Facilitating Learning
Facilitating Learning
Facilitating Learning
Discussion Content
1. Introduction to Facilitating Learning
2. Focus on the Learner
2.1 Review of Developmental Theories
2.2 Student Diversity
3. Focus on Learning
3.1 Behaviorist Perspective
3.2 Cognitive Perspective
3.3 Cognitive Process
4. Focus on the Classroom Process
4.1 Motivation
4.2 Environmental Factors Affecting Motivation
1. Metacognition
According to John Flavell, metacognition is consists of both metacognitive knowledge and metacognitive
experience or regulation.
SIMPLY PUT, Metacognition is:
Thinking about thinking or
Learning how to Learn
Includes how one views himself as a learner and thinker. This refers to knowledge about how human
beings learn and process information, as well as individual knowledge of one’s own learning process.
One may study more effectively in the very early morning than late in the evening
One may work better in a quiet library rather than at home where there are a lot of things that made it hard for
them to focus and concentrate.
2. Task Variables
Includes knowledge about the nature of the task as well as the type of processing demands that will place
upon the individual.
It is about knowing what exactly needs to be accomplished, gauging its difficulty and knowing the kind of
effort it will demand from you.
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One may be aware that it will take more time for them to read and comprehend a book in educational
philosophy than it would take them to read and comprehend a novel.
3. Strategy Variables
Knowledge of strategy variables involves awareness of the strategy you are using to learn a topic and
evaluating whether this strategy is effective.
The learning of complex subject matter is most effective when it is an intentional process of constructing
meaning from information and experience.
The successful learner, over time and with support and instructional guidance, can meaningful, coherent
representations of knowledge.
3. Construction of Knowledge
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The successful learner can link new information with existing knowledge in meaningful ways.
4. Strategic Thinking
The successful learner can create and use a repertoire of thinking and reasoning strategies to achieve complex
learning goals.
Higher order strategies for selecting and monitoring mental operations facilitate creative and critical
6. Context of Learning
Learning is influenced by environmental factors, including culture, technology, and instructional practices.
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1. Review of Development Theories
2. Student Diversity
1. Freud
3 Components of Personality
1. Oral 4. Latency
2. Anal 5. Genital
3. Phallic
Each stage demands satisfaction of needs, and failure to do so result in fixation.
2. Erikson
According to him, “Healthy children will not fear life if their elders have integrity enough not to fear death.
He believed in the impact of significant others in the development of one’s view of himself, life and of the world.
He presented a very comprehensive framework of EIGHT PSYCHO-SOCIAL STAGES OF
He described the crisis that a person goes through; the maladaptation and malignancies that result from failure to
effectively resolve the crisis; and the virtue that emerges when balance and resolution of crisis is obtained.
Eg. 12-18y/o Industry vs. Inferiority.
3. Piaget
He said “the principle goal of education in the schools should be creating men and women who are capable of
doing new things, not simply repeating what other generations have done”
His theory centered on the STAGES OF COGNITIVE DEVELOPMENT.
He described four stages of cognitive development, namely:
1- sensory-motor
2- pre-operational
3- concrete- operational
4- formal operational stages
Each has characteristics ways of thinking and perceiving that shows how to one’s cognitive abilities develop.
4. Kohlberg
He said, “Right action tends to be defined in terms of general individual rights and standards that have been
critically examined and agreed upon by the whole society”
His theory is influenced by Piaget believing that one’s cognitive development influenced the development of
one’s reasoning.
5. Vygotsky
“The teacher must orient his work not in yesterday’s development in the child but on tomorrow.”
Scaffolding is the systematic manner providing assistance to the learner to effectively require a skill.
He believed that guidance from a more knowledgeable other would lead a learner to a higher level of performance
than if he were alone. This higher level of performance then eventually becomes the learner’s actual performance
when he works independently in the future.
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6. Bronfenbrenner
His model is also known as BIOECOLOGICAL SYSTEM THEORY which presents child development within
the context of relationship system that comprise the child’s environment.
Bioecological point out that a child’s own biological make-up impacts as a key factor in one’s development.
Through the child’s growing and developing body and the interplay between his immediate family/community
development, the societal landscape fuels and steers his development.
To study a child’s development then, we must look not only at the child the child her immediate environment, but
also at the interaction of larger environment.
