File 895 Cellocator-CelloFamily-Brochure
File 895 Cellocator-CelloFamily-Brochure
File 895 Cellocator-CelloFamily-Brochure
Cellocator CelloFamily
is an innovative family of
products offering advanced
Telematics applications
such as enhanced fleet
management, vehicle
security and driver safety mm
CelloFamily units provide state of the art event-driven logic, configurable and flexible I/O
settings for any type of common signal interfaces and advanced, cost effective and reliable
OTA communication capabilities. The unit’s internal memory allows logging of more than 9K full
status events and up to 100 Geo-fences and waypoints.
Cellocator Cello-IQ*
High-end Driver / Fleet Safety and Eco-driving
Cello-IQ is a driver safety and eco driving application, designed to improve fleet safety
and reduce fleet operation costs. The device is one of a very few systems on the market
that provides a fleet safety and ECO driving solution, while being simultaneously ready for
integration with any TSP’s SW platform with minimal integration and development effort.
The Cello-IQ device processes and interprets vehicle dynamics and vehicle operation
patterns into driver’s safety and ECO scores, reflecting the driver’s relative level of risk,
fuel consumption and emission footprint within the scope of a given population and/or a
vehicle category. Cello-IQ is available in two flavors, Cello-IQ 50 - the Premium solution,
and Cello-IQ 40 – the entry level solution.
Some of these applications include route planning, vehicle access control, and event
prioritization for distress situations. Cello-F is integrated with variety of 3rd party
accessories such as Garmin terminals, ‘hands free’ voice kit, fuel sensor, car alarm system,
driver identification devices and many more.
Cello-F is an innovative all-in-one GPS-GPRS device, equipped by built in quad band GSM/
GPRS modem, powerful GPS engine, powerful ARM Cortex M3 CPU and 3D accelerometer.
It is compatible with any road vehicle type and fully certified to meet automotive, radio
and safety standards in Europe and North America.
Cellocator Cello-R
Vehicle Security and Stolen Vehicle Recovery Services
Cellocator Cello-R incorporates all of the Cellocator Cello-F features, and additional alarm
system logic and emergency event features, allowing enhanced Vehicle Security and Stolen
Vehicle Recovery Services. The built in alarm system supports various alarm states such
as armed/unarmed, garage mode and more. The unit’s output can trigger the car sirens,
lights and car immobilization in response to car theft attempts.
Cellocator Cello-AR
Anti-theft Security system
Cello-AR is an economic anti-theft security system that provides an early alert to theft
attempt and smart immobilizing capabilities, eliminating the need for an expensive alarm
system. As such, it offers major cost savings for customers who deal with vehicle security
and stolen vehicle recovery services (SVR).
Cello-AR offers driver authentication, robust and smart immobilizing system with
redundancy option, theft and tamper attempts detection and OTA reporting, as well as
E-call and B-call capabilities.
Features separate or combined manner. The geo-Zones can be
configured as forbidden, only-enabled zone, modem
Driver and Trip Management disabled and more. A violation of zone might cause
output activation, and each zone is equipped by validity
Vehicle Access Control - An iButtonTM or any other time.
compatible device, such as keypad and contactless
proximity card, is used to monitor driver’s identity. The Route Planning - programming the unit with 100
Cello-F unit generates appropriate messages to report rectangular way-points, which are passed in specific
driver identification and authentication. An optional times, otherwise the unit will generate an alert.
immobilizer can be used to immobilize the vehicle Cellular Position System (Cell ID) - The unit provides CPS
until the driver is authorized. An external buzzer can (Cellular Position System) information for defining the
be activated as a reminder for driver authorization and vehicle position as an alternative to GPS information.
feedback on a successful authorization process. The CPS information can be used by FM applications
Rich vehicle status reporting - The standard trip data and in particular SVR applications in places where the
recorded includes: trigger of event, date and time, GPS information is not available. The CPS information
location with its validity status, total vehicle distance, contains signal characteristics, such as active sector and
momentary speed or maximum since the last (speed signal strength, from several cellular stations allowing the
report), vehicle’s internal batteries measurement, internal control center application to pinpoint the vehicle location
battery temperature and charging status, driver ID, and using geometric calculations.
unit IO status, such as RPM and fuel level. The unit can Real Time Status request - Enables querying the unit
maintain a log of up to 9k full time stamped location status at any given time, through SMS or GPRS.
events when the engine is off.
