, of the 1982 Convention, officially announced, on August 24th, 2009, the up-coming creation
whose principles are usually expressly transcribed in universal or of a French EEZ in the Mediterranean, which could undoubtedly
regional conventions of environmental law in the form of traditional have a knock-on effect likely to speed up the generalization of
"without prejudice" territorial clauses (articles 4 and in fine 8 of the proclamations in accordance with the United Nations Convention
Convention on Biological Diversity; articles 2 § 2, 3 § 6, 5 and 9 of on the Law of the Sea, and the appropriation of biological resources
the Protocol Concerning Specially Protected Areas and Biological resulting therefrom.
Diversity in the Mediterranean).
On sea as on land, respect and compliance with the coastal State's Exploitation of sea resources, or at least their appropriation by
territorial jurisdiction and powers are imposed, as witnessed by the coastal States, even if this is only putative in the absence of a
legal logic of territorialization of maritime areas, a real conquest dedicated area, does not, however, in theory, exclude protection
of space in seas subjected to the shadow cast by the sovereign of the species that it conditions in any event in terms of jurisdiction
State, which results from the doctrine of coastal nationalism and and responsibilities. Confirmed by Article 10 Sustainable Use of
its triumph at the 3rd United Nations Conference on the Law of Components of Biological Diversity, the Preamble to the Convention
the Sea. This approach also prevails in the Mediterranean Sea, on Biological Diversity does not treat it any differently: "States have
underwater where the subsoil is nowhere vast enough for the sovereign rights over their own biological resources", and they are
seabed to be legally covered by the Area nor its regime of positive consequently "responsible for conserving their biological diversity
internationalization, but also prospectively for the superjacent and for using their biological resources in a sustainable manner".
waters where evolution is henceforth headed towards progressive While there is naturally no going back on the principle of
jurisdictionalization of a maritime area which has long remained res appropriation of resources which lies at the core of the new law of
nullius. the sea and which, in time, is required to assume all its significance
in the Mediterranean, the legal development which came out of the
Summit in Rio, and the integration of concerns relating to sustainable
In the case of submarine canyons in the Mediterranean, the
development, imply an emergence of certain imperatives of
question is expressed in different terms depending on whether the
protection and conservation. In the Mediterranean, the 1995
area to be protected extends within or beyond 12 nautical miles,
revision of the conventional system of the MAP can be seen as
and beyond that limit, which is that of the sovereignty over the sea,
part of this new approach. The Protocol Concerning Specially
depending on the dimension being taken into account: the static
Protected Areas and Biological Diversity in the Mediterranean thus
area of the seabed and subsoil on which the coastal State has,
devotes its Part III to Protection and Conservation of Species, and
ipso facto et ab initio, sovereign rights, or the mobile area of the
Article 11 § 1 introduces the innovative principle whereby "the
water column whose legal status can vary but is always subject to
Parties shall manage species of flora and fauna with the aim of
maintaining them in a favourable state of conservation".
As geological structures, submarine canyons in the Mediterranean
thus find themselves in all events automatically covered by State
In practice, preservation of the species requires striking a balance
jurisdiction, with which any governance strategy will have to deal:
which reconciles the right of the State to exploit the resources
sovereignty for the subsoil of the territorial sea, sovereign rights for
placed under its jurisdiction, and the responsibilities which it
the legal continental shelf. The coastal State alone is thus entitled
therefore bears in terms of conservation and sustainable use.
to authorize or prohibit certain activities constituting a potential
Sectoral management measures can then prove appropriate
danger for submarine canyons, such as exploitation of underwater
to provide the right to exploit with the necessary restrictions, in
sand deposits to replenish beaches, in the form of samples or
order to guarantee sustainable exploitation of the target species,
extracts taken out at sea or in canyon heads. The jurisdiction and
and thus preserve biodiversity. These measures can be decided
powers that follow from its status as a coastal State must therefore
unilaterally by the coastal State or adopted collectively, for example
also be seen as a responsibility.
within the context of a regional fisheries management organization,
The same is naturally true of exploration and exploitation of other such as the GFCM's Fisheries Restricted Areas. Legal governance
resources in the subsoil, particularly hydrocarbons, addressed of submarine canyons can thus also be approached in this way.
in the 1994 Protocol for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea
In fact, and contrary to a frequently preconceived idea, appro-
against Pollution Resulting from Exploration and Exploitation of the
priation does not in itself, and in itself alone, provide an assurance
Continental Shelf and the Seabed and its Subsoil, henceforth in
of sustainability nor the preservation of ecosystems and the
force, and also, even though this may seem partly prospective,
biodiversity in which they play a role. It is therefore important to
biological resources in the superjacent waters, for which the
ensure the States' awareness of the exhaustible nature of biological
effectiveness of the ecosystem approach requires joint protection. It
resources, a fortiori in the marine environment where mobility and
is thus in keeping with this reasoning, and notwithstanding national
the absence of physical frontiers can make appropriation and
appropriation of resources, that the preservation of biodiversity and
management measures quite illusory. In this respect, the declaration
the governance of canyons must be envisaged over time.
of biodiversity protection zones may even seem a good alternative,
given other problems liable to arise from a generalized proclamation
b) Notwithstanding national appropriation of resources of EEZs, especially on the northern shore of the Mediterranean.
Even in the Mediterranean, and in the current state of proclamations,
the majority of existing areas under jurisdiction - exclusive The individual responsibility of coastal States does not, however,
economic zones, fishing zones, fisheries protection zones - pursue exclude their collective responsibility, and less than elsewhere in
an economic goal of national appropriation of resources. It was, in an enclosed or semi-enclosed sea like the Mediterranean, the
fact, mostly reasons of political strategy, originally mainly linked to necessary cooperation of bordering States by means of shared
the existence of a delimitation conflict with Spain, that led France, governance.

2) By means of shared governance heritage (Articles 4 and 8 § 2, Annex I points A para. a and B § 2
in particular), even if the latter seems, in the point in case, naturally
secondary with regard to the actual subject of the treaty.
Respect of the coastal State's jurisdictional competences does
not prevent the Mediterranean from in fact being a dynamic Despite this conventional basis, the heritage-based aspect of
ecosystem, by its very nature reluctant to the separative logic of Mediterranean biodiversity and ecosystems has remained until now
differentiation of areas and determination of frontiers. Effective practically a dead letter in legal terms; or at least, coastal States
protection of submarine canyons and their systemic role thus implies have paid it little attention due to a certain reticence regarding what
surmounting the obstacles resulting from this legal fragmentation, this type of approach inevitably implies in an enclosed sea such
and apprehending the Mediterranean as both a global area as the Mediterranean, in terms of common heritage and sharing.
and a common heritage which should be the subject of shared If a "Mediterranean natural and cultural heritage" does exist, it is, in
governance. Between imagination and prospective approach, the fact, necessarily a shared heritage.
concept extends an invitation to define a heritage-based approach Far from being antithetical from all points of view, the heritage-
to Mediterranean biodiversity (a) but a heritage-based approach based approach and the dimension of coastal nationalism
founded on the responsibility of the coastal States (b). can, and must, nevertheless be reconciled, which is perfectly
illustrated by the challenge of protecting submarine canyons in the
Mediterranean. In practice, it in fact matters very little whether a
a) A heritage-based approach to Mediterranean biodiversity
State has jurisdiction over such and such a canyon and takes the
In the current state of the law, shared governance must, of course, appropriate measures to ensure its conservation, as the canyons
be seen above all as an informal process, as this approach is form together a system whose impacts on global hydrodynamic
resolutely turned towards the future and belongs more to soft and ecosystem functioning are decisive. In this respect, the efforts
law than hard law. It can, in fact, only be conceived, justified undertaken by one State alone can be reduced to nil by the inertia
and understood in reference to a heritage-based approach to or laxity of neighbouring States, and protection measures must
Mediterranean biodiversity in which submarine canyons play a transcend limits of jurisdiction in order to function in a physical area
part. In an enclosed or semi-enclosed sea like the Mediterranean, rid of all frontiers, and be organized in networks endowed with
with a unique ecosystem and biology marked by interdependence, sufficient connectivity.
common civilizational culture and heritage, the idea is almost
self-evident but, so far, only has a marginal legal dimension. In
essence, it is to be found in the Protocol Concerning Specially Legal governance of canyons can thus only be effective and efficient
Protected Areas and Biological Diversity in the Mediterranean, if it is shared and developed in accordance with a heritage-based
whose Preamble expressly refers to the "Mediterranean natural and approach founded on the responsibility of coastal States.
cultural heritage" and the need to "improving [its] state, in particular
through the establishment of specially protected areas and also by b) A heritage-based approach founded
the protection and conservation of threatened species". on the responsibility of coastal States
At universal level, the 1972 UNESCO Convention concerning the In the international legal system, the existence of States is an
Protection of World Cultural and Natural Heritage (2) already laid ontologically material fact. In the law of the sea, it is expressed
down the principle of "natural heritage", defined in Article 2 as by the zoning of areas resulting from the spatially degressive
comprising "natural features consisting of physical and biological projection of sovereignties, from the coast to the open sea. But in
formations or groups of such formations, which are of outstanding an enclosed or semi-enclosed sea like the Mediterranean, it could
universal value from the aesthetic or scientific point of view; not exclude a heritage-based approach to biodiversity and shared
geological and physiographical formations and precisely delineated governance founded on the individual and collective responsibility
areas which constitute the habitat of threatened species of animals of bordering States.
and plants of outstanding universal value from the point of view
Contemporary international law in fact attributes primary
of science or conservation; natural sites or precisely delineated
responsibility to coastal State comprised of rights and obligations:
natural areas of outstanding universal value from the point of view
rights to the maritime areas and their resources such as provided
of science, conservation or natural beauty".
for in the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea; duties
Even before the invention of the concept, the idea of incorporating, to protect and preserve the marine environment for which Part
even subsidiarily, the heritage aspect of biodiversity thus appears XII established the legal basis, which were then confirmed by
to have benefited from a conventional legal basis. This explains universal and regional treaties on environmental law, by reference
why inclusion in the World Heritage List, provided for by Article 11 to biological diversity. The evolution of legal concepts therefore
of the UNESCO Convention, would also seem to provide a solution invites the jurist to consider the coastal State, more or less
for strengthening the protection and governance of submarine prospectively, as a trustee of biodiversity in which the marine areas
canyons in the Mediterranean, even if the universal character of and resources over which it has jurisdiction play a part, and, as
said system is, no doubt, in practice, unlikely to facilitate it; inclusion far as the Mediterranean is concerned, all the bordering States as
in the said list is, moreover, with declaration of a biosphere reserve depositaries, in time and in space, of a real shared heritage.
also provided for by UNESCO, one of the associated protective
This approach is not entirely new and this kind of dialectic between
measures cited for designation of a Particularly Sensitive Sea Area
the State's responsibility and the heritage-based approach is not
(PSSA) by Resolution A.982(24) of IMO (§ 6.2).
unknown in public international law, whose Convention Concerning
the World Protection of Cultural and Natural Heritage, adopted by
The Barcelona Protocol of 1995 is, however, the only conventional UNESCO on November 16th, 1972, offers an edifying example.
text specifically dedicated to biodiversity to expressly reason in The conventional system embodied in the World Heritage List
reference to the notion of "Mediterranean heritage", ie. to adopt a (Article 11), and the role attributed to the World Heritage Committee
heritage-based approach to biodiversity, with a wide view of the (Articles 8 and following), in fact reconcile "national protection and
concept integrating the dual natural and cultural aspect of such international protection of the cultural and natural heritage" (Title II);

it resides in the notion of "world heritage" defined as "world heritage imperatives related to preservation and protection of the associated
for whose protection it is the duty of the international community ecosystemic heritage; to sanction the existence of the biodiversity
as a whole to co-operate" (Article 6), but for which responsibility protection zone as a minimum legal basis for the rights and duties
"belongs primarily" to the State on whose territory the heritage is of the coastal State in this respect, beyond 12 nautical miles;
situated and whose sovereignty must therefore be fully respected to make the SPAMI List a real multilateral framework for shared
(Articles 4 and 6). governance, incorporating a variable geometry management
system (unilateral, bilateral, trilateral, on the scale of a sub-basin,
basin or the entire Mediterranean, depending on the purpose of
The primary responsibility of the territorial State does not therefore the areas, their localization and specific characteristics); to give an
in any way exclude the sharing of governance for which, on the organic dimension to shared governance within the context of the
contrary, it constitutes a legal support. The approach retained RAC/SPA or a new entity to be set up, but including at least one
for "world heritage" is thus in fine likely to be found to apply in body which is not entirely interstate, thus ensuring representation
the Mediterranean. Moreover, the Protocol Concerning Specially of the different stakeholders concerned, to conform to the principle
Protected Areas and Biological Diversity in the Mediterranean of governance itself…
already includes the concept of "Mediterranean heritage", whose
protection is entrusted to its List of SPAMIs. As such, it offers In many respects, which are emblematic of the stakes involved in
means of taking action, not all of which, perhaps, are sufficiently biodiversity and protection of the environment in the Mediterranean
exploited, though amendments could also be envisaged to make (Ros, 2011), the conservation of submarine canyons would be
the existing mechanism more operational and well-suited. It might perfectly in keeping with such a schema, but also with the more
then be the right moment in which to define the principle of shared ambitious prospect of a new protocol dedicated to Mediterranean
governance and the individual and collective responsibility of heritage, whose adoption would then be justified by its enlarged
the States, in terms of trusteeship, by reconciling respect of the scope, incorporating natural and cultural heritage, for the purpose
coastal State's jurisdiction over marine areas and resources, and of thus providing Mediterranean solutions of shared governance
to meet the challenges of preserving biodiversity, but also the
problems posed by the protection of a heritage which is underwater,
historic, archaeological, and also unique throughout the world.


