Mannheimia Haemolytica: Bacterial-Host Interactions in Bovine Pneumonia

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Infectious Disease

Veterinary Pathology
48(2) 338-348
Mannheimia haemolytica: Bacterial–Host ª The American College of
Veterinary Pathologists 2011
Reprints and permission:
Interactions in Bovine Pneumonia
DOI: 10.1177/0300985810377182

K. Singh1, J. W. Ritchey2, and A. W. Confer2

Mannheimia haemolytica serotype S1 is considered the predominant cause of bovine pneumonic pasteurellosis, or shipping fever.
Various virulence factors allow M haemolytica to colonize the lungs and establish infection. These virulence factors include
leukotoxin (LKT), lipopolysaccharide, adhesins, capsule, outer membrane proteins, and various proteases. The effects of LKT
are species specific for ruminants, which stem from its unique interaction with the bovine b2 integrin receptor present on
leukocytes. At low concentration, LKT can activate bovine leukocytes to undergo respiratory burst and degranulation and
stimulate cytokine release from macrophages and histamine release from mast cells. At higher concentration, LKT induces
formation of transmembrane pores and subsequent oncotic cell necrosis. The interaction of LKT with leukocytes is followed
by activation of these leukocytes to undergo oxidative burst and release proinflammatory cytokines such as interleukins 1, 6,
and 8 and tumor necrosis factor a. Tumor necrosis factor a and other proinflammatory cytokines contribute to the
accumulation of leukocytes in the lung. Formation of transmembrane pores and subsequent cytolysis of activated leukocytes
possibly cause leakage of products of respiratory burst and other inflammatory mediators into the surrounding pulmonary
parenchyma and so give rise to fibrinous and necrotizing lobar pneumonia. The effects of LKT are enhanced by
lipopolysaccharide, which is associated with the release of proinflammatory cytokines from the leukocytes, activation of
complement and coagulation cascade, and cell cytolysis. Similarly, adhesins, capsule, outer membrane proteins, and proteases
assist in pulmonary colonization, evasion of immune response, and establishment of the infection. This review focuses on the
roles of these virulence factors in the pathogenesis of shipping fever.

bronchopneumonia, cytokine, leukotoxin, Mannheimia haemolytica, shipping fever, virulence factors

Mannheimia haemolytica (formerly Pasteurella haemolytica) generally believed that control of M haemolytica S1 infection
is the major cause of fibrinous and necrotizing lobar pneumo- would markedly reduce the prevalence and severity of SF.
nia and pleuropneumonia of cattle which is often called ship- M haemolytica is an opportunistic pathogen; it is a normal
ping fever (SF) (Fig. 1 and 2). SF has a marked economic inhabitant of the nasopharynx and tonsils of cattle and
significance worldwide and costs approximately $1 billion per sheep.46,118 In healthy cattle, the relatively nonpathogenic
year to the US cattle industry.125 The term shipping fever M haemolytica serotypes S2 and S4 predominate, whereas
emphasizes circumstances (stress) under which the disease pre- pathogenic serotype S1 is present in low numbers.42,43
dominantly occurs. Various combinations of environmental Although the exact mechanisms are not known, stress or
stress can serve as cofactors in the pathogenesis of SF—such concurrent viral infections result in microenvironmental
as inclement weather, shipment, weaning, overcrowding, and
complex interactions among several infectious agents, includ-
ing bovine herpesvirus 1, bovine parainfluenza virus 3, bovine 1
respiratory syncytial virus, bovine viral diarrhea virus, Myco- Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory and Department of Pathobiology, College
of Veterinary Medicine, University of Illinois, Urbana, Illinois
plasma sp, and other bacteria. The underlying processes by 2
Department of Veterinary Pathobiology, Center for Veterinary Health
which various environmental factors alone or in combination Sciences, Oklahoma State University, Stillwater, Oklahoma
with microorganisms predispose cattle to SF are not fully
understood. Alterations of local innate and adaptive immune Corresponding Author:
responses presumably contribute to the development of the dis- Kuldeep Singh, DVM, MS, PhD, Diplomate ACVP, Assistant Professor,
Anatomic Pathology, Veterinary Diagnostic Laboratory and Department of
ease process.45,64,107,109,110,111 Although SF is a multifactorial Pathobiology, College of Veterinary Medicine, University of Illinois, 2001
disease, M haemolytica serotype S1 is considered the major South Lincoln, Urbana, IL 61802
cause of the most severe form of SF pneumonia, and it is Email: [email protected]

