Dhamtari Education Azim
Dhamtari Education Azim
Dhamtari Education Azim
Dhamtari, Chhattisgarh
Dhamtari falls under the Raipur division of Chhattisgarh state. The total area of the district is 4081.93 sq. km.. The district is administratively divided into 4
tehsils and 4 blocks (Dhamtari, Kurud, Magarlod and Nagri), with a total of 651 villages between them. Of this, 615 are populated.
As per Census 2011, the total population of Dhamtari is 799,781 which accounts for 3.13 percent of the total population of State. The percentage of urban pop-
ulation in Dhamtari is 18.66 percent. Out of the total population there are 397,897 males and 401,884 females in the district. This gives a sex ratio of 1011 fe-
males per 1000 males. The decadal growth rate of population in Chhattisgarh is 22.59 percent, while Dhamtari reports a 13.11 percent decadal increase in the
population. The district population density is 196 in 2011. The Scheduled Caste population in the district is 7 percent while Scheduled Tribe comprises 26 per-
cent of the population.
The overall literacy rate of Dhamtari district is 78.4 percent while the male
& female literacy rate is 87.8 and 69.1 percent respectively. At the block
level, a considerable variation is noticeable in male-female literacy rate.
Nagri has the lowest literacy rate 74.7 percent, with 85.5 percent men and
64.28 percent women being literate. Dhamtari block, subsequently, has the
highest literacy rates– among both males and females. The male literacy
rate is 90.3 percent, while that for females is 72.9 percent.
The three sectors of the economy – primary, secondary and tertiary – reflect the
direction of growth of any region. In Dhamtari, the tertiary (services) sector con-
tributed the maximum share of 40.12 percent to Gross District Domestic Product
(GDDP) compared to Chhattisgarh’s share of 36.06 percent to GSDP in 2006-07.
The district’s secondary (industrial) sector contributes less than 1/3rd to GDDP
(29.27 percent) while the contribution to primary sector is 30.61 percent. The GDDP
of Dhamtari in tertiary sector is higher compared to that in Chhattisgarh.
The per capita income or average income measures the average income earned per person in a given area in a specified year. Dhamtari’s per capita income in
2006-07 (Rs. 15659). Low per capita income is usually an indicator of poverty in a region. Figures drawn from Bhandari and Chakrabarty, 2015 shows Dhamtari
district has 29% of its population below the poverty line. In absolute terms this is about 2.5 lakhs below the poverty line. This is the district with one of the low-
est number of the poor in the state (40%).
The percentage of main workers in the total workforce in Dhamtari is 83.2 In terms of work participation rate (WPR) in the district, the male WPR is
56.9 percent whereas for female it is 44 percent.
percent which is significantly more than the State main workers (67.66 per-
cent) as per Census 2011. Work Participation Rate
In Nagri block percentage of male
Among the four categories, Cultivators form about 34 percent of all workers, WPR is highest (60.6 percent) while Male Female
Dhamtari reported lowest male
while agricultural labourers form 45.3 percent. The catchall category ‘Other Dhamtari (D) 56.9% 43.9%
WPR (55.4 percent)
Workers’ form about 19.2 percent of the entire working population of the dis-
Kurud 56.1% 45.3%
trict. It includes forms of employment in secondary and tertiary sector . Among female, the highest WPR is
reported from Nagri block (51.5 Magarlod 56.3% 47.1%
percent) and lowest from Dhamtari Dhamtari 55.4% 36.5%
block (36.5 percent).
Nagri 60.6% 51.5%
Comparing all blocks, in Nagri block Source: Census 2011
both male and female WPR is considerably high.
In terms of health facilities, besides a district hospital, there is a network of sub- health centres (SHCS/Sub-HCs), Primary Health Centres (PHCs) and Community
Health Centres (CHCs) across the district. CHCs have the highest spread, followed by PHCs and then sub- health centres. Hence, CHCs and PHCs cater to a higher
proportion of population than sub- health centres. The Sub-Centre is the most peripheral and first contact point between the primary health care system and
the community. There is a PHC for 6 Sub-Centres while CHCs act as a referral unit for 4 PHCs.
Institutional Births*
Infant Mortality Rate Maternal Mortality Rate
The overall percentage of institutional births recorded in Dhamtari and
Dhamtari 47 Dhamtari 211 Chhattisgarh varies significantly. In Dhamtari 96.2 percent institutional births
are recorded, compared to 82.9 percent births in Chhattisgarh.
Chhattisgarh 43 Chhattisgarh 244 However, institutional birth record rate in public healthcare units is moderate,
both in Dhamtari (57.4 percent) and Chhattisgarh (78.5 percent).
Source: HMIS 2015-16, Rural Health Statistics 2015
Dhamtari Chhattisgarh
Institutional Births Institutional Births
Mortality Rate (to Total Reported Deliveries) (to Total Reported Deliveries)
Infant Mortality Rate of Dhamtari shows that in the year 2014, the
district recorded 47 infant deaths under one year per 1000 live Total— 96.2 Total— 82.9
births, while the same at the state level was 43.
Institutional Births in Public Institutional Births in Public
Maternal Mortality Rate, which is the annual number of female Facilities (percent) Facilities (percent)
deaths per 10,000 live births, reports that Dhamtari experienced 211
maternal deaths as against 244 deaths in Chhattisgarh. Total— 57.4 Total— 78.5
Dhamtari has 1448 Govt. schools, of which 1323 are till elementary grade. The district has no contractual teachers.
Only 391 out of 1323 Govt. elementary schools have in Dhamtari have Anganwadi Centres. Of all 1448 Govt. schools; only 391 have Anganwadis. In other words,
only 27 percent of all Govt. schools have Anganwadis, of which 29.5 percent of Govt. Elementary schools are seen to have AWCs.
