Ar 95 1
Ar 95 1
Ar 95 1
Department of the Army
Washington, DC
1 September 1997
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AR 95–1
Flight Regulations
This revision--
o Revises use of Army aircraft under Operational Support Airlift (OSA) missions
to reflect new management procedures (chap 3).
o Adds nonrated crew member, nonrated crew member instructor (FI) and nonrated
crewmember standardization instructor (SI) requirements (paras 4-32, 4-33,
and 4-34).
o Updates the required equipment list for mission requirements and adds an NVD
column (table 5-2).
o Adds the Army Flying Hour Program (FHP) that sets forth responsibilities,
policies, and procedures for MACOM flying hour managers (chap 10).
o Revises DA Form 5484-R Mission Schedule/Brief, and adds instructions (app C).
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Flight Regulations
Contents (Listed by paragraph and page number) Local flying rules • 2–10, page 4
Special use airspace (SUA) • 2–11, page 4
Chapter 1 Aircraft lighting requirements • 2–12, page 4
General, page 1 Flight violations • 2–13, page 4
Purpose • 1–1, page 1 Briefing officers • 2–14, page 5
References • 1–2, page 1 Noise abatement • 2–15, page 5
Explanation of abbreviations and terms • 1–3, page 1
Responsibilities • 1–4, page 1 Chapter 3
Internal control review checklist • 1–5, page 1 Operations and Safety, page 5
Deviations • 1–6, page 2
Waivers and delegation of authority • 1–7, page 2 Section I
Use of Army Aircraft, page 5
Chapter 2 General • 3–1, page 5
Aviation Management, page 2 Required Use • 3–2, page 5
Personnel authorized to fly Army aircraft • 2–1, page 2 Operational Use • 3–3, page 6
Personnel authorized to start, run up, and taxi Army aircraft • 2–2, Other Official Use • 3–4, page 6
page 2 Operational support airlift missions • 3–5, page 6
Crewmembers prohibited from performing aircrew duty • 2–3, OSA management responsibilities. • 3–6, page 6
page 2 Justification. • 3–7, page 7
Aviators restricted to limited cockpit duty • 2–4, page 2 Procedures. • 3–8, page 7
Aircrew and maintenance checklists • 2–5, page 3 Data collection and use. • 3–9, page 7
Logging flying time • 2–6, page 3 Special missions • 3–10, page 7
Computation of flying time • 2–7, page 3 Prohibited missions • 3–11, page 8
Individual flight records • 2–8, page 3 Passenger policy • 3–12, page 8
Use of airports, heliports, and other landing areas • 2–9, page 4 Passenger restrictions • 3–13, page 9
*This regulation supersedes AR 95-1, 30 May 1990; AR 95-3, 27 September 1990; and DA Memo 95-1 (Flying Hour Program), 4 April 1991.
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Section IV Chapter 6
Army Aircraft Performance Records, page 10 Safety of Flight (SOF) messages and Aviation Safety Action
Requests for performance records • 3–21, page 10 Messages (ASAM), page 20
Purpose of performance records • 3–22, page 10 General • 6–1, page 20
Chapter 4 Section I
Training, page 10 Safety of Flight Messages, page 20
Responsibilities • 6–2, page 20
Type of SOF messages • 6–3, page 21
Section I Issuance of SOF messages • 6–4, page 21
Training Program and Literature, page 10 Other notifications • 6–5, page 21
General • 4–1, page 11 Exception to provisions of SOF message • 6–6, page 22
Waivers to requirements • 4–2, page 11 Reporting • 6–7, page 22
Publications • 4–3, page 11 Release of grounded aircraft • 6–8, page 22
Aircrew information reading files • 4–4, page 11 Information addressees • 6–9, page 22
Aircrew training program • 4–5, page 11
Aircraft qualification/refresher training • 4–6, page 11 Section II
Annual proficiency and readiness test • 4–7, page 11 Aviation Safety Action Messages, page 22
Emergency procedures training • 4–8, page 11 Responsibilities • 6–10, page 22
Hands-on performance test • 4–9, page 12 Types of aviation safety action messages • 6–11, page 23
Failure to meet ATP requirements • 4–10, page 12 Issuance of ASAMs • 6–12, page 23
Synthetic flight training system requirements • 4–11, page 13 Other notifications • 6–13, page 23
Civilian flight time for RC aviators • 4–12, page 13 Exceptions to provisions of ASAMs • 6–14, page 23
Additional flight training periods • 4–13, page 13 Reporting • 6–15, page 23
Aeromedical training • 4–14, page 13 Information addressees • 6–16, page 23
Ejection seat training • 4–15, page 13
Deck-landing operations training • 4–16, page 13 Chapter 7
Aircraft survivability equipment/electronic warfare training • 4–17, Weight and Balance, page 29
page 13 General • 7–1, page 29
Currency • 4–18, page 14 Weight and balance technicians • 7–2, page 29
Similar aircraft • 4–19, page 14 Aircraft weight and balance classifications • 7–3, page 29
Aircraft weight and balance file • 7–4, page 29
Section II Removal, addition, or relocation of aircraft equipment • 7–5,
Flight Crew Members, page 14 page 30
Flight crews • 4–20, page 14 Reviewing weight and balance file • 7–6, page 30
Pilot in command • 4–21, page 14 Aircraft weighing • 7–7, page 30
Air mission commander • 4–22, page 14
Pilot • 4–23, page 14 Chapter 8
Copilot • 4–24, page 14 Aviation Life Support, page 30
Unit trainer • 4–25, page 14
Instructor Pilot • 4–26, page 14 Section I
Instrument examiner • 4–27, page 15 Aviation Life Support System, page 30
Standardization instructor pilot • 4–28, page 15 General • 8–1, page 30
Maintenance test pilot • 4–29, page 15 System description • 8–2, page 31
Maintenance test pilot evaluator • 4–30, page 15
Experimental test pilot • 4–31, page 15 Section II
Nonrated crew member • 4–32, page 15 Aviation Life Support Equipment, page 31
Nonrated crew member instructor • 4–33, page 15 Aviation life support equipment • 8–3, page 31
Nonrated crew member standardization instructor • 4–34, page 16 Authorization for ALSE • 8–4, page 31
Flight data recorders • 8–5, page 31
Section III Aircraft safety equipment • 8–6, page 31
Standardization, page 16 Oxygen system • 8–7, page 32
Aviation standardization program • 4–35, page 16 Parachute requirements • 8–8, page 32
U.S. Army Aviation Commander’s Conference • 4–36, page 16 Protective clothing and equipment • 8–9, page 32
Protective masks • 8–10, page 32
Seat belts and restraints • 8–11, page 32 Table 10–2: LCCS Contract OSA aircraft annual flying hour
Survival equipment • 8–12, page 32 program, page 38
Section I Index
Acquisition and Use, page 33
General • 9–1, page 33
Policy • 9–2, page 33
Logistical support • 9–3, page 34
Section II
Training and Standardization, page 34
Waiver Authority • 9–4, page 34
Official Publications • 9–5, page 34
Training and Standardization • 9–6, page 34
Qualification Training • 9–7, page 34
Flight Evaluations • 9–8, page 34
Qualification Requirements for IPs • 9–9, page 35
Chapter 10
The Army Flying Hour Program, page 35
Objective • 10–1, page 35
Responsibilities • 10–2, page 35
FHP concept of management • 10–3, page 35
FHP management cycle • 10–4, page 35
General FHP management policy • 10–5, page 35
Procedures for development of the POM FHP • 10–6, page 36
Procedures for development of the budget FHPs • 10–7, page 36
Procedures for developing the execution year FHP • 10–8,
page 36
Procedures for submitting the quarterly projections report • 10–9,
page 36
Procedures for reporting the execution year FHP • 10–10, page 36
Procedures for cross-leveling hours • 10–11, page 37
Procedures for use of the MACOM flying hour program diskettes
• 10–12, page 37
A. References, page 40
B. Internal Control Review Checklist, page 42
C. Instructions for Completing Mission Schedule/Brief (DA Form
5484-R), page 42
Table List
(2) Identify areas where additions or reductions to existing con- requirements of their service or of this regulation (chap 4), for the
trols are needed. aircraft to be flown; and
(3) Select corrective actions when deficiencies have been found (c) Have written authorization, including a disclaimer absolving
that can be corrected locally. the US Government from liability (unless a disclaimer is included
(4) Refer deficiencies that cannot be corrected locally to higher under the provisions of an approved exchange program) from their
command levels for assistance in correcting. government. The appropriate host MACOM must provide written
(5) Provide support for the commander’s annual statement on authorization that will include, as a minimum, the purpose and
how adequate internal controls are within the organization. duration of the authorization. If authorized to fly, they will be
restricted from performing pilot-in-command duties unless serving
1–6. Deviations in approved exchange officer positions established specifically for
a. Individuals may deviate from provisions of this regulation flying purposes.
during emergencies. (5) Personnel listed in (1) through (4) above who are not quali-
b. Individuals who deviate from the provisions of this regulation, fied or current to operate the aircraft to be flown when receiving
Federal Aviation Administration (FAA), or host country regulations training or performing limited cockpit duties per paragraph 2-4 must
must report details of the incident directly to their unit commander. be directly supervised by an instructor pilot (IP) or a standardization
The incident must be reported within 24 hours after it occurs. instructor pilot (SP) who is qualified and current in the aircraft
c. Violations of Federal Aviation Regulations (FAR), Interna- being flown.
tional Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), host country, and mili- (6) Individuals receiving aviator instruction authorized by Head-
tary aviation regulations will be treated per paragraph 2-13. quarters, Department of the Army (HQDA) or HQDA Directorate of
Evaluation and Standardization (DES) designated agencies. These
1–7. Waivers and delegation of authority people may operate Army aircraft when training under an approved
a. Authority to grant waivers is stated in specific paragraphs of program of instruction (POI) or aircrew training program (ATP).
this regulation. Authority granted to MACOMs per this regulation (7) Flight surgeons or aeromedical physicians’ assistants in avia-
may be further delegated by the MACOM Commander, except tion service when in an aircraft not requiring more than one pilot as
when expressly prohibited. All other Commanders may not further a minimum crew. In addition an IP must be at one set of flight
delegate waiver authority unless authorized in the specific controls.
paragraph. (8) Graduates of the USAAVNC aeroscout observer course and
b. When waiver authority is not specified in specific paragraphs, field artillery aerial observer (FAAO) course are authorized to fly
waivers to provisions in chapters 2, 3, and 5 may only be granted by scout helicopters when undergoing training and conducting missions
HQDA DCSOPS, ATTN: DAMO-FDV, 400 ARMY PENTAGON, per the aircrew training manual (ATM). Training must be conducted
WASH, DC 20310-0400; chapter 4, section II of chapter 9 and by a designated IP, SP, UT, or designated PC (abbreviations are
chapter 10 only by HQDA DCSOPS, ATTN: DAMO-TRO, 400 spelled out in para 2-6a(1)) who is qualified and current in the
ARMY PENTAGON, WASH, DC 20310-0400; and, chapters 6,7,8 helicopter being flown and is at one set of flight controls.
and section I of chapter 9 only by HQDA DCSLOG, ATTN: b. All Army aviators who are in aviation service per AR 600-105
DALO-AV, 500 ARMY PENTAGON, WASH, DC 20310-0500. must meet the annual physical requirements of AR 40-501 regard-
less of assignment.
c. Procedures for award of aeronautical designations are stated in
AR 600-105 and AR 600-106.
Chapter 2
Aviation Management 2–2. Personnel authorized to start, run up, and taxi Army
2–1. Personnel authorized to fly Army aircraft a. The following personnel are authorized to start, run up, and
a. The following personnel may fly Army aircraft: taxi aircraft.
(1) Army aviators who— (1) Personnel listed in paragraph 2-1a(1), (2), (3), and (4).
(a) Are members of the active and reserve components (RC). (2) Other personnel who meet the requirements of paragraph 3-
(b) Are in aviation service (pilot status code 1) and have com- 20.
plied with qualification, training, evaluation, and currency require- b. Personnel listed in a(2) above are prohibited from starting,
ments of this regulation (chap 4), for the aircraft to be flown. running-up, or taxiing helicopters.
(2) Civilian employees of government agencies and government c. Contractor personnel operating per AR 95-20, are authorized
contractors who have satisfied all of the following— to start and run up aircraft under the provisions of the contract using
(a) Appropriate certifications or ratings; procedures in accordance with the operator’s manual.
(b) Written authorization from the appropriate MACOM com-
mander; the Commanding General, USAAVNC for units assigned to 2–3. Crewmembers prohibited from performing aircrew
USAAVNC, or Chief, NGB for National Guard (NG) units; and duty
The following crew members are prohibited from performing
(c) Complied with qualification training, evaluation, and currency
aircrew duties:
requirements of this regulation, (chap 4), and the provisions of AR
a. Commissioned officers in non-operational aviation positions,
95-20 (contractor personnel), the contract and/or statement of work
except per paragraph 2-4 of this regulation and AR 570-4, paragraph
for the aircraft to be flown.
(3) Aviators in other U.S. Services who— b. All crew members while attending nonflying courses of in-
(a) Are in aviation service; struction of more than 90 days.
(b) Have complied with qualification, training, evaluation, and c. Those disqualified, temporarily suspended, or whose aviation
currency requirements of their service or of this regulation (chap 4), service is administratively terminated (AR 600-105 or AR 600-106).
for the aircraft to be flown; and d. Crew members in an authorized leave status.
(c) Have written authorization from their service and the
MACOM commander. 2–4. Aviators restricted to limited cockpit duty
(4) Aviators of foreign services who— a. Aviators ranked Colonel (06) in nonoperational aviation posi-
(a) Have completed the course of instruction prescribed by their tions and general officers who hold a U.S. military aeronautical
service and have been awarded an aeronautical designation of designation may perform cockpit duties on a limited basis provided
aviator; requirements specified in AR 570-4, paragraph 5-14 are met. Offi-
(b) Complied with qualification training, evaluation, and currency cers performing such duties will—
(1) Maintain a current flight physical per AR 40-501. (g) OR—aircraft maintenance personnel, technical observer, fire
(2) Fly with an IP qualified and current in that aircraft at one set fighter, aerial photographer, gunner, or duties requiring flight.
of flight controls. b. Mission.
b. Other ATP, synthetic flight training system (SFTS), and An- (1) A—acceptance test flight.
nual Proficiency and Readiness Test (APART) requirements do not (2) C—combat mission directly against the enemy within a des-
apply to officers performing duties per this paragraph. ignated combat zone.
c. Officers performing limited cockpit duty do not meet the re- (3) F—maintenance test flight.
quirements for a copilot as specified in paragraph 4-24b unless they (4) S—service missions, other than A, C, F, T, or X.
have undergone an instrument flight evaluation per paragraph 4-9b (5) T—training flight for individual qualification, refresher, mis-
in the aircraft category being flown within the 12 month period sion, or continuation.
prior to the flight or are undergoing instrument training. (6) X—experimental test flight.
(7) D—imminent danger. Applies when Imminent Danger Spe-
2–5. Aircrew and maintenance checklists cial Pay is authorized per Department of Defense (DOD) Pay Manu-
a. The publications and forms required by DA Pam 738-751 will al, chapter 10.
be in each aircraft. c. Flight condition. Each crew member will use only one of the
b. Operator and crew member checklists will be used for before following symbols to identify the condition or mode of flight for
starting engines through before leaving aircraft checks. While air- any time period.
borne, when time does not permit use of the checklist or when its (1) AA—air to air.
use would cause a safety hazard, required checks may be accom- (2) D—day. Between the hours of official sunrise and sunset.
plished from memory. (3) DS—day vision system. Night vision system installed on
c. Checklists will be used while making maintenance operational aircraft used during the day; also logged when two or more devices
checks, maintenance test flights, and preventive maintenance inspec- are used.
tions . (4) H—hood/simulated IMC. Vision of the person flying the
d. Only DA approved operator’s manuals and checklists will be aircraft is artificially limited from viewing the horizon or earth
used, except as specified in paragraph 9-5. surface. Aircraft attitude must be controlled using aircraft instru-
ments. An observer is required for all hooded flights.
2–6. Logging flying time (5) N—night. Between the hours of official sunset and sunrise.
An entry will be made on DA Form 2408-12 (Army Aviator’s (6) NG—night goggles. Night vision goggles used during night.
Flight Record) for each flight in aircraft and flight simulators by all (7) NS—night systems. Night vision system installed on aircraft
crew members indicating duties performed, mission, and flight used during night; also logged when two or more devices are used
condition. simultaneously.
a. Duty. Use the following symbols to record flight time when (8) W—weather. Actual weather conditions that do not permit
performing duties specified by the symbol. Only one aviator occu- visual contact with the horizon or earth surface. Aircraft attitude
pying a flight crew station may use any one of these symbols for must be controlled using aircraft instruments.
any time period. Crew members instructing or evaluating from a
nonflight crew station will use the symbol for the duty being 2–7. Computation of flying time
performed. Flying time starts when an airplane begins to move forward on the
(1) Rated Crew members. takeoff roll or when a helicopter lifts off the ground. Flying time
(a) PC—pilot in command. This symbol will not be used by a ends when the aircraft has landed and the engines are stopped or the
designated pilot in command who is performing assigned duties as flying crew changes.
IP, SP, UT, IE, ME, MP, or XP. In these cases, the specific symbol
will be used to indicate the duty being performed by the pilot in 2–8. Individual flight records
command. a. Each crew member must present his or her individual flight
(b) PI—pilot. records to the unit to which assigned within 14 calendar days after
(c) CP—copilot. This symbol is used only by an aviator who is at reporting for duty.
a flightcrew station but is not qualified or current in the aircraft b. The flying experience and qualification data for each rated
being flown, or performing copilot duties at other than a flightcrew crew member and flight surgeon in aviation service and each non-
station and is undergoing training or evaluations conducted by an rated crew member (AR 600-105 and AR 600-106) will be docu-
IP, SP, IE, UT, or ME. For example: nap-of-the-earth (NOE) navi- mented in the DA Form 3513 (United States Army Individual Flight
gation, instrument navigation, and so forth. Records Folder (IFRF)). DA Form 759 (Individual Flight Record
(d) SP—standardization instructor pilot. and Flight Certificate—Army); DA Form 759-1 (Individual Flight
Record and Flight Certificate—Army, Aircraft Closeout Summary);
(e) IP—instructor pilot.
DA Form 759-2 (Individual Flight Record and Flight Certificate—
(f) IE—instrument examiner.
Army, Flying Hour Work Sheet); and DA Form 759-3 (Individual
(g) UT—unit trainer. Flight Record and Flight Certificate—Army, Flight Record and
(h) ME—maintenance test pilot evaluator. Flight Pay Work Sheet) are used to develop data for the permanent
(i) MP—maintenance test pilot. This symbol may be used by record. These forms are filed in the IFRF and become DA’s perma-
both aviators on functional test flights in two pilot aircraft when nent statistical, historical, and personnel flight records. DA Form
authorized by the commander. 759-3 becomes a part of the aeroscout observer’s permanent flight
(j) XP—experimental test pilot. This symbol may be used by records. Records are kept and distributed in accordance with FM 1-
both aviators on experimental or engineering flight tests when au- 300.
thorized by the commander. c. Flight records will be prepared and kept on file for—
(2) Nonrated Crew members. (1) Aviators in operational aviation positions.
(a) AO— aeroscout/aerial observer. (2) Aviators in nonoperational aviation positions and those re-
(b) CE— crewchief, aircraft mechanic, and non-crew members stricted or prohibited by statute from flying Army aircraft. These
designated by the commander and included in the unit’s ATP. records will be kept in an inactive file either with operational avia-
(c) FE— flight engineer. tor files or with military personnel records as specified by MACOM
(d) FI—nonrated crew member instructor. commanders.
(e) SI—nonrated crew member standardization instructor. (3) Other personnel authorized to take part in flights.
(f) MO—flight surgeon or other medical personnel. (4) Persons attending initial entry flight training.
d. Commanders will keep and distribute required individual flight 2–12. Aircraft lighting requirements
records for persons assigned or attached to their organization. a. Army aircraft shall be illuminated to at least the minimum
e. The Commander, U.S. Army Reserve Personnel Center (AR- standards required by the country in which the flight operation
PERCEN), will store the individual flight records of all aviators, occurs.
non-rated crew members who have flight records and flight sur- b. Anticollision lights will be on when aircraft engines are oper-
geons after retirement, discharge, resignation, assignment to U.S. ating except when:
Army Reserve (USAR) control group, or death. (1) Conducting night vision device operations.
f. Closing flight records for- (2) Conditions may cause vertigo.