Singh et al 339

Figure 1. Lung; bovine. Fibrinous bronchopneumonia. The ventral regions of cranial, middle, and caudal lobes are markedly dark purple,
consolidated, regionally collapsed, and sharply demarcated. Thick mats of fibrin strands are adhered to the visceral pleura, and the interlobular
septa are expanded by edema. Figure 2. Cut section of lung; bovine. Necrotizing bronchopneumonia. The lobular pattern is accentuated by
severe edema of interlobular septa and necrosis, centered on airways imparting a characteristic marble pattern. Necrotic foci are irregular,
discrete, sharply delineated from the remaining parenchyma, and bordered by a pale white necrotic rim. Note that a thrombus (arrow)
completely occludes the lumen of a blood vessel.

change that favors increased multiplication and colonization of necessary requirement is that of initial colonization and estab-
serotype S1 in the upper respiratory tract.11 The selective lishment in the nasopharynx by adherence to the epithelial sur-
growth and colonization of the nasopharyngeal region by face.17 This binding must provide resistance to the physical
M haemolytica serotype S1 is a prerequisite for the develop- removal by air flow, local innate and adaptive immune mechan-
ment of SF.61 The resulting colonization of the nasal mucosa ism, and mucociliary clearance. The adhesins of M haemolytica
with large numbers of serotype S1 contributes to the inhalation involved in the nasopharyngeal epithelial binding are not fully
of aerosol droplets containing bacteria, into the trachea and understood.52 De la Mora et al38 demonstrated a 68-kDa adhesin
lungs.50 Healthy calves can clear the inhaled bacteria; however, molecule associated with M haemolytica that is involved in the
stressed calves develop pneumonia. Although the most adhesion to cultured tracheal cells. In addition to binding tra-
common isolate from the cattle lung with SF is M haemolytica cheal cells, this adhesin binds a 165-kDa glycoprotein receptor
serotype S1; other reported serotypes include S2, S5, S6, and onto neutrophils and initiates an oxidative burst.38 Another puta-
S9, and group S6 and S2 constitute approximately 25% and tive adhesin molecule is present on fimbriae of M haemolytica
10% of the isolates, respectively.7,100 and binds to a sialoglycoprotein receptor on respiratory epithe-
Various virulence factors possessed by M haemolytica S1 lium.56,88 However, a locus encoding such an adhesin has not yet
promote lung colonization and evasion of host immune been identified.53 Kisiela and Czuprynski63 recently identified
response; therefore, the host immune status is critical in counter- the heat-modifiable M haemolytica outer membrane protein
acting these strategies. When the host immune response is not OmpA and lipoprotein Lpp1, which are involved in adherence
successful, these interactions contribute to the development of to the bovine bronchial epithelium.
SF. Multiple review articles have addressed these interactions Alternatively, adhesion molecules are not always necessary
in detail.103,113 Several virulence factors of M haemolytica sero- for niche colonization. Nonspecific adherence to epithelial
type S1 promote host–pathogen interaction and influence the surfaces via capsular or other bacterial surface proteins can
outcome of infection. Of these, leukotoxin (LKT) and lipopoly- occur, or bacteria can simply remain within the mucus layer.88
saccharide (LPS) are important, and their roles in pathogenesis This view is supported by the fact that adherence of M haemo-
of SF are well documented.23,61,98,113 Other virulence factors lytica to nasal mucus can be increased by enzymatic degrada-
with less-defined pathogenic roles are capsule, adhesins, outer tion of the protein and carbohydrate components of mucus.11
membrane proteins, and various proteases, such as neuramini- M haemolytica–derived neuraminidase has been shown to exert
dase and glycoprotease.23,38,58,68 The following is an overview a pathogenic role by degrading mucus components and thus
of the virulence factors of M haemolytica serotype S1. enhancing adherence of M haemolytica to epithelium.115
Retzer et al102 proposed that outer membrane iron-binding pro-
teins transferrin-binding protein A and B (Tbp A and Tbp B)
Surface Proteins and Carbohydrates could serve as adhesin molecules because their homologue in
Neisseria meningitidis is expressed on the bacterial surface.102
Adhesins Furthermore, based on evaluation of the M haemolytica
A naı̈ve host encounters M haemolytica from the environment genome sequence and in comparison with the sequences from
through air or droplet inhalation. For development of SF, a N meningitidis and Bordetella sp filamentous hemagglutinin,

