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Ali, H. M., et al.: Heat Transfer Enhancement of Car Radiator Using Aqua ...

THERMAL SCIENCE: Year 2015, Vol. 19, No. 6, pp. 2039-2048 2039




Hafiz Muhammad ALI *, Muhammad Danish AZHAR, Musab SALEEM,

Qazi Samie SAEED, and Ahmed SAIEED
Department of Mechanical Engineering, University of Engineering and Technology, Taxila, Pakistan

Original scientific paper

DOI: 10.2298/TSCI150526130A

The focus of this research paper is on the application of water based MgO
nanofluids for thermal management of a car radiator. Nanofluids of different volu-
metric concentrations (i. e. 0.06%, 0.09%, and 0.12%) were prepared and then ex-
perimentally tested for their heat transfer performance in a car radiator. All con-
centrations showed enhancement in heat transfer compared to the pure base fluid.
A peak heat transfer enhancement of 31% was obtained at 0.12% volumetric con-
centration of MgO in basefluid. The fluid flow rate was kept in a range of 8-16 liter
per minute. Lower flow rates resulted in greater heat transfer rates as compared to
heat transfer rates at higher flow rates for the same volumetric concentration. Heat
transfer rates were found weakly dependent on the inlet fluid temperature. An in-
crease of 8 °C in inlet temperature showed only a 6% increase in heat transfer rate.
Key words: nanofluid, MgO, car radiator, heat transfer enhancement

It has been a keen interest of researchers for quite a long time to enhance the heat trans-
fer in devices used in industries and in our daily life to increase their performance and effi-
ciency. In past different techniques like free and forced convection, and extended surfaces were
used for transferring heat at a higher rate. In the recent era, researchers are interested to find new
ways to increase the heat transfer and as a result, today, we have come across a term known as
nanofluids. Nanofluids are consisted of nanoparticles which are ranging of 10 nm to 100 nm,
suspended in the base fluid.
Radiators have wide applications ranging from industrial machines to automobiles.
Automobile manufacturers are in tough competition to improve automobiles efficiency and per-
formance, they cannot overlook the heat sink (radiator) used in automobiles. It is an important
part of an automobile which is used to keep the engine cool. An approach to achieve this cooling
is to use nanofluids in car radiator to enhance heat transfer. A significant importance is given to
the use of nanofluid in heat exchangers of different types, such as fin heat sinks [1], shell and
tube heat exchangers [2], and double-tube heat exchangers [3]. However, a few studies have
been reported about use of nanofluids in car radiators. Yu et al. [4] presented a review and sum-
marized that 15%-40% enhancement in heat transfer can be achieved by using different kinds of

* Corresponding author; e-mail: [email protected]

Ali, H. M., et al.: Heat Transfer Enhancement of Car Radiator Using Aqua ...
2040 THERMAL SCIENCE: Year 2015, Vol. 19, No. 6, pp. 2039-2048