Monographs and articles Texts and documents

Andreone, G., 2004. Observations sur la « juridictionnalisation » de 1) CBD Secretariat, 2009. Azores Scientific Criteria and Guidance
la mer Méditerranée. Annuaire du droit de la Mer, 9, 7-25. for identifying ecologically or biologically significant marine areas
and designing representative networks of marine protected areas
in open ocean waters and deep sea habitats. Montréal, Québec,
González Giménez, J., 2007. El mar Mediterráneo : régimen jurídico
Canada, 11pp.
internacional - De las zonas de pesca a las zonas de protección.
Barcelona, Atelier Internacional, 2007, 331pp. http://www.cbd.int/marine/doc/azores-brochure-en.pdf

IUCN, 2010. Towards a better Governance of the Mediterranean 2) UNESCO, 1972. Convention concerning the Protection of
/ Vers une meilleure gouvernance de la Méditerranée. IUCN, the World Cultural and Natural Heritage. Records of the General
Gland & Malaga, 39pp. Conference Seventeenth Session, Paris, 17 October to 21
November 1972. Volume 1, Resolutions and Recommendations,
Oral, N. and F. Simard (Eds.), 2008. Maritime traffic effects on
http://unesdoc.unesco.org /images/0011/001140/114044e.
biodiversity in the Mediterranean Sea, Volume 2 – Legal
mechanisms to address maritime impacts on Mediterranean
biodiversity, Malaga, IUCN Centre for Mediterranean Coope-
ration, 135pp. 3) United Nations, 1982. United Nations Convention on the Law of
the Sea, December 10th, 1982.
Ros, N., 2011. Environmental Protection of the Mediterranean. In: http://www.un.org/depts/los/convention_agreements/texts/
Revista de Estudios Jurídicos, 11/2011 (awaiting publication, unclos/unclos_e.pdf
but also consultable in its electronic version : http://
revistaselectronicas.ujaen.es/index.php/rej/article/view/630). 4) United Nations, 1992. Convention on Biological Diversity, June
5th, 1992.
Simard, F., 2010. Le scientifique, le juriste et la gestion : Coopération http://www.cbd.int/doc/legal/cbd-en.pdf
et Droit de la Mer en Méditerranée. In: Les implications juridiques
de la ratification de la Convention des Nations Unies sur le droit
5) Conference of Plenipotentiaries on the Convention for the
de la mer. Symposium international Agadir, Institut universitaire
Protection of the Mediterranean Sea against Pollution and its
de la recherche scientifique, Rabat 2010, 339-351; also
Protocols, 1995. Convention for the Protection of the Marine
published in A.D.Mer 2009, 14, 499-508.
Environment and the Coastal Region of the Mediterranean, June
10th, 1995, 22pp.
Slim, H., 2003. Les aires spécialement protégées en Méditerranée.
Les zones maritimes en Méditerranée. Revue de l’INDEMER, 6,
6) Conference of the Parties to the Convention on Biological
Diversity, 2008. Decision IX/20, Marine and Coastal Biodiversity
Treves, T., 1995. Rapport général Action commune pour la protection (Annex I Scientific Criteria for identifying Ecologically or Biologically
de l’environnement marin. Convergences méditerranéennes. Significant Marine Areas in need of Protection in Open-ocean
Revue de l’INDEMER, 3, 71-86. waters and Deep-sea habitats; Annex II Scientific Guidance for
selecting Areas to establish a Representative Network of Marine
Treves, T., 2003. Les zones maritimes en Méditerranée : com- Protected Areas, including in Open-ocean waters and Deep-sea
patibilité et incompatibilité avec la Convention sur le droit de la habitats), CoP9 Bonn 2008, 7pp.
mer de 1982. Les zones maritimes en Méditerranée. Revue de http://www.cbd.int/doc/decisions/cop-09/cop-09-dec-20-en.
l’INDEMER, 6, 19-35. doc

Würtz, M., 2010. Mediterranean Pelagic Habitat. Oceanographic 7) EEC, 1992. Council Directive 92/43/EEC of 21 May 1992 on the
and Biological Processes, An Overview. IUCN , Gland & Malaga, conservation of natural habitats and of wild fauna and flora. Official
88pp. Journal, L 206 2/07/1992, 7-50 .
h t t p : / / e u r- l e x . e u r o p a . e u / L e x U r i S e r v / L e x U r i S e r v.

8) FAO, 2008. International Guidelines for the Management of

Deep-Sea Fisheries in the High Seas.

9) Global Ocean Biodiversity Initiative (GOBI), 2010. Working 13) FAO, 2009. Report thirty-third Session, General Fisheries
Towards High Seas Conservation. Commission for the Mediterranean, Tunis Tunisia 23-27 March
http://www.gobi.org/Library/gobi-literature/brochure/view 2009. Report CGPM, 33, Appendix G, 37-38.
ftp://ftp.fao.org/docrep/fao/012/i0966e/i0966e00.pdf, or directly
to the Appendices ftp://ftp.fao.org/docrep/fao/012/i0966e/
10) Conference of Plenipotentiaries on the Convention for the
Protection of the Mediterranean Sea against Pollution and its
Protocols, 1995. Protocol Concerning Specially Protected Areas
and Biological Diversity in the Mediterranean, June 10th 1995, 14) UNEP RAC/SPA, 2010. Report of the Extraordinary Meeting of
103pp. the Focal Points for SPAs, Istanbul Turkey, June 1st 2010, (Annex 3 List of priority conservation areas lying in the open seas, including
eng_p.pdf the deep sea, likely to contain sites that could be candidates for
the SPAMI List).
11) FAO, 2005. Report twenty-ninth Session, General Fisheries
Commission for the Mediterranean, Rome Italy 21-25 February
2005. Report CGPM, Appendix G., 29, 37-38. 15) IMO, 2005. Revised Guidelines for the Identification and
ftp://ftp.fao.org/docrep/fao/008/a0031e/a0031e00.pdf Designation of Particularly Sensitive Sea Areas (Annex Revised
Guidelines for the Identification and Designation of Particularly
Sensitive Sea Areas). Resolution A.982(24), adopted on 1st
12) FAO, 2006. Report thirtieth Session, General Fisheries December 2005 (Agenda item 11).
Commission for the Mediterranean, Istanbul Turkey 24-27 January
2006. Report CGPM, 30, Appendix E, 31-32.

4.2. Superposition of marine protected areas:
an original legal solution
for the protection of Mediterranean canyons
Magali Lehardy
Maître de conférences, Université Nice Sophia Antipolis
Laboratoire GEREDIC/CERDAME EA 3180

Whether in the case of canyons or other marine areas vulnerable CREATION OF MPAs DOMINATED BY
to, and/or threatened by, activities carried out in them, we now A SECTORIAL APPROACH
expect marine protected areas (MPA)1 to be instruments ensuring
full and effective protection of these marine areas. In this respect,
Thus, in the context of its Exclusive Economic Zone (EEZ), the extent
scientists justifiably believe that only the development of a global
of a State’s authority with regard to all the ships present in its EEZ is
and fully integrated approach to MPAs, sometimes also described
restricted to controlling fishing activities and fighting pollution within a
as holistic, is likely to guarantee full operational protection of the
legal framework which does not allow it to control navigation except
areas involved.
in the case of accidents and wilful pollution. Navigation continues
to be governed by the legal framework pertaining to the high seas
This global approach is necessary at ecological level, but also at and the exclusive jurisdiction of the State whose flag it flies. In such
political, economic and social levels. The quality of the protection a context, setting up multisectorial MPAs aimed at comprehensive
provided in fact depends not only on all the interacting elements in protection of canyons present in an EEZ, and thus allowing for
the ecosystem being taken into account, but also on consideration the control, and possibly prohibition, of all activities which may be
of all the human activities which affect the environment in the sites developed in the EEZ, is obviously a very difficult undertaking. In
concerned. Finally, protection can only be global and effective if fact, except for those relating to resources management and the
all the competent authorities are included in the decision-making fight against pollution, the measures applicable in the MPA, and
process. particularly those concerning navigation, require the agreement
of all the States whose ships are present within the EEZ. On the
other hand, such a context does not prevent the competent coastal
Advocated by many participants in the protection of the marine
State from taking various measures as part of its management of
environment, such a concept for the creation and management
the resources within its EEZ and consequently establishing MPAs
of MPAs seems, however, to be missing from operational reality
specifically aimed at conserving and managing the resources in its
as soon as one addresses areas which are not covered by state
sovereignty. The evident cause of this loophole seems to lie in the
absence of an appropriate legal framework, as the law is often
characterized by its frontiers, either spatial or functional. In fact, as Furthermore, if the State has not established an EEZ, it many
soon as one steps beyond the outer limit of the territorial sea, the consider adopting measures aimed at organizing the exploitation
jurisdictions of the States concerned are limited and overlap. of its continental shelf, over which it exercises sovereign rights not
requiring any proclamation. It can thus create MPAs around the
1 The term « Marine Protected Area » will be used here generically as relat- canyons, aimed at prohibiting any exploitation of mining resources
ing to all forms of protection of a specific marine area, whether it benefits or sedentary biological resources. It should, however, be noted
or not from a management plan. In fact, we will refer in particular to zones that these rights do not include jurisdiction for protection of the
where fishing is prohibited, even though they are not considered by all spe- environment2, as is the case for the EEZ (see UNCLOS art. 77
cialists as «MPAs». They are not, in fact, subjected to the implementation §1).
of a management plan which, for many authors, is a fundamental factor in
their definition. A contrario, it will however be specified that France, and also
Canada, incorporate fishing restriction zones and zones closed to fisheries In addition, States may also create MPAs in the high sea without
activities into their approach to MPAs (For Canada : « Canada’s Ocean Strat- referring to their empowerments, under the aegis of an EEZ or the
egy », Cf. Fishery and Ocean Canada website URL : http://www.dfo-mpo.
gc.ca/oceans/publications/cos-soc/index-eng.asp. For France : Ministère
continental shelf. However, provisions laid down by these MPAs
de l Ecologie, du Développement et de l Aménagement Durable, « Stratégie can only be imposed upon ships flying the States’ respective flags.
nationale pour la création d aires marines protégées - Note de doctrine pour This mechanism has been used by France, Italy and Monaco to
les eaux métropolitaines », 20 novembre 2007. Cf. French MPAs Agency
website: http://www.aires-marines.fr). Likewise, the FAO describes specific
fisheries restriction zones as MPAs (see FAO website, pages on MPAs in the 2 Cf. Article 77 § 1 of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea
high seas: http://www.fao.org/fishery/topic/16204/en) signed in Montego Bay on December 10th, 1982.

create the Pelagos Sanctuary3 with, however, extensive operational It thus seems possible to create so-called sectorial MPAs, each
limits linked to the legal regime governing the high seas, and the one having protection goals applying to a specific field of activity,
absence of jurisdiction in respect of foreign ships. This type of whether fisheries activities, the fight against pollution or the
technique would only be operational for the protection of canyons protection of biological diversity. On the other hand, the creation
on condition that the threats concerning them derive from activities of a multisectorial MPA, taking into account all the factors likely
being performed under the control of the State(s) setting up the to interact within the area concerned, and associating all the
MPA. This could particularly be the case in the fight against pollution competent authorities, is rarely possible beyond territorial sea for
of telluric origin. However, as regards navigation, this presupposes lack of an appropriate legal framework. In legal terms, the creation
that ships flying the flags of third-party State do not usually pass and management of an MPA in the Mediterranean therefore depends
through the zone concerned. Otherwise, a multisectorial MPA could on sectorial mechanisms deriving either from instruments aimed at
only be effectively established on condition that all the States whose conservation of the marine environment (SPAMI), or instruments
ships use the site participate in the agreement establishing the MPA. aimed at sustainable development of an economic activity which
Furthermore, any such agreement should cover all the restrictions incorporates the environmental dimension (GFCM, IMO). This
envisaged in the area involved, whether they concern conservation diversity of mechanisms is further complicated by the fact that,
of vulnerable species or areas, or the control of activities being while the main part of the Mediterranean is currently covered by
carried out, such as fishing, navigation, mining exploitation, bio- international law on the high sea, an increasingly important part of
prospection or storage of CO2. Such an agreement among several this area, especially as concerns canyons, is subject to jurisdiction
States is often hard to achieve without resorting to the adoption of exercised by the States, which also dispose of multiple instruments
specific international legal structures. to create and manage MPAs. The entire array of these mechanisms
is not only governed by highly varied legal procedures, but most
importantly, their diversity clearly demonstrates a sectorial approach
Despite these difficulties related to the international character of the
towards the management of marine areas which does not seem to
area concerned, it should be pointed out that, on the high seas and
meet the aim of global management of MPAs.
particularly in the case of Mediterranean canyons, other mechanisms
of sectorial protection can be considered, three in particular. Thus,
in the case of protection of the marine environment, States which HOLISTIC APPROACH TO MPAS THROUGH
are parties to the “SPAMI protocol” may establish MPAs, part of SUPERPOSITION OF SECTORIAL MPAs
which extend into the high sea. With regard to the management
of fisheries activities, the GFCM established zones where fishing
One might think that, to overcome this difficulty, multisectorial MPAs
is prohibited in 2006, designated as MPAs, with regard to certain
should be created under, and become as such, a holistic approach.
equipment, aiming to protect “corals, cold hydrocarbon seeps
However, legal instruments enabling this type of creation do not
and seamounts”4. Finally, as regards control of navigation, the IMO
currently exist in the Mediterranean. The case of canyons further
introduced the possibility of establishing “Particularly Sensitive Sea
exacerbates this problem, due to the fact that their floors do not
Areas” (PSSA) on the basis of ecological considerations5. All these
necessarily depend on the same legal regime as the superjacent
international mechanisms have a wider field of application than the
water columns. Even so, implementation of a global approach to
tripartite agreement establishing the Pelagos Sanctuary, due to
specific marine areas in the Mediterranean, and especially to its
the higher number of States which are parties to the agreements
canyons, through the creation of an MPA, is not impossible. The
provided for. Nevertheless, the legal scope of sectorial protection
practice which is being developed in the North-East Atlantic (1) and
remains relatively limited for SPAMIs and measures undertaken by
the Strait of Bonifacio (2) is exemplary in this field. It aims to set up
the GFCM. In fact, the first are only applicable to Mediterranean
a holistic approach to the protection of a marine area by means
States which are parties to the “SPAMI protocol”, while the second
of superposition of sectorial mechanisms. This technique, known
apply to members of the GFCM which, in addition to Mediterranean
as “millefeuilles” (“layer-cake”), thus offers an intersectorial and
States, includes the European Union and Japan. Measures taken
therefore globalizing approach to the protected zone.
by the IMO on this issue have, on the other hand, a much wider
scope, as they apply to all the ships belonging to the 170 member
States. 1) This approach can be illustrated by a case of advanced
cooperation mainly between a regional fisheries organization
(NEAFC)6 and an organization dedicated to the protection of the
environment (OSPAR)7. It involves the protection of particularly fragile
ecosystems in marine depths in the North-East Atlantic8. Although
the legal, political and geographic context of this cooperation is far
3 This sanctuary has also been listed as a Specially Protected Area of Medi-
terranean Interest (SPAMI), under the Protocol concerning Specially Protect-
ed Areas and Biological Diversity in the Mediterranean established by the 6 North East Atlantic Fisheries Commission.
Barcelona Convention for the Protection of the Mediterranean Sea against 7 Organization established by the Convention for the Protection of the Ma-
Pollution. Designated hereinafter as the «SPAMI Protocol”. rine Environment of the North-East Atlantic (“OSPAR Convention”).
4 Cf FAO. © 2007-2012. Marine Protected Areas as a Tool for Fisheries 8 The measures undertaken particularly concern the Charlie Gibbs Fracture
Management. Marine protected areas in the high seas. FI Project Websites. Zone, several seamounts and the Mid-Atlantic Ridge north of the Azores.
In: FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department [online]. Rome. Updated 26 These zones are characterized by a wide diversity of vulnerable habitats and
April 2007. [Cited 10 June 2012]. http://www.fao.org/fishery/topic/16204/ speciesinclude whales, sharks, turtles, seabirds, cold watincluding whales
en. See also REC.CM-GFCM/33/2009/1, On the establishment of a Fish- including whales, sharks, turtles and seabirds, but also cold-water coralcor-
eries Restricted Area in the Gulf of Lions to protect spawning aggregations als, deepwater sponge fields and vulner, beds of sponges in deep waters
and deep sea sensitive habitats. and, above all, stocks of fish with long life spans but slow growth in deep
5 Guidelines on designating a “Particularly Sensitive Sea Area” (PSSA) are waters, which appear to be the most vulnerable. Cf. OSPAR Commission,
contained in resolution A.982(24) Revised guidelines for the identification Annual Report 2007-2008, p.8 (OSPAR Commission website, Publications
and designation of Particularly Sensitive Sea Areas (PSSAs). pages: http://www.ospar.org/)

