Research Proposal Assignment
Research Proposal Assignment
Research Proposal Assignment
Research Proposal
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Students’ mobile phones usages in schools
Despite the importance of mobile phones and the fact that it has become a necessity for both those
who are able or not, but studies have shown that mobile phones affect the focus, as well as the
negative impact on the nervous system due to the use of the phone for a long time, prompting
many countries to decide to ban it inside school. (Smitha & Narayanan, 2014). The school is the
core of the society in which the child lives from the age to adulthood, so this society must be good
and the values of the student so as not to lose respect for the school and teachers, this phenomenon,
which spread excessive among the students. (Ott T. & Others, 2014).
The use of mobile phone in schools by students and teachers has become a phenomenon that must
be curbed. The presence of mobile phone with student during the school day is more lethal than
the possession of firearms, because they do not know the consequences of publishing a video or
picture has serious consequences, criminalized by the law of cybercrime, indicating law gave a
realistic character to emails circulating on social networking and websites in general that
stipulated that the email does not lose its legal impact or enforceability simply because it came in
electronic form. (Donner & Walton, 2013).
Therefore impacting the law shall be deemed to be a physical document that has been printed and
distributed even if this message is limited to sending it to one person, even in good faith, and that
if any acts are committed in violation of the legislation governing the use of such means,
cybercrime, is every form of illegal behavior, which is committed using an information network
or an information technology. (Ott T. & Others, 2014).
In this study, I will discuss the following question:
“Should students bring their cell phones to class? Why should students use their cell phones
during class? Moreover, how does the use of a mobile phone in time for the classroom affect the
student's academic progress / progress? " . I will use survey as a main research method.
Donner J., Walton M. (2013) Your Phone Has Internet - Why Are You at a Library PC? Re-
imagining Public Access in the Mobile Internet Era. In: Kotzé P., Marsden G., Lindgaard G.,
Wesson J., Winckler M. (eds) Human-Computer Interaction – INTERACT 2013. INTERACT
2013. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 8117. Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg.
Ott T., Haglind T., Lindström B. (2014) Students’ Use of Mobile Phones for School Work. In:
Kalz M., Bayyurt Y., Specht M. (eds) Mobile as a Mainstream – Towards Future Challenges in
Mobile Learning. mLearn 2014. Communications in Computer and Information Science, vol 479.
Springer, Cham.
Smitha C.K., Narayanan N.K. (2014) Effect of Mobile Phone Radiation on Brain Using Wavelet
Energy. In: Goh J. (eds) The 15th International Conference on Biomedical Engineering. IFMBE
Proceedings, vol 43. Springer, Cham.