Free Webgis Software Analysis: Authors: Francesco D'Alesio Peter Hopfgartner

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Le opportunità non hanno confini

Free WebGIS Software Analysis

Francesco D'Alesio
Peter Hopfgartner

May 2012
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Free WebGIS Software Analysis

Executive summary

This report explains the structure of the Reference Implementation

WebGIS application, which is being developed in the project.
It illustrates diferent usage needs and available free and open source
Then, in paragraph 4.2, it shows how software can work together and
the constrains for each server-side choice.
The last paragraph (4.3) explains the software selection logic for the
diferent layers.


One of the goals of the FreeGIS project is to build a reference

implementation based on Free and Open Source software able to satisfy
the following needs:
1. Manage spatial data in a DBMS
2. Serve spatial data through standard and multilingual WMS, WFS
and WCS.
3. Edit spatial data using both WebGI and desktop GIS applications.
4. Guarantee interoperability with common Web and Desktop GIS
A rich WebGIS application is based on diferent components, explained
in the chapters below.
There are a big variety of Free and Open Source GIS software available,
and, while this is surely a big advantage, it makes harder to identify the
software that better fts the diferent needs and that is able to
interoperate with the other components.
Also, often, these software provide more than one component and they
often overlaps with other.
Thanks to the wide adoption of the OGC standards, most of the available
software are able to interoperate with each others, so components can
mostly be assembled and exchanged leveraging standard capabilities.

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This report has been written for GIS experts who are interested in
analysing the diferent open source software options available. In the project context the report is addressed tzo project team and
partners to document the process followed in defning the sofdtware
stack for the reference implementation.

WebGIS applications structure

A WebGIS application consists in a stack of software able to serve

geographical information over the web.
The following WebGIS structures considers the full components involved,
from Data to Users, satisfying the needs specifed by the FreeGIS
Reference Implementation features.

Get Data

A (GET) WebGIS is structured as shown in the diagram below.

The Data Layer stores data: this operation can be handled with a Spatial
enabled DBMS (like PostgreSQL or MySQL), with fles (like ESRI
Shapefles, XML or JSON fles) or using a WFS service.
The Server Layer gets data from the Data Layer, performs operations on
data and publish them in mainly three OGC services: CSW (for catalog
information), WFS (for raw data) and WMS (for map images).
These services can be used both with a Desktop GIS application (like
gvSIG or GRASS) or through web applications.
Finally, users can use WebGIS data using a browser (like Chrome or
Firefox), with a Desktop GIS application or with mobile software (like

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The stack above represents an OGC compliant web application. It is
although possible to publish data in other formats.

Edit Data

An Edit WebGIS is structured as shown in the diagram below.

Users can edit data with a Desktop GIS application or with an internet
browser through a web application. Data is then submitted to a WFS-T
service that pass edits to the Data Layer.
Outside OGC standards, data can be edited from a Desktop GIS
application that directly save edits in a server DBMS. Also, web
applications can ofer the possibility to edit data using custom systems.

WebGIS software

Data Layer

PostgreSQL + PostGIS
PostgreSQL is an open source RDBMS, able to provide spatial
functionalities through its extension PostGIS.
Actually, PostGIS is the best SpatialDBMS: it is largely used, it has a big
and active community, it is following the Simple Features SQL OGC
standards and it implements lots of additional and useful functions.
Its next version 2.0, will make headway in reaching PostgreSQL
proprietary competitors, supporting rasters and topology.
MySQL provides a subset of the Simple Features SQL OGC standard

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Shapefle is probably the most used format for spatial data. It is
developed and regulated by Esri as an open specifcation for data
interoperability among Esri and other software products.
It surely has the advantage of being totally portable and easier to
approach with for end users. The great part of GIS applications are
supporting it.
Text files
There are diferent fle formats able to store geographical features. OGC
provides specifcations for GML and KML, both XML-based language.
The other text fle format often used in Web Applications is the GeoJSON
format, lighter than XML.
GPX is another text fle for geographical information, mainly used by
GPS devices.
Data can be also used directly from a WFS service, using the GML
format. This option is actually hardly used in a production environment
because of performance issues.