340 Veterinary Pathology 48(2)

Highlander52 proposed that a filamentous hemagglutinin homo- neutrophils.13,69 In vitro challenge of bovine neutrophils with
logue of high molecular weight (340 Kd) in M haemolytica is an both LPS and LKT resulted in degranulation, generation of
adhesin molecule. In addition, several other gene sequences superoxide and nitric oxide, and lysis.80 Another in vitro study
of putative adhesins were proposed after analysis of the M demonstrated increased expression of elastase, myeloperoxi-
haemolytica S1 genome sequence; however, their role as dase, nitric oxide, and alkaline phosphatase in neutrophils.123
adhesins has not yet been confirmed.47,52 The in vitro effect of LPS on bovine alveolar macrophages
demonstrated a dose-dependent increase in iNOS gene expres-
sion, and nitric oxide generated from LPS-stimulated bovine
Lipopolysaccharide alveolar macrophages caused cytotoxic injury to pulmonary
LPS plays a critical role in the pathogenesis of SF. Current evi- endothelial cells in a dose-dependent manner.131 Similarly,
dence indicates that LPS contributes to the pulmonary lesions inoculation of M haemolytica in calf lung lobes revealed iNOS
through a variety of complex mechanisms, including the stimu- gene expression in leukocytes and epithelial cells.101
lation of leukocytes to produce proinflammatory cytokines, the LPS can cause pulmonary damage directly through toxic
activation of complement and coagulation cascade, and direct effects on pulmonary endothelium and indirectly through neu-
cell cytolysis.69,83,85 The LPS molecule consists of polysac- trophil recruitment.55,85,97 The toxicity of LPS can be
charide side chain (O antigen), lipid A, and inner and outer enhanced by complexing it with the phospholipids in the pul-
cores of oligosaccharides, with the size of the immunogenic monary surfactant, which allow LPS to persist in the lung and
side chain determining whether the LPS type has a rough or initiate inflammation.12,90 Other systemic effects induced by
smooth material.8,67 The lipid A moiety of LPS is responsible LPS include fever and production of acute-phase proteins
for eliciting endotoxic effects, such as pyrexia and hypoten- by the liver.
sive shock. Although O antigen of LPS is immunogenic and Similar to LKT, LPS exhibits a dose-dependent effect on the
antibodies exhibit cross-reactivity among different serotypes, bovine peripheral blood leukocytes. At low concentrations,
there is unfortunately no correlation between high antibody LPS decreases the phagocytic ability of neutrophils, whereas
response to LPS and protection of the host from development at higher concentrations, the phagocytic activity increases.25
of pneumonia.23,24 Moderate concentration is mitogenic for mononuclear cells,
LPS is a potent vasodilator; it stimulates pulmonary whereas a high concentration has the opposite effects.25 Emau
endothelial changes consistent with the vascular leakage.86 In et al41 studied the molecular mechanisms underlying these
addition, when administered intravenously in sheep, LPS pro- effects using purified M haemolytica LPS infusion. The authors
