Session2.2 NMRF Knowledge Cafe ENG-WG 4 Handouts

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OHCHR Treaty Body Capacity Building Programme

Training package on Reporting to the United Nations Human Rights Treaty Bodies

National Mechanisms for Reporting and Follow-up (NMRF)

Session 2.2 – Key capacities of a NMRF

Working Group Discussions on the main features

and key capacities of a
National Mechanism for Reporting and Follow-up (NMRF)


The engagement capacity of a national mechanism refers to its capacity to:

 Engage and liaise with international and regional human rights bodies (in the context of reporting,
interactive dialogues or facilitation of visits by special procedure mandate holders or the
Subcommittee on Prevention of Torture); and
 Organize and centrally facilitate the preparation of reports to international and regional human
rights mechanisms, and of responses to communications and follow-up questions and
recommendations/decisions received from such mechanisms.

Questions for discussion

 Engagement capacity

o How does my Government currently engage with international and regional human
rights mechanisms? Which Ministry takes the lead? When?

o Is there a permanent structure for engagement with human rights mechanisms? Or is it

an ad hoc engagement?

o What works well? What does not work well?

o How could the Government (best) organize and centrally facilitate the drafting and/or
drafting reports to international and regional human rights mechanisms?

o How could the Government organize and centrally facilitate visits by Special
Procedures mandate holders or the Sub-Committee on the Prevention of Torture (SPT)?

o How could it organize and centrally facilitate the preparation of responses to

communications and follow-up questions and recommendations/decisions received
from the Treaty Bodies or the Special Procedures?

o How could a NMRF best be structured and resourced?

o How could one avoid too much rotation among staff or to maintain some core
institutional knowledge?

o How could one ensure that staff are adequately trained?

o How would gender be mainstreamed in the structure and work processes?

OHCHR Treaty Body Capacity Building Programme

Training package on Reporting to the United Nations Human Rights Treaty Bodies

National Mechanisms for Reporting and Follow-up (NMRF)

Session 2.2 – Key capacities of a NMRF

Working Group Discussions on the main features

and key capacities of a
National Mechanism for Reporting and Follow-up (NMRF)


The coordination capacity of a national mechanism refers to its capacity and authority to
disseminate information, and to organize and coordinate information gathering and data
collection from government entities, but also other State actors such as the national office for
statistics, SDG implementation focal point “agency/Ministry”, parliament and the judiciary, for
reporting and follow-up to recommendations

Questions for discussion

 Coordination capacity

o How could the Government (best) collect, analyse, disseminate information

from/to Government entities for reporting and follow-up to recommendations?

o How could the Government (best) collect, analyse, disseminate information

from/to Parliament and the Judiciary, the SDG implementation focal point
(agency/Ministry) and the National Statistical Office, for reporting and follow-
up to recommendations?

o If a NMRF were to be established, how could the visibility of the NMRF be


o How can one ensure that everybody understands its role, functions and
cooperates with such a mechanism?

Treaty Body Capacity Building Programme

Training package on Reporting to the United Nations Human Rights Treaty Bodies

National Mechanisms for Reporting and Follow-up (NMRF)

Session 2.2 – Key capacities of a NMRF

Working Group Discussions on the main features

and key capacities of a
National Mechanism for Reporting and Follow-up (NMRF)


The consultation capacity of a national mechanism for reporting and follow-up refers to its
capacity to foster and lead consultations with the country’s NHRI(s) and civil society.

Questions for discussion

 Consultation capacity

o How and at which stages could the Government (best) foster, organize and lead
consultations for reporting and follow-up with the NHRI?

o How and at which stages could the Government (best) foster, organize and lead
consultations for reporting and follow-up with civil society organizations?

OHCHR Treaty Body Capacity Building Programme

Training package on Reporting to the United Nations Human Rights Treaty Bodies

National Mechanisms for Reporting and Follow-up (NMRF)

Session 2.2 – Key capacities of a NMRF

Working Group Discussions on the main features

and key capacities of a
National Mechanism for Reporting and Follow-up (NMRF)


The information management capacity of a national mechanism for reporting and follow-up
refers to its capacity to:

- Track the issuance of recommendations and decisions by the international and regional
human rights mechanisms;
- Systematically capture and thematically cluster (including against SDGs) these
recommendations and decisions in a user-friendly spread sheet or database;
- Identify responsible government ministries and/or agencies for their implementation;
- Develop HRM recommendations implementation plans, including time-lines, with relevant
ministries to facilitate such implementation; and
- Manage information regarding the implementation of treaty provisions and
recommendations, including with a view to preparing the next periodic report.

Questions for discussion

 Information management capacity

o How does the Government currently manage information regarding the

implementation of treaty provisions and recommendations, including with a
view to preparing the next periodic report?

o How could the Government (best) track the issuance of recommendations of the
international and regional human rights mechanisms?

o How could the Government (best) track the implementation of

recommendations of the international and regional human rights mechanisms?


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