Lee et al. [5] by using transient hot wire method, found the thermal conductivity of
Al2O3-EG, Al2O3-water, CuO-EG, and CuO-water. It was observed that the thermal conductiv-
ity vary with the shape and size of the particles along with the thermal properties of the
nanoparticles and base fluid. Xuan and Li. [6] reported that the thermal conductivity of
nanofluids is higher in comparison with pure water. Their experimental investigation consisted
of water based nanofluids (containing Cu nanoparticles) passing through a straight tube under
constant heat flux. Results showed a negligibly small effect over power consumption caused by
nanofluid friction factor at less concentration. Chandrasekar et al. [7] found that by increasing
volume concentration the thermal conductivity increased. Das et al. [8] reported that nanofluid
thermal conductivity increased by increasing temperature and could not be predicted by thermal
conductivity effective model. They found that the conduction of heat will be more if the parti-
cles in the nanofluid are more because it results in a greater surface area for the transfer of heat.
Peyghambarzadeh et al. [9] used Al2O3/water nanofluids in a car radiator and recorded
a heat transfer enhancement of 45% at about 1% volumetric concentration. Peyghambarzadeh et
al. [10] used Al2O3/mixture of ethylene glycol (EG) and water in a car radiator. They recorded a
40% enhancement in heat transfer as compared to the base fluids under same conditions.
Duangthongsuk and Wongwises [11] used TiO2/water nanofluid and performed an experiment
by flowing it in a regime of turbulent flow to study the pressure drop and heat transfer perfor-
mance. They found that the pressure drop in nanofluids was slightly greater compared to the
base fluid and by increasing volumetric concentration its value increased. Esfe et al. [12] per-
formed experiments and found that an addition of nanoparticles of MgO in less than 1% volu-
metric concentration in base fluid caused a heat transfer enhancement. It was found that the
pressure drop in the nanofluid was higher as compared to base fluid, but without having any sig-
nificant increase in power consumption. Xie et al. [13] used ZnO, MgO, Al2O3, and TiO2
nanoparticles in a mixture of 45 vol. % of EG and 55 vol. % of distilled water acting as a base
fluid. They found that the heat transfer coefficient could be enhanced by the above stated
nanofluids during a laminar flow in a copper tube of a circular cross-section having a constant
wall temperature. It was observed that Al2O3, MgO, and ZnO showed greater enhancement in
heat transfer coefficient. The MgO showed the peak value of enhancement of about 252% at
about Re = 1000. Leong et al. [14] used Cu/EG nanofluids in a car radiator to check the perfor-
mance of Cu/EG nanofluids. It was found that by only 2% vol. of Cu/EG nanofluids, an overall
coefficient of heat transfer of about 164 W/m2K was recorded as compare to the 142 W/m2 K
shown by base fluid. Ali et al. [15] experimentally investigated the performance of ZnO water
based nanofluids in a radiator. The best heat transfer enhancement up to 46% was found com-
pared to base fluid at 0.2% volumetric concentration.
Nanofluids give their best results only if they are prepared well. Nanofluids can be pre-
pared by two methods: single and two step methods.
In single step method, nanoparticles agglomeration is reduced and fluid stability is in-
creased by avoiding the processes like drying, storage, transportation, and dispersion of the
nanoparticles, Li et al. [16]. This is done by a process that combines the formation of
nanoparticles and preparation of nanofluids. Hence, both these stages occur simultaneously.
Zhu et al. [17] prepared agglomeration free and stable Cu nanofluids using a single step method.
They used EG containing NaH2PO2·H2O to reduce CuSO2·5H2O under the irradiation of a mi-
crowave to prepare Cu nanofluids. Lo et al. [18, 19] prepared nanofluids of CuO by using single
step method. The resulting nanofluid proved to avoid aggregation of particles, resulted in uni-
form distribution of nanoparticles and well regulated size of nanoparticles of CuO which were
Ali, H. M., et al.: Heat Transfer Enhancement of Car Radiator Using Aqua ...
THERMAL SCIENCE: Year 2015, Vol. 19, No. 6, pp. 2039-2048 2041