(1) Active duty and USAR aviators, flight surgeons in aviation (3) There may be other hazards to safety.
service, field artillery observers, aerial observers and other non-rated c. Position lights will be on bright between official sunset and
crew members who have a flight record requirement will be closed sunrise.
out at the end of the birth month and when change occurs in duty or d. Night vision device lighting requirements will be as prescribed
aviation service. Other active duty personnel (excluding nonopera- in unit standing operating procedures, and training mission orders,
tional aviators) flight records will be closed out at the end of the in accordance with TC 1-210, and AR 95-2, paragraph 9-2.
fiscal year or birth month whichever comes first and when change e. Commanders may authorize exemptions to lighting require-
occurs in duty or aviation service. ments for night vision device training flights in the NAS when
(2) National Guard aviators, flight surgeons, field artillery aerial operating per FAA grant of exemption. Overseas MACOM com-
observers, aeroscout observers and other crew members’ records manders may authorize exemptions after coordinating with the host
will be closed out at the end of the calendar quarter designated by nation authorities. Exemption must be clearly defined and author-
the commander and when change occurs in duty or aviation service. ized by the unit commander in standard operating procedures or
training mission orders. (AR 95-2.)
2–9. Use of airports, heliports, and other landing areas
a. Aviators may operate Army aircraft at airports and heliports 2–13. Flight violations
classified as military, Federal Government or public use in DOD or Policies and procedures for reporting and investigating alleged flight
National Oceanographic Survey (NOS) flight information publica- rules violations are—
tions (FLIP). Private, closed or otherwise restricted airports and a. Violations. Any violation of FAA, International Civil Aviation
heliports will be used only with prior permission of appropriate Organization (ICAO), host country, and/or any other pertinent avia-
authorities and if the facility is suitable for operations. tion regulation will be reported. Any person witnessing or involved
b. Commanders may authorize the use of temporary landing areas in a flight violation involving civil or military aircraft will report it
(other than airports or heliports) off military reservations and Gov- as soon as possible.
ernment leased training areas. They must obtain approval of the (1) Violations by military aircraft should be reported to one of
landowner or the approving authority and comply with the landing the following:
area requirements of the state or host country. Commanders will (a) The commander of the unit, activity, or installation if known,
consult with the appropriate Department of the Army Regional Rep- to which the aircraft belongs.
resentative (DARR) or host nation aviation agency (AR 95-2, table (b) The DARR of the FAA region in which the alleged violation
6-1). took place. (See AR 95-2 for addresses.)
c. The installation or field training exercise commander will set (c) The Director, U.S. Army Aeronautical Services Office
policies on the use of aircraft landing sites on military reservations (USAASA), Fort Belvoir, Virginia 22060-5582.
and field training areas. (d) The U.S. Army Aeronautical Detachment, Europe, if the inci-
d. Aviators may select landing and takeoff areas when on lifesav- dent took place in its area of responsibility. (See AR 95-2 for
ing missions or when further flight is inadvisable. address.)
e. Aviators should be aware that they may be charged for the use (2) Violations by civil aircraft should be reported to one of the
of private facilities on public airports. The pilot in command should following:
report unexpected airport fees using a DA Form 3588 (COMM (a) The Flight Standards District Office for the FAA region in
Card). which the alleged violation took place.
(b) The FAA Communications Control Center, Washington, DC
2–10. Local flying rules 20591.
a. Installation commanders having Army aircraft assigned, at- (c) The DARR of the FAA region in which the alleged violation
tached, or tenant to his or her command will prepare and publish took place. (See AR 95-2 for addresses.)
local flying rules. Rules will include the use of tactical training and (d) The Director, USAASA, Fort Belvoir, Virginia 22060-5582.
maintenance test flight areas, arrival and departure routes, and air- (e) The U.S. Army Aeronautical Detachment, Europe, if the inci-
space restrictions as appropriate to help control air operations. dent took place in its area of responsibility. (See AR 95-2 for
b. Traffic pattern altitudes at Army airfields for airplanes should address.)
be set at 1,500 feet above ground level. Helicopter traffic pattern b. Information reported. To report an alleged violation use a
altitudes should be at least 700 feet above ground level. letter or memorandum format. DA Form 2696-R (Operational Haz-
c. Installation commanders may set different altitudes based on ard Report) is not normally used to report flight violations. When
noise abatement, fly-neighborly policies, or other safety considera- reporting an alleged violation as much information as possible
tions. These will be displayed in flight operations and provided to should be given. This should include—
the U.S. Army Aeronautical Services Agency (USAASA) for publi- (1) Type and make of aircraft.
cation in the flight information publications (FLIP). (2) Tail number.
(3) Name of pilot in command (see para 2-13d).
2–11. Special use airspace (SUA) (4) Unit assigned, if military.
a. AR 95-2 sets Army policy and procedures for handling SUA (5) Location where aircraft is based.
matters. (6) Description of alleged violation, to include—
b. Operations in SUA will be conducted per instructions in FARs (a) Specific reference to regulations violated.
and FLIPs. (b) What happened.
c. In combat zones, airspace use, control, and management will (c) Time and date the alleged violation occurred.
be conducted per FM 1-103. (d) Where the alleged violation occurred.
d. Air traffic control services will be provided per FM 1-120. (7) Name and phone number of the individual reporting the al-
leged violation.
(8) Names, addresses, and phone numbers of additional wit- (4) Forecast weather conditions for the mission meet the require-
nesses, if any. ments of this regulation and local directives.
(9) Other pertinent information. (5) Flight crews meet unit crew endurance requirements.
c. Investigation. (6) Procedures in the commander’s risk management program
(1) Reports of alleged violations received from the FAA, ICAO, have been completed for the mission and risks are reduced to the
or a host country will be investigated under the provisions of AR lowest level possible.
15-6. (7) Required special mission equipment is maintained per pub-
(2) Commanders receiving a report of violations from sources lished guidance.
other than those listed in paragraph 2-13c(1) will first determine if it c. Briefing officers will utilize DA Form 5484-R (Mission Sched-
involves personnel or aircraft under their command and initiate an ule/Brief). DA Form 5484-R is located at the back of this regulation
investigation under AR 15-6, if necessary. for reproduction purposes (Instructions for completing DA Form
(3) If warranted by available evidence, commanders may con- 5484-R is located at Appendix C.). Additionally, DA Form 5484-R
vene a flight evaluation board (AR 600-105, chap 4) instead of may be electronically generated. The electronically generated form
conducting a separate investigation. must contain all data elements and follow the exact format of the
(4) Based on the outcome of the investigation, commanders may existing printed form. The form number of the electronically gener-
take appropriate administrative, judicial, or non judicial action. ated form will be shown as DA Form 5484-R-E and the data will be
(5) Results of investigations conducted per AR 15-6 or AR 600- the same as the date of the current edition of the printed form.
105, chapter 4, will be reported through channels to the Director, Copies of the DA Form 548-R will be retained in unit files for at
USAASA, Fort Belvoir, VA 22060-5582. The report will include least 30 days.
the findings of the investigation, the corrective action taken or 2–15. Noise abatement
proposed, any conclusions derived, the nature of disciplinary action a. Noise-abatement policies will be disseminated by the Director,
taken (if any), and any other pertinent information. This report must USAASA.
reach USAASA within 60 days of the commander receiving notifi- b. Aviators will participate in noise-abatement and fly neighborly
cation of the alleged violation unless— programs to minimize annoyance to persons on the ground when
(a) The immediate commander cannot complete the investigation missions and safety are not adversely affected.
or the administrative or disciplinary action within this time. In this c. Noise Sensitive Areas. Unless required by the mission, all
case, an interim report will be forwarded detailing the reasons for Army aircraft should maintain a minimum of 2000 feet above the
the delay. surface of the following: National Parks, Monuments, Recreation
(b) A flight evaluation board is convened. USAASA should be Areas and Scenic Riverways administered by the National Parks
notified when the board is convened and the expected completion Service, National Wildlife Refuges, Big Game Refuges or Wildlife
date. Ranges administered by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and
(6) Under no circumstance will a report of investigation prepared Wilderness and Primitive areas administered by the U.S. Forest
under the provisions of this regulation be released outside of the Service.
DOD except in accord with the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA)
and the Privacy Act, as implemented by AR 25-55 and AR 340-21.
All requests for information under the FOIA or Privacy Act will be
referred to the installation or unit FOIA/Operations Security coordi- Chapter 3
nator for processing according to AR 25-55 or AR 340-21. Operations and Safety
d. Restricted information. Names of crew members of military
aircraft involved in actual or alleged violations will be treated as Section I
restricted information and not be released to the public or any Use of Army Aircraft
agency outside the DOD except by proper authority. Any person
receiving requests for names of crew members of Army aircraft 3–1. General
should direct such inquiries to the Director, USAASA (see para 2- Army aircraft will be used for authorized purposes only. Army
13a(1)(c)). owned, operated, or controlled aircraft will only be used to transport
Army personnel, Government property and other official Govern-
2–14. Briefing officers ment passengers, or other passengers and cargo as authorized by
a. Briefing officers for mission briefings will normally be quali- statute and DoD or Army directives, regulations, or policies. Specif-
fied members of the chain-of-command (not lower than platoon ically, use of Army aircraft must comply with paragraphs 3-2, 3-3,
leader) or operations officers. Commanders in the grade of lieuten- or 3-4 of this chapter and must not otherwise be prohibited by
ant colonel and above may designate in writing other briefing offi- paragraph 3-11. In addition, air travel must be the most economical
cers when the unit chain of command no longer exists or when mode of transportation consistent with the accomplishment of the
designated briefing officers cannot brief because of official duties or military mission, and the particular aircraft to be utilized must be
absences. Briefing officers will be selected based on experience and the least costly one available that is capable of satisfying the trans-
level of responsibility in the unit. Self briefing is not authorized portation requirement. Travel by military aircraft that is mission
essential, regardless of cost or availability of commercial service,
unless approved by the first officer in the grade of lieutenant colonel
will require complete documentation signed by the senior passenger.
or above in the chain of command. Briefing officers will be limited
This authority cannot be delegated. The classes of missions Army
to the number needed to meet operational requirements.
aircraft may be authorized to perform are:
b. Briefing officers are responsible for ensuring that key mission
a. Required use
elements are evaluated and briefed to the mission PC. Mission
b. Operational use
briefing officers will, as a minimum, ensure the following key areas
c. Other official use
are evaluated in the mission planning sequence:
(1) The flight is in support of an operational unit mission or has 3–2. Required Use
been authorized by the unit commander. Required use includes those missions with a designated Required
(2) Assigned flight crews have been allocated adequate pre-mis- Use Traveler where the use of military aircraft is required due to
sion planning time. continuous requirement for secure communications, security, or for
(3) Assigned flight crews are qualified and current for the mis- responsive transportation to satisfy exceptional scheduling require-
sion according to this regulation and the commander’s flight crew ments. Within the Department of the Army, the Secretary of the
qualification and selection program per paragraph 4-20. Army and the Chief of Staff are the only designated required use
positions that require the use of military aircraft for all travel when aircraft operations. When not fully justified, the Army will release
in a duty status. aircraft determined to be excess.
(3) Review, analyze, and evaluate Army OSA/non-OSA utiliza-
3–3. Operational Use tion data to determine future aircraft stationing and changes to the
Operational use includes those missions required to accomplish the aviation structure.
Army’s mission and to maintain the combat readiness of aviation (4) Report Army OSA flying hour program execution during the
and ground units. Operational use missions include, but are not quarterly Program Performance/Budget Execution Review.
limited to: e. Unified, specified, and MACOM commander will—
a. Actual or simulated tactical and combat operations (1) Ensure that procedures are developed within each subordinate
b. Aircrew training unit to allow for the Operational Support Airlift Command
c. Intelligence (OSACOM) to capture all OSA travel requirements.
d. Counter-narcotics activities (2) Designate helicopter scheduling authorities for the purpose of
e. Search and rescue scheduling Army helicopter assets to support OSA mission
f. Transportation of prisoners requirements.
g. Use of defense attaché controlled aircraft (3) Establish internal control procedures to ensure subordinate
h. Research and development units comply with OSA program requirements.
i. Maintenance flights f. Operational relationships are established in consonance with
j. Flight tests the Administrative Assistant to the Secretary, DAS, and DCSOPS.
k. Repositioning or reassignment of aircraft g. The Director, Army National Guard, is the lead agent for
l. Transport of troops/equipment developing, implementing, and executing the ARNG OSA program.
m. Special use (Humanitarian, Disaster Relief, and Deployments) h. Installation commanders (including Army Commands), Na-
n. Evacuation (including medical evacuation) tional Guard Adjutant Generals and U.S. Army Reserve General
o. Aeronautical research and space and science applications Officer Commands (GOCOMs) will—
p. Exercising command/supervision authority at adjacent/local (1) Be responsible for the proper validation of all OSA requests
installations. generated from subordinate units, tenant activities, and designated
q. Other such activities required to accomplish the Army’s agencies. Validator duties may be delegated to an individual within
mission. the chain of command. Validator duties and mandatory training will
be conducted in accordance with the OSA Remote User’s Guide.
3–4. Other Official Use (2) Develop internal control procedures to ensure compliance
Other official use may include travel to give speeches, to attend with appropriate DoD directives, this regulation and the OSA Re-
conferences or meetings and to make routine site visits to facilities. mote User’s Guide.
Normally this requirement for travel is accomplished using commer- (3) Ensure accurate record keeping and timely submission of
cial transportation, but may be performed by Mil Air on Operational OSA requests.
Support Airlift subject to conditions on use of OSA.. (4) Ensure designated officials, CONUS airplane flight units and
rotary wing OSA support units are networked to OSA automated
3–5. Operational support airlift missions remote users’ system.
Operational support airlift (OSA) missions are movement of high- (5) Ensure OSA flight requests originating in CONUS, are sub-
priority passengers and cargo with time, place, or mission-sensitive mitted to OSACOM using JOSAC operating procedures.
requirements. DoD Directive 4500.43, “Operational Support Airlift (6) Ensure flight activities submit post mission reports for all
(OSA)” provides OSA policy guidance, definitions, procedures, and missions flown.
responsibilities. DoD Regulation 4515.13-R, “Air Transportation El- (7) Provide notification to requesters of travel support, non-sup-
igibility” provides transportation eligibility policy and procedures port, or schedule deviations.
for military aircraft. (8) Brief users on procedures for initiation, cancellation, or modi-
fication of airlift requests.
3–6. OSA management responsibilities. (9) Designate a centralized point of contact for receiving space
a. The Secretary of the Army is responsible for— available travel requests, and maintain space available roster.
(1) Establishing clear accountability for aircraft management at a (10) Assign appropriate Priority, Urgency, Justification, and Cat-
senior management level. egory (PUJC) codes for each OSA request in accordance with DoD
(2) Developing and implementing policies that specify validating 4500.43.. The OSA validators will retain specific justifications for
requirements and procedures for scheduling assets in support of PUJC codes assigned for each airlift request for two years subject to
Army OSA requirements. periodic review by appropriate agencies.
b. The Director of Management, on behalf of the Director of the (11) Personally review and approve all Senior federal travelers
Army Staff, with the concurrence of the Administrative Assistant, (all general officer and civilian equivalent) travel requests. Valida-
on behalf of the Secretary of the Army, will provide management tion for Senior federal travel may not be delegated below the grade
oversight and policy guidance for the use and scheduling of Army of Major General.
executive jets. i. Commander OSACOM, will—
c. The Assistant Secretary of the Army (ASA) Financial Manage- (1) Serve as scheduling authority for Army CONUS OSA mis-
ment (FM), in coordination with Deputy Chief of Staff, Logistics sions, with the exception of the scheduling of Army executive jets,
(DCSLOG), will prepare and publish an annual cost per flying hour in accordance with the direction of the Secretary of the Army.
message that includes DoD and non-DoD costs per flying hour rates (2) Provide the DAS and DCSOPS required OSA utilization
by aircraft mission, type, design, and series for all Army aircraft. reports prior to submission to the Administrative Assistant for re-
The ASA(FM) will also publish annually the gross hourly salary for view by the Secretary of the Army.
military and civilians to be used for cost effectiveness analysis. (3) Conduct cost analysis computations of OSA military cost
d. The Deputy Chief of Staff, Operations and Plans, has manage- versus commercial cost on each OSA mission request submitted to
ment responsibility for the following areas: OSACOM/JOSAC.
(1) Establish objective wartime requirements for Army OSA (4) Maintain current listing of designated Army OSA validators.
aircraft. (5) Provide all designated OSA validators with access codes, user
(2) Annually, review the continuing need for aircraft appropriated identification, and program manuals for OSACOM remote users’
based solely on wartime readiness requirements and for reasons system.
other than wartime requirements as well as the cost-effectiveness of (6) Retain all requests for aircraft support and post-mission data
for a period not less than two years after completion of the fiscal submitted not later than four duty days in advance of the date of
year. desired travel or as soon as the requirement is identified.
j. Aviation units performing OSA mission support will conform e. Cancellations or changes to CONUS OSA flights will be trans-
to the reporting requirements contained in the OSA Remote User’s mitted to JOSAC in accordance with OSA Remote User’s Guide.
Guide and this regulation f. Passenger reporting time for OSA flights is not later than 30
(1) The aviation unit commander will appoint an airlift coordina- minutes prior to scheduled departure time.
tor. The airlift coordinator will perform duties in accordance with g. Approved requests for Non-NCR Army helicopter OSA will
the OSA Remote User’s Guide. be submitted to the validator and forwarded to the helicopter sched-
(2) All training flights will be reported in PMRs in accordance uling authority in accordance with local procedures. Installations
with OSA Remote User’s Guide . will forward annual helicopter OSA utilization data to MACOMs
(3) Training missions may be scheduled by the aviation unit. for consolidation and forwarding to OSACOM. Because of the ex-
Aviation units are strictly prohibited from scheduling training mis- tensive costs associated with rotary wing operations, their use for
sions for the purpose of carrying passengers and or cargo. OSA should be closely monitored and approved only when other
(4) Will retain all post-mission data, including non-OSA mis- modes of travel will not fulfill requirements.
sions, for a period of not less than two years after completion of the h. Validators will not submit requests for fixed wing back up
fiscal year. support for approved helicopter requests.
(air taxi, charter air ambulance, and AE configured commercial air) (i) MACOMs desiring to establish a spouse orientation program
are neither available, feasible, nor adequate. will submit a copy of the proposed plan to HQDA, DCSOPS,
d. Other emergency situations. The MACOM will notify HQDA, ATTN: DAMO-FDV, 400 ARMY PENTAGON, Washington, DC
DCSOPS, ATTN: DAMO-FDV, 400 ARMY PENTAGON, WASH 20310-0400 for approval. When approved, the plan will be pub-
DC 20310-0400, when decisions are made to use Army aircraft for lished in the MACOM supplement to this regulation.
emergency situations and full details provided as soon as possible. (j) MACOMs with approved plans have approval authority for
When danger to public health or safety prevents prior approval, subordinate unit requests for orientation flights.
Army aircraft may transport civilian personnel in the following (k) Aircraft support of community relations and public informa-
situations: tion will comply with AR 360-5 and DoD 4515.13-R.
(1) Personnel engaged in search and rescue (AR 500-20). (6) Transportation of members of Congress and accompanying
(2) When severely injured or seriously ill patients in CONUS staff members (when approved by OCLL) in accordance with DoD
require immediate lifesaving aeromedical evacuation. This applies in 4515.13-R.
major fires, earthquakes, flood, industrial or transportation accidents, (7) All requests for transportation not provided for above, and
epidemics, or similar natural or man-caused catastrophes. requests for waiver to the provisions of this paragraph will be
(3) Volunteers with special search and rescue equipment who forwarded to HQDA, DCSOPS, ATTN: DAMO-FDV, 400 Army
volunteer to help and have no other means of transportation. Their Pentagon, WASH DC 20310-0400 with information copy to HQDA,
services must be requested by the Aerospace Rescue and Recovery DCSLOG, ATTN: DALO-TSP-PX, 500 Army Pentagon, WASH
Service (ARRS). DC 20310-0563.
e. Military Assistance to Safety and Traffic (MAST). The emer-
gency use of Army aircraft participating in the MAST program will 3–11. Prohibited missions
be in accordance with AR 500-4. a. Army aircraft will not be used to conduct flights for personal
f. Security assistance missions. Chiefs of Military Assistance and use. They will not be used for transportation of personnel or equip-
Advisory Groups (MAAG) and Defense Attaches (DATT) may ap- ment to any place or event in an unofficial capacity.
prove missions for transportation on all personnel under their con- b. Army aircraft will not be used for domicile (place of resi-
trol. They may do this for their aircraft only in accordance with dence) to duty , or duty to domicile, transportation unless authorized
DoD 4515.13-R. by 31 USC 1344 and approved by the Secretary of the Army.
g. Other. Army aircraft may also be used for— Requests for approval will be forwarded to HQDA (DACS-DMC)
(1) Transportation to events such as memorial services, retire- for processing.
ments, graduations, public ceremonies, field demonstrations, patient c. Use of Army aircraft exclusively to obtain or renew an FAA
visitation, or parades for military personnel who are participating or rating is prohibited.
representing the Army or DoD in an official capacity only. (Provi-
sions of para 3-4 and 3-8d apply.) Military Air Transportation re- 3–12. Passenger policy
quests will not be approved for the sole purpose of attending such a. Service personnel are authorized to fly as passengers in Army
activities in a personal capacity. aircraft while on duty and when authorized by their commander.
