Adjustable Taper Ripping Jig
Adjustable Taper Ripping Jig
Adjustable Taper Ripping Jig
The main part of this jig is a
platform with four T-shaped slots.
These T-slots serve as tracks for the a. a.
adjustable hold-downs.
T-SLOTS. An easy way to form these
T-slots is to make the platform out
of two pieces and cut part of the
slot in each one.
The bottom (A) has four wide
dadoes cut in it to accept the head
of a toilet bolt (Fig. 1). Then, after 2
gluing on a hardboard top (B),
complete the T-slots by cutting
narrow dadoes for the shank of the
bolt (refer to Fig. 4 on page 4).
RAIL. To ensure that the platform
remains flat after it’s built, I added a
hardwood rail (C), see Fig. 2. It’s simply
glued to the edge of the platform.
RUNNER. The platform is guided
by a hardwood runner (D) that
slides in the miter gauge slot of the
saw table, see Fig. 2. To avoid any
“play” in the platform, you want the
runner to fit snug in the slot, yet
not so tight that it binds.
GROOVE. Once you’re satisfied
with the fit, the next step is to cut on the edge of the platform. This marks with the reference edge.
a groove in the bottom of the plat- waste will be trimmed off when THREE STEPS. An easy way to create
form to accept the runner. Since the you make your first pass. this reference edge is to use a
runner determines the position of REFERENCE EDGE. At this point, the simple three-step process, as shown
the jig on the saw table, the location edge of the platform becomes a in the drawings below. But before
of this groove is important. reference edge that indicates the trimming the edge of the platform
What you want is to locate the path of the saw blade. So, to make (Step 3), you’ll need to attach the
groove so when you install the an accurate cut on a workpiece, all runner with machine screws and
runner later, there’s some waste you’ll need to do is align the layout T-nuts, see Figs. 2 and 2a.
1the end of the leg, drill a cen- 2 the hex nuts up or down so it 3 taper with the edge of the jig
After laying out the tapers on With the leg in place, adjust Next, align the mark for the
tered hole to fit on the pin. sits flat on the platform. and tighten the adjustment nuts.