Liquid LiquidMixinginStirredVessels

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Liquid-liquid mixing in stirred vessels: A review

Article  in  Chemical Engineering Communications · January 2013

DOI: 10.1080/00986445.2012.717313

16 3,351

4 authors, including:

Reza Afshar Ghotli Abdul Aziz Abdul Raman

University of Malaya University of Malaya


Shaliza Ibrahim
University of Malaya


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Reza Afshar Ghotli , Abdul A. A. Raman , Shaliza Ibrahim &

Saeid Baroutian
a Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering,
University of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
b Department of Civil Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University
of Malaya, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
c SCION, Rotorua, New Zealand

Mixing is a key and common process to improve homogeneity and uniformity of systems.

Mixing occurs when materials are moved from one area to another in a vessel

(Chen et al., 2005; Rushton, 1956). Nonuniformity of systems can be explained as a

gradient of properties such as concentration, viscosity, temperature, color, concentration,

phase, and temperature (Paul et al., 2004). Mixing operations can be divided

into three main categories, gas-liquid, solid-liquid, and liquid-liquid mixing, the latter

of which is the main focus of the present review. Liquid-liquid mixing plays an important

role in producing and increasing essential interfacial area to improve mass and

heat transfer between phases (O’Rourke and MacLoughlin, 2005; Paul et al., 2004).

Liquid-liquid mixing is divided into miscible and immiscible liquid-liquid mixing

(van de Vusse, 1955). The term ‘‘blending’’ is used to describe miscible liquid mixing,

while the term ‘‘mixing’’ is used for dispersions of immiscible liquids or the formation

of emulsions (Jakobsen, 2008; Rushton, 1956). The dispersion of immiscible

liquids is used to mix water and hydrocarbons and acidic or alkaline solutions

combined with organic liquids (Coker, 2001) and produce various types of emulsion products (Jakobsen,

2008). Liquid-liquid mixing is applicable for special process

objectives such as solvent extraction and removal or addition of heat (Paul et al.,
2004). The fluid dynamic characteristics of liquid-liquid mixing produces several

phenomena such as drop breakup and coalescence (Wichterle, 1995; Wang and

Calabrese, 1986; Sathyagal et al., 1996), mean flow pattern and turbulence (Ibrahim

and Nienow, 1995; Norwood and Metzner, 1960), drop suspension, interfacial area,

and drop size distribution (DSD) (Podgorska and Baldyga, 2001; Fernandes and

Sharma, 1967), possible phase inversion (Norato et al., 1998), and the influence of

system composition as well as of small amounts of impurities (Laurenzi et al.,

2009). These phenomena are complicated and cause liquid-liquid dispersion to be

one of the most difficult processes in a number of industries. On the other hand,

blending of miscible liquid is a very simple operation that is achieved by two mutually

soluble liquids in the absence of resistivity to dissolution at the fluid interface

(Paul et al., 2004). Generally, blending of miscible liquids happens slowly by molecular

diffusion and natural convection. Thus, agitation systems can apply forced

convection to obtain homogeneity more rapidly (Rushton, 1956).

Tanks and vessels are the most accessible and universal equipment used in a wide

range of process industries such as esterification and hydrolysis (Paul et al., 2004).

Because natural diffusion in liquids is slow, agitators that provide high shear and

good pumping capacity are common choices for liquid-liquid dispersion and emulsification

because they improve diffusivity. Nevertheless, it is possible to waste large

amounts of input energy through inappropriate system selection (Holland and Bragg,

1995). Furthermore, inadequate understanding of mixing could result in undesirable

product quality and increased production costs. Mixing operations are often complex.

They not only require understanding the fluid flow aspects, but also consideration

of the mechanical equipment and power requirements (Chen et al., 2005).

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