Case Study Two: India: Value Addition To Local Kani Tribal Knowledge: Patenting, Licensing and Benefit-Sharing
Case Study Two: India: Value Addition To Local Kani Tribal Knowledge: Patenting, Licensing and Benefit-Sharing
Case Study Two: India: Value Addition To Local Kani Tribal Knowledge: Patenting, Licensing and Benefit-Sharing
Value addition to local Kani tribal knowledge: patenting, licensing and benefit-sharing
The subject of this case study is the role of intellectual property rights in the benefit-sharing
arrangements concerning the “Jeevani” drug, which was developed by scientists at the Tropical
Botanic Garden and Research Institute (TBGRI), based on the tribal medicinal knowledge of the Kani
tribe in Kerala, South India. “Jeevani” is a restorative, immuno-enhancing, anti-stress and anti-fatigue
agent, based on the herbal medicinal plant arogyapaacha, used by the Kani tribals in their traditional
medicine. Within the Kani tribe the customary rights to transfer and practice certain traditional
medicinal knowledge are held by tribal healers, known as Plathis. The knowledge was divulged by
three Kani tribal members to the Indian scientists who isolated 12 active compounds from
arogyapaacha, developed the drug “Jevaani”, and filed two patent applications on the drug (and
another patent based on the same plant but for different use). The technology was then licensed to
the Arya Vaidya Pharmacy, Ltd., an Indian pharmaceutical manufacturer pursuing the
commercialization of Ayurvedic herbal formulations. A Trust Fund was established to share the
benefits arising from the commercialization of the TK-based drug “Jevaani”. The operations of the
Fund with the involvement of all relevant stakeholders, as well as the sustainable harvesting of the
arogyapaacha plant, have posed certain problems which offer lessons on the role of intellectual
property rights in benefit-sharing over medicinal plant genetic resources and traditional medicinal
Policy Context
The objectives of the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) include the conservation of biodiversity, its
sustainable use, and the fair and equitable sharing of the benefits resulting from such use. The CBD recognizes
that the authority to determine access to genetic resources rests with national governments and is subject to
national legislation, but it is silent about the ownership or property rights of these resources. Article 15(4) of
the CBD requires access to resources on mutually agreed terms. Article 15(5) of the CBD requires the prior
informed consent of the Contracting Parties while accessing biodiversity. Article 8(j) provides that the
knowledge, innovations and practices of indigenous and local communities relevant to biodiversity conservation
and utilization should be respected, preserved and maintained. It further obliges Contracting Parties to
promote the wider application of such traditional knowledge with the approval and involvement of the holders
and to encourage the equitable sharing of the benefits arising from the utilization of the knowledge. Article
15(6), 15(7), 16, 19(1), and 19(2), advocate fair and equitable benefit-sharing arrangements between the
providers and users of relevant resources. There are other international instruments which have a bearing on
the options of Contracting Parties to explore economic opportunities through the sustainable extraction of, and
value addition to, biological resources.1
The Agreement on Trade-Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) provides, inter alia, minimum
standards for the protection of patents in all fields of technology. This includes the field of biotechnology,
where biotechnological inventions utilize biological and genetic resources in new, non-obvious and industrially
applicable ways. Such inventions may be conceived with or without the use of traditional knowledge
associated with the genetic resources.
Parties to the CBD are obliged to take legislative, administrative and policy measures with the aim to conserve
biodiversity and also to ensure the fair and equitable sharing of benefits as per the provisions of the
Convention. India, as a Party to the Convention, is obliged to pass legislation pursuant to the provisions of the
Convention. Ordinarily, the legislation will provide a broad framework to guide access and benefit-sharing
arrangements for biological and genetic resources. Instruments such as contracts and material transfer
agreements would effectively determine the basis for regulation of these arrangements.
The implementation of the provisions of the Convention is riddled with problems. Most Contracting Parties,
including India, have not yet arrived at a scientific basis for estimating the limits of sustainable extraction of
various species in different ecosystems. In addition to the technological hurdles and those of equitable
contractual agreements, one has to address social and ethical issues in accessing biodiversity using local
knowledge and innovations. Several issues arise, such as:
how to ensure that the stakeholders know the real value of their knowledge;
how to ensure that their consent is truly an “informed” one;
how could one maintain a balance in the flow of benefits to the local communities and individual
herbalists without harming their traditional conservation ethic.2 (Gupta, 1991)
The major actors in the formulation and implementation of these regulations are governments, non-
governmental organizations, the private sector, as well as indigenous and local communities. These actors need
to come together to develop acceptable norms for conserving biodiversity and the fair and equitable sharing
of benefit arising out of the utilization of biological resources and associated TK.
Currently, India does not have a law governing access to genetic resources, except to a limited degree the
genetic resources located in national parks and sanctuaries. However, a bill has recently been been tabled in
the parliament. Since this bill constitutes an important part of the policy context in which this case of access
and benefit-sharing over biological resources took place, salient features of the draft bill are given below:
1. Knowledge of local people related to biodiversity shall be respected and protected as recommended by
the National Biodiversity Authority to the Central Government through measures which may include
registration of such knowledge at local, state and national levels, and development of and adjustment
in sui generis system for intellectual property protection of such knowledge (section 36-4).
2. Any person who is not a citizen of India, any body or corporate association or organization which is
not registered in India, or which is registered in India but has non-Indian citizen participation in equity
or management, is prohibited from obtaining any biological resource occurring in India and/or
associated knowledge for research, commercial utilization, or bio-survey and bio-utilization without
prior approval of the National Authority (section 3(1), (2), sec. 4). This prohibition will also apply to a
citizen of India who stays abroad (section 2(b)) Collaborative research projects involving transfer /
exchange of biological resources and information relating to them between institutions including
government sponsored institutions of India and similarly placed institutions in other countries will be
exempted from the provisions of sub-paragraph (i) and (ii) above.
3. It is also proposed to prohibit transfer of any result of research with respect to any biological resources
by any citizen of India or any body or corporate association, organization registered in India, without the
prior approval of the National Authority (section 4). This does not restrict publication or dissemination
in a seminar or conference, if such a publication is as per the guidelines issued by central government.
4. National Authority shall ensure that the terms and conditions of approval secure equitable sharing of
benefits arising out of the use of biological resources and knowledge relating to them. Such benefits
may include joint-ownership of intellectual property rights, transfer of technology, location of R&D,
association of Indian Scientists and local people with R&D and bio-survey and bio-utilization, location
of production units, setting up of Venture Capital Funds, direct monetary compensation and other non-
monetary benefits as may be appropriate for the entity from where it has been accessed (section 21(2)).
