Project Management Tools and Techniques in High-Technology Smes
Project Management Tools and Techniques in High-Technology Smes
Project Management Tools and Techniques in High-Technology Smes
Autobiographical Note:
Alan Murphy is a research student with the Enterprise Research Centre at the University
Email: [email protected]
University of Limerick,
Limerick, Ireland.
innovation and new product development in small firms. Ann is a member of the PDMA
Email: [email protected]
University of Limerick,
Limerick, Ireland.
Research Paper
To examine the use of project management practices in small high-technology firms and
The results presented in this paper are based on a survey of Irish high-technology Small-
Results suggest that the existence of a project manager and the use of project planning
significantly contribute to project success. Control for projects resides primarily with
Additionally, having clear goals/objectives and top management support are identified as
Research limitations/implications
This paper presents the findings of an initial investigation into the management of
projects within SMEs. The study has been limited by the number of respondents and also
understanding of how projects are managed in SMEs and how project success can be
Practical implications
Findings suggest that project management tools and techniques are being used to a
project manager and the implementation of project planning techniques are likely to
contribute to the overall success of projects. SMEs also strongly believe that past
While most research into the use of project management has concentrated on practices
within large firm there has been a lack of investigation into project management in small
Project management is a well-established discipline that defines in detail the tools and
techniques that are required to define, plan and implement any project. However, while
many researchers have addressed the issues surrounding the management of projects
within large firms (White and Fortune 2002; Bryde 2003) there has not been a lot
in various industry sectors and the success criteria and factors most frequently adopted.
The paper also examines the results of a survey distributed to 200 owner/managers of
projects undertaken by SMEs, the issues they encounter and their opinions on how SMEs
SMEs, ranging from the dynamic, innovative and growth-oriented to the traditional
enterprises satisfied to remain static, are critical to the economy as an engine of economic
and social development, (Hallberg 1999). (Floyd and McManus 2005) examining the
increasing significance of small firms in the European Union (EU), point out that
increased importance has been given to SMEs within EU industrial policy. According to
the European Competitiveness report of 2003, SMEs account for 99 per cent of activity in
the EU. The focus on high-technology SMEs derives from their importance to the Irish
economy with their capacity for generating employment and promoting innovation
Project management is well established with (White and Fortune 2002) describing it as a
well developed and well accepted area of professional expertise and an area for academic
research aimed at encouraging improvement in a system. Project management offers a
systematic approach to all stages of a project by ensuring that every step is carefully
planned, monitored and measured. Although initially intended for application in large
organisations with complex systems that require such a process, (Baccarini 1999),
modern methods of project management can be adapted and altered to suit the needs of
This paper aims to develop an understanding of project characteristics and how they are
managed within SMEs, what factors enhance project success and the perception of the
Characteristics of SMEs
The definition of an SME has varied over time and there has been a lack of consensus
about what constitutes a small or medium firm (McAdam, Reid et al. 2005). For the
purpose of this research, the definition set out by the European on January 1 st 2005 will
be adopted. According to this definition an SME must have fewer than 250 employees, a
turnover of less than €250 million and/or an annual balance sheet less than €43 million.
The above definition also considers the potential relationships that exist between SMEs
and other enterprises defining three categories of SMEs – autonomous, partner and
linked. Most SMEs are autonomous meaning that they are completely independent or
have only minority partnerships (less than 25%). For practical reasons within this study
SMEs were defined by their staff count and annual turnover. This approach has been
adopted in many previous empirical studies (Johnson and Turner 2000; Hudson, Smart et
al. 2001; Gray and Mabey 2005; McAdam, Reid et al. 2005).
SMEs exhibit both advantages and disadvantages when compared to larger organisations.
(Audretsch, Prince et al. 1998) in their comparative paper examining small and large
firms found that small firms have a greater potential flexibility and closeness to the
customer and an edge towards customisation and innovation. They seek out markets
where their advantages count and they are not in direct competition with their larger
counterparts. However, despite these key advantages, SMEs lack economies of scale,
(Edwards, Delbridge et al. 2001), suggest that SMEs exhibit behavioural features that
give them an innovative advantage over large firms these include the ability to respond
interactive management cycles. However, (Rothwell 1992) found that SMEs were limited
in their ability to innovate as they, ‘lack the material and technological resources that
enable large firms to ‘spread risk over a portfolio of new products’ and ‘fund longer-term
An examination of the skills of project managers in small and large electronics firms
(Ledwith 2004), showed that project managers in small firms were weak in the areas of
motivation, marketing and management. Small firms demonstrated limited use of project
management techniques and were not benefiting from project management in terms of
increased new product success. Despite this it was observed that by improving project
planning, establishing clear priorities and setting clear objectives, small electronics firms
could improve New Product Development (NPD) performance by reducing project
delivery times.
High technology firms are predominantly founded by technical entrepreneurs who form a
business based on the discovery and belief in a new product, (Oakey and Mukhtar 1999).