(2) Transportation for other authorized activities such as spon- Verbal authority is permitted. “Service personnel” are defined as:
sored athletic teams and bands and other welfare, morale, recreation, (1) Active duty members of the Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine
and chaplains programs in accordance with DOD 4515.13-R. Corps, and Coast Guard.
(3) Aerial demonstrations in support of civil or military official (2) Active status member of Reserve Component as defined in
functions. Aerial demonstrations include static demonstrations not DoD 4515.13-R.
on a military installation and all flight demonstrations. Those per- (3) DoD civilians when on official business.
formed in support of community relations activities will comply (4) Employees of other U.S. Government agencies and technical
with AR 360-61.
advisors to DoD component authorities when traveling on official
(a) CONUS. Units assigned an aerial demonstration mission will
business for DoD.
comply with FAR 91. If parachuting is involved, FAR 105 will also
b. Army personnel traveling on OSA flights on PCS orders,
apply. Aerial demonstrations off a military installation will not be
TDY, Emergency Leave, Space Available, or official business are
conducted until coordinated with the appropriate DARR. The
authorized to wear appropriate civilian clothing. Personnel must
DARRs are listed in AR 95-2, table 6-1 and the Army Aviation
ensure that their dress and personal appearance are appropriate for
Flight Information Bulletin.
the occasion and reflect positively on the Army.
(b) Overseas. Units assigned an aerial demonstration mission will
comply with published MACOM and host nation regulations. c. Personnel will not make an aerial flight if determined medi-
(4) Support of sport parachute clubs set up by installation com- cally unfit by competent medical authority, or if they are handi-
mander under AR 215-1 and AR 215-2. capped and not physically capable of caring for themselves while
(5) Military spouse orientation flight programs under the follow- enplaning, deplaning, or while in flight in accordance with DoD
ing conditions: 4515.13-R.
(a) Flights are to satisfy specific retention or motivation objec- d. Personnel specified as eligible passengers in DoD 4515.13-R,
tives and are conducted in the safest and most efficient manner are authorized as passengers in Army aircraft. Authorized travelers
possible. (other than spouse travel) must have travel orders or transportation
(b) Flights will be accommodated within the command flying authorization published by the installation travel authority. Spouse
hour program. travel must have travel or transportation authorization published by
(c) Flights will be conducted in the local area only (no point-to- HQDA (DACS-DMC-A) or the authority specified in DoD 4515.13-
point transportation). R. The orders must specify if travel is reimbursable or non-reim-
(d) Flights will not be conducted above 10,000 feet pressure bursable.
altitude except in pressurized aircraft. e. Dependents authorized travel under this or other paragraphs
(e) Aircraft equipped with ejection seats will not be used for are defined in DoD 4515.13-R.
orientation flights. f. Aircraft will not deviate from mission flight plans to accommo-
(f) Flight crew member seats (with access to flight controls) will date space available passengers.
not be occupied by passengers. g. Policies for transportation of foreign personnel and approval
(g) Passenger restrictions in paragraph 3-13 apply. authorities are specified in DoD 4515.13-R.
(h) Accompanied spouse travel will be in accordance with DoD h. Spouse Travel
4515.13-R and paragraph 3-12h. (1) Within the Department of the Army, accompanying spouse
travel eligibility will normally be limited to the spouses of the (2) Aerobatics flights.
following officials: (3) Aerial demonstrations (only mission essential personnel
• Secretary of the Army (4) Flight crew emergency procedures training.
• Chief of Staff (5) Night Vision Device (NVD) qualification or refresher training
• Under Secretary of the Army in accordance with the Aircrew Training Manual (ATM).
• Vice Chief of Staff (6) Aeronautical record attempts.
• Assistant Secretaries of the Army (7) Aircraft acceptance flights.
• General Counsel
b. Personnel on the aircraft during the above operations will be
• General Officers ( four star General officers and three star com- limited to the minimum essential crew and those making evaluations
mander of USARPAC as specified in DoD directives).
or performing required maintenance checks. Army aircraft will be
used for authorized purposes only.
(2) As a general rule, spouses, or other dependents, may not
accompany Army personnel on official business at government ex-
Section II
pense. Dependents, other than spouses, are not eligible for accompa-
nying air travel at government expense.
(3) Spouses will only travel with their sponsors on military, or
commercial aircraft, at government expense as an exception to pol- 3–14. Safety functions
icy and when; there is an unquestionably official function where the Commanders will implement the mishap prevention program set up
spouse is to actually participate in an official capacity ;or, it is by AR 385-95.
deemed in the national interest as desirable because of diplomatic or
public relations benefit to the country. When funding is required to 3–15. Mishap reports, investigations, and release of
support spouse travel under these circumstances. it will be for trans- information
portation only. a. Procedures for investigating and reporting aircraft mishaps are
(4) Spouses are permitted to travel at full government expense, prescribed in AR 385-40.
including per diem, when they are participating in a service-en- b. Policy and procedures for reporting casualties and notifying
dorsed training course, and will subsequently provide voluntary next of kin of personnel involved in aircraft accidents are prescribed
service incident to such training under circumstances where the
in AR 600-800-1.
Army receives a primary and direct benefit from the spouse’s partic-
ipation. (Example: anti-terrorist driving training.) c. Requests about aircraft mishap reports will be answered per
(5) Spouses, either individually or part of a group, are permitted AR 385-40.
to travel at full government expense, including per diem, when d. Requests for information under the Freedom of Information
performing a direct service to the Department of the Army such as Act will be processed per AR 25-55.
providing advice or guidance as a “subject matter expert” in his/her
own right when conferring with the Department of Defense officials 3–16. Risk management
on Department of Defense matters. In this case, being a spouse is a. Commanders will integrate risk management into aviation mis-
incidental to the individual being a subject matter expert, and the sion planning and execution at every level. (See chap 5, Risk Man-
circumstances of travel are not to be confused with accompanying agement, of TC 1-210, the Commander’s Guide to the Aircrew
spouse travel. Merely attending a meeting or conference, even if it Training Manual, as a guide for implementation of this program.)
is hosted by the Department of Defense component concerned on a
b. The risk management process begins at mission conception
matter related to the component’s official business, is not authorized
travel at government expense. and continues until mission completion. Apply the process with the
(6) The Secretary of the Army is the approval authority for all goal of eliminating hazards where possible and reducing residual
travel at government expense, via military or commercial means, for risks to acceptable levels.
spouses of Secretariat officials, and by commercial means for all c. When possible, the hazard assessment step of the process
spouses of military officials of Department of the Army. should be documented by the mission developer/planner. Chapter 5,
(7) All requests for spouse travel, that are to be approved by the TC 1-210 explains formalized assessments. If used, file assessment
Secretary of the Army, will be forwarded to the Administrative documentation with the mission briefing per FM 1-300.
Assistant for processing.
(8) The Chief of Staff is the approval authority for all travel of 3–17. Crew endurance
spouses of military officials (not assigned to the Secretariat) by a. Commanders will design a crew endurance program tailored to
military means. their unit mission and include it in their standing operating proce-
i. Questions or requests for waiver concerning passenger eligibil- dures (SOP). Table 3-1 is a guide for scheduling crew members for
ity as outlined in this paragraph will be submitted to HQDA, flight duties.
b. Crew endurance is an integral part of the overall risk manage-
ment program. It is used to control risks due to sleep depravation or
3–13. Passenger restrictions fatigue and to prescribe thresholds to trigger command decisions
a. Passengers are restricted from the following types of flights: whether to accept those risks.
(1) Maintenance or engineering test flights. c. Commanders should consider the advice of the flight surgeon
and aviation safety officer in designing their programs.
Table 3–1
Crew endurance guide
1 2 3 4
Time Period Hours Maximum Duty Period Maximum Flight Time Environment Relative Factor
24 16 8 Day 1.0
48 27 15
Example: The stress and fatigue experienced in 1 hour of day nap-of-the-earth (NOE) flight is equal to 1.6 hours of day standard flight. If a crew member flies day NOE in
chemical mission-oriented protective posture (MOPP), the larger factor (3.1) will be used. The flight time shown in column 3 will be adjusted by the factors in column 4.
3–18. DA Form 2696-R (Operational Hazard Report) (2) Have written authorization by the commander.
DA Form 2696-R will be used to notify commanders and safety
councils of anything affecting the safety of Army aircraft or related Section IV
personnel and equipment. The commander will have reported haz- Army Aircraft Performance Records
ards investigated immediately and will correct unsafe conditions.
(See AR 385-95 for instructions on completing DA Form 2696-R). 3–21. Requests for performance records
The policy for handling requests from the Services for authority to
Section III establish performance records by military aircraft is prescribed in
Aircraft Maintenance DOD 5410.19. It authorizes periodic official demonstrations of mili-
tary aircraft for the purpose of establishing new performance such as
3–19. Maintenance test flights
a. Maintenance test flights (MTF) will be conducted per TM 1- speed and endurance records.
b. Maintenance test flights for aircraft under bailment to contrac- 3–22. Purpose of performance records
tors will be test flown per Federal Acquisition Regulations unless The following policies apply to the use of Army aircraft for the
required by the terms of the contract. purpose of performance records.
c. Aviators performing maintenance test flights must be qualified a. Only Service aircraft will become eligible to establish new
and current per paragraph 4-29 or 4-30. performance records. These aircraft will be eligible 6 months after
the first aircraft is delivered to an operational unit.
3–20. Maintenance operational check b. Service requests to engage in public demonstrations to estab-
a. Authorized personnel will perform maintenance operational
lish performance records and release information on new perform-
checks per TM 1-500-328-23, DA PAM 738-751 and applicable
ance records will be submitted to OASD(PA), for approval or
aircraft technical manual.
disapproval, after coordination—
b. Personnel who are authorized to start, run up, and taxi air-
planes for the purpose of maintenance operational checks and are (1) By OASD(PA) within DOD.
not qualified per paragraph 2-1a(1), (2), (3) or (4) will— (2) With other appropriate departments of the Government.
(1) Undergo appropriate normal and emergency procedures train- (3) With the National Aeronautics Association.
ing conducted by an IP, SP or ME in the specific mission, type, c. Requests in paragraph b above will be accompanied with a
design, and series aircraft. description of the specific aircraft, full justification of the purpose of
(2) Be evaluated semiannually by an IP, SP, or ME on all func- the record attempt, flight plans, and information supporting the
tions he or she is required to perform. attempt.
(3) Have written authorization from the commander. This author- d. Requests by MACOMs for authority to establish performance
ization must specify the operations and checks permitted and be records by military aircraft will be submitted to HQDA (DAMO-
posted in the maintenance office. FDV), WASH DC 20310-0460, at least 60 days prior to any pro-
c. Personnel who are not qualified per paragraph 2-1a(1), (2), (3), posed record attempt.
or (4) are prohibited from starting, running up, or taxiing
d. Commanders may authorize nonrated personnel to start, oper-
ate, and stop aircraft auxiliary power units (APUs). These persons
(1) Be trained on all functions he or she is authorized to perform.
helicopters will be conducted only during aviator and instructor pilot (3) By an IP, SP, IE, ME, FI, or SI per the appropriate ATM/
qualification and transition training per formal POI at Department of ATP.
the Army designated training bases. Touchdown emergency proce- (4) To determine an individual’s proficiency and/or currency.
dures are also authorized for— (5) To determine which phase of training is appropriate for entry
(a) IPs and SPs designated to conduct touchdown emergency into or continuing in the ATP.
procedures in single engine helicopters at designated training bases. (6) No-notice proficiency evaluations may be written examina-
(b) Directorate of Evaluation and Standardization (DES) IPs and tions, oral evaluations, aircraft flight evaluations, or compatible
SPs. flight simulator evaluations.
(c) Local qualification training in OH-58A/C, AH-1, UH-1 and d. Post-mishap flight evaluation. This flight evaluation is admin-
OH-6 helicopters. istered to an aviator or nonrated crew member to determine their
(d) Experimental test pilots while conducting authorized flight ability to perform required duties following an aircraft mishap. Avi-
testing or training. ators or nonrated crew members performing crew duties involved in
(2) Procedures must be conducted in designated training locations a Class A or B mishap will be suspended from flight duties until
free from obstructions. There must be air-to-ground communications successful completion of a flight evaluation. The evaluation will be
and crash and fire rescue equipment available. Night training areas conducted in the same mission, type, design, and series aircraft in
will be designated and used. which the mishap occurred. Aviators or nonrated crew members
(3) Unannounced touchdown autorotations will not be made ex- performing crew duties involved in a Class C mishap may be sus-
cept for IP and SP training or evaluations. pended from flight duties and required to successfully complete a
(4) Autorotations with power recoveries and terminations with flight evaluation at the discretion of the commander. An IP, SP, FI,
power will be conducted per the ATM. or SI will conduct the evaluation per the appropriate ATM. (See AR
(5) In multi-engine helicopters, practice touchdown autorotations 40-501 for medical release requirements prior to flight.)
are prohibited. e. Medical flight evaluation. This flight evaluation measures an
aviator’s or nonrated crew member’s ability to perform required
4–9. Hands-on performance test duties after incurring a medical disability. The evaluation will be
Each crew member must successfully complete periodic hands-on administered on the recommendation of the flight surgeon. The
performance tests by an IP, SP, IE, ME, FI, or SI per the appropri- evaluation of flight duties will be conducted by an IP, IE, SP, FI, or
ate ATM/ATP. Hands-on tests are: SI per the appropriate ATM.
a. Standardization flight evaluation. This flight consists of visual f. Maintenance test pilot evaluator and maintenance test pilot
flight maneuvers and/or procedures conducted in each aircraft mis- evaluation. This evaluation encompasses maintenance test flight ma-
sion, type, design, and series group (para 4-19) an aviator or non- neuvers and is conducted in each aircraft series group (para 4-19)
rated crew member is required to perform. The evaluation is which the aviator is required to test fly. The evaluation will be
conducted to determine the examinee’s ability to perform assigned conducted—
flight duties. The evaluation will— (1) To establish MP or ME qualification per the appropriate
(1) Consist of the flight evaluation described in the appropriate ATM.
ATM. (2) By a designated ME qualified and current in the aircraft
(2) Be conducted by a designated IP, SP, FI, or SI to establish series group being flown.
initial qualification in an aircraft series and, once each year. (3) During the APART in the primary aircraft and during each
b. Instrument flight evaluation. An instrument flight evaluation training year in alternate and additional aircraft.
will determine examinee’s ability to perform assigned flight duties (4) National Guard and U.S. Army Reserve personnel will take
under IMC. the MP or ME evaluation during the same quarter as their standardi-
(1) The evaluation will be conducted— zation flight evaluation.
(a) Per TC 1-210 and the appropriate ATM.
(b) Annually, in an aircraft equipped with dual controls, by an IE 4–10. Failure to meet ATP requirements
qualified and current in aircraft category or in a compatible simula- a. When ATP requirements are not met the commander will
tor by an IE qualified in the aircraft category. Simultaneous evalua- investigate. After investigation, the commander will—
tions of two aviators may be conducted if both perform the (1) Take one of the following actions:
maneuvers and procedures required by the ATM. (a) Authorize the crew member up to 30-day extension to com-
(c) Annually in the examinee’s primary and alternate aircraft if plete the requirements. The 30-day extension will start after the
dual rated and required to fly both categories. commander completes his investigation. Commanders are not au-
(d) With instructor pilots in AH-1, AH-64, OH-58, and OH-6 thorized to grant themselves a 30-day extension.
aircraft, provided they are designated by the commander as an IP in (b) Request a waiver of requirements per paragraph 4-2.
the aircraft being flown, have undergone an instrument flight evalu- (c) Place the crew member before a flight evaluation board per
ation in the aircraft category conducted by an IE during APART or AR 600-105.
Readiness Level (RL) progression, and are current per paragraph 4- (2) Enter restrictions imposed and extensions granted in the Indi-
18. vidual Aircrew Training Folder (IATF).
(2) The commander may direct use of a compatible flight simula- (3) Enter extensions and waivers granted on the crew member on
tor if circumstances preclude safe, affordable, or timely evaluation DA Form 759.
in the aircraft. (4) Restrict aviators from performing pilot in command duties in
(3) Unusual attitudes, simulated engine shutdown or engine fail- the aircraft (primary, additional or alternate) until ATP requirements
ures, and autorotations will not be initiated while under IMC. An IE, are met.
IP, or SP qualified and current in the aircraft being flown must be at b. For primary aircraft, if additional time or waiver is not gran-
one set of the flight controls when performing these maneuvers. If ted, or if requirements are not met within the authorized period, the
the IE is not also an IP or SP, the IE must be evaluated to perform commander will—
these maneuvers. (1) Suspend aviator from aviation service.
c. Proficiency flight evaluation. This evaluation is administered (2) Place a military aviator before a flight evaluation board (AR
to any rated or nonrated crew member in any aircraft series group 600-105).
(para 4-19) or aircraft system he or she is required to operate. The (3) Process a DAC aviator per appropriate Federal Civil Service
evaluation will be conducted— regulations.
(1) At the discretion of the commander. (4) Terminate flying status order for a nonrated crew member per
(2) At the direction of HQDA. AR 600-106.
4–18. Currency crew duty assignment. Air mission commanders will participate in
a. If 60 days have elapsed since the last flight as pilot or pilot in mission briefings and brief backs.
command in the aircraft mission, type, design, and series (or series,
group, para 4-19) to be flown, the aviator will be administered a 4–23. Pilot
proficiency flight evaluation per the ATM. a. The pilot (PI), when designated, will be—
b. Night vision device/ systems currency will be per TC 1-210 (1) Qualified and current in the aircraft mission, type, design, and
and appropriate ATM. series.
c. If 90 days have elapsed since the last flight as a nonrated crew (2) Briefed by the PC.
member in the aircraft mission, type, design and series (or series, (3) Listed on the flight plan or unit operations log.
group, para 4-19) to be flown, the AO, CE, FE, FI, MO, or SI crew b. Flight trainees undergoing training and personnel performing
member will receive a proficiency flight evaluation per the appropri- limited cockpit duties per paragraph 2-4 may perform pilot duties
ate ATM. when an IP is at one set of controls. The IP must be qualified and
current in the mission, type, design, and series aircraft being flown.
4–19. Similar aircraft c. When the operators manual or mission requires a pilot and
Series aircraft with similar operating and handling characteristics are copilot as minimum crew, two pilots qualified and current in the
grouped below. Currency in any one series aircraft will satisfy the mission, type, design, and series aircraft to be flown are required.
requirement for all aircraft within the series or group. Separate When an IP qualified in the mission, type, design, and series aircraft
currency is required for all other aircraft. being flown is at one set of controls, the following additional per-
a. UH-1, H, V; EH-1H; EH-1X. sonnel meet this requirement:
b. AH-1S, E, P, F, TH-1S. (1) Persons undergoing authorized training.
c. C-12 C, D, F, J, L, R. (2) Personnel performing limited cockpit duties per paragraph 2-
d. RC-12D, G, H. 4.
e. RC-7B (3) Aviation unit commanders, DA Regional Representatives
f. RC-12K, N, P, Q. (DARR) to the FAA, and MACOM aviation officers in the grade of
g. OH-58A, C; TH-67. 05 and above in operational aviation positions.
h. OH-58D, OH-58D(I). (4) Personnel approved by a MACOM commander, in writing,
i. OH-6, OH-8, MH-6, AH-6, H-500, H-530. when the following conditions have been met:
j. UH-60A, L, Q; EH-60A; MH-60A, L. (a) Flight is for determining the capabilities and/or combat effec-
k. CH-47D, MH-47D, MH-47E. tiveness of the aircraft.
(b) NVD or NOE flight must be specifically authorized.
l. C-23A, B, B+.
(c) Flight will be in VFR conditions.
m. C-26A, B.
(d) Simulated emergency procedures will not be conducted.
n. C-20E, F, J.
(e) Flight is approved by the MACOM commander providing the
o. UC-35 A.
aircraft. If any of the above conditions cannot be complied with, a
waiver may be requested per paragraph 1-7 .
