Basf SCC
Basf SCC
Basf SCC
The Admixture Systems business of BASF Corporation previously conducted business as Degussa
Admixtures, Inc. and Master Builders, Inc.
BASF launched the Master Builders Solutions brand on January 1, 2014. Master Builders Solutions is
BASF’s global brand for construction, combining the established strengths of the Master Builders
legacy with BASF’s well-known construction product brands such as Chemrex, Sonneborn, MBT and
Please update your Master Specifications to reflect the product name changes. The old product
names are provided in brackets and in red fonts in this Section for reference.
Options are provided in square brackets. Delete those that are not necessary.
SECTION 03 31 26
A. Related Sections:
1. Section 01 10 00 - Summary
2. Section 01 33 00 - Submittal Procedures
3. Section 01 45 00 - Quality Control
4. Section 01 60 00 - Product Requirements
5. Section 03 01 30 - Maintenance of Cast-in-Place Concrete
6. Section 03 01 40 - Maintenance of Precast Concrete
7. Section 03 10 00 - Concrete Forming and Accessories
8. Section 03 20 00 - Concrete Reinforcing
9. Section 03 30 00 - Cast-in-Place Concrete
10. Section 03 35 00 - Concrete Finishing
11. Section 03 39 00 - Concrete Curing
12. Section 03 40 00 - Precast Concrete
21. C 1579 - Standard Test Method for Evaluating Plastic Shrinkage Cracking
of Restrained Fiber Reinforced Concrete (Using a Steel Form Insert)
22. C 1585 - Standard Test Method for Measurement of Rate of Absorption of
Water by Hydraulic-Cement Concretes
23. C 1602/C 1602M - Standard Specification for Mixing Water Used in the
Production of Hydraulic Cement Concrete
24. C 1609/C 1609M - Standard Test Method for Flexural Performance of
Fiber-Reinforced Concrete (Using Beam With Third-Point Loading)
25. C 1610/C 1610M - Standard Test Method for Static Segregation of Self-
Consolidating Concrete Using Column Technique
26. C 1611/C 1611M - Standard Test method for Slump Flow of Self-
Consolidating Concrete
27. C 1621/C 1621M - Standard Test Method for Passing Ability of Self-
Consolidating Concrete by J-Ring
28. E 329 - Standard Specification for Agencies Engaged in Construction
Inspection and/or Testing
29. F 1869 - Standard Test Method for Measuring Moisture Vapor Emission
Rate of Concrete Subfloor Using Anhydrous Calcium Chloride
B. Passing Ability: The ability of SCC to flow under its own weight (without vibration)
and fill completely all spaces within intricate formwork, containing obstacles, such
as reinforcement.
C. J-Ring Test: Test used to determine the passing ability of SCC, or the degree to
which the passage of concrete through the bars of the J-Ring apparatus is
D. J-Ring Flow: The distance of lateral flow of concrete using the J-Ring in
combination with a slump cone.
E. Slump Flow: Test method used to measure the unconfined flow and stability of
SCC using a slump cone (upright or inverted).
F. Slump Flow Spread: The numerical value in inches (mm) of flow determined as the
average diameter of the circular deposit of SCC at the conclusion of the slump flow
G. T50 Value: Time (in seconds) the edge of the concrete mass takes to reach 50 cm
(500 mm, 20-inch) diameter from the time the mold is first raised in the slump flow
H. Stability: The ability of a concrete mixture to resist segregation of the paste from
the aggregates.
1. Mixture proportions.
2. Certification: Manufacturer’s certification stating that the products delivered
meet or exceed Project Specifications.
3. Product Data.
4. Ready-mixed concrete delivery tickets.
A. In accordance with ACI 301 (ACI 301M) for mixing, transportation and placing of
B. In accordance with ACI 305.1 for hot weather concrete placement and protection.
C. In accordance with ACI 306.1 for cold weather concrete placement and protection.
A. Portland Cement: Shall conform to ASTM C 150/C 150M, Type [I] [II] [I/II] [III] [V].
B. Aggregates: Fine and coarse aggregates shall conform to ASTM C 33/C 33M.
2. Air-Entraining Admixture:
a. Shall conform to ASTM C 260/C 260M.
b. Products and Manufacturers:
“MasterAir® AE 90” (MB-AE 90), “MasterAir VR 10” (MB-VR) or
“MasterAir AE 200” (Micro Air) by BASF Corporation - Admixture
3. Water-Reducing Admixture:
a. Shall conform to ASTM C 494/C 494M Type A.
b. Products and Manufacturers:
“MasterPozzolith®” (Pozzolith) Series by BASF Corporation - Admixture
b. Accelerating Admixture:
a. Shall conform to ASTM C 494/C 494M Type C or E.
b. Products and Manufacturers:
“MasterSet® AC 534” (Pozzolith NC 534) or “MasterSet FP 20”
(Pozzutec 20+) by BASF Corporation - Admixture Systems.
c. Retarding Admixture:
9. Workability-Retaining Admixture:
a. Shall retain concrete workability without affecting time of setting or
early-age strength development.
b. Shall conform to ASTM C 494/C 494M Type S.
c. Products and Manufacturers:
“MasterSure Z 60” (RheoTEC Z-60) by BASF Corporation - Admixture
F. Fibers:
1. Microsynthetic Fibers:
a. Shall conform to ASTM C 1116/C 1116M.
b. Shall provide a minimum crack reduction ratio (CRR) of [40] [ __ ]
percent when tested in accordance with ASTM C 1579.
c. Products and Manufacturers:
“MasterFiber® F or M” Series by BASF Corporation - Admixture
2. Macrosynthetic Fibers:
a. Shall conform to ASTM C 1116/C 1116M.
b. Shall have an equivalent flexural strength ratio (Re,3) of [ __ ] percent
when tested in accordance with ASTM C 1609/C 1609M.