5. Any person intending to apply for any form of intellectual property right in or outside India for any
invention based on any research or information on a biological resource occurring in India shall be
required to obtain prior permission for such application of the National Authority in the prescribed
form; while granting permission the National Authority may impose benefit-sharing fee or royalty or
conditions on the financial benefits arising out of the commercial utilization of such right (section 6).
6. The national authority will ensure that the amount of nenefit sharing is deposited in the National
Biodiversity Fund,”provided that where biological resources or knowledge was a result of access from
specific individual or group of individuals or orgnaizations, the National Biodiversity Authority may
direct that the amount shall be paid directly to such individuals or groups of individuals or organizations
in accordance with the terms of any agreement and in such manner as it deems fit (section 21 (3)).
7. So far as biodiversity exploration by Indian citizens or corporations is concerned, they will have to give
prior intimation to State Biodiversity Board in the prescribed form (section 24 (1)). State Biodiversity
Board may, on receipt of such intimation, prohibit or restrict any such activity if it is of the opinion that
such activity is detrimental or contrary to the objectives of conservation and sustainable use of
biodiversity or equitable sharing of benefits arising out of such activity (section 24 (2).
8. National Biodiversity Authority may, on behalf of the central government, take measures to oppose
intellectual property rights granted outside India on any biological resource or associated knowledge
taken out of India (section 18 (4)).
It is apparent from the above review of the proposed Biodiversity bill that Indian nationals are not subject to
similar constraints as international biodiversity-prospectors. In the case of joint or collaborative projects among
state institutions, prior clearances will not be needed, even though international researchers may be involved.
This is relevant to the present case. The Bill provides that no research outputs can be transferred to anyone
outside the country without prior approval of the competent national authority. There are a whole range of
incentive measures suggested (both monetary and non monetary) for meeting the expectations of genetic
resource and/or knowledge providers. The most significant feature of proposed bill is that any one desirous of
applying for protection of intellectual property will have to take prior permission of the national authority. How
this would affect the strategic interests of the inventors remains to be seen. To what extent it will lead to
equitable sharing of benefits has to be seen in the light of various other ways in which the same goal can be
met. The experience described in this case will illuminate these issues further.
The subject of this case study is the benefit-sharing arrangements concerning the Jeevani drug. ‘Jeevani’ is a
herbal medicine developed by the scientists of the Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute (TBGRI) as a
restorative, immuno-enhancing, anti-stress and anti-fatigue agent based on the knowledge of the Kani tribe.
Jeevani acts on the human system in the following ways:
Anuradha (1998)3 has described in detail some of the key activities of this case along with the institutional
context of value addition and benefit-sharing. The present case study draws upon the general history of the
process through which the collaboration among various stakeholders emerged. It brings in the perspective of
those members of the Kani tribe who benefited directly from the collaboration as well as those who may not
have benefited so far, but are likely to do so in the future. It is important to add the perspective of the Forest
Department under whose jurisdiction the Agastya forest lies, where the plant in question is found. We also look
at the indigenous knowledge systems of the Kanis which provide clues to the long healing tradition of this tribe.
Major players:
All India Coordinated Research project on Ethnobotany (AICRPE)
Ministry of Environment and Forestry, Government of India (MOEF)
Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute (TBGRI)
Forest Department
Arya Vaidya Pharmacy (Coimbatore) Ltd.
Minor players:
Kerala Institute of Research Training and Development of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes (KIRTADS)
Integrated Tribal Development Program (ITDP)
Key actors:
Kani Tribals (Living within the forests as well as outside the forests)
The Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute (TBGRI) is a registered autonomous institution under the
Travancore-Cochin Literary, Scientific and Charitable Societies Registration Act, 1955. Being the largest botanical
garden in Asia, TBGRI plays an important role not just in the country but also at the international level as a member
of the Botanical Garden Association. The garden is spread over 300 acres, having 50,000 accessions belonging
to 12,000 genetic variants of 7000 tropical plant species. It aims at studying conservation and sustainable
utilization of plant diversity in tropical India. The Chairman of its Governing Body is the Chief Minister of Kerala,
the Secretary of this body is the Director, TBGRI, in addition to whom there are fourteen members. The Chairman
of the Science, Technology and Environment Committee (EC), Government of Kerala chairs the Executive
Committee of TBGRI. The Secretary of the EC is the Director, TBGRI, and the EC has four members. Both bodies
have representation from other State Departments such as the Forest Department and the Planning Board.
to carry out botanical, chemical and pharmacological research for the development of scientifically
validated and standardized herbal drugs4 and other industrially important chemicals and value added
products for food, cosmetics, etc.
to study and conserve tropical plant genetic resources and develop strategies for their sustainable use.
to develop location-oriented production technologies that utilize local resources and human skills.
to translate the fruits of research into socio-economic advantages.
to conduct collaborative research programmes with similar institutions in India and abroad.
The Kerala Institute of Research Training and Development of Scheduled Caste and Scheduled Tribes
(KIRTADS) is a research institute under the Government of Kerala which was set up under directions of the
Central Government. It was established with the purpose of promoting integrated development of research
and training pertaining to Scheduled Castes and Scheduled Tribes in Kerala. KIRSTADS feels that the ‘Kanis’
should be encouraged to directly interact with wider society and administer their medical knowledge according
to terms set forth by the Kanis themselves. KIRSTADS feels that the only way tribal medicine can survive is by
preserving its original form and premises, otherwise it is liable to be misused as a convenient resource base for
other systems of medicine. It feels that TBGRI should consider ways and means to impart technical know-how
to the Kanis to manufacture the Jeevani drug and thereby involve them further in the process.
The Integrated Tribal Development Programme (ITDP) was initiated by the Directorate for Tribal Welfare,
government of Kerala. A pilot phase for cultivation of the plant was initiated under it in some of the Kani
settlements, in areas adjoining the reserved forest during the period 1994-1996. Fifty families were given Rupees
1000 each by ITDP to cultivate the plant. Under the scheme, TBGRI agreed to buy the leaves harvested by the
families. These were then supplied to Arya Vaidya Pharmacy (AVP) for the plot phase production of Jeevani.
