Lab 2 - Transistor Bias

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The document describes two experiments involving different transistor biasing schemes and measuring their collector-to-ground voltage (VCG) under each scheme. It also discusses building and testing an inductor-capacitor resonant circuit.

The two transistor biasing schemes described are the single resistor scheme (Figure 1a) and the two resistor scheme (Figure 1b).

For each biasing scheme, the collector-to-ground voltage (VCG) is measured for three different transistors under the same bias conditions. VCG is expected to be around 7.9V and the measurements are used to determine how much it varies between transistors.



6.101 Introductory Analog Electronics Laboratory

Spring 2019

Laboratory No. 3

In this laboratory, you will be investigating the performance of simple bipolar transistor and a
three stage audio amplifier. Before doing this lab you should have read all of the reading
assignments in the course outline through item 4 Bipolar Transistors: transistor biasing. Note:
Please read the whole lab before starting! You will be able to save time in those
experiments where you have to repeat certain steps.

Please submit your report using the docx template provided (also posted in .docx format
on the course website).

Experiment 1: Transistor Biasing Schemes.

In this experiment you will compare two different transistor biasing schemes for DC "Q-point"
stability. You will build the circuits of Figure 1a and 1b and measure the collector-to-ground
voltage [VCG] for each circuit using each of your three 2N3904 transistors. In all circuits, RE =
680 & RL = 4.7 k and the collector current should be 1.5 mA to give approximately 7.1 volts
drop across RL, a 1 volt drop across RE, and about 6.9 volts drop across the collector-emitter
junction of the transistor. [You will need the three 2N3904 transistors that you marked and for
which you measured F in Laboratory 2. Be careful not to “fry” one of these devices, you will
need them all!]

For each circuit, do the following:

1. Review the DC Beta [F] of your 2N3904's. For the best results in this experiment, your
group of transistors should have a spread of F values of at least 1.5:1. If your devices do not
exhibit this spread of values, find the largest spread you can. [See me for low F 2N3904
saved.] Years ago finding a wide spread was not a problem – but modern semiconductor
process are so good that finding a wide spread is difficult. You may use the M3 Semiconductor
Analyzer to select new devices. Note, however, that the M3 measures the Beta at only the
collector current value displayed.

2. Build the circuit of Figure 1a and calculate R2 to provide the correct bias current for your
2N3904 that has the smallest value of F that you measured. The value of R2 will probably be
some odd value, not one of the standard resistor values available in your kit or even not one of
the 5% values from the drawers. Make up this odd value by putting standard values in series or
in parallel until you achieve the nearest whole kilohm value to the value you calculated. Put
your scope probe and DMM between collector and ground and measure VCG ; it should be
approximately 7.9 volts [6.9 volts across the C-E junction + 1 volt across RE. Record your value
for VCG and then plug in the other three transistors, and record the value for VCG that each
transistor gives. Turn the kit DC power switch to “off” when inserting and removing transistors.
Q 1.1 What would happen if you connected your scope probe from collector to emitter
rather than collector to ground?

Lab. No. 3 1
Q 1.2 What would happen if you connected your DMM from collector to emitter rather
than collector to ground?

Q 1.3 Explain why VCG varies from device to device.

3. Now, you will repeat the above procedure for the circuit of Figure 1b. Using the same
collector and emitter resistors, and IC = 1.5 mA, and starting out with your transistor that has the
lowest value of F, calculate the values of R1 and R2 using a Thevenin value for R1 and R2 of
6800. [This is the parallel combination of R1 and R2.] You should be able to come quite close
to VCG = +7.9 V using the two-resistor bias network. This time, you must use the closest
standard +/- 5% values for R1 and R2. Repeat the process above by measuring the value of VCG
and recording it. Plug in transistor numbers 1-3 and again record the value for VCG that each
transistor gives.

+15V +15V

1.5 mA RL=4.7 k 1.5 mA RL=4.7 k

R2 R2

2N3904 2N3904
+ A B
+ +

RE = 680 R1 RE = 680

- -
[a] [b]
Common Emitter Amplifiers
Figure 1: Transistor Biasing Circuits

Q 1.4 How do you explain the smaller differences in the value of VCG that occur when you
use the two-resistor circuit, compared to the single resistor circuit?