As a facilitator of learning, the teacher is tasked to consider the individual differences among the students in planning for
effective instruction.
1. Socioeconomic Status- the millionaires’ lifestyle differs from that of the middle income or lower income group.
2. Thinking/Learning Style- some learn better by seeing something; others by just listening; and still others by
manipulating something.
3. Exceptionalities- in class there maybe one who has difficulty in spoken language comprehension or in seeing,
hearing etc.
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Learning/Thinking Styles and Multiple Intelligences
Individuals think and learn in distinct ways. In any group of learners there will always be different learning
The sum of the patterns of how individuals develop habitual ways of responding to experiences.
Preferred way an individual processes information.
Two Perspective about Learning- Thinking Styles:
1. Sensory Preferences 2. Global-Analytic Continuum.
Two Perspectives in Learning-Thinking Style
I. Sensory Preferences.
Gravitating toward one or two types of sensory input and maintain dominance in them.
A. Visual Learners.
1. Visual Iconic
2. Visual-symbolic
B. Auditory Learners
1. Listeners
2. Talkers
C. Tactile/Kinesthetic Learners
Visual Learners
Auditory Learners
Learn best through verbal lectures, discussions, talking things through listening to what others what have to say.
Written info’s way may have a little meaning until it is heard
1. Listeners. More common type. Do well in school. They remember things said to them and make the info
their own.
2. Talkers. Prefer to talk and discuss. They also called as auditory-verbal processors.
Tactile/Kinesthetic Learners.
Benefit much from a hands-on approach, actively exploring the physical world around them. Prefer learning by
doing or the use of psychomotor skills. They tend to have good motor memory and motor coordination.
Tend toward the linear, step-by-step processes of learning. They tend to see finite elements of patterns rather than the
whole; they are the “tree seers”. They are more comfortable in a world of details and hierarchies of information.
Global thinkers lean towards non-linear thought and tend to see the whole pattern rather than particle elements. They
are the “forest seers” who give attention only to the overall structure and sometimes ignore details.
Multiple Intelligences
Multiple Intelligences
1. Use questions of all types to stimulate various levels of thinking from recalling factual information to drawing
implications and making value judgments.
2. Provide a general overview of material to be learned.
3. Allow sufficient time for information to be processed and then integrate using both the right and left brain
4. Set clear purposes before any listening, viewing, or reading experience.
5. Warm-up before the lesson development by using brainstorming, set induction, etc.
6. Use multisensory means for both processing and retrieving information.
7. Use a variety or review and reflection strategies to bring closure to learning.
8. Use descriptive feedback rather than simply praising
The term exceptional learners include those with special needs related to cognitive abilities, behavior, social functional,
physical and sensory impairments, emotional disturbances and giftedness. Most of these learner’s require a lot of
understanding and patience as well as special education and related services if they are to reach their full potential of
development. On the part of the teacher, it is necessary that you have both the right information and proper attitude
A measurable impairment or limitation that interferes with a person’s ability, for example, to walk, lift, hear, or learn. It
may refer to a physical, sensory or mental condition.
Doesn’t have the same meaning as disability. A handicap is a disadvantage that occurs as a result of a disability or
impairment. The degree of disadvantage is often dependent on the adjustment made by both the person and his
environment. Two persons may have the same disability but not the same degree of being handicapped.
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Categories of Exceptionalities
Based on Omrod’s Educational Psychology
People-First Language
The language trend involving putting the person first, not the disability. Eg. People with disability not
disabled person.
People-first language tells us what conditions people have, not what they are, this is similar to saying “person
with AIDS”, rather than “AIDS victim”.
1. Avoiding generic labels. People with mental retardation are preferable to the mentally retarded.
2. Emphasizing abilities, not limitation. Avoiding euphemisms. (Such as physically challenged) which are
regarded as condescending and avoid the real issues that result from a disability.
3. Avoiding implying illness or suffering (had polio is preferable to is a polio victim, and has multiple sclerosis is
preferable to suffers from multiple sclerosis.)
Using people-first language and applying the guidelines above will remind you to have a more respectful and accepting
attitude toward learner’s with exceptionalities.
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Learner’s with Exceptionalities
The presence of impairments requires them to exert more effort to do things that others like us find quite easy
They are learners who may turn to you for assistance.