removed from that of the Mediterranean, the pilot-zone character activities12. At the meeting for representatives of the member States
of the entire MPA which has been established, and also the natural held in Bergen in April 2010, it was therefore decided, following
characteristics of the targeted areas, make it an interesting model a long process of studies and reflexions13, to establish six MPAs
to observe with a view to the protection of Mediterranean canyons. in different marine zones in which ecosystems seem to be under
Furthermore, as the ecosystems concerned are in the high seas, particular threat14.
the legal problems encountered are very closely related to those
presented by the Mediterranean, where the EEZ still shows limited
The scope of the measures thus adopted by the OSPAR
use or effect.
Commission is therefore different to that of the NEAFC at functional,
but also geographical, level. In fact, the MPAs established by the
As certain ecosystems under threat in the North-East Atlantic are OSPAR largely cover the “protected zones” of the NEAFC, with a
situated beyond national jurisdictions, the creation of an MPA is few notable differences15. Superposition of protected zones is thus
governed by international cooperation mechanisms, not only not fully complete, though it is extensive, and two sites benefit from
between the member States of the various competent organizations total superposition. However, while the Commission has effectively
but also, and above all, between the organizations themselves. In established new MPAs since April 2012 (the date when its decisions
fact, protection of the ecosystems concerned necessitates the entered into force), it has not yet attached any constraints to them,
adoption of an integrated multisectorial approach ; while fisheries and no application measures for these decisions have yet been
activity initially appeared as a threat to these ecosystems in deep taken.
waters9, their great fragility makes them particularly vulnerable when
confronted by threats posed by all the marine activities carried out
The decisions adopted nevertheless specify that “the purpose of
within the zone. The latter may involve research and exploitation of
this Decision is to establish this Marine Protected Area with the
the seabed , but also maritime activities such as navigation, which
goal of protecting and conserving the biodiversity and ecosystems
may have a direct impact on the site by affecting the quality of the
of the seabed16 and the superjacent waters of the site”. In zones
superjacent water column.
of superposition, protection offered by the combination of the
measures taken by the NEAFC and those which are to be taken by
For these reasons, several international and regional organizations, the OSPAR Commission should therefore already provide protection
in particular the NEAFC and OSPAR Commission, worked in for the area which, if not entirely global, is relatively wide-ranging.
cooperation to establish an MPA in the various sites concerned. Furthermore, if superposition of the measures introduced by both
The NEAFC thus rapidly adopted restrictive measures for fisheries organizations does not yet result in totally global and multisectorial
activities. Implemented in 2001, these measures were originally management, the dynamics for cooperation set in place by the
intended to prohibit trawling in several zones in the North-East OSPAR Commission tend to offset this disadavantage.
Atlantic. They were reinforced in 2007 and 2009 with the creation
of real MPAs in the high sea10. They target five zones along the
The OSPAR Commission has, in fact, developed a network of
Mid-Atlantic Ridge with the aim of protecting vulnerable deep-
consultations and agreements with all the international and regional
water marine ecosystems. However, the MPAs thus established
organizations17 exercising jurisdiction over this area. Among these
only benefit from protection limited to deep-water fisheries activities
organizations, one will note in particular the International Seabed
and do not provide for protection of these vulnerable ecosystems
against other threats.

12 The aim of the Convention is to protect the environment in the North-East

In order to ensure more comprehensive protection of these fragile Atlantic, and is completed by several annexes: Annex I: Prevention and
ecosystems in the Atlantic, it thus became necessary to go beyond elimination of pollution from land-based sources; Annex II: Prevention and
the sectorial approach adopted by the NEAFC. The OSPAR elimination of pollution by dumping or incineration; Annex III: Prevention and
elimination of pollution from offshore sources; Annex IV: Assessment of the
Commission seemed to be the most appropriate body to develop
quality of the marine environment; Annexe V: Protection and conservation of
a policy pursuing this direction via the creation of MPAs. In fact, the the ecosystems and biological diversity of the maritime area.
scope of its jurisdiction must enable it to undertake measures which
13 In conformity with its decision to create a network of MPAs by December,
are both compulsory for a considerable number of States11 but 2010. OSPAR Recommendation 2003/3 concerning a network of marine
also, and above all, which guarantee protection against a number of protected areas. Cf. the Commission’s website, op cit.
14 Cf. OSPAR Decision 2010/1 to 2010/6 In OSPAR 10/23/1-E, Annex
15 See the map of OSPAR MPAs in the «Quality Status Report 2010» pages
of the Commission’s website: URL : http://qsr2010.ospar.org/en/ch10_03.
html. See the map of the NEAFC protected zones in the “Managing Fish-
eries” pages - “Map of NEAFC Regulatory Area and All Closures” on the
NEAFC’s website: http://www.neafc.org/page/closures
9 The first action taken by the NEAFC can be explained by the fact that 16 The reference to the seabed is, however, abandoned when the MPA is
trawlers exploiting underwater seamount zones in the 1970’s began to superposed in a zone which could belong to a State’s extended continental
cause deterioration of these fragile sites. At the time, the trawlers left behind shelf. In this case, cooperation with the State concerned is, however, pro-
ghost nets which are responsible, even today, for damaging the fragile bio- vided for in the decision. This is notably the case for Portugal in respect of
diversity of these sites. the «Mid-Atlantic Ridge north of the Azores». Cf. OSPAR Decision 2010/6,
10 As per the designation adopted by the FAO, op cit. See the different op cit.
zones protected: http://www.neafc.org/page/closures 17 Such as the NEAFC, ICES (International Council for the Exploration of the
11 Member States subscribing to the OSPAR Convention: Belgium, Den- Sea), IMO, FAO, NATO, NAMMCO (North Atlantic Marine Mammals Com-
mark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Luxembourg, The Nether- mission), NASCO (North Atlantic Salmon Conservation Organization), ISA
lands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland and the United King- and the United Nations Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea
dom, together with the European Community. (DOALOS) (Dotinga and Molenaar, 2008).

Autority (ISA) which could, over time, become an important player in 2) Fragile ecosystems in the North-East Atlantic are not the only
conservation of the zone. Finally, the IMO can play a significant role ones to benefit from this kind of process of superposition of MPAs
with regard to the fight against pollution by navigation. These three aiming to guarantee conservation of an ecosystem in respect of all
organizations are the ones with which the OSPAR has built up the the activities pursued therein. Confronted in particular by certain
most important relations. The latter have been formalized, notably in dangers resulting from navigation, protection of the Strait of Bonifacio
a cooperation agreement with the IMO18 and through the signing of is also tending towards a form of organization based on an MPA
a Memorandum of Understanding on protection of the environment superposition process. One might well think that the context here
with the NEAFC19. Finally, another MoU has been adopted with the is very far removed from the situation faced by the canyons. Yet, to
ISA20. begin with, one finds here the legal and political specificities proper
to the Mediterranean. And secondly, the International Maritime
Organization (IMO), which does not play a major role in the case of
These different forms of cooperation are of interest as they
MPAs in the North-East Atlantic, has authorized the establishment
demonstrate that the setting up of an MPA with a multisectorial
of a protection scheme for a fragile area in the Strait of Bonifacio.
vocation is complex and suffers from the fact that no specific
mechanism has yet been established by the UNCLOS. Nevertheless,
when the OSPAR Commission has taken the management The Strait of Bonifacio is both a sensitive natural site due to its
measures necessary for protection of the MPAs it has established, ecological richness, and a danger zone highly frequented by
the superposition of the protection thus provided together with that international maritime navigation22. Furthermore, although it is a
ensured by the NEAFC will make it possible to envisage a very coastal area, the problems posed serve to exemplify issues related
comprehensive degree of protection. Which could also be further to the management of marine areas situated beyond territorial
consolidated, if cooperation with the IMO and ISA is developed and seas. In fact, as an international strait, the zone is the subject of
also results in their adopting spatial management measures for the an international legal statute guaranteeing the rights of third-party
site. States in conditions very close to those applying to the high sea.
Faced by risks of potential accidents, the States bordering the
strait, Italy and France, developed joint actions in the 1990’s aiming
This example shows that superposition of MPAs currently practised
to achieve conservation of the zone that would be as complete as
in different sectors of marine regulations again appears to be the
possible. They introduced an integrated international management
fastest way of making progress in the pursuit of global protection
process for the site, aiming to conserve the zone by giving it the
for a site, even if the level of integration for this protection depends
status of a “protected zone”23 and prohibiting navigation in the strait
on the number of accumulated MPAs and their intrinsic quality
for the most dangerous ships flying their flags. This process of
as conservation mechanisms. This example of superposition
organization of navigation was gradually developed, although the
is also especially instructive on what could be envisaged in the
two States cannot unilaterally extend prohibition measures to all
Mediterranean, particularly for the protection of canyons. In fact, in
international navigation. In fact, navigation in the Strait of Bonifacio
the absence of any rapid progress in the extension of EEZs, the legal
is governed by the law on international straits, which does not allow
context is the same. It is identically characterized by the application
States to close the passage to ships, but enables them to organize
of the legal regime governing the high sea, and international
said passage24.
organizations have the same areas of jurisdiction, whether it be the
GFCM for fisheries, structures established as part of the Barcelona
Convention for protection of the marine environment, or the IMO for In parallel to these measures, the two States have developed the
navigation. The only difference at legal level concerns jurisdiction use of spatial protection mechanisms for marine areas, firstly by
of the coastal States over deep-sea waters in the case of the pursuing a shared project for an international marine park and,
continental shelf. Yet here again, the example of the North-East secondly, by pursuing classification of the strait as one of the sites
Atlantic is useful, insofar as certain MPAs established by the OSPAR able to benefit from SPAMI status25. This joint policy of spatial
Commission could be superposed over the States’ extended protection undertaken by the two States was extended in 2010.
continental shelf, and as the Commission has already provided They then made an official request to the IMO for classification of the
for cooperation procedures with these States in order to establish Strait of Bonifacio as a “Particularly Sensitive Sea Area” (PSSA). This
concerted management of the area concerned21. request thus targeted enhanced protection of the zone in the face
of dangers posed by navigation, by means of creating a protected

22 Each year, 3,000 ships pass through the Strait of Bonifacio between
Corsica and Sardinia, over 150 of them transporting dangerous cargoes
18 The NEAFC has signed an agreement for cooperation with the IMO : cf. such as hydrocarbons or chemical products.
OSPAR website, pages «Works Area Biological Diversity Fish and Ships»: 23 The nature reserve of the Strait of Bonifacio was created in Corsica by
http://www.ospar.org decree N° 99-70056 dated 23 September 1999 (JORF N° 222, 24 Sep-
19 In September 2008, these two regional organizations signed a memo- tember 1999, p.14243). The Parc National de l’Archipel de la Maddalena
randum of understanding relating to cooperation for protection of the marine was created in Sardinia by Law N° 4 in January, 1994.
habitat of the North-East Atlantic. The MoU is available on the NEAFC’s 24 The two States thereby obtained the introduction, within the context of the
website, pages Documents - Basic texts: http://www.neafc.org/basictexts. IMO, of an assistance scheme for navigation and a surveillance procedure:
20 Agreements, N° 2010-09 : Memorandum of Understanding with the SN/Circ.198 Routing Measures Other Than Traffic Separation Schemes and
International Seabed Authority, in OSPAR Commission, Decisions, Recom- SN/Circ.201 Mandatory Ship Reporting Systems (26 May 1998).
mendations and other agreements, p.13. 25 UNEP, Mediterranean Action Plan, Ninth Meeting of Focal Points for
21 Cf OSPAR Decision 2010/6 on the Establishment of the MAR North of SPAs, Floriana, Malta, 3-6 June 2009, «Proposals for inclusion in the SPAMI
the Azores High Seas Marine Protected Area, in OSPAR 10/23/1-E, Annex List». CAR/ASPUNEP(DEPI)/MED WG.331/5, 7 May 2009, RAC/SPA, Tu-
44. nis, 2009, pp.3-4.

zone26. The positive decision announced by the IMO in July 201127 SELECTED BIBLIOGRAPHY
consecrated the efforts undertaken by the two States. Furthermore,
it can be considered that declaration of the site as a PSSA should
Dotinga, H. and E.J. Molenaar, 2008. The Mid-Atlantic Ridge: A
facilitate the development of other actions of spatial protection, to
Case Study on the Conservation and Sustainable Use of Marine
which the two States committed themselves in 2010. They still
Biodiversity in Areas beyond National Jurisdiction. IUCN Marine
involve the creation of an international marine park, based on the
Law and Policy Paper, 3, p.7 and foll.
establishment of a European Grouping of Territorial Cooperation
(EGTC) among the afore-mentioned protected zones. Finally, the FAO, 2007-2012. Marine Protected Areas as a Tool for Fisheries
goal of spatial protection is to make it easier to obtain UNESCO Management. Marine protected areas in the high seas. FI
heritage status for the region around the Strait of Bonifacio. If all Project Websites. In: FAO Fisheries and Aquaculture Department
these initiatives succeed, the legal status of the Strait of Bonifacio [online]. Rome. Updated 26 April 2007. Cf. FAO website: http://
will come close to resembling a real “millefeuilles” (“layer cake”), www.fao.org/fishery/topic/16204/en
in which no less than five international protected zone categories
would be superposed: SPAMI, PSSA, international marine park and Laudato, M., 2005. Le projet de Parc marin international dans les
UNESCO classification, not forgetting its “Natura 2000 in the Marine Bouches de Bonifacio. Annuaire du droit de la Mer, 10, 109-
Environment” classification. 122.

Lehardy, M., 2009. Les aires marines protégées et la gestion

This kind of juxtaposition of legal mechanisms is a major factor in intégrée des océans : deux concepts interactifs du droit de la
the implementation of integrated global management of an MPA, as mer. Annuaire du droit de la Mer, 14, 308-344.
it should allow for development of marine management of a larger
area encompassing the entire ecosystem concerned. A similar legal O’Leary, B.C., Brown, R.L., Johnson, D.E., von Nordheim, H.,
approach could be envisaged for the protection of Mediterranean Ardron, J., Packeiser, T. and C.M. Roberts, 2012. The first
canyons, or at least the most fragile among them. network of marine protected areas(MPAs) in the high seas: The
process, the challenges and where next. Marine Policy, 35(3),
Whether they are aimed at management of an economic activity
or direct conservation of the environment, the superposition of
these MPAs implies cooperation between the various components
of the sectorial management processes. This kind of coordination
then leads to the introduction of integrated management equivalent
to what should permit the creation of an MPA, by virtue of its
being a multisectorial instrument, though less simple to set up.
At international level, this type of cooperation between sectors of
marine regulations is more difficult to organize due to the necessary
harmonization of the positions of the many member States of the
various international or regional organizations which participate in
the creation of management measures28.

Despite these difficulties, superposition of MPAs would seem to be

the most pertinent tool for ensuring relatively complete protection
of the zone concerned. By superposing distinct but complementary
MPAs, it is possible to acquire a more satisfactory level of coherence
between the various sectorial management methods involved,
and indirectly ensure integrated management of the areas under
consideration. Furthermore, this approach fits in perfectly with the
goal of establishing MPA networks, backed by many national and
international organizations.

26 Initially, this measure could strongly incite, then oblige commercial ships
passing through the Strait of Bonifacio to take a pilot on board. The creation
of this service will comprise the first protection measure resulting from such
27 Resolution MEPC.204(62), adopted on 15 July 2011 in IMO, MEPC
62/24/Add.1, Annex 22, page 1.
28 The «Livre bleu du Grenelle de la mer» announced France’s wish to
promote the creation of a nature reserve at international level in the red tuna
reproduction zone in the Baleares. In the «Livre bleu des engagements du
Grenelle de la mer», 10 et 15 juillet 2009, p.30. Cf Grenelle de la mer web-
site : URL: http://www.legrenelle-mer.gouv.fr It should, however, be noted
that, at a meeting of experts held by the ICCAT, it was reported that the
data regarding the establishment of an MPA related to tuna protection was
insufficient to warrant a decision on the subject. In «Report of the joint tuna
RFMOs meeting of experts to share best practices on the provision of sci-
entific advice, (Barcelona, Spain, May 31 to June 2, 2010), KOBE2 – WS1
Report, Doc. No. TRFMO2_W1-020/2010, p.4.