The All India Coordinated Research Project on Ethnobiology (AlCRPE) is a project that was set up by the Union
Ministry of Environment and Forestry in 1982 with headquarters at RRL Jammu to:
a) develop a better understanding of the life, culture, customs and traditional knowledge systems of tribals,
b) to develop sustainable development alternatives which are in sync with the values and ethos of tribals,
c) to strengthen the linkages between tribal welfare and the management of the forests.
AICRPE has 27 centres all over the country and has so far documented information about 9500 medicinal
plants, 3900 edible plants, 700 plants and other materials required for cultural functions, 525 fibre and cordage
plants, 400 fodder plants, 300 pesticidal and pisicidal plants, 300 gum resin and dye plants, 100 incense and
perfume plants, etc. Of the 1500 wild edible species, more than 300 could be identified as source of future
foods (Saslin Salim5, 1993).
TThe Arya Vaidya Pharmacy (AVP) is a Coimbatore based company pursuing the commercialization of
Ayurvedic and herbal formulations in a highly value based manner, upholding high quality standards. TBGRI
licensed the technology for a fee of Rupees10 lakhs to produce the drug for seven years in addition to two per
cent of the sales as royalty. Arya Vaidya Pharmacy has been a manufacturer of Ayurvedic drugs since 1948.
Figure 1 – JEEVANI™ is a product of the Figure 2 – The Augustayar forest in the Western Ghats of Kerala, where Kani
Arya Vaida Pharmacy which is an Indian tribal members identified the arogyapaahez plants to a team of scientists
108 company. from All Indian Coordinated Research Project on Ethnobiology (AICRPE).
The Forest and Forestry Department: The forests of the Augustayar Valley are thick and provide the home to
a wide variety of plants, tree, shrubs, etc. The most important species include terminalia peniculta, terminalia
tomentosa, cario harboria, psidium guajava, colophyllum ilatum, arogyapaacha (trichapus zeylanicus), ficus
glomerata, phoenix pusilla, michelia champaca, pongamia pinnata, tamarindus indica, madhuca indica and
alstonia scholaris.
The Augustayar Forest is designated as a reserved rain forest. It has several small streams running across the
forest and draining into the Neyyar river. In such an area all acts not permitted by the Forest Office of the State
Government are prohibited. The Forest Department periodically issues a list of minor forest produce which can
be extracted by the tribals living in the forest. It is significant to note that in principle the Forest Department
has agreed to include arogyapaacha (trichopus zeylanicus travancoricus) under the minor forest produce list,
but formal orders have not been issued (declaration awaited at time of preparation of this case study).
The Kani tribal people live in the forests of the Thiruvananthapuram district of Kerala in south India. Their
current population is estimated to be approximately 18,000. Their settlement system is such that a few families
live in a cluster interspersed with the forest. The terrain is undulated. Every Kani has a small garden in front
of his/her hut and has few plants of rubber and other palms besides some fruits and flowers around their hut.
They do limited cultivation of tapioca, banana, millets and cash crops such as pepper, coconut, rubber, arecanut
and cashewnut etc., in small plots of land given by the Forest Department. They derive most of their livelihood
from crafts, and gathering and selling of various permitted forest produce. It may seem paradoxical that the
original inhabitants of this area are dependent on the state for using the natural resources conserved by them
for centuries. But the forests were nationalized and despite the recent constitutional amendment making tribal
people the custodians of all minor forest species in their areas, the situation at ground level has not improved
much. Also the much acclaimed decentralization to panchayat (the village councils) level in Kerala does not
seem to have had any major effect on the lives and choices of tribals in the area studied.
The Kanis are reported traditionally to be a nomadic community but most of them are well settled now for a
long time. Their economic condition is one of extreme impoverishment. Some of them do not even have a
thatched hut. The huts of others were built by the Forest Department and Tribal Department years ago without
taking the design and material preferences of the tribals adequately into account.6
Anuradha observes, that traditional structure of the community was that of a highly coordinated unit under the
control of a tribal chief, called Muttukani. Traditionally, the Muttukani combined the roles of the law giver, protector
and dispenser of justice, physician and priest. However, with time the traditional system of governance among the
Kanis has been eroded to a large extent and the role of the tribal chief is only a token one. (Anuradha, 1999).7 The
role of the Forest Department in determining their choices is quite evident even to a casual visitor. There are some
settlements on the other side of the Neyyar river on which there is also a Neyyar Dam. One has to go to these
settlements by a boat from dam site or by road from the other side. The local social structures have become weaker
in proportion to the increase in their dependence on forest department for their survival. The lack of any material
goods worth their name in the huts of most Kanis shows that they have been bypassed by the developmental
impulses of the last fifty years of the post-independence era. There are some who have better living standards either
due to their proximity to outside forces or their social status with in the local communities. The Kani society is quite
stratified and the general romanticised view of homogeneous community structure is not applicable.
Figure 3 – The Kani Tribe, which was traditionally a nomadic Figure 4 – The tribal physicians of the Kani, known as Plathi,
community, is now mostly settled under conditions of are the exclusive holders of the traditional medicinal
extreme impoverishment. knowledge of the tribe.
Tribal physicians among the Kanis are known as ‘Plathi’ – ‘he who is a repository of tribal medical wisdom’.
They cure ailments through their traditional healing art which includes administration of various drugs or
some magico-religious cures like manthras and rituals. Much of the tribal medicinal knowledge among the
Kani is dispensed by the Plathis. Plathis perform various rituals and chants from birth to death with the help
of an instrument named kokara. Only they can use this musical instrument. After seven days of the death
of a person, they perform the ‘dodhi chant’ to purify the soul of the diseased person. There are more than
twenty kinds of chants such as the pini, deeva, twodi, karthikeya chants, etc. In the Quilon district, the Kanis
change the Plathi if he is found to be inefficient and the ceremony is known as Nallu Vachu Nokal. Depending
upon the number of possible candidates for becoming plathi, they would judge a new person who is qualified
to be a priest. Selected people are screened by this ritual to formalize the position of Plathi. Then there is a
ceremony called Pallaga yeduppa. They ask the God who should be selected and the selected person has to
be approved by God.
An existing Plathi trains the new person for about six months. In this chain of formalization of Plathi, the last
ritual is Kakar dupa. After the training is over, the new Plathi is allowed to play the Kokara musical instrument.