suspended in deionized water. Singh and Raykar [20] used single step method with microwave
assistance to prepare silver nanofluid that was stable for almost one month.
Most commonly used method for the preparation of nanofluids is the two step method.
In this method nanomaterials such as nanoparticles or nanotubes, etc., are first prepared by using
physical or chemical method in the form of a dry powder. In the second step, this dry powder is
dispersed in a base fluid. As the process of preparation of nanoparticles and nanofluids are sepa-
rated, hence agglomeration is more evident in this method. Dispersion of nanoparticles in the
base fluid can be improved and agglomeration can be minimized by using techniques like
surfactant addition, ultrasonic agitation or high shear mixing, etc. Murshed et al. [21] prepared
TiO2/water nanofluid by using two step method. Xuan and Li [22, 23] and Li and Xuan [24] used
two step method for preparing Cu/oil and Cu/water nanofluids. Techniques of ultrasonic agita-
tion and addition of surfactants in the fluid were used to avoid aggregation of the nanoparticles.
Choi et al. [25] used two step method to prepare the suspension of carbon nanotube.
As the nanofluids are suspensions, thus nanoparticles suspended in the base fluids ag-
gregate and ultimately settle down with the passage of time. This does not only affect stability of
the nanofluids but also reduces its thermal conductivity. To evaluate the stability of a nanofluid,
four different methods are used: (1) sedimentation method, (2) centrifugal method, (3) spectral
absorbency analysis, and (4) zeta potential method [20, 26-28].
Present study is focused on the performance analysis of MgO/water nanofluids by us-
ing in an automotive car radiator. Experimental conditions were tried to keep as close as possi-
ble to the conditions of working automotive car radiator. Furthermore, nanofluids of different
volumetric concentrations were used and experimentation was done at different liquid flow
rates to have thorough understanding of thermal performance enhancement of nanofluids in au-
tomotive car radiator.
Experimental set-up and methodology
Figure 1(a) shows a schematic diagram of experimental set-up. The experimental
set-up consists of a data acquisition system (for acquiring data), a centrifugal pump (to provide
flow), a flowmeter (to measure flow rate), a fan (to provide air), a heat exchanger (car radiator),
a tank (reservoir for nanofluid), a heater (to heat fluid), thermocouples (to measure temperature
at different points), and flow lines (to provide passage for the fluid and to complete the loop).
Flow rate of the fluid is controlled with the help of two high precision gate valves. The maxi-
mum output of the pump is 25 lpm.
Fluid is taken from the tank (dimensions L×W×H, 533.4 mm × 152.4 mm × 685.8 mm)
by the pump. Fluid then passes through the regulating valves and flowmeter (Omega FL-45100,

Figure 1. (a) Process flow diagram, (b) 3D-schematic diagrem, (c) louvered finned tubes
Ali, H. M., et al.: Heat Transfer Enhancement of Car Radiator Using Aqua ...
2042 THERMAL SCIENCE: Year 2015, Vol. 19, No. 6, pp. 2039-2048

Table 1. Radiator dimensions (mm) temperature limit of 1000 °C, + 2% accuracy)

Length ×Width ×Height 25.13×1.26×350 and then to the heat exchanger (car radiator). A
Peripheral area of tube 184793
bypass line is also provided at the outlet of the
pump to return the excessive fluid back to the
Hydraulic diameter 2.410574 tank. A heater (Omega- CH-OTS-604/240 V,
Perimeter 52.798 6iKW) is used to heat the fluid in the tank. The
Total tube area 381.821 heater has a built in temperature controller with
an accuracy of ±1 °C. The inlet temperature of
the heater is controlled with the help of heater
temperature controller. The heat exchanger is a conventional aluminum car radiator and its di-
mensions are given in tab. 1. To get the inlet, outlet, and wall temperatures of the radiator,
K-type thermocouples (Omega 5TC series, ±0.1 °C) are used. The wall temperature is taken
from the middle tube of radiator.
Data acquisition system (Agilent 34972-A) is used to acquire data from thermocouples
and to display it. This system can display temperature up to six decimal places. All the
equipments are manufacturer calibrated with certifications. Figure 1(b) shows a 3-D schematic
of experimental set-up.
The car radiator used was made up of aluminum. It was consisted of 32 vertical alumi-
num tubes (only 12 tubes were kept open). The gap between the tubes is filled with thin perpen-
dicular louvered fins as shown in the fig. 1(c). Air was forced to flow through the fins of the radi-
ator using a conventional forced draft fan (700-800 rpm).
The experimentation is performed at con-
Table 2. Properties of MgO nanoparticles used stant flow rates of 8, 10, 12, 14, and 16 lpm for a
Purity [%] 99 specified interval of time and at a particular in-
Approximate size [nm] 20 let temperature of 60 °C. A test was carried out
to determine the effect of inlet temperature on
Color White
concentration at three different temperatures of
Morphology Nearly spherical 56 °C, 60 °C, and 64 °C.
True density [gcm–3] 3.58 The nanoscale elements of MgO are pur-
chased from Nanostructured and Amorphous
Materials, Inc. (NanoAmor) having a size of 20
nm (see fig. 2). Table 2 gives the properties of
the MgO nanoparticles used in this investiga-
tion. The solubility of MgO in water is in-
creased by lowering the pH of the distilled wa-
ter and making it more acidic. The solubility of
MgO particles increased, by lowering the pH of
water. At a pH of 2.2, the solution became trans-
parent from whitish and remained stable for ob-
servation period of one week (fig. 3).
Nanofluids preparation
Two step method is used to prepare the
nanofluids. Particles are first dissolved in dis-
Figure 2. The TEM of nanoparticles tilled water and the pH was maintained at al-
(Nanostructured and Amorphous Materials, most 2. Then a constant stirring for three hours
Inc.) is performed using magnetic stirrer. To prevent
Ali, H. M., et al.: Heat Transfer Enhancement of Car Radiator Using Aqua ...
THERMAL SCIENCE: Year 2015, Vol. 19, No. 6, pp. 2039-2048 2043