4.3. Managing canyons and similar marine features.
Lessons learned from the Far West
Abdelhafid Chalabi
Aquaculture Management Directorate
Department of Fisheries and Oceans DFO
200 Kent Str, Ottawa – Ontario K1A 0E6
Abdelhafi[email protected]


The need to protect marine environments has been progressively Despite many attempts of setting up international Ad Hoc
increasing. While initially focused on protecting regional fisheries committees, multiple governance bodies and mandates regarding
resources, the scope of marine environmental protection has been marine environment have led to gaps in coordination, weakening
extended to include the assessment of a broader spectrum of the marine protection framework. These management issues
human impacts, leading to the establishment of an international have been tackled in different ways, and this paper intends to
agreement with the United Nations Convention on the Law of the present available regional instruments as well as the management
Sea (UNCLOS or MBC for Montego Bay Convention, 19821). The framework; it will underline strategies which have been put forward
United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD, 19922) to address marine environmental challenges with a special
provided guidance to address environmental issues at ecosystem emphasis on canyons. In the first part of this paper, human activities
scale with emphasis on precautionary stewardship, thereby impacting canyons will be reviewed. In the second part, the main
complementing the UNCLOS mandate. players and the manner in which they interact will be discussed.
The third part will provide specific examples of actual protection
strategies carried out at different scales, while covering a specific
Traditional species/fishing-related agreements (International
set of actions that have been taken to provide direct or indirect
Whaling Commission, IWC3; International Commission for
canyon protection. Finally, management issues and potential
the Conservation of Atlantic Tuna, ICCAT4; General Fisheries
solutions to ensure effective canyon protection will be addressed,
Commission for the Mediterranean, GFCM5; etc.) have been
followed by a short conclusion.
complemented with environmental agreements either on
geographical considerations, namely the Convention for the
Protection of the Marine Environment of the North-East Atlantic
(OSPAR Commission6), the Convention for the Protection of the
Mediterranean Sea Against Pollution (Barcelona Convention7), the
Convention on Wetlands (Ramsar Convention8) or human activities
other than fishing (London Convention/Protocol on dumping,
including nuclear pollution9).

1 UNCLOS: http://www.un.org/depts/los/index.htm
2 CBD: http://www.cbd.int
3 IWC: http://iwcoffice.org
4 ICCAT: http://www.iccat.es/en
5 GFCM: http://www.gfcm.org/gfcm/en
6 OSPAR Commission: http://www.ospar.org
7 Barcelona Convention:
8 Ramsar Convention:
9 London Protocol:

DEEP SEA AT STAKE Canyons are not spared when oil, gas or mineral ores have to be
extracted from beneath the seafloor. Indeed, it is difficult to argue
What we know is what we see in favor of protecting rich fossil energy beds in these times of
sparse and expensive energy resources. Overall canyons have
been used to store various types of pollution such as sewage,
Our knowledge of the Moon is more comprehensive than that
radioactive waste, sludge; generally located below the continental
of the oceans. Until the end of the XXth Century, oceanographic
shelf, canyons naturally concentrate human activities by-products
manuals collectively agreed that oceans and seas were deserts
that reach shorelines.
beyond the continental shelf (Fig. 1).

Thanks to new investigation technology, and particularly remote There is no doubt canyons require relevant protection measures.
sensing using satellite altimetry and deep diving vehicles, large The identification of the relevant structures, whether institutional or
deep ocean floors have started to reveal their secrets (Pitcher et not, will help highlight potential connections and synergetic actions
al., 2007). The desert turned out to be huge areas patched by for an efficient management plan.
mountains and hills with canyons and valleys, true reservoirs of
biodiversity (Fig. 2), complementing ecosystem goods and services Stakeholders involved in canyon issues
already known (Arrow et al., 1996). While lately marine conservation
has focused on bottom trawling issues, omitting other human Protecting marine features depends on both current stakeholders
activities that can degrade seas and oceans conditions, the role and their relationships.
canyons play in biodiversity has been overlooked while studying
seamounts (Morato and Clark, 2007). Canyons are increasingly
targeted by passive fishing gears (nets and long lines), wrongly Institutional organizations
considered harmless for fish and its habitat (Whitmarsh, 1995). National institutions responsible for marine environmental protection
Although many questions remained unanswered, the scientific can vary a lot between States. Whatever the Departments
community has gained a better understanding of these specific responsible for marine issues may be (Agriculture, Natural
geomorphologic formations thanks to advanced technology. Resources, Environment, Fisheries, Transportation, Defence and
In the light of these discoveries, the United States have already so on), the main issue is the mandate each Department endorses
put forward two approaches to protect canyons, either through and the mechanisms it uses for consultation. A Department
indirect protection when canyons are spawning grounds or, more devoted to marine issues would be a good solution but it does
comprehensively, as part of larger protected areas addressed not prevent failures in management; other powerful Departments
under integrated management approaches. (Defence, Trade and others) can hamper protection initiatives if they
have not been involved into the protection/management process
Canyons have distinct characteristics, many of which are defined from the onset.
by the nature of their uneven and steep slopes. Canyons play
different roles, natural and/or human induced, namely:
National Environmental Protection Agencies are mandated to
— shelters to marine living resources, particularly spawners; protect one or a combination of the following:
— reservoirs to anthropogenic by-products, most of them used
— fish;
for dumping.
— fish habitat;
Canyons shelter long-lived species with low turnover (Danovaro et — marine landscapes;
al., 2010) fed by species with faster turnover (Bosley et al., 2004); — other species granted a specific status.
they epitomize the best living renewable capital resources that are
at stake in the Mediterranean. Naturally protected for a while, these
species are more vulnerable since technology is improving and When the aspects cited above are merged, management is
harms the species themselves and their habitat. flexible and issues are less prone to lead to conflicts between
institutions. However fisheries are usually split from environmental
considerations, leading to fragmented management regimes
Although many stringent national and international agreements and
detrimental to the activities as well as the environment.
policies prohibit or at least monitor dumping (including incineration
at sea) into canyons, States and industry are taking advantage of
loopholes still remaining in the governance framework. Furthermore, International institutions face challenges similar to those tackled
Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated fishing (IUU) damages by national bodies. Regional Fisheries Management Organizations
biodiversity in high seas or beyond national jurisdictions. (RFMOs) deal with fisheries issues, but they are toothless to
manage pollution issues except when the latter impact negatively
Another role canyons play, or the harm they undergo, is emerging on marine living resources. Furthermore, the International Seabed
as a result of climate change and Carbon dioxide (CO2) surplus; Authority (ISA10) has a mandate for the seabed but is not involved
canyons have drawn attention for CO2 sequestration into geological in fisheries management issues, even though benthic species
formations and decommissioned gas and oil wells as they served depend on the seabed.
as pollutant reservoirs. There is a risk of diffusion associated with
sequestration especially when formations are porous, particularly
in decommissioned wells; the key issue in this regard is timelines
that can vary from years to thousands of years. CO2 can migrate,
naturally or artificially within a State or within geological formations
shared by two or more States. Moreover, accidental leaks of CO2
can occur anytime. 10 ISA: http://www.isa.org.jm/en/home

Canyons and other similar features can go beyond national
jurisdictions and raise trans-boundary issues. The provisions of the
United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) are
meant to address this type of concern at legal level; however, there
is no operational authority to implement cross-cutting solutions as
Implementation of the 27 principles of the 1992 Rio Declaration11,
and particularly the ecosystem approach and the precautionary
principle, have provided scope for a broader and more inclusive
management strategy. Both national and international institutions
benefit from scientific supporting structures which include:
— fisheries management;
— promotion of sound ecosystems management and environmental
— regulatory support.

These inherent discrepancies between Departments can be

managed thanks to third parties involved in the management
process; these structures are usually Non Governmental
Organizations (NGOs), sometimes specifically devoted to the
Environment (ENGOs).

Non Governmental Organizations - NGOs

Fig. 1: As for institutional structures, Non Governmental Organizations
Seafloor desert or Moon surface? (Courtesy of Dean Medeiros). (NGOs) and particularly environmental ones (ENGOs) play an in-
creasing role in protection and environmental management within
the management framework as partners/watchdog; their contribu-
tion focuses essentially on valuation/protection of species, areas
and practices.

Fig. 2:
Deep seafloor as reservoirs of biodiversity. 11 Rio Declaration:
Courtesy of: DFO Canada. http://www.unep.org/Documents.Multilingual/Default.asp?documentid=7
www.dfo-mpo.gc.ca/international/media/bk_20090720-02-eng.htm 8&articleid=1163

As for institutions, NGOs and ENGOs are national (often local) and The North Western Hawaiian Islands Marine National
international citizens-driven. More recently, international industry- Monument 14 – US
driven associations have been gaining momentum, such as the The Northwestern Hawaiian Islands Marine National Monument
World Oceans Council12 which brings together the Majors (four (Fig. 4) encompasses 362,600 Km2:
biggest oil companies), Gold and Diamond industry and so on.
— it includes 11,655 Km2 of relatively undisturbed coral reef
The role and influence of these latter players are still unknown as
they are new and are still shaping their own involvement, though
sustainability is heralded on their home page. Industry has — it is home to more than 7,000 species.
moved to the management table because of a better awareness
of its members; a new Private-Public-Partner (PPP) is still under
construction and could lead to outstanding outcomes thanks to
the contribution of industry.


There have not been any initiatives specifically devoted to canyons

so far; however, several programmes and plans have included
canyons and other conspicuous geological and ecological
features. Examples outside the Mediterranean are presented,
followed by two cases in the South-west Mediterranean similar to
other locations in the entire Mediterranean.
Fig. 4:
Outside the Mediterranean The North western Hawaiian Islands Marine National Monument,
source: NOAA.

Phoenix Island Protected Area PIPA 13 – Kiribati

PIPA was established in 2006; its size doubled in 2008 and it has In addition, the Marianas Trench Marine National Monu-
become largest marine protected area on Earth with 408,250 Km2. ment Programme (Iverson, 2008) would expand the Monu-
It has been inscribed on the UNESCO World Heritage List. It is ment to 505,758 Km2, focusing on the deepest place on Earth,
now the largest marine World Heritage site in the world (Pierce et the trench encompassing approximately 92,515 Km2. This new
al., 2011). protected area would add:
PIPA includes all eight atolls and low reef islands of the Kiribati section — shelter to more than 300 species of stony corals;
of the Phoenix Island group; it also includes two submerged reefs. — a series of active undersea volcanoes and thermal vents with 21
It is estimated that there could be more than 30 seamounts within active hydrothermal submarine volcanoes and vents supporting
PIPA, though to date only nine have been named. The greater part life.
of PIPA by area is comprised of ocean floor with a water column
averaging more than 4,000 meters deep with a maximum at 6,147
The Gully Marine Protected Area (MPA) - Canada
meters (Fig. 3).
Among Marine Protected Areas, Canada has designated the Gully
MPA, a quite original area located on the slope of the southern
Newfoundland Continental Shelf in the Northwest Atlantic, at the
limits of the current Canadian Exclusive Economic Zone. The
Gully MPA encompasses 2,364 Km2; it is an interesting area that
includes a steep slope starting at 200 meters depth until 2000 m,
reaching the glacis (Fig. 5).

Most of the Canadian MPAs are big enough to encompass

diversified geological formations, including canyons and particular
marine habitats (Sascha et al., 2001). Life diversity is amazing either
in the deep sea floor or on the surface, where marine mammals
flock in specific periods of the year.

Fig. 3:
The Phoenix Island Protected Area (PIPA), source: Google Earth.

12 WOC: http://www.oceancouncil.org/site
13 PIPA: http://www.phoenixislands.org/index.php 14 PMNM: http://www.fpir.noaa.gov/DIR/dir_nwhimnm.html

Fig. 6:
Location of the Alidade Shoal, source: Google Earth.

Fig. 5: Fig. 7:
Canyons into the Gully MPA. Courtesy of: DFO Canada. Catches on the Alidade Shoal in the early nineties
(courtesy of L. Rahmoun).

In the Mediterranean: example of Algeria

In Algeria, little is known and information is scarce on canyons situation provides evidence of the vulnerability of such areas that
and particularly their environmental and ecosystem role. Data are becoming rare in the Mediterranean and worldwide.
presented within this document come from personal observations
and notices gathered from professionals, fishermen and shipping
Protecting the Alidade shoal seems a difficult challenge; the area
sailors. Two examples of canyons are presented to highlight the
is known by fishermen and commercial ships only, and there is
ecological, environmental and economical importance of such
no public interest openly stated. Technical considerations could
exceed the capacity of the Algerian government to provide the area
with the right protection. From the geomorphologic standpoint,
The Alidade Shoal is located in the Western part of Algeria, the Alidade shoal seems to be part of the many shoals between
approximately midway between Oran and Ghazaouet (Fig. 6). Habibas and Rachgoun islands, pointing out that canyons are
Quite far from the shoreline (around 25 nautical miles from the narrowly connected to other geomorphologic features. Since
harbour of Bou Zadjar), this area has been naturally protected for Habibas islands have been recently designated as an MPA, and
centuries thanks to its relative remoteness. As bottom trawling is since the same process is underway for Rachgoun island, there is
impossible there because of the rocky geomorphologic nature of an opportunity to expand the protection status to the Alidade shoal
the substrate, only a few small boats had dared to venture so far and merge the whole area as one MPA that should encompass the
for many years. Plane island west of Cap Falcon as well as the Round island and
the Trois Frères island west of Rachgoun.
However, new technologies and speedier boats that appeared
in the 'nineties have dramatically altered the area. Powerful and
fast boats have started to fish the undisturbed site with amazing
catches (Fig. 7), and in less than two years, fishing collapsed,
as witnessed by the records of the fishermen themselves. This

Main threats to canyons

Marine issues have essentially focused on marine coastal

environment such as land-based pollution, and on bottom trawling
which is now monitored (Fig. 9). However, other sea features that
have been spared, thanks to their remoteness or because of lack
of information to locate them, are being increasingly targeted by
overfishing and as dumping spots.

Amongst the direct threats, destructive fishing practices and

unsustainable fishing practices, even when operated by small
boats (Fig. 10), can destroy habitat and cull spawners very
quickly. Legally reporting and recording such catches would not
solve the issue since it is a small-scale fishery encompassing a
Fig. 8: huge shoreline that would involve costly management. There is
Locating Cap Caxine near Algiers, source: Google Earth. evidence that deep fishing for long-lived species with low turnover
is becoming a serious issue in the Mediterranean.

The "Cap Caxine" canyon is located near the capital, Algiers Pollution, sewage and sludge all intensify the looming crisis. Though
(Fig. 8). It is a trench that goes deep from the shore. This particular currents and winds disperse part of the pollutants continuously
geomorphologic formation has been used to dump dredging waste poured into the seas, molecules tend to sink into canyons where
from the Algiers harbour. While the west side of the bay of Algiers is they concentrate. Besides, radioactive waste can last from years
still alive with fishers, the East part of the capital seems dead with to thousands of years when it is trapped in such geological forms.
rare, if any, catches.
Although there is not yet any oil and gas or minerals beds exploitation
in the Southern Mediterranean, it is likely that these areas will draw
attention for further exploration as a result of increased energy
demands and dwindling supplies of resources.

Fig. 9: Fig. 10:

Image taken from space pointing out furrows left by bottom trawling Groupers fished near the Algerian coasts (from ISTPM, 1983).
in the Gulf of Mexico.