Once he gets this instrument he is considered to be qualified to be a Plathi. For seven weeks, once every week
the rituals are practiced for the new Plathi to induct him in his new role. Before giving the musical instrument
Kokara to the new Plathi, permission is taken from all those present one by one whether he should give the
Kokara to the new person. The Plathis of nearby settlements are also invited on the occasion to offer sanctity.
The newly selected Plathi performs the Kadalpok chant on the Kokara musical instrument. The induction process
helps generate commitment among the Plathi towards their society. The new Plathi leads the chanting of songs
and if he goes wrong, the old Plathi or Plathis from other settlements correct him. By the morning this chant is
completed. And this process continues once a week for seven weeks and after it is done the new Plathi becomes
properly established. Only after seven weeks he is considered fully recognized. The health tradition of the Kani
tribes inhabiting the forests of the Western Ghat region of Kerala is quite rich. The herbal lore of this tribal
community of a large number of wild plants found in the flora-rich forests of the Western Ghats holds a lot of
potential for the future. Conservation of biodiversity and related knowledge systems thus has to be an important
objective of any benefit-sharing system apart from the improvement of local livelihood support systems.
Intellectual Property Rights
The drug Jeevani, on which a national patent application was filed, was developed from the perennial plant
Arogyapaacha (trichopus zeylanicus). This plant is a small rhizomatous, perennial herb distributed in Sri Lanka,
Southern India and Malaysia. In Sri Lanka it grows in lowland sandy forests near streams. In the Malay
Peninsula it is found in low-lying forests. In India it is found at an altitude of around 1000 meters. The sub-
species found in India is called trichopus zeylanicus travancoricus. Within India the plant is endemic to the
region of the Western Ghats that falls in the Thrivananthapuram district of the State of Kerala and the
Tirunelveli district of the State of Tamil Nadu.
It was in December 1987 that Dr. Pushpangadan8 (then with the Regional Research Laboratory in Jammu)
stumbled upon the herb while leading a team from the All India Coordinated Research Project on Ethnobiology
(AICRPE). During an ethnobotanical expedition to the Western Ghats, Kani tribals who accompanied the team
as guides, did not feel tired whereas the scientists were feeling fatigued. They observed that the Kani guides
were continously munching black fruits of some plants. They offered a fruit to the exhausted scientists during
the trip. “Upon eating the fruits, AICRPE team felt immediately charged and full of energy and vitality
(Pushpangadan et al., 1988).9 The tribals were initially reluctant to reveal the identity of the fruit and pleaded
that it was a time-honored tribal secret and a sacred one. After a great deal of persuasion the Kani led the
AICRPE team to the arogyapaacha.
Recently, the drug has been featured on the cover page of top sports and fitness magazines15 which claimed that,
“having gone through successful clinical trials, Jeevani will soon be made available in the U.S. as an energizer,
adaptogen and immune stimulator” (2000). It has also been included in Chinese/Japanese medicine such as
“Shosaikoto” with considerable clinical effect.16 One company in the United States of America has also registered
a trademark of “Jeevani” for sale of the same drug in the USA.17 There is another company which is soliciting
plants and/or seeds of arogyapaacha.18 This drug, based as it is on traditional knowledge of the Kani tribe, seems
to have tremendous potential in global markets for natural health care products and sports medicines.
TBGRI isolated five compounds in all from arogyapaacha, but the detailed characterization of four compounds
has been delayed due to the lack of adequate technology and equipment. TBGRI has been forced to send these
compounds to Copenhagen for characterization, says Dr. Pushpangadan. For the one compound for which
characterization was possible at TBGRI without delay, a patent application was filed.
In 1996 TGRI filed a process patent application for a process of manufacture of a herbal sport medicine, based
on the compounds isolated from arogyapaacha. The application describes the invention as “a novel, safe
herbal sports medicine, having antifatigue, antistress and stamina boosting properties.” The application
contains two claims, relating to a process of preparation of a herbal drug from the plant arogyapaacha
(trichapus zeylanicus) and three further plants in the form of granules or suspension. The application does not
specifically mention the tribal knowledge of arogyapaacha, but it records that “the therapeutic effect of this
plant has been established by detailed pharmacological studies. (Pushpangadan et al. (ed) Glimpses of Indian
Ethnopharmacology, pp. 137-145, TBGRI Publication 1995)” and it specifies that “The physical appearance and
characters of this plant matches well with the description of ‘Varahi’ described in Susrutha Samitha
(Pushpangadan et al. Ancient Science of Life, 13-16, 1988).” With respect to the second plant used in the
invention, Wiuthania somnifera or ashwagandha, the application mentions that “Ashwagandha is mentioned
as an important drug in the ancient Ayurvedic literature.”
A collaborative research project entitled “Ethnopharmacology of Indian Medicinal Plants” is carried out
between the Tropical Botanic Garden and Research Institute, Trivandrum, and the Department of Medical
Chemistry at the Royal Danish School of Pharmacy, Copenhagen, Denmark, sponsored by the Danish
International Development Agency (DANIDA). The project is undertaken on a mutual understanding that
all patents and patent rights developed under this project belong to the Indian partner.
all scientific publications resulting from this collaboration are published as joint publications between
the two institutes.
Under Phase I of the project, two scholars received training in Denmark on screening 70 medicinal plants of
pan-tropical Asian distribution in antibacterial, antifungal, antimalarial and anti-hypertensive agents. This
would strengthen the capacity of TBGRI in the area of natural product chemistry and additionally during this
period the physiochemistry and ethnopharmacology laboratories were equipped with DANIDA assistance.
The second phase of the programme was originally planned to start from July 1997. However, owing to various
reasons, especially due to a series of reviews conducted on the progress of Phase I and the review of
programmes to be started in Phase II, the scope of the programme was further broadened. DANIDA has now
agreed to extend this project for a further period of three years from 1999-2001, with a total financial outlay
of 6.6 million DKK. Out of this an amount of 2 million DKK is kept apart for strengthening the spectroscopic
and other instrumentation capabilities of TBGRI, which will be received as gift to TBGRI from DANIDA. The
remaining amount is utilized for offering doctoral and post-doctoral training to TBGRI staff and mutual visits by
other participating scientists from TBGRI and RDSP.
A protocol was designed for clinical trials of an anti-diabetic herbal drug formulated by the Institute. Acetone,
alcohol and water extracts of 40 medicinal plants were prepared and studied for their anti-cancer activity. One
of the plants showed DNA scission activity and detailed investigation is ongoing.