any chances of agglomeration, two hours of

sonication is further performed in an ultra-
sonic cleaner. This process provided a stable
and homogeneous aqua-based MgO nano-
fluid. As shown in fig. 3, these nanofluids
were stable even after one week. A good re-
peatability in heat transfer results was also
achieved (it will be discussed later).
Data reduction
All nanofluids thermo-physical proper- Figure 3. Samples of nanofluids after one week
ties are highly temperature dependent and
are calculated at the fluid bulk temperature which is the average of the inlet and outlet tube tem-
Density of nanofluids was calculated by the formula given by Pak and Cho [29],
whereas for specific heat of nanofluids, Xuan and Roetzel [30] correlation was used which as-
sumes thermal equilibrium between the particles and base fluid:
r nf = jr p + (1 - j) r bf (1)

j( rCp) p + (1 - j)( rCp) bf

Cp nf = (2)
r nf
where the subscripts nf, bf and p refer to nanofluid, basefluid, and particle, respectively. j is the
volumetric concentration of nanoparticles in basefluid i. e. water.
Esfe et al. [31] proposed a well-accepted model which was used in computing the vis-
cosity of nanofluids:
m nf = m bf (1 + 1161
. j + 109j 2 ) (3)
where mbf and mnf are the viscosity of basefluid and nanofluid, respectively.
Heat transfer rate, can be calculated from the formula:
& (Tin - Tout )
Q = mCp (4)
where Q is the heat transfer rate, m& – the mass flow rate, Cp – the specific heat and Tin and Tout are
the inlet and outlet temperature respectively.
Heat transfer coefficient can be determined experimentally by the relation:
& (Tin - Tout )
h= (5)
A (T - T w )
where h is the heat transfer coefficient, A – the total peripheral area of the tubes, T – the average
temperature of the inlet and outlet temperature known as bulk temperature, and Tw – the wall
temperature measured at the center point of the middle tube of radiator.
Peripheral area is given by the formula:
A = 2(lh° + lw) (6)
where l is the length, w – the width, and h° – the height of flattened tube of car radiator.
Nusselt number can be calculated by the relation:
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2044 THERMAL SCIENCE: Year 2015, Vol. 19, No. 6, pp. 2039-2048