Section II
(5) Authority granted in (4) above will not be further delegated
Flight Crew Members
below the two star level.
4–20. Flight crews 4–24. Copilot
Unit commanders must establish, in writing, formal flight crew a. The copilot (CP), when designated, will assist in the perform-
qualification and selection programs. Programs will contain qualifi- ance of cockpit tasks as directed by the PC. Except as stated in b
cation and selection criteria and evaluation requirements. Instructor below, any aviator may occupy a CP station and perform designated
pilots and safety officers will aid commanders in the selection proc- copilot duties in any aircraft.
ess. Flight crew members will be designated in writing, by the b. Two aviators current in the aircraft category being flown are
commander, specifying the duties and flight crew stations that they required for flights in forecast instrument meteorological conditions
are authorized to occupy per TC 1-210. (IMC). Flight trainees meet this requirement when undergoing in-
strument training and an IP or IE current in the mission, type,
4–21. Pilot in command
The pilot in command (PC) will be— design, and series aircraft being flown is at one set of controls.
a. Responsible and have final authority for operating, servicing, 4–25. Unit trainer
and securing the aircraft he or she commands. The unit commander may appoint unit trainers (UTs) to conduct
b. Selected per paragraph 4-20 for each flight or series of flights. specialized training to assist in unit training programs. UTs are
c. Qualified and current in the aircraft mission, type, design, and prohibited from conducting emergency maneuvers or emergency
series. procedures training in aircraft. UTs are also prohibited from evaluat-
d. The UT, IP, SP, or ME when instructing or evaluating at a ing ATM base and special tasks. Commanders may authorize UTs
cockpit station with access to the flight controls. The IE will be the to instruct from pilot, copilot, and/or nonflight crew stations. They
PC when instructing or evaluating in the aircraft in which he or she may also authorize UTs to validate successful completion of re-
is qualified, current, and at the controls. quired training; for example, border and corridor qualifications, lo-
e. Listed in the flight plan or unit operations log. cal area orientation, and other locally directed requirements. When
f. Responsible for crew and passenger briefings. performing UT duties, the UT must be qualified per the appropriate
g. Briefed by a commander-designated briefing officer before ATM and current in the aircraft being flown.
each mission and perform a brief-back. UTs, IPs, SPs, MEs, IEs,
FIs, and SIs who are evaluating or instructing from other than the 4–26. Instructor Pilot
pilot or copilot station will participate in the mission briefing and a. The instructor pilot (IP) will train and evaluate aviators, non-
brief-back. rated crew members, and other personnel in designated aircraft per
the ATM.
4–22. Air mission commander b. The IP candidate will have at least:
When two or more aircraft are operating as one flight, the unit (1) 500 hours pilot time in aircraft category.
commander will designate an air mission commander to be in com- (2) 250 hours in aircraft type/design.
mand of all aircraft in the flight. The designation of air mission (3) 50 hours as PC in aircraft type/design.
commander is an assignment of command responsibility and is not a (4) 48 hours in aircraft type/design within the last six months.
Twenty-five hours should be in Night Vision Systems (NVS) for must show successful completion of the Maintenance Managers
those aircraft equipped with NVS. portion of MM/MTPC.
(5) Letter of recommendation from unit commander. (3) Waivers may be granted on a case-by-case basis through the
c. Waiver authority in b(2), (3), and (4) above is Commander, appropriate MACOM aviation office to HQDA, ATTN: DALO-AV,
USAAVNC or his designated representative. Waiver consideration with information to DAMO-TRO.
will be on a case by case basis as substantiated by the requirement c. They must be qualified in the aircraft to be flown and meet the
in b(5) above. standardization requirements of the appropriate ATM. MPs will
d. To become qualified as an IP for helicopters or airplanes, an comply with procedures in TM 1-1500-328-23 and the appropriate
aviator must successfully complete one of the following: aircraft maintenance test flight (MTF) manual.
(1) Helicopters. d. Contractor maintenance test pilots will be qualified by attend-
(a) A DA IP course in the mission, type, and design aircraft in ing the Track portion of MM/MTPC (flight only) or by b(2) above
which IP duties are to be performed. (Maintenance Managers portion not required).
(b) An IP equivalency evaluation administered by an standardiza- e. Fixed wing aircraft MPs are not required to be graduates of
tion instructor pilot (SP) selected by DAMO-TRO, in the mission, any MM/MTPC; however, they must meet the task iteration and
type, and design aircraft in which IP duties are to be performed. initial/annual evaluation requirements of the appropriate ATM.
Commanders will coordinate with DES (ATZQ-ES) Fort Rucker, 4–30. Maintenance test pilot evaluator
prior to submitting request for equivalency evaluation to DAMO- a. The maintenance test pilot evaluator (ME) will train and eval-
TRO. uate MPs and other MEs in designated aircraft per the appropriate
(c) Additional IP qualifications within series group (para 4-19) ATM.
may be accomplished locally. b. At least 50 hours of MP time in the aircraft for which ME
(2) Airplanes. duties are sought is desired.
(a) A DA IP course in the aircraft category in which IP duties are c. To become qualified as an ME, an MP must successfully
to be performed. complete the following:
(b) An IP equivalency evaluation administered by an SP selected (1) Training and evaluation in methods and fundamentals of in-
by DAMO-TRO in the aircraft category in which IP duties are to be struction from an IP, SP, or DES designated ME.
performed. Commanders will coordinate with DES (ATZQ-ES) Fort (2) An initial evaluation, as described in the appropriate ATM,
Rucker, prior to submitting a request for equivalency evaluation to administered by a DES designated ME.
DAMO-TRO. (3) Successful completion of the initial ME evaluation will be
documented in the remarks block of DA Form 759.
4–27. Instrument examiner d. DES will identify MEs in the field who show exceptional
a. The instrument examiner (IE) will conduct instrument training abilities in maintenance test flight standardization. These individuals
and instrument flight evaluations per the ATM. will be selected during DA flight standardization visits and will
b. To become qualified as an IE, an aviator must— receive a designation from DES, USAAVNC.
(1) Successfully complete a course of instruction for IEs at the
USAAVNC, or 4–31. Experimental test pilot
(2) Successfully complete an IE equivalency evaluation adminis- The experimental test pilots (XP) are graduates of the U.S. Naval
tered by an IE selected by DAMO-TRO. The examinee must be an Test Pilot School or other accredited test pilot schools, who perform
IP in the aircraft category in which evaluation is conducted. Com- experimental and engineering flight tests at the U.S. Army Airwor-
manders will coordinate with DES (ATZQ-ES) Fort Rucker, prior to thiness Qualification Test Directorate (AQTD) and at other facilities
submitting a request for equivalency evaluation to DAMO-TRO. authorized by the Department of the Army.
c. Be designated in writing by the commander for each category
4–32. Nonrated crew member
aircraft performing IE duty. Nonrated crew members perform duties on the aircraft which are
d. Simulator only IE’s not current in the aircraft category must be essential to the operation and specific flight mission. They will be—
evaluated by a current IE annually. a. In a position on the MTOE or TDA per AR 600-106.
b. MOS qualified in the aircraft mission, type, and design (flight
4–28. Standardization instructor pilot
engineers, crewchiefs, and AOs) or MOS qualified to perform spe-
a. The SP will train and evaluate IPs and SPs. They may train
cific missions, that is, (flight medic, electronic weapons operators,
and evaluate all rated and non-rated crew member as well as other
steward, and so forth).
personal in the designated aircraft per the ATM. SPs have technical
c. Trained to perform their duties per TC 1-210 and the appropri-
supervision of the unit aviation standardization program as specified
ate ATM.
by the unit commander. He or she advises the commander at all
levels of aviation standardization within the command. 4–33. Nonrated crew member instructor
b. Qualified IPs will be designated in writing as SPs by unit The Nonrated crew member instructor (FI) trains and evaluates
commanders and be qualified and current in the aircraft to be flown. nonrated crew members in their designated aircraft or aircraft mis-
Commanders may authorize SPs to instruct and evaluate from pilot, sion per the ATM. To become qualified as an FI the crew member
copilot, and/or nonflight crew station. must meet the requirements of paragraph 4-32 and complete one of
the following:
4–29. Maintenance test pilot a. A DA course in the aircraft mission, type, and design in which
a. Aircraft with test flight procedures published in the appropriate FI duties are to be performed.
ATM will be test flown by qualified maintenance test pilots (MPs) b. An FI equivalency evaluation administered by an SI selected
only. by HQDA, in the type aircraft in which the FI duties are to be
b. To become qualified as a MP, aviators must successfully com- performed.
plete one of the following: (1) Commanders will coordinate with DES (ATZQ-ES) Fort Ru-
(1) Maintenance Manager/Maintenance Test Pilot Course (MM/ cker, Al prior to submitting a request for an equivalency evaluation
(2) An equivalency evaluation administered by an maintenance (2) An equivalency evaluation only applies to MOSs with a DA
test pilot evaluator (ME) selected by DAMO-TRO Commanders course.
will coordinate with DES (ATZQ-ES) Fort Rucker, prior to submit- c. If a DA course is not available for their specific aircraft,
ting a request for equivalency evaluation to DAMO-TRO. Individual commanders may select a nonrated crew member that is MOS
qualified to perform FI duties. The selected individual will be (4) Conduct active assistance and evaluation programs.
trained and evaluated by an IP, SP, or an SI per the appropriate (5) Meet at the call of the chairman.
ATM. (6) Funds for travel, per diem, and overtime, if required, will be
provided by the member’s parent organization.
4–34. Nonrated crew member standardization instructor c. Composition. Members will be designated in writing by the
The standardization instructor (SI) trains and evaluates nonrated commander as follows:
crew members, FIs and other SIs. He assists the unit SP with the (1) A chairman and secretary.
supervision and maintenance of the standardization program. To be (2) Commander of subordinate aviation units.
designated by the commander as an SI, the requirements in para- (3) An aviation safety officer, aviation maintenance officer, flight
graph 4-32 and 4-33 must be met. surgeon, airplane SP, helicopter SP, IE, ME, SI and air traffic
control (ATC) representative.
Section III d. Correspondence. Standardization and training issues that re-
Standardization quire action by USAAVNC will be addressed to Commander, U.S.
Army Aviation Center, ATTN: ATZQ-ES, Fort Rucker, AL 36362-
4–35. Aviation standardization program 5214.
a. The aviation standardization program is designed to ensure a
high degree of efficiency in accomplishing the combat mission of 4–38. Installation and area aviation standardization
the aviation force. This will be achieved by command supervision, committees
employment of standard aviation tasks, use of standard publications, a. Mission. Commanders supervise and coordinate the command
and maintenance of a disciplined aircrew force by administration of implementation of the U.S. Army Aviation Standardization
frequent tests and flight evaluations. b. Commanders will— Program.
(1) Implement standardization policies and procedures. b. Functions. Standardization committees will be organized to—
(2) Ensure that Army aircraft are operated according to standard (1) Enhance unit safety.
procedures in ATMs and operator’s manual. (2) Monitor the proficiency of all assigned or attached aviators in
(3) Designate evaluators, instructors, examiners and trainers in operational aviation positions and other crew members specified in
support of installation standardization committees. ATMs.
(4) Ensure that required training, tests, and flight evaluations are (3) Coordinate requests for aviation standardization support from
completed. assigned or attached aviation units.
(5) Review and approve policies of standardization programs. (4) Prepare and review recommended changes to aviation stand-
ardization literature and forward to proponents.
4–36. U.S. Army Aviation Commander’s Conference (5) Meet at the call of the chairman.
a. Mission. Army aviation commanders meet annually to recom- (6) Funds for travel, per diem, and overtime, if required, will be
mend general policy for implementing the U.S. Army Aviation provided by the member’s parent organization.
Standardization Program. They review issues affecting the capability c. Composition. Members will be designated in writing by the
of commanders to perform missions with aviation assets. commander as follows:
b. Composition. The conference chairman is the Commander, (1) A chairman and secretary.
USAAVNC. Membership consists of aviation unit commanders (06 (2) Commanders or chiefs of all aviation units or activities as-
and above), MACOM aviation officers, and other persons desig- signed or attached to the installation.
nated by the chairman. (3) An aviation safety officer, aviation maintenance officer, flight
c. Direction and control. surgeon, airplane SP, helicopter SP, IE, ME, SI and ATC
(1) Commanders will meet in formal session at least annually at representative.
the call of the chairman. Approved conference minutes will be (4) Aviation officer or another designated individual from a sub-
forwarded to members for further distribution to subordinate avia- ordinate installation that supports aviation flying activities.
tion units.
4–39. U.S. Army Aviation Center
(2) The chairman will carry out functions relating to the stand- The USAAVNC is the proponent agency for the U.S. Army Avia-
ardization program on a continuing basis and will monitor tasking tion Standardization Program. In addition to the responsibilities lis-
requirements resulting from the commander’s conference. Activities ted in paragraph 1-4h, the USAAVNC will—
are subject to review by the full membership at the next regular a. Act as reviewing agency for Army aviation training, standardi-
meeting. zation, and technical publications to ensure that they are standard-
(3) Funds for travel, per diem, and overtime, if needed, will be ized, accurate, and do not duplicate each other per AR 34-4 Army
provided by the member’s parent organization. Standardization Policy. This is accomplished by the Director of
d. Correspondence. Issues to be presented at the annual confer- Evaluation and Standardization (DES),(ATZQ-ESL), Fort Rucker,
ence will be addressed to: Commander, U.S. Army Aviation Center, through continuous review and coordination with users and propo-
ATTN: ATZQ-TD, Fort Rucker, AL 36362-5214. Other standardi- nents and by developing normal and emergency procedures for
zation and training issues requiring resolution throughout the year aircraft operator’s manuals.
should be sent to Commander, U.S. Army Aviation Center, ATTN: b. In coordination with MACOMs, conduct active assistance and
ATZQ-ES, Fort Rucker, AL 36362-5214 as problems arise. evaluation programs for aviation training. Frequency for the conduct
of these programs is 18-24 months. This includes flight evaluations
4–37. MACOM, USARC and numbered Army aviation conducted by DES, (ATZQ-ES) Fort Rucker, to assess standardiza-
standardization committees tion and proficiency of aviators and aircrews throughout the Army
a. Mission. Commanders monitor the implementation of the U.S. as directed by HQDA.
Army Aviation Standardization Program. They provide the com- c. Advise HQDA and MACOMs of the status of aviation flight
mand with a continuing assessment of the program. standardization activities. DES will also provide information about
b. Functions. Standardization committees will be organized to— implementing aviation standardization policies and procedures
(1) Recommend and review directives, provide guidance, and re- Army-wide.
spond to specific inquiries and requests. d. Develop and recommend changes to general policy guidance
(2) Coordinate requests for support from subordinate aviation for the U.S. Army Aviation Standardization Program.
(3) Prepare and review recommended changes to aviation stand-
ardization literature and forward to proponents.
(5) A crew and passenger manifest is required for all flights. For Army takeoff minimums. Instrument time flown in a simulator does
tactical or tactical training flights the passenger manifest will be not apply.
prepared and retained by the supported unit.
e. Alternate airfield planning. An alternate airfield is required
Table 5–1
when filing IFR to a destination under any of the following Army VFR weather minimums
Airspace Class Flight Visibility Distance from Cloud
(1) Radar is required to execute the approach procedure to be Statue Miles
(2) The instrument approach navigational aids to be used are A N/A N/A
B 3 Clear of Cloud
unmonitored. C&D 3 500 ft below
(3) The predominant weather at the destination is forecast at ETA 1,000 ft above
through 1 hour after ETA to be less than— 2,000 ft horizontal
(a) Ceiling 400 feet above the weather planning minimum re-
quired for the approach to be flown. E 3 500 ft below
<< 10,000 MSL 1,000 ft above
(b) Visibility 1 mile (or metric equivalent) greater than the plan- 2,000 ft horizontal
ning minimum required for the approach to be flown.
(4) An alternate is not required if descent from en route mini- E at or >> 5 1,000 ft below
mum altitude for IFR operation, approach, and landing can be made 10,000 MSL 1,000 ft above
in VFR conditions. 1 SM horizontal
f. Alternate airfield selection. G (Rotary Wing)
(1) An airfield may be selected as an alternate when the worst 1,200 ft or less above surface (regardless of MSL).
weather condition for that airfield is forecast for ETA through 1 Day 1/2 Clear of cloud
hour after ETA to be equal to or greater than—
Night 1
(a) Ceiling 400 feet above the weather planning minimum re- >>1,200 ft above surface but <<10,000 ft MSL.
quired for the approach to be flown and visibility 1 mile (or metric Day 1 500 ft below
equivalent) greater than the weather planning minimum required for Night 3 1,000 ft above
the approach to be flown; or 2,000 ft horizontal
(b) VFR minimums and descent from en route minimum altitude
for IFR operation, approach, and landing can be made in VFR >>1,200 ft above surface and at or >>10,000 ft MSL
Day & Night 5 1,000 ft below
conditions. 1,000 ft above
(2) An airfield will not be selected as an alternate except per 1 SM horizontal
f(1)(b) above—
(a) If the approach procedure to be used at the alternate is shown G (Fixed Wing)—
not authorized (NA) in FLIP. <<10,000 ft MSL
Day & Night 3 500 ft below
(b) If radar is required for the approach procedure to be used at 1,000 ft above
the alternate. 2,000 ft horizontal
(c) If the instrument approach navigational aids to be used is
unmonitored. >>10,000 ft MSL
Day & Night 5 1,000 ft below
(d) If a Class B, C, D, or E surface area airspace does not exist 1,000 ft above
or is not in effect at the airport to be used. 1 SM horizontal
(e) If the global positioning system (GPS) is required for the
g. Equipment requirements. Minimum equipment required for
flight is shown in table 5-2. Minimum equipment and training re-
quirements for category II instrument landing system (ILS) ap-
proaches are shown in table 5-3. Aircraft and GPS systems that have
been certified for IFR flight per air worthiness release using GPS
for approaches may execute these approaches under IFR conditions.
h. Weight and balance. The PC will ensure—
(1) The accuracy of computations on the DD Form 365-4
(Weight and Balance Clearance Form F-Transport/Tactical).
(2) That a completed DD Form 365-4 is aboard the aircraft to
verify that the weight and center-of-gravity will remain within al-
lowable limits for the entire flight. Several DD Forms 365-4 com-
pleted for other loadings also may be used to satisfy this
requirement. In this case, the actual loading being verified must
clearly be within the extremes of the loading shown on the DD
Forms 365-4 used for verification.
Table 5–2 flight, all instruments and communication equipment in the cockpit
Required equipment will be kept in the “on” position and immediately available for use.
Required Equipment1 Day Night IMC2 NVD2
b. Over-the-top flights. Aircraft will not be flown above a cloud
or fog layer under VFR for more than 30 minutes unless—
1. Heading Indicator X X X (1) the aircraft is equipped for IMC flight per table 5-2 and not
2. Attitude Indicator X7 X X restricted from IMC flight.
3. Turn & Slip Indicator X4 (2) All instrument flight rules and requirements can be met for
4. Airspeed Indicator X X X X the remaining flight.
5. Pressure Altimeter X X X X
6. Vertical Speed X X X
c. Communications.
Indicator4 (1) IFR. Reports and radio phraseology will conform to DOD
7. Magnetic Compass X X X X FLIP.
8. Fuel Quantity X X X X (2) VFR. Aviators will monitor appropriate frequencies and make
Indicator System position reports as required.
9. Clock /Watch X X X X d. Holding.
W/Second (1) An aviator may request ATC clearance to hold at any time if
10. Free Air Temp X X X X fuel and alternate requirements can be met.
11. Pitot Heater X (2) Holding will be in accordance with DOD FLIP.
12. Radar Altimeter(s)4 X5 X
e. Overflying national security areas. Aviators shall avoid over-
14. Vertical Gyros and X6 flight of national security areas below 2,000 feet above ground level
Indicators (AGL). Exceptions will be per instructions in DOD FLIP.
16. Doppler (AH 64 Only) X X X 5–5. Arrival procedures
17. Standby Flight X X X X a. Approach.
Instruments (OH58D, (1) Acceptance of charted visual approach clearance is not
AH64, RC 12K/N/P) mandatory.
18. Commo Equipment X X X X (2) When an instrument approach is necessary, an approved pro-
19. Nav Equipment X8 cedure will be flown. Approved procedures are published by the
20. Transponder X
21. Anticollison Light(s) X X X X
military services and FAA in DOD and NOS FLIPs.