Mr. Pushpangadan pointed out that patent applications have already been filed for 12 drugs. A sports medicine
is being developed and one of the 19 wild species of pepper which was found to have anticancer properties is
under valuation. Another 150 species have been identified for valuation.
Similarly, collaboration with Singapore University helped TBGRI scientists to do research using the most
advanced ‘through-put-analysis,’ which can screen a thousand plants in one day against the traditional method
that takes six months to one year to study one plant.
Tissue Culture:
Before mass production of the compound drug is possible, arogyapaacha has to be cultivated on a large scale.
The Institute has started tissue culture for the fast propagation of the plant which is slow in natural
multiplication. However, it may not be most necessary to wait for tissue cultured plants for propagation since
the tribals have been able to propagate it easily. There are reports that shoot tips of the plant can be used to
culture this plant for rapid propagation.19 The Forest Department has suggested in personal discussions that
TBGRI should provide the technology of tissue culture to tribals so that they did not have to collect the plant
from the wild. However, the propagation of this plant in moist and shady environment is quite easy and many
Kanis tribals have actually already cultivated this plant.
It was realised by the researchers led by Dr Pushpangadan that without intellectual property protection they
would not be able to generate much revenue by licensing the drug they developed. Since the CBD is an
instrument applicable to plant genetic resources and traditional knowledge, they tried to follow various articles
of the CBD as faithfully as they could. In 1987, when the discovery was made, scientists took this exploration
as a routine ethno-botanical investigation. Early work at RRL Jammu was thus aimed at publishing the findings
and in some cases filing patent applications.
It was only after Dr. Pushpangadan moved to TBGRI that he got fully involved with value addition. The collaboration
with DANIDA helped in developing breakthroughs quite fast with all the intellectual property rights remaining with
TBGRI. The research team was actually a natural science team and they had no experience of dealing with complex
socio-political and socio-economic problems. Dr Pushpangadan had to face lot of opposition and criticism for his
attempt to share benefits. If he had done what all the ethnobotanist have been doing all these years, that is record
and publish the local knowledge with or without value addition or patent and enjoy the benefits oneself, perhaps
he would not have had to face any criticism. It is precisely because he did not take any share out of benefits for
himself or his senior colleague Dr. Rajasekharan, and that he achieved extraordinary results in such a short time
period through international research, that his motives became suspect to some.
Dr. Pushpangadan faced all of that opposition till he was appointed Director of the National Botanical Research
Institute. He continues his interest in the matter and tries to persuade the Forest Department to let this
experiment succeed. He also realizes that too much attention on himself and his colleagues by media around
the world may have contributed to the indifferent attitude of some of the Forest Department officials. The
officials of the Forest Department supported in principle the idea of benefit-sharing, but they had less
appreciation for their limited role in design and implementation of benefit-sharing arrangement. They did not
seem to mind that patents were obtained, even though KIRTADS was extremely critical of this step.
In addition there were two more patent applications in which this plant was included. One was for diabetes
(957/MAS/96, dated June 4, 1996) and the second a sport medicine (958/MAS/96 dated June 4, 1996).
It is important to note that while the Kani informants had used the plant fruits for vitality and energy, the
scientists had made the preparation by using the leaves of the plant. But the fact that the plant was being used
for the same purpose for which local people used it underlined the logic of benefit-sharing. After all if the local
communities had not conserved the biodiversity, the probability of scientists making any selection at all will be
remote or nil. In cases where local communities provide the lead and the use of the biological resource in the
TK is identical to the use of the resource claimed in the patent application, the case stands for:
Such a case has not arisen in many situations so far.20 Several small but multiple institutional changes have to
take place if such a philosophy has to be institutionalised.
The Patent (second Amendment) Bill 1999 aims to make many changes in the Indian Patent Act 1970. The
definition of chemical process will include “biochemical, biotechnological or microbiological process”, the
duration of patent protection will be extended to 20 years as per the minimum standard provided by the TRIPS
Agreement, the applicant will have to “disclose the source and geographical origin of the biological material
in the specification, when used in an invention” [section 8 (D)], allow product patents (on subjects not
otherwise prohibited in the act), reversal of burden of proof, etc.
The most important provisions relevant to the subject of this case study are found in Art. 17:
“(j) that the complete specification does not disclose or wrongly mention the source or geographical
origin of biological material used for the invention;
(k) that the invention so far as claimed in any claim of the complete specification is anticipated having
regard to the knowledge, oral or otherwise, available within any local or indigenous community in any
The above two provisions are two additional reasons on which opposition to any patent application can be
pursued. These provisions have not yet been attempted in the patent acts of other countries to the best of the
author’s knowledge. It still does not fully ensure that the biological resources and traditional knowledge used
by an inventor in a claimed invention have been obtained lawfully and rightfully.
The governing body of TBGRI authorized the director of TBGRI to transfer the technology for manufacturing
Jeevani to interested parties on payment of adequate license fee. Negotiations for the same were conducted
by a committee constituted for this purpose headed by the Chairman of the Executive Committee of TBGRI,
who is also the Chairman for the State Committee on Science, Technology and Environment, Government of
Kerala. The Committee recommended transfer of the right to manufacture Jeevani to the Arya Vaidya
Pharmacy (Coimbatore) Ltd. for a period of seven years for a license fee of Rupees Ten Lakhs. TBGRI was to
also receive two percent royalty on any future drug sales. This was done as per the guidelines of Council of
Scientific and Industrial Research.
TBGRI has stated that it was the best bargain that could be arrived at by their selection committee. They
emphasize that the license period is only for the purpose of a promotional venture, and that once the drug is
able to establish a market for itself within the license period of 7 years, the license fee could be suitably
enhanced and that it could be licensed to another company if that is more beneficial.
The rules of the Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) are specific that technology can be
transferred to other parties, including private companies for a trial run, free of cost.
TBGRI has also entered into technology transfer agreements with the Madras-based Velvette International
Pharma Products for the production of a herbal health care kit consisting of 14 drugs. The herbal preparations
were developed according to WHO standards at the Ethnomedicine Division of the Institute. The kit contains
14 scientifically validated drugs in granule, tablet, powder, capsule, ointment and oil forms. It is designed to
tackle all the common ailments afflicting a person including fever, headache, cold, cuts and wounds, diarrhea,
dysentry, inflammation and burns.