duces clinical signs associated with the hypotension.4 The sys- concluded that cyclic nucleotides mediated the action of LPS at
temic effects of LPS are considerably important in acute the cellular level, as evidenced by an increase in plasma arachi-
pasteurellosis, which causes septicemia in lambs, resulting in donic acid, thromboxane B2, and prostaglandin E levels.
high mortality. The pathological effects of LPS are mediated
by binding with LPS-binding protein, and further interactions
are most likely mediated by CD14. LPS forms high–molecular
weight complexes with LKT, enhancing the pathogenic effect There are 12 serotypes of M haemolytica (S1, S2, S5–S9,
of each other.69,76 Additionally, in vitro studies revealed that S12–S14, S16, S17) based on the differences in capsular poly-
bovine alveolar macrophages simultaneously challenged with saccharide antigen typing.103 Log-phase bacteria exhibit good
LKT and LPS produced more tumor necrosis factor a (TNFa) encapsulation, whereas stationary-phase bacteria exhibit poor
and interleukin 8 (IL-8), compared to cells challenged with encapsulation.27 The chemical structures of capsular polysac-
each factor individually.69 There is some similarity between the charides of M haemolytica S1, S2, and S7 have been deter-
effects mediated by LKT and LPS. Because LPS and LKT can mined2 and are similar to those from other pathogenic
physically interact and it is difficult to obtain purified LPS bacteria. S1 capsular polysaccharide structure is similar to the
alone without LKT, it is possible that results of some in vitro widely distributed enterobacterial common antigen; S2 capsu-
studies using LPS or LKT alone are influenced by the presence lar polymer is identical with capsular polysaccharides of
of the other molecule. N meningitidis B and Escherichia coli K1; and S7 structure
In pneumonic calf lungs, LPS can rapidly cross the alveolar is similar to polysaccharides associated with N meningitidis
wall and become localized within the cytoplasm of neutrophils, group L and Haemophilus influenza type F.2-4
alveolar macrophages, endothelial cells, and pulmonary intra- The capsule of M haemolytica S1 may be involved in colo-
vascular macrophages and on epithelial cell surfaces.124 LPS nization of lung by promoting bacterial adherence to respira-
can stimulate alveolar macrophages to produce proinflamma- tory epithelium.89 Except for lung colonization, the role of
tory cytokines, reactive nitrogen intermediates, reactive oxy- capsule in the pathogenesis is not yet established. Chae et al,
gen intermediates, and other mediators that can actively among others,14,31,32 demonstrated that the presence of capsule
participate in the inflammatory process; these include IL-1b, reduces leukocyte phagocytosis as well as complement-
IL-8, leukotriene 4, prostaglandin E2, and TNFa from bovine mediated lysis of the bacterium, whereas others have found
leukocytes.55,69,83,129,131 Subsequently, these proinflammatory that the presence of anticapsular monoclonal antibodies pro-
cytokines and chemotactic mediators initiate influx of motes phagocytosis but not complement-mediated killing.127