International examples teach us that marine protection requires to move from fragmented and conflicting views to coherent and
specific conditions, namely: synergistic actions.
— huge diversified areas that encompass many seascapes and
ecological features, referring generally to ecosystems; On the other hand, much marine protection has been achieved
— the best available science; outside this international framework. The US example points out
— the involvement of different stakeholders/users who must work that protection can be done without international commitment. The
together to achieve common and/or shared objectives and US have set up several of the biggest world marine protected areas
implement integrated management. while they have neither signed nor ratified UNCLOS, nor have they
ratified the CBD yet, opening a serious flaw for its implementation.
Other States could follow the US example, but they do not have
This process is supported by international commitments that the same complementary process.
guide national policies (DFO, 2004). A comprehensive review
goes beyond this snapshot since national arrangements are as
diversified as there are nations, even if they are aligned with a From content to substance
general pattern used as an international model (DFO, 2011). An
overview of international considerations is provided as a reminder. The aim is to achieve national/international integrated management
strategies. Two main approaches seem relevant:
The toolkit: international legal/regulatory framework a) continue to fuel the current trend: add management bodies and
as a result too many players, and few resources (RFMOs with
different mandates/skills, redundancies and discrepancies in
Bilateral and especially multilateral agreements such as conventions
help set up the right legal framework to support synergies while
protecting canyons and related features from cross-cutting b) modify/enhance the mandates of each institution involved in the
hazards: process:
— the Basel Convention on the Control of Transboundary — streamline the current regulatory and legal framework: identify
Movements of Hazardous Wastes and their Disposal15 (this redundancies and gaps,
convention does not apply for CO2); — fill the gaps and improve policies,
— the London Convention/Protocol which specify conditions for — set up a mechanism based on active implementation/results,
dumping at sea (prevention of pollution by deliberate dumping of management by objectives, irrespective of jurisdictional con-
wastes or other material which represents 10% of the pollution) straints,
and options for CO2; — implement performance measures and consensual account-
— the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS) ability (common indicators, specific reference points).
which presents a comprehensive legal framework, though
there is room for national/local interpretation (navigation, safety,
Obviously, the second option seems more appropriate, since
environment, sovereignty, global commons);
organizations already exist and the framework supports scientific
— the International Maritime Organization (IMO) which has the bodies that are mandatory to enhancing management decisions.
onus of the London Convention/London Protocol since it is Moreover, stakeholders are familiar with existing structures and talk
related to shipping and safety operations at sea; to each other more readily than if they had to belong to different
— for the North East Atlantic States, the OSPAR Convention; structures. The main drawback in this option is the potential growth
— for the Mediterranean States, the Barcelona Convention. of the structure, which could lose its effectiveness and efficiency.

In addition to these bodies, the United Nations Environment Program

(UNEP) has responsibility for managing pollution stemming from
land-based activities, which represents 80 % of global pollution.
Furthermore, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Change (UNFCCC) is involved in CO2 and other greenhouse gas
issues, as is the United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity
(CBD) for marine biodiversity.

In addition, RFMOs of whatever kind (agreement between States

and/or United Nations/FAO bodies such as in the Mediterranean)
manage fisheries with potential overlapping with the CBD.

All these organizations have developed agreements, mostly under

Ad Hoc commissions. However, conflicting jurisdictions and man-
dates have often led to neutralization or antagonistic actions. The
issue now is how to overcome current coordination issues in order

15 Basel Convention: http://www.basel.int


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— destructive fishing practices, unsustainable fishing, and Illegal, R.L., Baker, E.T. and M.R. Kara, 2004. Biological and physical
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Canyons play a critical role in ecosystem functioning; they are Iverson, T., 2008. The Economic Impact of a proposed Mariana
twice more vulnerable than other marine features because they Trench Marine National Monument; An Exploratory Study. Pew
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since decision-makers buy in when public pressure is high Taabu, K. and G. Wragg, 2011. Atoll Restoration in the Phoenix
enough. A trade-off is, however, possible using species status Islands, Kiribati: Survey Results in November–December 2009.
provided by the IUCN red list. As soon as species benefit from a Conservation International, Conservation International Pacific
particular status or are considered as endangered, their protection Islands Program, Biodiversity Conservation Lessons Learned
includes their habitat, and can be expanded to canyons where the Technical Series 7, 86pp.
species live. In Canada, the Species At Risk Act16 (SARA) provides
protection for species and their habitat, with a direct positive Pitcher, T.J., Morato, T., Hart, P.J.B., Clark, M.R., Haggan, N. and
impact for canyons and particular submarine features such as R.S. Santos (eds.). 2007. Seamounts: ecology, fisheries, and
vents and deep sea corals, temperate or cold. This approach is a conservation. Blackwell Fisheries and Aquatic Resources Series,
good example to showcase and use as guidance to set up Best 12. Blackwell Publishing, Oxford, 527pp.
Management Practices, pending legal measures.
Sascha, K.H., Whitehead, H. and S. Gowans, 2001. Marine
Protected Area Design and the Spatial and Temporal Distribution
of Cetaceans in a Submarine Canyon. Conservation Biology,
published online, DOI: 10.1046/j.1523 1739.1999.98099.x.

Whitmarsh, D., 1995. Richer Harvests: a CAI Approach to Teaching

Fisheries Economics. Journal of Economic Education, 26(4),

16 SARA: http://laws.justice.gc.ca/PDF/S-15.3.pdf


5.1 Mediterranean Submarine Canyons 2012:
Pending Protection
Pilar Marin and Ricardo Aguilar
Oceana Europe, Leganitos 47, 28013, Madrid, Spain


Until relatively recently, deep-sea environments had been regarded volume). This MPA system is considered insufficient and weak,
as lifeless voids. Ocean exploration in recent decades has as most of the protected areas are located near the coast, and
changed this concept, and nowadays it is generally accepted that deep sea ecosystems are not well represented (Marín et al.,
they are one of the greatest biodiversity reservoirs on the planet 2011). From a conservation point of view, submarine canyons
(Danovaro et al., 2010). Different expeditions have discovered in the Mediterranean Sea can be regarded as one of the most
places with unique biological richness, although for the most interesting structures. They are relatively more abundant and
part they remain hardly studied (Ramírez-Llodra et al., 2011) and broadly distributed throughout the entire basin, as compared to
unprotected. The deep-sea environments documented host a other world marine regions (Harris and Whiteway, 2011).
diversity of ecosystems, which are regarded as unique as they
include habitats and species that are not found anywhere else In the Mediterranean basin, several areas stand out regarding
on the planet. It has been shown that the Mediterranean Sea submarine canyons:
shelters many of these submarine features, hydrothermal vents, — The canyons on the Ionian Sea slope, particularly the great
cold seeps, seamounts and canyons, abyssal plains, trenches, Taranto valley, a NW-SE canyon more than 2,200 m length.
and mud volcanoes (UNEP-MAP-RAC/SPA, 2010; UNEP, 2006;
WWF/IUCN, 2004). Despite the relative lack of knowledge of these — The canyons off the coasts of Calabria and Sicily. At certain
deep-sea habitats, human activity poses real threats, mainly from periods of the year, red shrimp from deep-sea waters can be
fishing (IUCN, 2004). caught together with coastal species on the continental shelf,
overlapping with the upper area of the Roccella Ionica and
Caulonia canyons.
While the extension of the great deep-sea bottoms and the
— The Gulf of Lion is characterised by an intricate network of
sedimented continental slope is relatively significant with respect to canyons which appear at a depth of 130 metres (e.g. Cap de
the planet’s surface, rocky bottoms (rifts, canyons and seamounts) Creus canyon, Lacaze-Duthiers). Most of the water is channelled
constitute hardly 4% of the sea bed surface (UNEP, 2006; Gjerde, from the shelf by these canyons, enriching the area to a large
2006). Canyons are one of the main deep-sea geomorphological extent and supporting significant shrimp fisheries.
structures and may be located tens to hundreds of kilometres from
the shore (Weaber at al., 2009). Some are so long that they exceed — The continental shelf to the north of the islands of Majorca and
400 km length and 6.5 km deep. From a biological point of view, Minorca has a pronounced slop and several canyons can be
they are so significant that one of them has been described as one found, such as those of Cabrera (Fig. 1) and Minorca.
of the most productive habitats known to date (Kaikoura canyon,
New Zealand). According to recent studies, it is foreseen that this Oceana is committed to protecting and restoring the world’s oceans,
type of highly productive system may be potentially replicated in and gathers evidence needed to protect areas of ecological interest
canyons with similar characteristics, and it is estimated that some and key species through at-sea expeditions using non-aggressive
100 submarine canyons may constitute this kind of biodiversity techniques (ROV, filming and photography). Regarding the current
hotspots globally (De Leo et al., 2010). marine environmental status and in keeping with international
commitments, it is necessary to improve the existing protection to
reach a comprehensive, representative and effectively managed
The Mediterranean Sea, despite its reduced size, contains a MPA network. For this reason, since 2006, Oceana has selected
large number of known marine species and a high percentage of the Mediterranean Sea as a primary focus area with campaigns
endemisms (Mouillot et al., 2011). This exceptional biodiversity has addressed to contribute to the biological description of important
been regarded as a global priority conservation area; it is faced features, especially of submarine canyons and seamounts. The
by serious threats and the current MPA network only covers a low documentation gathered has provided highly valuable information
percentage of its total surface area (see Simard and Würtz, this that increases our scientific knowledge about the oceans.



Fig. 1:
Records from Cabrera submarine canyon during Oceana Ranger expeditions.
(A) Octopus salutii; (B) Lepidorhombus boscii; (C) Leucoraja naevus; (D) Luidia sarsi.

A brief overview of submarine canyon protection around the the publication “The Mediterranean deep-sea: highly valuable
world, together with the most important results and proposals ecosystems in need of protection”. In this report, the value of
on submarine canyons developed by Oceana, are described as canyons among other structures of biological and environmental
follows. interest were highlighted to be part of a representative network of
MPAs for the Mediterranean.
PROTECTION OF SUBMARINE CANYONS ON A GLOBAL, To date, and despite its importance and later drives to perform
REGIONAL AND NATIONAL SCALE scientific studies (HERMES, HERMIONE, ICES), there is no de
facto protection of Mediterranean submarine canyons. Currently,
none of the more than 500 submarine canyons that can be found
Globally, marine protection has been delayed as compared to land
in the basin have been protected under a national or international
protection, and canyons are no exception. Unlike what happens
legal framework for nature protection (National Park, Natural Park,
on land, where canyons are regarded as being some of the most
SPAMI, Marine Reserve, etc.). The only exception is the Gulf of
spectacular landscapes on Earth (e.g. the Grand Canyon), their
Lion, where the following protected areas have been established:
marine equivalents have been completely ignored, particularly in
the Mediterranean. Submarine canyons are “hidden” under the — A Fisheries Restricted Area (FRA) under Recommendation
water column and present the added difficulty of their exploration GFCM/33/2009/1 to protect spawning aggregations and deep-
due to an abrupt morphology with steep slopes and narrow sea sensitive habitats. This is a fishing management framework,
channels (Weaber et al., 2009a). Relatively recent knowledge which only involves the regulation of certain demersal fishing
has been acquired thanks to the latest advances in technology gears (Fig. 2).
(e.g. ROVs - Remotely Operated Vehicles) which have led to great — The Parc natural marin du Golfe du Lion, managed by the French
progress in their study (Weaber et al., 2004) and demonstrated Agency for marine protected areas, which partially covers some
their ecological significance. of the Gulf canyons (Lacaze-Duthiers canyon, Pruvot canyon,
and Bourcart canyon). This park was designated in 2011 by
the Ministry for the Environment, Sustainable Development,
During the last decades, in different places around the world,
Transport and Housing of the French Republic through the
several initiatives to promote biological knowledge of submarine
“Décret du 2011-1269 du 11 octobre 2011 portant création du
canyons have been developed. In recent years, some of them
parc naturel marin du golfe du Lion”.
have culminated in area protection: United States, Australia,
United Kingdom, Canada and New Zealand (Tab. 1) (De Leo et al.,
2010; Hall-Spencer et al., 2009; Mortensen and Buhl-Mortensen, Scientific literature shows that canyons are relevant for biodiversity
2005; Vetter and Dayton, 1998; Von der Borch, 1968). However, and biological processes throughout the Mediterranean basin,
the first efforts to promote protection of submarine canyons in although they are particularly significant in the north-west region
the Mediterranean were made by the IUCN/WWF in 2004 with (Catalan Sea, Gulf of Lion and Ligurian coast), as well as in the

The Gully is the largest submarine canyon of the eastern Canadian continental margin. It is more than 70 km long and 20 km
wide and supports the highest diversity of coral species found in Atlantic Canada. The area was designated as an MPA in 2004
by the Ministry of Fisheries and Oceans and the MPA regulations prohibit the disturbance, damage, destruction or removal of
CANADA any living marine organism or habitat. The zoning provides varying levels of protection based on conservation objectives and
ecological sensitivities. The regulations also control human activities around the Gully that could cause harmful effects within the
MPA boundary.

In 2005, the New England Fishery Management Council and Mid-Atlantic Fishery Management Council enacted two significant
UNITED protections for submarine canyons in Amendment 2 to the Monkfish Fishery Management Plan. This action closed the
STATES Oceanographer and Lydonia Canyons to monkfish trawling, protecting their well-documented concentrations of cold-water

The Murray Submarine Canyon Group is a vast system of steep and complex deep-sea canyons including double valley
formations (Sprigg Canyon). It contains unique geophysical, geological and biological features: extreme canyons at the edge of
the continental shelf or deep-water upwelling events significant for whale feeding and for a range of cetaceans.
AUSTRALIA Some national organizations were supportive in establishing a protection proposal to conserve and manage through high
conservation areas. This initiative was based on findings of geologists and oceanographers and the evidence of significant whale
stranding records. In 2007, the Murray Commonwealth Marine Reserve was proclaimed, containing one of the most spectacular
geological formations on the Australian continental block: the Murray Canyons which stretch for more than 150 kilometers.

Tab. 1:
Several examples of submarine canyon protection outside the Mediterranean Sea.

Fig. 2:
Fisheries Restricted Areas in the Mediterranean.
Note: the Oceana proposal corresponds to Balearic seamounts.

eastern basin (canyons associated with the Nile delta and the Thus, and bearing in mind the target established by the CDB of
Levantine Sea). A comprehensive and representative MPA net- protecting at least 10% of marine ecoregions in the world and the
work should include this kind of feature (WWF/IUCN, 2004). In high number of canyons in the Mediterranean, its protection would
fact, according to the Convention on Biological Diversity (2008), greatly promote conservation of this sea.
submarine canyons have characteristics which would classify
them as priority areas for conservation while acknowledging that After this brief analysis, it can be stated that, despite the effort
they face various threats from human activity. In addition, UNEP- and investment made in the studies performed, the only binding
MAP-RAC/SPA (2010) suggests that canyons together with other protection for Mediterranean submarine canyons is currently that
deep-sea features should be protected through implementation of established within the GFCM framework.
a Precautionary Principle as they are great reservoirs of biodiversity.