Nu = (7)
where h is the convective heat transfer coefficient, D – the hydraulic diameter of the tubes, and k
– the thermal conductivity of the fluid.
Hydraulic diameter of tubes can be calculated by the formula:
4 A¢
D= (8)
where A' is the tube surface area and P – the perimeter of the tubes.
Uncertainty analysis
Experimental uncertainties were estimated using the method of Kline and McClintock
[32]. This method incorporates the estimated uncertainties in the experimental measurements (e. g.
coolant flow rate, coolant inlet, and outlet temperatures) into the final parameters of interests (e. g.
heat transfer rate, calculated Reynolds number, etc.). Using the measured uncertainties of the above
mentioned parameters, the maximum calculated uncertainties in heat transfer rate were never found
to be more than 10%. For pure water, fluid mass flow rate and fluid temperature difference were
found to be equally significant for calculated uncertainty. However, for nanofluids only fluid mass
flow rate participated significantly in calculated uncertainty. The maximum uncertainty in calcu-
lated Reynolds number was found to be 2.7% for all cases due to the mass flow rate uncertainty.
Results and discussions
Validation of experimental results
Experimental set-up accuracy has been verified by testing it on distilled water (tab. 3).
For this purpose, Dittius and Boelter [33] correlation was used. Dittius-Boelter correlation gave
Nusselt number of the distilled water in turbulent flow range. This was then compared with ex-
perimental values taken at different flow rates.
Theoretical Nusselt number can be calculated from empirical correlation for turbulent
flow as given by Dittus and Boelter [33]:
Nu = 0.0236Re0.8Pr0.3 (9)
where Nu is the Nusselt number, Re – the Reynolds number and Pr – the Prandtl number given
by the correlation:
Pr = (10)
where m is the viscosity, of the fluid.
Figure 4 shows the comparison between
the experimental Nusselt number and that cal-
culated by the correlation [33]. It can be seen
that the error between the theoretical and ex-
perimental Nusselt number is less than 8% for
all readings suggesting the high accuracy of
experimental measurements.
Figure 4. Comparison of experimental results with Repeatability of data has been checked by
the empirical equation of Dittus and Boelter [33] repeating heat transfer readings after one
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THERMAL SCIENCE: Year 2015, Vol. 19, No. 6, pp. 2039-2048 2045

week. Figure 5 shows the repeatability of data of 0.09 Table 3. Physical properties of distilled
vol.% of MgO with the same operating conditions. It water at 55 °C
can be seen clearly that readings show repeatability Physical properties Water
within 3%. r [kgm–3] 985.919
Heat transfer rate of nanofluids m [kgm-s] 0.00050092
k [Wm °C ] –1 –1 0.6469
Figure 6 compares the rate of heat transfer of
nanofluids prepared at different volumetric concentra- –1 –1
Cp [Jkg K ] 4181.268
tions with distilled water as a function of volume flow
rate. Readings were taken at flow rates of 8, 10,
12, 14, and 16 lpm for each volumetric concen-
tration of 0.06%, 0.09%, and 0.12%, respec-
tively. It can be seen clearly that for a specific
volumetric concentration, heat transfer rate is in-
creased by increasing the flow rate.
Water when used as a coolant has a heat trans-
fer rate of 859 W and 1476 W at 8 lpm and 16 lpm,
respectively. At 0.06% volumetric concentration
of MgO, about 15% increase in heat transfer rate
Figure 5. Data repeatability-heat transfer rate
was recorded at every flow rate compared to wa-

Figure 6. Heat transfer rate of distilled water Figure 7. Heat transfer ratio at different volume
and MgO nanofluid at different concentrations concentration

ter. At 0.09% volume concentration, the heat transfer enhancement range was 15.8% to 20.2%,
while at 0.12% volume concentration, the maximum observed heat transfer enhancement was
31% at 8 lpm compared to distilled water.
Figure 7 represents the ratio of the heat transfer rate of nanofluid to base fluid while
varying the fluid volumetric concentration. It can be seen that the addition of nanoparticles en-
hances the heat transfer ratio i.c. Qnf /Qbf having a maximum value at 0.12 vol. %. The graph in-
dicates that the low flow rates yields more heat transfer enhancement. At the same volume con-
centration, the heat transfer ratio at 8 lpm is 4.3% greater than that of 16 lpm.
Xuan and Li [6] developed the following correlation for estimating the heat transfer
performance of nanofluids in the turbulent flow regime, which was used for comparison of the
experimental Nusselt number with the calculated one:
é æ Re nf Pr nf d p ö
0. 001
Nu nf = 00059
. ê1 + 76286
. j 0. 6886 ç ÷ ú Re 0nf. 9238 Pr nf0. 4 (11)
ê ç D ÷ ú
ë è ø û
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2046 THERMAL SCIENCE: Year 2015, Vol. 19, No. 6, pp. 2039-2048