Singh et al 341

Czuprynski et al31 found that M haemolytica capsular polysac- leukocyte toxicity because of its ability to form tertiary confor-
charide stimulated release of IL-1 from bovine blood mono- mation required for target host cell binding.29 The conserved
cytes but not from alveolar macrophages. Vaccination of motif also contains a recognition site required for transport
cattle with live M haemolytica or capsular polysaccharide pro- of LKT across biological membranes in bacteria by the tolC-
motes production of anticapsular antibodies; however, a posi- dependent type I secretion system.28,128 The other members
tive correlation between capsular antibody and protection has of this family and their LKTs include Actinobacillus actinomy-
not been established.26,121 cetemcomitans (LtxA), Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae cyto-
toxins (ApxI, ApxII, ApxIII and ApxIV), E coli alpha
Outer Membrane Proteins hemolysin, Actinobacillus suis subs haemolyticus toxin (Aqx),
Fusobacterium necrophorum LKT, Bibersteinia trehalosi, and
M haemolytica possess multiple outer membrane proteins.96 Bordetella pertussis hemolysin.66,91,105,106 Although these
Several of these proteins are iron-regulated outer membrane members belonging to the RTX family of toxins are genetically
proteins, such as Tbp 1 and Tbp 2, and are physiologically related owing to the similarity of mechanisms involved in LKT
and pathologically relevant because they are in involved in activation, secretion, and partially shared amino acid
iron acquisition.93 Because M haemolytica does not produce sequences, they differ markedly in target cell specificity.122
siderophores, expression of these iron-regulated outer mem- M haemolytica LKT is a 102- to 105-kDa protein produced
brane proteins is the main mechanism of iron acquisition.62,93 by all serotypes during the logarithmic phase of bacterial
Furthermore, Iovane et al57 demonstrated that outer membrane growth in vitro.107 The genetic organization of the LKT gene
proteins are chemotactic agents for neutrophils and inhibit their complex is composed of four genes, with genes lktC and lktA
phagocytic and subsequent bacterial-killing mechanisms, thus located upstream and genes lktB and lktD located down-
favoring bacterial pulmonary colonization. stream.53 The structural gene product of lktA is composed of
The protective antigens of M haemolytica are not com- 953 amino acids, which encodes the structural yet biologically
pletely understood; however, data indicate that protective inactive LKT–protoxin. Gene lktC encodes transacylase that
immunity against M haemolytica can be acquired through the posttranslationally modifies the inactive LKT–protoxin by
production of neutralizing antibodies against outer membrane fatty acid acylation, thereby converting it into a biologically
proteins and LKT.22,108 One of the immunogenic outer mem- active LKT (LKT-A). During acylation, the fatty acid groups
brane proteins that offer protection following vaccination is a are added to the lysine residues located on LKT-A, which is
45-kDa S1 outer membrane lipoprotein designated PlpE.94,95 a critical step in removing charge and increasing the hydropho-
This outer membrane protein was identified in all serotypes, bicity of LKT-A and which allows LKT-A to insert into host
but its structural and physiologic function is not known. The cells and form transmembrane pores. Although acylation is not
antibodies generated against PlpE offer cross protection against required for LKT-A binding to the target cells, it is required for
serotype 6 and promote phagocytosis and complement- increasing intracellular calcium ion concentration, generation
mediated bacterial killing.94 of reactive oxygen species, and production of IL-8 and for
Another outer membrane protein, OmpA, is a highly con- causing cytolysis.119 Gene products of lktB and lktD are
served protein that is involved in binding to specific host cell required for transport of LKT-A from the bacterial cytoplasm
receptors in the upper respiratory tract, thereby playing a role into the outer environment (Fig. 3).
in adherence and colonization and in generating host specifi- LKT-A contains domains that are responsible for receptor
city.37,63 Other studies have found that outer membrane pro- binding, pore formation, and calcium binding.29,116 The
teins stimulate the release of nitric oxide, induce the N-terminal region is putatively involved in the receptor bind-
expression of iNOS in interferon g–activated macrophages, ing, whereas the adjacent residues of LKT-A consist of a series
increase actin polymerization, and modify oxidative burst in of hydrophobic residues implicated in spanning the host cell
neutrophils.57,84 membrane and, possibly, pore formation.91 The carboxy
terminal domain of LKT-A contains glycine and aspartate-
Toxins and Extracellular Enzymes rich repeats, and neutralizing epitopes are present within a
229–amino acid region at the C-terminal end of LKT-A.53
Leukotoxin LKT follows a species-specific dose-dependent activation–
M haemolytica LKT and LPS are well-characterized virulence inhibition paradox on bovine leukocytes.91 At low
factors with respect to their pathogenic role in the SF.52,60 concentrations, LKT can activate neutrophils and macrophages
Since its initial discovery, LKT has been the subject of intense to stimulate respiratory burst and degranulation, proinflammatory
investigation relative to its role in the pathogenesis of SF. LKT cytokine (TNFa, IL-1, and IL-8) release from neutrophils and
is an exotoxin and a member of the RTX (Repeats in ToXin) alveolar macrophages, and histamine release from mast cells, as
family of toxins. These toxins are genetically related and share well as reduce mitogen-mediated lymphoid proliferation.53,80
a common, highly conserved motif consisting of a series of gly- At high concentrations, LKT stimulates bovine leukocytes to
cine–aspartic acid nonapeptide repeats in the carboxy terminal undergo apoptosis by engaging extrinsic and intrinsic
third of the LKT protein molecule. This conserved motif is mechanisms, whereas at highest concentrations, LKT causes
involved in calcium binding and plays a vital role in inducing transmembrane pore formation, cell swelling, and subsequent cell

