Chapter 2 Strategic Analysis and Intuitive Thinking
Chapter 2 Strategic Analysis and Intuitive Thinking
Chapter 2 Strategic Analysis and Intuitive Thinking
GENERAL PURPOSE OF respective field and it has -allows 200 million users to information, content, and
SOCIAL MEDIA SITES more than 350 million shoot videos pictures insert a experiences to each other
followers. text, and drawings then
1. Facebook transmit 21. Telegram
7. Skype
-world’s biggest social These file(s) to a list of -focuses on instant
network with more than 1.4 -permits 300 million active contacts. messaging, privacy, and
billion members. Facebook users to call, video call, and multi-platform to over 50
users can make personal instant messaging. 15. Line million users and it’s nice
profile to post messages, because of its features such
pictures, and videos. Also, 8. Google+ -social network messaging as ability to send hidden,
they can use their that permits 200 million encrypted, and self-
-has over 300 million users to send and receive
messengers for video calls subscribers with Hangouts, a texts, images, audio, and destructing messages of
and chats. video conferencing videos and photographs.
video files.
2. QQ highlights. 22. Tagged
16. Sina Weibo
-launched in China with 800 9. Instagram -social discovery website
million subscribers with six -popular site in China with with 300 million members.
-provides photo and video over 150 million users,
languages (English, sharing to over 300 million
Japanese, Spanish, German, members. another microblogging social 23. Myspace
French, and Korean). It network.
-it’s a social networking site
offers virtual money the “Q 10. Baidu Tieba (under the 17. VK (VKontakte) that is dedicated to have an
coin” for commercial brand name Postbar) interactive, link of
transactions. -similar to Facebook, and is acquaintances, private
-engages in search engines among the largest Russian
3. WhatsApp to link continuing accounts profiles, blogs, music,
social network with over 100 pictures as well as videos
for a particular theme to over million users
-acquired by Facebook in 300 million members. among 200 million members.
2014 but in a separate entity 18. Reddit
with over 700 million 11. Twitter 24. Badoo
members and it offers instant -a social news and media -an online dating social site
messaging. -an online news at the same aggregation as a web
time a social network that hat is participated in almost
content and discussion 200 countries with 20 million
4. QZone allows more than 300 million where over 100 million
users to post 140-character users.
-operated in China with 600 messages known as tweets. members can text or post
million subscribers. Owned direct links. 25. StumbleUpon
by Tecent that markets 12. Viber 19. YY -a browser toolbar
accessories where users recommends its 10 million
customize features in their -provides free phone calls -famous social network in
and text messages to over active members to web
websites. China hat provides group content and allows them to
250 million members. video hats allowing users to
5. WeChat rate web pages, photos,
13. Tumblr watch an individual lecturing videos in tune of their
--has almost 500 million or performing with an interests and tastes.
users and specializes in -a microblogging site that estimate of 100 million
mobile application with text permits over 200 million members where they can 26. Foursquare
messaging and voice calls. users to post text, images, convert virtual money to real
videos, quotes, link, and currency. -a local search and discovery
6. LinkedIn audio clips to their service that assists mobile
tumbleblogs. 20. Taringa! users to the places they want
-a gateway for recruiting to go.
workers and selecting the 14. Snapchat -makes 75 million members
best candidate in their in Latin America that shares
27. Meetme (formerly -a online website that -a social network where 500, 53. Nextdoor
Yearbook) partitions artworks into 000 Christian members
photography, digital, and watch television programs -a site for neighbors in the
-a social network intended traditional art, film making, based from the Bible. US that allows members o
for making new friends to literature, and other genres connect with the person next
chat. of art. 44. Flixster door.