4. Draw the load line for the circuit of Figure 1b on the VCE vs. IC characteristics that you
sketched for your transistor in Lab. No. 2. Clearly label the quiescent or operating point, the y
intercept and the x intercept as well as the base step currents.

Lab. No. 3 2
Experiment 2: Transistor Amplifier AC Measurements

This experiment uses the circuit of Figure 1b above and the same resistor values that you
calculated above. This circuit is known as a common-emitter amplifier and it is characterized by
Vout Vcg   o RL
a voltage gain of   Av  , a high current gain, medium-to-low input
Vin Vin RS r  o 1RE
impedance, and medium output impedance, usually equal to RL. This gain equation holds as
long as RB [the parallel combination of the two biasing resistors] is large compared to RS and rπ.
However, when the emitter resistor is unbypassed, the second term in the denominator
[(βo + 1)RE] is usually so large compared to the first two terms in the denominator, that the gain
equation may be reduced to Av   . Note that this equation is totally independent of
transistor beta and transistor biasing [collector current], a very good situation since 5% resistors
are far more stable in value from part-to-part than are transistor parameters!

1. Connect a 2.2 F 15 Volt polarized electrolytic capacitor to the circuit as shown at point “A”
with the + terminal of the cap toward the base and connect the negative lead of the capacitor to
the output of your function generator [FG]. This capacitor is shown in Figure 1b. [Q 2.1 What is
the advantage of a polarized electrolytic over a non-polarized capacitor? (Think in terms
of an engineer designing a product for manufacturing.)

Q 2.2 Under what conditions would you have to use a non-polarized capacitor in this

Lab. No. 3 3
Connect the function generator ground lead to your circuit ground. Make sure the DC offset
voltage on your function generator is turned off. Break the connection between points “A” and
“B” and insert a 1 k 5% resistor between those two points. Adjust the generator’s output
voltage level until you measure a 3V-rms sine wave signal at 1000 Hz at the output of the
amplifier [collector-to-ground]. The function generator output voltage is the amplifier input
voltage, Vin. [The 1 k resistor you have inserted is small compared to the input resistance of
the transistor (Q 2.3 What is the input resistance looking into the base of this transistor
[include rπ]?), so it has negligible effect on the circuit.]

The input impedance to this transistor is quite large, and can be calculated by using the hybrid-
equivalent circuit; but a quick approximation can be obtained from the product o  RE .
However, in order to achieve bias stability, the value of RB must be low compared to the AC
input impedance, so with RB shunting the AC input resistance, the actual input resistance to the
amplifier is just RB. [Please note the distinction between the input resistance to the transistor
and the input resistance to the amplifier.]

Observe the output at the collector [Vcg = Vout] using your scope set on AC. If there is any
"clipping" or distortion of the output signal, adjust the input level until the clipping stops.

2. Using your scope probes and/or your DMM set to AC, measure the input voltage and the
output voltage, and calculate the voltage gain Av = -vout / vin. Repeat this measurement using all
three transistors that you used in the DC measurements in experiment 1 above. Q 2.4 How
close do the voltage gains come to the approximation for voltage gain given above?

3. In the common emitter configuration, in addition to a sizeable voltage gain, there is an AC

current gain, o. The purpose of the 1 k resistor you have inserted is to allow you to measure
AC and DC base current. It may under some conditions be possible to insert a current meter to
measure base current, but many of them have a high enough terminal impedance when set to
measure low currents that they will change your DC operating point significantly. If you place
your DMM across the 1 k resistor, you can read AC or DC current by setting the DMM to read
AC or DC voltage. [25mV across the resistor will be equal to 25 A of current.] Select one of
your transistors for the circuit, and with the AC output voltage set as above, measure the AC
current into the base. Calculate the AC current gain, o. Then, turn off your function generator’s
signal using the “output” button on the front panel. Measure the DC collector current by putting
your DMM across RL and also measure the DC base current. Calculate the DC current gain, F.
Repeat this series of measurements for the other three transistors that you have characterized
on the curve tracer.

Fill out the table below for the three transistors, and the values of DC and AC current gains that
you obtained both from the experiment above and from the curve tracer. Q 2.5 Do these values
fall within the limits for these current gains that are given in the 2N3904 spec sheet?

Lab. No. 3 4
Q 2.6 How do the measured in-circuit F’s compare %-wise with the F’s measured on the
curve tracer? [This depends heavily on how carefully you set the “step zero” control on
the curve tracer!]