Beginning with the right attitude, one of compassion (not of pity nor ridicule) will make you a more effective
teacher, one with the hand the heart who can facilitate their learning and adjustment.
1. Motivation
2. Environmental factors Affecting Motivation
Meaning of Motivation
Types of Motivation
B. Extrinsic- when that which motivates a person is someone or something outside her.
Think of These:
Intrinsic motivation is shown in the enjoyment of the activity itself and the inner conviction of the learner that
such things are the right things to do in order to realize a personal goal or a life dream.
Intrinsic motivation yields more advantages than extrinsic motivation.
Extrinsic motivation plays an indispensable function when a learner is not yet intrinsically motivated to learn.
For optimum learning, this extrinsic motivation, however, must gradually take the back seat as intrinsic
motivation comes to the fore.
Attribution Theory
Explain that we attribute our successes or failures or other events to several factors. Eg. You attribute your
popularity to your popular parents or to your sterling academic performance
Locus (place): internal vs. external.
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Self-Efficacy Theory
Students are more likely intrinsically motivated when they have a sense of self-determination – when they believe
that they have some choice and control regarding the things they do and the directions their lives take.
A student who has self-determination and self regulation is more likely to be intrinsically motivated and so is
more capable of self regulated learning.
1. Present rules and instructions in an informational manner rather than controlling manner.
2. Provide opportunities for students to make choices.
3. Evaluate student performance in controlling fashion.
A students’ sense of self-determination is demonstrated in his capacity for self-regulation. Self-regulation refers to
a person’s ability to master himself.
Indicators of self-regulation:
1. Set standards for oneself
2. Monitor and evaluate one’s own behavior against such standards,
3. Impose consequences on oneself for one’s successes or failures.
Choice Theory
According to Sullo (2007), it is biological theory that suggests we are born with specific needs that we are
genetically instructed to satisfy. Each time we learn something new, we are having fun, another universal human
motivator. It is our playfulness and our sense of discovery that allows us to learn as much as we do.
Based on Maslow’s theory, a satisfied need is not a strong motivator but an unsatisfied need is.
For us teaches, this means that we cannot teach students with hungry stomachs. We cannot teach students when
they feel afraid or insecure.
While it is not our obligation to fed them, working with parents, the school nurse an all others who can help
address the problem of students’ hunger, lack of sleep and like will be of great help.
Our students’ need for love and belonging is satisfied in class when they feel they belong and are accepted
regardless of their academic standing in class, economic status and ethnic background. Their self-esteem need is
satisfied when we help them succeed, recognize their effort and contribution no matter how insignificant and
praise their achievement doing so actually propels them to self-actualization.
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Goal Theory
A teacher’s positive affective traits such as CARING, UNDERSTANDING, GENUINE RESPECT, ENTHUSIASM, and
PROFFESIONALISM; the students’ sense of belonging to a learning community; and parents’ supportive behavior
definitely create a learning environment that is facilitative of learning environment.
The classroom climate is a by-product of the social interactions between and among teachers and students.
The classroom climate that is conducive for learning is one that is non-threatening yet business-like.
It is a classroom where:
Specific classroom rules and procedures are clear.
These classroom rules and procedures are discusses on the first day of class
Students are involved in the design of rules and procedures.
Techniques to acknowledge and reinforce acceptable behavior and provide negative consequences are
Clear limits for unacceptable behavior are established.
There is a healthy balance between dominance and cooperation
Teacher is aware of the needs of different types of students.
Teacher is fully aware of the happenings in the class.
Students’ responsibility for their own behavior is enhanced.
It has something to do with the condition of the classroom, the immediate environment of the learner.
A conducive learning environment is one that:
Allows a maximum interaction between teacher and student among students.
Allows student movement without unnecessary distraction.
Allows teacher to survey the whole class.
Is safe, clean and orderly.
Is well ventilated, spacious and adequately lighted and
Makes possible re-arrangement of chairs as the need arise.
What is Assessment?
The process of gathering information about the students’ learning; then analyzing and interpreting them for the
purpose of making decisions.
It may involve activities such as administering different kinds of written tests, observation of behavior or
performance, examination of work samples, use of checklists and interviews.
Purposes of Assessment
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Researched-Based Principles of Assessment for Learning
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