Morphology Exercises: Study These Components Carefully. A. Some Prefixes and Their Meanings

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Morphology Exercises

Study these components carefully.

A. Some prefixes and their meanings:
a- away, from
a/vers/ion: the act of turning away from; a dislike of something
ab- away, from
abbreviate: to shorten ; abduction: a taking away by force
ac- (ad-) to, toward, near
accelerate: to increase the speed of
accessible: easily entered, approached, or obtained
accumulate: to gather or pile up little by little
admittance: entry
bene- good, well
benevolent: showing kindness or goodwill
bi- two
bicentennial: of or relating to an age or period of 200 years
bilateral: of or involving two sides; i reciprocal
cent- hundred
centennial: of or relating to an age or period of 100 years
circum- around
circumscribe: to draw around; to encircle
circumvent: to go around; to bypass restrictions
com- (con-, cor-) with, together
commemorate: to honor the memory of, as by a ceremony
commotion: the scene of noisy confusion or activity
composition: an arrangement or putting together of parts
conclusion: the end or last part
construct: to form by putting together parts
contact: the state of touching or meeting
contemporary: of the same time; modem time
contortion: a twisted shape or position
contraction: act of drawing together or shrinking
convention: a gathering or assembly of people with a common interest
convert: to turn into or transform
convince: to persuade by argument or evidence
contra- against, opposite
contradict: to express or imply the opposite of
counter- against, opposite
counteract: to act directly against; to prevent from affecting
de- away, down
describe: to represent with words or pictures
decelerate: to reduce the speed of
deduction: a subtraction of an amount
deposit: to put down or in a safe place
destruction: the act of destroying; a state of damage
determination: an intent to reach a goal
devour: to eat quickly
di- apart, away, not
digression: a departure from the main issue, subject, etc.
dis- apart, opposite of
dissect: to cut apart piece by piece
disruptive: tending towards a break in the normal course or process
dissonance: lack of harmony; discord
distort: to alter the shape or condition of
e- out, away, from
eloquent: speaking beautifully and forcefully
emissary: a representative of a country or group sent on a mission
en- in, into
envision: to picture in the mind
ex- out, away, from
exclaim: to cry out or speak in a strong or sudden manner
exclusion: a shutting out; rejection
expose: to place something where it can I be seen; to put in an unprotected situation
extemporaneous: done without any preparation; impromptu
exterminate: to destroy or get rid of completely
extraction: process of withdrawing, pulling out
extro- outside of
extrovert: an outgoing person
il- in, into
illuminate: to give light to
im- (in-) not
immobile: motionless; unable to move
imposition: an excessive or unjust burden placed on someone
inaudible: unable to be heard
incredible: too extraordinary and impossible to believe
incredulous: disbelieving; not believing I
infraction: the act of breaking the limits or rules
invincible: unbeatable; impossible to overcome
invisible: impossible to see
in- in, into
induct: to formally install someone to an office or position
innovation: a new idea, method, or device
inscription: an engraving on a coin or other object
inspection: the act of examining or reviewing
intact: with nothing missing; left whole
infra- beneath
infrastructure: underlying framework of a system
inter- between
interaction: communication between two or more things
intercept: to stop or interrupt the course of
interrupt: to stop or hinder by breaking in on
intersection: the place or point where two things cross each other
intervene: to come between; to intercede
intro- within
introversion: turning inward; focusing on oneself
mis- bad, wrong
misnomer: an error in naming a person or thing
ob-(op-) against
obstruction: an obstacle or something put up against something else
opposition: the act of resistance or action against
per- through
perennial: lasting through many years
post- after
postscript: an addition to an already completed letter, article, or book
pre- before
prediction: a statement foretelling the future