342 Veterinary Pathology 48(2)

b2 integrin LFA-1 (lymphocyte function-associated antigen 1;

CD11a/CD18) on target host cells.35,40,48,59,71,77,78 Integrins
are expressed on most cell types and are involved in cell–cell
interactions and cell–extracellular matrix interactions, whereas
subtype b2 integrins are expressed exclusively on leukocytes,
including T lymphocytes, macrophages, neutrophils, monocytes,
and dendritic cells.6
Despite a consensus that LKT-induced specificity is due to
b2 integrin binding, a complete agreement is lacking on the
specific b2 integrin and subunits of b2 integrin required for
receptor–ligand interaction.34,70,71 Most scientific evidence
supports LKT interaction with the CD18 subunit of LFA-1.36
Furthermore, in vitro incubation of bovine leukocytes with
proinflammatory cytokines (IL-1b and TNFa) results in
Figure 3. The gene complex of Mannheimia haemolytica S1 increased expression of LFA-1 and a simultaneous increase
leukotoxin is composed of genes lktC, lktA, lktB, and lktD. The in LKT binding, cytotoxicity, and apoptosis.30,73,74 Similarly,
structural gene product of lktA is biologically inactive LKT–protoxin in vivo and in vitro results indicate that bovine herpesvirus 1
(pro-LKT-A). Gene lktC encodes transacylase that posttranslationally infection increases susceptibility of the bovine leukocytes to
modifies the pro-LKT-A, thereby converting it into a biologically
LKT binding and cytotoxicity by increasing LFA-1 expression
active leukotoxin (LKT-A), which allows LKT-A to insert into host
cells and form transmembrane pores. Gene products of lktB and lktD on neutrophils and peripheral blood mononuclear cells.75
are required for transport of LKT-A from the bacterial cytoplasm Recent studies using LKT-resistant mouse histiocytoma,
into the outer environment. bp, base pairs; aa, amino acids. human K562, and other cell lines demonstrated that these cell
lines could be rendered susceptible to LKT effects by expres-
sing cattle CD18 subunits on these cells.
necrosis (oncotic cell death).10,20,120 The transmembrane pores However, other evidence suggests that LKT binds not only
in the plasma membrane of activated macrophages and neutro- with the CD18 subunit of other b2 integrins but also with the
phils and their subsequent oncotic cell necrosis cause leakage CD11a subunit.40,120 It appears that binding of LKT to CD18
of products into the surrounding pulmonary parenchyma, is critical in eliciting the pathologic effects of LKT, and during
contributing to the pulmonary damage—specifically, products this binding, LKT may interact with CD11a subunit.34,36,40 It
of respiratory burst (ie, oxygen free radicals, superoxide was recently suggested that LKT particularly binds to the integ-
anions, and hydrogen peroxide) and others, such as nitric rin epidermal growth factor 3–like domain of bovine CD18.39
oxide, lysosomal enzymes (including myeloperoxidase), and Furthermore, interaction not mediated by b2 integrin may
arachidonic acid metabolites (such as leukotriene B4 and occur, not only with cells from nonruminant species, but with
5-hydroxyeicosatetraenoic acid).31,51,79,80,131 In addition, cells lacking b2 integrins, such as erythrocytes and platelets.116
M haemolytica LPS can complex with LKT, enhancing It is therefore possible that some effects are mediated by non-
LKT-induced cytotoxicity.69,76 specific receptor–ligand interactions.
LKT-A is a key virulence factor that contributes to the In addition, in vitro studies have revealed that at lower
pathogenesis of inflammation and pulmonary necrosis in SF, doses, LKT can induce apoptosis, activate leukocytes, or inhi-
and it is specific for ruminant leukocytes.54,117 In diseased bit lymphoid proliferation.103 Those latter effects are partially
lungs, LKT is associated with the cell membranes of degener- abrogated by preincubation of lymphocytes with IL-1 and
ating inflammatory cells located in alveoli.124 Although most IL-2.81,82 The mechanism underlying this response is
strains of M haemolytica from cattle and sheep produce LKT, unknown; however, the authors suggested failure of IL-2
not all strains are equally pathogenic, because LKT from these production by lymphocytes or altered IL-2 receptor expres-
strains do not exhibit similar leukotoxic activity and the sion.81,82 In addition, this effect raises interesting concerns
amount of LKT produced is variable.36,103,104 The importance on whether increased susceptibility to other bacteria or viruses
of LKT in causing pulmonary necrosis was established by in SF is due to the underlying lymphoid necrosis. However,
intratracheal inoculation of calves with a LKT-deficient mutant lymphopenia is not a clinical feature of SF, and LKT is
M haemolytica, which caused lower mortality and decreased restricted to the lungs of affected animals with no systemic dis-
lung lesions, as compared to animals challenged with the parent tribution, suggesting that LKT-induced inhibition of lymphoid
strain capable of producing LKT-A.54,117 proliferation may be only an in vitro phenomenon.
M haemolytica–induced pneumonia and other diseases are LKT-induced cytotoxicity of host leukocytes is character-
observed in only ruminants—including cattle, sheep, bighorn ized by the formation of transmembrane pores and, eventually,
sheep, goats, bison, and exotic ruminants—because LKT- oncotic cell lysis.19,20 LKT inserts its N-terminus into the host
induced effects are specific for ruminant macrophages, cell membrane to form a hydrophilic pore, but how these termi-
lymphocytes, neutrophils, and platelets.34,35 This species nal transmembrane pores are formed is controversial. Studies
specificity stems from the selective interaction of LKT with the have indicated that polymerization of LKT occurs on host cells,