[Shall have a toughness of [ __ ] Joules when tested in accordance with
ASTM C 1550]
c. Products and Manufacturers:
“MasterFiber MAC” Series by BASF Corporation - Admixture Systems.
G. Evaporation Reducer:
1. Shall be a monomolecular film-forming liquid for application to fresh
concrete to prevent rapid drying of the surface.
a. Products and Manufacturers:
“MasterKure® ER 50” (Confilm) by BASF Corporation - Admixture
A. Mixture Specifications:
1. Water-to-cementitious materials ratio shall not exceed 0.45 [ __ ] by mass.
2. Supplementary Cementitious Materials: The weight of SCM shall not
exceed the percentages listed in the following table for concrete exposed to
freezing and thawing and in continuous contact with moisture and exposed
to deicing chemicals (ACI 318 (ACI 318M) Exposure Class F3).
* Fly ash or other pozzolans and silica fume shall not constitute more than 25
and 10 percent, respectively, of the total mass of cementitious materials
B. Slump Flow:
1. Slump flow shall be measured in accordance with ASTM C 1611/C 1611M.
2. Typical ranges of slump flow are outlined in the following table.
3. The design slump flow of the SCC mixture shall be established after
consideration of the project requirements.
4. The slump flow of SCC used on the project shall be the design slump flow
plus or minus 2 inches (50 mm).
C. Visual Stability Index (VSI): VSI Rating (in accordance with ASTM C 1611/C
1611M) shall not exceed 1.
D. J-Ring Flow: Difference between slump flow and J-Ring flow (as measured by
ASTM C 1621/C 1621M) shall not be more than 2 inches (50 mm).
E. Stability: The stability of the concrete shall be determined in the laboratory prior to
approval of the SCC mixture using test method ASTM C 1610/C 1610M. Concrete
mixtures shall have a maximum static segregation (segregation factor) of 15
F. Compressive strength: [4000 psi (27.5 MPa)] [5000 psi (35 MPa)] [ __ psi ( __
MPa)] at 28 [ _ ] days.
A. Materials shall be batched in accordance with ASTM C 94/C 94M [ASTM C 1116/C
In addition to the use of a moisture probe, the moisture content of the aggregates
shall be determined once a day prior to batching in accordance with ASTM C 70 or
ASTM C 566. Aggregate samples shall be taken as close as possible to the area
where moisture probe is located. Use of microwave oven or hot plate to dry the
aggregates is permitted in addition to using an oven.
B. Volume of concrete batched shall be such that no spillage occurs during transport.
A. General:
1. Provide adequate facilities for safe storage and proper curing of concrete test
cylinders onsite for the first 24 hours or for additional time as may be required
before transporting samples to the test lab.
2. Provide concrete for testing of slump flow, air content, density (unit weight)
and temperature and, for making cylinders.
3. Water shall not be added to the concrete at the job site.
4. Field addition of admixtures, if needed for logistics reasons, shall be approved
by the Architect/Engineer.
C. Field testing and inspection shall be performed in accordance with ACI 301 (ACI
E. Tests shall be conducted on the first batch of the day and for each 150 yd 3 (110 m3)
or fraction thereof, for each concrete mixture placed in any one day.
a. Test one cylinder at 7 days for information and at least two cylinders at 28
days for acceptance when testing 6-inch by 12-inch (150 mm by 300 mm)
cylinders unless otherwise specified.
b. Test one cylinder at 7 days for information and at least three cylinders at
28 days for acceptance when testing 4-inch by 8-inch (100 mm by 200
mm) cylinders unless otherwise specified.
16. Base strength value on the average of at least two 6-inch by 12-inch (150 mm
by 300 mm) cylinders or three 4-inch by 8-inch (100 mm by 200 mm)
cylinders tested at 28 days.
17. Test report shall include all the information in Item 10 above and compressive
strength data, and shall be signed by the laboratory manager.
18. Strength of concrete shall be deemed satisfactory if both of the following
requirements are met (ACI 318 [ACI 318M]):
a. Every arithmetic average of any three consecutive compressive strength
tests equals or exceeds the specified compressive strength, and
b. No compressive strength test falls below the specified compressive
strength by more than 500 psi (3.5 MPa) when the specified strength is
5000 psi (35 MPa) or less; or by more than 10 percent of specified
strength, when the specified strength is above 5000 psi (35 MPa).
If any strength test of laboratory-cured cylinders falls below the specified
compressive strength by more than the values specified above, remedial
measures shall be taken as recommended by the Architect/Engineer.
A. Consolidation
is typically not necessary for SCC. However, the contractor shall have internal
vibrators as recommended in ACI 301 (ACI 301M) on site in case internal vibration
is needed due to delays in placement or the concrete has a lower than expected
slump flow and has to be placed to prevent the formation of a cold joint.
A. Curing and protection of concrete shall be in accordance with ACI 308.1 [Section
03 39 00].