This document provides a matrix of reefer parameters that can be monitored and controlled for various carrier reefers and controller models. It lists parameters such as serial numbers, software versions, temperatures, humidity levels, alarms, and operating modes that are supported across Daikin, Starcool, and Thermoking reefers with different controller versions. Support for monitoring parameters varies between reefer models and some parameters require newer controller software versions.
This document provides a matrix of reefer parameters that can be monitored and controlled for various carrier reefers and controller models. It lists parameters such as serial numbers, software versions, temperatures, humidity levels, alarms, and operating modes that are supported across Daikin, Starcool, and Thermoking reefers with different controller versions. Support for monitoring parameters varies between reefer models and some parameters require newer controller software versions.
This document provides a matrix of reefer parameters that can be monitored and controlled for various carrier reefers and controller models. It lists parameters such as serial numbers, software versions, temperatures, humidity levels, alarms, and operating modes that are supported across Daikin, Starcool, and Thermoking reefers with different controller versions. Support for monitoring parameters varies between reefer models and some parameters require newer controller software versions.
This document provides a matrix of reefer parameters that can be monitored and controlled for various carrier reefers and controller models. It lists parameters such as serial numbers, software versions, temperatures, humidity levels, alarms, and operating modes that are supported across Daikin, Starcool, and Thermoking reefers with different controller versions. Support for monitoring parameters varies between reefer models and some parameters require newer controller software versions.
ML2 ML2i ML3 DecosIII DecosV SCC6 RCCU MP3000 MP4000 Serial Number x x x x x x x x x Controller Serial Number x x x x x x x x x Software Version x x x x x x x x x Battery Voltage x x x x x x x CO2 o2 o2 x2 x2 CO2 SetPoint o2 o2 x2 x2 Condenser x x Controller Alarms x x x x x x x x1 x Cool Capacity x Defrost Interval x x x x x x x Evaporator Temperature x x x x x x Frequency x x x High Pressure Temperature x x x Humidity x x x x x x x x x Humidity Active x x x x x x x x x Humidity SetPoint x x x x x x x x x O2 o2 o2 x2 x2 x O2 SetPoint o2 o2 x2 x2 Operating Mode x x x x x x x x Pretrip Status x x x x x x x Economy Mode o o Temperature Ambient x x x x x x x x x Temperature Return x x x x x x x x x Temperature SetPoint x x x x x x x x x Temperature Supply x x x x x x x x x USDA Temperature x x x x x x x x USDA2 Temperature x x x x x x x x USDA3 Temperature x x x x x x x x Cargo/USDA4 Temperature x x x x x x x x Power Status x x x x x x x x x Line Voltage x x x x x x x Current per phase x x x x x Total Current Draw x x x x x x x Air Exchange / Ventilation x x x x o Start Trip x x Set Temperature SetPoint x x x x x x x Set Humidity Setpoint x x x x x Set O2 Setpoint o2 o2 Set CO2 Setpoint o2 o2 Download PreTrip Report x x x x x x x x Control
Download Trip Report x x x x x x x x x
Start PreTrip x x x x x x Stop PreTrip x x x x x Start Defrost x x x x x x x Stop Defrost x x x Change Defrost Interval o o o o o o Economy Mode (on/off) o o 1 x … supported … with controller SW version 2013 or newer 2 o … support pending … dependent on CA module in reefer