Singh et al 343

thereby forming transmembrane pores, whereas others have enhancing lung colonization and establishment of the disease. For
suggested that LKT-induced regulation of voltage gated chan- instance, in the bovine respiratory tract, immunoglobulin A pre-
nels and, thereafter, formation of transmembrane pores.19,56,87 dominates in the upper respiratory tract, whereas immunoglobu-
In addition, Atapattu and Czuprynski9 recently demonstrated lin G (IgG) is the primary antibody in the lower respiratory
that LKT binds to the cell receptors and relocates to lipid rafts tract.99,126 Both IgG1 and IgG2 are believed to be important in
and clathrin-coated pits, resulting in LKT internalization and defense against M haemolytica infection. Glycoprotease obtained
cytotoxicity. LKT-induced cytotoxicity has been shown to from the culture supernatant of M haemolytica can selectively
be associated with a caspase 1–dependent pathway, hydrolyze IgG1, thereby reducing opsonization-induced phago-
whereas LKT-associated apoptosis proceeds through a caspase cytosis and bacterial killing; it can also selectively degrade host
9–dependent pathway.10 mucosal sialoglycoproteins.1,72,94 Shewen et al106 used this gly-
Irrespective of the basic process involved in the pore forma- coprotease to demonstrate that vaccination of calves with the
tion, these pores are 0.001 to 0.002 mm in diameter, allow rapid recombinant glycoprotease alone and in combination with M
loss of intracellular Kþ from the host cell cytoplasm, and inter- haemolytica culture supernatant vaccine enhances protection
nalization of Naþ molecules, causing colloid–osmotic imbal- against experimental disease. The pathogenic function of this
ances.19 Subsequently, water moves into the cell to correct enzyme is unknown; however, adherence of bacteria to host
the imbalance, resulting in rapid cell swelling.20 Uncontrolled epithelial cells and aggregation of platelets in the alveoli have
transmembrane calcium influx occurs and likely activates been demonstrated, whereas glycoprotease activity can be poten-
membrane phospholipases and proteases, or it may disrupt the tiated by coincubation with the LKT.92
cytoskeletal structure. All strains of M haemolytica produce the enzyme
The outcome of these alterations is degradation of the cell neuraminidase; however, its function is unknown.44,115 Many
membrane and subsequent cytolysis of leukocytes, as demon- respiratory pathogens, including Hemophilus influenzae,
strated by release of cytoplasmic lactate dehydrogenase.20 Streptococcus pneumoniae, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa,
Similarly, LKT can enhance ruminant platelet adhesion and express neuraminidases that can cleave a2,3-linked sialic acids
activate and induce transmembrane pore formation in platelets from glycoconjugates. Because mucosal surfaces are heavily
by calcium-dependent mechanisms.15,21,92 The transmembrane sialylated, neuraminidases may modify epithelial cells by
pores in the plasma membrane of activated macrophages and exposing potential bacterial receptors, enhance biofilm
neutrophils and their subsequent oncotic necrosis may cause formation, and evade local innate immune response by cleav-
leakage of products of respiratory burst, lysosomal enzymes, ing salivary glycoproteins.49,65,112 Therefore, it is possible that
and arachidonic acid metabolites into the pulmonary parench- neuraminidase produced by M haemolytica may play a role in