The first tranche of Rupees 5 lakh and royalties of
Rupees 19,000 of the benefit-sharing formula were
deposited in the account of Kani Samudaya Kshema
Trust at Kuttichal Union Bank. The first meeting of the
Trust after the transfer was held at the Kallar
Mattammodhu Kani tribal settlement on March 19,
1999. In the meeting it was decided to grant Rupees
50,000 as special incentive to Mallan Kani (Rupees
20,000), Kuthy Mathan Kani (Rupees 20,000) and
Eachen Kani (Rupees 10,000) who passed on the
information to the scientists.
A team of experts from a Japanese pharmaceutical firm visited the capital city and initiated negotiations with the
government to purchase the DNA rights of the plants. They reportedly offered Rupees 10 crores for outright
purchase. The government is understood to have rejected the offer. The fears about the possible patenting of
arogyapaacha plant by foreign entities are quite strong in the mind of local officials and leaders. In addition,
they want to ensure that their right to use this plant should never be compromised. This would require that a
patent would be granted in India for the plant and it is not possible under Indian Patent Act 1970 as amended.
In November 1997 with the assistance of TBGRI a trust was registered, named the Kerala Kani Samudaya
Kshema Trust. The Trust has been registered with nine members, all of whom are Kani tribals. The president
and vice-president of the Trust are the two Kanis who imparted the traditional knowledge to TBGRI regarding
arogyapaacha. The decision to form the Trust was taken in a local meeting of around 40 Kanis. The Trust deed
states the objectives of the Trust to be:
The aim of the Trust is to have all adult Kanis in Kerala as its members. Kanis in the vithura and permigamala
panchayat areas are opposed to this Trust. Members of the Trust are of the view that once the Trust becomes
functional they would be able to organize the Kanis better. Awareness about the Trust is very low and even
those who are aware, are often sceptical about its effectiveness. There has been some criticism of the Trust
and the mode of sharing benefits.
Figure 8 – Kani tribal members should benefit from the Figure 9 – Sustainable extraction of the arogyapaacha plant
Kerala Kani Samudaya Kshema Trust, which was established in the Augustayar forest has been of concern to the Forest
to share royalties from the patent on the Jeevaani drug. Department.
John and Sindhu (1998)21 highlighted the grievance of several Kanis about their lack of awareness about the
Trust, new medicine developed, and the future program of development. The Director of KIRTADS complained
that intellctual property rights were not being sought by local tribals and instead rights were being granted to
private entities. There was a suggestion about enacting new laws which would grant intellectual property
protection to Indigenous peoples like the Kanis instead of only to the formal scientists or outsiders. Suman
Sahay, Coordinator, Gene Campaign, felt that TBGRI, by taking out a patent for Jeevani, has “effectively
challenged the principle of the Common Heritage of Mankind, which considers all genetic resources the
property of everybody, with no particular ownership.” Many of these observers have overlooked that the
patent applications by TBGRI were only for the process of making drugs, because Indian patent law did not
permit product patents until now. Thus nobody’s right was affected adversely by the patent applications in any
real sense, because what was in the public domain will remain so before and after such patents have been
granted. The formulation that TBGRI had developed was sought to be protected. But as is well known, the
Indian patent office takes a long time to issue patents. Applications made in 1996 are yet to be processed.
Earlier Dr. Pushpangadan had proposed to route the funds through the Tribal Department of State Government.
He contacted the author of the present case study, Prof. Gupta, and was persuaded to set up a Trust Fund
rather than route the funds through a State Government body. This was supposed to provide greater flexibility
and control to the Kanis. It is true that the process of trust formation could have been more participative within
the settlements from which Kanis were included. TBGRI did take the help of some regional NGOs in creating
trust and generating awareness, but it was not adequate. However, the fact that Kanis could dare to protest
against Forest Department when they were not being given the right of collecting leaves of arogyapaacha,
shows that capacity was built among them to participate actively and consciously in the decision making
processes which affect their TK.
The Trust is currently working out a scheme to utilize the funds. A tentative project is to set up a Telephone
booth which will be the first one in the Kottor area bordering the forest belt. An insurance scheme for
pregnant women and another to cover accidental deaths is also being worked out.
Sustainable Extraction
During the harvest of leaves, some people uprooted the whole plant from their gardens and some others took
the wild herb from the forest. This alerted the Forest Department against possible large scale “smuggling” of
the herb. Scientists at TBGRI also feel that this should not be done since sustainable collection of the leaves of
the plant is possible. They emphasize that only the leaves of the plant are required for the production of
Jeevani. In a widely reported operation in 1996, 10,500 plants of arogyapaacha were confiscated, which had
been collected for a private nursery at the Vithura village in Thuruvananthapuram.
The Arya Vaidya Pharmacy is disappointed that despite there being a good market for the Jeevani drug, there
is no raw material to manufacture it. AVP had written to the Kerala Forest Department and the Tribal Welfare
Department proposing a plan for the cultivation of arogyapaacha, whereby it would pay the Kanis an initial
seed money for the cultivation of the plant and enter into a buy-back arrangement with the Kanis to buy the
leaves harvested from the cultivated plants. It is prepared to buy five tonnes of leaves a month. However, the
Forest Department rejected AVP’s proposal explaining that the collection could not be permitted because it
concerned an endemic plant. AVP is willing to cooperate with the State Government in arriving at a mutually
beneficial and sustainable mechanism for harvesting the plant.
The Forest Department has been quite concerned about sustainable extraction and thus had not allowed this
plant to be commercially exploited so far. Unless they include this plant in the list of minor forest produce, it
will not be allowed to be sold.
Discussions with the Forest Department in November, 1999, suggested that TBGRI should agree that any drug
which it develops from forest-based plants should be licensed for commercial use only under three conditions:
a. all the four parties, i.e., TBGRI, the Forestry Department, the local community institutions, and the
licensees should be involved in the discussion.
b. A sustainable extraction plan should be submitted by the licensee to ensure that commercial utilization
does not pose any threat to the ecosystem or long term sustainability of the species.
c. Research programmes on such plants should be reviewed by TBGRI and the Forest Department from
time to time so that if any endemic, endangered plant provides a lead for a valuable medicine then,
unless technologies are developed for ex-situ cultivation through tissue culture, such a technology will
not be commercialized and licensed lest the plant becomes extinct.