Journey Monitoring - The standard trip monitoring
Safety and Eco-driving Applications
capabilities include start and stop driving / trip alerts, Cello-IQ features
time and distance reports, geo-fences and waypoints Driving behavior Management – the unit detects,
management and more. processes, logs and reports a wide set of events (driving
Driver Privacy - providing the driver with the option to maneuvers) and/or raw data concerned with hazardous or
mask tracking capabilities in order to maintain privacy aggressive driving behavior (“Safety” features).
during private trips. E-Call & Emergency Data recording (EDR) – the unit
Location and vehicle status reporting – per time, distance detects, logs, reports and uploads accident events and
and a dynamic rate of transmission sent in accordance to accident raw data for later crash event reconstruction on
the vehicle speed. the server side. Upon crash detection E-call functionality
can be triggered to open voice channel between the
Location and vehicle status reporting per event – the vehicle and a control center.
unit supports more than 100 events triggered by input
interfaces, accelerometer, cellular network information, ECO driving Management – the unit detects and reports
GPS information, driver behavior, geofences and many events which feature uneconomic and environment-
more. The unit reports its location and vehicle status as unfriendly driving in terms of fuel consumption, emission
well as the event information for each event detected. and accelerated wear and tear (brakes, axles, engine,
tires etc. – “ECO” features).
Online or Offline tracking - uploading generated events in
real time as they are generated, or offline, by the end of On-Board trip processing – the unit provides trip
the day or by command. statistics information, which includes Eco scoring and
Safety scoring based on the information gathered and
Curve smoothing – tracking the vehicle’s location processed on-board during a trip.
whenever it performs turns- in order to fit the logged
route to the map in an optimal way. Traffic compression Driver coaching – the unit provides continuous real
for this type of traffic can be activated. time, visual and/or audible feedback to the driver, via a
dedicated “Driver Feedback Display”, regarding the risk
Manage Locations - units can be programmed with level of the driver’s driving and hazardous / uneconomic
100 rectangular Geo Zones, which can be managed in events identification.
Communication update, health status monitoring etc.. Maintenance
services are provided through the Cellocator+ software
Communication Methods – the units includes a GSM/GPRS
modem, allowing communication over TCP/IP or UDP/IP
with auto-switching to SMS, which can also be configured OTA (Over-The-Air) programming – All parameters are fully
to be the primary mode of communication. configurable via remote connection.
Voice Calls – Cello units support hands free kit, enabling OTA (Over-The-Air) firmware upgrade – full remote
to receive voice calls from any number and initiate voice firmware upgrade for efficient and faster customer
call to the control center or other predefined number. support and service provisioning.
Data forwarding from serial port (transparent mode) – the • Full compliance with Garmin™ PND FMI
unit can transparently transfer location and time tagged • CTR - Cellocator Temperature Recorder
information between devices connected to its serial port
• Cellocator Hands free kit
and the SW application server thru flawless / guaranteed
delivery mechanism. • Cellocator Cello protector
Jamming Detection and Reaction – embedded capability • Cellocator Water Proof Case
to monitor and detect GSM/GPRS jamming attempts and • Cellocator CFE - Communication & Functionality
to trigger local reaction to avoid vehicle theft or drawing Expander
environment’s attention.
• Immobilizer relays
Server Authentication - The Cellocator unit can be • External GPS antenna
programmed to support communication only to / from
authorized servers and applications and to block access • Automatic passenger counting
from hackers or competitors. • Various harnesses