yma.33,79,80,131 These by-products cause damage to the pul- the initial colonization and evasion of antimicrobial killing and
monary parenchyma, giving rise to fibrinous and necrotizing immune response.
bronchopneumonia typical of SF (Figs. 1, 2).79 LKT can also
induce release of histamine from isolated bovine mast cells,
causing increased vascular permeability and rapid influx of
serum proteins and more LKT-susceptible neutrophils at the The pathogenesis of SF is elaborate and complicated.
location of inflammation.5 Because b2 integrins are present M haemolytica S1 is a normal inhabitant of the upper respira-
on lymphocytes, LKT-induced damage to these cells may tory tract of cattle. Under the influence of predisposing factors,
allow bacteria to evade host adaptive immune responses. which include stress induced by change in the environment
The influence of calcium ions on the cytotoxic activity (shipment, inclement weather, cold air) or by microbial agents
of M haemolytica LKT is critical because depletion of intracel- (bovine herpesvirus 1, bovine parainfluenza virus 3, bovine
lular calcium ion by addition of a calcium chelator eliminated respiratory syncytial virus, bovine viral diarrhea virus, Myco-
the cytolytic effect of low doses of the toxin. Likewise, addition plasma sp, and other bacterial infection), M haemolytica S1
of calcium to target bovine leukemia cell line (BL-3) cell cul- rapidly replicates, resulting in inhalation of droplets containing
tures depleted of the divalent cations restored the cytolytic bacteria in the lungs. In the alveoli, it initially interacts with the
effect of the LKT. Addition of a calcium channel blocker resident pulmonary alveolar macrophages that serve as primary
resulted in dose-dependent protection of BL-3 from LKT- line of host defense.
induced cytolysis. These results suggest that calcium positively By the help of various virulence factors, M haemolytica can
influences the rapid initial phase of cell death resulting from evade the innate and adaptive immune responses, colonize
exposure to the toxin.55,130 lungs, and establish the infection. The foremost of these viru-
lence factors are LKT and LPS. In low subcytotoxic dose, LKT
can activate macrophages through its interaction with the b2
Proteases integrin receptor, which is present not only on macrophages but
A number of proteases have been associated with M haemolytica. also on other ruminant leukocytes, including neutrophils and
Although their physiological and pathological roles are not com- lymphocytes.80,84 This interaction of LKT and LPS with
pletely understood, a role has been suggested—namely, one of bovine leukocytes is followed by activation of leukocytes to
circumventing innate and adaptive immune response, thereby undergo oxidative burst and release proinflammatory cytokines

344 Veterinary Pathology 48(2)

We appreciate the comments by anonymous reviewers. We also
acknowledge Dr W. E. Hoffmann for editing this article.

Declaration of Conflicting Interests

The authors declared that they had no conflicts of interest with respect
to their authorship or the publication of this article.

Financial Disclosure/Funding
The authors declared that they received no financial support for their
research and/or authorship of this article.

1. Abdullah KM, Lo RY, Mellors A: Cloning, nucleotide sequence,
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