prescription: a written order for medicine
pro- for, before, forward
proceed: to go forward, especially after stopping
proclamation: something announced officially in public
progress: movement forward or onward; improvement
promotion: an advancement in rank or position
re- back, again
reaction: a response
recapture: the taking back of something I
recognize: to identify someone or something seen before
reconstruction: the act of putting back together
regression: a movement backward to an earlier state
rejuvenate: to bring back to youthful strength or appearance
remittance: the act of sending back money to pay
removable: able to be taken or carried away
renovate: to make something like new again
repugnant: distasteful; offensive or revolting
retract: to draw or pull back
revival: the act of bringing back to life; renewed interest in
revocable: able to be repealed or withdrawn
retro- backward
retrospect: the remembering of past events
se- apart
secede: to formally break away from
seclude: to keep away from; to isolate
sub- (sur-) under
submarine: being, living, or used under water
tra- across, through
traverse: to move across or turn back and forth across
ultra- beyond
ultrasonic: related to a frequency of sound vibrations beyond the normal hearing range; high
in frequency
uni- one
unilateral: affecting one side of something
unison: as one voice
B. Some LATIN ROOTS and their meanings:
act- do, drive
counteract: to act directly against; to prevent from affecting
interaction: communication between two or more things
reaction: a response
anim- spirit, life
animate: to give spirit, life, motion, or activity to
equanimity: calm temperament; evenness of temper
aqua- water
aquamarine: blue-green in color, like seawater
aud (audi)- hear
audience: a group of listeners or spectators
inaudible: unable to be heard
avi(avia)- bird
aviary: a large enclosure in which birds are kept
aviatrix: a woman airplane pilot
brev(brevi)- short
abbreviate: to shorten
brevity: quality of being brief; shortness in time
capt(cept)- take, hold
intercept: to stop or interrupt the course of
recapture: the taking back of something
carni- flesh, meat
carnivorous: flesh-eating
cede (ceed, cess)- go, yield
accessible: easily entered, approached, or obtained
proceed: to go forward, especially after stopping
secede: to formally break away from
celer- fast
accelerate: to increase the speed of
decelerate: to reduce the speed of
claim (clam)- call out, shout
exclaim: to cry out or speak in a strong or sudden manner
proclamation: something announced officially in public
clud(clus)- close
conclusion: the end or last part
exclusion: a shutting out; rejection
seclude: to keep away from; to isolate
cogn(cogni)- know
cognition: process of acquiring knowledge
recognize: to identify someone or something seen before
cred- believe
credence: belief; acceptance as true or valid
incredible: too extraordinary and impossible to believe
incredulous: disbelieving; not believing
cumul- mass, heap
accumulate: to gather or pile up little by little
cumulative: gradually building up
dict- speak
contradict: to express or imply the opposite of
prediction: a statement foretelling the future
duct- lead
abduction: a taking away by force
deduction: a subtraction of an amount
induct: to formally install someone to an office or position
dur- harden, to last, lasting
durable: having the quality of lasting
duration: the length of time something lasts
enni -year
bicentennial: of or relating to an age or period of 200 years
centennial: of or relating to an age or period of 100 years
perennial: lasting through many years
equ (equi)- equal, fair
equanimity: calm temperament, evenness of temper
equation: a statement of equality
equity: fairness; the state of being just or fair
equivocate: to use misleading language that could be interpreted two different ways
fract(frag)- break
fraction: a part or element of a larger whole
fracture: a break, crack, or split
fragile: easily broken; delicate
fragment: a broken piece infraction: the act of breaking the limits or rules
gress- step
digression: a departure from the main issue, subject, etc.
progress: movement forward or onward; improvement
regression: a movement backward to an earlier state
herbi- grass
herbicide: any chemical used to kill unwanted plants, etc.
