FCL Final Reviewer
FCL Final Reviewer
FCL Final Reviewer
1. Sacrament is derived from the latin word “sacra” which means “Sacred”. Every celebration of a
sacrament therefore, reflects and affects sacred therefore conceals a sacred reality yet reveals
the divine will of God.
St. Paul first used the latin word “Sacramentum”,, in the bible that latter on has been translated
into mysterious in Greek. That a sacrament has a Mystery or it is about God’s hidden plan.
That’s why such was the heartwarming appreciation of the early Christians to every celebration
of a sacrament because of the above mentioned understanding – It is God’s hidden plan, as each
sacrament is revealed it deserves a great feast.
St. Augustine on the other hand has reflected and realized a deeper meaning about the
sacrament for him “a sacrament is a sign of sacred reality, that which can be received and
perceived.” As a mystery taunted by St. Paul, for St. Augustine it has become a tangible sign. A
sign which is always present and available to all believers. A sign that represent yet present and
could be received. Such is God’s presence for us, he is always there readily made himself
available for us. St. Thomas Aquinas went further in realizing and living with the meaning of
sacraments, for him, “ A sacrament is an efficacious symbol.” By efficacious he meant, “It effects
what it symbolizes and symbolizes what it effects.”
Sacraments as a Mystery was developed into a sign of a sacred reality. For St. Thomas it is an
efficacious symbol, that the actual celebration of the sacrament gives an effect, which is the
divine as symbolized by human terms and because of this symbolism we receive the actual
effect- the Divine.
2. What are those sacraments that can be received only once?
The sacraments that can be received only at once are the following:
Baptism – The sacrament that gives our souls the new life of sanctifying grace by which we
become children of god and heirs of heaven.
Confirmation – The sacrament through which the holy spirit comes to us in a specific way
and enables us to profess our faith as strong and perfect Christians and soldiers of Jesus
Holy Orders – The sacrament through which men receive the power and grace to perform
the sacred duties of bishops, priest, and deacons.
3. What are those sacrament that can be Received more than once?
Holy Eucharist – A sacrament and a sacrifice in which our savior Jesus Christ, body and
blood, soul and divinity, is contained, offered, and received under the appearances of
bread and wine.
Penance – The Sacrament by which sins committed after baptism is forgiven through
the absolution of the priest.
Anointing of the Sick – The sacrament which, through the anointing with blessed oil by
the priest, and through his prayer, gives health and strength to soul, and sometimes to
the body, when we are in danger of death from sickness, accident, or old age.
Matrimony – The sacrament by which a baptized women binds themselves for life in a
lawful marriage, and receives the grace to discharge their duties.