4. Choose one device and install it in the circuit for Figure 1b. With a 1000 Hz signal at the
input, adjust the magnitude of the input signal to produce some convenient output voltage value,
say 1 Volt RMS, or 3 Volts peak-to-peak, depending on whether you want to measure with the
DMM or the 'scope. Now, lower the frequency of the function generator until the output voltage
has dropped to 0.707 of the value you noted at 1000 Hz. Record this frequency value.

5. Using the same device you used for step 4, replace the 2.2 F capacitor with a 0.1 F
capacitor. Once again, choose a convenient output level at 1000 Hz, note it, and lower the input
frequency until the output is again 0.707 of what it was, and record the frequency at which it
happens. Q 2.7 Why do you obtain different low frequency values for steps 4 and 5

6. Now, while observing the output waveform on the ‘scope, remove the input coupling
capacitor and replace it with a jumper wire. [You may do this with the power turned on if you
are careful not to short adjacent wires.] Q 2.8 What happens to the output signal when the
capacitor is replaced by a wire jumper?

Table for Transistor Gain Calculations

Circuit 2N3904 Curve AC volt. AC curr. DC volt. DC curr.
device # Tracer or M3 gain gain gain gain

Lab. No. 3 5
Experiment 3: Bypassed emitter resistor voltage gain independent of βo

If we place a large electrolytic capacitor across the emitter resistor, RE, paying attention to
polarity [positive capacitor terminal towards the emitter], the second term in the voltage gain
equation above, [(βo + 1)RE] goes to zero, since for AC purposes, RE is zero due to the
  o RL
capacitor bypassing it. This reduces our voltage gain equation from Av  to
RS r  o 1RE
  o RL
Av  . Now, this equation shows a strong dependence on βo, which is not good for gain
R S r
stability from one circuit to another, when transistors of different betas are used. However, if Rs
is small compared to rπ, then we can ignore the RS term, and the equation looks like
  o RL
Av  . Since  o gm r , the equation reduces to Av   g m RL . This shows that the
voltage gain is only dependent on the transconductance, which equals |IC|/VT, and the value of
RL. If we hold IC steady thanks to our stable biasing scheme, then we have a voltage gain that
is once again stable and only dependent on the value of RL. Moreover, we are not limited to the
relatively small values of gain obtainable with the unbypassed emitter resistance method
Av   ; [the gain using this method is pretty much limited to values of –10 or less, unless
you can live with very small output voltage swings or you use much larger supply voltages.]
With the bypassed emitter method, Av   g m RL easily yields gains of –200 to –300!

1. Install a 470 μF electrolytic capacitor across RE paying attention to polarity. Q 3.1 What
voltage rating would you spec for this capacitor and why? Consider the voltage rating if
you might change [accidentally or on purpose] the biasing conditions for this transistor.

Now, with the function generator connected, set the 1000 Hz output of the FG to a value that
produces a nice 2 V p-p output signal that is not visibly distorted on the scope. Since the gain of
this amplifier is quite high, you will probably need to use a voltage divider at the output of the
function generator, as you did in Lab 1. A couple of 10 ohm resistors in parallel should work just
fine and will lower the source impedance of the FG considerably, as well, helping to make our
simplified gain equation even more accurate. Fill in the values in the following table, repeating
all measurements for each of your three labeled transistors. You can probably leave the input
voltage set to the same value for all transistors, as long as the output doesn’t show any clipping
or distortion. Be sure to replace the 1 k resistor with a short for this measurement.

Table for Transistor Gain Calculations, bypassed emitter resistor.

2N3904 VCG Vac Vac Voltage Calc. Calc. Calc. %
βo DC input output gain IC gm -gm RL error

Lab. No. 3 6
Checkoff 1 ( Experiment 3): Demonstrate measurement of voltage gain. [2 points]

Experiment 4: Three Transistor Push Pull Amplifier (from 6.002x 2003, Prof Sussman)

In this experiment you will gain insight into the classic push pull amplifier (Class B), understand
the crossover distortion and feedback. In a subsequent lab, you will look at ways to reduce the
crossover distortion through diode biasing. As a plus, you will get to play music in the lab!

Build the amplifier as show below:

Q1,Q3 2N3904 Q2, Q4 2N3906.