ONGOING PROTECTION INITIATIVES the adjacent coastal area and a narrow marine strip are already
FOR SUBMARINE CANYONS IN THE MEDITERRANEAN protected (Natural Park of Cap de Creus), the canyon as such
is not legally protected. However, environmental and scientific
Gulf of Lion canyons organisations agree that it should be fully-protected as a single
entity. The biological value of the canyon is widely acknowledged
These submarine canyons host high biodiversity and have been (Gili et al., 2011) (see also chapter “3. Case Studies”), and even the
described as one of the most productive areas in the western GFCM Scientific Committee has acknowledged the environmental
Mediterranean. In addition, other significant habitats, species value of its beds. However, proposals for its protection have been
and features such as cold water corals, cetaceans or cold seeps repeatedly blocked, even though it would benefit marine biodiversity
can be found (Greenpeace, 2006). This is an area of relevance and the fishing communities (WWF, 2009).
for high-value commercial species such as hake, monkfish and
red shrimp. In fact, in 2007 European Scientific, Technical and Given the presence of benthic organisms of high ecological
Economic Committee for Fisheries (STECF) claimed that hake is importance, mainly cold-water corals Dendrophyllia cornigera,
one of the main demersal species for commercial fishing in the Gulf Madrepora oculata and Lophelia pertusa (Orejas et al., 2009)
of Lion. It has also been classified as a significant area for seabirds and the impact of certain fishing activities on these communities,
(UNEP-MAP-RAC/SPA, 2010). prohibition of bottom fishing has been repeatedly recommended.
This measure would be a considerable advance towards their
Given the information available, the canyons and the adjacent recovery, given the presence of a high number of recruits around
slope have been recognised to date as priority areas within the gorgonian and pennatulacean populations on the shelf (Gili et al.,
RAC/SPA project to identify EBSAs, being clear candidates to 2011).
be designated as SPAMI. Due to the confluence of the Spanish
and French fishing fleets, they require improved management as
Minorca canyon
their exploitation might endanger the fisheries because of recruit
overexploitation (UNEP-MAP-RAC/SPA, 2010).
The Minorca canyon as well as the Cap the Creus canyon is
In addition to the fishing regulations in force since the area’s included in the Life+ INDEMARES project as a candidate to
designation as a FRA, in recent years the Gulf of Lion canyons become part of the marine Natura 2000 Network in Spain. The
have acquired particular relevance through the number of scientific Minorca Channel comprises 98,700 Ha of continental shelf and
studies performed, which promote their protection from a biological has been proposed due to the wide range of species and habitats
point of view. In September 2009, a collaboration agreement was of high conservation value found here, such as Posidonia oceanica
signed between the French Agency for Marine Protected Areas meadows and maërl and coralligenous beds (Barberá et al.,
and the IUCN to identify the significance of submarine canyons 2012). The canyon has been included in several oceanographic
and seamounts in the Mediterranean, with particular emphasis on campaigns, but relevant data has not been published, being much
the Gulf of Lion canyons (IUCN, 2010). This agreement finally led scarcer than in the Cap de Creus case. Despite this, Oceana, after
to the designation of the aforementioned “Parc naturel marin du analysing the information gathered in the area (Fig. 3, Fig. 4, Fig.
Golfe du Lion” in 2011. 5), considers that its protection should be speeded up, and for this
reason sent the Spanish government the results of its campaigns
Cap de Creus canyon in the canyon. The finds are particularly relevant because of
the presence of protected species under various conventions,
The protection of the Cap de Creus canyon is a firm proposal of agreements or international laws (CITES, Barcelona Convention,
the Spanish government for protection. In fact, it is included in the Bern Convention, Habitat Directive), national legislation (Spanish
Life+ INDEMARES project as one of the areas which will become List of species under a special protection regime), even in the
part of the marine Natura 2000 Network in Spain. Even though IUCN Red List (Tab. 2, Fig. 6).

CITES IUCN Bern Barcelona Habitats Spanish

Convention Red List Convention Convention Directive List
Brown algae Laminaria rodriguezii Appendix I (Med) Annex II (Med)

Poriferans Tethya aurantium Annex II

Corallium rubrum Appendix III (Med) Annex III Annex V

Dendrophyllia cornigera Annex II

Eunicella verrucosa Vulnerable

Antipathes dichotoma Appendix III (Med) Annex III

Caryophyllia cyathus Annex II

Caryophyllia sp. Annex II

Arthropods Palinurus elephas Appendix III Med) Annex III

Tab. 2:
Protected species recorded in the Minorca submarine canyon during Oceana campaigns, (Med): only in the Mediterranean Sea.



Fig. 3:
Corals and gorgonians documented in the Minorca canyon.
(A) Dendrophyllia cornigera; (B) Funiculina quadrangularis; (C) Callogorgia verticillata; (D) Eunicella verrucosa garden;
(E) Antipathes dichotoma; (F) Paralcyonium spinulosum.



Fig. 4:
Vertebrates (fish) documented in the Minorca canyon.
(A) Arnoglossus sp; (B) Lophius piscatorius; (C) Scorpaena scrofa; (D) Pontinus kuhli.

Alboran Sea canyons

Submarine canyons in the Alboran basin are small and distributed According to De Juan and Lleonart (UNEP-MAP-RAC/SPA, 2010),
along the Iberian and African continental margin. Particularly the Alboran Sea seamounts are regarded as demersal priority
outstanding are the Algeciras, La Línea and Ceuta canyons and areas due to the existence of Sensitive Habitats containing cold-
farther east, the Guadiaro, Calahonda, Fuengirola and Guadalmina water coral reefs and submarine canyons. As regards fisheries,
canyons, and Ceuta canyon to the South. hake is also one of the most important target species for trawling



Fig. 5:
Invertebrates (molluscs, crustaceans, sponges and echinoderms) documented in the Menorca canyon.
(A) Eledone cirrhosa; (B) Palinurus elephas; (C) Sponge Phakellia ventilabrum, (D) Starfish Peltaster placenta.

Fig. 6:
Location of the protected species found in the Minorca canyon.

vessels as it is associated with the Nephrops norvegicus fishery 2. Given the high degree of sedimentation that takes place on
(Cardinale et al., 2008). Due to the presence of ecosystems highly canyon flanks and bottoms, various antozoa species, such as fan
vulnerable to bottom fishing, the area could be protected. gorgonians (Callogorgia verticillata) or alcyonaria (Paralcyonium
spinulosum) display a more slender and stylised appearance,
as opposed to those which can be found in other kind of
A FRA proposal was presented to the GFCM Subcommittee on seabeds. In addition, life in such a hostile environment limits the
Marine Environment and Ecosystems (SCMEE) in 2005 (de Juan species’ distribution and may result in massive mortalities due
and Lleonart, 2010). However as it was reported, “the information to colmatation episodes. Such events provoke an abundant
provided was not considered sufficient to justify the conservation proliferation of parasites and other species over damaged corals
issues put forward by the proposal. Nevertheless, the SCMEE and gorgonians.
considered it important to initiate steps towards more effective
3. The presence of large amounts of detritivore organisms that
conservation procedures. The first step to undertake this task is
take advantage of the food channelled by the canyon is likewise
to collect data and references that testify to the uniqueness and
frequent. Thus, significant concentrations of echinoderms can be
high diversity of this particular ecosystem”. As the main part of
found, such as sea cucumbers (Parastichopus regalis), various sea
the proposal, the restriction and limitation of any demersal fishing
urchin species (Echinus melo, Cidaris cidaris), brittlestars (Amphiura
activities should be considered. To date, data collection from the
sp.), crinoids (Leptometra phalangium) etc. This abundance of
area seems to be scarce within the GFCM framework, because no
echinoderms has also been documented in La Fonera canyon
actions or protection measures have been taken.
(Catalan Sea) for small Penilpidia ludwigi elapsipodes (Pagés et
al., 2007).
OCEANA’S SURVEYS AND PROPOSALS 4. The canyons also modify the presence of certain species
ON SUBMARINE CANYONS according to bathymetric ranges, allowing the most common
species of bathyal zones to ascend up to the circalittoral. Thus,
in the heads of canyons, environments of black corals such as
It has been verified that the special geomorphology and functioning of
Antipathes dichotoma can be found mingled with coralligenous
submarine canyons enables the presence of specific communities,
as they all have unique dynamics and have not undergone the
same evolution processes. The complex structure of canyons, the
different environmental and climatology conditions, the diversity To reflect the submarine canyons’ exclusiveness, some of them
found, and the fact of endemic species described (Toropova et with different dynamics and morphologies can be compared in the
al., 2010; WWF, 2005; Gili et al., 1999) makes them exclusive: Western Mediterranean:
each canyon can be considered as a unique formation (HERMES
Project, 2009; UNEP, 2006; Weaber et al., 2004). The occurrence — Guadalmina canyon. Linked to a river system whose high
of various biological communities gives rise to rich ecosystem activity gives rise to great turbidity and sediments. This makes
diversity which is probably an expected common characteristic to it impossible to generate algae communities even at its head,
most of submarine canyons in the Mediterranean Sea. despite its slight depth. The high rate of sedimentation also makes
it difficult to establish habitat-creating sessile species, but gives
rise to a wide, varied vagile fauna of fish and other detritivore
Given the aforesaid features (in addition to those mentioned in organisms. Also with high-moderate activity and located in the
previous chapters), one might expect that the most productive Catalan Sea southward of Blanes, we found the Clot de Sant
canyons are those located near the coastline, as they capture Salvador canyon with soft morphology at the head and steep
littoral sediments (Harris and Whiteway, 2011). However, submarine slopes in deeper areas where it becomes part of a complex deep-
canyons off the coast are structures which have reached a certain sea canyon system together with d’Almera canyon and Foix
geological balance and whose stability facilitates colonisation canyon around 1,500 meters depth. The communities observed
by varied benthic fauna and are also characterized by a high in the Clot varied from invertebrates to large cetaceans. Its highly
biodiversity concentration. In these kinds of canyons, which are sedimented muddy bottoms host benthic species such as
not directly connected to the continent, dense water cascades essential habitats of crinoids (Leptometra phalangium), anthozoans
also take place (e.g. Bourcart canyon) (Gaudin et al., 2006) which such as Cerianthus membranaceus and Funiculina quadrangularis
can favour the establishment of diverse forms of life. For example, (probably associated with the Aristeus antennatus fishery), fish
the Nazaré canyon on Portugal’s continental margin is not directly like Coelorhynchus coelorhynchus, Helicolenus dactylopterus,
related to any river system (Weaber et al., 2009b), but the wide Gadiculus argenteus, Trichiurus lepturus, Lepidopus caudatus
variety of substrates present along its length of over 200 km (from or small elasmobranches such as Small-spotted catshark
sands to fine muds) provide wide habitat heterogeneity (Tyler et al., (Scyliorhinus canicula). The fin whale (Balaenoptera physalus) has
200) and high biodiversity. also been documented.
— Minorca canyon. Located in the Balearic archipelago and
with medium activity, it has a large extension and bathymetric
Thus, according to Oceana’s expeditions, several characteristics
distribution. It gives rise to a wide range of environments and
describe Mediterranean submarine canyons:
communities: from coralligenous beds at its head to black coral
1. Sometimes, those areas with more pronounced slopes, or communities, rocky beds with porifera and cnidarians, shell-
even formed from compacted muds, allow the establishment generating beds, sedimentary and muddy beds etc. Retaining the
of communities that are more typical of rocky beds. In fact, we insularity specificities of the Minorca canyon, the Gata canyon
find scale-rayed wrasse (Acantholabrus palloni), gadella (Gadella can be cited off the south-eastern coast of Spain. This canyon
maraldi), lobster (Palinurus elephas) and shrimp (Plesionika begins on the continental shelf and crosses the slope showing
edwardsii) which excavate galleries in vertical walls or occupy a medium-low dynamic due to the scarce river affluence. In spite
those created by other fauna. of this, some algae and phanerogams rests can be found on the



Fig. 7:
Some pictures from Columbretes submarine canyon during Oceana Ranger expedition in 2007.
(A) Phycis blennoides; (B) Molva dypterygia; (C) Palinurus mauritanicus; (D) Plesionika edwardsii school.

bottom. This allows the presence of muddy bottoms with emerging — Columbretes canyon. Distant from the coast but close to a
rocks or important detritic beds. The most abundant species over small volcanic archipelago. Grounds and walls of compact muds
the soft bottom are molluscs, cephalopods (Sepia orbignyana, predominate, and despite the scarcity of habitat-forming sessile
Sepiola atlantica, etc.), woody canoe-bubble (Scaphander species, it shelters a varied range of species adapted to a relatively
lignarius), as well as crustaceans (Plesionika spp.) and fish stable geomorphology which for centuries has been markedly
(Peristedion cataphractum, Helicolenus dactylopterus, Capros influenced by fine sediment inputs (Fig. 7).
aper, Phycis blennoides, Gadiculus argenteus, Macroramphosus
scolopax, Pagellus spp.). Over rocky substrate one finds bryozoans
(Reteporella grimaldi, Pentapora fascialis), anthozoans (Caryophyllia
cyathus, Eunicella verrucosa, Paramuricea clavata), polychaetes
(Filograna implexa, Serpula vermicularis, Protula spp.) or fish such
as Scorpaena scrofa, Gadella maraldi and Anthias anthias.

Fig. 8:
Madrepora oculata and Lophelia pertusa reef
discovered during the Oceana Ranger expedition in July 2011
(Cabliers bank, Alboran Sea).

Fig. 9:
Oceana MedNet and canyons.

This benthonic diversity described generally extends to the canyons and their importance as key features in the protection
pelagic area, as the high productivity influences the water column, of ecosystems has grown thanks to improved knowledge of their
constituting significant feeding areas for small pelagic species (e.g. geology and oceanography. More recently, research has focused
anchovy) as well as apex predators such as sea birds, sharks, on benthic habitats associated with shelf canyons characterised
large pelagic fish and cetaceans, mainly sperm whales (Smith et by rocky walls with pronounced gradients, on which highly
al., 2010; Toropova et al., 2010). The highest abundance is mainly diverse biological communities have been established (Harris and
located in the canyon heads (Harris and Whiteway, 2011). In fact, Whiteway, 2011). On the other hand, it is also a well-known fact
some are well known for the high variety of cetaceans that can be that canyons are regarded as a significant economic source of
found (Secretariat of the Convention on Biological Diversity, 2008; wealth for nearby fishing local communities. Even though this is
Weaber et al., 2004). a good reason for their protection, it is not yet a fact (see “The
fisheries importance of four submarine canyons in the Spanish
Deep-sea corals should also be mentioned when assessing the Mediterranean Sea”, this volume).
significance of submarine canyons (Fig. 8). Generally speaking,
these reefs serve as the basis for a complex food chain, and In early 2011, based on scientific available information and its own
according to the FAO (2008) they are one of the best-known expertise and background, Oceana launched a new proposal
examples of Vulnerable Marine Ecosystems (VMEs) for this reason. for protection of the Mediterranean called MedNet (Fig. 9). The
These reefs are formations of high environmental significance proposal is formed by a set of 100 sites which are considered to
as they are extremely fragile structures when faced by certain be in need of protection, to complete a coherent, representative
physical impacts: habitat destruction by bottom trawling and other and well-connected MPA network for the Mediterranean Sea.
fishing gears (Orejas et al., 2000), climate change etc. As has Each site has been analysed from various points of view in order to
been pointed out in previous chapters, cold-water corals and other evaluate its ecological importance, but also to stress other features
VMEs composed by filtering organisms appear more abundantly such as jurisdictional problems and threats, or even if it has been
at the head of shelf canyons, but particularly in those located at proposed by any other organization. MedNet envisages various
depths above 1500 metres (Harris and Whiteway, 2010). geomorphological features such as seamounts, escarpments, mud
volcanos etc., also including submarine canyons as a significant
part, as it has been designed to take the relief of the sea bottom into
Despite their ecological significance, the interest for canyon
account. The proposal contains a total of 28 submarine canyons
distribution has so far been a consequence of different human
and two trenches located in 20 MedNet areas (Annex I). Within
needs: laying of cables and underwater pipes, support for
the network, 30 of those sites have been selected by Oceana as
submarine naval operations, study of the geological evolution of the
“jewels of the Mediterranean” for which urgent measures should
continental margin, or oceanographic and ecological processes
be taken.
associated with canyons (Harris and Whiteway, 2011). However,
the interest in biological communities hosted by submarine

SUBMARINE CANYONS: A VISION FOR THE FUTURE al., 2001), a number of short-term actions ensuring maintenance
of the diversity and wealth of submarine canyons should be
The Mediterranean Sea is in a critical situation, as it has a large established.
number of over-exploited stocks, habitat destruction, pollution,
and it faces the risk of climate change among others threats and
impacts (Mordecai et al., 2011; Ramírez-Llodra et al., 2011; Stora et The previous chapters reflect the wealth of submarine canyons,
al., 2011; Dauvin, 2010; Toropova et al., 2010; Würtz, 2010; Martín their complexity in hydrographical and geological terms, their
et al., 2008; Galgani et al., 1996). For all these reasons, actions biological fragility, the existence of unique genetic resources and
towards its recovery should be taken. special relevance in the carbon cycle. All of them prove their relative
importance at global level and make them potentially susceptible
to climate change and human disturbances (ICES, 2008; Weaber
An adequate and planned MPA network on a regional scale et al., 2004). Despite their high significance and key role in deep-
might contribute to sustainable use of biodiversity, mitigating sea environments, canyons are not well-represented in the MPA
the adverse effect of anthropogenic impacts or climate change Mediterranean network, even though the suitable framework and
(Hooker et al., 2011). However, the current MPA network is neither legally binding instruments exist for their incorporation. Canyon
coherent nor representative and, furthermore, there are hardly protection should become a priority action in national political
any connections between protected areas to ensure genetic agendas with the support of the relevant regional bodies, as they
exchange. This involves the loss of long-term profit provided by are highly productive formations which at the same time can be part
MPAs, particularly if they include integral protection areas (no-take) of a system to achieve sustainable fishing. Their protection should
to safeguard habitats, species and/or natural processes. The most therefore be marked by international and regional obligations for
important aspect is that national and international MPA networks the conservation of nature and fishing resources.
might mitigate irreversible biodiversity loss (Mora and Sale, 2011),
protecting unique, fragile, and representative pelagic and benthic
ecosystems on a regional scale, such as those found on shelf Achieving the 10% target established by the CDB and contributing
edges, canyons, seamounts, hydrothermal vents, cold seeps and to the protection of vulnerable ecosystems involves speeding up
abyssal plains, and open ocean features such as eddies, fronts the MPA declaration process in the next few years. As for European
and upwelling areas (IUCN, 2004). Taking into account the limited countries, they should contribute to compliance with Directives to
biologic knowledge of canyons and given that some experiences minimise the insufficient nature of the Natura 2000 network in the
have proven that the implementation of protection measures has a marine environment and achieve a “good environmental status” as
positive effect by comparison to non-protected areas (Clemente et soon as possible.