Server Layer

MapServer is a geodata rendering engine, implementing WMS, WFS and
WCS standards from several open and proprietary data source
Actually, MapServer is the most used WMS server software. It has active
developers and users community and a prompt mailing list.
It is written in C, it runs on various operating systems (Windows,
GNU/Linux, Mac OS X, etc) and it supports many programming
It is able to get features from many proprietary and open spatial DBMSs,
shapefles, GML (also cascading WFS), KML and GPX.
It is released under an MIT-style license.
GeoServer is an easy-to-use software that allows users to view and edit
geospatial data.
It provides WMS, WFS (-T), and WCS services.
It is fully featured, it includes an author module to publish data and a
client module.
It is written in Java, so it runs on every operating system supporting it
(Windows, GNU/Linux, Mac OS X, etc).
It is able to get and edit features from both proprietary and open spatial
DBMSs, shapefles and cascading WFSs.

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It is released under the GNU GPLv2 license.
Deegree is a comprehensive geospatial software package with
implementations of OGC Web Service, a geoportal, a desktop
application, security mechanism, and various tools for geospatial data
processing and management.
It claims to be INSPIRE ready for View and Download services, and it
provides an example package confgured to serve all Annex I Data
It can import data from a GML source (WFS or text fle) and provide WFS,
WMS and CSW services.
It is written in Java, so it runs on every operating system supporting it.
It is released under the LGPLv3 license.
QGIS Mapserver
QGIS mapserver is an open source WMS (1.3.0 and 1.1.1)
implementation. In addition, it implements advanced cartographic
features as specifed in the Map and Diagram Service specifcations.
Its main goal is to provide an easy-to-confgure way to publish
WebMaps. It gives users the possibility to publish the project edited in
QGIS Desktop application.
It is written in C++ and it runs on GNU/Linux, Windows and MacOSX.
It is released under the GPLv2 license.
GeoNetwork is a catalog application to manage spatially referenced
It provides metadata editing and search functions as well as an
interactive map viewer.
It is written in Java, so it runs on every operating system supporting it.
It can import WMS and WFS metadata, and there are plans to integrate
it with GeoServer.
It is released under the GPLv2 license.
TinyOWS server implements the latest WFS-T standard. It is intended to
complete MapServer with WFS-T capabilities and there are plans to
integrate it MapServer.

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PyWPS is an implementation of the WPS standard. It is intended to add
geoprocessing functionalities to web and desktop applications from
centralized software.
It is written in Python, it runs on GNU/Linux and Windows and it can use
functions from GRASS, R as well as custom defned functions. It provides
also an OpenLayers class to use it. It is released under the GPL license,
version 2 or laters.

North52° WPS
North52° WPS is another implementation of the WPS standard. It is
written in Java, so it runs on every operating system supporting Java. It
has client plugins for OpenLayers, uDig and OpenJump to ease its usage,
and connectors to GRASS, Sextante, FME and ArcGIS. It is released
under the GPLv2 license.

Zoo Project
Zoo Project is another WPS implementation. I'ts main goal is to give
developers the ability to write processes in various programming
languages, using all the libraries available. It is released under the
MIT/X-11 license.

Web Application Layer

OpenLayers is a Javascript library with no server-side dependencies. It is
the basis for several Web Mapping projects (some of them are listed
below). It is able to serve maps from OGC standard services, query
features through WFS and edit data through WFS-T servers.
It is surely the most used map library, with a very active community. It is
well documented, fully customizable and easily extensible.
GeoEXT is a javascript library combining OpenLayers with ExtJs, a toolkit
for rich web application.
It provides a set of predefned common functionalities (such as legend
panel, layer tree and search forms) to fasten the development of a rich
web mapping application.
OpenScales is a mapping framework designed for building Rich Web
Mapping Applications easily.

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It is written in ActionScript3 and Flex. It initially started from as a Flex
port for OpenLayers so its API and functionalities are very similar to the
OpenLayers ones.
It can be used both for browser-based applications and for desktop-
based applications, providing the ability for users to work ofine with
local resources, in the same environment as the online version.
MapFish is a complete framework for building rich web-mapping
It is written in Python, so it runs on every platform supporting it.
It has a "studio" component that aid users to confgure and style web
Also, it provides a Javascript toolbox based on OpenLayers and GeoEXT,
able to serve data from diferent Map server software (MapServer,
Geoserver etc).
It is released under the BSD license.
Gisclient is a complete framework for building rich web-mapping
It has an “author” component with a GUI interface that helps users
confguring MapServer. It also provides confgurations for the “client”
The “client” component is a rich web mapping application with common
features such as printing, editing, querying etc.
It is written in PHP for the server side and Javascript for the client side.
It is released under the GNU/GPLv3 license.
P.mapper is a framework intended to facilitate the setup of a MapServer
application based on PHP/MapScript.
It includes both server and client functionalities.
It is released under the GPLv2 license.
Mapbender is the back ofce software and client framework for spatial
data infrastructures.
It is written in PHP for the server side and Javascript for the client side.
It is released under both the GPLv3 license and the Simplifed BSD

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Geomajas is a complete web mapping framework written in Java, with
both a server component and a rich web mapping application. It
provides lots of built-in functionalities to easily create a web GIS
It is released under the GNU Afero general public license (AGPL) v3.