herbivorous: plant-eating
juven- young
juvenile: youthful or childish; immature
rejuvenate: to bring back to youthful strength or appearance
later- side
bilateral: of or involving two sides; reciprocal
unilateral: affecting one side of something
loqu- speak
eloquent: speaking beautifully and forcefully
loquacious: very talkative
lumin- light
illuminate: to give light to
luminary: an object, like a star, that gives off light; a famous person (a "star")
luminous: giving off or reflecting light
manu- hand
manual: having to do with the hands
manuscript: a handwritten document or author's original text
mar- sea
aquamarine: blue-green in color, like sea water
marine: of or pertaining to the sea submarine: being, living, or used under water
memor (memori)- remember
commemorate: to honor the memory of, as by a ceremony
memorial: related to remembering a person or event
memory: an ability to retain knowledge; an individual's stock of retained knowledge
miss (mitt)- send, let go admittance: entry
emissary: a representative of a country or group sent on a mission
remittance: the act of sending back money to pay
mob (mot, mov)- move
commotion: the scene of noisy confusion or activity
immobile: motionless; unable to move
mobility: relating to the quality of being able to
promotion: an advancement in rank or position
removable: able to be taken or carried away
nom (nomin)- name
misnomer: an error in naming a person or thing
nominal: being something in name only but not in reality
nominate: to name for election or appointment; to designate
nov- new
innovation: a new idea, method, or device
novice: a person who is new to an activity; a beginner
renovate: to make something like new again
pos (posit)- place, put
composition: an arrangement or putting together of parts
deposit: to put down or in a safe place
expose: to place something where it can be seen; to put in an unprotected situation
imposition: an excessive or unjust burden placed on someone
opposition: the act of resistance or action against
pugn (pugna)- fight
pugnacious: having a quarrelsome or I aggressive nature
repugnant: distasteful; offensive or revolting
rupt- break, burst
disruptive: tending towards a break in the normal course or process
interrupt: to stop or hinder by breaking in on
rupture: a breaking apart or the state of being broken apart
scrib (script)- write, written
circumscribe: to draw around; to encircle
describe: to represent with words or pictures
inscription: an engraving on a coin or other object
manuscript: a handwritten document or author's original text
postscript: an addition to an already completed letter, article, or book
prescription: a written order for medicine
sect- cut
dissect: to cut apart piece by piece
intersection: the place or point where two things cross each other
son- sound
dissonance: lack of harmony; discord
ultrasonic: related to a frequency of sound vibrations beyond the normal hearing range;
high frequency
unison: as one voice
spec (spect)- look, examine
inspection: the act of examining or reviewing
retrospect: the remembering of past events
specify: to describe in detail
struct- build
construct: to form by putting together parts
destruction: the act of destroying; a state of damage
infrastructure: underlying framework of a system
obstruction: an obstacle or something put up against something else
reconstruction: the act of putting back together
tact- touch
contact: the state of touching or meeting
intact: with nothing missing; left whole
tactile: of or relating to the sense of touch
tempor- time
contemporary: of the same time; modem time
extemporaneous: done without preparation; impromptu
temporary: lasting for a limited time
termin (termina)- end, limit
determination: an intent to reach a goal
exterminate: to destroy or get rid of completely
terminal: related to something leading to the end or to death
tort- twist
contortion: a twisted shape or position
distort: to alter the shape or condition of
tract -drag, draw out, pull
contraction: act of drawing together or shrinking
extraction: process of withdrawing, pulling out
retract: to draw or pull back
ven(vent)- come
circumvent: to go around; to bypass restrictions
convention: a gathering or assembly of people with a common interest
intervene: to come between; to intercede
ver(veri)- truth
veracity: truth, honesty
verify: to confirm; to prove to be true
vers (vert)- turn
aversion: the act of turning away from; a dislike of something
convert: to turn into or transform
extrovert: an outgoing person
introversion: turning inward; focusing on oneself
traverse: to move across or turn back and forth across
vinc- conquer
convince: to persuade by argument or evidence
invincible: unbeatable; impossible to overcome
vis- see
envision: to picture in the mind
invisible: impossible to see
viv- live, life
revival: the act of bringing back to life; renewed interest in
vivacious: high-spirited and full of life
vivid: lively in appearance; vigorous
voc (voci)- voice, call