Fig. 10:
Mediterranean submarine canyons and Carbonate Compensation Depth.

According to the analysed sources, proposals to protect submarine FINAL THOUGHTS
canyons should be comprehensive, that is to say, in addition
to the central channel, the head, flanks and sedimentary fan All the references in previous sections strongly justify the need
should be included, as they constitute significant elements for the to include submarine canyons in national and international MPA
preservation of canyon biodiversity and functioning. For instance, networks. This should lead national and regional administrations to
canyon heads usually constitute cetacean feeding areas and make use of the Precautionary Principle and implement at least a
margins corresponding to Aristeus antennatus and Aristeomorpha preventive protection regime to manage them adequately.
foliacea over-exploitation areas.

In addition to the previous general consideration, Oceana

The high number and peculiarities of each of the Mediterranean recommends that the following aspects should be taken into
submarine canyons make selction difficult for their protection. account:
In this sense, Harris and Whiteway (2011) made an interesting — It is necessary to follow scientific recommendations and establish
proposal to evaluate the relative significance of canyons in different urgent actions concerning already identified priority areas, such as
geographic regions and thus apply conservation measures. This the Gulf of Lion canyons, the Cap de Creus canyons, the Minorca
criterion is mainly based on the average carbonate compensation canyon and the Alboran Sea canyons.
depth or CCD (-1,500 metres). On it depend the presence of — Given the presence of Essential Fish Habitats and Sensitive
such organisms as cold-water corals and other filtering species Habitats in submarine canyons, at least precautionary measures
that constitute vulnerable marine ecosystems. Moreover, it should to prevent direct effects on vulnerable ecosystems should be
be taken into account that ecosystems located above this depth taken. According to UNEP-MAP-RAC/SPA (2010), any measure
are more vulnerable to ocean acidification as a consequence of pertaining to the closing of fishing grounds would serve to protect
climate change, as well as destructive fishing practices (e.g. bottom juveniles of the main fisheries.
trawling above 1,000 metres in the Mediterranean).
— Convergence areas for surface and deep ocean currents
might constitute an aspect to take into account when it comes to
systematically selecting the submarine canyons to be protected, in
Taking average CCD depth into account, and analysing canyons order to reach a well-connected MPA network.
which are located above or below this depth limit, the criterion
might serve to make a systematic spatial selection establishing the — Bearing in mind the economic benefits for local fishing
priorities of the canyons to be protected on a regional scale in the communities and also that most catches of certain commercial
next feature (Fig. 10). species (e.g. hake or red shrimp) are obtained in submarine
canyons, this activity requires additional management measures.
— Given their productivity, there are submarine canyons where
different fisheries overlap, as is the case of the Gulf of Lion, where
trawling, bottom longlines and gillnets from Spanish and French
fisheries can be found. This requires immediate action measures
to control fishing activities.
— Protection of canyons must be performed in an integrated
way, be it from an administrative point of view (by the competent
administrations) or from the physical point of view, as the head,
flanks or water column constitute a complete, continuous system
which affects both pelagic and benthic biodiversity.
— The recommendations made within the framework of inter-
national conventions and agreements as regards protection
of VMEs and EBSAs must be followed. In this sense, it is also
necessary to comply with national and international obligations,
establishing the necessary protection measures for the species
listed in international conventions or under some kind of threat (i.e.
IUCN Red List).

Achieving effective management in marine protected areas involves

considerable institutional effort and requires time to demonstrate that
the measures taken are effective. Given that the 10% CBD target
must be reached by 2020, the protection of submarine canyons
as well as other conservation priorities should be considered in
national and regional political agendas in the short term.

BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF SUBMARINE CANYONS Remarks: The Aegean Sea is one of the areas with the highest
INCLUDED IN THE OCEANA MEDNET PROPOSAL relative abundance of sharks (mainly Prionace glauca). In an area
where eddies form (IE-Ierapetra Eddy)
« Jewels of the Mediterranean Sea; PTOLEMY CANYON (Trench)
IUCN Red List Categories: EX - Extinct, EW - Extinct in the Wild, Key species - Red List status: Prionace glauca (Blue Shark)
CR - Critically Endangered, EN - Endangered, VU - Vulnerable, NT - NT
- Near Threatened, LC - Least Concern, DD - Data Deficient. EBSA criteria: (3); (5)
EBSA criteria: (1) Uniqueness or rarity; (2) Special importance Proposal by: OCEANA
for life history stages of species; (3) Importance for threatened,
endangered or declining species and/or habitats; (4) Vulnerability, Remarks: Affected by the Cretan Cyclone and the Levantine
fragility, sensitivity or slow recovery; (5) Biological productivity; (6) surface water current (LSW). The Aegean Sea is one of the areas
Biological diversity; (7) Naturalness. with the highest relative abundance of sharks (mainly Prionace
Threats: BT – Bottom trawling; IUU - Illegal, Unregulated and
Unreported Fishing; OG - Oil/gas drilling.
Proposal by: SH – Sensitive Habitat; EFH – Essential Fish GULF OF LION
Key species - Red List status: Cetorhinus maximus (Basking
BEJAIA CANYON « Shark) – VU; High primary productivity of pelagic waters; High
productivity area, important for globally threatened and other seabird
Key species - Red List status: Monachus monachus populations; Madrepora reefs in Lacaze-Duthiers and Cassidaigne
(Mediterranean Monk Seal) - CR Canyons, and possibly beyond; Balaenoptera physalus (Fin Whale)
EBSA criteria: (3) – EN; Stenella coeruleoalba (Striped Dolphin) – LC; Grampus
Threats: BT griseus (Risso’s Dolphin) – LC; Physeter macrocephalus (Sperm
Whale) - VU
Proposal by: OCEANA
EBSA criteria: (3); (4); (5)
Remarks: This canyon coincides with the area where eddies are
formed by the Algerian current. In a national jurisdictional area Threats: BT
Key species - Red List status: Monachus monachus SÈTE CANYON
(Mediterranean Monk Seal) - CR Key species - Red List status: Cetorhinus maximus (Basking
EBSA criteria: (3) Shark) – VU; High primary productivity of pelagic waters; High
Threats: BT; OG productivity area, important for globally-threatened and other
seabird populations; Madrepora reefs in Lacaze-Duthiers and
Cassidaigne Canyons, and possibly beyond; Balaenoptera
Remarks: Located in the path of the Algerian current. Khadra is physalus (Fin Whale) – EN; Stenella coeruleoalba (Striped
the deepest canyon in the area. The Khadra canyon is a site of Dolphin) – LC; Grampus griseus (Risso’s Dolphin) – LC; Physeter
interest for gas/oil drilling macrocephalus (Sperm Whale) - VU
EBSA criteria: (3); (4); (5)

Key species - Red List status: Caretta caretta (Loggerhead
Turtle) habitat – EN; Chelonia mydas (Green Turtle) habitat - EN
EBSA criteria: (3)
Proposal by: OCEANA
Remarks: The Nile delta is one of the most important areas in
Key species - Red List status: Prionace glauca (Blue Shark) the Mediterranean for sea turtle feeding and hibernation (Caretta
- NT caretta and Chelonia mydas). Egyptian shelf loggerhead and green
EBSA criteria: (3); (5) turtle habitat

Key species - Red List status: Fisheries targeting large pelagic Key species - Red List status: Fisheries targeting large pelagic
species species; Cetorhinus maximus (Basking Shark) – VU; Balaenoptera
Proposal by: GREENPEACE; OCEANA physalus (Fin Whale) – EN; Stenella coeruleoalba (Striped
Dolphin) – LC; Grampus griseus (Risso’s Dolphin) – LC; Physeter
macrocephalus (Sperm Whale) - VU
Key species - Red List status: Fisheries targeting large pelagic Proposal by: OCEANA
species; Rhinobatos rhinobatos (Common Guitarfish) nursery area
Remarks: The southern area of the Sardinian Sea is affected by
- EN
the formation of eddies from the Algerian current
EBSA criteria: (3)
Key species - Red List status: Cetorhinus maximus (Basking
SPAIN Shark) – VU; Scyliorhinus canicula (Small Spotted Catshark)
nursery area – LC; Raja clavata (Thornback Skate) nursery area
ALICANTE CANYON « – NT; Raja asterias (Starry Ray) nursery area – LC; Carcharhinus
Key species - Red List status: Thunnus thynnus (Bluefin brachyurus (Bronze Whaler) nursery area – NT; Galeus melastomus
Tuna) – DD; Caretta caretta (Loggerhead Turtle) – EN; Various (Blackmouth Catshark) nursery area – LC; Etmopterus spinax
odontocete; Merluccius merluccius (hake) nursery (Velvet Belly Lanternshark) nursery areas – LC; Important area for
EBSA criteria: (2); (3) feeding of endemic and other seabird species of conservation
concern that concentrate for breeding in Corsica-Sardinia-Tuscan
Threats: BT archipelago
Proposal by: EFH; OCEANA EBSA criteria: (3); (5)
Remarks: Spawning area for bluefin tuna Proposal by: OCEANA - RAC/SPA
Remarks: Bordering the Ligurian Sea Sanctuary (SPAMI) and in
area of upwelling. High primary productivity of pelagic waters
Key species - Red List status: Aristeus antennatus; Lophius
sp. (Anglerfish); Dolphins and various odontocete; Large pelagic
fishes; Merluccius merluccius (hake - adults); Caretta caretta
(Loggerhead Turtle) – EN; Isidella elongata Key species - Red List status: Fisheries targeting large pelagic
EBSA criteria: (2); (4)
Proposal by: OCEANA
Threats: BT; IUU
Proposal by: SH; OCEANA
Remarks: Spawning area for bluefin tuna. High productivity area.
The functional groups were organized into four trophic levels with Key species - Red List status: Fisheries targeting large pelagic
the highest levels corresponding to anglerfish, dolphins, large species
pelagic fishes and adult hake Proposal by: OCEANA


Key species - Red List status: Aristeus antennatus; Important
suitable habitat for small pelagics; High primary productivity of
pelagic waters; Balaenoptera physalus (Fin Whale) – EN; Stenella
coeruleoalba (Striped Dolphin) – LC; Grampus griseus (Risso’s Key species - Red List status: Lophelia; Madrepora;
Dolphin) – LC; Physeter macrocephalus (Sperm Whale) – VU; Dendrophyllia
Merluccius merluccius (hake) nursery EBSA criteria: (4); (6)
EBSA criteria: (3); (5) Threats: BT
Remarks: Production area for red shrimp, whose distribution is Remarks: The discovery is located at less than 200 meters depth
directly related to submarine canyons off the coast of Pescara. HERMES project Lophelia pertusa reefs
(OSPAR list of Threatened and/or Declining species and habitats)

Key species - Red List status: Cetorhinus maximus (Basking
Shark) - VU
EBSA criteria: (3)

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5.2. Approaching the conservation issues
of the Mediterranean submarine canyons
François Simard1 and Maurizio Würtz2
IUCN, Gland, Switzerland
University of Genova, Italy



The Mediterranean basin supports one-third of global maritime regionally and globally”. The Expert Workshop, held in the Azores
traffic, its coasts are home to 150 million people and attract almost in 2007, collated available criteria suites and selected those which
200 million visitors each year. Nearly half of its coastline has become fell within the purview of the CBD to supply scientific information
“artificial”; lost habitats, climate change as well as overfishing are on the management and conservation of biodiversity to authorities
increasingly affecting the functioning of the entire ecosystem. entrusted with managing marine resources. The workshop produced
For these reasons, the Mediterranean serves as a catalyst for a set of seven criteria, which were later adopted by the Parties to
questions related to integrated management of human activities and the CBD in Decision IX/20 at COP9 in 2008.
governance, issues that need to be addressed through valuable
tools such as an effective marine protected areas (MPA) network. The seven scientific criteria for identifying ecologically or biologically
significant marine areas (EBSAs) in need of protection are:
MPAs currently represent about 5% of the entire surface of the 1. Uniqueness or rarity
Mediterranean Sea (which is far from the goal of attaining 20% 2. Special importance for life history of species
and the CBD’s 10% Aichi Target) and they do not represent the
3. Importance for threatened, endangered or declining species
natural marine heritage diversity of the Mediterranean. According
and/or habitats
to the UNEP/MAP Regional Activity Centre for Specially Protected
Areas (RAC/SPA, Tunis), 41% of the Mediterranean MPAs are too 4. Vulnerability, fragility, sensitivity, slow recovery
small (less than 1,000 ha), only 15% are mainly marine and mostly 5. Biological productivity
located along the north-western coast; moreover, a large gap exists 6. Biological diversity
between deep sea and pelagic habitat protection (data from the
7. Naturalness
side event proposal under the Mediterranean Action Plan - UNEP/
MAP document. Conference of the Parties of the Convention on
Biological Diversity, Nagoya, Japan, 18-29 October 2010). COP 9 also called for a follow-on CBD expert workshop to be
convened to provide “scientific and technical guidance on the use
of biogeographic classification systems and identification of marine
Clearly, management, conservation and preservation of the pelagic
areas beyond national jurisdiction in need of protection”.
realm has been hindered by its deep, distant and dynamic nature,
and by the governance difficulties presented by an environment that
crosses national borders and is largely in areas beyond national The scientific guidance refers to five required network properties
jurisdiction. and components to establish a representative network of MPAs:
— Ecologically and biologically significant areas
The Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) took up the call to — Representativity
identify such areas in 2006 at the eighth meeting of the Conference — Connectivity
of Parties. Decision VIII/24, paragraph 46, called for the convening — Replicated ecological features
of an expert workshop to “Refine and develop a consolidated set of
scientific criteria for identifying ecologically or biologically significant — Adequate and viable sites.
marine areas in need of protection, in open ocean waters and deep
sea habitats, building upon existing sets of criteria used nationally,