22. Position/Instrument X X (3) When published landing visibility minimums require conver-
Light(s) sion between RVR and miles or metric equivalent, the conversion
23. Landing/Search X X table in DOD FLIP will be used. RVR is the controlling visibility
Light3 factor when published and reported for a runway. RVR, however,
24. Flashlight X X will not be used with a circling approach.
(4) Dual VOR equipment requirements specified on approach
1 Equipment designated for flight in day, night, IMC, or NVD must be operational charts do not apply to Army aircraft. Off-tuning from the approach
and is the minimum required without any regard for mission requirements. aid to identify an approach fix is authorized. Dual VOR approach
2 Items 1 through 6 must be operational at the pilot’s station for fixed wing air- minimums apply.
craft and operational at both pilot’s and copilot’s station in rotary wing aircraft (5) An approach may be initiated, regardless of ceiling and
where provisions exist. All vacuum and electrical sources for flight instruments visibility.
must be operational.
3 NVD IR light must be installed and operational for all NVD flights except FLIR
(6) Category II ILS approaches in IMC are authorized only when
aircraft. Failure of the light in flight must be evaluated to determine impact on
all provisions of table 5-3 are met. Descent on category II ILS
mission and further NVD flight. approaches is restricted to the highest decision height (DH) pub-
4 If part of normal or installed aircraft equipment, it must be operational. lished for the procedure selected.
5 Applies only to CH-47 operation on water. A visible horizon and two or more
highly visible stationary objects for cues on the waters surface must be present
at the landing site.
6 Both AFCS and all components of either vertical gyro shall be operational for
CH-47 and UH-60.
7 Visible horizon may be substituted for attitude indicator.
8 GPS navigation systems used for IFR must have a current non-corruptible
database and comply with all FAA TSO C-129 (A-1) requirements.
c. The aviator flying the aircraft on takeoff who has not logged
50 hours of actual weather time has the following minimums:
(1) Airplanes—ceiling 200 feet and either visibility 1/2 mile,
runway visual range (RVR) 2,400 or metric equivalent.
(2) Helicopters—ceiling 100 feet and either visibility 1/4 mile,
RVR 1200 feet or metric equivalent
(3) RVR may be used when takeoff is made from the runway for
which RVR is reported.
d. Special VFR flights within and departures from Class B, C, D,
and E airspace are authorized provided the weather requirements of
Far part 91 or applicable host country flight regulations are met and
an appropriate ATC clearance is obtained. Army helicopter SVFR
minima is one-half mile visibility and clear of cloud unless higher
minimum is required at the airfield.
Table 5–3 be flown at 1,500 feet above the surface of the airport unless
Aircraft equipment requirements for Category II Approaches deviation required to maintain proper cloud clearance. Exceptions
Minimum Remarks
will be as prescribed in FLIP or as directed by ATC.
Equipment (2) Helicopter traffic patterns at Army heliports and airfields are
normally flown at 700 feet AGL. At other airports, helicopters will
Single flight director with dual (1) Single axis authorized if basic avoid the flow of airplane traffic.
displays (1) glide slope information is displayed d. Landing. An aircraft will not be flown below the published
on same instrument.
MDA or an approach continued below the DH unless the following
Single Automatic approach ( 2 ) Split axis authorized. exist:
coupler (2) (1) The approach threshold of the runway, or the approach lights
or or other markings, identifiable with the approach end of the runway
Two independent flight or landing area, must be clearly visible to the pilot.
director systems (2) The aircraft must be in a position from which a safe approach
Instrument failure warning Flight crew must have assigned to the runway or landing area can be made.
system crew duties and procedures to pro- e. Closing flight plans. When the flight terminates, the PC will
vide immediate detection of essen-
ensure the flight plan is closed as shown in DOD FLIP.
tial instrument and equipment fail-
Radar altimeter or inner marker
Attitude gyros with calibrated
pitch markings Chapter 6
or Safety of Flight (SOF) messages and Aviation Safety
Flight director pitch command Action Messages
Computed pitch command 6–1. General
Auto throttle system Required for all turbojets if opera- a. This chapter prescribes responsibilities and procedures for is-
tions based on dual flight directors suing safety-of-flight (SOF) messages, aviation safety action mes-
and all aircraft using split axis cou-
sages (ASAM) and preparing compliance reports. It also provides
Rain removal system guidance for grounding and release from grounding of Army aircraft
Aviator Evaluation Requirements due to SOF messages.
b. Headquarters, Department of the Army, (HQDA), Office Chief
Pilots in command and copilots will be evaluated by an instrument of Staff Army, (OCSA) will approve Army-wide grounding or un-
flight examiner on their ability to perform the maneuvers listed below grounding of an entire mission design series (MDS) fleet of aircraft.
at least annually for the specific aircraft being flown. c. HQDA, DCSLOG, DALO-AV in coordination with HQDA
Low Approach System Maneuvers staff elements will approve the release of SOF messages that ground
1. Dual flight director Two ILS approaches to 100 feet; or unground aircraft or the entire MDS fleet of aircraft.
one a landing will be accomplished
and from the other a missed ap- d. SOF messages are defined as electrically transmitted messages
proach. pertaining to any defect or hazardous condition, actual or potential,
2. Flight director and approach Two ILS approaches to 100 feet; that can cause personal injury, death, or damage to aircraft, compo-
coupler one using flight director and one nents or repair parts where a medium to high risk safety condition
using auto, coupling from one a has been determined per AR 385-16.
landing will be accomplished and e. Aviation Safety Action Messages are defined as electrically
from the other a missed approach. transmitted messages which convey maintenance, technical or gen-
Notes: eral interest information where a low to medium risk safety condi-
1 Either an aircraft or an approach visual simulator may be used. When accom- tion has been determined per AR 385-16. ASAMs are of a lower
plished in an aircraft, a hood will be used to simulate the weather. When accom- priority than SOF messages.
plished in an approved visual simulator, the system must simulate the appropri-
ate category of weather, ceiling and visibility, and be equipped with an appropri- Section I
ate lighting system that depicts the approach and runway lights.
2 Copilots will demonstrate their ability to perform assigned copilot functions. Safety of Flight Messages
6–2. Responsibilities
(7) Practice hooded approaches may be made to the decision a. HQDA, DCSLOG, DALO-AV, will approve the release of
height or minimum descent altitude when the aircraft has dual con- SOF messages that ground aircraft, following coordination and ap-
trols and a pilot or aerial observer is at one set of controls. In all proval by OCSA when grounding impacts entire MDS.
other cases, hooded approaches may not be made lower than 500 b. Upon discovery or notification of a high risk SOF condition,
the Commander, Aviation and Missile Command (AMCOM) will—
feet AGL.
(1) Immediately notify U.S. Army Safety Center (USASC), U.S.
(8) Special VFR flights within Class B, C, D, and E airspace are
Army Aviation Center (USAAVNC), Program Executive Office -
authorized provided the weather requirements of FAR part 91 or Aviation (SFAE-AV), Army Material Command (AMC) and
applicable host country flight regulations are met and an appropriate DCSLOG by telephone when a known or potential emergency SOF
ATC clearance is obtained. Army helicopter SVFR minima is one- condition exists.
half mile visibility and clear of cloud unless higher minimum is (2) Prepare SOF message in the format shown in figure 6-1.
required at the airfield. (3) After coordination with USASC, USAAVNC, AMC, SFAE-
b. Missed approach. The published missed approach procedure and DCSLOG, promptly dispatch a SOF message to MACOMs,
or other procedures as directed by ATC will be flown. Additional NGB, activities, and foreign governments (through Army security
approaches may be flown provided fuel, including reserve, is ade- assistance channels) when a known or potential hazardous condition
quate. An ATC clearance must be requested and approved before exists.
proceeding to another airfield. A change of flight plan will be made (4) After 3 working days, retransmit SOF messages to
per FLIP if time permits. MACOMs, NGB and activity points of contact who failed to verify
c. Traffic patterns. to AMCOM the receipt and retransmission of SOF messages to
(1) Large (above 12,500 lbs) and turbine powered airplanes will subordinate commands.
(5) Prepare publication changes in accordance with AR 25-30, (2) Confirm notification to AMCOM and USASC by electrically
DA Pam 310-20, and AR 750-10. transmitted message within 24 hours of discovery.
(6) Issue all follow-up SOF messages to MACOMs, NGB, activi- h. Follow-up the above notification in accordance with DA Pam
ties, and foreign governments. 738-751 by using the procedures for category I quality deficiency
(7) Provide information as to where required material and repair report/equipment improvement recommendations.
parts can be obtained, to include peripheral items. When practical,
assemble kits for issue under a single national stock number. 6–3. Type of SOF messages
(8) Coordinate issue and turn-in of items with appropriate na- SOF messages are formatted in accordance with figure 6-1. Figure
tional inventory control points or non-Army agencies. 6-1 contains specific instructions and explanations of each para-
c. MACOM, NGB, and activity commanders will— graph and subparagraph within the message. These messages may
(1) Within 24 hours, retransmit SOF messages to all subordinate also authorize the immediate use of technical changes to publica-
units in accordance with AR 25-11. An information copy or separate tions announced in the message pending receipt of the DA authenti-
message will be transmitted to AMCOM (ATTN: AMSAM-SF-A). cated change. The types of SOF messages are as follows:
To confirm retransmissions: a. Emergency. An emergency message immediately grounds a
(a) Prepare reporting instructions to ensure prompt compliance fleet of MDS aircraft or a designated portion of a fleet of aircraft.
with SOF message requirements. This occurs when a hazardous condition exists that has the potential
(b) Monitor SOF message compliance with SOF message to cause a catastrophic accident resulting in injury or death of
requirements. personnel, damage, or destruction of aircraft. (These messages are
(c) Resolve SOF message compliance problems. for grounding purposes only. Emergency messages will always be
(d) Submit reports as required by paragraph 6-7. followed by operational or technical message.)
(2) For the NGB and those MACOMs and activities that combine b. Operational. An operational message may ground an aircraft
message compliance reporting to AMCOM— for operational reasons, other than emergency, to correct hazardous
(a) Report compliance to AMCOM within 15 working days from conditions pertaining to aircraft operation. These may include flight
the date of the SOF message or as directed. The reporting compli- procedures, operating limitations, or operational policy.
ance suspense date requires reporting of aircraft after The Army c. Technical. A technical message may be issued to effect groun-
Maintenance Management System (TAMMS) entries required by the ding for material or maintenance conditions. This message can be an
SOF message have been completed per DA Pam 738-751. Reporting independent or a follow-up to an emergency SOF message. Re-
messages will be transmitted on a priority basis. quired corrective action must be completed within the time frame or
(b) Report to AMCOM any additional data requested in the SOF frequency established by the initial message or published in subse-
message within the suspense date established in the SOF message. quent SOF messages or publications. Technical messages may in-
The task or inspection suspense date will be required when AM- clude the following:
COM needs to address the data accumulated from the initial SOF (1) Corrective action not involving a configuration change.
task or inspection. Negative reports may be required. Reporting (2) Aircraft, component, or repair parts modification to be ac-
messages will be transmitted on a priority basis. complished by an urgent MWO.
d. The users of Army aircraft and related equipment will report— (3) One-time inspection requirements for aircraft, components, or
(1) Compliance per their MACOM, activity, or NGB’s SOF op- repair parts to be accomplished by an urgent TB.
erating instructions and directives within 15 working days from the (4) Replacement of safety related items that require continuous
date of the SOF message or as directed. The reporting compliance monitoring.
suspense date requires reporting of aircraft after TAMMS entries
6–4. Issuance of SOF messages
required by the SOF message have been completed per DA Pam a. Prior to initial operating capability (IOC), aircraft flight safety
738-751. Reporting message will be transmitted on priority basis. will be the responsibility of the project manager or material
(2) Per their MACOM, activity, or NGB’s SOF operating instruc- developer. This will be assured through airworthiness releases is-
tions and directives within the suspense date established in the SOF sued per AR 70-62.
message, any additional data requested in the SOF message relative b. Effective upon date of IOC for the aircraft system, AMCOM
to the task or inspection initially required. This task/inspection will issue all SOF messages unless otherwise determined.
reporting suspense date will be required when AMCOM needs to c. All SOF messages will be transmitted as immediate to action
accumulate data from the SOF message task or inspection. Negative addresses and priority to informational addresses per AR 25-11.
reports may be required. Reporting message will be transmitted on a d. The AMCOM will—
priority basis. (1) Establish automatic digital network procedures for transmis-
(3) Deficiencies resulting from compliance with SOF messages sion of SOF messages.
per DA Pam 738-751. (2) Issue SOF and follow-up messages to affected foreign gov-
e. Commanders of depot activities will— ernments (through Army security assistance channels), civilian con-
(1) Acknowledge receipt of each SOF message by return priority tractors and federal agencies with Army aircraft on loan and lease,
message, identifying those aircraft by serial number that are physi- Navy and Air Force.
cally in or awaiting depot maintenance at the depot. (3) Maintain reporting status and accounting records for all air-
(2) Estimate when SOF requirements will be accomplished for craft, components, and repair parts identified by the SOF message.
affected aircraft, components, and repair parts. Notify MACOMs, NGB or other activities of reporting deficiencies.
(3) Prior to release of aircraft from depot, confirm SOF compli- (4) Maintain a record of foreign governments that have obtained
ance by aircraft serial number and reference the specific SOF mes- aircraft through security assistance programs.
sage by date, time group, and subject per DA Pam 738-751. e. SOF message content is shown in figure 6-1.
f. MACOMs with wholesale, retail, theater reserves, war reserves f. SOF compliance reporting message format is shown in figure
or prepositioned material configured to unit sets (POMCUS) spares 6-2.
and repair parts will comply with SOF message requirements and
provide reports via priority message as requested per SOF message. 6–5. Other notifications
g. When an unsafe or hazardous condition or practice is discov- AMCOM will coordinate the following through Army security as-
ered in an aircraft, component, repair part, or technical publication, sistance channels:
the responsible commander will— a. SOF messages grounding Army aircraft used by foreign
(1) Immediately notify Commander, AMCOM, ATTN: AMSAM- governments.
SR-E, Redstone Arsenal, Huntsville, AL 35898; and Commander, b. Follow-up actions involving urgent MWO or TB applications.
USASC, ATTN: CSSC-SA, Fort Rucker, AL 36362-5000.
6–6. Exception to provisions of SOF message (3) After 3 working days, retransmit ASAMs to MACOMs,
a. MACOM commanders may authorize temporary exception NGB, and activity points of contact who failed to verify to AM-
from SOF message requirements. Exceptions may only occur when COM the receipt and retransmission of ASAMs to subordinate
combat operations or matter of life or death in civil disasters or commands.
other emergencies are so urgent that they override the consequences (4) Prepare publication changes in accordance with AR 25-30,
of continued aircraft operation. DA Pam 310-20, and AR 750-10.
b. The commander, AMCOM, is the approving authority for ex- (5) Issue all follow-up ASAMs to MACOMs, NGB activities,
ceptions to SOF provisions on all SOF messages other than fleet- and foreign governments.
wide groundings. (6) Provide information where required material and repair parts
can be obtained, to include peripheral items. When practical, assem-
6–7. Reporting ble kits for issue under a single national stock number.
a. Outstanding SOF message requirements will be reported per (7) Coordinate issue and turn-in of items with appropriate na-
the reporting section of the SOF message. tional inventory control points or non-Army agencies.
b. SOF messages that affect equipment not in the operator’s pos- c. MACOM, NGB, and activity commanders will—
session will be accounted for and administratively closed by mes- (1) Within 24 hours, retransmit ASAMs to all subordinate units
sage using RCS CSGLD-1860(R1). in accordance with AR 25-11. An information copy or separate
message will be transmitted to AMCOM (AMSAM-C-XS). To con-
6–8. Release of grounded aircraft firm retransmissions:
a. When the initial SOF message grounds a fleet of aircraft and (a) Prepare reporting instructions to ensure prompt compliance
contains instructions that automatically release aircraft, components, with ASAM, as required.
or repair parts from grounding condition, subject items will be (b) Monitor ASAM compliance with ASAM requirements. Com-
released from grounding only upon completion of all specified ac- pliance will be required only if stated in the ASAM.
tions or upon exception issued by the Commander, AMCOM, fol- (c) Resolve ASAM compliance problems.
lowing coordination with SFAE-AV, USASC, AMC, USAAVNC, (d) Submit reports as required by paragraph 6-15.
and DALO-AV. (2) For the NGB and those MACOMs and activities that combine
b. When the initial SOF message does not contain corrective message compliance reporting to AMCOM—
actions or instructions releasing the aircraft from a grounding condi- (a) For ASAMs that require compliance reporting, report compli-
tion, AMCOM will issue appropriate follow-up instructions follow- ance to AMCOM within 15 working days of the date of the ASAM
ing coordination with SFAE-AV. USASC, AMC, USAAVNC and or as directed. The reporting compliance suspense date requires
DALO-AV. reporting of aircraft after TAMMSs entries required by the ASAM
c. In the absence of instructions, the aircraft, components, and have been complied per DA Pam 738-751. Reporting messages will
repair parts grounded by an SOF message will not be released from be transmitted on a priority basis.
grounding except as stated in paragraph 6-8a above. (b) For ASAMs that require task/inspection reports, report to
AMCOM any additional data requested in the ASAM within the
6–9. Information addressees
The following will be information addressees on all SOF messages suspense date established in the ASAM. The task/inspection sus-
issued by AMCOM: pense date will be required only when AMCOM needs to address
the data accumulated from the initial ASAM task or inspection.
Negative reports may be required. Reporting messages will be trans-
mitted on a priority basis.
• HQDA (DALO-SM) d. The users of Army aircraft and related equipment when re-
• HQDA(DAMO-FDV) quired per ASAM will report—
• HQDA(DAMO-TRF) (1) Compliance per their MACOM, activity, or NGB’s ASAM
• HQDA (DAMO-AOC) operating instructions and directives within 15 working days of date
• HQDA(DAIG-SD) of the ASAM or as directed. The reporting compliance suspense
• HQDA(DASG-HC) date requires reporting of aircraft after TAMMS entries required by
• HQDA(DAAR-OT) the ASAM have been completed per DA Pam 738-751. Reporting
• HQDA(DACS-SF) messages will be transmitted on priority basis.
(2) Per their MACOM, activity, or NGB’s ASAM operating in-
structions and directives within the suspense date established in the
• HQDA(DAEN-ASZ-F) ASAM, any additional data requested in the ASAM relative to the
• HQDA(SARD-SM/SC) task or inspection initially required. The task/inspection reporting
• Commander, AMC (AMCSF-A/AMCRE-AV/AMCDE-SA) suspense date will be required when AMCOM needs to accumulate
• Commander, USAAVNC, (ATZQ-DOL-AQ) data from the ASAM task or inspection. Negative reports may be
• Commander, USASC (CSSC-PMA) required. Reporting message will be transmitted on a priority basis.
(3) Deficiencies resulting from compliance with ASAMs per DA
Pam 738-751.
Section II e. Commanders of depot activities when required per ASAM
Aviation Safety Action Messages will—
(1) Acknowledge receipt of each ASAM by return priority mes-
6–10. Responsibilities sage identifying those aircraft by serial number that are physically in
a. The Commander, AMCOM will approve the release of or awaiting depot maintenance at the depot.
ASAMs. (2) Estimate when ASAM requirements will be accomplished for
b. Upon discovery or notification of an ASAM condition, the affected aircraft, components, and repair parts.
AMCOM commander will— (3) Prior to release of aircraft from depot, confirm ASAM com-
(1) Prepare ASAM in the format shown in figure 6-3. pliance by aircraft serial number and reference the specific ASAM
(2) After coordination with USASC, USAAVNC, AMC, SAFAE- by date, time group, and subject per DA Pam 738-751.
AV, and DCSLOG, promptly dispatch an ASAM to MACOMs, f. MACOMs with wholesale, retail, theater reserves, war reserves
NGB, activities and foreign governments (through Army security or POMCUS spares and repair parts will comply with ASAM re-
assistance channels) when a known or potential hazardous condition quirements and provide reports via priority message as requested per
exists. ASAM.