The amplifier consists of three blocks, a low voltage gain block with Q1, a high voltage gain
block with Q2 and the power output stage with Q3 and Q4. Q3 and Q4 are referred in the
literature as a push pull configuration. Q3 pushes current to the output load on the positive
cycle while Q4 pulls current from the load on the negative cycle. The amplifier is called class B
since only one output transistor is on at any given time.

Q3 & Q4 Analysis

This is easy. The transistors are just emitter followers so the gain is just one – but with a big
hole, the crossover distortion caused by the base-emitter diode drop. Note that the pnp
transistor configuration is drawn upside down with voltages reversed from the npn configuration.

Q2 Analysis

Now let's see how this circuit works. Q2 is a pnp configuration for a common emitter amplifier.
It’s similar to the npn configuration with the appropriate change in signs for the voltages. Since
the emitter is tied to +15 volts, any change vb at node n2 changes vbe of Q2 which in turn results
Lab. No. 3 7
in an exponential change in the emitter current ie for Q2. Assuming large β, ic is approximately
equal to ie.

The gain is   o RL
Av    g m RL

where gm   38 * I CQ
1 .5
I CQ  Av  570

Q1 Analysis

The emitter current v E  (15) v E  vOUT

iE 
1000 10000

Note that any incremental change in vB is reflected in vE. Therefore the collector voltage,
assuming large β (iE = iC ) vC =15-1000iC

Then 11 1
vC   v B  vOUT
10 10
Now we have enough information, i.e. equations to put everything together.
 11 1 
vOUT  570  v IN  vOUT 
 10 10 
 570   11 
vOUT 1    570 v IN
 10   10 

 11 
570 
  10   10.8
v IN 570

[Isn’t amazing that this circuit can be analyzed without LTSpice?] Note that with feedback,
variations in the gain of the second stage, Q2 (570) will have negligible effect on the overall

Because of the use of 5% resistors and variations in transistors, the quiescent output voltage
Vout is mostly likely not zero. Put a 100K pot in parallel with the 3K resistor and adjust the pot
to set Vout to zero. Apply a 1kHz 100mvpp signal to the amplifier. Be sure to use a 1uF non-
polarized capacitor in the input circuit. Verify that the gain is ~10.8. If the gain is off by a factor
of two, set the function generator to high z output.

Lab. No. 3 8
This amplifier has one drawback. The crossover distortion about zero volts. Using a function
generator, input a 1kHz signal to generate a 5 Vpp output. Note the crossover distortion. The
distortion can be eliminated with a pair of diodes or an op-amp. This will be discussed in more
detail in labs 4 & 5.

The crossover distortion is really apparent with a very low input signal. Attach a speaker to your
amplifier. Feed the output from the function generator or your mp3 player/smartphone and see
if you can hear the distortion. [There are special 3.5mm jacks and cables for input and output to
speakers. Please return these items.] The cross distortion is more apparent a low volume.

Checkoff 2: (1) With no input, show that the quiescent operating point for Vout is zero. (2)
Demonstrate operation of your amplifier showing cross over distortion. [3 points]

Experiment 5: Wind Your Own Inductor or 6.003 meets 6.101

Figure 3: Solenoidal Inductor

From elementary electromagnetic theory (for instance see Haus and Melcher, Electromagnetic
Fields and Energy) the inductance of a long, thin-walled solenoid is given by:
 o N 2R 2
L if l  R, t [1.]

This approximation is less valid for a thick winding [ t  l ] or a short, fat winding [ R  l ].
However, it’s a useful order-of-magnitude estimate.

The series resistance of the winding is given by:

Rp  [2.]
 Cua w

Lab. No. 3 9
where lw is the total length of wire used to wind the inductor, and aw is the cross-sectional area
of the wire.

Table 1: Important Physical Constants

o, magnetic permeability of free space 410-7 H/m

Cu, electrical conductivity of copper 5.9107 (-m)-1

The electrical model makes sense; for very low frequencies, if you apply a voltage source the
winding resistance (Rp) of the wire will limit the current. For high frequency, the current would
be limited by the inductance of the solenoid. The parasitic capacitance Cp is due to the
capacitance of each of the windings next to each other; for a practical inductor, the resonant
frequency of the LC circuit will be much higher than your operating frequency; therefore the Cp
can be ignored. It is important to note however, that this capacitance is real, and that if we drive
the circuit from a voltage source through a large series resistor, we can observe resonance.This
phenomenon is called self-resonance and is exhibited by all coils and capacitors.