User Layer

GRASS is a fully featured desktop GIS, written in C and running on many
operating systems.
It provides a wide range of functions for spatial analysis on both vector
and raster data.
It can be linked to most of the spatial DBMS (both open and proprietary)
with native support or ODBC driver. It is also able to get data from WMS
and WFS services.
GRASS functions are also often used in other desktop GIS applications
like QuantumGIS, gvSIG and uDig (described below).
Quantum GIS (QGIS) is a user friendly desktop GIS. It runs on GNU/Linux,
Unix, Mac OSX, and Windows and supports numerous vector, raster, and
database formats and functionalities.
It is able to get data from WMS and WFS services as well as editing data
through WFS-T services.
It is also able to get and edit data from PostGIS and SpatiaLite.
It is released under the GNU license.
GvSIG is very similar to QGIS, although it is written in Java and support
some additional functionalities (such as a 3d viewer and topology
It is released under the GPLv2 license.
uDig is a desktop application framework for GIS. It is written in Java.
Its main goal is to provide an user friendly interface for spatial
webservices and it is mainly intended to build custom desktop
applications on it.
Udig is released under the LGPLv2.1 license.

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Software Relationships

The implementation of the INSPIRE services involves several software.

The following diagram exposes the possible relationships between the
software analyzed starting from data sources and ending with the three
required INSPIRE services.

As shown in the diagram above, thanks to standard formats and

interoperability, there are many ways to get from a spatial database to
an INSPIRE service.
However, none of these software are able to provide an exact
compliance with the INSPIRE requirements. Even if all the communities
involved in the development of these software are aware of the INSPIRE
needs, and some of them (especially DeeGree) are addressing their
eforts mainly on INSPIRE implementing rules, every choice will entail
some developments.


GeoServer is now working to support WMS 1.3.0 and WFS 2.0, required
At the moment, they are not addressing the multilingualism and
additional metadata problems.
As shown in the diagram above, GeoServer is able to get data from
various sources. It can handle the catalog services and there are plans
to integrate GeoNetwork, so that linkage between View/Download and
Discovery services can be kept automatically.

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The ETL process here is less demanding, while there is no needs to
change the data format. So starting from a Spatial DB (like PostGIS), can
results in the creation of a view.


MapServer is already compliant with WMS 1.3.0, but they are not
working on WFS 2.0.
Actually, MapServer can not serve additional INSPIRE metadata, nor is
supporting multilingual capabilities.
However, the MapServer development team is actively working on this:
they already coded patches for additional INSPIRE capabilities and a
basic multilingual support.
They should also add fexibility to the layer defnition: actually it is not
possible to create layers with diferent geometry types, while the
INSPIRE Data Specifcation requires this in diferent themes.
There is already a feature request for this problem, already approved by
the Project Steering Committee.
The multilingual support is limited at the moment to the getcapabilities
request/response (as required by INSPIRE). There are not any plans to
extend this to other operations.
As shown in the diagram above, MapServer (as GeoServer) can get data
from diferent sources. It can also handle a catalog CSW compliant
service but, unlink GeoServer, there is not the possibility to link View
and Download service to an external Discovery service (like
Like GeoServer, the ETL process is less demanding.


Deegree is already compliant with WMS 1.3.0 and WFS 2.0. It also has
an INSPIRE ready implementation, with extended metadata support and
basic multilingual capabilities.
As shown in the diagram above, Deegree can only get features from an
INSPIRE ready GML fle (or WFS service). Starting from this, Deegree can
store features in various DBMS through JDBC connection.
Unlike MapServer and GeoServer the ETL process is more demanding: it
needs an INSPIRE compliant GML fle (or WFS service), so the
transformation process shall handle a format transformation and data
Deegree can directly serve a Discovery service CSW compliant.
However, who implemented an INSPIRE service using Deegree, chose
GeoNetwork for the Discovery service. The reason besides this needs
additional investigations. However, unlike GeoServer, Deegree is not

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integrated with GeoNetwork, so linkage between View/Download and
Discovery services shall be kept manually.