equivocate: to use misleading language that could be interpreted two different ways
revocable: able to be repealed or withdrawn
vociferous: loud, noisy
vol (voli)- will, wish
benevolent: showing kindness or goodwill
volition: the act of making a choice or decision
vor(vour)- eat
carnivorous: flesh-eating
herbivorous: plant-eating
voracious: desiring or eating food in great quantities
devour: to eat quickly
C. Some LATIN SUFFIXES and their meanings:
-able : able to be (adjective)
durable: having the quality of lasting
removable: able to be taken or carried j away
revocable: able to be repealed or withdrawn
-acious : having the quality of (adjective)
loquacious: very talkative
pugnacious: having a quarrelsome or I aggressive nature
vivacious: high-spirited and full of life
voracious: desiring or eating food in great quantities
-acity : the quality of (noun)
veracity: truth, honesty
-al : of, related to (noun, adjective)
bicentennial: of or relating to an age or period of 200 years
bilateral: of or involving two sides; reciprocal
centennial: of or relating to an age or period of 100 years
manual: having to do with the hands
memorial: related to remembering a person or event
nominal: being something in name only but not in reality
revival:the act of bringing back to life; renewed interest in
perennial: lasting through many years
terminal: related to something leading to the end or to death
unilateral: affecting one side of something
-ance : state, quality, act (noun)
admittance: entry
dissonance: lack of harmony
remittance: the act of sending money back to pay
-aneous: having the quality of (adjective)
extemporaneous: done without preparation; impromptu
-ant : that which (noun)
repugnant: distasteful; offensive or revolting
-ary : of, related to (adjective)
contemporary: of the same time; modem time
temporary: lasting for a limited time
-ary : someone or something that belongs to (noun)
aviary: a large enclosure in which birds are kept
emissary: a representative of a country or group sent on a mission
luminary: an object, like a star, that gives off light; a famous person (a "star")
-ate : to make, to act (verb)
abbreviate: to shorten accelerate: to increase the speed of
accumulate: to gather or pile up little by little
animate: to give spirit, life, motion, or activity to
commemorate: to honor the memory of, as by a ceremony
decelerate: to reduce the speed of
equivocate: to use misleading language that could be interpreted two different ways
exterminate: to destroy or get rid of completely
illuminate: to give light to
nominate: to name for election or appointment; to designate
rejuvenate: to bring back to youthful strength or appearance
renovate: to make something like new again
-ation : an action or process (noun)
determination: an intention to reach a goal
duration: the length of time something lasts
equation: a statement of equality
innovation: a new idea, method, or device
proclamation: something announced officially in public
-cide : kill (noun)
herbicide: any chemical used to kill unwanted plants, etc.
-ence : state, quality, act (noun)
audience: a group of listeners or I spectators
credence: belief; acceptance as true or valid
-ent : like, related to (adjective)
benevolent: showing kindness or goodwill
eloquent: speaking beautifully and forcefully
-er : that which (noun)
misnomer: an error in naming a person or thing
-ferous : producing (adjective)
vociferous: loud, noisy
-fy : to do, to make (verb)
specify: describe in detail
verify: to confirm; to prove to be true
-ible : able to be (adjective)
accessible: easily entered, approached, j or obtained
inaudible: unable to be heard
incredible: too extraordinary and impossible to believe
invincible: unbeatable; impossible to
invisible: impossible to see
-ic : (-id) like, related to (adjective)
ultrasonic: related to a frequency of sound vibrations beyond the normal hearing range;
high frequency
vivid: lively in appearance; vigorous
-ice : one who, that which (noun)
novice: a person who is new to an activity; a beginner
-ile : of, related to (adjective)
fragile: easily broken; delicate
immobile: motionless; unable to move
juvenile: youthful or childish; immature
tactile: of or relating to the sense of touch
-ine : like, related to (adjective)
aquamarine: blue-green in color, like sea water
marine: of or pertaining to the sea
submarine: being, living, or used under water
-ion : state, quality, act (noun)
abduction: a taking away by force
aversion: the act of turning away from; a dislike of something
commotion: the scene of noisy confusion or activity
composition: an arrangement or putting together of parts
conclusion: the end or last part
contortion: a twisted shape or position
contraction: act of drawing together or shrinking
convention: a gathering or assembly of people with a common interest
deduction: a subtraction of an amount
destruction: the act of destroying; a state of damage
digression: a departure from the main issue, subject, etc.
