Jurnal Obgyn
Jurnal Obgyn
Jurnal Obgyn
Risk of Cancer and Combined Oral Contraceptive among Iranian Women
Oral contraceptive use is the most common type of contraception. More than 300 million women worldwide
take oral contraceptives every day. However, there is a concern about the relationship with the incidence
of cancer. This analytical retrospective study aimed to investigate the relationship between the incidence of
cervical and breast cancers and oral contraceptive use in 128 Iranian patients with cervical cancer, 235 with
breast cancer and equal numbers of controls. Data were collected through interviews with an organized set of
questions. Details were also extracted from patient files. Data were analyzed using Student’s t-test, chi-square and
Fisher’s exact tests, and Pearson’s correlation analysis. The result revealed correlations between both cervical
and breast cancers and history of contraceptive pills use. While cervical cancer significantly correlated with
duration of use of pills, breast cancer had significant correlations with the type of oral contraceptive and age at
first use. No significant relationships were found between the two types of cancer and age at discontinuation of
oral contraceptives, patterns of use, and intervals from the last use. The use of oral contraceptives may triple
the incidence of cervical cancer and doubles the incidence of breast cancer. Therefore, performing Pap smears
every six months and breast cancer screening are warranted for long-term oral contraceptive users.
Keywords: Cancer risk - cervical cancer - breast cancer - oral contraceptive use - Iran
Department of Midwifery, Mahabad Branch Islamic Azad University and Department of Pathology, Faculty of Medicin, Urmia
University of Medical Sciences, Pathologist, Mahabad, Iran *For correspondence: [email protected]
The mean ages of patients with cervical cancer and Age at first use of contraceptive pills
their controls were 49.05 and 47.75 years, respectively. i) Cervical cancer: The relationship between cervical
The mean age of patients with breast cancer and their cancer and age at first use of contraceptive pills was not
controls were 47.63 and 46.45 years, respectively. significant.
Therefore, the case and control groups in both cancer ii) Breast cancer: In the case group, there was a
types were matched in terms of age. significant difference between the initiation of oral
contraceptives before and after the age of 25 years. The
History of oral contraceptives use odds of developing the disease increased by starting the
i) Cervical cancer: Overall, 63.3% of the case group pills at an age older than 25 years. The OR of suffering
and 35.9% of the control group had used contraceptive from breast cancer was 1.99 (95%CI: 1.2-3.3) in those who
pills. Chi-squared test revealed significant difference had started oral contraceptives after the age of 25 years
between the two groups (p<0.001). The odds ratio (OR) and increased to 6.47 (95%CI: 2.46-17.04) in subjects
and 95% confidence interval (CI) for cervical cancer was who had started the pills after 30 years of age.
estimated at 3.072 and 1.84-5.11, respectively (Table 1).
ii) Breast cancer: The majority of the case and control Type of contraceptive pills
groups (70.2% and 52.8%, respectively) had used oral i) Cervical cancer: There was no significant relationship
contraceptives. Chi-squared test results suggested a between the incidence of cervical cancer and type of pills
significant difference between the two groups (p=0.001; used.
OR=2.110; 95%CI: 1.44-3.08) (Table 1). ii) Breast cancer: The case and control groups had
a significant difference in terms of the type of oral
Duration of oral contraceptives use contraceptives (p=0.002), i.e. the patients had more
i) Cervical cancer: Most subjects in the case group frequently used high-dose birth control pills or high-
(40.7%) had used contraceptive pills for more than dose estrogen. While individuals who had used low-dose
97 months. In the control group, however, the highest contraceptive pills had an OR of 1.18 for developing the
relative frequency belonged to 13-60 months use (p<0.05; disease, the odds increased to 2.83 in those who had used
OR=3.072). The odds increased to 5.2 times when the high-dose pills.
Table 1. Absolute and Relative Frequency Distribution of Contraceptive Methods and Breast Cancer
Group Contraceptive method Case Control Total Result
Number Percent Number Percent Number Percent
Cervical cancer OCP 81 63.3 46 35.9 127 99.2 χ2=31.03
Other 24 18.7 65 50.8 89 69.5 p=0.0001
None 23 18 17 13.3 40 31.3 df=2
Brest cancer OCP 165 70.2 124 52.8 289 61.5 χ2=33.69
Other 63 26.8 92 39.1 155 32.95 p=0.001
None 7 3 19 8.1 26 5.55 df=2
Table 2. Risk of Cervical And Brest Cancer Acording to the use of Combination Oral Contraceptives
Variable Cervical cancer Brest cancer
Case 128 Control 128 OR (%95 CI) Case 235 Control235 OR (%95 CI)
No use 47 82 3.72 (1.84-5.11) 63 92
Any use 81 46 165 124 2.11 (0.46-3.33)
Duration of use <12 month 11 7 1.6 (0.46-3.33) 29 12 2.06 (1.31-3.01)
13-60 23 25 0.9 (0.51-1.78) 52 44 1.23 (0.78-1.93)
61- 96 14 6 2.4 (0.54-3.9) 17 11 1.58 (0.72-3.46)
>97 33 8 5.2 (2.28-11.8) 67 57 1.33 (0.88-2.02)
Age at first use 13-18 Year 11 8 1.41 (0.54-3.63) 20 22 0.88 (0.44-1.61)
19-24 38 20 2.28 (1.23-4.19) 64 69 0.9 (0.61-1.34)
25-30 19 10 2.05 (0.91-4.61) 50 28 1.99 (1.20-3.30)
>30 13 8 1.69 (0.84-4.24) 29 5 6.47 (2.46-17.4)
Time since last use >12 month 5 2 2.56 (0.48-13.44) 25 11 2.42 (1.63-5.04)
12-36 19 12 1.68 (0.78-3.63) 17 7 2.54 (1.03-6.24)
37-96 41 23 2.15 (1.19-3.85) 37 25 1.56 (0.91-2.70)
>97 16 9 1.88 (0.8-4.4) 86 81 1.09 (0.75-1.60)
Type of OCP HD 28 14 2.28 (1.13-4.57) 49 20 2.83 (1.62-4.93)
LD 51 32 1.98 (1.16-3.38) 116 106 1.18 (0.82-1.70)