Software selection
Unlike with proprietary software, the choice of a free open source
software should consider some additional parameters.
Free Open source software are nearly often distributed without support.
This means that the ability to easily fnd an experienced partner that
could eventually support the development of the project is an important
Also, in case that a bug is blocking the project or a new functionality is
needed, there should be the possibility to contact someone able to
workout the problem. This requires an active development group and a
large user community.
Again, most of the time, free open source software are tested by users.
This means that newborn or barely used software are likely buggy.
As shown in the diagram above, the software considered in this report
are nearly completely interoperable, so every choice could be made
almost independently from each other.
That said, the following paragraphs, will compare the diferent software
for each application layer.

Data Layer
For the data layer PostgreSQL with PostGIS is surely the best choice: it is
mature, it has an active community and it is largely used.
PostGIS can also directly and easily import Shapefles. It can create
geometries from GML, KML and WKT formats, providing the ability to
import almost every geographical text format.
Shapefles can also be used directly (without PostGIS) from MapServer,
Geoserver and so on.

Server Layer

The choice of the map server software is probably the most critical: this
is the core component of a geoportal and it is desirable to use the less
possible number of components to serve all the required services.
For example, using Qgis MapServer for WMS and MapServer for WFS
means double confguration of the same features, and nearly double
efort to maintain and update the whole project.
That said, supposing that WMS, WFS and catalog services shall be
implemented, Qgis Mapserver, although tests acclaim it as the fastest

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(and probably easiest) mapserver, it should be excluded as it can just
serve WMS.
TinyOWS shall be considered only if it will be integrated with MapServer,
as it will cover its lack of WFS-T support.
Finally, the choice is between MapServer, GeoServer and Deegree.
MapServer is the most used and oldest mapserver software. It has a
very large community of users and developers and many companies are
working and supporting it.
Also, there are lots of applications and clients supporting and enhancing
MapServer aiding the user in setting up a WebGIS application.
The worst about MapServer is the not-so-friendly confguration: the user
shall know the mapfle syntax in order to confgure layers and styles.
However, there are a few GUI mapfle editors.
Geoserver is probably more user-friendly, with a web based, well
documented GUI. It supports WFS-T natively and it will probably be
linked to GeoNetwork for catalog administration.
However, Geoserver is less used than Mapserver.
Deegree is an almost newborn software, with a small user community
and with just a subset of the functionalities of MapServer and Geoserver.
It needs data in GML format so probably data should be transformed
almost "manually" and updates can be more difcult.
However, Deegree seems to be the only INSPIRE-ready open source
mapserver. This will probably increase rapidly its community and its
Regarding the processing functionalities, PyWPS seems to be the most
advanced and more standard compliant implementation for WPS. PyWPS
is able to use GRASS modules or statistical functionalities with R, as well
as to defne custom processing functions.

Web Application Layer

The choice of an application software depends on the functionalities

required and the ability to develop: OpenLayers, GeoEXT and
OpenScales are libraries or frameworks, while the other are complete
applications (sometimes based on that libraries).
Complete applications just need some confgurations, but they ofer a
fxed structure. It's often hardy to add new functionalities or to modify
Libraries and frameworks need developments: they speed up
development, but the whole structure of the portal shall be developed
"ad hoc". On the other hand, this choice allows full customisation and
less constrains.

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On the libraries side, OpenLayers is almost a "must": actually, there
aren't valid competitors and a growing number of applications are using
or are migrating to OpenLayers.
GeoEXT is built on OpenLayers, adding common GIS functionalities that
could speed up the development of a complete WebGIS application.
OpenScales is just a branch of OpenLayers based on another browser
technology (Flash instead of Javascript). The only reason why one should
choose OpenScales instead of OpenLayers is its ability to work ofine. If
this functionality is not needed, OpenLayers is surely the best option.
On the applications side, MapFish and GisClient seems to be the best
options for the most. They “complete” MapServer with a confguration
GUI and they provide a feature-rich client.
GeoMajas is fully featured, with lots of built-in functionalities that
probably cover the most part of every WebGIS application needs. On the
other side, it doesn't seem to be very used and its community is very
P.mapper and MapBender are very similar, both in technology and
The choice of an application shall consider frst of all the adherence of
its functionalities to the project specifcations. If none the cited
applications fts the project specifcations, probably, the choice should
go toward libraries and custom development.

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