In Dhamtari, a typical school has 5.6 teachers on average at elementary to higher secondary grade, while it is approximately 3.7 teachers at the elementary level.
Pupil Teacher Ratio (PTR) at the elementary level is 19 in Dhamtari, while it is 17 across schools with elementary to higher secondary grades.
Government Schools– Elementary to Hr. Secondary Grade Government Schools– Elementary Grade Only
School Facilities
As far as provision of infrastructure facilities are concerned, only one elementary school in Dhamtari has no school building; the district has 1326 elementary pub-
lic schools, while 1440 out of 1448 schools have school buildings as well.
Library facilities in government schools hardly reflect any inconsistencies. Of the 1448 public schools, 1440 schools have libraries, which roughly implies near-full
coverage. A similar situation is observed among the 6 blocks of Dhamtari, with almost all public schools having libraries.
Average Annual Dropout Rate
Data on drop-out rate in Govt. schools in Dhamtari at the Primary level is unavailable. It is seen to increase as one moves across higher grades. It is 0.9 percent at
the Upper Primary level, a 21.3 percent at Secondary level. At the Higher Secondary level drop-out rate , however, falls to 4.1 percent.
In Dhamtari, boys tend to drop out slightly more than girls, and dropout rate increases as pupils move up the grade ladder, except for at the Higher Secondary
level. At the Higher Secondary level, dropout rate among boys is 4.1 percent, while the same among girls is as high as 4.4 percent.
We make an effort to categorize blocks into four broad categories based on the proportion of schools that have Anganwadi Centres (Very Less, Less,
Moderate, High)— it is seen that there exists moderate disparity across blocks. In Magarlod, approximately only 19.51 percent of all schools have AWCs. In
the immediate next category, features Nagri, with only a quarter of its schools covered by AWCs. In Kurud and Dhamtari, a little more than 30 percent of
their schools have Anganwadis.
Pupil Teacher Ratio
Blocks No. of Schools Enrolment Primary Only Primary with Upper Primary Total
Boys Girls Total
Dhamtari 361 18795 (47.15%) 21066 (52.85%) 39861 19 0 16
Kurud 341 20030 (47.56%) 22086 (52.44%) 42116 21 0 17
Magarlod 246 10984 (47.6%) 12093 (52.40%) 23077 18 0 18
Nagri 500 16097 (48.86%) 16895 (51.29%) 32942 17 0 17
All Blocks 1448 65906 (47.76%) 72090 (52.24%) 137996 18 0 17
Source: DISE, 2015-16
Dhamtari has 1448 Govt. schools, of which 1323 are Elementary schools. Nagri has 500 Govt. schools, the highest among all blocks, while Magarlod has
only 246 Govt. schools. Enrolment rate among girls remain constantly higher than that for boys across all blocks in Dhamtari. In Nagri, Govt. schools ac-
count for 48.86 percent of boys in total enrolment, thereby recording highest proportion of boys enrolment among all blocks. Dhamtari block, on the
contrary, records the highest share in girls enrolment. Pupil Teacher Ratio (PTR) at primary level remains well below the RTE mandate of 30, with the
lowest PTR appearing to be in Nagri (17) block of Dhamtari and the highest in Kurud (21). Dhamtari has no schools at the upper primary level, so PTR does
not apply in this case. Average PTR is 16 in Dhamtari and 18 in Magarlod.
The proportion between male and female teachers is seen to vary heavily among the blocks at Dhamtari. The male-female imbalance in workforce is seen
to be the highest in Nagri, and lowest in Dhamtari block. Interestingly, the district of Dhamtari has no para teachers in a total teaching cadre of 6094.
Measuring the average number of teachers each school has, it is seen that at the primary level, Nagri has only 2.39 average teachers per school, the lowest
among all blocks.
Dhamtari has a total of 6094 teachers employed in its Govt. schools, of which 3948 are male and 2146 are female. Magarlod (983) employs the lowest number of
teachers among all blocks, of which 288 are female teachers. Relatively, greater number of teachers are employed in Govt. schools having Primary as well as
Upper Primary sections. In the elementary category, Dhamtari has a total of 1466 teachers, of which 620 are female and 846 are male.
Professional Qualification of Teachers District Dhamtari B.El.Ed. (2.57 %) B.Ed. or equivalent (21.08%) Others (61.83%)
Nagri (5%)
Kurud (2%) In terms of professional qualifications, a
Teachers qualified with a B.El.Ed. meagre 2 percent of teachers have a B.El.Ed.
Magarlod (2%)
Degree in Dhamtari degree only in the district. Nagri has the high-
Dhamtari (2%)
est proportion of teachers with B.El.Ed degree
(5 percent).
Dhamtari (25.07%)
Another 21.08 percent have B.Ed. Teachers qualified with a B.Ed. or
Kurud ( 24.13%)
degrees as well in the district. Among equivalent Degree in Dhamtari
the blocks, followed by Dhamtari (25.07 Magarlod (17.9%)
percent), Kurud has the most number Nagri (15.39%)
of teachers with B. Ed. degree (24.13
Magarlod (69.28%)
Nagri (66.81%)
Teachers qualified with any Around 61.83% of the total teaching cadre
other* degree in Dhamtari Dhamtari (59.04%) hold degrees other than a B.Ed. or a B.El.Ed
Kurud (55.68%)
A significant proportion of the population in blocks across Dhamtari district has teachers with no professional degree ( percent). Kurud has the highest proportion
of untrained teachers (18.16 percent).
* other category includes teachers with professional degree equivalent to M. Ed or equivalent, Others, Diploma in Teacher Training and Diploma or Degree in Special Education.
This is a preliminary report published based on publicly available data. Some of the issues discussed in the report are compl ex in nature and need further investigation and analysis.
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