6–15. Reporting
a. Outstanding ASAM requirements will be reported per the
reporting section of the ASAM.
b. ASAMs that affect equipment not in the operator’s possession
will be accounted for and administratively closed by message using
RCS CSGLD-1860(R1).
aircraft manufacturer will be retained in the file until a revised Chart (3) Weight and center-of-gravity data records are suspected to be
E is presented in the aircraft maintenance manual. Following publi- in error.
cation of the Chart E in the maintenance manual, the Chart E in the (4) The period since the previous weighing reaches 36 months
aircraft file will no longer be required and will be destroyed locally. for a Class 1 aircraft and 24 months for a Class 2 aircraft. The last
(6) DD Form 365-4. Sufficient completed DD Forms 365-4 will day of the month is the final day for reweighing. For example, if a
be in the file, enabling the pilot to determine proper aircraft loading Class 1 aircraft was last weighed on 5 January 1990, it must be
for any normal anticipated unit mission and verify that the weight reweighed by 31 January 1993.
and center-of-gravity will remain within allowable limits for the b. The weight records supplied with a new aircraft may be used
entire flight. instead of an initial weighing.
c. Electronic computer data sheets may be used instead of any of c. If these weighing requirements are not met, the aircraft status
the DD Form 365 series when information is identical to that re- will change to red “x” until they are met.
quired on the DD 365-series. Any computer data sheets which meet d. Any maintenance facility providing weighing service will en-
this requirement may be used. The Army standard automated system sure that all aircraft weighing equipment under its jurisdiction is
(USAF Edwards’ automated weight and balance system) fulfills tested and certified for accuracy according to specified technical
these requirements. The system program may be obtained from manuals and at the intervals required.
Commander, Aviation and Missile Command, ATTN: AMSAM-I-
MDC, Redstone Arsenal, Huntsville, AL 35898 for nonstandard
Army aircraft, the commercial equivalents of basic weight check-
lists, loading data, and weighting instructions may be substituted for Chapter 8
DD Forms 365-1 and Chart E. All of the above forms are available Aviation Life Support
through normal publications supply channels. Section I
Aviation Life Support System
7–5. Removal, addition, or relocation of aircraft
equipment 8–1. General
When aircraft equipment that is part of aircraft basic weight is This chapter establishes responsibilities, policies, and procedures
added to, removed from, or relocated within the aircraft because of governing the U.S. Army Aviation Life Support System (ALSS).
maintenance or specific mission requirements, flight in this changed a. The CG, AMC, Project Manager, Aviation Life Support
configuration will not be accomplished unless the weight and bal- Equipment (ALSE), is the DA focal point for all aviation life sup-
ance change is documented by one of the following methods: port equipment life cycle management.
a. Treating the additions, removals, or relocations as a permanent b. The CG, TRADOC, is responsible for doctrine, training, and
change by making entries on the DD Form 365-3 and establishing a materiel needs for the ALSS.
new basic weight and moment. Also if the change in basic weight or c. The Surgeon General will coordinate health hazard assessment
moment is beyond the limits stated in TM 55-1500-342-23, prepare for research, development, testing, and evaluation of medical mate-
new DD Forms 365-4 that reflect the new basic weight and moment riel and related items; medical design criteria; and other medical
to replace those in the weight and balance file. aspects of nonmedical ALSE items.
b. If the changes are of a temporary nature, make entries on DA d. MACOM commanders will—
Form 2408-13 series (aircraft inspection and maintenance record) (1) Implement ALSS policies and procedures.
and DA Form 2408-14 (Uncorrected fault record) following the (2) Ensure proper training, budgeting, and availability of ALSE.
instructions provided in DA Pam 738-751 and TM 55-1500-342-23. (3) Provide trained personnel for ALSE maintenance and
Temporary changes in basic weight may be reflected on DA Form inspection.
2408-13 series or DA Form 2408-14 for a period not to exceed 90 e. Commanders at all levels will provide proper ALSE and re-
days. If not accomplished sooner, the DD Form 365-3 will be lated training commensurate with the mission and operational envi-
updated to reflect the temporary change at the expiration of this 90 ronment. Specific equipment requirements are delineated in section
day period. II. Specific personnel and training requirements are delineated in
section III. ALSE maintenance requirements are delineated in sec-
7–6. Reviewing weight and balance file tion IV.
a. All DD Forms 365-4 in the aircraft weight and balance file f. Aviation officers will have overall staff supervision of ALSS
and all duplicate DD Forms 365-4 in the aircraft will be checked for activities and coordination with staff sections and commanders on
accuracy in accordance with the criteria established in TM 55-1500- matters pertaining to ALSE and training.
342-23 at least every 90 days. New forms must be prepared if g. Flight surgeons and aeromedical advisors are responsible for—
changes are required. If no changes are required, the DD Forms (1) Physiological training of aircrew personnel.
365-4 will be redated and initialed in the date block to certify their (2) Medical aspects of survival training of aircrew personnel.
currency. (3) Monitoring the fitting and use of ALSE by aircrew personnel.
b. In addition, all weight and balance records will, as a minimum, h. Aviation Safety Officers (ASO) will monitor all aviation activ-
ities for commands to ensure the proper use of protective clothing
be reviewed every 12 months. The last day of the month is the final
and ALSE. Lack or misuse of protective clothing and ALSE consti-
day for completing the review. For example if the previous review
tute grounds for an operational hazard report (OHR). OHRs will be
was completed on 8 April, the next review must be completed by 30
submitted on DA Form 2696-R under AR 385-95.
April of the following year. This review must include a weight and
i. Aviation Life Support Officers (ALSO) will be appointed on
balance inventory of the aircraft and the following statement entered orders to assist, advise, and represent commanders in all matters
on the DD Form 365-3: “Annual review and inventory completed.” pertaining to the ALSS. ALSOs will—
The date and adjusted basic weight and moment will accompany (1) Review, analyze, and develop procedures to ensure the plan-
this entry. ning, budgeting, and maintenance of an ALSS.
(2) Ensure training of aircrew personnel in the proper operation,
7–7. Aircraft weighing use, and operator maintenance of survival equipment and the tech-
a. Each aircraft will be weighed when— niques of survival.
(1) Overhaul or major airframe repairs are accomplished. (3) Supervise the life support section and ensure that qualified
(2) Any modifications or component replacements (including personnel are available for conducting life support and survival
painting) have been made for which the weight and center-of-grav- training and maintenance of organizational level ALSE.
ity cannot be accurately computed. (4) Keep a current file of regulations, procedures, and technical
manuals pertaining to inspection, maintenance, and use of assigned (h) Support equipment may include flashlights, pilot clipboards,
life support equipment. microphones and headsets, fire extinguishers, and first aid kits.
(5) Ensure units have adequate information and training before (i) Restraint devices include seat and lap belts, shoulder har-
using new equipment or system changes. nesses, five-point restraint systems, inertia reels, gunner restraint
(6) Ensure units encourage life support suggestions and OHRs. systems, and inflatable body and head restraints.
(7) Ensure materiel deficiency reports are submitted on life sup- (j) Fixed crew seats, troop seats, armored crew seats, crash-wor-
port equipment failing to operate as designed. thy crew seats, crash-worthy devices, cockpit airbags, energy attenu-
(8) Participate as an ALSE member on the unit aviation safety ation devices, nonflammable materials, airframe mounted armor
council. plating designed to protect the aircrew.
(9) Assist higher headquarters in standardizing the ALSS (2) The escape and descent life support subsystem components
program. are provided to ensure safe and reliable escape and descent from
j. Aviation life support equipment technicians and specialists will disabled aircraft. Presently included are harnesses, parachutes, ejec-
be appointed to assist, advise, and represent the ALSS in all matters tion seats, propellant devices, Let-down ropes and equipment. Also
pertaining to ALSE. Specifically, they will— included are devices to improve capabilities for crew and passenger
(1) Establish a library of ALSE publications and ensure that the escape either onto the ground or into the water through explosively
unit’s pinpoint distribution account is updated to include ALSE created exits, escape slides and helicopter emergency egress device
publications and necessary forms. (HEED). Equipment includes but is not limited to the list below.
(2) Ensure that all ALSE is maintained in a high state of readi- (a) Forced escape devices may include ejection seats, extraction
ness through inspecting, cleaning, fitting, testing, adjusting, and device, crew escape systems, rocket catapults, seat stabilizers, and
repairing. propellant actuated devices.
(3) Maintain files on inspection, maintenance, expiration dates, (b) Controlled descent devices including ground evacuation
and supply pertaining to ALSE. slides, and aircrew ladders.
(4) Participate as enlisted representatives at aviation safety meet- (c) Manual escape devices including door and canopy jettison
ings and conferences. devices, breakout knives, crash rescue axes, and crash rescue
(5) Participate in local ALSE steering council meetings. equipment.
(6) Inspect all controlled drugs used in survival kits and vests. (3) Survival recovery life support subsystem aids survival, es-
k. Pilots-in-command will ensure that ALSE commensurate with cape, evasion, and recovery of downed aircrews and their passen-
the mission and the operational environment is available on the gers in any global environment. Components include life preservers
aircraft and that aircrew members and passengers are briefed on its and rafts, anti-exposure suits, and survival kits and vests. Signaling
location and use. devices such as lights, flares, beacons, survival radios, personal
locating devices, and power sources are also included to locate
8–2. System description personnel. Equipment includes but is not limited to the list below.
a. The ALSS consists of components, techniques, and training (a) Survival clothing may encompass cold weather clothing, wet
required to ensure aircrews and their passengers the best possible suits, and antiexposure suits.
flight environment. Beyond providing for maximum functional ca- (b) Distress incident locators include electronic transmitters, per-
pability of flying personnel throughout all environments experienced sonnel locator systems, rescue beacons, visual signal devices, audi-
during normal missions, the ALSS also affords the means to en- ble signal devices, and search and rescue radios.
hance safe and reliable escape, descent, survival, and recovery in (c) Rescue equipment includes rescue hoists, rescue harnesses
combat and emergency situations. These capabilities are achieved by and rescue seat forest penetrator.
the integration of three subsystems, each composed of functionally (d) Survival equipment consists of, but is not limited to, survival
related components, which comprise the ALSS. This integration kits and vests, survival weapons, food packets, first aid kits, sleep-
effort is to ensure maximum combat mission effectiveness of the ing bags, life preservers, and rafts.
total weapon system by enhancing the performance potential of the (e) Signal devices may include flares, strobe lights, and ground
crew member. signaling panels.
b. The ALSS is composed of three subsystems as follows:
(1) The environmental life support and protective subsystem Section II
provides optimum support, protection, and comfort to flying person- Aviation Life Support Equipment
nel and their passengers in all normal flight environments. Maxi-
mum mission effectiveness is enhanced by superior aircrew station 8–3. Aviation life support equipment
and personal equipment such as oxygen equipment, aircrew support Aviation life support equipment (ALSE) will be used per unit stand-
facilities, flight and specialized clothing, and miscellaneous personal ing operating procedures and this section.
accessories and equipment. Environmental support equipment in-
cludes but is not limited to the list below. 8–4. Authorization for ALSE
Requirements and authorization for ALSE are identified in this
(a) Flight clothing items include gloves, helmets, fire retardant
regulation and in—
flight suits, aircrew environmental clothing such as parkas, fire
a. AR 71-13.
retardant chemical biological (CB) suits, masks, hoods, and boots.
b. Common table of allowances (CTAs) 8-100, 50-900, 50-909,
(b) Aircrew body armor is an ensemble.
and 50-970.
(c) Environmental control items include pressure gauges, temper-
c. Supply Bulletins (SBs) 8-75 and 700-20.
ature gauges, and humidity gauges.
d. Applicable modified tables of organization and equipment
(d) Warning devices include hypoxia warning devices and nucle-
(MTOEs) and tables of distribution and allowances (TDAs).
ar, biological, and chemical (NBC) detection alarms.
(e) Oxygen systems include in-flight equipment, walk-around 8–5. Flight data recorders
equipment, on-board equipment, oxygen bottles, oxygen hoses, oxy- Flight data recorders (FDRs) installed on a selected aircraft should
gen regulators, and oxygen connectors. be operational for all flights. However, a nonoperational FDR will
(f) Protective masks include aircrew CB protective masks, oxy- not result in mission cancellation.
gen masks, and smoke masks.
(g) Eye protection devices include nuclear flash protective de- 8–6. Aircraft safety equipment
vices, laser protective goggles, visors, and glasses, smoke goggles, Safety equipment, (for example, first aid kits, fire extinguishers,
clear and tinted visors and sunglasses. breakout knives, and fire axes) will be installed in Army aircraft per
requirements of the appropriate operator manual. Medical supplies (6) Identification tags.
will be updated, deleted, and extended according to SB 8-75. d. Major Army commanders, USARC, CNGB, and CG,
USAAVNC may waive the requirements in (1) through (5) above
8–7. Oxygen system for crew members assigned to flights that require other uniforms.
See FM 1-301 for restrictions on use of oxygen. Approved oxygen e. Passengers will wear approved hearing protection devices.
systems will be used as follows:
a. Unpressurized aircraft. Oxygen will be used by aircraft crews 8–10. Protective masks
and occupants for flights as shown below: a. At least one pilot seated at the controls must wear a protective
(1) Aircraft crews. mask when fuzed items filled with toxic chemicals are carried in
(a) On flights above 10,000 feet pressure altitude for more than 1 aircraft. Other crew members will have protective masks readily
hour. available.
(b) On flights above 12,000 feet pressure altitude for more than b. When incapacitating or toxic chemicals with no arming or
30 minutes. fuzing systems are carried in an aircraft, the pilots need not wear a
(2) Aircraft crews and all other occupants. mask. It will be readily available.
(a) On flights above 14,000 feet pressure altitude for any period c. All personnel aboard will wear a protective mask when inca-
of time. pacitating or toxic chemicals are dispensed and until the chemical
(b) For flights above 18,000 feet pressure altitude, oxygen safety officer or other crew member reports the aircraft is clear of
prebreathing will be accomplished by aircrew members. Prebreath- the dispensed agent.
ing may utilize either 100 percent gaseous aviator’s oxygen from a d. Personnel who are not essential to the mission will not be
high pressure source, or an onboard oxygen generating system carried in an aircraft with incapacitating or toxic chemicals on
(OBOGS) that supplies at least 90 percent oxygen in the inspired board.
gas. Prebreathing will be for not less than 30 minutes at ground
level and will continue while en route to altitude. In those extraordi- 8–11. Seat belts and restraints
nary cases where mission requirements dictate rapid ascent, com- a. The pilot in command will ensure that—
manders may authorize shorter prebreathing times on a case-by-case (1) There are installed seats and seat belts for each passenger on
basis, with the realization that such practice increases the risk for the aircraft.
developing altitude decompression illness. Return to NORMAL OX- (2) Passengers can operate seat belts and, if installed, shoulder
YGEN (pressure demand regulator, gaseous oxygen-equipped air- harness.
craft) is authorized on descent below 18,000 feet pressure altitude, (3) Passengers are in seats and restrained by seat belts and, if
provided continued flight will not exceed this altitude. installed, shoulder harness during takeoffs, landings, and turbulence.
b. Pressurized aircraft. (4) Patients on litters will be restrained by litter restraining straps
(1) In flight, cabin pressure altitude will be maintained at or during takeoffs, landings, and turbulence.
below 10,000 feet. b. The crew members will wear a properly adjusted seat belts and
(2) As a minimum, a 10-minute emergency supply of oxygen shoulder harness when at the controls.
will be available to all occupants when the aircraft is above 14,000 c. Other crew members will wear an approved restraining harness
feet pressure altitude. Additional emergency oxygen will be on instead of seat belts when required by mission.
board when factors such as terrain, weather, or fuel consumption d. Paradrops, rappellings, and special purpose insertion and ex-
prevent descent to 10,000 feet cabin pressure altitude, in the event traction operations (for example, SPIES, STABO and FRIES), can
of depressurization. Above 25,000 feet pressure altitude, oxygen be performed without seats installed.
masks will be connected and readily available. e. Flying with troop seats removed in the UH-60 aircraft is au-
(3) If pressurization is lost in flight above 14,000 feet pressure thorized for air assault/mobile mission training, but is considered
altitude, descent will be made immediately to a cabin pressure high risk. Training will be authorized on a case-by-case basis using
altitude of 10,000 feet or below. Thereafter, the provisions of para- the following procedures:
graph a above apply. (1) The troop commander must do a thorough risk assessment.
(2) Request a waiver from the requirements in para 8-11a above
8–8. Parachute requirements for each training event to the first four-star general in the chain of
a. Crew members will wear parachutes on flights involving command.
aerobatics. (3) The first four-star general in the chain of command is the
b. Commanders will determine if occupants need to wear para- waiver approval authority. This authority will not be delegated be-
chutes in all other cases and publish policies in unit standing operat- low the two-star level.
ing procedures. (4) Waiver authority is to be exercised on a case-by-case basis
c. The provisions of FAR, Part 105, apply to all Army flights only. Blanket waivers are not authorized.
(except emergencies) where parachute drops of persons or things are
made from an Army aircraft. 8–12. Survival equipment
d. If there is an accident involving the use of parachutes, reports The commander will ensure that personnel are equipped with ALSE
must be submitted per AR 385-40 and TM 10-1670-201-23. appropriate for the mission, topography, and climate along the pro-
posed route of flight. Use will be in accordance with the ALSE
8–9. Protective clothing and equipment program.
a. Proper wearing of fire-resistant flight clothing includes sleeves a. Each aircraft crew member will wear a survival vest with
rolled down and the use of fire resistant flying gloves. components on all flights as identified in TM 55-1680-317-23 & P.
b. Items of clothing for specific geographic areas as listed in the MACOM commanders, numbered Army commanders, the CNGB,
appropriate CTA are also authorized when required by climatic or the Commander, USAAVNC, may waive this requirement for
conditions. multiengine airplanes.
c. The following U.S. Army approved clothing and equipment b. Each aircraft crew member will be equipped with a survival
will be worn by all crew members when performing crew duties: radio when available. For multiengine airplanes where the require-
(1) Leather boots. ments for survival vests has been waived, a minimum of two sur-
(2) Flight helmet. vival radios will be carried at all times on board the aircraft.
(3) Flight suit. c. All Army aircraft will carry appropriate survival kits for all
(4) Flight gloves. crew members appropriate to the geographical areas in which flight
(5) Cotton, wool, or nomex underwear. will be conducted.
d. Local commanders will provide the minimum essential cli- c. ALSE maintenance shops may be consolidated where the pool-
matic protective clothing and equipment as required. ing of personnel and equipment of resident units, activities, or flight
e. Aircraft engaged in over-water flight will adhere to the follow- facilities would be advantageous.
ing requirements: d. Oxygen equipment maintenance shops will be established per
(1) All personnel aboard Army aircraft flown beyond gliding TM 55-1660- 245-13.
distance of land will—
(a) Single-engine aircraft occupants must wear life preservers. 8–17. Inspection, maintenance, and repair
(b) Multi-engine aircraft occupants must wear or have life preser- a. Inspection, maintenance, and repair of ALSE will be accom-
vers readily available. plished by qualified ALSE maintenance personnel in accordance
(2) The following survival equipment is the minimum required with either one or both of the following:
on all Army aircraft during flights made in excess of 30 minutes (1) The applicable TM, technical order (TO), or Naval Air
flying time or 100 nautical miles from the nearest shoreline: (NAVAIR) publication for the item of equipment involved.
(a) Survival kits, life raft(s) sufficient for all persons on board. (2) The procedures prescribed by responsible AMC agencies and
(See TM 1-1500-204-23-1, table 11-4.) USAALS.
b. Deficiencies found in ALSE should be reported expeditiously
(b) Aviation unit commanders will develop a policy for the wear
under the Army Equipment Improvement Report (EIR) and Quality
of anti-exposure suits aboard Army aircraft when any portion of the
Deficiency Report (QDR) Program. Instructions for completing
flight is over water and ambient water temperature is 60 degrees
these reports are in DA Pam 738-751.
Fahrenheit or below. This policy should be reflected in the risk
assessment performed for the flight and will include as a minimum: 8–18. Storage and work areas
(1) Type of aircraft being flown. Criteria for ALSE storage and work areas will ensure that—
(2) Altitude to be flown. a. ALSE maintenance shops provide adequate, clean, well-lighted
(3) Availability of search and rescue. work areas with proper storage, shelving, and security provisions.
(4) Types of anti-exposure suits (constant wear or quick-don) b. Shop storage areas possess the following features for survival
available. equipment:
(c) Ferry flight equipment will be per AMCOM ferry flight (1) A well ventilated, cool, and dry area that provides protection
packet instructions. The command providing delivery aircrews must from pilferage, fire, dust, insects, rodents, and direct sunlight. Rec-
provide the proper ALSE. ommended temperature for storage at approximately 75 degrees
(d) Aircrews carrying the Helicopter Emergency Egress Device Fahrenheit.
(HEED) will complete U.S. Navy initial and annual recurrent HEED (2) Adequate air space between the floor and the equipment.
training or equivalent, prior to carrying the HEED on over-water c. Inspection and test areas for flotation equipment are smooth,
flights. non abrasive, and free of sharp projections, oil stains, and spills.
d. Storage and work area requirements are also stated in TM 55-
Section III 1680-317-23 & P, chapter 3; TM 5-4220-202-14, chapter 2; TM 55-
Personnel and Training Requirements 1660-245-13, chapter 2 and FM 1-508, chapter 4.