High technology SMEs are characterised by long lead times from basic research to
industrial application and short lead times in commercialisation. They suffer accelerated
obsolescence under global competitive pressures from new product and process
management styles with organic structures and their success is often based upon sound
knowledge of the business, highly skilled employees and the ability to spot a gap in the
(projects involve doing something that has not been done before) product or service.’
Projects can be considered as the achievement of a specific objective and involve the
their paper on how to achieve project success, differentiate between project success and
while project management focuses on short-term goals and a more specific context for
success. (Cooke-Davies 2002) proposes the following distinction between project success
(Munns and Bjeirmi 1996) conclude that despite the differences between project success
and project management success they compliment each other. A project can succeed
implementation can increase the potential for success on an overall project scale.
Project Management
Project Management has existed, in theory, for centuries with its informal application by
the Chinese and Egyptians in such feats as the Great Wall of China and the Pyramids.
project requirements.’
The emergence of modern project management owes to three core stimuli, (Baccarini
2. Change – Increasingly dynamic environments with constant pressure within
Over time modern project management has emerged as a discipline that has constantly
remoulded itself to allow for expansion in its practice. A valuable conclusion was made
by (Crawford, Pollack et al. 2005) who carried out an analysis of the International Journal
of Project Management and the Project Management Journal over the last ten years to try
‘As a field, project management is regularly facing new challenges, as the tools, methods
and approaches to management that comprise the discipline are applied to different areas,
When studying projects and their management a clear distinction should be made
between critical success criteria and critical success factors. (Cooke-Davies 2002)
Success Criteria are the measures by which success or failure of a project will be judged.
Success Factors are the inputs to the management system that lead directly or indirectly
This is supported by (Belassi and Tukel 1996) who recommend that sound research on
2. Distinguish success factors within the control of the project manager and factors
Determination of a project’s success criteria has become far more complex in recent times
(Belassi and Tukel 1996) with the traditional criteria of time, cost and performance no
longer sufficient. On any project, there can be numerous parties each with their own
perception of success. (Pinto and Slevin 1989) recognised this ambiguity in determining
project success by concluding that it is still not clear how to measure success because the
parties who are involved in projects perceive project success or failure differently. For
the purpose of this study, senior management’s perception of success was considered
critical to a projects outcome. But projects are individual and unique and each project can
have a different set of success factors. (Belassi and Tukel 1996) proposed that, ‘a
combination of many factors, at different stages of the project life cycle, result in project
success or failure’. Table 1 outlines the key success criteria and success factors seen to
The three basic criteria of time, cost and quality appear regularly in Table 1. Additionally,
(Westerveld 2003) also considered the appreciation of the various parties involved both
The success factors listed in Table 1 include many items that could be implemented
within SMEs. But in considering the application of different success factors in SMEs it is
organisational structures with simple planning and control systems. This would suggest
that SMEs should adopt a simplified approach to managing projects. Having reviewed the
success factors in Table 1, six were considered to have the greatest potential benefit to
Resource Allocation
Client Consultation
Risk Management
These six factors are investigated through a survey that measures the opinions of SME
A questionnaire was developed and distributed via email to the owner-managers of over
200 firms operating across many sectors that included medical devices,
directory, Kompass, provides general information on organisations across Ireland and was
used as the source for the collection of organisations for the distribution list. Selection of
SMEs from the database was dependant on two factors; number of employees and
industry sector. In line with the SME definition provided earlier, employment levels had
to be less than 250 people. The study concentrated on high-technology SMEs because of
their importance to the Irish economy in terms of employment and wealth creation.
Additionally, Oakey and Mukhtar (1999) highlight that poor business skills among
technical entrepreneurs often cause their firms to be badly managed, both during
The questionnaire was piloted in three SMEs, with two academic personnel working in
related disciplines, and two project management professionals with extensive SME
experience. These pilot studies led to the addition and removal of questions and general
improvements in wording. The questionnaire was designed using the Survey Monkey
The main objectives in developing the questionnaire were to explore the following:
4. Project management tools and/or techniques in use and their contribution to project
Forty responses, yielding a response rate of 20% were returned. The data collected is
Descriptive Analysis
Responses to the questionnaire came from the following sectors: Medical Devices (25%),
Construction (15%).
On average the firms employed 65 staff, the largest firm employing 210 and the smallest
having 22 employees. Questions were asked about current organisational structures and
general project characteristics. Table 2 reports the percentage responses from these
structure or a matrix structure (i.e. a mix of functional and pure project structures). Only
two firms were described as being organised around projects. Most of the projects
undertaken by SMEs who responded to this survey were small; 63% of the firms reported
that project expenditure was between 0-20% of turnover, and 85% had only 1-10 staff
working on projects. Project durations varied considerably from under 3 months to over
12 months. However, there was agreement that projects undertaken were complex in
Over half the respondents, 60%, reported that project management was an identifiable
process within their firms with 88% of them (or 53% of the complete sample) employing
full time project managers. The remaining sixteen firms (40%) were not using project
Respondents were asked to rate success criteria and success factors on a scale of 1 to 5 in
terms of their importance to the firm (where 1 = not important and 5 = very important).