envision: to picture in the mind
exclusion: a shutting out; rejection
extraction: process of withrawing, pulling out
fraction: a part or element of a larger whole
imposition: an excessive or unjust burden placed on someone
infraction: the act of breaking the limits or rules
inscription: an engraving on a coin or other object
inspection: the act of examining or reviewing
interaction: communication between two or more things
intersection: the place or point where two things cross each other
introversion: turning inward; focusing on oneself
obstruction: an obstacle or something put up against something else
opposition: the act of resistance or action against
prediction: a statement foretelling the future
prescription: a written order for medicine
promotion: an advancement in rank or position
reaction: a response
reconstruction: the act of putting back together
regression: a movement backward to an earlier state
-ity : state, quality, act (noun)
brevity: quality of being brief; shortness lime
equanimity: calm temperament, evenness or temper
equity : fairness; the state of being just or fair
mobility: relating to the quality of being able to move
-ive : performing or tending towards (adjective)
cumulative: gradually building up
disruptive: tending towards a break in the normal course or process
-ize : to make, to act (verb)
recognize: to identify someone or something seen before
-ment : that which (noun)
fragment: a broken piece
-ous : having the quality of (adjective)
carnivorous: flesh-eating
herbivorous: plant-eating
luminous: giving off or reflecting light
-tion : state, quality, act (noun)
cognition: process of acquiring knowledge
volition: the act of making a choice or decision
-trix : feminine (noun)
aviatrix: a woman airplane pilot
-ulous : having the quality of (adjective)
incredulous: disbelieving; not believing
-ure : process, condition (noun)
fracture: a break, crack, or split
infrastructure: underlying framework of a system
recapture: the taking back of something
rupture: a breaking apart or the state of being broken apart
-y : state, quality, act (noun)
memory: an ability to retain knowledge; an individual’s stock of retained knowledge.

II. Analyze the following words into bound roots, prefixes oe suffixes.
1. contraction _________________________________________________________
2. extraction _________________________________________________________
3. retract _________________________________________________________
4. convince _________________________________________________________
5. invincible _________________________________________________________
6. commotion _________________________________________________________
7. immobile _________________________________________________________
8. mobility _________________________________________________________
9. promotion _________________________________________________________
10. removable _________________________________________________________
11. aviary _________________________________________________________
12. aviatrix _________________________________________________________
13. commemorate _________________________________________________________
14. memory _________________________________________________________
15. memorial _________________________________________________________
16. aquamarine _________________________________________________________
17. marine _________________________________________________________
18. submarine _________________________________________________________
19. pugnacious _________________________________________________________
20. repugnant _________________________________________________________
21. counteract _________________________________________________________
22. interaction _________________________________________________________
23. reaction _________________________________________________________
24. audience _________________________________________________________
25. inaudible _________________________________________________________
26. juvenile _________________________________________________________
27. rejuvenate _________________________________________________________
28. circumvent _________________________________________________________
29. convention _________________________________________________________

30. intervene _________________________________________________________
31. cognition _________________________________________________________
32. recognize _________________________________________________________
33. determination _________________________________________________________
34. exterminate _________________________________________________________
35. terminal _________________________________________________________
36. circumscribe _________________________________________________________
37. describe _________________________________________________________
38. inscription _________________________________________________________
39. postscript _________________________________________________________
40. prescription _________________________________________________________
41. intercept _________________________________________________________
42. recapture _________________________________________________________
43. contact _________________________________________________________
44. intact _________________________________________________________
45. tactile _________________________________________________________
46. contradict _________________________________________________________
47. prediction _________________________________________________________
48. disruptive _________________________________________________________
49. interrupt _________________________________________________________
50. rupture _________________________________________________________
51. expose _________________________________________________________
52. composition _________________________________________________________
53. deposit _________________________________________________________
54. imposition _________________________________________________________
55. opposition _________________________________________________________
56. fraction _________________________________________________________
57. fracture _________________________________________________________
58. infraction _________________________________________________________
59. fragile _________________________________________________________
60. fragment _________________________________________________________