Lessons Learned
The need for multi-stakeholder frameworks for discussing the scope of access, value addition and benefit-sharing
was brought to light by this case study. If the Forest Department has jurisdiction over a territory, then the
Department must be included in the stakeholder discussions while establishing benefit-sharing mechanisms.
Further, the rights of informants and that of the community need to be distinguished in the benefit-sharing
arrangements. The informants were the first to receive payment from the amount deposited in the community
trust. Actually they should have been paid from the resources that scientists and research institution (in this
case, TBGRI) received. By not doing so, an avoidable impression was created among the Kani tribals that the
trust was supposed to benefit only a few community members. The real intention of the scientists was to help
the community to manage resources through their own volition and institutions. To that extent, this model of
a Trust Fund was more democratic and accountable to the local community than was the Trust Fund developed
in the Nigerian BDCP case. Comparison between the two cases shows that one needs to experiment with
different models in different cultural, ecological and institutional contexts.
It is important to note that the Trust Fund came into existence only because patent applications were filed for
the value-added processes developed from local knowledge and licensed to a commercial entrepreneur. The
fact that scientists did not claim any share from the license fee goes to prove that their values and motivations,
as reflected in the benefit-sharing arrangements, were focused on equity and the fair sharing of benefits.22
The patent applications filed on drugs based on arogyapaacha were all national process patent
applications, none had been granted, and yet licensing of the technology had already yielded a very
good amount, fifty percent of which was shared with the community. This is an important indicator of
the potential which the effective use of intellectual property rights might have to generate benefits
which can be shared with the communities. As this case illustrates, the use of intellectual property
rights can in some cases help to generate benefits, even before exclusive rights over the TK-based
invention are granted.
The scope of benefits to be shared could have been much wider if:
international patent applications had been filed under the Patent Cooperation Treaty
administered by WIPO, to protect the formulation in countries other than India;
product patents were available in India for pharmaceutical products, not only process patents,
trademarks had been registered to protect the distinctive signs distinguishing this product from
those of other undertakings.
At the same time, these intellectual property rights would not have restricted the rights of local
The case highlights the possibility of third party Trademark protection as done by NutriScience Innovations,
LLC, USA which owns Jeevani Trademark in the United States of America.23 This in turn would have
generated a much higher share of funds to be shared with the Kani tribe and also to fund future research.
The exposure this drug is getting internationally demonstrates the potential that lies ahead.
The case illustrates that while intellectual property rights play a crucial role in generating benefits from
biological resources and traditional knowledge, which can become subject to benefit-sharing, their role
should be balanced with the conservation objective:
The increase in demand could have led to excessive extraction of the biological resource,
if adequate awareness was not raised among all stakeholders,
if local institutions of sustainable extraction were not supported or created, and
property rights of individual experts and communities in the biodiversity and associated
knowledge were not negotiated and defined at local level legitimised through state and national
policy instruments.
Such a possibility did arise in the early stages of the case when many people started buying this plant
at the rate of Rs 100 per kilogram. The Forest department had to impose restrictions when they
confiscated illegally collected leaves and whole plants. The offer of the Arya Vaidya Pharmacy of giving
a buy back guarantee to the Kanis along with the technology to cultivate and extract leaves in a
sustainable manner was one answer to this problem.
The effective protection of intellectual property is a necessary condition for generating benefits, which
will be subject to benefit-sharing, but it is not a sufficient condition. Several additional measures are
needed to supplement the role of intellectual property rights in benefit-sharing over biological
resources and traditional knowledge.
The objective of the Kani Samudaya Kshema Trust to establish a biodiversity register to document the
knowledge base of the Kanis must be pursued with the intellectual property implications of such a
register in mind. Intellectual property questions to be resolved for the creation of such a register
include who operates the register, who provides access to its contents to which parties on which terms,
who conducts documentation of the knowledge, who has the right to authorize documentation on
behalf of the tribes, which knowledge elements will be documented in which format, how to deal with
local language documentation in relation to national and international use of the register, etc.
The degree of involvement of various tribal settlements and groups could have been increased. The
rights of informants vis-à-vis the communities requires more discussion among the communities
The role of the Plathis as an informal association of healers which hold rights to the use of certain
traditional medicinal knowledge was not recognized by the benefit-sharing arrangements in this case.
Building on existing and accepted institutions of traditional knowledge holders can be an important
tool to structure their participation and ensure the acceptance of the communities for benefit-sharing
The Forest Department had not permitted the cultivation and collection of the arogyapaacha plant.
This was so in spite of the fact that the plant could be easily cultivated and many tribals had actually
done so. Discussions with the tribals on the subject elicited a sympathetic response. If the Forest
Department had been involved from the beginning in this value chain, perhaps their attitude might
have been different.
The tribal informants were not named as co-inventors in the patent application. This option should be
explored as a practical intellectual property-based benefit-sharing mechanism between TK holders and
the formal research and development institutions.
1 Article 16(g) of International Convention on Combating Desertification also echoes similar concerns for dry region
when it provides for exchange of information on local and traditional knowledge, “ensuring adequate protection
for it and providing adequate benefit from it, to the local population concerned”. See, United Nations Convention
to Combat Desertification (1996).
2 The assumption is, that flow of material benefits to local conservators – communities or individuals – may impair
their values and weaken their conservation ethic. Obviously, it is also assumed that our values can remain intact
despite the accumulation of wealth.
3 Anuradha, R V, 1998, Sharing With Kanis: A case study from Kerala, India, New Delhi: Kalpvriksha Mimeo
4 Conforming to WHO standards, 1991.
5 Salim Saslin, 1993, “Challenging Ginseng: Arogyappacha, The health food of the 21st century,” The Week. August
29, 1993
6 Report of the All India Coordinated Project on Ethnobiology – Undated.
7 Anuradha, R. V., 1998, “Sharing With Kanis: A case study from Kerala.” India, New Delhi: Kalpvriksha Mimeo, 1998,
and personal field work.
8 Dr. P. Pushpangadan, was the Chief Coordinator of AICRPE at that time.
9 Pushpangadan P., Rajasekhran S., Ratheesh Kumar P. K., Jawahar C. R., Velayudhan Nair V., Lakshmi N., and Sarad
Amma L., 1988, “Arogyapacha (Trichopus Zeylanicus Gaertn.). The Ginseng of Kani Tribes of Agasthyar Hills (Kerala)
for Eevergreen Health and Vitality.” Ancient Sciences of Life, 7 1988: 13-16.
