1947 CHP 428
1947 CHP 428
1947 CHP 428
II. B. No. 220
person. Such petition shall set forth the facts relevant. to l~~~ti;~~~
and the person to be adopted, and be veri~ed by the affidavit 0 ed un-
tioner. No such petition made by a married person ~hall be grant eti-
less the husband and wife shall join therein, exceptmg when such p . _
tioner shall be married to the natural father or mother; then such join
der by such father or mother shall be unnecessary.
Sec. 2. No petition for adoption of an adult shall be grante~ unles:
and until the adult to be adopted shall file, in the Court !n. which suc _
petition for adoption has been filed a request that such petition be gran. t
ed, which request shall be acknowledged by the person to be adopted 10
the manner hereafter required for acknowledgments to deeds, and a CO~y
of which request so acknowledged shall be filed in the deed records 10
the county in which such adoption is pending.
Sec. 3. Upon the filing of a petition for adoption and the request of
the person to be adopted that the said petition be granted, the C~urt shall
appoint a time and place for hearing such a petition, which time sha
be not less than ten (0) days nor more than thirty (30) days from the
filing of such petition, unless the Court shall extend such time beyond
the thirty (30) days by an order entered in the minutes. The peti~ion~r
and the person to be adopted shall be required to attend the hear-ing 10
person unless for reasons of physical disability or other good cause shown
by an order entered in the minutes of the Court, such petitioner or per-
son to be adopted is unable to be present in Court.
Sec. 4. No white person can be adopted by a negro person, nor can a
negro person be adopted by a white person.
Sec. 5. When an adult person is adopted in accordance with the pro-
visions of this Act, all legal relationships and all rights and duties
between such adopted person and his natural parents shall cease and
terminate, provided, however, that nothing herein shall prevent such
adopted person from inheriting from his natural parents; all adopted
persons shall inherit from the adopted as well as his natural parents.
Said adopted person shall thereafter be deemed and held to be, for ev-
ery purpose, the child of his parent or parents by adoption as fully as
though born of them in lawful wedlock, and shall inherit from said par-
~!1l or parents by adoption, and as the adopted child of said parent or
par<;nts by adoption, as fully as though born to them in lawful wedlock;
~ubJect, however, to the provisions of this Act and shall as such adopt-
109 parent or parents, inherit from and as th: parent or' parents of said
adoPt<;dperson as fully as though the adopted person had been born to
them in lawful we~lock; provided, however, that upon the death of suc.h
adopted person whila unmarried and without issue of his body all of hIS
prope~ty, of whatsoever kind and nature, shall pass and desc~nd to the
adopting par<;n~or parents, if living, but if such adopting parent or ptll'-
ants be n?t hvm~, then all such property shall pass and descend to
next of kin of said adopting parent or parents according to the the
of descent and distribution, and not to the next of kin of such
:person; .a1!'dprovided that, upon the death of such adopted
I~g. survlvmg a husband or wife and child or cbiI4J:lln,
vlvln,g a husb.and or wife and no child or children, Q
a child or ebildren and no husband wif
proRert of Whatsoever kinel,an:
adopt~d person, if living, but if not liVi~~,I~:e~~~e~~ or parent:' of such
adopting parent or parents according to the th en e1next kin of such
and not to th~ next of kin of such d a~ ~ descent and
vi~ed, further, that if such adopting parent or par~n~~ :hafle~::e; pro-
children, both natural children and adopted children then.Tn h othetl'
the child 1 ren bY b'rth'
I and adoptIon shan respectively"I inherit sue
through each other as if an such children had been born in lawful wedlock
of the same parents; provided, further, that nothing in this Act shall be
con.strued so as to ~revent o~ debar an adopted person from disposing
of It~ property by will accor~JDg to the Laws of this State; and finally,
provided, that the legal adoption of a person, according to the Laws of
another State of the United States, residing in the State of Texas shall
be, in all respects, valid and binding as if the adoption had occur'red in
the State of Texas, in so far as the effect of the adoption and the rights
of inheritance may be concerned as provided in this Act. .
Sec. 6. The files and records of the Court in adoption proceedings
shall not be open to the inspection or copy by other persons than parties
interested and their attorneys, except upon order of the Court especial-
ly permitting inspection of the records, except that an judgments, orders
and decrees of the Court may be open to inspection by any person and
certified copies may be obtained from the Clerk of the Court.
Sec. 7. The fact that there are now numerous instances in this State
in which it is desired and desirable that the adoption of adults be per-
mitted creates an emergency and an imperative public necessity that the
Constitutional Rule requiring bills to be read on three several days i.n
each House be suspended, and the same is hereby ~uspended, and .th~s
Act shall take effect and be in force from and after Its passage, and It IS.
SO enacted.
Passed the House, April 9, 1947: Yeas 110,• Na~s 1; House concurred
in Senate amendments, June 3, 1947, by a VIva voce vote; passed.
the Senate, as amended, June 2, 1947: Yeas 29, Nays O.
Approved June 19, 1947. .
Effective 90 daYs after June 6, 1947, date of adjournment.
JAILERS 145,000 TO 300,000
II. B. No. 230
f th Revised code Df Criminal Procedure of
An Act amending Article 1041aF~rlY.:hlrd Le9l,lature, First Cailed Session,
Texa" being Acll, 1933, ,or the compen.atlon of Jailers and;or
paga 161, Chapter 61, provld;~: st.te having a popuiatlon of one hun·
turnkey' In an countl" In 45000) Inhabltanls and nol more Ihan three
dred and ,orty.flva thOU.and (I abll.nts according 10 the lasl or any 'u·,
hundred thoU.and (300,000)Iinh IIlaw' In conflict hetewlth i and declar-
ture Federal Cenaull repeal na a
iJlo ",,'nO'l'
of Texas:
e 0f 1/11 Slalee Revised Code of Criminal Pro-
.t!lird Legislature, First Cane&~
~e is hereby aJDended,