Taking into account traditional MPA criteria, the CBD EBSA criteria Uniqueness or rarity
are specially designed to apply to open ocean and deep seabed Considering the complex geological history of the Mediterranean,
areas including marine areas beyond national jurisdiction (Dunn et which was marked by wide sea level variations during the last
al., 2011) 5,000,000 years, the unique nature of submarine canyon habitats
favoured the settlement of rare, relict deep-sea and cold water
Taking up the challenge of the CBD’s strategic plan and the 2012 communities, in both hard and muddy substrates (Harris and
Millennium Development Goals with regard to the protection Whiteway, 2011; Hecker, 1990; Rogers et al., 2002).
of biodiversity and the creation of marine protected areas, the
Contracting Parties to the Barcelona Convention adopted, during Special importance for the life history of species
their Sixteenth Ordinary Meeting (Marrakesh, November 2009), a
Being feeding grounds as well as breeding areas, submarine
«Regional Working Programme for the Coastal and Marine Protected
canyons are stepping stones for many migratory species such as
Areas in the Mediterranean including the High Sea».
many pelagic top predators (i.e. swordfish, tunas, tuna-like species,
sharks, sea turtles, birds and cetaceans).
The UNEP/MAP-RAC/SPA and all relevant partner organisations
(ACCOBAMS, IUCN-Med, MedPAN and WWF MedPO) are
Importance for threatened, endangered or declining
endeavouring to implement this ambitious programme of work.
species and/or habitats
RAC/SPA, WWF MedPO and IUCN-Med are currently acting to
assist Mediterranean countries in developing a Mediterranean Submarine canyons are refuges for spawners of commercially
marine and coastal protected areas network by boosting the exploited species and for benthic communities (i.e. Gulf of Lion
creation and management of marine protected areas in zones submarine canyons for Mediterranean hake, cold water corals
within national jurisdiction and in open seas. As part of this overall community etc., see also Farrugio, this volume).
objective, RAC/SPA is also promoting the establishment of a
representative ecological network of marine protected areas, using Vulnerability, fragility, sensitivity, slow recovery
the SPAMI (Specially Protected Areas of Mediterranean Importance)
Deep sea red shrimp fishing grounds are mainly located within
system. Indeed, the MAP Focal Points meeting held in Athens
the canyons and are heavily exploited; some benthic and pelagic
from 28 November to 1 December 2011 was unable to agree on
communities are highly sensitive to pollution from land in canyon
the decision including the list of 12 candidate SPAMIs proposed
environments closer to coastal waters. The pelagic environment
by the RAC/SPA in conformity with EBSA criteria, because of
is believed to have high resilience, nevertheless because of
State reservations. Consequently the CoP 17 of the Barcelona
high variability and the special functioning of the Mediterranean
Convention, held in Paris from 8 to 10 February 2012, had to cope
ecosystem, all degradation processes are speeded up through the
with the opposition of Egypt (on the Nile delta site) and decided not
water column and over time.
to adopt this SPAMI list.

Biological productivity
As discussed above (Würtz, in this volume), processes allowing
high biodiversity levels in the Mediterranean (less than 0.8% of Static oceanographic structures such as submarine canyons
the world ocean surface encompasses over 7% of known marine enhance the Mediterranean’s biological productivity, which is
species) seem to be based on very fast energy turnover through mainly located and concentrated in offshore areas rather than on
water columns over time. The funnelling effect of submarine the continental shelf (i.e. dense shelf water cascades, upwellings,
canyons concentrates key prey species within their rims and along downwellings, etc.).
their walls, and most of these species are characterized by short life
cycles, fast growth and wide vertical migrations. Biological diversity
Submarine canyons host many Mediterranean endemic species.
Over 500 submarine canyons have been identified in both the Water mixing over such structures favours the “ocean triads”
eastern and western Mediterranean basins and, even if their ecology formation (fertilization, concentration and retention), and hence the
is poorly investigated, the scientific community generally recognizes processes creating high biological diversity through seasonal food
their importance in the functioning of the ecosystem. EBSA criteria web dynamics.
can thus be applied to such static oceanographic structures:
Mediterranean naturalness is linked with the very long history
of human civilisation along its coasts and it could be asserted
that very few natural habitats exist there, possibly none that are
complete. Nevertheless, submarine canyon habitat heterogeneity
has generated conditions for maintaining sufficient levels of
naturalness to allow for the settlement of a very high diversity of
faunal assemblages.


Recently an MPA network proposal and a detailed review of the Likewise, the GFCM adopted a protection measure for a set of
current status of conservation initiatives thoughout the Mediterranean canyons in the Gulf of Lion in 2009 (REC.CM-GFCM/33/2009/1):
has been published by Oceana (2011); this useful tool allows us to The fishing effort for demersal stocks of vessels using towed nets,
identify those areas (already protected or proposed for conservation) bottom and midwater longlines, bottom-set nets shall not exceed
corresponding to, or encompassing, submarine canyons, and to the level of the fishing effort applied in 2008 in the fisheries restricted
discuss aspects related to the priority of their conservation both as area of the eastern Gulf of Lion as bounded by lines joining the
benthic and pelagic habitats. This document also emphasizes the following geographic coordinates: 42°40’N, 4°20’ E; 42°40’N, 5°00’
limited MPA coverage (0.24% of the total surface) in Mediterranean E; 43°00’N, 4°20’ E; 43°00’N, 5°00’ E. (see Farrugio: A refugium
off shelf habitats, probably resulting from its highly complicated for the spawners of exploited Mediterranean marine species:the
jurisdictional pattern. canyons of the continental slope of the Gulf of Lion, in this volume)

A list of EBSAs encompassing candidate Specially Protected In 2007, the Agreement on the Conservation of Cetaceans in
Areas of Mediterranean Importance (SPAMIs) was compiled by the the Black Sea, Mediterranean Sea and Contiguous Atlantic Area
Regional Activity Centre for Specially Protected Areas (RAC/SPA - (ACCOBAMS) adopted Resolution 3.22 in order to maintain better
Barcelona Convention) following the CBD criteria, and approved by conditions for the life of Mediterranean cetaceans. In addition to
the Extraordinary Meeting of the Focal Points for Specially Protected the Pelagos Santuary and the “Regno di Nettuno” MPA, which also
Areas in June 2010 (UNEP(DEPI)/MED WG.348/5). In many cases, encompasses the Cuma submarine canyon on the northern side
the listed areas have been designated in order to include specific of Ischia Island (see also Pace et al. this volume), eleven areas
habitats (i.e. nursery, feeding grounds, etc.) and biocenoses (i.e. have been identified, many of which include submarine canyons as
Madrepora reefs), which can be located within submarine canyons. favourable habitats for deep diving teutophagous species such as
Identified EBSA are mainly in the Northern Mediterranean, while a the sperm whale and Cuvier’s beaked whale as, for example, the
large gap exists around areas to the South. Being already a SPAMI area of the Hellenic trench and southern Crete.
as from 2001, the Pelagos Sanctuary is on the list; this large
pelagic area encompasses a large number of submarine canyons
The Commission Internationale pour l’Exploration Scientifique de
playing a fundamental role in the entire Mediterranean ecosystem
la mer Mediterranée (CIESM) launched the Peace Parks initiative
functioning, and thus necessarily to be considered as priorities for
in 2010 with the aim of preserving the Mediterranean’s marine
biodiversity by means of cross-border parks, and of achieving the
protection of more than 10% of the Mediterranean before 2020.
Submarine canyons have been demonstrated to provide refuge Eight broad priority areas have been identified on the basis of their
for fishery exploited species (see Farrugio, this volume), thus such unique ecological features, but also because they are located in
habitats are crucial to maintain stocks at a sustainable exploitation zones where improved relationships between neighbouring states
level. The Mediterranean Group of the Scientific, Technical and and cooperation between the countries involved are needed to
Economic Committee for Fisheries (STEFCF) of the European obtain effective and harmonized conservation measures. Some
Commission identified Sensitive and Essential Habitats for fish in of these broad areas include submarine canyons, which have not
the Mediterranean Sea, where establishment of recovery and been covered by the previously described proposals, in particular
management plans, limits to fishing efforts, areas and periods of canyons off the southern coast of Italy (Ionian sea), east Rhodes
season closure, and other protection measures should be applied. and southern Cyprus.
Essential Fish Habitats (EFH) must be identified as physical areas
where individuals in a critical phase of an exploited species are The proposal made in 2006 by Greenpeace includes 32 areas. Even
concentrated (i.e. spawning or feeding areas, nursery grounds), if submarine canyons have not been mentioned as specific criteria
while Sensitive Habitats (SH) include fragile habitats which support for the selection of each area, their number and extension cover
key assemblages of commercial and non-commercial species many key canyon structures throughout the entire Mediterranean.
and which may require conservation management measures. EFH
and SH allocation has been proposed by de Juan and Lleonart
(2010); these areas also encompass fishery restrictive areas (FRA) Oceana (2011) chose another approach by selecting 100 priority
corresponding to canyons, which have been proposed through sites on the basis of a detailed study of their unique ecological
several recommendations by the General Fisheries Commission features and their importance in ecosystem functioning. By limiting
for the Mediterranean (GFCM) other than the Southern Balearic the areas’ extension but increasing their number, it should allow for
seamounts FRA proposed by Oceana. the establishment and connectivity of an effective MPA network in
respects other than those of reducing governance problems and
minimizing patrolling costs.
Moreover, according to the REC.CM-GFCM/29/2005/1 (Mana-
gement of certain fisheries exploiting demersal and deepwater
species), Members of the GFCM shall prohibit the use of towed Each site in the Oceana MedNet has been analysed from various
dredges and trawlnets fisheries at depths beyond 1000 m, the sea points of view in order to evaluate its ecological importance, but
bottom on the rim and inside the canyons beyond this depth being also to stress other features such as jurisdictional problems and
protected from direct impact on benthic communities. threats. Among the 100 sites, 25 submarine canyons have been
listed as priority for conservation. For further details, see Marin and
Aguilar, this volume.


Awareness of the key role of submarine canyons in the Mediter- Even in the case of headless canyons, it can be stated that they
ranean’s ecosystem functioning is a recent achievement, also at are the highway through which the coast is directly connected to
scientific level. To date, we dispose of detailed sea floor maps of the deep sea and, of course, this is truer when a canyon is the
both the Mediterranean basins, and geological investigations of seaward extension of a river mouth. The importance of submarine
canyons have been carried out there since the early ‘seventies, canyons in sediment transport and dense shelf water cascades
mainly driven by interest in non-renewable resources exploitation. along their walls in the nutrient enrichment of deep bottoms, as
However, biological studies, habitat characterizations, human well as for deepwater formation and spread throughout the entire
impact assessments and even detailed oceanographic studies on Mediterranean, has been well documented, whereas less effort has
highlighted circulation processes over a single canyon or canyon been devoted to the assessment of pollutants (in terms of both
systems still remain scarce and, in too many cases, absent. amounts and impacts), which reach the deep sea floor through
This review of Mediterranean submarine canyons, which was these processes. Then, from the sea bottoms, pollutants return to
commissioned by the French MPA Agency and the IUCN, clearly the surface layers via upwelling and are re-circulated throughout
demonstrates unbalanced levels of knowledge about canyon the entire ecosystem by the food web energy turnover, which is
ecology in the two Mediterranean basins. Simply from the number of particularly accelerated within the Mediterranean. Chemical pollutants
case studies in the third chapter of this review, it is quite easy to verify (e.g. POPs) are invisible and when their effects occur, it means that
that we dispose of much less information about the eastern than the exceeding concentration thresholds within the organisms as
the western Mediterranean and, in this last sector, there are many well as in the environment have triggered an irreversible process.
more studies on submarine canyon ecology and faunal assemblage Submarine canyons are involved in this mechanism not only due to
diversity on the northern side than on the southern side. Moreover, their morphology (generally their major axes are more or less straight
unbalanced research efforts are also evident among north-western to the coastal lines), but also because, being so deep and so close
Mediterranean countries, i.e. Spain has invested considerable to the coast, they have been used (and are still used) as dumping
resources in order to obtain exhaustive knowledge about whole sites for highly polluted industrial and harbour dredging sediments.
canyon systems off its Mediterranean coast, and this work is still It is evident that effective conservation measures must consider the
in progress on the same scale as that pursued by France, while scale of these aspects as a priority, particularly when the canyon or
very low effort is being shown by Italy, even though very important canyon system is a key sub-basin structure.
canyons dissect its Ligurian, Tyrrhenian and Sardinian margins.
Taking these considerations into account, the urgent need to fill
Man-made debris can concentrate within canyons and represents
these gaps is evident, mainly concerning faunal assemblages and
another important issue. Plastic is the most abundant, and to remove
biodiversity, as well as the canyon’s role as a stepping stone for a
this material from the remote canyon wall and floor habitats is not
variety of top pelagic predator species. In this last aspect, recent
practical; therefore, being in a cold, dark environment, it will persist
research leads to the conclusion that it would not be enough to
there for thousands of years. The impact of this kind of debris on
protect one single canyon; a wide basin-scale view should be
animals seems to be low and sometimes fishes and invertebrates
considered in order to carry out effective conservation measures
have been observed to use it as a habitat and settlement substrate;
(see Aissi et al. about sperm whale, and David and Di Meglio for
nevertheless, one of the most abundant types of man-made debris
other pelagic predators, in this volume).
comes from fishing activities and, in the case of ghost nets, its
impact cannot be ignored (see also Sacchi, this volume). In any
A wide basin view is needed not only for highly migratory species, event, as of now, man-made debris will continue to accumulate
but also for fishery resources, which very frequently show wider unless actions are taken to prevent it from being introduced into the
ontogenetic mobility than previously thought. Farrugio (this volume) marine environment; a cumulative effect on seafloor morphology
has demonstrated the importance of submarine canyons as and sediment dynamics must thus be considered.
spawner refuges, on the other hand it has been also documented It has been stated that each submarine canyon habitat offers, in
that pelagic eggs and larvae of coastal benthic vertebrate and its entirety, unique features which are different from those of all the
invertebrate species can be found very far from the coast, due to other canyons, thus each canyon deserves protection. However,
the advective circulation effect. Canyons can enhance this effect this has seemed to be an impossible task up to now; this review
by funnelling the current from the coast to open sea, where the shows that some canyon systems play a much more important
main current can transport this biological crop very far from its role than others, particularly in areas where canyons act as main
original location; other canyons can then successively capture it, conduits for sinking water masses which thus affect the whole
thanks to the retention effect of their internal eddies. It is known that Mediterranean ecosystem through deep water formation (i.e. Gulf of
these processes are exploited by many species, which regulate Lion canyons). It is clear that these are priority areas for conservation
their reproduction, spawning locations and periods as well as eggs actions. Habitat and faunal richness have been described here
and larvae development duration according to the presence of in a series of case studies, together with threats and impacts on
favourable conditions within a canyon system (Würtz, 2010). Here, single canyons (i.e. Iberian margin canyon case studies). As our
the term “system” biologically acquires a quite different meaning knowledge about canyons is extremely unbalanced, we can expect
than in the case of its geological characterization, which frequently that in the near future, through studies filling knowledge gaps in
considers a canyon system as constituted by adjacent canyons. the eastern and southern Mediterranean, more and more canyon
Consequently, this should have an impact on governance and systems will be identified as fundamental to the functioning of the
conservation processes (see connectivity within the CBD criteria to entire Mediterranean basin.
establish an effective MPA network); in fact, the biological canyon
system can be constituted by canyons not necessarily adjacent,
but sometimes very far from each other.


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