10 Pushpangadan P., Rajasekaran S., Latha P. G., Evans D. A. and Valsa Raj R., 1994, “Further Studies on the
phramacology of Trichopus zeylanicus.” Ancient Sciences of Life, Vol. 14xiv(3) 1995: 127-135.
11 Dr. P. Pushpangadan, Personal Communication, 1999.
12 Subramoniam A., Madhavachandran V., Rajasekharan S., Pushpangadan P., “Aphrodisiac property of Trichopus
zeylanicus extract in male mice.” Journal of Ethnopharmacology, Vol. 57(1). Issue: June 1997: 21-27. Subramoniam
A., Evans D.A., Valsaraj R., Rajasekharan S., Pushpangadan P., “Inhibition of antigen-induced degranulation of
sensitized mast cells by Trichopus zeylanicus in mice and rats.” Journal of Ethnopharmacology, Vol. 68(1-3). Issue:
December 15, 1999: 137-143.
13 Jayaraman K. S., “Indian Ginseng brings royalties for tribe.” Nature, 381, May 16, 1996.
14 Meenakshi Ganguli, 1998, “Descendants of “God’s Physician” Share Their Secrets.” Time. Nov 9, 1998. Reprinted
in Japanese languauge version, No 38, February, 1999.
15 “Jeevani: The Anti-Stress/Pro-Energy Botanical Complex”, Natural Bodybuilding and Fitness. New York, February, 2000.
16 Amagaya S., and Ogihara Y.: Journal of Ethnopharmacology. 1990:28; 1990:357; and also see Hiai S. in: Adv. Chin.
Med. Mat. Res. (year unknown), cited in Hildebert Wagner, Hildebert, 1996. “Drugs with Adaptogenic Effects for
strengthening the powers of resistance,” 1996, available at <> or
<[email protected]>
17 See, <>, sales staff, personal communication, April 24, 2000.
18 See, <>.
19 Krishnan P.N., Sudha C.G., and Seeni S., 1995, “Rapid propagation through shoot tip culture of Trichopus zeylanicus
Gaertn., a rare ethnomedicinal plant.” Plant-Cell-Reports, 1995, 14(11): P 708.AB 50140708.299.
20 In the case of SRISTI and GIAN (Gujarat Grassroots Innovation Augmentation Network), the patent applicationss have
been filed only in the name of the local innovators. Though the inventors have assigned the patent to SRISTI to
safeguard their interest, the entire licensing fees money haves been paid to the innovator with GIAN or SRISTI not
keeping any share or brokerage at all. This is so decision was taken despite the fact that they have contributed to
added value addition and SRISTI has provided initial venture risk capital also. But the implication of this generosity
is that SRISTI will have to remain dependent on grant giving institutions for its functioning. Some body has to pay
for reducing the transaction costs (both ex ante as well as ex poste) of linking what we call as Golden Triangle for
Rewarding Creativity by linking innovations, investment and enterprise (which has been called the Golden Triangle
for Rewarding Creativity; Gupta, 1996, 1998, SRISTI and GIAN 1997). Thus it is desirable that various mediating
institutions charge for their services or contribution in a reasonable manner so that they do not remain dependent
on out side stakeholders or funders or even on the state. Whether the benefits should have been shared in fifty-fifty
ratio as was done in the present case by TBGRI, or any other ration will depend upon the case specific circumstances
of the case. The Past experiences suggest that benefits should not be shared only in the form of money or other
material contributions but should also include other inputs such as non-monetary contributions through capacity
building, awareness creation, education, removal of informational asymmetries, sharing of research findings,
acknowledgement of knowledge providers on product packages as was suggested in the Nigerian case.
21 John J. and Sindhu Menon, 1998, “Kerala Tribe Accuses Indian Biologists of Stealing Knowledge.” PANOS-Biopiracy
IOPIRACY/1, London, August 4, 1998, London.
22 In personal discussions the Director of TBGRI appreciated that it was good that both the senior scientists involved in
development of Jeevani did not take any share from institutional royalties, in order to set an example and prove
that they had only foremost the public interest in mind while doing all that they did making the benefit-sharing
arrangements. But he also felt that several other scientists would rather wish that they got some share out of license
fees and royalties. The norms in this regard are yet to be developed.
23 NutriScience Innovations LLC, personal communication by email, April 24, 2000 on enquiry as to whether they owned
the “Jeevani” trademark or had taken it on license from AVP Ltd.
Case Study Three: Nigeria
The subject of this case study is the role of intellectual property rights in the benefit-sharing
arrangements surrounding the work of the Bio-resources Development and Conservation Programme
(BDCP) as a part of the International Cooperative Biodiversity Group (ICBG) in the field of traditional
medicine. In particular the role of patents, trade secrets and trademarks are discussed. The case
examines, inter alia, a national patent and an ‘international’ patent application under the Patent
Cooperation Treaty (PCT), with claims over TK-based pharmaceutical inventions related to the work of
the ICBG. Copies of these patents are attached in Annexes 3.4.3 and 3.4.4. Based on these examples,
the availability of patent protection is identified as a key requisite for generating benefits to be shared
with local practitioners of traditional medicine from pharmaceutical research based on their
knowledge. The central role of a Trust Fund established by BDCP for sharing these benefits in
monetary and non-monetary form is highlighted. The case study also illustrates the difficulty of
balancing the input of various local stakeholders of TK and biological resources, such as traditional
healers’ associations vis-à-vis local community representatives.
Policy context
After the recent ushering in of democratic processes, Nigeria is strengthening its economy, civil society, and
intellectual institutions. With a population of over 120 million people, 250 ethnic groups with different
languages and sometimes different cultures, with a majority living in rural areas (Nnadozie, 1989), the role of
agricultural and biological resources is extremely important for current subsistence and future income growth.
In Nigeria there has been a long tradition of bio-trade as well as bio-prospecting for research and commercial
purposes. Two of the major efforts among this spectrum of activities have been undertaken by the National
Institute for Pharmaceutical Research and Development (NIPRD) and the Bio-resources Development and
Conservation Programme (BDCP), independently as well as under the auspices of the International Cooperative
Biodiversity Group (ICPG), which is funded by the National Institute of Health, the National Science Foundation,
the National Cancer Institute and US Aid for International Development (USAID). In addition, private sector
124 companies such as Shaman Pharmaceuticals, Inc. have also been active in the country.