8–13. ALSE maintenance personnel
Commanders having operational control of Army aircraft will pro-
vide personnel to perform required maintenance on ALSE. The Chapter 9
number of personnel necessary to perform this maintenance is de- Nonstandard Aircraft
pendent on the number of personnel serviced and the type and
density of ALSE. One ALSE maintenance person on a full-time Section I
basis should be adequate to maintain the equipment for up to 50 Acquisition and Use
personnel. Commanders using personnel in a part-time capacity
must adjust the number required to ensure that all required inspec- 9–1. General
tions and maintenance on ALSE is performed. This chapter details classification, acquisition, and use of nonstan-
dard aircraft.
8–14. Training of ALSE maintenance personnel a. Aircraft classified as nonstandard by the Army are normally
a. Maintenance of ALSE should be performed only by trained, acquired from other services or federal agencies and are not listed as
qualified personnel, either military or civilian. standard aircraft per AR 700-138, or were previously standardized
b. ALSE maintenance personnel should be graduates of the U.S. but no longer adhere to established criteria. These aircraft are used
Air Force C3AABR92230-000, U.S. Navy LSE C-602-2010, U.S. to fill operational requirements instead of standard Army aircraft.
Army 860-ASIQ2, or other courses of instruction approved by the Army standard aircraft reconfigured or altered for special use (for
U.S. Army Aviation Logistics School (USAALS), which has re- example, testing, special mission, and modification) are not nor-
sponsibility for Army ALSE maintenance training. mally classified as nonstandard aircraft within the context of this
8–15. Training for aircrews b. Acquisition and use of nonstandard aircraft within the Army
Prior to initial flight training and at least once annually, Command- will occur when sufficient standard aircraft are not available to
ers will ensure that all aircrew personnel are adequately trained in accomplish specific missions or operations. All other aircraft in the
the operation, use, and operator maintenance of ALSSs. Army inventory, including aircraft obtained through the confiscated
or excessed aircraft program, are nonstandard aircraft. Selected
Section IV maintenance trainers, prototype, and test bed aircraft may be ac-
ALSE Maintenance Requirements counted for as nonstandard aircraft.
8–16. Maintenance requirements 9–2. Policy
a. Commanders are required to establish and equip ALSE main- The following is DA policy concerning nonstandard aircraft:
tenance shops, staffed by qualified ALSE maintenance personnel on a. Requests for nonstandard aircraft will normally be approved
a full-time or part-time basis. only against a DA approved aircraft authorization when standard
b. ALSE maintenance shops will be tailored to the needs of the Army aircraft are not available. Nonstandard aircraft will be re-
aviation unit, activity, or facility based on the number of aircrew placed when standard Army aircraft become available. When re-
members serviced and the density and type of ALSE. quests for nonstandard aircraft are approved by DA, AMCOM will
take the necessary acquisition action. Requests for nonstandard air- h. Expenditures in funds and man-hours for alterations or recon-
craft will be forwarded through the MACOM to Commander, Avia- figuration will be held to a minimum. Initial requests to alter or
tion and Missile Command, ATTN: AMSAM-I-L, Redstone reconfigure nonstandard aircraft when first delivered will be com-
Arsenal, Huntsville, AL 35898 for processing to DA. piled into a single package and submitted through command chan-
b. Requests for authorization to obtain nonstandard aircraft will nels to AMCOM for approval; they will contain detailed
be transmitted through channels to HQDA, DCSLOG, ATTN: justification including scope of work to be performed. Subsequent
DALO-AV, 500 ARMY PENTAGON, WASH DC, 20310-0460, requests will be treated in the same manner. Alteration or recon-
and include: figuration of loaned nonstandard aircraft must be consistent with
(1) Mission, type, design, and series of aircraft desired or type any requirements in the specific loan agreement regarding restora-
and requirements of missions to be fulfilled. tion of the aircraft to its original configuration.
(2) Terms of request; transfer or loan, nonreimbursable or i. All nonstandard aircraft will be reported on DA Form 1352
reimbursable. (Army Aircraft Inventory, Status and Flying Time) per AR 700-138.
(3) Budget program funds to be used for support of the aircraft Maintenance forms authorized by DA Pam 738-751, will be used as
and affirmation that funds will be made available in current and prescribed in the published Logistical Support Plan. Other forms
subsequent fiscal year funding programs. may be used for local management purposes as desired.
(4) Any modification requirements, including minimum required j. A DA flying hour program will not be published for nonstan-
equipment listed in table 5-3. dard aircraft. Commanders will establish an annual Fiscal Year
(5) Full justification based on essentiality of the aircraft to ac- Flying Hour Program based on requirements and capability to sup-
complish missions of the requesting command or activity. port such a program. Utilization criteria prescribed in AR 71-13 will
c. All operating costs, less depot maintenance and procure-spare be the basis for justifying retention of nonstandard aircraft.
parts associated with the acquisition of nonstandard aircraft, will be
borne by the gaining command. The AMC, USAR, and ARNG are 9–3. Logistical support
responsible for programming and budgeting for depot maintenance AMCOM will retain responsibility and designate a central point of
of nonstandard aircraft. Modification of nonstandard aircraft (in a contact for logistical support guidance, SOF matters, and technical
non-developmental program) will normally be funded by the Army guidance, including configuration control and EIR. AMCOM has
Procurement Appropriation (for acquisition of modification kits) and fiscal and operational responsibility for aircraft obtained through the
by the Active Army’s depot maintenance program (for the installa- confiscated or excessed aircraft program from transfer from the
tion of the kits.) courts and General Services Administration (GSA) until delivery to
d. Requests for disposition instructions for nonstandard aircraft the gaining unit. They will publish operating and maintenance guid-
will be forwarded through command channels to DA. Serviceable ance for these aircraft. AR 700-120 requirement for MACOMs to
and unserviceable economically reparable aircraft will be reassigned furnish delivery crews does not apply to the initial delivery of
against other requirements or disposed of per AR 750-1 and TB 43- confiscated or excessed aircraft.
0002-3. Commands and activities relinquishing these aircraft will
not normally be provided a replacement nonstandard aircraft. Air- Section II
craft considered uneconomically repairable will be reported to DA Training and Standardization
per TB 43-0002-3. Redistribution of nonstandard aircraft is not
9–4. Waiver Authority
authorized unless approved by DA.
Nonstandard aircraft training and standardization requests for waiv-
e. Commands and activities acquiring nonstandard aircraft will be
ers will be forwarded through the appropriate MACOM or CNGB to
required to provide support from their own operating funds. Repair
DAMO-TRO, for approval on paragraphs 9-5 through 9-9.
parts that are available in the DOD supply system may be procured
through normal Army supply channels or through cross-service 9–5. Official Publications
agreements with other military services. All other repair parts will a. Training and aviation flight standardization literature for spe-
be procured locally. All nonstandard aircraft maintenance require- cific nonstandard aircraft will be made available through normal
ments that are beyond the capability of the owning or supporting publications supply channels. Operator’s manuals, checklists, and
commands and activities will be accomplished by contract. (This related publications for other nonstandard aircraft will be obtained
paragraph is not applicable to aircraft maintained under the existing from existing factory stocks or from the military service supplying
contractor logistics support contract administered by AMCOM.) the aircraft.
f. Commanders having nonstandard aircraft will be responsible b. The using unit will update these publications. They will also
for assuring continued aircraft airworthiness through scheduled prepare new or revised training literature for nonstandard aircraft
maintenance programs that meet all DOD or, as required, FAA not supported by official publications. The MACOM, installation or
published standards. Aircraft obtained through the confiscated or area aviation standardization committee must approve these locally
excessed aircraft program will be maintained per FAA standards prepared publications before they can be used.
only. Commercial operator’s manuals, service letters, and bulletins
published by the aircraft manufacturer and FAA Airworthiness Di- 9–6. Training and Standardization
rectives (AD) will be ordered and maintained by the unit. When an If possible, the training and aviation flight standardization program
AD note is issued by the FAA that is required to be completed prior will apply to the operation of nonstandard aircraft. The policy in this
to further flight, AMCOM will issue corresponding SOF messages chapter applies only when established procedures cannot be fol-
per chapter 6 of this regulation. Compliance with emergency AD lowed because of extremely low aircraft density.
notes will be reported directly to Commander, Aviation and Missile
Command, ATTN: AMSAM-SF-A, Redstone Arsenal, Huntsville, 9–7. Qualification Training
AL 35898. The MACOM, installation, or area aviation standardization commit-
g. When upgrade modifications are made to a confiscated or tee will develop a training syllabus for nonstandard aircraft. The
excessed aircraft with a military equivalent, the modification will syllabus will be submitted through the MACOM to USAAVNC
conform as closely as possible to its standard military counterpart ATTN: ATZQ-TDS-T, Fort Rucker, AL 36362-5211, for approval
provided an FAA type certificate or supplemental type certificate before training begins.
exists for that modification and AMCOM approval is obtained.
Equivalent nonstandard aircraft may be included with their standard 9–8. Flight Evaluations
counterpart when a Product Improvement Program (PIP) is applied When IPs or SPs are not available to administer flight evaluations in
to the standard aircraft. nonstandard aircraft, the installation or area aviation standardization
committee will request support. The MACOM aviation standardiza- units determine flying hour requirements in accord with the Aircrew
tion committee, other installation area committees, or the Com- Training Program (para 4-1).
mander USAAVNC, may provide support. If support cannot be e. In the execution year, the approved FHP sent by DAMO-TRO
provided, the area commander, whose installation aviation standardi- to the MACOMs/agencies is divided into a phased execution plan
zation committee has jurisdiction, may authorize the flight evalua- by quarter and sent back to HQDA to serve as the projected hours
tion to be made in an aircraft of similar design, operation, and flight for each quarter. Executed flying hours sent at the end of each
characteristics. The commander may request a waiver of the evalua- quarter are compared to the projected hours to determine success
tion requirements. rates. Deviations of five or more per cent from projections require
explanation. Projections, execution and explanations are reported to
9–9. Qualification Requirements for IPs the Army leadership.
a. The installation or area aviation standardization committee, in
accordance with the Commander, USAAVNC ATTN: ATZQ-ES, 10–4. FHP management cycle
will set the content of IP training in nonstandard aircraft for which a. The program cycle requires that MACOMs/agencies provide
no IP training program exists in the ATMs. The proposed program estimates of flying hour requirements and some force structure data
will be submitted through channels to the MACOM commander for a six-year period. The data is input by DAMO-TRO into a
document, the Program Objective Memorandum (POM). The POM
before training begins.
is built every other year. (See table 10-1.)
b. When an SP is not available to administer a flight evaluation
b. The budget cycle occurs each year starting in September and
in the aircraft in which an IP designation is sought, the evaluation ending in January. DAMO-TRO prepares one submission in Sep-
may be conducted in another aircraft in the same category. The tember, followed by an update of this submission in January. The
examinee must be qualified and current in the aircraft used for the September submission is The Office of the Secretary of Defense/
evaluation. Office of Management and Budget/Budget Estimate Submission
(OSD/OMB BES). The January update of this submission is the
President’s Budget (PRES BUD).
(1) The OSD/OMB BES requires MACOM/agency flying hour
Chapter 10 requirements (table 10-1). There are two submissions before a new
The Army Flying Hour Program POM is built. The first submission updates what had been submitted
in the first two years of the POM. The second OSD/OMB BES
10–1. Objective (following year) is an update of what had been the second year of
a. This chapter sets forth responsibilities, policies and procedures the POM submission.
for management and operation of the Army flying hour program (2) The PRES BUD submission follows the OSD/OMB BES. It
(FHP) by MACOM/agency flying hour managers. updates MACOM/agency flying hour requirements only if signifi-
b. The objectives of the chapter are to— cant changes had occurred to the most current OSD/OMB BES
(1) Standardize the management and operation of the FHP. (table 10-1). The PRES BUD FHP is submitted to Congress for
(2) Ensure that resources allocated to the FHP are used in the funding; therefore, it receives close scrutiny for accuracy before
most economical manner and achieve the greatest training impact. approval of funds is granted for the year of execution.
c. The execution cycle uses the PRES BUD position as the start
10–2. Responsibilities point. To account for any changes since that point, DAMO-TRO
a. The DCSOPS has Army Staff responsibility for establishing requires flying hour requirements and structure data to rebuild the
aviation training priorities and developing and managing the FHP. execution year program. This occurs through the Resource Update.
b. Director, U.S. Army Cost and Economic Analysis Center (See table 10-1.)
(USACEAC). The Director, USACEAC, is responsible for develop- (1) The Resource Update FHP is recalculated and reconstituted.
ing and providing aircraft cost rate data in support of the FHP. The approved FHP is sent to the MACOMs/agencies in late August.
c. The ASA(FM) is responsible for publishing and distributing The flying hours and funding status of this program will be
Program Budget Guidance (PBG), Volume 1 for use by MACOM/ included.
agency resource and flying hour managers. (2) MACOMs/agencies are allotted sufficient time to flow the
d. Commanders of MACOMs and Army agencies. Commanders approved, FHP to units and to receive quarterly projections from
of MACOMs and Army agencies are responsible for the implemen- these units. MACOMs/agencies then send the quarterly projections
tation and administration of their FHPs in accord with this chapter. to DAMO-TRO (table 10-1).
e. Commander, AMCOM is responsible for establishing the pol- (3) At the end of each quarter, MACOMs/agencies send the
icy for administration of the life cycle contractor support (LCCS) Quarterly Execution Reports for processing by DAMO-TRO.
contract for the OSA fleet.
10–5. General FHP management policy
a. The FHP applies to standard Army aircraft and will be
10–3. FHP concept of management centrally managed by DAMO-TRO and decentrally executed by
a. The FHP is managed through control of flying hours in each MACOMs/agencies.
of the three cycles that occur sometimes concurrently: the program, b. Hours will be managed by budget activity (BA) such as BA1,
budget and execution cycles. However, during the execution cycle Operating Forces; BA3, Training and Recruiting; and BA4, Admin-
there is partial decentralization in that MACOMs/agencies are given istration and Service-wide Support.
the latitude to change the mix of flying hours. c. Hours are normally distributed to MACOMs/ Agencies with
b. DAMO-TRO uses flying hour requirements provided by accompanying funds; unfunded hours distributed to subordinate
MACOM/agency flying hour managers to build the program for any agencies must be accompanied with the stipulation that they may be
of the three phases. Cost rate data provided by USACEAC enables flown only if covered by sufficient funds. Unfunded hours are not
calculation of the FHP costs. included in forecasts of execution.
c. DAMO-TRO notifies MACOMs/agencies of the approved FHP d. Hours can only be cross-leveled between aircraft systems by
through Program Budget Guidance (PBG) VOL 1, a document nor- the MACOM/agency flying hour manager.
mally published at the conclusion of the program and budget cycles. e. FHP direct cost rates normally provided in and for the October
During the execution year, DAMO-TRO publishes message traffic edition of PBG Vol 1 are the only cost rates authorized for use with
to communicate the execution year program. the FHP. Direct costs for the FHP include petroleum oils and lubri-
d. Flying hour requirements emanate at the unit level and flow cants (POL), consumable repair parts, and depot level repairable
upwards through the MACOMs/agencies to DAMO-TRO. Aviation spare parts.
f. Flying hours that are tracked separately such as counterdrug forwarded to the MACOMs/agencies, normally to resource manag-
and special deployments will be identified by an aircraft suffix ers in the May edition. FHP managers should look to the May
established by DAMO-TRO. edition of PBG VOL 1 for the latest proposed resource data for the
g. DAMO-TRO determines the approved FHP in accord with POM and the current budget positions. In the execution year, the
current Army leadership guidance. approved FHP data and status of funding will be transmitted to
h. The term flying hour operating tempo (OPTEMPO) is an in- MACOMs/agencies by DAMO-TRO per paragraph 10-8.
dex used at HQDA to express the flying hour programs for rotary
wing aircraft assigned in FORSCOM, USAREUR, USARPAC, 10–7. Procedures for development of the budget FHPs
EUSA, and USARSO as well as the ARNG and USAR. Flying hour a. Submit OSD/OMB BES and PRES BUD MACOM/agency
OPTEMPO is not intended for use at MACOM/ Agency level for FHP requirements to DAMO-TRO in accord with timelines estab-
determining requirements or as a measure of achievement. lished in table 10-1.
i. Flying hours for OSA aircraft supported by the LCCS contract b. Use applicable aircraft format for RCS CSGPO-464 in accord-
administered by Commander, U.S. Army AMCOM will not exceed ance with figure 10-1 and provide data as directed in paragraph 10-
hours in the LCCS contract without approval from Commander, 6.
AMCOM (AMCPM-FW). c. The OSD/OMB BES updates information submitted for the
j. The flying hour year starts on 16 September and ends on 15 first two years of the POM. Then there is a new POM and the cycle
September. First quarter starts 16 September and ends 15 December; repeats itself. Changes in force structure and missions normally
second quarter starts 16 December and ends 15 March; third quarter impact flying hour requirements most significantly and must be
starts 16 March and ends 15 June; fourth quarter starts 16 June and reflected in an updated OSD/OMB BES. The first year focuses on
ends 15 September. the first year of the POM; the following year focuses on the second
k. Flying hours reported as being executed must mirror those year of the POM.
hours reported on DA Form 1352 as outlined in AR 700-138. d. Submit PRES BUD FHP requirement updates only if the OSD/
l. After the quarterly execution report has been forwarded OMB BES FHP requirements have changed.
DAMO-TRO, errors detected in that report by MACOMs/agencies e. Upon completion, each budget position is incorporated into
can only be corrected by applying them to the next quarter and PBG Vol 1 and forwarded to the MACOMs/agencies, normally to
ensuring the cumulative data is correct. resource managers. The OSD/OMB BES FHP is usually contained
in the October edition. The PRES BUD position is normally con-
10–6. Procedures for development of the POM FHP tained in the February edition. FHP managers should look to each
a. Submit MACOM/agency rollups of the six years via message edition of PBG VOL 1 for the latest flying hour and cost rate
(RCS CSGPO-464) to DAMO-TRO in accord with timeline estab- information.
lished in table 10-1.
b. Provide anticipated force structure (AVG ACFT) using aver- 10–8. Procedures for developing the execution year FHP
age number of operational aircraft (no float) along with required a. Submit Resource Update position in accord with the timeline
hours (HOURS REQ) for each year of the POM in the format established in table 10-1.
shown in figure 10-1. As an example, if there will be 100 AH-1s at b. Use applicable aircraft format for RCS CSPO-464 according to
the start of the year and 50 AH-1s at the end of the year, use an figure 10-1 and provide data as directed in paragraph 10-6.
average of 75 aircraft for the whole year. Report by BUDGET c. The Resource Update is an update of the PRES BUD position;
ACTIVITY when applicable. Reserve components will substitute it reflects changes in force structure and requirements that will
average number of pilots for the AVG ACFT. provide for a more accurate and executable program. If possible, the
c. Insert counterdrug aircraft hourly requirements, for example, Resource Update position should not exceed the costs of the PRES
AH-64 CNF, in the appropriate alphanumeric order. Currently, BUD position.
MACOM counterdrug hours are identified by DAMO-TRO using d. Upon receipt of the Resource Update, DAMO-TRO will build
suffixes as follows: FORSCOM, “CNF” ; USARPAC, “CNP” ; the approved program in accord with leadership guidance and trans-
USARSO, “CNS”; INSCOM, “CNI” ; ARNG, “CNG” ; USAR, mit via the flying hour message the approved program back to
“CNR” ; USASOC, “CN.” Other MACOMs/agencies tasked to pro- MACOMs/agencies using the applicable format of figure 10-1. The
vide counterdrug hours will coordinate with DAMO-TRO to obtain flying hour message, normally transmitted in late August, will reit-
a suffix prior to submission of the POM FHP requirements. No erate the due date for Quarterly Projections and will provide the
aircraft numbers are required. No AVG ACFT numbers are required status of funding for the program along with any special instructions
with counterdrug aircraft. related to the program.
d. Insert special flying hour requirements, for example, AH-64A, e. MACOMs/agencies desiring flying hour program diskettes
in the appropriate alphanumeric order. Currently, MACOM/agency (para 10-12 ) will indicate so as part of the Resource Update.
special flying hour requirements such as disaster relief operations
are identified by DAMO-TRO using suffixes A through D; they are 10–9. Procedures for submitting the quarterly projections
changed as the operational requirements change and are identified report
for the current year in the flying hour message to the MACOMs/ a. Submit the Quarterly Projections Report (RCS CSGPO-463)
agencies (para 10-8d). MACOMs/agencies tasked to provide special per the timeline established in table 10-1.
flying hour support will coordinate with DAMO-TRO to obtain a b. Use applicable aircraft format in accord with figure 10-1. Di-
suffix prior to submission of POM FHP requirements. No aircraft vide the hours by aircraft type provided in the flying hour message
numbers are required. into a quarterly, phased execution plan and submit to DAMO-TRO.
e. Flying hours for LCCS contract OSA aircraft will be pro- Hours may not deviate from those in the message unless coordinated
grammed in accord with table 10-2, which follows the guidance with and approved by DAMO-TRO.
supplied by the administrator of the LCCS contract, Commander, c. The Quarterly Projections form the basis for measuring the
AMCOM (AMCPM-FW). successful accomplishment of the flying hour program by compar-
f. Exceptions to the flying hour program requirements stated in ing them with the quarterly execution data provided in paragraph
table 10-2 must be coordinated with and approved by Commander, 10-10.