L Cp

Figure 4: Electrical Model of Inductor

The impedance looking into the terminals of the inductor [ignoring Cp] is given by:

Z ( j )  R p  j L [3.]

1. [Wind] the inductor.] You are welcome to wind your own inductor or use one of the pre-
wind ones in the lab. If you wind your own, use #30 magnet wire (you can get this from the
instrument desk, or from a spool in the 38-601 lab.), wind a closely-packed inductor with N=100
turns of magnet wire in a single layer on a pencil or other cylindrical winding form. The diameter
of #30 gauge wire  0.01" = 2.5410-4 meter. Make sure that the winding form isn’t made of
metal, or it will affect your L and R measurements! In order for the above approximation to hold,
you want your solenoid to be much longer than its diameter, so don’t use anything too thick as a
winding form. Tape the wires down to the pencil so they won’t move during your test. Measure
the length and radius of your coil. Calculate the resulting inductance and lumped resistance.
Note that magnet wire is insulated with a varnish or enamel coating. In order to use or
measure your inductor, you will have to scrape all of the enamel coating off the first inch
of both ends of the wire. Then you should solder short lengths of bare hookup wire to
the fine magnet wires. Be sure you rotate the ends of the magnet wire as you scrape so

Lab. No. 3 10
that you will remove all the insulating coating. A penknife or emery cloth will work just

2. Measurements. Measure the value of L and R on the laboratory bridge, preferably the
Hewlett-Packard 4192A Impedance Analyzer in 38-601. There is another 4192A in lab 38-500
over in the 6.302 area, opposite room 38-583, and a complete instruction manual is chained to
this 4192A. Use 1000 Hz as the measuring frequency; this will allow the bridge to resolve
smaller values of inductance.

3. Test circuit. Build the circuit shown in Figure 5. Calculate the resonant frequency and
measure the actual resonant frequency by applying a 20 V p-p square wave at the input Vin and
observe the output Vout. Adjust the frequency of the square wave over a wide range below
resonance, at resonance and above observing Vout.

RS=10k 

V in L C
V out = 0.1F

Figure 5: Circuit for Experiment 4

Note: Rs above is an external resistor. Rp in figure 4 is now “understood” to be a part of

“L” in figure 5, and the C in figure 5 is an external capacitor, and Cp is also “understood”
to be a part of “L” in figure 5.

Q 5.1 Input a square wave at the resonant frequency. What is Vout? Explain. [note that a
square wave is the sum of odd harmonics.]

Q 5.2 Input a square wave at 1/3 of the resonant frequency. Observe the output. Does
this waveform make sense? Explain what is happening.

Lab. No. 3 11
Q 5.3 Input an even lower frequency. Sketch the output waveform and explain what is
going on.

Q 5.4. Input a signal higher than resonant frequency. You should see a triangle
waveform. Explain how a square waveform is transform into a triangle waveform. Hint:
compare the amplitudes of the harmonics for a square wave and a triangle wave
(Lecture 2 p.34).

Table 20.1 Copper W ire Data


0 8.250 0.392 475.00
1 7.350 0.494 377.00
2 6.540 0.624 299.00
3 5.830 0.786 237.00
4 5.190 0.991 188.00
5 4.620 1.250 149.00
6 4.120 1.580 118.00
7 3.670 1.990 93.80
8 3.260 2.510 74.40
9 2.910 3.160 59.00
10 2.590 3.990 46.80 14
11 2.310 5.030 37.10 17
12 2.050 6.340 29.40 22
13 1.830 7.990 23.30 27
14 1.630 10.100 18.50 34
15 1.450 12.700 14.70 40
16 1.290 16.000 11.60 51
17 1.150 20.200 9.23 63
18 1.020 25.500 7.32 79
19 0.912 32.100 5.80 98
20 0.812 40.500 4.60 123
21 0.723 51.100 3.65 153
22 0.644 64.400 2.89 192
23 0.573 81.200 2.30 237
24 0.511 102.000 1.82 293
25 0.455 129.000 1.44 364
26 0.405 163.000 1.15 454
27 0.361 205.000 1.10 575
28 0.321 259.000 1.39 710
29 0.286 327.000 1.75 871
30 0.255 412.000 2.21 1090

From Kassakian, Schlecht, Verghese: "Principles of Power Electronics"

Lab. No. 3 12

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