Pendulum Bucket Elevator

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NIEIRIAIK DESCRIPTI NERAK Pendulum Bucket conveyors are designed to carry bulk materials from infeed{s) via horizontal, vertical or inclined inter- ‘mediate sections- to one or more discharge location. The separate buckets can distribute product as required. ‘The NERAK muli-tip system provides smooth, silent running cof the bucket belt and gentle. handling of the product. The produet is ed into the ‘moving bucket belt at « con trolled rate, conveyed and discharged by the cction of pneumatic or electric controls atthe required discharge positon. The wall developed system with the loothed rubber chain 6s the driving medium is ideal for the careful handling of delicate foodstuffs and equally for the conveying of abrasive coarse material os sed inthe construction industry. Conveyor structures are compact and cllow adaption for instalation in resricted areas. Large throughputs con be achieved with low power consumption STRUCTURES NERAK pendulum bucket conveyors are eveilable in various designs in mild steel painted or stainless stool. © Totclly enclosed robust construction with stondard tend special profes to suit heany duty opplications © Open construction with safely panels in solid or mesh materils. These callow internal visibility ‘ond occess for easy cleaning with steam or special fluids (© Special designs for the food industy are avcilable which are ideal for conveyors involved in packaging and ‘weighing projec, BUCKET BELT ‘The polyamid bucksts have boll bearings each side ensuring easy tipping ond allowing continuous movement The buckets are suspended by two parallel eubber toothed chains which incorporcte internal steel cables for tensile strength, The chains are cvcilabe in black or white food quality rubber. The chains do not require lubrication and are corrosion free. FEED SECTION ‘Any number of feed inlets con be incorporated. The width of the buckets determines the wich ofthe ill point but lengths are variable to suit different applications. A.brush skit for spillage pre- vention is fited tothe under- side ofthe structure around the feed inlet to make contact with the moving buckets Zz Q E UU rt) wn ® oe < = Vy 2 a ‘The NERAK pendulum bucket con provide any number of discharge points over the complet lengh ofthe top horizontal section, Discharge cof product is pneumaticelly ‘or electromagnelically contol- led by « cam which engages with @ web moulded into the bucket. The resulting bucket tit up to 180° ensures the eosy discharge of produet from the bucket. The toothed bucket belt cossembly is driven ot the dlschorge end engoging roles located around the circum ference of the drive wheel o ‘The geared motor is adjacent to the drive shaft either top or tend mounted. An anton bck deviee is also filed to the drive shaft to prevent runback when idle CONVEYING CAPACITIES let mAL Tat sera P3250 is Clean-in-place systems and efficient bucket drying focltes can be incorporated info the NERAK designs, ‘Structures can be manu- factured in dustight, water- tight, gastight and pressurized configurations. DIMENSIONS Thr arin dines ied eet

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