Thermal conductivity of nanofluids is calculated using the equation given by Hamil-

ton and Crosser [34]:
k p + ( z - 1) k bf - j( z - 1)( k bf - k p )
k nf = k bf (12)
k p + ( z - 1) k bf - j( k bf - k p )
where k is the thermal conductivity and z – the empirical shape factor. As nanoparticles used in
this investigation are nearly spherical in shape (see tab. 2), value of z is taken as 3.
Figure 8 compares the theoretical and exper-
imental Nusselt number as a function of
Reynolds number at various volumetric concen-
tration. It can be seen clearly from figure that al-
though the experimental data correlates quite
well with the calculated data as the predicted er-
ror for MgO nanofluid at all tested volumetric
concentration lies under 14.8%. However, this
correlation does not predict Nusselt number of
Figure 8. Comparison of experimental and nanofluids accurately. The figure shows that
theoretical Nusselt number Xuan and Li [6] correlation almost under pre-
dicts the Nusselt number of MgO nanofluids.
The similar behavior is also reported by other researchers who previously worked on nanofluids
Effect of inlet temperature on heat
transfer rate of nanofluids
Figure 9 shows heat transfer rate of 0.06%
volume concentration of MgO nanofluid at inlet
temperatures of 56 °C, 60 °C, and 64 °C. It can
be seen clearly from the figure that increasing
the inlet temperature of the fluid slightly in-
creases the heat transfer rate. By increasing the
inlet temperature of the fluid from 56 °C to
Figure 9. Heat transfer rates of 0.06% vol. MgO 64i°C, the maximum heat transfer rate was in-
nanofluid at three different temperatures creased to 6.7%. Peyghambarzadeh et al. [10]
reported the same effect of inlet temperature
and proposed that the liquid radiation in the internal walls of tube plays an important role in the
heat transfer enhancement.
In this paper, the convective heat transfer enhancement of automobile car radiator has
been experimentally studied by using MgO water based nanofluids at different flow rates and at
various volumetric concentrations to study their behavior. The following major conclusions are
· Addition of MgO nanoparticles in water considerably enhances the heat transfer rates as
compared to pure water.
· The maximum observed heat transfer enhancement of MgO nanofluid was 1.31, translating 31%
increase in heat transfer rate at 0.12% volumetric concentration and at a flow rate of 8 lpm.
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THERMAL SCIENCE: Year 2015, Vol. 19, No. 6, pp. 2039-2048 2047

· The heat transfer rate has shown an increasing trend by increasing the volumetric
concentration up to a certain tested volumetric concentration i. e. 0.12%.
· Heat transfer rates are weakly dependent on the inlet fluid temperature. An increase in inlet
temperature from 56 °C to 64 °C, only showed a maximum 6% increase in heat transfer rate.
· Lower flow rates resulted in greater heat transfer rates as compared to higher flow rates for
the same volumetric concentration.
· The MgO/water nanofluids showed good repeatability when experimentally tested after one
week, however, there is a need to produce more stable nanofluids for long terms in order to
be used in engineering applications.

A – peripheral area of tubes, [m2] w – width of car radiator, [m]
A' – tube surface area, [m2]
Greek symbols
Cp – specific heat, [Jkg–1K–1]
D – hydraulic diameter of tube, [m] a – thermal diffusivity, [m–2s–1]
d – nanoparticle diameter, [m] m – viscosity, [kgm–1s–1]
h – heat transfer coefficient, [Wm–2K–1] r – density, [kgm–3]
h° – height of the tube of radiator, [m] j – nanoparticle volumetric fraction, [%]
k – thermal conductivity, [Wm–1K–1]
l – length of tube of radiator, [m]
m& – mass flow rate, [kgs–1] b – bulk
Nu – Nusselt number bf – base fluid
P – perimeter of a flattened tube of radiator, [m] in – inlet
Pr – Prandtl number nf – nanofluid
Q – heat transfer rate, [W] out – outlet
Re – Reynolds number p – nanoparticle
T – temperature, [K] w – wall
V – velocity of the flow, [ms –1]

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Paper submitted: May 26, 2015

Paper revised: August 17, 2015
Paper accepted: August 27, 2015
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