61. animate _________________________________________________________

62. equanimity _________________________________________________________
63. credence _________________________________________________________
64. incredible _________________________________________________________
65. incredulous _________________________________________________________
66. abduction _________________________________________________________
67. deduction _________________________________________________________
68. induct _________________________________________________________
69. benevolent _________________________________________________________
70. volition _________________________________________________________
71. aversion _________________________________________________________
72. convert _________________________________________________________
73. extrovert _________________________________________________________
74. introversion _________________________________________________________
75. traverse _________________________________________________________
76. eloquent _________________________________________________________
77. loquacious _________________________________________________________
78. nominal _________________________________________________________
79. nominate _________________________________________________________
80. misnomer _________________________________________________________
81. manual _________________________________________________________
82. manuscript _________________________________________________________
83. carnivorous _________________________________________________________
84. devour _________________________________________________________
85. voracious _________________________________________________________
86. bicentennial _________________________________________________________
87. centennial _________________________________________________________
88. perennial _________________________________________________________
89. bilateral _________________________________________________________
90. unilateral _________________________________________________________
91. contemporary _________________________________________________________
92. extemporaneous _________________________________________________________
93. temporary _________________________________________________________

94. veracity _________________________________________________________
95. verify _________________________________________________________
96. durable _________________________________________________________
97. duration _________________________________________________________
98. revival _________________________________________________________
99. vivacious _________________________________________________________
100. vivid _________________________________________________________
101. exclaim _________________________________________________________
102. proclamation _________________________________________________________
103. equation _________________________________________________________
104. equity _________________________________________________________
105. equivocate _________________________________________________________
106. accumulate _________________________________________________________
107. cumulative _________________________________________________________
108. illuminate _________________________________________________________
109. luminary _________________________________________________________
110. luminous _________________________________________________________
111. innovation _________________________________________________________
112. novice _________________________________________________________
113. renovate _________________________________________________________
114. revocable _________________________________________________________
115. vociferous _________________________________________________________
116. conclusion _________________________________________________________
117. exclusion _________________________________________________________
118. seclude _________________________________________________________
119. herbicide _________________________________________________________
120. herbivorous _________________________________________________________
121. dissonance _________________________________________________________
122. ultrasonic _________________________________________________________
123. unison _________________________________________________________
124. contortion _________________________________________________________
125. distort _________________________________________________________

126. inspection _________________________________________________________
127. retrospect _________________________________________________________
128. specify _________________________________________________________
129. envision _________________________________________________________
130. invisible _________________________________________________________
131. admittance _________________________________________________________
132. emissary _________________________________________________________
133. remittance _________________________________________________________
134. dissect _________________________________________________________
135. intersection _________________________________________________________
136. construct _________________________________________________________
137. destruction _________________________________________________________
138. infrastructure _________________________________________________________
139. obstruction _________________________________________________________
140. reconstruction _________________________________________________________
141. abbrebviate _________________________________________________________
142. brevity _________________________________________________________
143. accessible _________________________________________________________
144. proceed _________________________________________________________
145. secede _________________________________________________________
146. accelerate _________________________________________________________
147. decelerate _________________________________________________________
148. digression _________________________________________________________
149. progress _________________________________________________________
150. regression _________________________________________________________


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