AMCOM (AMCPM-FW) in conjunction with DAMO-TRO. For
example, a MACOM/agency with 10 C-12 aircraft may not exceed 10–10. Procedures for reporting the execution year FHP
6000 programmed flying hours without coordination and approval. a. Submit each Quarterly Execution Report (RCS CSGPO-465)
g. Upon completion of the POM build, normally in May of the in accord with the timelines established in table 10-1.
POM year, the FHP POM is incorporated into PBG Vol 1 and b. Use applicable aircraft format in accord with figure 10-1 and
figure 10-3. Include by aircraft type the following information re- the Quarterly Execution Report (fig 10-2). Update these tables
garding hours flown: day hours (D); night unaided hours (N); night quarterly.
hours using night vision goggles (NG); and, night systems hours (3) The Quarterly Execution Report allows comparison of pro-
flown (NS). NS hours are those with night vision systems installed grammed and executed hours to determine if there is more than a
on aircraft used during night, for example, pilot night vision sensor five per cent deviation, the standard for successful accomplishment
(PNVS) or forward looking infrared radar (FLIR). Also, log only of the program (para 10-10d ).
NS hours when two or more devices are used such as night vision b. MACOMs/agencies desiring diskettes for the forthcoming year
goggles used in conjunction with FLIR and PNVS. Additionally, will indicate so in the Resource Update. DAMO-TRO will forward
include in this report the total hours (TOTAL HOURS), the average the diskettes and accompanying technical documentation when
aircraft (AVG ACFT), and the average number of pilots (AVG requested.
PILOTS) that flew per quarter. Do not include AVG ACFT or AVG c. The database (total hours) can only be adjusted by HQDA.
PILOTS for counterdrug ACFT, and do not include operational Therefore, MACOMs/agencies must obtain new diskettes whenever
readiness float or float aircraft numbers in the AVG ACFT count. the database changes.
c. Round hours to the nearest whole number. d. After the diskettes have been submitted to DAMO-TRO for
d. Include as part of the report rationale for deviations plus or execution reporting, errors found in that quarter must be corrected in
minus five per cent from quarterly projections by aircraft type. the next quarter.
e. Report hours flown in support of user testing and research and e. Diskettes must arrive at DAMO-TRO in accord with timelines
development testing as follows: established in table 10-1. Otherwise, use message traffic to submit
(1) If Operational Test Command (OPTEC) or Army Materiel the Quarterly Execution Reports (para 10-10 ).
Command (AMC) agree to reimburse the MACOM/agency or unit
for hours flown in support of testing, the supporting unit will log the
consumed hours against the test. These hours will be accountable to
the OPTEC or AMC flying hour programs and will be reported
accordingly by OPTEC or AMC. OPTEC or AMC will only reim-
burse the supporting unit for flying hour costs for preplanned hours
logged against a test.
(2) If OPTEC or AMC agencies do not agree to reimburse hours
flown in support of testing or if the hours are not logged against a
test, then those hours are reported by the MACOM/agency or unit
and the costs associated to the hours will be absorbed by the suppor-
ting unit.
f. DAMO-TRO consolidates MACOM/agency FHP execution
reports into standardized formats that allow analysis of program
accomplishment by the Army leadership at the end of each quarter.
The analysis compares resourced and executed OPTEMPO, quar-
terly projections and execution, and cumulative versus projected
execution along with rationale for deviations plus or minus five per
cent from quarterly projections.
Table 10–1
FHP management reports
POM FHP 15 DEC During POM (even) years, e.g., 15 Dec 93 for POM 96-01, 15 Dec 95 for POM 98-03.
OSD/OMB BES FHP 1 AUG Annually, e.g., 1 Aug 94 for FY 96 FHP, 1 Aug 95 for FY 97 FHP.
PRES BUD FHP 1 DEC Annually. Only if there are changes to OSD/OMS BES.
RESOURCE UPDATE 15 JUN Annually, e.g., 15 Jun 94 for FY 95 FHP.
QUARTERLY PROJECTIONS 1 NOV Annually. Based on approved program by HQDA (DAMO-TRO).
Table 10–2
LCCS Contract OSA aircraft annual flying hour program
C-12 600
RC-12D 600
RC-12G 600
RC-12H 600
RC-12K 600
RC-12N 600
RC-12P 600
U-21 420
C-20 900
C-21 600
C-23 600
C-26 1080
UC-35 800
FY _______
Figure 10-1. Standard format for flying hour requirements (RCS CSGPO-464)
Appendix A AR 500–2
References Search and Rescue (SAR) Operations.
Section I AR 570–4
Required Publications Manpower Management. (Cited in para 2-3 and 2-4.)
AR 11–2 AR 600–105
Internal Management Control (Cited in para 1-5.) Aviation Service of Rated Army Officers. (Cited in paras 2-1, 2-3,
2-8, 2-13, 4-10 and 4-32.)
AR 15–6
Procedures for Investigating Officers and Boards of Officers. (Cited AR 600–106
in para 2-13.) Flying Status for Nonrated Army Aviation Personnel. (Cited in
paras 2-1, 2-3, 2-8, and 4-10.)
AR 25–11
Record Communications and the Privacy Communications System AR 611–112
(Cited in para 6-2, 6-4, 6-10.) Personnel Selection and Classification Manual of Warrant Officer
MOSs. (Cited in para 4-6.)
AR 25–30
The Army Integrated Publishing and Printing Program. (Cited in AR 700–120
paras 6-2b, and 6-10b.) Materiel Distribution Management for Major Items. (Cited in para
AR 25–55
The Department of the Army Freedom of Information Act Program. AR 700–138
(Cited in para 2-13 and 3-15.) Army Logistics Readiness and Sustainability. (Cited in paras 9-1, 9-
2, and 10-5.)
AR 34–4
Army Standardization Policy. (Cited in para 4-39.) AR 750–1
Army Materiel Maintenance Policy and Retail Maintenance
AR 40–501 Operations. (Cited in para 9-2d.)
Standards of Medical Fitness. (Cited in paras 2-4a, and 4-9d.)
AR 750–10
AR 55–60 Modification of Materiel and Issuing Safety-of-Use Messages and
Official Table of Distances. (Cited in para 4-11.) Commercial Vehicle Safety Recall Campaign Directives. (Cited in
paras 6-2b and 6-10b.)
AR 70–62
Airworthiness Qualification of U.S. Army Aircraft Systems. (Cited CTA 8–100
in paras 6-4a.) Army Medical Department Expendable/Durable Items. (Cited in
para 8-4b.)
AR 71–13
The Department of the Army Equipment Authorization and Usage CTA 50–900
Program. (Cited in paras 8-4a and 9-2j.) Clothing and Individual Equipment. (Cited in para 8-4b.)
AR 385–16 FAR 91
System Safety Engineering and Management (Cited in para 6-1.) General Operating and Flight Rules.
FM 1–120 AR 55–203
Army Air Traffic Services Contingency and Combat Zone Movement of Nuclear Weapons, Nuclear Components, and Related
Operations. (Cited in para 2-11c.) Classified Non nuclear Material.
FM 1–300 AR 95–27
Flight Operations and Airfield Management. (Cited in para 2-8a.) Operational Procedures for Aircraft Carrying Hazardous Materials.
FM 1–301 AR 310–25
Aeromedical Training for Flight Personnel. (Cited in para 8-7.) Dictionary of United States Army Terms.
FM 1–508 AR 600–800–1
Maintaining Aviation Life Support Equipment (ALSE) (Cited in Army Casualty and Memorial Affairs and Line of Duty
para 8-18.) Investigations.
SB 8–75 DA PAM 310–20
Series Army Medical Department Supply Information. (Cited in Administrative Publications: Action Officers Guide.
paras 8-4c and 8-6.)
DA PAM 351–4
SB 700–20 Army Formal Schools Catalog.
Army Adopted/Other Items Selected for Authorization/List of
Reportable Items. (Cited in para 8-4c.) DOD 4515.12
DOD Support for Travel of Members and Employees of the
TB 43–0002–3
Maintenance Expenditure Limits for Army Aircraft. (Cited in para
DODD 4515.13–R
TC 1–210 Air Transport Eligibility.
Commander’s Guide. (Cited in paras 2-12, 3-16, 4-1, 4-4, 4-7, 4-9,
4-11, 4-14, 4-15, 4-17, 4-20 and 4-32.) DOD 5410.19
Armed Forces Community Relations.
TM 1–1500–204–23–1
General Aircraft Maintenance Practices (Cited in para 8-12.) FM 1–302
Aviation Life Support Equipment (ALSE) for Army Aircrews.
TM 1–1500–328–23
Aeronautical Equipment Maintenance Management Policies and TM 38–240
Procedures. (Cited in para 4-29.) Packaging and Material Handling: Preparation of Hazardous
Materials for Military Air Shipment.
TM 5–4220–202–14
Maintenance Instructions with Parts Breakdown for USAF flotation Section III
Equipment. (Cited in para 8-18.) Prescribed Forms
Aviation and Missile Command budget activity Directorate of Evaluation and Standardization
Army/Navy basic non-commissioned officer course decision height
aerial observer combat mission distance measuring equipment
Auxiliary Power Unit Chief, Army Reserve day vision system
Airworthiness Qualification Test Directorate chemical biological environmental and morale leave
army regulation crew chief Equipment Improvement Report
estimated time of arrival Helicopter emergency egress device maintenance test flight evaluator
hood minimum descent altitude night goggles
nap-of-the-earth Operational Support Airlift Command nonrated crew member standardization
national oceanographic survey Operational Test and Evaluation Command SM
statute miles
notices to airmen Office of the Secretary of Defense SOF
Safety of Flight
not required pilot SOP
standing operating procedure
night systems SP
pilot in command
standardization instructor pilot
night vision devices SPIES
product improvement program
Special purpose insertional extraction system
night vision goggles PMR SUA
post mission report special use airspace
night vision system POI SVFR
program of instruction special visual flight rules
Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense POL T
petroleum oils and lubricants training
onboard oxygen generating system POM TACAN
program objective memorandum tactical air navigation
outside continental United States POMCUS TAMMS
pre-positioned material configured to unit The Army Maintenance Management System
OCSA sets
Office of Chief of Staff, U.S. Army TB
PUJC technical bulletin
ODCSLOG priority urgency justification category
Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for TDA
Logistics QDR table of distribution and allowances
quality deficiency report
Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for Oper- RC technical manual
ations and Plans Reserve Component
ODCSPER RCM technical order
Office of the Deputy Chief of Staff for rated crew member
Personnel TO&E
RL table of organization and equipment
OFF readiness level
officer TR
ridged seat survival kit TRADOC
observation helicopter
U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command
Operational Hazard Report runway visual range UH
utility helicopter
Office of Management and Budget rotary wing USAALS
U.S. Army Aviation Logistics School
Operational Test Command service missions USAASD
U.S. Army Aeronautical Services
OR SB Detachment
operational ready supply bulletin
OSA SAM U.S. Army Aeronautical Services Detach-
operational support airlift Special Air Mission ment Europe
DA civilian pilot (DAC aviator) checks are made to ensure that aircraft sys- Rated Crew member
A civil service employee who holds appropri- tems or components disturbed during an in- Aviators described in this regulation and AR
ate qualifications and who must comply with spection or maintenance have been repaired 600-105.
this regulation and other DA aviation-related or adjusted satisfactorily.
regulations. Standardization instructor pilot (SP)
National Airspace System (NAS) A qualified instructor pilot designated by the
Flight crew station All of the airspace above the surface of the commander, in writing, to perform standardi-
earth over the United States and its zation duties.
A station in aircraft at which flight crew
member occupies to perform their flight duty; Synthetic Flight Training Systems
for example, pilot stations specified in opera- Non-rated crew member A group of high-fidelity instrument and vis-
tor’s manuals. Crewmembers who are not rated aviators and ual flight simulators capable of providing
are placed on orders by the commander as basic, advanced, and tactical training in either
Flight Engineer authorized to perform aircrew duties IAW manual or automated modes.
A flight engineer is responsible for maintain- AR 600-106. Non-rated non-crew members
ing his assigned aircraft and performing non- become non-rated crew members when they Tactical environment
rated crew duties. He is the supervisor and are selected by the commander and integrated a. Actual - an active theater or area of
primary trainer for the crewchief and me- into the Aircrew Training Program. combat operations.
chanics assigned to the aircraft. The com- b. Simulated - an operational area estab-
mander selects NCM’s to perform FE duties Nonstandard aircraft lished for training and in which combat oper-
based upon proficiency, experience, and rank. Army aircraft no longer classified Standard A ations are simulated.
or B or aircraft obtained from other DOD
Flight surgeon activities or commercial sources. Training mission
Medical officer who has graduated from an Missions flown for flight qualification or
approved military course in aviation medi- Operational flying refresher training. ATP requirements, and au-
Flying performed by rated personnel prima- thorized training exercises.
cine. References to flight surgeons include
rily for mission support or training, while
aeromedical physician’s assistant. Unit Trainer
serving in assignments in which basic flying
skills normally are kept current while perfor- An aviator designated to instruct in areas of
Helicopter ming assigned duties. All flying by rated special training to assist in unit training pro-
A rotorcraft that, for its horizontal motion, members of the RC not on extended active grams and achieve established training goals.
depends principally on its engine-driven duty is operational flying.
rotors. Weather forecaster
OPTEMPO Any person approved by the USAF or Navy
Installation Hours flown per crew per month in MTOE Air Weather Services or by the National
For Army Aviation Standardization Program rotary wing aircraft assigned in FORSCOM, Weather Service to forecast aviation weather
purposes, the term includes continental USAREUR, USARPAC, EUSA, USARSO, for flight planning.
United States (CONUS) Active Component ARNG, and USAR.
posts, camps, or stations; Army National Section III
Guard (ARNG) States; Army Reserve Com- Parachute Special Abbreviations and Terms
mands (ARCOMs); overseas corps, divisions, A device used or intended to be used to re-
independent regiments, groups, and brigades, tard the fall of a body or object through the STABO
air. Helicopter extraction system (derived from
For other than standardization purposes, in-
the first letter of the surnames of the five
cludes Reserve Component facilities.
Passenger individuals who invented the helicopter ex-
A passenger is any occupant on the aircraft traction system)
Instructor Pilot (IP)
not performing a crew duty and logging fly-
An aviator who conducts training and evalua- ing time in accordance with paragraph 2-6.
tion of pilots and other crew members in Passengers on Army aircraft must be author-
designated aircraft and promotes safety ized in accordance with chapter 3. Passenger
among aviators. Training and evaluation in- names should not be entered on the DA Form
clude aircraft operation, qualification, unit 2408-12.
employment, visual and instrument flight,
and crew performance. Person
An individual, firm, partnership, corporation,
Instrument examiner (IE) company, association, joint-stock association,
An aviator qualified to give instrument flight or governmental entity. It includes a trustee,
examinations and conduct instrument flight receiver, assignee, or similar representative of
training. any of them.
Index Flight Data Recorders (FDR) 8-5 Requests for performance records 3-21
This index is organized alphabetically by top- Flight crews 4-20 Responsibilities 1-4
ic. The topics are identified by paragraph Flight violations 2-13 Reviewing weight and balance file 7-6
number. Risk management 3-16
Hands-on performance test 4-9
Additional flight training periods (AFTP) Safety functions 3-14
Individual flight records 2-8
Aeromedical training 4-14 Seats, Seat Belts and Restraints 8-11
Installation and area standardization com-
Air mission commander 4-22 Similar aircraft 4-19
mittees 4-38
Aircraft lighting requirements 2-12 SOF responsibilities 6-2
Instructor Pilot (IP) 4-26
Aircraft weight and balance file 7-4 SOF messages 6-4
Instrument Examiner (IE) 4-27
Aircraft weighing 7-7 Special missions 3-10
Internal Control Review Checklist 1-5
Aircraft Safety Equipment 8-6 Special use airspace (SUA) 2-11
Issuance of ASAMs 6-12
Aircraft weight and balance classifications Standardization Instructor Pilot (SP) 4-28
7-3 Local flying rules 2-10 Survival Equipment 8-12
Aircraft qualification / refresher training Logging flying time 2-6 Synthetic flight training system (SFTS) re-
4-6 quirements 4-11
MACOM, USARC and Army aviation
Aircrew Training Program 4-5
MACOM FHP Diskettes 10-12 Training of ALSE Maintenance Personnel
Aircrew and maintenance checklists 2-5
Maintenance Operational Check (MOC) 3- 8-14
Aircrew Training Program (ATP) 4-1
20 Type of SOF messages 6-3
Aircrew information reading files 4-4
Maintenance test pilot Evaluator (ME) 4- Types of Aviation Safety Action Messages
ALSE Training for Aircrews 8-15
30 6-11
ALSE Maintenance Personnel 8-13
Maintenance Test Flights (MTF) 3-19
ALSE Storage and Work Areas 8-18 U.S. Army Aviation Commander’s Confer-
Maintenance test pilot (MP) 4-29
ALSE Inspection, Maintenance, and ence 4-36
Mishap investigations, and release of infor-
Repair 8-17 Unit Trainer (UT) 4-25
mation 3-15
Annual proficiency and readiness test 4-7 Use of airports, heliports, and other land-
Arrival procedures 5-5 Noise abatement 2-15 ing areas. 2-9
ASAM Responsibilities 6-10 Nonrated crewmember Instructor (FI). 4-
Waivers and delegation of authority 1-7
ASE / Electronic Warfare (EW) training 33
Waivers to requirements 4-2
4-17 Nonrated crewmember. 4-32
Authorization for ALSE 8-4 Nonrated crewmember Standardization
Aviation standardization proponent 4-39 Instructor(SI) 4-34
Aviation standardization program 4-35 Nonstandard aircraft qualification training
Aviation Life Support Equipment (ALSE) 9-7
8-3 Nonstandard aircraft training and stand-
Aviators restricted to limited cockpit duty ardization 9-6
2-4 Nonstandard aircraft qualification re-
quirements for IPs 9-9
Briefing officers 2-14
Nonstandard aircraft flight evaluations 9-8
Civilian flight time for RC aviators 4-12 Nonstandard aircraft waiver authority 9-4
Committees 4-37 Nonstandard aircraft official publications
Computation of flying time 2-7 9-5
Copilot (CP) 4-24 Nonstandard aircraft logistical support 9-3
Crew endurance 3-17
Operational Support Airlift (OSA) mission
Crewmembers prohibited from perform-
ing aircrew duty 2-3
Operational missions 3-3
Cross-leveling FHP Hours 1 0-11
OSA Justification 3-7
Currency 4-18
OSA Flight procedures 3-8
DA Form 2696-R (Operational Hazard OSA Management responsibilities 3-6
Report) 3-18 OSA Data collection and use 3-9
Departure procedures 5-3 Oxygen System 8-7
Developing the Execution Year FHP 1 0-8
Parachute requirements 8-8
Development of the POM FHP 1 0-6
Passenger policy 3-12
Development of the Budget FHPs 1 0-7
Personnel authorized to run up Army air-
Deviations 1-6
craft 2-2
Ejection seat training 4-15 Personnel authorized to fly Army aircraft
Emergency procedures training 4-8 2-1
Enroute procedures 5-4 Pilot (PI) 4-23
Exception to provisions of SOF message 6- Pilot in Command (PC) 4-21
6 Preflight 5-2
Exceptions to provisions of ASAMs 6-14 Prohibited missions 3-11
Experimental test pilot (XP) 4-31 Protective Clothing and Equipment 8-9
Explanation of abbreviations and terms 1- Protective Masks 8-10
3 Publications 4-3
Purpose of performance records 3-22
Failure to meet ATP requirements. 4-10
FHP Management Cycle 10-4 Release of grounded aircraft 6-8
FHP Concept of Management 10-3 Removal, addition, or relocation of aircraft
FHP Quarterly Projections Report 10-9 equipment 7-5
FHP Management Policy 10-5 Reporting the Execution Year FHP 10-10
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DATE: 05-04-98
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