Table 2 shows the average values reported for each success criteria and success factor.
It is interesting to note that quality is rated as the most important success criterion; the
literature would suggest that this is not the case in larger firms with more mature quality
management systems in place. The results also suggest that project success is based more
on internal than external factors. This is supported by the level of agreement with the
factors’ in Table 5. ‘Clear Goals/Objectives’ and ‘Senior Management Support’ were both
considered the most important success factors, this supports existing literature. ‘Resource
Allocation’ was also identified as an important success factor. This is not surprising as
Respondents were also asked to identify the most influential decision makers on project
in their firms, average results are shown in Table 4. Not surprisingly, owner-managers
were found to have the most influence in decisions relating to projects, followed by
project and functional managers. This supports the belief (Ghobadian and Gallear 1997)
that owner-managers are closely involved in all aspects of operations with few layers of
Respondents indicated their support for a range of statements, presented in Table 5.
These results suggest that SME owner-managers understand the importance of a well-
defined project management process and also feel that there is a difference between how
large and small firms approach projects. This supports the findings of Ghobadian and
Gallear (1997) who found that in managing projects large organisations possess greater
capital and resources and a greater degree of specialisation than their small counterparts.
The firms surveyed also appear to work closely with customers and suppliers.
Respondents were asked how they could improve project performance; some of their
‘No, if adequate time and resources are given then there should not be any
Finally, the level of usage of a variety of project management tools and techniques was
measured. These results are shown in Figure 1. They show that while many of the firms
use project teams and actually plan projects few SMEs are using the more complex
project management tools such as Earned Value or CPM (Critical Path Method). The data
also raises a question about how SMEs use Microsoft Project if they are not using it to
Statistical Analysis
Statistical analyses in the form of independent sample T-tests and the Pearson correlations
were performed to further explore the responses and the potential relationships between
them. One of the aims of the survey was to try to understand how high-technology SMEs
manage projects and to identify management practices that may be linked with success.
size and project expenditure, and the decision to employ a full-time project manager a
series of t-tests was performed, see Table 6. The results show that there is a relationship
between the organisational structure in place and the existence of a project manager.
Firms that employ a project manager were more likely to have a matrix-like structure.
Firms without a project manager were more likely to have a more functional structure.
The results also show that there is no relationship between the number of employees and
the employment of a project manager. In other words the very small firms in the sample
are as likely to have full time project managers as the larger firms surveyed. However, it
was found that the firms with a project manager employed were more likely to spend a
management process and the same factors examined in Table 6 above. Again a
management process was identified. This suggests that firms who employ full time
project managers or have project management as an identifiable process are more likely
For the purpose of this research three components of project success were measured:
Overall project success was calculated as the average of these three components. The
data were tested for any significant relationships between key project management
variables and project success; results are presented in Table 8. Success was considered
both in terms of the three components described above, budget, schedule and
performance, and in terms of overall success. One of the most interesting findings from
the analysis was that there was a significant positive relationship between the
employment of a Project Manager and overall and performance success. While neither
the application of project management nor the use of Microsoft Project were found to
significantly enhance project success organisations that use project planning techniques
were more likely to achieve success in project budget and schedule. This is supported by
the level of agreement to the statement - ‘A well defined Project Management process is a
The data were analysed to identify any relationships between the rating by firms of
difference success criteria and project success, see Table 9. The only success criterion that
was linked with overall project success was ‘completion within schedule’. In other words
criterion are more likely to achieve project success. This is interesting in the light of the
results reported in Table 3 where ‘completion within schedule’ was not reported as one of
the most significant success criteria. However, previous research (White and Fortune,
also worth noting that the relationship between two success criteria, ‘appreciation by user,
and ‘appreciation by project personnel’, and project success is negative. This implies that
firms who are concerned about the extent to which users and project personnel approve of
(or appreciate) a project’s progress are less likely to achieve project success.
Finally, the data were tested to identify any significant relationships between the success
factors that firms considered important and project success, no significant relationships
were identified.
The findings presented in this paper are an attempt to understand the current project
management practices in high-technology SMEs. The paper also reviews the major
contributors to project success in SMEs. Results suggest that a majority of SMEs have
identifiable project management processes and also full time project managers, but that
owner/managers are still the most influential when it comes to making decisions about
projects. Also, these SMEs are more likely to be organized along projects rather than
functional lines.
Meeting quality standards and specification are considered to be the most important
success criteria by the SMEs surveyed while clear goals/objectives and senior
management support were judged to be the most important success factors. Additionally,
the results show that having a full time project manager and applying project planning
techniques are most likely to increase the chances of success. Despite the presence of a
success it is not found to contribute to project success. Finally, SMEs that consider
meeting completion schedules to be a success criterion are more likely to have successful
These findings can be summarised in terms of implications for projects management
Project success is more likely in firms that have full time identifiable
to be important.
This study begins to identify the manner in which SMEs manage projects and also some
project management practices that are linked with success. However it also raises several
questions about the use of project management tools and techniques within SMEs and
how these tools and techniques can be used to increase project success.
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